#annoying people in the notes starting it off with DEAR FELLOW WHITE PEOPLE like shut up!! what makes you smarter and woker than the last
postdespair · 3 months
itll never not be funny watching white people yell at other white people about racism idk
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xxxsoukokuxxx · 4 years
Despite rivalry...we’ll always be friends...even if neither of us know it
Characters: Dazai Osamu (main character); Chuya Nakahara (main character); Mori Ougai; OC-Asahi Ruki; Port Mafia
Warnings: slight mentions of torture (just mentions of how dazai was a torturer in his PM days); dark themes; tsundereness; cursing (of course it’s Chuya)
Notes: Hi everyone! I apologize for not posting in a while. I just needed to rest my tired brain after the exams for a few days. So here, have some platonic soukoku content i’ve written. This can also be found on AO3 on my account name: xXxNoLongerHumanXxX. Also, sorry about not doing an event for my 100 followers milestone yet. I’ll get that done as soon as I have time for it.
The city lights of Yokohama shine brightly like stars. It looks beautiful against the back-drop of the midnight sky. The snow white moon illuminates the much darker parts of Yokohama. But the darkest place of all, was none other than the Port Mafia. Even though you can see lights on from the outside decorating the jet black buildings, it's sinister and might I say bloody secrets is what made it much more darker than any other place in the city.
But there was something, no someone much more sinister than everyone else who worked in the mafia. He was feared immensely not only by civilians and enemies, but by his very own colleagues as well. Torture was his specialty. Whether it's for interrogation or punishment, he'll do it with a sadistic smile and enjoy the pained expressions that his victims make.
His pitch black suit and coat as well as the white bandage over his right eye made him all the more intimidating, His wavy, somewhat unruly hair was a dark chocolate brown. The eyes belonging to this man were a mocha brown but ever so darkened to match his cold expression when giving commands or in the presence of an enemy. This Port Mafia Executive's name was Dazai Osamu, also known as the 'Demonic Prodigy'. There's a saying in the Port Mafia, "The biggest misfortune for Dazai's enemies, is that they're Dazai's enemies."
But as much as he might seem cold, he acts like a little child as well. This can be seen when he's with two of his 'friends' that he goes drinking with to Bar Lupin. He'll even joke about his suicidal tendencies and experiment with little things such as cooking, much like a kid does. Only to have his friends try his dish and end up with twisting stomachs in the morning.
His childish antics can also be seen with another mafia executive, his name being Chuya Nakahara. A rather bit shorter than average height for his age. He had graceful ginger locks in his hair with a longer section falling over his left shoulder. His formal attire was red and black, his signature colors. And of course his beloved fedora topped his head much like a sundae that's topped off with a red cherry.
Dazai and Chuya, despite being partners often bickered, regardless their age of eighteen, they never seemed to stop fighting like children who can't stand each other. But maybe for just one night, they might actually stop bickering for once. ________________________________________
One of the members of the Port Mafia thought of an idea but started regretting it when he thought of the boss. A party? At the Port Mafia? There's no way Mori would ever agree to such a thing. But the thought had good intentions. The Port Mafia had just finished off a rival gang and it surely was a tedious job. But they succeeded in executing them. This one member wanted to celebrate the fact they're all still alive and their victory.
He decides to take the chance one morning and head to Mori Ougai's office. Once reaching the doors of the office after getting through security, he hesitantly places his hands on the door knobs and pauses. He takes a deep breath and opens the doors, closing them behind him. He turns back around to find Mori playing dress up with Elise, she didn't seem happy to try anything on though. He clears his throat and makes his appearance known, "Boss, it's Asahi Ruki I have come to propose an idea that I hope you approve of." he says trying to sound confident.
Mori shifts himself in the chair towards his left to see who has entered and then gives his signature sickeningly sweet smile, "Ah yes Asahi-kun. What is this idea you have in mind?" Asahi stands with his hands behind his back and holds a professional upright posture, "Yes, my idea is..." "Go on, spill it out, I'm listening." Mori teases when Asahi pauses mid sentence. "My idea is...that we...throw a party, not necessarily extravagant, to celebrate our victory against the vile rival gang that we have just gotten rid off. And the fact that everyone's still alive. I've discussed this with a few fellow colleagues and they seem to be excited for such an event." he continues, cursing himself for stuttering the first few words. "...very well then, it would be a good idea, after all, why not some fun after such a tedious and stressful job?" Mori chuckles as he nods. "A party! Finally something exciting around this crappy place!" exclaims Elise.
A bead of sweat rolls down the side of Asahi's temple as he gulps when he hears Elise's words. "Thank you Boss, should I make the arrangements?" "No, leave that to me and the executives, thank you, you may be excused now if there's nothing else." replies Mori yet again with that sick smile. Asahi bows and turns around to leave, silently cheering that his idea was approved of and most of all, his head didn't get chopped off. Back in the office, Elise starts putting on her normal attire and starts contemplating all the possible party ideas. Mori just looks on with a pout on his lips.
"...do you really think this place is "crappy" my dear Elise-chan?" ___________________________________________
A week later or so, the demonic prodigy walks through the red velvet halls of the Port Mafia to get to his rather "boring" office as he calls it. He notices people a tad bit busier than usual today. It seemed as if he was oblivious to the fact that that day was the day of the party approved by the Boss and proposed by a mafioso named Asahi. But he wasn't. He just didn't like the idea of parties. Too noisy, too rowdy, too many people for his liking.
Mori had called him numerous times on his cellphone to get him to come to his office to plan this event, but before he would even bother about picking up the call, he knew what is was about already. He finally makes it to his "boring" office and shuts the door behind him with the heel of his shoe. He takes his hands out of his pockets and settles down at his desk. Tons of paperwork lay on his desk and there were at least four more piles of paperwork to be done on the floor. He groans at the sight of them, all that is unnecessary and too much of a tedious job to do.
He spins around in his chair in endless circles and finally stops when he hears a knock at his door. 'Great, which fool is here to bother me now.' he grumbles internally. "Come in" he says hiding his annoyance behind an expressionless voice. The door opens and the last person he wants to see steps in. "Hey suicidal maniac. There's a party this evening at about 9 til' late. You weren't in Mori's office to plan the damn thing, where the heck where you!? Goofing off?" says Chuya with annoyance lacing his voice. "I don't care for such things. It's so useless to waste time on such a stupid event." Dazai replies nonchalantly. "And yes, I wasn't exactly goofing off...I was trying out this new method of suicide! You see this is how you do it, first you..." "Shut up Mackerel I don't want to hear your stupid attempts of ending your life, are coming to the party or what?"
"Hmmm, how about no. Parties are so annoying." Dazai whines while slumping his upper body over his desk. "Fine by me, finally I can be free of you and actually have a good time and..." "Blah-blah-blah, I don't wanna hear how much you're going to enjoy your time acting like the fool you are, Slug." Dazai smirks. "Bastard!" Chuya grimaces and leaves shutting the door with a bang behind him. Dazai doesn't even wince at the annoyingly loud noise and goes back to spinning in his chair. He stops again but not because there's someone at the door, but at his own thoughts intruding his mind.
He sighs heavily and displays an empty and solemn look on his face, which he'll never show anyone. ___________________________________________
It was currently 9:00 pm and most of the Port Mafia members like Higuchi, Tachihara, Gin and others helped with the decorations earlier that day. And they got it done fast too, without hassles, except for Tachihara who slipped off a ladder while hanging decorations and fell. Akutagawa of course wasn't going to be at such a 'hideous' event as he called such unnecessary gatherings.
Dazai was at Bar Lupin, tonight however he was alone, no Odasaku, no Ango. He takes a sip of the amber whiskey in front of him and sighs out of relief as well as boredom. He ran out of suicide methods to try. A man wearing a fedora and crimson red button up shirt with coal black formal pants makes his way to the bar and enters. Dazai doesn't seem to notice at all. At this point he's too lost in his fog of thoughts to bother about anyone else. "Hey suicidal maniac!" calls Chuya as he comes down the steps in the bar with a fine bottle of one of the most expensive wines he's ever bought in his gloved hand.
Dazai turns his attention towards the ginger and for once in his life he's genuinely surprised not expecting Chuya to be here. "What are you doing here Chuya? I thought you'd be drunk out of your mind by now." Dazai snickers. "So early? The party only started half an hour ago!" "Knowing you, you'd go there half drunk." Dazai laughs. "Hey shut that mouth of yours you stupid Mackerel, I was bored and decided to come here instead!" "Since when do you come to Bar Lupin? And did you decide to come here because you were bored, or did you come here knowing I'd be here?" Dazai smirks.
"Shut up already will you!" Chuya yells angrily at Dazai's teasing and takes a seat next to him and places down his wine. "So answer which is it!" Dazai exclaims. "Bastard, I came here because I was bored of course! And besides you weren't at the party either. Perhaps it got boring because I wasn't constantly running around after you trying to stop you from causing havoc!"
Dazai chuckles, "Are my antics that entertaining?" "Hey, don't act all smug! All I'm saying is that I've gotten so used to your annoying and bizarre antics that other things seem somewhat boring." "Ah, I see." Dazai says and leans forward to take a sip of his drink. Chuya was lying though, the party wasn't boring at all, he felt bad that Dazai wasn't there, and decided not to go because of the suicidal maniac. As much as Chuya hates him, he still enjoys his company nonetheless, even if he doesn't know it.
"Ugh, it's getting boring here too!" exclaims Chuya out of frustration. "Yeah, it got boring since you arrived." Dazai remarks. "Why you!..." Chuya aims to kick at Dazai's calf but fails miserably as Dazai casually got up before Chuya could even graze him. "Since it's boring here, let's get outta here then hmm?" Dazai suggests. "...idiot, fine." he gets up makes his way out of the bar with Dazai, of course taking his precious wine with him. "How come you don't like parties? You're already an animal, I'm sure you wouldn't have trouble fitting in with a bunch of party animals." Chuya smirks.
"I already told you earlier you stupid Slug, it's useless and a waste of time!" Dazai replies. "But why is what I'm asking you!!!" "I just don't." "...don't be vague Mackerel." "...fine, they're too noisy and rowdy for my liking, besides there's too many annoying people like you there."
"Do you seriously have to insult me in everything you say!?" exclaims a frustrated Chuya. "Yes, yes I do." Dazai says nonchalantly not evening glancing at the short ginger walking beside him. "...stupid Mackerel." grumbles the ginger. "Hey why don't we go on the rooftop of that building and just chill there for a while hmm?" suggests the demonic prodigy. "...fine." The two mafia executives make their way to the very top of a building, Chuya silently curses Dazai because he doesn't have an ability that will take him to the rooftop in a just a few seconds. Chuya thought he could have just used his ability but Dazai's would only nullify it.
"Finally!" Chuya exclaims in excitement after climbing stairs after stairs to reach the rooftop. "We survived! Great job petite mafioso." Dazai snickers and walks passed him to go to the very edge of the rooftop. "Don't you dare even think about jumping you bastard!" Chuya yells from where he is. "Already thought about it!" Dazai replies and sits down letting his legs dangle off the building. He pats the place next to him motioning for Chuya to sit. The ginger makes his way over and reluctantly sits next to the person he supposedly despises the most. "That's some expensive wine you've got there." Dazai remarks. "Yeah, it is to you." the ginger says as he takes it in his hands and pops open the bottle with his ability. "I thought you only open such expensive wines on special occasions?" "If I'm hanging out with you, it must be a special occasion." "Chuya! You're such a wonderful human being!" "Go to hell, I'll probably regret it in the morning." "You're such a tsundere." "I SAID GO TO HELL!" shouts Chuya before taking a big gulp of the wine straight from the bottle.
"How am I supposed to go to hell, if I'm already there?" Dazai smiles sickeningly sweet. "Tsk, what kind of philosophy is that!?" "Ugh, nevermind I'm surprised you use such a big word as 'philosophy'." "For the last time today, SHUT UP!" "Aww, is the petite mafioso getting all upset?" Dazai teases. Chuya swings a fist at him but of course Dazai dodges it with ease. "Bastard." The ginger then offers the wine bottle to the brunette begrudgingly. "Uh, I don't drink wine but since there's nothing else..." Dazai takes the bottle and drinks almost half the bottle one time. "Hey easy! I want some too!" Chuya say trying to stop his partner in crime.
"Mmm, this is some sweet wine." says Dazai giving back the half empty wine bottle to Chuya. "Geez, how greedy." "Hey hatrack." "What do you want!?" "What's the real reason you didn't go to the party?" asks Dazai as he looks at the midnight black sky. "...ugh, the real reason...I didn't want you to feel alone or left out and besides it would have been much more boring there anyway." "Not so much of a tsundere now huh?" Chuya says teasing Dazai. "Oh keep quiet will you!? Be grateful that I chose to hang out with the person I despise the most in the world!" "Yeah yeah sure." Dazai leans back and lays down on the rooftop with his hands behind his neck. Chuya glances at him and then does the same. "Why do you constantly annoy me all the time?" asks Chuya and this time, he doesn't sound annoyed or angry but rather calm.
"I dunno, it's entertaining I guess?" "You seriously use me for your entertainment? Tsk, you always use people for your personal needs anyway." and he takes another swig of the wine again. "...I don't use you...not all the time" "Idiot" and he yet again takes another swig of the wine. "No wonder why you don't have friends Mackerel." "Who says I need friends?" "I say you need friends." "...why?" "So that you're not lonely all the time and trying to constantly kill yourself."
"...why would you care about such a thing?" Dazai figures Chuya's almost drunk by now. "Oh see. now who's being a tsundere!?" "...whatever..." he still gazes up at the sky as if searching for something. Chuya realizes what Dazai's doing and does the same, "Here have some more before I finish the bottle." Dazai glances at the bottle in Chuya's hand and takes it drinking all of it. "Hey! I was supposed to finish it! Stupid Mackerel!" but he doesn't sound all too disappointed this time when he shouts at Dazai.
"Hey Chuya?" “Finally you call me by my name...what do you want Dazai?" "Thanks for hanging out with me tonight, didn't know you cared that much about me." he tries to tease towards the end of his sentence. "It's nothing, just thought you might need a friend to keep you company." Chuya says, eyes droopy hinting he was tired and drunk. Dazai's eyes widen when he heard Chuya say that, he glanced over at the ginger and sees him trying to fight his sleep. Dazai gets up and shoves his hands into his pockets. "Let's go home now Chuya, I knew you'd get drunk out of your mind." "Tsk" Chuya gets up slowly and leaves with Dazai, leaving behind the empty wine bottle they shared. Despite their rivalry, they're friends...even if neither of them know it.
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alvaar-aldaviir · 4 years
Movement: Zartheit
Time Frame: Some point after Shadowbringers. No Spoilers.
Notes: Not precisely canon compliant because who can say what happens after current content? I also take liberties with Bard abilities because they are so loosely defined in lore. One day we’ll have some pieces to expand on Alvaar’s bardic quirks, but times are tough so have some fluff.
Cross posted to AO3
Alphinaud had long learned to stop questioning the extent of domestic knowledge the Warrior of Light seemed to possess, but you couldn’t especially blame him if he found ‘novice hairdresser’ a surprising addition to the list.
  “You really need a trim.”
Looking up from his tome, Alphinaud looked back over his shoulder to fix the Bard with a raised brow. He didn’t say anything, but the silent glower made it apparent his thoughts were elsewhere.
Putting his hands up in the symbol of ‘no offense’ for a moment, Alvaar stepped closer and held his hands up with open palms. “If I may?”
Sighing and returning to his research he finished scribbling a few notes. “If you must,” the Scholar replied noncommittally, mind still fixated on his most recent arcane discovery and how it might apply to his own abilities.
“Then I must,” Alvaar replied, carefully smoothing white strands down before delicately removing the hair tie and metal ornament that held the Elezen’s long hair back and setting them aside. Gently freeing long snowy locks and combing his fingers through to loose any snarls.
“You’ve been busy of late,” Alvaar commented simply.
“As have you,” Alphinaud returned placidly, frowning slightly given the Bard was preoccupied and wouldn’t notice. He wasn’t going to say it but the absence had been... quite noticeable. Still, they both had their duties and it wouldn’t do to treat the Bard so dismissively when he was freshly returned from a mission.
Glancing up at the white fringe of hair obstructing his view, he sighed faintly. “I suppose I, may be more in need of an appointment than I’d thought. But Scion work does ever come in droves,” he continued.
“Indeed. ... I didn’t mean any offense Alphinaud, but I don’t know that I’ve ever seen you this unkempt.” Pausing with a snort of laughter at the reflexive tensing of slim shoulders, Alvaar patted his arm. “Your bangs have gotten too long, and your braid isn’t lying sleek. You know I’m a fop at heart I just have an eye for this.”
“Well not all of us are so privileged as to have an aesthetician on call,” Alphinaud shot back with notable cheek.
“If you knew what I had to put up with to keep that man equipped in scissors and glitter every time he misplaced them you would think I got the short end of the stick. If I have Jandelaine on call, then he’s got a Warrior of Light as a personal errand boy for every lost implement disaster. Not that anyone else might know such privileges right Alphinaud?” Alvaar mocked sweetly. “Now shut it and tilt your chin up, I need to see how bad this is.”
Huffing and dropping a blank sheet of parchment in his book he snapped it shut loudly and offered a smirk when he complied.
Predictably, the Bard hissed out a laugh and smoothed his hair down to inspect the length. “Little shit.”
“If I have learned anything of being a particular thorn in others sides it must have been from you, dear friend.” Even so there was only amusement in the words.
It was the sort of barbs and banter he’d been missing with Alvaar and Alisaie both on a long expedition for Urianger. For while he certainly got along well with his fellow Scions, there was a natural sort of ease to the taunts thrown back and forth with his sister and, once the Bard became more talkative, Alvaar as well.
The man in question just offered his own faint smile of amusement before amethyst eyes were studying his face intently for things Alphinaud couldn’t begin to understand. In fact, he opted to just shut his eyes and wait patiently through the inspection lest he get caught up staring into that jewel toned gaze longer than was appropriate. It wasn’t enough that he’d been dealing with people insinuating an ever-growing crush on the Bard for the last few years, he didn’t need to be teased about it by the man himself too.
Even if it was true...
“Do you want me to trim it for you? If you want a style change, I’d recommend an appointment but I can at least clean up the split ends and I know your hairstyle probably better than your own hairdresser. Up for it? I’ll even let you keep reading.”
“You know how to cut hair too?” Alphinaud asked with minimal surprise. At this point, Alvaar could say he had experience in about any profession and he’d likely believe him.
Another amused snort. “Anyone can cut hair... it takes study to be able to style it and not butcher it. But yes, I know enough to do all the touch ups in my Free Company. And if I should somehow manage to offend, I’ll pay for Jandelaine to fix it myself. Now please, I beg you. Let me trim it. Unless you’re dedicating to a longer style I don’t think I can tolerate this mop nearly as well as you can.”
“It’s not that bad...”
“..... Technically no, you’re still better styled than the bulk of adventurers I travel with but... this is weird for me so let me fix it. Alphinaud Leveilleur I beg of you, gift unto me the privilege of saving you from the pox that is untamed growth of one’s own hair. For King and Country I won’t rest until I’ve slain that which offends mine senses.”
“Oh just shut up and do it Aldaviir. You’ll just hound me until I let you anyway,” Alphinaud shot back, pausing and flushing faintly at the flow of words he’d most definitely picked up from the Bard.
“Ahh,” Alvaar sighed, a blissful smile in his words, and the rustle of fabric as he put a hand to his heart. “As my Prince doth proclaim, so must I attend.”
“You’re an insufferable Bard when you’ve been reading romance novels, you know that?”
A long pause.
“I don’t deserve these call outs Leveilleur.”
A faint click caught his attention and he opened his eyes to regard the Bard. Seeing how prepared and serious Alvaar was as he started summoning and laying out tools, Alphinaud took one look at the spray bottle that was set down and quickly cleared his research off the table. Let him read... ha.
“If you’re that serious I’ll just go take a bath Alvaar. It’ll be easier.”
Pausing, the blond tapped a fine-tooth comb to his jaw in thought. “True. I should probably join you. Much as I love them, the smell of chocobos tends to cling...”
“In that case after you! Long travels are terrible and my hair isn’t going anywhere. I’ll just clean up in my room,” he chirped, quickly up on his feet and actually pushing the Bard towards the door.
“Wh- hey what the...” Alvar griped but let himself be shoved out the door by the shorter Elezen regardless.
“Go forth, take your time, I’ll be in my quarters when you’re ready.” Shutting the door behind the Bard, Alphinaud turned to lean his back against it and sigh. Not his most subtle of misdirects but in the panic it was all that he had.
“You realize you could just ask to use the bath after me if you’re that sensitive to modesty...” Alvaar reminded him from the other side of the door.
Oh. Damnit.
For as much as he’d fidgeted and worried about further teasing, Alvaar had done the Scholar the courtesy of leaving it at that. In fact, he’d almost forgotten about any potential embarrassment until he opened the door to his room and found Alvaar sitting at his desk, studying the desktop carbuncle calendar Alisaie had bought him as a gift.
But then the Bard rose up to his slippered feet smoothly, dressed in a well-tailored green tunic nipped close at the waist and gray khakis that accented his tall physique, and one embarrassment was probably just going to be replaced with another. In common clothes Alvaar didn’t look anything like what people pictured as the Warrior of Light, but it certainly did even less to hide that effeminately handsome face of his when he wasn’t wearing his hat. Framed with still damp green accented blond, once again cut and feathered to a medium length that complimented him well, he could start to see why people had a hard time recognizing him in his craft clothes. In his battle gear there was something unaffected and inspiring to him, a remote calm and surety that made even enemies give pause.
Dressed in his house clothes however Alvaar was just... normal. Still handsome and graceful but far less intimidating. He was approachable... touchable even...
If Alphinaud hadn’t spent the bulk of the last three years with Alvaar during the brunt of his ‘bisexual awakening,’ he probably wouldn’t be able to handle it. Instead he just steeled his nerve and tried to resume his thoughts on his research. What sort of adjustments would need to be made to the arcane geometries of his moonstone carbuncle summon to make it more efficient with aetheric flow and-
“Park it Leveilleur. You can think about your nerd shit while I’m working,” Alvaar huffed with a knowing look and bless him but the return to normal sass made it easier to handle.
Taking the offered seat he lifted his chin proudly, letting Alvaar tuck a sheet around him for cover before the Bard started into his task. Easing his fingers through damp strands he plucked a comb off the table and set to straightening with patient care.
“Well if you had any interest in being an Arcanist then perhaps I’d talk about it instead,” he remarked lightly, already knowing how this would go and taking comfort in the familiarity.
“Aetheric Magic isn’t my thing. I pull enough miracles out of my arse as a Bard as is, I don’t need the effort of more expectations of miracles scholars can filtch. I turn a volcano into a temperate climate and clear a blizzard for a small contingent of warriors with the power of song alone and no, you sots just want a different colored carbuncle. Fuck that I’ll leave the discoveries to you and pick up spare change playing requests on harp in bars.”
Okay, maybe not so familiar...
“Difficult trip?” he asked lightly.
“Just annoying. Not much for discovery and an endurance trial on my patience. If Alisaie hadn’t been around I’d hazard it would have been downright dull.”
“Is that so? I had been led to believe it involved Allagan technology,” he continued, leaving the statement hanging and waiting for the Bard to take the bait.
An annoyed huff answered it. “Nothing new. Allagan cruelty knows no bounds it seems. Heartless bastards, I’m glad they’re all dead. I don’t see much purpose to arcane advancement when it comes at a cost of feeling and reason,” Alvaar griped bitterly.
Tipping his chin up so he could meet the Bards gaze he studied him a moment. “Your statements are fair. Still, thank you for going anyway. I felt much better for my sister’s safety knowing you were along.”
Staring back a moment, Alvaar sighed slowly, tension finally easing out of his shoulders and running the comb through his bangs.
“As if she needs the help... your sister is a hellcoeurl when you get her going. Now stay still. If you move like that when I’ve got my scissors I’m liable to snip an ear off and then I’ll be obligated to dock the other one for balance,” Alvaar remarked flatly before giving a slight grin at the faintly horrified look on his friends face. Fingers lightly gripping the Scholars jaw he centered his head and grabbed his scissors.
Holding still, Alphinaud shut his eyes again and let Alvaar work, the soft hiss of scissors working away as gentle fingers slipped through his hair. It was... nice. He’d thought it might be a bit more awkward but there was something soothing about the attention and touch.
He was roused a bit by a thumb trailing under his eye once the Bard had finished trimming his bangs back to their standard length. Blinking his eyes open cautiously he raised a brow at Alvaar’s assessing stare.
“You’re working too hard again. You need to be careful with that or-”
“Or I’ll end up possessed by an Ascian. Yes, I recall. You fret like a maid Alvaar,” he interjected calmly, using the old phrase that had caused him no end of grief once and now was some old inside joke between them.
Something in the Bards gaze softened at the words, rising back up to his towering height and pacing back around to start cleaning up any split ends on the long whip of white hair he’d yet to fuss with. Setting his scissors aside he again set to untangling silken strands, tutting under his breath.
“Someone has to or your sister would have an absolute fit. I would rather not invoke her wrath over something so preventable. ... going to need to trim this back an inch, that alright?”
“Whatever you think is best, I trust you,” he replied automatically, probably a bit more heartfelt than was necessary but... no less true.
Again, a change of implements and the sharp rasp of scissors snipping away carefully. Focused and methodical and the Scholar almost found himself falling asleep but that mock threat kept him stubbornly upright and still. In fact, a small part of him was sad when Alvaar finally put comb and scissors away, brushing any loose trimmings free and reclaiming the sheet with a quick efficiency.
But it wouldn’t be polite of him to further monopolize Alvaar’s time so shortly after he’d returned. Even so, he didn’t rise from his seat, instead sinking a bit farther in and tipping his chin up so he could let his hair hang off the back of the chair to dry a bit more.
“Much better,” Alvaar hummed as he finished cleaning up, tossing the swept-up clippings and pausing as he turned to regard his friend and ally. Studying him quietly a moment he stepped back over, nearly startling the Scholar as his fingers slipped back into white hair.
“Tataru says you haven’t been sleeping,” Alvaar commented stoically, combing through his hair with his hands this time and letting it slide through his fingers.
Well, that was the double-edged sword of being good friends with a gossip...
“There’s been,” he paused, dragging in a deep breath as he pondered it, “much to do my friend. Where the summoning of Primals may slow, other problems take their place. Many have come seeking aid from the Scions of late and as the de facto leader, it’s been on me to meet with them all. I’ve made what arrangements I could but, as you know it is nearly impossible to help everyone...” the Scholar trailed off with a sigh.
He gave a faint start as Alvaar slid fingers up along his jaw, gently encouraging him upright with a soft, “Straighten up. Relax.”
“Alvaar?” the Scholar asked, a note of genuine concern mixed in his puzzled tone.
“Hush.” Soothing his palms out along Alphinaud’s neck the Bard set into a massage, humming something softly under his breath and hands warming up noticeably. A casual display of the potency of his skill in Bardsong that would have startled if Alphinaud hadn’t seen such effortless works before. “What sleep you are getting isn’t very restful. You’ve too much tension in your neck,” Alvaar chided grumpily even as his fingers worked their magic with gentle care. “You need to take better care of yourself Leveilleur.”
Perhaps. But a small part of him would miss the attention if he didn’t give the Bard something to fuss over. He also suspected (and maybe hoped) that on some level Alvaar needed such things too regardless of what he said. If he didn’t, then his mother hen attitude wouldn’t have him fussing over almost anyone given half a chance.
Alvaar certainly seemed at his most relaxed when he had mundane things to worry about, though given how many world scale problems were thrust on him it could have just been a product of perspective. Fussing over someone’s appearance and fixing it was a far cry from smiting world evils after all.
But to say any of that would probably be too much so Alphinaud elected to say nothing at all. He merely settled a bit firmer into those hands and soaked in the comfort of another person’s touch.
Bit by bit his thoughts quieted, worries and concerns falling away now that Alvaar and Alisaie were back safe and sound. Things would quickly return to the routine he preferred and found the most comfort in.
And his Warrior of Light was back home. Here at his side once more, stalwart companion to the bitter end. Focused on him and giving off that familiar feeling of safety and support he’d come to depend on through the years.
He didn’t doubt that tomorrow he’d look back over those petitions for aid and be able to find new solutions. If Alvaar could make doing the impossible seem effortless, then he could do no less in the matters he was suited for. He could only ever rise to meet that challenge. Pull together various resources and people to find a solution that they could follow-
Thumbs hooked over the back of his ears, work-worn hands covering them and in the wake of the last few weeks of constant meetings and stress the abrupt narrowed silence was disorienting. Even as his feet shifted on reflex for balance, he was already unconsciously reaching for Alvaar’s hands.
The movement had the Bard starting to shift away, a half-formed apology on his tongue before Alphinaud pulled him back. Slender fingers gripped against Alvaar’s hands and held them back in place, leaning into the contact without saying a word.
He hadn’t ever been one for silence in a world with so much that needed to be said. But that brief listless moment had pointed him towards something he’d forgotten that he needed. A brief reprieve held safely in the hands of someone he trusted, though it was not generally so literal...
It was the same sort of soulful quiet he often found with his twin. The comfortable air of safe silence that tended to have them both asleep leaned against one another. The reassurance of knowing you weren’t alone and whatever happened someone would be there with you to face whatever you awoke to.
But here...? After so long he found that here? Whose heart was he hearing beat a staccato then, his or Alvaar’s? Snapping out of it he let go, quickly leaning forward to break the contact.
“My apologies,” he murmured hastily. “I... it’s been a difficult time these last weeks. You likely have much to attend to given you just returned. I believe your retainers have also been checking in regularly the last few days so they must be-”
“Shut it Leveilleur,” Alvaar snarked flatly, making the Scholar jump a bit at the tone. “I’m not done. Besides, there’s another summit in two days isn’t there? I’m not showing up with the Leader of the Scions sporting unkempt hair and bags under his eyes. If we’re going to have to sit at the same table as those backstabbing little heathens then we may as well look fucking fabulous while we do it. So, sit up, I’ve still got work to do given you’re still a damn mess.”
Looking over his shoulder at him, Alphinaud stared at Alvaar in stunned surprised.
Putting a hand at his hip and shifting his stance to one of cocky annoyance, Alvaar raised a brow. “You’ll make me look bad Alphinaud. I’ve got a reputation to uphold as the best-looking Warrior of Light Eorzea will ever know and I’m not letting you jeopardize it. Let’s go.” Holding his hand out a bottle dropped into it from the aether with a puff of smoke, tossing and flipping it nonchalantly. “Leave in conditioner doesn’t apply itself.”
A delayed snort of laughter escaped the Scion, quickly having to turn around to stuff his hands to his face to try and quiet it.
“.... What, you think fashion is funny?! It’s fucking suffering now quit laughing and get over here!” Alvaar bitched, swatting lightly at his friends’ shoulder but even without turning to see it the Scholar knew he was smiling. Especially when Alvaar finally started to laugh and then gave an unflattering snort, and that set the both of them off again.
“Thank you,” Alphinaud murmured softly, but no less heartfelt as the Bard massaged whatever floral scented cream into his hair once they’d both collected themselves.
“It’s fine. Just another part of my job as your personal errand boy,” Alvaar returned cheekily.
Lifting his chin with a frown the man couldn’t see Alphinaud huffed. “I mean it Alvaar. Thank you for helping me.”
The Elezen paused, studying the snowy strands threaded through his fingers a moment. “.... You’re welcome. But you’re not the only one who needed a reprieve Alphinaud. I like doing things like this. It’s... relaxing,” he answered, tone quiet and even. That sign that he felt he was revealing too much even with so little a detail.
It was as he’d expected then...
“Still,” he insisted anyway.
“... You know if you grew this all out and we feathered it for body you’d have some truly amazing hair,” Alvaar carried on with a subject change. “I think it would even put Aymeric to shame. Very dashing, like some storybook prince. Everyone would swoon.”
Shutting his eyes, the Scholar just smiled a touch wider and leaned the faintest bit further into that gentle touch. Did that mean Alvaar as well? “Maybe.”
“Where’s your sense of adventure?”
“I’m afraid my sister hoarded my half of it.”
“Tch. Blasted Leveilleurs. You need to learn to share.”
“Alphi?” Alvaar asked untold minutes later once he’d noticed the Scholar had been silent for some time.
The hands that had been working over his shoulders stopped, and though Alvaar called his name again Alphinaud didn’t want to respond. Perhaps it was a moment of selfishness but he vainly hoped that perhaps the Bard might stay for a bit more in this peaceful quiet. At least until he actually fell asleep...
A gentle hand ruffled his hair with another attempt at calling him though this time it was softer as the man shifted to see if he was awake or not. It took a bit to not smile under that scrutiny and give himself away but if he couldn’t manage at least that he would never have made it so far in politics. A haggard sigh left the Bard and then he shifted back behind him. Whatever he might have been hoping for hadn’t expected Alvaar to lean down and slip his arms about his shoulders, hugging him gently.
“What am I going to do with you... my friend you work yourself much too hard if you can fall asleep sitting up like that,” Alvaar whispered, squeezing him the faintest bit tighter and settling his cheek to satiny strands.
It was enough to make his heart skip a beat in panic.
It had been some time since Alvaar had last hugged him. While the Bard tended to come off as physically distant and stoic, at least at first; it was the furthest from the truth once he was comfortable with you. Really it was probably because Alvaar knew how embarrassed it made him. There had been a few times he’d caught Alvaar giving him a tight look of empathy, but he’d generally refrained from moving closer unless things were particularly dour.
It wasn’t that he disliked such things, but part of his pride hated to come off as weak. After all he had done for Shards and Source he didn’t think it much to ask that people stop treating him as a child because of his height. Where flustered pride would have him pull away, now he had no excuse but to stay. To feel that warmth and comfort folded around him and soak it in. A part of him almost wished to reach back. To bury himself against the Bards chest as he had a few times before and relish in that protective strength.
But that would be too much.
It was one thing to accept comfort in a moment of weakness. Wholly another to just ask for it because your closest friends had been away too long. A silly distinction perhaps, but then few had ever asked so much of a friend as he. From the time his youthful arrogance had callously brandished the Warrior of Light as one would a blade to now when invariably something would happen that only Alvaar could attend and he would have to summon him to battle once more.
It would be too much to place the burden of his loneliness on the man as well; especially when he knew Alvaar would likely do most anything he asked. Even if he didn’t genuinely want to… a thought that bothered him to no end.
Instead he would just accept what the Bard gave freely, as he did now silently soaking in this chance comfort. Letting his friend fuss over him because Alvaar also found relief in it. And he’d hold on to those favors one would need to ask of friends for when they needed them most.
A knock at the door startles them both, and though he’s upset to feel Alvaar quickly pull away it at least spares him the quandary of how he was going to slip out of that ruse without giving himself away. Instead he lifts his head after a moment to stare at the door with a falsified tired blink.
“Alphinaud are you in?” Alisaie calls, and he almost frowns but the relief to hear her voice again after so long gets the better of him.
“Yes, come in,” he answers. He glances at Alvaar as the Bard shakes out the sheet for a third time fussily before he busies himself with cleaning his scissors and comb, but he’s pointedly not looking at him.
“Ah, there’s the pair of you. I had thought you would be off for that nap you kept complaining about Alvaar not hiding away in my brothers room,” Alisaie remarks as she lets herself in, an amused quirk to her lips that the Scholar isn’t quite sure he likes the look of and when they lock eyes he knows for a fact he doesn’t. He would be hearing about this later no doubt. Few enjoyed teasing him more than his sister.
“Well, I do like the peace and quiet,” Alvaar returns drily. “It beats the nonstop chattering of our contact… Besides, Alphi needed a trim and you know I can’t very well let enough alone once something has bothered me.” It gets a soft snort of amusement from her before she studies her twin expectantly and he pushes himself up to his feet.
“Welcome back. It’s good to see you Alisaie. I’ve heard your travels were uneventful and for that I am glad even if you found it boring,” he supplies in proper greeting, offering his arms out and hugging her tight once she accepts.
It’s a nice feeling. An affirming that things are once again back to a routine he prefers even as she squeezes him a bit harder than he likes in that continued display of strength she was so fond of. It was something Alisaie had picked up after her many travels of Eorzea, and a new habit he would be remiss in chiding her for when it’s become habit to him as well.
“.... Alphinaud, do you mind telling me why your hair smells like a perfume stall?” Alisaie accused more than asked, a flat look on her face as she pulled back from their greeting embrace.
He’d barely felt his cheeks begin to flame before a sharp admission of, “Hey!” cut between them.
Snapping his fingers, Alvaar gripped a pair of scissors and pointed the handles at her as he leaned against the desk. “That’s it. You’re next Alisaie. I’ve had to tolerate that mop of flyaways and split ends for almost a month! And scorched ends! SCORCHED ENDS! I’m fixing this travesty today! Park it!”
It was nice, the way things always seemed to settle back into place when they returned. A bit less quiet and not as suited to study, but watching the pair argue while he was trying not to laugh was still preferable to the silence.
13 notes · View notes
bts-ficrecs · 6 years
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So I’ve read quite a lot of stories ever since my re-entering the fanfic community (after 3420 years) and I’ve reblogged a lot of them to remember and recommend as well. And of course, like with all things, there are some special ones that slithered their way into the crevices of my heart. These are the stories that my mind comes back to every once in a while. These are the stories that made me laugh, cry, yell, and blush - all times 3000. Yes I went there. Cry with me.
These are the stories I hold dear :“) I hope anyone who happens upon this post enjoys the stories I listed below just as much as I did (and still do).
I will update whenever I find a new favorite!! :”) Also be forewarned, there are over 40 fics under the cut 😅😂❤
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➢ Butterfingers by @seokkbuns ⠀ ✎ Summary: He had you at the very first pebble he gave you. ⠀ ▸ fluff, hybrid AU, teacher AU ⠀⸙ notes: i. swear. to. glob. this. is. the. most. ADORABLE. STORY YOU WILL EVER READ !!!!!!!111111 I am absolutely smitten and refuse to shut up about it!!! Just. GO READ IT!!!! Cute and clumsy teacher!! Who loves kids!! I just cannot deal.
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➢ Duck and Cover by @versigny ⠀✎ Summary: There were two things you never dreamed would become your biggest worries with your new job: Kim Namjoon, and that god damn camera. ⠀ ▸ fluff, idol AU ⠀⸙ notes: absolute fluff. minor angst. secret relationships~~ ooh la la
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➢ For All The Petals by @rosaetae ⠀✎ Summary: A story in which you met him in the spring, fell in love with him in the summer, but he left you in autumn and how you missed him in the winter. ⠀⠀▸ angst ⠀⸙ notes: AUHGHHAKJGRL you don't know how many tears i spilled reading this. does soft heart ache even exist???!? like. it wasn't a punch-in-your-gut kind of attack but more like a i’ll-tell-you-i-love-you-every-day-and-then-disappear-forever like of attack..... hahahaha wow now that i think about it, that hurts even more than a punch in the gut. lmao. good luck with the emotions when you read this!
➢ Intro: Her by @jamaisjoons​ ⠀✎ Summary: You enter Namjoon’s life in the most unexpected of ways, but will you be able to stay, especially when he comes with three adorable but chaotic children, even more chaotic best friends and a bitch of an ex-wife? Not to mention your own emotional baggage. ⠀⠀▸ fluff, angst, smut, ongoing series ⠀⸙ notes: I fell in love with the characters and the story line so fast. And so will you.
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➢ Obligated by @underthejoon ⠀✎ Summary: Married by obligation, weighed down by circumstance. Except for those nights when you’re both drunk, falling into bed with one another and realizing you’re human. Occasionally this happens, occasionally you fuck. Until your life changes and you realize Namjoon, the very man you’re obligated to, might just be the very man that you crave. ⠀⠀▸ angst, smut, fluff, arranged marriage AU
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➢ Out of The Ordinary by @njhsmoon ⠀✎ Summary: One of your mage students is extremely gifted and her human father is beyond overwhelmed so you take it upon yourself to tutor her outside of school. ⠀⠀▸ fluff, mage AU, teacher AU, single parent AU ⠀⸙ notes: SOBS. I JUST. I LOVE THIS TOO MUCH. can you imagine a human Namjoon extremely overwhElmed with his magical little girl with no one to help him!! and then a magical woman teacher appears and! saves the day!! and his life!! askjfaef YO UWILL LOVE THIS I RPOMISE YOU. OK OK ALSO THERE’S A DRABBLE FOR THIS CUTE ASS FIC!!! READ IT!!!!!
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➢ Pages of Petals by @sodoyouknowbts ⠀✎ Summary: A change in the weather stirs a sweet encounter between a florist and a bookshop owner, where one begins to learn the language of flowers. ⠀⠀▸ fluff ⠀⸙ notes: soft namjoon + flowers. what more could you ask for? asaskdjflka <333333
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➢ The Take Home Test by @versigny ⠀✎ Summary: In which your mission to deliver homework to Kim Namjoon goes very, very, wrong. ⠀⠀⠀➥ 3 extra drabbles ⠀⠀▸ dirty smut, college AU ⠀⸙ notes: IT'S DIRTY. BEWARE THE ARMPITS.
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➢ Through the Phone by @imaginethisbts ⠀✎ Summary: The sexual frustration is real when Namjoon goes on a month long business trip, halfway across the world. So when the chips are down and the tides get rough, and you can’t actually get to one another… what do you do? You go to the next best thing of course - phone sex. ⠀⠀▸ smut, smidgen of fluff ⠀⸙ notes: i’ll just say one thing. and that is that i love it when random moments of fluffy romance happens after the dirty :”)
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➢ Tigerboy by @joonbird​ ⠀✎ Summary: You, a docile rabbit hybrid, have been waiting a long time to meet the mysterious tiger hybrid, Kim Namjoon. ⠀⠀▸ smut, hybrid AU
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➢ Try Me by @jjkfire​ ⠀✎ Summary: You wanted nothing more than to leave behind your old self when you graduated from high school and moved on to college to play rugby but when you see your high school classmate, resident fuckboy and captain, Kim Namjoon, at the rugby department orientation, you feel like everything might fall apart. ⠀⠀▸ fluff, rugby AU, ongoing series
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➢ By Your Side by @sodoyouknowbts ⠀✎ Summary: Jin is somewhat arrogant, overly confident and a tease. All the things you find infuriating in a man and he also happens to be your roommate. It’s a wonder how you two can live together without killing each other…but it’s not like you’re anything more than friends. Right? ⠀⠀▸ fluff, angst, smut, roommate AU, complete series ⠀⸙ notes: UM. this was so incredibly amazing and heart wrenching and frustrating to read. hahahaha. the friendship dynamic that changed over time throughout this series was incredible to read. both characters had a lot of growing up to do and grow up they did. i enjoyed every moment of it.
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➢ Edge of Tomorrow by @thedefinitionofbts​
⠀✎ Summary: No matter the amount of rain that falls, what the unrelenting darkness erases, or how many times we are reverted back to the past, I’ll definitely save you. ⠀⠀▸ angst
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➢ Ephemeral by @donewithjeon ⠀✎ Summary: As your eyes fluttered open, you were met with a familiar white ceiling and the sound of steady beeping coming from beside you. A quick scan of the surroundings confirmed your suspicions—you were in a hospital room. ⠀⠀▸ ANGST, patient AU ⠀⸙ notes: I almost never reread things much less sob each time that I do. I wish I was exaggerating lmao this fic makes me such a crybaby. It's great. I love pain <|:o)))) [insert clown meme]
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➢ Let Me Be Yours by @glassbangtan​ ⠀✎ Summary: How did people just get into relationships? Friends getting married at such young ages, inviting you to weddings left, right and centre – it definitely left room for you to feel like shit about your own love life. After getting stood up, you decide to treat yourself – and it is during this coping-shopping spree that you come across a fellow lonely person like yourself, Kim Seokjin. ⠀⠀▸ angst, fluff ⠀⸙ notes: This fic just... hits a different way than all the others listed here. I relate a lot to this story. That’s all I can really say. This is special to me.
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➢ Long Live The King by @remembeo​ ⠀✎ Summary: Long live the King, and may he reign forever more. ⠀⠀▸ smut, angst, fluff, fantasy AU, prince AU
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➢ Off Limits by @floralseokjin ⠀✎ Summary: You’ve been lusting after your brother’s best friend for a while now, ever since you met him at a house party, flirting it up a storm as you failed to realise who the other was. That was months ago now and things are still awkward, but you can’t ignore the sexual tension that’s simmers between the two of you…and it keeps getting worse… ⠀⠀▸ smut, angst, fluff, complete series ⠀⸙ notes: you want PAIN? you want NASTY? you want FUZZIES? this series has got it ALL i tell you!!!!! adfhklafh yeah. i . yeah. do yourself a favor and just read it.
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➢ Sehnsucht by @johobi​ ⠀✎ Summary: An embarrassing run-in with your new boss is only the start of your destructive infatuation. ⠀⠀▸ smut ⠀⸙ notes: W H E W !!!!!111 
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➢ Seven Seconds in Heaven by @jimlingss ⠀✎ Summary: In the moment of your death, Heaven drops the hammer of punishment; making him travel back in time to relive memories that can never be changed. Seven memories. Seven minutes in each. Seven seconds before they are ripped away. ⠀⠀▸ angst, fluff, little bit of smut ⠀⸙ notes: WOW. YEAH. TALK ABOUT GETTING A SECOND CHANCE AT LIFE. UUMMMM. I don't want to say anything else in case I spill the beans so I'll leave it at that. Read it.
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➢ The Leather Loafers by @jimlingss ⠀✎ Summary: Yes. You went to the ball. Yes. You ran into the prince. Yes. The shoe fits. BUT-! You aren’t that Cinderella bitch. THEY’VE GOT THE WRONG PERSON! ⠀⠀▸ fluff, Cinderella AU ⠀⸙ notes: yeah...there's some crack involved but c'mon. it's Jin we're talking about. minor angst. Great adventure :")) 
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  ➢ Untimely Confessions by @jjungkooked ⠀✎ Summary: Your friendly neighbor finds his way into your (very unsocial) heart. ⠀⠀▸ fluff, neighbor AU ⠀⸙ notes: CUTE NEIGHBOR AU WHat more can I say TTT0TTT
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➢ Untitled by @oh-hey-tae ⠀✎ Summary: It's been a week since you last talked, three since you saw him in person. You miss him terribly... so you call him despite your nerves. ⠀⠀▸ fluff ⠀⸙ notes: when i first read this, i was in incredible need for a soft jin fic. and this was it. this is it. an incredibly soft jin fic. giving him. ALL. THE. LOVE. HE. DESERVES.
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➢ Burn by @dreamscript ⠀✎ Summary: Love is a powerful force; You and Yoongi defy nature itself and burn down the barriers. ⠀⠀▸ angst, fantasy AU ⠀⸙ notes: don't let the short length mistake you into thinking it's not gonna hurt. because. it's. gonna. HURT .
➢ Cobalt and Charcoal by @tayegi​ ⠀✎ Summary: In just ten minutes, he has ruined everything that you and Yoongi have worked for in the past year. It's terrifying to realize that a stranger could have such an impact on you so quickly... except he's no stranger. He's your other half. The only person who will ever own your heart. ⠀⠀▸ smut, angst, soulmate AU, feat. Jungkook
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➢ Intoxicating by @versigny ⠀✎ Summary: You go clubbing and get drunk to spite your annoying, stonecold roommate. ⠀⠀▸ angsty fluff, roommate AU ⠀⸙ notes: se xual  tens ion + drunken mistakes. that's all i gotta say.
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➢ Jilt by @taesthetes​ ⠀✎ Summary: Forever was only temporary. ⠀⠀▸ angst ⠀⸙ notes: don’t underestimate short fics. 
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➢ Koi No Yokan by @oh-hey-tae ⠀✎ Summary: The boy on the bus could work on his bedside manners. ⠀⠀▸ fluff, idol AU ⠀⸙ notes: discovering this fic was an absolute MIRACLE. i swear to glob. i'm so glad i went hunting for this fic after finding out the person i originally read it from was an imposter. and then i got to shower the true writer with loving words. and this story definitely deserves so many loving words.
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➢ Miss Dial by @versigny ⠀✎ Summary: [11:31] You: okay so i’m texting you now like I promised instead of drunktexting yoongi and telling him how badly i want his cock tonight. Arent you proud? [11:32] unknown number: this is yoongi, hi ⠀⠀▸ smut, fluff, university AU, ongoing series ⠀⸙ notes: //CCOOUGGHHSSS// THIS. This is the fic. My baby. I'm so freaking attached. This. Is the story that basically started it all for me. I had only just started dipping my toes back into the world of fanfics when I encountered this. And wow did I get pulled in so quickly. It holds title for many firsts. I have so much affection for this series and I will for sure shed a lot of tears when it ends. My forever favorite. I love you Kappy and Nat for having brought this to life.
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➢ Monochrome by @chimchimicorn ⠀✎ Summary: The world is black and white until you meet your true love. ⠀⠀▸ angst, soulmate AU ⠀⸙ notes: this is not a Tumblr fic but a story posted on ARMY Amino (ARA). No worries, you don’t need an account to read it! ⠀⸙ notes: it will hurt. 
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➢ Play With Me by @thatonegirl ⠀✎ Summary: Your world is breaking and you and Yoongi struggle to push through the pain. ⠀⠀▸ angst ⠀⸙ notes: another story found on ARA
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➢ Please Be Naked by @floralseokjin​ ⠀✎ Summary: You find it’s easy to become addicted to a distraction… ⠀⠀▸ smut, angst, fluff, complete series
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➢ Candy Hearts by @puppetwritings​ ⠀✎ Summary: He starts dropping candy hearts on your desk. ⠀⠀▸ fluff
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➢ Delicate by @bluesxde ⠀✎ Summary: After being effectively dumped by your fuck-buddy, your attention is unexpectedly drawn towards your womanizing friend and fellow dance major, Hoseok. ⠀⠀▸ smut, angst, fluff, college AU, fuckboy/fuckgirl AU, friends with benefits AU ⠀⸙ extra notes: what a ride. *wink wonk* i loved on this story so much. i have a weak spot for fwb!AUs. and y/n constantly trying to! pull! him! in! and! him! constantly! trying! to! resist! the danger. the fun. spicy~ i love this story so very much.
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➢ Fetish by @versigny ⠀✎ Summary: Hoseok is the sweetest boyfriend. Even in bed. But you want him to be more dominant. So you tell him. ⠀⠀▸ fluffy smut ⠀⸙ extra notes: the fluff is so overpowering I barely paid attention to the sex. But the sex was still great 👀
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➢ Misconceptions by @yoongihime​ ⠀✎ Summary: In which your roommate bails out on you last minute and you’re forced to share an apartment with this gorgeous a f human but, no worries, he’ll never see you that way… right? ⠀⠀▸ fluff ⠀⸙ notes: s e x u a l  t e n s i o n .
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➢ Transference by @jeonjagiya ⠀✎ Summary: During a routine visit to the local bakery, you stumble upon an intriguing business card and figure, what the hell. ⠀⠀▸ smut, angst, therapist AU, complete series ⠀⸙ extra notes: the Hoseok series that took BTS Tumblr by storm, lol. And for good reason!! The character development!! The rawness and vulnerability from both characters! The naughty goodness! Just wowowow, a great Hoseok series that definitely deserves the hype it received :')))
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➢ Written on Our Veins by @army-author ⠀✎ Summary: You and Hoseok are sick of spending the holidays soulmate-less while your friends enjoy Christmas as couples… tired of waiting for fate to make a move, you decide to take matters into your own hands. ⠀⠀▸ fluff, angst, soulmate AU, complete series ⠀⸙ extra notes: if you want a story that will give you lovely feels and then RIP IT AWAY FROM YOU only to give it back (with extra goodies), this is the story for you :") I absolutely enjoyed watching Hoseok and Y/N get themselves into what they thought would be innocent fun for the holidays only to find out that maybe... it wasn’t such a good idea... but maybe it was? :”)))))
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➢ Azure Blue by @jimlingss ⠀✎ Summary: You set off on a journey only to be joined by Jimin: the boy with elegant, azure blue wings. ⠀⠀▸ fluff
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➢ Beneath the Water by @jungshookz ⠀✎ Summary: His legs were sparkling. You looked up from his face slowly and towards his legs, your head tilting in confusion when you were met with the sight of… well, it certainly wasn’t a pair of legs. What the fuck? ⠀⠀▸ fluff, smidgen of smut, mermaid AU ⠀⸙ extra notes: I think this was my first mermaid AU?@?@?@ but oh my goossshhhhh asdfj;alje yeah. that’s all I can really say. I’m in love with mermaid Jimin. I thirst for morrre from this AU afaaa;kls don’t mind me as I spazz all over my keyboard once more :’))))
➢ Cordially, Jimin by @kpopfanfictrash​ ⠀✎ Summary: When you start work in your new office, the last thing you expect is a distraction. Especially not one as cute, witty and impossible to handle as Park Jimin. A story told through correspondence. ⠀⠀▸ fluff
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➢ Desires by @nightbts​ ⠀✎ Summary: It wasn’t your place to worry for him, you shouldn’t, it wasn’t good for you. But since the day you saw him that hurt, you couldn’t help it. ⠀⠀▸ angst, fluff, bad boy AU ⠀⸙ notes:
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➢ The Blue Notebooks by @inktae ⠀✎ Summary: You meet Park Jimin after a particularly rough landing. ⠀⠀▸ angst, fluff, time traveler AU ⠀⸙ extra notes: I didn't think a fanfic could affect me so much. Even now as I write this, without having to reread to refresh my mind, my heart thumps painfully. It feels like I only read this a few days ago. It's one of those stories that doesn't rip your entire heart out in one go but slowly tears a few slivers out and continues to do so even when you're done reading. The pain is never ending. No, no one dies. No, there isn't an ugly break up. It's one of those "what if" stories. To me, anyway. I can't reveal anything more or else I'll spill the story lol I don't know what's up with this fic. But I'm never ok when I think about this story. My rambling doesn't do this story justice. Just read it.
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➢ Away From the Sun by @inktae ⠀✎ Summary: You leave your home in search of your brother.. in search of answers.. but you end up making a slight detour. ⠀⠀▸ angst, fluff, soulmate AU ⠀⸙ extra notes: this was. a. journey. i kid you not. 20k story. i lived every moment of this - that's how good the story is. i felt the respect and fondness y/n felt for the eccentric taehyung. i felt the confusion of the "what next?" phase in y/n's life. i felt that hard. an amazing story beyond romance.
➢ Amaranthine by @rainwards​ ⠀✎ Summary: In which the sun loved the moon so much that it died every night just to let it breathe. ⠀⠀▸ angst, reincarnation AU ⠀⸙ notes: :-)))))))))))))) don’t read if you donut wanna be SAd.
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➢ Give Me Your Hands (I Will Pick the Stars for You) by mindheist ⠀✎ Summary: I miss you like the moon misses the sun, destined to chase you until the end of time. ⠀⠀▸ angst, historical fantasy AU, feat. Jungkook ⠀⸙ notes: ur heart will heart. i can promise u that.
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➢ laser tag AU by @kpopfanfictrash ⠀✎ Summary: You go laser tagging with the boys and come face to face with Taehyung. ⠀⠀▸ s e x u a l  t e n s i o n but it's PG ⠀⸙ extra notes: I have never been so invested in a drabble I swear. The amount of times I've fantasized about this lasertag!Taehyung and Y/N's story is almost embarrassing to admit, hahaha.
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➢ Rent-A-Boyfriend by @jimlingss ⠀✎ Summary: Are YOU lonely? Need someone to cuddle at night? Do you want love? If you said ‘yes’ to any of the questions previously mentioned then we have a service for you! RENT-A-BOYFRIEND TODAY! ⠀⠀▸ F L U F F
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➢ Seoksanhwa by @gukyi​ ⠀✎ Summary: May you keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Watch your back, keep to the wall. Always be ready to attack. Do not let your guard down, for it will be the last thing you ever do. The game of love is cruel and treacherous, the obstacles high and the stakes even higher, and the royal family never did play fair.  ⠀⠀▸ fluff, angst, smut, prince AU, joseon AU ⠀⸙ notes: r u ready to cry ur fcking eyes out :-)
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➢ Song of Sunrise by Fable ⠀✎ Summary: Late at night, as dawn started painting the horizon, a night elf was running, his thin silhouette shining in the moonlight, the sound of his light steps resonating in the leaves of the silent, silent trees. That elf’s name was Tae. And Tae was heartbroken. ⠀⠀▸ fluffy angst, fantasy AU ⠀⠀▸ platonic Taehyung x Jimin ⠀⸙ extra notes: another story on ARA
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➢ All's Fair by @goldenscript ⠀✎ Summary: Sometimes people can surprise you and do absurdly kind things, even the ones you least expect… even your rival, Jeon Jungkook. ⠀⠀▸ fluff, enemies to lovers AU, baseball AU ⠀⸙ extra notes: this fic made me blush a whole lot. just a lot of wholesome fluff. :")
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➢ A Piece of the Moonlight by @jimlingss ⠀✎ Summary: For your loved ones, the people who are waiting at home, the people who have died - you will fight. And sometimes to fight means to sacrifice: who you really are and the person you really love. ⠀⠀▸ ANGST, mulan AU ⠀⸙ extra notes: this is the fic that led me to KNOW WITH STRONG CONVICTION that there are some fanfic writers who are unbelievably talented way beyond the world fanfics and deserve so so much joy and success if they decide to pursue writing as a career. This is it. This is one of them. If ((((jimlingss)))) ever decided to make this into a full fledged book with her own OCs, there's no doubt it'll be even more A M A Z I N G than it already is. I just love this story so much. It moved me to tears. And not just tears -- but legit ugly crying. Do yourself a favor and read this masterpiece.
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➢ baby!Jeon drabble series by @an-exotic-writer ⠀✎ Summary: A series of drabbles and scenarios about (Not-So-)Baby Jungkook, his 6 older brothers, and you. ⠀⠀▸ F L U F F !!!!!! ⠀⸙ extra notes: 6 GROWN MEN. 1 GROWN WOMAN. 1 LITTLE BABY. SO MUCH FLUFF. AFJALEJGAJFAE. 60k+. this is 2 years worth of writing, y’all. so much fluff. so much luv.
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➢ Blue Orchids by @inktae ⠀✎ Summary: You were eighteen years old when Jimin’s name showed up on your hand. ⠀⠀▸ angst, fluff, implied smut, hanahaki AU, soulmate AU
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➢ Date in a Box by @jimlingss ⠀✎ Summary: If you’re in a hurry then we’re here to help you! Everything you need in a box. Delivery less than five minutes. Upgrade and we can personalize your date even more! Guaranteed 100%! Don’t fret, we’re here. ⠀⠀▸ F L U F F !
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➢ Heat Wave by @iq-biased​ ⠀✎ Summary: The air conditioner breaks during the hottest week of summer and you have to figure out how to stay cool. ⠀⠀▸ smut, fluff, roommate AU ⠀⸙ notes: the title is accurately named bc reading this will definitely make you warm. very warm.
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➢ Five Dates by @kpopfanfictrash ⠀✎ Summary: “Ten dates,” he nods, smile tugging at his lips. “Ten dates, to decide if you want this – want me – or want me to go. Ten dates to get to know me. Ten dates,” he says, oddly soft, “to fall in love with me.” ⠀⠀▸ fluff, smut
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➢ Hiraeth by @thedefinitionofbts ⠀✎ Summary: We are always yearning for someone, even if that person may not exist in this tangible realm. ⠀⠀▸ fluff, angst, smut, college AU, soulmate AU
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➢ Human Error by @gardentulips ⠀✎ Summary: Jungkook is your latest creation, and so much more... ⠀⠀▸ fluff, angst, robot AU
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➢ Mamihlapinatapai by @tayegi ⠀✎ Summary: You reunite with an old flame. ⠀⠀▸ angst ⠀⸙ extra notes: it's not a happy story. i'm sorry. but it is a definitely good painful story. so i'm not sorry.
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➢ Orange Tulips by @kainks ⠀✎ Summary: You’d remember Jungkook with every life you lived. Only he’d never remember you, never recall how your fates were written in the stars since the beginning of time. ⠀⠀▸ angst, fluff, smut, soulmate AU, reincarnation AU
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➢ The Swirling Ways of Stars by @inktae ⠀✎ Summary: He feels like the thrill of the unknown and the unexplored, like that hesitant feeling of a new sensation under your fingertips. He’s like the first taste of a newly discovered flavor, one that hits your tongue and quickly spreads through your body from head to toe. ⠀⠀▸ angst, fluff, fantasy AU
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➢ Tea and Ice Cream by @blackcatkuroi ⠀✎ Summary: It’s the small moments that truly shine. ⠀⠀▸ platonic OT7 ⠀⠀▸ fluff ⠀⸙ extra notes: another story on ARA. Super cute story that briefly illustrates the close bond between these guys.
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Random notes: (cause I just LOVE to blab even when no one cares hahahaha) 1. Not surprising that JK has the most, lol. People just love writing him... and I'm okay with that :"))) I am surprised by the amount of Namjoon fics though, I didn't think it'd be that many! I guess I'm lowkey Namjoon biased................. no scratch that. I'm SO Namjoon biased. Lmao. 3. I realized quickly on that I'm very picky about Taehyung fics I read thus I have few Taehyung favorites :"( I need more. Also I really need to read more Hoseok and Jimin fics. Also I'm whipped for Yoongi. What can I say. He my Master 4ever. And of course I read a lot of Jin fics considering he is my UB, so I have a lot of favorites :"))) 4. Haven't read found very many OT7 fics. I would very much like to find more stories that explore their amazing brotherhood/bond!!
228 notes · View notes
impracticaldemon · 6 years
Chaos Theory: Sasuke Ch. 2
by impracticaldemon
Chapter 2: The Oda Strike Back  
Author's Note: The sequel to my first Ikesen Sasuke story (Do You Have a Fever?). Welcome to chapter 2. Chapter 2 still isn't ns/fw. Sorry. On the bright side: Mitsuhide.  Also, Chapter 3 is also done and much steamier.
Thank you to all for your support, kind notes, reviews, fun tags and so on!
~ Impracticaldemon  [Read on FFN HERE]
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The Oda Strike Back
I didn't see Sasuke for over a week after The Episode of the Wardrobe Malfunction (also playing in my embarrassing moments highlight reel as The Day I Got High and Snuggled Sasuke). A week wasn't actually very long, but I harboured deep suspicions that his buddy Yukimura was keeping him away with comments like, "You can't trust those wild boar women, Sasuke—show even a moment's weakness, and they're all over you."
Of course, that was probably unfair to both guys. Sasuke wouldn't tell even his BFF—Sasuke's term, employed with his customary lack of expression—about what had happened. Probably. And Yukimura and I got along pretty well now, except when his tactlessness got the better of my patience. He just doesn't have my appreciation for your charming naiveté, noted my inner Mitsuhide, before I slammed the (mental) door on his comments.
In any event, whether it was Sasuke's gift of ibuprofen that helped me, or the unintentional snuggling, I got over my cold in record time, and then spent a week hoping to see my fellow time-traveler so that I could apologize for my behaviour. Inevitably, certain people made a point of commenting on my occasional lapses of attention.
"How are you feeling today, Chieko?" asked Mitsuhide, his lips curving into what the naïve might call a smile. Apparently, he was spending some quality spymaster-conqueror time with Nobunaga this morning.
"Fine, thanks. Why do you ask?" I paused, politely handed Nobunaga his morning correspondence, and then added, "It was just a cold, and I recovered six days ago." I gave him my haughtiest don't-mess-with-me-this-morning look. A pointless effort, but he'd asked every day since I'd—completely accidentally, and while under the influence of opium—pressed my aching head into Sasuke's surprisingly well-defined chest. For the record, Sasuke had done a fine job of holding on to me once I was there, so—
A soft huff of amusement from the white-haired Machiavelli of the Oda forces suggested that I might have inadvertently lost focus at a bad time. I glanced up at Nobunaga to see whether he'd noticed anything, but he appeared to be skimming through the letters I'd brought. I resumed my attempt at a withering glare, and tried to will away the ridiculous—and entirely uncalled for—blush that was creeping across my cheeks.
"I am merely concerned about the health of our dear chatelaine, after her recent illness." Mitsuhide's long, white lashes concealed the predatory gleam that no doubt lurked in his snaky golden eyes, but nobody was fooled.
"Perhaps; however, you do keep asking." Nobunaga's incisive tones were curious, rather than annoyed, but they demanded a response. So much for my small hope that Azuchi's premier candy thief wasn't paying attention. "She doesn't look ill, Mitsuhide, she looks infatuated. Does it involve you in some way?"
"I am not infatuated with—with anyone!"
Mitsuhide ignored me. "Alas, I do not believe that I am the object of her desire," he lamented, with patently false regret. Nobunaga shot him an oddly appraising look, but his so-called left-hand man merely returned his usual slithery smile.
"Well, Chieko? If it's not an entanglement with Mitsuhide, then what is it?"
I kept my eyes on Nobunaga, unwilling to risk looking at The Bane of My Existence. A sudden idea skittered through my brain.
"I'm not entangled with anyone, Nobunaga. However, I must admit that my thoughts have turned to Mitsuhide quite often of late."
For once, if only for a fraction of a second, both men looked surprised.
"Really now?" Mitsuhide was suddenly beside me. "Do tell!" Now that he was looking down at me—and so close!—I felt just the tiniest bit apprehensive. He was a snake who preferred to play with his food before finishing it off. Sometimes I curse my powers of imagination.
I took a calming breath, and resisted the compulsion to look up into Mitsuhide's eyes. I addressed my reply to Nobunaga.
"You see, Mitsuhide has been like an uncle to me"—I thought I saw a look of appreciation cross Nobunaga's face—"and recently I've found that he comes to mind when I am faced with a difficult decision."
"I see." Nobunaga managed to imply enjoyment without actually changing expression. Then his attention returned to his desk. "Mitsuhide, we have work to do."
"Of course, my lord." Mitsuhide's eyes were gleaming with mischief, and I suddenly felt a qualm or ten about my decision to poke back a little. A slender finger caressed my cheek in a way that was not at all avuncular; I was unable to fully suppress a shiver—of apprehension, mostly. Only mostly? Good grief! "Good morning then, my dear Chieko. Rest assured that I will keep an even closer eye on you, now that I know how much you look up to me."
I managed a rather sickly smile as I left. Baka! Idiot! What the hell were you thinking? Mitsuhide Rule Number One: Do not, under any circumstances, try to play his game—any of his games. You will lose, and not even the occasional, fleeting victory is worth it.
When I got back to my room, I decided to go down into the market instead of returning to work with the seamstresses as originally intended. Maybe I could find Yukimura, and warn him that Mitsuhide seemed to be uncomfortably aware of Sasuke's activities in and around the castle. When Inner Mitsuhide snickered at the word 'activities', I may have snarled aloud.
Unfortunately, Yukimura wasn't in his usual spot. My heart sank, although I tried to keep the disappointment off my face as I pretended to browse the wares in nearby shops and stalls. After half an hour of searching—and a rather convoluted walk around the market area—I was forced to admit how much I'd been hoping to see Sasuke again, and how worried I was that I might not see him again for a long time.
"Hsst, ojō-san! A moment of your time!" The words were pretty standard for both beggars and merchants, but the hushed tones made no sense. Plus, who used words like 'psst' and 'hsst' outside of old novels?
I was about to take a quick step back—strangers trying to kidnap me had been an issue in the past—when I realized that the stooped, oddly-dressed figure was the man I most wanted to see. He was wearing the traveler's traditional flat straw hat, and strange clothing, but it was Sasuke. My heart started to beat a little faster, and my attempt to play it cool failed miserably as I rushed headlong into the narrow, shadowed lane.
"Sasuke! I've"—one hand gripped my shoulder, and another pressed against my mouth, preventing further speech.
"Sorry Chieko, we need to get out of here. Okay?" Sasuke sounded apologetic, but didn't remove his hand until I nodded. His fingers seemed to linger on my face for a moment longer than necessary. A weird part of my brain replayed the sensation of Mitsuhide's mocking caress earlier, cataloguing similarities and differences. Then the hand on my shoulder slid down to close firmly over mine, and a giddy, swooping feeling in my stomach made me a little light-headed. I winced internally as I felt the goofy smile hit my face. You are an independent, adult woman, not a fourteen-year-old with a crush! Despite my best efforts, Mitsuhide's smirk flashed across my mind, followed by Nobunaga's irritatingly knowing expression.
Sasuke was already moving by the time I got my head together, and I had to hurry to keep up with him. Despite his obvious anxiety to leave town quickly, his grip never tightened too far, nor did his pace increase beyond what I could handle in my kimono and sandals. For some reason, I could feel myself smiling again. Pull it together, Chieko! He's just a considerate guy, not some kind of hero. I mean, you didn't see him for a week, and now he's dragging you off somewhere without an explanation! And you're happy about it! (Mental eye-roll.)
Out of nowhere, my usually quiescent—more like comatose—romantic self downed a few shots of espresso, sat up, and took umbrage. And how many considerate guys have you actually met in the last couple of years? Right? So shut up! I had a point, I conceded, blithely going where I was tugged.
Actually, Mitsunari was often considerate, if not always helpful. And Hideyoshi could be very considerate, once you got past his—let's be honest—obsession with Nobunaga, and if you didn't mind Extreme Fussing™. Masamune was a good guy—and a great cook—despite living life at twice normal speed. In fact, they all had their own ways of being kind, even Mitsuhide, although his version was subtle, and usually involved him entertaining himself at your expense while helping you. Fine, noted my romantic self, now sipping gently at a mild green tea with lemon, but you're not holding hands with any of them.
We traversed several of Azuchi's less pleasant lanes and back-streets, before emerging onto a footpath leading across a meadow toward a not-too-distant wood. It was a beautiful day, and bright flowers were scattered throughout the waving grasses. Sasuke came to an abrupt halt at the edge of the meadow, and I careened into his back. He automatically helped me to regain my footing, but his eyes remained fixed on some point ahead of us—at least, the glint of sunlight off his half-concealed glasses suggested that he was staring at something.
"I'm fine. Just don't move."
I still couldn't understand what was wrong, but I did my best to obey, a little relieved to get a break from trying to hurry in geta. I continued to peer around Sasuke's side—though without moving too much. The grip on my hand tightened a little, and my companion looked down at me and then away.
"We'll have to go around. I'm sorry about this—it will be slightly harder for you underfoot."
"Sasuke, what are we going around?"
His expression didn't change, but his cheeks and neck reddened a little. Was he embarrassed? His expression was as difficult to read as ever, especially since his upper face was in shadow under his straw hat.
"…Could we discuss that later? Right now we have to get under cover. Though it was clever of you to lose them back in the market."
"Lose who?" I demanded, starting forward a little reluctantly this time.
"Lord Mitsuhide's agents. I thought that was why you travelled so randomly around the market area."
I was stuck on the first part.
"Agents? Mitsuhide's agents?"
"My hypothesis was erroneous, it seems."
We were moving again, but a little more slowly than before. The grasses in this area had been regularly scythed, and there were no flowers. There wasn't so much a path as a wide, rather barren field that appeared to go on all the way to the trees in the middle distance.
"I guess so—that you were mistaken. I have no idea what's going on." I was momentarily distracted by a different question. Or maybe I just had too many things to think about at once and fixed on something irrelevant. "I wonder why this area is all grass? I hadn't thought about it before, but it's like this all the way around the town, pretty much. Not short and hard-packed like this, but you know what I mean." You're babbling, dear. Yeah, I'd noticed, thanks.
Sasuke's grip loosened a little, as though he appreciated the break from more difficult subjects (whatever they were). Naturally, he knew the answer to my not-quite-question.
"Most castle towns are like this—in Europe as well as Japan, from what I've read. You don't want an army to be able to creep up on your castle or castle town. So you cut down the forest around the town. The area we're crossing now is where the Oda forces drill. That's why it's so hard underfoot, and the grass has bare patches."
"They've been at war for a long time, haven't they? All of them, I mean." After two months, I'd finally gotten my head around it, but sometimes the whole Warring States thing really hit me.
"Yes. Over a hundred years already—so not just the existing warlords, but their fathers and grandfathers and so on. It was a terrible time, but…" Sasuke slowed, and I knew without looking up that his expression had become both more animated and a little distant.
"But there were some brilliant and wonderful people?" I asked softly, not wanting to break this brief sense of being outside all of the bloodshed and disaster. I could pretend to be out on a summer walk with a friend, just chatting—for no apparent reason—about historical Japan. Do you always hold hands with your friends? No—now go away, you're interrupting my fantasy. …Which involves holding hands with a Sengoku fanboy named after a famous, but probably fictional ninja?
"Yes, exactly," said the fanboy in question. For a moment, I couldn't recall which question he was answering, and just stared at him blankly. "…Chieko?"
We were almost at the edge of the wooded area, but Sasuke stopped and peered at me as though trying to figure out why I'd stopped working. I found myself holding my breath, keenly aware of just how close he was now that we were facing each other. He still had my hand, and my imagination was starting to get the better of me.
"I was just thinking things over," I said hastily, trying to ignore the fact that he looked adorable, even in the ridiculous straw hat. Wait—seriously? Adorable?
"I see. It's true that there's a great deal to consider. For my part, although I can't condone the way in which violence is used as the first—and often only—approach to dispute resolution, I have come to greatly respect the warlords with whom I've served, even beyond my pre-existing, quite considerable admiration. I suspect that they are all suffering from various mental health issues, but despite this, they seem more alive, more vibrant, than most of the people I know back home."
I found myself nodding at his words, and saw his lips curve into his rare, rather shy smile. My heartbeat sped up further. "I'm glad we can talk about things like this, Chieko," he told me earnestly. "I mean, I realize that you are the only other time traveller here—that I know of—but, just for the record, I consider myself fortunate that you were the person who was inadvertently trapped here with me."
"Oh…" I managed feebly. Was that some kind of confession, or was Sasuke just that oblivious?
There was a short, possibly awkward silence. Then Sasuke's eyes went very wide behind his glasses, and he quickly took a half-step backward, letting go of my hand. This time the blush was unmistakeable.
"I'm sorry—I didn't mean—that is, we should keep going. This is all because of the—of them—being in the way when you were sick. Chaos rides on their fluttering wings. I should have known that something like this would happen."
Sasuke's last two or three sentences were muttered under his breath and largely incomprehensible to me. I had the impression that I wouldn't have understood even if I'd heard him properly.
We slipped under the shade of the trees just a few minutes later, and Sasuke took off the hat and peasant's kimono he'd used as a disguise—principally for changing his outline, he explained, although the hat was also useful for concealing his glasses (less reflected light off the lenses). Before I could ask any questions, he told me that we were "almost there," and moved silently away. His cheeks were no longer red, but he still wouldn't meet my eyes.
Despite Sasuke's assurances, it took another twenty minutes to reach our destination. Yukimura was waiting at the door of a small wooden hut, looking just about as twitchy and irritable as I was starting to feel. My sandals were pretty, but not appropriate attire for hurrying over rough ground, or through the woods. And my sore feet were the least of my worries.
"Sasuke! Where the hells have you been, moron?! You were supposed to be back here an hour ago—at least!"
"I'm sorry I'm late," Sasuke replied calmly, pausing to exchange a complicated fist bump that looked distinctly out-of-place in Sengoku Japan. "Things came up."
"What's that supposed to mean? You said you needed to tell Chieko about some stuff and then we could go. Have you even told her anything yet?"
"Hi Yukimura, nice to see you again," I said politely.
"Right—hi. I'm afraid we've got go now. Akechi's really turned up the heat in the last few days, since Sasuke's last mission went wrong somehow."
They were returning to Kasugayama? For good? I brushed away a sudden—and totally excessive—sense of disappointment. And something went wrong with Sasuke's last mission? Anything involving Mitsuhide was potentially dangerous.
"Sorry, I really don't know what's going on. Sasuke kind of grabbed me from the market and now we're here." I gave Yukimura my best innocent bystander look. He frowned, but it wasn't the scowl that I used to get. His eyes flicked over to Sasuke, and I sensed something like concern. I was impressed with the lack of eye-roll.
"Well? Do you need a bit more time? As long as you didn't accidentally lead anybody here—"
"I didn't." Sasuke's reply was unusually terse.
"Okay, fine. Just remember that everyone makes mistakes, even you, so—"
"I have never assumed that I am infallible, Yukimura. However—"
"Then stop beating yourself up for making one mistake, okay? It's annoying. Besides, we had to leave now anyway, as it turns out."
"…I understand."
This time, Yukimura did roll his eyes, but I couldn't blame him. What was going on with Sasuke?
"Alright, I'm heading out. You, uh, explain things to Chieko, then catch up to me." He gave me a quick nod, and a wry smile. "See you 'round, Chieko. Don't run off any cliffs after we've gone, okay?"
"Sure thing, Yukimura." My return smile wasn't feigned—it was an old jibe, and the guy had saved my life. "Look after yourself, okay?"
"Yeah, sure. Although—" Yukimura hesitated, then shook his head. "It's just weird, you know? The people I need to watch out for most are your buddies on the Oda forces. And vice versa." The last was said with chilling sincerity.
"As I explained before," interposed Sasuke, "Chieko values personal friendships above the feudal ties of lord and vassal. She wants everyone to be safe."
Yukimura just shook his head again—at me, at Sasuke, at life in general. "That's not how it works. But—hope you can stay out of the worst of it, Chieko. See you soon, Sasuke. No offence to Chieko, but we've got some feudal ties to honour. And Lord Kenshin won't go easy on you if you're late."
"I am aware of the value that Lord Kenshin places on loyal service. I will rendezvous with you tomorrow."
"Tomorrow?! You're using weird words again, but tomorrow? We're due back—"
"ASAP. I know. But I have a few more loose ends to tie up."
There was a brief stare-off, then Yukimura shrugged. "It's your neck. Literally."
On that valedictory—and ominous—note, Yukimura turned and strode off. He navigated the undergrowth without difficulty, the sword on his hip and spear on his back as comfortable and familiar as his tunic and trousers. All at once I felt like I was seeing Sanada Yukimura the warlord, rather than Yukimura, Sasuke's merchant friend.
Stay tuned for chapter 3, where things get decidedly more risqué! Okay, but Sasuke is just an overachieving cinnamon-roll and I ♥ him.
Tags:   @cherryb0mb79 @shell-senji @nalufever @hidetheremote @eliz1369 @iamaikotachibana @flower-dragon @canadiangaap @yum-chan  @llama-in-socks (thank you for wanting more!)
Thank you to @acrispyapple for your kindness. ♥ (also, Byron - nuff said)
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