#annoying and untrustworthy in a v specific way
xwhitenoise · 1 year
"nichole why did you put so much effort into looking into that antler flute guy" because he seemed like an annoying cunt with bad vibes and i'm glad to see i was right
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ladyimaginarium · 9 months
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Here's y'all's free general collective reading ( including myself& / ourselves& collectively ) that I& promised today for the new year!! From left to right: The World, The High Priestess, The Star, Temperance, Queen Of Pentacles & The Lovers !!
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The World: This is extremely fitting considering The World means completing another cycle, in this case, the new year. You may already be accomplishing something that you've been meaning to manifest or you're about to accomplish something huge or overcoming learning a hard lesson that you had to learn in order to grow. I'm& getting that for at least some, maybe one or two of you, that you had to part ways with a friend, a family member or maybe even a lover for whatever reason, regardless it was someone you loved & trusted. Whether it was someone betraying your trust or someone passing away, I'm& really sorry if this applies to one or some of y'all, that's never easy. Though, for most of you, considering it's in the upright positio, I'm& getting a more positive vibe. Some of you may be getting a job opportunity or a promotion or leaving to find a better job if you're working. I'm& getting that... maybe someone's getting married this year. Idk who exactly this applies to but if you're engaged & it's already happening this year, I'm& so happy for y'all !! Regardless of what it is, a cycle is closing & regardless of what that is, I'm& really glad for y'all.
The High Priestess: You may be undergoing a moment of isolation and contemplation. This is probably only gonna resonate for a few of of y'all but some of y'all may be practicing witchcraft & getting into the occult more or connecting to your faith of choice or.. I'm& getting for a handful of y'all, you may end up starting meditation which I'd& highly recommend, it's v healing. I'm& getting the feeling that you may be thinking of how you can improve yourself. A spirit, an ancestor or I'm& getting the more likely case is that a deity may be wanting to contact you to work with you so if you've been getting that feeling of intuition, trust it. This is probably only gonna apply to a few of you considering the card is upright, but you may feel like something is off with someone or maybe even that someone is untrustworthy, I& say follow your gut; you know yourself. The mind is loud but the intuition is quiet, it whispers. I& realize this is completely random but I'm& getting that you may be watching a mystery series or end up writing a mystery novel. Some of you may be going back to school for the winter semester & to that I& wish everyone here the best of luck in your studies !! Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces may be significant, you may have those in your placements or someone you know may have those placements !!
The Star: This is SO GOOD Y'ALL I CAAAAAAN'T. Whenever I& get this card I& get real giddy. The Star represents hope and aspirations and having faith. Keep the faith & keep going, whatever it is you're working with !! Something will work out for you !! Aquarius may be significant to you; you may have those placements or someone you know who may be an Aquarius or has those placements may be significant. I'm& getting "therapist" in my& head. Some of y'all may be going to therapy or starting the healing process or going back to therapy, considering healing is a part of what The Star represents. This may be for perhaps one of you but you yourself could be attaining some level of recognition this year publicly, whether it's for a post you make or artwork you make, who knows, maybe you actually end up being literally famous. Regardless of what it is that's going on, things seem like they'll be getting better !!
Temperance: You may be asked to be patient for something you're waiting to happen, whether that's something that's going on in your relationships, your career or for some of you a new apartment or home & I& KNOOOOOOW how annoying that is to hear, trust me&, but patience is a virtue. I'm& getting this specific message for some of you: Be careful about being too pushy with someone, especially if it's a friend or a partner, you never know what someone else may be going through, and be cautious about what you say to people, you may end up hurting someone really badly whether you intend to or not. Look at your relationships and at yourself and ask yourself if you're too giving or too reserved; don't be afraid to open up because the right people will accept you. Don't beat yourself up for making mistakes, especially when you don't intend to. Sometimes it's worth being patient & I& have to remind myself& of that sometimes and that the right people will be there with me& no matter what, too. I'm& getting this randomly but I'm& getting that if you believe that crystal healing is a thing, Tiger's Eye may be helpful to keep on you. Sagittarius may be significant, either you yourself could have those placements or someone you know may have those placements. Some of you may be traveling this year, just make sure to keep your masks on if you are, COVID is still very much a thing !!
Queen Of Pentacles: You may be getting more financially stable & here's hoping to that!! I'm& getting a sister, a mother, an aunt, grandmother, maternal figure, maybe even a deity or at the very least someone with feminine energy ( this person doesn't have to be a woman, anyone can have feminine energy regardless of gender, sex or orientation ! ) may be significant to you this year, or you yourself could end up taking on a maternal role or more feminine role to someone you care about. Some of you may be cooking more. This is very specific but to any of my& plural friends here, I'm& getting perhaps one or more of your caregiver system members may be more prominent this year. Some of you may be opening commissions or may even be starting your own business this year & if this applies to you, we& wish you all the luck in the world !! Don't be afraid to spoil yourself, there's nothing wrong with getting stuff for yourself !! You may be invited to or partake in a big event. If you're getting more money this year and have the means to do so, you may end up generously donating to the poor and those in need & if you can afford to do that, all the better, because there's a lot going on in the world as we speak. Pentacles resonate with Earth so Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn may resonate with you, either you yourself could have those placements or someone significant to you may have those placements. Wishing y'all all the best !!
The Lovers: omggggg this is literally so sweet, if you're single, some of y'all may be getting into a romantic relationship this year !! If you're already in a romantic relationship or an otherwise committed relationship, I'm& getting y'all will have more time to spend with each other and maybe even get into a higher level of commitment like getting engaged or moving in together. Some of y'all may be getting into a queerplatonic relationship or are simply getting more friends this year & all of which are completely wonderful & none are inherently better than the other !! This could only apply to a few of you but you may be reconciling with someone, whether it's an ex lover or a friend who did you wrong, whether or not you accept them back is entirely up to you. Someone may be coming to apologize to you. The Lovers can also mean a choice that you'll need to make, whether it's in the romantic sphere or choosing between two career options, you're likely going to have to make a choice that's one or the other - whichever it is, follow your heart & your intuition. The Lovers are ruled by Gemini so that may be specific, you yourself can either have these placements or someone who may be significant to you may have those placements. Regardless, for the vast majority, all of this seems like a good outcome & we're& so happy for you !!
Additional Notes: Summer may be significant to you. This seems like a really good outcome for a lot of y'all !! Undoubtedly with every year there's always gonna be ups and downs but for the most part it does seem like things may be going good for y'all !! If any of this resonates with you, you can reblog it & add it in the tags or comment how it resonates, I'm curious to see how this resonated with you !!
Disclaimer: take what resonates & leave the rest, keep in mind that this is a general collective reading for the collective for the new year of 2024 so not every message may apply, love y'all !!
decks used: Killstar ( or as we& call it, Memento Mori ) tarot, & GANGSTA. tarot.
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noddytheornithopod · 5 years
So... what’s up with the meteors? How does this relate to everything? Seriously, if this ties to my tragedy theory then what even is this? Did Kazuichi engineer meteors or something to hit the Earth??? Also... translators, why the fuck did you need to use “invalid” to mean disabled people? That’s pretty fucking ableist. Even if the equivalent was still in Japanese (which is still BS of course, ableism should never be tolerated, don’t make me go Monodam on you)
Okay so everyone’s now suspicious of Maki, but Kaito wants to see the best in everyone so he believes that there’s more to her than just being an assassin.
Holy shit, so Monodam not only killed his fellow Monokubs, but now he launches a coup and disposes Monokuma from running things. Now Monokuma is just a silent husk of his former self. :v Honestly it’s intriguing but also hilarious. Monodam wants everyone to just get along, but he’s now forcing it. Poor guy was obviously treated like shit by the others (especially Monokid of course), so he clearly wants revenge and thus is on his power trip. He almost sounds like he doesn’t want the killing to continue, but I can’t tell TBH. To you I say... Monodam is still best Monokub.
Tsumugi... you’re rude to Gonta for saying he’s suddenly a coward and you make a comment about scary asylums full of “lunatics”... don’t test me young lady, you already made perverted comments, don’t push it.
Lol, the empty rooms have the ghosts of Monokuma and the dead Monokubs.
Okay, Kiyo seems like he’s orgasming at the stuff in the anthropology lab. Also his threat to Kokichi was amazing. But yeah, that was fun. Also wow, stuff talking about communicating with the dead, that’s creepy... and Shuichi even has a brief moment of “well I WOULD like to talk to Kaede”.
Angie’s lab was I guess a thing. I’m sure the locking will come to play in the murder. Oddly not much to say here, unlike about Miss Yonaga herself as you’ll see...
Okay this fourth floor in general is pretty creepy, but in a cool way (not like a CERTAIN SOMEONE I’ll get to). The computer was something, IDK what that was about, though I guess the “new world” aspect does sound like the Neo-World. Wonder what the heck this is gonna mean in the future.
So Tenko has a lab now, and she can train there, cool. Also wow, she got real for a second.
Okay so... what the fuck was that Miu and Keebo scene? Like yeah it seems like Miu was cleaning Keebo, but they were also clearly attracted to each other. It almost looked like an actual sex scene (or was it actually one?)???
So the memory flashlight only shows that weird funeral we saw in chapter 2, but now with everyone instead of just Kaede. From what I’m guessing, the whole “erasing their memories to live normal lives” thing required them all to fake their deaths and that’s what the funeral is about. IDK why they’re all together, were they all a class before? Were they just remaining Ultimates? Did they all fake their deaths in the same event? Of course, this could be more deception too...
Okay wow, Kaito is really concerned about Maki. He brings her out to train with him and Shuichi, and even though she resists for a bit, she decides to give in. She doesn’t stay around for long, but it’s something.
Okay so the morning... we still get a motive, though is this now all to get along given Monodam is in control? Or are we still doing the killing game? Anyway... this motive claims to allow resurrection of the dead, specifically one of their four classmates.
Okay so... ANGIE WHAT THE FUCK? When I noticed Tsumugi mention Atua I got suspicious, but then Keebo mentioned Atua too... and then we see fucking Tenko has joined them too. Angie then seduces Gonta with her shit and welp. Now half of the class has been brainwashed into Angie’s “student council” (read: Atua cult). Tsumugi, you’re no longer fave, you’re cancelled for being an Angie puppet! :v
So it seems like Angie seduced them all. Gonta is simple and believes whatever is told to him, Himiko needed someone to look up to, Tsumugi feels insecure and plain so a “higher purpose” probably is seductive sounding, Keebo sounded jealous that Miu was with the New World computer more than him so Angie used that to convince him that authoritarianism was best for stability. Tenko I’m not so sure about, but it feels like she wanted to be with Himiko so gave in. And of course, they’re all trapped in the school so Angie’s alternative idea might be appealing.
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I actually like Kokichi a lot more now. I’ll take the annoying prick over the creepy cult! Obviously as a liar he sees through Angie’s BS. As annoying as he can be, he certainly knows his shit and of course is fun to try and deduct what he’s up to. Kiyo as an anthropologist would also know how cults work and see their BS. Miu is too sciencey, and you could argue Kaito is too but for him it also becomes more about the rampant authoritarianism they bring now as well as him not wanting to give up and truly survive (which Kaede also helped inspire in him). Maki and Shuichi also feel the same (as do the others, Kaito is just really strong in his love of freedom), but Shuichi also feels indebted to Kaede to get everyone out alive.
I also tried a free time with Kokichi, but I fucked it up. I guess Shuichi did briefly learn a bit about how people brainwash others though. :v
Because I hate myself, I saw the goddamn man’s fantasy scene. It becomes even more uncomfortable when you realise this is Angie’s organising. Monokuma showing up was funny though.
Kaito feels really uneasy, I’m not sure if it’s just the cult stuff or also the idea of resurrecting the dead. Maybe he wants to resurrect Kaede, and despite how scary and impossible he finds the idea he can’t get the idea out of his head?
So because Tsumugi is cancelled, I am now hanging out with my weird anthropology buddy Kiyo. His free times are still pretty interesting with the anthropology stuff, though him mentioning his sister and how she inspired him was a nice backstory. Also if she’s only friends with girls, is that a part of why he makes himself look and act so effeminate?
Kaito doesn’t even go out to train at night. I’m worried about him. Maki actually comes with Shuichi and they just do it together themselves. From the sounds of it, Maki didn’t choose to become an assassin, but was made to be one, and now feels detached from her humanity as a result. It’s also why she’s so good at pushups, lol.
Okay wow, the council stopping Maki was really creepy. As if the prejudice wasn’t enough towards her, Angie’s authoritarian streak now forbids anyone going out at night. If she was annoying before, I now hate her.
Well the morning was really creepy. The student council announces their preparations for resurrection, and it sounds like they’re even considering human sacrifices. Yeah, we’re getting pretty out there.
So the Monokubs bring a memory light to try and create some peace... but Angie destroys it. Of course her minions agree with her because their council is organised so that Atua decides everything... and as point it out, it just means Angie is running everything. Kaito is mega pissed off (also because the exit hole is blocked off, but this is the last straw), and honestly I feel him.
Monodam, Angie stopped them from getting along by destroying the flashlight. I’m just saying, you COULD punish her, maybe whip out the Exisals or something... YES I WANT ANGIE TO DIE, SHE’S REACHED A POSITION ONLY TERUTERU HAS: “I hate you with all my guts and I hope you die.”
I’m up to the free times now, but gosh, things were so intense I had to stop. Cults and brainwashing like this really get under my skin. Like, if Angie were simply a creepy cult leader, I wouldn’t hate her as much... but she’s clearly Polynesian. So basically: not only do we have a racial stereotype of someone who acts simple and naively kind and a whole host of other Polynesian and Indigenous stereotypes... but now she’s deceptive and untrustworthy, sucking people into her cult to grow power for herself. Seriously, fuck Angie, and fuck her creators for thinking it’s acceptable to have your resident foreigner for the game be a Polynesian who’s weird, primitive and now obsessively religious to the point of authoritarianism and brutality.
Okay, so... where will things go from here? I’m not even sure at this rate. Angie is obviously going to play a central role in the next case. Whether she’s murdered or is the murder is a question though, though if you look at Mikan revealing she had Despair Disease and remembered her Despair self and Celeste being found out as Taeko Yasuhiro, I won’t be surprised if Angie is the killer. It’s arguably predictable, but it’s satisfying too. :V Because I mean, Angie is clearly using the Atua religion as a means to gain power for herself, and in the first investigation Kaede when talking to her notes that her religion sounds like some kind of scam, I forget the exact lines but I think it mentioned guys on the internet too? So basically: Angie’s a hack and she’s gonna be exposed.
That being said, Angie WOULD be predictable as the killer like I said. I COULD see Kaito snapping and killing her as a self sacrifice on his behalf just to remind everyone of what Kaede wanted and that giving up isn’t living (wow, that’s like Makoto at the end of the first game... but with dying).
So the third chapter is always the double murder one... but worst case scenario: we get a Jonestown massacre situation. Not just two murders, but as many as five: I’d be surprised if we went that far, but the worst case scenario is Angie ordering her followers to kill themselves for the resurrection ritual to work. Of course, if they’re not ruled as suicides then that’s a problem - I’m PRETTY sure the two or more rule was in it, but I admit I’m not entirely sure, so maybe there’s leeway. Regardless, we’re in dangerous waters. I mean, Angie DID mention human sacrifice as a possibility. Maybe Angie could also order the defiant ones to be killed because they’re disturbing the peace (in other words, she makes the others kill FOR her), I mean this IS a clear allegory for the dogma of organised religion and even authoritarianism in general. It’s literally a cult.
Also like the second game, people’s minds are being fucked with in the third chapter, it’s just now someone instead of something. :v
So... what if the whole resurrecting the dead thing is just bullshit? What if it’s just to see how far someone would go to do this, even if it means killing someone? And of course this would be a failure of getting along, so Monodam will be mega pissed off, and the blackened failed the test.
That being said, what if the resurrection IS real? Obviously there will be a weird explanation for it (maybe the New World computer ties to it, especially if it’s a Neo-World thing?), but Rantaro being back would obviously be a big deal. That being said, what if instead of him it’s Kaede who comes back? Angie dismissed her as a murderer, but Kaede just got her target wrong and fucked up. And I mean, I’m sure Shuichi and Kaito would be happy to see her at least (provided they can believe she’s really back).
Angie and Monodam share interesting parallels. They claim to want the same thing, but their methods are different. Monodam is taking control through fear, while Angie brainwashes people into following her with promises of love and peace. That being said, Monodam, please take care of Angie. She IS the core of why they’re not getting along. ;P
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