#annika xue
lins-fandom-hub · 1 year
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I finally got Magic Awakened! This looks so cool so far I love it! Annika's the sweetest bean and I know she'll make many friends and have so much fun.
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jayrart · 4 years
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😄 Annika Xue belongs to @lins-hogwarts-mystery
Thank you so much for following and supporting me I really appreciate it !!💗💗
Really hope you like your girl!! Sorry if it's not to your liking just hope I was able to do her justice. she is soo beautiful btw!!
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bloodiedbeauty-a · 6 years
can you sort your muses from youngest to oldest?
I can, if I split between canon and oc since I like the extra subcatagorization:
Canon -
Snow White 16
Barbie Roberts 16
Clara 16
Genevieve 16
Rosella 16
Odette 17
Rapunzel 17
Anneliese 20
Erika 20
Annika 21
Barbie Roberts (S&M) 25
OC -
Vidam 14
Zhen Xue 15
Elenore 16
Antonio 20
Magdelena 20
Christina 34
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chicagochinesenews · 7 years
(本報訊)在五月二十和二十一日舉行的伊州規模最大難度最高的奧林匹克鋼琴比賽中,倪濤老師的學生們同往年一樣以扎實的基本功幾乎包辦了各比賽組的前三名。特別是有四十位學生創紀錄地獲得冠軍第一名!其中Alice Cao獲得兩個獨奏第一名:紀念比賽第一名$150元獎金和Senior組第一名,Aaron Lu獲得紀念比賽第三名$75元獎金。………………….. 己有三十多年教學經驗的倪濤老師一九八二年畢業於上海音樂學院鋼琴系本科,一九八二年至一九八九年任中國中央樂團鋼琴家,一九八九年至一九九二年獲得全部獎學金畢業於芝加哥美利堅音樂學院獲得鋼琴碩士學位。 以下是獲獎學生名單: 紀念比賽第一名:Alice Cao 第三名:Aaron Lu
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第一名 (First Place) Jason Lu, Olivia Timmermann, Jake Lu, Annika Zhang , Angie Song, Jason Peng, Arianna Lam, Melody Hu, Kacy Liu, Rachel Zuo, Xingying Liu, Clarissa Chen, Laure McIntyre, Tiffany Tu, Ivy Shen, Richard Chen, Aaron Chen, Darlene Chen, Yutong He, Renee Qin, Alexia McIntyre, Gillian Mui, Minghan Hou, Angelina Duan, Amanda Zhang, Winston Chen, Sean Cao, Alice Cao, Aaron Lu,重奏:William Wang, Sophia Wang, Ethan Pan, Arianna Lam, Renee Qin, Rachelle Qin, Angelina Duan, Emily Wang, Sean Cao, Alice Cao. 第二名(Second Place) Grace Liu, Anthony Qin, George An, Sean Zhang, Rachel Chen, Ethan Pan, Abigail Lu, Ethan Du, Haidee Yan, Anthony Chen, Emily Wang, Sophia Wang, Chuqi Zheng, Nicolas Liu, Allan Teng,重奏 Alysia Lu, Jake Lu, Kacy Liu, Amy Dong, Alexia McIntyre, Laure McIntyre, Aaron Lu, Megan Lu. 第三名 ( Third Place) Henry Wu, Aslan Choi, Emanel Sheng, Barry Zhu, Harrison Zhang, Vincent Wu, Kevin Zhang, Kevin Xue, David Gao, Rachelle Qin, Megan Lu,重奏 Vanessa Zhang, Alinna Zhang, Henry Wu, Becky Wu 倪濤學生伊州鋼琴大賽捧回七十九座獎盃! (本報訊)在五月二十和二十一日舉行的伊州規模最大難度最高的奧林匹克鋼琴比賽中,倪濤老師的學生們同往年一樣以扎實的基本功幾乎包辦了各比賽組的前三名。特別是有四十位學生創紀錄地獲得冠軍第一名!其中Alice Cao獲得兩個獨奏第一名:紀念比賽第一名$150元獎金和Senior組第一名,Aaron Lu獲得紀念比賽第三名$75元獎金。.......................
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lins-fandom-hub · 4 years
HPMA Profile - Annika Xue
A lot of people are doing this, and I don’t even know when the game is gonna release worldwide. But anyway, I’ll hop on the bandwagon. 
Template by @hogwartsmysterystory​
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Name: Annika Zhuo-Yin Xue
Gender: Female
Birth Date: January 21, year TBD
Species: Human
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Sexuality: Hetero
Alignment: Neutral Good
Ethnicity: Chinese
Nationality: Chinese
Residence: Changchun, China
Myer Briggs Personality Type: ISFP
Wand: Maple with phoenix feather core, 10.5 inches, pliant
I have often found that those chosen by maple wands are by nature travellers and explorers; they are not stay-at-home wands, and prefer ambition in their witch or wizard, otherwise their magic grows heavy and lacklustre. Fresh challenges and regular changes of scene cause this wand to literally shine, burnishing itself as it grows, with its partner, in ability and status. This is a beautiful and desirable wood, and wand quality maple has been among the most costly for centuries. Possession of a maple wand has long been a mark of status, because of its reputation as the wand of high achievers.
Animagus: N/A
Misc Magical Abilities: N/A as of now
Boggart Form: Annika’s Boggart is almost completely impossible to see, but it bubbles on the ground to the point where she could sink forever into the depths. She’s scared of sinking into quicksand in the midst of rainy weather, losing her footing until the earth swallows her whole.
Riddikulus Form: In the Riddikulus form, the Boggart would turn into a bunch of confetti on the floor, with more confetti raining down on her. 
Amortentia: Annika would smell like raspberries, mint, freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, and...popcorn?
Amortentia: What does she smell? Currently unknown.
Patronus: If Annika were to produce a Patronus, her form would be a field mouse.
Patronus Memory: Her Patronus memory would be of the day she took the flying motorbike ride with Hagrid. It was the first real taste of freedom she had, after all--and the first time she realized how much she loved to fly.
Mirror of Erised: In the Mirror of Erised, Annika would see herself as a successful inventor, with goggles on and her tools at the ready. Whatever it was she was inventing in her reflection, she would never know, but the image held so much use to her. Magical engineering has always been her dream.
Specialized/Favourite Spells: Wingardium Leviosa is her favourite. She loved to see things fly. She also likes to use Stupefy in a duel, Reparo on her books, Aguamenti just because, and Ascendio to feel that rush of flight without a broom. 
Faceclaim: Zheng Shuang
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Voiceclaim: Stephanie Hsu
Height: 5’4”
Weight: She errs on the lighter side of the average weight of girls her age, but she’s not completely frail.
Physique: Slender and willowy
Eye Colour: dark brown
Hair Colour: black
Skin Tone: pale
Body Modifications: Pierced ears--Annika wears studded earrings (her favourite ones are the snowflake ones, by the way).
Scarring: N/A
Inventory: Annika always carries a few things from home and more if she needs them in a pinch. Some of the things she’d bring because of obvious reasons are three quills, two ink pots, several rolls of empty parchment, a box of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans, a locket with a picture of her family on their farm, a calligraphy brush, her Ravenclaw scarf, and a small wrench. 
Fashion: Annika’s actually very prim and proper when it comes to clothing, but she knows casual just as well. She loves wearing colourful pull-over sweaters in the fall, paired with jeans and black and white sneakers; in the winter it’s a sheep wool coat of a brown colour made from her family’s farm, with jeans and a pair of warm black boots; in the spring and summer it’s a t-shirt with a skirt and sandals. No, there’s no need to name colours here. After she made the Quidditch team, she could also be seen wearing her sports sweater once in a while.
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Affiliations/Organizations: Ravenclaw House, Hogwarts; Ravenclaw Quidditch team; TBD
Professions: Self-employed Inventor. She eventually founded a company of her own that geared toward incorporating magic in everyday Muggle items--safely, of course--and it flourished through the years.
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: O
Charms: O
Flying: O
Herbology: E
History of Magic: E
Potions: E
Transfiguration: O
Electives: Muggle Studies (O), Arithmancy (E), Ancient Runes (A), Care of Magical Creatures (E)
Quidditch: Ravenclaw Seeker (2nd year to the end of Hogwarts)
Extra Curricular: TBD
Favourite Professors: Professor Flitwick, Professor Slughorn
Least Favourite Professors: Professor Binns
Father: Frank Xue
Frank is an accomplished farmer who worked the land with his own parents throughout his life. Of course he got a fair education himself--he was homeschooled by his father until age 12, when he eventually went to public school. After he got his degree in agriculture and economics, he settled down on his own plot of land and continued to work on his crops.
Mother: Isla Xue (nee Zheng)
Isla was born a city girl, but eventually went with Frank to the country after she finished her degree in fine arts. She was raised with several siblings and so knew how to handle a family when the time came for it. She was kind but usually stern whenever someone stepped a toe out of line.
Love Interest: TBD
Best Friends: TBD
Rival: TBD
Enemy: TBD
Dormmates: TBD
Pets: Annika brought a rat named Cici--a small white rat who likes to sleep a lot.
Closest Canon Friends: TBD
Closest MC Friends: 
Henrietta “H.G.” Gray (@ljthebard1​)
Robin Llewelyn Isherwood (@cursebreakerfarrier​)
Pre Hogwarts: 
Annika was born and raised in Changchun on her family’s farm. A Muggleborn with big dreams, she would often be found chasing butterflies and dragonflies around on the farm at a younger age.
When she grew older she began to help around with minor fixes to make the family’s life much easier--repairing leaks, sewing tears in blankets, screwing on loose bolts, those kinds of things.
She didn’t realize she had magical powers until she was 9 years old, when she made things float on her own will. This scared her.
It wasn’t until Mahoutokoro first sent her a letter that she knew she was a born witch. Hogwarts’ letter followed swiftly after, however, and she was torn between which to go to until Hagrid actually burst into her home telling her all about Hogwarts.
1st Year: 
Annika was Sorted into Ravenclaw in her first year.
Annika actually was considered to be Seeker for the team but she declined the offer.
2nd Year: 
Annika makes the Ravenclaw team as Seeker after a fair tryout.
3rd Year: TBD
4th Year: TBD
5th Year: TBD
6th Year: TBD
7th Year: TBD
Following her graduation, she began to work on inventing things at home, and two years later began to open her own magical engineering company.
Annika is flighty and high spirited. Enthusiastic around friends, she is actually quite shy when one first meets her, though.
She has a big compassionate heart and is always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need.
She doesn’t flaunt her intelligence as much as everyone expected her to. In fact, she keeps them to herself and only performs when needed.
Whenever trouble arises, she tries not to get involved. If it involves her friends, though, don’t be surprised to see her with a trick up her sleeve.
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lins-fandom-hub · 4 years
Names for all of them please?
Clara Xing-Hui Lin
Clara: It’s my name, actually! To be all fair I used to really hate my name since no one else I knew immediately had my name, and I did contemplate on changing it to Karen. However, the desire to change my name just disappeared, I guess? I eventually became pretty proud of it and kept true to it. I don’t know, I just wanted to give her my first and last name because at the time I didn’t even think of actually making her a separate character.
Xing-Hui: In Chinese the writing is 星慧--the first character means “star”, the second means “intelligent and bright”. They both sum up Clara’s personality very well. And yes, given her ethnicity it fits.
Lin: Again, my last name. Chinese writing is 林, meaning “forest”. 
Rose Tanaka
I always liked the name Rose--or any variation of the name, really. Rosella, Rosaline, the name itself was very elegant. Tanaka was a random surname I thought of on the spot, but when I found that it was actually one of the most popular Japanese surnames I just went and rolled with it. She was initially a character I made that was Harry’s age and had a small crush on him, only to have it in fierce competition with her cousin Cho whom Harry had a small crush on--but I decided to put her through the Hogwarts Mystery story line eventually. The only similarity is that Cho Chang is still her cousin.
Emmett Chung
A name I thought of on the fly. Emmett was on variation of my sister’s genderbent name, and I just thought it sounded nice. Yes, there was also a partial influence of the teacher assistant in Legally Blonde, who Elle ends up getting together with after successfully defending a case in court that involved a sorority sister and a crime she did not commit. Chung was a random last name I thought of--it sounded like it had some sort of Cantonese ring so I just rolled with it. 
Annika Xue
Annika’s name came directly from the name of the protagonist of Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus--a girl who loved ice skating and adventure, and risked a lot to save her kingdom and a sister she never knew she had. Xue in Chinese is written 雪--in this case it means “snow”. I always wanted to come up with a character who loved the winter and was the embodiment of the winter season in a good light. Most people associate the season with literal coldness from other characters I know (e.g. the White Witch), but Annika is not like that. Her last name can also be synonymous with the Chinese character 学, meaning “to learn”. 
HPHM/HPMA Asks here!
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