#anne faulkner imagines
seangelfish · 7 months
I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT FOR A LONG TIME YEIII amh I could ask for headcanons for bae and kanata with a cute mc fem from the town who just arrived in the city therefore she doesn't know anything about paradox or hiphop or the city in general je but she is open to learning new things uvu that would be all ~ thank you
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Featured characters: Allen Sugasano, Hajun Yeon, Anne Faulkner, Kanata Yatonokami ♡ Tags: Headcanons but also a bulletpoint fic, mutual crush, casual romance, she/her pronouns, not really proofread! Not really sure what to write for Hajun, so I'm sorry if it's not up to standard! ♡ Word count: 1,895 ♡ Synopsis: You, a newcomer, was introduced into a city of hip hop. You didn't quite understand it, but you were eager to learn from the people around you.
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You have moved here for university, not knowing what this city was actually known for. You just assumed it was any other ordinary city...
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Allen, who was one of your fellow classmates at university was an odd one. He didn't look friendly so you didn't try socialising with him at first, but when you saw how he acted towards his friends, you decided to at least try.
You found out that he was just awkward. He greeted you in return when you introduced yourself, but his eyes started sparkling when you mentioned that you were new to the area. He asked whether you're into hip hop, but if you weren't, he had some recommendations for you to listen to.
"Is hip hop that big here?" you asked him curiously.
"Yeah!" he exclaimed. "There used to be this place called Club Paradox where..."
You listened to him ramble on and on about hip hop and these legends called 'Buraikan' who founded these so-called 'Phantom Lives.'
It was all a little confusing, but it had you intrigued. Because of this, the two of you had exchanged contact info so Allen would be able to send you his recommendations. When you were finished listening to them, you would text him your thoughts. Gradually, you started having a taste for hip hop that in your free time, you'd visit record shops looking for songs that you haven't heard of yet!
Allen was always so appreciative of how willing you were to indulge in his interests — in his life. He wanted to show you more about the city and about hip hop, but he also just wanted to spend more time with you.
"I also produce and write my own songs!" Allen said one day, hoping that would impress you. "Would you like to listen to them?"
"Seriously? That's so cool. Of course, I'd like to listen!"
"Alright, just meet me at the club! I'm performing there as BAE with Anne and Hajun."
"Oh, haven't you been to a club before? Then I'll accompany you before our performance starts. It'll be fun!"
Why not? you thought.
Allen picked you up before his performance and showed you around the club. It was an interesting yet fun experience, but what you found kind of weird was how he kept holding your hand throughout it all. You didn't think too much of it though. He was probably doing that in consideration of you, so you wouldn't get lost in the crowd.
"So yeah, that's pretty much the gist of it!" he said. "Will you be okay here? We're starting in ten minutes."
"Yes, I'll be fine," you replied. "I can't wait to see you perform!"
"Alright, see you later, (Y/N)!"
Watching him perform live was amazing. You finally understood why people here liked watching 'Phantom Lives.' They were incredible! You were so drawn into Allen's performance that you couldn't see anything else but him.
"Haha, how was it?" he asked you, panting.
"It was so cool!" you chirped. "And that was the song you wrote too? It was great!"
"Hahaha, thanks, (Y/N)!"
So whatever Allen did with hip hop, you were there too. You became closer to him than before that he no longer was a classmate to you, but someone even more special.
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Just like everyone else, you were drawn to Hajun's prince-like charms, but you never dared to speak to him. He was definitely on another level than you, and you didn't want to disturb him with your plain, ordinary presence.
However, fate brought you together when Hajun spoke to you first. He picked up clues that you were new around here and wanted to help you familiarise yourself.
Confused but thankful, you accepted his offer. He was like a tour guide, bringing you in his limo around the city. It was kind of awkward at first, but he eased you into it when he would ask you where you came from and why you decided to move. He was friendly, but you could taste the way he teased you too.
After bringing you to so many places, Hajun had asked you if you knew about hip hop or anything to do with phantom lives. When you denied it, he merely chuckled and said that you should watch him perform. He didn't go further than that, so you had to find out yourself what he meant by it.
BAE was his hip hop group where they performed phantom lives at clubs. You entered by yourself, waiting for the show to begin. Hajun was up there on stage accompanied by Anne and Allen. Their performance was spectacular. The way Hajun rapped was something you didn't expect coming from him, but at the same time, it made perfect sense.
"So you made it," he teased. "Did you enjoy the show?"
"Y-Yes, it was good!" you exclaimed. "Those were the illusions you talked about? They were pretty! How were you able to do that?"
"With my phantometal, of course," he replied, showing you the feather ring on his finger. He let you touch it due to curiosity. "Isn't it cool~?"
"It is!" you giggled. "Can I watch you perform again next time?"
"Haha, sure."
Not only did Hajun help you with familiarising yourself with the city, but with university work too. You should be grateful though because he wasn't doing this for just anyone. However, he was also questioning his actions when he thought about it.
He supposed that he was helping you out so much because he was also in a similar position when he arrived in Japan. He just wanted to make your experience here easy for you.
Plus hanging out with someone cute like you was actually fun. He loved answering whatever questions you threw at him especially those relating to hip hop. He always looked forward to your daily greeting in person and text.
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Anne had caught an interest to you almost immediately. Of course, it was because you were cute, but it was also because your outfits were embarrassingly plain. They wondered if you'd allow them to dress you up. So one day in class, they introduced themselves.
Once Anne took in the info that you were new here, they were even more excited to become your friend. They wanted to show you everything! Entertainment, fashion, music, everything you were interested in!
And that's how you were introduced to hip hop too.
Taking in the knowledge of the city from Anne was like homework. They dumped everything on you so quickly that it was hard to grasp, but as they pulled you around the city, it was always so exhilarating.
"Oh, I'm also a part of BAE," they said. "It's the hip hop unit I'm in with Allen and Hajun. We usually perform at clubs, but we're going to be competing in Paradox Live next!"
"P-Paradox Live?" you queried. You knew of phantom lives since Anne mentioned those before, but this was different.
"Yep, it's gonna be huge! We're going up against other hip hop units to win ten billion! You'll come support us, right?"
Of course you were.
But standing in front of Club Paradox was intimidating. Everyone around you looked excited out of their minds, but you were the opposite.
"(Y/N), over here!" called out Anne. As you turned, they linked your arm with theirs and led you inside with Allen and Hajun. "I'm sorry, I'm going to have to leave you here," they continued. "But watch us closely, okay?"
Watching Anne perform that night was thrilling. Even when the rest of the units performed their songs, Anne's performance was something you couldn't shake off. The illusions that they described to you through words could not compare to the real thing.
After that, you would always watch Anne in person whenever they were performing with BAE in Paradox Live; cheering them on and voting for them. Anne would always look for you in the crowd too, happy that you appeared in their life.
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Unlike BAE, you didn't meet Kanata at university. You bumped into him on the streets to university. You were lost and that's how you ended up at the slums. He thought you were an idiot, but he helped you out anyway.
You explained that you were new to the city, so you still didn't know your way around. Kanata was disinterested, but when you asked him why hip hop was so prevalent around here, his ears perked up.
He explained everything, but he also mentioned how there's 'real hip hop' and those who desire to make hip hop but fail. You were curious about what he meant by this, so you pressed him further into showing you what 'real hip hop' was.
He was about to refuse. He didn't really want to get close to you to begin with, but seeing that sparkle in your eye made him think otherwise. It also didn't help that you were kind of cute.
"Fine," he breathed. "When do you finish uni? I could show you today."
And so he did. After dropping you off at university, he picked you up straight after you were finished. It was evening by then, so the streets you walked on were crowded with people waiting for a team called 'Cozmez' to perform.
He grabbed your wrist and dragged you into some shady underground business, situating you in a corner where he was sure nobody could disturb you.
"Just stay here," he said. "You'll be okay."
"W-Wait, where are you going?"
"I'm performing."
Before you could say anything else, he grinned. "You'll see what real hip hop is, (Y/N)."
And he was gone. You noticed that he was with someone else too, someone that looked oddly similar to him that you just knew he was his brother. When they were on stage, the crowd cheered louder than before.
That's when Kanata started rapping. You watched him intently, your eyes following his every movement, his every word. The music was loud, but it was exciting.
"So this is a 'phantom live'..." you murmured to yourself as you watched the illusions the twins were creating. "It's beautiful..."
You didn't expect Kanata to come back to you right after performing, but he did, asking you what you thought of it. You caught the slight bit of excitement in his question which also surprised you because even if you had just met him today, you already had his character noted down in the back of your mind. He was rude and aggressive, but he was also kind in a way.
You smiled. "It was awesome! I can't believe this is what I was missing out on!" you replied. "You were amazing, Kanata!"
His cheeks heated up, but you couldn't tell as it was dim. "Thanks," he said casually.
"Eh~ who's this?" asked his twin. "Kanata, I didn't think you were that type of person–"
"I-It's nothing like that!"
Nayuta introduced himself because if his brother was willing enough to bring a random girl to a place like this, he was sure that Kanata was a little interested in you.
"Be good to my brother, okay?" he whispered into your ear teasingly.
From then on, you became close to the Yatonokami twins, but you were even closer to Kanata, the boy who helped you on your first day. He became a lot more patient with you as he introduced you to even more places around the city, familiarising yourself with hip hop and the story behind it. It was always so fun learning more things when it was with Kanata.
And perhaps, Kanata was a little thankful that you got lost in the slums that day too.
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Intro page | Paradox Live masterlist | Request rules
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paraliveimaginesblog · 2 months
Hi! Could I request BAE with an s/o who makes delicious meals and cooks for them daily? ❤️
Allen Sugasano:
Allen might not say it but you are responsible for keeping his living body in one piece. He tended to forget to eat, especially when in a lyric writing fog, and thus it’s up to you to remind him of his corporeal form. You make the things he loves and foods you know give him energy, a true properly balanced diet so maybe those late nights won’t drag his health down too much. He does show you gratitude with a thanks and a big smile every time you feed him, making it well-worth the effort you put into each meal.
Anne Faulkner:
Anne is eternally grateful as their cooking skill still wasn’t quite where they wanted it to be. They enjoyed cooking together but it was nice to be pampered with a hot meal at the end of a long day. They always looked forward to walking into a home smelling of hot food, excited to see what you were serving next. You had gotten them to try a handful of different foods, too, branching out and even taking recommendations on what might be nice to try next.
Hajun Yeon:
Hajun had never been used to this level of domesticity. He generally cooked for the others, and when at home he was cooked for but it was clearly just a job. He had never understood what it meant to taste ‘love’ in the food someone gives you but he thinks he gets it a little more the longer you cook for him. It’s clearly something you enjoy doing and you even experiment by cooking some of his favorite things, looking at him eagerly for approval while Hajun teases you by keeping a blank expression and keeping you on the edge of your seat as you await his judgment.
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kanatamour · 9 months
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“My soul is always with you.”
ft. Sugasano Allen, Hajun Yeon, Anne Faulkner, Yatonokami Kanata, Yatonokami Nayuta x fem! reader.
cw/genre: fluff, comfort.
Hey, nonnie ! You requested on my previous blog and I’m very sorry this took me forever, I still hope you can enjoy it, hun <3
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— To ever enthusiastic Allen, the fact you have hearing hypersensitivity is so cool.
— To him, it’s almost like a superpower, how you can catch up on the faintest of sounds, even discerning their subtlety in all kinds of songs.
— So, it is not uncommon for him to ask you for advice when he’s composing BAE’s melodies.
— The way you can discern every variation in the symphony and how you always know what’s the best combination for it with the lyrics, never fails to leave your boyfriend speechless.
— In these instances, maroon eyes stare at you, lovestruck, the hue on his cheeks not so different as he gets a little lost in you as you compose.
— However, all gifts came at a price.
— Because your sensitivity to sound happened to be a double edged sword.
— You just couldn’t attend lives.
— You had tried. More than once. And it ended terribly every single one of them.
— The sounds were too loud, and the bright lights didn’t help either with the overstimulation the loud music already caused you.
— No matter how hard you tried to calm down, your breathing became shallow, ragged, as if your lungs were closing in.
— And you hate it. You hate you can’t be there to see your partner on stage from the first row, after how passionate he is with hip-hop, and after all he’s gone through to pursue it.
— But Allen does not only love hip-hop.
— He loves you, above all else.
— And he understands what it’s like to feel like you can’t endure it anymore, like you’re going to suffocate and like everything’s too much.
— His trap reactions are quite bad, after all.
— And he doesn’t want the one he loves so deeply to have to experience something similar to it.
— So he understands and he would never hold it against you.
— Now you wait for him, the covers of his bed snug around you, as you hold your phone screen before you.
— Earphones on, you watch intently, as BAE steps on stage.
— A phoenix flies over the audience, and a wide smile spreads on your face.
— This is the song you composed together, and you know, with it, your lover will shine as bright as his illusion does.
— You didn’t want him to find out.
— Hajun is perfect, and you’re honored as it is that he wanted you as his girlfriend.
— For you to be this sensitive to sound… You know you’d end up making trouble for him if you went to one of his lives.
— So at first you make excuses.
— You tell him you have appointments or work on the days and time BAE have their lives.
— You feel bad for lying to him like this, but you just don’t know how to tell him.
— What if he thinks you’re stupid? What if he gets tired of you? What if he leaves you and hates you?
— These are the thoughts racing through your muddled mind as you stare at your laptop’s screen, waiting for the site where you watch all of Hajun’s stage concerts to load.
— It is strange, it’s not working… Perhaps the connexion’s just bad?
— While you’re immersed in your own tribulations, you suddenly hear the front door opening, making you jump and stand up straight.
— “Well, well, well, what is my princess doing here? Didn't she have work today?”
— “H-hajun… Didn’t you have a performance now?” You manage, averting your eyes from his vermillion ones. In the mischief shining through his sharp eyes, you know you’ve been set up.
— “I… I’m… I’m sorry…” You finally mumble, head lowered.
— A slender finger hooks under your chin.
— “Don’t look away from me, sweetheart.” He whispers, in the dimly lit space between. “Please tell me what’s wrong.”
— And in that moment, you see your own fear reflected in his eyes.
— The fear of abandonment, of being left behind, not loved or needed anymore.
— “I’m very sensitive to sounds, especially loud ones. So coming to see you live is impossible for me. I was scared. I didn’t know how to tell you.” Your voice breaks a little, your vision becoming blurry with tears.
— “I was afraid you wouldn’t want to be with someone as weak as me, so I-“
— Your words are cut off the moment your boyfriend’s arms wrap around you.
— “Don’t. Don’t say it. Because that will never happen. You’re not weak, dear. And I’d never ever think of not being with you.” Hajun’s own voice falters, his hold on you tightening. “I knew there was something going on. I’m sorry for not asking sooner.”
— After that, you never need to come up with more alibis to justify your absence.
— Your lover gets you the best (and most expensive too, probably) iPad and headset ever, so you can comfortably follow BAE’s lives from home.
— And of course, when he gets back home, he gives you plenty of affection (and teasing too). But that is a story just you and him are privy to, and is reserved for another day.
— Anne is quite emotionally perceptive, so they pick up on the fact that something about physically going to live shows affects you.
— You hadn’t planned on letting them know so soon, but honestly, who can resist Anne’s comforting and kind aura?
— So you explain, how the loud music of the stage feels a hundredfold louder inside your head, to the point where it even… scares you.
— That being the same reason you don’t usually show up at CANDY Club either.
— Your partner understands, hazel eyes taking you in with tenderness.
— They sit next to you on the living room’s couch, arms wrapped around you. The scent of your lover’s perfume was too strong to some, but to you, it’s the known comfort of a hypnotizing field of poppies.
— “[Y/n]”. Anne calls. “What’s worrying you, hun?” Their hands trace soothing patterns along your back, the motions easing the heaviness of your heart, if only a little.
— You let out a sigh, shoulders sagging as you exhale some pressure out of you.
— “I feel bad, Anne… Because, well, you’re such a good partner, but I can never come to your lives or to the club you work at.”
— Their loving gaze is trained on you, head slightly tilted to the side. An invitation to go on. The promise to be by your side, no matter what.
— “My hearing… well, it’s above the usual, so i’m extremely sensitive to sound. For me to be in a space with loud music… It’s practically impossible. That is why I can never be at concerts to cheer you on. But I promise, I follow every single one of them from home, and you’re always stunning when you’re up there, Anne.”
— They smile, knowingly.
— “Why didn’t you say so sooner, baby?” BAE’s fashion icon asks, leaving an outline of vibrant lipstick when they kiss your cheek.
— “Please, never feel guilty or bad because of this. I love you more than anything, and that will never change.” They finish, eyes framed in fuchsia earnest when they meet yours.
— “But aaghh! I missed so many chances to do your makeup and hair! You’re following the lives anyway, no matter if it’s from home, so that calls for a cute outfit and eyeliner to match!
— Airy laughter fills the room. With Anne, there was no way negative emotions could ever get to you.
— At first, he’s hurt.
— Why is it that you never come to see him and his brother perform?
— Are you just another rich brat? Are you looking down on them? Do you not support the one thing that sheds a little light in his life?
— And you are hurt too.
— Because you’d want nothing more than to be there, cheering him on, your smile, the first thing he sees when he looks at the audience.
— And then he realizes. It’s not that you don’t want. Rather, that you can’t.
— It only takes a thunderstorm for him to notice.
— You had always been skittish when you spent nights at his apartment and a train passed by, the tracks shaking and rattling.
— But this… You are trembling.
— “Hey, it’s just a storm, we’ll be safe in here.” Kanata tries, watching you bundled beneath the blanket you two shared when you slept with him.
— Your hold on the cloth tightens.
— “I-it’s not that, Kanata… I-it’s so loud, too loud… My head feels like it’ll split…”
— Oh.
— So it’s loud sounds you can’t handle.
— Thinking back on it, it is true you always turned the volume down when you two shared earphones, or asked him to do the same thing every time he showed you a new song.
— So that is why…
— Kanata’s arms wrap around you, pulling you up in a sitting position, nuzzled against his chest.
— The softness and warmth of both the blanket and his embrace engulf you. Like this, the storm feels a little more faraway.
— “I’ll protect you, [Y/n]. This is why you could never make it to our stage performances, isn’t it?” Your boyfriend inquires, his tone soft, uncharacteristically so, barely above a whisper.
— You nod, covering your ears as another thunderbolt besieges the slums.
— “Shhh, it’s all good, I’m here, [Y/n]. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
— “Kanata…” You utter, tone shaky.
— His eyes widen the moment he sees a sheen of starlit tears on your lashline.
— “Oi, what’s wrong??” Your lover asks, clenching his jaw.
— “I’m sorry… You and Nayuta work so hard and I can never see you live… I always, always watch from home, but I’m sorry I’ve hurt you because I can’t really be there…”
— “Silly.” Kanata cuts you off, with a smile that’s a bit sad, but still ethereal. “You don’t have to apologize. I want you to be safe, even if that means you can’t come to stage battles because it’s too noisy in there.”
— He holds you a little tighter, slipping over your ears the headphones he uses when he’s writing songs.
— The storm quiets down, and his arms keep you safe.
— He thinks it’s cool you have that hearing hypersensitivity.
— For two main reasons: you always seem to pick up on steps approaching whenever bad guys are around; and because, similarly to Allen, he finds it so amazing how you can discern so many different notes in music.
— Also, because whenever you two spend time on the rooftop, Nayuta loves the way you seem to hear the wind, how you say it carries songs, different feelings relied depending on the color of the sky he always loved to look at.
— Even so, he’s not as fond of the sad smile you offer him every time he has a stage battle.
— Because you both know, it’s impossible for you to be able to go.
— But to Nayuta, the effort you make to support Cozmez even when you can’t be present speaks volumes.
— You’ve invested in a phone good enough to be able to reproduce audio and video in high quality, so that, no matter when or where, you can watch and support them from afar.
— Nayuta is very passionate about music, so don’t be surprised if he asks you to be the first one to listen to his and his brother’s music and ask you for your honest opinion.
— Your boyfriend is quite calm and detached, that quality being a point in your favor.
— You smile to yourself, he reminds you a little of a cat sometimes; he takes naps in unlikely places, likes to hang around the quiet of a building that feels closer to the sky than to the grey dull concrete, and has fluffy hair.
— You love running your hands through it when the sounds of daily life overwhelm you, it calms you down.
— In the same way, when the intense cacophony of sounds seems to be at war in your mind, Nayuta’s heartbeat manages to relax you every single time.
— The sky overhead is filled with stars that remind you of the color of his eyes.
— There is no moon on the indigo expanse above, and yet, that’s alright.
— You don’t need it, not when your brightest star holds you so gently.
— Your real star, this time. Every beat of his heart, a reassurance of it.
— The sofa placed on the high building’s rooftop is dusty, but neither of you care.
— You are together in this moment, a sea of constellations singing their silent love song for you.
— The world is at peace, the quiet only wrinkled by your call of his name.
— “Nayuta?” You utter, eyes fluttering open, just him and the stars mirrored in them.
— “Hm?”
— “Thank you.” You smile, one of your hands fleetingly caressing his cheek.
— His answer comes in the form of a smile, the sliver of moon missing from the sky above.
— The world is quiet and you are with him.
— In the starlight, the silence of the hour dances with his heart.
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oinkoink321 · 9 months
bruh the ending for there paradox live anime was so silly, HOWEVER- I think the whole power of friendship and singing to almost dead Kanata was much needed after Aot and jjk. (I’m going insane I love them sm)
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selenemoonlite · 9 months
ahhhhhh yeiii a new paraliveeee blog!! welcome ~^^ ~, if possible I could ask headcanons for bae (separately ~) with a beauty queen mc, someone who continually dedicates herself to participating in beauty contests and winning them but suddenly started to lose her confidence :0 jsj that's the premise I like bae and his whole concept of accepting himself so imagine what they would be like in a situation like that with a mc :')) that would be all, thank you and have a good day!!
┈➤ oh sure! I love this prompt! Let's start and thanks for requesting! Please enjoy reading :3
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✧.* B.A.E. (Allen, Hajun, Anne) ⋆。° ✮
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┈➤ Allen Sugasano
This one man is so lucky and a champ that he supports your pageantry throughout your hard work. Allen keeps his check to make things sure you're on the right track and practice, he often watches your performances on stage. The catwalk, to the dresses, and even delivering your best answers with the right choice of words to express. He couldn't be more supportive and aloud of it fully flexing you. Amidst all the success and even places, you've participated in this event. You have your doubts about it, seeing every beautiful woman who has the bigger ambition, wits, and brains your self-esteem gradually gives you the nervewracking feeling that you're not good enough. But, Allen brings out his positivity that you'll do your best no matter what, you're always his number on the queen in his heart.
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┈➤ Anne Faulkner
At what point do they give their utmost supportive hype and a wingman they are to you when you compete? Anne gives the best advice and makeover for you to look gorgeous. They're your hair, and make-up artist, and stylish. Anne insisted so since the beginning. Let's you take their stuff to wear to the pageant. An ever-undying love they could give to you was offering things they knew to help you work within. You were their muse and model for fashion and style. When Anne notices your inner burden you won't be enough like those who are not what Anne sees. They will snap and tell you that you rock better. Kicking the start to compliment and non-stop appreciation they see when you walk the runaway. When they see your confidence so bright it makes me feel like they have never seen beauty in their eyes, they will not stop giving you words of affirmation to prove your worth and hyping you until you're back on track! How they love the confidence you're building if they were there to guide and help you out, right? Anne is the perfect one to be there.
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┈➤ Hajun Yeon
In no absence does this Korean Do-S rapper can do to attend every pageant. Hajun is always either in his secret seat whether on the backstage or in front of the stage just to get a glimpse of your astonishing aura of beauty he cannot seem to look away. The provider of good things for you to prepare, Hajun is always organizing seeing you prep for your competition. There are times when he buys you lavishing gifts such as clothes that he thinks look beautiful and fabulous on you, what make-up you wear, shoes, bags, you name it! He spoils you on what he thinks is the best. Hajun isn't verbally keen upon your doubts that you're not the confident queen he sees on stage their insecurities linger in. And you know what he does to redeem and reflect you to get back on track? Hajun tries to comfort you and tells you that every queen has its downsides and insecurities within that is what makes them powerful. They're building, Hajun rarely speaks such comfort for you to feel better as you listen which makes it a lot better.
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pillow-anime-infos · 1 year
paradox live {masterlist}
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“let’s stay like this forever, please.” {quote prompt number 33 + scenario | 542 words ; sfw}
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fashion week in milan {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 413 words ; sfw}
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daddy {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 657 words ; nsfw}
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mother (ft. nayuta yatonokami) {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 573 words ; sfw}
“please! please, don’t leave me!” {quote prompt number 29 + scenario | 559 words ; suggestive}
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mother(ft. kanata yatonokami) {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 573 words ; sfw}
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his lil sis (ft. rest of the gang) {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 454 words ; sfw}
“the princess shouldn’t wait, you know?” {quote prompt number 17 + scenario | 581 words ; sfw}
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iori’s lil sis (ft. rest of the gang) {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 454 words ; sfw}
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iori’s lil sis (ft. rest of the gang) {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 454 words ; sfw}
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iori’s lil sis (ft. rest of the gang) {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 454 words ; sfw}
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iori’s lil sis (ft. rest of the gang) {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 454 words ; sfw}
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“should ifuck you? so beg for it.” {quote prompt number 45 + scenario | 937 words ; nsfw}
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arklayraven · 2 years
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Anne's fashion brand: SWANK
And those who took part in modeling with/for Anne for their fashion brand clothes/accessories:
Ryu Natsume
Reo Maruyama
Nayuta Yatonokami
Aoi Kureha
Yeon Hajun
Toma Hikage
You can find/buy(if available) some of the clothes/accessories shown above here:
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pillow-anime-talk · 1 year
music & vocaloids month ; eighteenth day.
synopsis: A weekend in Milan sounds like a pipe dream to some people. For you and Anne, it’s just an ordinary day; drinking coffee, eating a delicious breakfast or lunch and an evening fashion show for the latest Valentino collection. 
# tags: scenario; friendship; fluff; fashion week; italy/milan; fancy life; influencer!reader; sfw
includes: female reader ft. anne faulkner {paradox live; bae}
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The whole day today has been extremely successful for you and Anne a.k.a. your bestie. On a sunny morning you went for a long walk through the streets of Milan; you bought a few small souvenirs for yourself and your loved ones, and then both of you ate great breakfast in a roadside cafe, filled with the smell of freshly ground coffee, cookies and flowers; Italian bruschetta with the addition of soft cheese and sweet baked tomatoes was a 10 for you, while your friend opted for croissants with apricot jam and chocolate cream.
At lunch time you had dinner in a fancy restaurant in the middle of a big metropolis, where various pastas and red wine were the specialty. After your delicious meal you found the nearest gallery where you bought new clothes and some jewelry. Satisfied with your purchases, you returned to your apartment in a five-star hotel and put on slightly better clothes – clothes that would perfectly match today’s theme of the fashion show, i.e. black, blue and gold.
The show itself was great and relaxing, and the models on the runway were incredibly beautiful. You and Anne really appreciated a few clothes and from time to time, and you two chatted about them or accessory, as well as a hairstyle or shoes the models were wearing. In the meantime, you took some nice photos and short videos, which you quickly added on your social media with small captions next to them. Tonight was going to be really wonderful, even though it was only 20 minutes of Valentino’s show.
“... I must have these shoes and bag.” The pink-haired person suddenly said, and you just nodded looking at the beautiful dark-skinned model. Her angelic proportions and long legs matched perfectly with high-heeled shoes and a black handbag on her left shoulder. Every model was delightful – you couldn’t say otherwise.
“Look at that coat. Do you think it would suit me? The weather is perfect for such clothes…” You started uncertainly, looking at another (equally phenomenal) female model, and your friend just smiled.
“It will suit you, but only if you take it with... these boots.” They pointed to embellished heels and you giggled.
“Shoes are a must have, you’re right.” You replied immediately, sitting down more comfortably in a soft chair.
The show continued, and you and Anne still smiling, talking about clothes and plans for another day spent in the big city of luxury, fame and style.
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previous day ; kaito ♡ next day ; ritsuka uenoyama from given
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seasidefallenangel · 9 months
everything i wanted
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notes: anne faulkner x afab reader, implied gender dysphoria + self deprecation
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“You’ve been out here for a while.” You don’t bother turning around, knowing that Anne can already suspect something is up. The celebration of BAE’s win carries on inside the penthouse as the muffled music echoes outside on the balcony where you two are. You should humor your partner with some sort of response, maybe a joke, but can’t find it within your brain to even digest their words. The acid in your stomach claws its way up your throat as they sit next to you while you’re staring aimlessly into the night sky.
“What’s on your mind, honey?” Their voice asks, quieter than when they first came outside. As much as you love their voice, tonight it reverberates through your skull and becomes dangerously close to giving you a headache. It fills you with guilt - because you’ve been keeping something from the person who you can trust the most, who would understand this situation more than anyone. 
It started when VISTY had shown up after being invited by Anne themselves. The four of them had been relatively vocal about their admiration for BAE, the most prominent being Aoi’s adoration towards Anne. The two of them had spent what seemed like forever talking, with Aoi saying that Anne had inspired them to be their true self. Anne had nearly gotten teary-eyed at being such an inspirational role model for the teen and proceeded to nearly smother Aoi to death in a hug afterward. Something about it made you sick and you had silently dismissed yourself from the situation.
Which led to now.
Perceptive as ever, Anne begins to speak once more, “There’s nothing to be jealous of. Aoi is way too young for me - it was more of a sibling thing.” 
Your head quickly turns to them as you wave your hands to deny the accusation. It wasn’t a romantic thing ; Anne is loyal to a fault and there’s no chance you’d ever suspect them having feelings for Aoi other than purely platonic. 
“God, no. I didn’t even think of that. It’s more cute than anything else. Aoi’s a sweetheart,” you defend and sigh out after. “It’s moreso…” 
You trail off with a sinking feeling in your heart. Half the issue stems from the fact that you don’t even understand why your brain is in such turmoil to begin with. Your nails dig against the fabric of your pants and for a moment you swear you can feel blood bubbling from underneath them. Even with the hoarseness in your voice, you manage to say something else to Anne.
“... How did you know when you weren’t a boy?” You can see the way Anne stiffens from the corner of your eye and there’s a moment where you’re scared that you’ve fucked everything up again. Something in the air feels rancid and you have half a mind to just bolt from the balcony, but your fears are softened ever so slightly when Anne answers your question. 
“I sort of always knew - in my heart at least,” they say solemnly, looking out up at the moon shining. “I liked things I shouldn’t, and disliked the ones I was supposed to love. Every time I saw a girl I assumed I had a crush on her, but I didn’t understand that I wished I looked like her instead.”
Leaning back in their chair, Anne turns to you. “But I didn’t feel like a girl, and I didn’t feel like a boy. I barely even felt human sometimes, and it’s not like my mom helped at all. But I like myself the way I am now, and that’s what matters.” 
They smile softly when you turn your head to meet their gaze, and their hand reaches out to hold your own, squeezing gently. It’s comforting in one way and foreign in another, almost as if you don’t deserve to touch someone like Anne.
“I like you the way you are too,” you murmur with your own smile that doesn’t quite reach your eyes, but you hope it reassures Anne regardless. As expected though, it doesn’t, and they shift ever so closer to you in hopes it’ll bring you comfort. “Why did you wanna know? I don’t mind telling you or anything, but it’s a little random for you to bring it up so suddenly,” they speak slowly. It reminds you of someone trying not to scare off an animal and it seems so fitting. You, something primal and feral, a beast chained down in your heart that you’re trying to suppress to the world in hopes it’ll be satiated on its own instead of ripping apart everything you hold dear.
“Every time I look in a mirror,” you start with a shaky voice, “I see a girl who shouldn’t be there. I hate her for being alive, but she’s so deeply tied to me that I could never let her go.” It’s exactly why you took the mirrors out of your room, and why you rush out of the bathroom after a shower ; so you don’t have to see the painfully female body you’re attached to. Anne nods along next to you, hesitant to say their next words, “... You don’t feel like a girl?” It hurts so badly to hear out loud even though you’ve known it forever. You know Anne is the last person on earth to judge you for something like this so you don’t know why it’s so hard to admit to them.
“I guess, yeah, but it doesn’t work that way. I can’t just stop being a girl, you know? It’s wrong,” you begin to explain, but quickly backtrack when you see the hurt flash across Anne’s eyes and their hand slip out of yours. The implication of your words is horrible and causes you to wince at yet another thing you’ve messed up. Your hand reaches for theirs again, hoping they won’t pull away, “Not you! You and Aoi - I’m happy you guys figured it out and that you have someone who sort of understands, you know? I mean me specifically, I can’t be trans.” “Why?” Anne’s jaw steels as they speak and part of you is terrified that they’ll just leave altogether at your messily squished together sentences. You wouldn’t blame them either, given how this is a core part of their trauma and identity.
“I, well,” there’s a heat on your face now - humiliation, most likely - while you stammer out an answer, “I’m just not allowed to be. I don’t deserve to be.” Confusion overtakes their face and you try to save face once more, “Just like, you’ve been through a lot to figure that out you know? And sometimes I do like a few girly things so maybe it’s just me and I shouldn’t be able to say I’m non-binary if I’m okay with that cause it’s insulting. I’m probably overreacting anyway cause I’m very obviously a girl so -” You’re cut off by Anne’s thumb wiping a tear that’s begun to slide down your cheek, one you didn’t even register being there at all. Their face looks pained, and you’d do anything in the world to never have to see that expression again. All you can offer is a whisper of, “Sorry,” and let the shame course through your body. 
Shaking their head, Anne pulls you into a hug, letting you rest your head on their shoulder while your tears drip onto their skin. You feel pathetic crying over something like this, because was it even that big of a deal? 
“Don’t be sorry, dear,” they hum into your ear, holding you tighter when you choke back a sob, “You’re allowed to feel how you want, and be what you want. There’s no right or wrong when it comes to this sort of thing. You ‘deserve’ what makes you happy. Why would you ever think otherwise?” 
But you don’t have an answer for them. You can’t explain the inherent guilt you have for simply being alive and the need to justify your existence to someone, to anyone who will listen. 
Even so, Anne provides a sense of stability even when it’s hard to grasp your own sense of self. You could know tomorrow, or you could never figure it out, and they would still be there just as they are now to walk by your side - and as long as you had them, surely the rest would come easy.
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very personal piece about my own issues with struggling with my gender for nearly 9 years, and the things i can't explain about it. thank you for reading.
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lavenderlive · 9 months
☾ | BAE - Reader Falling Asleep Before They Do (HCs) 
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Allen Sugasano
It was an ungodly hour. The view of the outside is completely dark, the sun felt like it was about to come up at any minute. Allen is wide awake at this time as usual, composing tracks left and right. You decided to stay up to accompany Allen’s (very) late night music productions and rambles, laying on his bed as you watch him moving his pen and jotting down lyrics and notes for parts of the song to adjust from his desk. Whenever Allen comes up with something he is proud of, he is quick to tell you excitedly. 
Over a few minutes, you felt your eyes get heavy. Unable to keep yourself awake at this hour, your eyes finally gave up and you collapse onto Allen’s blanket face first. Unaware that you’ve completely fallen asleep, Allen still continues to talk about plans for his draft. However he had noticed that you’ve stopped responding to him.
Allen lets out a silent “ah” to himself after realizing that you fell asleep awhile ago. He carefully make room for himself to huddle closer to you. He also brought his notebook on his bed so he could continue working and still continues to give you his comments about the song as if you were still awake but in a much quieter tone. Anne drops by into Allen’s room regularly only to see you two have fallen asleep next to each other. Don’t be surprised when you wake up to piles of notebook paper surrounding you.
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Anne Faulkner
Anne often came home later than you especially if they’re working that night so it was not unusual for you to fall asleep before they came home, often sleeping in their room waiting for them. They didn’t mind your presence in their room, they were comfortable having you around. You were laid down on their bed that had hints of pleasant rose scents.
After their shift, Anne immediately goes to their room to get ready to do both their regular late night routine and tell you all about how the night went as you two do skincare together. However they find you fast asleep, Anne chuckles to themself before sneaking up to where you laid and snapping multiple pictures of the both of you. They then headed to their closet and picked out their pajamas, making sure they pulled up the covers for you before they went to the bathroom. Maybe next night you two could do the little sleepover.
Once they’ve finished showering, they return to their room and whispered a “good night” before they lay right next to you. Pulling you closer with both of their arms, carefully not to disturb your peaceful sleep. Once morning rolls around they immediately show the pictures of your sleeping face from last night.
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Hajun Yeon
Hajun tends to be a little busy during the evening meaning that you tend to go to bed first. This time you decided to be patient and so you waited. However you had fallen asleep on the floor, your head leaning on the side of the couch waiting for Hajun to be finished with whatever he was doing on that particular day whether he had a photoshoot that day or had to write up a lengthy class report. It didn’t take long for him to notice you fell asleep.
He lets out a soft sigh before pausing whatever he was doing at the moment. Hajun quickly lifted you off the floor and laid you down onto the couch so you had a much more comfortable place to sleep (and also so you don’t actually knock your head on the floor). He made sure to also get a blanket to put over you and a pillow placed under your head.
After resting you on the couch he continues to work next to you, checking up on you to see if you've woken up or needed anything from time to time. Hajun will make sure to (gently) scold you once you’ve awakened to not fall asleep like that, especially on the cold floor.
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Admin Comments: Hello! This is my first time writing any sort of imagine on tumblr mainly for fun, I'm lowkey nervous to post lolll live laugh allen sugasano
An intro/rules post about this blog will be made soon!! No requests rn I'm still figuring out tumblr but feel free to ask me questions even though I have like one actual post. Sorry if it's ooc 🙏
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underlanternglow · 1 year
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anon asked → hii! i was wondering if i could ask for headcanons (for separatly) for anne, shiki and nayuta reacting when his fem mc introduces her dear sisters and they realize that all of them including his mc are beautiful and together they seem to shine :'0, That's my idea but I imagine it as a funny and curious situation hehe thanks youu!
a/n - this is really cute!! ty for the request, and im sorry it took a while
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anne faulkner
their jaw DROPS the second they see you and your sisters. they’re really excited once they spot you, to the point of nearly running over!
the first thing out of their mouth is a million compliments. their gf is already so beautiful, so of course her sisters would be too <3
they’ll definitely ask to take pictures with you and your sisters. and maybe if they ever want to model for swank
your sisters also seem to love anne. they’re really happy you’re dating someone so kind and also gorgeous
shiki ando
he’s speechless! he’s so stunned he can’t even get any words out.
he’s stumbling a little over his words, but he does compliment you and your sisters. your sisters also think he’s really cute and tease him a little (they can’t resist!)
once he’s calmed down a little, he’s really happy he got to meet them, and that he got to know more about you and your family.
he wants to talk to your sisters more! they seem to have taken him under their wing, and share stories and pictures of you. he’s also over the moon that they like him too
nayuta yatonokami
his initial reaction is extremely impressed. of course, he knows you’re good-looking, so he’d expect your sisters to be too, but you all knocked it out of the park
he does say you and your sisters look good, but mostly keeps his thoughts to himself. either way, your sisters are appreciative of his little comment
he sneaks in glances when he thinks no one will notice (your sisters notice). he can’t really help it, he enjoys seeing you all!
he gets a little flustered when your sisters start calling him cute and that they like his style. he appreciates it, but something inside him tingles a bit after getting this sort of approval from your family
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seangelfish · 8 months
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"Can you peel me an orange?" (w/ BAE)
Featured Characters: Allen Sugasano, Hajun Yeon, Anne Faulkner ♡ Tags: Fluff, established relationships, no mention of pronouns ♡ Word count: 1,184 ♡ Synopsis: Inspired by the Orange Peel test that's going around the internet lately, but this time with BAE! Click here for Kanata's version.
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It was around 10pm when you asked him to peel you an orange. You had gotten this idea from a video Anne showed you, so you were curious about how Allen would react especially when he was busy writing new music.
But you did feel kind of bad asking him to do this now, when he was so concentrated and in his element. However, you knew this was the perfect opportunity to do so.
"...Huh?" Confusion was scribbled on his face, but he didn't put his pen down, so you assumed he wasn't listening.
"Allen, could you please peel me an orange?" you repeated.
Still not stopping his rhythm, he replied, "What...? Why can't you do it?"
You could tell he was just genuinely confused by how his eyebrows were raised.
"Are your hands okay?" he continued, looking up at you. "Let me see them–"
"What? No, they're fine!" you laughed. "It's okay, you don't have to."
You weren't too upset at his reaction to this test. After all, he was busy and 'in his zone', so you decided to just leave it at that.
Allen stopped for a moment as if he was thinking about something. If he rejected your request, would you be disappointed in him? Maybe your hands do hurt, but you didn't want to admit it. Or perhaps it was just something a boyfriend should do for his lover? 'Yeah, it's probably that...' he thought.
He stood up from his seat and headed over to the kitchen. He grabbed an orange and washed it before peeling it. He was rather quiet about it as if he was pouring all his concentration on this one simple task.
"Well, here you go, (Y/N)!" he exclaimed happily once he was finished peeling. "That was random, but I hope you enjoy!"
You instantly smiled at this, appreciating how cute and kind your boyfriend was. "Thank you, Allen," you said softly. "I love you."
"Mm, no problem! I love you too, (Y/N)."
Allen was already back in his seat, scribbling away at his notebook. You couldn't just leave him here to himself after he kindly accepted your request, so you kept him company the whole night, feeding him pieces of your orange before drifting into a peaceful slumber.
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You had just returned home from a long day of work, annoyed but still upbeat. After all, your boyfriend Hajun was here to greet you with one of his sweetest smiles.
"Ah, welcome back, (Y/N). How's your day been?" he asked you, looking up from a sheet of paper that he was previously scanning.
"It could've been better," you answered with a yawn.
However, this time, Hajun didn't greet you with his usual hugs or kisses. You wondered why until you noticed the orange he was eating.
"Hmm... I want an orange too," you said nonchalantly.
"Sure, go ahead and get one."
"Aw, but Hajun... could you not peel one for me, please~?" you playfully begged as you clasped your hands together in a way to get him to oblige. "I've been having a rough day so it would be nice if you could do that for me!"
You were just joking, but when Hajun wouldn't move from his seat and then stated you could peel an orange yourself because 'you were perfectly capable of doing so', it ticked you off.
"Come on, Hajun... You're my boyfriend..."
"Are you really that dependent on me, (Y/N)? Haha, how cute..."
He was clearly making fun of you with his lighthearted jokes. You just weren't in the mood for that today and because of that, you got easily irritated. You didn't really want to go back and forth with him even if it was playful banter either.
“Here, an orange for you to peel yourself~” Hajun continued to joke.
You stared annoyingly at the orange he tried to give you. You rolled your eyes in response, preparing to make your leave to your room.
"Why couldn't you just peel me an orange...?" you muttered to yourself. Hajun had caught that, but before he could reply, you were already in your room.
You laid yourself on your bed, groaning into your pillow. “He’s so annoying!” you yelled, your sounds muffled by the cotton.
“Who’s annoying?” asked Hajun as he opened your door.
“You obviously.”
He chuckled and sat beside you on your bed. “Are you really that upset I didn’t peel you an orange?” he questioned, stroking your hair softly. “Is that what you really want?”
You didn’t respond.
“Please look up, (Y/N).”
You groaned again but obliged. As you lifted your head, you noticed a bowl of oranges in front of you, peeled and separated.
“There you go. An orange peeled just for you~”
You couldn’t stay mad at him. A giggle escaped your lips. Throwing a pillow at your boyfriend which he caught with his face, you finally said, “You’re so annoying, but thank you.”
As you happily began eating the oranges, Hajun watched you attentively. Maybe he should peel you more fruits from now on if that's what makes you happy.
But not after teasing you, of course!
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It was a chill day where you and Anne lazed around on the couch together, scrolling through your phones. A particular video had caught your eye and so you decided to test your partner on it.
"I'm hungry..." you groaned.
“Okay! Then I’ll tell Hajun to cook something up for us!” exclaimed Anne.
“No, you can’t!” you quickly refused. You didn't want to disturb Hajun especially when he had already cooked lunch for everyone a few hours ago.
"Well, you know I can't cook," said Anne.
"I know you can't," you teased which resulted in Anne tickling you in response. "Hahaha! Could you just give me an orange?"
"Haha, sure thing, love."
They jumped off the couch and walked towards the kitchen. You waited not more than a minute for them to come back to you with an orange.
Now this was the best time for you to drop the question. To ask them to peel that orange for you. The video that caught your interest earlier mentioned the orange peel test where you tested your partner in doing a simple task for you. You wondered whether Anne would peel you an orange or not. You didn't doubt that they would though, but it didn't hurt to try.
You began, "Oh, Anne, could you–"
Yet they interrupted you. "Wait a minute," they said.
You watched them in surprise when they started peeling the orange in front of you. Even when they kind of struggled with it, you watched your partner in awe and love. Anne would peel an orange for you without being asked to.
"Okay, done~" they sang. "Here, love. Say ahhh~"
You giggled, playing along to their game.
"Ahhh~" you repeated as Anne plopped a piece into your mouth. It was sweet just like your partner who smiled at you brightly.
"You passed the test!" you exclaimed, eating yet another piece that Anne fed you.
"Hmm? What test?" they asked curiously.
"Hehe, don't worry about it~"
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paraliveimaginesblog · 3 months
Hey, could I get Yohei, Kanata, Anne, Iori and Ryoga with a reader who is easily flustered and gets embarrassed after seeing them in suits??? Keep up the fantastic work
Anne Faulkner:
Anne loves getting you hot and bothered. They loved the look on your face whenever they showed off a new outfit or hairstyle, posing and modeling for you beforehand. This event they had purposely kept a secret from you, wanting to give you the surprise of a lifetime. They’re pleased with your reaction as you have a hard time looking at them head on, their beauty bright like the sun; they teased you for this, wanting to soak in all your attention before showing it off to the others.
Iori Suiseki:
When Iori wanted to look good, he looked good, and it’s killing you that you can’t have him all to yourself in the moment. You have to focus on his face or else your eyes start drifting down, and you know you’ll be in for it if he sees you admiring his chest. It seemed you were already going to suffer with the way Iori gently tipped your chin upward, amused as he whispered that his eyes were up here.
Kanata Yatonokami:
There were some complaints from Kanata but once he saw you staring, he grew quieter. If you liked this look it couldn’t be that bad, even if he wasn’t used to it, and Nayuta was having fun with fashion as well. He still gets antsy under your stare, asking if he looks stupid, and that’s why you can’t stop looking. Nayuta rolls his eyes at his brothers obliviousness and the way you’re stuttering, biting his tongue to keep from pointing out you two were already dating.
Ryoga Tosa:
You’re completely blindsided by how good Ryoga looks in a suit, knowing he complained it wasn’t for him but wearing it to fit in with the rest of GokuLuck. You think it suited him just fine, and though you weren’t a huge fan of not seeing his muscles in plain view, there was a charm to this outfit on him. The pattern is loud but so is the rest of him, and you admired him with a smile while he started to sweat it out, wondering what you were thinking.  
Yohei Kanbayashi:
Yohei doesn’t get the hype but he guessed with the roles reversed he’d be just as enamored by you. He hoped you didn’t expect him to dress this fancy all the time. He is considering some of the nicer spots in town where he could take you out, with an excuse to have you dress up so he can return the eyeful that you’re getting right now.
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aaa new event pls headcanons with going on a cruise vacation.. A night full of adventures! for anne faulkner since it is canon that her dream is to go on a cruise XDD and if possible with an autistic mc fem, before you wrote about an autistic mc and I thought it was so cute so I wanted to see if you could write it with anne this time *hug* remember relax and not stress with request :))/
Writer's corner: Hey, dear! Thank you so much for requesting for the summer event! Also yess!!! I knew it tha someone would have requested this for Anne!! I've got so many ideas! I hope you'll like what I wrote, my dear! Feel free to tell me if there's anything you want me to fix or change! *hugs you tightly back and pats your back* ♥ Enjoy and have a fantastic summer~!
mc's pronouns: SHE/HER (Autistic Fem!mc)
Warnings: sfw, fluff
☀️𝐀𝐧𝐧𝐞☀️𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦
🛳: going on vacation on a cruise.. A night full of adventures! (F and R)
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☀️As anon said, it's pretty known that Anne would love to go on a cruise!
☀️But I'm sure they would love to join a vacation with this sweet mc!
☀️I cannot hide the fact that I think that Anne wouldn't make it boring at all!
☀️With their energetic personality, Anne would make their best to make the whole summer enjoyable to their sweet mc!
☀️Just imagine them holding mc's hand while entering the cruise, for example
☀️Mc would be confused and probably would feel a little bit uncomfortable by being surrounded by so many people
☀️However, Anne would notice and would whisper sweetly:
☀️"Aw, honey... Don't worry.. I promise it will be amazing! If you feel uncomfortable, you can hug me.."
☀️On the other hand, Anne's eyes would sparkle in happiness and excitement.. I mean.. They are finally on a cruise, this summer will be amazing!!
☀️Of course I'm 100% that- no matter how long the vacation will last- Anne would bring with them TONS of suitcases and bags!
☀️Each suitcase would have inside things like: make-up or skin-care products, many fashionable clothes and shoes (and of course heels because they are going to slay the vacation~!)..
☀️After entering the cabin with mc, Anne would surely start planning a tour around the different areas of the cruise!
☀️When I said that they would make it an enjoyable experience, I wasn't joking:
☀️Anne would spend a lot of time outside their cabin, but around the cruise, exploring it
☀️One day mc would see them in a pool, the other day in the ball pool in children's area, or even exploring the small arcade!
☀️And of course they would bring mc with them, always speaking to her and not forcing her to reply, of course...
☀️Anne would take her hand and run through the cruise with mc, supporting her and helping her if they see her being uncomfortable
☀️I can totally imagine Anne taking her hand and whispering some sweet words if they both are around many people in the cruise's pool:
☀️"Hey, hey... are you okay? Don't worry, my dear, I'm here with you.. take my hand if necessary, okay, sweetheart?"
☀️Also vacation means relax!
☀️Anne would provide mc so much relax, by taking care of her once come back to the cabin
☀️They would help her with skin-care or simply brushing her hair, as a way to cuddle her
☀️If there's also a nightclub in the cruise, I'm totally sure Anne would do their best to help mc dressing up nice and getting prepared for the night
☀️If mc, though, doesn't feel like going, I'm sure Anne would be that generous to keep her company
☀️They wouldn't force mc to go nor leave her alone in the cabin at all!
☀️After all.. they care about her:
☀️"Don't look at me like that, sweetheart..! You're not a burden.. I wouldn't have gone to the nightclub in the first place..!!.. It'd have been boring without you..!"
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©hebimoonlightwrites_tumblr Please, do not copy my contents nor repost it without my permission.
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moonartemisia · 11 months
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* ˚ ✦ RULES TO ABIDE ⋆·˚
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about the account
This account contains a lot of spoilers and theories. So, this account isn't spoiler-free. The majority of my posts have nsfw beware of the minors who are following this account for discretion advice. Much to say, some have sfw content on the side, but I'm warning you!
Bots and blank accounts who are sending me strange messages will be blocked IMMEDIATELY
i'm selective with whom i should follow on this tumblr acc as i'm not much around on this app. So if I don't follow some of you all, that means it is that I didn't follow you or probably just didn't notice. when sending me inbox or asks, be sure to be mindful of them whether you're an anon or not, restrictive enough to block you for unnecessary asks!
as an art account
mainly posting artworks to share there might be suggestive artworks that i posted here (be sure to give it full support, love, and appreciation to my works!). Please do not repost my art or use it as commercial use, I would appreciate it if you could use it as a profile or template usage with my permission!
references i used to get them on pinterest for inspiration or at twitter (aka "X")
I don't take drawing requests unless I have milestone events or random ones, but just to remind everyone that I TAKE TIME IN MY ART AND EFFORT TO FINISH. So, please be patient! I only draw depending on my mood. Most of my drawings are crack arts, serious arts, and self-ships to nsfw arts. Btw this account is safe for self-ships and ocs, too! I'm a yumejin, myself! Please, please be patient with my time to draw, don't rush my artistic work, or I'll block and ignore your request.
as a writing account
Take note that I seldomly write fics, unlike how the way it takes time for me to do art. As a writer, though, I may not have those fabricated and flourishing words to do so... I may enjoy writing whenever I have a spark of ideas to jot down on my notes for now. Sometimes, I don't write at all or just completely dissing the idea after I write a bunch of paragraphs to silence my imagination train, no request in this medium... keep in mind that some of the contents i write might have nsfw in them!
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Characters I'd write
Blue lock
Itoshi Rin
Michael Kaiser
Chigiri Hyoma
Itoshi Sae
Bachira Meguru
Nagi Seishiro
Mikage Reo
Julien Loki
Yukimiya Kenyu
Kiyora Jin
Tsukishima Kei
Akaashi Keiji
Oikawa Tooru
Kageyama Tobio
Kozume Kenma
Kuroo Tetsurou
Ron Kamonohashi Deranged Detective
Ron Kamonohashi
Milo Moriarty
Paradox Live
• Allen Sugasano
• Anne Faulkner
• Hajun Yeon
Purple highlights indicate the most character I will write in the future
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╰┈➤ @moonartemisia ✧.*
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selenemoonlite · 8 months
hii it's been a while hehe can I request nsfw headcanons for bae (separately) with a soft chubby mc~, maybe in a situation where she offers to cuddle them while they put their head in her lap or on her chest while she caresses their heads but the situation progresses to something more /u\ .... that would be all but if you want you can use another situation don't worry, thank you and have a good day! ^u^
┈➤ greetings! Sure lovely, this is an interesting prompt, thank you for requesting!
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┈➤ Allen Sugasano
Allen isn't the clingy type, slightly blushes over the feeling of your body squished against him is a tempting moment where he can scoop your body onto his arms. Don't worry, Allen has his strength to hold you so
He reassures you that your size doesn't matter to him, what matters to him the most is that you're too close to him that perhaps this kinda closure isn't something he didn't anticipate at all
He tries to calm himself down while looking at your features, boy it's something he gulps nervously. Poor guy
There are times when he asks you to lie down over than being pressed over his chest. You're absent-minded and nod over his request.
A little foreplay of where Allen engages the mood, now he didn't think of which part he can place a mark on by how your body is a distraction towards the fiery phoenix.
Gentle kisses trailing over your lips, nibbling, licking your skin. Allen prays he had never done this bold to someone he sees such admiration. But that doesn't matter to him
His favorite part is to get his foreplay on, turning you on by biting your thick thighs and going lower on you. Lowkey he is a "thick thighs save lives" type of guy
Allen didn't mind where this went, however, he sure felt his stomach swirling around as he kept teasing your body
"Fuck this, can I go into you?"
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┈➤ Anne Faulkner
They would go all on with you, positively. The type to praise your body as you're laying onto their lap with such adoration Anne could've imagine
Them caressing your sensitive parts makes you feel ticklish, cause Anne isn't going to go straightforward with you unless they'll do their best to make you feel comfortable
"(Y/n), you know I always love this..."
They whispered to you, that Anne has something mischievous to pry on. Don't worry, they promised to keep things slow. But, you assured yourself this is Anne Faulkner after all.
They love kissing you all over, even the passionate and deepest kiss you can ever ask for. Anne is the epitome of all intimate encounters. But, of course, when it comes to you they'll give their all and all you ever wanted from them.
Anne teases your body and they pinch it thinking you're adorable. You shivering under their might to place hickeys whatever they could
If Anne were to know your spots, their favorites are neck, shoulders, ear, and down to your chest which they love to fondle.
You cannot process this situation that elevates to where you were only laying down their lap
But this is heaven for you, don't deny
Their fingers traveling to whatever skin they could touch.
"Something to cherish, give me your loveliest soul, baby..."
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┈➤ Hajun Yeon
You'd be surprised Hajun can only be affectionate when the two of you are alone
He gives the best stimulation after minutes of silence enjoying your company. Hajun was having naughty thoughts about placing you on his lap, you were worried that he couldn't handle your size
Hajun didn't complain, his core strengths from going to the gym anyway makes him feel needed and the responsibility to carry you with all his might
Hand kisses are the first thing he can take the initiative, and you know how much of a gentleman he can be to take the first engaging move right now
This, of course, made you nervous as Hajun's unpredictable moves could make any girl swoon over. He knows your weaknesses, whispering under your ear with sweet nothings, even dirty talking could suffice that body of yours to react as if melting away from his grasp
He bites your earlobe while he explores your body underneath his fingertips. You huffed a bit and told him your insecurity. But that didn't stop him, no
Hajun loves to plant kisses on your neck, his soft lips could send you from heaven yet at the same time committing sins
Master of foreplay, he loves teasing you in any way he can. It's so ecstasy to the point you can just submit yourself to him. Probably, this is a sign of his sadistic nature to you
There are times when he takes control, you can't comply with his touch
Kisses everywhere while at the same time as lavishing you with his tongue and pampering smooches on your body
"See what we're doing, (Y/n)? No worries, only this body can make me feel needed right now..."
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