#anna stadling
alwaysbeyondhope · 2 years
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Helen Sjöholm and Anna Stadling at their Snö och marshaller concert in Helsingborg, Sweden on December 20th, 2022.
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horseweb-de · 1 month
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enmusasblog · 1 year
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MahRoot fångar essensen av svensk sommar på ny singel Efter månader av vintermörker bryter äntligen ljuset igenom och allting väcks till liv igen. På MahRoot nya singel Sommarregn som släpps 31 maj på Smilodon har de lyckats förenar svenskt vemod med somrigt gung och värme. Gruppen MahRoot föddes i influenser från svensk folkton, jazz och roots reggae, sammanfogade av texter med upplyftande budskap.  ”Låtskrivandet blev ett sätt att reflektera över livets upp- och nedgångar. Och genom vår publik har jag också förstått att jag inte är ensam om mina funderingar”, säger Eva Karman.  Tillsammans med musikerna Peter Sjölund, Björn Viitanen och det kreativa bollplanket Erik Holmberg har hon nu ett multibegåvat team i arbetet med produktionen av det kommande debutalbumet och kommande konserter.  "Allt började en sommar då Eva Karman sjöng Jimmy Cliff-covers i en källare med några vänner. Hon bestämde sig för att försöka skriva egna låtar på svenska. Gruppen gjorde femton spelningar utan att ha släppt något material. Småningom har flera av MahRoots låtar hamnat på stora playlists, och bandet har spelat på klubbar, festivalscener och bokats till Öland Roots. Förra året gjorde de tre tolkningar på hyllningskonserten för Magnus Lindberg på Skottvångs Grufva, i sällskap av etablerade artister som Sophie Zelmani, Toni Holgersson och Anna Stadling."  Nya singeln Sommarregn låter en spröd melodika fånga känslan av dragspel och bryggor, och ruset som bara den svenska sommaren kan ge. ”Sommaren blir varmare med reggae. Även om det regnar”, säger Eva  Sagt om MahRoot  ”MahRoot levererar upplyftande budskap som är både hjärtliga och upproriska. Det är varmt. Mycket varmt. Så varmt att en får sommarkänslor i januari!” Öland Roots, 2020 För mer information https://www.mahroot.se/ För intervjuer kontakta: Anette Ståhl Enmusa Music Tel: 0707-180 120 E-post: [email protected]
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lucillaharrison · 2 years
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'22  12  7
Snö och Marschaller - Helen Sjöholm & Anna Stadling
Göta Lejon, Stockholm
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nordnews · 2 years
In Home for Christmas in P4, childhood f... #Sweden
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whatodoo-sweden · 2 years
Helen Sjöholm & Anna Stadling – Snö & marschaller - Skellefteå, Sweden | 28 Nov, 2022.
Find out more / Tickets on sale.
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ANNA STADLING "Förlåt" (Official video)
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germ-t-ripper · 6 years
One of my favorite sub-genres of horror are Christmas-themed horror films. There is truly nothing more subversive than taking the happiest times of the year and dumping a big bucket of gore on them. The only problem is, for those of us that enjoy our horror-centric fashion, there isn’t much out there for options. Sure, once in a great while, you’ll come across a SILENT NIGHT, DEADLY NIGHT shirt, or even a BLACK CHRISTMAS top, but there are so many more wonderful holiday horror films out there.     Thankfully, CAVITY COLORS came to the rescue. For those of us who like the deep cuts, they’ve rolled out a few CHRISTMAS EVIL shirts. I’ve been in love with the cult classic CHRISTMAS EVIL (1980) since high school. It is a holiday tradition around my house. I even put out a framed autograph of Harry Stadling (Brandon Maggart) and director Lewis Jackson as part of my holiday decorations.     There are two different CHRISTMAS EVIL designs....
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catapti · 7 years
Rund 330 Kinder, Jugendliche und Erwachsene nehmen am Heilungsseminar im <b>Kloster</b> St. Anna ...
Viele der Gäste kennen sich untereinander, ein Großteil ist aber das erste Mal im Kloster St. Anna. "Wir sind bereits seit heute früh um 4 Uhr unterwegs und kommen mit dem Bus aus dem österreichischen Stadl bei Engelhartszell", erzählt eine gemischte Gruppe. Viele kennen den Lobpreisleiter Hans ... from Google Alert – Kloster http://ift.tt/2E5cFOf via IFTTT
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gerralk · 8 years
Live Musik ! 
Frida Öhrn
Messingenhuset Messingen – Upplands Väsby (Upplands väsby) – torsdag 9 mars 2017
http://gigguide.se/event/347157/ Nale
Pub Anchor (Stockholm) – torsdag 9 mars 2017
http://gigguide.se/event/347421/ Irma Schultz + Anna Stadling + Joakim Kohls m.fl.
Café String (Stockholm) – torsdag 9 mars 2017
http://gigguide.se/event/347047/ Rockfolket
CC Puben (Gävle) – torsdag 9 mars 2017
View On WordPress
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alwaysbeyondhope · 2 years
It still doesn’t feel like real life.
I left Lund around 5, and it only takes 30-40 minutes by train to get to Helsingborg. But I’m still pretty anxious when it comes to travel times and being in places I’ve never been before.
The walk from the Helsingborg train station to the concert hall was super fast and easy. It was raining and at first I had my head down to shield me from the rain. But I looked up and I saw all the Christmas lights and the trees decorated and I thought to myself the city is so beautiful, take some time to enjoy it! So I took some pictures.
The concert hall itself was very nice - the lobby had a Christmas tree all decorated and lit up. My seat for the concert was front row dead center which was amazing.
And the music. Ohhh the music.
I saw Helen live in May for her En ny tid tour, and she was incredible. I hadn’t seen Anna Stadling perform in person before. But the two of them together - it was electric, it came off so easy and effortless. You could just tell how close they were even without knowing their history.
They played most songs from their album. Helen had a solo, Anna had a solo. They brought their cellist, Linnea Olsson, to sing an a cappella version of The First Noel with them.
The whole concert was amazing and breathtaking. It was the last show on the tour, so Helen and Anna received gifts from the band and Helen looked so surprised and touched by it and I was able to capture that moment on camera.
They were doing a signing after the show. I actually said a quick word or two to Anna as they were heading from the stage to where they were signing. I was super nervous and starstuck and said something like “amazing” and Anna smiled, said thank you, and gestured and said we’ll see you out there. (the gist of it anyway cause it was in Swedish and it was loud but I could figure out what she meant).
I brought my Snö och marshaller CD and my Chess på svenska lyric book to get signed. They were selling the album on vinyl and candles to benefit the Red Cross but it looked like the only payment they were taking was Swish (essentially a Swedish Venmo recognized throughout the country on a country level) so I didn’t buy anything.
I wanted to try and make the effort of speaking in Swedish, even knowing that it would be awful, so I approached and said something like “my Swedish is not good, can we talk in English?” and they were so nice about it! And said yes, of course English works!And I was so happy to have said it and tried it - which is probably the most I’ve tried to speak in Swedish in all the times I’ve visited - and it seemed like they were happy that I tried.
I told them I was learning Swedish but it’s still hard for me, and that I came here from the US and planned my trip specifically around this concert. Both of their jaws dropped and it was just so amazing to talk to them. I got both things signed, and I got a picture with them, and before I left I asked if I could give them a hug. So I got hugs from Anna and Helen. It was more than I could ever have hoped for.
I didn’t want to take too much of their time - I would have talked their ears off if I had the chance, talking about how amazing Kristina is and the Swedish version of Chess and how Helen’s music helped me through my separation and divorce, and how Anna’s music is incredible and their Christmas album is something so special to me because it’s not just traditional Christmas songs, it has depth and more of an open heart feeling. But I knew there were other people waiting. So I thanked them again and then I left and headed back for the train back to Lund.
There was no shame spiral. There was no worry about making a fool of myself or pushing boundaries or doing the wrong thing. It felt so natural and good and it was freeing, to be in that position and not feel like the walls were caving in.
I was a bit afraid today that I didn’t say enough, that I was really quick with the interaction. But it was fulfilling and worthwhile while also being timely and thoughtful of other fans. And the fear and the nerves only lasted a little bit.
It’s an experience I’ll never forget. And one that I have a picture of.
So speaking of pictures - gonna post some of the ones I took!
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alwaysbeyondhope · 2 years
thinking about the concert in December. I’m terrified to go alone - this is gonna be completely alone, in a city I haven’t been to before, a venue I haven’t been to before, and no one to meet up with at the show.
And it’s the last show of the tour and I want to get a CD or vinyl signed which means talking to Helen Sjöholm and Anna Stadling and that’s terrifying because I have to speak in English cause my Swedish is still wayy too rudimentary for conversation.
But thinking about talking gets me all nervous. 😳
Definitely something to talk about in therapy. Cause I want to not feel so scared come December 20th.
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alwaysbeyondhope · 2 years
also - all these pictures of Helen and Anna performing just have me absolutely feral. Fuckk Helen is so gorgeous I’m gonna die next week. My zombie corpse will be on the train from Helsingborg to Lund because I will have died after seeing the concert next Tuesday.
9 days. I have 9 days until the concert. I’m so fucking excited and nervous.
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alwaysbeyondhope · 2 years
stayed up past midnight to listen to Snö och marschaller when it dropped on Spotify.
I just keep listening to it on repeat. I should really go to sleep. But this may be my entire personality from now until the new year.
Am I upset that winter / Christmas is taking over my October? Not when it’s Helen Sjöholm and Anna Stadling. Nope. Not at all.
It’s especially nice because this song is more “winter vibes” than “Christmas vibes” so I get all the warm and fuzzy feelings without all the Jesus bits.
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alwaysbeyondhope · 2 years
I leave for Sweden a week from tomorrow.
Holy shit.
I am so incredibly excited. So many fun adventures planned with Pocki. Traveling to Helsingborg for the last night of the Snö och marshaller tour. Hopefully (fingers crossed) get to meet Helen and Anna after the concert, buy a vinyl (maybe a candle if those are still available) and maybe hopefully get a picture with them.
If nothing else, I’m seeing Anna Stadling live for the first time, and Helen live again for the second time.
I never ever thought this could be my life. And I’m so fucking happy. I love not having children, I love not having someone controlling every aspect of who I am and what I do and how I spend my money.
Tomorrow’s adventure is a day trip to New York to see Wicked with my mom.
I’ll also be going back the weekend after I come back from Sweden to see the closing night of 1776.
And there’s so much else - We Start In Manhattan in February, Bad Cinderella (gotta see it for Carolee) in March? April? Sweeney Todd with Josh Groban in April.
Oohh then Taylor Swift in May and hopefully Sweden again in June for Midsommar!!
Who knew that I could have all of these things?
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lucillaharrison · 2 years
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'22  12  7
Snö och Marschaller - Helen Sjöholm & Anna Stadling
Göta Lejon, Stockholm
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