#ankh is a theater kid
conflipt · 2 months
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look at this little shit
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ndostairlyrium · 10 months
Multiples of 10 for the wholesome ask meme?
Oh hi!!! Thanks for asking <3 Hope you're doing great <3 also congrats on finishing the first draft of your project!! ** That's a great achievement in such a small amount of time!
I'm... kinda torn between two characters here so I'm going for both. One is Elanor, who I don't showcase often, and the other is Len, who's not going to tell you this is her favorite place on the Citadel.
10 - What is their favorite thing in the world?
Fighting. But even if they approach it differently, the core is the same. It's the moment they can toss everything aside and just exist without having to deliver explanations. It's raw, liberating, almost arousing? In that moment they feel like they're truly themselves, and they really excel at it too! On a less profound note, they both fall for biscuits. Petit fours for Len (she's addicted), whatever has raisins for Ela.
20 - What is their hidden talent? Is that a skill they've been practicing since childhood or just something they happen to know and never had the chance to show? Besides, was it something forced upon them, taught by someone close, or they picked it up themselves?
Elanor may know a thing or two about flower arrangement. It's something her mother forced upon her, but in truth she's a natural. She's kind of the MacGyver of flower compositions. Give her a pinecone and a couple of daisies and she'd be capable of turning them into the Mona Lisa.
Lenore is passionate about languages and exo-anthropology. Only a selected few know that. She's ambitious so whenever she picks up a hobby it has to be functional to her goals. Learning a different language has a person to dig deep on other cultures' habits and it's always an advantage when it comes to diplomacy, especially if you don't stop at the basics. She knows how to look a Hanar in the eye, basically.
30 - What is their love language?
Tough one. They're both quite physical, in a dudebro kind of way. Loud pats in the back, punching arms, and chest bumps to assert dominance. Elanor is slightly more words oriented, she would tell her loved ones how much she cares, even if it would take her a moment to open up. A big moment. Huge. Also she shows it. Like, you can tell she wants only the best for the ones she loves. Lenore shows it more through actions. However, she's neither generous nor kind, you have to make an effort to realize she's doing whatever she's doing in your regards as a form of love, or even basic appreciation. She's a terrible friend, really. Correction: she's a terrible human being.
40 - What is their celebrity crush? How would they react if noticed by said crush?
Oh, for Ela is definitely the Inquisitor! Prior to meeting her she was intrigued, after that she basically became her #1 fan. If she had warmth left in her body, she would blush whenever Ankh adresses her by name.
Lenore is a bit harder because she thinks she's above everything and everyone else. She did have a crush on Warlord Shiagur back in her teenage years tho, as long as many dead historical figures << She's a theater kid gone wrong, really.
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anulithots · 1 year
The Land of the Fallen Fairies
If I were to give this a happy ending, it would only end up worse. Anuli, an overthinking maybe-parasite (look up fiddle leaf figs), thinks fae is the villain of this story, that fae needs to be rewritten so fae will return everyone's foolish well wishes, but fae ends up helping the other 'villains' take over the fungal 'government', and perhaps nature grows best if you just... let it be, no happy ending required.
Came up with it when I was ten, seven years later and I've barely got a chapter after working on it non-stop.
But here's a fun fact - everything I write seems to come true.
So if you like nature themed commentary of self-improvement and fixing yourself told by a morbid, constantly overthinking, theater kid/ unreliable narrator, then feel free to give any feedback or comments :)
Some thingamabobs to get you started:
Anuli character sheet
Anuli does an interview
Anuli's playlist
Anuli's moodboard
General tag
Imjusthereforeternity <--- where Anuli is having faer crisis and where you can change the plot and Anuli's wellbeing going forward.
Chapter names <--- an overview of all the chapters written so far
How to make an Anuli
Episode idea list
'How do I get rid of this feeling?'
'How did Anuli come to be?'
'I'm tired of regret'
Kamari and Anuli are fluffy and dumb before tragic starts
A possible episode list
Be better than yesterday
Sensory issues
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The Land of the Fallen Fairies explained.
'Anuli does the info on this place' ask game
What is the Land of the Fallen Fairies
'How did Anuli come to be?'
Lot's of info on Human AU's, Anuli and Kamari, and a philosophical infodump
Here's a timeline to help you out with the plotlines:
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*click for better quality*
Anuli's stories
The four birds
Kamari's subplots:
The High Protector (aka - Kamari meets Ankh. Pre-Anuli)
Kamari angst masterpost (Post Anuli)
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Explaining @imjusthereforeternity
mycorrhizal systems
The overall arc of this (It doesn't end well.)
Let me know if you wish to be added or removed from the tag list! <3
@waitingforthesunrise @sm-writes-chaos @holdmyteaplease @full-on-sam @osbob-the-existent @awleeofficial @clearcloudlesssky @gummybugg
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dustedmagazine · 1 year
Listed: Equipment Pointed Ankh
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Photo: Jennifer Kelly
Equipment Pointed Ankh hammers out intricate rhythmic fever dreams that feel hand-made but actually arise from a complicated deck of digital and electric instruments. The sextet from Louisville, KY has been at it for over a decade and three full-lengths and recently played a mesmerizing set at the Thing in the Spring Festival in Keene, New Hampshire (see photo). Jennifer Kelly reviewed their latest, From Inside the House, earlier this year, noting that, “These tracks bounce and jitter like they want to dance, but then tip sideways into lush string synth lyricism, inscrutable spoken word, and, in one cases, the sound of soda sucked through a straw.” Here are some of the things that inspire them.
Jim Marlowe
Tara Clerkin Trio — Self Titled
Casually excellent clarinet, piano and drum grooves — some live stuff and some studio looping/chopping to great effect. What a great sound. An engaging combo whatever it is. Went nuts after hearing ’em and attempted to find everything else they’ve done. I chose this one but In Spring is another great, very different slice and Live at Bliss Archive is a tough wiggling of jazz tunes through CDJ beer goggles. Calmly unique and cool. One of my most jammed.
Pierre Barouh — Le Pollen
1981 heavy hitting YMO/Mariah and adjacent crews lift up real people chanson singer Pierre Barouh with freshly unboxed synths and a wide-ranging attitude towards song arrangement. The title track is a real highlight for me. Feels like it could have existed as a B-side off Scary Monsters if it was recorded at a restaurant with friends you don't get to see too often. I love it. Trying to think of another superstar group who worked with someone out of their immediate world to such great effect — The Eagles and Joe Walsh? Just kidding.
Ryan Davis
Vacuum Rebuilders — Anything Else Is A Compromise
Not technically a CD, so I'm already breaking the rules here, but I was in Victoria, BC earlier this week and walked into a record store with about 90 seconds to spare before leaving town. This was the first thing that caught my eye, and it was 2 dollars, so I purchased it with the loose change in my pocket and left. My life is better now from having gained this glorious spool of sicko-rock on Calgary’s prestigious Pee Blood label. From the simultaneously brilliant and seemingly microwaved minds that brought you bands like Hairnet, Singing Lawn Chair et al, Arielle McCuaig and Kayla MacNeill are, in this lone Ankhman’s opinion, responsible for some of the most refreshing and exciting rock music to have surfaced from the modern North American underground so far this decade. This specific material is perhaps more sonically aligned with the outsider punk of their Janitor Scum LP on Lumpy than the most recent experimental theater/art-pop/noise-folk shenanigans of their Puppet Wipes project (Looks Real, Siltbreeze), but it's all a part of the same strange and electrifying puzzle as far as my own dumb midwestern ears can conclude.
Gang Starr — Moment of Truth
I’ve listened to rap and hip-hop music throughout nearly every phase of my life since early grade school, but my focus and enthusiasm tend to fluctuate between subgenres therein. And no matter how long I go without listening to it (sometimes years), I always inevitably circle back to what I fell perhaps most in love with growing up, which was early-to-mid 1990s east coast street-wise boom bap shit. Gang Starr’s Moment of Truth, while considered to be of an arguably “post-classic” era by certain purists, is the record of theirs with which I always felt most connected. As of late, it's exactly what I want to hear. Released four years after its predecessor into the freshly treacherous waters of the shiny-suit/jiggy era, the beats, rhymes and ever coolheaded delivery on M.o.T. are as strong or stronger than they were in 1992. If they weren’t already solidified as one of the best emcee/deejay combos to ever do it, they were now. Come for the Inspectah Deck track (shout out Shorty’s “Fulfill the Dream” video from the same year), stay for the truly timeless Guru/Primo magic.
Shutaro Noguchi
José Antonio Méndez — Siempre Estrellas (BMG U.S. Latin)
I sigh every time I listen to this. One of the sexiest male vocals that ever existed on the earth on Si Me Comprendieras. But this CD might possibly be too much of sexy for homosocial ankh van, so I almost went for Perlas Cubanas of his or William Basinski and Janek Schaefer’s …on reflection.
Various Artists — Women of Africa (CSA Records)
Pretty simple but rhythmic melodies and harmonies and just incredible sound choices, phonological elements and beautiful vocals. I almost went for Julia Sarr or Shona’s Mbira CD on Nonsuch. But the first track just made me happy this time around.
Christopher Bush
Daisuke Tobari — Till The End of the Dream
This album is a masterpiece. An idiosyncratic blend of the psychedelic “songbook” (various pages) and the more ritualistic side of far Eastern classical music over seventeen tracks. An intuitive, imaginative and personal set of recordings. At one point, Mr. Tobari sings the words “Happy Birthday.” It is almost too much to get your head around.
Eyes and Arms of Smoke — In Three Houses
Lexington, KY band, active in the mid 2000s. Immaculate sequencing of two tracks, only really do-able in physical format on a CD. First track is a three-minute bongo fever dream with haunted vocals that showcases the song-based home studio sound that they developed on their sole full length, A Religion of Broken Bones. (See Dusted’s 3/9/2006 review). Second track is a twenty-five-minute free-improv mystery that showcases some of the modes unleashed in earlier live sets and tapes. Homespun, disorienting, and other. I cherish this band.
Dan Davis
The KLF — The White Room
This is my shit right now. I can’t really even explain why. It just scratches and itch. Like this is the music made by two dudes who like burned a million pounds or some shit? It’s awesome.
Avalanches — Since I Left You
I’ve been really interested in so called “Plunderphonics” and this record has an insane amount of vinyl samples on it. So, it’s just a fun listen when thinking about the work of making it. Dweeb shit that you can bop to.
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asknarashikari · 4 years
Main riders having a silly nightmare (Scary for said riders, but not for the others). What are they?
Tsukasa: Being force-fed sea cucumbers at a Chinese banquet (where they’re sometimes served as one of the courses, can confirm)
Shoutaro: Philip’s cooking. Worse, their kid Kentaro eating Philip’s cooking and getting food poisoning as a result.
Philip: That time Shou won a male beauty pageant, but he becomes so famous that he stops being a detective to be a model
Eiji: His beloved underpants getting destroyed in a variety of ways, including by the hands of his other great love (Ankh)
Gentaro: The sound of cicadas haunt his nightmares lmao. Apparently he’s scared of them
Haruto: Being told by every doughnut shop he goes to that they don’t sell plain sugar doughnuts
Kouta: Getting caught practicing his Rider poses in front of the mirror... while naked
Shinnosuke: Justice Hunter chasing him after he pissed off Kiriko for some reason
Takeru: He still has nightmares of being chased by a giant Pac-Man and getting eaten by it
Emu: Getting beaten at Mighty Action X by some nameless gamer who then morphs into Dan Kuroto
Sento: His kids (especially Fuyumi, the eldest) getting mad at him for some reason. Their tempers are terrifying lol
Sougo: Getting chased by manhole lady and being forced to marry her while Geiz and Tsukuyomi just congratulate him
Aruto: Being forced into a woman’s role during his time in a theater troupe, then performing in front of the other Kamen Riders
Touma: Someone accusing him of writing porn, and finding evidence of said porn even though he never wrote any
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narashikari · 5 years
What is each rider's ugly-cry movie? What movies make them bawl every time they watch it?
Tsukasa: Movie War 2010 (of course he watched it), due to suddenly realizing how much distress he caused Natsumi, making her think he actually turned against her.. He comes home to her to apologize.
Shoutaro: Anything involving animals dying gets to him, but none more so than Marley and Me. Also the scene in Infinity War where Bucky gets dusted before Steve’s eyes- it reminds him too much of how Philip died. (He had to leave theater when it happened because he was having a panic attack.)
Philip: Anastasia. He very much relates to the whole amnesiac, lost family, found family ordeal she goes through. Not to mention the climax kind of reminds him Shoutaro, fighting his damnest to keep him safe- the very gesture which causes Philip to fall hard for him.
Eiji: The Captain America movies make him cry because he relates to Steve’s struggle with losing Bucky and trying to get him back. He thinks it’s like him with Ankh. And like Shoutaro, the aforementioned scene in Infinity War caused him considerable distress.
Gentaro: He’s very empathic, so if anyone cries onscreen he’ll also end up crying... But Clannad made him cry very, very hard mostly due to Nagisa’s illness and death reminding him of Kengo’s. He didn’t stop until Kengo reminded him that his illness went away after he came back to him.
Haruto: The Notebook. It was Koyomi’s favorite.
Kouta: He only manages to get glimpses of movies now that he’s in Helheim, if he manages to peek in on one of the others watching one... that makes him sadder than anything.
Shinnosuke: Any movie with parental sacrifices kills him inside, and especially Bambi. He clings on to his wife and child just the tiniest bit harder whenever they watch that part.
Takeru: The Casper movie, mainly because he thinks that’s how he could’ve ended up, had he not been brought back to life- just another lonely kid who has to watch life pass him by, unable to live it. He was heartbroken when Casper had to go back to being a ghost after he kisses his girl once.
Emu: As an avid gamer, he was of course into Pokemon as a child... which means that he most likely watched Pokemon: The First Movie. He always underestimates how powerful a simple “Pika? Pikapi?” would be... then when the other ‘mons start to bawl, so does he.
Sento: The Perks of Being a Wallflower. The loneliness he suffered, his suicidal tendencies, Evolt’s (non-sexual, but just as bad) abuse of him... it all got thrown in his face in the form of Charlie. 
Sougo: Pretty much any high school movie kind of makes him cry. Not because of the events itself... but because it’s those movies that remind him of how few friends he has and how little of an actual, typical high school experience he had.
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zenosanalytic · 8 years
Discworld: Jingo
I think I’d have to say the central theme of this one was people getting caught up in things.
Vimes gets caught up in “the chase” and just being a “copper”, because he’s HARDBOILED(and, of course, in Cadram’s assassination plot).
People get caught up in Carrot, and the dream of him.
Carrot gets caught up in Vimes’ unspoken political philosophy.
A-M gets caught up in Jingoistic War-Fever!!
Leonard gets caught up in his creative engineering genius, designs terrible weapons, then lies to himself about people-nature because he NEEDS to so badly believe that they are Harmless; that folks would never be so terrible as to use them(and how heartbreaking was his closing vignette, locking himself away in the secret prison of his own design, his own Labyrinth, after seeing how people truly are, and how dangerous his ideas can be. Thought I WOULD have liked more justification for this; his interactions with Nobby were a good start, but I don’t think they “earned” such an affecting ending.).
Captain Jenkins and his crew gets caught up in Vimes’ chance to save Angua.
Cadram gets caught up in the ambition and self-perpetuating logic of empire building.
Klatch gets caught up in obedience to Cadram.
Colon and Nobby, and then everyone, get caught up in Vetinari’s endless political juggling act; the reactive, analytical, sharp-sighted improvisation through which he tries to keep good old chaotic A-M in the air and Magical for just one more show. And what an excellent subtle little metaphor that is; comparing Vetinari’s rule to street theater and magic tricks? Unseen University and Street Theater are two Morporkian Quintessentials, and presenting Vetinari’s style of rule as such marks it as equally, Essentially, A-Mian :)
Lord Rust gets(has always been?) caught up in his fantasies about War; an out of place Romantic playing at a role his class has been obsoleted from for generations, without him realizing it.
And of course everyone -from the fishermen to Colon to Rust to Slant to Wilikins to the Mob/Chorus, but excluding the fishermen’s kids, Vimes, Vetinari, Angua, and Ahmed- seems to get caught up in Nationalism; the unthinking belief in one’s own polity’s and place’s Superiority to any other place or polity.
In all this “getting caught up” going on, I find it somewhat funny that the Curiosity Squid -the fishermen’s original targets and a species known for being easy to catch because of their tendency to get caught up in what fishermen in their waters are doing- are one of the few who didn’t get “caught up” by their city; when it floats to the surface they get out of the way, rather than being dragged along to a death by exposure.
And really it’s a wonderful little irony Pratchett sets up regarding them with this snippet to bookend this book. Through the Fishermen, he introduces Curiosity Squid as “Stupid”. Then, through the Fisherman’s reactions to their city and the generic work of mystery on the human mind, he surrounds them, clandestinely, with Ominous Abyssal Foreboding. Only to, at the end, reveal them to be smarter than the Fisherman who hunted them and benign; having neither any influence on their city’s cycle of rising and sinking, nor any understanding of the havoc war-mad surfacers use it to justify >:] >:]
And speaking of Ominous Abyssal Foreboding, this was also a really great send up of Lovecraft. The C-Squid, of course, but now that I’ve written that line and I’m thinking about it, Jingo more broadly. Because, of course, Lovecraft was an inveterate racist, terrified to the point of petrification by foreign cultures, non-whites, and “miscegenation”. The reflexive racism of the Ankh-Morporkians, Fantasy equivalents of Romans and the English and(maybe) of USians(itself a bit of a joke, shared by the whole series, on how Romans in Movies and TV are ALWAYS given posh English accents), is the reflexive racism of Lovecraft, only presented in a context and aspect that reveals how ridiculous and small-minded it is. And the C-Squids ARE eldritch(otherworldly and ghostly; they live in the ocean and are white[and don’t they glow slightly, I seem to recall that but my brain could be lying to me |:T]), ancient(their history stretches back beyond the first time Leshp rose from the ocean floor), and incomprehensible(the fisherman can’t even recognize their intelligence, let alone attempt to understand them. Though, in typical Pratchett fashion, this is more because of the FISHERMEN’S hangups and how that limits their perception than anything to do with the Squid), with a particular geometric aesthetic that is vaguely disturbing to humans, just like Lovecraft’s cephalopodic antagonists. The one difference: rather than feeling an uncaring malevolence for people contradictorily expressed through a drive to manipulate them to their ruin, the C-Squids are benevolently curious although perfectly content to leave Surfacers to their own lives.
And it isn’t just the Curiosity Squid either. Lovecraft also had an unhealthy, racist obsession with the “Ancient and Decadent” peoples of the South and Eastern Med basin and their “heathen” knowledge/ways, particularly Mesopotamia and Egypt, expressed primarily through his presentation of old Mesopotamia deities as twisted, amoral, deadly beings of madness and untamed appetite(a depiction still common in Fantasy products today though, to be fair, one can’t put it ALL on Lovecraft; he was participating in a tradition of infernalization going back centuries). The Klatchians are expys of these cultures(as well as those of the Middle East; Afghanistan, Iran, Kazakhstan, ect[1]), obviously, and they are consistently portrayed as being just as civilized and religious as the A-Mians, if in different ways.
So onto the Elephant in the Room. Jingo isn’t a pun title like most of Pratchett’s it’s a straight forward one. “Jingo”, the word, refers to unquestioning, over-the-top, often violent, patriotism, and its reflected hatred of “foreign” people. That touches on racism too, particularly through all the things Fred Colon “knows” about Klatchians. We’ve certainly seen a lot of that in the US over the last 17 years directed at anybody with a Near Eastern, North African, or Central/South Asian heritage, though demonization of “Arabs” goes back far longer in the US than that, and of Latinos too, for reasons less different than one might think. In all this hyperbolic “Reconquista” and “Sharia” talk we see the same ugly white supremacist urge for cultural purity, hiding behind a fear of invasion and bullshit about “the good old days”. As if it were a fear of “Mexico” for its Spanishness rather than a belligerence towards it for its Nativeness; towards a vibrant neighboring mestizo culture that, purely by existing, shines a light on the barbarities of USian history while grappling with its own, and proving that “a white land for white men” was neither destiny nor necessary. As if it were a fear of Islam and those white culture “sees” as Islamic “taking over” rather than a cruel desire to assert the US’s “Christian Identity” by tormenting and driving out those who are USian without Christianity.
The vicious behaviors and ignorant opinions we see are certainly recognizable in our own xenophobia, but I don’t feel like one can draw a direct line between how events unfold in Jingo and how they have in the US, allegorywise. Lord Rust once asks Vimes to arrest(or was it exile?) all A-Mians of Klatchian heritage “for their safety”, and he’s content to bad-mouth them oblivious to how his opinion promote the mob violence he decries, while consider all of it “nothing personal”, but he really isn’t the equivalent of a hate-mongering race-demagogue like Donald Trump, or Ronald Reagan, or the general Republican party of the last 40 years.The A-Mian hatred of Klatchians is a Fever, stirred up among the Chorus almost magically by the resurfacing of the possibility of strategic competition between A-M and Klatch; not a long-simmering antipathy, long-nurtured by Authority for the sake of its own objectives. Being a Fantasy, the warmongering racists and nationalists of Jingo are, mercifully, frantic Cranks squawking in a city-park, not leading figures of the State. Such muni-park tirades are a rathermore British scene than USian, though, not being British(let along English), I can’t really speak to how Pratchett’s treatment of nationalism and racism in Jingo tracks with the UKian experience of those social ills. And, of course, in Sam Vimes you have a police officer who truly believes in Law and Justice and in seeing them done,  who can hardly abide killing, let alone to see injustice done, let alone unjust killing. Such a police officer is certainly fantastical to the USian experience. Pratchett makes it easy for readers to forgive the Fred Colon’s of the world by keeping his ignorant prejudices a bodyless act, learned and preformed by rote for the obvious sake of his ego, rendered mostly harmless to others by his own monumental buffoonery, and repudiated by the end, in the face of his own experience with Klatchians, besides. The unfortunate truth of our world is that the Fred Colon’s in it typically end up doing far more harm while playing out their little roles, and often are never even brought to confront it, let along come to regret and denounce it.
I liked the inclusion of the Goriffs, and that Pratchett through to make the attempt to portray what it is like to be on the nasty end of terroristic behavior, as a family, as individuals, and as a community(the Klatchian ex-Pats, fearing the rising xenophobic tide, misunderstanding the Goriff’s protective custody), and particularly Janil’s plotline. That’s not an experience I’ve ever lived through, so I can’t say how it worked as a depiction, but it struck me as compassionate and sincere, and well written. One would wish things irl could end as they do in this book, with almost everyone whole and healthy, the danger averted, everything maybe not put back exactly the way it was, but thoroughly Fixed and with a ribbon on.
Ok, that’s all I can think of to write about this right now. I’ll end by saying that I continue to really Like Pratchett as a political writer even if, as with the example of curry, the allusions and literary devices he uses in his satire don’t always carry the same cultural salience for me[2].
[1]what we usually think of as the Middle East today -Mesopotamia and the Phoenician Coast- were really “The Near East” in this old British Imperial system of designation, and I think the original form is more sensible
[2]which isn’t to say I don’t Love curry. I do. I just mean that, in Britain, if Red Dwarf taught me anything, it’s an Institution u_u u_u u_u
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intothespideyverses · 8 years
Riverdale Parents
ok since it seems like all the parents of riverdale grew up together, i think itd be interesting to think of how they all were in high school betty's mom: evil bitch that ruined lives for fun. nosy as H E L L and part of the school newspaper. slutshamed literally everyone cause she "wasnt like other girls~~", highkey satan. would throw a tantrum if she got less than a 95 on a test, and would threaten teachers if the grade wasnt corrected. she was student council treasurer but wanted president or at least vp, but couldnt get elected to either bc no one liked her weird ass. would crash parties and destroy them bc she was mad she wasnt invited. friends: fred...for a time...before some sorta falling out enemies: boy where does one even begin betty's dad: fought cheryls dad outside behind the dumpsters every day. was the waterboy for the football team. would steal from teachers for the fun of it. probably a furry lbr friends: idk coach clayton?? enemies: only cheryls dad cheryl's mom: queen bitch. probably a theater kid who paid the director to be the lead every time. actually evil, like genuinely demonic. went to europe every summer and would somehow come back with the worst sunburn lmao, but she would lie and act like she was fine. ghost fucker who would make up stories about parts of the school being haunted to scare freshmen. threw sleepovers that people would leave mentally and emotionally scarred. DEFINITELY into hentai. friends: she doesnt believe in companionship so enemies: All cheryl's dad: sadistic hoe. fucked up bettys dad on the regular. a history geek that was probably into hentai too. friends: nah enemies: the world veronica's mom: sweetheart that was somehow always at the center of drama. never directly fucked with anyone but if provoked would start literal fires. was probably a model for some juniors magazine and everyone was jealous as fuck. omg if any of u watched seasons 6-9 of degrassi she was basically mia. friends: fred, josies mom, fucked jugheads dad once enemies: bettys mom, cheryls mom fr*d: boring, stayed out of trouble, fucked chainsaws friends: jugheads dad, veronicas mom, basically everyone cause he didnt bother nobody enemies: none rly jughead's Zaddy: stayed broke but always turned down friends' favors to buy him lunch, wore eyeliner, HOT as SHIT, drove a motorcycle to school, talked back to teachers all the time, and um thats it idk we havent seen him much but 👅👅👀 friends: archies dad, fucked ronnie's mom once enemies: literally everyone else josie's dad: unironically called everyone pleebs, pretentious as FUCC, turned down parties he was never even invited to, lowkey an ankh? probably. aced all his classes except math. quit marching band bc he got into too many fights with the band director. got a scolarship to juillard. basically the kid who would remind the teacher that there was homework. bet he was fine asf tho especially when reciting some langston hughes friends: none lol except josies mom enemies: anything mainstream josie's mom: SNAKE!!! teacher's pet by day, schemer by night. student class president, honor roll, AND probably apart of 3 different honor societies. but when she wasnt about them books she was in the halls causing drama behind the scenes. no one ever suspected her, and even if they did, no teacher would believe that Goody Two Shoes Josie's Mom was lowkey a demon 🐍 friends: everyone but especially veronicas mom enemies: shes so sneaky that her enemies dont even know theyre her enemies coach clayton: sports hoe. captain of All Teams Ever. too nice to have beef w anyone but cheryls dad probably creeped him out. probably homecoming king for 3 years straight. chad from hsm basically friends: all except cheryls dad lol enemies: none sheriff keller: the kid who ate glue friends: N/A enemies: the janitor
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