headlinemarathi · 4 years
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आनंदवार्ता! स्वदेशी लशीची प्राण्यांवर यशस्वी चाचणी, 'भारत बायोटेक'ची घोषणा एक दिलासादायक माहिती समोर आली आहे | #India #Coronavirus #Covaxin #AnimalTrials #Successful http://www.headlinemarathi.com/national-marathi-news/bharat-biotech-has-announced-that-animal-trials-of-its-covid-19-vaccine-candidate-covaxin-were-successful/?feed_id=10079&_unique_id=5f5c9ec879233
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hoory · 7 years
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RT @AnimalTrial: #シンゴジラ シンゴジラはCGが雑ぅ!? なぁに言ってんだオメェ( ´・‿ ・`) これを見やがれ! https://t.co/kFwQupGMrY
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bounward · 4 years
trial 3.1 | pan chuckled, you mean the chaos emeralds- | pan [re: CHUCK, campion]
In the short amount of time between being whisked away from their investigation to finding themselves situated, once again, at these fates forsaken boardroom chairs, Pan knew one thing for certain. 
For fuck’s sake, she should have taken that water. 
Her brow was tight, eyes unfocused at she stared at the can of soda in her hand. The sugar was desirable in the moment she stole the can from the Smeesil fridge, in that moment she felt her energy dipping... but now? She could feel the bubbles like obnoxious butterflies in her stomach, and she could feel the caffeine causing her hand to shiver and twitch. 
Everything, was slowly... becoming too real. She didn’t have the desire to press forward in investigation for the sake of the emotional O’Malley, or shocked Knuckles. There was no walking to get out all her panicked, nervous energy. She was sat there, in that seat, and now forced to remember two more people were really, truly gone, as well as remembering... just what happened the last time they were here. 
Her gaze shifted to Basil, eyes already beginning to well up despite herself. 
Or well, maybe they would have more, if it weren’t for a CERTAIN man-- 
“Huh-- HUUUUH?!” 
Pan snapped out of her daze quickly, eyes blinking wildly in surprise, cheeks turning red...! 
But that quickly dissolved into a heavy frown, pulling her brows down into a hard furrow with it. 
“CHUCK, WHAT-- Where do I... how do you even expect me to RESPOND to that?! Are you just TRYING to get everyone angry with you?! O’Malley’s right, this isn’t a joke! And-- well, okay. Maybe you were a little too close with this theorizing last time but...” 
She groaned, ears lowering, shoulders up. 
“The only Chaos Emeralds I have are the ones you gave me! Everything magical I have in my room is because of YOU, because I take it off you hands when you’re acting like it’s a-- a wild animal trying to bite you! So...! NO, it wasn’t me, I would never do something like this, if it was an accident I would own up to it not try to hide Dola from ever being found, and...and...! YOU’RE WELCOME!” 
She huffed, snapping her gaze away from him with a scrunch of her nose. For those nearby, her tail was very obviously bristling behind her. 
After a moment, however, she seemed to settle herself again, though she still seemed rather embarrassed to be the focus of Chuck’s wild theorizing this time around. 
“...uhm, if we’re looking to form a rough timeline then... Lucita seemed to have company over at some point during the night. My investigation group went into her room and there were two cups of cold tea, alongside a cold pot of tea on the counter. Neither cup seemed to be, ah, touched much. Most of the tea was still inside of them, so... I think something must have convinced them to leave before they got the chance to drink.” 
Her gaze fell, fingers tapping on her soda. 
“And Dola... we went to her room as well. Her bedsheets were all on the ground, like she had been in a rush to leave. And when I checked her--” She swallowed, shaking her head. “Her shirt was inside out, and her socks were mismatched too. [Campion] already mentioned the text messages so... I second her. I think Dola was worried for Lucita, and rushed out to look for her.” 
That thought made her look incredibly sad, and she sighed, ears lowering. 
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bambitchell · 8 years
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Meister Von Frankfurt “Altar of St. Anne” 1504
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bambitchell · 8 years
Dolphins = Gay Sharks
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bambitchell · 8 years
‘the scarlett johansson of the chicken world’ 
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bambitchell · 8 years
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