teatimewithahmya · 3 years
To Me?
Guys, where do I even start? This book is a must read. There are so many different ways to take it. I just started reading it and I already feel like I know these Characters. 
“A huge black rat squealed and leaped at Bigger’s trouser-leg and snagged it in his teeth, hanging....... whirling and kicking out his leg with all the strength of his body. The force of his movement shook the rat loose and it sailed through the air and struck a wall.” page 17
Now this quote may seem simple the there is so much to unpack to me. Let’s just start with the symbolism behind this. I thin this shows Fear. Not only because a rat was in their house, but mainly because bigger was scared of the rat along with his family members , and the rat was scared of bigger. When we all get scared we immeadtly go into self defense/ Violence mode. Personally when I get scared, my anxiety flairs and I what whatever is scaring me to just disappear. (But safely). 
Bigger reminds me of my mom. I know thats weird to say because he is a he and she is a she, But When it comes to things that frighten me, My mom is always the first to make it go away. For instance, animals. Im scared of every animal, bugs, fishes , even birds. You name the animal and Im scared of it, But if an animal bothers me I know I can count on my mom to make sure that it doesn't hurt me. I can relate to bigger mom because Im scared of animals and I would have fainted if I saw a rat just like bigger sister did.
Overall I feel like this book is heading in the direction that I love. I find it so crazy how even back then with the police everything was the same just like how now is. I think it's crazy. 
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