#animal tincture oil
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Book Review: Wild Witchcraft by Rebecca Beyer
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TW: Alcohol mentions and tallow mentions. Poison Path things as well. This is: Wild Witchcraft by Rebecca Beyer Rating: 9/10 Pros: An amazing outlook into animism, herbalism, and foraging in a safe, sustainable and non-appropriative way! The instructions on how to garden were very to the point and explained some complicated ideals in an easy to digest way, I think one of my favorite quotes from the book that stuck with me while reading was,
“Just when I think magic has been cut down and paved over; a dandelion has pushed it’s way out of the cracks in the cement.”
I hope that quote helps you understand what sort of writing to expect out of this book! As someone that grew up learning planting from my Papaw who took classes on the subject after getting out of WWII through a governmental program and was a farmer before that, some of the information on growing was things I already knew. But for a beginner just looking into ‘wildcrafting’ or foraging or just plain growing your own herbs for witchy things?
Get this book.
The author, while an herbalist, breaks down each plant she mentions and includes plenty of warnings and suggestions for use both magical and holistically. She covers the poison path in a very easy to understand way while making sure you understand it’s not a beginner’s thing, and certainly not one to take without serious consideration first. The author takes careful note of Indigenous practices and makes sure to drive it home that their voices are to be heard over anyone else’s when it comes to taking care of American land. There are so many rituals and remedies included in this book that I have a feeling I’ll be referencing it quite a lot, and not just for the gardening and foraging tips!
Did I mention the entire 11 pages of a bibliography in the back?? No? Well there’s that too. My academic heart is thrilled.
Cons: Honestly? The only real con I have is that the author spends a chunk of time going over the Wheel of the Year which is a wiccan construct in a book that otherwise doesn’t have any wiccan imagery or practices up until this point. It feels…weirdly thrown in? But she also includes multiple folk traditions that were common amongst those particular time periods so…it is worked in but it still feels a little odd and jarring to me.
The author also mentioned the use of tallow as a commonly used oil for salves, which is correct but some people are uncomfortable with the idea and I understand that! Since the author has tincture recipes as well she does mention the use of alcohol in steeping purposes.
Overview: Animism, foraging, herbalism, and being safe to the environment. Good stuff all around!
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eldrith · 1 month
Would you be willing to tell us anything about your WIPs?
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sure! i have so many - like a sick amount lol. so here are just some in no particular order... with songs that have lyrics that fit the plot <3 ive been heavily discouraged as of late and can’t guarantee anything in terms of posting these
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about you ; jacaerys x aunt/targ!reader [jace is betrothed to baela], request. ➺ vibes: escaping your family just to tame an untamable beast. saving your cousin's life, almost losing your own. feels like unrequited childhood longing, slow burning; like finding the cherished toy that was lost in your youth. like laughing in the face of death. sounds like 'about you' by the 1975, like the roar of an ancient beast, the buzzing of a fly in the corner of a peaceful room. tastes like herbal tinctures, root of thistle, and milk of the poppy. smells like ancient dragonsmoke and rolls of gauze.
dead men don't sing ; jacaerys x stark!reader, request. ➺ vibes: sweet, but foreboding - like the destiny woven into your bloodline long before your mother’s mother ever had a name. feels like playful love, poorly contained desire; like when the burden placed upon your back is lifted by the one you love. sounds like 'would that i' by hozier, like the northern wind snapping in your ears. tastes like snow on your tongue, remnants of wine upon lips. smells like the woods in winter; like a well-burned hearth.
a golden cage [part iv] ; jacaerys x aunt/targ!reader ➺ vibes: awkward dinner parties, the embarrassment of sprouting affection. feels like an apology in the back of your throat, like the guilt and subsequent relief of looking at someone and feeling like you're looking into a mirror. sounds like 'south' by hippo campus & ‘shake it out’ by florence & the machine; like dramatic declarations and whispered vows. tastes like wine in your cup and the salt of ocean upon lips. smells like incense burnt low and muddled sourleaf tea.
honeyed [part ii] ; jacaerys x queen's advisor!reader. ➺ vibes: flirty, sweet, - resisting something you know is inevitable. feels like the giddiness of camping with an old friend; or the first time riding a dragon; like looking up during a storm just to feel rain hit your smile. sounds like 'pools' by glass animals, like quiet whispers within canvas tents; like the chorus of full tables at Raventree Hall, celebrating royal guests. tastes like wild berries and fresh river water. smells like the leather of dragonsaddles, like wild rosemary.
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miscellaneous; these may never see the light of day
untitled ; jacaerys x lady!reader, request. ➺ vibes: yearning for your best friend & knowing them better than the back of your hand. betrothal proposals, envy. feels like lounging in the hot sun, like worrying over looks sent to you across the ballroom; gossiping with your crush’s brother. like the brush of fingers upon your neck, like a gut bubbling in unspoken jealousy. sounds like ‘daydream / wetdream / nightmare’ by saint motel, like butchering the pronunciation of an ancient tongue. tastes like cucumber sandwiches, like hot tea under the summer sun. smells like old library scrolls and cologne oils upon a warm neck.
half-fleshed fic of modern jace x best friend reader ➺ vibes: almost-friends-with-benefits with your best friend - poor drunken choices, insecurities, yearning. feels like not knowing what you are, like washing off the remnants of lipstick upon your neck in the shower. sounds like 'an ode to a conversation stuck in your throat' by del water gap & ‘affection’ by BETWEEN FRIENDS; like the faint whispering when someone sleeps. tastes like guinness on tap, like cookies made at 2am. smells like empty streets after rain, like the warmth of your best friend’s hoodie.
untitled ; jacaerys x wife/betrothed!reader [undecided, v incomplete] ➺ vibes: teasing someone to see them squirm, smiling politely to hide a smirk. feels like the excitement of a chase, the warmth of desire; like tugging on curly tresses. sounds like the scraping of silver cutlery against plates, like breathless pleads against sweaty skin - like 'silvertongue' by young the giant. tastes like an eager tongue pressing against your own, sweet like blueberry pie. smells like blown out candles, scented oils on pillows.
untitled ; jacaerys x wife!reader ➺ vibes: giddiness & good news. happiness, the blossoming flower that sprouts from the seed of sorrow. feels like sand under your feet, like arms around your waist. sounds like the shaking of pride in a voice, like ‘jackie and wilson’ by hozier. tastes like salt of tears, like rosemary cakes. smells like home.
& maybe a nsfw version of the 5 love languages with jacaerys but who knows
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adobealmanac · 1 month
Appalachian Traditions from my Father
My dad and his relatives came from the Netherlands, however, when they arrived in America they settled in the Appalachia's. Many of my relatives on his side still remain in those mountains, and thus, continue practicing the rich traditions of one of the oldest mountain ranges. Here I will document some of those old-fashioned remedies and superstitions:
To cure a fever take a bulb's worth of garlic, and a few layers of the largest onion you have on hand and wrap them in a cloth as if you were rolling up dough to cut fresh linguini. Sinch each end with a piece of twine. Take a hammer and with all your rage beat the cloth into a pulp. Once the contents are sufficiently mashed tie the cloth around the wrists, right over the pulse. Leave the poor man's poultice in place until the fever reduces. It should take effect in around an hour.
Headache bandages were one of my great-grandmother's go to remedies to enjoy during a nice warm winter night after a long day of hard work. It would take away any symptoms of a sore head swiftly. First, grab one or two paper bags and cut them widthwise into long, thick strands of brown paper. They should be long enough to stretch across the front of your forehead and onto the sides of your temples. heat up some apple cider vinegar so that it is warm but not hot. Drench the strips of paper in the vinegar like you are making paper mache. Then, apply the strips onto your forehead so that it is thoroughly covered and pat them down with a washcloth. Cover the strips with a headband or bandanna so that they do not drip onto your hair or face, and leave in place until the soreness is gone.
Throat salve is a cozy drink we used to make to sooth a soar throat. First, combine the juice of one lemon with a cup of water. Boil the lemon water on the stove. Once it is boiling add a tablespoon or two of honey depending on your own preferences. I typically add two as it cuts the sourness of the lemon, plus the honey is good for you. Boil the mixture until it is all combined and serve hot in a mug. You may garnish it with a lemon slice to make it feel fancy.
Sunburn Soother is a simple thing to make. Begin by picking some fresh sage, and lavender if it is in bloom from your garden. Get about two cups of water boiling, and add the herbs. Boil it until a strong tincture is made. Make a similar tincture out of black tea too. I usually leave both boiling until there is just a bit of liquid left in each. Get about a cup of fresh aloe (or bottled, either works so long as it doesn't contain alcohol) and combine it with your tinctures. Once thoroughly mixed apply to the sunburn liberally as needed.
Vicks Vaporub is a cure all as my granny says. Got a cough? slather it on your feet and cover them with socks before going to bed. Anoint yourself with Vicks while doing the sign of the cross to cast out and protect from evil. Congested? Rub it under your nose and on your chest. Going near a decaying animal carcass? shove some in the openings of your nostrils to prevent that god awful scent. Need to fake cry at your enemies funeral? Dab some of that good ol' Vicks Vaporub underneath your eyes. It can even be used to oil a squeaky door. If you don't have a jar that is older than you and somehow still full, go buy one on amazon! Vicks is the gift that keeps on giving.
Minding your own business is a powerful thing in the dusk draped skies of the Appalachian forests. Whether you hear your name called out on your evening walk, or seeing your neighbor walk to his barn late at night, keep your head down. It don't involve you now, does it? Whether you believe it's a cryptid out there ready to strike, or the moonshiners up to their hobbies, leave them be. Live and let live is the word of the wind, and thus is the virtue of Appalachian life.
Is your ear itching? That means someone has spoken your name. Pay attention to which ear is tingling. If it is your right, they are speaking truthfully about you. They may even put in a good word. However, if it is your left, they are spreading gossip and speaking ill of you. If this is the case, carry a sprig of rosemary on you until five days have passed since the last tingle of your left ear. This will protect you from any ill will sent your way.
The pillows of the dead often contain a wreath of feathers known as an angels crown. Often, it is believed that they signify your loved one being allowed into heaven. However, if you find one in the pillow of a living soul it may signify that their time is near. That is why it is so important to fluff your pillows each night, as you want to break up any budding wreaths before they lay claim to your life.
Drinking alone is never acceptable. Whether it is tea or scotch, be sure to pour a little out on the ground to quench the spirits. I always keep a small clay figurine by the kettle to give a drop of tea to in the morning. Drinking without offering some to the nearby spirits could upset them.
Iron nails can be strong protective amulets. Whether you nail them into the corners of your bedroom or fashion a cross out of them, they provide strong protection against malevolent spirits and evil forces. Superstitions around iron from Appalachia are quite similar to those spoken about in my post the magic of scissors.
Witches marks are said to protect your home from malicious spells and witchcraft. They can be easily fashioned out of sticks by making a five-pointed star with sticks and strings. Place this above the entrance of the home to ward off evil.
While many of these superstitions and remedies are shared around the world, my dads family from the Appalachians continue to practice these folk practices, and thus they remain a strong part of the culture in such an isolated and harsh environment. Many folks from the Appalachian mountains continue to practice folk healing and magic due to the isolated nature of many parts. They take care of their own, you know? The mountains provide a unique environment where the woods truly have some unique powers. While I myself do not reside in those hills, my ancestors on his side did and I continue to practice their ways to connect to them and their homeland. I fondly remember my trips to visit family in the region and the unique culture that fosters there.
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childofthewolvess · 4 months
Familiars are helping me brainstorm how to expand on my spirit work with others!
Here’s a list of ideas of potential services. Pleaseee reach out or let me know if this sounds cool to you because I’m super excited.
Familiar spirit identification (finding the animal spirit and connecting it to you!)
Familiar spirit communication (for those who already have a familiar)
Ritual writing to invoke a familiar spirit for yourself
Deity & familiar readings, a practitioner with a deity looking to see if their deity can guide a familiar spirit to them, and I would be the “bridge” for communication
Jewelry enchantment/anchor charm to the familiar spirit
Familiar spirit beginner box (includes familiar spirit identification as well as a box with a handmade tincture, oil, written ritual instructions, and an anchor necklace to your familiar)
Mentorship with familiars
Familiar spirit confirmations (tarot)
Feedback is muchhhh appreciated! Or other ideas! :)
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shepherds-of-haven · 1 year
reporting in to send the ask for what each of the shepherds carry in their packs 🫡 blade gets tapped for a what’s in my purse vlog and the video is just a knife. and a knife. and a knife. and a knife—
Thank you for your service 🫡
Out in the field, if you were to grab a pack and rummage through it, only to find it wasn't yours, you'd find the following (excludes the standard field kit for Shepherd officers, which includes a bedroll, a tent/tarp, blanket, canteen, soap, toiletries, various changes of clothes, equipment to care for horses/ahfuri, mess kit with eating utensils and tin plates and etc., and the obvious standards like money and etc.):
Blade: a sturdy, rigorously-organized, plain and utilitarian pack containing: fire-starting tools (flint, steel, and tinder). utility/hunting knife (for things like cutting rope, skinning deer and fish, etc). dagger (for emergencies. in case the ones he keeps on his person are taken away from him). small portable writing set (comes with a flat, collapsible tablet that serves as a writing desk, ink, parchment, and pen) for composing letters/orders/messages to send home. emergency first aid (minimalist: basically consists of a bottle of alcohol for sterilization, needle and medical thread for stitches, and some clean bandages). dried meat or jerky, hardtack biscuits (emergency rations). small cooking pot. whetstone (for sharpening his weapons). fishing hook and twine. hawking whistle. maps. rope. various small utility tools.
Trouble: a battered, worn and stained rucksack containing: fire-starting tools. charch and matches. various snacks and extra rations (trail mix, etc.). cubes of fat and bullion or various seasonings for meals. small cooking pot. extra ammunition (a lot of it). tools to maintain and clean his firearms. utility/hunting knife. rain-proof cover (can be used for himself or his rifle). extra gloves and socks. whatever novel he's currently reading. explosives (😳), various tools to create distractions (smoke grenades, etc.). signaling mirror. compass. timepiece. dice. playing cards. insect repellent salve. maybe fishing hook and twine if he expects to be "roughing" it for a long time! spyglass.
Tallys: a clean, well-maintained leather bag with Elvish adornments containing: large kit containing several different vials of various elixirs, tinctures, oils, and extracts (serve different purposes like reviving the unconscious, numbing pain, putting someone to sleep, etc.) as well as various different powders and dried herbs (some are poisonous, as Chase had the misfortune of discovering when he snooped too much); teabags; map; Elvish animal whistle (used for various purposes: as an animal or bird lure, for communicating while hunting or in camouflage, as a distraction); tifin (small Elvish flute) if she thinks she's going to be away for a really long time; Elvish hunting knife; kit of wax, resin, twine, and whittling knife to maintain her bow and arrows; first aid kit; woven Elvish mat (often used for meditation and dawn prayer rites, but can be used just for sitting more comfortably on things, as a lap blanket, or even as a scarf/shawl for extra warmth); small empty containers for foraging and protecting things like berries, mushrooms, leaves, etc.; Elvish field guide describing the various uses of flora and local plant matter; Elvish calendar and daily book of proverbs to keep track of the days (also doubles as a brief journal); pen; fire-starting kit.
Shery: Shery doesn't actually embark on missions into the field and actually has never left Haven (unless you're reading her latest short story on Patreon, lol), so the contents of her pack are at the moment hypothetical! Because of her inexperience, I'd guess that she'd both err on extreme overcaution and overpacking and also make some impractical choices, like bringing too many books, outfits for all kinds of weather, a parasol, a sewing kit, a little stuffed animal for good luck, a teapot, a nail file, an extra blanket and a fluffy pillow, and things like that! But she'd also have sensible choices, too, just way too many of them!
Riel: when he goes on business trips he typically has a whole trunk of things with him LOL but if forced to come along on a field mission, my guess would be that he'd mostly bring different changes of clothes, his hygiene and toiletries kit (complete with hair pomade, cologne, and fresh handkerchiefs), and then would just assume/rely on gold getting him whatever else he needed 😂😂 Actually he'd also certainly pack a valise with whatever current documents or contracts he's been working on, plenty of stationary and ink, a notepad for taking notes, a foldable writing desk, books, and whatever proof he'd need of being (at that time) Master of Merchants Guild, like his official stamps and wax seals and whatnot. Basically whatever he'd need for doing work on the road! 😂 Oh, he'd also pack a gun. Just in case!
Chase: a deceptively-slim, innocuous rucksack that is surprisingly hard to open if you're not familiar with it, containing: several lockpick sets. a bottle of alcohol to bribe informants with (or light a fire, sanitize a wound, what have you). rope. file. utility knife. whetstone. extra ammunition. fire-starting kit. tools to maintain his firearms. charch. playing cards. whatever book he's currently struggling through as homework. various shiny trinkets that can be traded, bargained, bribed, or used as a distraction. devices used as distractions (flashbags, smoke grenades, low-level explosives). grooming kit with comb, pomade, cologne, mirror, etc. scarf (can be used as a fashion accessory, mask to obscure lower half of face, or, in a pinch, as a method of strangling someone 🙂). wire (don't ask). mysterious vials (could be poison, could be acid to burn through locks). different accessories, clothes, and wig for different disguises. special gripped shoes for climbing and capering. small grappling hook. net/bolas (typically used to trip opponents up or rig traps). recently-acquired reed harp (harmonica) that he uses to amuse/torture teammates with.
Red: a slim, casually-packed, strangely collegiate bag (he generally travels light because he cheats and conjures most of what he needs as he needs it), containing: whatever book he's currently reading. field journal and writing implements. foldable writing desk. scroll container to protect any precious documents or papers he might come across. various Mage-y implements like chalk, lyme, certain compounds that help with arcane magic and drawing runes. measuring ruler. various charged lodestones and keystones. maps. compass. grooming kit for his endless hair needs 😳 (pomade, comb, mirror, etc.). multi-use mini game board (you can play various games on it like Elements, checkers, sui, etc.). small containers for collecting specimens. travel lantern (for exploring ruins without having to deal with a guttering torch flame). insect repellant salve. salve for burns and aches. magnifying glass. small flat cushion for sitting/laying on if the ground is extremely lumpy.
Ayla: a carelessly battered, fraying rucksack with small carved totems dangling from it, containing: backup canteens of water (emergency only). collapsible trowel to dig holes (generally to dig up roots, tubers, or to find water). maps. compass. sundial. lots and lots of rations (the majority of her pack will contain non-perishable food). sewing kit (doubles both as first aid and for emergency repairs to clothes). colored twine (primarily used to mark trails so you don't get lost, demarcate certain things you'll need to find again later, and also doubles as a Jalis hand-game to play with another person when bored). playing cards. dice. rope. hunting/utility knife. lockpick set. sun lotion (to protect the skin). extra tarp (to erect emergency lean-to/rain shelter/shade; doubles as emergency extra blanket). file. hairties for her braid. jade stone from her parents. slingshot/leather thong to hurl rocks with (this is a deadly weapon in her hands). signaling mirror. survival whistle. small torch. fire-starting kit. whittling knife for when she's bored and wants to carve things into her staff or just out of hunks of wood. field guide telling her what's safe to eat and what's not. jalis rattle (sort of like maracas: it's a small wooden cylinder filled with dry rice) in case she's in the mood to provide a rhythm to someone else's music.
Briony: a fat, cheerful pack with many charms and souvenirs dangling from every strap, containing: a field journal/sketchbook full of sketches, drawing/writing implements. a hairbrush. haphazard grooming case (eyelash curler, a bit of blush, no mirror). fingerless gloves. her latest book. extra hair ties/hair ribbons. oils and rags to maintain her armor. whetstone. fire-starter kit. maps and compass. some snacks, but typically she forgets about them. fishing hook and twine. headscarf to conceal her hair if need be. field encyclopedia/traveler's guide (more about various landmarks and places of interest she might see than survivalist tips). first-aid kit (used more than most to deal with small scrapes and wounds). hunting/utility knife. spare dagger. stargazing map. spyglass. pouch full of pretty rocks or dried flowers she picks up along the way. spellbook full of spells she's learning/practicing along the way.
Lavinet: an expensive but practical and well-made leather saddlebag containing: compact maquillage and grooming case (hairbrush, lipstick, mirror, perfume, hair conditioner, etc.). extra riding gloves. extra handkerchiefs. whetstone, tools to maintain her lance and sword. tools to maintain her saddlery. horse treats. fur throw that doubles as small extra blanket, extra warmth as a shawl, or as a cushion to sit on. extra pair of riding boots in case one set fails. Naveen signet ring and official accoutrements. writing set, desk, and seal. current book. hat to shade her head from the sun. sewing kit and patches of fabric to repair clothes. first aid manual. wax (has various uses, but she primarily uses it to plug her ears if she absolutely needs to). fire-starting kit. chainmail that can be concealed under the clothes. stiletto knife. corset (you never know, darling!)
Halek: an ordinary, standard pack containing: tools for weapons maintenance (for his spear). small compact bow and quiver. hunting/utility knife. exorcist dagger. recipe book and culinary guide regarding exotic ingredients or places of interest. various ingredients he picks up in towns or foraging in the wild. cooking oil, seasonings and spices, emergency salt, cubes of fat and bullion and stock, dried herbs, dried meat and cheese, flour. water-proof, heavy cloak for winter travel (also doubles as an extra blanket, as the standard-issue one might be too short for him). collar to suppress his blood-rage if need be. fire-starting kit. elk treats. small bell to tie to his elk in case he needs to. twine. grappling hook and rope. maps and compass. herbal teas. fishing hook. animal bait and snares. bear repellant. cooking pot and small frying pan. sand (used to scrub pots and pans when water is scarce or frozen). signal whistle. special snow boots if traveling through snow.
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hyperesthesias · 11 months
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Notes: Honestly, this is more of a self-insert because I feel horrible & I want Viktor to take care of me and make me coffee. :') If you'd like listening material while you read, Once Upon a December by Emile Pandolfi is what I wrote this to. (I am looking forward to writing the next part, where they attend the ball. I already have the music planned.💖)
Context: Anya is Viktor's childhood friend, and a wealthy potential donor to the Academy. She is a mage and a theoretical physicist. She has been using her knowledge of magic to help with HexTech. Viktor has been put in charge of being her Academy liaison throughout her donation process, and they have been spending time reconnecting while he 'courts' her on behalf of the Academy. She is a different humanoid species.
potential warnings: poverty.
AO3 link.
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
It was the beginning of July and the soft warmth of Spring had melded into the torridness of Summer. The Sun was high in the sky, and despite it being the weekend, Viktor was nearly finished running his list of errands for Heimerdinger, though he did not venture either home or to the laboratory when he checked the last item off of his list. Instead, he had one more errand to run, this time one of a semi-personal nature. He was tasked with formally inviting Anya to an Academy Philharmonic event that was to take place three weeks from that day. While it was technically still Academy business, Viktor derived personal pleasure from speaking with Anya, and thus he saved this errand for last, hoping to spend the most of his time talking with her or enjoying her company. 
They had been reconnected for nearly two months, and it felt as though that time had passed as both years and merely days. He knew enough about her to answer any question any stranger might pose to him, and still he knew not enough about her to satisfy his own want to understand her most inner workings. He was grateful for any moments he could spend with her, especially privately. 
He went to her home to greet her with the invitation – he had driven her home once before, and remembered where it was and how to find it. It was a large mansion, secluded in the forests on the outskirts of Piltover, where the treelines and the soft hills seemed to line the edge of her property, right up to the verandas and balconies around the perimeter of the home itself. Woodland animals sometimes came to peer into the windows and came to eat the flora and vegetation she had planted, she said. Anya cared little for symbols of wealth, but the one and only thing she had afforded herself in excess was a large home, she told him. She had grown up in a tiny home – nearly a hut; from it, her mother had healed ill clients, and provided them with charms and spell bags, making all of her tinctures and oils right there in their family kitchen. There was little space for her to exist outside of the small corners of her parents’ workshop, and what constituted their home. Viktor did not disparage her for her desire for more space, especially when she could purchase it without debt and without harm to anyone else.
He arrived and stepped onto the marble porch, tapping on a bronze knocker three times. There was a delay in any response, and for a moment he feared he had come at an inopportune time, and that he had missed her. But as he debated whether or not to leave, a small voice came from an intercom just at the side of the large double doors of the entrance.
“Hello?” it called, staticky and rough.
Viktor hesitated, uncertain who was on the other end. “I am Viktor, calling for Anya,” he said.
“Viktor, come in, and take the elevator to your right.” He knew the voice to be Anya’s – it spoke in their shared language – but it sounded different and laden with fatigue.
A harsh buzzing sound came from the door, and the lock was released. Viktor opened the door and wandered into the foyer; though he had driven her home once, he had not been inside the mansion itself. It was spacious, made almost completely of marble, with tall windows along the back edge – the light of the midday Sun bounced off every surface and created a vibrant environment inside the home. It seemed to be only two floors, though each floor was twice as tall as a normal home’s structure, making the entire building feel cavernous and empty. It was deathly quiet, and he could hear no other sound from any other living thing inside. He turned right from the foyer, and stepped down a short hall, where he saw the entrance to an elevator. It had three buttons: one for a floor above, one for the floor he was on, and one for a floor below. 
“I’m up here,” the voice called from above him.
Viktor rode the elevator to the second floor and followed a stream of light nearby to an open door. He peered inside and found it was a bedroom, with a figure lying curled into a nebulous ball in the middle of the bed. “Anya?” he whispered, worry striking him as he tempted the threshold. 
The amorphous figure lifted its head and greeted him with a smile. “Viktor,” Anya murmured and tried to sit up; she had little strength to do so, and instead laid back down.
Quickly, Viktor hurried to her side and stood watching the weakness in her face; the honey of her skin was now pale, and the vibrant, rosy color of her lips was gone. “Anya – I will call for a doctor,” he said. He pressed the back of his hand against her forehead, but she had no fever; she was warmer than he, though her elevated temperature was normal for her species, and the nerve damage throughout his body accounted for his own chill.
“No,” she shook her head. “I am okay. I need sleep.”
“If you are ill, you must not wait to be treated.” There was urgency and fear in his voice.
Her eyes settled on him, and the memory of when he was a child, stricken with polio, lying helpless in her mother’s care passed quickly over her mind. “I am not ill,” she reassured him, doing her best to allay whatever memories of his own that plagued him. She reached for his hand, and held it, taking his fingers gently and stroking his knuckles languidly with her thumb. “What day is it?” she asked.
He was taken aback by the oddity of the question, and he needed a moment to recollect the calendar. “It is the second of July.”
“It is nearly aphelion,” she said. 
There was an astronomical clock at the Academy, but Viktor had only ever paid it little mind throughout his years there; though with his recent work with the crystal, and with runes and magic, he had briefly stopped to study it on occasion. The Sun and the Earth would be farthest from each other in two days, according to the calendar, marking the day of aphelion. “This makes you ill?” he asked, in ignorance and in worry.
She breathed with agreement. “Tired. And hungry. We take our energy from the Sun. When it is farthest, we are weakest.”
“What can I do?” he asked, his hand moving to caress her face; her skin was dry and thirsty, yet still soft and pliant. 
Anya nestled into his touch, and her eyes fluttered as the callouses of his hands traced the features of her visage. He was gentle with her, despite the roughness of his hands, there was not an ounce of pressure in his fingers, but he touched her like porcelain. “Stay,” she whispered. She had no one to keep her company, no one with whom to commiserate. All of her kinfolk were huddled in their own homes far away from her, with their own families and their parents and their children; after the deaths of her parents, she had no siblings, nor any cousins, and no other adopted kin. She had only Viktor. 
Viktor sat on the edge of the bed, caressing her arm as she began to fall back into slumber. He recalled the Summers they had spent together as children, and he found it difficult to remark the absence of something: the absence of his friend at a specific point in time, especially when he had no concept of its meaning at the time. He and Anya did not see each other regularly anyway, that to recall a specific week where she was not with him was almost impossible. He wished he had known then. 
Her long, dark hair was spread across the rest of the bed, and he was careful not to touch it as he fixed the blanket over her. 
There was a sitting area at the far end of the bedroom – and it was less a bedroom than it was a suite – there was a couch and two cushioned chairs, and a small library filled with books that were of most importance to her: books on her people, their cultures and their needs, their magic; there were books on physics and astronomy, astrological maps and charts rolled into scrolls at the top of each book shelf; there were books solely of art and photographs of statues from distant lands; books of poetry and mythologies from all cultures, not only her own. Each book had frayed edges and worn pages. He took the liberty of pulling a few from her shelf, hoping to ask for forgiveness in place of permission. He read them carefully and in her voice, reading each poem as though she were reciting it herself; reading each fact of her culture and of her species as if she were detailing it to him. He stayed and read and thumbed through books as she slept, and as the Sun moved from midday to late afternoon, as the shadows elongated and cast themselves as spectres throughout her bedroom.
Anya woke with a start and a gasp – Viktor immediately stood and made his way to her side, he leaned on furniture to aid his steps. 
“What is it?” he asked.
Fear gripped her eyes and she fought for her own breath. 
His hand caressed her face again – she was hotter this time. “A nightmare, myš’a?” 
Her breath shuddered in and out of her lungs and she managed a nod. The terror inside of her began to quell itself at the presence of her friend. His hand was cool, and it staved off the heat of adrenaline. 
“What should I get you?” he offered, a thought out loud for himself, trying to remember what kindnesses had been offered to him by his mother when he was a boy, when nightmares had crept and stolen from him sleep and peace. 
“Coffee,” she said. “I would like a cup of coffee.”
He nodded. “Alright. I will be back with coffee.” He pulled the blanket over her shoulder as he began to leave, taking his cane with him. 
“The water is clean,” she made a point to say to him as he disappeared from the doorway.
Its significance was not lost on him. He had a paranoia of unclean water – a phobia developed in young childhood after his disastrous encounter with polio. As a growing child and adolescent, he could not consume water that had not been boiled before his eyes; and as a young man in Piltover, once his fortunes and his means of income changed, he had deliveries of purified water brought to his apartment at the Academy twice a month. It was an additional expense he was not willing to relinquish.
The kitchen was broad and well organized, a pour-over coffee maker and a stained mug sat beneath a cabinet next to the stove, upon which rested a well-used kettle. He opened the faucet and hesitantly filled the kettle with water from the tap, the stream of water was perfectly clear and it gave no foul odour or pungent taste as he tested it: there was no tinge of metal, neither any grit left on his tongue. The water was crisp and almost cold, despite the Summer heat outside; it tasted like pure, soft minerals. As a child he could never have imagined a place to live where water was safe to drink from the tap itself, he doubted it, even still; his apprehensions about it were only allayed in that the water needed to be boiled anyway. He set the kettle to flame, and searched the cabinet above the pour-over, where he found various grounds of coffees organized alphabetically. 
He returned to the bedroom with a freshly brewed cup of coffee in the mug that had been set aside on the counter. He found Anya sitting upright in the bed, surrounded by a pile of blankets and pillows, all pliable and cleanly – none of them were torn or patched. It was impossible to not notice the absence of things that were constant in their daily lives before, and he wondered how foreign it all must have felt to her.
He sat beside her on the bed again as he handed her the hot mug and rested his cane against his side. “Are you hungry?”
She breathed in the bitter scent as she took a sip. “I am. I am famished.” She took another sip and gave her companion a glance. “No, I should not say that. We both know what it is to starve. Never should I compare myself to it again. Not without honesty.”
“May it never be so,” he said. 
“Forgive me, Viktor. I have not asked why you came to see me.”
He shook his head, insisting she needed no forgiveness. “It was nothing urgent. It can wait until you feel better.”
“Give me something else to think about,” she beseeched him.
He looked at her again and saw the clutches of whatever nightmare that had invaded her, still holding their talons inside of her psyche. He nodded, devotedly, and made from his vest pocket an envelope. “I was instructed to give this to you,” he said.
She took it, gracefully, and opened it as her mug rested in her lap. “What is it?”
“It is an invitation to the Academy Symphony Ball. It will be hosted three weeks from now, hopefully you will feel more yourself then. It is a charity event for the Music Department, to raise funds for instruments and scholarships.” 
Anya smiled as she read it. “I always wanted to learn to play violin. We could never afford it.”
“I only learned to play piano after I moved to Piltover – to the Academy. I would practice in the music room at times when I could not concentrate on my studies.”
She looked at him and chuckled. “In that case, I would be happy to donate. Will you be attending?”
He drew a breath and looked away as he thought. “I have not received a formal invitation.”
“Are you not my liaison? You must attend, then,” she coaxed.
“It is white-tie, Anya, I have nothing to wear.”
“That is an easy remedy. I won’t go without you.”
He breathed out sharply, staring at her with a flatly amused expression – he was recalling now her sweet stubbornness. She had a way of pulling him out of his hermit’s shell, and the cramped spaces in which he felt most sedentary, if not comfortable. “And I suppose I cannot refuse you?”
Her expression softened, not wanting her friend to feel forced neither taken for granted. “You are free to do whatever you would like, Viktor. Free.” Her hand caressed his face, feeling the coarse patches of skin along his jaw, left behind from when he had shaved the day before. “But know that I enjoy your company, more than as my liaison. I had hoped to attend as your friend and companion.”
Viktor felt himself stuttered with surprise and uncertainty that she had spoken such feelings of friendship aloud. He had known, of course, the boundaries of their professional relationship had been obscured by their accord as childhood playfellows – and encouraged to be so by Heimerdinger – but he had not known if his desire for casual conversation and company had been reciprocated. He found his internal balance to be askew and stunned that she would want to associate with him further.
“Very well,” he said with a stiff nod.
She smiled, happily. “I will contact a tailor for your tuxedo.”
“No, Anya – that is too much.”
“I told you it was easy to remedy.”
He sighed again at her stubbornness.
“Besides, what if you accompany me to some other function? You will need something to wear then, as well. Consider it an investment,” she teased.
He managed a scoffed chuckle and he shook his head.
A lull of silence hung between them for a brief moment, and Anya watched as many thoughts passed over her friend’s face; he looked into the distance, she saw him trace every carving in the marble of her home, she saw him read the titles of books on the other end of her room, she watched as he stared at nothing in particular. She was not the only with nightmares, nor ghosts that haunted her – even in waking. Her wealth had cured her of many ails, it had ceased the bleeding of many wounds, but still, scars remained. She knew it to be the same for Viktor.
“Thank you for staying,” she said.
Viktor turned to his friend with a wordless agreement. 
She reached for his hand, and took his fingers. “You are the only one who understands what it is like, to be here.”
“I do.” He took her fingers and graced her nails. “And I am happy to be here.” He lifted her hand and kissed her knuckles. 
Viktor stood and gathered himself to leave, not wanting to outlast his welcome as a guest, but more so feeling a quickened desire to flee – that if he stayed any longer, he would be consumed with the want for her companionship, for the longing in the affection and knowledge of her soul and her mind.
“You are welcome to stay in a guest room, if you would like,” Anya offered. “It is getting dark, the roads can be unsettling at night. I would not mind the company.”
Neither would he have minded. But Viktor refused her. “I will check on you tomorrow.” He saw a color of disappointment in her eyes as he stood in the doorway of her bedroom. He wanted to stay, and sit at her side, to ask about her thoughts and her theories, he wanted to expound upon himself, he wanted to learn of her. But it would be purposeless. He cherished her friendship – he always had, even as a young boy – and he had resigned himself to a spouseless life; but he intuited himself well enough to know he would desire more than friendship from her. Theirs was a professional relationship, he reminded himself; and he reminded himself what he had read and understood again earlier that evening: she would long outlive him. Friendship was far more suiting for them both; playfellows was all they had been, and all they would be.
“Goodbye, Anya.”
Anya knew her friend well enough to know sadness on the lines of his face. She wondered what nightmares haunted him, what fears wound themselves like rope around his neck. She wished to cut it and set him free. But it was his rope to share, and she did not take it from him; only that she wanted to share it. She wanted to share everything with him, no matter how unwise it might have been. 
“Goodbye, Viktor.”
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whump-on-a-string · 8 months
Does Parish have to patch up your blorbos every time he gets into situations?
Parish isn't the only option! There are plenty of Doctors in town! So pick your poison. Based entirely on who you know, how much money you have in your wallet, or if you want some whump in your fictional character's life.
But yes. Parish is usually the one treating most of my blorbos. Especially Dallan and his friends! If you're friends with Dallan, you're mutuals with a very skilled (and expensive) doctor. ;)
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Parish has been a practicing doctor for decades, (definitely longer than Remus since his lifespan is much longer than a humans) and Parish was Mr. Richard's primary doctor for his sickly wife until her passing. Due to him being an elf, he has easier access to magic based healing, and rarer plants and substances found only in lands that were originally cultivated by elves. Elven goods and services command a higher price. Parish, like most medicine practicing elves, is definitely a doctor for the wealthier side of society.
There's less of a stigma surrounding elven hospitals and care compared to the "houses of death" that human hospitals and facilities tended to be in the 19th century. They have (limited) access to very rare components that can be used for literal miracle-cures. But because elves are not human, there is some issue with human racism and many will not seek treatment there.
Dallan, having worked at Mr. Richard's greathouse for a long period regularly sees Parish, and they are all friends. The doctor will often treat Dallan's injuries free of charge, or at a reduced cost considering he works for both Mr. Richard AND Parish these days. Parish sees helping Dallan as both an act of kindness for a good friend, and beneficial for his own work to keep his routine going like a well-oiled machine that Dallan is now also a helpful component of. If Dallan is out of commission, his own work can get slowed down a little bit. Who else if going to run his errands to pick up ingredients, tinctures, parcels, or keep the office and his travel kit stocked up and tidy? Himself? Sure. He can, but he would rather be out practicing medicine and helping others instead.
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Remus on the other hand is your usual slightly eccentric 19th century human Doctor and Surgeon. (Originally he was not made for this particular world setup, but has been repurposed for it so the above image isn't "fantasy-period accurate".)
He's done many amputations with success as well. (and regularly hires body snatchers for his own studies on human corpses to better his skills).
On the surface he's a perfectly normal Doctor. ...As far as Normal 19th century doctors go, anways. He's very used to the sight of blood, death, and gore, and considers average people who are more upset by it to be cowardly or beneath him in that "you could never stomach my job" kind of way that many doctors acted during the time period.
Due to the magical and supernatural aspects of the world being very hidden from human society (vampies, werewolves, etc. most humans don't believe they are real unless seen for themselves. Despite magic using elves being well known and somewhat common in human society) Remus has a fascination with the supernatural and wants to essentially dissect living and dead non-human creatures to further advance medicine for his own gain in developing treatments and medicine (and a little bit of chasing the appealing idea of inhuman immortality wouldn't hurt.)
He regularly hires a bounty hunter of supernatural or inhuman creatures to bring in "bodies" since Vampires aren't technically alive, or "animals for testing" like werewolves for experimenting new techniques or medicines on.
He sees non-humans as...well. Inhuman, therefore lacking the same kind of respect he would give to another human. Though elves are an exception in his case as he respects their more miraculous medicines and herbs, seeing them as equals in the profession or even looking up to some of them. Though, just because he thinks humans deserve respect does not always mean he thinks he has to be respectful to other humans, he ha a big of an ego and a narcissistic streak.
Flesh is flesh and a scalpel will cut without discrimination.
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kenziemeadowscottage · 9 months
🌸What is a 'Green Witch'🌱
As Arin Murphy-Hiscock explains in her book The Green Witch: Your Complete Guide to the Natural Magic of Herbs, Flowers, Essential Oils, and More: "A green witch at their core is a naturalist, an herbalist, a wise woman, and a healer.". This sentence has always stuck with me the moment I read it! ✨
Being a green witch means that you:
Understand that working with the earth means incorporating the planets, people, and animals in your practice.
Understand humanities impact to the natural world, not only how we treat it, but also by its feelings and energies of the world and people.
Commune with the land, the stones and gems. Rely on plants, flowers and herbs.
Call to nature for guidance and respects every living being (including plants!).
Being aligned with plants, healing, natural remedies, nature's energy, Mother Earth / The Goddess, and the Universe.
Having a connection to the land spirits.
These are just a few examples on how one can be a green witch. That isn't to say that there is one way to be a green witch! ✨ Everybody has their own unique paths but those who are a green witch decided this path due to their love and appreciation of the Earth. 🌱
Some ways that you can be a green witch:
Using items from nature to create ritual tools (like a Besom).
Using natures properties in your spell work (lavender for calming, rosemary for protection).
Spending time in nature.
Having a nature journal!
Working with the cycles of nature (Wheel of the Year / Lunar cycles / Menstrual cycles).
Asking plants permission to take a trimming for magickal purposes, saying thank you, and leaving an offering if you are able (even just tying some hair onto the plant is a good offering!).
By reducing environmental impacts by growing own food / herbs / flowers, declining single use plastics, using natural fibres for clothing / housewares (tea towels).
Using refillable and compostable packing for hand soaps / house cleaners / laundry sheets / skin and hair care / makeup (Skipper and Ethique for Australian's / New Zealanders).
Creating your own moisturisers, salves, tinctures, bath salts, salt scrubs, etc.
Harvesting and drying your own herbs.
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nfumbewalk · 3 months
Crystals, Herbs, Rants
I've always loved crystals. The fascination started as a kid when we visited the coast a few times a year. The old seashore shop was full of glass fishing floats, life saving appartuses, storm worn wood, jewelry (mood rings!!) & lots of toys but mainly LOTS of crystals! Geodes of amethyst & quartz, huge slabs of Obsidian - green & black, like what I have, but much smaller. It is Seaside, Ore. Greatest place on the North coast (Astoria too!).
The Ore. coast should be more known for crystal shops. There's a great one closer to me now in Yachats, Ore. (Said: Yah-hawts) Obvious Native Americans did own this place. 😉Like our Willamette, said Will-am-met, which translates to "valley of sickness." Lovely! Sorry, ADD brain is jumbled.
Back to crystals n shit! They are essential to my work. I don't wave them and get a magic breeze with a "Aahhhh." Nope, get to know me, I'm extremely practical. My crystals are clean, but never, ever saged - because I despise sage & I think that it's an anathema to everything, every energy out there. I would rather go find dry pine needles in the desert and use those. And what's the deal with Dragon's Blood atop of sage? Nightmare of odor! Smoke & mess, no thanks.
I've written books on herbalism (long out of print) and I'm very knowledgeable about plants, resins, oils, tinctures, even marijuana & making hemp oil (known commercially as RSO) for medicine. I did not get ANY of my knowledge from the internet & I find some seriously messed up herbal correspondences online. I got my information from books, but old ones, like Culpeper, Grieve, Agrippa as well as a couple good Witchcraft sources like Sybil Leek & L. Huebner, neither of them being "white" light. Paul Huson is much known & borrowed from for ppl online. Trust me, his stuff does not compare. I also have other Witchcraft books predating 1960 that help me tremendously. Where did I get these?
Hunting old book stores & thrift stores because my town is a freaking *haven* for witchcraft, but not quite my style, so I've always been solitary. I'm much too misanthropic to have any relationship with anyone in person. Online? Sure, just beware of my barbs, though I'm not even close to being a Scorpio. 😅
I'm not claiming to know much, just a lot of little details about certain things & I'm shady on other things. I know what I paid attention to. All goety - good. High magic - mostly, a lot I fudge because I hate Crowley's, Mathers, Regardie's....etc, mumbo jumbo. I won't make an effort and I won't even remember the LBRP! Why? Hated the ritual & all the goddamn vibration. I don't vibrate in my practice, except when I have to - really loud banishment rituals, usually of lesser known demons and amped up strong spirits. Ppl who've known me a long time can attest to my hatred of "ceremonial" magic. Just because ppl call it 'high magic' doesn't make it superior to 'low' magic, or goety.
Some are suited to certain types of magic, everyone has a niche somewhere. The niche can be found quickly, or in my case, it can take 20 years. Never knew that working with muertos would be the my path. Yes, Orisa, and they are equal. Equal I say? Well - I'm NOT in a Orisa religion. I agree with some, but not a lot. I completely disagree with initiations being forced. And they ARE forced. Sorry.
Yeah, pay for this, pay for that. Bollocks. No cash for enlightenment!! I know exactly where the money goes & it's not needed. People raise & board animals for sacrifice. Non-initiates can cook food. Setting up ceremony is not that hard. They want money for fancier soperas & temple goodies. I can understand paying for time, but it doesn't need to cost thousands of dollars.
I told my dad (R.I.P.) about Palo & the prices. His head spun. He said no matter what, religion has nothing to do with money. Man does. Man wants money, he wants the sucker to be culled. - Welcome to one of my lessons of The Con: In's & Out's. Taught by Frank Thorp, best dad ever! I don't con often, but if I ever do, I was taught by the best. That's one thing my brother never got from him. My older brother is kinda dead-to-me because of his "Fake Antifa/Communist" ways. Dude, he's 53 years old. Grow the fuck up. I live with this crap. I'm in a college town. Sucks!
More rants? I just sound old cos I am. Middle-aged & strange. And I have a very interesting present & past full of happy, sad, spooky, synchronicity-laden stories. Hope to blog here. Let's hope for more follows!
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thetriplesnake · 1 year
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Due to the last few years of natural disasters, social upheaval and medical distress, the importance of relationships is quite clear. Individuals who found themselves alone or disconnected have suffered deep trauma.
The animal and plant world has been a source of joy and healing for me. Certain plants have drawn me in, capturing my attention and changed me physically, mentally and spiritually. One such plant is Wormwood.
Sweat to the smell but bitter to the taste, Mother Wormwood has been generous. I have experienced her aromatic oils via teas, tinctures, fresh leaves and homemade absinthe. Wormwood-infused balms have even helped alleviate joint pain in my hands.
Wormwood has a complex spirit. Culpepper attributes her governance to Mars, and I can see why. The plant is well known for its aggressive anti-parasitic and liver-cleansing properties. However, the botanical genus and name (Artemisia Absinthium) feel rather apt. The dream and mind-altering effects experienced from ingesting the herb suit a Greek hunting and luna goddess. In the forest of Artemis, you could meet the Green Fairy.
Recently, a curious interaction with one of the Wormwood plants in my garden caught me off-guard. I had just pruned the Rosemary and Rue and was about to clip dried Wormwood stalks when a friendly but assertive thought thrust into my mind. "Save the cuttings; they protect", and a vision of a wreath of Wormwood flashed within my inner sight. Those who have communed with plant allies would know the feeling of this non-verbal communication. So I trimmed the plant and soaked the dried stalks overnight. The following day the stalks had softened and were wrapped and woven into a loop. After a few days of drying, stating my intentions and thanking Mother Wormwood, I bound the wreath in red dyed natural wool.
The wreath now lives in my office, hung above my work desk as a sentinel. As with all defensive wards, I hope that it's never activated. But if it does, let it strike true like the arrows of Artemis.
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fvriva · 1 year
The Animus Vitrum Timeline
Animus Vitrum is a WIP project that I've had for a few years (you'll find it tagged on this blog and on @cinalilli under #anivi, #animus vitrum, #seades, #seasonal depression (the former name). It has a few splintered-off stories, casts, and timelines that I couldn't possibly hope to cover within the main scope of the story as a whole, all detailed below the cut.
I change things up a lot, but the vibe of the world of Tela has begun to solidify since 2019 into something with a shape. This is the shape it's in currently.
Animus Vitrum's calendar is based on a Tapestry created by the ineffable Weaver and their attendants, the Threadbearers. Each stitch and running thread is made from the fibers that make reality, time, and space. The Tapestry functions as historical record of events (to levels of detail that are somewhat inscrutable, sometimes even to the scholarly eye), a means of seeing events as they come together, and a means of divining the future as threads are spun into being.
WIP 1: [no official name], featuring Malachi Practice, snake oil salesman, and the Reptilarium
Humanity didn't appear on the world of Tela until a few thousand years into its recorded existence, Year 5036 in accordance with the Tapestry. On Earth, in the year 1816, an eccentric's house of reptiles, the guests, surrounding grounds, and resident animals were transported to the hostile magical land of Tela, where the powers-that-be (gods, fae, the land-lords, whatever term you want to use) began to take to hunting humans for sport, while others would endow them with immense magical abilities to help them survive. Some would only help the lizards, creating megafauna and intelligent reptilian creatures living alongside the humans of Earth.
This project follows (trustworthy, non-charlatan, reputable salesman of reptile-based tinctures and cures) Malachi Practice on his quest to hunt a particular creature thus effected for its physical properties.
WIP 2: [no official name], featuring Log Helfeather, son of the Bloodmaker and the Homunculus
After a few hundred years of moving around and being systematically toyed with by the landlords, humanity has begun to splinter into subspecies in order to survive. Most of these resemble stock fantasy races: elfs form contracts with lesser spirits that give them access to magic in exchange for caring for them, huldra can survive underground as a result of the first group of huldra being blessed with an Internal Light that keeps the swarming dark abated, and the vitra can turn the hearts of any living creature into glass that magic can be conducted through. Using these newfound adaptations to their new home, in the year 5600 they unseat the Seelie Queen and the Unseelie King, kicking off a war that resulted in humanity carving out a place of their own to survive in civilization.
This project is very new! In response to WIP 4, it focuses on Yule's brother, Log, as he goes backwards in time to meet the earliest traveling Worldsingers in a coming-of-age story about ancestry, remembering the past, and how it can help guide the future.
WIP 3: Animus Vitrum
Hundreds years still pass, and in the year 7386 the shadow of the former Unseelie King Ozymandius, who continues to cling to a point far off at the end of the Tapestry as his promised apocalypse, begins to rise again, summoning the last of his tools and lieutenants to service. Autumn Saffworth, the daughter of a long line of vitra, is herself born without a heart, her family offering it up to the Bloodmaker, the old King's fearsome necromancer spirit. As she learns to navigate this contract with a being she never asked to have, resisting the pull towards Ozymandius's side, she meets Vernon Helfeather: an unassuming boy that is more than what he seems. Vernon is a homunculus, created as a last-measure by Ozymandius at the end of the previous era's war, both as a breakthrough in humanity's ability to create sentient life through heartglass technology and as a potential way to end it at any cost. Together, they help each other discover their own agency and fight back against their destinies to end everything.
WIP 4: SLEIKIR and the Winter Court
Thousands of years pass, so much that the roots of the world have since eroded beyond recognition as technology and magic blend into indistinguishability. The year is 14131 and Tela has fallen into a state of nuclear winter, ruled by the Winter King's court in Hearthstone, the new capital of the world. The Winter King is a vampyr, a flame-themed vampire that subsists on Heat, the currency of this new world. Workers toil eternally in a world without day or night, only waking and sleep, for scraps of heat to earn all of their day-to-day needs. Sleep in particular is a rare luxury, with different dreaming packages available offering experiences and memories and revelries that our hero begins to learn how to manipulate free of cost.
Yule Helfeather, daughter of Autumn and Vernon, runs away from home and plunges into the Tapestry in a bullheaded display to show off her own abilities, landing herself in a future that she can never return from, at least the short way around. The story is a cyberpunk romp about her toxic romance with the Pietr, who turns out to be the Winter Prince, and betrays her as soon as he tires of her. Yule seeks revenge, and with the power of gay love and Monster Energy, she sets out to topple his empire.
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staymirthy · 2 years
Does CBD work for pets? Ok for those not interested in the details. YES! CBD can be great for our four legged friends! A lot of you have likely heard a little about CBD for pets but there are still a lot of questions we need to ask. How can CBD help my pet? How should I administer it? What dosage is recommended? Why does it work? Can it be harmful?We have introduced our new pet line with 2 tinctures seperate flavors for Dogs & Cats: PET CBDAll great questions so let’s touch on each one. What are the benefits of CBD for pets?Promote General HealthReduce InflammationReduce PainIncrease appetiteReduce Anxiety (Social anxiety; Car anxiety; Veterinary fears; Thunderstorms; Separation anxiety)Alleviate Cancer related health problemsAlleviate OsteoarthritisAnticonvulsive effectsPalliative careNo toxicity or negative side effects *Unlike the damage incurred on the liver and kidneys with prescription medsHow Should I Administer CBD To My Pet?So this is a neat little fact that you may or may not be aware of. An animal’s biological system shares a 70% similarity to ours. Pretty cool! Also that endocannabinoid system that we all have and naturally produce cannabinoids in our brain…yes that’s part of the 70% and our furry friends have them too. So they can benefit from CBD just as much as we can. And administration is pretty similar to how we would take it. If your giving your pet a tincture you can either put the dropper directly into the dog’s mouth under his/her tongue (which could get a little hairy dependent on your dog) or you can just place it on your dog’s food just prior to consumption *That’s my personally preferred method but to each his own. The only thing you want to keep in mind if you have one of those dogs that’s just a grazer you’ll want to time putting the oil on his food around when she’s going to eat it because it will degrade if left on food for more than 30 minutes. It’s not the end of the world but if you planned on given him 10mg he could be getting only half of that or less.What is the correct dosage for my pets?So just like people there is no one size fits all. And there are some differences in pets as well. The way that a pet metabolizes CBD is a little bit different then people (it stays in their system longer). Also there has been some research showing negative side effects from THC in pets. No research has shown negative side effects from CBD. So why is THC potentially bad and CBD ok? Personally I don’t think either are bad it’s just a matter of proper dosing and the differences in metabolism. However, the psychoactive properties of THC can confuse and cause anxiety. Animals are more receptive to the cannabinoids and they can last longer in their system.Step 1:  Make sure that any CBD pet product you get is whole hemp processed (so all phytocannabinoids are in there), grown domestically in the good old USA (so we can be sure it’s free of pesticides), is 3rd party tested, and has less than .3% THC.Step 2: Weigh your dog and convert that weight to kg. Easier said than done for some. If you’re not sure and your German Sheppard doesn’t feel like getting on your scale today, make your best guess. All we are doing is getting a baseline to start with and you will adjust based on the effects. It works faster on animals than people so you’ll know quickly!Step 3: You want to start off giving your pet .3mg of active CBD for every kilogram of weight. So if your dog weighs 20lbs just convert that to Kg (20/2.2 = 9.09kg) Then multiply by .3 (9.09 x .3 = 2.7mg) So 3mg of  CBD would be a good daily starting point.Pets Weight (In Lbs)Weight (In Kg) Conversion (weight in kg x .3)Recommended Daily Dose5 lbs2.2720.6811mg CBD10 lbs4.5451.3631.5mg CBD15 lbs6.8182.0452mg CBD20 lbs9.092.7273mg CBD25 lbs11.3633.4093.5mg CBD30 lbs13.6364.094mg CBD35 lbs15.9094.7725mg CBD40 lbs18.1815.4545.5mg CBD45 lbs20.4546.1366mg CBD50 lbs22.7276.8187mg CBD55 lbs257.57.5mg CBD60 lbs27.2728.1818mg CBD65 lbs29.5458.8639mg CBD70 lbs31.8189.5459.5mg CBD75 lbs34.
0910.22710mg CBD80 lbs36.36310.90911mg CBD85 lbs38.63611.5911.5mg CBD90 lbs40.90912.27212mg CBD95 lbs43.18112.95413mg CBD100 lbs45.45413.63613.5mg CBDHere’s a chart up to 100lbs *For those of you with dogs over 100lbs god bless you!Ok so you have a starting point and although more research needs to be conducted in this area thankfully there have been a number of studies looking into the pharmacology and pharmacokinetics of CBD in animals.Step 4: Finalize Dosing. After about 3-5 days, increase or decrease as necessary (lets say it makes your dog more sleepy during the day for example reduce dosage and give with dinner). Or perhaps your dog shows some improvement but not enough. Just increase the dosage by giving twice a day and repeat the 3-5 day assessment period.Why does CBD Work On My Pet?The same reasons CBD works for us. We all already create cannabinoids it’s part of your and your pets biological system. CBD triggers the release of cannabinoids into the endocannabinoid system in animals which then attach to the same CB1 and CB2 receptors we have, but for a longer period of time which likely accounts for the increased effectiveness we hear about in individual reports.Can it be harmful?  The great thing about CBD is that there are no toxicity levels found to date. Your dog could accidently get into your CBD stash and while she may poop it out or take a long nap no research has shown negative side effects to date and I have not been able to find any case studies that didn’t involve THC. No liver damage and no kidney damage unlike what is currently being promoted and pushed.Promotes Overall Animal Health:CBD taken at low levels on a daily basis can certainly promote your Pets’ overall health and have a positive impact on his or her day to day life. From reducing inflammation to aiding in social anxiety situations CBD can benefit your pet. We would certainly recommend a daily dose.And as always with anything we read or review there is more knowledge that we need to seek and more research conducted! https://mirthemp.com/does-cbd-work-for-pets/?feed_id=15175&_unique_id=6393bffcc09a0 #CBDforPets
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childofthewolvess · 4 months
Custom Familiar Spirit Tincture/Potion and Ritual/Anointing Oil—two new listings now offered!
Limited Ko-Fi commissions for familiar spirit readings and services are open! This is to help fund my service dog's vet bills before she comes home forever this Friday.
I have opened one slot each for a custom familiar spirit tincture/potion or ritual/anointing oil on my Ko-Fi! These are totally handmade and all locally sourced, as well as curated by a animal spirit worker of 8+ years whose practice surrounds my familiars 💕
I also have an add-on for familiar spirit identification readings on the anchor necklace, tincture/potion, and ritual/anointing oil. This means that if you do not already work with a familiar spirit, you can purchase a reading and a custom necklace/tincture/oil at the same time!
There is only a single slot available for these because I am a full-time naturalist/tour guide as well as author. Openings are limited due to tinctures taking 6+ weeks of every-day care to make. If you're interested, don't hesitate!
If you have any questions, feel free to DM me!
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herbwellcannabis · 3 months
Elevate Your Experience: How to Get Higher with Cannabis
For many cannabis enthusiasts, finding ways to enhance their high can be an exciting journey. Whether you're a seasoned smoker or a newcomer, understanding how to get higher can significantly improve your cannabis experience. This guide will explore various techniques and tips to elevate your high, ensuring you make the most out of every session.
Choosing the Right Strain
One of the most critical factors in achieving a stronger high is selecting the right cannabis strain. Strains high in THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) are known for their potent effects. Indica strains often provide a more intense body high, while sativa strains are associated with a cerebral, energetic high. Herbwell Cannabis offers a variety of high-THC strains that cater to both indica and sativa preferences.
Proper Preparation
Proper preparation can make a significant difference in the intensity of your high. Ensure your cannabis is well-cured and stored in an airtight container to preserve its potency. Grinding your cannabis finely allows for more even burning and better THC absorption.
Consumption Methods
The method of consumption plays a crucial role in how high you can get. Here are some popular methods to consider:
Smoking: Traditional and effective, smoking provides a quick onset of effects. Joints, blunts, and pipes are common tools.
Vaporizing: Vaporizers heat cannabis without combustion, delivering a cleaner and often more potent high.
Edibles: Edibles offer a different experience, with a delayed onset but a longer-lasting and more intense high.
Dabbing: Using concentrates like wax or shatter provides a highly potent and immediate high.
Tinctures: These are alcohol-based cannabis extracts that can be taken sublingually (under the tongue) for a fast and strong effect.
Enhancing Techniques
Several techniques can help boost your high:
Mangoes: Eating mangoes before consuming cannabis can enhance your high due to the presence of myrcene, a terpene that facilitates THC absorption.
Exercise: Physical activity before smoking increases blood flow, potentially enhancing the effects of cannabis.
T-breaks: Taking a tolerance break (T-break) can reset your tolerance level, making your next session more potent.
Hydration and Diet: Staying hydrated and maintaining a healthy diet can improve your overall cannabis experience.
Deep Breathing: Practice deep breathing exercises to increase oxygen levels in your body, potentially intensifying your high.
Mixing Strains: Blending different strains can create a more complex and potent high, combining the best effects of each strain.
Using Essential Oils: Scents like lavender or eucalyptus can enhance relaxation and complement the effects of cannabis.
Environment and Mindset
Your environment and mindset can significantly influence your high. Relaxing, comfortable settings and a positive state of mind can enhance your experience. Listening to music, meditating, or enjoying nature can elevate your high to new levels. Here are some additional tips:
Lighting and Ambiance: Soft lighting, candles, or fairy lights can create a soothing atmosphere.
Comfortable Seating: Make sure you have a comfortable place to sit or lie down.
Aromatherapy: Use essential oil diffusers to fill the room with calming scents.
Visual Stimulation: Watching visually engaging content, such as nature documentaries or artistic animations, can enhance your high.
Social Interaction: Sharing the experience with friends can make it more enjoyable and memorable.
Getting higher with cannabis involves a combination of choosing the right strain, preparing properly, selecting the appropriate consumption method, and employing enhancing techniques. By paying attention to these factors, you can elevate your cannabis experience and achieve a more intense and enjoyable high. Remember to always consume responsibly and know your limits to ensure a safe and positive experience.
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