#animal death mention CW
mamawasatesttube · 12 days
yknow how sometimes dogs will hunt things and be like look i did so good!!! yayyy i got you this!!! bc theres a comedy story in my mind in which krypto decides he likes kon's friends and wants to give them presents too! and. well.
krypto leaves a dead bird on tim's pillow and tim goes oh shit fuck is this an oblique threat that someone's discovered my identity as one of the bird-themed heroes in gotham? but then why's it a fucked-up looking pigeon and not a robin or a rook (if youre like me and like tim taking on the name rook later)??????? and why is it so mangled and burned what does it mean is this a threat of a specific way someone wants to kill me?!?! who could it have been from?! when did someone even break in and why didn't they trip any of my alarms?!?! fuck i have to cancel my plans with kon and bart later shit i don't even know how i got compromised so i don't dare see either of them in public i don't want to risk them--fuck fuck fuck how did this happen i don't understand and why is it a pigeon and
meanwhile krypto is just like. :3c i did so good i am SUCH a good dog i leave him presents :) yayyy!!! i even cooked it for him. with heat vision! yaaayyy!!
so tim phones up kon like "listen we can't meet up this weekend i'm so sorry i think i've been compromised--" and goes on about how he needs to go on lockdown alert mode until he figures out what happened and who found him out and meanwhile kon's just. go back. the pigeon. describe that again.
tim describes the fucked up mangled burnt pigeon. and kon, who has dealt with his fair share of Superdog Presents and thought they'd come to an understanding about "krypto you can't do that you'll DECIMATE local wildlife" and such, just narrows his eyes. turns to the dog bed next to him. goes ……………………….. krypto.
and krypto's like :) wag wag wag :) yes thats me :) wag wag :) im good dog :) he is SO pleased with himself. thats one mystery solved!
this ends in tim, haunted, sitting at the farmhouse kitchen table while ma frets over him and makes him hot chocolate, kon wraps him in a blanket, krypto licks his feet, and lois is just like. yeah. been there. just be glad it wasn't sea monsters.
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bestiadentro · 2 months
//Sorry I haven't gotten to replies yet.
I had to put down my cat that I've had for 11 years since she was a kitten on the 21st. I feel like part of me is missing because she is the only 'friend' I had irl that I could always see. I'm still mourning losing my mother earlier this year too. Among other things.
I want to write so bad it's just.. hard.
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constellaris · 2 months
i'm fucking livid i never thought i'd be cutting another family member out of my life, but i've reached that point where i can't fucking do this any more i'm tired of my sister using our parents and myself as free childcare, as a get out of jail free card, and expecting us to foot the bill for everything every time her fucking dogs are the reason i lost my rabbit of 8 years and she has the god damn audacity to not even apologize to me, but to lie about his death to other people after all the shit she fucking put me through over the years, all the mental and emotional scars she's left me with, i can't deal with her any more. i love my nieces and nephews to pieces, but i'm done . i will not be used any more.
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tierra-paldeana · 3 months
// i had the craziest, most tone-demolishing fucking dreams back to back
first i dreamed nava ( @monterraverde) encountered an alternate universe version of quinn that was 100% feral, and at first was really fucking confused what she was looking at. found her at the pond she was living in by complete accident, walked into her absolutely demolishing a marrill carcass with her mouth and hands dripping with blood. quinn doesn't take kindly to seeing another human, much less IN the pond that is supposed to be secluded and concealed, and the worst part is that she doesn't recognize herself in her at all, although there's a feeling of fear interlaced with her aggression, as if knowing deep down something was off about the person intruding in their turf (in terms of eerie familiarity, like a distorted reflection). nava tried to reason with her but all she got was snarled at and nearly bitten, prompting nava to realize this was a universe she could barely do anything about and leave her be.
then the other dream was just. @beiowzero walking in on rika swimming with the glaseado clodsire in a warm pond. wondering how the fuck she hasn't passed out from hypothermia yet DJAHDJKAHSJHF
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greenteacology · 1 year
I thought Tiny (short for Tiny Baby Lizard) had left my room cuz I hadn’t seen him for a while but he popped up again today while I was packing and now I’m so stressed again
Because I’m leaving in two days and I’m scared that they’ll fumigate the room after I leave or find him and kill him or something
So now I have to try to catch him in the next two days so I can release him outside
I am fully projecting all of my emotions about leaving onto Tiny and the thought of anything happening to him makes me want to cry. Also just looking at him makes me want to cry because he is just. So small 🥺
Anyways here’s a video of Tiny being small and cute
Video description: a very small gecko, maybe 1-2 inches long, is perched on the wall above some shelves. The camera zooms in on him, then zooms out. It zooms in again as he turns around and begins to crawl down the wall with his tail swishing. End description
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 4 months
inconsolable in the club about laika and the meteia this evening lads
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cassandraleeds · 9 months
Today I'm taking care of my cat who's giving me a lot of signs that she's at the tail end of her life. I'm not being pessimistic, but I don't want to be in denial either.
Getting a urine sample from a continuously bladder sick cat is a whole day thing.
Helpless feeling to watch an old friend you're the caretaker of feel pain. We've been friends for 13 years. If it's time to say goodbye, I won't cling, but God I'm gonna miss her so much.
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timelordsandkittens · 5 months
anxiety is crazy. "here help me take care of this dead dog" ok no prob. "ok now take these clipboards up to the front desk" ummm.... you want me to what? talk to people? are you sure??
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gents it has been a real bad week for restraining myself from scratching out my stepdad's eyes
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dragoncharming · 1 year
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deadcaps · 1 year
What do they say if the PC tries to force them to go up on stage with Dribbles the Clown?
What do they say when the Player Character asks them to stay in camp? How about when the Player Character asks them to come adventuring again?
( zyn as a companion. || accepting! )
   zyn will, first and foremost, be a little shocked that you asked it to go up in front of the clown. tav will be able to say something like "zyn, you're up." when prompted for a volunteer. zyn will blink at tav a few times and turn to them and say ❝ and... do what, exactly? it does not think the jokes were bad enough to justify harm. ❞
   then, after dribbles does his little schtick and tav can encourage zyn to go up there again, it will approve and smile a little in a weird kind of way, giggle, and say ❝ eheeh. if it can pet buddy... ❞
   as for asking it to stay in camp...
   > can you stay back at camp for me for a little while?
   ❝ has it... displeased you in some way, peace-bringer? ❞
   > no, just wait for me there.
   ❝ ... mmh. then... it will prepare a gift for you by the time you return. ❞ the implication would be it would just find a corpse to reanimate kind of like a cat leaving dead animals on your pillow
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luckynatured · 2 years
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Okay, so you know how Get Hit’s Hydreigon is a lower level in BW2 than it is in BW? 
I’ve heard a fair number of takes on this, but here’s mine:
((ADDED SIDENOTE: Nobody has to adhere to this headcanon! As of writing this post, I’m in the middle of writing the Ghetsis fight in the fic chronicling Hilbert’s journey, and it’s just something I thought of as I connected some dots!))
Hydreigon lost one of its arm/heads in the battle against Hilbert, which takes away a little bit of its fighting power. The Life Orb it holds and the fact that its moveset is physical in BW2 could be a way of attempting to make up for that loss: with how long it would take Ghetsis to raise another Deino to full evolution, replacing Hydreigon would be more trouble than it was worth for Ghetsis.
As for how Hydreigon lost that arm?
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It could be argued that he had the misfortune to face Michelle in that battle. 
Michelle, whose mother was an unusual Samurott who once encouraged her to use whatever trick she had if it meant protecting what was precious to her.
Both Pokemon were evenly matched, but Hydreigon was faster. Dragon Pulse took out most of her stamina, she could not take another one without going down. 
It didn’t take long for her to decide that if she was going to go down, she would do everything she could to fuck Hydreigon up and spite Ghetsis in one go. Her main motivation was to protect Hilbert at all costs, but any sense of honor had gone out the window at that point - right now, her actions were dictated by a desire for revenge.
So she used Aqua Jet to get close to Hydreigon. The Dragon-type was caught off-guard by the move, with created the perfect opening for Michelle to tackle the dragon to the ground and bite as hard as she could onto his shoulder (where Hydreigon’s arm met the rest of its body). It was only when she tasted blood that she grabbed a seamitar and swung. 
She didn’t stop until Ghetsis had to return Hydreigon to his PokeBall, but she had accomplished her goal by that time. Hydreigon’s arm could still be flopping onto the floor beneath her, the head giving out a pathetic wail before it stopped moving for good. 
She honestly hadn’t expected to survive, so she went all-out.
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honorhunt · 2 years
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𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐕𝐄𝐒 𝐖𝐇𝐎 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐏𝐄𝐃 about the adversarial bombardment of holo-ads on coruscant had never been to alk'lellish iii. the planet’s natives unfortunately discovered they had a knack of funneling product into the limbic system. floating advert droids outnumbered pedestrians on the thoroughfares by the dozens. gaggles of them swarmed every being with a functioning cerebral cortex — pets included — retina-searing displays of color. recordings of oozing saccharine sales pitches overlapped in an intrusive jumble of imaginary inadequacies and their magical solutions. locals were numb to the cacophony of natural enhancements and the latest luxury airspeeders from incom. they carried on with conversations and daily routines unimpeded by twenty automated voices prattling for their attention. but it was a poor place for a bounty hunter to lick his wounds.
      boba fett wrongly assumed the congestion would distract enemy eyes from his retreat, underestimating how efficiently he could outmaneuver the advert droids with a limp. zipping down side streets did nothing to shake them, neither did wagging the threat of blaster in their photoreceptors.
      ❝ leave me alone! ❞ desperate, the hunter ducked into a shop. undeterred, his pursuers hovered just outside the entrance, holding a vigil for his return.
      a lellish head sprung up from behind a display rack of dried metarshi heads. the salesman erupted into singsong, his arms held wide open in exaggerated excitement. ❝ welcome to ragoshi’s meat emporium. may i interest you in spiced metarshi tongue— sir, where are you going? oh, apologies, but you’re not allowed back there— hey! ❞
      without a word to the lellish, boba grumbled across the storefront to the backroom, ready to introduce the shopkeep to the business end of a westar if the fool attempted to stop him. the lellish rambled about involving stormtroopers but didn’t dare follow the intruder into the racks of gamy cuts waiting to be prepped and packaged.
      pungent iron defused through his helmet’s filters. the raw tang was strong enough to taste as it congealed in a gooey clump in the back of his throat. puddles of blood slush and discarded viscera crunched underfoot, a piece of which lodged itself in the tread of his boots. glittering specks of watery gore spackled the insulated rubber, reaching the leg of his flightsuit up to the knee. an experience wholly preferable to the colorful brain melt on the street.
      the storeroom’s exit released the hunter into an alleyway overgrown with residual jungle rooted in rain-rusted junkpiles from the surrounding businesses. glowering to the right, boba hurried to his left —
      and straight into a crush of advert droids.
      the blasted things figured him out, circling around like a pack of predators. during boba’s brief escape, their numbers triple as did their aggression. several droids literally pressed themselves into the helmet’s faceplate, igniting the comfortable darkness beneath the visor with flashing spasms. the droids closed into, bumping as they competed for the limited reality of his t-shaped attention. boba backed away only to find himself flanked by even more of the hovering bastards.
      ❝ i said leave me alone! ❞ silver twins reflected multichromatic violence as boba shot the first droid in the middle of its pitch, fraudulent voice turned syrupy as it descended to the ground. its single visual sensor went dark as three more joined it. plasma bolts showered the alley, ripping through the curtain of glowing promotions.
      in a matter of standard seconds, the passage was a mass grave of distorted sales patter and sparking mechanical innards. westars were trained on the last droid. it floated in novel silence, processing the field of its fallen compatriots. after a long, somber moment, the droid reconsidered the bounty hunter.
      boba declined with a final tap on the firing stud.
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put your blasters down. — @mayxthexforce as 𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐍𝐋𝐀𝐍 𝐕𝐎𝐒 / betrayal
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      ❝ what? ❞ the boy had no who or what to expect as he spun around, blasters raised. was it the lellish ragoshi come to scold him for the mess, a stormtrooper drawn by the ruckus, or had the mother of all advertising droids come for the final battle for his sanity.
      but the truth was far, far more annoying pain in the beskar.
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      ❝ you again? ❞ boba replied to the kiffar’s demands by aiming his blasters up a little higher. ❝ get lost, stripe face. i don’t have business with you. ❞
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unragazzovero · 1 month
A useless headcanon.
Carlo use to have a pet cat named Figaro.
So what happened to Figaro? Carlo doesn't like to talk about it, but she was killed during the whole puppet frenzy, and Carlo was sick and weak and couldn't save her no matter how hard he tried to even get out of bed to save her from being killed by puppets that turned on to their masters and then just went crazy.
Even Carlo was in danger at that time, and Figaro died protecting him from when a puppet had tried to attack Carlo while he was resting in bed.
In the end after her death, Carlo had her cremated. Her ashes had turned into little specks of ergo and was made into a glass trinket and into a necklace, which Carlo wears around his neck and refuses to let anybody touch it no matter who they are.
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tierra-paldeana · 5 months
// headcanon: because of my hc that clodsire are ambush predators... yes. this means that, at some point, rika CONSIDERED the idea of imitating them and hunting pokemon, too. however, she ultimately didn't do it as the idea of tearing into a psyduck/any other prey herself made her super squeamish, not to mention the idea of killing a Pokemon, unless for self defense, not only didn't sit well with her, but also... would have she been physically able to do it? plus it's not like the idea of eating raw meat was enticing to begin with. her hunger was sated enough with the berries she was given/foraged and the food she'd eat ocassionally at home/school, so she preferred to keep things simple for herself.
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supercreig · 6 months
About stripe (i think that is the guinea pigs name sorry bestie)
Send me “About [NAME]” for my character’s thoughts on another character! OPTIONAL: Send “About [NAME]: [SUBJECT]” for thoughts about a more specific thing!
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"I've had plenty of other Stripes in the past. They all meant the world to me. Actually every Stripe I ever had meant the entire world to me. What happened to them, you ask? The first Stripe I had died of old age, the second one ran away, and I suspect the third one was poisoned. Now we're on Stripe number four, which is from Tweek.
Don't get me wrong now. Every Stripe I've had will never replace each one I had. I've only named them all Stripe to keep his legacy going."
Honestly him naming all the guinea pigs he had Stripe was also him coping with loss. One thing he's meaning to leave out is that Stripe number four also has the ability to shapeshift into a ginormous guinea pig, but no one needed to know that. A little surprise can be fun, so he's going to leave that major detail out and have people try to find out themselves what Stripe the fourth can do.
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