#animagus has no business having to be so hard to achieve........... ; i would want to turn to animals too..........
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ryllen ¡ 9 months ago
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i thought / m a n / these girls are quite heartless 🤣 when i accepted the quest at /clearly/ inconvenient time to swim & dive
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rituhskeetr ¡ 5 years ago
❛  she licks blood off her fingers and she looks like divine absolution. careful, meleager: this is your sport but she’s not playing a game. do not think you are safe because you love her. do not think she will not stain her mouth red with your blood too. ❜
* ╰   jenny boyd  ;  twenty-two ;  she/her  — wow, RITA SKEETER sure has grown! it’s almost hard to believe they actually passed recruitment… i still remember them being so DILIGENT & CLEVER  now they just seem DECEITFUL & APATHETIC.  guess they’re special if they made it this far. word in the halls is they’re training to be a HIT WITCH but i don’t think they’ll make it out alive.  after all, they’ve shown signs of being NEUTRAL in the war.
character parallels: petra solano ( jane the virgin ), annalise keating ( how to get away with murder ), valencia perez ( crazy ex-girlfriend ), cher horowitz ( clueless ), jacqueline white ( unbreakable kimmy schmidt ), lizzie saltzman ( legacies ) links: stats, pinterest
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rita skeeter ( born margarita estrella skeeter ) has always craved two things in life: love & attention. from the moment she was born, she would cry and scream until she was coddled in someone’s arms. perhaps it was a side effect of always being seen as second best. you see, it was rita’s sister, adelina skeeter, who was viewed as the golden child, the little girl who could do no wrong, the sickeningly sweet miracle that rita’s parents had always hoped for. rita, on the other hand, was an accident — and she had to spend every second of her childhood proving she was worth anyone’s time.
this, of course, left the young girl starved for affection — she craved it so intensely, the kind of love and attention that her sister was showered in, that any time she was even remotely praised for something, she would repeat that action again and again and again until she was told off for being boring. she moulded herself after addy, so beautiful, so graceful, so intelligent and creative and multi-talented — but never quite enough.
rita’s first year at hogwarts was an absolute nightmare. as addy was a seventh year and head girl at the time, she constantly lived in the shadow of this brilliant, extraordinary witch. rita tried everything to get noticed, to be a pioneer within the slytherin house, but nothing she did was ever enough for what addy had accomplished when she was her age.
it wasn’t until rita decided to put her keen observational skills to use that she began to garner some attention. having spent her whole life up until now observing her older sister, picking for flaws, she knew how to see things that no one else could even dream of seeing. by the end of her first year, she had started so much gossip and intrigue that nearly everyone, including those in older years, would come to her if they had a curiosity they wanted confirmed about another student.
for the next three years, rita clung to this. she’d always wanted to be the best at something, and if this meant she was the best at gossip, then who was she to complain? people were talking to her now, they wanted things from her that no one else could give, and so she leaned into this, pushing and prodding at buttons that everyone else was too scared to even go near and spreading rumours like there was no tomorrow. she was a queen at this, at watching and manipulating and deceiving to get the information she might need to cause a ruckus, and having never particularly cared for the feelings of others in the first place, she had no problem ruining lives if it meant she got the attention she needed.
by the time she entered fifth year, spreading gossip through word of mouth simply wasn’t enough for this ambitious young girl. and so little rita pulled together a team and began a school newspaper, a lengthy publication left at the doorstep of every dorm on the first saturday of every month. the newspaper kept updates on the outside world, the running tally of house points, run-downs of the most recent quidditch games, a q&a and, of course, skeeters corner — hogwarts’ new gossip column.
rita thrived in her last three years at hogwarts. with the paper keeping her busy and the students practically falling at her knees for all its information (they could hate her all they wanted, but everyone loved a bit of gossip) fifth and sixth year flew by in a blink for her. it was in her seventh year that she began to push herself even further. picking classes that would help her shine ( after all, rita had always been talented in more ways than one ), rita pushed herself to stand out as one of the most talented witches in her year, knowing it was something she could achieve now that she was in the spotlight and addy was out of the way. but she continued to push herself outside of classes too --- in her own time, rita saw that there was a way to push her limits even further, and towards the end of her seventh year, rita became an animagus, all on her own.
leaving hogwarts was where things started to change. rita had shone within hogwarts because she was at hogwarts --- it was easy to shine there when she had the entire school wrapped around her finger. out in the real world, however, rita had yet to pull everyone into her trance. she had a brief stint at the daily prophet directly after she had graduated, but they wouldn’t let her shine like she knew she could, and so she left quickly. without things like skeeters corner to keep her busy, rita felt lost.
when she first heard about edin, rita knew what she had to do. she in no way had a dream of becoming an auror, or even a hit witch like she put on her application, but she’d been told edin was for the best of the best, and rita skeeter was the best. so she joined recruitment a year after she had graduated, slightly behind but with a drive that pushed her further than some of her fellow hopefuls. rita had always been a talented witch, but edin was different --- edin was tough, and it took rita an extra year to pass recruitment than anyone else, now making her two years older than her fellow first years.
this extra time however has only made rita even more desperate to prove herself. once she had started recruitment, she needed to finish it, because there was no way she was going to come out as a failure, and the same goes for her now as she walks the halls of the training program. she is not just the best at gossip, after all ( she is the best at that, though ). did addy pass edin recruitment? i didn’t think so.
it’s nice to know as well that there will always be GOSSIP, even at an elite training camp. rita is drawn to drama like a moth to a flame, and she is ecstatic to dig her hands into the meat of edin’s rumour mill. she is, after all, the centre of one of edin’s favourite rumours --- rita skeeter cheated her way into edin. it’s not true, of course ( or is it ), but rita is more than happy to keep the flame of the rumour going. all publicity is good publicity, you see. 
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thornstocutyouwith ¡ 6 years ago
Ezra Casper
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Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Does your character believe in the supernatural? No.
Who is your character’s best friend? No one
What was your character like in high school? He was actually apparently very normal.
Who was your character’s first love? What were they like? He hasn’t had any, too busy with other activities, you know?
Who or what does your character love to hate? The Rich.
Who or what is your character’s guardian angel? If he has any sort of ‘guardian angel’ it’s a very powerful being, preventing him from getting caught doing those ‘activities’ mentioned earlier.
Who would your character dress up as for Halloween? Probably a serial killer. Or what the world THINKS when they think of Serial Killer.
What is your character’s biggest regret? Nothing that comes to mind, so far.
How does your character perceive strangers? As annoyances.
What does the term “fighting” mean to your character? Probably for any of his victims, it means they are trying to prevent their inevitable fate. Which annoys him.
Is your character the main show or the sidekick? He would be the main show.
What is your character’s kryptonite? Spoilers. ( I haven’t figure that out yet, so he’s invincible now. HAHAHAHA)
If your character could only save one person, who would that be? Probably no one.
What does your character consider their biggest achievement? GETTING AWAY WITH MURDER! - music starts blaring in the background-
Who is your character’s favorite hero? The Joker. lol.
What about your character is heroic? Practically nothing.
How does your character want to be perceived by others? As Normal. So they he can be invisible in a room full of people, or maybe just a room of very few, as well.
What does your character think is the worst thing that can be done to another person? He really doesn’t care about that.
What does your character think is the best thing that can be done to another person? He really doesn’t think about other people.
What is your character’s perception of redemption? He hasn’t gotten that far yet.
Doctor Who
What is your character’s ideal companion like? Probably a feral dog or wolf.
What period of time would your character most enjoy visiting? Probably a primitive era, a time before technological advancements that are making it hard and harder for him to murd- Do his relaxing activities.
What place would your character most enjoy visiting? A place with not so much population everywhere.
Who would be your character’s favorite doctor? The Master, The Master would be his favorite Doctor, pfft.
What is your character’s favorite word? Mysterious.
What is your character’s favorite means of transportation? Motorcycle.
If your character was in dire danger, who would they call? The Police, lol.
If your character could change one physical feature of themselves, what would they change?  He likes the way he looks.
Who or what is your character’s worst enemy? Himself.
What is the most beautiful thing your character has ever seen? Death.
Harry Potter
What is your character’s boggart? Chains.
Your character’s choice of horcrux? A knife!
What does your character smell when presented with Amortentia? Blood.
What is your character’s house? Slytherin
What would your character see if they looked in the Mirror of Erised? Probably absolutely nothing.
Describe a pensive- worthy moment for your character: There is none to be described.
What is your character’s patronus? A Hare
If your character were an animagus, what would they be? A wolf.
What class would your character most succeed in at Hogwarts?  Potions
What would be your character’s favorite spell? Expecto Patronum
Game of Thrones
Which family would your character belong? Targaryan
What would be your character’s sigil? Most likely something with a knife and a wolf.
Would your character want to be King/Queen? No.
What animal would your character want as a pet? A Wolf
What is your character’s greatest goal in life? To just freely do whatever the hell it is he does.
What was your character’s greatest loss of their life?  Never had anything they would consider a loss.
Who is one person your character will never forget? Probably his family.
When was the last time your character made a promise? I am sure he makes all kind of problems and most likely very recently. The thing is, he’s not actually making them. He just says he’ll promise.
What is your character’s perception of happiness? GETTING AWAY with crimes and other things he considers thrilling.
What is your character’s perception of family? The same as your average human being. Have them, don’t have them, it’s whatever. Have three, at the same time, he doesn’t care.
What would be your character’s go-to audition song? Dark Horse
Does your character like to be in the spotlight? Not really.
What was the most offensive thing your character had ever said? I can’t remember, I am sure he said it to a woman though.
If your character could change their appearance, what would they change? They wouldn’t, unless he was avoiding the cops and needed to hide his identity.
What is your character’s high school stereotype? Creep
What did you use to love about your character that has completely changed? I don’t know yet. No one ever wants to roleplay with him XD I wonder whyy. hehehe.
What was your character’s childhood dream? What did they want to be when they grew up? A spy.
What does your character look for in their friends? An Alibi.
How does your character express their emotions? By pretending to be like everyone else.
How far would your character go to achieve their dreams? I’d say as far as murdering someone.
His Dark Materials
What would be your character’s daemon? Pine Marten.
What question would your character ask to the Golden Compass? “Where’s the Weed at?”
Who is your character’s protector? No clue. For their sanity, hopefully no one.
Does your character have any pets? No.
What is your character’s most treasured possession? Nothing.
Does your character feel empathy? When and why? No, never.
When was the last time your character lied? Why? Probably today. Because why the fuck not?
What was your character’s favorite childhood game? Probably hide and seek.
Who was your character’s best friend growing up? Some kid down the street from the park about ten minutes away from his house that he used to play basketball with.
What was your character’s worst childhood memory? Watching some other kids get mowed down by a car at the park.
James Bond
What occupation would your character be in MI6? Ground...operative...
What is your character’s favorite alcoholic drink? Sparkling Shamrock (vodka)
What is your character’s favorite painting? The Tower Of Babel
What is your character’s dream lover like? A KNIFE!
If your character was in danger, what would be their choice of weapon? A KNIFE!!
When was the last time your character had sex? Probably today.
How does your character like to display affection? By pretending to display affection.
When was the last time your character kissed another? Probably today.
When was the last time your character had a fight? Physical or verbal? Physical and ..probably this week.
In the face of danger, how does your character react? Cool as a cucumber.
Les Miserables
Who or what is your character obsessed with? A KNIFE!!
What is your character’s favorite song? A KN- Oh Uhm...-Blinks-  I Come with Knives.
Who or what haunts your character frequently? Nothing at the moment.
Who or what will your character stand up for? Nothing that comes to mind at the moment.
Does your character believe in love at first sight? Why? No. Because I said so.
When was the last time your character cried? When he was a child.
When was the last time your character was in a relationship? Never.
How far would your character go for redemption? Not.
What mythological figure would you character be compared to? Egyptian God Set
What does your character regard as the lowest depth of misery? Being jailed, imprisoned, or chained, prevented from sating his desires.
Lord of The Rings
What race would your character be in the LOTR verse? Balrog
What is your character’s most beloved item? A KNIFE!
Does your character like to travel? Why? Yes. It helps to prevent anyone getting to used to him and remembering his face.
Who are your character’s close friends? No one.
What is a place that your character is terrified of? Prison.
How much does your character eat? Not too much.
What virtue does your character look for in others? Weakness, a vulnerability he can work with.
Where does your character live? California.
What one word best describe your character? Killer.
If your character was to gain a large sum of money, what would they do with it? Bury it and use it in moderation.
What would your character’s superhero codename be? NotTheHeroYoureLookingFor.
What kind of super powers or special abilities would your character have?..pfft..Unlovability Inducement.
What would your character’s super hero costume be? A spiffy suit, I don’t fucking know. lol
Who is your character’s worst enemy? Prison. lol.
What is your character’s biggest sacrifice? Innocence.
Who or what would your character die for? Himself.
Who is your character’s hero? Magneto.
Does your character drink? How old did they start drinking? Yes, a child.
Is your character a better leader or follower? Leader.
How does your character react with responsibility? ...Don’t make him responsible for anything. Because the results will vary.
What is your character’s favorite fantasy creature? Chimera
Where is your character’s favorite hiding place? Out in the open.
Does your character fight or flee? Fight and Flee.
What is the birth order of your character? 7th.
What would your character do if they were betrayed by someone they loved? Kill them.
What can buy your character’s faith/ trust? Nothing.
Does your character like children? Not particularly.
Does your character have any phobias? Incarcerophobia
Does your character react instinctively or do they reason out their actions? They reason out their actions.
Does your character believe in the afterlife? No.
Once Upon A Time
What object symbolizes your character’s life? A KNIFE!
What is your character’s favorite fairytale? Puss-in-Boots
Does your character believe in happy endings? Why? No. Because they are unrealistic.
Who is your character’s beloved? No One.
What is your character’s perception of love? It’s annoying, messy, and gets all over everything, ruining things.
When was the last time your character had their heart broken? Never.
How many true friends does your character have? None.
Does your character trust easily? No.
When was the last time your character smiled? Today, probably? lol
When was the last time your character was extremely disappointed? Who can tell.
What is your character’s favorite jam? Or Nah by SoMo ( Just because that’s what I am listening to at the moment and I can’t be bothered again.)
What did your character want to be as a child? A spy.
What article of clothing or accessory can your character not leave the house without? ...<.<....>.>.... A KNIFE!
What is your character’s favorite type of tea? Mint.
What is your character’s favorite type of murder? Neat and agonizing, with a lot of mystery.
What crime is your character most likely to commit? Murder.
What password does your character have for their phone? Just a Scratch.
What ringtone does your character have for their phone? A Wolf in Sheeps Clothing.
What animal is your character most afraid of? Humans.
What common knowledge does your character never remember? Most people have friendships and strong relationships with other people.
Star Trek
What track would your character be in for the Starfleet Academy? FEDERATION CITIZEN
What would Spock see if he used the mind meld on your character? Probably planning, not exactly murders. Because who plans a murder before they have a victim? lol. And if Spock gets a little too nosy, Ezra will be more than happy to make the other his first victim before any others.
What planet would your character most want to visit? None.
Who or what emotionally compromises your character? Not much, if anything at all.
When did your character lose their virginity? How? When he was an adolescent and by normal means.
What would your character say to their younger self? You’re doing great ‘sweetie’. lol.
What type of people can your character not be able to work with? All people. lol. But he can surely pretend like he can work with anyone.
What was the worst thing your character ever did to someone they loved? Kill them.
What is your character’s level of self-esteem? Probably moderately higher than you would like to think.
How comfortable is your character with technology? Very comfortable.
Star Wars
What would be the color of your character’s lightsaber? Blue
What would Yoda say to your character? Out, you go. lol
Who or what is your character’s greatest love? A KNIFE!
What is your character’s greatest fear? Prison.
What does your character pretend to feel strongly about, just to impress others? A lot more shit than I can explain.
Is your character courageous? Yes.
What is your character’s attitude towards their current job? They are okay with it. They have the freedom and space to work.
What is your character’s perception towards freedom? Probably the worst ever, he thinks murdering people is a personal right, to him. Since it makes him feel good, or something like that - shrugs-.
What or what is your character enslaved to? His Dark Horse.
How do strangers react and perceive your character? They generally find him odd, but not unlikable.
What is your character’s favorite day of the week? Wednesday.
What supernatural creature is your character most scared of? Humans.
Who is your character’s closest relative? No One
What is your character’s perception towards Hell? It’s a place, that doesn’t exist.
Is your character superstitious? He has none.
What one act of your past are you most ashamed of? Nothing.
What one act of your past are you most proud of? Mostly all of them.
Who or what saved your character’s life? No One.
What is one strong memory that has stuck with your character through childhood? Watching a whole bunch of dying kids bleed out onto the ground, as he himself was also a child.
What is your character’s family like? Wouldn’t that be nice to know.
Teen Wolf
What is your character’s dream car? None.
What is your character’s favorite sport? None.
Who or what is your character most loyal to? No one.
What is your character’s secret? HE’S A MURDERER. lol
What does your character do when they’re bored? Murder someone.
What or who is your character compulsed to? No One.
Did your character ever commit a crime? Yes.
What is your character allergic to? Love....Okay, let’s say he’s probably allergic to pine trees.
How smart is your character? What is/ was their strongest subject in school? He is perhaps pretty smart, many serial killers or the like tend to be. And as far as his strongest subject, probably anything near a computer.
Was your character ever bullied or teased? Yes.
The Hunger Games
What district would your character be from? District 3, or more realistically, he’d live in the Capitol.
What would be your character’s weapon of choice? A KNIFE!
What would be your character’s training score? 10
What is one thing your character desperately need? Nothing.
What would your character’s ideal arena be? A ruined city.
Who is your character’s mentor? Johanna Mason
What is your character’s favorite type of plant? Queen's Gilliflower
How does your character dress for special events? Really well.
How does your character dress normally? Like everyone else.
What living person does your character most despise? Most people.
The Walking Dead
What would be your character’s favorite weapon against the undead? Traps.
What angers your character? Having to improve.
How would your character like to die? Bloody, on the Fury Roa- I mean, Bloody...Just bloody. Kind of like a Viking would.
What is your character’s perception of religion? Useless.
How often does your character swear? When necessary.
Who or what is your character most afraid of? Imprisonment.
Does your character have a network of friends/ acquaintances? Yes.
Is your character an outdoors person? Not particularly.
During an apocalypse, what role would your character play? He’d be a Negan.
How does your character react/ accept criticism? By not caring about it, it’s just criticism, what’s it going to to, hurt him?
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