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c-u-c-koo-4-40k · 8 months ago
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Oh the Scandal! The humanity!
But I never said I didn't enjoy it. 😉😘
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Making me blush brighter than boiled crawfish on a ripe tomato.
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c-u-c-koo-4-40k · 5 months ago
Very interesting!
Emperor's Children are so closely tied to Slannesh so its interesting to see one that falls to a different Chaos God.
I'd like you all to meet Kav! He/Him.
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Kav is a pre-Heresy Emperor's Child Apothecary. He's generally pretty friendly, though he has a bit of a short fuse and isn't afraid to stand up for himself or his friends. He is sensitive to smell and loves to sing to his plants, which he adores. He also likes to preen his friends and brothers. He enjoys creating elaborate hairstyles and is known for always wearing lipstick and bright eyeshadow when out of his armour, even going as far to decorate the edges of his scar with it (just for funsies :))
No-one really knows how he lost his eye - he doesn't really like to talk about it, but it's speculated he lost it in battle.
Kav falls to Nurgle in the end, and ultimately becomes one with his beloved plants, wandering peacefully to spread his saplings and take care of dying plant life, collecting many rare and/or poisonous flora along the way. (Art under the cut)
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He shaved part of his head because his littler branches kept getting caught in his hair and snapping off :/
(And it was a pain to untangle >:v)
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c-u-c-koo-4-40k · 7 months ago
@kit-williams My exact thoughts! Bug Horse! Cause my favorite pokemon is scolipede. So I just wanted to make...A Scolipede even More to my tastes.
And thank you for the kind words! But I believe you have fun art too. Plus I mean...I Certainly didn't get to the finish product in one go.
Of all the Pokémon designs I have in backlog there is only one I executed on the first time with minimal tweaking.
On a different one I'm up to version 8 and its driving me mad (in a fun challenging way...mostly.)
@angronsjewelbeetle that is Seriously incredibly sweet of you to say!
And while it'll not be "canon" to the comics I've got planned for the Pokémon Region blog, I could see myself doing some fun crossover pieces between the Space Marine oc characters and some of the fakemon. Just for fun and practice you know!
@undeaddream Thank You! And I feel much the same! Bug types go brrrrrrr!
@egrets-not-regrets Thank you for you kind words fellow Bird!
@virozero 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
New vs Old
It's been a while, mostly because I got pulled into a whole other hyperfixation! But ironically doing art and fics for that has helped my burnout for this one.
Starting off there'll be some soft reboots of Pokemon designs! Because I! Have perfection issues and often don't feel completely satisfied with my designs.
But on the other hand as I improve, going back and Tweaking previous designs and spicing them up with features I didn't originally think about is quite enjoyable.
This Post will compile some of these different designs going from old to new Because it's fun to see the Progression!
Fillipede The Roll Run Pokemon! V1 to V4
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When Fillipede reaches a certain speed stat and Forgets the move Rollout it evolves into!
Ornatipede The Ride Megapede Pokemon
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I'll have a proper post about the updated designs and their Pokedex entries later. But I just wanted to do a quick post to show off the progress these designs have had.
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c-u-c-koo-4-40k · 10 months ago
No lie, whenever I imagine Angron in an AU where he gets his nails removed, I LOVE the idea that eventually, he becomes So Damn JOLLY!
There are lore segments where it's said Jaghatai or Russ could be Boistrous and playful.
But I love the idea that if they were to meet post nails Angron, far into his recovery where he finally feels comfortable to be himself. They would be Shocked, at how Joyful he is.
Full on belly laughing, and slapping people on the back and of course doing that scrunchy happy smile with Dimples.
Just a complete 180 from what he was before. Even willing to greet the brothers he butted heads with, with practically open arms cause Life if Good now and he's not gonna hang on to the bad in the past.
Doesn't mean he's gonna forget it. And he's still Exceptionally dangerous (probably moreso now that he can actually Think and strategize).
But as long as his brother play nice so will he. At least thats how I see it.
Also this.
"Oh my lord did you hear? Angron is visiting."
Gulliman: "Excuse me what!? HIDE ME!"
"I thought you two were on better terms now."
"We Are but...
"Too late."
Gulliman spent the rest of the day with a Primarch sized ice pack as his back was mangled by his brothers...exuberant greeting.
Tldr: Long time post nails recovery Angron likes to hug with enough force to Almost break his brothers' spines.
More because I'm in love ❤️ if anyone wants to add to this, please do!! He deserves nice things.
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Post-Nails AU ~♡ Pt 2
- angron becomes a lot less emotionally distant after the Nails are out.
- He's still a bit weird about giving physical touch but he's a lot more receptive to accepting it.
- develops psoriasis (wow val projecting much?)
- hold him. Let him be the little spoon for the first while.
- it means a lot to him if you hold him. He doesn't trust himself to hold you more than a loose hug or an arm around your waist just yet.
- be patient with him, please. It's gonna take a while for him to heal.
- occasionally makes jokes!! They're simple, a little bit of wordplay and a bit of a proud look, but they're there!
- so, SO fucking cuddly once he gets used to things. Always has some kind of physical contact with you. Poor baby is touch starved.
- likes hand holding a lot. It's simple but it's actually really comforting to him. He's learning how to be gentle.
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c-u-c-koo-4-40k · 9 months ago
Sangy~ So cuuute
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Trying Something New ft. Sanguinius!
colouring him was an afterthought
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c-u-c-koo-4-40k · 5 months ago
A sparkly lad!
Jewel Beetle Space Marine
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c-u-c-koo-4-40k · 9 months ago
Pfft, he looks the michevious type. I'm curious, does he have objects he Prefers to steal? And is it because he likes them, or he sees the stealing like a game?
I suppose if he gives it back when asked now harm done. But I Am wondering what the extent of his thievery is.
I was told to share this, so,, ^^; @whorety-k @pickpocketing-your-gender
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Meet my Thousand Son oc, Seth.
He has no lore whatsoever yet and his only reason for existence is @ms--lobotomy suggesting a Thousand Son for me when we were talking about wooing astartes.
I have yet to draw it, but he has a scarab tattoo on his upper back with its wings spread from shoulder to shoulder..
Personality wise, he's a pretty nice dude. Playful, fair bit of a smartass, likes to make you laugh kinda guy. He does struggle a bit with kleptomania, si if something goes missing, you might wanna ask if he's seen it....
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c-u-c-koo-4-40k · 7 months ago
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Fulgrim with his hair up
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c-u-c-koo-4-40k · 10 months ago
The lad is learning to take things in without pain being constant!
He's so precious!
Spent the last four days staring at this on my computer so I might as well post it...
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A Visit to the Beach (Post-Nails AU)
The waves lap gently at the sand before you, Angron’s hand in yours as you sit side by side. The cliffs tower behind you and the skies are turning pink above you as the sun begins to set. Angron’s thumb rubs over the back of your hand and he sighs as a light breeze ruffles through his short auburn hair, “it’s nice,” he says slowly, taking a deep breath, “the water’s…pretty,” he continues, letting go of your hand to wrap his arm around you, drawing you closer to his side, “like you,” he says, voice rumbling through his chest against your ear, your heart thuds against your chest and he dips his head to press a featherlight kiss to the top of your head. “Thank you,” he says, “I…really appreciate it,” he murmurs. He almost seems to glow as the sunset turns the skies vibrant pink and orange. The light is fading fast now, his silhouette growing darker by every passing moment; he’d look a little intimidating, if not for the smile on his lips and the boyish way his garnet eyes twinkle in the golden glow of the sunset.
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c-u-c-koo-4-40k · 8 months ago
I love how happy Seth looks, and how displeased Ky looks.
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@whorety-k 's Ky and my Sethy boy!
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