#angelo parente smut
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allthosefanfics · 5 years ago
Put your teeth to the curb, 'cause right now I'm gonna stomp your fucking face in I hope you drown in all the cum you fucking swallow
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writingismyhappytime · 8 years ago
Good Little Witch (Part 13): Epilogue
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Angelo Parente x reader ​​​warnings: language, smut, extreme violence and torture, magic, mention of human trafficking
(Part 1, Part 2,   ​Part 3​​,​ Part 4​, ​Part 5​,​ Part 6​, ​Part 7​  , ​​Part 8​, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12)
You wrinkle your nose as you wipe the crimson blood from your hands on a towel, disheveled.
That had admittedly been very fun.
However, cleaning up the mess is not!
"You could have warned me!" You snap over your shoulder as you hear the door open. You half turn, watching through narrowed eyes as Angelo steps into the main room of the cabin, dragging the dead warlock behind him over the threshold.
He'd remembered you wanting to hunt down Alexander, the warlock who'd come snooping around for information over a year ago. As a treat, and for what you consider an unofficial anniversary present, you'd both hunted him down and killed him, along with the other two warlocks who'd tried to stop you.
You've been together for an entire year now, and although Angelo won't admit it, he knows it's the anniversary of you two being together. Why else would he drag you all the way to the outskirts of Costa Rica?
The country is pretty, very jungle-y, very hot. You dislike the weather intensely, you're from a colder country and you're not used to sweating even during the night! You're completely dressed incorrectly at that, which doesn't make anything better!
"Warned you about what?" Angelo sounds annoyed himself, blood splattered across his white dress shirt. "You're the one who popped that warlocks head off like breaking a cookie!"
"He tried to impale you with a butchers knife!"
"I very well had it under control!"
"That's just what you thought," you huff, tossing the stained towel down as you whirl to face him. Adrenaline is still running through both of your systems, and you feel edgy. "That warlock had you just like that old one did a year ago! You were just casually dangling on the wall!"
"I knew what I was doing!" Angelo snaps, irritated. "I certainly don't need saving."
"You do when you're the damsel in distress."
"Says the woman I literally rescued from a dungeon."
You glare at him reproach fully, your bloody hands going indignantly to your hips before you realize it. You freeze instantly, jerking them away, but the damage has been done.
Your sweater!
"Oh, don't look upset. I'll just buy you a new one," Angelo drops the dead warlock in the floor of the wooden cabin you're in, unconcerned with the bloody trail he left behind. "You have a dozen of them back home."
"But not like this one!" You say in distress, looking down in dismay. "It's my favorite."
Angelo rolls his eyes. He's a little put out the hunt didn't go as smoothly as he'd planned, he hadn't figured Alexander stupid enough to actually fight back, let alone have associates who wanted to defend him.
Sure, it had been successful, no one can defeat a blood witch and a demon working together, but still.
He's a little pouty over it.
And now you're being a bitch again!
He can't do something nice and you actually appreciate it anymore!
"I can literally hear the negative thoughts you're having about me."You grunt, using a wet rag to wipe at your shirt. "You can stop being an asshole at any time."
"I will when you stop being a cunt."
You hate that word!
You bristle, glowering at him from across the small room. You're not very impressed with the rinky dink shack, as it should be called. It had four walls, a table that was broken in half with no chairs, a small kitchen area you're sure is from the stone ages, and one couch that sunk down in the very center.
This isn't what you imagined the "spot" he talked about would look like. Maybe it's because you're used to the finer things now thanks to Angelo's spoiling, but you definitely have no intentions of staying another moment in a dirty shack!
You want to go home, now!
"Don't fucking call me that!" You snarl, hurling the bloody rag at him and hitting him directly in the face. "You know I hate that."
Angelo doesn't immediately respond, his eyes closed as the rag drops to the floor. He inhales deeply, his nostrils flaring as he tries to control his temper.
He tries to do something nice for you and look where it gets him!
"You're always Bitching at me!" He hisses, suddenly unable to hold the words back. "What the hell is your problem lately!?"
"My problem!? You're the one who keeps fucking off!"
"How the hell am I fucking off?"' He demands, kicking the body he's recently dropped out of his way, disliking the pool of blood left behind. "I literally helped you hunt down a man halfway across the world because you decided you were bored."
"I am bored!" You shuffle. "You leave me in that dank ass castle by myself all the time!"
"Well excuse me for having a business to run." He retorts, crossing his arms defensively. "Usually you're off gallavanting with my brother, you're hardly ever there!"
"I'm trying to help with his bar thing ---."
"Which you've been so focused on you're hardly at that castle, so why should I?" He demands, clenching his hands sulkily; he honestly didn't like being in the castle by himself anymore, it didn't feel right.
You've been so focused on Richard you haven't been paying Angelo any attention, and he wants you all to himself again! It's not fair that little baby is getting all your ---.
"Are you serious!?" You huff, sensing what was suddenly the problem. "You're jealous?"
"What? Don't be ridiculous, why would I ---?"
"You're jealous of Horror, aren't you? Is that the reason you brought me out here to this dump?" You stare at him, your eyes narrowing --- you want to be upset, cry a little, maybe break a few windows. You'd thought he brought you out because of the one year, because of your anniversary and because he cared --- but no.
It's only for selfish reasons!
You're not sure why you're even surprised, he's a self centered demon after all! An egotistical, ignorant, self -satisfying baboon!
"I want to go home!" You demand, hearing glass cracking. You're on the verge of losing your temper with him, you're a little hurt after all. You'd wanted him to be a little romantic towards you, not this!
This is stupid!
"Why are you pitching such a little bitch fit?" Angelo demands, his eyes running over your smaller frame. You have blood on your clothes where you turned one man into a sprinkler, and it stains a majority of visible skin. Your red hair is messed and flying errantly, and your eyes are spitting fire.
You're incredibly upset with him and he's not sure why.
You've only been together a year, surely the bond and relationship you two have will last longer then that! He'd expected centuries, not just a single digit!
"What the hell are you upset over?" He asks, near exasperated. "We caught the damned warlocks, like you wanted, we killed them!"
You send him the most vile look, as if he'd just kicked your pet hamster out a window. Your pale lips press into a thin line, and suddenly you're making a beeline for the front door.
If he won't take you home, you'll go yourself! You'll find a way back without his help!
Screw him!
"Where the hell are you going?" Angelo stares, startled. "Red!"
"Away from you!" You snap over your shoulder, the door flying open before you ever reach it. You storm out into the darkness, immediately hearing the native animals quiet. You haven't heard much of them, they seemed to sense evil and go silent.
Not that you're evil.
Angelo is.
But you're not.
You're just temperamental and spiteful.
You step out onto the dirt, glancing around at the lush jungle surrounding you. You're sure it's a beautiful place in the sunlight, but at night it holds a totally different allure.
You're not afraid, though. At this point in your life, you're not scared of anything. You can hear the rush of water from a waterfall in the distance, the rumble as it fell hundreds of feet.
Maybe you'd visit it in the daylight some time, alone, without your prick of a boyfriend!
"Don't you fucking walk away from me, (Y/N!)"
Speak of the bloody, clingy devil!
You feel Angelo's cold hand close around your arm, wrenching you around so quickly you nearly fall. You tense immediately, your fiery eyes meeting his as you look up.
"Get your hands off of me!"You snarl, jerking against his hold. "Fuck you, Angelo!"
"Get ahold of yourself!" He snaps, shaking you the slightest bit. You know you're not physically strong enough to pull away from him, but you're about to set him on fire if he doesn't let go!
"Angelo ---!" You sound as frustrated as you feel, but the next few biting words never leave your lips.
Angelo's free hand suddenly tangles in your long hair, locking in and dragging your head around forcefully. His lips find yours, and even though you give an angry shriek against his lips, shoving furiously at his chest, he doesn't move, it's like hitting a brick wall with your bare hand.
You're so mad at him, you don't want to kiss him!
You want to punch him in the throat!
You dig your nails into his chest, so deeply you know it cuts his skin. His grip in your hair tightens painfully as a result, so hard you feel your roots protest.
You take a deep breath, taking a step closer, pressing your body up against his. You're so frustrated with his arrogance and his complete idiocy! Why can't he just think?
Be a little romantic!
You grab his red-stained dress shirt, finding the blood still warm from his recent kill. You draw him a little tighter, his hand now around your hip, beneath your ruined sweater.
Angelo deepens the kiss, his tongue parting your lips and finding yours. He doesn't let you have control, he fights you for it, intent not to let you win.
There wouldn't be any fun in that.
"I'm so mad at you!" You hiss against his lips, feeling a new kind of rush slip through your body. A mixture of anger and desire makes your blood boil, and you find yourself jerking on the front of Angelo's shirt, ripping it completely in half.
Angelo smirks down at you, sharp teeth glinting in the moonlight. He releases your hair, both hands slipping to cup your ass instead. You huff as he lifts you up, your legs winding around his waist as he carries you.
You suddenly feel the nearest tree against your back, the tangle of its roots at your feet as he sits you down. The trees in Costa Rica are tall, with thick trunks and vines falling down. You're sure there's an errant snake or two making the tree it's home, but even they could sense to stay far away you hope.
You inadvertently groan as Angelo's hands roam higher beneath your shirt, cold fingers cupping your breasts.
You're so warm, Angelo loves that about you. He kisses you fervently, squeezing your full breasts in his hands. He's going to fuck you so senseless you never back talk him again!
Your nails scrape down the back of his neck, and you bite his lip impatiently, feeling a sudden urgency. He hisses against your mouth, and you get the faintest taste of his black blood with a heavy moan.
His blood is still intoxicating to you, it makes your skin feel likes it's on fire! Already you feel the burn sweeping across your skin, your body reacting to his touches immediately.
You arch into his grip, losing all reservations, momentarily forgetting your anger. Your hands rove his shoulder, pushing his ruined shirt off quickly. His grip tightens on you for a brief second, his fingers pinching and toying with your nipples almost painfully.
"Angelo," you breathe against his bloody lips, your head suddenly falling back in pleasure. Your body is humming, it's absolutely glorious. You'd forgotten the slight high you get off his blood.
He bites sharply at the curve of your neck , making you gasp. He presses into you, holding you into the tree as he gets his own taste of your blood, not going to let you get away with that little bite.
You grasp desperately at the hair at the nape of his neck, holding onto him, feeling your blood seep from the wound and into your clothing. Angelo groans against your skin, slowly lifting his head, dark eyes dilated as his tongue runs across the wound.
You taste amazing, his body begins to feel warm almost instantly. He closes his eyes for a brief moment, tilting his head back as he enjoys the taste of your blood on his tongue.
His black hair falls back from his face, and you press your lips against his chin, feathering kisses against his jaw until you return to his lips.
You press your hips eagerly into his, your body excited for his touch. You're impatient to have him, and you know he feels the same --- you'd almost forgotten what ingesting the blood of another does, how it connects you to them, let's you sense what they feel, what they want.
Angelo wants you.
He's already pulling at your sweater, grabbing it by the collar and completely shredding it in too, revealing your bare chest to him, stained the lightest pink from a warlocks blood.
You're his vixen, his fury, his harpy. You kill and maim just as well as he does, and he's never been more attracted to you then after a bloody fight.
His fingers hook into the waistband of your jeans, tugging roughly. He fights them down your shapely hips, letting them pool at your feet, watching as you step out of them quickly.
Your fingers waste no time going to us zipper, jerking it down and hastily unbuttoning his black trousers. Your eyes flick to his as you shove them down, feeling his length graze your body as it rises, finally free from its confines.
Covered in blood, eyes dilated and lips parted, you're the hottest Angelo has ever seen you. His hands cup your face as he kisses you, pushing you back against the rough bark of the tree and vines. You kiss him back earnestly, running your hands down his body, your nails lightly raking against his tender flesh.
Hell, he wants you! His cock throbs with the need to be inside you, making you cry out as he claims you again. He's pissed at you for your ungrateful attitude, and he wants to make sure you know it.
You moan as he slips a finger through your entrance, making slow circles against your walls and hitting all the right spots. He smirks as he realizes how wet you are and he's not even touched you, how your hips immediately push down against his hand.
"Not too mad at me now, are you?" He teases, earning the slightest of glares. You pinch his shoulder between your nails, your teeth abruptly digging into your lower lip as he adds a second finger, his thumb lightly brushing your clit, tantalizing you. He's not going to let you cum, you're going to have to work for it this time. He's going to work you up --- and then deny you what you want most.
Or, that's what he's going to try to do. Your hand is already on his cock, and you know how much he loves it when you --- oh fucking hell.
Angelo can't deny you anything! He fucking wants you too badly himself!
He swats your hand away, his own going to lift your hips. Your fingers curl around the vines behind you, the tree bark pressing coldly into your back.
You're so wet, there's a fire in you only Angelo can help. You want him to be rough, you want the sex to be so memorable that you won't forget in a hundred years.
And neither will he.
You reach forward, gripping his hair and jerking his lips to yours as you wind your thighs around his hips. You can feel his head at your entrance, and your body is completely welcoming.
You moan into his mouth as he slowly pushes forward, his cock finding the warmth it was seeking. You clench your hand around the vines as Angelo begins nibbling on your neck again, finding his rhythm. You practically bounce back against the trunk of the tree with every thrust, feeling it scratch your back. His hands are clamped so tightly on your hips you know they're bruising, but you're loving every moment of it!
He’s rough, making your breath hitch with every thrust, wrenching uncontrollable moans from your throat. Sweat gleams on your skin, mixing with the blood that's now smearing both of your bodies.
Angelo takes one of your breasts in his grip, teasing your nipples and sending an electric sensation surging through your whole body. Your hips thrust forward of their own account, meeting his and making both of you groan. You're already starting to clench around him, your tight muscles clinging to his cock.
His eyes are already that frightening black, the one that let's you know he's enjoying himself.
Your lips are permanently parted at this point, soft gasps constantly leaving them at every thrust. Your back is going to be bruised after this but you don't even care!
"You're still an a-ass!" You manage, clinging to the vines, your sweaty palm wanting to slip.
"And you're a cunt," he grunts, feeling you finally tense up. You're on the verge of cumming, your head falling back in absolute pleasure --- until Angelo slows his rhythm.
Your eyes flash open, seeing the smirk on those devilish lips.
"You've not been nice to me today," he informs you, beginning to move again when he'd completely paused. "Why should I give you what you want?"
"Angelo!" You scowl at him, hearing his faint chuckle before he thrusts forward so deeply you gasp, unprepared. Your toes curl in pleasure as he fills you, grinding his heavenly hips into yours until you're shaking, his thumb kneading your clit.
You shudder, letting go of the vines completely as you wrap your arms around his neck, clinging desperately to him as you whimper, your thighs held in his grip as he takes over. You let him have his way, pressing your face into his neck.
You're tightening again, you simply can't help it. You know Angelo isn't going to deny you pleasure a second time, he quite frankly doesn't have it in him! You can tell by his flexing touch and his breathing he's getting close himself.
"Angelo," you whimper, kissing his ear, your heart hammering in your chest. There's that feeling again --- a hot, writhing heat in the pit of your stomach that's making your slick skin flush, making your taut muscles quiver.
You kiss him just as you finally cum, Angelo groaning as you squeeze his cock, your clenching muscles making him feel right at home as he rams you into the tree, his legs starting to shake.
He sighs against your lips, holding you up against the tree, finding his own release inside of you.
It's like all the anger drains from your bodies, and you feel much more content now. You're fine with snuggling into him, letting him hold you for a few moments as you play with his black hair.
"Mmph, jungle sex isn't bad," you finally mumble after a while, feeling his silent chuckle.
"Your idea of jungle sex is different from mine," he mumbles, leaning back slightly so he can look at you. "We'll find some thick vines and then I'll show you jungle sex."
"Mmm. You going to go all Tarzan on me?" You tease, you mood lightened now that you're wore out. You're not frustrated now, Angelo had helped you vent that all out.
"I have no idea who Tarzan is."
You sigh; should've figured Angelo didn't know his movies.
You're still working on that.
You've cooled off a little, but your skin is still clammy from the heat. Considering you're a supernatural creature, it doesn't bother you as badly as it would a human, which is a plus, you guess.
You grimace as Angelo shuffles, your legs protesting as they're forced to straighten. You sigh as you notice the remains of your sweater, tugging it together the best you can.
"You destroy a lot of my clothes, you know."
"I'd prefer it if you didn't wear any at all," Angelo merely responds, zipping his jeans back up. You hide your smile, taking the hand he offers you.
You'd told him that numerous times.
"Now why couldn't we have come here first?" You sigh, stepping out onto the balcony of the resort. The tile is cool on your bare feet as you walk to the white painted railing, gazing out at the ocean not too far away. The breeze catches the end of your silk robe, tossing the ends into the air behind you.
"This is a treat," Angelo responds from the room, using his phone with a frown as he leans against the bed, a white towel wrapped around his waist from his recent shower. He's been working since the moment he entered the resort, his hell hounds carrying all the luggage.
You look over your shoulder at him, your red, wavy hair trailing down your back. He's just standing there, hair damp, the black curls on his chest gleaming in the dim lights from the chandelier.
You have to admit, this has been the happiest year of your life. You'd spent so long running for your very existence, it's been a big change. You adore Angelo, you're very much in love with him and he knows it.
You're still not quite used to the very rich lifestyle he leads, especially when he's away from the castle. He enjoys his lavish amenities, that's for sure.
You turn away, gazing back at the ocean. It's quiet, which you like, and you let yourself enjoy it. Peace is absolutely intoxicating, and it's to a point now you're not constantly looking over your shoulder for trouble. It's a habit you've finally broke.
"You know, we could get a place out here if you like," Angelo says, closer then you realized. His hands slip around your waist, drawing you back to lean against him. "A nice little tree house or something."
"Where we can have all the jungle sex we want?" You chuckle, knowing he's grinning.
"Something like that."
"I'm pretty content in the castle," you shrug your shoulders. "It's too hot here."
"You are pretty cold hearted, I'm not surprised you like a chillier place."
"Don't be mean!"
He chuckles, pressing a kiss against your shoulder. He shuffles a moment, and you glance down as you feel his hand move. You blink, staring at the black velvet box he's suddenly holding.
"That's not someone's finger bone is it?"
Angelo snorts, caught off guard. "No, but that would have been a good idea, if I'd thought of it first. Open it."
You hesitate, then reach for the box. It looks like it belongs to a ring, so that's what you assume it is.
But what kind?
Why is he giving this to you?
You're suddenly nervous!
Your fingers box on the box lid, hovering for a few moments before you force yourself to open it.
You blink.
"It's so pretty!" You gasp, staring at the  gold band, a ruby set in the center surrounded by smaller ones. The ruby  is a deep red, almost reminding you of blood, which is fitting you suppose.
"I thought you might like it," he says, relieved. "Happy anniversary."
"You remembered!" You gasp, whirling around so quickly you nearly drop the ring off the balcony. You clutch it tightly, looking up at him. "You ass! Why didn't you say something!?"
"Of course I remembered," Angelo rolls his eyes as he takes the ring from you, not wanting you to drop half his fortune into the ocean. "I brought you out here to celebrate. How could I forget the day I slept with a blood witch?"
You quirk a brow at him, knowing he's playing and trying to stop the urge to punch his tattooed shoulder.
"You can be so infuriating." You merely reply, watching as he takes your left hand. You've never been one much for jewelry, you don't even know your own ring size.
You're pleased when the expensive ring, a testament of Angelo's feelings for you, glides easily onto your ring finger. You lift your hand up, gazing at it.
It's a little big in your opinion, but you adore it because it's from him. You turn, giving him a brilliant smile you usually reserve for special moments.
Angelo returns it, cupping your face and lightly kissing your lips. You can feel his love for you, a big warm spot in your chest. You return his affection, wrapping your arms around his neck contentedly.
He'd given you a promise ring, as you think of it. You doubt a demon can marry, that's incredibly unorthodox, especially since they live forever.
So this is the next best thing.
Things might not always be great with Angelo, he can be a pushy bastard, but you take the good with the bad. He'd done so much for you, even when he didn't have too.
"I love you," you murmur against his lips, feeling him smile.
"I love you, too."
Tags: I @isaxhorror   @lucifersnudes (anything miw)@allthepeppercorn. @iknightwriter. @miss-mcbotty.  @my-gothic-doctor.  @imaginemiw @little-h0rr0r
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allthosefanfics · 5 years ago
You're just a trend just a fucking disease, how could you look at yourself in the mirror.
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allthosefanfics · 5 years ago
I'm a man with scissors for hands, I long for a love that i know i can't have, it's so sad my heart in your hands, I melt like the snow in the part where you dance.
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allthosefanfics · 5 years ago
Foresaken I walk the night alone no sanctuary no place to call my home but its time to break the cycle.
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allthosefanfics · 5 years ago
I keep it all inside because I know the man is everything but kind.
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allthosefanfics · 5 years ago
There's nothing I could ever that would help you understand this life.
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