#angelbaby x on my block
angelbabyszn · 4 years
Heey! Can u make an imagine that Oscar fell in love with a black Brazilian girl in hospital where she's a doctor?? Thank u!! Love u posts!! 💕
Die For You (Oscar X Reader)
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Gif by @merakiaes
OMB Masterlist / Tag List
B/F/N - Best Friend L/N - Last Name
"Y/N, you won't believe who just got checked in!" B/F/N said with amazement while having their right hand out and their thumb pointing behind them as they walked into the break room.
"B/F/N, I already saw the poor teenage girl. I can't believe she hurt herself from doing the WAP challenge." you said with conviction and pop a fry with ketchup in your mouth.
"Okay, that's not my fault alright? She's should've stretched before." B/F/N sounding brittle with their arms crossed.
"What? I'm just saying." B/F/N said and her mouth becomes tight-lipped.
"How did you got hired at this hospital?" you questioned as you shake your head in disappointment of your best friend.
"Cause you needed a nurse and I have a masters degree in nursing. Not so hard, Y/N." B/F/N said in a courteous manner.
B/F/N flipped their hair, making you rolled your eyes.
"Anyways, come on! You need to see this!" shouted B/F/N enthusiastically while jumping up and down a bit.
"This must be big news since you're jumping in place." you said calmly and take a drink of your bottle of water.
"Y/N, if you don't get your a*s out of that seat-"
"Okay, I'm coming! Geez." you informed as you quickly clean up your spot from lunch while eating a few more fries in the process.
"Hurry up!" B/F/N said urgently before walking out of the room with a beam on their face.
"I don't get paid enough to do this." you said dryly while walking out of the room with your phone and your half-drunken water.
"In here!" B/F/N said with excitement as they looked at you walking down to them while waiting next to a open room.
"What do you want to show me? This better be worth it because I basically threw away the rest of my lunch from Dwayne's BBQ Joint AND stop my break for you." you abruptly with your arms crossed.
"Well, I'm sorry, okay?" B/F/N apologetically and you roll your eyes. "This is worth it, because you won't believe who's here. After all these years."
"Okay, sure. I'll go with your "little game"" you said doubtfully as you use your fingers to quote.
B/F/N step away from the door and you entered the room with a sudden familiar presence in the room.
You look at the male on the patient's bed shirtless with blood flowing down their chest and abs. It looks like a gunshot.
You look at the males face and you gasped at the sight. It was Oscar Diaz. Bleeding heavily down his face and his eyes fluttering, about to close.
"B/F/N! Why you didn't tell me this earlier! Get Tiana and Ross now!" you reported loudly, making B/F/N jumped in fear and running down the hallway fast.
You quickly put your phone and water on the counter and rush over to him. You rolled up your sleeves and start to put pressure on his chest where he was bleeding.
"Diaz, I got you. I got you." you said with raised eyebrows while putting on the oxygen's mask on his face on with your right hand.
You turn the oxygen's tank on and you turn back to see Oscar breathing heavily through the mask.
"Shhh, take slow deep breaths." you said while looking into his eyes with wide eyes.
You heard Oscar saying something but you couldn't hear it over the mask.
"Don't speak. I got you now." you confronted while starting to caress his left cheek with your right hand and staring at him.
Oscar slowly lifted his left hand and put his hand overs yours. You gasped by the interaction and you look at your hand.
You quietly looked at your bloody hand over his rough, weak, and bruised hand. You felt your heart skip a beat while looking into this eyes again.
"Y/N..." Oscar said quietly through the oxygen mask while looking at you. He felt his body getting weaker, causing him to shut his eyes.
"Make sure he takes two pills a day so he can heal faster."
Oscar slowly opens his eyes but squints quickly due to the bright light above him.
He looks into the distance to see you talking to his brother, Cesar a few feet from him. He fixed his gaze at you in amazement and take notes of your appearance.
You felt a presence moved, causing you to turn your head and see Oscar's gaze at you.
"Well, looks who's awake." you amused with a small smile, causing Cesar to look at his brother.
"Spooky!" Cesar said with a smile on his face. He walks over and gave his brother a small hug, not wanting to hurt him.
"Yeah, that's my nickname. You should call me that, Ms. L/N." Oscar confirmed while sitting up on the bed and having his chest out.
"I am not calling you Spooky."
"You just did." Oscar said with a grin on his face and making eye contact with you.
You gasped softly as Oscar chuckle softly while wiggling his eyebrows. You couldn't believe this.
His behavior was on flirt mode now and you secretly enjoy it?
"No. Cross that out. Right now, Y/N. No. Focus on your job."  You thought as you Oscar winks at you.
You sigh loudly and put your left hand on your hip as you walk over to the clipboard with Oscar's health information. You grabbed it, flip a few pages, and write new notes on the page you need to write it at.
"The hermosa Y/N, when do I get out of here?" Oscar grinned as he gives his undivided attention on you without blinking.
"Soon. You can either stay here a few days or go back home and rest. If you decide to go home today, you have to stay home and one of our doctors would need to check up on you three days after. Also, call me Doctor L/N." you said calmly and took a glance at Oscar before looking down at the clipboard again.
"Does that mean I get to see you everyday now? We've haven't talked since high school." Oscar said with a beaming smile.
"Wait, you two used to go to Freeridge High?" asked a surprised Cesar with furrowed brows.
"Oh course, Lil Spooky. I was the popular, confident, flirty, handsome-"
"Okay, we get it." you interrupting his long description of himself with your arms crossed and rolling your eyes.
You heard about the exact same description every high school year, and that was enough you can handle.
"I was basically a popular loner who was always in their own world and minding business. Basically just went to school everyday to graduate. I graduate as one of the only Valedictorians in Freeridge High." you addressed to Cesar with a proud smile on your face.
"Nerd!" Oscar fake coughed, causing you to whip your head towards him with clench fists and an angry face.
"Why you!"
"Y/N! Calm down!" shouted B/F/N, while holding you back by wrapping their arms around your torso.
"Hermano, do you want some foo-"
Jamal walked into the room and he froze and stare with shocked eyes by what's going on. He quickly went over to Cesar.
"Awe, you look so cute mad. My little doctor." Oscar said while resting his hands behind his head and winking at you.
You raged even more, cussing you to jump to get closer to Oscar but you was pulled back again by B/F/N but with even more strength than before?
"Y/N!" B/F/N barked, causing you to quickly calmed down. You know you don't want to make B/F/N angry.
"I'm sorry! But he! He!..." you accused while pointing your left finger at a smirking Oscar and breathing heavily.
"Not worth it. Now, calm down." B/F/N comforted while rubbing your back. You replace your anger with calmness after a few deep breaths, causing you to be normal again.
"Boys, I apologize for my outrage. That was not part of my job description. Here." you said while maintaining eye contract to the shocked boys to show your honestly. You pull out fourth dollars and gave it to Cesar. "Go back some lunch at our awesome lunch cafeteria downstairs with your friends."
"Thank you, Doctor L/N." Cesar accepted and Jamal and him quickly walked out of the room.
You waved to them as they left. They waved back to you as you turn to your best friend again but you saw a males body that was towering over them.
"Who are you?" you asked looking up at the male with curiosity.
B/F/N turned around immediately croaked. It was their ex, Sad Eyes. Oh no.
"Sad Eyes?" B/F/N stutterers while trying to gaze at his eyes.
"Hi B/F/N." Sad Eyes mourned as he looks at his favorite girl in the world that he lost a long time ago.
"What are you doing here?" B/F/N questioned with cautioned.
"Spooky." Sad Eyes answered and he looks down at their outfit and they saw B/F/N's badge.
"You work here? I thought you left Freeridge." Sad Eyes supposed, remembering graduation, the day of their break up.
"I-I..." B/F/N started but trailed off into their mind. B/F/N chocked and they quickly ran out of the room.
"B/F/N! Wait! Let's talk!" Sad Eyes requested loudly while running after them.
"Wow. Wasn't that eventful? Anyways, let's actually check on you since you're awake." you confirmed while walking over to Oscar and setting up the warm up.
You did the regular check up routine and surprisingly, Oscar wasn't complaining or doing his regular flirt session.
He just did stares. A lot. And weird smiles that made his eyes crinkle. Weird...
"You're good. Looks like your little brother left these on his way. Take two a day, to release some pain from that gunshot. Which reminds, you wanna tell me how you got it?" you wondered while writing down your last observations and new information on Oscar's health records on the clipboard.
"Y/N, you know why." Oscar remarked in a dry tone.
"I know, you still don't deserve to be in this life. You could've been what you wanted, which was-"
"It's doesn't matter now. None of it matters. I would never be what I wanted when I was younger. Nobody don't want a man who have a bad history with the law. I was born into this life and I'm going to die in it. I can't change fate." Oscar with a sense of guilt and sadness to his voice.
You felt your heart breaking into pieces. What he was saying was true and you wish you could do something about to.
You slowly wrapped your arms around his neck softly, making Oscar tense for a few moments.
He hesitated for a few moments until later, he hugged you tightly, making you croaked. You didn't expect for him to hug you back.
Oscar softly wept by tears flowing down his face. He needed this hug. It was so hard for him to do this life everyday. Without no help.
A few days later, Oscar slowly wake up in the morning at home. He was waken up by pancakes?
Oscar's eyes quickly widened because he knows he was Cesar trying to cook again. He will not burn down the house today.
Oscar quickly throw his legs over, put a shirt he left on the bed last night on, and got off until he fell straight to the floor.
Oscar moaned in pain while holding his gunshot bandage around his torso. He completely forgot that he got shot.
"S*it!" Oscar shouted in pain as he clench himself into a ball while holding the bandage against his body.
He heard footsteps in his bedroom until they stopped. He looks ahead to see woman's sized shoes?
He looks up and he felt his heart jumping with desire. It was you, in your work outfit, looking as good like yesterday.
"Good morning." you beamed with a smile as you look down at him. "You need help?"
"Yes, please." Oscar begged, making you giggle as you got him up slowly.
"How you feeling? You okay?" you asked in a calming tone as you wrote and send emails on your laptop on the dining table. Oscar was eating the pancakes you made next to you.
"I am now." Oscar said in a voice full of affection. You turn your head and saw him with a big grin on his face while making eye contact.
You raised your eyebrow in confusion and turn your attention back to the computer.
"I see your flirtatious behavior haven't changed." you said and you did a exasperated sigh by the true fact.
"Nah, it increased. To the maximum. But just being with you. L/N, were you always this...hot?" Oscar wondered, making you quickly looked at him with wide eyes as he was taking a look at your whole appearance again like yesterday but in more detail.
"I've should've stayed in Brentwood. I forgot how Freeridge men can be so...aggressive." you said while glaring at Oscar sickly before closing your laptop and start putting it in your cover bag.
"I see those pills are working already. Make sure you're taking them everyday, okay? It's important to heal, especially from a gunshot." you consoled to Oscar as you gather your things on the coffee table in the living room.
"L/N, don't leave. See? I still need you! My gunshot bandage is starting to fall off." Oscar warned as he starts to get off slowly from the dining table. He was still pretty weak.
"Haha, very funny. You don't need me any-"
You turn around and you saw his bandage coming off oddly quickly. You grunted and then you pull out your bandage kit again.
"Shirt off." you demanded as you walked over to him with the bandage tape.
"Ooo, I like that. Say something else." Oscar pleaded as he tilts his head back, eyes closed, and sucking his lips after he took off his shirt.
"Ow!" shouted Oscar with his mouth open and raised eyebrows.
He heard a constant giggle and he turn his attention to you causing it. You just hit his gunshot bandage because what he said.
"You like that, don't you? You enjoy that?"
"Yeah, yeah. I did. But seriously, arms up." you demanded again with a serious face as you pull your sleeves of your doctor coat up.
Oscar immediately puts his arms up in the air and you start working.
"Finished!" you declared as you did a little jump at your finished work on wrapping bandage on Oscar's torso.
All of the sudden, you felt your bubble of personal space being entered by somebody else.
You slowly look up and you saw Oscar gazing at you again. His right arm was wrapped around your waist, causing you to tense up at bit.
"What are you doing? Are you okay? I think I'm hurting you." you asked in a small panicky voice as you tried to pull back out he pulls you back in close.
"I'm amazing." Oscar responded as he looks at you in desire. He took a piece of hair that was on the side of your face behind your ear very softly.
You felt your body getting closer to him by the energy happening between you two before you heard a loud sound outside the house.
A gunshot.
Oscar slowly unwrapped his arm around you and look at the front door waiting if there's was going to be more. Another gunshot went off and voices was quickly screaming and shouting.
"S*it!" shouted Oscar while slamming hit right fist on the dining table.
Oscar quickly pull out the gun behind his long shorts and click it on. You freeze and stare with wide eyes at the sight of Oscar.
You saw rage all over him. It was even more scarier now than he was doing fights in high school.
He have throbbing veins in his neck, a jutting chin, and clench fists. It was almost like you don't recognize him.
Oscar starts walking aggressively to the front door. You have to stop him. He just got shot!
"Oscar! Stop! You just got shot! Do you remember that?!" you barked at him.
Oscar ignored you and walked out of the front door. You quickly ran after him but quickly stopped at the pouch.
You put your right hand over your mouth because you was seeing the Prophet$ in front of your eyes for the first time. They look furious.
You quickly bend down behind the porch but peeked a bit to see what's going on. You see the Santos who's on the front lawn daily in a wide stance with clench fists.
Oscar was in front with the gun in his right hand standing in front of the Prophet$ that was in front of his property.
Latrelle stepped up in front of Cesar and Oscar.
"Tax time b*tches!" shouted Latrelle in a tune."
"I don't think so. So, how about get off our block or I'll blast on your a*s!" Cesar snapped back, causing Latrelle being fake shocked.
"Ooo, look everybody. Lil Spooky wants to be tough." Latrelle publicized and his whole gang start to laugh at Cesar trying to act tough.
"That's enough!"
Both gangs looked to the sudden female's outburst. Oscar's heart dropped when he saw you coming up. He don't like this already.
"Y/N! What are you doing?! Go back inside the house!" yelled Oscar. He don't want nothing happening to you.
"Ooo, Spooky got a girlfriend? Or that's your f*ck girl for the week? Looks like she's into foreplay." said Latrelle, causing his group to laugh again.
You felt rage entering your soul again. You couldn't believe a fifteen year old kid just said that about you.
You jumped at Latrelle but you couldn't reached him because Oso grabbed you by the waist.
"Let me go!" you yelled angrily. You felt heat coming out of your ears and nose.
Oso looks at Oscar for approval, and he nodded. Oso let go of your waist and you got back on your feet.
"Nevermind about you. I was about to kidnapped you and use you for my pleasure but what I just saw, you're just a another b*tch like every other Spooky's ladies." Latrelle advised as he walks over to you.
You started to tense up and starts to back up. None of the other Santos, Cesar, or Oscar couldn't helped you because they was either knocked out, shot, or grabbed by Prophet$ without them knowing.
"Y/N!" Oscar yelled out as he tries to get out of two strong Prophet$ arms.
"Oscar, I'm doing you a favor. Jay. You know what to do." said Latrelle as he backed up from you and a tall guy came over with a gun.
You was about to run away until you was grabbed and captured by two Prophet$ girls.
"Stop! Please!" you fumed out as tears was coming down your closed eyes. You couldn't believe that was happening to you. Was this the end?
You heard a gunshot and the sound wave off into the distance. You slowly opened your eyes and look around your body. You wasn't shot.
You looked ahead and felt your heart dropped to the ground into a million pieces.
You quickly knocked out the two Prophet$ girls easily before running over to what you saw. It was Oscar. He got shot again...for you.
You start to tremble as tears was rushing down your eyes quickly. You quickly put pressure on the new gunshot in his chest.
"Oscar!" you son and you bowed down into his shoulder.
You heard multiple movements in the background. You didn't care what was happening. You have to save him, that's all you can think of.
Oscar slowly open his eyes again until squints quickly by the bright light.
"What's with all these bright lights? S*it." Oscar groaned as he tries to move.
He looks around and he notice he was at the hospital again. He heard footsteps and looks into the distance to see a very familiar woman in their clean doctor suit.
"Y/N?" Oscar questioned softly but rough, causing you to look up from the clipboard.
"Oscar!" you beamed with happiness as you dropped the clipboard and pen onto the floor. You quickly rush over to him and did a passionate hug which he returns back.
You backed up and look at the man who saved your life. The man you never thought you was into til now.
"Why you do it?" you asked as you look at him with curious eyes. You need to know why.
It was so hard trying to save him again but gladly, you was able to get to bullet out of him with B/F/N nurse group without breaking down from him taking the shot for you.
"Why you asked?" Oscar questioned as he looks at the woman who he should've been with a long time ago.
You nodded and your softly wrapped your hands around his right bicep and feel it in anticipation.
"Cause I love you." answered Oscar, causing you to look at him frozen and staring into his eyes like is he serious.
"I love you Y/N L/N. Ever since high school. Ever since I saw your face again after all these years. You're the one. The woman who was in front of me this whole time and I didn't realized it til now. I would die for you. Literally. And I'll do it a thousands times more just to be with you." Oscar confesses as he looks at you with dilated pupils.
"I...I don't know what to say. You didn't have to." you stutter as you start to play with your hair to calm your anxiety.
Oscar grabs your right hand, causing you to stop playing with your hair. He pulls it up to his mouth and kiss it.
"I don't mind. I love you."
"I love you too." you said as you look at him with desire. Oscar beamed in happiness, causing him to grab your neck on the side with his left hand and pull you to his lips.
You was shocked at you but you immediately kiss him back passionately. The kiss grew more and more as feelings was passed to each other.
After the kiss, you went over to Oscar's left side and slide to lay next to him.
You and Oscar got comfortable in the little one person's patient bed. You placed your left hand on the first gunshot bandage to not hurt him as much.
"Feels like your first gunshot is halfway through healing." you said in a calming voice.
"It's feeling completely better with you." Oscar responded, making you smile.
You closed your eyes and wrap your arm around his torso as Oscar kiss you on the forehead with his eyes closed.
"Y/N? I'm going out!" shouted B/F/N as they entered the room. They freeze and awe at you and Oscar sleeping together on the patient bed.
"B/F/N, you coming?" Sad Eyes requested as he enters the room where B/F/N was. He stop and looks at you two sleep falling asleep from cuddling.
"I knew he have a crush on her back in high school." Sad Eyes states with a smile as he looks at his bro happy sleeping with his dream girl.
"We all knew. Let's go, baby." B/F/N said happily as they turn off the small lamp in the room.
B/F/N and Sad Eyes walked out of the room and left the hospital as you and Oscar continue sleeping together in each other arms for the rest of the night.
Tagged: @lillict
55 notes · View notes
angelbabyszn · 4 years
Bad Vibes (Sad Eyes X Reader)
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Gif by @merakiaes​
OMB Masterlist / Tag List
B/F/N - Best Friend
C/B - Car Brand
"Hi baby." you beamed as your boyfriend, Sad Eyes enter the house.
You were in the kitchen making dinner as he just came back from doing another task with Spooky for the gang, the Santos.
"Hi Y/N." Sad Eyes replies depressingly. He sounds annoyed, making you stop stirring the shrimp scampi in the pan, put a top on it, and walk out of the kitchen.
"What's wrong, baby?" you asked as you went over and wrapped your arms around his torso.
"I don't want to talk about it." Sad Eyes said, with a sigh of irritation.
He grabs your arms and unwraps them from his torso. He walked over to the couch and grunted as he sat down.
He grabs the remote and turns on the TV. His attention was grabbed as he saw his favorite football team playing in the championship.
"Baby, I thought I told you to tell me what's going on immediately. You can't ignore it." you remind him.
Sad Eyes didn't respond, he continued on watching the championship game on the TV as he took off his plaid flannel and threw it on the floor with no care in the world.
Your jaw dropped a bit by his rude action. You just cleaned and swept the floor. You walked over and picked up the shirt irritably.
You walked through the hallway of the house with his flannel aggressively until you accidentally dropped it.
You pick it back up and see a little piece of paper that wasn't on the floor before underneath it.
You pick up the little piece of paper and unveil it. You couldn't believe what you're seeing right now.
The paper has a phone number with hearts surrounding it. You felt rage going through your body, making you clench the over-shirt in your left hand.
You look back down the hall to see your boyfriend's eyes still focused on the game on the couch. Your mind starts to question his intentions of getting somebody's else's number.
"Ooo, this looks good, babygirl. Thank you." Sad Eyes grinned as you sat dinner in front of him at the dining table.
"You're welcome, babe. I was wondering if you're able to make it to my singing gig this Friday." you said in a casual voice.
"You got a gig? Where?" He said, cheerfully.
You place the little poster next to him on the table. He grabbed it and read the information of your upcoming performance.
He shrugged and looked back at you. His face became full of grief as he saw you full of excitement in your eyes.
He knows this was your passion and it's your first gig since last year. He didn't want to disappoint you but sadly, he has to tell the truth.
"Y/N, I'm sorry but...I can't make it." He drawled out while looking at you with upsetting eyes.
You scoffed and looked away from him. This isn't the first time he disappointed you.
He never came and supported you with your dreams. He is always doing something else, which upsets you even more.
"Reina, come sit down with me." your boyfriend advised and pat the seat next to him.
You turn back around and look at him with a provoked face. You have enough of this.
"Since you don't want to talk about what's wrong, I won't be sitting with you. I'm taking a bath." you remarked with crossed arms and a gruff tone.
"Y/N, babe." He said sympathetically as he looked at you leaving the dining room to the bathroom.
You lit some candles, connected your speaker to your phone for music, and took off your clothes.
You put your hair up in a bun, and drop a bath bomb in the warm bathtub you set up before giving dinner to Sad Eyes.
You locked the door and got into the bathtub. You let your mixed feelings for Sad Eyes melt away with chill music playing in the background on the speaker.
Meanwhile, Sad Eyes took out his phone, and started to talk to somebody on the phone with your singing gig poster in his hands.
"Have a good day, hermosa" Sad Eyes beamed and kissed you on the lips.
"Bye baby." you said with a small smile and shut the door behind him.
You look out the window and see Sad Eyes pulling away from the house. You make sure you can't see him in the distance.
You slowly back up from the window and pull out your phone to call somebody.
"He's gone." you said with an approving smile on the phone.
A moment later, the front door busted open, making your heart beating fast and your eyes widened in fear.
"B/F/N's in the house!" B/F/N chiming in with pride as they entered the house.
"B/F/N!" you cautioned her as you closed the front door again. B/F/N drops onto the couch and lay on their back.
"So, what's going on with you and Sad Eyes that gave you trouble last night?" your best friend, appealed as you sat down on the recliner.
You pull out the little piece of paper from your pocket and hand it to B/F/N.
B/F/N look at the phone number on the paper and they sit up slowly. Their lips tighten in suspicion.
"Y/N, what's this?" They wondered while holding the paper in their right hand and leaning it to their right while looking at you with narrow eyes.
"I don't know. You tell me. He hasn't been communicating. He's always out with the gang." you explained, while having a shifty eye contact with B/F/N.
"Y/N, you're just going to let him get away like that? The Santos doesn't matter if he doesn't communicate with you!" B/F/N barked, while clutching both of their hands together, making the paper crumble.
"B/F/N, you know I'm the quiet one. I don't like conflict." you shuddered as you scratch the back of your right ear.
"Conflict my a*s! We're leaving! Let's go!" B/F/N remarked, in an angrily tone and they got up from the couch and walked over to the front door aggressively.
"B/F/N! Stop!" you shouted as you got up and looked at her with wide eyes. B/F/N stopped walking and looked back at you.
"Come on. I'm sure he will tell me what's going on tonight. I don't want to be the pushing girlfriend." you said with a sad grimace.
"Why do you want to wait when you can find out now? Let's go and confront him! You need to know what's going on!" B/F/N said with simple directness.
"Get in the car." B/F/N ordered you and grabbed your car keys. They walked out before you could even respond.
You did an exasperated sigh and you grab your phone and purse before walking out the house to see what's going on with Sad Eyes.
"Could've found out tonight but nooo, we have to find it now. B/F/N, if he sees us and he don't trust me no more, I'm blaming it on you cause this is some ridiculous-"
B/F/N slapped her right hand on your mouth, making you stop talking. You made a whining sound through her hand because it hurt you.
B/F/N turn their head to you and raise their eyebrow to see if you're done. You nodded your head and B/F/N slowly pulled their hand away from your mouth.
B/F/N look back out their window while you leaned forward and look over to see Spooky's house with some gang members all over the front lawn.
Luckily, nobody hasn't noticed your car on the other side of the street yet so you're able to see what's going on.
Your gaze becomes fixed as you see Sad Eyes coming out of the house and sitting on the staircase.
"What's he hiding?" you thought as you look at your boyfriend talking to Oso.
You started with wide eyes as you saw a woman walking down the sidewalk and walking up to Sad Eyes. She sat down next to him and they started talking.
You lean more forward to the window with narrow eyes as you see both of them talking like they know each other from a long time ago.
You saw the girl giggling as Sad Eyes was looking like he was telling one of his stories.
You started to contemplate their interaction with each other. You couldn't take it no more.
"I've had enough. Let's go." you scoffed and you lean back on your seat and cross arms.
"I've said let's go. I'll deal with him." you ordered again and looked out your side of the window with a tight-lipped mouth.
B/F/N looked at you doubted for a few moments before starting the car again and pulling out from the parking spot.
"Hey sweetheart." said Spooky as he came over from his car and walked over to his girl.
The girl walked over to him and they did a sweet kiss.
"Dude, you weren't trying to steal my girl, wouldn't you?" Spooky questioned as he walked over to his best friend, Sad Eyes with the girl's waist around his right arm.
"Nah, just keeping her company." Sad Eyes grinned and Spooky reached into his left pocket and pulled out two dollar stacks.
"Here, mano. You're been working hard for the past few weeks and I've wanted to give you a gift." said Spooky, causing Sad Eyes to quickly get up and walking over to collect it.
"Thanks, Spooky. I think I have enough to buy Y/N's gift. I've been so distant from her. I've been so distant that I'm not able to make it to her gig." sad Eyes grieving of what your relationship with him has been for the past few weeks.
"Whoa, she's having a new gig? Why didn't you say so? I've let you off the hook for a few days. Get some of these other Santos to actually do something." Spooky glared at his gang members playing card games or lifting weights all over his front lawn.
"You should bring her gift to her show. That would make her night." The girl said with a beam on her face.
"That ain't a bad idea. Thanks, Dinah." Sad Eyes remarked happily.
"No problem. She's going to love it." Dinah said with excitement.
"I hope so. I really do. I'm worried she may break up with me soon." Sad Eyes said, doubting himself.
"Don't worry, I know she wouldn't break up with you. Both of you are in deep with each other. Nothing is going to break that." Spooky acknowledged and he walked into his house with Dinah.
Sad Eyes starts to think about you and all the good memories you have with him. It made him smile and agree with what Spooky said.
"Baby, I'm home!" shouted Sad Eyes as he came into the house and closed the front door behind him.
He walked into the living room and he saw you drinking a drink in your hand with your legs crossed and your foot shaking repeatedly impatiently.
Sad Eyes cautiously tries to get close to you. He knew something was wrong once you were doing that.
"Babe? You're home early!" you said with excitement.
You quickly went over to him and hugged him tight. Sad Eyes calms down and his tension of something being wrong goes away quickly as he hugs you back.
Both of you sat down on the couch next to each other.
"Does that mean, you're going to my show?" you asked as you looked at him with hopeful eyes.
"I told you I got to go out with the gang tonight. We have to make a plan to make sure these Prophet$ ain't trying to take the gang down." he explained in a perpetually tired voice.
"Why tonight? Why not tomorrow? You haven't taken a break from the gang in a while. Do you even want to see me perform?" you asked with pleasing eyes.
"Babe, I do want to see you perform, " he confronted while looking deep into your eyes.
He grabs both of your hands with his, brings them to his lips, and kisses both back sides of your hand. "But we need to protect this neighborhood. You know how dangerous it is at night. I don't want nothing to happen to you so we have to do this tonight."
"You know how passionate I am about singing and this is my first performance in a while so can you skip it? Please? You haven't seen any of my performances yet." you said with determination as Sad Eyes walked to the island of the kitchen.
"I know and I'm so happy that you found your purpose in life but that doesn't get us out of this bad neighborhood. We don't have enough money." he said with firm persistence as you walked over to him.
"If you're so happy that I found it, then why can't you just come and see me? I want your support there." you conceded and Sad Eyes looked away without a response.
"Why are you always with the gang? You are not communicating with me and I can't get you a moment alone without you running off again." you confessed as you looked at him tumbling a bit.
"Y/N, I-"
"No. Go ahead. I don't care if you go to my show or not. Be with the gang." you snapped as you walked over to the bin of dirty laundry on the dining table and grabbed it.
You start walking through the house with the laundry to the laundry room until you stop and look straight with a tight lips. You don't even turn around to look at your distant boyfriend right now.
"Look, if you don't want to be with me or talk about what's going on, just pack your clothes and be on your way." you said with a straight face, making Sad Eyes finally giving his undivided attention on you.
Sad Eyes quickly ran to the laundry room and tried to open the door but it was locked. He grips the handle and shakes it with all of his strength to open it but it didn't budge.
"Y/N! Hermosa, you didn't mean that! Let's talk! Please!" Sad Eyes shouted while leaning against the door and gripping the handle.
He was pleased to talk to you right now. He definitely knows he really messed this up this time.
It's so bad that you wanted him out. He has to fix this. Now.
"Hello, future artist!" shouted B/F/N as they entered your dressing room already dressed up for the performance.
You were wearing a Marilyn Monroe inspired white sleeveless dress with sleeves and matching heels. Your hair was in a high ponytail with curls at the end and was wearing silver jewelry.
"So, what's the reason with these throwback outfits?" B/F/N wondered.
"It's a 60′s-inspired night at the theater so all music is modified or made inspired by that time." you answered as you were putting on bold red lipstick on your lips.
"Y/N! B/F/N! Jasmine! You're up in one minute." Ruby reported outside the dressing room after knocking three times.
He was the planner for the show tonight and wanted everything to be perfect...before everything becomes a mess as usual.
"Cesar, no! Those are for the stars!" shouted Ruby as he walked over to Cesar at the snack table.
"Y/N? I don't think you confirm that Jasmine was to be performing with us!" shouted B/F/N upset. She didn't like Jasmine because it's already sad that she's her sister.
"Chill out. You just sing backup. So, you better not fight and mess this up for me, okay? I heard there's some producer coming tonight." you growled as your eyes glared at your best friend.
B/F/N's eyes widened knowing that you're serious about this. They don't want to ruin the night where you could potentially be signed to a record label.!
"Okay, okay. I'll deal with her." B/F/N said with annoyance as they rolled their eyes.
You hugged them quickly and tight before getting on stage.
"Performing next, the beautiful essential Y/N!" shouted Ruby through the microphone on stage.
Everybody in the audience clapped and cheered as Ruby moved off stage and the curtains opened revealing you in front and B/F/N and Jasmine behind you.
The music started playing and you grip the microphone in front of you softly waiting to start singing at the right time.
As you were halfway through the song, somebody entered the theater which caught your attention but didn't stop you from singing.
Your heart skips a beat as you see your boyfriend, Sad Eyes entering with a suit on and sitting in the back.
You couldn't believe he came. For the first time. To support you. You smile with excitement as a feeling of happiness going through your body.
You started to snap as you sang with the instrumental playing. You fixed your gaze at Sad Eyes which he immediately sends back.
He did a huge goofy grin, making you blush and look down for a few moments. Luckily, it happened when you weren't singing in the song.
The instrumental ended and everybody got up from their seats and cheered and applauded. You did a huge smile to the crowd because they like it which made you feel so happy inside.
You, B/F/N, and Jasmine bowed down at the same time, making the cheers and applause become louder.
As you lifted back up, your attention went to Sad Eyes. You felt a glow coming from your soul as you saw him clapping with a huge smile on his face looking straight at you.
"Thank you so much." you said with a smile on your face to an old couple.
As they walked away, somebody hugged you out of nowhere. They caused you to stumble a bit.
"I'm so proud of you! You did amazing!" B/F/N said with excitement causing you to chuckle.
"Awe thanks," you flowed as you stepped back from B/F/N's hug. "I'm so glad both of you were able to put aside your differences for my performance."
"Yeah...about that..." B/F/N drawled out slowly as they rub the nape of their neck with their right hand.
You groaned in annoyance as you pulled out your wallet, put out twenty dollars and handed it to her.
"Thanks. Love you, bye!" B/F/N shouted as they walked away with your money.
You shake your head in B/F/N's silliness with a smile on your face. All of the sudden, you felt two strong arms wrap around your torso and pull up back to a person's body.
You glance over your shoulder and you make eye contact to very similar dark brown eyes. Your heart skips a beat as you see the eyes pupils dilated.
Your eyes widened and your attention quickly went to a guy standing tall while holding his hands together in front of him. You quickly unwrap Sad Eyes's arms from your torso.
He was wearing a suit that looks more expensive than others, gold chains hanging down from their neck, and a wavy haircut.
"Hello. My name is Damian Ross, a producer who works at Hollywood Records." he said with pride and he did a firm handshake with you that you returned back.
"I love your voice and I think you could be the next big thing." Damian said a wink, making Sad Eyes mumbled underneath his breath angrily.
He grabs your hip with his right hand to pull you back to him, making you gasp by his sudden action.
"Really? Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me." you said happily as you have your hands clasped together and looking at Damian.
"Well, if you're interested, give me a call and we can talk." said Damian in a flirtatious way and hands you his card.
You feel Sad Eyes's grip on your hip become tighter, making you glance over your right shoulder again and your eyes widened to Sad Eyes tight lips and clench jaw.
You saw his veins throbbing out in his neck and his left hand in a hard clench fist and bear his rapid breathing. You have to end this now before this becomes a scene.
"I will. Thank you so much. Have a good night." you quickly bursted as you basically snatched the card out of Damian's hand.
"You too." Damian said in a casual tone and he licked his lips as he walked away.
Sad Eyes lets go of your waist and starts to walk away aggressively with clench fists towards him until you stopped him.
"Baby, baby, babe. Please, don't make a scene tonight." you warned as you try to look into his eyes.
"Hermosa, did you not see his interest in you?! It's disgusting! He saw me behind you with my arm around your hip! I-"
Sad Eyes started to look into your eyes and his anger went away. He saw the fear in your eyes, knowing you don't want him to make a scene.
"I'm sorry, babygirl." Sad Eyes agonized as he bow his head down.
You hugged him, making his body freeze and stare down at you with wide eyes.
"Thanks for coming tonight. I really appreciate it. None of this matters if you ain't here with me." you confessed as you smiled into his chest.
His smile immediately smiles and he hugs you back tight. You miss moments like this with him.
"I want to show you something." he said with a grin on your face, causing you to smile again.
"What is it? You being here is the greatest thing right now. What else could I get today?" you asked with excitement.
"Let's find out, shall we?" He insisted as he pulled his right hand out in front of you.
You giggled as you grabbed it and both of you walked out of the theater and into the parking lot.
Sad Eyes pulled out the keys and clicked a button, making a car's lights lit up. You gasped and felt happy tears coming out of your eyes.
You couldn't believe this. In front of you was your dream car, C/B. in your favorite color! Were you dreaming?
"Happy early anniversary, babygirl." said Sad Eyes happily and he hands you the car keys.
You croaked as you saw the car you wanted forever in your life in your hands. You started to cry hard, making your boyfriend concerned real quick.
"Y/N? What's wrong? You don't like it? I can get you a another and-"
His eyes widened by your sudden burst. You wipe your eyes and you look at your best boyfriend ever.
"Happy tears. Thank you." you cried as you went over to him and jumped into his arms.
Sad Eyes quickly grabs your waist and holds you up as you hug him tight around your night.
"Why? How? When?"
"I wanted it to be a surprise. I know you wanted this for so long so that's why I was always out. I'm sorry for being distant from you when I should've been the boyfriend you deserve." he confesses as he maintains eye contact with you.
"Awe, babe. I didn't know. I didn't mean to snap on you earlier. I thought you didn't want to be with me any more so you were with another girl than being with the gang like you said you were." you confronted as you clasped his hands with yours.
"Dinah? Baby, that's Spooky's girl. I'm sorry if it did look like that. I was only with her because she helped me get the car for you. I would never be with anybody else but you. You're my world and my everything. And hopefully one day, you'll have my last name." he said with determination and love in his eyes.
"I will have your last name. I ain't planning to be with anybody else but you." you said with a warm smile, making him smile back.
"Ready to ride?" asked Sad Eyes with a grin on his face.
"Yesss!" you drawled out loudly as you quickly jog up to your dream car in heels, making Sad Eyes laughing at your silliness.
You got in the driver's seat as he got in the passenger's seat. You started it and your eyes widened in excitement at the sound of the engine.
Sad Eyes starts to stare at your adorable self as you are looking at all of the different features of your dream car and trying some of them.
You feel his stare and you turn to him with waggling eyebrows and a goofy grin on your face.
"What are you staring at?" you asked with a fixed gaze at your staring boyfriend.
"The most beautiful girl in the world." he said with his flirtatious behavior.
"Oh my gosh, you can be so clingy sometimes." you said while giggling, causing him to chuckle with you.
"It's only with you. I can't help it." he blushed while covering his face with his hands and wiping it off.
"I don't mind. I love it and you." you said as you made eye contact with him.
"I love you too, hermosa."
Both of you leaned in and did a passionate kiss. You felt butterflies going through your body all over again like the first time you ever kissed him.
The feeling never fails and you want to experience it only with him forever.
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angelbabyszn · 4 years
💖Angelbaby Imagines Masterlist 💖✨(@angelbabyszn)✨
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Hello! Welcome to the masterlist / Tumblr of Angelbaby Imagines! I write imagines of movies and tv shows I’m interested in the moment. I hope you will find my imagines good and want to keep reading more!
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🖤On My Block🖤
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angelbabyszn · 5 years
21 Questions (Ruby X Reader)
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OMB Masterlist
H/C: Hair Color 
F/C: Favorite Color 
F/F: Favorite Food
F/S: Favorite Song
F/A: Favorite Artist
As Monse, Jamal, and Cesar eat and talk during lunch, Ruby was sitting with them staring at Y/N.
You laughed at a joke your best friend told to the table. 
"I wish I can make her smile like that. I wonder what she's laughing about." thought Ruby as he saw you put your head down laughing and you came back up still laughing. You put your hair back down so you can see without hair in your face.
"Her h/c hair is so pretty. I wish I could touch it and cuddle with her." thought Ruby as his eyes grow in love sickness.
Ruby and you've been going to the same school for almost four years now. You were good friends Ruby but don't really know each other.
Ruby tried to ask you out one day but you were confused about what he said so he just said forget about it and you just ignore what he said and go on with your day.
From that day on, Ruby was still interested in you but he didn't want to mess up your friendship with him. 
You turned your head and saw Ruby staring at you. Ruby quickly turned back to his friends to pretend he was in the conversation with his friends.
"Jamal, I still cannot believe you made that touchdown at the game." said Monse after she took a bite of her turkey sandwich.
"Yeah. That was crazy." said Cesar happily as he was still shocked about Jamal making that touchdown.
"Yeah, yeah..." said Ruby and he slowly turned his head back to see you but he saw you walking out the lunchroom to go to your next class.
"I'm hopeless." said Ruby after he turned back to his friends and he put his head down on the table.
"Let me guess, Y/N?" said Cesar and Ruby nodded while his head was still on the table.
"You two should really go out. Both of you will be a cute couple." said Monse and she took a bite of her mini apple pie.
"How?! I asked her out in the first school year we met and she was confused." said Ruby confused and helpless after he lifted his head from the table.
Ruby turns his head to see his friends thinking of ideas to help him.
"...I got it!" said Jamal and he stood up happily and Monse, Cesar, and Ruby gave him his full attention.
"You should play the 21 questions game with her!" said Jamal and all of his friends gave him the confused look.
"What? It's a game to get to know a person better. You and Y/N may like the same things." said Jamal while looking at Ruby.
"Nah, I'm good." said Ruby as Monse and Cesar got up to throw away their garbage from lunch and Ruby followed.
"I promise! It does work!" said Jamal screaming at his friends walking away from him and going back upstairs for class.
Jamal looks around and sees everybody's gone up for class.
"I’m always left alone." said Jamal as he went over to the bench to get out of the lunch table, grab his garbage from his lunch and quickly went back upstairs for class while falling up the stairs in the process.
Jamal and Ruby came out of the gym clean and with new clothes on to go to their lockers to get supplies for next class.
Ruby starts looking for your signature h/c hairstyle in the hallways while getting his supplies.
"Ruby, Y/N is probably already at her next class already. You know she makes sure she gets to class on time." said Jamal but Ruby ignored him and kept on looking for you.
You finally show up in Ruby's view and his heart jumped as he saw you walking down the hall.
"You're lucky today." said Jamal after he saw you walking down the hall and he leaned against the lockers with his arms crossed and looked at you.
As you get closer and closer to them, Ruby's heart beats faster and faster and you start to walk in slow motion in Ruby's eyes.
"Hey Y/N!" said Jamal happily as he waved his hands in the air which got your attention.
You giggled for Jamal's extra silliness.
"Hey guys." you said to Jamal and Ruby and Ruby slowly wave his hand at you.
As you pass them and walk down the hall , Ruby has the energy to talk to you.
"Y/N! Wait!" said Ruby as he starts to run after you with his supplies for next class.
"Yeah, just leave me like you always do!" screamed Jamal to Ruby as he ran to catch up to you.
Jamal rolls his eyes and closes Ruby's locker and goes to his locker for his supplies.
Ruby finally came up to you while you turned a corner to go down another hallway.
"Hey Y/N." said Ruby as he tried to catch his breath while walking at almost the same speed as you.
"Oh hey Ruby, what's up?" you said as you turned at him quickly and looked back straight while you were walking.
"Um, I was wondering if you...want to hang out?" said Ruby nervously as he put his left hand on the back of his neck and looked down while he was walking.
"What?" you said confused which caused you to stop and look at Ruby.
Ruby quickly stops his tracks and looks at you.
"Never mind." said Ruby as he quickly turned away from you and tried to quickly run away but you grab his arm and you pull him back.
"No. I'm not letting history repeat itself again." you said as you looked at him deep.
"She remembers me asking her out?" thought Ruby as he looks into your eyes.
"Ruby, I would love to hang out with you." you said and Ruby's heart jumped.
"She said yes!" thought Ruby happily as he was dancing around in his mind.
"Really?!" Ruby said happily as he looked at you.
"Yeah. So, should I meet you at your house around 4:30?" you said smiling.
"Yeah. Totally. I'm fine with whatever you said!" said Ruby excited.
"Cool, see you later Ruben." you said and you walked into your class.
Ruby loves it when you call him Ruben.
"She said yes! I can't believe it!" thought Ruby as he was grinning so hard it hurts his cheekbones.
The bell rang and Ruby stopped dancing.
"This is so worth being late today to science." says Ruby to himself as he walks to science class with his supplies.
"Y/N isn't here yet. Did something happen to her? Did she change her mind and decide to ditch me for another guy? Where is she?" Ruby thought in his mind as he was pacing around the living room after school.
The doorbell rang and Ruby quickly turned his head to the door and quickly ran to it and opened it to see you standing with a smile.
"Hi Ruby." you said happily with a smile which warmed Ruby's heart and made him smile.
"Hey Y/N. Where were you? I was a bit worried." said Ruby as you walk through the doorway and enter Ruby's house.
"I'm fine. I kinda live far away from you so my mom drove me here." you said while you sat on the couch.
"Where do you live? Brentwood? Cause you know this town is pretty small." said Ruby as he sat right next to you.
"I live here. Just a couple blocks down. Not far." you said and you turn your head to face him.
"Oh okay. Wanna watch a show?" asked Ruby as he turned on the TV.
"Sure." you said as you turned to the TV.
As you were watching "Jane The Virgin", Ruby kept on stealing glances at you and smiled as you were watching.
"Jane! Get with Rafael! He's been wanting you ever since y'all saw each other again!" you screamed at the TV at the scene where Jane was deciding who to choose as her soulmate.
"Ruby." you said which got him out of his mind.
"Yeah?" said Ruby.
"Which team are you?" you asked.
"What?" said Ruby, confused.
"Which team are you? Team Micheal or Team Rafael?" you asked.
"Oh!" said Ruby as he finally got what you mean. "Team Rafael."
"Yeah same. I mean like if somebody from the past came back unexpectedly, it might mean that y'all belong together. Am I right?" you asked.
"Yeah totally." said Ruby and you look back at the TV.
A few minutes later, Ruby wants to ask her out now but he doesn't know how. All of a sudden, Jamal's idea came back to his head.
"You should do the 21 questions game with her!" said Jamal and all of his friends gave him a confused look.
"What? It's a game to get to know a person better. You and Y/N may like the same things." said Jamal while looking at Ruby. 
"Sounds crazy but I'm going to try for Y/N." thought Ruby and he turned back to you.
"Y/N, you wanna play a game?" Ruby asked her and you looked at him.
"Yeah, sure." you said and Ruby turned off the TV and you gave your full attention to Ruby.
"The game is called 21 questions." said Ruby and you smiled.
"Omg. I love 21 questions." you said happily.
"You do?" said Ruby excitedly.
"Yeah. Played it with my friends to get to know each other the first time we met." you said.
"Okay, let's play." said Ruby as he pulls up the questions on the internet with his phone while you get comfortable.
"First question, what is your favorite color?" asked Ruby.
"Favorite food?" asked Ruby.
17 questions later...
"Favorite song?" 
"F/S by F/A" you said happily.
"Wow. I love that song." Ruby said happily.
"You do?" you said as you sat up and gave your attention.
"Yeah, listen to it everyday." said Ruby and he turns on the TV again and went to YouTube to play the audio of your song (Play your favorite song now)
"May I have this dance, princesa?" asked Ruby after he got up from the couch and playfully pulled out his left hand to reach for you.
"Oh course, my prince." you said happily and grab his hand as both of you dance together in the living room.
As the second chorus plays, Ruby stops and starts to stare at you dance around. You have your eyes closed as you are feeling the music throughout your body.
"She's so cute when she dances." thought Ruby and suddenly had an idea for him to ask you out.
"Y/N." said Ruby and you stop dancing and look at him.
"Yeah?" you asked him to pay full attention.
"We forgot one last question." said Ruby.
"Oh yeah. Let's finish." you said and both of you came back to sit on the couch again.
The bridge of your favorite song came on meaning the song is almost over.
"So, what's the final question?" you ask as you look at him. 
"Y/N...would you go on a date with me?" asked Ruby and all of the sudden you got this energy and felt the weights of unsure thoughts being lifted.
You stared at him for a few seconds and you kissed him right on beat when the last chorus of your favorite song started to be sung.
While you were kissing him, you were worried that he wouldn't kiss back but he eventually did.
"Y/N is kissing me! I can't believe it!" thought Ruby as he kissed her back.
When the song ended, you and Ruby separated from the kiss.
"Y/N." said Ruby, looking deep into your eyes.
"Ruby." you said looking deep into his eyes back.
"Is that a yes?" asked Ruby smiling.
You giggled happily while nodding. 
"This is the best day ever."  both of you thought as you kiss each other again.
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