#angel shinji ikari au
captainfunhouse · 10 months
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Angel Shinji And Third Impact
So I made a Angel version of Shinji causing third impact to happen. The reason I made this is because I don’t see people make Angel Shinji Ikari AU content. I don’t know why because this idea would make great fanarts, comics, fanfics, animatics and Gacha videos. If this sounds interesting then why don’t we make Angel Shinji Ikari AU content everybody.
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crispyclown · 1 year
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Guygs i dont think shes feeling well
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alilaro · 1 year
I have some Thoughts on Evangelion, and I'm hyperfixating right now, so here's a massive info-dump on it. Thank you and I'm sorry.
(trigger warnings for: child abuse, child death, gore mention, pedophilia, mental health, depression, suicide, and potentially more.)
So, my take on the End Of Evangelion is like a 'Worst Timeline AU.' So what would've happened if Shinji had given into the crippling (justified) trauma and deepest depression of an abused, manipulated, and unfathomably damaged child soldier.
The way Misato constantly screams at him throughout the entire series to 'be a man' and pressures him to get into the EVA and fight literal biblical, kaiju-like angels.
The pressure of trying and failing to get a crumb of praise or approval from his neglectful and spiteful father.
The way people (and fans, tbh) get upset with him for constantly changing his mind. How if he doesn't pilot the EVA, either he or his friends could die. The pressure every adult puts on him. Or again, the absolute cosmic terror of just seeing—let alone having to murder these angels.
Of course, he quits all the time, he's 14. He's a child. An average adult with all the combat training in the world would easily do the same.
Yet he comes back again and again, because of the guilt, the self-loathing, the manipulation of the adults around him—
(who can have all the greatest intentions in the world, "the greater good", etc etc, and it doesn't change a goddamn thing that they are putting these children into death machines and treating it like if they dont do it they are selfish and worthless)
—that if he doesn't do it, his friends will do it and either they or others will die if it's not him.
Like, the point isn't that he can't make up his mind: it's the fact that even if he "gives up", he still keeps coming back, and putting himself before others, despite the grief, despite the pain, despite the trauma
A fourteen-year-old child refuses to stop getting up and trying. Which I feel is symbolic of the whole shows entire meaning, no matter how dark things are, how much you hurt, how much others hurt you, how you feel like nothing, and you want it all to just stop—the pain, the memories, the guilt, the crushing weight of complete utter depression—even as the darkest envelops you and holds you tight, you feel like you can never escape: there is ALWAYS a way out of it.
It's fucking hard, you will lose yourself in it, you will hurt so, so much—but eventually you can find your way out. Through time, through loved ones, through therapy, and more. It's never too late or someone is too far gone in their own despair that they can't be saved and brought back.
And that's not even mentioning the other children. Fans enjoy Asuka more than Shinji because she's got that quick, snappy, high-energy personality. She's overly proud and stubborn, and she loves to fight in her EVA. And Rei, she's the shy quiet girl (a Kuudere, even (didnt like writing that)) designed to be mysterious, and to speculate over. Who is she? Why is she so calm? Does she have a personality behind that demeanor?
But, just like Shinji, they are all child soldiers, and like him, they are products of trauma and manipulation by adults.
Rei, was made in a fool-hearted attempt to bring back Shinji's mother, Yui Ikari, by combining her remains with Lilith. What they got was Rei. An assimilation of Yui, Lilith, Eva, all combining into Rei Ayanami.
Her creators obviously had attachments to her, both having loved Yui before her death, and Gendo Ikari almost took her on as a daughter-like figure (Rei being the name he would've given to his child Shinji, if he had been born a girl,) and revoltingly even more than that.
But as the theme of the series goes, good intentions from adults mean very little, and often act as nothing more than an excuse for creating/doing inconceivably monstrous acts.
She is of course used as an EVA pilot, being able to manipulate her form into a 14-year-old. She is used as a tool. She is replaceable. She knows this. She has no desires because no one has ever cared enough about Rei as her own person to let her think for herself, asked her what she wants, her likes, her dreams, her fears.
Rei's entire existence at this point is to serve, and in an eerie way, the only thing she wants is to serve Gendo, because he's shown her the only breadcrumbs of "compassion" she's ever known.
And then Shinji comes along. Shinji has no idea what she is, only that she is another EVA pilot like himself. He speaks to her as he would anyone else. He cares about her, and her well-being as another person. Actual true compassion.
In episode 06, when Rei is hurt and thought to have died by Shinji, he pries open the hatch to her EVA, ignoring the scalding heat that burns his hands to do so. He finds her alive and cries, and she smiles for him.
This scene is an exact parallel that takes place before with Rei and Gendo (Shinji's father.) He pries open the hatch, scalding his hands too, and finds her alive inside. It's identical except for one thing: Compassion.
Shinji fights to free and help Rei, and when he sees her alive, he is overcome with relief that she, Rei, is alive. He is in tears, he tells her she isn't nothing, implying her life is worth something and people care about her.
When Gendo does it, he does it like a man trying to save a valuable asset. He sees she's okay, and mutters 'I see', and that's the end of it.
Again, in episode 23, when Rei actually dies and is replaced; she is confronted by herself (the Meta Rei, the Rei in her purest, most godly self. A combination of all her sense of beings,) and realizes that she is feeling, she is lonely, she is suffering, and for the first time she cries, and asks herself if this just for her love of Gendo, before sacrificing herself in death to save everyone—specifically shinji.
She is replaced by her many clones, but this time she regains some of her memories, her feelings, her anger, and she is more human now, less vessel, more soul. She is Rei.
In the End of Evangelion, we see the depths of Gendo's depravity. He wants his wife, Yui, back as she was, of course. But in the meanwhile, there's Rei. Rei who is part Yui—a substitute. He touches her breast, an attempt to merge with her, and moves his hand down further to rest between her hips, inside her.
Rei is as much his daughter figure and a child, as she is a part of his own wife, and arises from this: an Oedipus Complex. Gendo treats her as a disposable tool, yet holds Yui at his highest priority. She is his to do with as she likes. How many times has he used her like this? How many times has he committed these atrocities with this child behind closed doors?
Amongst everything else Rei is, she is also a victim of pedophilia.
And in her final moments, while he attempts to merge with Rei in a delusional attempt to bring back Yui, Rei becomes her own being. Rei puts her foot down and says no. She's had enough.
"I will not be a puppet for you to control."
She takes the hand of Adam, fully merges with Lilith, and becomes a God.
And what does she do with all that power? She takes it all, and gives it to Shinji. The one person that ever consistently showed her care and compassion, showed her love. Made her realize she is her own person, gives her the strength to realize her worth and refuse Gendo Ikari, and choose her own path.
Her choice can be argued as good or bad, both. But in the end it was REI's choice, and no one elses.
Asuka uses her anger and her fighting as a means to cope with a barbaric childhood. Her mother, Kyoko, underwent a Contact Experiment when Asuka would have been ~5 years old.
Kyoko survived, but lost her mind completely, thinking her real daughter was actually a doll, and leaving Asuka completely neglected by her mother, all whilst begging and trying to convince her that SHE was her real daughter, not some doll she clung to.
Meanwhile, her father was completely unaffected by this, and even had moved on with another woman (An affair that had been going on before Kyoko fell apart completely, the woman being Kyoto's doctor, that she knew about, and took place in their own home while both mother and daughter were present.) Throwing himself back into his own life with this new woman, and job, Asuka was left with nothing.
Asuka's mother finally snaps and plans her own suicide. She invites Asuka, and with nothing else and wanting nothing more than to be acknowledged by anyone, agrees to take their lives together.
As if all of this isn't bad enough, as a final blow, Asuka's mother takes her own life without Asuka, leaving a five-year-old CHILD to find her mother hanging lifelessly, betrayed and alone again.
Her entire personality isn't because she's 'cool' or 'bossy', its an unfathomably traumatized child, constantly in pain and unable to trust anyone, because she has been taught as an infant that she can not rely on the people meant to care for her, because her parents taught her that in the most brutal and disturbing way possible.
There's even reference to her trying to repeat her mother's suicide after disappearing from the fight, only to be found gravely injured and withering away in a bathtub.
She fights so hard to be independent because she refuses to let herself be hurt and abandoned again.
At the End of Evangelion, even when she is screaming and crying, bleeding to death after being speared through the eye, losing power, and being cannibalized alive in her EVA, she is still so desperate, so angry, that she refuses to die, swearing vengeance on her enemies through dying rattled breaths, and it isn't until she is bombarded with blades that she finally succumbs. And at the hands of NERV.
Again, she, and every single EVA pilot, is only 14 years old.
tldr: The series is about child trauma, children being turned into soldiers, the failings of adults around them, and the tragically brutal and real aftermath of the wreaks of havoc that would have on a child.
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So I said I had a crazy Evangelion fic idea, so here it is. This is a mock up of a 12 episode first season of a NGE is a Saturday morning cartoon in the style of Sailor Moon or Power Rangers au. Each ‘episode’ would be a short chapter in the overall fic and hopefully I’ll be inspired to write 12 more ‘episodes’ some later. What do you guys thinks? Too weird and tacky? I’d honestly love some feedback.
Under read more because it’s very long.
Episode One: Is it Destiny?: Shinji Becomes A Pilot - Shinji Ikari an apathetic teenager aces NERV’s aptitude test after being pressured to take it by his guardian Misato Katsuragi. Alongside classmate Rei Ayanami he becomes a pilot for the experimental giant robot known as an Evangelion. Shinji is sure that this is a huge mistake, but when an angel attacks and Rei is injured he’ll have to fight whether he thinks he’s ready or not.
Episode Two: A Duel Of Love: Asuka Arrives In Japan - Asuka Langley Soryu, Shinji’s childhood friend who he hasn’t seen for nine years has also aced the aptitude test. She arrives in Japan with a score to settle and the only way to do it is face off against Shinji in a simulated angel attack. If only Shinji could figure out why she’s mad at him.
Episode Three: To Be A Role Model: Hikari’s New Club - Class president Hikari Horaki is horrified at the fact that Shinji, Asuka and Rei aren’t acting like proper role models now that they’re pilots, so she ropes them into to joining her club: The Tokyo 3 Middle School Good Works Club. Now they need to figure out how to get out of it.
Episode Four: A Man’s Fight: Shinji And The Upperclassman - When an upperclassmen insults Shinji for not being manly enough he doesn’t really care even if Kensuke and Toji do, but when that same upperclassman becomes trapped outside during an angel attack Shinji is able to win his respect anyway.
Episode Five: A Bookworm’s Love: Rei’s Struggle - Tokyo 3’s library has been destroyed by an angel, now bookworm Rei Ayanami needs to find something to do while it’s being rebuilt and she doesn’t have any books. Shinji and Asuka both try to lend a hand with limited success.
Episode Six: The Girl Who Could Do Anything: Asuka vs The Ace - Asuka boasts that she can play every single sport better than almost anyone else during gym class. However, she’s going to have to prove it when an injured volleyball player asks her to stand in for them. Shinji will do whatever he can to help.
Episode Seven: The Sporty Senpai: Noriko Comes To Town (Part One) - When Shinji, Asuka and Rei all get hurt in an angel attack Commander Fuyutsuki is talked into letting the JSSDF’s own ace pilot Noriko Takaya try to whip them into better physical shape. However for indoors types like Shinji and Rei this is it’s own kind of hell.
Episode Eight: The Sporty Senpai: Noriko Comes To Town (Part Two) - Shinji and Noriko are forced to team up for a complicated attack plan. Asuka’s jealousy is the least of his problems though since Noriko is just a hell of a lot more skilled in her mech than Shinji is in Unit 1. Shinji manages to use his own skill set to assist Noriko and win a little respect from himself.
Episode Nine: Make Your Move: Asuka and Shinji’s First Date - Asuka is still jealous of Shinji and the now departed Noriko, so after some prodding from Misato they spend the day hanging out around town. Of course an argument ensues and there’s only way way for them to solve it: another duel this time at the arcade.
Episode Ten: Mother’s Day From Hell: Shinji’s Dream - It’s Mother’s Day, Shinji and Asuka’s least favorite day of the year. After falling asleep inside Unit 1 Shinji has a dream that his mother is Commander of NERV and he’s a popular kid. However in this world Misato hates him and Asuka has no interest in being his rival. Shinji wakes up and decides the real world is better than the dream one.
Episode Eleven: Is She Shinji’s Clone?: Enter Mayumi Yamagishi (Part One): Everyone is amazed when a girl transfers into class who not only looks like Shinji but acts like him too. After some prodding from Kensuke and Toji Shinji manages to befriend the new girl and they hit it off quickly. However Rei keeps her distance and offers Shinji a warning about getting too close to Mayumi.
Episode Twelve: Is She Shinji’s Clone?: Enter Mayumi Yamagishi (Part Two) Asuka’s jealously is again the least of Shinji’s worries when it turns out that Mayumi has an angel inside her heart. The angel takes control of her and manages to pilot Rei’s Eva in a fight against Shinji. Shinji is going to have figure out how to defeat the Eva without hurting Mayumi is doing that even possible? It is when Asuka helps him do it.
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ciaran · 3 months
ORV NGE au where
Yoo Joonghyuk is kind of like Rei Ayanami. regression = all the clones that each become pilots when one dies
Han Sooyoung is Asuka Langley Soryu. the personalities echo each other, as does the specific kind of abandonment that Asuka and HSY have experienced from their mothers/parents
which leaves Kim Dokja to be Shinji Ikari, which makes perfect sense, but I think that Kim Dokja could also very easily be Kaworu. so in that case, Oldest Dream is Kaworu, thus making Kim Dokja a part of the very problem of angel attacks that they are trying to fight. this doesn't get rid of the hatred KDJ has for himself if he doesn't know that he himself is the Oldest Dream; OD feels very differently about KDJ than KDJ feels about OD. so the scene where Kaworu makes Shinji kill him turns into Kim Dokja trying to kill himself to save the world, but it doesn't work like that, because he can't save the world by taking himself out of it.
version #2
Han Sooyoung as Rei Ayanami. clones = the avatar skill. Rei is much sadder and quieter than Han Sooyoung but there's something about a girl who is brash and confident and still suffering in this way that is incredibly bleak.
Yoo Joonghyuk as Shinji Ikari. protagonist to protagonist, although Shinji is a subversion and argument against the classic shounen hero and Yoo Joonghyuk is as close as you can get to the archetypal stoic and talented hero character.
Kim Dokja as Kaworu Nagisa, the strange constellation angel that descends, dies at Yoo Joonghyuk's hands, and changes the trajectory of his life forever by loving him so much it becomes a cosmic force that can keep Yoo Joonghyuk going through anything.
this gets rid of Asuka entirely which I am very sad about bc i love her
hypothetical version #3 has Han Sooyoung as Shinji Ikari, Kim Dokja as Rei Ayanami, and Yoo Joonghyuk as Kaworu Nagisa. I'm not so sure how that would play out but it's interesting to think about nonetheless
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eulascl · 2 years
Evangelion shinji ikari raising project
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#Evangelion shinji ikari raising project series#
Which I think is why Rising doesn’t quite work. Asuka’s insecurities are driven by her mother’s insanity and suicide, both of which were the result of the latter’s involvement with Evangelion Unit-02. The only reason Rei Ayanami exists is for the role she’ll play in the Human Instrumentality Project. Shinji Ikari’s personality is a direct result of his Mom “dying” and his Father being a generally abusive asshole, both of which were the result of the Instrumentality plot. Why is that? It’s because, at least for Evangelion, the characters are fundamentally tied into the narrative of canon. Even something as batshit crazy as Shinji And Warhammer 40k, which stars characters who are wildly OOC compared to their canonical counterparts, tries to maintain many of the fundamental dynamics or over-arching superstructure from the show. Most, like HERZ or (my personal all-time-favorite) Taking Sights distort or deviate from canon, rather than throw it away completely. Almost all Evangelion fanfiction avoids going Pure AU. Which got me thinking about which media adapt well to AU format. (Warning: review and extended essay about what makes an AU work beneath the break.) But Rising is such an AU that it’s all-but-impossible to gel with the canonical source material. Now, anyone who’s read my fanfiction knows that I appreciate a good AU. In this universe, Shinji and Asuka are longtime friends, the Ikaris are a happy family, Rei is a distant relation of Shinji’s, and there are no Angels or apocalypses to be found. The Shinji Ikari Rising Project takes place in an alternate universe (AU), ostensibly glimpsed in the surrealist final episodes of the 90s anime. Now that I’m in a (marginally) better headspace, and can safely explore the edges of Evangelion (the EoE, if you’ll pardon the joke) without falling into a depressive spiral, I decided to actually power through my bête noire of Evangelion spin-offs. I must have skimmed the first few pages a dozen times, always putting it back because it didn’t feel right.
#Evangelion shinji ikari raising project series#
Yet one thing I almost religiously avoided was The Shinji Ikari Rising Project, a Gainax-authorized manga series by Osamu Takahashi. I went through FFN, AFF, AO3, Wattpad, then down the rabbit hole of individual fan sites, all the way back to bloody Gopher servers. Like refreshing-FFN-several-times-a-day addicted. I must have skimmed the first few pages a dozen times, always Back in the day, I was really into Neon Genesis Evangelion fanfiction. moreīack in the day, I was really into Neon Genesis Evangelion fanfiction. But why are so many people keeping an eye on these relationships? People like homeroom teacher Misato, school nurse Ritsuko, and Shinji's mother and NERV's chief scientist Yui Ikari.Įach volume of Neon Genesis Evangelion features bonus color pages, your Evangelion fan art, letters, and special reader giveaways!. When Shinji starts to get curious about Rei, Asuka needs to figure out if she wants to be just friends with Shinji or something more. And she always sort of assumed they'd stay together - until the day the beautiful brilliant Rei Ayanami showed up in class! But why are so many Stunning hotheaded Asuka Langley Soryu has been friends with Shinji Ikari since they were little. And she always sort of assumed they'd stay together - until the day the beautiful brilliant Rei Ayanami showed up in class! When Shinji starts to get curious about Rei, Asuka needs to figure out if she wants to be just friends with Shinji or something more. Stunning hotheaded Asuka Langley Soryu has been friends with Shinji Ikari since they were little.
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butchford · 3 years
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#desperately wanna write a nge au that’s like a mix of the original series & the rebuilds that’s basically when Kaworu shows up since they’re#the last angel & it’s not rlly necessary for humans to be ‘protected’ from them given the fact that they don’t even want to start#instrumentality and working in a military base at age 14 isn’t good for anyone but Asuka & Rei aren’t fucked over beyond comprehension and#Mari’s there too but all the kids are just… broken down. they’re tired of fighting and they know that even now that everything’s supposed to#be over seele’s still going to come breaking down their door for reasons they don’t understand and there’s no easy way out of nerv. but all#of them kinda come together and go ‘you know what? fuck this actually. let’s just… leave. everything and everyone. let’s get out of here.’#and they weigh the choice for a while because they know there’s no going back and if they do leave they’ll probably never see Maya or#Ritsuko or Misato ever again given that they work for nerv and they probably won’t run into Toji or Kensuke ever again but they still think#to leave them their number but they still leave because there’s no happiness to be found in a cage no matter how large#and the five of them run off into the night and leave Tokyo 3 permanently & while Kaworu drives the car Mari hotwired Rei asks ‘I don’t feel#sad. should I?’ and Asuka just evenly says ‘fuck if I know. I don’t know how to feel about anything anymore’#and what gets all of them to choose to go is seeing that Kaworu makes Shinji. Shinji Ikari depression extraordinaire. happy. and the way#Shinji describes how Kaworu makes him feel reminds Asuka of how Mari makes her feel and it makes her feel glimmer enough of hope to decide#to leave. so all of them share a shitty apartment with a single bunk bed that Shinji & Kaworu take the top of and Mari & Asuka take the#bottom of and Rei sleeps on the couch for about a week before Mari drags them to sleep with her and Asuka. all of them work minimum wage#jobs but eventually asuka becomes manager of the store she works at at the mall and everyone pools their money together to buy her a nice#cake for celebration and Mari volunteers at the library so much they eventually give her a job#and she gets Rei a job there too. Kaworu works at McDonald’s and Shinji works at a gas station for about a year or so before Kaworu manages#to get a hold of an old piano that would’ve been thrown away otherwise and between the five of them they manage to repair the thing to a#pretty good degree and of course Kaworu teaches Shinji how to play in their free time and eventually they start teaching lessons but just.#they all scrape by and manage to avoid seele and nerv and heal and build a life together. god I’m fucking emo over this concept can u tell 💜#cath.png
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Hey! I’ve watched all of the show, the nge movies (rebuilds included) and the nge manga and I was wondering if you know of anymore canon/offical nge stories or content. I’ve seen some light novel series at my local bookstore but in general idk if there’s more Eva stories and series out there and what’s actually worth reading. Thanks! I love your blog!
short answer: there is SO much (too much) nge spin-off content and for the most part all of it is both non-canonical and unnecessary. off the top of my head the only thing I wholeheartedly 100% rec is khara’s ‘until you come to me’ animation (amv?), which is really beautifully done and, also, free.
also ive drafted this post like uh......4 times now and kept accidentally losing it so VERY sorry for the wait!! if it seems a lil slapdash i was tired of writing the same stuff again and again lol
extremely long answer under the cut (and links will be in a rb). somehow this became a fully fledged field guide to nge spin off content bc i am physically incapable of brevity so w/o further ado or whatever:
ok so i’ll try to make this as comprehensive + comprehensible as possible but,as I said, there is a loooot of content and I, shockingly, have thoughts on most of it. let’s organize by categories
Every single nge spin off manga is bad in shades and variations, ranging from ‘just kind of uninteresting’ to ‘genuine human atrocity’. Raising Project is probs the most well known and is one of my least favourite pieces of content that has ever been put onto this earth. it coalesces all of the worsts parts of both evangelion and evangelion fans and can’t even manage a decent art style on top of that. there is nothing redeemable about raising project.if you see a copy out in the world please do me a favour and tear it apart w your teeth <3
Aside from That, the other big ‘alternate universe’ manga are probably Angelic Days, Campus Apocalypse, and maybe Petit Eva. I do not care much for Angelic Days or Campus Apocalypse but they are definitely not as deeply repellent as sirp. Petit Eva is, as far as I’ve seen, kind of your usual chibi comedy stuff so if youre looking for something extremely lighthearted that might be for you? I havent interacted w Petit Eva pretty much at all frankly so I’m not exactly sure whats going on there.
Shinji Ikari Detective Diary is another AU manga which I have actually been meaning to read for like......ages but have never gotten around to. It’s (as you can probably guess) a mystery series, which I’m usually into, and I havent personally heard anything bad about it, so I’ll cautiously rec looking into it. if you do and find some good scans feel free to send me way <3
finally, there’s Tony Takezaki’s parody manga, which is just like...a bunch of parody/satire comics. I do actually own it (bc I loooovvveeeee genocyber) and the art is great and its genuinely funny (given you like takezaki’s weird, kind of raunchy humor). He has a comic making fun of fan service that ends w fuyutski beating the shit out of gendo as ‘real fan service’ so like. I do genuinely recommend this one.
Not a true ‘novel’ but Eva 1 + Eva 2 is an anthology featuring some essays, as well as comics and illustrations. It is a lot of silly shitty fanservice though, so ymmv. I dont own it (yet) but its on my radar literally exclusively because of Obata’s fucking incredible cover art.
The actual ‘novel’ that youre probably talking about is ANIMA, which is a canon divergence exploring a future where Shinji managed to completely circumvent Instrumentality. I haven’t picked up the last volume since it came out last year, so I can’t speak on it as a whole, but I like ANIMA well enough to recommend it. It reads kind of like an extremely dedicated sci-fi/cyberpunk fanfic, frankly, with that same kind of wildly convoluted but entertaining plot and much more of a focus on idealised character interactions and the ‘wow cool robot’ of it all. Actually, its kind of entirely ‘wow cool robot’ tbh, or at least the best parts are, but Ikuto Yamashita (the writer) was nge’s mech designer so that’s no surprise.
the writing is nothing stellar and it can get fanservicey in a very eyeroll kind of way, but if you go in w reasonable expectations it’s pretty entertaining. like i said, it feels very fanfic but in a ‘200k wordcount crazy worldbuilding fix it fic’ kind of way.
ANIMA expands waaaaaAAYYY more on the evas, which can be cool but does definitely indulge in some ridiculous mecha shit and, i cannot stress this enough, a lot of deeply convoluted and absolutely fruit looped sci-fi plot shit. it does actually literally feature something called ‘Super Eva’ and iirc mari is a cat girl who pilots some kind of wolf robot so yknow... ymmv
theres a buuunch of illustrations included and all the concepts for the evas are very cool and the concepts for the kid are very bad. probably it should be illegal for him to draw asuka ever again
Video Games:
there are too many nge video games. way too many. did you know about the typing game??? what about the multiple STRIP mahjong games???? or the pokemon/tomogatchi game where you hand raise an angel from birth while playing as KAJI???? the detective game where kaworu straight up fucking human murders gendo???
they wrung nge for everything it was worth in the 90s, though ig having a million fucking titles was probs super useful for all that tax fraud
some highlights:
Battle Orchestra: this is the only one i’ve ever really played and it is very fun and very of its time. a pretty straightforward fighting game but ft a big combat polygon
Second Impression: this is the second nge game to be released and i am fucking obsessed with it. what i would not give for there to be a translation available. as far as I have ever been able to tell its sort of a vaguely canon ‘side story’ about joining a band and also befriending a new girl who eventually transforms into a giant fucking horrifying bug angel. its a kind of proto kaworu storyline but gross and i want it so SO bad.
rei ayanami raising project: this is I guess basically a pet raising game except the pet is pre-series rei ayanami. you get to choose what clubs and hobbies she has and the coordinating pictures are genuinely incredible and ill 100% be posting some later. nonsense but there IS a dress up portion so like. might be worth.
Girlfriend of Steel 1 & 2: GOS 1 has the rando brunette that you see all over the place and so like idk shout out to her i guess and if you want to know the context behind that feel free to check it out, but it frankly seems extremely fucking boring and also has GOD awful asuka characterisation so. pass.
GOS 2 is the one where you can kind of date kaworu and afaik thats the only notable thing about it
Angel Rising: this is the pokemon/tomogatchi kaji game and despite how baffling it is conceptually i do actually love the artstyle and am deeply considering playing it myself. also, it does apparently give some good insight into Kaji. a new english translation came out last march so its like actually one of the most accessible of all of these somehow.
Evangelion 2 has the ‘Classified Files’ which is a tenuously canon supplemental info dump, but god is in his heavens and thats all fully available + translated online so we do not have to bother playing Evangelion 2
Secret of Evangelion: I actually know almost nothing about this but ive heard it may have some interesting info on instrumentality? it is very VERY much On My Radar and may be worth checking out 
there are so, so many others but i am just so tired.
There are a few Petit Eva OVAs which are all in the same silly slice-of-life style and seem mostly whatever except for an episode which is, as far as i can tell, entirely about up-skirting asuka so like. yknow what actually fuck petit eva
MORE IMPORTANTLY in like 2015ish Studio Khara had the ‘Japan Animator Expo’ where they released anime shorts made by a bunch of different people. it’s actually where me!me!me! came from, and plenty of other very very cool shorts were put out during the expo’s run. Another Impact and until you come to me were both part of the Expo and are extremely fucking good. Another Impact got a lot of hype, which was well-deserved but DID briefly spark a whole ‘live action nge’ thing which is, actually, my manchurian candidate sleeper cell trigger phrase. until you come to me is much less ‘flashy’ and didn’t get as much attention, but its so so beautiful and you should all go watch it immediately.
if you have managed to bear reading through this whole thing just know that you are my favourite and im giving you a lil kiss on the forehead
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kaibacorpintern · 3 years
Neon Genesis Evangelion AU for YGO if you want, maybe.
(Major spoilers for NGE but honestly not knowing anything about NGE will make this unintelligible anyway.)
Okay. I know the immediate, fast answer is to put Gozaburo in the Gendo Ikari role and cast Seto as Shinji, but that's so EASY. BLAH! I remember thinking that the Crystal Cloud Network has some uncanny, delicious similarities to human instrumentality, and both of their advocates are made isolated and distant by their grief. And you know me, I love Kaiba brothers, especially when it's difficult for them.
Which leads me to put Seto in Gendo's role, and Mokuba in Shinji's role - HEAR ME OUT. Mokuba, age 14, is the one who gets in the robot, although he doesn't want to - desperate to please the aloof, distant, intractable NERV Commander, his very own older brother, who assumed control of NERV after the previous Commander (Gozaburo) died, and who relentlessly whips everyone forward in their battle against the Angels (and has done an excellent, if terrifying job.) Mokuba's hot and cold - he rejects the piloting, he throws himself back into it, he rejects it, he comes back in, over and over again, dancing the line between wanting Seto's approval and wanting nothing to do with him.
Atem is in Yui Ikari's role - Kaiba's lover who died in a Contact Experiment with EVA, and whose death destroyed him with grief. This also makes Atem the soul of the EVA Unit 01, the highest honor I can bestow on any character, and is part of the reason why EVA Unit 01 is so defensive of his pilots and so furious around Kaiba: of what remains of Atem, some part of him doesn't want Kaiba to lose someone else, some part of him wants Kaiba to stop, and some part of him understands he is still deeply loved by all the people he left behind.
Yuugi is Rei-ISH. He's Mokuba's fellow EVA pilot (and the original pilot of EVA Unit 01 before Mokuba steps in) and Atem's younger brother. He misses Atem just as much as Kaiba does, which makes him the only person who's made a few inroads with Kaiba's grief - but the combination of his disapproval of Kaiba's general Kaibaness and his own inability to move on makes it impossible for Yuugi to meaningfully break through with Kaiba.
Something something... the lore of Neon Genesis Evangelion still makes my head spin and I haven't seen the last movie yet, and trying to place people into the specific roles of First Child or Second Child or Fourth child etc. is making my head spin AGAIN. SO MANY POSSIBILITIES? (If Gozaburo was Gendo, I'd make Seto = Shinji and Kaworu = Atem? MAYBE?)
So let's stick to the series: Kaiba successfully instigates the Third Impact, beginning human instrumentality, and Mokuba rejects it, because he wants to feel his own feelings, he wants to live with other people, despite the risk of pain and failed intimacy/connections... and in the obliterating chaos of instrumentality he finds Seto, the terrified, lonely child hidden deep in Kaiba's heart, and does not abandon him. He never will.
I MEAN. Something about Seto realizing he's not alone in his grief and agony and even in his loneliness and desire for love and intimacy and connection... and he and Mokuba have their first ever true moment of connection and understanding that isn't just "please love me" and it's predicated on finally seeing the other person as a complete individual - not a dream, not a memory, not an idealization, not a hopeless desire - but a human as flawed and yearning as any other. and THAT undoes instrumentality.
tl,dr; Kaiba's desire to connect with others taken to the most desperate and destructive and nth degree; Mokuba saving both him and humanity
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adachys · 3 years
i was thinking about a hnk x evangelion AU. its been on my mind so I’m gonna share my thoughts. possible spoilers for both series. I won’t be completely lore accurate since this is an au anyway.
phos would be shinji, of course. it fits in a sense too. both of them have never really had anything they were good at. the difference though is that phos had a passion to want to be in battle but shinji doesn’t. but through the course of their stories it turns into the opposite, shinji wants to be acknowledged by his father and protect the people he cares about and phos loses his longing for the battlefield. shinjis story in this AU though will be closer to phos. he never really had a purpose to anyone and wants to be of use to the other gems. so sensei (who would be yui ikari) tries to figure out what kind of job shinji could have. the job he will be given could be the phos encyclopedia job or something more EVA related. idk yet. I’ll go more in depth later. I’m also not sure what to substitute for phos’ journey of new limbs but… i also don’t need to stick to the story too hard.
rei would be cinnabar. similar to cinnabar, she would leak a dangerous chemical. in this case, LCL. she cannot come in contact with any other gems (for now) and is all alone. she is falsely told that night patrol is the only thing she can do without harming others. due to this forced solitude, she stays at the shore to watch for incoming angels at night. shinji would find her and promise to find her something only she can do, a purpose other than strictly following her orders to be on night patrol. another thought of for this is that when shinji comes down from the moon (the chapter phos massacres the gems), rei will confront shinji and tell him that he forgot their promise. But she was able to bond with the others in shinji’s absence.
angels would be the equivalent to the lunarians. they would attack only during the day because SEELE (in this AU, gendo is aechmea trying to get yui to return to the moon with him. i say SEELE because he kinda works with them in the anime i guess.) would send them only when yui would be awake. the angels would attempt to steal the gems for gendo to try to get yui to budge.
misato would be rutile. it felt like it fits. padparadscha would be kaji.
mari is alexandrite. devoted researcher looking to learn more about the angels and rei’s condition. in this au, mari would ask shinji about rei occasionally. we need more alexandrite appreciation actually
asuka is ghost/cairngorm. the outer layer, “ghost” is shikinami. a little kinder than the inner crystal “cairngorm” who is soryu. of course with this though, gendo and asuka do not have the same dynamic as aechmea and cairngorm. when asuka and shinji team up they don’t get along the first few times around. But they begin to get more comfortable with each other. I don’t have every detail carefully thought out but you get the gist.
kaworu is antarc. this is a given… i think. he wakes up in the winter and the restless shinji asks to team up during hibernation. so they do. at first kaworu doesn’t reveal much about himself, but he opens up over time and grows to care about shinji and helping him hone his skills. when walking along the shore one day, the angels come unexpectedly and antarc tells shinji to go get yui while he holds them off. shinji stays and wants to help kaworu… and you know the rest. He’s gonna have a hard time recovering from that.
Less prevalent characters (in hnk) next. There’s not rlly a lot of eva characters…
Ritsuko- Jade
Kensuke- Goshen
Toji- Morga
Bort- When i think about it bort could be asuka. But i like the cairngorm idea more. But for now this’ll be blank
Maya- Zircon
Aoba- Neputune
Hyuga- Obsidian
Hikari- Red Beryl
That’s all i got. If anyone wants to add on or comment or something feel free..
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queeranesearch · 3 years
i don't watch or read nge but it looks interesting and if you want can you tell me about it?? :D
HUGS YOU ANON. MWAH MWAH OKAY OKAY SO I've only watched the anime (finished it like two days ago sdfjkd), so I'm only gonna discuss it as the manga from what I know is quite different, having scenes that are not in the anime or are changed significantly. There are also movies which I've yet to watch but I know they ALSO differ greatly since they literally just. Retell the story but with different endings. They're literally AUs that are also canon its weird so: lets just talk about the anime.
[below the cut is a summary, and some trigger warnings for the show]
So the basic summary: NGE is set in 2015, fifteen years after a cataclysmic event called The Second Impact, in the city of Tokyo-3. Creatures called Angels continuously attack, threatening the extinction of humanity; it's unknown what the angels are or why they attack, but in response, an organization called NERV was formed to defend humanity. NERV created giant robot-like weapons called Evas, which are the only things powerful enough to fight and eliminate angels. However, Evas need to be piloted from the inside by a human. The main character, Ikari Shinji, is recruited by his absent father Gendo, the director at NERV, to pilot one of the Evas and aid in the battle against the Angels. Shinji is scared at first, but ends up agreeing and becoming an official pilot, but is left with many questions such why was he chosen specifically to pilot, what are the nature of the Angels, etc, but it seems the more he pilots the less sure he is about everything that's going on.
That's pretty vague, but it's all I can tell you without spoiling a bunch of things because being just as clueless as Shinji as to what's happening, and gradually piecing things together as you progress is a big part of the experience!
There are many references to Judaism and Christianity, and psychological questions about what humans are, the idea of having a purpose in life, what makes up our identities, and the long lasting effects of how our parents treat us. (so there's a LOT of Freudian influence.)
It can be confusing to watch at times, but overall I found it very compelling and I became attached to a lot of the characters quite quickly!
Though I should warn that within the series there are:
Sexual themes, particularly relating to characters who are minors. 1, because the main characters are teenagers, and 2 because of the Freudian influence. There are explorations of the Oedipus Complex, the Electra Complex, and Freud's psycho-sexual stages. (If you don't know what any of them are you might wanna have a brief look into them before watching. In general Freud makes a lot of people uncomfortable for many obvious reasons but if you feel really upset and disturbed by his theories, you probably won't like nge).
Moments where minors are sexualized, especially the girls. This is partially because of the Freud stuff, but also because this anime was released in the 90s, and sexualizing women and girls was unfortunately very common.
Emotionally heavy scenes. Like I mentioned before human psychology is explored a lot, and so there are characters suffering from depression, neglect, their concept of self. and there are moments where various characters have emotional breakdowns on screen. They are especially upsetting to watch if you like the characters, so I'd recommend watching nge when you yourself are feeling alright emotionally.
Gore and Violence. There are lots of fight scenes, so there’s lots of blood and moments where you are shown characters undergoing severe physical trauma, which may be upsetting. 
That’s all I can think of off the top of my head, soo yeah! Evangelion has A Lot going on but. I like it lmao
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captainfunhouse · 2 years
Has anyone thought about making art of Shinji Ikari as an angel because I see you Demon Tanjiro , Nomu Deku and Hollow Ichigo yet no Angel Shinji Ikari? So why has no one made this yet?!?!?!?That would be so cool and tragic!!!!!! So what are we waiting for? Let’s make Angel Shinji Ikari fanart!!!!!
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ao3feed-kawoshin · 3 years
by Laryna6
Manga AU. After being utterly rejected by Shinji and ordered by SEELE to seek Lilith, Kaworu knew he would die that day. Wishing to be loved and remembered, the Twelfth Angel realizes that he has the First's power to create angels like those who loved their father enough to risk death by Lilim to be reunited with him. Lots and lots of angels.
Words: 4528, Chapters: 1/15, Language: English
Fandoms: Neon Genesis Evangelion
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: manga Nagisa Kaworu - Character
Relationships: Nagisa Kaworu/Ikari Shinji
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Writing Shinji and Asuka (any evangelion character in fact) is pretty hard but I love your style so much! I think you nail them
I don’t really have a prompt but I remembered Shinji Ikari Raising Project and it would be funny af to have this version of Gendo in any one au ����
Like Gendo and Yui also knowing about Shinji’s crush on Asuka (remembering that in raising project Asuka’s mother is the number one Asushin shipper)
Thanks a million, I've been writing Eva prompts on and off especially Shinji and Asuka for a years now but I sometimes worry I'm too ooc so it means a lot to hear you think I'm not.
As for the other question. I've read Angelic Days, but never got into Rising Project to much so I had forgotten that version of Gendo, but let's see. Probably not in the mermaid AU and the other's are continuations of canon, but in the actor AU i've started writing, the idea that Gendo and Kyoko are eccentric stage parents who try to get their kids to confess their feelings is almost too good to pass up so I will have to use that lol.
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severalcakes · 5 years
Just Watched End of Evangelion
2. I wish I could crick my eyes like I crick my neck.
3. Unit-02: (activates) Me: Au contraire, mon capitan! SHEEE’S BACK!
4. “I will hate you until the day I die!” Well, considering the circumstances... that’s not a long time, Misato.
5. Gendo: Haha yes I will grope this child! Oh shit mY FINGIES-
6. I feel sorry for two of the people who made this movie: the guy who had to animate Shinji’s spooge and the guy who had to animate Rei’s forehead vagina.
7. *Insert picture of the Mass Production Evangelions devouring Unit-02 here but with “Unit-02″ as “old pizza”, “Asuka” as “a cockroach that lives in the box” and “the MPE’s” as “me and the boys”*
8. Asuka was FUCKING AWESOME in this movie and so was the animation and sound effects in her fight scenes, ESPECIALLY the part where she was fighting the MPE with a Heavy Spear.
9. Ghost Yui: (appears) Gendo: So, does bitch wanna make me a sandwich?
10. So, what did Maya see inside Rei’s ghost hand that made her freak out? My guess is the release date for Rebuild 3.0+1.0...
11. Makoto: Blood Pattern: BLUE! It’s definitely- Everyone: ANGEL IT IS???
12. The bridge crew are dedicated, jeez! Their room being invaded; their base getting bombed; the entire human race being annihilated; like ten other batshit insane things; nothing stops them from spouting technobabble and being hysterical! That kind of dedication to confusing the shit out of me is admirable!
13. Shinji: (says some bullshit and wrecks furniture) Asuka: No. Shinji: Ah. Time for death!
14. I nominate the entire Ikari family for the GET KICKED IN THE JUNK AND GO TO THERAPY challenge!
15. Shinji, in the hospital room: Hey Asuka! Remember that thing you told me about “thermal expansion”?
16. What I don’t get is, why was the hospital pumping LCL into Asuka’s body? Is that gnarly chemical soup being served hot and fresh from when it was raining rocks actually good for you?
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doedipus · 5 years
shinji ikari and the basilisk of neoreaction
I just finished reading neoreaction: a basilisk (the essay, not the whole book)
I think its core assessment that modern fascism's killer blind spots are empathy and femininity is probably true, and that people choosing to embrace those things is probably the key to grinding neoreactionary progress to a halt. That said, that's kind of been my uneducated gut feeling for a while, so idk how convincing sandifer's argument would be to other people. I've already infected myself pretty thoroughly.
More importantly, an evangelion fanfic that uses that essay as a jumping-off point a la “harry potter and the methods of rationality” needs to exist. The themes sandifer explores line up eerily closely with evangelion, to the point where I'm honestly floored she never invoked it explicitly
Think about it:
The angels are both horrific monsters (weird) and also other varieties of humans (hauntological). Rei and kaworu are the most extreme examples of this blending. Likewise, the evas themselves are both inscrutable biomachines and their pilots' own mothers
Shinji's personal conflicts revolve around his inability to connect with his peers, especially women. he’s never able to communicate with rei or asuka effectively, and his relationship to misato is just a mess. 
The last parts of the series and eoe focus on the angels (and ultimately gendo) breaking down the boundaries between the self and others. Shinji finally allows this to happen with Kaworu, and their brief relationship is an obvious example of the “right to be invaded” double entendre. later on, gendo takes the initiative and exercises his right to be invaded, taking the rest of humanity with him. shinji and asuka apparently were unable or unwilling to join everyone else in the tang
in the fight against zeruel, the big toilet paper arms guy, shinji’s overflowing desire to protect/avenge rei and asuka ends with the total breakdown of his self, and he merges with unit 1 for like a month
nerv’s function throughout the series, regardless of the secret ambitions of the people at the wheel, is fundamentally neoreactionary. they’re a military organization who fight to keep out the invaders whose primary purpose is to meld together with humanity. they also line up with sandifer’s analysis of ligotti’s and land’s approaches- if given the choice between a slow, drawn-out decline and being instantaneously removed from existence, the neoreactionary takes the slow decline, and the “bioterrorist” chooses to drop the pretense of an in-group entirely on the spot. in evangelion, the eschaton already happened over a decade ago. second impact poisoned the oceans, wiped out the entire southern hemisphere, and knocked the planet off its axis. nerv chooses the neoreactionary slow drawn out demise of humanity by way of fighting the angels, while gendo eventually resolves to be the bioterrorist and become one with them and all of humanity instead
Shinji is obviously a trans girl. (There's no textual evidence for this afaik, he just reminds me a lot of myself when I was his age)
Given that, the hypothetical "shinji ikari and the basilisk of neoreaction" fic I kinda want to write would probably focus on shinji and kaworu’s relationship, and shinji tentatively exploring femininity. she’d probably have some kind of breakthrough in relating to one of her peers, probably though that exploration. like maybe misato catches shinji trying on asuka’s clothes and they have a heartfelt discussion where misao mentions that she used to know someone Like Her at uni, and then they agree to go shopping for girl clothes or something. and then depending on if it’s a goofy AU fic or a canon-adjacent one, it’ll probably either end with shinji resolving to lose her virginity to kaworu (or doing it, but I’m kinda eh on the idea of writing sex scenes involving minors), or continue on while kaworu explains what he is and what he needs to do, shinji gets convinced that human instrumentality is the way to go after all, and she takes kaworu to lilith herself. and then like, maybe as an inversion of the way the show actually goes, asuka’s around to pilot unit 2 and tries to stop shinji and unit 1 from getting down there and they have a big philosophical argument where asuka’s the neoreactionary and shinji’s the bioterrorist
edit: I actually started writing this! it’s over here on my Ao3 page
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