#angel number moment!! ok goodnight. <3
Hello! It's Winter. I hope everyone is having a great weekend.
Brigitte and Emmanuel were looking after their 5-year-old granddaughter for the weekend. Laurence had dropped her daughter off early Saturday morning with the promise she’d be picking her up Monday morning. That was almost 48 hours of uninterrupted time with her favourite grandparents. 
“I want to sleep next to daddy!” the young girl shouted, ready for bed in her pink & purple pyjamas. Up until bedtime, she had been a perfect angel. Now, she was stubborn and cranky. 
Brigitte laughed, “you’re very popular… daddy” 
Emmanuel winked at his wife before lifting his little princess in the air. “Sweetie, you have your own bed to sleep in. You can’t sleep with me and Mamibibi” 
“Why not?” The little girl asked. Solo time with her grandparents was a rare occasion, and she didn’t want to miss a single moment without them.  
“Because it’s not a good idea,” Brigitte added. “You will sleep better if you go to your own bed” 
The little girl wouldn’t budge. “No! I want to sleep between you!” 
Irritated, Emmanuel ran his fingers through his thick hair. He wanted nothing more than to hold his wife as she slept in his arms, but a child in the bed would make that impossible. 
“Do you sleep with your mom and dad at home?” Brigitte asked. 
“No, but I always see them! I never see you and daddy!” The little girl had an answer for everything. “Please!!” 
“If you go to bed now, you’ll see me and Mamibibi sooner. The time will fly by” Emmanuel was trying to negotiate with his granddaughter. 
Brigitte and Emmanuel looked at each other. They didn’t know what more to do. When her 3 kids were young, they never slept with her and their father. It was strictly off-limits. Furthermore, Emmanuel could count on one hand the number of times he slept in the same bed as his parents. 
“Cherie, it might not be the worst thing” Emmanuel whispered to his wife. 
The little girl had already jumped into bed and crawled under the sheets on Emmanuel’s side. 
“Daddy, it smells like you!” she giggled, inhaling the cologne that coated the silk bedsheets. 
“Darling, I don’t want her to get used to this. What if every time she stays here, she’ll demand to sleep between us?” Brigitte warned. This was not something she wanted to start. 
“I have an idea!!” Emmanuel’s sharp mind had kicked in. He turned to his granddaughter. “Sweetie, how about I lay with you until you fall asleep, in your bed?” he asked. 
“No” She was a stubborn little one. 
Brigitte winked at her husband. She had come up with her own plan. “Ok, goodnight sweetie. Sleep well in here” 
Brigitte grabbed Emmanuel’s hand, leading him to the door. 
The little girl quickly sat up in bed. “Where are two going?” 
“Well, if you sleep here, Daddy and I will sleep in your bed. It’s one or the other” Brigitte explained. 
She pulled the covers back. “I want to join you!” 
“No, honey, you either sleep in here without us, or in your bed. As I said, we will stay with you until you fall asleep” Emmanuel added. “We promise”
She looked down at the floor. “Can I sleep with Nemo then?” 
Brigitte and Emmanuel looked at each other. “Yes, you can. Nemo will like that”
They felt bad seeing the sadness and disappointment on their granddaughter’s face. It broke their hearts. 
“How about this? Mamibibi, Nemo and I will lay with you until you fall asleep.” Emmanuel grabbed her little hand, guiding her to the bedroom they kept for the grandkids. 
A few minutes later, the four of them (Emmanuel, Brigitte, their granddaughter and Nemo) were struggling to get comfortable in a twin-sized bed. 
“Cherie, this bed is too small and my back hurts” Emmanuel complained in a whisper. 
Brigitte tried to get a glimpse of what was going on, but Nemo was snoring on top of her. Half of her husband’s body was completely sticking out of the bed. One little push and he would be on the floor. 
“I think she’s asleep. We can leave” Emmanuel could hear snoring.
“That’s Nemo snoring!” Brigitte laughed. “Ugh! I think I have his hair in my mouth!” 
“No! Cherie, there are two sets of snores happening” 
She cranked her neck to get a better look. “Oh yes, honey, you’re right she’s asleep!” 
With that, Emmanuel rolled out of bed as fast as he could. “Finally! Time to go back to our bed! … Cherie? … Cherie?” He looked around for his wife, but it was hard to see anything in the darkness. 
“I’m here, buried under Nemo. I think you’ll have our big bed to yourself tonight”
Helloooo Winter! ❤️
hahahaha what a cute and funny piece, Winter! Really had a great time reading it 🥰 hahaha them trying to find ways to get the little girl to sleep alone and just end up sleeping the four of them on the same bed 😂 The mental image of I have of this is just fantastic 😂
Thank you so much, Winter! ❤️❤️❤️
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lostjulys · 2 years
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lovlydovlyjaycie · 4 years
The Waling Dead/ Supernatural: A World Changed
Hii so this is gonna be a story about a crossover but also not really a crossover from the walking dead and supernatural.
Summary: Y/N is from Boston and moved to Los Angeles to be a nanny, she’s been doing it for a while now and loves the two, soon to be three, children like they were her own. One day she goes to work and it seems like the world around her is falling apart. People are dying, unbeknowst to her they are coming back to live. She is trying to find a way so she stays alive and the people around her too and she needs help, but she’d rather does it on her own.
Characters: Y/N, OC Alice, OC Mark, OC Birdy, OC Clark, OC Jayden,  Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester and more characters to come.
In the pines - Janel Drewis
Part 3 Where did you sleep
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I looked at Clark and Jayden, hoping the decision I was about to make wasn’t the wrong one. “We’ll go with you-.” I started. “Great, we’ll be headed that way then.” Sam said happily. “Wait. We’ll go with you under the condition that we can leave when ever we want.” Sam and Dean looked at each other, most likely not knowing why I want that specific request. “We don’t see why that would be a problem.” Sam stated.
“Alright so if we guys are done chitchatting, I think it’s a good time to head towards the bunker.” Dean said as he was pointing towards the direction we were supposed to go. We all started walking. “Wait.. a bunker? You said you were with thirty six people.. how big is this bunker you’re talking about?” It was either a very big bunker.. maybe owned by the military and I’m not sure if I wanna go to a place like that. Or a very small bunker. “Yup a bunker. It’s pretty big. Some families stay in the same room, that’s why we still have extra space. It’s also a very old one. When we found it, it had been abandoned for a long time.” Dean explained. So it was most likely not military owned or at least not anymore. “But how did you get in, cause isn’t that the point of a bunker.. you know.. to keep things out.” I asked Dean and he smiled. It was all a little strange. “We had a key.” I looked at him narrowing my eyes. “How’d you get it?” Now Dean was slightly laughing. I didn’t think it was funny it sounded too perfect. “You ask a lot of questions don’t ya.” Dean stated. “It’s a long story, I’ll tell you about it some time.” He said dismissively. You know what.. I thought that was fair enough. I wouldn’t want to tell my whole personal story either to a stranger. And so we all kept on walking, me holding Jayden and Clark staying close to me.
It took us about an hour to get to the car. I carried Jayden almost the whole way. They both had offered me to carry him, but I didn’t trust them yet. On the way we saw a few dead ones. After Sam and Dean found the car we drove for about fifteen minutes before we got to their bunker. We got there about late in the afternoon, but I was exhausted.
Outside of the bunker they had a gate build around it. The gate was definitely build after the world ended, but it still looked sturdy. It wasn’t too high either, I bet if you take a run towards the gate you can easily jump over otherwise just climb over when ever id get the chance. That would be a good way out if it was ever needed. Also not too many people were guarding the place, right now just two. A blonde girl who looked about my age, so early twenties I’m guessing. And a woman who looks to be in her forties, she had short dark hair and stern eyes.
“Hey Jody! Open up!” Dean said to the short haired woman. Jody. Try to remember that. Jody walked towards the gate with a gun hanging from her shoulder. The gate wasn’t really locked. That could also be an easy way out, very obvious though. I was just trying to come up with different plans of escape for if they did end up deciding that I couldn’t just leave.
Dean started driving in and waved at Jody and the blonde girl when we got in. Jody smiled at me, I just gave her an awkward smile back. Inside I could only see a few cars parked against the wall. Also good, that would give me cover. Dean parked the car next to the others and got out. He opened me door as well. “So this is our home.. I know doesn’t look like much, but it’s more than enough.” Dean told me as I got out of the car. “This is Jody and Claire.” Sam came walking up behind me with Jody and the other blonde woman. I put on the best fake smile I could come up with and introduced myself. “Hi I’m y/n. Nice to meet you.” I still said with some awkwardness, couldn’t be too excited about this, cause then I know Sam and Dean would have questions. Jayden and Clark both climbed out of the car and looked around. “Oh and this is Clark and this is Jayden.” I pointed at them and picked Jayden up. He felt so heavy now because I was so tired. “Oh we don’t have kids here that are this small and cute, how nice.” She started to walk up to Clark and bend down. “Hi there, I’m Jody.” She said and put her hand out. Clark looked at me and I immediately stood between them. I don’t trust her. I don’t trust anybody here and I’m not letting them touch my children until I do. “He’s shy.” I said awkwardly. Jody looked a little disappointed but stood up and the disappointment disappeared on her face. “We really got to get back to guarding this place.” Claire said. Thank you I thought. Little too awkward for my liking. Jody agreed and said her goodbyes before she walked back to the gate to guard it with Claire.
“Well, we’ll just give you a quick tour of the place and then we’ll leave you to it.” Dean said. He showed me that the had some crops growing and had a few goats. There were apparently more animals but they weren’t inside these gates. Strange. Then he showed me the door of the bunker. I felt this rush coming. I didn’t know what to expect. What is they trapped me here now. I I walk in there is most likely not a way out, or at least not one that I know of. Sam opened the door and we started to walk in. It was indeed very big and it looked old. There were a few people hanging out by the stairs and I saw some older kids running around.
The people all looked friendly enough, but that still didn’t mean I trust them. Sam said something about him getting the few things I had and putting them in the room I’d be staying in. Dean was still giving me the lay out of everything and introducing me to a lot of people.. there I no way I’m gonna remember all of their names. And then eventually we got to my room.
“So this is a combined room. They’re connected. We don’t have any toys or anything for kids that are that small, but we’ll be on the look out for them when we go on a run in a couple of days.” That is very nice. “You don’t need to do that...” I started, that was honestly a simple kindness I haven’t had I from anyone in a while. “No, it’s no problem. I mean you are all one of us now. So what ever they or you need just tell us and we’ll be on the look out.” Dean said. One of them I felt conflicted. But I just thanked him, I didn’t know what else to say. “We’ll I think Sam already dropped your bag of in your room here. You guys are probably tired, so I’ll leave you to it. We also have showers just down the hall.. I forgot to show you those, but you can’t miss it. It’s just down the hall on the left.” He smiled. I was very grateful. “Thank you Dean. I’m just gonna put them down to sleep I guess and then look for that shower. Haven’t had that in a while.” I laughed awkwardly, but it sounded so nice. I was about to walk in the room to go put Clark and Jayden down. They were so tired, Jayden even fell asleep while Dean was still showing me around. “Oh and by the way, there is always food in the kitchen that you can just take. Donna usually makes the best food and she’ll happily take any requests.” I was standing in the door now. “Thank you. I’ll have a look later.” I smiled and was about to close the door. “Oh sorry and also if you need anything my room is just two doors down, number eleven.” I slightly laughed, by how awkward this was. “Thank you Dean. Anything else before I close the door.” I said jokingly. Dean laughed too. “No I think that’s it, sorry about that. Have a goodnight or rest of your day.” It wasn’t really late yet, probably around 6 or something, but still I was exhausted. “Thank you, goodnight Dean.” He said his goodnight and walked away. Finally I was putting Jayden and Clark down in the room that was attached and they instantly fell asleep.
I decided to try out the shower and then just go to sleep, I’ll just eat when I wake up.
~ Day 734
After my shower I went straight to bed. And oh boy I have to tell you that I don’t even remember the time I slept this well. I was laying spread out on the bed. It’s been so long since I had a bed to myself. I think the last time I had a bed for myself was before this all started. Taking a deep sigh I just wanted to enjoy this moment. I am surprised that neither Jayden or Clark wanted to crawl in bed with me. It was something they were used to. I was used to that as well. Thinking about it, I haven’t heard them at all yet. I know they both love sleeping and they were exhausted, but usually they are still early risers. I decided to quickly get out of bed, get dressed and check in the room that was attached to mine to check on them. I couldn’t get dressed quicker.. are they ok or are they still sleeping. What if these people did something to them. All this worry started to flow in. Sam and Dean said it was safe here. I trusted them. When I was finally dressed I almost ran to the their door. When I opened it I frantically looked around the room. They weren’t there. ‘’SHIT!’’
I ran out the room and started looking in the hallway. ‘‘CLARK! JAYDEN!’‘ Where could they be. I half run half walked down the hall and came by door eleven. Dean’s room. I considered asking him for help, but I am not sure if I can trust him. Maybe this was a stupid decision to trust people that easily. I should’ve never came here. I kept on walking, looking for Clark and Jayden. I was about to cry how could I be this stupid.
Then I came by the kitchen and I saw Clark and Jayden sitting at the table with a woman with blonde hair they had food in front of them. ‘‘Clark, Jayden, what are you doing.’‘ I said trying to stay as calm as possible. ‘‘Did you eat anything?’‘ My heart was pounding almost out of my chest. ‘‘Oh hiya! I’m Donna. I heard your kids this morning and they were peeking their heads out of the door. So I made some breakfast for them, there’s more if you’d like some.’‘ She said with a smile on her face. I took  a few steps closer to the table trying to see what food she gave them. Eggs, a slice of bread and sausage. That worried me. ‘‘Did they eat anything yet?’‘ Donna noticed that my face was worried. ‘‘Uhm no not yet, I just finished making it. Are they allergic to something. I’m so sorry.’‘ As donna was saying that Jayden took a bite of the sausage. ‘‘Spit it out Jayden!’‘ I said frantically. I quickly went to Jayden and forced his mouth open. I completely ignored Donna’s question. ‘‘Jayden I said spit it out.’‘ When Jayden finally did he started crying. ‘‘It’s ok Jayden.’‘ I tried shushing him. Still freaking out. I realized she had good intentions, but they are strangers. I don’t know them and they don’t know me. ‘‘Is everything alright?’‘ Dean walked in and asked. They’ll probably think I’m crazy. ‘‘Its alright. I- I just..’‘ I sighed. ‘‘ I would just like to know what my children eat. They’re not allergic to anything. I’d just like to know where it comes from.’‘ I told Dean and Donna. I sound insane. ‘’Uhm friends of ours have farms.. If that answers your question?’‘ Dean said unsure. I mean how are you supposed to answer a question like that. ‘‘I just- I can’t take your word for that.’‘ This is such a weird conversation. How am I supposed to explain why I’m acting so crazy all of a sudden. I should’ve just stayed out of here. Maybe I should just leave, then they don’t have to worry why I’m acting crazy and I don’t have to worry about stupid little things. ‘‘Ya know I think Dean here could show you the farms if that would be a good solution.. for this.’‘ Donna said unsure as well. I stood up from kneeling next to Jayden and looked down. ‘‘I know, I’m sorry. I- I have my reasons why I act crazy about that.’‘ I could almost cry from this embarrassment. ‘’It’s alright y/n, you don’t need to explain. I can take you to the farm tomorrow and then you can judge for yourself.. if you like what you see or not.’‘ Dean said reassuring. Very kind of him, but I still couldn’t stop thinking about if this was the right thing to do.. to stay that is. If I’m freaking out about something like that, maybe I just should never have come in the first place. I felt bad, not just for them but also for Clark and Jayden. Maybe it is better to just leave and not have them be bothered with my issues. I have seen the ways I could get out. I’m happy I did. But it is better to not let them suspect anything. So that’s why I answer ‘‘Yes, I’d really appreciate that.’‘ I answered Dean.
We all had breakfast together, just not any meat for me, Clark and Jayden. We small talked. What it was like before. Donna was an police officer, which Clark thought was really cool. He told Donna he had seen police toys before and really liked them. ‘’Well Clark, when ever we go out to look for supplies, I’ll be on the look out for some police toys for ya, alright.’’ Clark smiled at that. I could see that he was very excited about that. ‘’So Dean what did you do before all this?’’ I asked. ‘’Oh I was a mechanic.’’ Dean answered. Something told me that that wasn’t true. I am not sure why. So I decided to press further. ‘’You don’t look like a mechanic.’’ I squinted my eyes. I don’t know what answer I was looking for, but I know for some reason he was not telling the truth. ‘’I don’t look l like I know how to fix a car?’’ He half laughed. ‘’I didn’t say that, but I don’t know.. you have any hobbies?’’ Maybe that will make more sense. ‘’I hunted.’’ Dean said. That sounded true, but I was still not convinced. Hunting? ‘’You hunted what?’’ Dean looked a little uneasy with that question.. Which made me want to ask even more questions. ‘’Hey Dean you ready to guard?’’ Sam chimed in. ‘’Welp, duty calls.’’ Dean couldn’t say more quickly. He started walking away with Sam. That was a little annoying. Why couldn’t he answer the question?
A little later in the day I decided to gather some food and necessities. If I did end up leaving I’d be ready to do so. Clark and Jayden were both taking a nap, they were both so exhausted still. I decided to quickly take a walk around outside to see what would be the best way out. The front door was usually left open, probably because it was so loud and people keep walking in and out. That’s a good thing, cause the door looks very heavy.. especially when you have two kids with you. I think I really have my mind made up, about leaving. It would be for the best. I can take care of Clark and Jayden myself. I don’t have to worry about anything other people want or expect. It would be for the best.. right?
Deep in thought I was searching around for a way out when I bumped in to Donna. ‘’Oh sorry dear.’’ Donna said. ‘’No it’s my fault I wasn’t paying attention.’’ I awkwardly smiled. I looked to the boy or teenager that was standing next to her. ‘’Again I’m really sorry about this morning. I should’ve waited and asked.’’ She really looked like she felt bad. But it really was my fault how could they know, how could they expect that I would react about something like that in such a way. ‘’It’s alright you didn’t know.’’ I told Donna. ‘’You know we are truly happy that you’re here you know that right. I mean you bring these beautiful little children with you. We only got teenagers like Jack here.’’ Donna pointed with her thumb over to Jack. ‘’We haven’t met yet.’’ Jack said in a very happy but stiff way. ‘’No we haven’t I’m y/n.’’ I put my hand out to introduce myself. ‘’Jack. You’re children look lovely.’’ He said while giving me an awkward smile. It was nice that Donna apologized again, but I wanted nothing more than to get out of this conversation. ‘’Sorry, I wanted to quickly look around here, cause I didn’t see a lot when I came in yesterday.’’ Donna nodded her head and they went on with whatever they were doing.
Walking around for a bit longer I saw Dean. That answer he gave me earlier today about hunting kept bugging me for some reason. He seemed like a nice enough man. All of them seemed nice and genuine enough, but just that answer kept bothering me. I mean he could just hunt animals, but something in me was saying that that wasn’t true and the only other answer I could come up with was manhunter. And I don’t want Clark and Jayden to be around someone like that. Even though both answers seemed wrong. I decided to just ask him again and if I feel like he’s telling the truth it means I stay and if I feel like he’s lying, I’ll leave tonight.
‘‘Hey Dean, How are you?’‘ I asked while I was walking up to him. He turned around and smiled. ‘‘Hey, how are ya liking it here so far?’‘ He asked it felt like he was genuinely interested in what I had to answer. ‘‘It’s nice, quiet.’‘ He smiled at that. ‘‘Yes it’s not much, but its enough. Also nice that basically no one lives in Kansas.. Not a lot of dead ones.’‘ I smiled at that, that is true. ‘‘Were did you say you were from?’‘ Dean asked. ‘‘Los Angeles, so it’s a long way.’‘ I answered. I kinda missed it, but I can’t imagine being there. Probably so many dead ones over there. ‘‘That is far, why did you decide to leave and end up here.’‘ He asked. ‘‘It seemed like a good decision. Less people. Less problems.’‘ It was the truth.. not the complete truth. ‘‘You are definitely right about the second part.’‘ There was a bit of a silence. A little tension maybe. I decided to not think about that and look around over the gate that Dean was guarding. There was a lot of cover from the trees. That would be a good way to escape. I just still haven’t asked Dean about the hunting. ‘’So are there a lot of animals here?’’ I asked Dean. ‘’What?’’ I looked at him now. ‘’You know for you hunting hobby.’’ He was caught off guard by this. ‘’Oh, uhm, yeah not too much over here though.’’ He said a bit uneasy trying not to look at me. ‘’What do you hunt?’’ I asked. ‘’Just whatever people were being bothered by.’’ That didn’t seem like a lie. ‘’What was the most common thing you hunted?’’ I kept on pressing further. ‘’You gotta lot of questions.’’ He said and laughed awkwardly. ‘’That’s good though, know what you’re dealing with. But mostly like birds.’’ That was a lie and I think we both knew that it was. ‘’Interesting.. I think I gotta go back inside and check on Clark and Jayden.’’ We both said our awkward goodbyes and I started walking away. Behind me I heard Dean going over the walkie. ‘’Sammy we need to talk.’’
That’s it Dean gave me the answer and lied. It’s time for me to leave.
Let me know what you think of this part.. I know it was kinda all over the place lol
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crackedoutgiraffe · 4 years
To the Moon and Back
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
A/N: Chapter 6
You had left your phone on the conference room table while you looked through the files. It started ringing unexpectedly. It was Garcia. 
“Hey Garcia,” you eagerly greeted her, you hadn’t spoken to any of the team for about 6 hours. They were all out doing FBI things.
“How much do you love me?” she asked
Confused, you answered the peculiar question, “I love you very much, Garcia.” “What would you say if I told you I had the name of the unsub?”
“Wait, you figured it out?” you jumped out of your chair with excitement.
“Sure did,” she giggled, “I believe your unsub is one Robert Adams.”
“Do you have a location, Garcia?”
“His credit card just made a purchase at the Seven Stars Restaurant,”
“Thank you, Garcia,” you said as you ran out the door. “Wait, why did you call me?”
“No one else was picking up,” she replied. “Good luck, be safe,” she hung up after that. The team left one SUV for you just in case you needed to go anywhere. You hopped in and started for the restaurant. You tried to call Hotch, but he wouldn’t respond. 
Then you tried Rossi, and thankfully he responded, “Rossi, where are you right now?” you asked frantically
“We’re at the school. Why? What’s wrong?” he could hear how scared you were on the other end of the line.
“Garcia called me and told me that she has the unsub’s identity,” you breathed out, trying to drive at the same time.
“Y/N, I’m going to put you on speaker,” he added. “Alright, you have me, Hotch, Morgan, and Reid.”
“Garcia, she called me and said that the name of the unsub was Robert Adams and that he was at the Seven Stars restaurant, I’m pulling into the restaurant now,” you got out of the car and headed toward the entrance.
“Alright, Y/N, do not engage wait outside we’ll be there in five minutes,” Hotch sounded scared
“Alright. Is there anyt-,” you started but you were knocked out by an explosion from the restaurant.
“Y/N, hold we’ll be there soon,” Hotch calmly said, but you couldn’t respond.
You were knocked unconscious by the blast, you finally awoke to sirens and people surrounding you. You could see all the team members around you.
Everyone stayed by your side for a few moments until Morgan received some news, “Hotch he’s still in there.”
“Ok. Prentiss, come with Morgan and me to catch the unsub,” Hotch started. “Rossi, take Y/N to the ambulance.” 
Rossi helped you to stand up while you were holding your head. He led you over to an ambulance, “Rossi, I’m fine, really.”
“I’m sure you are,” he said, “but you may have a concussion.” The paramedic checked your vitals and performed a concussion test. You passed, so a hospital visit wasn’t necessary. 
While the paramedic was checking your health he was also checking you out, “Alright Ms. Y/L/N, your vitals are good and you don’t seem to have a concussion,” the paramedic briefed. “Make sure that you visit your primary care physician. Also, do you think I would be able to get your number?”
He wasn’t bad looking, he seemed nice, “Sure,” you smiled. You looked past some of the cops at the restaurant and saw Reid looking your way. It seemed like he was giving the paramedic a death stare. You got up off the ambulance and hobbled over to the rest of your team. Prentiss and Hotch had apprehended the unsub, and they loaded him into a police car.
“What did the paramedic say?” Hotch asked. 
“He said I’m good to go,” you responded happily. 
Reid looked upset from where you were standing, “seemed like he said more than that,” Reid mumbled. 
“Alright, go pack up your guys’ stuff and meet me at the airfield in 30,” Hotch continued. You all went to the SUVs. You decided to ride in the back with Rossi driving and Prentiss in the passenger seat. The three of you promptly arrived at the hotel just behind JJ, Morgan, and Reid. Rossi came to help you out of the car, which was quite sweet, but you didn’t need it.
You got to your room and started to pack. Starting with the bathroom then going to the main room, double-checking that you had everything. As you were cleaning up, you made the bed and straightened out the pillows.
Just then your phone rang, “Hello?” you answered.
“Hi, this is Jeremy. I was the paramedic that treated you tonight,” he said gingerly.
“Oh hey, how’s it going?” you giggled while grabbing your bags and heading toward the door.
“We had to take a few people to the hospital, but other than that pretty good,” he commented.
You left your room and started to close the door, “So, a pretty slow night?” you joked. In the hallway, you saw Morgan and Reid waiting and staring at you. “Hey, Jeremy. I’m going to have to call you later, ok?”
“That’s cool,” he sighed. “It was nice to meet you, Y/N. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” you finished and hung up the phone.
“Who’s Jeremy?” Morgan asked, poking you in the side.
“That’s classified, Agent Morgan,” you replied with a smile. “Who’s driving?” you asked, trying to change the subject.
“I’ll drive,” Morgan replied as the three of you got in the elevator.
The drive to the airfield was quiet. You were sitting in the back seat staring out the window, when you did look through the windshield, you could see Reid look at you occasionally. Finally, you got to the plane. You chose a seat at the back, put your headphones in, and pulled out a book. The volume of your music was low just in case anyone needed you. You looked up to see Morgan with a confused look on his face, then he took off his headphones and you could hear screaming coming through them. “Very funny, kid,” he quipped at who you could only suspect was Reid. His phone started to ring and he picked it up, “Hey baby gir-,” he quickly pulled the phone away from his face, more screaming.
You gave up trying to figure out what that was about and went to sleep. When you woke up, you were starting to land. Hotch stood up once the plane landed and told all of you to be in the office at 9 tomorrow. You grabbed your bag and got off the plane, rushing to get to your car and get home and see your cat. The second you got to your car, an immense wave of relief came over you, your first case with the team was done. You had done pretty well. One thing you were less than pleased about was the way you felt toward Spencer. Could you really not fraternize with your co-workers? It’s not that hard, Y/N. Get it together. You got to your house and plopped down on your bed. Checking the time, you groaned. It was 3am. You dragged yourself out of bed to take a shower, you ended up falling asleep wearing only your towel.
You woke up to your alarm at 8 and sighed. Realizing you slept, in a towel, you went to your closet to grab some semi-professional clothes. You put on as much makeup as you could stand, which wasn’t much, and headed to the kitchen for coffee. Checking the clock on your oven, it was 8:30, so you didn’t get to eat breakfast and settled for stopping at Starbucks for another coffee. You were able to arrive at Quantico at exactly 8:50 leaving you just enough time to get up to your desk at 9.
Walking into the office was a nightmare, everyone at their desks seemed so tired. Walking past Reid’s desk, you noticed that he was working away, he didn’t seem tired at all, “How are you so chipper right now?” you asked, sitting down at your desk.
“This is my fifth cup of coffee,” he smiled at you with that lovely smile of his.
Garcia was walking past his desk right as he answered you, “Alright, Dr. Reid, I’m cutting you off for now,” Garcia insisted grabbing the coffee cup from his hand. He looked up at her and frowned.
“Thank you, Garcia,” Morgan added from his desk. “If he would have finished that, I don’t think he would shut up for hours.”
You giggled from your desk, trying not to pass out. 
“We have a new case,” Hotch walked out of his office toward the round table room. Everyone groaned as they pulled themselves up from their seats. You all hobbled over to the roundtable room, Reid was practically skipping in front of all of you. “Go ahead Garcia,” Hotch instructed while sitting down.
“Alright, friends, this week you are traveling to the lovely Los Angeles. Four women have all been found in the woods. They were all sexually assaulted, stabbed 13 times, and their hair was burned off. Next to their dumpsite, CSI found the bodies of four men, they were all shot in the heart,” Garcia explained while flipping through the slides on the TV.
“They were all y/h/c-haired and y/e/c eyed in their early to mid-twenties,” Reid added. “Was there any relationship found between the women and the men, Garcia?
“Good eye, Dr. Reid, and yes. The women were all dating one of the men,” Garcia smiled. “Your first victims are 21-year-old Alisha Davis, liberal arts major at UCLA; she was dating 23-year-old Joseph Marin. Next was, 22-year-old Brittany French, chef at a local restaurant and her boyfriend Michael White, 24. Then was 23-year-old Paulette Queen, a nanny for an established family, she was involved with 23-year-old Daniel Roberts. Finally, Jemma Boone, 24, was working at a jewelry store, dating 25-year-old Nicholas Phillips.”
“How far apart were the killed?” you asked.
“The coroner estimates two weeks apart,” Garcia sighed. “Jemma was killed approximately 10 days ago. There also is evidence that he was keeping his victims for about 2 days before killing them.”
JJ spoke up from her side of the table, “The killings seem very ritualistic. They were each stabbed 13 times, they were all y/h/c.”
“The number 13 is considered an unlucky number in some countries. The end of the Mayan calendar's 13th Baktun was superstitiously feared as a harbinger of the apocalyptic 2012 phenomenon. Fear of the number 13 has a specifically recognized phobia, triskaidekaphobia, a word coined in 1911. The superstitious sufferers of triskaidekaphobia try to avoid bad luck by keeping away from anything numbered or labeled thirteen. As a result, companies and manufacturers use another way of numbering or labeling to avoid the number, with hotels and tall buildings being conspicuous examples (thirteenth floor).It is also considered unlucky to have thirteen guests at a table. Friday the 13th has been considered an unlucky day.  There are a number of theories as to why the number thirteen became associated with bad luck, but none of them have been accepted as likely,” Reid started to ramble.
“Colgate University also considers 13 a lucky number. They were founded in 1819 by 13 men with 13 dollars, 13 prayers, and 13 articles. To this day, members of the Colgate community consider the number 13 a good omen. In fact, the campus address is 13 Oak Drive in Hamilton, New York, and the male a cappella group is called the Colgate 13. In the Mayan Tzolk'in calendar, trecenas mark cycles of 13-day periods. The pyramids are also set up in 9 steps divided into 7 days and 6 nights, 13 days total. In the standard 52-card deck of playing cards, there are four suits, each of 13 ranks. In a tarot card deck, XIII is the card of Death, usually picturing the Pale horse with its rider. A baker's dozen, devil's dozen, long dozen, or long measure is 13, one more than a standard dozen,” you started rambling too, everyone just stared at you. 
“He is focusing more on the women,” Prentiss noticed.
“What makes you say that?” Morgan questioned.
“There is no evidence that the men were held in captivity,” Prentiss continued. “Also, more things were done to the women than the men, their hair was burned and they were sexually assaulted.”
“So it’s more about the women than the men,” Rossi chimed in, “What does that tell us about the unsub?”
You had an answer to the question, “He may have had his heart broken by a y/e/c-eyed, y/h/c-haired girl.”
“I know we just got back but there is going to be another murder in 4 days. Wheels up in 30,” Hotch sighed.
Everyone got up to leave, including you. You headed for the elevator to head home and grab your go-bag. On your drive home, there was one thing on your mind, a serial killer who only killed y/e/c-eyed, y/h/c-haired, and was going to kill someone who was 25, how could this go wrong?
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gothfoxx · 4 years
Love on a Dare pt.2
Prt1 Prt3
Warning for slight language and hinted child abuse
The rest of the day sucked a little less than the first half, Remus was big enough to admit that the thought of Patton’s giggles and cheery smile is what kept him from just giving up and ditching. His brothers and the guys had made fun of his quick change of tune as they boarded the bus back to the school, “Who knew De and Remus had the same tastes.” Virgil snickers making Logan roll his eyes and Deacon glare menacingly at the emo edgelord. “Aw come on babe, don’t insult Deacon like that. Logan has his charm...on occasion.” Roman counters. Remus doesn’t like the way they dismiss poor Pat like that, Virgil had been the loner kid before Roman had dragged him into their group and their dearest little brother had been coaxed out of his anti-social ways when Logan had engaged in a battle of philosophy when they were in middle school. “Hey lay off him. So what he’s different? I’m different and you guys love me!” Remus hisses out as the teacher does roll call. Roman makes a so-so gesture with his hand and the other laugh and nod, “Shut up, you would all be bored without me!” He huffs and lays across their laps earning a warning about behavior from the very tired teacher up front.
The rest of the trip home was filled with chatting about what they all endured that day and making plans for the upcoming weekend, that’s when the conversation circled back to Remus’ date. “Where do you plan to take Patton? A Starbucks or hipster coffee shop are not usually your ‘scene’” Logan asks using air quotes to emphasize the outdated slang. “Yeah! I can’t picture you in a sea of snobby preps or hipsters without your baseball bat or tire iron.” Pipes up Virgil who had been zoning out before, he seemed to really like messing with Remus today…probably because Remus was constantly teasing him about his early 2000 emo look. “Not like there’s pleanty of local mom and pop cafes or diners around town, you know perks of having a theme park near by and all.” Sasses Deacon as he combs his hand through Logon’s short (less than perfect now) hair. And wow Remus loved having a smart and amazing brother! Roman was great too but he didn’t have the same finesse with words and back talk that their younger brother did. “Fuck yeah De! He looks like the kind of guy that would love diners with that whole Mr dad vibe he has!” He cheers, but then Roman makes a ‘daddy’ joke and they end up forgetting the date again.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧.✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
After having to be slathered with aloe juice from all the spots he forgot to cover with sunscreen Remus was happy to just lay on his bed and scroll through his feed, liking and commenting on some epic monster effects makeups and a few grimdark aus before he got bored. He was going to text one of his graffiti buddies when his thumb stopped on Patton’s id, the memory of those giggles played again. Texting on the same day wasn’t that taboo was it? Pat wouldn’t have just played along and put in a fake number, right? Ugh no no he was sounding like Dancing! In the Panicroom, why should Remus care about taboo? His whole existence was centered around being a big middle finger to tradition. And if Pat gave him a fake number then that was his choice, it might suck but Remus had come over to hit on him unannounced. Remus clicked the id and shot off a text.
???: Some scientists classify me as "vulgaris", but I'm really sweet once you get to know me ;{)
Patty-cake🐙: Remus? Hehe your smiley has a mustache too!
Royal💚: you bet, it’s my signature look 👈👈 what’s it like being a sea creature on land all the time?
Patty-cake🐙: it’s nice but everyone’s humor seem pretty /dry/
Royal💚: that’s no “pun”, did I “wet” your appetite today?
Patty-cake🐙: your really good at this, like a duck to water
Royal💚: the goal IS to “quack” you up ;{)
Patty-cake🐙: lol =D
The rest of the evening was spent trading bad puns and telling even worse jokes, Remus kept it all pg-13 since he still wasn’t sure which way Peppermint Patter swung. It was getting close to 11 when Patton’s texts started to slow, Remus was kinda sad about it but heck even he was beginning to flag and he was used to staying up till 2 or 3. But the guy also legit worked at the crap-shoot, if he went through that every day with a hot suit on then of course Pat would get tired at old man hours. He felt bad for probably keeping the poor dude up but he could practically see that smile every time he sent a new play on words. Ah fuck, damn it all to the netherplains! Remus f’ing Cain Royal had a crush on Patton ‘Padre’ Seaver! Fuck!
Luigi: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Mario: Remus wtf?!
Luigi: hsvctsgdvhdhsbsgdgddhhd
Bowser: gay key smash? Hmm 🤔
Mario: wait wait I’ve heard you laughing through the walls why are you freaking out
Mario: who are you talking to!?!
Mario: Rein in the gay and tell us dreadful duke!
Luigi: aahshahhh I’d sell Satan my letf testical to make him smilrdhhdhdhhbsnsgdgnxj
Bowser: really PlainPat? You hardly know anything about him, you haven’t even been on your date yet and what? you’re going to do a dark ritualistic summoning for him? What kind of sorcery is this? Geez
Luigi: STFU hes an angel (҂`ロ´)凸
Mario: and youre a fallen one, what a match
Bowser: ooh I see you just want to dirty him up eh?
Mario: aha yes that explains it, you want to break his halo as it were
Luigi: some support you guys are and after all the things I’ve done for you and yours :{P
Bowser: shit, fine I still owe you for hiding L in your closet when mom came home early :/
Bowser: just don’t get upset if he turns out to be a hety
Mario: and if he hurts you we’ll help hide the body
Bowser: or what’s left of it
Luigi: (Ɔ˘з˘)(ꈍヮꈍ)˘ε˘ C) there now I feel the love tonight
Bowser: ew
Mario: gross, go to sleep dirty duke
It might not have been the support he was looking for but at least he didn’t have to handle all these feelings alone, last time he tried that someone ended up in the hospital…ok so it was him, he didn’t take finding out about their dad’s affair or being threatened by said dad all that well. They made a rule after that, the three of them would shoulder shit like that together afoaofa style. Sure they might think Remus is chasing tail or whatever but they still had his back and that’s what he needed as he sent a goodnight text with a heart to Patton. A moment later he got one back. Yeah he was caught hook line and sinker.
Patty-cake🐙: sweet dreams 🍬
-tag list-
@jessibbb @alexa-lettuce @deceits-left-glove @dorkyduckling16 @lallyphant @newblue002 (if you want on or off the list let me know)
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pedal-mail · 4 years
A Walk Home
This is the intro to a much longer piece that I’m really hoping I’ll be able to finish! I hope you guys enjoy it!
Angelica Taffet had had about enough of customer service. 
After being yelled at by two older women, being “pranked” by a couple of middle schoolers, and just generally dealing with a group of people that wanted to be anything but cooperative, she was ready to bash her head against a wall and scream for hours. Customer service was the worst part of the job. She’d much rather be in the back, taking stock. But her manager said she was “good with the customers” and “a polite young lady”.
“Thanks,” she had mumbled under her breath, “it’s the social anxiety.”
What mattered was that her shift was over and she could walk home now. 
It was still light out, so she wasn’t too worried about popping in her earbuds and listening to some music while she walked. She was about to slip her phone back into her pocket when it vibrated. She pulled the notification down and opened her texting app.
Theo <3: are you out of work yet?
Angelica chuckled. She could practically hear her partner’s whining voice asking.
You: Just got out! Walking home now!
Theo <3: stay safe angel
You: I will! The sun hasn’t gone down yet, so it’s not too dangerous to walk home
Theo <3: don’t get lost again
You: That was one time!
Theo <3: lol
Theo <3: seriously though, watch where you’re going
You: Theo, I’ve got it!
Theo <3: just making sure
There’s a few beats of silence, and Angelic is about to put her phone away, when it vibrates again.
Theo <3: did you see that the next book in the series is available for preorder?
You: WHAT???
Theo <3: I KNOW!!!
Theo <3: i really hope they can figure out where Abe’s family is…
You: If they don’t, I’ll scream
Angelica and Theo had met because of their shared interest in the “Clockwork Fairy” book series. They had found each other online, and had instantly formed a connection. Not just over the books, but as people as well. They could rant and rave about the books day in and day out, but they could also listen to the other’s problems and passions and never get bored or uncomfortable. The two of them really were perfect together.
Theo <3: hey, have you drawn anything new lately?
You: Nah, not really. Been too focused on finishing up school
Theo <3: >:P
Theo <3: lame
You: Tell me about it
You: I can’t wait to finish school
You: Hopefully The Plan can pull through by then
Angelica bit her lip. It had been a while since the two of them had talked about The Plan. 
Ever since Theo had gotten a place of their own, Angelica had talked about moving in with them. Their apartment was big enough for two after all. The big problem was that they lived on opposite sides of the country. Theo was in California for school, while Angelica still lived in Virginia with her parents. It was a bit of a pipe dream, sure, but Angelica had been saving up from her job. She couldn’t save every penny, but she was slowly making a dent in her end goal.
Theo <3: hopefully
Theo <3: you know, if you really can’t make it out here we can always live together later in life
You: I know
You: But I want to live with you as soon as possible
Theo <3: aw :’)
Theo <3: sap
Angelica chuckled. She slipped her phone into her pocket before she crossed the largest road between her house and the store she worked at. Her music was still playing. Some soft indie band she had discovered recently, she couldn’t remember the name of. She began to bob her head back and forth to the rhythm of the song. After she had crossed the road, she glanced behind her, before pulling her phone out again. Theo had already sent a few more texts.
Theo <3: i mean it though, don’t get your hope up
Theo <3: it’s a nice thought, but you can’t put all your eggs in one basket
Theo <3: or whatever it my grandma used to say
Angelica frowned and turned her music up a little louder to try and drown out her negative thoughts.
You: Can’t I just have this?
Theo <3: sorry, sorry
Theo <3: i just don’t want you to end up heartbroken is all
You: It’s going to work Theo. It has to
Theo <3: i admire your dedication
You: Thank you!
Angelica glanced up from her phone and realized she was already home. She slipped her phone in her pocket again and punched in the code that opened the apartment building’s main door. She stepped into the elevator and watched the numbers climb as it went up the building. There was no service in the elevator for some weird reason. She walked to the end of the hallway (to the right) on the eighth floor, and used her key to let herself into the apartment. Her mom was already standing in the kitchen.
“Hey sweetie!” She greeted. “How was work?”
“Awful,” Angelica replied. “I had to work returns today.”
Her mom tutted. “That’s good for you, dear! You need to get better about opening up to people!” 
Angelica plastered on a fake smile. “Yeah, you’re right. I just don’t like it yet. I’m sure I will eventually.” She glanced down at her pocket. “When is dinner gonna be ready?”
“About five minutes,” her mom replied. “Why don’t you go change and then set the table?”
Angelica walked down the hallway to her room, and quickly changed out of her work clothes into a pair of white shorts and her favorite pink sweater. She didn’t have time for much more than a quick “dinner time” text to Theo before she was setting the table and sitting down to dinner. 
She served herself some of the spaghetti her mom had made, and nodded along to her dad talking about his day. Something about one of his coworkers getting a divorce. She secretly thought to herself that she was glad she’d never have to deal with that. She drifted off into her own thoughts after she had nodded along for long enough. Thinking about holding Theo’s hand and holding Theo while they watched movies and kissing Theo’s forehead right before they fell asleep and-
“Isn’t that right, Angie?”
Angelica jumped at her dad’s nickname for her. “Huh?” She asked.
Her dad chuckled. “I said you won’t have to worry about getting divorced! We’re gonna make sure of that!” She chuckled awkwardly, and looked to her mom with pleading eyes.
“Now, Robert, we talked about this,” her mom said. “Angelica can date anyone she’d like. We have to trust her judgement about who she thinks is right for her.”
“Thank you, Mom,” Angelica said, even though her stomach was churning.
“Well… I still want to give the final seal of approval before my little girl settles down!” Her dad said. 
“I’m sure she’ll let you,” her mom said.
Angelica just nodded and began to eat again. 
She finished quickly and excused herself to her room for the evening. She fell against her bed and stared out the window for a little while. The sun had set by now, but her neighbors' lights were on. She could see them through the blinds that had been drawn. She heard her phone buzz, and she hopped up to retrieve it from her hoodie.
Theo <3: you doing ok angel?
Theo <3: you kinda disappeared
Theo <3: dinner doesn’t usually take this long…
You: Sorry Theo, I was just thinking about some stuff
Theo <3: don’t hurt yourself lol
Theo <3: For real though, what’s on your mind?
Angelica sighed and flopped against her bed again.
You: Dad brought up marriage over dinner
Theo <3: >:P
Theo <3: yuck
You: Tell me about it
Theo <3: what’d you say?
You: Same thing I always say
You: I just nodded along and kept my head down
Theo <3: when do you think you’re going to tell them?
You: Which part?
Theo <3: both parts
You: The gender thing? Never. I’m fine with being a girl most of the time, there’s no point in correcting them
You: The aroace thing? I honestly don’t know
Theo <3: have you told them we’re partners at least?
You: Are you kidding?
You: They’ll understand the aroace thing better than the qpr thing
You: Meaning that they’ll kick me out over it
You: The second one, I mean
Angelica sniffed quietly and squeezed her eyes shut to hold back tears. She felt the phone vibrate a few times in her hand, but it took her a moment to be able to look at it again.
Theo <3: it’s ok angel
Theo <3: your parents don’t control you. your parents don’t have final say over your life. they’re in the wrong if they think that you’re not right or broken or whatever. you’re one of the best things in my life, and i know that other people feel the same way. you’re a ray of sunshine, even if you aren’t the most outgoing person. you’re great just the way you are, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise
Angelica sniffed and let a few tears trickle down her cheeks.
You: Thanks Teddy Bear
Theo <3: any time
Theo <3: you wanna play a game or something?
You: Nah, I’m too tired. Can we just talk for a bit?
Theo <3: no problem!
Theo <3: can you tell me your theory about Abe’s family again?
Angelica chuckled. Theo had her theory written down in a google doc that they always kept open, they hadn’t forgotten it. It was just a distraction, but it was one that Angelica was eager to snap up.
You: Well… I still think that AF2 has something to do with it
Theo <3: how so?
The two of them talked about The Clockwork Fairy well into the night. Angelica had the day off work tomorrow, and it was a Sunday, so she didn’t have to worry about school either. So she could stay up until one am, no problem. She stayed up well past when her mom came in to hug her goodnight, well past when all the neighbors’ lights went off (well, most of them at least). She stayed up with Theo until she couldn’t keep her eyes open anymore and she passed out, still holding her phone.
She had dreams about fairies and robots and holding hands.
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amabiliaaa · 5 years
Of Devils and Angels: Chapter Four
I Don’t Drink but I’ll Sip this Cheap Beer to Make You Happy
Day five of nanowrimo!     
word count: 1531                                                                                 
Gabriel often spent his Friday evenings wondering when he’ll get to go home. It’s been three hours since Kira and Sadja left and he was still perched on his barstool. The bartender, Romeo, was starting to give him odd looks. Gabriel sighed. He pulled out his phone and checked the time. 3:26 AM. By estimation and past experience, Dominic would finally be ready to go home in about two hours. He glanced at his battery percentage and cringed: thirty-three percent. Not too bad but it wouldn’t last him two hours. Not if he was using it to keep boredom away. He pocketed his phone and watched the people around him. Everyone around him was laughing and dancing and having fun and making out. The entire scene was suffocating, really; who would want to be in a hot and smelly club for hours on end? There’s barely any room to move. Though, according to the various couples grinding against each other, that wasn’t a problem. In fact, it was preferred. Gabriel sighed again. Now Romeo just looked concerned. He wished Kira was still there, she was a welcome presence in his life. Kind of like a second mother. Not like Gabriel knew who his first mother was in the first place if he had a mother in the first place. Nobody knows how angels and demons are created. Some say that they were created from clouds and light (for angels, of course) or dirt and darkness (for demons). Others say that both angels and demons do have parents but aren’t there to raise them. They just give birth and then disappear, leaving the babies to fend for themselves.
~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵ ~✵ ~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~
If, Gabriel thought, I do in fact have a mother, is she watching me? Or has she forgotten about my existence? I suppose she would be proud of me, with me being God’s right-hand man and all. Or maybe she’d be upset that I have to trail behind a, as Sadja would put it, ‘obnoxious asshole with no fashion sense’.  Still, I enjoy our time together. No matter how asshole-ish he can be. 
~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵ ~✵ ~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~
On cue, very drunk Dominic stumbled through the crowd with two very drunk women trailing behind him. All of a sudden Gabriel’s world both crumbled and lit up. On one hand, Dominic was finally back and he could breathe again— he didn’t somehow get lost in Texas (again). On the other hand...the women. Obviously, Dominic seduced them both. And who wouldn’t fall for his charm? A pang stabbed Gabriel’s chest. He didn’t know why. Probably because he was tired, seeing Dominic and the other two Ordinaries, it was...annoying.
~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵ ~✵ ~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~
“Gabriel! I-it’s you!” Dominic stumbled toward the counter and threw himself on the seat. The other ladies followed suit and giggled. “Look at...lookat what I got you! A gift!” He shoved a giggling woman off her seat and she fell into Gabriel’s arms. She had dirty blonde hair pulled up into a ponytail and freckles dusted her cheeks and across her nose. Her cheeks were a rosy red, probably from all the alcohol, and her dress was the same color. He couldn’t lie, this woman was very pretty.
~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵ ~✵ ~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~
  “Hiii,” she slurred, “My name’s Carolina. What’s your’s?” She dragged out her s’s and hiccuped between giggles. 
Gabriel tensed. “Uh, Gabriel.” He helped her back onto her seat and held her until he was sure she wasn’t going to tip over and fall.
Dominic smiled at Romeo and held up four fingers. “Four drinks, good sir. I’ll have a Moscow Mule. How about you, girls?”
Carolina spoke first. “I want a,” she hiccuped, “a strawberry margarita.”
The other woman with mousy brown hair and a very short blue skirt on piped up. “Just a dry martini for me.”
“How about you, Gaby?” Dominic asked. “What do you want?”
“J-just a Modelo, please,” he muttered. “Dominic, I don’t really drink.”
“Nonsense! Everybody likes to drink!”
“Kira doesn’t.”
“Psh, Kira’s a liar. She drinks. I know it.” He turned to Romeo. “You heard us, Romeo.” The bartender nodded and went off fixing their drinks.
~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵ ~✵ ~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~
“So, what are you ladies doing tomorrow?” Dominic sipped his drink and winked at Short Skirt and Carolina over his glass.
Short Skirt blushed and hid her face behind her martini. “Oh, nothing. We might be coming back tomorrow.”
“Oh? You have any plans tonight?”
“After this? No.” Gabriel sighed for the umpteenth time that night and took a tiny sip of his beer. He knew where this was going
Dominic smirked. “Well, I have a rather big bed. Wanna see for yourself?”
~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵ ~✵ ~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~✵~
Gabriel thought of his day leading up to that moment. First, he woke up and ran some errands, then he cleaned the apartment and made himself some lunch. When Dominic finally woke up (at around twelve o’clock or so), they had gone off to grab some lunch and (on Dominic’s side at least)  talk to some girls. Then Dominic took a nap and Gabriel took a walk to the park. When he got back, his friend had woken up and was ready to party. 
So now, Gabriel was driving his car with two other drunk, giggling passengers. Dominic was in the back sitting between Short Skirt and Carolina, with his arms around them both. 
“Look, girls. We’re here.”
The four of them hopped out of the car and made their way to the apartment. Gabriel gave Samson, the security man, an apologetic smile as the others laughed their way toward the elevators. When they finally entered their apartment, Dominic snaked his hand around Short Skirt’s waist. “C’mon, Meghan. Night, Gaby.”
Meghan turned around and blew a kiss to her friend. “See you tomorrow, ‘Lina!” She leaned into Dominic’s side and jumped as his hand cupped her ass. 
Gabriel and Carolina watched as the door shut behind them. “Well,” said Carolina. “I, uh..” She crossed her arms. “Look. I know you’re not into me.”
“What? No, you’re very pretty.”
“Thanks. But you don’t want to sleep with me, do you?” When Gabriel didn’t answer, she nodded. “Yeah, I figured. It’s fine. I understand. I actually have a boyfriend.”
“Oh. Wow.” 
“Yeah. But I’ll deal with him later.” She rolled her eyes. “He’s a jackass anyway.” 
  “So..do you want me to drive you home?”
“Yes, but you can’t. Meg’ll panic if she has to leave by herself.”
“I see. Uh, question.”
“How are you so sober?”
“I took a nap in the car. Also, I threw up.”
Gabriel’s eyes widened and Carolina threw her hands up. “Not in your car! Before we left.”
He nodded. “Oh, ok. Do you need anything?” 
“A glass of water would be nice. Also a blanket.”
Gabriel walked to the kitchen and grabbed a glass from the cupboard. He talked over his shoulder as he poured the water. “Oh, well. My room is down the hall and to the right. When you walk in, you should see a dresser. The first drawer has spare T-shirts. You can sleep in the bed, I don’t mind.” He turned around and handed the glass over
Carolina grabbed the glass and took a sip. “Aren’t you and that guy best friends or something? And thanks.”
“We are.”
“So why are your rooms so far apart? There’s a spare room right across from his.” She pointed and sure enough, another room was there. “You’d think that you guys would want to be close to each other, right?”
Gabriel shrugged. “Well, yeah. But Dominic brings home a girl almost every other night. I don’t really feel like hearing all that noise while I’m trying to sleep, you know?”
Right on cue, Meghan’s muffled moans sounded through the door. Carolina shuddered. “Well, that’s something I never want to hear again. I get it now. Wait, if I’m taking over your room, where’ll you sleep?”
“I can deal with muffled moaning for one night. If not, I’ll just move to the couch.”
“Are you sure? I can sleep on the couch.”
“Now what type of host would I be if I made you sleep on the couch?”
She laughed. “Dork. Ok, then. Goodnight, I guess.” She made her way down the hall before stopping and turning back around.
“Something wrong?”
She shook her head. “You seem like a really cool person. I want to get to know you better. She reached into her purse and pulled out a crumpled up receipt and a pen. Using the wall, she wrote something on the receipt. “Here’s my number,” she said. “Text me sometime, ok? I wanna be friends.”
Gabriel took it and smiled. “Will do. Goodnight, Carolina.”
“G’night, Gabriel.”
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claudia-kishi · 5 years
2, 3, 5, 11, 17, 29 for the music asks
2. a song starting w/ the same first letter of your first name
valentine performed by pentatonix 
3. a song outside of your usual genre
i’m trying to think what my “usual genre” is hahaha. i’ll consider kpop outside of my usual genre and the best kpop song to exist is in fact trapped by henry lau but like, the english version because lyrical genius honestly 
5. a song from a lifelong favorite artist
ok i know we all hate redacted and like, i do too but i grew up with her and her music and i mean i can dislike her but like her music lol. her best song is touch it end of story. goodnight n go is a close 2nd
11. a song from an international artist
diana wang my love my angel my fave......... home is her best song and probably like frontrunner for 1 of my favorite songs of all time. but one that i really love also is random day 
17. a song that reminds you of a good time
uhhhhhh i honestly don’t think i associate songs with moments for me weirdly so i can’t think of one lol
29. your favorite album closer
coldplay was a big reason i survived my childhood and i was obsessed with their albums and they knew how to close an album... everything’s not lost and amsterdam are forever faves. i also quite enjoy o as well 
send me numbers!
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An Angels Curse, Ch.3
Rating: T (for now)
Summary: When Lucy is attacked and injured during a fight against a dark guild, she ends up being a part of a history she didn’t know existed, and wielding a power she has no clue how to control. But with a looming threat, she will have no choice but to sacrifice everything in order to succeed.
One, Two
In the darkness, Lucy was surrounded by a deep, suffocating silence. There was nothing and no one. No laughter, no anger, no day and no night. All that surrounded her was a darkness that pressed in on her, trapping her, squashing out the outside world. But it did not stop the pain. It flowed through her veins like molten metal, and pooled in her heart. Her heart, it felt like it would explode. It was as though she was feeling every emotion she had ever felt at the same time. Every nervous flutter when she saw someone she cared about, every beat of anger, the anxious hammering when she’d had her first kiss, and the unbearable pain she’d felt when her mother had died. Her chest felt full to burst and yet hollow at the same time. She tried to open her mouth the scream, but the darkness squashed that too.
She didn’t know how long she had been in that prison, days or months, it all blurred into one. There was no time here, just endless scorching pain. But eventually, the darkness began to lighten, it pulled back, and allowed her to breathe. She could only hear the blurry mumbles of voices, but she knew who they belonged to, and the moment she heard them, the weight in her heart began to lift, and the fire began to quench. She was almost out, she was being lifted towards consciousness, but before she did, she heard a voice. Whether it was her own or another’s, she couldn’t tell. It sounded like a great number of voices in one.
“Do not tell them what happened Lucy, if you want them to be safe.”
She was surprised that she understood. Normally she would never consider lying to her friends, but this time she knew it was her burden to bear. Whatever had happened was dangerous, and she needed find out what it was herself.
The world around her began to disappear, and she began to feel her body again. It felt heavy, and groggy, but she managed to open her eyes just wide enough to see her team stood around her bed, looking at her in concern.
“Lucy?” Natsu asked, quickly pulling up a chair and leaning towards her. He grabbed her hand and looked at her closely. “Lucy, you awake?” He sounded so worried, she must have been out for a really long time.
She opened her mouth, and as best as she could manage with her dry throat, rasped out “Hey, Natsu.” His face instantly brightened, as did the faces over everybody in the room, as they started to smile and grin with relief.
“She’s awake, she’s ok! Gray! Go get Wendy!” Natsu practically shouted. Gray ran from the room and in no time at all, pretty much half of the guild ran back in, shouting and cheering and asking a million different questions at the same time. Lucy cringed away slightly, only having just adjusted to being awake, something Erza didn’t fail to notice.
“Hey!” She yelled, and silence fell in the tiny room. “If you’re not in the team, a healer, or the master, get out. Right. Now.” She eyed each and every single one of them, and they all blanched and ran out faster than they ran in. Lucy giggled and nodded gratefully at Erza.
“Lucy-san, how are you feeling?” Wendy popped up out of nowhere, smiling brightly.
“Thirsty.” She whispered. Natsu immediately stood up to go pour her some water. “How long was I out?”
“A few days.” Natsu told her as he handed her the water and sat back down. She gulped it down quickly and immediately felt better. Natsu’s smile dropped. “We were worried for a while you wouldn’t. Your heart stopped.” He paused or a moment, and swallowed, grabbing her hand again. “It started up again pretty quickly, but for a moment there we thought you hadn’t made it.” Lucy gulped, but Wendy was quick to reassure her.
“It was probably just the body rebooting itself, Lucy-san. Your body took a lot of internal damage from whatever happened. I tried to heal it as best as I could, but your body wouldn’t let me a lot of the time. It was set on healing itself. Whatever magic was hurting you was saving you at the same time. I’ve never seen anything like it.” She looked around the room incredulously. “I couldn’t even identify it, no one could, not even the master.”
At that moment the master stepped forward, and peered at her curiously. “Speaking of which, Lucy, could you please tell us what happened out there? Natsu and the others were too far away at the time to know. All they saw was a golden explosion.”
“I-I-“ She stammered. ‘Lie’, the voice told her again, and she took a deep breath. “I honestly don’t remember master. One moment I was questioning a dark mage, the next he had me on the ground and was attacking me. He might have used some type of magic I wasn’t aware of, or maybe Loke hastily did something to protect me. But I must have been unconscious when the magic was cast, or it caused me to forget. I don’t recall anything.” The faces of everyone looked at her in confusion, but she could tell that they believed her, and it broke her heart. She had lied to her nakama, and they trusted her without a second thought.
The master looked at her thoughtfully. “Well, that is a shame. But no matter, it’s completely understandable. You should get some rest, Lucy, you’ve been through a lot.” And with that he left the room, deep in thought. Erza and Gray both said their goodbyes as well, and left to go back downstairs.
“You should be able to leave tomorrow, Lucy-san. You just need to rest a little more” Wendy smiled as she left a potion for sleep on the bedside table and left Lucy and Natsu alone. They both talked for at least an hour, Natsu recounting the battle in detail and describing how they managed to catch the master of the dark guild. He told her about what the members of the guild had been up to and how Happy had been so distraught and how mad he would be to find out he had been fishing when she woke up. They started to plan their next mission and laughed about rent. And when Lucy desperately tried to stop her eyes from drooping closed, Natsu laughed, ruffled her hair, and started to leave. When he got to the door he looked back to say goodnight, and she was asleep before he’d even left the room.
  “Natsu! I’m fine! Wendy said everything is back to normal, I don’t need you babysitting me tonight!” Lucy said forcefully. Both she and Natsu were walking down Strawberry Street, trying their best to find indoors before the angry looking raincloud decided to downpour onto both of them.
“But Lucy,” Natsu whined, “We don’t even know what happened to you! What if there are side effects we don’t know about? What if it hurts you again? I just want to make sure you’re OK.” Her heart warmed, for just a second, but she pushed the feeling away roughly. She needed to be alone, to process what had happened, and to call on Crux to help her. She couldn’t allow Natsu to get involved, not just yet. Not when she had no idea just how dangerous she might be.
She whirled around, and put her hand up, cutting him short and bringing him to an abrupt stop. “Natsu.” She said in a very short tone. “These past few days have been stressful, and tiring. I want some time to relax, and to be by myself.” He began to argue. “No! You know as well as I do that I will not be able to relax with you inviting yourself into my home. I want a bath, I want to read, and I want to think. Alone.” She smiled at him, and lowered her hand. “Go tell Happy that I’m OK, and stop worrying so much. Nothing will happen. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He sighed, and she could tell that he had given up. They waved goodbye to each other as they ran in opposite directions, and Lucy managed to get into her house just as the rain began. A crack of thunder made her flinch, but she shook it off with a giggle. She made a pot of tea, and as it was brewing she threw herself on her bed.
“What a week.” She sighed.
She listened to the rain spatter against the window, closing her eyes and inhaling the delightful scent that was rain on a warm day. She sat up and picked up her mug of tea, cradling it in her hands. She was home now, she was safe and utterly comfortable.
But she couldn’t help her thoughts turning to the events of the past few days. About the man and his fanatical ravings, the strange light that exploded from her body, or the voice that spoke to her before she woke up. None of them made any sense to her, and yet in her heart she knew their meaning, even if she couldn’t decipher it. The tea in her hands grew cold as she stared into nothing, playing the scenes over and over again in her head. She slowly began to remember smaller and smaller details. The words Natsu and Gray shouted as she lost consciousness, the colour of the mad man’s eyes, the trail of blood that ran from his nose as he stared at what must have been the purest form of the power that killed him. But to her frustration, there was no meaning behind it all.
A clap of thunder jolted her from her thoughts, and she sighed, pushed her hair away from her face, and got up to run a bath, determined to have at least 10 minutes of calm, before calling Crux to help her and getting answers to questions she might not want to know.
“I am sorry, Miss Lucy, but this is beyond my authority… I am not the one who can tell you what you need to know…” Crux looked at her with a mixture of guilt and austerity. She could tell he longed to say the words, but his mouth held firmly shut, swallowing them back down.
“But… you didn’t even sleep yet Crux! Surely there’s something you can tell me. There must be some small piece of information you can find! Anything!” The lines in his forehead deepened as he frowned. “Please!” She nearly screamed in frustration. She wanted to shake him. She wanted to cry.
“Princess… do not misunderstand me. I am well aware of your situation, and I know the answers you seek. But I… there is only one who can tell you. I can tell you where - “
There was a sharp knock at the door.
“What curious timing…” Crux murmured, before disappearing in a blinding flash.
“Crux! Wait- dammit!” She pulled herself to her feet and grumbled as she headed towards the door.
 She pulled it wide open, nearly slamming it against the wall in her frustration, and found herself face to face with a man she had never seen in her life. Her heart thundered. She thought it had been a guild member coming to check on her, and she internally kicked herself for not letting Natsu stay. She was definitely not strong enough to put up a fight, and this man looked like an experienced fighter.
He was a similar build to Gildarts, and looked like he rivalled his strength, if not exceeding it. Although looking close to sixty, his muscles were clearly visible under his shirt despite its loose fit. His face, from what could be seen from under what once was a jet black beard, although now peppered heavily with grey, was scarred in more than one place. His nose was crooked, suggesting it had been broken more than once, and he was missing a finger on his left hand. He looked positively terrifying, and Lucy quickly took a step back.
“Who are you?” She thanked the stars that she didn’t stammer, and sounded more confident than scared. Her trembling hands rendered it null and void though. She swore internally.
The old man looked down at her, and his cold, grey eyes softened at the sight of her.
 “Lucy Heartfilia.” His deep, gravelly voice echoed around the room. His hand stuck out, holding an aged letter. “I haven’t seen you since you were a child.”
 She made no move to reach for the letter. “Who. Are. You?”
 He smiled. “My name is Jonah. Your mother left me this letter to deliver to you when the time was right. I have the answers you seek.”
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Chapter 3
Summary: Saint is fascinated with the circus. When he receives a VIP circus ticket for Christmas, he couldn’t be happier. This ticket leads to a series of events, some good, some bad. Soon Saint finds his life spiraling out of control. When he gets his heart ripped out, he thinks it’s the end of the line for him. This book is the story of a broken man trying to put the pieces of his life back together. 
I sat up with a jolt, covered in sweat. I put my head in my hands, willing my breath to slow. I had nightmares pretty regularly due to my anxiety, so I know by now how to recover.
Once my breathing slowed, I stood up slowly, and walked into the kitchen. To my suprise, Steve stood leaning on the counter, staring off in the distance.
“Steve?” I asked, confused. He looked up at me. “What’re you doing awake?”
“Just thinking,” he replied. I didn’t push him to elaborate; he didn’t seem in the mood to do so. “How about you?”
“I had a nightmare. It was at my wedding, and Laurey killed Dallon.” I poured myself a glass of water with ice, and took a big sip. 
“If there’s one thing I’ve learned since becoming an adult, it’s that everyone is plagued by their own demons, demons they often create themselves . For you, it’s being denied true love. But as everything is in the world, your demons can be killed. You just need to have the courage to wield the sword, or realize your demons are actually your angels.” 
I stared at Steve in shock, and he left the room without another word. When had Steve become so poetic? Usually he was full of humor and jokes. But this? This was new. 
I took a last sip of water, then went into my room and went back to sleep.  
I woke up and ate breakfast. "You ready to go, Novak?" Moon asked me. She worked at a restaurant a few blocks down from the Starbucks I worked at, so we often rode the subway together. I grabbed my things and we left. On the train ride I texted Laurey. 
'do you wanna go see a movie tonight?' 
'sure! what time?' 
'does 8 work?' 
'yeah see you then!' 
A few minutes later we reached out stop. "Bye Moon!" 
"Bye." I walked in and put my stuff down. I said hello to the Matt and Katy, and got to work. It was the same as always- boring and uneventful. I was taking tomorrow off for the circus and because it was New Year's Eve, which helped push me along. I was practically exploding from excitement. 
Finally my shift ended, and I went home. Most days I was the first one home, and today was one of those days. Steve worked for Nintendo as a video game designer and often didn't get home until six. Moon got off the same time as me, but she goes to the gym right after me. Dallon gets home an hour after me. 
My friends came home one by one, and then at 7:30 I left to pick up Laurey. I knocked on the door, and smiled when I saw her. God, she was so beautiful. Her long blond hair was in a braid crown and she was wearing a black lace dress. I love her so much, and not just because of her appearance. I can't wait to be able to call her my wife. 
I felt like her piercing blue eyes could see into my mind. She understood me; I felt safe around her. "You ready to go?" She smiled. 
"Yeah," I replied. I took her hand as we began to walk. Our palms fit together perfectly. About twenty minutes later we arrived at the movie theater. We ended up getting tickets to a comedy romance movie. 
"Why don't you go find us some seats while I buy popcorn?" I suggested. She nodded and left. "Can I please have a medium popcorn and two small cokes?" The man nodded. 
"That'll be $11.29." I paid and left to find Laurey. I found her and sat down. "Here you go," I whispered handing a her drink. "Thanks." 
The movie was actually really good, I didn't think it would be."Do you want to just walk around?" She asked me when we exited the theatre, holding my hand. 
"Sure!" It was really cold outside, but we had warm clothes on and therefore were fine. 
Snow glittered on the sidewalks, and wind was blowing softly. It was quite lovely, actually. We passed an ice cream store and decided to go in. 
Then remembered this wasn't just any old ice cream store. It was where Laurey and I met oh so long ago. Six years to be exact. I looked over at Laurey. "Do you recognize this place?" She met my eye and smiled. "Of course." We kissed. 
The memories rushed in, and suddenly I was 21 again. I was really depressed that day, so I thought maybe going to get ice cream would make me feel better. 
While I was in line, the woman in front of me noticed how sad I looked. "Hey, are you doing ok?" She asked me. I shrugged, trying my best to hold back tears. She looked at me, thinking hard. "What were you planning on getting?" 
"A scoop of cookie dough," I answered glumly. Her face lit up. "That's what I'm getting too!" A few moments later it was her turn to order. 
"Two single scoops of Cooke dough please." I began to get lost in my toxic thoughts. I didn't notice that someone had grabbed my hand and led me out of the store. I shook my head to ground myself and noticed I was outside, and the same lady was looking at me. 
"I'm sorry, I just zoned out a bit there." 
"You don't need to apologize. It's not your fault. Anyways here you go!" She handed me a cup of ice cream. I looked at her, puzzled. "You said you wanted cookie dough, right?" 
"Y-yeah. Sorry." I rescued for my wallet. "How much was it?" 
"No no no, don't pay me back." 
"Thank you. But- why?" She shrugged. "You looked like you could use some cheering up." She walked over to a bench and gestured for me to follow. We ate our ice cream silently for a few minutes. "Is there anything I can do to help?" She asked me. 
"What do you mean?" 
"You seemed really sad back there. Is there anything I could do to help?"
"Oh. No, you've already done enough. Thanks." I hesitated before adding, "You don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but can I ask what you're name is?" 
"Laurey. What's yours?" 
"Saint." We shook hands. "Well I'll let you be, but please call me if you ever need anything, OK?" She handed me a business card with her name and number, and after saying goodbye she left. 
We hung out a lot after that. A year later I finally gathered up the courage to ask her out. Now here we are, almost fiances. 
When it was our turn to order, we grinned at each other and ordered two single scoops of cookie dough ice cream. It was as good as I remembered it being. We quickly devoured it. 
It was getting pretty late, so once we were done we hopped on the subway and went our separate ways. When I was home, Steve and Dallon were playing a video game. "Her guys." 
"Hey, Saint," they replied in unison. I went into my room, grabbed sweatpants and a t-shirt, and went to take a nice warm shower. 
When I came out, Dallon was in his bed reading a book. "So, how'd it go?" He closed his book and sat up. 
"Great. How were things around here?" 
"Pretty chill. So what's the plan for tomorrow?" 
"I'm going to the circus at 10am which I still can't believe. And it's New Year's Eve do we should maybe do something?" 
"Oh, right! I guess we'll talk to Moon and Steve about it tomorrow." 
“Sounds good. Goodnight, Dall.”
“Goodnight, Saint.” I turned my lampp off and went to sleep.
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