#angel and devil chapter 02
dia-souls · 1 year
Diabolik lovers Angel and Devil Story [ Chapter 02 ]
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Chapter 02 : I'm Your Master
Birds always fly freely. A bird's dream is to fly. Flying to distant horizons to reach the most beautiful things. When a bird is in a cage, its desire to fly is destroyed. A cage is not a good place for a bird. A bird must be free. To reach the top and see the beauty. A bird must be free to its life be meaningful.
The moonlight illuminates the courtyard of the Sakamaki mansion with its silver light. But one thing is missing. Before, the mansion was more beautiful in the moonlight because a goddess walked in this mansion and sang lullabies under her breath. That goddess has now disappeared. Her beautiful lullaby is no longer heard in this mansion. There is no longer a goddess walking in the yard to caress the white roses. This building is devoid of beauty. Because it has lost its goddess, Yui Komori.
Mukami mansion is beautiful by moonlight but not enough. The goddess who could complete this beauty is in the dungeon. Yui had spent many days and nights in the dungeon and alone. She used to cry alone at night and dream of her freedom in order to achieve freedom in her sleep. A goddess should not be in a cage.
_Yui was sitting in the dungeon and hugging her knees to reduce her fear. She is afraid of the dark. She never likes to be alone. All she wanted was freedom. Yui looked bitterly at the dungeon door and tears slowly rolled down her cheeks.
Yui: Someone please help me. I don't want to be here. It is very dark here. It is cold here. Please someone help me.
_Yui continued to cry while asking for help under her breath.
Yui: Father. Where are you? Why don't you hear anything from me? Please help me.
_Yui put her head on her knees and cried silently. The dungeon door opened with a loud noise. A shadow came towards Yui in the darkness. Yui raised her head and saw Ruki in front of her.
Yui: Ruki-kun. Is that you?
Ruki: It's really pathetic. I never thought you would cry because of being in the dark. You are like children.
Yui: ....... I don't cry because of darkness. I... I just...
Ruki: What? Do you want to say that I punished you unjustly and you are upset about this?
Yui: I... I just want to be free. let me go from here.
Ruki: It is ridiculous. What made you think that I will release you and let you go?
_Ruki gets closer to Yui, kneels next to Yui and holds Yui's chin firmly with his right hand and forces her to look into his eyes.
Ruki: You are mine. You are my prey and now I am your master. So you must obey me. Otherwise, worse punishments await you.
Yui: Ruki-kun..... please.... I want to go back to my father. He is worried about me.
Ruki: What makes you think your father is worried about you?
Yui: What do you mean? He is my father. He will surely worry about me. Because he loves me and I love him.
Ruki: Pffff..... Fufu.... hahaha....
Yui: What are you laughing at?
Ruki: Love? It is ridiculous. There is no true love and be sure that your father does not love you either. If he loves you, why hasn't he came after you yet?
Yui: ...... (I don't know why my father hasn't come after me yet. But I'm sure he loves me.)
Ruki: Don't be so naive anymore. And don't try to beg for freedom. You belong to me now.
Yui: ...... .
Ruki: Well, get up, let's get out of here.
Yui: Will you let me come out?
Ruki: What happened? Would you like to stay here forever? If being in a dungeon makes you happy, I will gladly keep you here forever.
Yui: No. No. Of course not.
Ruki: So don't ask ridiculous questions and let's go.
Yui: O_Okay.
_Ruki and Yui leave the dungeon.
* Tick ​​tock * * tick tock *
_Yui is reading a book. The ticking sound of the clock can be heard in the room and the blonde petite girl turns the pages of the book.
* Flip *
Yui: If I ever reach freedom, I will fly with all my hopes and dreams. I will fly to reach the top. I will build a new world. A place where people are happy and love is always seen.
Ahhh. I think Namika-san's poems are really beautiful. I like to read all of Namika-san's books.
_Yui continues reading the poetry book when she hears the door.
* knock knock *
Azusa: Eve? Can I...... come in?
Yui: Oh Azusa-kun! Is that you? Yes, of course, come inside.
_Azusa opens the door of Yui's room and enters Yui's room.
Azusa: I'm sorry..... Eve. Did I.... disturb you?
Yui: Oh. No.... Not at all.
Azusa: Thank you..... Eve. I really wanted to come..... to you.
Yui: To me? Why?
Azusa: Well... I think I would like.... to talk.... to you.
Yui: Thank you, Azusa-kun. I really felt alone. (It seems that Azusa-kun is very kind. I feel like I can trust him.)
Azusa: Eve. What were..... you doing?
Yui: I was reading Namika-san's poetry book. She is one of my favorite poets. I like her poems very much.
Azusa: I see . Hey Eve.... can you come.... with me.... I want to.... show you.... something.
Yui: What do you want to show me?
Azusa: Please.... Eve.
Yui: Okay.
_Yui gets up from the chair and leaves the room with Azusa. Yui and Azusa walked together along the corridor until they reached Azusa's room and entered the room.
Azusa: This is my..... room. I am very..... happy that you...... came here..... with me.
Yui: Azusa-kun, what did you want to show me?
Azusa: Come..... look here.
_Azusa points to a closet full of knives. Seeing the knives makes Yui worry.
Yui: .... Are these... are these knives?
Azusa: Fufu..... that's right. These are..... my knife..... collection.
Yui: Azusa-kun. Why do you have a knife collection?
Azusa: Because...... the knives are.... sharp and shiny...... and extremely.... beautiful. They can hurt me.... very easily.
Yui: ...... !
Azusa: Do you understand..... Eve? It feels.... very good. Right? Do you..... think so too? Pain is.... the best feeling..... in the world. Do you.... like pain too?
Yui: Of course not.
Azusa: it's...... okay, Eve. I know you.... like pain. I will give you...... an unforgettable pain.
_Azusa picks up a knife and goes towards Yui and extends his hand towards Yui.
Azusa: Be quick Eve..... give me.... your hand. I will give you..... good feeling.
_Yui looks at Azusa with horror.
Yui: Azusa-kun please. I am afraid. Don’t do this. Please.
Azusa: Don't be afraid, I will..... make you.... feel very..... good.
Yui: Why do you want to do this? Please don't scare me.
Azusa: Because...... I love Eve.
Yui: ......... !
Azusa: I love you..... very much Eve. You are very cute...... and beautiful..... like goddess. I want to.... hurt you...... so that you know.... how much.... I love..... you.
_Azusa holds Yui's hand tightly and cuts Yui's skin with a knife.
Yui: Ahhhh..... Azusa-kun. Please stop. It hurts. It hurts.
Azusa: Does it hurt? So it makes..... you feel good. I hurt you...... more and more so..... that you understand..... how much..... I love you.
Yui: (He doesn't understand. I don't want to get hurt.)
_Azusa peels more of Yui's skin and makes Yui cry.
Azusa: Fufu...... Look at Eve..... you are crying..... So it made you...... feel good. Even your tears are...... beautiful. I want to...... kiss you.
_Azusa brings his face closer to Yui and kisses Yui's tear trail.
* smooch * * smooch *
Azusa: Eve's tears..... are sweet. I want to..... kiss you more.
_Azusa starts kissing Yui's lips.
* smooch * * smooch *
Azusa: Nn.... Mmmm.....
Yui: Azusa-kun. Please stop it. It hurts.
Azusa: I know it hurts. Pain..... feels really good. Right? Now you....... hurt me.
Yui: What?
Azusa: Please hurt me...... with this.... knife. I want you..... to hurt me too.
Yui: Azusa-kun, please don't ask me for this. I can't do this. I don't want to hurt you.
Azusa: So you don't..... love me?
Yui: I don't mean that.
Azusa: So please..... Eve...... please. Take this knife...... and hurt me.
_Azusa grabs Yui's hand and forces her to hold the knife.
Azusa: Hurry, Eve, hurt me.
_Yui starts shaking while holding the knife. She looks at Azusa with a sad look and starts to cry.
Yui: Azusa-kun.... I..... can not.
Azusa: Why?
Yui: You are precious, Azusa-kun. I can't hurt a precious thing. You are precious to many. Everyone's existence is valuable. Even you. You are very precious to your brothers and they don't like to hurt what is precious to them.
Azusa: Eve...
Yui: I'm sorry, Azusa-kun. But if I hurt you now, I can never forgive myself. Because I don't like to hurt a valuable person. Azusa-kun I'm really sorry. I am sorry for disobeying you. You can punish me as you like. But I will not hurt you.
_Yui dropped the knife while looking at Azusa with a tearful face. Azusa walked towards Yui with short steps. He held Yui's shoulders gently, looked into her eyes and suddenly hugged her tightly.
Yui: Azusa-kun? .......
Azusa: Eve, please..... don't cry. It's.... okay. You don't need..... to hurt me.
Yui: Azusa-kun.....you don't want to punish me for disobedience?
Yui: (It seems that Azusa-kun is very different from Ruki-kun. Azusa-kun is much kinder and does not punish me if I disobey him.)
Azusa: Of course...... not. I love you...... Eve. I love you...... very much I will never.... punish you. Because...... I love you . You did...... nothing wrong.
_Yui relaxed in Azusa's arms and hugged him back .
Yui: Thank you, Azusa-kun.
The beautiful goddess was resting in the arms of an angel and smiling. She seemed really happy. It is as if an angel came to her rescue and made her happy. She left herself in Azusa's arms to experience happiness again by his side.
_Yui is reading a book in her room.
Yui: (Why did Azusa say those things to me? I can't imagine what happened to him that he likes to hurt himself. This... is really... really painful.)
Aaaah...... I can't focus on the book like this.
_Yui gets up from the chair and goes to the window. She looks at the moonlight from the window of the room and praises the beauty of the silver moonlight.
Yui: Whenever I look at the moon, my memories with my father pass before my eyes. I really miss him.
_Yui is lost in the sight and beauty of the moon when suddenly the sound of the door attracts her attention.
* knock knock *
Yui: Oh..... yes?
Ruki: This is me.
Yui: Oh Ruki-kun. Please come inside.
_Ruki opens the door of Yui's room and enters the room.
Ruki: Apparently you are still awake.
Yui: Yes, I'm awake. I could not sleep. I was just looking at the moon and...
Ruki: I don't care what you were doing. Just follow me.
Yui: Where?
Ruki: Let's go to my room. There is something I need to talk to you about. So don't talk so much and follow me faster.
Yui: O_Okay.
_Ruki and Yui leave Yui's room and go to Ruki's room. Yui anxiously follows Ruki's footsteps. Afraid of what Ruki wants to talk to her about and if she's done something wrong that Ruki is angry, they go to Ruki's room and enter Ruki's room.
Yui: Ruki-kun? What did you want to talk to me about?
Ruki: Please sit down.
_Yui sits on a wooden chair and waits for Ruki to speak.
Ruki: Many hours ago did you talk to Azusa?
Yui: Oh... I... Yes, I talked to him.
Ruki: It's good that you don't deny it, but...
_Ruki gets up from the chair and goes to Yui. He bends down and looks at Yui with an angry look.
Ruki: Don't you think you are going beyond your limits? You should know your limits.
Yui: Ruki-kun. I do not understand. What did I do wrong? I just wanted to help Azusa. I don't know why, but he likes to hurt himself, it's very dangerous and I...
Ruki: A few small wounds are not dangerous for vampires.
Yui: The wound may not be dangerous for the body of vampires, but it can have a bad effect on the soul. As his brother, aren't you worried about him?
Ruki: Why should I worry? Azusa can handle it.
Yui: Azusa is your brother. Is your brother not valuable to you?
Ruki: Of course he is. Even if we are not blood brothers, we are still a family.
Yui: So you love Azusa and he is precious to you. Aren't you upset by hurting someone who is precious to you?
Ruki: Azusa is precious to me, but he enjoys it and I won't try to dissuade him.
Yui: ....... !
Ruki: What? Do you have any objection?
Yui: No, just your definition of love is very different from mine.
Ruki: I'm sorry, but you said love? Puff.... Fufu..... haha.
Yui: Why are you laughing?
Ruki: You are very naive and stupid. Do you think those ridiculous feelings that people call love is real?
Yui: Of course it is real. When someone is special to you, it means that you love that person and you don't want them to get hurt.
Ruki: What makes you so sure of this feeling? Don't tell me, have you tried it yet?
Yui: Of course I did.
Ruki: It's ridiculous. You have no value to anyone. You are just a prey and a victim. Both for us and for Sakamaki brothers. Don't think that those people value you. In fact, no one cares about you. Your existence is not important to anyone. You are only a prey. And your value is only in your blood.
Yui: This is not true. There are people who care about me.
Ruki: Like who? Don't say Sakamaki brothers, I will laugh.
Ruki: It's ridiculous.
Yui: No..... not them..... actually..... my father.
Yui: I am sure that my father loves me and my existence is precious to him. He told me this himself.
Ruki: Then tell me why he didn't come after you after you disappeared?
Yui: ....... well...... he......
Ruki: See? Even you are not important to your father. This is the truth of the people of the church. They are dirty and horrible people who will do anything for their desires.
Yui: This is not true. You are lying.
Ruki: SHUT UP!!!!! You are very brave to answer me.
_Ruki grabs Yui's shoulders and pins her to the ground.
Ruki: You are very rude to answer your master like this. Apparently, I should spend more time on training you.
Yui: Ruki-kun, please let me go.
Ruki: It is not possible, you are not obedient to me and you must be punished.
_Ruki bites Yui's shoulder very hard and makes Yui scream.
Yui: Kyaah!!!!? Ruki-kun....... it hurts....... please stop.
* Sluuuurp * * Sluuuurp *
Ruki: Mmmm...... Nn.... Be quiet. If you speak one more time, I swear I will punish you harder and worse.
Yui: (It hurts..... not only Ruki-kun's punishments. His words also hurt. He is very cruel.)
Ruki: Don't forget one thing. You only belong to me now. I am your master. So you have no right to ever think about freedom or your father or even Sakamaki brothers. Your look, your thoughts, your blood and your everything belong to me. I will give you a terrible life and I will kill you with darkness so that you forget everything. So leave everything to me. You belong to me and I am your master.
_Ruki continues to suck Yui's blood .
His words, his looks and his thoughts are all painful.
He won't let me go.
He will not release me.
I have no escape.
But I don't want to be his prisoner.
I want to understand the pain of his heart.
Maybe one day I can save him from the drakness of his heart.
<– [ Chapter 01 ] [ Chapter 03 ] –>
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hueningsloverr · 1 year
౨ৎ not your song !
chapter three : WASTED WORDS
pairing : hueningkai x 6th member!reader  summary : tomorrow x together, or txt, wasn't always six members, and for some unforeseen reason, it wouldn't stay six either.  set in : late 2019 word count : 1.1k
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a few months after txt’s ‘legendary’ debut, it was clear (y/n) wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. she practiced regularly with yeonjun, gossiped with beomgyu, baked with taehyun, and even spoke with soobin about possible future songs.
she had dug her roots, as poisonous as kai believed them to be, into their lives, and for some reason the teen boy could not wrap his head around, they were flourishing.
album sales were through the roof, article after article was written about the group, and even non-stans new their names - all thanks to her.
to kai, it was disgusting; of course they focused on some random girl and not actual talent, like himself. but he knew being bitter wouldn’t help anyone. he was simply allowing himself to be an angry teenage boy, upset over a girl who had no real control over her joining txt.
and when he walked into his dorm, only to find (y/n), tae, and gyu all passed out on tae’s bed, kai understood how much she truly did help the group.
taehyun wasn’t as shy as before, and he had a friend to constantly go to the gym with. beomgyu had calmed down (only slightly though, the others still regarded him as the most chaotic), and even opened up to the girl and showed her his art skills. yeonjun had a constant partner for any activity, (y/n) really never said no. and soobin had someone who consistently respected him, and supported him in his every choice. from what he chose to wear that day to decisions that involved the group, (y/n) stood behind him one hundred percent.
she was like the groups angel, yet kai was painting her like the devil.
of course, she attempted to befriend kai in the same ways she had with the other four boys except for some reason he would lock her out every time.
the two were close in age, both ’02 liners, and even liked similar things. (y/n) had her own small collection of plushies, and gushed over marine animals in the same way kai did. both watched the same shows, and found comfort in similar music. they were the perfect match, but kai for some reason wouldn’t except it.
yet, when he found her passed out next to his friends, his final wall came crashing down and he knew he had to let her in.
“(y/n),” he softly called out, scared to wake the others. it was late, and being asleep in the same bed as two other boys was not exactly the best look for the girl, even if kai knew the relationships were purely platonic. “you have to wake up.”
she didn’t move.
“(y/n),” he called out again, placing a hand gently on her shoulder. “it’s time to go back to your dorm.”
kai watched with amusement as she woke, confusion dancing around her eyes as she took in her surroundings.
“i fell asleep?” she questioned, turning and looking at the two boys passed out behind her, and then to the computer that surprisingly hadn’t turned off or died.
“i think so.” kai shrugged, moving his plushie collection out of the way and sitting down on his bed. “i came in and found you like that.”
“oh,” she mumbled, sitting up and stretching. “what time is it?”
“late, i’d bet you’re in for a rough morning.” he teased, smiling slightly.
(y/n) paused, eyes scanning the boys face. “you’re smiling.” she commented, her eyebrows slightly furrowed.
kai laughed, shaking his head. “are you delirious?” he teased, “i always smile.”
“i’m not delirious, just cold- and you never smile at me.”
his smile fell at that.
“here, uh, take my hoodie.” he mumbled, grabbing the nearest hoodie he could find and handing it to the girl. “and i’m sorry, for being so indifferent to you.”
she nodded slightly, “it’s okay, huening. i sort of ruined everything you had going, i’d be upset too.” she gratefully took the hoodie, slipping it on and smiling at the boy.
kai felt his heart do a backflip.
“call me kai, or hyuka- just not huening, i’ve known you too long for you to still call me that. especially while you call everyone else nicknames.”
she nodded again, fully standing up from taehyuns bed. “okay, hyuka.” she mused, pulling the covers over beomgyu and taehyun, and turning off the computer. “i’ll see you tomorrow.” she added, her voice so close to a whisper kai could barely hear it.
but he nodded anyways, smiling at the girl as he watched her go.
and when she was gone, kai fell back on his bed, only to hear taehyun and beomgyu giggling like teenage girls.
“hyuka has a girlfriend.” beomgyu teased, sitting up and grinning widely. “you so love her!”
kai shot up, a look of disgust washing across his face. “me? like (y/n)? you must still be half asleep gyu.” he groaned, rolling his eyes as he watched the duo snicker between themselves.
“‘h-here, t-take my hoodie~’ you’re a lovesick puppy!” taehyun laughed, tears welling in his eyes. “it’s gonna come back and smell like her, and you’re gonna sleep with it every night!”
“i don’t sound like that!” kai gasped, standing up and moving to playfully hit the two boys.
“kai don’t hit your hyun-“ beomgyu started before receiving a slight shove to his shoulder, sending him falling backwards as taehyun laughed, only to also be shoved backwards.
“i’m not in love with her. i’ll never be in love with her. she’s just a friend.” kai explained, sitting down on his bed again and staring at the plushie.
it wasn't like soobin for him to give gifts in the way kai thought he did - it would make sense for him to treat kai like that, but not by giving him a plushie for simply surviving debut.
"hey, uh, when we got our first break, did soobin also give you guys gifts?" he asked hesitantly, staring at the two as their grins grew wider.
"no, but (y/n) did - she got everyone something that related to their favorite animal or their representative!" gyu explained, grinning like a mad man.
"you thought it was soobin!" taehyun giggled, slapping a hand over his mouth in an attempt to quiet down.
kai was shocked. for so long, he had believed it was soobin. he thought (y/n) was some monster, yet she had been trying since debut to be his friend, and he had spent so long pushing her away. he made dumb promises to stay indifferent and cold to the girl. but, he made sure that he'd never do that again, not after tonight. though he couldn't take back the wasted words he spewed whenever he was with the girl, most of the time putting her down, he could make an attempt to only lift her up in the future.
and that's what he intended to do.
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©2023 — all rights reserved to hueningsloverr , please do not plagiarise or translate any of my work
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raethye · 2 years
Mortal Appetites
Mortal Appetites by raethye
A Pride and Prejudice and Zombies AU
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Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Seokjin x Taehyung
Length: 98.8K, complete
Tags: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Kim Seokjin | Jin/Kim Taehyung | V, Kim Taehyung | V, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Park Jimin (BTS), Jeon Jungkook, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Kim Namjoon | RM, Min Yoongi | Suga, Huening Kai, Huening Bahiyyih, Huening Lea, Lee Hoseok | Wonho, Im Changkyun | I.M, Original Characters, Alternate Universe, Pride and Prejudice Fusion, Zombie Apocalypse, Regency, Adaptation, Minor Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Slow Burn, Strangers to Lovers, Imprinting, Explicit Sexual Content, don't hate me purists, villain, no time like the apocalypse to fall in love, Family, Pack Dynamics, Pack Feels, Heavy Angst, Fluff, Feels, Smut, Top Kim Seokjin | Jin, Bottom Kim Taehyung | V
“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a zombie—once having consumed brains—must be in want of more brains.”
Full work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41430663
Chapter 01: A Truth Universally Acknowledged
Chapter 02: The Tragedy of Netherfield Park
Chapter 03: If You See a Zombie, Slay a Zombie
Chapter 04: Rumors of a Most Peculiar Sort
Chapter 05: Netherfield Park Is Let Again
Chapter 06: Struck Dumb By an Angel
Chapter 07: It Happens Just Like That
Chapter 08: The Perfectly Tolerable Mr. Kim
Chapter 09: Of Fate and Featherstones
Chapter 10: A Figure Both Light and Pleasing
Chapter 11: An Invitation to Dine
Chapter 12: A Storm Without and Within
Chapter 13: The Art of Accomplishment
Chapter 14: The Heat of the Moment
Chapter 15: Laying the Undead to Rest
Chapter 16: The Massacre of Mrs. Beecham’s Home
Chapter 17: A Point of No Return
Chapter 18: In a Time of Need
Chapter 19: The Arrival of Parson Kim
Chapter 20: A Visit to Meryton
Chapter 21: A Penny for Your Thoughts
Chapter 22: Refuting an Old Acquaintance
Chapter 23: Haunted by the Past
Chapter 24: The Netherfield Ball
Chapter 25: Dancing Around the Issues
Chapter 26: The Complicated Steps of Love
Chapter 27: Shattering the Façade of Peace
Chapter 28: Friends With Zombies
Chapter 29: Caught In a Rut
Chapter 30: A Letter From the Crown
Chapter 31: Following One's Heart
Chapter 32: An Unseasonable Ball
Chapter 33: A Very Special Place
Chapter 34: After All This Time
Chapter 35: Welcome to Rosings Park
Chapter 36: Only Fools Dare to Hope
Chapter 37: Nothing is Fair in Love or War
Chapter 38: Time and Timing Are Not the Same Thing
Chapter 39: Mistakes and Misunderstandings
Chapter 40: The Siege of London
Chapter 41: No Welcome at Home
Chapter 42: Every Minute Counts
Chapter 43: The Devil Revealed
Chapter 44: In Between Life and Death
Chapter 45: Racing the Sun
Chapter 46: Coming Into the Light
Chapter 47: Hope for the Future
Chapter 48: Alpha and Omega
Chapter 49: Incandescently Happy
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your-lovely-rose · 2 years
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❧ Basic information in short:
➻ Everything (status/words count/tags/warnings) will change over time.
➻ If the fanfic is less than 1.5K words I will publish two (does not apply to requests).
❥ Day of publishing fanfics/requests: Friday
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❥ Number of requests to do: 21
Mr. Compress: 1
“Blossoms” (+6.1k)
You've known Sako for a long time - for so long, you can't even remember how it started. It's like you've known each other forever. Atsuhiro was attentive, kind and always ready to help for you. You didn't know if it was because of his gentlemanly manners, his self-confidence or his playful attitude and treating the world like a big stage, but at some point... You fell in love with a villain... AU: Hanahaki Disease
Rating: T | Genre: Romance | ⚠ Warnings: Near death of Reader, Mutual Pining, Age gap,
Shin Nemoto: 1
Relationship Alphabet
Gang Orca: 2
SFW Alphabet
“–––” (---)
Working on it (any information will be added/changed when I finished)
Rating: — | Genre: — | ⚠ Warnings: —
Request 01: Geten, Denki Kaminari, Momo Yaoyorozu, Katsuki Bakugo
Request 02: Neito Monoma, Tamaki Amajiki
Aki Hayakawa: 2
“Halloween Night” (---)
Halloween - a time when, hidden behind masks, we can indulge our deepest desires, and the cover of mystery and anonymity adds to our confidence.
Rating: E/M | Genre: Smut | ⚠ Warnings: —
Working on it (any information will be added/changed when I finished)
“Comfort of being in your arms” (+4.8)
Summary: Life as a Devil Hunter was not easy, pleasant or long. Taking this job, you all knew the risks, but still.... You want him to live as long as possible.
Rating: T | Genre: Hurt/Comfort | ⚠ Warnings: Suggested character death and minor death (mentioned), Spoilers for Season 1: episode 5 (chapters 12-15), episode 11 (chapters 31-35).
Denji: 1
“Bittersweet feeling” (---)
Rating: T | Genre: Hurt/No Comfort | ⚠ Warnings: Minor death, Blood, Forbidden/Unrequited love,
Working on it (any information will be added/changed when I finished)
All For One: 4
“Compensation” (+2.8k)
All For One was fighting with All Might when another group of pro heroes came to you. Somehow you managed to convince them that you're not an enemy, but a hostage and they decided to help you, but something went wrong at some point. And now you're here again, condemned to his mercy and disfavor. All and only his.
Rating: E | Genre: Smut (Lemon), Angst | ⚠ Warnings: Yandere!AFO (obsessive/possessive behaviour), Minor death (suggested), Kidnapping, Dub-con, Blowjob, Chocking,
“Our little dirty secret” (±2.1k)
Yoichi asks his brother to talk to their younger sister about her infatuation with him, but the latter seems to have other plans.
Rating: M | Genre: Smut (Lemon) | ⚠ Warnings: Incest
“Behind the mirror” (+3.7k)
Yoichi wanted to protect [Your Name] from their older brother, but he was too weak...
Rating: E | Genre: Smut (Lemon) | ⚠ Warnings: Incest, Dirty talk, Praising, Masturbation, Creampie, Voyeurism, Gags, Bondage, Blood,
“–––” (---)
Working on it (any information will be added/changed when I finished)
Rating: E | Genre: Smut (Lemon) | ⚠ Warnings: Incest,
Request 03: Angel Devil, Galgali, Beam
Himeno: 1
“Our shared moments and sunrises” (+3.5k)
There are many things that people would do for a better life, but those shared moments with you Himeno will never give up for anything.
Rating: G | Genre: — | ⚠ Warnings: —
Working on it (any information will be added/changed when I finished)
Kobeni Higashiyama: 1
“One very stressful day and a moment of relief” (---)
Working on it (any information will be added/changed when I finished)
Rating: E/M | Genre: Smut (Lemon) | ⚠ Warnings: —
Request 04: Galgali, Beam
Mummy: 1
“–––” (---)
Rating: G | Genre: Fluff | ⚠ Warnings: None
Working on it (any information will be added/changed when I finished)
Hikage Shinomori: 1
“Your silent guardian, your hero, your...” (+10.5k)
For a long time you feel watched - nothing new in a world where All For One is at the height of his power, but it takes too long to look like a simple robbery...
Rating: T | Genre: — | ⚠ Warnings: Stalking, Kidnapping, Stockholm syndrome,
Emnu: 1
“–––” (---)
Working on it (any information will be added/changed when I finished)
Rating: — | Genre: — | ⚠ Warnings: —
Request: Daki (+9k), Mukago (+7.6k), Nakime (+7.4k)
- “They’re cute”
What else can I say? They are cute.
Rating: T | Genre: Fluff // H/C // | ⚠ General Warnings: Minor death (suggested & mentioned), Eating people (mentioned)/dead bodies, Threats, Blood, Severe injuries on the body (not Reader), Misogyny, Muzan's goal (Spoiler for: Episode 34/Chapter 67), Presented the character's past (from "Kimetsu no Yaiba Official Fanbook: Kisatsutai Kenbunroku 2"), Forbidden Love/Mutual Pining || NOT EDITED
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❥ Number of fanfics to write: 15
Dabi: 2
“Prisoner in a lonely tower”  (---)
Rating: — | Genre: — | ⚠ Warnings: —
Working on it (any information will be added/changed when I finished)
“What goes around, comes around” (chapter 2)
You were neither a great hero nor a known villain. All you ever wanted was a quiet life, but it’s seldom the plans go our way, right? One day after work, you pick on the wrong person and now you have to deal wit it.
Rating: T | Genre: Angst | ⚠ Warnings: Yandere!Dabi (obsessive/possessive behaviour behaviour in future), Blackmail,
Working on it (any information will be added/changed when I finished)
Tomura Shigaraki (LoV): 4
“Curse”  (---)
You were just a servant at the castle. A slave from the lands conquered by All For One many years ago. You don’t remember what it was like before - when you were free or even your parents’ faces. You were no one special, yet you attracted the attention of the heir to the throne. AU: Royal
Rating: — | Genre: — | ⚠ Warnings: —
Working on it (any information will be added/changed when I finished)
“It comes at night”  (---)
It comes at night. It’s ugly and weird. You don’t know what he wants, but he comes back every night. AU: Fantasy
Rating: — | Genre: — | ⚠ Warnings: —
Working on it (any information will be added/changed when I finished)
“Train” (---)
You've always come home from work by train, but because of some creep you had to find another means of transportation home.
Rating: E | Genre: Smut | ⚠ Warnings: —
Working on it (any information will be added/changed when I finished)
“Copycat” (---)
Aoi worked as a prostitute, and thanks to her quirk she was more popular and sought after than her other female colleagues. Everything was going great until Dabi introduced her to his acquaintance - a thin man looking at her menacingly with red, bloodshot eyes from behind a curtain of greasy gray hair. At first it was supposed to be just sex, but the man began to demand more and more strange requests. And who was the [Hair Color] girl after all?
Rating: E | Genre: Smut | ⚠ Warnings: —
Working on it (any information will be added/changed when I finished)
Kurogiri: 1
“Who are you? Do I know you?” (---)
You work at U.A. High School and you were present during the League of Villains’ first assault on freshmen. Although you resisted them (and defeated some of the intruders), things weren’t going well… or at least until All Might shows up. The Symbol of Peace defeated the muscular Nomu, the bandit leader, Shigaraki Tomura, was shot and retreated, but his right hand didn’t seem willing to leave empty-handed.
Rating: T | Genre: — | ⚠ Warnings: Kidnapping,
Working on it (any information will be added/changed when I finished)
Himiko Toga: 1
“Blood like chocolate”  (---)
She is dangerous - she is sick and obsessed. Obsessed with you and she is sick with love, however, there is one thing she loves even more… blood.
Rating: T/M | Genre: — | ⚠ Warnings: Yandere!Toga (obsessive/possessive), Injured Reader, Gore
Working on it (any information will be added/changed when I finished)
Mr. Compress: 1
“Thief of the Night”  (---)
Rating: T | Genre: Romance | ⚠ Warnings: —
Working on it (any information will be added/changed when I finished)
Hawks: 1
“Nanny” (chapter 1)
In nature, when the female hawks dies, the male is unable to take care of the young and they die - that’s why you come here, but you didn’t expect to discover the dark side of the winged hero and his corpses in the closet.
Rating: — |  Genre: Dark fic | ⚠ Warnings: Yandere!Hawks (obsessive/possessive behaviour in future), Kidnapping,
Working on it (any information will be added/changed when I finished)
All For One: 1
“The worst thing about wishes is that sometimes they come true” (chapter 1)
The detective must solve the murders and disappearance of two teenagers - all the clues lead to one person, but [Last Name] [Frist Name] is missing. Will he be able to solve this seemingly simple case?
Rating: M | Genre: Dark fic, Heavy Angst, Case fic | ⚠ Warnings: Yandere!AFO (obsessive/possessive behaviour), Injuries Reader, Characters Death (mentioned),
Working on it (any information will be added/changed when I finished)
Power: 1
“Roommates From Hell” (chapter 1)
Aki is in the hospital and the two recalcitrant devils (majin and hybrid being accurate) cannot be left unattended. Therefore, Ms. Makima decides to choose you as their new caretaker. Good luck, you will need it…
Rating: T | Genre: — | ⚠ Warnings: None
Working on it (any information will be added/changed when I finished)
Control Devil: 1
“What happened in Hamelin…”  (chapter 1)
Rating: — | Genre: — | ⚠ Warnings: —
Working on it (any information will be added/changed when I finished)
Akaza: 1
“You’re weak” (chapter 1)
You used to be a hunter, but a certain accident during a fight with a demon made you have to abandon your profession for the rest of your life. The worst part, however, is that for some reason one of the stronger demons in the world has attached itself to you.
Rating: — | Genre: — | ⚠ Warnings: —
Working on it (any information will be added/changed when I finished)
Muzan Kibutsuji: 1
“His property”   (---)
You couldn't stand living with him anymore, so you left. You didn't have a really bad relationship, but his eternal absence and insensitivity drove you crazy - you had your needs too, but you felt like it only worked one way, so you decided to break up with him. When he came back from one of his business trips, you were already waiting for him in the living room to talk to him about it. You didn't expect that the demon king is very possessive and jealous of his toys.
Rating: T | Genre: Dark fic | ⚠ Warnings: Yandere!Muzan (obsessive/possessive behaviour),
Working on it (any information will be added/changed when I finished)
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dhr-ao3 · 1 year
Sleepwalking Angels
Sleepwalking Angels https://ift.tt/KZ3vV4g by PenAndPortal When Hermione Granger is assigned the task of extracting vital information from Draco Malfoy, a prisoner of the Order, she expects nothing more than a ruthless enemy. However, during their intense Legilimency sessions, she stumbles upon a revelation that challenges her beliefs. Breaking him free from the Order's grasp, they must navigate treacherous waters to bring about the downfall of Lord Voldemort. Can their alliance survive the trials ahead, or will they become pawns in a game of power and deception? Featuring Draco and Hermione as double agents for opposing sides. Words: 3121, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Sleepwalking Angels Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con Categories: F/M, Multi Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Harry Potter, Pansy Parkinson, Astoria Greengrass, Blaise Zabini, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Roger Davies, Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, Fleur Delacour, Alecto Carrow, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Ron Weasley, Percy Weasley, Oliver Wood, Padma Patil, Parvati Patil, Bill Weasley, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Corban Yaxley, Selwyn (Harry Potter), Luna Lovegood, Gregory Goyle, Vincent Crabbe, Rabastan Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, Adrian Pucey, Antonin Dolohov, Amycus Carrow, Augustus Rookwood, Avery Jr. | Severus Snape's Schoolmate, Fenrir Greyback, Rolf Scamander Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Astoria Greengrass/Blaise Zabini, Neville Longbottom/Pansy Parkinson Additional Tags: Enemies to Lovers, Canon Divergence - Post-Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Deal with a Devil, Drunken Confessions, Smut, Imprisonment, Eventual Romance via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/WEPOAL8 September 07, 2023 at 02:33PM
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 2 months
As You Were
As You Were https://ift.tt/xWbyV6k by Morallygreyintrovert Lightning doesn't strike the same place twice. Until it does. Castiel knows all too well that the path to hell is paved with the purest of intentions. Freshly flung out of the Empty with Gabriel as the angel (devil?) on his shoulder, the brothers wake up in unfamiliar vessels as an invisible string pulls Cas back to his righteous man. When sparks fly for the second time, will he finally be able to bask in the warm embrace of Dean's love or will his deception burn it all down? Or The one where Gabriel convinces Cas to possess a female vessel once they escape the empty and meet Dean for the 'first time' to find out if his feelings are unrequited like he believes them to be and finally answer the burning question on everyone's mind; is Dean Winchester actually straight? P.s. As a millennial who longs for the days of posting cryptic song lyrics on your socials to alert everyone to your current emotion state, all chapter titles will be song lyrics. Enjoy. Words: 5286, Chapters: 1/16, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M, Other Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Gabriel (Supernatural), Original Female Character(s) Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel & Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Fix-It, Post-Canon Fix-It, Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt, Eventual Happy Ending, Eventual Fluff, Depressed Dean Winchester, Grief/Mourning, Grieving Dean Winchester, Supportive Sam Winchester, Dean's Rebar Rematch, The Empty (Supernatural), Castiel is Saved from the Empty (Supernatural), Castiel is Saved (Supernatural), Second Chances, Romantic Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Attempt at Humor, Rom-Com level romance, Slow Burn, Slow Build Castiel/Dean Winchester, Feelings, Possibly Unrequited Love, Denial of Feelings, Dean Winchester is Bad at Feelings, Dean Winchester in Denial, Castiel and Dean Winchester Falling in Love, Feelings Realization, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Castiel and Dean Winchester Have a Profound Bond, Castiel Believes Own Feelings to Be Unrequited (Supernatural), Castiel Being an Idiot (Supernatural), Castiel Being Castiel (Supernatural), Castiel Loves Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester Loves Castiel, Gabriel Being Gabriel (Supernatural), Human Castiel (Supernatural), Human Gabriel (Supernatural), Mutual Pining, Pining, Openly Gay Castiel (Supernatural), Repressed Bisexual Dean Winchester, Emotionally Repressed Dean Winchester, secretive castiel, Bottom Castiel/Top Dean Winchester, Castiel and Dean Winchester Need to Use Their Words, Deception, Castiel in Alternate Vessels (Supernatural), Castiel in a Female Vessel (Supernatural), he will return to his original vessel, Meet-Cute, Castiel and Dean Winchester First Meet via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/PyAt7aN August 02, 2024 at 03:45PM
0 notes
severed-ties-uf · 9 months
Chapter Seventeen: Guardian Devil
Sans and Chara lie in bed, Chara sleeping right next to him.
When they arrived home, Sans helped clean the dust off of Chara, and delivered the pouch of Whimsalot's dust to Asriel while Chara was showering. When they finished showering, they spent nearly half an hour crying into their mother’s arms, while being comforted by Sans and Asriel. Eventually, they got ready for bed, but it still took over an hour for them to fall asleep.
Sans continues watching them as tiredness slowly takes its hold over him. He brushes his hands softly through Chara’s hair, reflecting on how the day went; could he have done something better? Something that wouldn’t have left his beloved Chara traumatized? Maybe.
Eventually, these thoughts subsided as Sans finally falls asleep.
“No! Why!?”
Sans awakes to the sound of Chara's pleading, quickly turning to see their sleeping face, covered in tears.
“Why? Why!?” They cried, “why would you do that? You had so much to live for.”
“Chara?” Sans asks.
“So much dust! So much dust!” Chara states, crying and twitching.
Sans places his hand on Chara’s shoulder and shakes it, “Chara. Chara! Wake up!” He demands.
Chara's eyes blink open, “Sans?” They ask.
“Chara, it’s me, it’s okay.” He responds.
Chara quickly wraps Sans in a hug. “I can’t- stop seeing his death on repeat. I can’t get the feeling of the dust off my fingers! I- I-“ they say, continuing to cry, unable to complete their sentence.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart.” Sans says, returning the hug, “I’m so sorry.”
“Why are you apologizing?” Chara asks.
“Because it’s my fault.” Sans responds. “It’s my fault he died, I could’ve done something different.”
“It’s not your fault, Sans. You were doing your best to protect me.” Chara replies.
“I could’ve teleported us out of there, Chara. But I didn’t, and he died.” Sans responds. “I didn’t think of that, and that’s my fault.”
Chara pauses for a moment, “Sans… you weren’t thinking straight, you were rushed with the need to protect me, and you did just that. It’s not your fault. It’s Whimsalot's fault for attacking me, don’t blame yourself for this.” They say.
“Fair enough.” Sans replies.
“I- I just- don’t understand why he attacked me, after all of that. I don’t understand.” Chara says.
“This world is a cold, dark place, Chara.” Sans says, brushing his hand through their hair. “You shine brighter than anything else down here, and that’s one of the reasons why, people like: me, Asriel and Jackie have sworn ourselves to protect you, no matter the cost.”
“You’re quite the guardian angel, Sans.” Chara, says, smiling.
Sans simply chuckles in response.
Chara yawns and snuggles up with Sans, resting their head on his chest.
“You sure that’s comfortable, sweetheart?” Sans asks.
Chara giggles softly, “yup!” They exclaim.
“How? It’s just bone with a t-shirt on top of it?” He asks.
“Because it’s you!” They reply, nuzzling themselves into his chest.
Sans places his hand over Chara's head, “good night, Chara.” He says.
“Good night, Sans!” They respond.
Chara closes their eyes, and falls asleep.
Sans ponders to himself, “I’m their guardian… “angel”… right…” he whispers. “I’m no angel… the only angel down here is Chara. I’m just a devil, like all the rest.” Sans looks down to Chara, fast asleep, “this world doesn’t deserve you, Chara. I don’t deserve you.”
Asriel sits at his desk in his study, propping his head up with his arm; it’s late, really late. Chara and Sans went to bed hours ago, it’s currently 11:02 pm, and he is tired.
He’s spent the last couple hours looking at posted evidence, trying to figure the reason behind the attack on Chara. Was it unrelated to anything? Was it launched from a gang, resistance group, or terrorist organization? Was his father behind it?
All questions that turned up zero answers thus far. If his father was once again behind it, then, why? Asriel knows his father plans to kill Chara on June 17th anyway, why fund assassination plots?!
Asriel quietly growls out of frustration, to him, it felt like he was constantly on the edge of tearing his fur out with everything going on. Asriel looks at himself in the reflection of the window situated by his desk, looking at the bags developing under his already strained, red eyes.
He yawns, laying his head down on his desk. Suddenly he hears Jackie's signature knock on his balcony door. He gets up, walking over to the door, and opens it.
“Hey, Az- oh, holy shit! You look tired!” Jackie says. “You okay, man?”
“Yeah, I’m tired as all hell.” Asriel states, “any luck?”
“No, unfortunately. I walked around old home and couldn’t find any leads; it also didn’t help that nobody was willing to talk to me, most just ignored me.” Jackie responds. “I was able to deliver the dust to the family of the monster who died however; but, they still weren’t exactly willing to discuss.”
Asriel lets out a long exhale. “I’ll head there tomorrow, we’ll surely be able get some answers if I go.“ He says.
“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. And besides, you seem super stressed, and I know talking to your people always helps with that, so, I think it’d be good for you.” Jackie responds.
“Yeah, definitely.” Asriel replies. “Anyway, I’m gonna head to bed, I need rest.”
“Yeah, you should definitely go get some rest.” Jackie responds.
“See you tomorrow, then.” Asriel says as he turns around and begins to leave.
“Actually-“ Jackie begins.
Asriel stops and turns around to listen, “yeah?” He asks.
“If you wouldn’t mind, can I crash here for the night? I don’t really wanna fly all the way back home.” Jackie asks.
“Yeah, of course!” Asriel responds, “you can sleep on the couch in here. It’s surprisingly comfortable. And if you need anything, just call me.”
“Thanks, man! I owe you.” Jackie exclaims.
“No problem.” Asriel responds.
Asriel turns around and walks down the stairs, back to the living area. He walks past his room and over to Chara's, stopping once he reaches the door. He leans on the door slightly, pressing his ear against it. After just a moment, he turns the doorknob and enters.
Inside he sees Chara and Sans, fast asleep; Chara resting their head on Sans' Chest. Asriel approaches them, taking ahold of the blanket, and pulling it over their bodies.
“Sometimes it feels like we have to fight more and more, just to keep you alive, Chara.” Asriel whispers to himself, “But, I know it’s worth it. We know it’s worth it.”
Asriel turns around, and walks out, closing the door behind him. He begins to walk towards his room, when suddenly-
Asriel turns around to face his mother, “yes, mother?” He asks.
“What’re you doing up so late? You’re usually long since in bed by now.” Toriel states, placing a hand on Asriel's shoulder.
“I know, it’s just…” Asriel begins.
“Is this about Chara?” Toriel asks.
“Yeah… I’ve stayed up trying to figure out why *this* attack happened. Because, as it turns out, father is behind some of these. I figured that out a couple months ago.” Asriel explains.
“Believe me, I know. That man becomes more and more impatient by the day.” Toriel replies.
“You… knew?” Asriel asks.
“I’m his wife and queen, I see a lot more than you’d think, and besides, he’s not exactly subtle.”
Asriel looks at the ground, pausing. “Then, you most certainly know that on June the 17th, he plans to-” he stops.
“Yes.” Toriel begins, sniffing. “I know. And believe me, my child: I would leave him right now with you and Chara if I knew it wouldn’t cause a massive civil war in the underground.” She explains.
Asriel stays silent.
Toriel places a hand on Asriel's head, rustling the fur between his horns. “I love you, son.”
Asriel simply nods. “I’m… going to head to bed now. I’ll be heading over to Old Home tomorrow, to do some more investigating.” He says.
“Good night, my child. And be safe tomorrow, okay?” She says.
“Yes, mother.” Asriel replies.
Asriel turns around and walks to his room, opening the door, stepping inside and closing it behind him. Once inside, he takes off his shirt and throws it into the hamper next to his door, and then practically collapses into bed, not even bothering to turn the lights on. He then proceeds to pull the blanket over himself.
He looks over to his bedside table, looking at a picture of Chara. “I’m still sticking with that plan.” He whispers to himself, “because if one thing's for sure: it’s that you are NOT getting their soul, Father. And I am going to make sure of that if it’s the last God-damn thing I do.”
Authors notes:
Chapter 17 finally! Woohoo! Sorry for the month gap in uploads, to be honest, I just really needed a break. I was definitely dealing with a lot of writers block. Not to mention I was pretty busy and didn’t have much time to work on it. I explained some of this in (now deleted) posts, but I felt like I needed to explain it here. But we should be back in operation!
Sorry for the relatively short chapter.
Asriel has excellent night vision.
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pooma-bible · 1 year
Greetings in the matchless Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
VISION 02: The Seventh Trumpet in Detail (Part III): The Victory of the Lamb is Assured: (Part 07) – Assurance 07: The Terrible Harvest of the Ungodly Will Take Place!
Rhema Word: Revelation 14:19-20 (NKJV) “So the angel thrust his sickle into the earth and gathered the vine of the earth and threw it into the great winepress of the wrath of God. And the winepress was trampled outside the city, and blood came out of the winepress, up to the horses’ bridles, for one thousand six hundred furlongs.”
Let us pray. Our Gracious Loving Father, thank You for giving us an opportunity to meditate Your Word today along with Your children who have been called to live a holy life, Father. I commit everyone who are all meditating this message into Your mighty hand Father. Bless them and give them the oneness of Spirit and make their heart as a good land to receive each Word which is living and active Father. Thank You Holy Spirit for helping us to understand the in-depth treasure of Your Word and helping us to live a life as per Your Word Lord. We give all the Glory and Honour to You only Father. We pray in the mighty Name of Your beloved Son Jesus Christ. Amen.
The passage in Revelation Chapters 4 to 16 covers the SECOND VISION that Christ gives apostle John in the following subjects:
VISION 02: The Picture of Things Hereafter [Chapters 4 & 5]:
VISION 02: The Seven Seal Judgements: Events Preceding the Great Tribulation [Chapters 6 & 7]:
VISION 02: The Seven Trumpet Judgements: Events During the Great Tribulation [Chapters 8 to 11]:
VISION 02: The Seventh Trumpet in Detail (Part I): Two Spiritual Wonders Struggling Behind the Great Tribulation [Chapter 12]:
VISION 02: The Seventh Trumpet in Detail (Part II): The War of The Dragon Upon the Earth [Chapter 13]:
VISION 02: The Seventh Trumpet in Detail (Part III): The Victory of the Lamb is Assured [Chapter 14]:
VISION 02: The Seventh Trumpet in Detail (Part IV): The Third Great Wonder, The Seven Bowl Judgements [Chapter 15 & 16]:
The last days of world history are going to be terrible days, days of horror. The dragon of the underworld, that ancient serpent who is called the devil and satan, is going to unleash the fury of his wrath upon earth. He is going to send forth his own spirit and enter one man and use that man to offer the utopian state to the world. He is going to empower that man, the antichrist, to bring peace and prosperity to the earth, and satan is going to build up all the hope that man has ever had for a utopian world. Man is going to place all his hope in this one world ruler, and the antichrist is going to fulfill man’s hope and longing:
=> He is going to give the world peace, worldwide peace
=> He is going to move the world toward economic prosperity, toward jobs and a livelihood for everyone.
=> He is going to propose programs for the hungry, homeless, and diseased, and for the other problems of the world – propose programs that will work to some degree.
=> He is going to have some solutions for the problems of drugs, alcoholism, and the other devastating ills of society.
=> He is going to have a program to help the people tragically affected by the natural catastrophes that will be devastating the earth during the end time.
But then the terrifying horror will happen he will turn against millions upon earth, against all those who have strong religious faith: the Jews, Christians, Moslems, Hindus, and all the others. He and his state will launch the worst holocaust the world has ever witnessed. He will slaughter any who do not give their first loyalty and allegiance to the state and its leader, the antichrist himself.
This is what the great book of Revelation has just shown us, the terrifying picture of the antichrist and his chief executive officer, the false prophet. These two beasts will bring such horror to the people of the end time that the evil explodes the human mind.
Note this: John the apostle, the one to whom Jesus Christ was giving this vision, needed relief from such horrors; and so, do we, the readers. The human mind and heart can take only so many pictures of tragedy before it needs an infusion of hope. This is what chapter fourteen of the Revelation is: it is a picture of victory. The victory of the Lamb of God, of the Lord Jesus Christ, is assured. In rapid fire, John is given seven visions, visions that show the glorious triumph that lies ahead for those who follow the Lord Jesus Christ and endure to the end. The first vision of triumph concerns the redeemed. The redeemed are seen as victorious. They are seen with Jesus their Lord. Remember: John is seeming these things as though they already existed. He is looking at the future triumph.
DIVISION OVERVIEW: The passage in Revelation Chapters 14 explains the VISION 02: The Seventh Trumpet in Detail (Part III): The Victory of the Lamb is Assured! The seventh trumpet, Part 3, gives much needed assurance that all things are in God’s hands. The antichrist, the beast, the godless civilization will be destroyed, and the true Christ and His followers will be saved eternally – in seven parts:
VISION 02: The Seventh Trumpet in Detail (Part III): The Victory of the Lamb is Assured: (Part 01) – Assurance 01: The Redeemed Will Be with Jesus!
VISION 02: The Seventh Trumpet in Detail (Part III): The Victory of the Lamb is Assured: (Part 02) – Assurance 02: The Gospel Will be Preached to the Whole World!
VISION 02: The Seventh Trumpet in Detail (Part III): The Victory of the Lamb is Assured: (Part 03) – Assurance 03: Babylon, the Godless State and Religion, Will Fall!
VISION 02: The Seventh Trumpet in Detail (Part III): The Victory of the Lamb is Assured: (Part 04) – Assurance 04: Justice Will Be Executed!
VISION 02: The Seventh Trumpet in Detail (Part III): The Victory of the Lamb is Assured: (Part 05) – Assurance 05: The Dead Will Be at Rest and Rewarded!
VISION 02: The Seventh Trumpet in Detail (Part III): The Victory of the Lamb is Assured: (Part 06) – Assurance 06: The Glorious Harvest of the Godly Will Take Place!
VISION 02: The Seventh Trumpet in Detail (Part III): The Victory of the Lamb is Assured: (Part 07) – Assurance 07: The Terrible Harvest of the Ungodly Will Take Place!
The great day of earth’s harvest is coming, the harvest of the ungodly and evil of this world. Our Lord Jesus Christ is going to judge all the ungodly and evil of this world. Not a single person will escape. And He is going to judge them in wrath, not in love. The day is coming when the world will be ripe for judgement, a day when ungodliness and evil will be cut totally loose and run rampant upon earth. Horrors of lawlessness and evil and murder will run so wild that Christ cannot take it anymore. The people of the world will be engulfed in idolatry, murder, sorcery, immorality, and stealing. They will be materialistic and worldly, atheistic and God-rejecting: there will be no hope whatsoever that they will ever change and turn to God. There is coming a time when the situation upon earth is utterly hopeless and helpless. When that day comes, then comes the great tribulation of the earth. And in the end of that great tribulation, in the very last day of world history, Jesus Christ shall reap the earth. The last passage looked at the reaping of the godly. This passage looks at the reaping of the ungodly and evil of this world. This is the great day of earth’s harvest: the terrible harvest of the ungodly and evil of this world will take place.
We have meditated the Six Parts in last six weeks. We will be meditating the Seventh Part today, that is, VISION 02: The Seventh Trumpet in Detail (Part III): The Victory of the Lamb is Assured: (Part 07) – Assurance 07: The Terrible Harvest of the Ungodly Will Take Place! under the following with the help of Holy Spirit, today:
(1) The Harvester: A Great Angel:
(2) The Terror of the Harvest of the Ungodly:
(3) The Terror of Armageddon, the Place Where the Earth of the God Falls:
(1) The Harvester: A Great Angel:
The Bible says in Revelation 14:17 “Then another angel came out of the temple, which is in heaven, he also having a sharp sickle.”
There is the harvester, a great angel.
=> He comes out of the temple of God. This means he is from heaven, from God, from the very presence of God and on a special mission for God.
=> He holds a sharp sickle in his hand, the threshing tool of the farmer or vineyard keeper.
(2) The Terror of the Harvest of the Ungodly:
The Bible says in Revelation 14:18-19 “And another angel came out from the altar, who had power over fire, and he cried with a loud cry to him who had the sharp sickle, saying, “Thrust in your sharp sickle and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth, for her grapes are fully ripe.” So, the angel thrust his sickle into the earth and gathered the vine of the earth and threw it into the great winepress of the wrath of God.”
There is the terror of the harvest of the ungodly.
(i) There will be the terror of the angelic cry. This is a second angel, but he does not come from God’s presence. He comes from the altar of incense, that is, from the altar where the prayers of God’s people are kept, and where the martyred saints of Christ are stationed in heaven. Remember: there have been millions of believers martyred down through the centuries, and there will be millions more martyred in the end time. Through all their suffering they were praying for the same thing for which we pray: for God’s Kingdom to come to earth, for righteousness and justice and love to rule upon the earth. When this angel appears, he symbolizes that these prayers of God’s people are about to be answered. The Lord Jesus Christ is now ready to rid the world of all the ungodly and evil. Note two things:
(a) The angel has the power of the fire. This means that the fire of God’s judgement is to be cast upon the earth and all unbelievers are to be consumed.
(b) The angel cries out for judgement to begin. Note how the ungodly and evil of the earth are said to be clusters of grapes hanging on the vine of the earth. There are two vines in the earth: the vine of Jesus Christ and the vine of the world.
=> Jesus Christ said that He is the vine, and His followers are the branches in John 15:5 “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.”
=> The passage also says that the earth has a vine, a vine of worldliness and ungodliness and evil, a vine that will reach its full growth in the end time in the antichrist and his followers.
The Bible says in Revelation 14:18 “And another angel came out from the altar, who had power over fire, and he cried with a loud cry to him who had the sharp sickle, saying, “Thrust in your sharp sickle and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth, for her grapes are fully ripe.”
Lesson: A person chooses upon which vine he will hang. He chooses which cluster of grapes he wishes to be a part: the followers of Jesus Christ or the followers of the world and of the antichrist, the followers of righteousness or the followers of the ungodly and evil.
Our Lord Jesus Christ said in Mark 4:29 “But when the grain ripens, immediately he puts in the sickle, because the harvest has come.”
Prophet Joel says in Joel 3:14 “Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For `the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision.”
Apostle Paul says in 2 Corinthians 6:2 “For He says: “In an acceptable time I have heard you, and in the day of salvation I have helped you.” Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.”
(ii) There will be the time of God’s wrath. This is a frightening picture of terror and horror, of the terrible judgement to come.
The Bible says in Revelation 14:19 “ So the angel thrust his sickle into the earth and gathered the vine of the earth and threw it into the great winepress of the wrath of God.”
The angel lifts the sickle high into the air and with the swift stroke of God’s omnipotent power, he swings the sickle of eternal judgement into the earth. The vine of the earth is cut, all the ungodly and evil of the earth are (a) cut down and gathered; and (b) cast into the winepress of God’s wrath.
What is the winepress of God’s wrath? The winepress was a trough usually out of either stone or brick that was placed over a large vat. The grape off the vine were placed into the trough. People would trample the grapes and juice would flow through holes in the bottom of the trough into the vat underneath.
This is a graphic picture of the wrath of God. God’s wrath will be like the trampling of grapes underfoot. The picture is that of no mercy, no compromise, and no grace. The picture is twofold.
(a) The trampling of the grapes was deliberate. It was purposeful. It was to get the juice out of the grapes not to save the grapes. There was no love, no compassion, no feelings for the grapes. The grapes were to be trampled underfoot. This will be the wrath of God. God’s wrath will be deliberate and purposeful. It will be to execute perfect justice upon the ungodly and evil of this world. There will be no love, no compassion, no mercy, no feelings extended out in the terrible day of the harvest of the earth. All persons, every single one of us, will stand before God who is perfectly just, who in His perfection of justice must execute justice upon all persons. All the ungodly and evil of this world will be cast into the winepress of God’s wrath and trampled underfoot without any compassion or mercy.
(b) The trampling of the grapes was thorough. The clusters of grapes were trampled and trampled until every single grape was crushed. So shall the wrath of God be, God’s wrath will be thorough. Not a single person shall escape the wrath of God. All the ungodly and evil of this world shall be placed in the winepress of God’s holy wrath. God’s wrath will execute perfect justice. God will be totally unlike man: He will show no partiality, no favouritism, and no discrimination. God will see that all persons receive exactly what they deserve, exactly what their works were upon earth. God will see that every unjust and ungodly and evil act against God and others is repaid – measured out exactly based on what each person did. God’s wrath will be perfect retribution. No ungodly person will be judged for anything that he did not do. But he will be judged for what he did do. The ungodly and evil are guilty: they never trusted Jesus Christ to bear the guilt of their ungodliness and evil for them. Therefore, they must bear the guilt themselves; they must suffer the wrath of God. And the wrath of God is going to trample underfoot all the ungodly and evil of the world.
The Bible says in Revelation 14:19; 19:15; Isaiah 63:3 “So the angel thrust his sickle into the earth and gathered the vine of the earth and threw it into the great winepress of the wrath of God.” … “Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.” … “I have trodden the winepress alone, and from the peoples no one was with Me. For I have trodden them in My anger and trampled them in My fury; their blood is sprinkled upon My garments.”
Our Lord Jesus Christ said in John 3:36 “He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.”
Apostle Paul says in Romans 1:18; 2:8; Ephesians 5:6 “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness.” … “But to those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth but obey unrighteousness—indignation and wrath.” … “Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience.”
Apostle Peter says in 2 Peter 3:7 “But the heavens and the earth which are now preserved by the same word, are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.”
Jude says in Jude 1:14-15 “Now Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these men also, saying, “Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of His saints, to execute judgment on all, to convict all who are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have committed in an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.”
(3) The Terror of Armageddon, the Place Where the Earth of the God Falls:
The Bible says in Revelation 14:20 “And the winepress was trampled outside the city, and blood came out of the winepress, up to the horses’ bridles, for one thousand six hundred furlongs.”
There is the terror of Armageddon, the place where the wrath of God is to fall. Note two significant points:
(i) The winepress of God’s judgement is trampled down “outside the city”. “The City” always refers to Jerusalem. This is a reference to what the Bible and believers call...
=> the great battle of Armageddon;
=> the great day of the Lord;
=> the final battle of human history;
=> the judgement of God upon the ungodly and evil of the world; and
=> the end of Satan’s rule upon earth.
This is a picture of the armed forces of the world gathering outside Jerusalem under the leadership of the antichrist. They are there in all their earthly glory and might, or so they think. While there, the midnight hour of judgement strikes. The time for God’s eternal judgement and wrath to fall comes, and the quickest defeat in human history occurs against the greatest army every amassed by man. The antichrist and the armies of his military might be destroyed by the very Word of the Lord’s mouth and by the glory of His appearance. Apostle Paul graphically describes the scene in 2 Thessalonians 2:8 “And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming.”
(ii) Note what the horrifying scene will look like: blood will flow out of the winepress of God’s wrath and the blood will be as deep as two feet in some places. The distance that the blood will flow is said to be about 184 miles – about the length of Palestine. The picture being painted is that of a thorough judgement. The army of the ungodly in all their glory and might will be immediately and thoroughly destroyed by the winepress of God’s wrath.
Prophet Isaiah graphically pictures the scene in Isaiah 63:1-6 “Who is this who comes from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah, This One who is glorious in His apparel, traveling in the greatness of His strength?— “I who speak in righteousness, mighty to save.” Why is Your apparel red, and Your garments like one who treads in the winepress? “I have trodden the winepress alone, and from the peoples no one was with Me. For I have trodden them in My anger and trampled them in My fury; their blood is sprinkled upon My garments, and I have stained all My robes. For the day of vengeance is in My heart, And the year of My redeemed has come. I looked, but there was no one to help, and I wondered that there was no one to uphold; Therefore, My own arm brought salvation for Me; and My own fury, it sustained Me. I have trodden down the peoples in My anger, made them drunk in My fury, and brought down their strength to the earth.”
Prophet Joel pictures the scene in Joel 3:9-17 “Proclaim this among the nations: “Prepare for war! Wake up the mighty men, Let all the men of war draw near, Let them come up. Beat your ploughshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears; Let the weak say, ‘I am strong.’ ” Assemble and come, all your nations, and gather together all around. Cause Your mighty ones to go down there, O Lord. “Let the nations be wakened and come up to the Valley of Jehoshaphat; For there I will sit to judge all the surrounding nations. Put in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe. Come, go down; For the winepress is full, The vats overflow— For their wickedness is great.” Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision. The sun and moon will grow dark, And the stars will diminish their brightness. The Lord also will roar from Zion and utter His voice from Jerusalem; the heavens and earth will shake; but the Lord will be a shelter for His people, and the strength of the children of Israel. “So, you shall know that I am the Lord your God, dwelling in Zion My holy mountain. Then Jerusalem shall be holy, and no aliens shall ever pass through her again.”
The Revelation graphically pictures the scene in Revelation 19:13-21 “He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses. Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. The Beast and His Armies Defeated Then I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the birds that fly in the midst of heaven, “Come and gather together for the supper of the great God, that you may eat the flesh of kings, the flesh of captains, the flesh of mighty men, the flesh of horses and of those who sit on them, and the flesh of all people, free and slave, both small and great.” And I saw the beast, the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army. Then the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone. And the rest were killed with the sword which proceeded from the mouth of Him who sat on the horse. And all the birds were filled with their flesh.”
Apostle Paul graphically describes the scene in 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12 “And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming. The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason, God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”
Let us introspect ourselves.
Shall we thank our God for infusing us a hope – a picture of victory of the Lamb of God, of His beloved Son Jesus Christ?
Shall we thank our God for showing visions that show the glorious triumph that lies ahead for those who follow His beloved Son Jesus Christ and endure to the end?
Shall we thank our God for giving us victory through His beloved Son Jesus Christ over evil and bringing righteousness and godliness and His Kingdom to reign upon earth?
Shall we thank our God for revealing the fact that there is the terror of the harvest of the ungodly and the terror of the angelic cry?
Shall we thank our God for revealing the fact that the fire of God’s judgement is to be cast upon the earth and all unbelievers are to be consumed?
Shall we thank our God for revealing the fact that there will be two vines in the earth – the vine of Jesus Christ and the vine of the world?
Shall we thank our God for revealing the fact about His wrath which will be deliberate and purposeful to execute perfect justice upon the ungodly and evil of this world?
Shall we thank our God for revealing the fact that there will be no love, no compassion, no mercy, no feelings extended out in the terrible day of the harvest of the earth and all the ungodly and evil of this world will be cast into the winepress of God’s wrath and trampled underfoot without any compassion or mercy?
Shall we thank our God for executing perfect justice without showing any partiality, favouritism and discrimination and ensure that all persons receive exactly what they deserve, and their works were upon earth?
Shall we thank our God for revealing the fact that His beloved Son Jesus Christ is coming to take His rightful place in the world, to conquer all the ungodliness and evil of the world and to bring the rule and reign of God to the universe?
Shall we submit ourselves to our God for helping us to TURN TO HIS BELOVED SON JESUS CHRIST FOR SALVATION BEFORE THE END COMES?
Let us Pray: Our Heavenly Gracious Father, we thank You for helping us to understand about VISION 02: The Seventh Trumpet in Detail (Part III): The Victory of the Lamb is Assured: (Part 07) – Assurance 07: The Terrible Harvest of the Ungodly Will Take Place, today, Father. Father, we thank You for infusing us a hope – a picture of victory of the Lamb of God, of Your beloved Son Jesus Christ, for showing visions that show the glorious triumph that lies ahead for those who follow Your beloved Son Jesus Christ and endure to the end, for giving us victory through Your beloved Son Jesus Christ over evil and bringing righteousness and godliness and Your Kingdom to reign upon earth, Father. We thank You Father for revealing the fact that there is the terror of the harvest of the ungodly and the terror of the angelic cry, that the fire of God’s judgement is to be cast upon the earth and all unbelievers are to be consumed, that there will be two vines in the earth – the vine of Jesus Christ and the vine of the world and Your wrath will be deliberate and purposeful to execute perfect justice upon the ungodly and evil of this world, Father. We thank You Father for revealing the fact that there will be no love, no compassion, no mercy, no feelings extended out in the terrible day of the harvest of the earth and all the ungodly and evil of this world will be cast into the winepress of Your wrath and trampled underfoot without any compassion or mercy, Father. Father, we thank You for executing perfect justice without showing any partiality, favouritism and discrimination and ensure that all persons receive exactly what they deserve besides revealing the fact that Your beloved Son Jesus Christ is coming to take His rightful place in the world, to conquer all the ungodliness and evil of the world and to bring the rule and reign of God to the universe besides revealing the fact that Your beloved Son Jesus Christ is coming to take His rightful place in the world, to conquer all the ungodliness and evil of the world and to bring Your rule and reign to the universe, Father. Father, we commit ourselves wholeheartedly today and help us to TURN TO YOUR BELOVED SON JESUS CHRIST FOR SALVATION BEFORE THE END COMES. We thank You Father for filling us with Your joy, peace, and hope, for accepting us when we approach You through Your beloved Son Jesus Christ besides being merciful on us and loving us so much and predestined us to receive Your promise of glory through Your beloved Son Jesus Christ, Father. We give all praise, glory, and honour to Your Holy Name. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
God bless you all.
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kwanisms · 2 years
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#i cant imagine how stressful and scary it would be to be stranded in a foreign country after your agency cancels your flight home
My Top Posts in 2022:
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"you can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore"
49 notes - Posted September 6, 2022
Hiraeth Masterlist
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➥ 𝐚 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐚 𝐚𝐮
summary: Moon Byeoli lives in Busan with her best friend Jamie Park. Their neighbor is Park Sungjin. Growing up, Byeoli has never really believed in the supernatural, always finding a logical explanation for the things that go bump in the night. Her life is about to be thrown out of control when new neighbors move in across the hall. What will happen when Byeoli befriends them and learns that they aren't exactly... human.
pairing: sungjin x oc x hyunjin
warnings: adult language, alcohol consumption, supernatural themes, implied sexual content, see each chapter for further warnings ⚠️
start date: 2022.09.09
end date: tba
updates every friday and saturday @ 7PM CST
a/n: times and dates DO NOT matter!! all photos are taken from pinterest. all photos used for Moon Byeoli are of Nguyen Thanh Thuy from Instagram. she owns all rights to these photos and I am only using them for entertainment purposes.
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twt profiles: 01 || 02
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prologue 01
01: too fast for ya Bobby Boy (pw)
02: can it Bob the Builder
03: calm down Spanish Inquisition
04: hot damn. howdy 🤠
05: just let things be
06: yeah shut up Jackson
07: …IN HELL????
08: please tell Perry I love him
10: watermelon sugar BYE
11: had some deer
12: clear intent
13: tiny star
14: is that a challenge??
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49 notes - Posted September 9, 2022
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"if you wish to seduce an angel, you must play the part of a devil"
52 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
All You Have to Do is Ask - k.jh
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summary: your boyfriend ruined dinner
pairing: female reader x yesung
genres/themes: idolverse, established relationship, smut (minors dni), fluff at the end, yesung's real name is Jong-hoon (for those that don't know)
wc: 1.5k
warnings: explicit language, graphic sex, mentions of alcohol, slight praise kink, some dirty talk, unprotected sex (use protection!), creampie, and I'm including this in the warnings: Yesung is an older idol, so if the idea of having sex with someone near 40 bothers you, don't read this lmao I'm like 9 years younger than him so it doesn't bother me to read or write for older idols
a/n: hi, this is my first SuJu smut so pls be gentle. SUPER JUNIOR IS A 2ND GEN KPOP GROUP AND AS SUCH, THEY ARE THE OLDEST GROUP I'M WRITING FOR. IF THEIR AGES BOTHER YOU, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE LOL I'M ALMOST 30 SO THEY ARENT MUCH OLDER THAN ME AND IF THAT BOTHERS YOU, GET OFF MY BLOG. We don't accept ageism here. this is a work of fiction and all characters are not reflective of their respective irl counterparts. for entertainment purposes only. gif isnt mine. I do not allow reposts or translations of my works. All my works are ©️ kwanisms.
Ruined. That was the only word for it. Dinner was completely ruined and it was all your boyfriend's fault.
He'd gone out immediately after practice to grab a bottle of wine before coming home to your shared apartment. You had told him you were making your favorite pasta for dinner and were excited for him to try it.
What you hadn't expected was him to come home, bottle of wine in hand only to slam the bottle on the counter and jump you the moment his eyes landed on you.
You should have expected it honestly. You knew your black dress was a little short, barely reaching the middle of your thighs and you can only imagine how frustrated he must have been to immediately start attacking your neck in wet kisses, tongue running over your skin as his hands grabbed the material of your dress in his fists before he pulled you from the stove and turned you against the counter to kiss you properly.
It was only a few moments later he had you bent over the same counter, skirt hiked up, panties ripped off and lying in a mangled mess on the hardwood floor. Your boyfriend stood behind you, one hand on your hip, the other holding your dress in a clenched fist as he thrust into you from behind.
You buried your head in your arm, moans tumbling from your lips as you felt the tip of his cock nudge against your sensitive spot. "Fuck," you heard him curse from behind you, voice barely audible of the sound of skin hitting skin filling the kitchen. "Goddamn, baby," he growled.
You glanced over your shoulder, peering back at Yesung, the sight of him losing himself completely sending more heat to your core and your walls clenched around him, spurring him on. You loved when he gave himself over to pleasure entirely.
The way his brow furrowed, the way he bit his bottom lip as he tried to focus on the quality of his thrusts. It was always quality over quantity with him in everything he did. He preferred to do things right rather than how quickly he could do them.
And that extended into sex with you.
Every angled thrust and slow deep roll of his hips made you see stars from beginning to end. He knew your body. He knew every inch of skin, knew how to tease you, how to draw out the most lewd sounds from you, whether it was with his tongue, his fingers, or his cock.
Your head dropped, a slew of moans and causes falling from your lips as you felt your orgasm approaching. Yesung must have felt it in the way your walls convulsed around him as he continued to pound into you, savoring the sight of himself disappearing inside you.
He hadn't planned on fucking you as soon as he got home. The plan was to take a shower while you finished cooking and then join you for a nice home-cooked meal and a glass of wine but when he saw you in that black dress, the short one that barely covered your ass and left your thighs completely exposed, he just couldn't hold back.
Practice had been particularly rough, tensions high amongst him and the other members as they prepared for their comeback. Heechul had been getting on their nerves, making snarky comments from the side whenever someone got the choreography wrong despite him not even dancing with them.
They had ended practice a little earlier than usual because they were all tired, annoyed, and tense. When Yesung had seen your text that you were making him dinner and asked you to pick up a nice bottle of red, he jumped at the chance to finally unwind after the last few days.
He didn't expect that he'd be fucking his frustrations out but you didn't seem to be complaining with how you moaned out his name, his real name, your hands trying to hold onto something to ground yourself against the onslaught of his hips but the smooth surface of the white marble countertops made that entirely impossible, leaving you to the mercy of his grip.
"You did this on purpose, didn't you?" he growled, voice low and husky. You let out a whimper, shaking your head quickly. "N-no," you stammered, your voice shaky. "I swear I d-didn't."
"Why else would you wear something so short?" he asked, giving you a particularly hard thrust, making you cry out. "If not to tease me, then what? Were you expecting someone else to see?" Yesung grunted, ignoring a bead of sweat that rolled down the side of his face. Though he'd cooled off from practice, here he was sweating all over again.
Though he'd much rather be fucking you than stuck in the practice room with eight other men, all as crabby as he was.
"N-no!" you mewled, letting out a gasp when you felt Yesung's hand grab your hair and tug you back, his other hand moving to cup your chin as he leaned over your back. "Did you expect me to bring home the guys?" he murmured in your ear, sending chills down your spine. "N-no, Jong-hoon, I swear," you squeaked out. You heard him hum in your ear, the hand in your hair moving around to the front of your body, pressing against your stomach, pulling you against him as he continued to thrust into you hard and slow.
"So you'd never wear this for any of them?" he asked, holding back a chuckle when you shook your head. "Never. Only f-for you," you whimpered. "You're such a good girl," he cooed, his voice sweet in contrast with the way his hips moved, driving his cock deeper and deeper into your wet cunt.
"Are you gonna be a good little slut and come for me?" he whispered. You nodded quickly. "I'm gonna cum, Hoonie," you moaned, the nickname making him groan as he let go of your chin and wrapped both arms around you, burying his face in the crook of your neck as he hastily chased his high.
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53 notes - Posted November 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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genre: smut, fluff, established relationship, bf!Hongjoong
pairing: Hongjoong × (gn) reader
wc: 963 (we short, so sorry)
warnings: smut (minors dni), cockwarming, slight exhibitionism, semi public, adult language, cuddly Woosan and Yungi, and I think that's it lol
a/n: I'm just catering to my friends who are going thru it over Hongjoong 😌 this one's for you @yoonguurt & @leadinglady17 ♥️
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171 notes - Posted November 28, 2022
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ao3feed-deckerstar · 2 years
In His Hands
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/0gdawWQ
by mishasan7
The final chapter in the Joshua Trees series. Post season 2 canon divergent AU following on from the events of 'Screw Normal'.
 Chloe and Lucifer are called to the scene of a cop's brutal murder, and not far away a demonic symbol is found scrawled in blood on an alley wall.
Something malignant is stirring in the City of Angels, dark forces are becoming stronger every day and a certain sorcerer is thrust back into the battle between good and evil when he encounters the Devil himself.
Words: 5648, Chapters: 1/25, Language: English
Series: Part 6 of Joshua Trees
Fandoms: Lucifer (TV), Constantine (TV), Constantine (2005)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV), Chloe Decker, John Constantine, Ella Lopez, Dan Espinoza, Original Charlotte Richards, Mazikeen (Lucifer TV), Ben Rivers, Original Characters, Trixie Espinoza, Linda Martin (Lucifer TV), Amenadiel (Lucifer TV), Manny (Constantine), Chas Chandler, Mary "Zed" Martin, Gaudium (Vertigo Comics), Spera (Vertigo Comics), Father Kinley (Lucifer TV)
Relationships: Chloe Decker/Lucifer Morningstar, Ella Lopez & Lucifer Morningstar, Amenadiel & Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV), Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV) & Everyone, Chloe Decker & Ella Lopez, Chloe Decker & Linda Martin, Amenadiel/Linda Martin (Lucifer TV), Amenadiel & Dan Espinoza, Trixie Espinoza & Lucifer Morningstar, Dan Espinoza/Original Charlotte Richards, John Constantine & Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV), Amenadiel & Mazikeen (Lucifer TV), Mazikeen/Ben Rivers, Chloe Decker & Mazikeen, Linda Martin & Mazikeen (Lucifer TV), John Constantine & Marcus Pierce, Lucifer Morningstar & Marcus Pierce
Additional Tags: Post-Season/Series 02 AU, Slow Burn, Humor, Case Fic, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon-Typical Behavior, Banter, BAMF angels, Fluff, Angst, Worldbuilding, Supernatural Elements, Action/Adventure, Romance, Biblical Reinterpretation, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Explicit Language, Feels, Most of the Tribe knows, Angelic badassery, References to Canon, but tweaked a bit, Blood and Gore, Wings, Celestial Insiders, Angst and Humor, Major Punnage, Crossover, Closure, Post-Season/Series 01 fixit
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/0gdawWQ
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dia-souls · 1 year
Diabolik lovers Angel and Devil Story [ Masterlist ]
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Author: Admin Afra ( @afra-blueraz )
Editor: Admin Ava
Cover designer: Nina Dienner ( @anin13 )
⚠️ Please note that this novel contains NSFW and very violent themes and tortures. This novel is not suitable for sensitive people and minors. Read this novel at your own risk. ⚠️
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🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
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[ Prologue ]
[ chapter 01] [ chapter 02] [ chapter 03] [ chapter 04] [ chapter 05] [ chapter 06][ chapter 07] [ chapter 08] [ chapter 09] [ chapter 10 ] [ chapter 11 ] [ chapter 12 ][ chapter 13 ] [ chapter 14 ] [ chapter 15 ] [ chapter 16] [ chapter 17 ] [ chapter 18][ chapter 19 ] [ chapter 20]
[ Epilogue ] [ After story ]
[ heaven 01 ] [ heaven 02 ] [ heaven 03 ]
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
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[ Mobi ]
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Other stuffs
[ Thank you ]
[ Book Cover ]
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[ Couple Asks ]
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[ Angel and Devil Headcanons ]
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
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seungstarss · 3 years
✷𖥔 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐂𝐊 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𖥔✷ ⸻ masterlist !
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𖥦♡̷̸⁩ paring. basketball player! jake x fem! reader
𖥦♡̷̸⁩ genre. social media au, height difference (tall! reader), romantic comedy, enemies(?) to lovers, high school au, humor & crack, a lil angst
𖥦♡̷̸⁩ synopsis. after a disastrous first meeting, y/n and jake become labeled as the infamous comedic dual who have a strong dislike towards each other. In the summer after junior year, y/n receives the bad news that she has to attend summer school to earn an art credit. worse yet, she finds out the tiny devil is her seatmate.
𖥦♡̷̸⁩ featuring. rest of enha, aespa's winter, txt, nako yabuki... tba
𖥦♡̷̸⁩ warnings. swearing
𖥦♡̷̸⁩ status. discontinued
♡̷̸⁩ 𓂃 ֶָ֢֪ notes
᭝ loosely based on the shoujo manga "lovely complex"
᭝ ages of the members are adjusted for convenience.
᭝ please note that these are NOT the actual representations of the idols.
᭝ jake's height is adjusted to 165 for plot conveniences
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ഒ profiles
01 | dumb & dumber
02 | lights, camera, action
ഒ chapters
01 ꔛ winter knows
02 ꔛ the offer
03 ꔛ gacha some Pokémon
04 ꔛ a catastrophe
05 ꔛ baby noises
06 ꔛ Tom and Jerry
07 ꔛ ex-girlfriend?!
08 ꔛ jake has game??
09 ꔛ what in the world
10 ꔛ hold me back
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@berriniki @fiantomartell @hoonstrology @sthinqsz @ddeonubaby @luv3iza @youreverydayzebra @softforqiankun @itzsora @jongsaengseong @acciomylove @lovingjaeyun @oureris @blank-velvet @jay-durian @mavlogist @yangrden @rikisnotforsale @vitaminhyunjin-vol2 @baekswoons @httpheeseung @lionessmane @ilvaussie @baekhyunstruly @rinyx @leeis @luvrjn @youreverydayzebra @shoftiiel @liliansun @nar-nia @nyujjan @wiltingdaisies @ielaa @sunshinehanjisung @candidupped @odetoyeonjun @icywhatim @c9tnoos @heesplanet @nyfwyeonjun @yeonwon @cococrtel @theskzvibe @enhacolor @wonyofanclub @missmadwoman @angel-hyuckie @ja4hyvn @potaetosugakookie
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ryuzakemo128 · 2 years
Master List 01 - Thomas Shelby Edition
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The Angel of Death - Things Red would say - Link
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The Angel of Death
Chapter 01
Chapter 27 - Latest Chapter
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The Devil and Death
Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
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Unfair - Thomas Shelby Daughter - Link
Paint The Roses Red - Thomas Shelby x Red (Female Reader) - Link
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novaursa · 2 years
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03 – Heartless Is Her Song
Prologue, 01, 02
- Disclaimer: I only own my OCs and other stuff you don’t recognize from the books and the show. This chapter is also highly inspired by the first book, everything you recognize belongs to our god of death George R. R. Martin.
- Warning: This story is rated M. It will contain incest, violence, blood, gore and other mature themes. It is GoT fanfiction after all. Expect more AU in the coming chapters and all the other fluffy stuff.
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"When I am queen on royal throne made out of parts of broken bones of all the devils I have known that suck the angels dry. When I am queen I'll have my way, I'll make it drowning Dollie day and all the tears that we have cried will suck back in our eyes."
– ‘When I am Queen’ by Jack Off Jill
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They lied. Visenya voiced the blackness. They lied. There is no light and no one to greet you after death. Only nothing exists here.
The place where Targaryen princess now dwelled was indescribable. Mostly because there was no place to be described. Visenya only remembers the falling and the shame of it. Dirty Dothraki faces at the end of the room, her little sister’s crying her name, her brother screaming above her and holding her naked form closely – Visenya remembers all of that happening in slow motion. Over and over again until she couldn’t think anymore. Now, every time she tries to open her eyes she ends up here. Nowhere. Someplace familiar and completely new at the same time. No matter how many times she tried to leave this place, she always returns here. It was like a twisted game where the player loses before he even starts to play. Visenya was lost in complete darkness. She yelled and called the names of the Seven. She clawed her own skin, ripping the softness of her paleness to nothing but bleeding flesh.
There was no answered prays and there was no pain.
Visenya was about to give up on anything. She couldn’t bare the vast nothingness and to remember nothing but the shame of her final moments.
Girl just laid there in that forever blackness. Hours passed, then months and few summers even ended. She was still there unmoving and blooded from her own nails. How long will I have to endure this? Visenya wondered desperately.
Then as if something heard her, for the first time Visenya felt something. Heat. Burring heat eating away her coldness. "Visenya…" The flames around her whispered. "Visenya…" They spoke as light filled up the dark halls. And then she saw it as she turned her head; the throne made of countless swords of dead enemies. Purple orbs grew darker when she recognized where she was. Home. I am home. Still laying on her belly down on the cold stone floor, Visneya looked around her. Between her wild, knotted silver locks and fire tongues of torches she felt their dead eyes watching her. Observing her. Yet their black skulls remained silent. They were not the ones who called her.
Finding her strength again, Visenya managed to find her feet. Slowly she lifted herself up like a beast preparing herself for a prowl. The throne room is different somehow. She concluded while taking finally all this place in. Even the smell is wrong. The colors around her were also dimmed, beside flames and blood, everything was almost colorless. And the pain from her self-inflicted wounds is yet to be felt. How strange it is to find myself here again and to dream of it in some sadistically ironic nightmare.
"Visenya…" The voice called out again. Only, this time, it was much clearer. Girl’s blood was heated few minutes ago, but now inferno was flowing through her veins. The voice itself sounded like corpses of many women burning and hundred bells ringing. In the sudden panic, Visenya slipped on her own blood that decorated the floor. She hit the ground with the loud yelp and found herself on her belly again, like the worm she felt she is in that moment.
"Visenya…" It called her again. This time, she found the source of its owner in the golden forges of the reddest death she has ever seen. She couldn’t breathe from such twisted and horrifying beauty before her. I could die all over again.
And then everything was gone.
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She couldn’t talk, so she screamed.
Nehagi was next to Visenya in the blink of an eye to hold her down. The brown haired girl did her best to calm down Targaryen princess in pain. Visenya felt like she was born again. The air in her lungs mixed itself with an agonizing pang of life. She felt alive.
As her eyes fluttered open, Visenya saw familiar surroundings of her tent. The stench of horses is still here as well. When she wanted to lift herself up from the bed, Nehagi’s hands pushed her down again, "You need to lay down. Sleeping for three days is bad for walk."
Hearing Dothraki girl’s words Visenya froze, "The horde was only supposed to rest for a day before moving on." Did they wait until I woke up?
"Khaleesi ordered us to wait for you," Nehagi simply stated before offering her jug of water. "Drink will make you feel better." Visenya slowly obeyed her butchering of the Common Tongue as she slowly brought the jug to her lips. Dany waited for me? That stupid girl, she should have left me to rot. She doesn’t know what I am, not yet… She drank the water like it was poison running down her throat. When she had enough, Visenya pushed it aside. This is ridiculous. I’m not a child! Annoyance in her rose even further when she saw what she was dressed. Nehagi obviously did this, as few other Dothraki would come near her. Her new attire was made of horse skin and furs of some wild beasts. "Get out and tell no one I’ve awoken." Visenya blurred out rudely. Nehagi didn’t say a word as she took the jug of water away and carried it from the bed to the other end of the tent. She left without a sound.
Carefully positioning herself in the siting position, Visenya was surprised that she wished to be in Pentos again. I hate that place. And yet she wished to be there in its safety again. Another irony that she quickly began to understand. Life seemed to mock her in the most interesting ways possible.
She looked towards the corner fearfully. The wooden chest was still at its place like nothing happened at all. Somehow relieved that it’s so, Visenya relaxed while trying to comprehend what just happened. I am not me anymore. She concluded feeling the sudden burst of might inside her. I am better now.
The rustling of tent doors brought her back from her thoughts. Viserys entered imperiously, not even bothering to ask Dothraki guard at the entrance for a permission. His sour expression changed into a smile when he saw his sister sitting in her bed, "You are awake! They didn’t tell me." Before his mood could darken, Visenya offered him a weak smile in return, "I’ve only just opened my eyes. Besides Nehagi, you are the first one to know."
Visenya soon found herself in a tight embrace of her brother. She returned it equally desperate. Clutching his now worn-out shirt like her life was depending on it. Viserys appeared to be in the worst condition she was in. His attire was dirty and it had a few tears. And his violet eyes were restless. He’s a mess. Khalasar is not a place for him. No one here understands who we really are. Dothraki know only dirt and violence. They don’t care. But I do; we are alone out here.
"I was afraid that you will not wake up. Nobody knew what happened to you." Viserys whispered into her silver hair, still holding onto her like a lifeline.
"I was there, brother." Visenya started softly. "I was there and they all burned before their eyeless heads. Lions, stags, wolves… They all cried in the fires beneath your throne. And then I saw it; a mirror and a reflection. But I feel better now, and I will never leave you again."
When Viserys let her go only silence filled the tent. Purple eyes observed each other in speechless understanding. If they leave one another alone, the world outside would crush them before they could even realize what happened. Those barbarians outside are not the exception. They only wait for one mistake to have an excuse to run them over. The only thing that stands between them and the stampede of Dothraki horde was Daenerys. But for how long will you hold off the storm, sweet sister? One day soon she will grow up and learn the power she has over the khalasar. There will be no use then for self-proclaimed kings and queens in her court of wildlings.
Visenya sighed softly, "I want to go home, but the Khal will never take us there, will he? His blasted horse can’t walk on water."
Viserys’ hold on her wrist, where his hand lingered, tightened. "No! We made a deal. He promised. Our sister for an army." His words sounded like a hiss of a cornered rattlesnake that believed making sounds will save it. As his grip grew and marks on Visenya’s trapped skin started to appear, her gaze softened. Her free hand found its way to his tired cheek. "Of course. But if he doesn’t keep his promise, we need to be prepared. Just in case. We gave them enough of our dignity. Now I want a piece of theirs, and I’m sure you want it as well."
Visenya slowly leaned in for a kiss, but before her still sickly lips touched his, she spoke once more, "I guess, we will always have each other. And I am ready to tear apart the whole world if they hurt us." Please don’t leave me alone. Her eyes whispered. Viserys answered with a kiss.
All their kisses before were desperate, violent and strong. Just like a thunderstorm. This one had a taste to Visenya like loneliness and need mixed into a perfect flavor. If I’m the one, then he’s another. But which? Does it really matter to anyone?
She felt a sharp pain on her lower lip when he bit her in an attempt to deepen the kiss. Visenya quickly obeyed him. The metallic taste of her blood in their mouth send them both over the edge. In her dreams Visenya was flying above the rest, now she was drifting directly into the sun where even the gods didn’t have any lordship. If the Seven wish to judge us, let them judge. They took and broke my soul a long time ago anyway. When Viserys pushed her back down on the bed, her long silver hair fell over the dark pillow, cascading into endless versions of bright waterfalls. They broke the kiss only to catch a breath. Then she saw his violet orbs lighting back up again, they were no longer dimmed and extinguished. They were alive.
Visenya’s blood still lingered on both their mouths which decorated them like two dragons that just feasted upon charred remains of a deer. Second-time Viserys leaned into a kiss, Visenya lost all of her mind. I don’t care anymore.
His hands traveled all over her body, caressing her breasts and legs, finding places on her soft flesh like a new unexplored territory. Visenya clung to him even stronger than before, driving her nails into his back. If I let go I am lost. I will fall. She repeated in her mind like a broken hummingbird as she felt his member grow between her thighs.
Their clothing was shed and ripped off them before the girl could even comprehend how many old and new gods they already offended. I don’t care. She reminded herself over and over again whiteout breaking a kiss.
When he entered her, Visenya felt Viserys trembling when her fiery chambers closed around him. The girl let out a quiet yelp like an echo underneath him when her maidenhead broke. Her heart pounded like it never left her chest. I have a heart. I can hear it. But I will take all of their hearts for myself none the less.
She didn’t care about the scar above her heart. In this moment, she loved her deformed beauty. She loved her brother only like a sister and a lover could. After this, tomorrow, she didn’t know how she will feel. I don’t care. Visenya’s mind trembled with each harsh thrust he gave her. All lost strength returned to her in this small fraction of their coupling. She found herself burning up every time another bruise formed on her inner thigh. As a child, Visenya never experienced love, nor was she a romantic fool that waits endlessly for a knight on a white horse to save the princess from a dragon. But now, as Viserys spilled his seed inside her, Visenya for a moment broke the kiss to gaze into his eyes again. There she saw a brief second something that mirror in her own purple orbs as well. So, she took everything he gave her.
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When the horde started to move again, Visenya found herself being avoided by Dothraki riders. She didn’t mind. She even preferred it that way. Then silver haired girl noticed that the horde was slowing down once more, this time, she saw the clear reason why.
Before and around her was great Dothraki Sea. The past here, there were no hills, no mountains, no trees nor cities nor roads, only the endless grasses, the tall blades rippling like waves when the winds blew. In the distance, she also saw her sister riding next to Ser Jorah. I still don’t trust him. He is too well mannered. Like all good liars, I know. What kind of son runs away from his bear father?
When khalasar passed next to Dany and entered the grass, she heard Ser Jorah yelling in alien Dothraki tongue and everyone was halted. Her palomino horse neigh and dig into the dirt below him.
Annoyed she dismounted her horse just in time to saw her brother shouting at Ser Jorah and her sister dispersing with her silver horse into the green. She struggled to catch up with her. Visenya was running between blades of sharp grass and all smells she could sense were of horses, dirt and burnt off plants killed by the heat. She felt like a wild woman bathing in the mud. All of her soft dresses and clothing were ruined during riding, so now she was wearing the last attire for ridding that wasn’t so terribly damaged.
Soon, Visenya saw her sister standing in the middle of the clearing, "Dany?" She called her. Her younger sister didn’t answer, obviously enamored in her own little world. Scoffing, Visenya moved closer to her only to stop when Viserys came upon Dany as sudden as a summer storm, his horse rearing beneath him as he reined up too hard. “You dare!” he screamed at her. “You give commands to me? To me?” He vaulted off the horse, stumbling as he landed. His face was flushed as he struggled back to his feet. He grabbed her, shook her. “Have you forgotten who you are? Look at you. Look at you!”
Visenya understood without a glance what he was talking about. Their sister was barefoot, with oiled hair, wearing Dothraki riding leathers and a painted vest given her as a bride gift. She looked as though she belonged here. Viserys and Visenya were soiled and stained in city silks and ringmail.
He was still screaming. “You do not command the dragon. Do you understand? I am the Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, I will not hear orders from some horselord’s slut, do you hear me?” His hand went under her vest, his fingers digging painfully into her breast. “Do you hear me?”
Dany shoved him away, hard.
Viserys stared at her, his lilac eyes incredulous. She had never defied him. Never fought back. Rage twisted his features. He would hurt her now, and badly, Visenya knew that. She felt her legs running towards her siblings.
When her sister finally saw her standing few meters away from her, she did not look surprised. She heard me calling her. Yet, she ignored me. Visenya bristled, "In what did they turn you into? You turn on us after everything we gave you?!"
The whip made a sound like thunder. The coil took Viserys around the throat and yanked him backward. He went sprawling in the grass, stunned and choking. The Dothraki riders hooted at him as he struggled to free himself. Spotting the one with the whip, Visenya in a panic took the dagger from her booth decorated with three dragon heads. When she was about to throw it and logged it in his throat another loud noise was heard. And just as her brother was trapped, sharp pain squeezed her neck as well. When she fall on the back, trying to hold her breath down and calm herself, Qotho appeared behind her holding the whip and her life in his hands. Sarcastic smirk never left his lips. The other one with the whip that was strangling her brother, young Jhogo, rasped a question. Visenya did not understand his words, but by then Dany’s servent was there, and Ser Jorah, and the rest of the khas. “Jhogo asks if you would have them dead, Khaleesi,” Irri said to the younger princess
“No,” Dany replied. “No.”
Jhogo understood that. One of the others barked out a comment, and the Dothraki laughed. Irri told her again, “Quaro thinks you should take an ear to teach him respect and break girl’s fingers so she may never attack us again.”
Her brother was on his knees, his fingers digging under the leather coils, crying incoherently, struggling for breath. The whip was tight around his windpipe.
Visenya, on the other hand, was quite in her suffering. They saw her weak once, they shall not see her like that again. She enjoyed her pain, but at the same time she remembered all of their faces.
“Tell them I do not wish them harmed,” Dany said.
Irri repeated her words in Dothraki. Jhogo gave a pull on the whip, yanking Viserys around like a puppet on a string. He went sprawling again, freed from the leather embrace, a thin line of blood under his chin where the whip had cut deep. Quaro let go Visneya even harshly when he saw a lack of her suffering. Another scar around my neck… She miserably taught when her knees hit the dirt.
“I warned him what would happen, my lady,” Ser Jorah Mormont said. “I told him to stay on the ridge, as you commanded.”
“I know you did. Take their horses,” Dany commanded Ser Jorah. Viserys gaped at her. He could not believe what he was hearing. Visenya only observed everything with ghastly ease.  “Let my brother and sister walk behind us back to the khalasar.” Among the Dothraki, the man who does not ride was no man at all, the lowest of the low, without honor or pride. “Let everyone see them as they are.”
Visenya knew why her sister was doing this to her. She wants to show me that she can be better than me. That she learned how to fly and can crush me like I did her.
“No!” Viserys screamed. He turned to Ser Jorah, pleading in the Common Tongue for Visenya and himself with words the horsemen would not understand. “Hit her, Mormont. Hurt her. Your king and queen commanded it. Kill these Dothraki dogs and teach her.”
The exile knight looked from Visenya to her brother and then to Dany. The older Targaryen girl could see the decision on his face. “They shall walk, Khaleesi,” he said. He took her brother’s horse in hand while Dany remounted her silver.
Viserys gaped at him, and sat down in the dirt. He kept his silence, but he would not move, and his eyes were full of poison as they rode away. Visenya moved next to Viserys and put a hand on his shoulder, locking eyes with her sister before she turned to ride away. I’m proud of you. Her lilac orbs told Dany. But I will burn you all. 
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"Love always wakes the dragon and
 flames everywhere."
– Richard Siken
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Part 03 of 03
Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 2 K
Summary: You meet Billy during summer, and the deal was to have a good time before the season is over, before you go back home. But what if the only thing you're scared of - love - starts to flourish?
<- Previous part (02)
A/N: I wanna thank my amazing friend, @multific, for all the help she gave me while writing this story. Make sure to check her work!!
A/N²: This chapter was inspired on the the song Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift.
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
Cruel Summer
Tomorrow this time, you'll be in a plane, flying away from California. Away from him.
Billy was supposed to be just a fling, someone to hang around and have a good time with. Looking out the window, you recognize the familiar Camaro even in the darkness. Bily is so much more. You didn't want to fall, but what could you do? He was like a fever dream in the quiet of the night, and you caught it. The perfect bad boy should be just a new shiny toy with a price.
But he's so much more. He's killing you slowly, down there standing next to his car, out the window, always waiting below. Biting your lip, you catch his eyes, the wink he send your way making you smile. Taking a deep breath, and with the usual burning sensation in your stomach, you push the window open, using the ladder you placed next to it to climb down.
It's always like this. You come back home, just to sneak out again. Devils roll the dice, angel roll their eyes, and there you go, for another night in his arms.
“Come! Come!” He suddenly whisper-yells, and you increase your pace as he does the same, going to the driver's seat.
“(Y/N)!” You hear your father's thunder voice, and it makes you rush inside the car, pulling the door close. “What the hell do you think you're going with this lowlife?”
“Drive!” You tell him, but you're still speaking when he speeds away, a laugh escaping your lips. Looking back, you see your father taking a few steps forward, gesturing and yelling something you can't hear.
“He's gonna be mad,” Billy warns you.
“What doesn't kill me makes me want you more.” You tell him winking with a bright smile, the adrenaline making you breathe fast. “Where are we going?”
“I wanna show you a special place.” He gives you a look, and you don't quite understand.
“Why is it special, Billy?” For some reason, your voice comes out a little weak, as you try to push back the only thing that's in your head.
The sirens, the warning signs you've been ignoring until now.
This is the last day.
This is the last time you'll get to see Billy. Touch him. Kiss him.
You shouldn't feel like this. It was obvious you'd end up missing him, like you'll miss Heloise, Nathan, Mike, all the friends you made here. But this is different.
Love wasn't the point here. Love was the only thing that couldn't happen. Not like this, not when you'll have to leave. But summer is a knife, and it cuts to the bone.
“Huh?” You mutter, looking through the window and wiping the tears away. You didn't even notice you were crying.
“Hey.” He touches your thigh, but you can't look at him. “Why are you crying? Wasn't it good? The time we spent together?”
“Of course.” You're quick to admit. The time you're spent with Billy was amazing. And for that same reason, you feel your heart breaking. It feels like you can't breathe, like there's a weight on your chest, pressing your lungs. You're bleeding, but he will be the last to know. “You gave me exactly what I wanted. We had a nice time, no strings attached and-” Clearing your throat, you take a deep breath. “-and I will certainly miss you.”
“I will miss you too. Very much.”
“Yeah. But you'll find some other girl and then, well, you'll be just fine.” Pushing his hand away, you keep looking away. “And so will I.” That's not true. That's very far from the truth. He stops the car, and by what you can see from the surroundings, it's a cliff. You can hear the waves crashing down there, violently, as the night takes over, the last traces of the day vanishing.
“(Y/N), please, don't do this. It's our last day together.” There's something in his voice too. Sadness? Maybe. He's probably a little touched by your state. “Talk to me. Tomorrow morning I'll leave you one block away from your house and I'll have to watch you walk away for the last time.” He steps out of the car, pushing the door quite violently.
Gasping, you bite your lip. This isn't how it was supposed to be. Today was supposed to be amazing. Now it's ruined, because of you. Maybe you should've kept your mouth shut, to have him for one last time, all smirks and laughter. But you don't want to keep secrets just to keep him. Holding your breath, the anger, mixed with way too many feelings to describe, you get out as well, pushing the door close just as violently as he did. “What do you want me to say?” You suddenly yell, many tears rolling down this time. There's no way to hide it now, you're crying like a baby. “That I snuck through the garden gate every night this summer to seal my fate?” Walking over him, you keep your hair away from your face when the wind pushes it against you.
“Only yours?” He snaps back, furrowing his eyebrows. “Stop acting like you're the only one suffering.”
“Oh, yeah.” Throwing a hand in the air, you pace around, running a hand through your hair. “You just had a good time, Billy. But I? I got used to the shape of your body. You're eyes, blue. So damn blue, Billy. How am I ever going to look at the ocean again without thinking of you?” The words just flow out, and you're seeing everything blurry, a lump in your throat making it hard to keep your voice straight. “And I told myself this is cool. That we have no rules in our personal, breakable heaven, bound to break apart. With a goddamn expiration date.”
“It was amazing, yes. It was freaking amazing, but it has been a cruel summer with you, Billy Hargrove.” Cutting him off, you move to stand right in front of him, looking up into those eyes you'll never forget, letting him see your tear-stained face. “I love you.” You scream for whatever it's worth, the one sentence that has been terrifying you. But it doesn't matter. You're leaving anyway, it won't change anything. Then you step back, look down and once again wipe the tears away. Breathing a little, trying to calm yourself down. “Ain't that the worst you ever heard?” This last part comes out a whisper, barely heard above the wind.
“Definitely.” He mumbles, and when you look up, he's grinning.
“What–” You're cut short by a sudden motion, when he wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you against his chest, placing a kiss on your lips.
It tastes salty from all your tears, but you don't care. You just throw your arms around his neck and deepen the kiss, holding him. Because that's the last time you'll do it.
He only pulls away when the air is short, but he keeps you close, secure in his embrace. “Billy, I–”
“Don't go.” He whispers, his chest vibrating. “Please.”
Shaking your head, you pull away, just enough to look up at him again. “You know I can't, Billy.”
“Why?” With a hand on your face, you can understand what's in his eyes now. Desperation, fear... And love. It makes you furrow your eyebrows, wondering if this could really be. If Billy Hargrove could have fallen for you. “You don't like living with your father, you don't like living with your mother. You don't wanna be a lawyer. Stay here, with me. Take that photography course and you'll have lots of jobs. This place is bursting with tourists, and you'd make enough money to get your life started.”
Everything he says makes you cry again. But this time, it's because you're imagining it. Living in California, building an actual home, doing something you love. It's paradise. “I-it's a lot of work, Billy. I-I'd have to pay rent and–”
“I'm asking you to move in with me.” He says with a giggle, his forehead touching yours. “I fell in love with you during summer... And all summers end, but I don't want us to end. I tried so hard not to because I knew you'd leave, but... It happened. You stole my heart and I can't lose you. I don't know if someone can die from a lost love but I don't wanna find out.” Billy speaks his heart, and you're holding his shirt, like holding on to dear life. “You can leave and go on with an unhappy life, forever scared of love. Or you can stay with me, and let me show you what love truly is. It's real, and we've been living it.”
“Billy...” You beg, closing your eyes, your own heart claiming, begging, pleading for him.
“We're not going to make your parent's mistakes. We'll make it right, you and I. Please, (Y/N).” With a finger under your chin, Billy makes you look at him, so you open your eyes. “Don't leave me. Don't throw away a chance of happiness for a miserable life.”
He's right. Billy is so damn right, and having this, knowing this, that he wants you, that he loves you, you know you can't do it. You can't go back. Not when you can stay with the man you love, who loves you, in the city you also fell in love with. “All my stuff is packed up.” You mutter, chuckling lightly. “We just need to go get it.”
“Are you for real?”
“Are you going to stay?”
“Yeah!” You jump on him, legs wrapping around his waist. Billy is quick to hold you up, his lips crashing on yours.
And it's perfect. The wind, the waves, the view of the city down there. And Billy, kissing you, holding you. You wouldn't change a thing about it.
Soon enough you're back home, and it's a mess. As you run upstairs with Billy to get your things, your father says that if you do this, you'll be dead to him. But you don't even answer. The only thing you do is hug your stepmother, and whisper in her ear the name of the lover your father had here, and advise her to divorce him. Then, you're out.
On the next day, in the evening, you're not in a plane with your heart broken, flying away. You're in Billy's arms, watching an awful movie that only makes you laugh. Summer is almost over, but other summers will come. And you want to have Billy for all the seasons.
“Yes, princess?” He asks, placing a kiss on your shoulder. You're the little spoon on usual, your back pressed against his chest.
“I think it's gonna rain later today.”
“...Alright?” He chuckles, and so do you at his confusion. “And what about that?”
“I wanna you to kiss me in the rain.” The mention of the cliche makes you blush, but since you're looking away, he won't notice.
“I'm down for it, but...” Billy makes you turn around, thumb and index finger under your chin. “...Only in the rain?”
“When it rains. When it's sunny.” Turning your body completely towards his, you wrap your arms around his neck. “During the day, and during the night. On every season.”
“Mmm... Sounds like the perfect idea.” And once again, he kisses you. And as it is every time, you feel that familiar, delicious burning sensation in your stomach.
You're his, and he is yours. Love is real, and this summer was the best summer of your life. Until now, because you're sure the next ones will be far better.
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iamnightduchess · 3 years
Infinity (R18)
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Fandom: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan
Rating: Explicit (AO3)
Pairing(s): Reiner x Mikasa (ReiKasa), Armin x Annie (AruAni), Jean x Pieck (JeanPiku), Levi x Hange (LeviHan) - implied
She was a fallen angel of war, unfamiliar in the ways of men, love and life. Still grieving for her first love, still nursing the wounds of an unfulfilled dream.
Seeing a sheltered 22 year old Mikasa Ackerman again, the one with the innocence of a young blossoming girl - untouched and so pure, forces Reiner Braun to acknowledge the devil in him. The same devil that wants nothing more than to corrupt and conquer this angel's sweet innocence.
ReinerxMikasa. ReiKasaverse.
Manga spoilers (139), with ReiKasaverse taking place after. The ending of the series is where their stories truly began.
Chapter(s): 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05
Playlist: Listen
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