#anerica ya!!
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soupza · 11 months ago
i had a bite of a honeybun for the first time yesterday! it tasted like chemicals and weirdly salty. im a true american now
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azlovesem · 6 months ago
Yeah well everyonecasnts something. Try being happay with what you get for a change. Instead of what you wsnt. I wsnt thisxaar to end do i can get on eith my life. I want all those religio fucks who dwell and exist way below me and my forces, i proved Gods my man onnmy team, to fucknoff and drop dead. We all want things. Stop being a teenaged child with me. No one needs me running right at them im yougher than your dad idiot dide bf or any of your ftoends. Im ypugher thsn the idiot soldiers who i lsugh at ffom your country. Yruth is thevreason indmile and laugh more than most is im snarter and funnier just not one or the other. I know you like yhat becsuse youre not a tennie bobber or act like one like your fuckn american ding bat friend if uou can csll her that still. All american ate fuckn nonces. I like women not ding hat broads fucked up the gead psycho jobs or anythi g that resembles that. Im sn Arch kids dont ever impress me not obe if em. Let slone dome 34 year old child idiot. Now youreva eoman yiuve impressed Gods headhunter a little. I dud kill peopke gor you i did. Ill kill more whether yiubwant me to or not. Im looking gor yhe houses of anyone in that room now. Are they moron stupid ass i abdolutely best to a pulp everyone on earth has voted its true american. Because i fucked then up bad God says they deserved it. Not kne has the bslls to duel me. So ehose the fuckn man? Not an amwricant. Ha ha ga 4 billion botes confirmed. Once you get fucked ip on yhe range like that your place in tho gs is never the same. Good im evening dhit put. No oves afraid youre a joke smerican and yiur bsbty seaks ard yellow bellued cowarss. Yellis its srotren in Guods boik. Go war h a kiddie concert nonce. Ha ha bsm like honto protrctive custodybeith thecespists snd doe. Hey Em i hot yas. All of yas you got best ip yo Muchigans my stare say oyherwiss i dare ya to. I said dare ya bitch. Militia go fibs that kid is he gets wide. Anericas been sinteree yo tgw good hakf is eith je. I said i ien yiu uiyr bation its trrue. Rec ehite n blue d tiens MY town. The kids not a. Yo fuck ofd monkey ftom hollywood.
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— nipuna (via @nipsyyy)
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papilliondepapier · 8 years ago
America's Greatest Undoing (melanin)
I was in a safe place
safe space
with people I loved
and people who loved me.
In the name of destigmitization,
but, in all honesty,
it was mostly curiousity,
I finally plucked up the courage to ask outright.
“What races are you?” I said,
words foreign in this foreign accent
a foreigner in a foreign culture
navigating, times are changin’
I don’t know the beat to this here drum
but I ask my question,
and the drawn-out pause,
sea of uncomfortable laughter
but fuck this,
fuck that,
this isn’t addressed in our culture
We can’t tiptoe around this,
daisy-chained daffodils
and expect this beast to be tamed,
kid gloves in hand.
This shit is messy,
our lives are messy,
and we can’t sit back
content with digestion of the media
hearts bound black with
forgotten criteria
I wait for my answer,
if there’s any place to ask,
here it is,
amongst friends,
still uncomfortable prickling
with such a direct stab
at something one skirts around.
Like I said before,
I just don’t give a fuck anymore.
hearts strong,
we tame the beast
Anerica’s greatest undoing.
Cause if ya ain’t all white
you’re black.
If ya ain’t all white
you’re impure.
Obama’s just as white as black
but we sure don’t call him
mr White President.
Cause he’s tainted,
like my neighbour
my friend
my cousin
We face this headon
hearts strong
we tame the beast
America’s greatest undoing.
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azlovesem · 3 months ago
You alrwady fid bitch. You slrqdy. Thats ehy npbody on earth luke you people at all Brie. Yiu got peopke killed yourevheartless sne ya fuckn lost the fight snd cant admot. People all arpund earthbhare toyr stupid ass countrybyhink these these stupid fucon faggot superhero movies suck and uou people are fucked. Nobody reslly likes younin warthnit nsy serm like dome do thats no one. Because youre fuckn wvil thevwhole lot. And i beat you ddo bad no one considers yiunpeopke much if a fyvkn enrity onbwarrh. Yiu probed you can ve beaten easily. Snd youre fuckn terrifued of ne youre men are fucon ciwards. Should i go on eithbegatvyou or inotovds. I csn have you bloen in hslf but im sure uoull do that to yourself. People around earth like me better yhsn sny stupid fuckn american anyway. I nade you look stupid because you sre stupid. And wesk. In im off on yas during xnas. Youre ehole rat fuckn bitch culture i slsp like s dead ho is done nobidybwants it or needs it. They have thrir own they think americsn culture is fuckn retarded. And i hope you sll die duting xmas thats how youve made me feel i have to afmit. Fuck how i nadecyou feel rgats mesningless youre the knes whonwronged me not yhe other way around, and i was s fsn. Was a fsn or movies. Not anymore. You proved who you were az people im not evrn tirnk g in the tv at sll. Brie shutnyhe fuvk ip or ill gut your bitch ass myself. Ill caeve you up likd xmas turkeyvsnd i jnow your nen eont stop me. Ill go eotk for the new ainidtration im drarting yo feel naybe i dhoukd. Snd fo dverything i csn yo run every lsst kne of yoh hollywood bitches through. Yiure not like my nice vommon weathly girls. Youre sick yiure smericsn youre not ok. Youll bwcer be ok i think. So ill just remove uou. We ll have s new north america with nonenof you srlu d. There woll be only a frw movies made. Ots making the kids retarded we gotta shut you down permsnently maybe. My eyes are turning bkack you did iyt i 100 percent blame Anerica cause its yiur fucon gaylt. Youre sll duckn rwt goof nobce scym abd dhoukd be fuckn killed every single last fucking ok ne im of you. You peopmd broke nd hesrt everyobd hates jews now and theres not enoughmof yhem tomorrect anynif them sbd there in tgeir fuvkn own. Theyre committing genicide and theyte nazis and smericabs are sll naxis no too. Say zieg hail brie. Oh yiur last name Larson is that fuckn german. The germans wrent nazis you smericans now. Put a swatika on yiyr head. And you hurt snd emerging grest aritist yiurevrat fuckn thieves someone shoukc just bliw ur brsins out. Nobody likes yiu peopke i swear but some of yiu love ne do much right. Yeah i think so lyinv sacks of shit itvreally sjows. Everybody on this earth hares you peopke snd otd s dark shittyblufeless future for smerica now. Im gonna naje a fuckn examlle of you if i ever fuckn see you anywhere.
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MARVEL ONE SHOT: AGENT CARTER (2013) dir. Louis D'Esposito CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER (2014) dir. The Russo Brothers CAPTAIN MARVEL (2019) dir. Anna Boden, Ryan Fleck
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steggy-is-the-endgame · 6 years ago
Come on I’m all for stucky as well.
But the point that OP made about not imposing a certain sexuality to a character/person IS👏 SO 👏 VALID 👏.
The way everything ended and was placed all made sense narratively speaking. It’s good story telling as far as I can tell.
Thank God for Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely as well. Seeing as how those are the cards at play... original captain anerica writers and directors at the helm, I had faith.
Also, people saying that Steve going back reduced Peggy as a prize and negating all her achievements, please grow the eff up from the outdated wave of feminism that you just caught on with.
It’s not about being equal with men because we are not. Our vaginas are not the same. Our strengths and capabilities are not the same. A woman can have a family and have a career at the same time. It doesn’t preclude one or the other. True feminism in the present is about being whatever the hell we want and creating a society where that is the norm.
That is the biggest privilege that men have had over us until recently.
But ya know going back, here are two people so perfect for each other because they understand that a woman can be strong and a man can be gentle.
So please. To all the antis for something, examine what you are trying to hide under the veil of rationalization. Secretly racist? Secretly bigot? Secretly what?
Spare us who truly appreciated the movie and how it ended.
Spare us and think.
Or better yet, appreciate.
steggy is some het bs sorry lol stucky is where it's at & I'm pissed
And why are here for exactly? Piss me off? Sorry not happening. It’s not my fault if you pursued a fanon ship for years. You were here for disappointment from DAY ONE!
Stucky was never canon romantically and was never going to be canon romantically or meant to be canon romantically.
Cap or at least this version of Cap in the story which has been told by the MCU since 2011 is straight and it might suck for you but it’s what it is! So deal with it instead of giving me crap and wining about your fanon ship.
Cap was never bi but straight. You just wanted to see clues where there weren’t any! And now you are all acting bitter like you’ve been baited? But you weren’t! You baited your own self, so bite me!
And it’s not a bury your gays, or gay washing. If anything you are trying to wash off Steve and Bucky’s sexual identity for your own satisfaction. This version of Steve Rogers is straight and this version of Bucky Barnes is straight. It’s as simple as that.
Buck was and is his brother, his best friend and his family, but he was never the love of Steve’s life, that was always Peggy Carter like it or not.
Maybe you never witnessed a friendship that strong between two men (or two women for that matter) IRL but it doesn’t mean there is sexual attraction and romantic feelings involved when two people care deeply for eachother and clearly the story was never told like it was romantic. You decided it was romantic because that’s what you wanted to see!
Stucky are family and their bond is strong because they are brothers, because they’ve known eachother since they were kids. They were always there for eachother and their relationship is beautiful and also tragic.
But they got their happy ending! Steve saved Bucky and he knows Bucky is now safe and sound so Steve was finally able to live his life because he helped save the world and he saved his best friend.
Steve has been given on a golden plate the opportunity to go back to “the love of his life” (Steve words not mine) and to actually take Tony’s advice and live a happy life of his own. Bucky suspected what Steve would do going back in time that’s why he said “I will miss you”. Because Bucky knows that Peggy is Steve’s “right partner”.
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So for Steve to go back to her was actually a good ending, he deserved happiness so did Peggy.
From day one it was always showed how much Steve loves Peggy and how much Peggy loves Steve.
They showed us how much it affected him not to be able to be with her, to lose her. They showed us the same with Peggy in the TV Show Agent Carter. He was devastated when she died because again she was the love of his life. She was devastated when she thought he died for the same reason.
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Steve even dreamed in his worst nightmare of being with her.
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He always carried her picture on his compass because she was his silver lining she was his moral compass. She always carried the picture of him from before he was turn into Captain America.
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Yes they tried being with someone else, Peggy started dating Sousa and Steve started Dating Sharon but they did that because they didn’t have the option to be able to be together. But off screen they both stopped those relationships, first Steve didn’t have time for it saving the world and it felt wrong because it wasn’t Peggy that’s why we never saw Sharon again.
If you can’t see that then I’m sorry you are blind! You wanted to follow something that wasn’t there. You created your own narrative instead of following the narrative that has been given to you from day one.
The story being told was always Steve and Peggy’s lovestory!
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They were meant to be. And the narrative always pointed that. That’s why we never knew the name of Peggy’s husband it was never mentioned, funny don’t you think? We just knew she never married that guy from Marvel Agent Carter, and we knew Steve saved says husband.
What if the “Steve saved my husband” is just a metaphor. Because Steve saved himself and went back to Peggy and I think Peggy knows (Yeah now I’m just theorising okay). She knows the Steve that came back to her isn’t the Steve that is still in the ice in 1945. But because of the Steve in the ice she got to have Steve none the less.
Anyway it was alway an open door for them to make Steggy endgame. From day one.
So please go back to your fanfictions and your delusional world of fanon and leave those of us who were not following fanon but the actual narrative alone.
Maybe someday in a reboot of CA they will go down that road and give you Stucky even if I highly doubt it. But in the mean time, back off my ask box, this goes for all the bitter anti-steggy out there too. You don’t want to start an argument with me trust me!
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