anemistory · 8 years
Would anyone be interested if I upload part(s) of The Yearbook tomorrow???
We're on 161/200... I can either dedicate time to finish the series eventually or I can dish out a huge master post outlining what happens until the end of the story?
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fourrrrforyou · 12 years
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anemistory · 12 years
Guys, in case you haven't already guessed, Nick and Demi from "The Yearbook" are kind of an altered version of Seth and Summer from the O.C.!!!!
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anemistory · 12 years
Come Back To Me. (114)
Weeks passed since Demi had been taken home from the hospital. Nick tried every day to see if her memory would slowly come back, but he was always disappointed in the end. He had personally gone through Demi’s schedule and cleared all her days, postponing the show at The Greek and all of her interviews. Even though her summer tour was booked and sold out across the country, Nick had informed the arenas himself that Demi might now be mentally stable to perform.
One afternoon he sighed to himself as he sat in front of the laptop organizing his schedule to take care of Demi. Demi slowly walked into the office and looked at him. “I wanna go home,” she told him.
Nick looked up from the screen in a panic. “Baby, you are home.”
Demi shook her head. “And that’s the reason I wanna go. Nick, just take me to my parents place. I can’t do this any longer. You keep telling me things I don’t know. You keep trying to convince me of stuff I don’t remember doing. You’re scaring me sometimes.”
Nick got up from the desk and walked towards her. “Demi, I’m sorry. It’s just a lot to deal with and accept. Please, baby, don’t leave me.”
Demi shook her head. “This isn’t a breakup, Nick. I just need time to figure everything out.”
“Figure what out?” Nick asked her. “The way you put it sure sounds like a breakup.”
“It isn’t,” Demi said. “I just need to clear my head.”
“Demi, do something for me,” Nick said. “Look at that calendar on the wall. You see the date? April 28th. You came back from Europe a few days after Valentines Day.”
Demi looked at the calendar, then at him. She shrugged. “I don’t get it.”
“You weren’t in a coma all this time,” Nick said. “You were with me, doing everything I said we did. Moved in together, got engaged, went to Niagara,-” he paused and sighed, “please try to remember. Please, Demi. Don’t do this to me. I’m trying so hard but nothing’s working anymore.”
Demi looked into his eyes. He looked desperate. She stroked the side of his face once, then sighed. “I have to go, babe. I’m sorry.”
She turned and started walking away. Nick watched her go and felt his heart sink. He followed her upstairs and saw her get her luggage out. Then, he remembered. He jumped into the room and over to Demi. “Stay one more night. If you still wanna leave in the morning, then I’ll drive you myself. Just stay one more night,” he begged.
Demi looked up from her bags and at him. He still looked desperate to her. She sighed and looked back down at her bags, slowly nodding. “Fine. One more night.”
Nick smiled to himself, then ran out of the room. Demi watched him go, confused.
“Hello?” Miley said over the phone.
“Hey, Miles,” Selena said on the other line.
“Selena,” Miley repeated. “Where the hell have you disappeared to?”
“Long story short, Justin’s dragging me around the world.”
“Wow, sounds miserable,” Miley sarcastically said.
“How’s Demi?” Selena asked.
Miley sighed. “The same. No improvement.”
“I wish I could be there for her,” Selena softly said.
“Trust me, if Nick can’t get her memory going, then you can’t for sure.”
“Have you tried?”
“Of course. As soon as she starts doubting it I have to stop, though. Nick just keeps pushing it on her.”
“What happens then?”
“She gets pissed off and starts crying. They said she’ll experience extreme headaches if she becomes overly confused by things, like the past three months.”
“Well why does he keep trying if she’ll just start freaking out?”
“Because the doctor said her memory can come back at any time. Nick wants to know the second it does.”
“Did they say how it’ll come back?” Selena asked.
“No, just that it’ll come naturally. She’ll just randomly remember the things she forgot.”
“What about this period? Will she remember not remembering things?”
“I don’t know,” Miley sighed.
Selena sighed as well. “How did Joe react to the news?”
“He just took it in,” Miley said. “He didn’t have anything to say about it.”
“So Nick is one hundred percent done with him after the accident?”
“Oh yeah,” Miley said. “On and off stage.”
“You asked me to stay another night and this is all we’re doing?” Demi asked Nick as she walked into the living room. Candles were lit all around the room and he ordered in dinner for them. Their usual favorites: salmon and chicken. He had videos set up on the TV and was waiting for her.
“I thought we could just keep it relaxed,” Nick said.
Demi giggled and walked over to him. “You didn’t pick up my sarcasm, did you?”
Nick exaggerated a sigh of relief. “Thank God.”
Demi smiled and sat on the floor in front of her dinner. “Let’s eat.”
Nick sat next to her and they started eating. Their meal was mostly in silence, with the random word or two by each of them. After they were done, Nick cleared the plates. Demi sat up on the couch and stared at the blue TV screen. She noticed a video camera out and a bunch of DVDs by the player. “Nick, what are we gonna watch?”
Nick walked back into the room and inserted the first DVD. He sat down next to Demi and took her hand. “Home videos.”
Demi looked at him, then at the screen when voices started. It was Demi filming herself the day they moved into the house. She was sitting on the same couch they were sitting on right that moment. Nick looked at her as she watched the screen. Demi’s eyes started popping as the video carried on. She watched herself run through the house with Nick and the camera, explaining each and every single room. Then, the ended approached. Demi pulled Nick closer to her on the camera and smiled at it. Well, mark the day. February 22, 2012, is Day One of Nemi’s House. They both laughed on screen and then the DVD ended.
Nick looked over at Demi again. She was speechless and just stared at the TV. He didn’t say anything as he got up and walked towards the DVD player, switching disks. Before Demi could ask him a question, another video started playing. Kevin was on the screen now, being filmed by someone. He held a red plastic cup and screamed. Woooooooo, Nick and Demi are getting married! he yelled. Then Miley appeared on screen. She had an arm around Demi and they both danced by the pool. They were both singing at the top of their lungs and were laughing at each other. Suddenly, Nick came up behind Demi and lifted her up. She was kicking and screaming over his shoulder as he jumped into the pool with her.
Nick looked at Demi on the couch as she watched this video of their engagement party at the house. He realized she was speechless, so turned off the video. He wasn’t going to play the rest. He sighed and put his head down. Demi got up from the couch and stood in place. She looked back down at Nick, then put a hand on his shoulder. He slowly looked up at her. “You wanna go to sleep?”
Demi slowly nodded, still not talking.
Nick sighed and got up from the couch. Oh well, he thought to himself. He followed Demi upstairs and walked her to the guest room. He looked outside the windows and saw heavy rain falling all of a sudden. “Good thing we didn’t leave tonight,” he weakly said.
Demi didn’t respond.
Nick sighed when they got in front of her guest bedroom door. “Well, goodnight,” he said, about to walk away.
“Stay in the room with me until I’m get myself ready?” Demi asked.
Nick turned back around and followed her into the room. He sat on the bed as she went into the bathroom. I failed Diana’s test. She’s gonna say I can’t marry Demi now because I made her run away from me. Demi may never come back to me after she leaves. He sighed and buried his head in his hands. I ruined everything.
He heard the sink turn off in the bathroom, then the door opened. Demi slowly walked out in her pyjamas and stared at him. Nick got up from the bed and forced a weak smile to her. “Well, goodnight,” he said as he started walking out of the room.
Demi watched him take a few steps, then went after him. She grabbed his hand and watched him turn around. She sighed, then took a few steps closer. She cupped his cheeks and kissed his lips. She didn’t stop like the last time she kissed him. She slowly wrapped her arms around his neck and continued. Nick hesitated wrapping her in his arms, then broke away from her. “What are you-” he began to ask.
“Shhhh,” Demi interrupted him.
She leaned back in and kissed him. Nick slowly wrapped his arms around her back, then felt her moving. She started walking backwards towards the bed. Nick figured where this was going, but didn’t stop it. He gently put a hand behind her head and laid her down. He felt her reach for the bottom of his shirt and start pulling it up. He pulled away in that moment and looked at her. “Are you sure?”
Demi slowly nodded, then pressed her lips back to his. She slid his shirt up to his chest, then he did the rest. Nick gently and cautiously rolled over and lay underneath her as he worked on her pyjama. Demi elevated herself on top of him, letting him undo the buttons so she could slid out of the shirt. Once it was off, she reached for his belt and started kissing his neck. Nick stroked her arms, smiling to himself.
Demi had fallen asleep in Nick’s arms after the two of them had just hooked up for the first time in what seemed like forever in Nick’s books. He couldn’t sleep. He smiled as she was cuddling up into his arms. He gently stroked the top of her head and watched her sleep. Suddenly, she started tossing and turning in her sleep. Nick leaned up a little bit and got his hand free from under her head. She started mumbling in her sleep. Nick hesitated, but started shaking her to wake up. “Baby,” he softly said, “baby, it’s just a dream. Wake up.”
Demi kept tossing and turning, then sat up instantly, her eyes wide opened. She was panting. She was sweating. She started looking around the room, then at Nick. Her heart was racing. “Nick?”
Nick leaned forward and cupped her cheeks. “What is it, baby?”
She continued to pant for air, still looking around the room. “W-W-W-Why are we here?”
Nick gave her a confused look. “What do you mean?”
Demi then noticed he was shirtless and she was in her bra. She looked back up at him and jumped from the bed. Nick watched her jump up and walk out of the room. He followed her. Demi ran down the hall and into the master bedroom. She kept trying to catch her breath. Nick came up behind her and turned her by the shoulders. “You’re freaking me out. What’s wrong?”
“Why were we sleeping in the guest bedroom?” she asked.
“Because you always sleep in-” he said, then stopped. He stared at her and his heart started racing. Demi stared back up at him. Nick naturally started smiling. “Demi, we’re engaged, right?”
Demi nodded, then looked at her left hand. She quickly looked back up at him. “Where’s my ring, though? What happened to my ring?”
Nick’s smile grew. He ran over to his bedside table and grabbed the ring. “Here it is,” he said, sliding back onto her finger.
Demi watched him put it back on, then looked around the room. “Seriously, though, why aren’t we sleeping in here?”
Nick smiled and picked her up in a hug. He spun her in circles and kissed her. Demi was finally put down, then smiled at him. “Random, but I liked it.”
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