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masaoms · 7 years ago
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I've added some of my jewels at Sale section at my store, they're discounted from 30% to 50% of their original price!! So if is there any piece you like don't miss it. 😁 He afegit algunes de les meves joies a la secció de Rebaixes de la meva botiga, estan rebaixades del 30% al 50%!! O sigui que si n'hi ha alguna que t'agrada, no t'ho pensis! 😁 www.martaoms.com www.masaoms.etsy.com #masaoms #martaoms #handmadejewelry #moonring #whitemoonring #fullmoonring #sterlingsilver #gemstonerings #gemstonejewelry #sales #jewelrysales #etsyjewelry #etsydiscount #riojeweler #joies #joieria #joiesbarcelona #fetama #joiespedres #anelllluna #llunaplena #descompte #rebaixes #rebaixesjoieria #rebaixesjoies
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masaoms · 7 years ago
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I've added some of my jewels at Sale section at my store, they're discounted from 30% to 50% of their original price!! So if is there any piece you like don't miss it. 😁 He afegit algunes de les meves joies a la secció de Rebaixes de la meva botiga, estan rebaixades del 30% al 50%!! O sigui que si n'hi ha alguna que t'agrada, no t'ho pensis! 😁 www.martaoms.com www.masaoms.etsy.com #masaoms #martaoms #handmadejewelry #moonring #whitemoonring #fullmoonring #sterlingsilver #gemstonerings #gemstonejewelry #sales #jewelrysales #etsyjewelry #etsydiscount #riojeweler #joies #joieria #joiesbarcelona #fetama #joiespedres #anelllluna #llunaplena #descompte #rebaixes #rebaixesjoieria #rebaixesjoies
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