#andrés - josé - bernal - shitposting
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Dia #5
Este Man no solo es un gran (por no decir excelente) cantautor, compositor instrumentista, productor, ser humano, activista, Apicultor y comediante a ratos, sino que también es alguien "memeable"
Lo amo tanto... 🧡🫶💛
This Man is not only a great (if not excellent) singer-songwriter, songwriter, instrumentalist, producer, human being, activist, Beekeeper and comedian at times, but he is also a meme-able person...
I love him sooo much
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Look, now Andrew has arrived on the green carpet of the met gala (just in case, the photos are fake) and he couldn't look more gallant in an outfit adorned with cherry branches, vines and (his) Ireland's national flower, the shamrock (seriously, look it up if you want) and as a special touch, branches descending from his ✨MAGICAL✨ hair to match the theme.
(Officially the Editor has transitioned from editor to dressmaker [lie, I couldn't, my respects to the little girl who studied and did it]).
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Dia #4
No sé si esto cuente más como un meme o edit pero aún así quería subirlo, aprovechando el hype y contenido que nos está dando la "Abeja Reina", so... Agarrense que este mame de las abejas y el patrón solo acaba de empezar
Day #4
I don't know if this counts more as a meme or edit but I still wanted to upload it, taking advantage of the hype and content that the "Queen Bee" is giving us, so.... Hang on, this bees and the pattern meme is just getting started!
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Dia #3
Por años he sido seguidora de múltiples cuentas de diversos fandoms y había momentos en dónde lxs admis "predecian" el futuro, algo que a mí en lo particular me volaba la mente, pues creía que a lo mejor tenían un convenio especial o eran personas sumamente inteligentes, más y ahora que me encuentro del otro lado no se cómo sentirme...
Por lo que solo queda decir "yo soy del futuro y ustedes del pasado" (es una referencia a Bob esponja)
Btw y just because este edit hoy tiene mayor significado y fuerza... "look at me Mr Hozier "
For years I've been a follower of multiple accounts of various fandoms and there were times when the admis "predicted" the future, something that blew my mind, cus I thought that maybe they had a special agreement or were extremely intelligent people, and now that I'm on the other side I don't know how to feel...
Btw and just because this edit "today" (April 5 [Post I made in the past on Instagram and now I'm posting them here on Tumblr) has more meaning and strength... "look at me Mr Hozier"
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Día #2
En otras noticias un tanto más serias, solicitamos su apoyo en la pronta localización de este edit... Si saben algo de el favor de comunicarse al 01 800 77 66 123 459 (es un número falso, creo, aún así y por si acaso no lo marquen)
In other and serious news, we ask for your support in locating this edit.... If you know anything about it please call 01 800 77 66 123 459 (it is a fake number, I think, but just in case don't call it).
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Y con esta publicación - edit doy por inaugurada está cuenta que tiene como fin el hacer edits del flaco (Hozier) hasta que vuelva a tierras latinas (por fa, no te vayas a tardar otra década, tengo creatividad, pero tampoco es tanta), saque nueva música, sepa de nuestra (mi) existencia o lo que sea que pase primero
And with this post - edit I inaugurate this account whose purpose is to make edits of "El flaco" (Hozier) until he returns to Latinoamérica (please, don't take another decade, I've creativity, but it's not that much), releases new music, hears about our (my) existence or whatever happens first.
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Dia #1
Que mejor manera de comenzar la espera que con el edit que dió inicio a esta idea, amistades y el que sería uno de los mejores días de mi vida...
Con la ligera diferencia que esté si trae consigo mi firma, algo que a la "editora" del pasado se le olvido 🤡🤡🤡 y por ende ahora desconoce el paradero de su trabajo... (*Maquineando edit*)
En fin, le haya llegado a sus talentosas manos o no, siempre le tendré un cariño especial a este edit en particular ❤️
What a way to start the wait with the edit that started this idea, friendships and What'd be one of the best days of my life...
With the slight difference that this one has my signature, something that the "editor(a)" of the past forgot 🤡🤡🤡🤡 and therefore now she doesn't know where her work is... (*Machining edit*)
Anyway, whether it came into his talented hands or not, I'll always have a special fondness for this particular edit ❤️
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