buffyshirley-blog · 6 years
Episode 12 Theories
Josh’s recent hints about episode 12 have cleared a lot up since we now know whatever it is in episode 12 is not relationship driven.
I’ve seen people theorizing that it has to do with Jonah and I agree. From what I’ve seen people have been speculating for awhile about Jonah’s family life so that would certainly be something we want to find out/have been waiting for.
It’s very possible they are doing a divorce storyline with Jonah’s family. It definitely seems like a storyline Andi Mack would tackle. Josh said SANDWHICH is a wordplay so they could be doing the thing where his parents are splitting and he has to decide which parent to live with. sandWHICH parent will he choose? Could defintely play into Jonah’s panic-attack storyline.
OR it could be a different word play. Like Jonah is SANDWHICHED between two choices? Fighting parents, who to go live with etcetera. Just a thought I had. Can’t wait to find out when episode 12 comes around.
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