from-a-legends-pov · 7 months
Star Wars Legends: Poll of the Week
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“Yub yub, Commander.” (Wes Janson to Wedge Antilles, X-Wing: Wraith Squadron)
“Good luck, crazy human lady. It was fun destroying stuff with you.” (Aqualish pirate Andevid to Leia Organa, Razor’s Edge)
“Kiss my Wookiee!” (Han Solo to Imperial Warlord Zsinj, The Courtship of Princess Leia)
“But…it was so artistically done.” (Grand Admiral Thrawn to Rukh, The Last Command)
“Pretty. What do we blow up first?” (Myn Donos to the Wraiths, X-Wing: Solo Command)
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I consume much ofmy time at Bacolodcity the last time Iwas in NegrosOccidental and wenteven farther at southas the municipalityof Cauayan. I wasthen a tourist newbieand was onlyfocused in thecommon andevident. At the time,I had heard ofSipalay City.Imunicipality of City. It continued to belisted by locals,encouraging us tomake time for it. "You're already in Cauayan, maybe you're visitingSipalay as well " But since no conceptual bell rang, I swept it under thecarpet, where I keep everything I find beyond my comfort zone. Sixyears have elapsed since that tour. In the Philippines tourism planning,Sipalay Area, the gem that brings pride to local people, is an elusive point. I always feel as if I didn't know much about it. So when the solesof my feet were once again reaching Negros Island, I realized I was infor a treat. It was time to go the extra mile at last.
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hanleiaquotes · 2 years
Razor’s Edge | Martha Wells | 2013 | Legends Universe
Part 82
Leia lifted a brow. “Do you want to join the Rebel Alliance?”
Andevid recoiled in horror. “No!”
Han sighed. “Yeah, that’s what I said. It didn’t help. Run while you can.”
Leia spared a moment to toss him a look, then told Andevid, “That’s what I thought you’d say. Good luck, Andevid.”
He peered after them. “Good luck, crazy human lady. It was fun destroying stuff with you.”
As they headed toward the access ladder for the hatch, Leia asked Han, “Is that why you stick around? The thrill of destroying stuff with me?”
His sideways glance at her was hard to read. “One of the reasons.”
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rjalker · 2 years
She turned to the Quara. “Andevid, why are you still here? Is it because you think I’ll shoot you if you try to leave?”
“Not really. I don’t think you remember you captured me, most of the time.” Andevid scratched his chin below his tusk. “I was going to run away, but my escape route keeps getting cut off.”
“Where were you going to go?”
“I was going to try to steal a ship, but …” He shrugged. “Since you’re doing that, too …”
“All right, I’d like to hire you, as a crewman, until we reach Arnot Station. I’ll pay you five hundred credits.”
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muralimohan · 5 years
mere reproduction of pleadings andevidence and brief reference to the findings of the Trial Court and including the submissions of both sides before it- is not sufficient for delivery of the judgment = find merits in the grievance of the appellant that since the High Court was dealing with the First Appeal, it was expected to answer each of the findings on facts recorded by the Trial Court as well as law. However, the manner in which it has been answered in the impugned judgment is not satisfactory. The High Court has not even adverted to the different reasons assigned by the Trial Court in its judgment. Notably, the impugned judgment runs into thirty two pages but the first twenty nine pages contain only a reproduction of pleadings and evidence and brief reference to the findings of the Trial Court and including the submissions of both sides before it. Thus, effectively, the Trial Court's judgment has been reversed by the High Court in 2 pages, without reversing each of the reasons weighed with the Trial Court to answer the matters in issue. We, therefore, set aside the impugned judgment and relegate the parties before the High Court for reconsideration of the First Appeal on its own merits in accordance with law afresh.
mere reproduction of pleadings andevidence and brief reference to the findings of the Trial Court and including the submissions of both sides before it- is not sufficient for delivery of the judgment = find merits in the grievance of the appellant that since the High Court was dealing with the First Appeal, it was expected to answer each of the findings on facts recorded by the Trial Court as well as law. However, the manner in which it has been answered in the impugned judgment is not satisfactory. The High Court has not even adverted to the different reasons assigned by the Trial Court in its judgment. Notably, the impugned judgment runs into thirty two pages but the first twenty nine pages contain only a reproduction of pleadings and evidence and brief reference to the findings of the Trial Court and including the submissions of both sides before it. Thus, effectively, the Trial Court’s judgment has been reversed by the High Court in 2 pages, without reversing each of the reasons weighed with the Trial Court to answer the matters in issue. We, therefore, set aside the impugned judgment and relegate the parties before the High Court for reconsideration of the First Appeal on its own merits in accordance with law afresh.
Heard learned counsel for the parties.
This appeal takes exception to the judgment and order
dated 15.06.2009…
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