#andes textile
sixteenseveredhands · 3 months
500-year-old Snake Figure from Peru (Incan Empire), c. 1450-1532 CE: this fiber craft snake was made from cotton and camelid hair, and it has a total length of 86.4cm (about 34in)
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This piece was crafted by shaping a cotton core into the basic form of a snake and then wrapping it in structural cords. Colorful threads were then used to create the surface pattern, producing a zig-zag design that covers most of the snake's body. Some of its facial features were also decorated with embroidery.
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A double-braided rope is attached to the distal end of the snake's body, near the tip of its tail, and another rope is attached along the ventral side, where it forms a small loop just behind the snake's lower jaw. Similar features have been found in other serpentine figures from the same region/time period, suggesting that these objects may have been designed for a common purpose.
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Very little is known about the original function and significance of these artifacts; they may have been created as decorative elements, costume elements, ceremonial props, toys, gifts, grave goods, or simply as pieces of artwork.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art argues that this figure might have been used as a prop during a particular Andean tradition:
In a ritual combat known as ayllar, snakes made of wool were used as projectiles. This effigy snake may have been worn around the neck—a powerful personal adornment of the paramount Inca and his allies—until it was needed as a weapon. The wearer would then grab the cord, swing the snake, and hurl it in the direction of the opponent. The heavy head would propel the figure forward. The simultaneous release of many would produce a scenario of “flying snakes” thrown at enemies.
The same custom is described in an account from a Spanish chronicler named Cristóbal de Albornoz, who referred to the tradition as "the game of the ayllus and the Amaru" ("El juego de los ayllus y el Amaru").
The image below depicts a very similar artifact from the same region/time period.
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Why Indigenous Artifacts Should be Returned to Indigenous Communities.
Sources & More Info:
Metropolitan Museum of Art: Snake Ornament
Serpent Symbology: Representations of Snakes in Art
Journal de la Société des Américanistes: El Juego de los ayllus y el Amaru
Yale University Art Gallery: Votive Fiber Sculpture of an Anaconda
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worldhistoryfacts · 2 years
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Sleeve band from a tunic, Peru, 750-1000 CE. This type of textile is called Moche-Wari, because it was made by the coastal Wari people using motifs from the inland Moche culture.
{WHF} {Ko-Fi} {Medium}
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redrunningmoogles · 3 months
I didn't know the new final fantasy expansion was based on south America so I just started seeing screenshots of the new stuff wondering why the characters suddenly looked more andean than usual
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Galería fotográfica
Indumentaria tradicional femenina de Amantaní. Puno-Perú. Febrero,1995. Foto: Archivo Sergio Quijada Jara.
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curatedattire · 7 months
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Beyond CashmereDiscovering the Luxurious World of Vicuña
The exquisite allure of vicuña—the crown jewel of fine fabrics, coveted by connoisseurs of luxury and style.
Picture, if you will, the rugged terrain of the Andes Mountains, where the vicuña roams free amidst the breathtaking landscape. Revered by ancient civilizations and protected by royal decree, this majestic creature yields a fiber of unparalleled softness and rarity—an embodiment of luxury in its purest form.
What sets vicuña apart, you ask? Ah, my dear readers, it is a symphony of factors that converge to create this masterpiece of nature's design. Firstly, consider the sheer scarcity of the material. The vicuña's fleece is harvested only once every two years, with each animal yielding a mere few ounces of fiber—a testament to its exclusivity and desirability.
But it is not merely scarcity that defines the allure of vicuña. No, it is the incomparable softness and fineness of the fiber that truly captivates the senses. Imagine the touch of silk, the warmth of cashmere, and the lightness of feathers—all embodied in a single strand of vicuña wool. It is a sensation unlike any other, a tactile indulgence that envelops the wearer in a cocoon of luxury.
And let us not overlook the craftsmanship that transforms this precious fiber into garments of unparalleled beauty. Skilled artisans, steeped in centuries of tradition, carefully hand-weave each garment with meticulous attention to detail. The result? Timeless pieces of unparalleled elegance, destined to become cherished heirlooms passed down through generations.
But perhaps what truly elevates vicuña to the pinnacle of luxury is its storied history and cultural significance. Revered by the Inca civilization as the "fiber of the gods," vicuña has long been associated with royalty and nobility. Today, it continues to captivate discerning individuals who appreciate the finer things in life—a symbol of refinement and prestige.
Vicuña stands as a testament to the enduring allure of luxury—an embodiment of elegance, rarity, and craftsmanship. So the next time you envelop yourself in the sumptuous embrace of vicuña, remember that you are not merely wearing a garment—you are experiencing a legacy, a tradition, a piece of history. Until next time, may your journey be filled with beauty, sophistication, and the timeless allure of vicuña.
Keep Curating
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omgthatdress · 2 months
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Hey babes, can you do a Mando x reader where the reader is a bounty hunter and leaves the ship to complete a mission and is only supposed to be gone a few hours but they’re gone all night and Din starts to panic and the next morning they show up slightly injured sand Din completely loses it and he was so scared then feels guilty? (fluff and ANGST) (sorry this is long!)
Safe With You
Relationship: Din Djarin x Reader
Warnings: fluff and angst, as ordered
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: Thank you so so much for requesting!! I haven’t written for the Mandalorian in so long, it feels so great to do again. And the new season was wonderful, I loved the ending so much, so thank you for requesting this fluffy, angsty thing! (P.S. I am very aware of the fact that we just learned the mandalorian’s first name is not actually his first name however, I am a woman who is set in her ways and this was written before finding that fact out. He’s "Din" throughout this, I’m sorry.)
"You’re sure you’re going to be okay?" He asked you for what felt like the millionth time. You had to force yourself to stop rolling your eyes as you finished packing your supplies.
When you came back to the make-shift base you two had set up and told Din you picked up an easy job while in town, you had expected him to maybe ask a couple of questions, just so he knew where you’d be. What you hadn’t expected was for him to practically pester you. Not to mention, he’d already offered to come with about a dozen times now.
"Honey, I was working alone way before I ever met you," you replied, "I think I’m going to be able to handle myself."
He sighed. "I know, but this planet… Can you at least tell me what the job is?"
You shook your head. "I was paid extra for my discretion and the last thing we need is to lose a couple of credits, right? Besides, there’s worse in the galaxy, I’m sure of it. It’ll be fine, I’ll be back before you know it."
Din peaked up at the dimming sky. It would be getting dark soon.
"This still doesn’t feel right to me. Can you be back before nightfall?" He asked.
You shrugged. "Maybe." You felt his hard stare from behind his helmet. You sighed. "I’ll try."
"I promise."
When you two make promises, you kept them. There were no if ands or buts about it. You both had demanding, dangerous lives, and promises were a foundation you thrived on. It kept you whole, loyal.
So, when night fell on the planet and the only thing he could make out was the fluttering nocturnal bugs, Din grew worried beyond belief. The night was ticking on and he was still alone. You had promised. He shouldn’t have this worry in him right now. He should be holding you tight, hearing you give a recap of the job while you two lay snuggled up, slowly drifting off to sleep.
He should be listening to your dream about what you’d want to use the credits for. Realistically, you always put it toward food and medical aid, but he knew you liked to save just some to the side for when you two found little markets throughout your journeys. You liked buying textiles for crafts in your downtime, jewelry from the local women…
Din was losing his mind. His head spun with thoughts and worries about you. Unable to do much else, he grabbed some supplies and made his way back into town, hoping on the off chance he’d be able to find whoever offered you the job. He decided he’d do whatever was necessary to get them to tell him where you were. He didn’t care what it would take or who he’d have to hurt.
This was you. His other half. His adorable, fearless, bright, charming, funny, caring significant other. And now you were gone…
Well, everyone was gone. In the pitch black of the night, just the faint hint of stars now guiding his path, Din found the town to be completely closed up for the night. It was a stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of the afternoon. It was like everyone just up and left but he knew better than that.
Most of the dusty buildings were used as shops, he remembered, but the flickering glow from some windows on the taller buildings points him toward some of the residents.
Din didn’t hesitate to knock on some doors. It would’ve been more powerful had it ended up working. He pounded on them. Kicked. Yelled. But all of his fits fell on deaf ears. He had half the mind to start breaking in through windows and backdoors but he had to reel himself back. It would do neither of you any good if he was restrained.
When it was growing more and more evident no one in the town would cater to him, Din forced himself to give up. He had to put some faith in you, he knew that. You were incredibly skilled—almost as much as him—and if you weren’t worried about something, he should be trusting of that.
And yet, he couldn’t help himself. Worry and defeat overcame him as he made his way back to where you two were staying. Din decided he’d make himself comfortable and then just wait for you to come back. Surely, that wouldn’t be so bad. He could keep himself awake. You’d probably be back any minute, he tried telling himself. It’d be fine. It’d be easy, right?
Nope. Wrong. So very wrong. Din only realized how foolish he had been when he felt a hint of warmth on his body and light trying to break through the visor of his helmet. Slowly, he blinked his eyes open, forcing himself awake.
It was morning. The next day. It was the morning of the next day…and he was alone. The realization hit Din like a ton of bricks. He shot up from his slouched position, and a new kind of worry came over him. Not only had he fallen asleep, but he had also done so without you, and it still didn’t appear like you were here. Worry shifted into guilty. He thought was going to be sick—
"Over here, darling." Your voice rang out in a scratchy tone from behind Din. He whipped his head around and your slumped, exhausted form came into focus. You were sitting in just your undergarments next to the nearby, splashing water over what appeared to be fresh wounds. A stack of wraps and aid supplies sat next to you. Most of your clothes were tossed to the side and turning brown from dried blood. Din felt every part of him seize up.
"Cyra’ika, what…" Din’s throat felt like it was on fire as he slowly stepped toward you. He knew he should’ve rushed to your side, gave you all the attention and care you absolutely needed, but he had never seen you in this state before. "What happened?"
You shrugged. "Mission was a little bit rougher than anticipate but don’t worry, I finished it and we were paid."
You had the nerve to flash a smirk at him. Din thought he was about to lose it all over again, maybe even worse, as he had the previous night.
"I’m not worried about the funds," he snapped. His sudden and typically unusual harsh tone made you flinch but he didn’t seem to care. "You’re… You’re bleeding. You’re pale. Oh my… You need— We need—,"
"To calm down," you snapped back. "We need to calm down. Honey, I’m okay, really. It was just a bit more difficult than the employer had made it out to be. That was probably my fault, I guess I didn’t ask the right questions, but it’s alright. Brought them in warm and everything. It just took slightly longer than anticipated."
Din groaned. "You said you’d be back by nightfall."
"Well, that didn’t happen."
"I’m very aware that that didn’t happen."
You rolled your eyes and turned your attention back onto your injuries. You patted one of the wounds dry and began trying to wrap it gently but firmly. Every movement made you flinch. "
"I don’t understand what the big fuss is about," you muttered. "I still returned and the mission was complete. What’s the big deal?"
"The big deal is I thought you were dead," Din replied harshly.
"Well, I’m not!" You yelled back, your own fuse nearly at its end. But losing your temper wasn’t the smartest idea you realized as a sharp pain tore through your side. You let out a frightened yelp. You had expected bruises but the one that covered more torso was a ridiculous one.
"Cyra’ika…" Din sighed as he rushed to kneel at your side. He inspected the bruised skin you were gripping. "You need to rest. Let me bandage the rest."
"No, I’m fine," you gritted. Your anger still simmered within you despite Din’s gentle words.
"No, you’re not," he replied. "And… And I’m sorry for being upset with you instead of helping." He pulled at the wrap you were holding in your hands. You forced yourself to give in. You leaned into his touch as he finished drying your wounds and began bandaging them.
"I tried coming back by nightfall," you murmured. "I really did but it was harder than I intended."
"I don’t doubt that for a second," Din said. "You promised and we try to keep our promises but I was… I was so scared." His helmet-distorted voice cracked slightly and that was more painful than any wound some bounty could ever inflict upon you.
"I was scared, too," you admitted, "but I didn’t want to make a big deal of it because I’m finally back here, safe, with you. That’s all that matters." Slowly, you raised a bruised hand to his helmet. You wanted nothing more than to cup his face and promise him you were okay but you knew this was as close as you were going to get.
"You’re right," he agreed, "and that’s what I’m trying to remind myself as I wrap your injuries."
You shook your head. "They’re not that bad, really. I’m sure you’ve had worse."
"This isn’t about me."
"Okay," you sighed. "But the next time you come back all bruised and beaten, I get to reprimand you."
Din hummed. "Maybe we should just start taking jobs together."
"Yeah?" You chuckled. "Wanna be my partner in crime?"
"I think I just want to be wherever you are."
"Good because I want you there with me," you said with a wide smile creeping up on your face. You knew if you saw Din’s face he would be blushing. "Hey, do you think one day we’ll be able to leave all this behind and just live a…normal life together?"
Din’s focus stayed on the bandages. "Is that what you would want?"
"Of course," you replied with no hesitation.
"Then, yes." Din nodded. "I’ll make sure of it."
A good kind of warmth spread throughout your face and down your body. "I love you."
"I love you, too," Din responded. "Always."
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takami-takami · 3 months
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Chasca's growing on me I kinda like this dumbass failson of a character. Like it's so bad it's coming around. But I see people redesign her to look less whitewashed and give her North American clothing designs, or darker skintones without the red cheeks or warm undertones you see in Quechuan people— the red cheeks being something you see more in people higher up in the Andes!
But! People are gently reminding artists that she is Quechuan, and Peruvian, and that redesigns should also honor that. And I am happy to see that. But this is a reminder.
If you want to redraw Chasca, I recommend looking up Peruvian fabrics and textiles as they have gorgeous patterns. Peruvians also very commonly wear traditional headgarments that would be lovely to see replace hoyo's design for her hat. I have a knit beanie-style one with the little tassles! Another common halmark of Quechua people's clothing is cloth satchels— the most famous of which being used for carrying babies on mothers' backs.
For color scheme, Hoyo's selection of dominant reds with blue and purple accents actually is very good and accurate. I like it a lot. And the bird theme is good too. Those are the only things I actually like about her design.
Ornate gold jewelry (and especially headpieces and neckpieces, chefs kiss) are hallmarks of royal Incan designs should you decide to go that route, as well.
I honestly don't blame anyone for not recognizing she's Quechuan as it's like... The points on her character design (the single gold bead in one braid, the red fabric with half-assed tassels) don't read as Quechuan unless you're, like, Peruvian yourself.
The gold bead is actually very much a dead giveaway she's Incan. The shape and enscription is very much Incan.
But this is the perspective of a Peruvian-American. My family is from Peru on my mom's side, but I was born here. My knowledge comes mostly from oral tradition.
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blueiscoool · 10 months
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Archaeologists Find 73 Wari Mummy Bundles in Peru
A team of archaeologists from the PUCP Archaeology Program “Valley of Pachacámac” have uncovered over 70 intact burial bundles with carved masks.
The discovery was made at Pachacámac, an archaeological site in the Valley of the Lurín River, located southeast of Lima, Peru. Pachacámac (named after Pacha Kamaq – the “Earth Maker” creator god) was first settled around AD 200 by the Wari, a Middle Horizon civilisation.
Pachacámac mainly consists of pyramids, plazas, cemeteries, and a series of ramps, centred on a sacred zone containing the Painted Temple, the Temple of the Sun, and the Old Temple of Pachacamac.
Recent excavation results announced on the Archeowieści blog, which is managed by the Faculty of Archaeology of the University of Warsaw, have uncovered over 70 intact burial bundles dating from the second half of the Middle Horizon (AD 800–1100).
The burial bundles were found either deposited individually or in group clusters at the foot of the Painted Temple, some of which are wearing “false head” masks made of carved wood and ceramics, a common burial practice of the Wari culture.
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Professor Makowski, said: “In the pre-Hispanic Andes, no-one died; everyone was predestined to continue living in the parallel world of their ancestors.”
Excavations also discovered wooden staffs with images of Wari elite wearing Tiwanaku-type headgear. They were located in a votive deposit covered with a layer of oyster shell fragments imported from Ecuador.
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The Wari worshipped the Staff god, the chief creator god, which is often found in both portable and fixed art using different media such as stone, textile, and ceramics. Some scholars believe that some variations of the Staff God are possible depictions of Viracocha or Thunupa, and are the forerunner of the Inca principal gods – the Sun, Moon, and Thunder.
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artifacts-archive · 9 months
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Feathered Tunic
Chimú, 1470/1532 CE
The knee-length, sleeveless garment is composed of a plain-weave cotton cloth completely concealed by thousands of brightly colored feathers. These coveted plumes were taken from macaws, parrots, toucans, cotingas, and tanagers from the tropical forests of South America. Because they were transported across the treacherous peaks of the Andes, the feathers were extremely rare and valuable and would only have been available to the most elite members of pre-Hispanic society. Thus, the feathered tunic—with its stylized felines, birds, and fish—would have been a sumptuous emblem of power, wealth, and prestige. Like many other pre-Hispanic textiles, it was buried with its owner in a subterranean tomb on the southern coast of Peru. The dark and arid conditions in these tombs protected the tunic, thereby allowing its vibrant colors and bold motifs to endure.
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dullgecko · 10 days
Heyo so u wanted to come if on anon for a while now but also wanted to have another headcanon or idea to share when I do, but I think I’m pretty taped out for new ideas.
Anyway here I am surprise 🎉
I still regularly check out your page and I always enjoy seeing the new posts and responses plus any updates to the chaos horde au.
Also I know I said I’m out of things to share at this moment but I did have one small thing for my new favourite of Tiktik;
I remember a post about goblins having very strong opinions on fashion and the idea that once they find a look they like they stick with it and go full force with it.
So Tiktik decides to stay in elmville for a while just to visit the gang, particular her pretty cleric and see how they just generally live their lives etc.
Part of this is going to a mall or clothing store to get her solace appropriate clothing. My initial thought was to Tiktik was going full goth mode since she’s used to wearing dark clothing anyway like most goblins do to blend in with shadows and night and I imagine her loving the intricate shiny jewellery, studs and spikes she can add.
But then I thought hang on, for the first time in her life she doesn’t have to worry about camouflage or standing out to much or she’ll possibly be eaten, and now has access unlimited to all these new and exciting clothes (Fabian offered to buy her anything she wanted and get it tailored to her size later, he claims it’s just a welcome gift but secretly it’s more of a thank you for helping get me and Riz together gift).
So she goes for the brightest most gaudy clothes she can find, I’m talking rainbow leggings, several different kinds of bright plastic bracelets on each arm and necklaces along with the loudest patterned shirts and skirt/shorts anyone’s ever seen.
She comes out of the dressing room and while everyone saw the clothes she picked out it’s still a shock to actually see it all together and before anyone can say anything to try and talk her out of her fashion choices, Kristen does her best impression of a suggestive/impressed goblin growl genuinely finding the outfit she’s wearing to be HOT (she wears tie dye and a yellow tracksuit, her fashion sense aren’t the best).
Also thing honestly was only meant to be a small thing but it kinda got away from me 😅
God i love it so much but also AHHH HI <3
The goblins up in the mountains actually have fairly nice clothing. They might not have cotton, but they have a kind of silk harvested from creatures they farm in the darkness of their caves. Very strong and rip-proof so it can withstand their claws and it feels wonderful against your skin. Adventurers used to find bolts of the silk in goblin caves and attributed it to them stealing it from elven settlements.
The stereotype of a goblin wearing threadbare rags is only because adventurers were constantly encountering them after destroying their homes and trying to exterminate them. Textile arts take time and if you're constantly running for your life and moving you dont have time to make any new outfits. It gets put on the backburner even more so if your species doesnt have much of a taboo about nudity.
Its almost always dyed mostly greens and dark browns so their camoflage doesnt get disrupted too badly but it's all tailored to fit well, and tight, so it doesnt get snagged on anything.
Other than the silks they'll usually also have leather clothing. There's plenty of it to go around since they hunt for 99% of their food so its usually what smaller kits wear since they'll grow out of it fast.
Tiktik comes to Solace and there's just SO MANY different fabrics and colours, so she spends hours just wandering around a store running her hands over things to test how they feel (some of the textures are repulsive and Riz agrees). She finds some stuff she likes and goes a little wild on the colour choices ands up stepping out of the changing room and its just like
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Riz is kindof glad he's wearing light-filtering glasses.
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odysseys-blood · 22 days
ive been having fun looking through the cards on the intimacy page and seeing what all i can understand/intepret from them and i just wanna ramble a bit about each so thats going under the cut (currently i have owyn, delos, xiel, mishe and heigl so just them until i get the others. also a little bit spoilery ofc)
no particular order so starting w/ mishe
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his has the most obvious pieces i think. cityscape with a clock tower when he was raised in one after being taken in by his grandfather. books on shelves surrounding him because thats how he preferred to live etc etc. i think the stars in the inner circle could represent the sky that he loved to watch at the top of the tower during the evenings dotted with stars with everything still and calm. * i think what im most interested in is the outer ring (w/ the zodiac symbols) bc it looks a little like a magic circle and might be a nod to where he was originally from also hes got a very calm and neutral pose but i dont think theres much to glean from that
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even with how much time has passed and heigl knowing his wife is dead and gone it still looks like hes waiting for her. which is funny considering her name which i have been ao sad about for days. If you didnt know, her name was Laica (which im sure is supposed to be said like laika. yknow the dog that was sent to space on a one way trip) and she left one day (on their anniversary no less) and didnt come home. but hes still there and he looks like hes thinking hard, probably about all the time he missed spending with her in favor of work. theres ofc also the gravestones at the bottom and the candles for a vigil. also did a quick look because i noticed the roses in his hand and scattered around the edges, and 3 (in his hand) can mean "i love you" and 8 (around the borders) can be a symbol of appreciation. also the roses in the border look like theyre on textile and from his backstory laica seemed to enjoy sewing and knitting.
ok from here i have a bit less to say/its a lot less concrete continuing:
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owyn's looks the most peaceful to me tbh. out of all of the ones ive seen hes the only one thats smiling and seemingly content. what i will point out though are two things: one being the eagle, which im wondering is just a bird he might know or if its the one that was the messenger between helsinf and whoever it was that was warning him about people pursuing beastmen like owyn, and the other being the flowers in the border. unlike with heigl's theyre kind og hidden behind the border designs which feels to me like it represents his past with experimentation (and from what i can tell it was probably experiments eith the vialis curse). i wonder if he still thinks about it at all
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i think the first thing i noticed is just how. empty delos' feels. like its still just as elaborate as the others so i dont mean that it LOOKS empty..but it FEELS like it is. despite how confidently he appears for the most part in the actual story here it looks like hes trying to hide. he doesn't want to be seen and i think its a mix of not wanting to take on his father's duty as the zarketh yet (mix of not feeling worthy of the role as well as feeling that if he takes it then its the same as writing off his father as dead which u see in the current event) plus feeling shame for not being the protector he swore he would be even if nothing that happened to his family is his fault. because at the end of the day he was supposed to be there for them no ifs ands or buts. and while the ocean is an important part of zarcove and a symbol of it i think you could also take it for the feeling of him drowning in his own insecurities and grief and lonliness
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i forgot who i saw point it out or if it was on here or twit ill look late but i really didnt notice at first that he isnt smiling. i guess bc it looks so close to his actual sprite and he has a small smile there but it rly is a blink-and-you-miss-it detail i like. honestly to me his feels a bit empty like delos' just instead that "emptiness" is filled w/ a pretty background that screams opulence but like. it means little to him because thats just what he was expected to inherit. honestly while it has a church look to it (which i wouldnt understand much rn how that would fit in anyways i havent unlocked his last room) it does also remind me of a bird cage a little and i wonder if the floating pages have anything to do with all of the books and general entertainment he just couldn't have while growing up
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happyllamaglama · 10 months
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Llamas are members of the camelid family meaning they're pretty closely related to vicuñas and camels.
Camelids first appeared on the Central Plains of North America about 40 million years ago. About 3 million years ago, llamas' ancestors migrated to South America.
During the last ice age (10,000-12,000 years ago) camelids went extinct in North America. Now there are around 160,000 llamas and 100,000 alpacas in the United States and Canada.
Llamas were first domesticated and used as pack animals 4,000 to 5,000 years ago in the Peruvian highlands.
Llamas can grow as much as 6 feet tall though the average llama between 5 feet 6 inches and 5 feet 9 inches tall.
Llamas weigh between 280 and 450 pounds and can carry 25 to 30 percent of their body weight, so a 400-pound male llama can carry about 100 to 120 pounds on a trek of 10 to 12 miles with no problem.
Llamas know their own limits. If you try to overload a llama with too much weight, the llama is likely to lie down or simply refuse to move.
In the Andes Mountains of Peru, llama fleece has been shorn and used in textiles for about 6,000 years. Llama wool is light, warm, water-repellent, and free of lanolin.
Llamas are hardy and well suited to harsh environments. They are quite sure-footed, easily navigating rocky terrain at high altitudes.
Llamas are smart and easy to train.
Llamas have been used as guard animals for livestock like sheep or even alpacas in North America since the '80s. They require almost no training to be an effective guard.
Llamas don't bite. They spit when they're agitated, but that's mostly at each other. Llamas also kick and neck wrestle each other when agitated.
Llamas are vegetarians and have very efficient digestive systems.
A llama's stomach has three compartments. They are called the rumen, omasum, and abomasum. A cow's stomach has four compartments. Like cows, llamas must regurgitate and re-chew their food to digest it completely.
Llama poop has almost no odor. Llama farmers refer to llama manure as "llama beans." It makes for a great, eco-friendly fertilizer. Historically, the Incas in Peru burned dried llama poop for fuel.
Llamas live to be about 20 years old. Though some only live for 15 years and others live to be 30 years old.
A baby llama is called a "cria" which is Spanish for baby. It's pronounced KREE-uh. Baby alpacas, vicuñas, and guanacos are also called crias. Mama llamas usually only have one baby at a time and llama twins are incredibly rare. Pregnancy lasts for about 350 days, nearly a full year. Crias weigh 20 to 35 pounds at birth.
Llamas come in a range of solid and spotted colors including black, gray, beige, brown, red, and white.
Llamas are social animals and prefer to live with other llamas or herd animals. The social structure of llamas changes frequently and a male llama can move up the social ladder by picking, and winning, small fights with the leader of the group.
A group of llamas is called a herd.
Llamas have two wild "cousins" that have never been domesticated: the vicuña and the guanaco. The Guanaco is closely related to the llama. Vicuñas are thought to be the ancestors of alpacas.
The current population of llamas and alpacas in South America is estimated to be more than 7 million.
Yarn made from llama fiber is soft and lightweight, yet remarkably warm. The soft, undercoat is used for garments and handicrafts while the coarse, outer coat is frequently used for rugs and ropes.
Trying to tell the difference between a llama and an alpaca? Two obvious things to look for: Llamas are generally about twice the size of alpacas, and alpacas have short, pointy ears, whereas llamas have much longer ears that stand straight up and give them an alert look.
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redrunningmoogles · 3 months
I didn't know the new final fantasy expansion was based on south America so I just started seeing screenshots of the new stuff wondering why the characters suddenly looked more andean than usual
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arthistoryanimalia · 1 year
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Tunic with four felines Nasca-Wari, 700-850 CE, camelid fiber. On display at Dumbarton Oaks’ “Clothing for the Afterlife,” an exhibition of burial textiles from the ancient Andes.
“This short, horizontally proportioned tunic - sometimes referred to as a shoulder tunic - was created in the Nasca valley when the region was under Wari influence. Such cultural mixing is reflected in the hybrid features of this textile. Its decoration is from south coast traditions; the broad outlines around the feline figures and the horizontal bands at the bottom of the tunic are unmistakably Nasca. Its construction, however, is based on highland technology. The tunic was made from two panels of interlocking tapestries, a technique that was commonly used by Wari weavers. The major losses have been reconstructed based on the design of the original details.”
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