#anders x hawke x nathaniel
bluerose5 · 1 year
Look, look, look. All I'm saying is, we needed more of that same energy from Origins and 2 when the protag had opportunities to have a threesome (and potential foursome in Origins). I'm not even gonna look at Inquisition because as much as I love that game, a lot of the mature content felt kind of watered-down(?) in comparison to the two previous games. Anyways, all of this to say that the option should have definitely been there with Anders, Nathaniel, and Hawke.
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marshsano · 1 year
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tiniest dragon age spam because i haven’t posted it here in awhile!
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sulky-valkyrie · 2 years
It's Friiiiiday!! Could I get me some angst please: "When did the lies start?" - forrrr perhaps Anders and a character of your choice, or whoever you think will fit. Happy writing! :D
Happy Fridaaaaaaay! For @dadrunkwriting
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Anders winced as a piece of a building cracked and thundered down to the street. Bethany's arm was like a vice around his arm as she dragged him and Hawke through Lowtown. Marian barely spoke and seemed almost dazed.
He glanced at her again. More than dazed really. In shock. "Bethy, we should-"
"It's 'Warden,' Anders. You don't fucking know me and you don't call the shots," she snarled.
He stopped suddenly, and Bethany jerked to a halt so hard that she swung Marian almost into a circle around her. "I don't," he agreed. "But I know her, and she's about to pass out if you don't give her a moment."
Bethany glared at him but didn't argue. She pulled Marian to an alley and sat her down, not hard, but definitely not gently. Anders gave them their space and rubbed his arms to stave off the chill in his bones. He'd done it. They'd done it. It was messy and brutal and not all the way he'd wanted it to go, but at least now the mages in the Gallows would have a chance.
"When did the lies start?"
Anders spun around, staff flaring bright, only to find Nate. He sighed and left the magic fizzle out. "Does it matter?"
Nate pointed at the Hawke sisters. "It does to them."
"Like the void it does," Anders snapped. "If you're pissed at me, just say so."
"Idiot, I'm furious," Nate hissed.
This fight already? He squared his shoulders and stood to his full height. "Mages deserve-"
"I'm furious you lied, you martyring shit!" Nate caught his shirt collar and pulled him close, nostrils flaring. "Both of you," he growled. "Justice, how could let him do this alone?"
Justice surged up through his skin. "He is never alone."
Nate leaned away, but didn't let go. He took a deep breath. "You're not the only one who cares about him, who cares about all of this." He pointed to Hawke. "Look at her. Look at what you've done to her. You lied to her, then you tried to make her kill you."
Justice shook their head. "We did what was necessary."
"No, you did it because you were a coward," he retorted. "The commander would've taken on the First Warden or the bloody Divine if you'd just come home, or even sent a blasted letter. We could've helped you, but no, you both were too busy isolating each other to remember how many of us actually cared. About you and about this."
Justice recoiled as if struck and sank back down, leaving Anders feeling like half of his body had taken a step back. His throat felt tight and his eyes burned. "Even . . . seeing what - seeing this?" He waved a hand back toward Hightown. "Nate, I don't regret it, but this, how can you say-"
He was suddenly pressed against the wall by the force of Nate's fierce kiss. Surpise mixed with confusion, desire mixed with guilt, and somehow he found himself tilting his head to kiss him back, sliding his hand up into his hair.
Time stood still. Nothing mattered but Nate, and Anders surrendered in relief. Marian might hate him, and everyone else too, but Nate didn't, and maybe that would be enough. He drank in every sensation, the warmth of the arms around him, the harsh breaths on his skin, the teeth rasping along lips, the throbbing of -
A high pitched whistle made them both jump.
"Told you," Bethany said to Hawke as they parted. "I might’ve been fucking him, and he might’ve been fucking you, but they were just waiting for each other again. You didn't mean shit, you didn't do shit, and now the city's on fucking fire. Let's go."
What? Anders pushed Nate away as he stumbled toward them. "Marian, I that’s not-"
Hawke caught his hands, keeping him from falling, and kissed his palm. "I know." She shot a venomous look at Bethany. "You said you're not my sister anymore, and that goes both ways: it’s been six years, and you don't know shit about him or me." Her fingers squeezed his as she stood up and dusted her shirt off. A wasted effort, considering the way the rubble kept falling. "Anders is a terrible liar. And anything I didn't know was because I didn't ask." She swung a baleful glare toward Nate, and the anger in it made Anders glad she wasn't a mage. A look that could kill wasn't just a euphemism, after all.
"You want to know when the lies started?" Marian asked in a low dangerous voice. "How about when you and your fucking Wardens said he'd be safe?" She pulled him close, shielding him with her body as she turned back to Bethany. "Warden this, Commander that. Anders can do whatever he wants, but it won't be because either of you guilted him into it. You didn't give enough of a shit to check on him for years, and now you're just gonna waltz in and try to take him back? Piss on that, piss on you, and piss especially on whoever thought I’d stop loving him for doing what no one else had the balls to." She sighed and shook her head. "And now, Warden Amell, we'll save my fucking city."
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geopvnk · 21 days
warden bethany x sigrun and warden carver x nathaniel howe . is anybody out there can anybody hear me
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my-dumb-obsessions · 1 year
My Writing & OCs
Updated pin for fics, prompts and tags of my Dragon Age OCs. Silverbow829 on AO3.
Writing tags #doc's fanfics, #mdo answers, #writing prompts
Cariane Amell: Warden-Commander, DAO/Awakening
Under Your Command (Series, Rated M-E, F!Amell/Nathaniel Howe): New Warden-Commander Cariane Amell is thrown into a role she never expected and never prepared for, and builds a new future with an unlikely partner. 7/25/23 New installment just added! Plus minor consistency edits to Silverite and Sun Descends.
Cariane Amell's Grimoire (Rated M): A journal-like collection of Cariane's favored spells and thoughts on magic. Yes, sexy spells, too.
A Letter from Home: A message received at Vigil's Keep from Commander Amell's father in Rivain.
Wade & the Archdemon: Vigil's Keep's artist-in-residence asks Commander Amell for some fantastical materials.
Nathaniel Thoughts: NSFW Headcanons, Commentary on Dream of the Archer
Tags: #oc cariane amell, #amell x nathaniel
Astrid Hawke: Dragon Age 2 (F!Hawke/Anders)
One Door Closes (Rated T): a "meet-cute" for Hawke and Anders before the events of Act 1.
I've Got You (Rated E): Preparing for the Deep Roads Expedition. Pre-relationship, mutual pining, spirit-assisted personal time.
All the Things I Deserve (Rated E): Anders's Act 2 "Questioning Beliefs" quest (i.e. the clinic kiss and sexy times).
Tag: #oc astrid hawke
Other Fics/Ficlets:
Fly Away (WIP, Rated T): Velanna & Anders shapeshifting shenanigans. Featuring the Vigil's Keep Warden Family.
All I Want for Feastday (Is You) (Rated T) Gift Fic! A bit of Vigil's Keep holiday fluff for Secret Sanders 2022. (Anders/M!Amell)
A Legendary Gift: Warden Commander Surana can't wield a sword, but she knows someone who can.
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theluckywizard · 9 months
2023 Writing Recap
Thanks for the tag @nirikeehan
(apparently I'm just going to do tumblr tag games for NYE! but this is a good one sooooo). It is hard to believe I just started writing Fanfic in January because weeeeee it has been a year!
Tagging @warpedlegacy, @crackinglamb, @leggywillow, @delicatefade, @melisusthewee, @spicywarl0ck, @skyeventide, @ammoniteflesh, @wildercrow, @rowanisawriter
words posted: probably about 370,000
additional words written: 140,000
grand total of words: 510,000
Dragon Age!
highest kudos:
My Cullen x Trevelyan and m!Hawke x Trevelyan longfic WIP In the Shattering of Things with 121
highest hit oneshot:
My Alistair x Cousland first time smut The Boy Who Talked too Much with 752 hits and 63 kudos
new things I tried:
Writing fanfiction 😂 Yeeting canon, being horrible to my blorbos
fic I spent the most time on:
In the Shattering of Things, if it isn't obvious!
fic I spent the least time on:
Probably my WIP Nightmare!AU A Splinter of Light which I really want to dig into, but I felt it pulling me from Longfic so I stopped (the premise is Rose and Dorian never return from the corrupted future and get scooped up by Hawke and his DA2 crew (Bethany, Fenris, Merrell, Anders, Elegant).
favorite thing I wrote:
Ohhh so this is probably my WIP Kiss Me Moonstruck, my matchmakingmoms!AU in which old friends Leandra Hawke and Alsatia Trevelyan try to fix up their two incorrigible children Garrett and Rose over Satinalia at the start of DA:2, Act 2. One of the reasons I am so into it is because it's new and I get to fold in alllll the lessons learned so far this year, but also because it's a self-contained romantic comedy/adventure romp with a lot of class commentary. If I'd thought of it first it would have served as a heck of a backstory for an Inquisition long fic. 👀
favorite thing(s) I read:
Weather the Dawn by @skyeventide - Breathtakingly beautiful portrayal of the friendship between Sebastian Vael and Nathaniel Howe. Archery descriptions that will give you chills. Deftly handled politics. Sky has such an incredible way of describing things that is just achingly original and beautiful. 🏹
The Rise by @warpedlegacywrites - This Cullevelyan fic is the reason I started writing fan fic! It was the first long fic I read that really grabbed me by the throat and held me! The delicious crunch and angst, the ROMANCE. It is so beautifully written. And BECandCall/WarpedLegacy and this fic is the reason I even found the fan fic writing community. 🥰
A Little Grace; And Some Elegance by @nirikeehan is a GUT PUNCHING work exploring Cullen's addiction and his history with Raleigh Samson. Her character work is amazing and her respectful but *brutal* grappling with lyrium addiction feels so authentic. And honestly, any of Niri's Cullen and Samson in Kirkwall stuff! Check out the stuff in her Kirkwall Kops (LOL). I use them as background research!
writing goals for 2024:
KEEP GROWING AS A WRITER. Keep plugging at long fic (maybe finish!?), finish and release Kiss Me Moonstruck, do the DAFF OC / OC exchange
new works:
LOLOL the last new work that isn't a companion fic to the longfic or the longfic itself is my Kinktober spanking (yes, really) one shot Proper Provocation. I spent a long time trying to figure out how to reasonably get Cullen to spank my OC Rose and I think getting them bickering and turning it into a playful spank fight was the way to go. THIS IS NOT HIGHLY POLISHED but it is silly and fun and smuttish and I yeeted it onto AO3. Please enjoy my new work 😂
Template under the cut!
words posted:
additional words written:
grand total of words:
highest kudos:
highest hit oneshot:
new things I tried:
fic I spent the most time on:
fic I spent the least time on:
favorite thing I wrote:
favorite thing(s) I read:
writing goals for 2024:
new works:
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v-arbellanaris · 2 years
Re: rarepair Hell. I would like to know how many pits we mutually occupy, so. Could I get a list of like, idk, your top ten (based in enjoyment level) rarepairs? And/or headcanons but I would prefer "and".
okay i'll assume you mean dragon age specifically MFDSKJFSDKJF but okay, i'll list some!!!!
the obvious ones:
fenders (fenris x anders) : i love a good narrative foil
zevistair (zevran x alistair) : idk if this counts as a rarepair but!!! their canon flirting banters always make me go sooo insane. that you can include zevran in the foursome w alistair if alistair is hardened (lol) makes me INSANE. they are basically canon aND YET!!!!!!
warden x loghain : ive written so much abt them already. you get the idea
nanders (nathaniel x anders)
the less obvious ones:
anders/merrill (bonus: anders/merrill/isabela): for all the same reasons i ship fenders (which i would argue is still relatively a popular pair, so not quite rarepair??); they're such good mirrors, they're both encapsulate what the other fears. anders being 100% okay to hurt people despite being a healer vs merrill being a blood mage who has never wanted to hurt anyone is just *chef kiss*. you can take a look at this for more compelling reasons to ship them.
fenris/merrill: for all the same reasons as above. i think if u dont ship each individual LI of the kirkwall polycule w each other, u shouldnt say u ship the kirkwall polycule.
solavelyan / soladaar / soladash / solas x non-lavellan inqs: i still think it should've been a romance option for all inqs tho i suppose they didn't really have the time to develop a non-lavellan route for them, but i love thinking about it, and i love the vibes for it so much. again, i love narrative foils, and i think it's so natural to be drawn to someone who could understand you like that.
alistair x bethany: a not-templar and a not-circle mage, in the wardens together. i think they'd really like each other and have a very interesting kind of energy!!! they've both got these secret bitter/spiteful sides to them, there's a lot of parallels (like alistair thinking warden conscription is a good thing bc it was for him and bethany having v different emotions abt being a warden in general). i've also really enjoyed most of the fics i've read for them.
nathaniel x f!cousland: UNFORTUNATELY THOUGH i dont think i've been able to find the kind of fic i want for them in the tag. i've got too many wips as it is, but maybe one day i'll write the nathaniel/f!cousland fic of my dreams...
nathaniel x anora: this one is admittedly @rosella-writes' fault, but they've got me by the THROAT as a concept
m!hawke/cullen: LIKE ESPECIALLY IF IT'S ONE-SIDED FOR CULLEN it's something that can be SO fascinating to explore (esp in an amell worldstate). [shaking cullen] babygirl what is WRONG with you!!!!!!!
m!hawke/sebastian: sebastian grappling with his admiration for hawke vs his chantry vows but THIS TIME make it mlm..... i think this is probably baby vee coming through w how hard i used to ship d/estiel in the early 00's LMAO. fsr they hit the same beats in my skull.
morrigan/leliana: noooo girlies don't fight haha <3 they should dump the warden and kiss instead <3
josephine/the iron bull: i read a few fics for them that admittedly captured my interest. i think their dynamic is something that could really be interesting to delve into for so many reasons. i've read the evidence and i find it compelling enough to put on this list
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galpalaven · 2 years
im trying to control myself fjklds here are refs of each of the ladies in sims
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psalacanthea · 2 years
Ten Random Lines Tag
Thank you, @my-dumb-obsessions for ze tag! I’m not sure I’ll tag anyone because I’m sorta crazy-busy and I’d probably miss people’s and feel bad, but I’ll be happy to at least participate!
Rules: Pick any ten of your fics, scroll to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. Then tag ten people.
What We Are- DA Post-Canon, Fenris x Anders
Anders leaned against the sauna shed in the darkness, arms folded, chin tucked into the depths of his scarf and what looked to be a thick woolen sweater.  “That is horrifying.  Just watching you do that makes me feel like I’m about to freeze to death.”
“Coward,” Fenris said flatly, the skin of his feet peeling away from the ice as he walked through the cloud of steam rising from his drenched body.
Reforged in Dragon’s Fire-  DA: Awakening, Nathaniel Howe x Cousland
“What are you glarin’ at me for, Feebs?”
Phoebe slung her pack onto the ground, giving him a cold look.  “If Felsi shows up with an axe and a grudge, I’ll help hold you down.”
Oghren gave a small, rusty laugh.  “Yeah.  That’s fair.”
Somnium- Modern DA AU, Solas x Lavellan
“You're heavy,” she scolded, but didn't push Solas off as he breathed her in, arms tightening around her waist. She was comfortable and laughing with a crackly warmth as he mumbled a protest at her words and tugged. “No, I'm not coming back to bed, stop it. I have an appointment before work I have to go to.”
Dissonance and Debauchery, the Drama of an Ill-Fated Bard- Baldur’s Gate 3, Tav (Zynatheri) x Astarion
Astarion’s finger tucked under her chin, stroking lazily up from her throat.  An enticing little threat of a caress that dragged her full attention to him, turning her away from the party.  Shadows cast across his face, adding intrigue and mystery.  “So...you do remember after all?”
Where the Road Leads - Baldur’s Gate 3, Tav (Zynatheri) x Gale
“I am saying that perhaps inside this wizard’s heart there is a bit of bard,” Zyn replied, reaching down and pressing a hand over Gale’s heart.  It sent her stomach sloshing up her throat.  She sprawled forward over his shoulder, giving a long groan.  “Oh, why do I drink so much?”
A Sky of Shattered Stars- DA post-canon, Hawke x Varric
Naomi wished she could say Merrill wasn’t right for her worry, but introspection was the last thing on her mind.  All she knew was if she didn’t deal with this, get rid of this problem trying to take Varric from her, she might go insane. Maybe that should have been a concern.
Valse des Fleurs-  DA pre-canon Iron Bull x(&) Orlesian Bard OC
“Love?  You have sold me!  Made me chattel!  Your love disgusts me.”
“Your life is in danger!” Elys shrieked, cowering with a hand on her wax-burned cheek.  “We did it to protect you!  All of this is to protect you!”
“What good is a life in a gilded cage, you idiot cow?!”  Claire retorted, fury incandescent.
Anarchy in Denerim- DA: Origins (modern) Zevran x Tabris x Mahariel
Zevran’s light voice only made the frustration all the worse.  "It is...not a threesome we are proposing, you know."
"Well, it is in a way," Liana said, and then laughed faintly as Zevran dismissed her words with a flip of his hand.  "Darian, are- you know that a relationship doesn't have to be just two people, don't you?"
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seigeocs · 2 months
Ships and Characters
My OCs + their ships. Farkas Vilkas Brynjolf
Fallout 3 Butch Cross Jericho Charon
Fallout New Vegas (if it’s not obvious, I really like the ladies in NV) Boone Lily Bowen Raul Cass Veronica
Fallout 4 All of the romance options Deacon Maxon The Raider bosses in Nuka World except the Black siblings
Fallout (TV Series) Ghoulcy Maximus x Lucy
Destiny 1 Any of my OCs Siobhan x Emyr Siobhan x Shaxx Siobhan x Uldren
Destiny 2 Any of my OCs Siobhan x Crow Siobhan x Shaxx
Dragon Age: Origins Any of my OCs established ships F!Cousland x Anora, F!Warden x Leliana, F!Warden x Morrigan, M!Warden x Morrigan, M!Warden x Zevran, F!Warden x Zevran
Dragon Age: Awakening F!Cousland x Nathaniel Howe, F!Cousland/Anders, F!Warden x Varel
Dragon Age 2 I’ll write for any of the characters and ships in DA2.  My favorites are: F!Hawke x Fenris, F!Hawke x Isabela x Fenris, F!Hawke x Varric, M!Hawke x Fenris, M!Hawke x Fenris x Isabela
Dragon Age: Inquisition I like almost all of the ships.  I struggle to write Solas so he’s just not available unfortunately.  Not that I don’t like his character, I just suck at writing him. My OCs and their ships, Dorian x Bull are some of my favorite.  I also love writing interactions that don’t involve smut for the companions as well.
Dragon Age Veilguard (when it comes out as I’m trying to keep away from most of the game information)
Mass Effect F!Shep x Kaidan, F!Shep x Ashley, F!Shep x Garrus, F!Shep x Tali (DON’T CARE IF THEY WEREN’T OFFICIAL, THEY EXIST TO ME).
Mass Effect 2 F!Shep x Garrus, F!Shep x Thane, F!Shep x Zaeed, F!Shep x Garrus x Thane, F!Shep x Tali, F!Shep x Miranda, M!Shep x Jack
Mass Effect 3 Same ship as 1 and 2.  I also write F!Shep x James Vega but in the non creepy Citadel DLC way.  That doesn’t exist in my canon.
Stardew Valley I’ll write smut about many of the characters in the game.  My one farmer is shipped with Harvey and my other is shipped with Leah.  If you give me characters I’ll make it work.  My only line in the sand is I will not write any cheating.
BG3 *waves hand to OCs* I’ll write whatever for them and their ships.  If you request BG3 just give me some options and I’ll figure it out.
Helluva Boss* Established canon ships!  I am loving the angst with Blitz and Stolas right now.
Hazbin Hotel* Established canon couples, Angel Dust x Husker (mostly fluff for these two because Angel Dust needs it).  I won’t write Alastor in any romantic ships.
My Hero Academia*
I mostly write Reader insert fics for MHA.  I also write ships between characters too.  Platonic fluff, found family, sarcasm, and anything that is G to T rating is for every character.  My main ships: Midnight x Eraserhead x Mic Midnight x Eraserhead Mic x Eraserhead Fatgum x Mirko Fatgum x Hawks Fatgum x Eraserhead All Might x Eraserhead Mirko x Shigaraki (Don’t question it, I love the toxicity of it) Compress x Twice Twice x Hawks Hawks x Dabi
Demon Slayer*
My OC x Rengoku My Demon OC x Muzan Reader Inserts for all the over 18 characters I also write platonic found family for all the characters
Kaiju No. 8*
Hoshina is my absolute favorite character in this show. Kafka Hibino is a close second Narumi (omg the anime did him a disservice so badly) Eiji Hasegawa Haruichi Izumo Iharu Furuhashi Reno Ichikawa
Any any platonic, fluff, cute stuff with any of the characters
As everyone in the main cast is over 18 by the end of the manga, I’ll write all the characters.  It’s mostly Reader Inserts but I’m open to OCs and character x character ships.
One Punch Man
Saitama Genos Atomic Samurai Blast Zombieman
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arlathanxchange · 1 year
Nominations Update
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Nominations Close in Just Under 12 hours!!
✨There are currently 403 approved tags! ✨
▸nominated tags: gSheets | ao3 | autoao3app
Seven Tags Need Corrections:
Lavellan & Lavellan Clan (Dragon Age):
We require a gender for Lavellan. Please add Male, Female, or Nonbinary to your nomination, i.e. Male Lavellan & Lavellan Clan (Dragon Age).
Nonbinary Surana & Anders
This was already nominated as Anders & Nonbinary Surana! If this was your tag, you should be able to delete it and nominate another tag!
Evanuris (Freeform)
Freeform Tags are Other Tags and are not eligible for this exchange. Please provide the names for the specific Evanuris and their relationships (i.e. Andruil/Ghilan'nain or Falon'Din & Fen'harel). If your request can’t be defined with specific names easily, it may still be eligible and we’d like to discuss how we’ll tag it. Please reach out to the mods via email or discord so we can talk it over!
The below tags are all ineligible for the exchange because they do not have an elf. Please update the tags to include an elf or replace them with a tag containing an elf.
Bran Cavin/Male Hawke
Cullen Rutherford/Rylen
Dorian Pavus/Male Trevelyan
Nathaniel Howe/Sebastian Vael
Note: If your tags are not corrected by the time nominations close, they will be rejected.
To Make Corrections:
Go to the 2023 Tag Set.
Click the My Nominations button on the top right of the page under the menu bar.
Click the Edit button on the top right of the page under the menu bar.
Click the X to the right of the tag, and reenter the corrected tag in the text box that appears.
Click the Submit button at the bottom of the page.
how to nominate tutorial | ask | discord | email: [email protected]
Tumblr’s asks are famously unreliable. If you don’t see a response within 72 hours please feel free to resend the ask or send an email.
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sulky-valkyrie · 2 years
to taunt @v-arbellanaris specifically
He wondered what Hawke was saying to Nate, and if her sister was there and rolling her eyes. A quiet muffled laugh followed by a gasp coming from the opposite direction - Bels' tent - answered that question: Bethy was . . . occupied with learning all six things women were good for.
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my-dumb-obsessions · 2 years
Writing Collection
Back to our regularly scheduled programming! List of fics and prompts so far. Silverbow829 on AO3.
Dragon Age Awakening - Nathaniel Howe/Cariane Amell
Dream of the Archer - Rated M - Nathaniel Howe returns to his childhood home for revenge, for a remnant of his family to hold on to. What he finds is a confounding woman, and a purpose bigger than the both of them.
Silverite Moon - Rated M - Cariane Amell loses something irreplaceable in the Silverite Mine, and maybe finds something better.
As the Sun Descends - Rated E - Nathaniel and Cariane navigate their new relationship and learn to define their feelings. The Vigil's Keep Warden Family grow closer through near-death experiences.
Fly Away (WIP) - Rated T - Velanna and Anders shapeshifting shenanigans. Featuring Warden Commander Cariane Amell and the Vigil's Keep Warden Family
All I Want for Feastday (Is You) - Rated T - Gift Fic! A bit of Vigil's Keep holiday fluff for Secret Sanders 2022. (Anders/Male Amell)
Dragon Age 2 - Anders/Astrid Hawke
One Door Closes - Rated T - a "meet-cute" for Hawke and Anders before the events of Act 1.
I've Got You - Rated E - Events surrounding and including the Act 1 Deep Roads Expedition. Pre-relationship, mutual pining, spirit-assisted personal time.
All the Things I Deserve - Rated E - An expansion/reimagining of Anders's Act 2 "Questioning Beliefs" quest (i.e. the clinic kiss and sexy times).
Prompt Fills on Blog
Wade and the Archdemon - Vigil's Keep's artist-in-residence asks Commander Amell for some fantastical materials.
A Legendary Gift - Warden Commander Surana can't wield a sword, but she knows someone who can.
Suspicious Minds - Warden Recruit Amell just can't seem to escape the Templars.
A Letter from Home - A message received at Vigil's Keep from Commander Amell's father in Rivain.
Ask Tag: #mdo answers
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dismalzelenka · 3 years
Six Sentence Sunday
From the current chapter in progress of The Place Where I Belong.
Heat swirled around her as she channeled every last drop of her magic into her spell. She wrung herself dry like a threadbare towel, closed her eyes and forced herself to cling to the things that brought her joy.
To Bethany and getting drunk over mediocre cheese fries. To Varric and his bullshitting, to all of her idiot friends and the poor hapless bar they all called home every week for years on end. To the feeling of magic as she normally wielded it, power made solid and weighty in her fingers limited only by her imagination.
To Anders, to golden radiance and impassioned determination, to his wicked mouth and clever fingers and soft honey eyes that made her feel held when nothing else in the world would.
Hey look, it's actually six sentences this time. 😂
Tagging: @laraslandlockedblues @ladymdc @sasshole-for-rent @kunstpause @dalish-rogue @hollyand-writes @charlatron @midnightprelude @noire-pandora @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold @queen-kass-the-writer @elveny @a-shakespearean-in-paris @blarfkey @wardenari @jentrevellan @decimdraws @zuendwinkel @becauseanders @ashalle-art @hobo-apostate @simper-fi @kagetsukai @schoute @catherea @jarakrisafis @musetta3 @sharkapologists
BTV ping list: @kita-lavellan | @silvanils | @ellie-effie | @morganlefaye79 | @inquisitoracorn | @kittynomsdeplume
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inquisimer · 2 years
Chapters: 13/28 Fandom: Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening, Dragon Age (Video Games), Dragon Age: Inquisition Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alistair/Female Warden (Dragon Age), Alistair/Female Tabris (Dragon Age), Female Cousland/Nathaniel Howe, Female Mahariel/Tamlen (Dragon Age), Zevran Arainai/Female Warden, Anders/Female Hawke (Dragon Age) Summary:
Prompts from Stories of Thedas V
((very behind, with a goal of completion. someday.))
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dunwcll · 4 years
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@dankou tagged me to make my da ocs and their love interests in this picrew ♥
top row: warden cordelia amell & alistair theirin
second row: leliana & riona cousland 
third row: blackwall & ophelia trevelyan
bottom row: oscar trevelyan & dorian pavus
(pls pretend blackwall & dorian have the proper facial hair orz)
taggin uhhhhhhhhhh @denerims @lockescoles @ambassadorpavus n idk whoever else wants to do it lol
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