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waltangina · 1 month ago
Alam niyo, mas interesting pa sa akin 'yung mga side characters gaya nina Kapitana Tika, Kabesang Andang, at Doña Geronima kaysa pag-aralan ang mga babae ni Rizal.
Mas interesting pag-usapan at pagtuunan ng pansin sila kaysa kung sino sina Leonor, Segunda Katigbak, atbp., na masyadong Rizal-centric ang approach.
I'm sure Rizal's women had their own struggles, problems, likes and dislikes, and a life outside of one man. It makes me think of:
Napaka-patriarchal pala ng Rizal studies. I never thought it before? Like, tinanggap ko lang, ok, required ang Rizal. But now that I look back like... teka, bakit pa kasali sa Life and Works 'yung love life niya?
Ano 'yung substantial knowledge na nakukuha natin sa pag-alam ng love life ni Rizal? Some people sum it as "lover boy" siya o "ghoster" siya. Ok, and then what? What do we, modern scholars of this century, actually get from knowing this knowledge...? I mean, could we have lived a life without knowing who Segunda Katigbak is (for example)?
Ang TSISMOSO pala ng Rizal studies?! I mean, for example, there's not much to be said about who Katigbak is, 'di ba? (Or at least, sa pagturo sa amin noong hs.) And yet, she is often mentioned na siya ang unang babae ni Rizal. But, respectfully, WHO IS SHE? I don't mean this in a condescending tone, rather, "Who is she without Rizal?" I wish we knew HER, as a woman, as a person— not as Someone's Ex. Gets ba? Pero siyempre, there's... there's not much about her to even know her past her name and affiliation with him.
Anyways, wala naman akong gustong ipaglaban na point dito. These are just reflections at 4:47 AM. Huwag niyo seryosohin too much. I just have a lot of thoughts about Rizal, as always.
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its-tea-time-darling · 10 days ago
robert ehrenberg hört casual von chappell roan und denkt dabei an klaus hoffmann send post
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grosirkaoskakicomel · 2 years ago
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0823-3000-6040 (WA), Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah AndangLangsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6282330006040 , Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Andang, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Bulik, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Banua Budi, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Banua Jingah, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Barabai Barat, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Barabai Darat, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Barabai Selatan, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Barabai Timur, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Barabai UtaraKami adalah Distributor Kaos Kaki Muslimah Terpercaya dan Terlengkap di Indonesia, Kami sudah berpengalaman sejak 2008 melayani penjualan secara online, melayani pembelian dari luar pulau hingga ke luar negeri.Kami Sedang Mencari mitra bisnis yang ingin menjual kaos kaki Muslimah dari kami.Untuk Info Lanjut Tentang Kemitraan silahkan di Hubungi di Sini:Nomor HP Ibu Tiva : 0823-3000-6040#PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahAndang, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahBulik, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahBanuaBudi, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahBanuaJingah, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahBarabaiBarat, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahBarabaiDarat, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahBarabaiSelatan, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahBarabaiTimur, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahBarabaiUtara
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psi-ness · 13 days ago
idk much of the movie either, just a few bits and pieces, but i got something even better: placido and kabesang andang with this other lady bird clip :] we need to gas up placido's mommy issues more i think
thinking about placido penitente as lady bird and kabesang andang as marion (lady bird's mom) to this exchange and i am just devastated and distraught
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dantonmaker · 25 days ago
What’s Anna and Andang’s opinions and Nina and Danton?
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chipadequeso · 15 days ago
npd ANDanger issues is really bad bc im like walking on a razor blade edge about to dive deep into narc crash and my brain decides to think Ok well actually im mad at everyone else thats the problem like Well man i think it depends
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shammah8 · 2 years ago
ANGER I will cease from anger and put away wrath to stay connected to God. If I wait on Him, I will inherit the earth (Ps. 37:8-9).My whole body is sick, and my health is broken because of my sins. But I confess my sins and am deeply sorry for what I have done. Do not abandon me, O Lord. Come quickly to help me, O Lord my Savior (Ps. 38:3,18, 22, NLT).
I will speak soft words, kind words, and words of life to turn wrath and anger away from me. I will not grieve anyone with my words (Prov. 15:1).
I will appease the strife against my health and my family by being slow to anger (Prov. 15:18).
I am better than the mighty because I control my anger. There is more gain in ruling my spirit than conquering a city (Prov. 16:32).
I use discretion to defer my anger; I earn esteem by overlooking wrongs (Prov. 19:11).
I will not sin against my own soul by provoking the King to anger (Prov. 20:2).
I will silence anger with a secret gift (Prov. 21:14).
I declare that anger's reign in my life will come to an end (Prov. 22:8).
I cast out the cruelty and destruction of wrath andanger. They will not flood my emotions any longer (Prov. 27:4).
I will be slow to anger and will keep its clutches from resting in my bosom (Eccles. 7:9).
Let all wrath and anger be put away from me (Eph.
I am a new person, having been renewed after the image of Him who created me; therefore, I put off anger (Col. 3:8-10).
I will not discourage my children by provoking them to anger (Col. 3:21).☕️John Eckhardt
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kmandala · 15 days ago
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turisiancom · 3 months ago
TURISIAN.com - Pameran seni Indonesia Tanah Airku, Tanah Tumpah Darahku digelar Ginting Institute bekerja sama dengan Galeri Zen 1 Jakarta. Pemaran dalam rangka memperingati Hari Pahlawan Nasional sudah sudah dibuka sejak, Minggu 10 November 2024 lalu . Judul pameran ini diambil dari sebuah sketsa karya S. Sudjojono yang dibuat pada tahun 1964. Judul itu pula yang diduga menjadi inspirasi bagi lukisan “Mengatur Siasat”. Dimana,  kini menjadi salah satu koleksi seni Indonesia di Istana Kepresidenan Bogor. BACA JUGA: Perjuangan Expo 2024, Pameran Museum sebagai Ruang Publik Inklusif Sementara itu, pada pameran Galeri Zen 1, menampilkan karya-karya dari berbagai seniman ternama. Seperti Andang Iskandar, Arafura, Chusin Setiadikara, dan lainnya. Sedangkan, dalam pameran kali ini yang menjadi kurator adalah Rizki Zaelani. Tak hanya lukisan, ada juga karya fotografi yang dicetak di atas aluminium. Temanya, yakni tentang  kepahlawanan dan bela negara dari perspektif lingkungan. Khususnya soal sampah yang kini menjadi isu global. Dimana, masalah sampah berkaitan erat dengan masalah keamanan dan geopolitis dunia. BACA JUGA: Dua Komunitas Perupa Magelang dan Yogyakarta Pameran Lukisan di Limanjawi Art House Instalasi Video Arafura Sebuah instalasi video oleh Arafura Media Design juga dipamerkan. Menampilkan 45 interpretasi gambar digital yang bisa dinikmati secara interaktif oleh pengunjung. Menteri Perumahan dan Permukiman, Maruarar Sirait, usai membuka pameran tersebut  menyoroti pentingnya ekosistem seni yang sehat dan adil untuk kemajuan seni rupa Indonesia. Menurutnya, pameran seperti ini menjadi wadah penting bagi seniman untuk berdiskusi, berbagi gagasan. Serta memperkenalkan karya mereka kepada publik dan kolektor seni. BACA JUGA: Museum Lukisan Sidik Jari Bali yang Unik dan Menarik Dikunjungi Ia juga menekankan bahwa seni bukan hanya soal ide dan teknik, tetapi juga tentang bagaimana karya tersebut dihargai secara ekonomi. Dalam banyak kasus, seniman sering kali kurang mendapat perhatian terkait nilai ekonomi dari karyanya, yang berisiko membuat mereka mengalami kesulitan di masa tua. Dalam kesempatan tersebut, Yayasan Nuraeni Hendra Gunawan juga diresmikan oleh Daniel Ginting, pendiri Ginting Institute. Pembentukan yayasan ini, sebagai bentuk penghargaan terhadap karya-karya Hendra yang banyak dikoleksi oleh dirinya. BACA JUGA: Musisi Nike Ardillah dan Ni Mursih Dapat Penghargaan Lifetime Achievement dari Pemda Jabar Yayasan ini bertujuan untuk membangun ekosistem yang mendukung perkembangan karya seni sekaligus memberikan ruang bagi diskusi. Utama nya, diskusi tentang soal keuangan dan manajemen seni. Daniel Ginting, yang bersama istrinya Quoriena telah lebih dari dua dekade berkiprah sebagai kolektor seni. Ia pun mengungkapkan bahwa pengalaman panjang mereka dalam berinteraksi dengan berbagai pelaku seni rupa Indonesia telah banyak memberikan wawasan terhadap dirinya. ***
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secangkirwhitecoffe · 8 months ago
JUNI J nya adalah Jancuk cepet tenan andang pertengahan bulan wae ...
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ramil06kertek · 11 months ago
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TMMD Selesai, Dandim Pesan Hasil Pembangunan di Rawat
Setelah TMMD Sengkuyung Tahap I Tahun 2024 Kodim 0707/Wonosobo di Desa Damarkasiyan Kertek selesai, Dandim Letkol Inf Helmy bersama Forkopimda, instansi terkait serta Kades beserta perangkatnya meninjau hasil pembangunan berupa pengerasan jalan cor beton sepanjang 427,6 lebar 3 meter. (20/3/2024)
“Saat ini kita bersama – sama saksikan hasil pembangunan yang telah dilaksanakan bersama berupa pengecoran jalan dan pembuatan senderan, apa yang telah dikerjakan ini agar masyarakat menjaga dan merawatnya sehingga hasil TMMD ini mempunyai manfaat yang lama” kata Letkol Inf Helmy.
Hasil pembangunan apapun bentuknya haruslah dirawat dan jaga sehingga mempunyai manfaat yang lebih lama, syukur-syukur bisa diwariskan ke anak cucu kita. Karena saat ini masih banyak hal yang harus dibangun oleh pemerintah guna mensejahterakan masyarakat. Dengan dirawat secara baik, maka pembangunan yang belum selesai akan bisa dikerjakan, akan tetapi jika saat ini yang sudah dibangun menjadi rusak maka anggaran yang ada untuk merehab sehingga tidak bisa membangun yang baru, ujar Dandim.
One Andang Setda Wonosobo saat mendampingi Dandim meninjau hasil TMMD menyampaikan terima kasih kepada TNI khususnya Kodim 0707/Wonosobo yang telah melaksanakan program pembangunan ini.
“Saya atas nama Pemerintah Daerah Wonosobo khususnya masyarakat Desa Damarkasiyan mengucapkan banyak terima kasih yang tak terhingga kepada Kodim 0707/Wonosobo beserta jajarannya yang telah melaksanakan pembangunan berupa pengecoran jalan. Ini banyak manfaatnya baik secara ekonomi maupun lainnya. Masyarakat jadi mudah melaksanakan aktifitas karena jalan sudah mulus” kata Sekda.
Apalagi saat pengerjaan tidak mengenal situasi, sebab saat ini kita semua sedang melaksanakan puasa, cuaca kadang panas kadang hujan. Itu terus dikerjakan agar bisa selesai tepat waktu yang telah ditentukan. Dan saat ini kita semua bisa menyaksikan dan menikmati bagusnya jalan ini untuk dilalui. Untuk itu sesuai harapan dari Dandim agar apa yang telah dikerjakan ini bisa dirawat dengan baik sehingga memiliki masa pakai yang lama, pungkas Sekda.
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grosirkaoskakicomel · 2 years ago
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0823-3000-6040 (WA), Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah AndangLangsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6282330006040 , Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Andang, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Bulik, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Banua Budi, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Banua Jingah, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Barabai Barat, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Barabai Darat, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Barabai Selatan, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Barabai Timur, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Barabai UtaraKami adalah Distributor Kaos Kaki Muslimah Terpercaya dan Terlengkap di Indonesia, Kami sudah berpengalaman sejak 2008 melayani penjualan secara online, melayani pembelian dari luar pulau hingga ke luar negeri.Kami Sedang Mencari mitra bisnis yang ingin menjual kaos kaki Muslimah dari kami.Untuk Info Lanjut Tentang Kemitraan silahkan di Hubungi di Sini:Nomor HP Ibu Tiva : 0823-3000-6040#PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahAndang, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahBulik, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahBanuaBudi, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahBanuaJingah, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahBarabaiBarat, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahBarabaiDarat, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahBarabaiSelatan, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahBarabaiTimur, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahBarabaiUtara
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imp-robb-abilities · 11 months ago
Ma Andang, sunod na ko sayo. Pwede ba?
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lintasbatasindonesia · 1 year ago
Dandim 1002/HST Hadiri Peringatan Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW Di Majelis Taklim Sabilal Muhtadin
   BARABAI-Komandan Kodim 1002/HST Letkol Inf Fery Perbawa.S.Hub.Int.,M.Han menghadiri acara peringatan Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW di Majelis Taklim Sabilal Muhtadin desa Andang Kecamatan Haruyan Kab.Hulu Sungai Tengah. Jum’at (12/10) sore Peringatan Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW juga hadiri oleh Bupati HST H.Aulia Oktafiandi.ST.M.AppCom, bersama unsur Forkopimda HST, para Habait, alim ulama dan warga…
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alokkhandelwal · 2 years ago
Everything about Chandra Mangal Yoga 
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In the world of Vedic astrology, the celestial association of planets at the time of our beginning influences our lives and personalities. The unique combinations of planets create numerous yogas that determine exceptional factors of our existence.
One such yoga is the Chandra Mangal Yoga, which holds great importance in Kundli readings. In this blog, we can explore the results and importance of Chandra Mangal Yoga and discover effective remedies to mitigate its malefic effects.
Know more about the Effects of Chandra Mangala Yoga. Get an online astrology consultation by the world-renowned astrologer Mr. Alok Khandelwal.
What is Chandra Mangala Yoga?
Chandra Mangala Yoga occurs whilst the Moon (Chandra) and Mars (Mangala) are in conjunction or positioned in the equal residence in a person’s start chart or Kundli. It is a powerful yoga that merges the energies of these two celestial bodies, mainly to a unique mixture of tendencies and impacts in a man or woman’s existence.
Effects of Chandra Mangala Yoga
The effect of Chandra Mangala Yoga varies depending on the relative strength and location of the Moon and Mars within the start chart. When this yoga is auspiciously fashioned, it bestows numerous tremendous attributes upon the locals.
These can also consist of heightened courage, dedication, resilience, management qualities, and sturdy emotional nature. People with this yoga are regularly assertive, formidable, and possess a magnetic personality that draws others in the direction of them.
However, a troubled or malefic Chandra Mangala Yoga can result in poor outcomes. It may also result in an aggressive temperament, impulsive conduct, emotional turbulence, and conflicts in personal and expert relationships. The native might also battle with anger issues and impulsiveness, which could avoid their development and personal increase.
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Significance of Chandra Mangala Yoga
Chandra Mangal
Yoga is regarded as a strong aggregate which can significantly have an impact on someone’s lifestyle. It is particularly influential in shaping a man or woman’s career because it complements the probabilities of fulfillment in ventures associated with the Moon and Mars significations. This yoga additionally affects one’s emotional proper-being and performs a position in shaping the local’s method of relationships and family existence.
Remedies for Chandra Mangala Yoga
For individuals bothered by Chandra Mangala Yoga, numerous effective treatments could assist mitigate its poor outcomes.  1 – Chanting Mantras: Reciting specific mantras for the Moon and Mars can help pacify theirmalefic effects and result in concord and peace of thoughts.
2 – Meditation and Yoga: Practicing meditation and yoga can assist control impulsiveness andanger whilst selling emotional balance and mental clarity.
3 – Fasting: Observing fasts on precise days related to the Moon and Mars can be useful inrectifying the malefic impacts of this yoga.
4 – Performing Charitable Acts: Engaging in charitable sports, especially associated with thesignifications of the Moon and Mars, can assist alleviate the negative effect of this yoga.
5 – Seeking Astrological Guidance: Consulting an experienced astrologer can offer preciousinsights into the planetary combinations and the great remedies to cope with any troubles because of Chandra Mangala Yoga.
Chandra Mangala Yoga in Kundli holds a massive impact on a person’s lifestyle, impacting their profession, emotional well-being, and relationships. While beneficial yoga can carry fulfillment and an air of secrecy, an afflicted one may additionally result in challenges and emotional turmoil. By understanding the consequences and importance of this yoga, alongside practicing suitable remedies, one can navigate through life with extra stability, concord, and positivity. It is critical to bear in mind that astrology offers precious guidance, however, personal movements and choices play an essential function in shaping our destinies.
Read Also:- Astrological Remedies for Finding Inner Peace and Calm
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alokastrology1 · 2 years ago
Everything about Chandra Mangal Yoga
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In the world of Vedic astrology, the celestial association of planets at the time of our beginning influences our lives and personalities. The unique combinations of planets create numerous yogas that determine exceptional factors of our existence.
One such yoga is the Chandra Mangal Yoga, which holds great importance in Kundli readings. In this blog, we can explore the results and importance of Chandra Mangal Yoga and discover effective remedies to mitigate its malefic effects.
Know more about the Effects of Chandra Mangala Yoga. Get an online astrology consultation by the world-renowned astrologer Mr. Alok Khandelwal.
What is Chandra Mangala Yoga?
Chandra Mangala Yoga occurs whilst the Moon (Chandra) and Mars (Mangala) are in conjunction or positioned in the equal residence in a person’s start chart or Kundli. It is a powerful yoga that merges the energies of these two celestial bodies, mainly to a unique mixture of tendencies and impacts in a man or woman’s existence.
Effects of Chandra Mangala Yoga
The effect of Chandra Mangala Yoga varies depending on the relative strength and location of the Moon and Mars within the start chart. When this yoga is auspiciously fashioned, it bestows numerous tremendous attributes upon the locals.
These can also consist of heightened courage, dedication, resilience, management qualities, and sturdy emotional nature. People with this yoga are regularly assertive, formidable, and possess a magnetic personality that draws others in the direction of them.
However, a troubled or malefic Chandra Mangala Yoga can result in poor outcomes. It may also result in an aggressive temperament, impulsive conduct, emotional turbulence, and conflicts in personal and expert relationships. The native might also battle with anger issues and impulsiveness, which could avoid their development and personal increase.
Read Also:- Best Vacation Spots for Every Zodiac Sign
Significance of Chandra Mangala Yoga
Chandra Mangal
Yoga is regarded as a strong aggregate which can significantly have an impact on someone’s lifestyle. It is particularly influential in shaping a man or woman’s career because it complements the probabilities of fulfillment in ventures associated with the Moon and Mars significations. This yoga additionally affects one’s emotional proper-being and performs a position in shaping the local’s method of relationships and family existence.
Remedies for Chandra Mangala Yoga
For individuals bothered by Chandra Mangala Yoga, numerous effective treatments could assist mitigate its poor outcomes.  1 – Chanting Mantras: Reciting specific mantras for the Moon and Mars can help pacify theirmalefic effects and result in concord and peace of thoughts.
2 – Meditation and Yoga: Practicing meditation and yoga can assist control impulsiveness andanger whilst selling emotional balance and mental clarity.
3 – Fasting: Observing fasts on precise days related to the Moon and Mars can be useful inrectifying the malefic impacts of this yoga.
4 – Performing Charitable Acts: Engaging in charitable sports, especially associated with thesignifications of the Moon and Mars, can assist alleviate the negative effect of this yoga.
5 – Seeking Astrological Guidance: Consulting an experienced astrologer can offer preciousinsights into the planetary combinations and the great remedies to cope with any troubles because of Chandra Mangala Yoga.
Chandra Mangala Yoga in Kundli holds a massive impact on a person’s lifestyle, impacting their profession, emotional well-being, and relationships. While beneficial yoga can carry fulfillment and an air of secrecy, an afflicted one may additionally result in challenges and emotional turmoil. By understanding the consequences and importance of this yoga, alongside practicing suitable remedies, one can navigate through life with extra stability, concord, and positivity. It is critical to bear in mind that astrology offers precious guidance, however, personal movements and choices play an essential function in shaping our destinies.
Read Also:- Astrological Remedies for Finding Inner Peace and Calm
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