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wearetoho · 5 years ago
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Reposted from @smtownandstore (@get_regrann) - [CELEB &P!CK] - 내 손 안에 떴다, 동방신기! ♥️ JEJUair X TVXQ! 캐릭터 상품 사고 선물 받자! 제주항공 피규어 5가지 중 1가지를 포함하여 3만원 이상 구매 시, 추첨을 통해 상품 증정해 드립니다. 🍊 - ✔️응모기간 : 12. 19 (THU) ~ 12. 26 (THU) ✔️당첨자 발표 : 12. 31 (TUE) 17시 이후 SMTOWNandSTORE 온라인스토어 당첨자 ��시판 ✔️항공권 사용 기간 : 1. 1 (WED) 부터 6개월 - 🔸1등 항공권 : 인천 – 다낭 (1명) 🔸2등 항공권 : 인천 – 타이베이 (2명) 🔸3등 항공권 : 일본 – 한국 (3명) 🔸4등 동방신기 명예사원키트 (4명) 🔸5등 동방신기 래핑 모형 비행기 (2명) 🔸6등 동방신기 젤펜 (20명) 응모하신 모든 분들께 동방신기 스티커를 추가 선물로 드립니다! (선착순 증정, 재고 소진 시 종료) - - posted on Instagram - https://ift.tt/2PVI0a4
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fyexo · 3 years ago
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210811 smtownandstore_seoul: [ MY ARTIST PHOTO KIOSK CONTENT UPDATE ] 📷💥 - 아티스트의 사진을 다채롭게 즐길 수 있는 MY ARTIST PHOTO! 🙌 키오스크에서 커스터마이징을 통해 자유롭게 꾸며서 완성되는 나만의 포토 서비스 다들 이용해 보셨나요? 😘 8월 12일 새로운 컨텐츠가 업데이트 됩니다 😚💕 [ 21. 08. 12. 업데이트 컨텐츠 ] - EXO - Overdose - EXO - Universe - * 출시일 : 2021. 08. 12. (THU) * 출시매장 : SMTOWN &STORE@DDP - [이용안내] ✔예약방법 : 네이버 예약 / 프로필 링크 참조 (02-2153-0677) ✔마스크 미 착용시 입장 불가 / 체온 측정 및 손 소독 필수 ✔입장 시 출입명부 작성 필수 ✔단위 시간별로 방문 인원수를 제한하며, 예약 시간 내 방문을 엄수해 주시기 바랍니다. - #SMTOWNandSTORE #andSTORE #and #에스엠타운앤드스토어 #앤드스토어 #앤드 #MY_ARTIST_PHOTO #MY_ARTIST_PHOTO_CUSTOMIZING #PHOTO_KIOSK #PHOTO_CUSTOMIZING #엑소 #EXO #중독 #OVERDOSE #유니버스 #UNIVERSE #마이아티스트포토
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fyjjong · 6 years ago
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(190508) @smtown_giftshop: verified [artist track t-shirts] - 좋은 소재와 편안한 핏, 다양한 활용도를 모두 충족시키는 아티스트 트랙 반팔 티셔츠가 출시되었습니다. ✨ 부드러운 촉감에 적당한 두께감이 입을수록 편안합니다. 🙂 one size 제품이며 아티스트별 데뷔일, 곡명으로 포인트를 주었습니다. smtown &store에서 만나보세요. ♥️ - #smtownandstore #andstore #and #에스엠타운앤드스토어 #앤드스토어 #앤드 #allaboutyourceleb #아티스트트랙티셔츠 #트랙티셔츠 #티셔츠 #artist_track_tshirts #track_tshirts #tshirts #fashion #ootd #tvxq! #동방신기 #shinee #샤이니 #exo #엑소 #redvelvet #레드벨벳
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fuckyeahjoonmyun · 6 years ago
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190613 smtownandstore [EXO OFFICIAL FANLIGHT VER 3.0] ❤️ - 드디어 EXO 공식응원봉 3.0이 출시되었습니다. 😊 다가오는 EXO PLANET # 5 - EXplOration에서 EXO 응원봉 3.0과 함께 하세요! ✨ - #SMTOWNandSTORE#andSTORE#and#에스엠타운앤드스토어#앤드스토어#앤드#AllaboutYourCeleb#EXO#NEW#NEWFANLIGHT#EXOFANLIGHT#FANLIGHT#엑소응원봉#엑소공식응원봉#응원봉
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deer-tokki · 5 years ago
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(191208) smtownandstore [Happy Birthday MINHO!] 💚 - SHINee 민호 생일을 맞아, ARTIST BIRTHDAY BRACELET을 SMTOWN &STORE에서 만나보실 수 있습니다. 🙂ARTIST BIRTHDAY BRACELET은 12월의 탄생석인 터키석 컬러 크리스탈 스톤으로 포인트를 준 제품입니다. ✨ - 🔸12월 탄생석 의미 : 성공, 승리 🔸소재 : METAL, CRYSTAL - ✔상품 출시 : 2019. 12. 09 (MON) ✔출시 매장 : SMTOWN &STORE@SMTOWN coexartium SMTOWN &STORE@SM communication center SMTOWN &STORE@DDP www.SMTOWNandSTORE.com - 🔸SM 공식 오프라인 매장에서는 ARTIST BIRTHDAY BRACELET을 매장 오픈 시간부터 당일 한정수량 판매하며, SM 공식 온라인 스토어에서는 12/09 오후 2시부터 당일 예약 판매합니다. 🔸SM 공식 온라인 스토어에서 구입하신 ARTIST BIRTHDAY BRACELET은 12/31 이후 순차배송 됩니다. - #SMTOWNandSTORE #andSTORE #and #에스엠타운앤드스토어 #앤드스토어 #앤드 #AllaboutYourCeleb #SMTOWN_HBD #911209 #민호 #MINHO #SHINee #샤이니 #생일축하해요 #민호생일 #HappyBirthday_MINHO #ARTIST_BIRTHDAY_BRACELET
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fyeahred-velvet · 5 years ago
smtownandstore: [SM셀선시 _Red Velvet] 💖 - SM 셀러브리티와의 선물같은 시간! 😊 SM 공식 온라인스토어에서 출석 체크하고, 구매 미션을 완료하신 팬 분에게 아티스트가 직접 찾아가는 SM 셀러브리티의 선물같은 시간. ❣️ 이번 이벤트의 주인공은 바로 레드벨벳! 💝 8월의 어느 뜨거웠던 여름 날, 놀이공원에서 펼쳐진 사랑스러운 데이트를 1분 미리 공개합니다. 🙌🏻 FULL STORY는 곧 SMTOWN &STORE에서 공개됩니다! 다음주를 기대해주세요! ✨ - 🔸에버랜드 이용권 이벤트🔸 그리고 셀선시가 선사할 또 하나의 선물! 레드벨벳이 팬과 함께 신나는 하루를 보낸 바로 그곳, 에버랜드의 이용권을 드립니다. - ✔️응모 방법 1)본 셀선시 레드벨벳 편 미리보기 영상 인스타그램 리그램하기! (필수해시태그 : #셀선시) 2)유튜브에서 SMTOWN &STORE(https://bit.ly/2kkItH2) 와 에버랜드 ‘티타남’ 계정(http://bit.ly/titanam) 구독하기! 3)에버랜드 이용권이 필요한 이유를 본 인스타그램 게시물에 댓글로 남기면 응모 완료! - 응모해 주신 분들 중 당첨되신 15분께(1인 2매) 에버랜드 이용권을 선물로 드립니다. ✔️응모 기간 : 2019. 9. 6(금) ~ 2019. 9. 15(일) ✔️당첨자 발표 : 2019. 9. 16 (월) / 당첨자 개별 DM ✔️에버랜드 이용권 유효 기간 : ~ 2019. 12. 31(화) 까지 - 망설이지 말고 꼭 참여하셔서, 셀선시도 보고 놀이공원도 즐기는 행복한 가을 되세요~! 😊 - #SMTOWNandSTORE #andSTORE#and #에스엠타운앤드스토어 #앤드스토어 #앤드 #AllaboutYourCeleb #SM셀선시 #SM셀러브리티와의선물같은시간 #셀선시 #SM아티스트게릴라이벤트 #게릴라이벤트 #게릴라배송이벤트 #배송이벤트 #릴레이게릴라배송이벤트 #CELEBEVENT #RedVelvet #레드벨벳 #레드벨벳셀선시 #RedVelvet셀선시 #에버랜드 #티타남
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thelittleeri · 6 years ago
[INSTAGRAM] 190407 smtown_giftshop: [EXO 7th ANNIVERSARY] 🖤 - EXO의 데뷔 7주년을 축하합니다! ❤️EXO의 데뷔 7주년을 축하하는 마음으로 SMTOWN &STORE에서 특별한 제품을 준비했습니다! 😊소장가치를 더한 EXO 데뷔일 기념 상품들과 함께 데뷔 7주년을 축하해보는 건 어떨까요? 🌙925 silver 은으로 제작되어 가볍고 고급스러운 인피니티링을 만나보세요! ✨ - ✔출시 상품 : EXO 인피니티링 ✔상품 출시 : 2019. 04. 08 (MON) ✔출시 매장 : SMTOWN &STORE@SMTOWN coexartium SMTOWN &STORE@SM communication centerwww.SMTOWNandSTORE.com - 🔸SM 공식 오프라인 매장에서는 7주년 기념 상품들을 매장 오픈 시간부터, SM 공식 온라인 스토어에서는 7주년 기념 상품들을 4/8 오후 2시부터 판매합니다.각 제품별 수량이 한정이 되어 있어 조기에 품절될 수 있습니다. 많은 양해 부탁드립니다. - 🔸SM 공식 온라인 스토어에서는 EXO 데뷔일 기념 상품인 로켓 팬던트를 포함하여 5만원이상 구매 시, 바로 사용할 수 있는 5천원 할인 쿠폰을 드립니다. (쿠폰사용 기간 : 4/8 단 하루!) - #SMTOWNandSTORE#andSTORE#and#SM공식온라인스토어#SM온라인스토어#에스엠타운앤드스토어#앤드스토어#앤드#AllaboutYourCeleb#EXO#엑소#데뷔7주년#엑소데뷔7주년#엑소데뷔일#120408#축하합니다#앞으로도함께#인피니티링#엑소인피니티링#INFINITYRING#925silver#[email protected]
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crazytummyblog · 4 years ago
PUHE Stainless Steel Egg Ring | Breakfast Household Round Mold Tool Cooking | Home Kitchen Cooking Tools | Fried Wheat Muffins or Shaped Eggs Egg Machine Mold | 2 PACK
PUHE Stainless Steel Egg Ring | Breakfast Household Round Mold Tool Cooking | Home Kitchen Cooking Tools | Fried Wheat Muffins or Shaped Eggs Egg Machine Mold | 2 PACK
Price: (as of – Details) WHY CHOOSE PUHE EGG RING?🐣【HIGH QUALITY】🐣Safe stainless steel omeletmade of high quality BPA free materials. No rust, no deformation, environmentalprotection. After strict testing, safe and effective. It’s the perfect roundomelette or poached egg for safe and healthy low-fat cooking. Easy to move andstore. This is one of the most essential appliances in your…
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austinianindia-blog · 4 years ago
Types of Technical Interview Questions
The Technical interview is given by the person who are looking for the technical position. It would notgenerally get you the job but surely it will get you the eliminated if you do not demonstrate the level of the knowledge which is necessary for the position. All the professions have aspects which can be considered as technical especially when there is a certification required in the field. These certifications thrive in many different professions such as in information technology, in project management and even in the areas like public relations and the human resources. Any of these kindof fields could possibly needed a technical interview.
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There are many different kind of Technical Interview Questions which you can practice on a daily basis and can step forward towards your dream job. Let’s try to know about those interview question closely.
Algorithm Interview Questions - Algorithms are kind of a big part of the coding interviews, especially at the big tech companies. In your interview you should be aware of few algorithm such asBrute Force, Greedy algorithm, Dynamic programming, Divide and conquer, Sorting and searching algorithms and the Graph algorithms.
Array Interview Questions - An array is one of the most fundamental data structure, which helps to stores the elements at a contiguous memory location. It is also one of the most asking topics of the interviewers and definitely you are going to hear a lot of the questions about an array in any coding interview. The way to solve an array based questions is by having a proper knowledge of array data structure and also about a basic programming constructors like loop, fundamental operators and recursion.
Linkedlist Interview Questions - A linked list is another common data structure which complements the array data structure. Similar to the array data structure, it is also a kind of linear data structure andstores the elements in a linear fashion.A linked list is the list of the nodes where each of the node contains the value which is stored and the address of the next node.In order to solve the linked list based questions, a good knowledge related to the recursion is very important, because it is a recursive data structure.
String Interview Questions - Along with the array and a linked list data structures, a string is also another populartopic which asks in programming job interviews. String based questions are mandatory to be asked.A very good thing about the string is that if you are aware of the array, you can solve the string-based questions very easily because the strings are nothing but they are a character array. So basically all the techniques which you learn by solving the arraybased coding questions that can be used to solve the string programming questions as well.
Tree Interview Questions - Tree data structure is a data structure which allows you to store the data in a hierarchical fashion. Depending upon how you store the data, there are different types of trees like binary tree, where each node has two child nodes. The way to solve tree questions required a strong knowledge of the theory.
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mumuid · 5 years ago
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Assalamualaikum sahabat semuanya 🙏🏼 Motivasi rabu pagi ini : "Siapa yang menjauhkan diri dari sifat suka mengeluh, maka berarti ia mengundang kebahagiaan" - Abu Bakar Ash-Siddiq bit.ly/AnDStore Jangan risaukan sesuatu yang tidak kau miliki, tapi risaukanlah nikmat yang tidak kau syukuri. Selamat pagi sahabat, yuk dari pada banyak mengeluh mending banyakin bersyukur atas nikmat yang telah Allah berikan sampai saat ini. Sebagaimana dikatakan dalam QS. Ibrahim [14]:7): "Sesungguhnya jika kamu bersyukur, pasti Kami akan menambah (nikmat) kepadamu" Tetap semangat, tetap berikhtiar, dan jaga kesehatan juga🙏😊 . bit.ly/AnDStore . . #khimar #khimarsyari #hijab #gamis #jilbab #khimarmurah #gamissyari #hijabsyari #khimarcantik #jilbabsyari #khimarinstan #kerudung #hijabers #syari #gamismurah #jilbabinstan #khimarpolos #bergo #muslimah #jilbabmurah #hijabmurah #hijabstyle #hijabfashion #hijabinstan #khimarantem #ootdfashion #dress #ootdhijab #khimarjumbo #bhfyp♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️😍😍😍😍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍♒⏭️♒⏭️♒⏭️♒⏭️♒⏭️♒⏭️♒♒♒♒♒♒♒♒♒♒♒♒♒💓💓💓💓 https://www.instagram.com/p/CA8-5urAvm2/?igshid=wcgaiz8n841n
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winestorageaustralia · 5 years ago
Learn Some Important Wine Cellar Racks Construction Tips
For wine enthusiasts, building a wine cellar is never a simple task. It is important to follow the right procedure for constructing top-notch wine cellar racks andstoring bottles safely inside the storage unit. Also, it is going to enhance the value of your property. If you are ready to start your collection, let’s check outsome important tips in the next section.
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Step-By-Step Procedure
• Carefully think about your requirement. It helps you determine the perfect size of the cellar. Did you know? A cellar can store up to 500 bottles and above with ease.
• Location of the cellar is also an important factor. It must be a cool and dark location in the property such as the kitchen corners, the storeroom, or a specific wine room.
• Pick the right design of the cellar. It may depend on the architectural structure of your house. Some popular options include contemporary cellars and classic cellars.
• For designing a compact and small-sized wine storage unit, you can ask the contractor to build spiral cellars. Or, you should feel free to customise your design.
• Once built, the installation of a cooling unit and a humidifier is essential. The optimal storage condition keeps the wine in good condition and prevents wine spoilage.
• Low-heat LEDs must be installed to visualise the bottles in the dark space. It won’t alter the temperature level. Also, it enhances the beauty of the cellar.
Now, you are ready to store wine bottles inside. For organising bottles, you must lay them side-by-side. Keeping them in an upright condition can damage the cork.Suppose you’ve built a dining room especially for drinking purposes, you can enjoy your wines at any time.
The best thing is that you can invite your friends on your birthday, anniversary, promotion, or just like that for enjoying the divine taste of your favourite wine. You can proudly do all these things in the comfort of your home. So, find a reputed contractor for wine cellar construction.
How to Keep Bottles Safe?
According to the experts, the most appropriate temperature for keeping wines in good condition is 55oF to 65oF. If the temperature level alters due to any reason, it could lead to spoilage of wines. It can also put a negative impact on the wine aging process. Considering the installation of a humidifier, it helps keep the moisture content unaltered to avoid dry cork.
Components such as vibration and noise reducers are also installed for maintaining the wine condition. It helps in keeping the bottles safe inside the cellar.
Final Words
No doubt, storing bottles on the wine cellar racks can give you peace of mind. It makes sure that you can enjoy a glass of wine without any restrictions. However, you must drink a moderate amount of wine to gain benefits. Reports suggest that moderate consumption can prevent vision loss. It may also improve heart health. So, the key is moderation.
Also Read: Tips to Choose the Perfect Wine Cellar Racks
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wearetoho · 5 years ago
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Reposted from @smtownandstore [Happy Birthday MAX] ❤️ - TVXQ! 최강창민 생일을 맞아, ARTIST BIRTHDAY NECKLACE를 SMTOWN &STORE에서 만나 보실 수 있습니다. 😊 ARTIST BIRTHDAY NECKLACE는 2월의 탄생석인 자수정 컬러 크리스탈 스톤으로 포인트를 준 제품입니다. ✨ - 🔸2월 탄생석 의미 : 성실, 평화 🔸소재 : METAL, CRYSTAL STONE - ✔상품 출시 : 2020. 02. 18 (TUE) ✔출시 매장 : SMTOWN &STORE@SMTOWN coexartium SMTOWN &STORE@SM communication center SMTOWN &STORE@DDP www.SMTOWNandSTORE.com - 🔸SM 공식 오프라인 매장에서는 ARTIST BIRTHDAY NECKLACE를 매장 오픈 시간부터 당일 한정수량 판매하며, SM 공식 온라인 스토어에서는 02/18 오후 2시부터 당일 예약 판매합니다. 🔸SM 공식 온라인 스토어에서 구입하신 ARTIST BIRTHDAY NECKLACE는 03/17 이후 순차배송 됩니다. - - posted on Instagram - https://ift.tt/2UZezIj
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fyexo · 4 years ago
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200918 smtownandstore: [Happy Birthday CHEN] 🤍 - EXO 첸 생일을 맞아, ARTIST BIRTHDAY NECKLACE를 SMTOWN &STORE에서 만나 보실 수 있습니다. 🙂 ARTIST BIRTHDAY NECKLACE는 9월의 탄생석인 사파이어 컬러 크리스탈 스톤으로 포인트를 준 제품입니다. ✨ - 🔸9월 탄생석 의미 : 성실, 진실 🔸소재 : METAL, CRYSTAL STONE - ✔상품 출시 : 2020. 09. 21 (MON) ✔출시 매장 : SMTOWN &STORE@SM communication center www.SMTOWNandSTORE.com - 🔸SM 공식 오프라인 매장에서는 ARTIST BIRTHDAY NECKLACE를 매장 오픈 시간부터 당일 한정수량 판매하며, SM 공식 온라인 스토어에서는 09/21 오후 2시부터 당일 예약 판매합니다. 🔸SM 공식 온라인 스토어에서 구입하신 ARTIST BIRTHDAY NECKLACE는 10/16 이후 순차배송 됩니다. - #SMTOWNandSTORE #andSTORE #and #에스엠타운앤드스토어 #앤드스토어 #앤드 #AllaboutYourCeleb #SMTOWN_HBD #920921 #EXO #엑소 #CHEN #첸 #생일축하해요 #첸생일 #HappyBirthday_CHEN #ARTIST_BIRTHDAY_NECKLACE
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fuckyeahjoonmyun · 6 years ago
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190521 smtownandstore [Happy Birthday SUHO!] ❤️ - EXO 수호 생일을 맞아, ARTIST BIRTHDAY BRACELET을 SMTOWN &STORE에서 만나보실 수 있습니다. 😊 ARTIST BIRTHDAY BRACELET은 5월의 탄생석인 에메랄드 컬러 크리스탈 스톤으로 포인트를 준 제품입니다. 💚 - 🔸5월 탄생석 의미 : 행복, 행운 🔸소재 : METAL, CRYSTAL - ✔상품 출시 : 2019. 5. 22 (WED) ✔출시 매장 : SMTOWN &STORE@SMTOWN coexartium SMTOWN &STORE@SM communication center www.SMTOWNandSTORE.com - 🔸SM 공식 오프라인 매장에서는 ARTIST BIRTHDAY BRACELET을 매장 오픈 시간부터 당일 한정수량 판매하며, SM 공식 온라인 스토어에서는 5/22 오후 2시부터 당일 예약 판매합니다. 🔸SM 공식 온라인 스토어에서 구입하신 ARTIST BIRTHDAY BRACELET은 6/6 이후 순차배송 됩니다. - #SMTOWNandSTORE #andSTORE#and #에스엠타운앤드스토어 #앤드스토어 #앤드 #AllaboutYourCeleb#SMTOWN_HBD #910522 #EXO #엑소#수호 #SUHO #생일축하해요 #수호생일#HappyBirthday_SUHO#ARTIST_BIRTHDAY_BRACELET
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beautehealthy-blog · 5 years ago
Travel to Taxila
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Pakistan contains a fair share of ancient history, one of the prominent treasure is Taxila. Taxila is a very important archaeological site, located in the Rawalpindi district of Pakistan’s Punjab province. It has a vast serial site that includes a Mesolithic cave and remains of four early civilization sites. Taxila is a city of the Gandharan civilization, known as a capital and hub of Buddhism. It was a main point of learning an urban metropolis and a meeting point of several cultures, like Achaemenids, Greeks, Mauryans, Scythians, Parthians, Kushans, Huns and eventually the Muslims. In the mid-19th century, Sir Alexander Cunningham rediscovered the devastations of Taxila. In 1980, it was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In 2006, Taxila was ranked as the top tourist place in Pakistan by The Guardian newspaper. The University of Taxila was considered to be one of the oldest universities by some people. Taxila illustrates the different stages in the development of a city controlled by Greece, Persia, and Central Asia. Historical Remains The city was destroyed by the Kushans, a Central Asian Tribe, in the 1st century.  The Taxila serial site includes a number of Buddhist monasteries, stupas of different periods and Khanpur cave also. Buddhist monuments was built throughout the Taxila valley, and revolutionized it into a religious midland and destination for pilgrims from Central Asia and China. There are 5 small stupas in Taxila. The first one is the Dharma ajika stupa. Jaulian is another glorious compound of chapels, stupas, and a monastery with assembly hall, refectory, kitchen and bathrooms andstore rooms which are still very well preserved. Two miles west of Jaulian is another well-kept monastery at Mohra Moradu. At Jandial, a mile and a half from Sirsukh is an image-less temple in the classic Greek style, with sandstone architecture. The Giri complex includes the remains of Muslims mosque, Ziarat and Madrassa of the medieval period.
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Rulers Taxila was ruled by Alexander the Great in 327 BC after which it was taken over by the Mauryans. Towards the end, it came under the eminent ruler Asoka’s rule during which time it reached on top of its development and culture. The last remarkable historical period for Taxila was the Gandhara period. During that time Taxila became world known centre for art and philosophy. Because of being a centre for Buddhism, Buddhists from all over the world especially China and Greece come and visit the stupas.  World’s Oldest University One of the recognized world’s oldest universities is also present in Taxila. This university came along in the Gandhara period. At one stage it had 10500 students including from Babylon, Greece, Syria and China. Experienced and able teachers taught languages, Vedas, philosophy, medicine,documentations, accounts, commerce, music, performing arts,politics, and complex mathematical calculations.
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Taxila Museum After visiting Jaulian and Sirkap, it will be the best choice to see the museum, which is well preserved and organized. Taxila museum is located at Taxila Punjab Pakistan, which is the most famous and one of the oldest museums in Pakistan. It is an archaeological and historical museum. The artefacts displayed at the museum are very high value and depict the comprehensive collection of Gandhara art and civilization dating from the 1st to the 7th centuries CE. Most objects in the collection depict the ancient culture as well as the history of the area, including stone, stucco, terracotta, silver, gold, iron and semiprecious stones. Buddhist, Hindu and Jain religions are well depicted through these objects.
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solplparty · 6 years ago
www.SMTOWNandSTORE.com : Celebrate Open! [SULLI] https://youtu.be/yabgwDMBoiE SMTOWN &STORE SM 아티스트 릴레이 축하영상! [SULLI] 편을 만나보세요! - www.SMTOWNandSTORE.com SM 공식 온라인 스토어 SMTOWN &STORE 오픈! - 한달동안 공개된 SM 아티스트 릴레이 축하영상, 즐겁게 보셨나요? 앞으로도 SM 공식 온라인 스토어 SMTOWN &STORE 많은 사랑과 관심 부탁드립니다. - #SMTOWNandSTORE #andSTORE #SULLI SMTOWN
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