#and zuko is an emo teenage boy with anger issues
mal3vol3nt · 4 months
i just know aang be getting on zuko’s nerves with his “lemme see lemme see” nosy ass
he thought he was just gonna teach the avatar firebending but got a little brother instead im crying 😭
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Not sure why people act like Zuko is the popular boy Katara was interested in and Aang is the fuckboy who gets friendzoned.
Zuko is the emo boy with the negative attitude and anger issues and a lot of people in school are turned off by that behavior. Which is why he only has a few friends.
Aang is the popular boy! With his extroverted personality he brings everyone together and he is a great leader.
Actually this makes for a great high school AU I should write it later. Much better than this shitty incorrect quotes that make Aang out as a fuckboy who disrespects Katara and make Katara thirsty for Zuko.
But think of people's teenage fantasies! Can't have Zuko NOT be just a projection of their desire to be with one of the popular guys! Next thing you will tell me people should like him for his personality and the important role he plays in the story, not just because he is hot!
And we also can't acknowledge that we saw Aang go to school in the actual show and the only person who hated him was the annoying guy nobody liked! Plus, if he is cool, how will Zutarians pretend he is an incel that feels entitled to Katara, not her best friend who simply commited the "crime" of liking her and being liked back?
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ellakomskaikru · 2 years
Do you think Azula technically suffered more than Zuko. Even though Zuko was banished he still had his Uncle with him. Azula had no one to turn to but Ozai.
Hello anon!
I don’t like to say one sibling had it worse than the other. Both Zuko and Azula suffered tremendously in different ways. You are right that Zuko had his uncle with him during banishment. Uncle Iroh did give Zuko support. But Zuko was still immensely traumatized and deeply emotionally wounded. His own father saw him as worthless and always compared him to Azula negatively. Nothing Zuko did was ever enough for Ozai. This caused Zuko to develop some severe self esteem issues as well as anger issues. It really rubs me the wrong way when some people brush off Zuko’s trauma symptoms as “dramatic” and “emo”. This is a young man who was severely abused by his father, not your average teenage boy who is dramatic for the sake of it. These were all consequences of the abuse he suffered from his father. Zuko also suffered for three years in exile, tormented by his fate, believing that he would probably be at sea forever looking for the avatar.
Azula suffered since she was a child by feeling unloved by her mother, and not truly “loved” by her father unless she was his perfect little prodigy. Even though little Azula tried to make light of Ursa’s disappearance, it would be natural that her mother’s disappearance affected her negatively too. Now Azula truly had no one but Ozai. And after Zuko, who Azula did love, was banished, I imagine those were the worst years of Azula’s life. Her uncle had chosen to follow Zuko into exile, and now Azula truly had no one but her cold hearted father who demanded perfection. And Ozai was not just her father. He was her Fire Lord. So if he ever punished her she’d have no one to turn to for help because his word was law. There was no one to save her from him. Azula suffered from a severe lack of love in her life and that affected the way she treated others. She was also just as terrified of Ozai as Zuko was. She was just better at avoiding his ire by acting in the way he wanted.
So anon, both Zuko and Azula suffered a lot in different ways. I disagree with both of these takes: “Azula actually had it way worse than Zuko” and “Azula wasn’t actually abused/ was abused less”.
Thanks for the ask!
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mysterylover123 · 7 years
Maiko + Tropes
Back to Avatar the Last Airbender, where it all started. It’s time to do tropes for my ATLA OTP: Zuko/Mai. Prepare for some teenage grouchiness. (Sourced from TVTropes.) Also, Spoilers
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Mai:  Mai is not normally very adorkable, but around Zuko she gets all giggly and blushy. They express their love in very awkward and adorable ways. The B-story in "Nightmares and Daydreams" is a good example.
Zuko: All of his attempts to be a normal and friendly guy end up charming failures. Notably, he practices an apology to a frog, then proceeds to demand an answer.
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Mai: Though not to the extent of Ty Lee (what with being a Jerk with a Heart of Gold instead of a straight-on Nice Girl), she is still only going up against the good guys because she works under someone who is evil.
Zuko:  An early episode contrasts him with Zhao, who only wants to find the Avatar to bring himself glory while Zuko was only even there is to complete a mission so his father will love him.
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Mai:  With Zuko. 
Zuko: With Mai. While Aang and Katara dance around the issue, they're snuggling and watching sunsets. Flipped on its head in the comics, where Zuko and Mai go through a bad breakup while Aang and Katara are relatively stable Sickeningly Sweethearts.
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Mai: With Zuko. They're both perpetually frowning Emo Teens with some kind of family issuewho are from the Fire Nation and use bladed weapons.
Zuko: With Mai. They're both perpetually frowning Emo Teens with some kind of family issue who are from the Fire Nation and use bladed weaponsWith Katara. They're both willful, compassionate, and emotional individuals who lost their respective mothers at a young age and are about equal in terms of bending abilities.
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Mai: Her mother treated her like a liability instead of a daughter, was not allowed hobbies or even to speak unless spoken to, and her only friends were Ty Lee and Azula. No wonder Mai is so cynical and bitter.
Zuko: A rare male example; any innocence he had was lost between his father's and sister's abuse.
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Mai: Zig zagged with Zuko — Both manage to be both with each other. For the brooding part, they both come from a dysfunctional family which led to them becoming Broken Birds but in different ways (Zuko having anger issues and Mai suppressing her emotions). As for the gentle part, both encourage one another to express themselves in healthier, non-problematic ways.
Zuko: Zig zagged with Mai — Both manage to be both with each other. For the brooding part, they both come from a dysfunctional family which led to them becoming Broken Birds but in different ways (Zuko having anger issues and Mai suppressing her emotions). As for the gentle part, both encourage one another to express themselves in healthier, non-problematic ways.Katara is the gentle girl to Zuko's brooding boy - they are a platonic variation of this trope, despite the Ship Tease.There's a very brief moment of this with Toph and Zuko - in "The Ember Island Players", Toph comforts Zuko while he's angsting over his Uncle. They go back to being Like Brother and Sister, though, when she punches him and informs him that "That's how I show affection."
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Mai: While turning her back on Azula at the Boiling Rock, she managed to consistently pin several guards onto solid metal architecture, using the same knives with which she attacks everything and everyone else. More passively, she's on even footing with the average elite bender, such as Early-Season-2 Katara and half the Terra Team sent to attack The Drill.
Zuko: While one of the most visibly muscular characters, he once punches a person across a room, and is seen shattering iron, steel, and wood with his kicks. All that training has served him well. Might be a result of Iroh's training: even among the Fire Nation, Iroh and Zuko are the only ones to display superhuman strength unrelated to bending.
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Mai: In a flashback, we see her admiring Zuko from afar as kids.
Zuko: With Mai. There's a flashback to Puppy Love.
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Mai: Has a very dry sense of humor.
Zuko: Since Zuko's the most ill-tempered character in the show, this is a given. He's actually a lot like Katara in that respect: particularly sarcastic in books one and two, less so for a part of book three, and then more so for the other half.For instance, after some random kids threw an egg at Earth Kingdom soldiers, they blame Zuko, who continually denies it. It eventually leads to this exchange:Gow: The egg had to come from somewhere! Zuko: Maybe a chicken flew over.He also manages to get in a few good ones at Sokka, of all people:Zuko: I think I'm a little past your level, Sokka. Why don't you practice with the Duke or something. Sokka: The Duke? But he's, like, eight years old! Zuko: He should be a good match for you, then.Even eight-year-old Zuko gets in on the action.Azula : You waste all your time playing with knives. You're not even good! Zuko : Put an apple on your head and we'll find out how good I am!
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Mai: Much like her boyfriend, except it takes her longer to thaw.
Zuko:  It takes two and a half seasons, but he thaws with The Power of Friendship.
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Mai: Besides Zuko, another teen flirted with her in "The Beach", and Kei Lo admits to genuinely liking her.
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Zuko: Sometimes in a relationship with Mai. He has loads of Ship Tease with Katara and a temporary love interest in the one-off character of Jin. The comics also have him being ship teased with Suki. Has almost as much onscreen romance as Sokka, plus a fan club and a bunch of random girls that swoon over him at the beach.
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Mai: Emphasizing her emo personality.
Zuko: During the first season, where he has chalk-white skin coupled with a black ponytail. It later evens out slightly; sometimes his hair is dark brown instead of straight black, and he adopts a very slight tan that takes the edge off the eerie. That said, cutting off the ponytail and growing his hair out properly probably also helped.
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Mai: The gloomy knife thrower is a Cool Big Sis after off-screen Character Development.
Zuko: Badass, Determinator, Evil Prince -turned- The Atoner, is also a Momma's Boy and a lover of Turtleducks. In the "Ember Island Players", he gives hints that he likes theater, but just dislikes that specific group because while they have great special effects, they tend to butcher their stories. He admits to Toph that he's been doing Angst? What Angst? for some time, but the play is opening some hidden wounds.Toph: "Oh come on. Lighten up. They're just having fun." Zuko: "Fun? Of course you (Toph) like it. They made you a big buff guy! But to me... they're taking all the mistakes I made and throwing them right back in my face."His Uncle has indicated numerous times Zuko is also skilled with the fictional Tsungi horn.
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Mai: Generally quite a jerk but she has a soft spot for Zuko.
Zuko: He's Hot-Blooded and can still be quite rude, but Zuko is a good hearted person.
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Mai: In her first appearance, she turns down a hostage deal for her own infant brother.In the comics she dishes out a lot of emotional abuse against Zuko, although she still claims to care for him. She jokes about his death, his choice of friends after meeting Aang, and talks about how awful he is in general to Kei Lo.
Zuko: Often when he was in danger of becoming too nice, at least until his formal Heel–Face Turn in Book 3.
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Mai: She has no friends other Ty-Lee and Azula, and they were off at the circus or war.
Zuko: He is the banished prince of the Fire Nation, but you can literally count the people who genuinely care for him on one hand (Iroh, Mai and Ursa). Eventually subverted when he makes his Heel–Face Turn, after which he becomes part of Aang's True Companions.
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Mai:  She follows Zuko in Heel–Face Turn because of his turn and her love for him.
Zuko: Averted with Mai. He leaves her before switching to the good side and the two don't reconcile their relationship until after the final battle. Instead it was familial love for Iroh, whom he acknowledges as his true father figure and role model, that redeems him. The shame he feels for betraying his uncle's trust is part of what compels him to make his Heel–Face Turn. He also influenced Mai to follow suit and betray Azula.
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Mai: Her relationship with Zuko is not healthy. The two love each other but their conflicting morals and lack of communication leads to countless fights and their constant break-ups. She spends pages in Avatar: The Last Airbender – Smoke and Shadow describing what a horrible boyfriend Zuko is and how badly a relationship with him had hurt her. This leads to her making harsh jokes at his expense and she expresses the need for her to "move on" by dating Kei Lo.
Zuko: Has this type of relationship with Mai. They love each other but constantly fight, do not understand each other, have different morals and are always breaking up only to get back together again. Mai tells Kei Lo about how miserable Zuko makes her feel and she later says it to Zuko's face about how much of an idiot she was to date him.
Mai: Mai is the Cantonese pronunciation of 袂 meaning "sleeve of a robe", which is where Mai conceals her weapons.Her name is phonetically similar to the Japanese mei (冥, めい), meaning "dark", which is relatable to her gloomy personality.
Zuko: Zuko's name is written in Chinese characters which read as "ancestor's robber". It may or may not be intentional, but Zuko is an actual name in a Filipino dialect. Its meaning? "Madness" or "Angry." And he spends a lot of time angry in the show...
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Mai:  In a relationship with Zuko.
Zuko: In a relationship with non-bender Mai.
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Mai: She and Zuko are a textbook "skip all the boring foreplay and get right to the intensity." Contrast with the heroic Official Couple, who were in the foreplay stage for fifty episodes. In this case we see a flashback of them as Childhood Friends before the reunion.
Zuko: Zuko and Mai are a textbook "skip all the boring foreplay and get right to the intensity." Contrast with the heroic Official Couple, who were in the foreplay stage for fifty episodes. In this case, we see a flashback of them as Childhood Friends before the reunion.
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Mai: She may be on Azula's side, but she's not evil.
Zuko: Character Development for him in Season 1. He goes from burning down the Kyoshi Warriors' village in his pursuit of Aang to abandoning a later pursuit to keep his soldiers safe. Even right from the start, he threatens the South Pole villagers to get information on the Avatar but when Aang promises to come quietly if he leaves the Water tribe alone, Zuko agrees (and keeps his word).
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Mai: She and Zuko somehow manage to be this and Birds of a Feather. Despite their apparent similarities, their temperaments are completely opposite: Zuko is a Hot-Blooded Determinator, whereas Mai is an emotionless Defrosting Ice Queen.
Zuko:  He and Mai somehow manage to be this and Birds of a Feather. Despite their apparent similarities, their temperaments are completely opposite: Zuko is a Hot-Blooded Determinator, whereas Mai is an emotionless Defrosting Ice Queen.
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Mai: Even when she's cuddling with her boyfriend she's frowning.
Zuko: "I'm never happy." Though it is averted around Mai, and after he joins Team Avatar.
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Mai: The blue to Ty Lee's red. Or, since Ty Lee describes Mai's aura as grey, and hers as pink, Mai's the Grey Oni to Ty Lee's Pink Oni.
Zuko: The emotional, easily angered Red Oni to his sister's calculating, eerily calm Blue Oni, though it's reversed after her Villainous Breakdown. This is enforced by the colors of the Flames they produce; Zuko's flames are red/orange, while Azula's are blue.The hot-tempered, loud Red Oni to Aang's positive, peace-loving Blue Oni, which is visualized through their facial markings (red scar vs. blue tattoos)
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Mai: She is in a constant on-off relationship with Zuko. It's unstable to say the least. They get together only to break things off a few months later. They make up but then decide to call it quits again. It is supposed to be a contrast to Aang and Katara's solid relationship.
Zuko:  His relationship with Mai is complicated and...unstable to say the least. They break up at least twice in the series and once again in the comics.
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Mai: Like Zuko, she acts cold as a result of her past.
Zuko: He may act abrasive, but knowing his past, it's not hard to see why.
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Mai: A raven-haired Snark Knight. It's a trait she shares with Zuko.
Zuko: Tallest teenager in the series with raven hair and a cynical attitude.
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Mai: Mai already established herself as a badass (but quiet and knife obsessed) Lady of War took a level in badass in the episode "The Boiling Rock, Part 2". Mai took out 13 prison guards and freed the gondola line to help Zuko and company escape the boiling rock prison...and Princess Azula. Although this could just be a case of Mai being Not So Stoic.
Zuko: He gradually improves throughout the series, but he makes dramatic improvements in season 3. It's then he learns to redirect the most powerful of lightning, holds his own against his sister, casually raise a huge fire tunnel that engulfs an entire hallway, and most importantly, firebends without relying on rage.
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Mai: To Zuko. Even when their relationship is on the rocks, she remains loyal. Two instances: the Boiling Rock encounter where Zuko explains his treason and desertion and inspires her to defy Azula herself, and again in the "Rebound" free comic day issue where she discovers her father wants to use her as an insider against Zuko in a bid to put Ozai back on the throne.
Zuko: This is Zuko's greatest weakness and greatest strength. Loyalty kept Zuko on the side of his father and sister long after he stopped seeing things their way, but when he finally made up his mind to join Aang, he took a lot of punishment from them without complaint to win their trust, and he protected them over and over. In the sequel, Zuko abdicated the throne, naming his daughter Fire Lord, so that he could travel the world after Aang's death, to keep their dream alive while the Avatar could not.
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Mai: Just like her boyfriend, she frowns so often that she looks really cute when she smiles genuinely.
Zuko:  The poor guy is frowning so often (and for good reason), the few times he gives a genuine smile are really heartwarming.
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Mai: To Zuko. She doesn't put up with his angsting.
Zuko: Something of a male version of this trope in regards to Mai. She doesn't put up with his brooding and temperamental nature, instead encouraging him to lighten up.
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mal3vol3nt · 3 months
zuko was a miserable emo teenage boy with anger issues and mai was a gothic monotone teenage girl who wielded knives at people she didn’t like. yet you mean to tell me there are people who DONT think he was head over heels for her?? you’re crazy
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