#and yuta methinks
prettyboykatsuki · 21 days
feeling so horny about men with violent and cold jealousy that smile even when they are incredibly angry
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suashii · 6 months
soul eater au time ! if u and ur f/o were in soul eater, which of u would be the meister and which would be the weapon? what weapon do u/they transform into?
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swee7dream · 4 months
haii!!! i saw u posted the 127 masterlist im SO excited to see what u write for them (and wayv in the near future)
could u write cg! yuta w a little!f! reader whos regressing around him for the first timr... thatd be cute methinks :3 thank u for ur time and consideration
- @aeriaeri
greetings and introductions cg!yuta x reader
genres agere content, established relationship, fluff warnings i wrote about watching a movie i've never seen before, indirect mention of yuta as an idol dni if you sexualize age regression word count 1802
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Yuta has done lots of hard things in his life. Really hard things.
He’s traveled to a foreign country with nothing but a dream and a Japanese-to-Korean dictionary. He’s lived all of his adult life in front of a camera and under the harsh criticisms of the internet. He’s watched his friends (read: Haechan and Taeyong) live-react to his acting projects in person.
But no matter what he’s experienced in the past, it’s always the now that feels the most threatening and terrifying. Now that he’s standing outside of your door, Yuta feels his heart in his throat and his stomach and coming out of his-
The undoing of your lock pulls him out of his thoughts, gulping and clutching the large stuffed animal he ordered a couple of days ago closer to his chest.
He hopes you like him.
“Hey.” You don’t look at him in the eyes when you open the door, only step back for him to come in. “How was the trip?”
“Fine. Good.” He clears his throat into his free hand as he steps in, looking around your place. It’s not as if he hasn’t been here before. He’s come over several times, the number of sleepovers innumerable in his mind. “You?”
It’s a Sunday, you have no reason to be out at all today. Still, you answer, relocking the door as he takes off his shoes and places them next to yours.
“Fine too. Take a seat,” you invite, shuffling your way to the kitchen. “I’m getting a glass of water. You want one?”
“I’ll take a coke if you have any.”
“You got it.”
You take the bottle from the fridge, still as full as the last time your boyfriend came over because you hate how the carbonation bites the inside of your throat when it goes down. You’re careful when pouring it, the light foam takes over more and more of the glass until it nearly overflows, the soda itself filling only about 20% of the glass.
As you wait for the bubbles to fizzle out so you can pour again, Yuta takes a spot on your couch. He’s stiff as a doll, feeling almost strange that his knees didn’t creak when he sat down. This apartment that has your scent and all your belongings, it’s the same but oh so different all at once. He feels almost stupid for not noticing all these little things before.
Under his feet is the fluffy green rug with no table over it, left open for napping and drawing and crafting. It’s an incomplete picture, being able to see your figure in his mind but not any details because… he hasn’t met you yet. Not this side of you that you’ve shown to a number of people you could count on one hand.
The bottle of Coca-Cola is back in the fridge and you’re standing in front of him now. It’s the first time you meet each other’s eyes today and the anxieties of the past 24 hours seem to flow out through the spaces in his teeth, revealed when he smiles.
Your standing in between his legs gives him the perfect chance to wrap his arms around your torso and pull you close enough for him to rest his chin on your tummy.
“I missed you,” he says.
“I missed you too,” you reply, feeling somewhat cocky at the familiar lovesick look on Yuta’s face. He makes you feel loved and loveable. It’s strange, but you can’t help but want to monopolize that expression to only you like a dragon with its hoard of treasure. “Can you take your soda now? My hand is freezing.”
“Mmm… can’t I just hold you a little longer? Please?” he whines, dropping his nose to tickle your stomach.
“You can hold me on the couch, you big baby.”
You hear mumbles of ‘it’s not the same’ but he relents, taking the glass from you so you can curl up next to him, throwing the blanket folded over the back of the sofa on your lap when you begin feeling cold. The doll Yuta brought is crushed between the couch arm and his side when he scooches over to make room for you to lay next to him.
“I’m nervous,” you admit, cheek on his upper arm.
That gets a hum of confusion from him, echoing out from the glass as he drinks.
“What if I scare you off? What if you’re, like, ‘yeah no, I’m checking out of this freakshow.’?”
“’I’m checking out of this freakshow’?” He smiles and you can’t help but break too. It’s ridiculous for him to say that, especially to you of all people, but it usually takes expressing your anxieties aloud to re-realize that.
“…anyway. Put on something on the TV.” You tap him gently.
“Cirque de Soleil?”
“You’re annoying.”
“Moulin Rouge?”
“If you don’t-”
“Oh, I got it! Dumbo.” He struggles for a moment before pulling the soft plush doll of a gray elephant in his hand. He holds it like an award with a grin so wide you wouldn’t have guessed his heart is nearly beating out of his chest, hoping he didn’t push you when you’re not ready yet.
You glare at him for a good five seconds in silence, the tilt of his head faking innocence.
“Do what you want.” You sigh at his smugness, gently taking the toy into your hands, your thumbs coursing over the fur before holding it close.
“I always do, baby.” Your face is peppered in kisses that taste like coke. “You like it?”
“It’s okay.”
The original 1941 motion picture Dumbo is considered one of the studio's shortest animated films at 64 minutes long. It doesn’t take long for the two of you to get comfortable, ten minutes in fact.
Around 20 minutes in, Yuta called for the smart home assistant to turn the lights down and give you a smirk (“What a thoughtful gift! I wonder who was so considerate so as to buy you something like that.”). Around minute 42 is when he notices how quiet you’ve gotten, looking over to see you with your thumb’s nail in between your teeth and a twinkle his mind is trying to help him recall in his memories in your unblinking, focused eyes.
He’s seen it before, when you went to the amusement park, playing carnival games; and the times you’ve gone to the mall, walking past the toy stores.
“You okay, baby?”
“Okay…” you mumble in response.
The person who is not okay is him. Once again he’s stiffened up. The realization that you’ve probably slipped in front of him has his heart in his throat again. It’s not like the other times, this time he knows what’s going through your mind and you don’t have to push down your instincts. He’s not going to mess this up for you, he promised to himself.
Yuta doesn’t know how to not mess this up, he realizes a minute later. So he chooses to not do or say anything at all unless you ask him to. It’s a good strategy, he comes to discover.
As the credits roll, you begin to speak, Yuta takes note of its softness, the rhythm your words have different than usual. You’re still you, obviously, but he can’t help but think about how truly different the air around you has become, as if there were another person that you shared a body with and he can’t help but love just as much as he does you.
“Like Dumbo’s mama. ‘s a good mama.”
“…yeah. She sure is, baby.”
“Wish I had a mama like Dumbo’.”
“Why’s that?”
”She just so nice. She beats up all o’ Dumbo’s mean bullies and doesn’ even blame him when she goes to lelephant jail.”
“She is pretty nice,” he agrees, eyes crinkling at your attempt at the word ‘elephant’. “You know what? I want to be like Dumbo’s mama too. I wanna protect you just like she does her baby.”
“Yuta wanna be my mama?”
“Well, I’m a boy, baby.” He laughs, gazing softly at the genuine twinkle in your eyes. “…but I can be your mama. Anytime you want me to.”
“Mean it?”
“Yeah, baby. Of course I mean it.”
“Pinky promise?”
The moment makes him smile. This is you, the one who manages to console him even though he’s the one who had to cancel your date. The one who brings him coffee at crazy hours when not even the sun is awake. The one he introduced to his family with his chest puffed out and never regretted since.
But it’s also not.
This is a part of you that hasn’t gone through any of those things yet and does not worry about things like gas prices or separating whites from colored. At this moment, when the credits to Dumbo roll on the TV and rain begins to hit the windows of the apartment, you’re a brand new canvas. Right here, right now, it’s as if none of the bad things that you’ve gone through ever happened and he’s able to block them out from happening again for you.
Loosening your grip on the elephant plushie you hold tight to your chest, Yuta slips his hand into yours and locks your pinky fingers. To seal the oath, he brings your hand up to his lips, still connected with his.
“Pinky promise.”
“So nice to me. I love you lots.” You sigh satisfactorily, your turn to rub your nose on him like he did less than two hours ago. “But Yuta not a mama.”
His fingers settle on the top of your head, dark eyebrows raised when he looks down at you, eyes shut with tiredness.
“No.” You mumble into his shirt. “Dun’ like it. Want ‘nother name.”
“What if I like Mama?” He whispers, trying not to wake you from this half-submersion you’re in inside Morpheus’ arms. His bottom lip pouts out, trying to replicate just how adorable you look to him, fully aware of how he could never compare.
“Aw man. Okay, baby. We’ll figure out another name for me another time okay? Why don’t you close those pretty eyes for me right now?”
“Yuta stay?”
“Yuta’ll stay. I’ll see you tomorrow, baby.”
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author's note this was difficult to execute. age regression from an outsider's point of view is not easy to describe ... still, i hope it was an enjoyable read ! constructive criticism and feedback is appreciated in all my works but especially this one (⸝⸝⸝>﹏<⸝⸝⸝)
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banannabethchase · 4 months
strip poker, challenge mode: hangman/jamie/yuta.
Active Players
“Fuck,” Adam groans, dropping his head back. “Fine. Jesus. I fold.” He throws down his garbage two pair. “How the fuck do you keep winning?”
Jamie smiles, smug. “That’s a secret I’ll keep to myself, babe.” She winks and turns to Yuta. “And you, Wheeler?”
“I fold,” Yuta grumbles, throwing down his hand. The Full House is decent, Adam thinks, but he knows Jamie must have a better hand.
And then he looks at that smile. “No fucking way.”
“Sorry, boys,” she says, dropping cards that have zero pull in any game, let alone poker. “The two of you are so easy to manipulate.”
Yuta slumps over until he’s falling of the couch, one leg up. “I don’t even have anything left to wear!” he wails.
“You have your pants,” Jamie says.
“He sure as shit doesn’t,” Adam says, glancing over to the pile of his jeans and Yuta’s in the corner.
“Americans,” Jamie says. “What do you call them? Panties?”
“They are boxers!” Yuta says, scrambling right side up. The action sends him flopping halfway into Adam’s lap. He clears his throat and sits up.
Jamie shrugs. “Either way, you’re essentially naked. Off they go. Come now.”
Yuta’s eyes, inexplicably, flicker to Adam’s. “Uh.”
“Yes, him too, of course,” Jamie says, waving Yuta off. “But you first.”
“Why me?”
“Because you were the fool with a decent hand that folded from just a pretty face.”
Yuta rolls his eyes. “He’s not that pretty.”
Adam stares as Jamie cackles. “I was talking about myself, but Hangman here seems offended.”
“Not offended,” Adam says, and he has to clear his throat for some reason. “Just, uh.” He pauses, unsure of what word comes next.
“You’re not pretty,” Jamie says, and Adam’s about to be really insulted before she says, “you’re handsome. Dashing. The kind of man Yuta wants to sweep of his feet, no?”
“What?” Yuta asks. “No. What? Shut up.”
“Methinks the man doth protest too much,” Jamie singsongs. “Actually, you two can keep your panties – boxers, fine, don’t get them in a wad – for a price.”
“The fuck kind of diabolical idea you got, Hayter?” Adam asks. He’s wary of those eyes, that smile. And other things. But mostly wary.
“Kiss,” she says simply. “Yuta, get in the Cowboy’s lap and kiss him.”
Yuta shrugs. “Okay.” He’s got his legs draped across Adam’s before Adam can even move.
“Whoa!” Adam says. “What?”
“No?” Jamie asks, and that false innocence is incredibly appealing.
“Not no,” Adam says. “I mean. Yes! No – fuckin’ hell, Jamie, you got me all fucked up.”
“Are you sure that isn’t the very eager, very handsome man in your lap?”
Adam swallows and looks up. Yuta is handsome. He’s very handsome. He’s handsome and warm and slightly pressing down into Adam’s lap. “Uh.”
“Eloquent,” she says. Adam looks over Yuta’s shoulder to see her stretched out, head propped up as she watches them. “Go on. Kiss him.”
Adam not only wants to kiss Yuta, he wants to kiss Yuta for Jamie. “Alright then,” Adam says. He balances back on one hand and reaches up to pull Yuta down enough to kiss him with the other. Yuta feels a little hesitant against his lips. At first. After a few seconds, he’s kissing back, pressing forward, open mouth against Adam’s. He bites a little. Adam should have expected that of Mox’s protégé.
Jamie chuckles in the background.
“This,” she says, and her voice is lower than usual, “is the best layover I’ve ever experienced.”
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lesbiansanemi · 9 months
Officially time to blacklist yuta////maki methinks
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yutagram · 1 year
methinks a yuta confession fanfic in the making
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shijas · 3 years
volume 0 movie goooood
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prettyboykatsuki · 5 months
my life is so hard all i want to do is drink ice cold water but it makes my cramps act up if only there was a sexy hot lesbian with green hair and glasses to batter my insides with her unsettling boyfriend or something idk
this is making me scream outloudf fdkjkjghjdk. maki would feed you water by drinking it and then spitting it into your mouth methinks. and so would yuta. it wouldnt be ice cold at least
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nejiiki · 2 years
which characters do you associate with your mutuals?
all under the cut !
@gumilac + @tobibam + @uravichii + @kairakeiji - sugawara but not aggressive?
@mxtchalilies + @izukus-gf - definitely mitsuri
@keijinn + @tealings - hmmmm yamaguchi?
@gumiresque + @luvvmamaia - ITADORI
@amjustagirl + @arhvste - hands down nobara
@shoberri + @escapenightmare - friendly maki
@araragomennnn + @christiansdior - akaashi
@seroluvbot + @p-ol - megumi....
@soukiyo - extroverted osamu for some reason
@okkatsudon - yuta methinks
@mysterystarz - oikawa...?
@kiyunas - unhinged akaashi
@ri-days - IWA
@kiiraes - sugawara
@uxavity - noya?
@c0ld-soba - kuroo LMAO
@https-sen - gojo but not quite gojo
@momochimo - immediately thought of sakusa
@sanmiya - shinobu but less aggressive
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sluttyten · 2 years
yuta's hobby is driving people insane, methinks.
I think that’s his favorite pastime
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dollwritesarchive · 2 years
Yesss omg I'm sure I'll have like a novel written about all my thoughts of the movie after watching it!! And toge with the spikey hair OOOF I was not prepared when I saw that image for the first time 😭 its tragic that there's no mahito or sukuna in the movie but I heard that toge gets a decent amount of screen time so that makes up for it ❤ I'm also interested in seeing yuta, from what I've seen in pictures he looks sad and tired which is right up my alley lol
SPEAKING OF 👀 Funouhan is also right up my alley, outside of anime horror is my fav AND sexy wicked guys is my all time favorite breed of men as you know so it sounds perfect 😍 I read what it's about and if I could just convince him to murder this pussy instead of another person that would be great 🖤
YESS MAHITO LITERALLY WOULD DO THAT JUST TO BE MEAN omg I've thought about this so much 😭 the fact that he can do anything to his body drives me clinically insane like he definitely would increase his size until you're crying not able to physically take anymore. And one word. MONSTERFUCKING. Like you know how they usually have different shaped dicks like some have ridges or like suckers ig you could call them? Like the possibilities are ENDLESS he could do ANYTHING and the thing is he WOULD too like you know this man would lay awake at night thinking of all the ways he could fuck you up, experimenting different things
I'm so excited to start aot now that I know you love it I will definitely be sharing ALL my thoughts on it LOL. I dont know much about it other than 1: I know for a fact I'm gonna wanna fuck a titan like its inevitable for me lmaoo and 2: they eventually gave it a metal opening song which is literally the COOLEST THING IVE EVER HEARD!? More animes should have metal opening and closing songs fr I'm sick of watching a dramatic badass episode and then having a cutesy pop song at the end lol. Also you dont have to worry about me watching anything dubbed I would rather die LOL. And for Levi I always thought Ok I could see myself liking him but then recently I saw a picture of him like all bandaged up or something ? and I was like WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE 👀😍 levi just looks mean (idk if he is he just looks it) and like he wouldn't take any shit and I appreciate that ❤ like definitely not the type to put up with a brat. idk if you've seen mha but how you feel about levi is how I feel about dabi LOL hes definitely my most specialist boy 😭 if you havent tho I recommend watching it but stay away from the fandom its literally the fucking worst 🤢
I definitely appreciated the tiktoks and it is motivating me even more to thirst over levi 🥰 definitely dont want him to put me in my place or anything 👀
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRyYwXd4/ IM SORRY I HAD TO BSGHAHA
I keep forgetting to tag myself as jjk anon LOL but you always know it's me 🥰
YES I WILL BE SAD THAT THEYRE NOT IN IT but give toge screen time challenge 😤😤😤 baby boy deserves love and praise!!
OMG YES if you do read it there is a scene where you get to see him… cough cough in action (and I don’t mean killing 🤭)
I want to fuck LOTS of the titans okay don’t even feel bad once you’re into it we can talk ALL ABOUT IT and you may even inspire me to write some Titan fucking ❤️❤️
LEVI IS SO STRICT one of the things I love about him 🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️ he’s such a good brat tamer I SWEAR
I HAVE TO ADMIT I WATCHED THE FIRST EPISODE OF MHA AND I DIDNT LIKE IT but dabi has been on my radar because he’s very sexy so I am thinking about watching it for him if nothing else 😭 BUT FEEL FREE TO SEND ME THINGS ABOUT HIM ID LOVE TO KNOW ALL ABOUT YOUR MANS EVEN IF I DONT WATCH THE SHOW
I’m such a sucker for worm mahito 🥰 I’m sorry that I would also fuck the worm
I’m watching demon slayer now! Do you have thoughts? 🤔
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the-sunshine-dragon · 3 years
Hi Sunny! You should definitely do the NCT units for the Kpop group ask game! Either individually or all combined it’s up to you 💚 (I like knowing people’s favorite members. For science.) ~Rae🌙
Oh ho ho ho ho alright, you are on.
~ Bold of you to assume I have a favourite
~ I honestly do not know. My gut reaction is to take a swing at Haechan. Maybe Renjun. Depends on the day. Uh, honestly, no real reason? XD
~ Beautiful, no question. Absolutely love that song.
~ The different combinations we gets for units and songs. Plus the interactions XD Those are always fun. 
~ This is kind of a hard question to answer. As we all know, NCT U in general has been a highly under-utilized unit/concept, so there are so many different ways to answer this question. I guess it would be nice if it would be used to explore different music ideas that while are distinctly NCT, have some variety, if that makes sense? They could really take advantage of NCT U’s concept to experiment, methinks. But maybe I don’t know what I’m talking about :) 
NCT 127:
~ Isn’t that a song by them?
~ Doyoung. We just do. 
~ Not gonna lie, I still have yet to listen to the entirety of 127′s discography, but I do really like Gimme Gimme, Limitless, Kick It, and Punch. If you’re looking for b-side recs, I am not your gal XD
~ The mafia games. Particularly the one where they fooled Yuta, Jungwoo, and was it Taeyong? That was fantastic. 
~ Something that isn’t their typical style. Maybe rock or alternative rock? (I don’t know much about either of those genres, it’s just what popped into my mind XD) But yeah. 
NCT Dream:
~ Daegal. Next question. 
~ Renjun or Haechan. They seem like they’d be down for a fight.
~ Boom, Ridin’, Deja Vu, and Hot Sauce. 
~ Their dynamics, honestly. I feel like the Dreamies are the second most coherent group within NCT as a whole (WayV being first) and I really enjoy watching them just having fun and hanging out. It’s great. 
~ Similar to 127, I’m not as familiar with their discography, but whatever Hot Sauce was, that was awesome. 
~ Bella. 
~ Heeeeeeehhhh either Ten or Yang Yang. Maybe. 
~ Kick Back was fun! It’s been awhile since I’ve listened to their stuff, but I remember really, really liking Kick Back. 
~ Like the Dreamies, I really like their group dynamics and the contents they put out. It’s fun and I love their chaoticness, it’s great. 
~ I don’t really think I have anything I want to see from them at this point. :) 
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neonun-au · 3 years
i am……… seeing the vision……. 👀👀👀 he loses everything…. has a hard time adjusting to vampirism, does smth he regrets…. his wife divorces him out of fear…. just a thought… man these vampire fics just keep getting darker fhdjksk
but that’s good to hear!! i’ve been pretty good, currently on my reading week so i’m just bulldozing through as much of this yuta fic as i possibly can lmao
YESSSS darker good yesss you have the vision and i like it i like it !! honestly no matter what you did with it it would be so interesting, methinks, so if you do follow through i am demanding a tag. i am pre-ordering this fic as @itsapapisongo would say LOL
hell yeah reading week! i know its like...supposed to be for school work but who actually ever uses it for that lmao i definitely never did
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retrievablememories · 3 years
It may not seem like I'm faithful to Yuta but whenever I think about Jaehyun Yuta is there! I'm thinking about Yuta too 😭
oh cool—that definitely opens the door for some interesting threesome scenarios methinks 🤭💀💀
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1eos · 4 years
nctz*ns are mad @ me bc i made a fallout post abt them giffing the durags and the blatant racism/colourism/ableism and antiblackness that they do and literally i open the blogs to see the same black and red or edgy layout and see that they’re a taeyong or yuta stan... so glad i’m not in ncity anymore
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it's something in them dark edgy futuristic y2k layouts everybody got that just breeds brain rot methinks. like stop thinking abt your overdone aesthetic for once nd stop giffing appropriation
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kof-xiii · 3 years
Your post about them being enemies to lovers is funny bc you said Simon and nahyuta in the office breakroom kissing passionately and i imagined it like. They're insulting each other, walking closer for emphasis, everyone in the breakroom is like"ok same as every day what's new" and tune them out but then they just stop fighting and everyone is like wait why is it quiet and they look and they're just kissing passionately in the middle of the room, and then they stop and just turn around and leave each to their own ways, saying nothing, actually forgetting they're surrounded by people who are just like. Not surprised they actually have a thing for each other, but for the way they just did that in front of people and then proceeded to pretend nothing happened and leave nckekmxm
ok ok i think nahyuta and simon arent rly the type to be dramatically in love (or do sweet sweet pda into their relationship) unless they're alone, it's mostly about the simple subtle things like buying each other coffee or sending each other crusty outdated memes through their work email, so everyone's perception of them is "ok so they banter almost like an old married couple and they're always mumbling to each other during meetings theres definitely something going on but then again these two are so so confusing all the time so HMMMM. 🤨" and they just
enter the fucking room and get violently whiplashed, seeing them make out at full force on the table, AND SIMON AND YUTA HAVE THE NERVE TO LEAVE LIKE ITS NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's poetic cinema methinks
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