#and you'd look down to see that dog running away like “like someone just licked your hand because they love you but it DEFINITELY wasn't me
batrachised · 2 months
Chapter 6 establishes a dynamic we'll see throughout the series: the E's of New Moon never quite understanding each other. Aunt Elizabeth and Emily talk past each other repeatedly in this chapter because they're essentially speaking a different language. There's an emotional culture clash here that represents a gap never to be bridged. As the previous chapter said, Aunt Elizabeth understands with her head first, not her heart; Emily understands with her heart first, not her head.
The Emily series takes this even further by presenting Emily as some sort of fey child. There's many a thing about Emily that can't be understood with a head or be explained rationally at all. Emily doesn't just feel things deeply; she experiences the flash, a thinning of the veil between worlds. It would be difficult enough for Aunt Elizabeth to understand a sensitive, artistic child, but Emily's second sight tendencies defy explanation or comprehension. I have more thoughts, but they're very spoilery stuff, so see underneath the cut below for them.
From Aunt Elizabeth's perspective, she sees a child who doesn't like the food, and she kindly orders different food. She doesn't want Emily to sleep alone because she thinks that would be bad for her. She knows Aunt Laura won't sleep well if she sleeps with Emily, so Aunt Elizabeth sleeps with Emily instead. You see Aunt Elizabeth trying to be kind in her own way, but it's so stiff and cold that to Emily, it doesn't really matter. (Which makes complete sense - Emily is a little girl who is grieving.) Also, Aunt Elizabeth's attempts to be kind aren't thoughtful. She isn't taking into account Emily's feelings on the matter at all - instead, she's actively dismissing them. On top of this disastrous clash in communication styles, Emily has a tendency to dig up old graves (figuratively and literally, as we'll see!) which does not help one bit.
From Emily's perspective, she's met with a cold, stern woman who views all attempts at explanation as impertinence, a "griffin." It's funny, because Emily is doing exactly what Anne does consistently and repeatedly in Anne of Green Gables. Every time someone like Marilla is mystified at Anne's feelings, Anne explains: how would you feel if you were me? How would you feel is said by Anne so often it could genuinely be used as her catchphrase - and most of the time, it works! Characters are charmed by Anne, and almost without fail, she wins them over. They tended to be amused by her sensitive ways, not frustrated or downright cold.
Emily's attempts, though, are viewed as alien instead of winsome. They also have the unfortunate tendency of forcing Aunt Elizabeth to confront various psychological closet skeletons. Anne's characteristics endear Anne to her community; Emily's isolate her.
Following up on the second sight bit: that's why Aunt Elizabeth's commitment to plumbing the well in face of all logic and reason is the pinnacle of her character arc in this book. It's, at last, the conjoining of the head and heart. It makes no sense to do to check the well from a rational perspective, but also, it's the only rational choice when it comes to keeping Aunt Elizabeth's word and Emily safe - so that is what Aunt Elizabeth chooses. The Aunt Elizabeth at the beginning of the book would have never committed so recklessly; the Aunt Elizabeth at the end is true to her inflexible ways, but in a way that allows room for the side of Emily that will forever mystify her: the sensitivity that allows Emily to know something is at the bottom of that well, and the same sensitivity that Emily uses to write.
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roosterr · 1 year
whatchya got, boy?
note: requested by @wetsocksinbed :D this fic came to me in a prophetic vision as soon as i read that ask, all i have to say is i was cackling maniacally while writing it. bon apetit.
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pairing: john 'soap's mactavish x gn!reader
wc: 4.4k
summary: soap is scared of dogs, you're a k9 handler. your dog is good at finding bodies, he doesn't ever want him to have to find yours.
warnings: angst with a happy ending, canon-typical violence
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soap has never liked dogs.
when people ask him why, he tells them that it's just how he is. he wasn't bitten by one, it's not a trauma response, he just doesn't like them, plain and simple. being in the military and having a phobia of dogs is like painting a giant red target on his forehead, so in the interest of not getting relentlessly made fun of, he keeps it to himself.
until recently, it hasn't been a problem.
then you came along, with your quick wit and charming smile, and he was a goner from the moment you first met.
price had given them your files, told them you and your partner are on loan to the one-four-one for the next few months while they track down a particularly slippery target. the term partner had initially disappointed soap, but then you'd both marched into the room with your heads held high, and he realised;
oh. your partner is a dog.
a german shepherd, to be precise. you're a canine handler, like the universe is playing a trick on him – he hasn't been genuinely interested in someone in god knows how long, and when he finally finds somebody, you're accompanied at all hours by one of the few things he fears.
he's about ready to give up on pursuing you before the briefing is even over, but as the others all stand and file out of the meeting room, your partner comes bounding up to him in all his fanged, furry glory and soap almost has a heart attack.
"he doesn't usually trust strangers," you told him as your dog sits at his feet and wags his tail so hard it might be at risk of dislocation. johnny’s moments away from bolting, the fear climbing up his nerves like constricting vines.
"lucky me, eh?" he smiles at you, which was honestly more like a grimace, but somehow you're not offended by his obvious dislike of your partner. you let out a laugh, and the sound is so melodic he almost forgets about the beast waiting at his heel.
"you can pet him," you grin knowingly, and soap gets the sinking feeling you've figured him out already, "he doesn't bite – not unless i tell him to."
"cheers, but i'll pass…" johnny attempts to protest, in the motion of taking a step back, but you grab his hand before he can escape and drag it down to your dog's face with an amused grin.
"his name's rex." he hears you say, but the way your dog is sniffing at his hand has every muscle in his body tensing involuntarily. he's mortified that you're seeing him react like this, he already knows he'll never be able to live this down once the others find out.
when rex chuffs and starts to lick at his hand, johnny feels like his soul might leave his body. the sharp teeth so close to his skin is so unnerving, the only thing stopping him from making a run for it is your soft grip still around his wrist.
he looks to you for help, but you're watching him with a mischievous grin that sends his heart aflutter.
"see? that wasn't so bad." you chuckle, crouching down next to your dog and thankfully taking rex's attention off him. johnny breathes a quiet sigh of relief, wiping his wet hand on his trousers as he watches you fuss over the canine.
you're endearing, and johnny has to admit that seeing you coo at rex like he's a baby makes him slightly less terrifying.
"price put you up to this?" he asks, holding back a flinch when rex looks up at the sound of his voice.
"he did." you nod, standing back up and meeting his eyes again. "but rex actually does like you. guess you're just charming like that."
"well, thank god for that…" johnny grumbles, his voice dripping with sarcasm. you laugh again, and with the way his pulse quickens, he can't help but send you a cocky grin. "but what i wanna know is, do you like me?"
"hmm…" you feign indecision with a poorly concealed smirk, tapping a finger on your chin before leaning closer and placing a hand on his bicep. "i may need a little more convincing."
after that, johnny can hardly keep himself away from you. 
whenever you're next to him he's got an arm slung over your shoulder, you’re always talking – texting when you’re apart – and any free time he has is spent following you around base, not unlike rex at your heel.
you ask him if he wants to watch you when you train rex, and initially he tries to say no, because he thinks seeing rex practising attacking people might break whatever spell you've cast that makes him not hate the dog; but you drag him along anyway, and he ends up being glad that you did.
it's fascinating, watching rex sniff a shirt from your hand and track down whoever it belongs to with expert precision. it looks almost like a game to the canine, the way his tail swings back and forth the whole time as he effortlessly completes any task you give him.
he finds the dummies you hide with ease, even when they're buried under piles of boxes and clothes and various other obstacles. johnny actually finds himself respecting the dog, which is shocking since a few weeks ago he never would've been able to handle even being in the same room as one.
you give johnny the treats to feed rex, which makes him nervous all over again when the canine looks up at him with wide eyes and all his sharp teeth on display. it takes some coaxing from you, but eventually he gets comfortable enough to let rex take a treat from his hand. he may not admit it, but the only reason he even lets rex get so close is because you're there. simply your presence gives him the courage, makes him feel secure.
"when this is over," johnny begins, hand twitching under rex's tongue and looking at you with such fondness it feels like his heart is about to burst, "i'll take you out proper, treat you right."
you blink at him, surprised, but not a moment later a wide smile is taking over your face. "i look forward to it, mactavish."
the others, particularly gaz and ghost, give him hell for how infatuated he's become with you, but their teasing doesn't deter him. he likes you, and he doesn't care if everybody knows it; you like him too, and that's all he really cares about.
now, sitting in the heli on the way to what they hope will be the final location for this mission, he was almost disappointed to be done with it. you were only on loan for this mission, so once they have their target, you'd be gone. he was hoping, optimistically, that once everything was said and done he could convince you to stay with the one-four-one. he was sure he could talk price into it, and though it was selfish of him, he just wanted you to stay by his side.
you're sitting next to him in the back of the aircraft, rex between your legs with his head resting on your thigh, staring up at johnny with those big brown eyes. without even thinking, he reaches a hand out and ruffles the fur on his head, earning a nudge and an adoring smile from you when he looks over.
"he might like you better than me," you tease, scratching behind rex's ear who was yet to take his eyes off of johnny.
"don't be jealous now, bonnie." he chuckles, returning the nudge to your shoulder. "you can have 'im on weekends."
you grin again and lightly shake your head, taking rex's face in your hands and bending over to press a kiss to the top of his head. "you love me the most, right boy?"
before long, the helicopter is landing and the five of you – plus rex – are following the captain out into the forest. it's cold when they exit the heli, night vision goggles highlighting the terrain through the darkness of the night.
the silence buzzes as you all stalk through the trees. johnny pays more attention to you than he should as you walk beside him, anxiety lighting up his nerves for how this mission will go.
as according to the plan, once the manor is in sight, you all split off into teams of two; him and ghost, price and gaz, and you and rex. he trusted you to do well, like you have been doing for the last few months, but he can't help the way his shoulders tense as he watches you disappear around the corner.
the building is guarded, which was expected of course, but they only had to take down a dozen or so guards until the place was barren.
the corridors were eerily deserted, bathed in a moonlit glow as johnny crept around the manor, following closely behind ghost with both of their heads on a swivel. the radio was quiet, by design for the mission plan, but somehow this time felt different, like they wouldn't hear him if he did call out.
it's the beeping that gives it away. so faint, he almost missed it, but his senses are sharpened like a blade – and as a demolitions specialist, he knows the sound of an explosive when he hears it.
johnny carefully pushes open the door to his right, scanning the room for any movement and finding none, but when his gaze lands on the centre of the room, his pulse skips a beat.
propane canisters, fuse linking them all together, and most concerning, a timer on top blinking at him; two minutes, ticking down with a sickening green glow.
"ghost," he calls, his voice hard and serious as the anxiety builds again, "it's rigged."
ghost steps into the doorway next to him, following johnny's arm as he points to the device.
"fuck." he spits, stepping back and clicking the radio on his vest, but no sound comes out. ghost curses again, looking back to johnny with a tense expression that the sergeant mirrors. "radios aren't workin' either. let's move, c'mon."
there's no room for argument in his tone, marching back the way they came with johnny in tow.
as they emerge back out into the night, price and gaz appear from around the corner, both lifting their goggles and approaching with concern evident on their faces.
"what happened?" price's gaze darts around behind them as he speaks, as if waiting for someone to jump out and attack.
"the place is rigged, we have to go." ghost explains, already moving past them and away from the manor.
the captain nods, gesturing for johnny and gaz to follow as he tries his radio with no luck, just like ghost. the pit of anxiety lingered, getting heavier by the second.
"move it, soap." price commands, a deep frown creasing his brow.
but johnny doesn't move. "hold on, where's k-9?" he asks, a frown of his own pulling his features downwards.
"radios are down, we don't have time to look for 'em." ghost calls over to them, earning a solemn nod from the captain, who tries to move him with a hand on his shoulder.
the radios are down, you have no way of knowing the building is rigged. there's no way johnny's about to leave you on your own in the blind, he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he did.
"no. i'm not leavin' without 'em." johnny growls, his face morphing into a frown as he brushes off the captain's arm and turns to go back inside.
"they might already be outside." gaz tries to reason, stepping in front of him and blocking him from the doorway. kyle's regretful gaze cuts through him, and there's the distinct feeling that everyone else has already given up on you. "we have to move, mate."
johnny scoffs. "fuck that! i can't just leave 'em!" he hisses, insulted by the very idea of leaving one of their own to fend for themselves. no, that's not how they operate, that's not how he operates.
a flash of anger shoots through him and he's about to shove past gaz, but before he can move, price is yanking him away.
"soap!" he growls, shaking him slightly as he grabs johnny's other arm. "get it together, you are not goin' back in there."
before he can argue, he's being grabbed by ghost and dragged away from the manor with him as the other two jog ahead of them into the treeline. 
"oi!" johnny shouts, struggling in the lieutenants iron grip, but to no avail. ghost practically drags him along as he digs his heels into the dirt, writhing in an attempt to escape and go back for you.
he's desperate, he can't lose you, not before he takes you on that date, he promised, you can't die yet–
johnny blinks, the deep, rumbling boom completely derailing his thoughts and starting a piercing ringing in his ears.
white hot fire bursts from the windows of the manor, showering the surrounding area in shards of glass and debris as the heat escapes the building in waves. 
everything seemed to stop around him. ghost stopped trying to drag him away, the trees stopped blowing in the wind, he almost stopped breathing. the world pauses as the walls of the manor are engulfed in flames.
johnny rips his arm out of ghost's grip and stumbles back towards the manor, his mind floating out of his body.
"no!" johnny wails, ignoring the heat on his face and taking a shaky step over the jagged stone and glass that crunches under his boot, "no! they're still–" his voice breaks, "they're still in there, for fucks sake!"
"johnny!" ghost shouts, grabbing him by the strap on the back of his vest and yanking him sharply away from the blaze. "they're gone." he mutters, purposefully avoiding soap's glassy eyes.
"shut the fuck up!" he cries, thumping his fist against ghost's chest and clawing at the arm holding him back. the tears spill from his eyes hard and fast, constricting his throat and blurring his vision.
he falls to his knees with his head in his hands and ghost lets him, the debris that litters the ground sharp against his flesh, but nothing compared to the pain in his chest.
it wasn't supposed to go like this.
you were supposed to come back, and he was supposed to take you out and give you a perfect date and he'd kiss you at the end of the night and now he'd never get to do any of that because–
you're gone. slipped through his fingers like sand into the ocean.
"c'mon, johnny." he hears ghost mutter, his voice distant even though he's right there, pulling him to stand by his arm. "let's regroup."
he doesn't struggle this time, shaking himself free of his lieutenant's grip and shuffling past him with his head hanging low. if there was a god, he's sure they're laughing at him by now. it all felt like some kind of cruel joke; give him hope by granting him someone to love after all these lonely years, and then rip you out of his arms before he can know the happiness you would bring him.
he and ghost don't get far before he hears the lieutenant stop in his tracks, but he doesn't care to know why, the hollow feeling in his chest won't allow him to.
"the dog…" ghost utters from behind him, an air of disbelief in his monotone voice. johnny freezes, a cold dread travelling up his spine as he hears the unmistakable sound of rex's claws padding towards them.
he turns slowly on his heel, fresh tears welling up in his eyes.
your dog is standing in front of him.
"rex…?" he calls softly, taking in the dust and ash and dirt and blood caked into his rich brown fur, illuminated by the fire still raging. rex barks, tilting his head like he's confused, and johnny falls to his knees again, uncaring for the way the rubble tears through his trousers and his skin. "no, no no no no–"
rex is alone. you're not with him. he doesn't go anywhere without you, and that can only mean one thing.
the confirming thought alone shatters the dam completely.
the sobs wrack his body and johnny gathers rex into his arms, hugging him tightly to his chest, burying his face into his thick fur despite the filth that coats the both of them. he whimpers and whines in johnny's ear, and the sound only makes his heart hurt even more.
a few months ago he never would've dreamed he'd be hugging a dog, but you changed that; you'd helped him work on his fear, and even if rex was the only one he could tolerate, it was still leagues better than what he could accomplish without you.
but now you’re gone, and neither of them have you to fall back on.
johnny sinks his fingers deep into rex's fur, sniffling pathetically because he may have lost you, but your canine lost his entire world and he would never understand where you went, why you left him all alone, why you weren’t coming back.
rex begins to wriggle in his arms, and soap knows he wants him to let go but he can't bring himself to. this dog is all he has left of you now; he would take care of your beloved canine, it doesn't matter if he was still terrified in the back of his mind.
after a painful few minutes, jonny regains the awareness to remember where they are and the fact that ghost is still watching him break down with the dog in his arms. with a trembling sigh, he loosens his hold on rex and pulls back, wiping a dusty hand over his eyes.
as he pushes himself to stand rex barks again, startling johnny with a jolt of panic before bounding back the way he came, away from him and ghost.
johnny frowns. "hey, don't run," he mutters, ambling after the canine as he pads backwards. every time johnny gets close, rex slips just out of reach before he can grab him.
ghost sighs, but allows him to go after the dog, keeping a watchful eye on them as they get further away.
the way he was running along and looking back to make sure johnny was following reminded him a worrying amount of how he acted in his training. the training where you would hide a dummy for him and johnny would reward him with treats when he led you to the fake body.
"no, no rex," except this time, the body wouldn't be fake. "please, boy, just come back…"
rex doesn't react to his pleading, determined to lead him to what johnny knows he’s found, but desperately wants to deny anyway. he tries to stop, to turn back and never have to face the reality of you being gone, but the canine won't let him. he takes johnny's trousers between his razor teeth and growls, deep and threatening, as he tries to pull him along.
the sound makes johnny freeze, fear clawing at the back of his mind as an instinctual reaction, but he blinks hard and pushes through it. "alright, i'm comin'..."
rex lets go once he’s sure he’ll follow again, trotting ahead with the occasional check behind him to make sure johnny was still there. he follows the canine past the rubble, through the treeline, and into the underbrush where the sick feeling in his throat only grows stronger.
he doesn't bother with the night vision goggles. the fire provides enough waving light for him to just about see where he’s going, and he really has no desire to see what rex is guiding him to.
johnny almost trips over him when the canine comes to an abrupt stop, his wide eyes trained on a bush to johnny’s left.
the dread pooling in his stomach becomes suffocating.
"wh…?" he swallows thickly, crouching down to rex's level and placing a hand on his back, feeling his laboured breath that matches his own. "...whatchya got, boy?"
rex barks and noses at the branches of the bush, before stepping backwards a few paces and looking expectantly between johnny and the shrub.
johnny stares at the bush. no amount of training could've prepared him for the terror he feels imagining what he’ll find on the other side of it. as if sensing his hesitation, rex barks again to spur him on, but it only makes his heart sink further.
his hand shakes as he reaches for the branches. there's a stutter in his heartbeat, a hitch in his breath, as he pushes them aside to reveal–
"bleedin' fuckin' jesus–" johnny cries, jumping through the foliage to couch over your weakened form, forgetting his fear all together as he ruffles rex's fur with both hands and a breaking smile when he barks again. "oh good boy rex! good boy, fuckin' hell!"
it's you, blood and ash smeared across your skin and your chest rises and falls in shallow breaths, and johnny's just so happy you're alive he can't think to be afraid when rex snaps at his hands in a misdirected effort to protect you. he presses both hands against the slice in your abdomen, using the few medical supplies in his vest to help stop the bleeding as the tears being to well again.
"shit, stay with me, hun, i've got ye…" he mumbles, putting all his weight onto your stomach. "ghost! help me!"
the rest is a blur.
they carry you to the helicopter, rex barking protectively between their legs the whole way until he can lay on guard between your legs on take off.
when they finally touch down back at base, johnny has to grab rex by the vest so the medics can carry you out, wrestling him away as he barks and whines in protest. johnny stays with the canine while you're in surgery and for the days you're asleep, making sure he's fed and allowing him to sleep in his room so he won’t be alone – despite how uncomfortable it makes him, and how little sleep he gets because of it.
it's four days until you wake up.
he's not the first to find out, but as soon as the words reach his ears he’d racing down the corridors and bursting through the infirmary doors with enough intensity to make you jump out of your skin. the sight of you sitting up and talking to price almost has his eyes watering again, but he pushes that urge down.
he approaches your bed more carefully, a wobbly smile pulling at his lips under your warm gaze. with an understanding look, price is patting him on the shoulder as he passes by and leaving the two of you alone with each other.
"aren't you a sight for sore eyes," johnny grins, taking a seat in the chair next to your bed and grasping your hand in his. a smile lifts your features as he brings your hand to his lips, pressing a soft kiss there as a heat rises in his cheeks.
"i could say the same, my knight in shining armour." you reply, moving your hand to cradle the side of his head and smoothing your thumb over his brow. he revels in the contact, the tension bleeding from his muscles under your touch. "where's rex?"
"he's fine, i made sure." he reassures you, and you let out a sigh of relief at his words, visibly relaxing into the pillows holding you up. "tried sneakin' him in here, but the nurses wouldn't have it."
a laugh escapes you, the sound still managing to make his heart feel light, even all these months later. "can't imagine why," you tease, gently nudging his head as he chuckles along with you.
it feels like a weight is lifted from his shoulders, finally having you with him again. his eyes flutter shut as the relief washes over him, and a minute passes where neither of you speak, simply basking in each other's presence.
there's a scratching sound at the door that interrupts the peace and quiet, and the two of you share a knowing smile. not a moment later, the door is being pulled open just enough for rex to slip through and skid towards your bed on the linoleum floor, wagging his tail at breakneck speed.
before the door can completely close, johnny catches a glimpse of gaz’s mischievous grin and groans, but he doesn't have time to yell at him before he’s out of sight and rex is distracting him by leaping onto your bed.
you wheeze as your canine braces his paws on your chest and begins his assault on your face, licking every inch of skin he can reach with a series of excited chuffs and narrowly missing johnny’s head with his swinging tail.
"hi rex! you saved my life, didn’t you boy?" you giggle, affectionately ruffling his fur and planting kisses of your own on his face. "who’s a good boy? who’s the best sniffer dog ever?"
johnny clears his throat, drawing your attention to him as you cuddle rex to your chest. "i don’t want’a blow my own horn here, but i saved yer life too…" he gives you that lopsided grin, a playful glint in his eyes that makes you laugh again.
"you want some pets too?" you chuckle, reaching over and dragging his head over to you by a hand on the back of his neck. "good job, johnny, you’re a good boy too." you coo, pressing your lips to his forehead and the tip of his nose as you ruffle his mohawk like rex’s fur.
the effect is immediate. his cheeks burn again with a striking red blush, and he chokes on his breath in bashful embarrassment under your ministrations. he hopes you haven't noticed his reaction, but the way your laugh bubbles up again he can tell you’ve caught on.
"i think i like that more than i should, bonnie." he mutters, pressing his forehead against yours and allowing his eyes to flutter shut. you hum sweetly, your warm breath fanning over his face.
"don’t short circuit on me yet, soap, you still owe me a date."
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tagging: @cheezbites
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noyasmashing · 4 months
If it isn't too much trouble, may I request mad dog with a nerdy reader. In public they have scary dog privileges but in private he becomes such a whiny puppy who doesnt know how to ask for master/mommy to touch him? No hurt feelings if you don't want too, I just don't see enough of him being a sub. Thank you!
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CW: names such as pup and mommy are used, semi public, praise, hand job
A/N: i’m so sorry this took so long 😭 tbh i have no excuse
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he would be suchhhh a grouch in public. Picture yourselves on the public train together. He's casting menacing glares at anyone who dares to glance your way, positioning himself protectively in front of you. Meanwhile, you're engrossed in your book, wearing a delighted expression that's impossible to hide.
And when you venture out together (a rarity in itself), despite your occasional awkwardness, you effortlessly connect with others over obscure subjects, radiating joy and warmth. Kentaro, on the other hand, stands by your side, arms folded, engaging only with you.
Its quite endearing how different you two are-personality wise. People often wonder why you're with such a seemingly grumpy individual, but they don't see the tender side he reveals to you. He's incredibly sweet and attentive, always accompanying you to your favorite bookstores for the latest releases. Despite his aversion to socializing, he willingly joins you for coffee outings.
What may be the most adorable thing about him, is his sudden shyness in private. Suddenly, he's flushed red, stumbling over his words, nervously fidgeting with his hands, unsure where to place them.
He gives up any ounce of control easily, falling to his knees at your request. Your favorite thing is making him work for his pleasure. He knows what he wants. He wants to cum until he can't think. But he doesn't know how to ask.
Recently, you'd discovered a new favorite pastime: teasing Kentaro in public. There was nothing quite like watching him squirm as he struggled to maintain his tough exterior, only to be undone by his own pent-up desire.
It was a simple matter to get him riled up. A strategically timed pause to admire a book cover, a suggestive lick of a lollipop, or a deliberate lean forward to show off your cleavage would send him into a tailspin. His eyes would flash with desire, his face would redden, and his lips would tremble.
But the best part was the moment he'd snap, his eyes pleading for mercy as he grabbed at your shirt, his voice barely above a whisper. "P-please… y-you… I need y-you…"
You'd feign innocence, playing dumb as you led him on a merry chase. "Hmm? Need me to what, Kentaro?" You'd ask, looking up at him with a concerned expression. He'd hesitate, his words faltering as he scanned the empty store for an escape route. "You know.." He'd mutter, gaze low and hands sweating.
Finally you relented, firmly grasping his cheeks, directing his gaze toward the family bathroom that was tucked away but still in sight of you two. "That'll work yeah?" you inquired, locking eyes with his widened ones, before proceeding toward the bathroom. "What if someone sees us?" he'd nervously stammer, but still following closely behind you.
You'd simply smile, your eyes glinting with mischief. "It makes it more exciting, Kentaro."
Once inside, you'd press your lips against his, drawing out a soft groan as he struggled to keep up. But you were just getting started, taking a seat on the bench, beckoning him closer.
"Y-you want to do it here?" He'd ask, his voice laced with anxiety.
You'd bat your eyelashes, playing innocent once more. "Do what puppy?"
Being the nervous dog he is, he'd trail off, his face flushing with embarrassment as he stumbled forward. You'd laugh at his shyness, running your hands up his shirt and down his stomach as he stood in front of you.
"P-please… touch me," he'd beg, his voice cracking as he dropped his head in shame.
You'd toy with him, running your fingers over his hips as he squirmed beneath your touch. "I am touching you, baby," you'd purr, but he wasn't having it.
He needed something more – something that would make him feel like he was truly alive. And so, he forced out the words: "My c-cock., touch my cock, mommy"
Your eyes lit up with amusement and a hint a sadism, unzipping his pants and pulling his underwear down without hesitation. "That's all you had to say puppy." You'd coo, while wrapping your fingers around his hardened member. It boasted a rather prominent vein tracing its length, accompanied by a slight curve that he found rather embarrassing.
You couldn't resist the urge to tease him with gentle strokes that coaxed a soft whimper from his lips. Spitting into your free hand, he'd gasp at your boldness, wanting to say something. But words quickly faded in his mouth when you smeared it long his length, making him throw his head. He'd look up at you, pleading for more, but you'd merely smile wickedly and instruct him to "be a good boy and fuck yourself with my hand."
Immediately, he would protest with a whiney, "noo I-I can't" his inexperience evident in his hesitant tone. But as you met his gaze with a firm, expectant look, his hesitation gave way to an exploratory thrust. With the help of your praise, he'd slowly become more comfortable with your embarrassing request.
As he quickened his pace, his breath would catch in his throat, his member pulsing in your hand. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes, and his thrusts became more erratic, your seductive voice making it harder for him to stay steady. His usually narrow eyes seemed to be welling up with emotion, and his face flushed.
Your other hand grasped the soft skin of his hips, guiding him into a harsher rhythm. He let out a loud, desperate moan, forgetting their surroundings as he succumbed to his pleasure.
Useless pleas would tumble from his lips, but you refused to indulge them, instead, instructing him to "show that pretty tongue, baby." He had no choice but to obey, his tongue lolling out of his mouth, coated with saliva as he reveled in embarrassment.
He'd pant and whine, his red tip darted back and forth between your hand, his face contorted in a mix of pleasure and shame. "M-mama, I'm close.. gunna cum.. c-cum, cum all over," he'd babble, his movements becoming more frenzied by the second.
Your grip tightening around his member, moving and twisting in tandem with his thrusts would send him over the edge. He'd cum with a loud, broken moan, tears threatening to fall from his eyes as he convulsed in your grip.
His body felt shaky and weak, his legs trembling beneath him. You stroked him through the aftershocks, praising him as he sat down, still flushed from his climax.
"You did such a good job, pup," you'd coo, making him blush once more. "Just sit there and look pretty for me and I'll get you allll cleaned up."
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 2 months
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a/n : WAAAHHH another event organised by @queenpiranhadon THE QUEEN HERSELF !! this sm fun, hope yall enjoy !! lovely banner was also made by @queenpiranhadon IS THERE ANYTHING SHE CANT DO OMG.
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modern au, fem reader, merman shoto, maybe ooc shoto but ehh were havin fun, shoto is very touchy, mute shoto for plot, shoto iq too handsome for his own good, shotos a prince, shoto is very inlove w reader but its all inoccent, shoto n reader are both in their 20's, reader has a dog ! fluffy fluff fluff, sorta cliffhanger, theres a lot of stuff not mentioned bc i like romance and nothing else, little hints of soulmates, falling in love quickly the events don't play out exactly like the fairytale but it's inspired !
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walking on the beach is supposed to be relaxing. and usually, it is. there’s nothing you enjoy more than the sounds of the waves crashing and the wind howling in your ears. inhaling the sea air as max digs into the sand, barking out happily at every new big stick he’d found.
except this time, it’s not a big stick. but a big..person.
a human. person. unconscious you hope, you pray, sprawled out in the sand with clothes absolutely torn to shreds.
so yeah, not very relaxing.
it's been a few minutes since your dog had barked for your attention a little further down the beach. you'd happily giggled at first, thinking your dog might've an extra long stick for you to throw him only for you to see what looked like hair from your field of vision. and then an arm, a leg and now here you were.
anyone's first instinct should be to call an ambulance, of course he could be injured ! so with a start, you grab max by his collar to prevent him from licking off the handsome--you feel a little bad for gazing at him while he's unconscious/dead but you have to be honest--stranger's face off, and pull out your phone to call emergencies.
you look back down to check on him one last time only for him to be wide awake.
"oh, shit !" you squeal with a start, landing right on your ass from your crouched position over him. the man is unmoving at first, but gets up with a light groan. you want to help him, you really do, but you feel like someone's glued your butt to the floor.
this man you thought was dead seconds ago, about to call the ambulance for, has awoken. looking around aimlessly before his eyes land on you. he looks almost..entranced by you.
yet all you can think about is how gorgeous he is. a part of you still feels bad about it.
then he's a hair away from you and you can't breathe. you squeak embarrassingly loud, shooting up to your knees.
"um !" you gasp "hello..?" you back up a bit but he pays it no further mind continuing to blink at you. "are you okay? um--do you need medical assistance ?" from what you can see he doesn't look injured, so you're relieved, but you still want verbal confirmation.
except all he does is open his mouth a couple times before immediately closing it again. you blink at him and he blinks back at you.
"do-are you..okay ?" you ask tentatively, the man is unresponsive and you're seriously getting freaked out. "i- it's okay, we'll get you some help, lemme just.." you readjust to finally move and call emergencies, but something stops you.
a very cold hand is wrapped around your arm. you squeal at the chill, dropping onto your ass in front of the man. again. you don't want this to become a recurring thing at all.
finally the man gives you a response..sort of. he graces you with a shake of his head. his hair flows around softly and some water droplets fly off at the movement. he doesn't want you getting him help ?
"no ?" your eyebrows furrow "you..don't want help ?" he shakes his head again. you can tell he's trying to convey something but he can't seem to get it out. you wonder why he won't speak, and then you realise: he must be mute.
and now it's starting to make a bit more sense. you still wonder why he doesn't want paramedics involved. and you're mind races again, maybe he's a criminal on the run ?!
you blink, being brought back to reality by the handsome man who's sopping wet, freezing cold yet it barely seems to faze him with his grip still on his wrist. freezing to the touch yet you barely feel it with his eyes on you like this. he points to himself, then raises his thumb up. you're so lost in his eyes it takes you a moment to realise what he's saying.
i'm okay.
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somehow, the man ended up staying at your house.
you know nothing about him, not his name, his age, though he looks about your age. you don't know where he's from or why he was in the state he was in but somehow he's ended up coming into your home.
you let him look around your house to his hearts content. this man is the epitome of strange, he seemed curious of everything in your house, even the dry clothes and the shower you offered him.
after explaining to him how your shower works, and he'd changed into fresh new clothes, the biggest tracksuit you could find, you find yourself currently looking at him watching tv, seemingly entranced. you've got half a mind to warn him about sitting too close to the tv since he's sitting right in front of it on the floor, but you decide against it
you know nothing about him, but he seems not to know anything..at all.
you don't know sign language, you have no idea how to communicate with him, you wrack your brain, scratching at your head with a huff. the sound seems to alarm him and he turns to you with a cute tilt of his head, you can somehow guess he's trying to ask you what's wrong, his eyes seem to be clouded with worry. you feel your skin heat up.
"i'm alright, thanks." he seems to understand. he nods, it seems his attentions gone from the tv to you as he keeps inspecting you. his sudden rising from the floor causes you to jump a little, eyes wide as he sits down next to you and softly bounces on the couch. he seems surprised by the softness of it as he bounces a couple more times and that does manage to get a giggle out of you.
he looks up at the sound and his eyes are fixed to yours again "nice huh ? i bought that when i first moved here." he nods, focused. it gives you the confidence to continue even though his intense gaze makes you a little anxious. "i slept on this for a while before i was able to actually buy myself a bed." you giggle, suddenly overcome with nostalgia. you'd moved to your small town about a year and a half ago, you were still young, freshly graduated when you decided to leave it all behind. your big bustling town, you're family and everything that you knew. you thought it was time for a new start, as big as your hometown was it felt extremely suffocating. you needed something new.
the first few months were a struggle, something to get used to. but you'd managed. you'd found a yourself a nice job with a nice pay. some nice neighbours and nice coworkers and the sweetest little (?)english sheepdog. said dog had gotten quickly attached to your unexpected guest, excitedly jumping all over and licking him. your guest though startled at first didn't seem to mind. even placing his hand on top of max's head as if to pet him and being surprised by the softness of his fur. he seemed to like soft things.
you shake your head, deciding to focus on your guest. who's eyes have not left yours. you don't know if you can get used to that. "so um..where are you from ?" he perks up at your question. grabbing your wrist so he could softly pull you over your window to point outside where you'd found him. his skin is considerably warmer now that he's not drenched, it makes your cheeks tingle how easily he grabs at you.
"uh, no that's not what i meant," you chuckle nervously, but he's adamant. shaking his head and pointing outside again. towards the sea. the sea ?
"the sea ?" you ask incredulously "you came from..the sea ?" he nods, almost excited that you'd figured it out..the sea ?
okay, there could be a rational explanation for that..maybe his boat got lost at sea..sure it was plausible, but that's never happened in your quiet little town. everything about this man was unusual.
at your doubt, the man's eyes widen just a bit. and it looks like he gets an idea because he starts pulling you over to your bathroom. you're trying to reason with him and get him to slow down, but he seems intent and set on getting to your bathroom.
"hey, what're you--ah !" you cover your eyes quickly when you notice him taking off his clothes, heart speeding up as you squeak "wha-what the hell are you doin' ?!" then the water starts running, and then nothing. you're curiosity peeked, you glance at him through your fingers and don't see what you'd expected. instead you see..scales? and a tail ?
and then your hands fall from over your eyes, and you fully see it. the mix of white and red scales, they shine underneath the light of your bathroom.
a tail.
the man you rescued from the beach has a tail and isn't a man at all.
you've got a merman in your house.
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shoto is running late.
usually he's on time, but it seems the universe was against him today. his father had held him back with an endless lecture that seemed to drag on. he'd been more on edge, so to speak, since his son's coronation was approaching, a day he was absolutely dreading and everybody seemed to be on his back about it.
his sister had also held him back earlier. just for a chat she'd claimed, except shouto could tell it was a clumsy attempt to try and get some type of answer out of him, of why he's been sneaking off so often. she had lamented to him about her worries with his fascination of humans and their strange inventions. fuyumi was the only one he'd confided into about his collection of strange objects from the human world. tossed into the sea or scavenged from shipwrecked boats if he was feeling a little risky. however, what had started off as an innocent interest started becoming dangerous, in his sisters eyes, as he slowly started rising up to shore. closer and closer to humans.
she'd warned him to be careful, that humans were dangerous. shouto knew of the tales that were told about humans since he was young, of the unspeakable things they did to his kind. of course he did, but he just had a feeling not all humans could be like what he was told. as usual, he waves her off with the promise that he'd be vigilant as he swims off again.
he hopes he makes it in time.
someone calls for him suddenly and he stops in his tracks, the voice sounds familiar and he recognizes his fluffy haired friend izuku swimming up to him, shoto is tempted to ignore him. but it'd be mean, and unbecoming of a future king of the seas, so he waits for him to catch up. izuku midoriya was his one and only real confidant, his family had worked for his ever since they were both young and even if he was technically his servant, he could confidently call him his friend.
"hello, izuku." shoto greets simply, izuku quickly returns the greeting, before looking around to make sure they wouldn't be heard.
"were you going up to shore again ?" he asks nervously. shoto hums, nodding softly "i am." izuku stiffens, his fins flicker nervously.
"i-i don't know if that's the best idea.. i mean, your coronation is coming up and your father is even more on edge than usual-"
"what he doesn't know won't hurt him. which is why i'm expecting you not to tell him anything."
"of course not ! but his majesty is..." izuku cuts himself off, looking off to the side "i fear he's getting suspicious of your..activities?" he explains, wording it as best he can. shoto holds back the groan bubbling up in his throat: so many worries piling up and so little time.
it's unbecoming of a future king, but shoto decides he'll worry later.
"i'll think about him later." the disdain in his voice is palpable, but izuku being used to it doesn't react. he knows the relationship between the king and his son has been more than strained ever since the queen disappeared. some say she simply vanished, or left of her own volition, while other whispers claim she was instead captured by humans.
but after her disappearance the queen was never mentioned again, neither was the princes older brother, touya, when he disappeared not long before his mother did. the mere mention of them was forbidden, it was wiser to act is if they never existed in the first place.
izuku shakes his head and quickly swims up to follow the dual haired prince, who'd started swimming off in front of him.
both men finally rise up to shore. izuku hides besides a rock protruding from the sea floor while shoto decides to be a little bolder, peeking up to his chest from where he's perched up on the rock as well.
"ah ! shoto, you shouldn't !" izuku warns, but he simply shakes his head "it's fine, no one's here at this time of day." his eyes never leaving the sand in front of them, surveying the area like a hawk. he purses his lips. maybe he had been too late after all. he'd have to wait until tomorrow.
until he spots a mass of fluffy grey and white hairs. both he and izuku shrink back at the sound of a loud booming bark, shoto not as far sunk as izuku. then his gaze locks on to someone walking along with the furry beast.
a human.
the green haired merman has half a mind to warn his friend they should make their leave, however the young man is unmoving, seemingly entranced.
shoto breathes a sigh of relief, you've shown up at last.
it's usually at this hour that you walk along the beach with your companion. shoto's been watching you for a little while now and he's determined a routine. some days you stay longer than usual, but he's content to see you anytime, all the time. you're fascinating, the way you move around with those..legs of yours is something he can't his eyes off of. and you're breathtakingly beautiful to him, though is his father were to see you he's sure he'd think otherwise. he'd been told humans were hideous beasts, but he's never seen anything in all of the seas as beautiful as you in his years of living.
izuku snaps him out of his trance, urging him saying they should be on their way back lest the king get even more suspicious of both their absences. he wants to keep looking at you, forever if he could. part of him even wishes he could walk along the sand with you.
but he retreats after a final look to you, and dives back down towards his home, so far away from you.
he wished he'd never went back home though, when his father had decided to get on his last nerve yet again. constantly nagging, constantly berating him like he knew any better. lecturing him about how his behaviour was unacceptable for a future king.
he knows that, he's heard it all before. as he swims further and further away from home he wishes it could all just stop. this future king talk, the coronation. he wishes it could all just fucking cease.
and he wishes he could be with you above all else. you'd understand, you wouldn't nag him about his duties. hell, you wouldn't even have to know, you'd just see him for him. and that's all he wants.
if only, he wishes.
until he's being lured away by some sea creatures who for sure mean trouble, but they've intrigued him with promises of making his wishes come true. when he's suddenly faced with the sea witch, he knows he should get away and fast, making a deal with her was not advised if you cared for your own life.
..and yet, she says she can give him what he truly desires. and what he desires is a life where he doesn't have to gaze at you from afar. where he can only dream and wish for if only's.
and he can't turn back now.
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it takes a lot longer to get used to the fact that you have a merman in your house. you've been glued to the tv in shock for an hour, not processing anything happening on it while the merman in question casually watches, munching on some candy you'd offered him when you'd first made it home.
it's funny, if you think about it a little bit. you're friendly with your coworkers yet not a single one of them has ever been to your house before. and now you've got a fucking mythical sea creature in sitting on your couch eating watermelon candies.
truly hilarious.
you catch a peek at him from the corner of your eye, you're surprised by how easily he's entertained, especially since he's only looking at an informercial but you think you can understand why now. why he seemed so confused, and maybe this was also why he can't talk ? but he could understand you perfectly.
god, your head hurt.
there's a weight against your skull and when you look up from your lap, the merman has his head pressed to yours. you hold back a squeal, because you are beyond tired of embarrassing yourself in front of him, a harsh intake of breath leaves you. he tilts his head at you, you've gotten good at de-cyphering what he means in the two hours you've known him. you sigh.
"i-i'm alright..thanks" you speak sincerely, his shoulders relax but he doesn't lean very far away from you, visibly comfortable being so close to you. "i'm just..in shock..i had no idea mermaids even existed..!" you chuckle, then quickly cover your mouth "merman, sorry !" he doesn't seem to mind, shaking his head with a barely there smile. it's a faint pull of his lips that could've been missed but you'd caught it and your heart hammers in your chest--were all mermen this pretty ?!
"well..um, i bet seeing a human up close like this is pretty surprising too ?" he nods and you laugh. "is it what you expected at least ?" he nods again, but it feels..softer, more personal. like it was directed at you and you only, for some reason. the close proximity between you both seems familiar.
you're everything he expected and more.
"do you..have a name ? ah !" you catch yourself quickly, running off to your room, not before telling him you'd be right back, you barely see him nod with widened eyes. you pull out a random book you left unfinished for..you don't remember how long now.
if he understood you speaking, maybe he could understand how to read ?
it's a possibility and you lose nothing by trying.
you're back next to him and place the book between you both, he leans in closer, inspecting the words on the page with an unreadable expression.
you tell him your name, and start spelling it out with the letters on the page. you hope it works, that'd make it a whole lote easier if it does, so you ask him for his name.
it takes him a second, but soon the dots start connecting, and he slowly points to five different letters
"shoto.." you sound out, you look back up at him. his face is soft and the small smile on your face makes you smile too "shoto ?" and he nods happily "it's nice, i like it." you admit, his eyes shine brightly and he points to you and nods. you think he's saying he likes your name too, so you thank him with a giggle and your hunch his confirmed when he smiles just a little wider, the corner of his eyes crinkling.
seriously are all mermen this pretty ? it's a little unfair that more mermen don't show up in town.
but you think even if they were to suddenly appear, you'd like shoto the best.
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shoto seems to have superhuman abilities, besides the not being human part..
in only a week, he's learned how to write and you've been communicating by passing notes and using a white board you'd gotten him while you were out shopping, you figured it'd be easier and a little less confusing.
he's been here for two weeks now, and it's been fun. so fun in fact you forget he's not human with how easy he's adapted into your life. he goes shopping for and with you sometimes, he loves watching and he likes to take walks with max, the both of them being inseparable. you'd be a little jealous if it wasn't so damn adorable. you're still enjoying your break from work and shoto makes it much more enjoyable, it's nice to have someone else around for a change.
you've..talked, about a lot of stuff with shoto, but one thing he will not talk about is himself, and you've decided not to pry. especially because you hate seeing the conflicted, sad look on his face. he talks to you about his kind, and his friends, but never too much about himself. you don't pry, but it surprises you that even mermaids have baggage.
"is there anything you wanna do today, shoto ?" you wonder if he ever gets bored, he doesn't say anything about it, but you know you're not all that entertaining..maybe you'll take him go kart racing.
shoto stops petting max to grab at his white boards, quickly scratching something down.
can i watch a movie with you ?
your heart stutters. every time you suggest an activity for him to do he always adds you in it. it's stupidly endearing and makes him cuter than he already is.
"but don't you wanna do anything else ? " he tilts your head for you to continue "like..aren't you bored ? i know i don't do anything interesting...you don't wanna do something more exciting ?"
he blinks, and writes down something on his white board that has your mouth go dry.
i like doing anything because you do it with me.
"o-oh.." you mutter, fiddling with the texture of your couch, picking at it softly "that's nice.."
after a moment of quiet he presses his head to yours, as affectionate as ever to get your attention, you blink up at him holding up his whiteboard and a smile forms onto your face.
movie ?
you let him pick this time.
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"if you want to be able to live with your beloved.. you must manage to do one thing.."
a kiss. a true love's kiss.
shoto has seen a lot of kisses in the few weeks he's been with you. he remembers the first kiss he'd received was when your elderly neighbour had knocked at your door thinking you were home while you were at the grocery store. she must've thought he was your mate, because she'd congratulated him and told him to treat you nice because you're a very sweet and pretty girl, which he'd intensely nodded at. she'd grabbed him by the shoulder and softly pressed both her cheeks to him, and you'd explained to him that she had kissed him as a sign of politeness. a common human courtesy.
he'd seen kisses on tv, kisses on the street, but none of them compared to the description of a true love's kiss. none of them felt fitting enough.
something on tv catches his eye. the movie has gotten to the climactic scene, a new term he'd learned. and the main love interests are desperately clinging to each other. their lips are touching, but it doesn't look like the kisses he's seen before..strange.
it confuses him, so he taps your shoulder and writes his thoughts down.
what are they doing ?
you clear your throat, your eyes widen. your eyes are so pretty. "they're kissing, shoto.. we've seen that before right ?"
but it looks different.
you hum in thought "well, i guess i can put it like.." you purse your lips in thought, you look so cute when you're deep in thought. "they love each other a lot, so being away from each other made them..um, do that. it's 'cus they care about each other alot..i think."
have you done that before ?
you splutter as your eyes fly across the whiteboard, shoto shuffles so he can sit closer to you. you don't move away, you smell so nice.
"n-no..i don't think i've loved someone enough to.." you whisper, gaze flying from him to the small space between you both.
the sound of the white board dropping to the floor doesn't alarm you, neither does the way his hands slowly reach towards your cheeks. he does nothing but run his hands across your cheeks for a while, simply gazing at you. he presses his forehead to yours and you feel his breath his your face, your eyelashes flutter as his head softly bumps against yours. his nose nuzzles against yours, you're so soft.
you don't have to read anything to know what his eyes are asking you silently, you nod anyways.
shoto doesn't exactly know what love means by humans standards, but by his standards and the little he knows he thinks this might be it as he presses his lips to yours. it's not as desperate and dramatic as on tv, and there's no melodramatic music playing in the background.
but he loves this, he loves you.
you pull away when he presses you back against the couch, and suddenly something feels different. your chest feels warm. you feel loved.
"that..was nice..woah." you breathe, and shoto nods, mirroring the smile growing on your face. what you don't expect is for him to open his mouth and speak.
"it was.." he hums, your eyes are the size of saucers and he huffs out a light laugh "do you think..i could do that again with you ?"
you nod, in a trance, but as he leans in you grip his shoulders. he blinks up at you
"..wait, how long were you able to talk ?" you're unblinking, and it makes him chuckle lightly.
"just now." he answers simply, before you can ask more questions he stops you "i will explain later, i promise." he nuzzles his nose to yours "but for now.." he kisses your cheek "i'd like to learn about this..love feeling.with you." he kisses your other cheek, always adding you in "will you let me ? "
you're willing to let him do anything as long as he does it with you, as long as he keeps adding you in like you're the only one that matters, you want to keep mattering to him. and you want to learn more about your feelings too.
so you laugh, and with a smile, you pull him back into you.
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a/n : eeeee i loved participating to this event theheheh ! tumblr quit deleting my drafts but i still had tons of fun ! hope yall enjoy reading MUAH MUAH !!
taglist ! : @queenpiranhadon @starieq @lovelyiida @lady-ashfade @angels-fantasy
@seonne @sweetnans @vexis-world @2melamoo2 @tootiecakes234
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mariabtsos · 5 months
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Whistle ||p.jm||
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Description: you and Jimin meet after your dogs get out.
Genre: Non Idol AU, neighbors-to friends-to lovers, Non-idol!Jimin x f!reader, fluff LOTS of fluff.
TW: pets escaping.
Word Count: 3k+
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This was not happening. There's no way This was happening to you.
Your dogs had always been well-behaved, had never escaped, and were your personal little angels, so why they chose today of all days to run out on you beats you.
You had let them out in your small backyard so they could get some exercise in whilst you got ready for work, you had a few minutes to spare so you decided to do your hair, and once you were done it was right on time for you to go get your dogs back in the house and head out.
Your fur babies had other plans.
Panic slowly bubbling inside you when you saw your backyard…empty, no sign of them and one of the wood planks almost off your fence. “Fuck,” you muttered, running to get your shoes on so you could look for them right away. You were so angry and sad, you'd heard all thensotries of how some pet owners didn't see their pets for months, maybe even years, the thought of your dogs being away from you like that terrified you.
Mona, your oldest dog had always been the type to inhale her food, she got hungry quickly, what if she starved? Miles, your 10 month old puppy, was Mona’s little sidekick, he'd follow her to the ends of the earth. What if they got runover? What if they got taken by someone? What if they got attacked?
You couldn't stop the tears from streaming down your face as you yelled dogs’ names whilst walking around your neighborhood, you made it back to your street and were ready to admit defeat, deciding you were going to call out of work if you couldn't find them and then call your local shelters to see and animal control.
And then you saw them, who was the person with them?
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Jimin rarely had a day off, but when he did he liked to sit out on his front steps whilst he drew, it helped him relax and let go, it was something he'd picked up during quarantine along with building small lego sets. However, today he was just enjoying the sun, this spring had been incredibly inconsistent as far as the weather went, so to have a nice warmer morning was a breath of fresh air for him.
His friends were still sleeping. Usually, a couple of them would be up and ready to go to the gym but they had stayed up way past midnight celebrating his Yoongi hyung's birthday.
Jimin was taken out of his thoughts by the sounds of barking, he'd had his eyes closed whilst he sunbathed and he was shocked when he opened them and saw two medium sized dogs playing towards the end of their driveway, they had no collars on, and the smaller of the two seemed very very muddy. Dogs in this neighborhood were supposed to be leashed at all times, so there was only two possibilities, either they were stray dogs, or they had gotten out of their house.
They are too plump and well kept to be strays, he thought. The smaller dog, although muddy, seemed to have been groomed recently, so he leaned more towards the second option.
“Hey puppies,” he approached them gently to ensure he wouldn't scare them off, but they were all but skittish, the moment they saw Jimin they ran to him and jumped, nearly tackling the poor man onto the wet grass as they licked him all over his face.
“Hello to you too,” he giggled, “where's your owner huh?” He managed to sit up, petting both of their heads as they panted happily.
Jimin looked around the street and didn't see anyone walking by, “well, in the meantime why don't I give you both a quick wash and some food, hmm?” He whistled and they followed him into his shared house, where it still seemed like none of his friends were awake yet.
He took them to the bathroom and rinsed their dirty areas with water and some of the leftover shampoo from when the other dogs came to visit, he was grateful Jungkook was the kind to buy really big bottles of everything so he had more than enough to make sure the dogs smelled and looked good.
He ended up feeding them out on the porch in case their owners walked by looking for them; bathing them couldn't have taken more than 20 minutes, and by the time they were eating Jimin heard an unfamiliar whistle and a worried voice calling out for someone.
“Mona! Miles!” The dogs immediately perked up and started trotting back down the driveway, Jimin following close behind.
The moment you saw them you felt the weight of the world leave your shoulders, and then you realized they had been right across the street from your house this entire time.
“Oh my babies I was so worried,” you couldn't help the tears streaming down your face as they jumped on you.
“I'm guessing you're their owner?”
You looked up and found an extremely attractive guy looking at you with the warmest eye smile you had ever seen, “yeah, I let them out this morning and they must’ve loosened one of my fence planks, I've been looking for them for the past 30 minutes,” you admitted, quickly wiping your tear stained face, “were you keeping an eye on them this whole time?”
“Yeah, kinda hard not to when they jump on you like that,” he chuckled, “I'm Jimin by the way,” he extended his hand out to you, you gave it a firm shake, “Yn.”
“I hope you don't mind, the little one was a bit muddy so I gave him a quick wash, I also gave them both some food,” he explained as you took your hand back, “I don't mind at all! Thank you for taking such good care of them,” you smiled sincerely.
Jimin thought it was the prettiest thing, he didn't really believe in love at first sight but he definitely believed in attraction at first sight, and he was definitely attracted to you. You were wearing a flowy black dress that went just above your knees, your hair was down and you had two small necklaces hanging around your neck.
“Well, I have to get back to my house so I can try and get to work at a decent time, thank you again so much Jiminie!” your voice took him out of thoughts, and when he finally focused on you again he noticed you blushing, “no problem!”
You ushered your dogs to follow you back to your home, and Jimin was elated to know you lived across the street, how come he'd never seen you? Once you were in your house you scolded your dogs, and sent them into their kennels for the time being, you called your boss explaining what had happened and that you were on your way to work.
As you gathered your belongings and got in your car, you couldn't help but sigh one more time, being so grateful that Jimin had found and taken care of your dogs, even if it wasn't a long time, you were happy to know there were people like him in the world.
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“I still can't believe you used the good hair dryer on two strange dogs, what if they had fleas!?” Jin complained as everyone gathered for lunch. It'd been a couple hours since Jimin had returned your dogs to you, and he was starting to regret telling his friends about it.
“C’mon hyung! If it was one of our dogs I would've wanted all the good stuff used for them,” Yoongi retorted as he set down the pan of bulgogi he had just made, Jimin immediately grabbed a piece with his chopsticks.
“I guess,” the oldest gave in, “you said she lives across the street?” Jimin nodded as he chewed.
“I didn't even know we got a new neighbor,” Namjoon added.
“Do you think she'd want to have a playdate with her dogs and our dogs?” Jungkook piped up.
“Literally all I got was her name and y'all are already wanting to bombard her,” Jimin rolled his eyes, “let the girl be,” and with that they went back to their bickering.
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It was while before you saw Jimin again, your fence had been fixed since, and although you'd let them out a couple of times, you had decided walking them more often was the better option for now, just to keep your heart at ease.
You saw him again by the mail boxes and your puppy immediately wanted to run toward him, almost pulling your arm out of your socket.
“Miles!” You called out for your dog causing Jimin to turn and look at you, his eye smile immediately making an appearance.
“Hi buddy,” he chuckled as he crouched down to his level so he could run into his arms.
Green flag, you thought. Any person who can make a dog this excited to see them has to be a great human being.
“I'm so sorry”
“It's okay! It's been a while, and I'm just as happy to see him,” he kept his gaze on Miles for a little longer before looking at you. “How's your other dog? She doing okay?”
“Yup! I just walked her like five minutes ago and now it's his turn,” you explained. “Your boyfriend doesn't help you walk them?” He tilted his head and you couldn't help but giggle, “I don't have a boyfriend, it's just me and my dogs.”
His mouth went into an “o” shape and you noticed just how plump and pretty his lips were, you wondered how kissing him would feel. “Well, if you ever need help you can always knock on my door, there's a dog park nearby and they sell really good corn dogs there,” he offered with a smile, and then it dawned on you.
“Would your girlfriend be okay with that?” you asked back, it was his turn to laugh, “no girlfriend, just me, my friends, and their dogs,” you nodded.
You were really considering taking him up on his offer, you didn't really have many friends on this side of town after your job transferred you to a new location. And honestly, having an incredibly attractive sweet guy be your friend sounded like heaven. “Sure!”
You exchanged numbers after that, he texted you first and all the sudden the dog park planning was set in the back burner as you guys talked more and more through texts, it was almost an everyday occurrence for you both. Jimin liked getting to know you every day, whether he learnt a new fun fact about you or just talked about the season change, he enjoyed every conversation.
“Awww, look at hyung all smitten for the neighbor,” Jungkook teased as he ruffled the older's hair.
“Yah, you don't know what you're talking about, we're just friends,” he clarified, making the doe eyed man scoff.
“Just friends my ass,” he mumbled, causing Jimin to start chasing him around the house.
The rest of the guys could see it even if Jimin didn't, he was for sure smitten and had an obvious blossoming crush on you, although he never seemed to admit it, they could tell he'd had an extra pep in his step since meeting you almost two months ago. The same could be said for you, since meeting and talking to Jimin even your work friends noticed a change, always having a positive cheery attitude and opening more up to them, which was a stark comparison to how you were shy and closed off during your first few weeks.
You and Jimin would see each other occasionally around the neighborhood, he'd walk you back home if he caught you at the end of a walk with your dogs, bring leftovers from the meals his Yoongi hyung and Jin hyung made, or even little toys he'd see whilst out shopping that reminded him of your precious fur babies.
Your feelings for him were blossoming quickly.
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The day came where the plans finally made it out of the chat. Jimin picked you up on a Saturday afternoon and offered to grab Mona's leash as you walked toward the famous dog park he had told you about. It's not like this day hadn't been on either of your minds at all, it's just every time you tried to plan it the other one would have to work, or go to a birthday dinner, or some other event you just couldn't skip.
“So how was work this week?” You both asked in unison, laughing at your sudden sync. “Ladies first,” Jimin said, his gaze going from Mona to you to the sidewalk, the last thing he needed was to trip over nothing and humiliate himself in front of a pretty girl.
“It was good! Mostly just inputting paperwork into the system, we haven't been super busy,” you started, “a coworker invited me to have drinks with him tonight.”
“Oh,” he responded, “did you say yes?” He was trying hard to not let the jealousy show, then he remembered you weren't his, and that he had no right to be jealous.
“He's cute, but honestly not my type,” you simply shrugged, he's only reply was a ‘hmm’
“How about yours?”
“Kiddos finally learned their parts for our nutcracker production! One of them really loves their rat costume,” he giggled and it was contagious enough that you couldn't help doing it too.
Everything about Jimin was contagious, even just the way he spoke about his work made you want to enjoy the little things about yours, even if it was one hundred percent more boring than his. Mona started pulling at her leash a bit, and Miles wanting to be just like his sister started pulling too.
“Hey! Guys calm down!” You tried pulling at his leash, but it didn't matter, he ended up tangling himself with Mona's leash and in an effort to untangle yourself you ended up tripping over them “MILES.”
Jimin was able to catch you and he actually ended up taking most of the fall, “oh my gosh, I'm so sorry” you were half laying on your side whilst his back was flat on the ground, "how many fingers am I holding up? Are you dizzy? Can you stand?” The questions came out of your mouth like quick fire while your dogs sniffed around Jimin's face, who was giggling like what had just happened was the funniest thing.
He squeezed your hip whilst he laughed, and you had no clue when he'd put his hands on you.
The furious fluttering in your stomach and warmth on your cheeks wasn't lost on you.
“I'm okay, Ynie” he assured you as he tried to sit up, prompting you to scoot away so he would have space, “that puppy of yours is a spitfire huh?” His giggles were softer now as his eyes settled on you, and suddenly you felt naked, even if obviously weren't, it felt like Jimin could look straight through you.
“Y-yeah,” you stared for a quick moment and then got up, offering your hand out to him which he gladly took.
Once he was standing up right you ended up being a little closer than what you expected, your noses were barely an inch apart, and holy shit he was even more ethereal up close.
Jimin thought the same about you.
He slowly moved his hand go cup your cheek, the soft strokes making impossible not to lean in closer to his touch, you didn't miss how quickly his smile took over his face. “I can't stop smiling when I look at you,” he said as he rubbed his thumb back and forth on your cheek.
You hoped the redness and warmth in your face wasn't obvious. Your puppy started jumping on you causing you to step away, “what's up buddy?” you were petting his head as he panted profusely, “you wanna go home?” And the immediate chorus of barks coming from him and Mona was enough for both you and Jimin to start the walk back home.
Jimin put his arm around you once you were able to get a hold of your dogs, it felt nice, like a shield so strong not even bugs would be able to get through it, although the mosquitoes that kept eating you alive would say otherwise.
When you made it to your front door, you let your dogs in first, slightly closing it so they wouldn't escape. You looked at Jimin, who had the softest of looks and you wished for nothing more than to squish his cheeks. “Thank you for today Jiminie!” You smiled brightly.
“No problem, any time I spend with you is time well spent!” You blushed profusely and he smiled so big his eyes disappeared, thinking of how cute you looked at this moment.
“I'm sure you say that to all the girls you help with their dogs.”
“You're the only one,” he stepped a little closer, “if it were up to me we'd go on these dog walking dates everyday,” dates?
“You want to date me?”
“Why not? You are the most beautiful person I've ever met, like I told you, I can't help but smile when I look at you,” you were once again standing barely an inch apart, with Jimin's hand caressing your cheek, “would you let me take you out on a date? And maybe if it doesn't go terribly,” you foreheads touched and you closed your eyes, “be my girlfriend?”
You opened your eyes to see Jimin looking right at you hopeful, “Sure,” it was barely a whisper, he could feel your breath and his mixing.
“May I kiss you?”
And Jimin didn't have to wait for an answer as you closed the space between you, joining your lips in the sweetest kiss, just like how you'd imagine kissing him would feel.
“FRIENDS MY ASS HYUNG” You pulled away and Jimin looked back to see all 6 of his friends giggling as they watched on, Jungkook had been the one yelling. Jimin would make sure to beat his ass later.
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atlasscrumpit · 2 years
Howdy. I have 2 random ideas that popped in my head for yandere MK. Like Y/N leaves the house/apartment while the boys are gone. They leave to go find, and rescue the stray cat/dog they've been seeing outside. When Y/N gets back the boys are already there. Y/N asks them if they can keep the cat/dog. Or the other idea is the boys bring home a pet for Y/N as a gift. Something like that. :)
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You'd watched the little dog for days on end.
Everyday he would come through the street looking for scraps and then leave.
You wanted more than anything to meet the furry friend.
He was small and had grey wirey hair.
You'd planned it for three days, the boys were going out to meet with someone and you would have the perfect moment to go and meet the dog.
And maybe bring him home.
With Marc gone, you grabbed the spare keys that were hidden away. You grabbed your coat and hoodie before running out of the apartment.
You stumbled down the stairs and ran out into the allwayway before you looked around.
There were so many people around, but you knew to just stay quiet.
"Really thought we were past this, little one." You heard a voice say as you gasped and looked beside you to see Marc with his arms crossed.
"M-Marc, I wasn't trying to escape. There is this puppy, I always see him, I wanted to meet him!" You shouted as Marc grabbed your arm, scared someone would hear you.
He pulled you back into the building and into the elevator.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't going to escape." You whispered looking up at Marc, but his face remained stoic.
He kept quiet until he dragged you back into the apartment.
He threw you onto his bed and clipped the ankle restraint around you.
"No! Please, I didn't mean to!" You begged as Marc glared at you.
"Stay here, I still have business to conduct. We'll talk when I get home." He growled before storming off.
Steven came back two hours later to see you on the bed crying.
"Love? We're home." Steven called out as he came close to you and knelt beside the bed.
"I didn't try to run away. There's a dog I always see and he runs past everyday, I wanted to meet him." You whispered as Steven looked at you, he knew you were telling the truth.
"You should've just told me, love. I would've gone with you, that would've been safer." He said as you cried quietly.
"Please don't punish me." You whispered making Steven look at you sadly.
He climbed into the bed and wrapped you up in his arms.
You cuddled in and sniffled softly as he held you.
"You won't be punished, sweetheart. I promise."
You woke up an hour later, seeing Steven was gone.
You rubbed your eyes and looked around until the front door opened, making you jump a little.
You looked up to see Steven coming through with a familiar little friend in his arms.
You gasped and jumped up, running to him.
"Turns out he needed a family." Steven said as he placed the dog down.
She jumped all over you making you giggle as you knelt down and let her lick your face.
"You promise to take good care of her, love?" Steven asked as you nodded while you laughed.
"What will you name her?" Steven asked, looking down at you with a smile.
"Miss Moon!" You shouted making him chuckle softly.
"That's perfect, sweetheart."
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justicefanged · 1 month
Professor Linus Reed. That's what the placard on the desk says, same as the name on the faculty roster. It's just hard to connect 'Professor' to the Linus Reed that Legault is familiar with. The one who's been missing for years—or presumed dead, depending on how much hope managed to flare to life in Legault's heart from day to day. It beats anxiously now, as he rifles through the contents of this mystery professor's desk for any sign that could connect it to the man he once knew. He's not sure what he's looking for—but he hardly has time to find it. Heavy footsteps come down the hall at a pace far too quick for Legault to make a swift exit out the window. With a curse under his breath and a swift excuse about getting lost on the way to the archbishop's chapel forming on his tongue, he prepares himself to face whomever it is who has claim to this room. And when the door opens, he faces Linus Fucking Reed. For a second, he's speechless. Wide eyes simply take in the broad, fearsome man in front of him. Years might've changed some things about them both, but the Reeds aren't a forgettable sort. "Pardon the intrusion," Part of Legault's pre-planned excuse comes forth, practically unbidden. He adjusts the rest, mouth twisting into a smile. "When I heard there was a Linus Reed teaching up here, I thought I'd see who was out here using an old friend's name. Never thought they'd hire a Mad Dog to run a classroom."
Linus is absolutely sure he's at the right room this time, and yet Saints' fucking dangly balls, there's someone already fucking in it! Maybe it's on account of the ass lighting at this time of day, or the fact that someone is clearly in his space and going through his shit -- or maybe it's that the sticky-pawed, sneak thief bastard was talking at him like they knew each other, real and code names alike.
Whatever it is, Linus doesn't waste any further time trying to place the guy; he puts on the heat suddenly and bull rushes the fucker.
He crashes into the slighter body full force, pinning arms against the intruder's sides with a crushing bear hug as they unceremoniously clamor to the floor. Through the still open door, Honk -- still growing into his paws and ears -- barrels on through at the sound of roughhousing, barking and trying to shove his big snout into the thick of things, tail pinwheeling in his excitement.
"Ya picked the wrong fuckin' asshole to try an' steal from, I ain't got nothin'--"
Linus goes horribly still, finally getting a good look at the intruder's face. He lets go as if he'd been burned, mouth working but nothing coherent coming out, before he's leaning in again and keeping the man's head from moving with a too tight grip of his hand on the guy's jaw.
Brown eyes stare into steely gray, and there's a shudder of breath through gritted teeth.
No gold.
He lets Legault go, forehead knocking against the other's chest for a moment in what might have passed as relief before he sits back on his haunches, bringing his weight fully off of the other man.
"...The fuck's this then, huh?" he mutters out, quieter than he'd been in years. He's not sure if he wants to crush the man before him in a hug or punch the daylights out of him. "Thought you'd already seen your way out of the Fang a while back, why ya give a shit now that it's in pieces?"
Linus isn't looking at him, has pulled Honk away from nosing curiously at the new person, rough fingers messing with dopey ears as the dog tries to lick at his hand. It feels stupid and petulant, like a child having a hissy fit, but he thinks he's doing Legault a solid by not beating the snot out of him right here and now.
He snorts, recalling the last thing the other had managed to get out before he'd been brought to the floor.
"Wasn't my idea, you should know better 'an that. Signed up for the wrong fuckin' gig."
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buckyalpine · 2 years
hii so im not sure if you’re taking requests but if you are could you maybe to one where readers dog is having to be put down and she’s like rlly rlly upset and bucky comforts her? just like fluff x100 Im going through this right now and idrk what to do :/ thank you if you make it and if not I love all of your other works :)
Warnings: pet loss, angst, fluff
I don't even have a pet myself (I do babysit one) and this made me bawl ffs. I'm ugly crying so hard writing this rn. I'm so sorry this is something you have to go through, I'm sending you all the hugs, every single hug imaginable.
I imagined this with beefy Bucky, where he's still uncomfortable with physical touch which is why his comfort is so significant here.
You walked into the compound with red puffy eyes, you hoped and prayed that you wouldn't run into anyone because you didn't need anyone asked you what was wrong. Your sweet baby looked at you with tired eyes from the crate, it was like they knew. They blinked before putting their head down again, resting on one of their favorite teddies to play with.
You felt another wave of tears seeing them close their eyes, too tried to stay awake till you got to your room. You tried to get there as fast as you could before the cries escaped your lips. Bucky watched you carefully as he sat in the kitchen with his coffee, distress was evident on your face but he didn't want to pry. You ran to your room and locked the door, taking your fur baby in your arm for a final day of loving and hugs.
"I'm sorry baby" You whimpered, holding them close to your chest. They nuzzled into you, their paw on your shoulder, looking up at you and licking away some of the tears. Their eyes looked happy, as if they was ready. They knew it was their time and they needed you to know too.
It's okay mama.
You spent the day doing everything you could with them, giving them all the treats you could, taking them to their favorite spot in the park and giving them all the belly rubs you could. You took as many pictures as you could; you knew it would hurt each time you looked at them but you never wanted to forget this day.
Evening rolled around and you felt inconsolable. They slept by your side while you cuddled them close, you knew they had lived a long life. You'd given them every ounce of love you could but it still didn't feel like enough. If you could have just one more day. One more.
You arrived back to the compound, all their little things in a box. Their collar. A little tag with their birthday date. A little clay mold to remember their paws. You hadn't told anyone because the sympathy would have hurt more but now the silence that filled your room was unbearable.
Bucky walked by your room, hearing your soft cries and the absence of paws pattering on the floor. His heart dropped, connecting the dots, he knew you didn't say anything but there was no way he was going to leave you alone during this time.
"Y/n" He knocked your door softly, while calling for you, only getting a muffled whimper in response. He opened the door, to find you wrapped up in your blankets, your face buried into your pillow to silence your sobs.
"I'm here, its okay" He didn't second guess anything, pulling you into his lap and tucking your body against his large frame. He wrapped his arms securely around you, surrounding you with his warmth, your hear resting under his chin. He made you feel protected, like you had someone to look after you again; less untethered while he held you firmly.
You tried to bite your lip to keep your cries in but the stronger he held you the harder it was to keep everything inside. Your face was in his chest, tears soaking his shirt as you let all your emotions go, melting into Bucky's arms.
"I'm here, I'm here angel, shhh" Bucky's voice was soft, his lips pressing soft kisses onto your head. His hands soothed you, rubbing your skin while your body trembled, his heart breaking because he'd only ever seen you smile.
The night wasn't easy, you'd woken up searching for your baby, only to find their spot empty. Bucky made sure he was there for you the entire time, holding you to his chest,
"Do you want to talk about it?" He whispered when he knew you were unable to fall asleep. You swallowed thickly, your throat feeling hoarse. Had anyone else asked you, you may have said no but Bucky was different. You nodded, recalling all the memories you had from when they were a puppy and all the adventures you had along the way.
"You loved them so much, couldn't have asked for a better mama" Bucky smiled down softly at you, his hand lacing with yours. "You took such good care of them. Even if it was just for a little while, you made them really happy. Showed them so much love. That's all they ever knew, how much you loved them"
You nodded, sniffling while he continued to hold you.
"Now you have all these beautiful memories with them. Those will never go away. They'll always be with you y/n, always" He kissed your forehead while you closed your eyes, your heart feeling a tiny sliver of peace. Even if you didn't have them forever, you had the best few years with them and you wouldn't have traded that time for the world.
"You can cry if you want to, I know the pain won't go away but you don't have to hold it inside. I'm always here to listen if you need"
And true to his word, Bucky made sure he checked in with you regularly. He had no problem hugging you through the night. During nights you found it difficult to be in your room, he quickly carried you over to his. The rest of the team were surprised to see him let anyone else there but he didn't feel an ounce of discomfort.
He knew pain. He thought about all the time all he needed was a hug and how he was met with cold silence instead. He would never let that happen to one of the sweetest people he'd ever met. No. He'd make sure you got the love you deserved. He coaxed you to get out more. Small walks. Trips to the coffee shop. Anything to keep you away from locking yourself in your room.
He held you close, your head resting on his chest, his heart beat lulling you to sleep. You finally felt a sense of acceptance but the warmth of his arms was something you wanted to hold onto.
"Thank you Bucky" You whispered, snuggling further into his hold, it was clear to both of you, you wouldn't be leaving his arms ever any time soon.
"Of course angel" Bucky smiled softly, stroking your hair. He'd hold you forever as long as you felt safe.
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nkhrchuwuya · 2 years
bungou stray dogs | G | 736 words
 nakahara chuuya x reader/oc
despite nightmares plaguing your sleep, there’s always someone warm to wake up to.
the nightmare is something else. there's someone chasing you with a knife first, before the scene shifts and instead you're faced with something more threateningly personal. it twists and turns into a horror show and the you in the dream can only duck and hide or run. except there's only so many places to hide in or go.
"-by. hey."
the monster lurks in the corner of your eye, and you're sure this time it's going to get you. you can almost feel it's slimy limbs encircling your wrist, and just the thought of it sends a shiver down your spine.
"-ke up. baby."
the floor creaks underneath the monster's weight and you close your eyes, accepting your fate. you hear its breath hovering so close to you. and just as it's about to open its cavernous mouth-
"baby. hey. come on, wake up."
the first splash of oxygen into your lungs jolts you awake. the room is dark, but familiar; nothing like the long hallways or dim streets you were traversing much earlier. there's a warm heat along your shoulders and on your hand, but it's comforting rather than revolting. slowly, the nightmare dissipates as you sink backward onto your savior's embrace.
"wanna talk about it?" chuuya asks, rubbing your shoulders and squeezing your hand.
you take a deep breath. "i don't remember all of it. just a lot of darkness and running around from monsters and people that weren't... safe."
"well you're safe now," he assures, presses a kiss on your temple as your breathing slowly evens. he takes his time with you, never rushing, knowing how much these nightmares shake you so deeply. you do your best to focus on his warmth and his company instead, letting go of the disturbing imagery that tried to sear itself into your brain.
once you're calmer, you turn to bury your head into chuuya's chest. the sound of his heartbeat is clear and steady, the one thing you need right now. he combs through your hair with his fingers. you're safe now, his voice echoes in your mind. you're safe now. you always are, when he's around.
noticing you licking your lips, chuuya offers you: "water?"
and you instantly feel how dry your throat is. had you been shouting while you were dreaming? is that how you'd gotten chuuya awake? the nightmare creeps along the edge of your mind again.
"that'd be great, but..." you say, drifting off. "i don't want you to leave me."
chuuya smiles. "that's easy to solve, princess."
carrying you with one arm, you feel the warm touch of his ability surround you as he carries you off to the kitchen. you know that he could carry you with both arms right now if he wanted to, but he knows that the heat of tainted sorrow around you will envelop you in a comforting embrace. which works exactly as he thought it would. you lean against his shoulder as he walks.
when you get to the kitchen, he places you gently onto the counter. when he lets go of you to get you water, you grab onto his wrist suddenly, still shaken.
chuuya presses a hand to your cheek. "i won't leave ya. i promise."
gently, you let go. he turns to get the pitcher of water from the fridge. the water tinkles faintly as he pours it into a glass. you watch him closely, like he'd disappear if you look away for one moment. when he hands you the glass, you take it, but you quickly take his hand in yours as well.
"see?" chuuya says, softly, his voice still slightly deep from sleep. "still here."
"still here," you echo, before finally taking a sip from the water. the cool washes through your mouth and down your throat, a grounding sensation. you're here now. chuuya is, too. and you're safe. you empty the glass, relieving the parched feeling.
chuuya lifts his other hand to brush a stray lock of hair back behind your ear. "think ya can try to get some more sleep?" he asks, concern in his tone. "too early."
you nod. "as long as you're with me."
"stupid. i'm not going anywhere," chuuya assures you. "i'll protect ya. so you can sleep easy."
together, you return to the bedroom, which you're sure is now devoid of nightmares. forever and ever, for as long as chuuya is by your side.
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goosesposts · 2 years
Dano!Riddler x gn reader (afab) smut
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Sub!Riddler, Dom!Reader, oral (f receiving), fingering, handjob, unprotected sex, p in v, creampie, overstimulation, choking, biting, degrading, crying, slapping, almost getting caught, hair pulling, edging, orgasm denial, begging, rough sex
"Watcha doin'?" You ask your boyfriend, kissing the top of his head and running your hand through his soft hair
"Sharpening my knives" he answers
"I have a zoom meeting in 10 minutes, don't disturb me." You tell him, he giggles but then quickly nods to avoid your questioning expression
"I'm serious Edward," you yank his hair back so he looks up at you "my boss and all my coworkers will be on this call"
"I wont do anything" he smiles up at you, leaning against your hand tangled in his hair "promise" he says. Little did you know his fingers were crossed under the table
You kiss his forehead, letting his hair go and watching for a few seconds as he continues to work with his knives
Your 'office' was just a desk in the corner of your shared bedroom. You closed the door and set up your laptop. You didn't mind video calls with your coworkers, mostly because you didn't have to leave your apartment or wear pants. You click the invite and force a smile when you see your entire work crew smiling back at you
"Alright, looks like everyone's here so we can begin!" Your boss, Anthony says "So as you all know, we've been really backed up due to having to fire several people. I found a few new people who could potentially replace them"
You hear the door open and you see Eddie walking in through your peripheral vision, your head immediately snapping towards him. You make a shooing motion off camera but he just smirks
"Y/n?" Your boss asks, bringing your attention back to the computer in front of you "Will that work for you?"
"I'm sorry what, can you repeat that" you let out a nervous chuckle "my stupid laptop kept cutting out" you lie
"I asked if you'd be able to train one of our new hires?" He says
You click your tongue, about to respond when you feel movement beneath your desk, looking down to see Eddie on his knees "umm" you force your gaze back up "Yes that should be fine"
"Okay great" he says, starting to talk to someone else
Edward rests his head on your thighs, toying with the hem of your panties, you gently kick him away but he doesn't budge, instead he begins to place soft kisses to your thighs, your hand comes down to push his head away but he grabs your wrist, kissing your palm and then each individual finger
He starts to push your panties to the side "Edward stop! I'm on a zoom meeting!" You shout without thinking, hiding your face from the rising blush before quickly trying to cover for yourself "Sorry" you force a chuckle "my dog won't stop licking my leg"
"you named your dog Edward?" You coworker Tori asked
"uh no, his name is umm" you think for a second "sparky, but it's Edward for short"
Everyone gives you the same odd look and you just smile "Anyways, go on with your sentence, Anthony"
You can tell Eddie's stifling a giggle, continuing his kisses. He would never, NEVER disobey your orders like this but because you can't just straight up make him leave without inadvertently telling everyone you work with that your boyfriend's face is buried in your thighs. That's the only reason he would ever dare to pull a little stunt like this, he knows the second you click 'end call' he'll be punished, but he's going to have fun until then
Pushing your panties to the side again, his finger swipes through your folds and you cover your mouth with your hand, trying your best to make it look like your just resting your head on your hand
"So Kaylee will be trained by Tori, and Aiden will be trained by Y/n," You open your eyes hearing your name "Correct?"
"yep!" You say, your voice sounding more hoarse than you thought it would
Edwards tongue circles your clit and you jump, Tori, nosy little bitch, notices. "Everything alright Y/n?" She says, sounding smug like she just caught you red handed
You nod "My dog scratched my foot"
"Your dog seems to be quite the trouble maker. Perhaps you should invest in a trainer?" Your other coworker suggests
"I'm actually training him myself." You swat at his head "Clearly he just never learns"
Carmen giggles "He'll get the hang of it"
You feel Edward begin to rut against your calf, his abuse on your cunt briefly pausing before quickly resuming, his lips attaching around your clit while his middle finger slides down and toys with your entrance, you have to bite your lip to keep you from moaning out. Your coworkers definitely notice the way you shift uncomfortably
"You sure you're alright?" Tori asks again, sounding more genuine this time
"I don't know, I think I might've eaten something bad" you lie, hiding you face in your hands
She frowns and you jump feeling Edward plunge his finger into you, his tongue still working its magic, he curls his finger up and you have to entirely turn your head away from the camera, he adds a finger, scissoring and curling them while he laps at your cunt. You bury your head in your arms, chewing on your lip. You feel your release nearing and as embarrassing as it is, you don't really want him to stop. The thrill of possibly getting caught is just adding to your arousal even though logically if you were to be revealed you'd probably be fired on the spot. He knows exactly what to do and how to do it to make you scream and he's using it all to his advantage right now, expertly unraveling you on his mouth. Your hand reaches under the desk to push his face against you harder while you try to subtly grind your hips on him
"Well I think we've gone over everything we needed to, so as much as I hate to end our little conversation, I believe our times up" Anthony says and you let out a quiet sigh of relief
"Alright! Bye, everyone" you quickly say, clicking 'end call', slamming your laptop shut and letting out a moan, finally able to react to his actions. He curls his fingers up one more time and your mouth falls open in a silent scream, your eyes fluttering shut as you clench around him, your release spilling from you and he happily drinks it up
As soon as you can breath normally again you push your chair out, standing up and watching as Eddie has to catch himself from falling forward. He looks up at you with the most innocent eyes. You reach down, grabbing a handful of his hair and forcing him to his feet
"What the fuck did I tell you?" You shout "One thing, just one thing! Don't disturb me!"
He smirks "You didn't even get caught"
You look at him in disbelief, releasing his hair and shoving him onto the bed, pacing back and forth as he watches you
"What if I had gotten caught, huh?" You shout "I would've gotten fired!"
"You didn't seem to mind when you were grinding against my face" he says smugly
"God your infuriating." You say, connecting your lips in a harsh kiss, your hand finding his throat to restrict his air flow. "You wanna act like a whore, I'll treat you like a whore."
He moans at your harsh words, now fully hard as he ruts against your thigh
"Strip." You order him and he quickly obeys, fumbling with the zipper on his pants then ripping his shirt over his head, you chuckle in a mocking way at how desperate he is. Once he's fully unclothed you straddle him, reaching between your bodies to stroke his leaking cock, your thumb rubbing over the slit and he bucks up into your hand. He starts to remove your shirt but you swat his hands away
"Undressing me is a privilege you haven't earned." You hiss and he gives you a sad look, his head rolling back at the feeling of your hand jerking him, he tries to lean up to catch your lips but you lean back, making him whine
He thrusts up into your fist and you smile, your lips connecting to his neck, biting hard and he gasps, his hands gripping your hips. You suck hickeys into the soft flesh behind his ear, your hand coming up to pull his hair to make his head lean to the side to give you access to more of his neck
"Please, 'm so close" he whimpers
"Yeah?" You ask and he nods frantically, his hips bucking up, so desperate for a release "how bad do you want it, baby?"
He lets out ragged, throaty breaths "so bad!"
Right as he's about to reach his release you let go of him, backing off entirely. His eyes snapping open to see you climbing off him, he desperately grabs at your hands, trying to bring them back to his throbbing cock "Please, please!" He whispers making you chuckle meanly
"Maybe next time you'll think before you disobey me and act like a slut." You hiss
"yes, won't do it ever again, promise!" He stammered
You reach down, taking his cock in your hand once again and he gasps, his breathing ragged and throaty. You snake your other hand around his throat, cutting off his oxygen as his eyes roll back and he lets out a loud, uncontrolled moan. His orgasm back where it was, so close to spilling over the edge
"I don't believe you" you whisper in his ear, pulling your hand from him again and he nearly sobs
"please, please!! I swear, I promise!" He begs, his hands reaching to grab whatever part of you he can reach as tears drip from eyes due to frustration. You almost feel bad, but he knew what would happen when he decided to disobey you
You kiss the tears on his cheeks, your hands moving to cradle his face. He leans up to connect your lips again, this time you let him, the kiss sloppy and desperate. He removes your shirt, then your bra and his cock twitches. You decide to show some mercy, taking his now red and angry dick into your hand, lining him up with your own dripping entrance, sinking down onto him
His arms wrap around your waist, pulling you against him, his face buried in your neck as he bottoms out inside you "thank you, thank you" he mumbles, his lips connecting to your collarbone kissing and sucking marks
You slowly lift yourself up before sinking back down, his head rolls back, you repeat the action, gaining speed and finding a rhythm that has your own eyes rolling
You kiss the flesh behind his ear before whispering, "Your my whore" He moans, you feel him twitch inside you "say it." You plead
"I'm your whore" he admits "all yours"
"good boy, you're my good slut" you growl and he nods, his hips thrusting up in time with yours. He's so close, you should make him wait again but you're close too. The coil in your lower belly is so close to bubbling over
"hit me" he breathes out, your eyes fluttering open to see him completely blissed out. You're not sure if he really meant it until he speaks again "please"
You raise your hand, still bouncing on him while you slap him right across the face. You feel him twitch inside you. You're about to go absolutely feral over the way he moans out, the side of his face you hit slighty red
"again," He pleads "harder."
You give in to his request, hitting him harder than before, his head rolls back as he cums hard inside you. You bounce on him faster, your legs burning from the repetitive motion. You're so close, your hand reaching between your bodies to rub circles around your clit
"please" he breathes out, "'s too much" You open your eyes to see tears once again rolling down his cheeks, he's so overstimulated from his own release, he needs a break but your almost there
"I'm so close, you can take it, baby." You moan. His head falls to the crook of your neck, choking back sobs, so overwhelmed. His nails scratching down your back leaving deep red, burning marks that send you flying over the edge and you cum with a scream, clenching around him a few times before pulling off of him
He lays back with a plop and you place a kiss to his tummy, right below his belly button making him jump. His whole body is exhausted, shaky and sweaty, you leave the room to draw a bubble bath for the two of you, despite your own tiredness and shaky legs
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twillightteaparty · 3 years
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Lazy mornings with an angel like you: a crewel x reader fic
I don't think it needs to be said but just so it's clear. The reader and crewel are adults that are happily married. Don't make it weird or gross please and thank you.
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The sun was shining through the windows but that didn't mean those in the lovely silk bedding wanted to get up just yet. It was just a lazy morning with the most lovely husband one could ever imagine. Cuddled up together, Crewel tucks a strand of hair behind your ear.
"good morning, love" it was simple but endearing, he then placed a simple soft kiss on your forehead. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I think we have lazed around in bed long enough," He said with a smile while nodding to the lineup of dogs at your guy's bedroom door.
looking over you could see all of your dogs waiting ever so patiently to be fed, probably in much confusion as to why the two of you were still in bed.
the two Dalmatians, or as you called them, the steps kids: Daisy and S'more, being crewels dogs from before the two of you got married, and the oldest, lead the way in begging for both of your attention. The two of them even daring to enter the room.
then there was Orpheus and Adonis being the two Dalmatians adopted after the marriage. They seemed to quickly follow the older ones into the room and sniffing around before making their way towards the bed.
Then there is arguably the most important of them all Sausage the tiny corgi also waited at the door with big round eyes, sausage being the dog you asked for when crewel started asking for more dogs. How was crewel going to say no to another dog when he was only asking for two more and you raised him three more dogs.
"I suppose you have a point" you let a sigh but smiled nonetheless, "do you have anything in mind for what you'd like for breakfast?" you asked while curling up under the blanket just a bit more, knowing it wouldn't be long before you'd have to get up.
Crewel did get to answer as not a moment later Orpheus jumped up on to the bed and started licking both of your faces, or really whoever was in reach. Crewel was laughing as he sat up to shower the dog in affection.
"Orpheus! What have I said about being on the bed" crewel didn't even sound mad. Orpheus was full of energy and showering crewel in love. "come on, let's go get breakfast!" after the word breakfast left crewels mouth the Dalmatians started running around, out the bedroom and towards their dishes.
"I'll make breakfast, how does that sound?" crewel offers glancing back to you. Eyes filled with pure adoration.
"that would be amazing, I'll feed the kids" you said joking calling the dogs the kids. Getting up out of bed and stretching "doesn't that sound good sausage?" you inquired to the only dog left waiting by the door. He barked in response to your question.
After putting on a pair of shorts to go with your oversized shirt, you and sausage make your way down stairs where the other dogs are all lined up at their bowls giving you pleading eyes. Sausage soon joined them at his own bowl so he stayed out of the way.
While you were feeding the dogs Crewel had made his way to the kitchen, humming a distinct tune. Already working away to make breakfast for the two of you by time your done feeding the dogs.
Making your way into the kitchen stop to place a soft smooch on crewels cheek, "thanks for making breakfast" you thanked him while he let out a hum of acknowledgement.
You got the coffee pot brewing for crewel before grabbing a glass cup from the cupboard and setting it down on the counter. All do you could pour yourself some juice.
"so what is for breakfast, deary?" you ask taking a seat at the small dining table set in the kitchen. Glancing over to the dream boat that is your husband.
"pancakes and bacon, any special requests?" crewel asked With a devilish smile as he glanced over to where you sat.
"just one, can we go back to bed after?"
"of course Darling~ whatever you'd like~"
Someone give me more crewel askes... Just like soft ones. This was very fun and enjoyable to write. I hope the friend I wrote this likes this. It's not very long but I hope it's enjoyable nonetheless
Love, Admin Tea
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emeraldenha · 3 years
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LOVE MONTAGE CH.3 — our first promise.
w/c: +2.7k words
warning⚠️: attempted shoplifting, reader struggles with lack of eating, discussion about bullying
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upon your walk home, you pass by the convenience store you always spot on the way.
there were rare times you actually went inside. you never had any pocket money to spend, so you could only stare at the seemingly endless aisles of goods through the wide pair of windows, like how one would look at a mannequin in a clothing store at the mall.
however, it was a considerably long day due to your cleaning punishment paired with your unexpected interaction with yang jungwon, and you were longing for a change of scenery before crashing back at the house. you convince yourself that maybe it wasn't such a bad idea to take a look around the place.
right as you walk in, you realize that this wasn't just a bad idea. it was a horrible, torturous one.
racks of junk food and candy, slushy and coffee machines lining the back wall beside the large freezers of various meals and beverages; it was awful.
you lick your lips as you wander deeper into the store, eyes scanning the prices as if to agonize yourself even further.
you're staring down a hot dog cooker, gathering the smell of meat and grease when your round the corner and accidentally ram your hip into one of those long display freezers filled with ice cream and other frozen treats.
and hell, you badly wanted to indulge in something sweet.
as you were standing in a corner, the chances of you being seen were skewed due to the view of your figure being obscured by the towering wall of food in front of you. it wasn't at all helpful that there was a grape flavored popsicle basically calling your name, popsicles being one of the few items you were rewarded with when you were little. you wanted it.
paranoid, you peek through one of the aisles to observe the cashier typing away on their phone, only a few customers scattered around.
after nervously scoping the area one last time, you grab a plastic-wrapped popsicle from the display freezer and shove it up the sleeve of your blazer.
you're ready to flee when you feel someone tugging your arm.
“are you not going to pay for that?”
you freeze.
begrudgingly turning to the sound of the voice, you see a boy staring directly at you. in the same corner you were trying to lay low, you failed to take into account that someone could be exiting one of the bathroom stalls located behind you.
if you were to guess, you'd say he looked about your age if not a little older. he was also wearing a different uniform, meaning that he was from another school.
“I'm sorry,” you barely manage to stutter out, still too stunned at getting caught to move.
“don't worry. I'm not trying to get you in trouble,” he smiles as a sign of comfort, removing his hand from your arm. “actually, you would've gotten caught by the security sensors if I hadn't stopped you.”
he was right.
god, you couldn't have felt any more dumb and mortified. you couldn't imagine getting spotted by anyone else, even if you were only a kid and would probably not face too harsh of a consequence.
the boy speaks again, voice smooth and soothing, “if you can't afford it, I can buy it for you.”
“no, it's fine,” you immediately shake you head, taking the popsicle from out your sleeve and putting it back.
“I won't do it again. I'm sorry,” you cut him off, rushing out of the convenience store with your head dipped down until your chin was hitting the base of your neck. you weren't even sure why you were apologizing to him like he was the manager or something, but you choose to not overthink it and focus on keeping your breath as you run.
you arrive at your neighborhood after a good several minutes of sprinting, throwing your bag on the floor and crashing on the couch right after getting home.
in a heartbeat, you come to the conclusion that it'd be best to erase today's events from your mind completely. for the first couple hours, you submerge yourself in homework until you eventually transition to turning on the tv out of boredom like you do on most occasions.
you lose track of time as you're surprised to hear keys jiggling the lock of the front door. your aunt was here.
“you're home early,” you state, eyebrows furrowed.
your aunt doesn't move from her spot near the door, giving you a weird look, “it's past midnight.”
with a confused expression sitting on your face, your eyes move from the tv to the window displaying the clearly pitch black sky. you're unsure of how many fleeting hours had gone by since you came home and spaced out on the couch.
“oh,” you mutter with a hint of embarrassment. “I didn't realize.”
your aunt finally steps further into the house, slipping off her shoes and resting her jacket on the rusty coat rack. she reaches the hallway and you think she's about to retreat to her bedroom for the night, but you watch her pause for a brief second and slowly retract her steps until she's sitting on the couch beside you.
“we need to have that talk,” she slouches against the cushions, taking out the large clip holding in her hair to roughen up the neatly matted strands. “about that fight you caused at school.”
you give her a pleading look, silently begging her to drop the issue. she doesn't consider it and opens her mouth to continue but you interject.
“please don't yell at me,” you grip the hemline of your skirt, tightly shutting your eyes in fear.
however, you slowly open your eyes again when seconds pass and you don't hear a reply.
“I wasn't going to,” she says, a bit shocked by your reaction. “I just wanted to know what happened.”
“he kept calling me names,” you begin to rant, progressively getting more riled up. “he said I was a freak, and that I was poor, and that I'm a bitch!”
“there are other ways to handle the situation than violence.”
“it's his fault for bothering me!”
“y/n, you say that every time!” she argues back. “I'm no longer taking that as an excuse. I know it's hard for you but you can't just act out like this. do you consider what will happen if families press charges? if you send a kid to the hospital and we have to compensate for their medical bill? we can barely afford to survive!”
“I'm sorry,” you mummer the apology, starting to feel disappointed in yourself. “nobody does anything about bullying at school. I just wanted them to stop.”
a lot of the kids that picked on you had some sort of power or were associated with ones that did. they were mainly the children of parents that sponsored the school.
“we can figure this out another day,” she says sympathetically. “for now, if they provoke you, ignore them or don't be afraid to ask someone for help. it never hurts to keep trying. just don't get into trouble again, alright?”
you simply nod, complying to her request.
“I'm sorry that you're having such a hard time and that I can't always be there for you like I should be,” she brings her hands to caresses the sides of your face, brushing your hair back with the pads of her thumbs. her warm touch eventually leaves your face as she goes to stand up, collecting her things. “did you get yourself something to eat for dinner.”
“I forgot,” you admit, remembering about how distracted you were by the other events of the day.
“then I'll heat something up and you better go to bed right after. it's already late,” she turns to detour off to the kitchen. “and by the way, I'll be making enough money soon so you can start buying yourself lunch at school again. I'm sorry for that too.”
you grab the remote and shift through the channels once she disappears from your sight, snuggling into a blanket you find on the armrest.
she may have never loved you like a child of her own, but she worked her ass off because of you. she sacrificed prioritizing her own life to take you in.
it wasn't easy and she still couldn't provide you with things such as proper meals, but she didn't give up on you.
that was the least you could ask for, and in return, you wanted to better yourself for her sake too.
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despite your assumptions that everything would reset back to normal the following day, that afternoon cleaning the classroom wasn’t the last you saw of yang jungwon.
“good morning, y/n!” he waves while heading to his assigned desk in front of yours.
you hold back the remark ready to roll of your tongue, concluding that silence would best display your disinterest.
“how’s your day been?” there’s a prolonged pause before he continues. “ah, so not that great. well, it’s only the beginning of the day. I bet it’ll get better. my morning has been good so far. I had breakfast before I left for school. do you eat breakfast? if not, then you should. it’s important not to skip meals.”
you scowl, “I don’t care.”
jungwon awkwardly smiles at you for a moment, deciding to temporarily shift his attention by silently removing the pencils and notebooks from his bag to organize on the surface of his desk.
“you want to know something that I've noticed about you?” he proceeds to prompt the conversation, meticulously straightening an eraser by his writing utensils.
“I'll tell you anyways,” you can't see his face but you can just imagine the irritating grin laying upon it. “I noticed that you like to act really tough.”
you sigh, not understanding the angle he was getting at, “and what about it?”
“you don't have to be,” he says.
instead of twisting his body or looking from over his shoulder, he fully turns around in his seat — wrapping his arms around the head of the chair while criss-crossing his legs — to face you.
“because you can trust me,” he timidly rests his chin atop of his arms while maintaining eye contact with you. “I'm serious, let’s be friends!”
“why?” you sigh again at his persistence.
he frowns, “do you always ask that question?”
“do you always ask random people to befriend you?” you retort.
“just one chance!” jungwon tries to reason. “I won't let you down.”
“will you leave me alone if I agree?”
“but then that defeats the purpose.”
“just one,” he leans closer, beaming at you intensely with his wide, round eyes piercing into yours. “just one, please.”
you contemplate your answer, and thinking that he'll finally stop badgering you, you tell him, “okay.”
“okay?” he repeats, looking at you as if you had grown two heads. “you really mean that?”
you shrug, “sure.”
you still wondered why someone like jungwon was so interested in befriending you. in all the times he's ever spoken to you, you were anything but kind and polite to him. you thought that after a while he'd realize you weren't worth it and pretend you didn't exist, but it still hadn't happened yet.
it was weird. being wanted.
“pinky promise?”
“…what’s that?”
“you’ve never done a pinky promise before?” he gasps when you shake your head at his question. “here, I’ll show you!”
he holds out his pinky finger, waiting for you to mirror his actions before interlocking them. he then moves his fist to brush against your knuckles as he taps the top of your thumb with his.
“let’s be good friends from now on,” he sends you a sickening sweet smile, slowly unlinking your fingers. “that’s our promise to each other, meaning we’re not allowed to break it.”
he turns to face forward in his seat, and you’re glad he does so. that way, he doesn’t see the flustered reaction igniting in your eyes or the tiniest form of a smile threatening to crack onto you lips.
and there it was, your first real friendship.
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apparently you were a person of false judgements, because jungwon’s true character was fairly different than you expected.
he was the type who was friends with everybody, but at the same, friends with nobody at all. you’d watch him stroll down the hallway and greet more people than your two hands could count, casually strike conversations with students in the classroom, and even be admired by all the teachers and staff for his kind behavior.
though despite all that, jungwon continued to stick with you like glue.
“can I ask you something about promises?” you ask one day during lunch break.
he had physically rotated his desk to face yours, which was a small and logical gesture, but secretly pleased you nonetheless. you had always watched other students gather like this with their friends. it was different to experience the act yourself.
“yeah, what about them?” jungwon cheerily replies, unscrewing a layer of his multitiered thermal lunch box. in your opinion, it looked disgustingly over-prepared and made with love. he even had a handwritten note from his mother stuck onto the lid. luckily for you, your aunt could now cover lunch money again, which you were extremely grateful for.
“can they be taken back?”
“hey, you're already trying to betray our friendship promise?” jungwon accusingly points his chopsticks at you in a scolding manner. “you can't do that! it'd be breaking the promise.”
“but you're too clingy,” you state bluntly. sure, you appreciated having another person around more than you'd like to admit, but you were still far too adjusted to having your alone time. with jungwon, the concept of that no longer existed. “it's like I can't enter this school without breathing the exact same air as you. don't you have any other friends?”
“I have friends!” he denies your accusation, offended.
“then who?” you interrogate him, chewing on your food in between sentences. “I don't think I've ever seen you talk to someone more than once in the same day.”
“and how would you know?” jungwon's expression suddenly brightens, thoughts falling off track to the topic at hand. “have you been watching me, y/n?”
“shut up,” you kick his leg from under the desks which makes him yelp in pain. “you're avoiding my question.”
“I don't know,” he nonchalantly shrugs his shoulders. “I'm sort of friends with everyone.”
“you can't be friends with everyone.”
“but I am.”
“who's your best friend?”
“I don't have one.”
“then you don't have any real friends,” you say, making jungwon pout.
he's silent for a moment after hearing your harsh words, abruptly repositioning himself in his seat and setting down his chopsticks. he had a grain of rice cutely sticking to the corner of his lips.
“let's make another promise,” jungwon hovers his pinky directly above the crack where your two desks meet. “promise me that we'll be each other's best friend.”
you carry on with guzzling down your lunch, leaving him patiently still extending his pinky figure out towards you, “I'm not doing that.”
“why not?” he complains.
“I don't even understand why you're still talking to me,” you tell him honestly. “I thought agreeing to be friends with you would make you get bored and quit by now.”
“I wouldn't do that.”
“I know,” you say to his surprise. “I just don't like trusting people.”
“I told you that you can trust me.”
“I know.”
“but you won't?”
you nod in confirmation, “I won't.”
“I'm changing the promise,” he confidently declares, wiggling his pinky closer to your face. “if I earn your trust, promise that you'll be my best friend.”
“people are going to think you're crazy. they already think you are for hanging out with me. don't you want to save your reputation while you still can?”
“they say those kinds of things?” jungwon's eyebrows knit in a mix of confusion and annoyance, showing that he didn't quite understand. “don't listen to them. they don't know you like I do.”
“you don't really know me either,” you remind him.
“I know that you're not who they say you are,” he warmly smiles. “you're y/n, and the y/n I know is a good person.”
you weren't sure what impression you gave to make him think you were anywhere near a good person, though his naiveness to see the best in you made you do the thing you hated most: giving your hopes up.
“fine,” you lazily lace your pinky with his. “I promise.”
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SUMMARY: a collection of moments piecing together the story of you and your first love, Yang Jungwon.
PERMANENT TAGLIST: @candidupped @giyyuzz @yurazuyori @hime98 @woooooooosh8 @missmadwoman @junalator @viscoolreal @luvrjn @jungwons-rat @sunshine-skz @f4iryho0n @hiqhkey @yizhoutv @iamnotgrootforiamthor @mochisnlix @tomorrowbymoa-together @chicxxy @95sjcc @beibybtch @kyleeanne @chewnotgyu @yangcica @nikirikienh @vantxx95 @angel-hyuckie @strawbrinkofdeath @ohmy-fandoms @w3bqrl @sseastar-main @duolingofanaccount @zzwnki @lilis636 @innikiwetrust @dazzledsohn @abdiitcryy @jaywonlix @kyyuri @acciomylove @fairybangtan @hcenii @luvsriki bolded accounts couldn’t be tagged!
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Okay cat Bailey is 😘👌 but taking care of dog boi Eden though 😫👌❤️ as soon as he turns back your being dragged into the woods for sure. Maybe he fucks you hard first.
This one's a lil longer, so under the cut it goes. Also I wrote it quick because the inspiration struck hard.
Dogboy Eden my beloved.
NSFW below
It had been 3 weeks since Eden had disappeared. 2 days after the hunter had gone missing, a huge dog - a Caucasian Shepherd, you think - had limped up to the cabin with a bitten paw. Poor thing must have run into some wolves. You had taken him inside, nursed him back to health, told him all about how scared you were that Eden hadn't come back from his hunting trip, completely unaware that the dog is Eden.
He's heartbroken when you snuggle up to his furry body at night to cry. Constantly on edge as he guards you as you get rabbits from snares, since his gun was dropped when he changed. He'd managed to pick it up in his jaws and stash it somewhere safe, but it would make you suspicious if he fetched it now. Plus you might think he died and run back to town.
So instead, he suffers, trapped in a canine body and forced to watch you bathe, forced to watch you masturbate while moaning his name, and being completely unable to do anything about it. At least he gets lots of head-pats and ear scratches. Belly rubs are risky though, since it never fails to make him hard, and you always stop upon seeing that. Proves you're a loyal spouse, though. Eases his mind.
Being able to smell your arousal also drives him insane. And it smells so good. He wants nothing more than to bury his nose into your crotch and lap at your core, but you'd swat him away if he tried.
On top of never being able to fuck, eating raw meat (and enjoying it) makes him feel a little de-humanised. And he wasn't human, not right now, so he can't blame you for feeding him like a regular dog. Still, he misses breakfast and watches you with a watering mouth in the mornings. At least you're kind enough to slip him a few pieces of fried meat.
And you'd called him Cujo. Great. You even said that you hoped Eden would be okay with him being around when he gets home. He could use a hunting dog.
Eden even submits to playing fetch. Seeing your smile drop when he'd just sit and stare at you made him feel guilty, so he'd go after the sticks you'd throw.
A sense of dread does fill him some days. What if this is it? What if he's a dog forever now? What if you try to find someone else because you think he left?
Then finally, just as you're telling him how you're considering packing up and heading into town, he turns back into his regular self. Well, almost. His ears stay furry and a tail swishes excitedly as he tackles your shocked form to the ground, but you know its him and that's enough.
"I didn't leave," he insists, tearing at you clothes, "I was right here, I never left."
You just stare, mouth gaping and eyes wide. Your new dog just turned into your husband. Your missing husband. It doesn't settle in, not properly, not even as your clothes are removed and hips pulled up so Eden can line his cock up with your hole. He just ruts against it slowly for a while.
Annoyingly, Eden realises he's retained some dog-like urges. He can't help licking at your neck, finds it hard to resist flipping you over and mounting you like a bitch. But he wants to look in your eyes, wants to see the happiness when you realise it's alright. And he gets that. Gets to see tears gather as you cup his cheeks and study him up and down.
Then you're laughing, shaking your head and taking in his new ears. "How on Earth..." you whisper, but he interrupts you with a sloppy kiss as he finally pushes himself inside. He swallows the little yelp you let out, gently rocking his hips back and forth. The rumbling of thunder in the background says he should pick you up and take you back inside the cabin, but his mind is too addled with lust to care about getting wet right now.
When the muscles in your body relax, he picks up the pace he's thrusting at, retreating from your mouth to once again attack your neck; this time he nips with his teeth and leaves marks all over the sensitive skin. It's easier to do that now than before, teeth sharper. You're moaning out so loud for him, your hands flying to his hair and stretching behind his ears. It feels so damn good, sends shivers down his spine and almost has him panting with his tongue out.
"I missed you - ahh - I missed you so much," you groan out, sounding so, so sweet. He wants to hear you confess your affection again. Wants to hear it every damn day for as long as he lives.
"I was right there, Love. I'll explain later, but I was right there," he adds, the last thing he says before he presses your knees to your chest and starts fucking you even harder. His dick feels strange, the base feeling swollen. When he looks down, Eden realises that another thing he kept was a knot. He groans out himself at that, hammering himself as deep as possible to feel your silky soft walls around the knot and encouraging it to swell.
You've gone silent, head flung back against the grass as you focus on being able to breathe from the intensity of the pleasure you're taking. You can feel it too, something thick catching on your entrance and making your tummy muscles twitch each time it sinks in and pulls out. That, on top of the sheer joy you feel that Eden hadn't abandoned you makes the tears finally fall from the corners of your eyes.
No wonder the dog had been so gentle with you. No wonder it had come to you for help, and was eager to receive your affection. How he'd easily communicate needing to go outside to pee and how he didn't lick at himself to clean, instead diving into the spring. You're so used to the smell of wet dog now that you barely registered it last night.
A slight sting pulls you away from those thoughts, the knot finally big enough to cause pain. Eden takes mercy on you, thrusting it in one last time and switching to grinding in little circles instead. Using a free hand, you bring it between your legs and use it to get off.
Entranced by the erotic sight, Eden watches you play with yourself as he moves, tail curling as he gets closer and closer to finishing. It's the fluttering of your insides around his cock that does the trick, the hunter baring his teeth and snarling as he shoots rope after rope of seed into your needs little hole.
He leans in to nuzzle your cheek when the orgasm subsides, enjoying your scent on his skin. That's when the earlier threat of rain finally comes true, a sudden downpour soaking the two of you as you lay in the grass.
You bark out a laugh as his ears drop, strands of hair falling over his face making him look even more grumpy. He has to carry you back into the cabin, knot swollen too big to remove safely.
For the first night in weeks, Eden falls asleep in his own bed as himself, balls empty and stomach full of warm food. He'll keep his promise and explain more in the morning. For now, he just wants to enjoy you and being a man again.
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eurynome827 · 3 years
A Whiskey & A Dance
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A/N: see this post for the picture that inspired this story. This story is a standalone oneshot and is not connected with my other 1940s Bucky stories.
1940s preserum Steve x Bucky x reader (female)
Word Count: 3,033
Warnings: 18+ ONLY for m x m x f (taking turns), protected sex (this is the 40s so I used the word 'rubbers'), loss of virginity (Steve), oral (m receiving), smoking and alcohol, masturbation, language and dirty talk, cumplay, Steve is having thoughts about Bucky that he's trying to understand but there are no overt acts of Stucky in this fic.
By clicking the Read More below, you affirm that you are 18+ as this fic contains adult content!
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"Slow down already, punk!" Steve struggled to keep up with Bucky's quick footsteps on the sidewalk, sidestepping the other pedestrians, out of breath and wheezing. "What's the big rush? Afraid you'll miss out on your doll?"
Bucky stopped suddenly on the pavement and Steve ran right into his back, damn near bouncing off. "First off, jerk, she's not a doll. She's a dame." Bucky emphasized the word, drawing it out with a raised eyebrow. "And tonight's not for me. It's for you."
Bucky whirled and took off down the sidewalk again as Steve shook his head, dazed. "For - for me? What are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about you - dancing. Smooching. Maybe more." The mischief on Bucky's face made Steve swallow, hard. He pulls on Bucky's arm to stop him again.
"Buck...you didn't...pay her, did you?"
"Will you listen to yourself?" Bucky pulled his arm from Steve's grip. "No, I didn't pay her. She's not like that. She just likes to have fun. Lots of fun."
Steve can't help himself. "Have you...had fun with her?"
Bucky nods, but it's written all over his face anyway. "Oh yeah."
"What's she like?"
Bucky looks up towards the two stars visible in the Brooklyn sky. "Like heaven, Stevie. Like walking through the gates to heaven."
The dance hall is loud and crowded when they arrive, and Steve's heart is hammering in his chest. He stares listlessly at the bodies moving on the dance floor until Bucky elbows him.
"There she is..."
You're not like any other girl Steve has seen.
You're definitely older than the other girls they know, and Steve doesn't recognize you from when they were in school. Your heels are a little higher, your dress is tighter and your smile is knowing, worldly. Bucky mentioned that you have your own apartment and you work in Manhattan, someone's secretary or something. You're drinking whiskey in a glass stained with the red of your lipstick and Steve's mesmerized by the column of your neck as you lean back to swallow. Bucky's right - you're not a doll, you're a dame. A woman.
"C'mon, Steve, let's dance."
You hand your glass to Bucky and grab Steve's hand and he's afraid for a moment that his palms are too sweaty or that you can hear how hard it is for him to breathe. The music changes from a fast song to a slow one, and you take Steve's hands and put them on your waist, drawing him in close. You're looking at him like he's the only guy in Brooklyn and in that moment nothing else matters - just you and your red lips and your perfume in his nose tickling the back of his throat.
"Bucky said maybe we could go back to my place and have a few drinks." You're whispering in Steve's ear, and you giggle when a shiver runs down his spine, his hands trembling on your waist. "Would you like that, Steve?"
"Y-yeah. Let's go."
You sneak the boys in through a side door, you tell them it's to avoid the nosy landlady. Bucky and Steve tiptoe up the stairs behind you and wait while you unlock the door and then you grab them both by the lapels of their jackets and pull them inside, your giggles floating out into the hallway. Bucky is laughing softly and he ducks his head to kiss the back of your neck while you're locking the door from the inside and Steve wonders again what am I doing here? What's going on?
"Let's have a drink, gentlemen," you kick off your shoes and grab the bottle of whiskey off the counter in the kitchenette. Bucky's taking three glasses out of the cabinet and it's clear he's been here more than once. You take a cigarette from your pack and offer one to Bucky, who takes it but opens a window before lighting yours, and then his.
"Oh," you look over at Steve, "will you be alright with the smoke?"
"He's fine with the window open," Bucky answers, sitting on the couch and leaning his head back, exhaling a cloud of smoke toward the ceiling.
You pour out the whiskey, three glasses neat. The cigarette is perched between your pouting lips and Steve's mesmerized. He's never been in a place like this with a woman like you. You catch him staring and smile, soft and knowing.
"I'm going to get comfortable. Is that alright, Steve?" You ask, voice low as you hand him a glass. Bucky smirks at you when you hand him the other glass.
"Um, sure," Steve answers, taking a tiny sip and wincing at the burn. "I don't mind."
You drink, and Steve's watching your neck as you swallow again, everything about you soft but sophisticated, in Steve's eyes anyway. Putting down your glass and the cigarette in the ashtray, you unbutton your dress with your eyes on Steve the whole time. His mouth goes dry, his body feels numb, and he knows he's staring as your skin is revealed to him but he can't stop himself. You toss your dress on a chair, pick up your cigarette and lounge on the couch, next to Bucky in only your undergarments and stockings.
Steve can't breathe and it has nothing to do with the smoke. Bucky draws lazy circles on the inside of your thigh with his fingertips, and you open your legs wider for him but your eyes are fixed on Steve. You sigh before drawing more smoke into your lungs, exhaling a cloud around you and Bucky that looks like a magic spell hanging in the room.
"Do you want to touch me too?" You ask, quietly, like you're trying not to frighten him off. "I want you to. I like to play." Your lips curl up in a smile, and you put the cigarette in the ashtray again to beckon him forward, crooking your finger with a mischievous giggle. "Come here, Steve. Come and play with us."
Steve's mouth and throat go dry, and he takes a drink but starts coughing when the whiskey burns down his throat. You shake off Bucky's hand and stand up from the couch, walking to Steve and cooing, "oh, sweet baby boy, are you alright?" Steve's eyes nearly pop out of his head when you kneel in front of him, rubbing your hands up his thighs closer to where he's suddenly hard in his pants at the sight and presence of you. One of your hands rubs over his clothed cock and his head falls back, his eyes closed as he struggles to control himself.
"Steve," you're whispering, your hands unbuttoning his pants, "I know you want me, and I want you too. Will you let me make you feel good, baby?" A strangled moan escapes from Steve's throat as your hands grasp him and pull him free and he opens his eyes in time to see you lick the head, humming at the taste.
It's too much, and he has no experience and he knows he'll embarrass himself. "I can't - I won't be able to -"
"Yes, you will. Let me take care of you." Your red lips smile at him once more before you take Steve in your mouth, lipstick smearing on his skin and he raises his hips before he can stop himself, completely lost in the warmth of your mouth. You hum again, swirling your tongue and holding his hips, pushing him back down to sit and looking up to catch his eye, looking filthy and beautiful with your mouth full of him. Steve thinks he may have to close his eyes again but then he looks over and sees Bucky.
Bucky - he's unbuttoned his shirt, dog tags laying on his chest. His hair's a mess from how many times he's pushed his fingers through it, his lips are bitten swollen and pink from how aroused he is and his hand is slowly fisting his hard cock, watching you suck Steve further down your throat.
Steve's pretty sure this sinning will be worth a lot more than ten Hail Mary's, but he's in for whatever reckoning is coming his way. He gasps, feeling himself getting too close, but you know too and you pull off, tightening your hand at the base of his cock and holding him off. "I told you," you say breathlessly, "I'd take care of you." You surge up to capture his lips, rubbing off what's left of your lipstick on his mouth. You lick along his bottom lip, and Steve opens his mouth, letting you tangle your tongue with his and tasting himself in your mouth.
Steve's still painfully hard, but he could kiss you all night long. He wants to touch you but he's not sure where to put his hands, finally resting them on your shoulders and pulling you closer. Steve thinks you're about to straddle his lap and he's wondering how he'll control himself with that when you suddenly giggle and pull away from Steve's mouth and he opens his eyes.
Bucky's behind you, his hands smoothing over your skin, his mouth pressing open, wet kisses along the skin on your back and shoulders. "Sorry, sugar," he murmurs into your skin, his nimble fingers pulling the straps down your arms, "I couldn't wait to touch you."
"Bucky," you try to scold, but your voice is light and amused, "you have to be patient. Steve's first, remember?"
Steve watches as Bucky strips you, his eyes following Bucky's hands and breathing hard at every curve revealed to him. Bucky cups your breasts and teases your nipples with his thumbs as you lean your head back on his shoulder, closing your eyes in pleasure. "Bucky," you whine, "you're being bad."
"You love it," he chuckles in your ear, and Steve watches as Bucky slides a hand down to feel you between your legs. "Stevie, she's so wet for us," Bucky licks his lips and winks at his best friend. "Told ya you'd have a good time tonight."
Steve laughs, nervously. Part of him still can't believe he's here, that Bucky would share you with him and give him this experience. But then you're slapping Bucky's hands away with a soft, "behave," and pulling on his dog tags to bring him in for a rough kiss that has Bucky's hands wandering again. "Patience," you breathe out when you break away again. Bucky grins and kisses your forehead before helping you to your feet and extending a hand to Steve as well.
"The lady says you're first, pal," Bucky teases, and you pull Steve to your bed as Bucky follows.
"Why don't you lay down on your back," you tell Steve, pushing him back gently. "I'll take care of you, remember?"
Steve nods, his heart racing. He lays back on the mattress and watches you rummage in the drawer by your bed. You pull out rubbers - you're a real woman - and you straddle Steve with one in your hand. "Do you know what this is?"
"Yes, ma'am."
You smile, and lean over to kiss him, and Steve shivers at the feeling of your bare skin against his. You're so warm and wet between your legs and Steve can't believe this is really happening. "Do you trust me?" You ask, whispering into his ear.
"Yes!" Steve answers quickly, nodding when you sit up and take him in hand, rolling the rubber on and soothing him when he hisses at how sensitive he is. Then you're hovering over him, lining him up and sinking down - and oh shit Bucky was right.
Heaven. Like walking into heaven.
Steve lets his hands slide up your body as you roll your hips, touching all those valleys and curves he watched Bucky touch. He's drinking in your sounds and moans and he's loud too, he can't help it with how good you're making him feel. He fights to keep his eyes open and watch you above him, but he's falling fast and he can't stop himself. "I'm - I can't stop -" he stutters out, biting his lip, and you lean down to hold his hands and rock against him harder.
"You don't have to stop," you tell him, breathing hard, "I want you to feel good, Steve."
You're squeezing him inside you and he can't hold back, filling the rubber with a loud shout. You slow your movements, riding out his orgasm, and you kiss him hard before rolling off to lay on the bed next to him.
Steve's quiet, staring at the ceiling with a grin on his face, and you giggle and curl into his side. He's almost forgotten about Bucky - until he appears at the foot of the bed, rubber already rolled on and pulling at your ankle impatiently.
"Hope you had fun, punk, but now it's my turn."
You laugh, and move to your hands and knees, winking at Bucky over your shoulder before turning your gaze back to Steve.
"Should I go?" Steve asks, unsure, and you shake your head, balancing yourself to reach for his hand.
"No, sweet boy, you stay right there, and if you want to play more we can, but -" your voice is cut off by your moan as Bucky's pushes inside you, his hands gripping your hips. He leans over to brush a kiss to your shoulder before starting a quick and rough pace.
"But it's my turn now," Bucky groans out the words, jaw clenched and lips bitten. His dog tags bounce as he thrusts into you, and you - you're a vision, fists clutching the blanket, back arched, breasts bouncing and when you open your eyes you smile at Steve.
Steve's eyes are wide and he can't stop watching. He can't believe it but he feels himself starting to stir again, and he hurriedly removes and ties off the rubber, tossing it on the floor in a daze. Not like you care where he throws it, because the headboard's banging against the wall now with how hard and fast Bucky is fucking you.
"Can't get enough of you, you know that," Bucky's muttering, and your head falls to the mattress, moaning in response. "Dreaming about you, about fucking you everywhere, getting my head up your skirt and not caring who sees."
Steve can't believe the words coming out of Bucky's mouth, and the wild look in his eyes. Then those eyes drift to him, and Bucky grins, letting go of your hips for a moment to push his hair out of his eyes.
"You like this, Stevie? You like sharing a girl?"
Steve nods, too stunned to speak, and wraps his hand around his cock, stroking as he watches. He's not sure what he wants, but he wants more and he can't stop watching you, or Bucky.
You wail, something's happened and Steve's not sure what. Bucky pulls out of you and rolls you over and your head lands close to Steve's shoulder. You look up at Steve and smile, your eyes glassy and unfocused. Bucky crawls over you and licks a drop of sweat from between your breasts and you whimper. "Gonna cum for me again, baby?" Bucky asks you, softer now.
"Yeah, want more, Buck. Need more." Your voice is rough, and the slight begging tone shoots straight to Steve's cock.
Bucky grins, charming and roguish, and leans down to kiss you before sitting up and positioning himself between your legs again. Steve is mesmerized as he watches Bucky slide inside you again, watches the way Bucky's eyes roll back at the feel of you and watches how your chest rises and falls with the effort to breathe. Steve syncs his strokes with Bucky's thrusts into you, steady but longer this time, dragging in and out of you and making you moan.
You look up at Steve and then back at Bucky, and he understands what you want.
"Touch our girl, Stevie," Bucky says, nodding to him. "Let's make her feel good, huh?"
Steve nods, rolling on his side and figuring as long as he has permission he'll do what he's wanted to all night long. He lowers his head to your breast and sucks your nipple into his mouth, his hand keeping a steady pace over his hardening cock as your whimpers drive him faster and faster. His tongue flicks around you and Bucky suddenly groans.
"She's squeezing me, Stevie, she likes that," he encourages, and Steve lifts his head before moving to the other breast and sees Bucky wet his thumb in his mouth and then start rubbing you on a spot between your legs. You lurch up, back arched, and Steve files that away to ask Bucky about later.
"Bucky! Steve!" You're crying their names, and Bucky speeds up.
"Cum for us, darlin'," he demands, low and husky. "I'm right there with you. Look at Steve, he's gonna paint you up all pretty."
Steve looks at Bucky, and then down at his own hand flying over his cock, and he realizes what Bucky's saying. Is he - is that what he's supposed to do? You're wailing again, eyes closed and mouth open, and Steve shouts, his mess covering your breasts.
"Fuck..." Bucky swears, and thrusts into you twice more before he cums into rubber, pulling out of you slowly and collapsing onto the bed on your other side.
Steve watches you and Bucky, stunned silent. Your eyes open slowly and you look up at Steve, and you start giggling.
"You should see your face right now, Steve. Are you okay?"
Bucky looks over, and snorts. "Punk can't believe his good luck."
Steve smiles at you, sheepish. "Yeah, something like that, I guess."
You lift your hand, cupping Steve's cheek. "Was it a good first time, baby?"
Steve holds his hand on yours, moving to press a kiss to your palm. "Yes."
Bucky removes and ties off his rubber and looks over at Steve. "Do me a favor, grab a cloth from over there," he points, "and help me clean up our girl. She takes care of us, and we take care of her."
You move your other hand to Bucky's cheek, smiling up at him. "You were right. This was a really good idea."
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mingkii · 3 years
Puppy love 🐾
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠; Bang Chan x Gn!reader
𝐠; fluff (?) . smidge of angst . Ex!bf chan // 𝐜𝐰; none :)) // 𝐰𝐜; 1.8k
𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; When you moved back in your home town, you unexpectedly meet the one person you didn't plan on seeing again.
𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭; @heyitstacy
𝐀𝐧; I don't even know if this is fluff...? Also, the exes talking again after not seeing together for a long time trope is liek, one of my favourite uhh tropes(?). *cough* winter nights *cough*. Anyways, the titrle doensnt make sense but cause berry is here just go with ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Also this isn't proof read so excuse any incorrect grammars and typos.
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You gently placed the last box onto the living room floor, exhaling a deep sigh as you crack your aching back. After a few hours, you've finally finished moving the boxes from the moving van into your home.
Looking around the place, you can still feel that distinct feeling from when you were younger. Having to move out as soon as you graduated senior year of high school in another country, you had already forgotten what home feels like. Coming back home was one of your plans after college, moving back in was definitely not. But your mother insisted and you gave in, only until you found your own place.
You started unwrapping the fragile knick-knacks and breakable accessories, handling each one with care, as you wiped dust that might have collected whilst being inside the box. Placing them where it cannot be knocked over easily.
As you go through each box, you notice how much stuff you put inside without realizing if it was important or not. Like the little porcelain cat figure, with it's tiny collar and bell was one, but in the back of your mind, it tells you that that piece of decoration is important. You sniffled a laugh at the thought, putting it back inside its box.
Next thing you pulled was a black box labeled "memories". You were definitely gonna waste time going through these instead of cleaning and unpacking. You opened the box, revealing piles of pictures and polaroids. Some with notes in the back that you were surely gonna take time to read.
You stare at each picture, noticing at how much you've changed over the years. Even your friends that you haven't seen in a while. Some pictures were taken in college, with the new camera one of your high school best friends gave you as a moving away gift. You definitely didn't put it to waste.
Getting more invested as you finish tackling the college photos, and just as you are about to get to the next pile, the bell on the doggy door rings, indicating an animal has gotten in. You wondered if it's your dogs finally running to you even after hours of your arrival. But to your surprise, it was the dog you never knew you'd see again.
"Berry, hi, where did you come from," you can recognize that color and smile anywhere. She sniffed your body, remembering the scent she would smell often. Jumping up and down in excitement. "Did Hannah let you out again?" You say, rubbing her ears as she tries to lick your face.
You hear the doorbell ring. "Must be Hannah to pick you up," you took her in your arms, making your way to the front door. And when you saw the person in front of you, your face dropped.
Out of shock you slammed the door shut in front of his face. You were mentally freaking out. Not letting go of berry you stood there rooted in place. You didn't expect to run into someone this soon and especially not him.
Your mind in shambles as you try to compose yourself. But soon when you realized what you just did, you sheepishly grinned at him as you opened the door again.
"So sorry about that," you say, rubbing the back of your neck.
"It's not a problem, I'm sorry about berry," he reached out to take her from your arms.
"Oh no, it's ok, it's good to see her again after a while," you smiled at the dog as she opened her mouth in a smile.
"No wonder she got excited and tried to get out to your front door." The air was thick, slowly drowning you two in awkwardness. It's been almost 7 years since you've last talked. Time surely does go by fast.
Chan became more broader and built, not fairly tall but still taller than before. His dimples seemed to have gotten deeper considering it can show even if he isn't smiling. His hair is still a mess but it's a prettier mess since his hair has become curlier than before. His cute lips still stuck in a line, trying to think of conversations to break the ice.
"So, did you just get here?"
"Yeah, I'm actually unpacking right now," he nodded, still avoiding eye contact with you.
"Do you wanna help me unpack? I mean, you don't have to."
And so, the two of you got to work. He helped you unpack everything out of the box and just started sorting from there.
Chan was going through the accessory box and saw the familiar ring in the pile of bracelets and necklaces. He recognizes the ring because he bought that couple rings in high school, symbolizing a promise you made. Unfortunately, Chan still remembers that painful scene in his head.
You were too busy rummaging through a box filled with clothes to notice Chan staring at the piece of metal in his hands. His mind played bits of memories you two had, even the ones that weren't very good.
"Have you finished staring at that box?" You said, snapping him out of his daze.
"Uh yeah."
You spot the ring he held in his hands.
"You still kept it." He said. Sounding shocked as if you were supposed to keep it.
You nodded.
It was a special part of your life, of course you are gonna keep it. As someone very sentimental, you keep anything and everything that has a special significance in your life. Even the bad ones.
"It was the time I had my first boyfriend."
Chan hummed, knowing he was your first boyfriend. He gave you that ring during your first year of senior high, it was a very special moment for him as well.
'...and my first heartbreak' you finished in your thoughts.
Your break up with chan ended on a good note, but you can't deny the fact that it hurts. Both of you realized that after high school, you are gonna be miles apart. You are going to another country while Chan stays here.
The wind blew cold on this winter night. The moon glowing bright in the dark starry sky.
You and Chan went out to an abandoned park after your graduation ceremony. Just having a chat, talking about plans in college.
You and Chan went out to an abandoned park after your graduation ceremony. Just having a chat, talking about plans in college.
"So you are going to America, right?" You nodded. You already know where this is going but you can feel the tears that are fighting to spill.
"And I'm staying here…" the distance is overwhelming but Chan knows he can. But he doesn't know that you can't.
"We could call evernight, well it'll be hard because of the timezones." 
You gripped the chain holding up the swings you were on. You didn't want to hurt him and this decision you made on your own made you feel selfish. You were breaking up with him just because you couldn't handle the distance that will come in between you in college.
You didn't want to spend your college years with your boyfriend halfway across the world. You are already expecting a lot of school work and lectures, not to mention the course you picked that will give you hell.
"And maybe I could go to you during break, tickets will be expensive but think of it as a vacation." 
You wanted him to stop, this is already making you rethink your decision. But it wouldn't be fair for him when he's the only one fighting to keep this relationship.
"Chan I'm sorry," you croaked, a single tear spilled from your eyes. "I'm sorry, I— I don't think I can do that," you managed to let out. 
You looked at him, his face didn't show any signs of pain. He probably thought of this outcome. He knew the possibilities after knowing you would be away for college. He was ready for it, but can't deny the fact that it still pained him. 
"And maybe I could go to you during break, tickets will be expensive but think of it as a vacation."
You wanted him to stop, this is already making you rethink your decision. But it wouldn't be fair for him when he's the only one fighting to keep this relationship.
"Chan I'm sorry," you croaked, a single tear spilled from your eyes. "I'm sorry, I— I don't think I can do that," you managed to let out.
You looked at him, his face didn't show any signs of pain. He probably thought of this outcome. He knew the possibilities after knowing you would be away for college. He was ready for it, but can't deny the fact that it still pained him.
"It's ok y/n"
"No it's not ok! This is— this is selfish of me to do, I didn't even talk to you about I, we haven't even tried it and I'm already giving up—"
"Hey, It's ok, you are not giving up, you know what's best— I shouldn't have thought of what you wanted when I talked about keeping this relationship. I'm actually very proud of you for deciding this on your own, I know it was hard for you."
His voice cracked once, but his face remained expressionless.
He quickly built up the wall in front of him, hiding the pain that lingered through his veins.
"If anything, I'll wait for you—"
"Don't. Please, I mean it's not that I don't love you anymore but I don't want to hold you back, go date someone else if you want to, just don't wait for me."
He didn't say anything further. Standing up to make his way in front of you, reaching his hand out for a hug. And you gave him a hug, one you'll miss once you fly to the states. His voice you'll miss hearing every night before going to bed, and his soothing touch that always calms you down.
"I love you." You said, as you sob into his shoulder.
"I love you too."
Chan reaches into his hoodie, taking out a necklace with the ring tied to it. You felt your stomach churn.
That gave you a feeling that he still did wait for you. That he still has feelings for you. Either the same ones or he is feeling something stronger.
"I'm in town for the next few weeks but I'll be traveling for work."
You both aren't kids anymore, you have your own lives to get back to. But Chan still wants you to be part of his life. And you are sure that you wanted it as well.
"So your dream to be a music producer came true?" He gave you a smile. It's definitely not weird how you still remember something so trivial about your ex that you were supposed to forget, but how could you? He talked about it so much in the past, it's hard to forget.
"It took some hard work but it paid off in the end." He rolled the ring in his hands, feeling the carved out designs on the metal.
"How about you?"
"I got a job at a journaling company near town, years of photography finally paid off," you proudly boasted. Chan smiled, knowing how much that meant to you.
Both your lives took off in the right direction but the both of you knew there's something missing. Sure you are both happy but, that missing piece was each other. You wanted Chan to be there with you when you graduated in college, when you succeeded in getting a job. And Chan wanted the same.
"While we are both still here, maybe we could go out sometime?" He proposed.
You should be thanking the dog for making him come to your house, for letting him help you unpack and finally getting to talk again.
And maybe, you could start a new chapter in your lives, together again.
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yoonpobs · 3 years
we don't talk together | myg
pairing: min yoongi x oc
genre: angst, hurt/comfort, growth! exes that remain exes
words: 2, 842
summary: it's hard to say it's over
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What they don't tell you about goodbyes is that it isn't the end.
It's far from the closing of a book. Goodbyes are the itch that urges you to pick up an old book from the shelf just to feel what you first felt when you re-read certain parts of a book; the same remorse you felt when a character you grew attached to didn't get the ending they deserved. Or, maybe it was the villain that was misunderstood—your own heart wishing to reach out to the sad soul that couldn't even be recognised when all they do is speak.
But some books will end up dusty, forgotten, tucked away in the corner of your shelf; or in the most drastic of cases: lost.
"The park looks ... different," Yoongi speaks up for a lack of a better conversation starter.
You hum. What would you say? That it wasn't the same from when we used to spend our Spring's blended into Summer's until it got too hot for us to lay in each other's embrace?
It was still too fresh even though it's been nearly a year.
"There are more dogs," You point out the moment a tan pomeranian runs past the two of you, the owner an old couple laughing away under the cherry blossoms.
He nods, fingers stuffed in his trench coat. You note that it's the same one he wore on your anniversary, plans abandoned when there was a mix-up with the reservations until the two of you stumbled across a hidden gem that soon became your go-to date place.
You will yourself to look away so no more memories can resurface. It seems like every part of your life has somehow seamlessly intertwined itself with traces of Yoongi that it was impossible for you to exist as just yourself.
"How are things at the firm?" He asks after the two of you walked side-by-side in complete silence as more and more chatter fill your ears.
"It's ... going," You chuckle dryly.
Yoongi raises an eyebrow at you, shooting you a brief glance over until the two of you reach a bench. You dare say it's muscle memory that dragged your heavy feet into the direction of the only bench that you've known in the park. The compressed reminder of the initials of your names that you carved as teenagers likely still staining the years old wood. It was meant to be an emblem for wisdom, the ring of growth that meant to be the endgame for the two of you.
You almost laugh in bitterness and how literal the metaphor was.
"Everything okay?"
Yoongi takes the first step to sit on the bench because he always did. Ever the gentlemen when he opened doors for you, let you into the car first, waited until you stepped ahead of him to trail behind like a shield.
The first date, first kiss, first confession.
The first one to decide that it was over.
"My boss is just being sexist, as usual. I thought I'd get used to it after spending two years there but ... there are some things that you just stay unfamiliar, you know?"
It was very like you to speak in double-entendres without intending to. But it was also like Yoongi to pick up on it, especially after years of learning all the best and worst parts of you; he was and probably will be one of the few people in your lives that will always foresee your next move.
The two of you sit a fair distance apart on the bench even if it was a battle for space anyway. You didn't have the liberty to lean into his embrace anymore and he wasn't in the position to say that it was okay for you to breathe, to relax.
"You shouldn't get used to those remarks. There are times where you learn to grow used to constructive criticism but if what he's saying makes you question your worth because of very arbitrary reasons like your gender then that isn't criticism, nor is it constructive. It's bigoted and chauvinistic."
You look down to your thumbs as you fiddle with it, his words comforting you. It was woeful that you still chased validation from him even after learning to be that person to yourself.
"Yeah, I guess."
Then how did you get used to things?
If time didn't make things familiar then what did? Was it not the five years with Yoongi that led you to see him build an empire for himself all the while destroying the relationship that you had? Or was it because he was the person that you thought of doing the most minuscule things?
"By the way," He clears his throat, eyes still set forward, "Namjoon says hi."
You raise an eyebrow, surprised to hear the name of a mutual friend—or more appropriately, friend by association and acquaintance when that link was broken.
"He knows that you're with me?"
Yoongi nods his head.
"I needed to let someone at the studio know and ... well, he's the only one that knew of our situation."
You chuckle bitterly.
Of course. The suggestion of his work only made your heart drop because as much as you wanted to be supportive of him, even after the break-up, the name of his studio or songs only reminded you of the battle that you helplessly lost.
"You can tell him that I'm still a text or phone call away. No need to play messenger," You return.
The atmosphere is more reflective than awkward. You know that the two of you had your pieces to say, your own narrative to tell but neither brave enough to break the calm that you were settled in. It was a nice difference from the way that things ended, and you supposed that you were similar enough to believe in a mirage than the inevitable truth.
But you didn't call him out after six months to sit in silence to walk away with your heart feeling heavier, nor did you invite him out just to remember what it feels like to have him next to you—even in complete silence.
"Would you have really quit?"
This time, you gather all the bravery that you've built over the past few months to ask the question that has been mulling in your mind since the night you decided that it was officially over.
It was a painful break-up. Even if you expected it when Yoongi came home earlier one night with bags under his eyes and his keys that he usually left at the studio because he knew you'd always be home to open the door for him.
"I'm sorry?" He seems taken aback.
You don't blame him. You've always been more passive in dealing with confrontation due to your conflict-averse nature—but that didn't mean you didn't get angry or annoyed—or hurt. But if you learned anything, it was to stop asking yourself questions that you'll never have the answer to.
"Would you really have left the company to save our relationship?"
You chose your words carefully. Instead of saying to be with you, knowing that he lost the love, he had for you somewhere along the way—you point out the one hole that he held on to for the sake of stability. The one thing that was constant in his life with how unpredictable the music industry was.
Somehow, the answer doesn't make you feel better because even with time apart you knew he was lying to save your face.
"You don't owe me anything to lie to my face, Yoongi." You frown.
Yoongi sighs, rubbing his hands across his face as he leaves your statement hanging in the air to mull over his answer.
You prefer the silence that way. It showed that he was at least listening, or cared enough to decide his next set of words. Nothing like how much it pained you to acknowledge the responses you got from him when you were crying were just out of obligation than sincerity.
"No, I wouldn't have."
You nod your head, expectant of the answer but you needed to hear him say it himself rather than drowning yourself in ruminating thoughts of how there was still a semblance of hope that he would've given it up for you, for your relationship—or the life that you were meant to build.
"I wouldn't have asked you to, anyway." You confess.
Yoongi turns his head to look at you and for the first time since you've met at the park, he notices the absence of a necklace around your neck. The necklace that you never took off. He wants to comment on it, ask where it went or if you've pawned it off out of pettiness but he held no remorse towards you. You were tolerant with the break-up even as you sucked in your tears when he knew that it killed you on the inside. Yoongi didn't have the heart in him to ask you.
"You were the one that said you'd quit so we could stay together," You say softly.
Yoongi doesn't respond as he looks back to the night where the two of you sat down to talk about the standing of your relationship. It was a rollercoaster of emotions that started off with an amicable discussion that eventually led to the two of you yelling until you surrendered to your tears and just left the battle completely.
He said a lot of things that night. From things that he's been bottling up for months, to things that he's always wanted to tell you and things that he didn't remotely mean, and things that he's regretted the moment it left his lips.
"I guess I did."
You sigh, leaning back into the bench as you observe a couple walking in front of you, passing your bench as they share an ice cream on a cone; bickering on who'd get the first lick. To anyone, you and Yoongi would've looked just like a couple that has reached a comfortable point in your relationship where intimacy was just sitting next to one another.
But you admit, there was something oddly intimate and heart-breaking about sitting next to someone you've loved with your whole heart and feel nothing but ... weightlessness. Like the burden of your concerns was lifted ever so slightly just being here.
"I wouldn't have made you choose between your relationship or your dream, Yoongi. I would never have done that to you."
Yoongi knew you would never have made him do something as abhorrent as that. You were far too understanding. But you had wanted from him too, that he wasn't willing to provide just yet. He didn't know if it was because of the expiration date to your relationship or because of the stress he was under at work—but he convinced himself that it was you that was asking for too much instead of him compromising too little.
"I ... I know," He whispers, "I'm sorry."
You purse your lips. You try not to let your emotions appear on your sleeve. You were tired of allowing your face to speak before you did. You needed to use the voice you had.
"I loved you so much, Yoongi," You murmur, "I loved you so much that I would have taken anything I could've gotten with you just so I could be with you."
Yoongi stays silent at this.
"I didn't mind if you spent more time at work than at our home. I just wanted to know if I was ever in the picture when you were talking about the future. I know how much you love music and I supported you through every audition and failure ... and to know that I was just—" You swallow, the words still painful to say. But you needed to make your peace with it, "—that I was just someone that would wait for you instead of your partner. That's when I knew that you didn't love me the way I loved you."
Yoongi chokes to speak up but you shake your head.
"No, Yoongi. You loved me, you did. But somewhere along the way you stopped and you just pretended that we were okay even when I was trying my best to fix the seams. I wasn't your girlfriend anymore, I was just someone familiar to you and I didn't deserve to feel that way." You tell him sternly.
Yoongi surrenders to his silence as you take a deep breath to continue.
"Maybe I loved you too much in a way that you couldn't understand."
"_______, don't say that—" His eyes widen when he tries to reach a hand to yours to comfort you, but your body language remains stoic as you keep your hands in your lap.
"—and that's okay Yoongi. I loved you but not in the way you needed. I'm not here to make you feel bad about what I chose to do on my own because it wasn't my fault that I couldn't be what you need." You say sadly, but a small smile on your face as you finally say the words that have been eating at you for months.
"... okay," Yoongi accepts.
"We all have different ways to love and be loved. I loved you and that was enough for you at one point but love isn't all a relationship needs. You loved me too, in your own way and I accepted that but just because it was enough for me doesn't mean it was enough for us." You glance over at him to see him staring at you intently.
"I'm sorry that things turned out this way," Yoongi says softly, eyes gentle.
You wave him off.
"I don't think I'll ever love someone as much as I loved you, though," He confesses, eyes returning to the scene in front of him filled with different colours of life that seemed to look vibrant under the Spring sunset.
You shake your head and chuckle softly.
"You say that now but you'll meet someone one day and you'll remember all the reasons why you love in the first place. And it'll be enough for you, and them."
He shrugs, a small smile itching on his face.
"I really did love you," He says, "But I'm sorry for not being honest with you. I owe you that much of an apology."
"We're not here to forgive or forget, Yoongi," You look at him kindly, "We're here to move on."
He purses his lips and hums, nodding his head.
"I hope you get that promotion at work you were talking about months ago, ______." Yoongi offers, a gentle grin marring his face.
"I did," You shrug.
It feels liberating to have achieved something and only feeling content by acknowledging it yourself. Months ago, you would've hurt at the fact that Yoongi didn't know. But the change you welcomed after the end only showed you that there was a new path for you to walk on.
His eyes widen, but eventually, he chuckles and shakes his head, muttering something under his breath that sounded a lot like knew it.
You push yourself off the bench, dusting your hands on your pants as you offer him one last smile before you say goodbye for the second time.
"I hope you find someone who you'll love more than you ever did with me." You tease.
He rolls his eyes.
"Impossible," The grin on his face is easy, and your heart still clenches at the nonchalance, but you don't expect the feeling to go away so easily—nor do you mind. It just shows that you needed to wait and that you were willing to do it.
"Of course you will. You're a musician, Yoongi. You need a muse," You smirk at him as you turn around, a small wave on your hand to say goodbye.
As you walk away and his body gets smaller and smaller from your vision, you turn around to say:
"We don't talk together is a beautiful song."
Yoongi's smile is genuine, and so is his goodbye. A gentle acknowledgment of his hand as he stands up himself, walking to the other direction of where you were headed.
You still had a love for Yoongi, and you suppose you always will. Just like how you would feel pleasant when rediscovering a childhood hobby that triggers a fond memory, or how you love different things in your life in different ways. Whether or not you love someone more than you've ever loved Yoongi isn't your concern, because when love comes in one form, it goes in another.
When you still take the same route you'd usually take with Yoongi after your walks back home, you pass the cafe you used to frequent to see that it's replaced with a new bar. You smile fondly to yourself, shaking your head.
You loved that place.
But eventually, you'll find another cafe with a beautiful interior and a latte to match, and you'll love it too.
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