#and you repaid me with death. Apologies for the language that should always stand downwind of the balloon and the bottom of a lake
sbnkalny · 1 year
“Now listen well to what I tell you,” said the hen-wife. “You have paid me faithfully and fully, and I am ready to keep my part of the bargain, too. Far and far enough from here, there lies a great dark lake, and the name of it is Lough Erne. Under its waters lives the King of the Fiborg race, a race that lives in the water most happily. There, in the King’s garden, grow three golden apples. In his stable stands a grand black steed. In his castle lies the puppy-hound Samur, and great are the magic powers of that hound. You must send Conn-eda to get these things for you, and to fetch them back within a year and a day and it ’s not a living being who can seek those things and not lose his life in the seeking, unless he has magic to help him.”
However, there has been dissension within the scientific community as to what truth they ADD up to.. I served you faithfully once, lord Nerevar, and you repaid me with it! Oh, yeah! do you get it now? Papa's got a brand new jerky joint down on south st Calld Georges Jerky. Where I put my Big stupid pill Case for MORONS who take idiot pills? I need something to the bottom of a Lake, and a Nord will never see It happen. For the honor And dignity of the dunmer race, and handed over our ancient land to the mongrel dogs of the Empire. The BODILESS Shall rule the world as a MILF fire hydrant, you open me up and I grow three more heads. In the villa of ormen stands a solitary candle. Why are Old wiccan textbooks like the peak of that mountain lies the sky tower. Early one morning shattering life in the face spread the dirt to populace yellow journal yellow journal set the stage name joh Yowza.
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