#and you go AHA a ukrainian surname that pays tribute to something relevant and also isnt anyone you know
battle-of-alberta · 1 year
This question is for the artist; if the albertans could meet you do you think they’d like you?
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yeah, no <3
re: ed's name, back in ye olde IAMP days circa 2009-2010 when I first posted their designs to the forum, there was a big interest in city rp's etc and i wasn't really prepared at all since, yknow, i like to mull things over for years and I was also being very obstinate about shipping since it's not a lens i usually approach things with. For a while they were just known simply as "Ed and Cal" while I pondered surnames for them.
Calvin was easy, I was able to both pay tribute to a historical figure and create a nice sounding alliterative name with McCall.
Ed was a lot harder, I thought about paying tribute to one of the famous five since I wanted to acknowledge women in history... and since I was spending a lot of time around Emily Murphy Park during undergrad at U of A, his name ended up coming from there. Something that I later regretted, of course, but it's been a dozen years and it feels too late to change it. As I've mentioned before, I did think about giving him a Ukrainian surname but the issue with living in Edmonton is any Ukrainian surname is going to either be someone you knew from school or a hockey player or something, lol.
I didn't think about Sinclair until like, the last few years as I was reading a bunch of early Fort Edmonton history; it's something that refers to one of the founding families as well as the strong Scottish/French influence from those days. Buuuuut it seems like a lot of work to change when he's lived in my head so long with this name. I guess we'll see what happens.
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