#and you dont realize how much you use your abs until you cant fucking move or even breathe properly bc of one fucking spot in the middle-
introloves · 4 years
anon: okay so i just went through (the entirety) of your bokuto tag and lemme just say, boxer! bokuto??? yeah top tier. you just KNOW that every time he wins he wraps that medal round your neck and makes you watch in the mirror as he uses it to choke you and keep your head up and eyes on his while he absolutely rails you. shit after fights you’d look just as bruised as him.
— boxer! bokuto + marking + choking + pain + possessive! bokuto + overstimulation + size kink + bokuto calls reader ‘puppy’ + cream pie + f! reader
— word count; 2k
— boxerverse! bokuto: one shot no. 2
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he’s trembling, high strung with the adrenaline that still hasn’t left him. it’s funny seeing him whine for your attention, someone so big and muscular like him looking absolutely destroyed when you give him a stern look against his kisses.
it’s so very apparent in the way he handles you that hes looking at you to help him come down.
“bo, calm down.” you pant, trying to push his hands away, its a futile attempt to keep his wandering fingers away from your pants. its like he’s magnetized to the waistband of them, digits twitch when you slap them down.
he’s big, strong, a finely tuned machine built for taking hits and giving them back like a bullet but your rejection makes him pout.
there’s a twist of pain in your chest when he gets like this, but he needs to rest.
despite everything, he acts like its just been another day, but it hasn’t even been two hours since his last fight. theres a bruise painting his lip, another one against his brow, red splotches litter his sides and stomach but he shakes your prying hands off thick wrists, fingers hooking into your waistband and pulling them down to your thighs. he looks up at you with the biggest puppy dog eyes ever. waiting for the okay he knows is inevitably going to come.
“fine, but if i see you wince, we’re stopping.” you sigh, smiling at the absolute beam of teeth and curled lips he gives you.
he’s so fast, peeling off every bit of clothing you had worn tonight. he had to have you, needed it like he needed that win.
a win that he already has, now he just needs you.
you cant deny that his excitement isn’t making you wet, he’s like a god above you, vying for your attention and body. he was truly glorious tonight, muscles taut and coiled as he bounced along the white canvas. biceps curled and ready for his opening to land one of his signature right hooks. he takes every hit against his body like it’s nothing, completely unfazed by his opponent. at one point during the match he taunted them, dropping his arms and baring his teeth, just waiting for the fight to truly get good. it makes you squirm, he could be so intimidating, watching like a predator for any opening, any hole in the opponents defense.
your body flushes in memory of watching him land that final hit, he sees the way your thighs squish together. groaning at the thought that your body was responding to his advances, surely knowing by memory how good he fucks you.
your bo always looks so strong and powerful. no matter where he is, whether he’s fighting or when he’s trapping you against those strong arms.
it makes you sigh at the pure determination he’s dripping in, rolling your eyes as he gives you a once over, wiggling his eyebrows at you, torso stretching to reach something from the bedside table, canines flashing as he shows you his newest trophy. its a devious look, proud eyes glinting down at you.
you feel that you can read his mind, about to tell him that, no you won’t fuck him while he’s wearing it, but he lowers it over your head, giving you a bigger smile as the heavy and cold metal lands right between your tits.
“that looks real good on you.” he finally says, abs contracting with the pangs of arousal crawling up his neck. he flinches just a bit at the soreness there, he’s a little more beat up than usual, but hides it well. if there’s anything he needs other than rest, its to fuck you dizzy.
he thinks he might be a total meat head with just how much he likes the image of you wearing something he worked so hard to win, a primal heat licking at the arousal also flaring inside him. you’re really truly his, bokuto can see it in your eyes, regarding him like hes strung the moon up in the sky.
you belong to him, just as he does you. just like that shiny medal you’re wearing.
the bed creaks under his weight when he leans down to kiss you, hand grabbing your face, keeping you right where he wants you. tongue immediately slipping past your lips, pulling a cute whine. he’s sloppy with it, teeth bumping against your own, spit trailing down the corner of both your mouths. when he pulls away, your eyes cross to watch the string of spit connecting the both of you.
he swipes his tongue out and catches it, mumbling something when he sees you reach for him.
“sit back.” you realize he says a little late, snapped out of the haze by the gentle tap of his index finger against your cheek.
koutarou makes a show to peel the rash guard he was wearing under his shorts off. his creamy, muscled thighs finally grace your vision. it makes your body temperature rise several degrees at once, the hot flash only encouraged when you see his dick lying pretty against his thigh. you reach for him, but the advance is stopped by his hands, he doesnt say anything but grips your wrists a little tighter.
your gaze moves from his purpled knuckles up to his eyes, the amber there looks just a tad bit cooler and you immediately know it’s going to be a bad day for you tomorrow.
“want you on your tummy.” bokuto states, and you listen.
waiting for his hands to grip your hips, but he lags just a little. turning your head to look at him you ask if everything’s okay,
“you remember our safe word?” he inquires, and you nod, blanching just a little. his words send a prickle of fear down your spine, you suddenly feel very vulnerable and exposed.
“well, what is it?”
bokutos hand comes down to grip your shoulder, huffing against your ear. theres a small pull there, bringing your shoulders back to meet him halfway.
he’s right there, waiting for the last syllable to leave your lips, poking the head of his dick against your cunt. it leaves you breathless, smooth, velvet skin leaving a wet trail of precum right on your clit.
it makes you exhale out a high pitched keen, unable to stop it from tumbling out a little louder than expected.
the whine has him purring, humming out a, “good girl.”
there’s nothing in the world that you can compare the way he splits you open. the first stroke is always careful, makes sure youre nice and relaxed, wet enough to take him. you always are of course, how could you not with the way he holds you, pulling you back by your shoulders, making your back bend as much as it can, the twist of your body like that makes for a real tight squeeze, feels like the already limited room inside your cunt is cut back to an absolute zero.
it should hurt, but you’ve taken him enough that hes practically carved the shape of him into your pussy.
he has you nice and compliant under his hands, head thrown back to leave the most fucked out sounds of pure ecstasy rattle through your lungs and into the room.
he can feel the chemistry, something akin to electricity, between the two of you. if he could form into words what its like when you lean agasint him, completely trusting him to take care of you, to make you feel good, he’d fill a book up- and pocket it to reread over and over.
bokuto releases you, letting your shoulders fall forward gently before reaching around and pulling the, now, warm metal from between your body and the bed.
it catches you by surprise when he gives it a tug, the silk cutting into your prominent veins, making you go weak and dizzy.
if you couldn’t think or talk before he was doing this, you definitely weren’t going to be able to while he was.
your hands find the pillows above you for leverage, biting down onto your lip when he begins a brutal pace against your hips. hes pinned you down onto the bed with his mass, not even letting you arch your hips to give him better access to your cunt.
“ghh, kou- kou feels good.” you cry, taking an index finger into your mouth to bite, theres not a spot on your body where you dont feel him, so big above you, you can feel the press of his dick in your throat.
“i know it does puppy.” he grits out, still biting back the pain that each brutal contact against your body brings him. hes got the stamina, the sweat hes broken out thus far isnt too bad, but the position and the way hes taking you- hand still holding onto that precious medal- is taking a toll on him.
he knows he needs to make you cum fast.
and knowing his sweet baby, the way to do that is to rough you up just a bit. it’s real endearing.
the silk burns just a little when he shifts behind you, making sure to keep a good grip on it- you dont connect the dots of what hes preparing to do, not until he pulls back.
you’re mid scream before he cuts you off, tears forming in your eyes against the rasp and wheeze of your breathing. the tension around your throat isnt forceful enough to cut your oxygen off completely, it just leaves you wheezing and gives you a nice haze to your vision.
you’ve tensed up completely, knees locking, hands gripping the pillow above you for dear life.
the reaction from you makes him shake, you can feel the stutter of his hips, hearing the high whine leave his throat, he powers through it. he clashes his teeth together and snarls, blinking back stars when he speeds up.
“c’mon, cum. cum for me, puppy.” bokuto grunts.
its not like you to not listen, as soon as his words leave his mouth, you’re closing your eyes.
you’ve gone limp for a second, and bokuto truly fears that hes overdone it, he drops the grip he has on his trophy, about to stop everything, but then your tremors start.
your legs, still pinned down between his own, shake. he sees your cute little hands slap the pillow and swallows deeply. you’re silent- but he can hear the echoes of moans that want to leave your throat thanks to your open mouth and head that’s thrown back. it takes you two seconds before you seem to flicker back to life,
“ghhhh, hhhh! koutarou, kou!” his name is the first coherent thing that leaves your mouth, and he swears there’s nothing better. he cant compare you to winning a match, knocking out his opponent in a KO- because seeing you like this, hearing you scream his name like that would win every time.
he’d like to comment on how eagerly you’re milking his cock, but the pulsing of your cunt around his fat, big dick does him in.
there’s no time to pull out, wasn’t planning on it anyways, but the squeezing of you againts him, leaking your cum down to the base of him, wetting his pubes with you, also leaves no room for it.
it’s obscene, the squelching sounds of his pistoning, cumming cock, creaming your insides white, all the while pushing it out of your cunt with every thrust.
it splatters against your ass and his thighs, white globs of it stick against the two of you while he rides out the throbbing. there’s nothing more satisfying than filling you up, a deep tingle nipping at the base of his skull when he thinks about his cum kept warm in your cunt.
this is what finally tires him out. the tremor and twitching of his strong arms visible when he reaches down and pulls his limp dick from you, he saves you the pain of his weight crushing against your already fragile body by plopping down beside you, you jump up on the bed with the force of his weight collapsing beside you.
the sticky heat is no match for his eagerness to hold you after it all. you slot against his front easily, almost completely dwarfed by his frame.
“‘re you proud ‘fme.” he slurs against your neck, trapping his thigh between your legs. he shivers when he feels the mess of his own cum smear absolutely everywhere.
your hand comes down to rest over his arms, protectively secured around your torso.
“always. i love you so much.” you whisper back, voice just a tiny bit raspy and sore.
“mm, loveyoumore.”
he’s out before you can count to ten, hearing you say that puts a smile on his face while his breathing evens out behind you.
you take the lightest of touches to the bruises on his knuckles, your koutarou truly was something else. while he sought out your validation, you basked in the glory and security of someone as grand as him holding you tight.
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tsukkis7th-hoesblog · 4 years
"If you want a taste , come get it "
Part two of
Warning : extremely smutty , almost everything u can imagine: humiliation , rough, spanking , jealousy, milky milk , mirror sex ,But the fluffier part 1 is also there .
Anyway enjoy !
The whole walk from school to Daichi's house was so scary and quiet. I didnt know what to say and i could tell he didnt really want to speak to me , but then why would he invite me to his house ?
Anyway we get there really quick and he slowly opens the door and lets me go in first .I set my bag down and take my shoes off. During this time, I hear him lock the front door . I turn to face him but I'm pushed roughly against the door before I could even protest . My hands were already pinned above my head by his strong hands and his mouth was already on my neck . He started roughly kissing and sucking my neck and for the first few seconds ,I was shocked but soon I laid my head against the door and moaned in ecstasy. He shifted his thigh between my legs and I grind on it . "Dai-" I was cut off my him growling against my skins , sending vibration through my body .
But it was too good to last .
He swiftly pulled away and turned around and left me in the hallway . I just stood there in shock , my hands were still above my head , I craved his touch so much I didnt even realized.
But that son of a bitch just left .
He just left me there .
My body throbbing for his touch . I reach out to my neck , it was still wet from where his mouth was . I ran to the living room thinking he was there but I was met with silence , then I went to the kitchen to see the fridge door open .
"Daichi sagamura !! What do think you're doing ? " his face stayed hidden by the fridge door . He just softly replies " I'm looking for some milk " and then proceeded to look for it .
I get ready to scream at him and adjust my hands on my hips but before that he says "found it " as he took a glass and filled in to the top and took a sip .
I had enough so i rush to him and ask " what are you doing ? " he stops drinking the milk and looks into my eyes for the first time since I've entered his house. "Are u dumb ? How many times do I have to tell you ?"
At this point I'm frozen , he has never spoken to me like that before. He starts moving towards me to the point where im at the end of the counter with no where else to go . I try to say something but he puts his finger on my lower lip , and just touches it softly until he put his two fingers in my mouth, and I was still shocked so I didnt do anything .
" dont tell me a slut like you doesn't know what to do with my fingers in her mouth " with those god-like words I slowly start sucking his fingers , my eyes closing due to the pleasure but that didnt last long and I felt a small slap on my cheek and then a grip against my neck
" who allowed you to close your eyes you whore , who's fingers are u imagining in your mouth hmm hmm? answer me bitch !"
I tried to answer but he was adding more force into my mouth so nothing besides mumbling was heard . "Oh I get it, kageyama, u want his hands in your mouth, it's only natural for a whore like u to go after my younger teammate ."
Daichi was never like this , yes he was rough but never like this , although no ones complaining.
I nod my head from left to right . He takes his hands off of me just like before , still leaving me wanting more . But this time it was a little different he took his shirt over his head and threw it somewhere on the floor . He then grabbed my waist and set me on the counter and spread my legs making him come in direct contact with my panties as I was wearing a skirt . He then grabs the top of my uniform and tears it apart and takes it off me . He squeezes my breasts and then grabs my ass and I wrap my legs around him . And while he is carrying me, I lay back a bit and let him kiss the exposed part of my chest .
His mouth feels so good against my skin . But then he stops .
He sets me down on the counter again . He then grabs the glass of milk and take a sip while looking in my eyes and then asks " you want some ? " I just looked confused .
He then proceeds to tilt the glass towards him and the milk dripped down his toned chest . He smiles and looks up at me . "You want a taste , come and get it " .my mouth falls open but I'm quick. I start sucking and licking the juices dripping down his abs . He hands were on the cabinet behind me and I got off the counter and onto my knees ,and sucked the milk before it touched the ground . And I made sure to leave some hickeys here and there earning a few groans from him .
"That's it, lick all of the milk on my body , its perfect for a slut like you . You know who else loves milk dont you ?" He grabs a fist full of my hair and made me look up at him but I was just confused . " hmm kageyama loves milk too , would you rather suck him dry hmm?"
I react fast by grabbing his zipper , " no no its only you , I would never, I love you ' I say palming his penis through his boxers and I bite my lip . And then another slap on my mouth this time a little harder , "hmm that's fucking right " he said as he takes his pants off and grabs my hair and lifts me to my feet . He kisses my lips almost angrily. And then grabs my waist and carries me to his bedroom bridal style .
As soon as we enter his room he throws me on to the bed face down and spanks my ass hard making me moan louder than expected." You like that hmm" that was something I couldn't respond to .
He takes a fist full of my hair while he removed the hooks of my bra with one hand ( because he fucking can ) . And he started kissing my back leaving sloppy kisses leading to my pantie line.
He then grabs my neck and makes me rest on my knees while his abs digging into my back . He then moved my head to the side and started kissing my neck . And while doing this he slides his hand down my panties and inserts a finger . I grab his neck from behind and tug his hair a bit . After a few seconds he slows down , to see the mirror in front of him caught his eyes .
He quickly moves i so that i was positioned a few feet in front of the mirror, thus seeing everything he was doing to me . I take one look at him to understand what he was trying to do . But he quickly took my panties off and grabbed my chin and made me face the mirror .
"I want you to know how pathetic you look right now . With my marks all over u and how my fingers are deep inside your dripping cunt " as he said that I felt my chest tightening. It was so close and then way he spoke to me was pushing me further towards the edge. And soon enough once he added one more finger , i was done . I came all over his hand .
He slowly lifted his hand up to his face and as I looked in the mirror to see his reaction , to see he was sucking on his hand that was covered in my cum. And he was so focused on licking every drop his eyes didnt leave his hands once .
At this point it was too much , you turn around and beg "please daichi , I cant do this anymore , I need you to fuck me !" He looked with a cocky smile on his lips . He then kissed me making sure I could taste myself from him lips. "You taste so fucking good "
And that was the last thing he said before i felt him inside my walls . He didnt waste any time , he started thrusting into me almost animalisticly. Taking my waist and digging his fingers into my hips . My hands were in my hair and my head was thrown back . Sound of skin slapping and moans filled the air . He massages my tits making me look down at him in his eyes . He had a layer of sweat on his forehead and he looked so fucking hot as he bent down to kiss my neck all while still fucking me .
It was too much and i was feeling that familiar feeling in my stomach again . "Daichi - I'm close " and he just responds but putting his two finger into my mouth " I know, me too , I cant wait to fill your hole with my cum , I know you're fucking close but just a bit longer . "
And a few more thrusts and I was gone I came all over his dick but he didnt stop . He kept going until he came a little later . As soon as he came he stopped so the both of us could catch our breathe . He fell on to me and we rolled over to the other side of the bed and pulled the sheets over our bodies .
He moved the hair out of my face and rested his hand around my waist . Once we both caught our breathe, I turned around and as soon as i did he put his arms around me " y/n I'm sorry if I was too rough , I dont know what came over me but seeing u and kageyama made my blood boil and just had -' i quickly cut him off " did u hear me complain? It's ok, to be honest I like it when you get jealous ' he smiled nodding his head . " I wasnt jealous I was just putting you in your place "
"Oh really how many times did u bring up kageyama name? Hmm " I say rest my head on his chest .
" ok fine I was a bit jealous, but you knew what you were doing " he started playing with my hair .
I was just about to respond until I realized somthing . " daichi !! My uniform! You tore my uniform in half ! What am I going to do! my mom is going to kill me !!!!" I got up from the bed and start freaking out.
" relax we dont have school tomorrow, you can go to the tailor and order one , now come back back to bed " I listened to him and slowly closed me eyes .
Until daich's eyes go wide "O my god y/n I forgot I'am covered in milk , let me go take a shower and come back . "
I laugh as he runs to the bathroom . God I love this man .
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@daichi-stan @daichis-askbox @daichis-thighs @daichio @karasunoparkinglot @keiji-n @kozumebabie @karasunoparkinglot @kookiedesi @kookiedesi @kozume-applepi @kagehina @kagehinaass @haikyuu-texts @haiky @haikyuustuff @haikyuucrows @haikyuu-blog
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backtobackbakubabe · 5 years
I’m Gonna Make This Place Your Home (Part 3)
Bakugo x Reader
Words: 2896
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One night, a year or so ago Bakugo had gotten a little tipsy and decided it would be a great idea to take all of the batteries out of the smoke alarms. That way he wouldn't have to deal with them every time he thew a fit and his hands sparked up. So he was really surprised when he woke up one morning to one of them blaring. Kirishima must have replaced them.... damnit shitty hair. He groaned as he rolled out of bed, “What the fuck is going on?” 
He was absolutely exhausted. You had another nightmare last night and just like the last time you accidentally pulled him into it. He handn’t been able to sleep after that and he couldn't go to your room because then you would know he had seen it. He knew it wasn't his fault but it still felt like an invasion of your privacy. 
He strolled out of his bedroom in nothing but a pair of sweatpants and made his was to the source of his growing headache. He walked into the kitchen and there you were. You looked extremely confused and alarmed as smoke billowed from the toaster. You pulled the plug from the wall and huffed at the ruined toast. “Shit...”
He couldn’t help it. He started laughing harder than he had in years. 
You spun around, giving him a good look at the pancake mix in your hair, “OH! Bakugo I’m so sorry! I was trying to make you breakfast... but its definitely not as easy as you make it look...” You plopped down in one of the chairs and it wasnt until now that he realized you weren't wearing any pants. Just his oversized hoodie. He couldnt judge though he wasnt exactly wearing a shirt. A fact you were acutely aware of as you desperately tried to avoid staring at his perfect abs. 
You huffed again, “I ruined everything....”
He smirked, “Nah, theres nothing here that cant be fixed... well maybe not the toast. Thats a lost cause.” He held his hand out to you, “Ready for your first cooking lesson?”
He proceeded to flit around the kitchen like a true professional but he never took over. Instead he would just tell you what you needed to do. He wanted to make sure you were actually learning. He knew he couldnt take care of you forever. There were things you missed out on growing up and he was going to make sure you became a functioning adult. 
You guys sat at the table with the banquet of food around you. You beamed as you took your first bite, “This is actually good!”
He scoffed, “Excuse me? I helped you, of course it’s good...” 
You giggled, “Thanks for that by the way. I know it must be frustrating to teach a grown ass woman how to do basic things...”
“Okay first of all dont ever think that. Its not your fault you didnt get to learn this stuff. And second.... that is the second time you’ve used a curse word today. What gives? Am I rubbing off on you? You’ve only been here a week.” He wagged his eyebrows. 
You gave his shoulder a quick swat, “Maybe I swear like a sailor but I've been playing nice. You dont know me.”
He narrowed his eyes a bit, “You’re right. I dont. But I’d like to...” He bit into a piece of bacon and groaned, “I do know one thing though, you make some good ass bacon.”
He spent the rest of the day teaching you every day tasks from doing laundry to how to use the internet. You paid close attention and would periodically stop him to write something down so you wouldn’t forget.  He was currently showing you how to log in to Netflix when an idea hit him, “Oi! Do you know how to ride a bike?”  
You gave him a weird look, “I used to have one with training wheels when I was little but my mom never taught me how to ride one without them. I had wanted my dad to teach me but he died when I was little.” 
He sucked in a breath. He still hadn't told you about your mom. Did you know what she did to you? Did you know your mom sold you to the highest bidder? And your dad? He had no idea he had died.... was there anything about your childhood that was happy?  “I’m sorry to heat about your dad.” 
You just shrugged, “I was really little. My mom always said I was his little mini me. Said I looked just like him and had the heart to match. He was a really nice guy....” You expression grew sad, “Sometimes when I was younger after I had been taken by the villains... if I was having a really bad day I would pretend he was still alive. Because he never would have let them take me.” A single tear slid down your cheek but you caught it, “Look at me getting all emotional. No need to cry over something I cant change right?”
He took your hand in his and gave it the softest squeeze, “I’d say you’re entitled to a few tears. Given what you’ve been through, I don't know how you get out of bed some mornings.” Especially after the nightmares he’d witnessed first hand.
You sniffed back your tears as you returned a quick squeeze to his hand, “Easy. I have you.” 
He didnt know what to say. To the rest of the world he was Ground Zero, the temperamental, cocky hero. But you see so much more. You bring out the best in him and whether he likes it or not he's changing because of it. “Oi. Put some fucking pants on. You're going to learn how to ride a bike!” 
“....Do you even have a bike?”
No, he didnt. But Kirishima did. “You just worry about yourself, and let me figure out the bike situation. Alright?”
You scurried off to your room to change and get ready for the day. You pulled on a pair of leggings and a clean shirt. It may have been Bakugos but at this point you didnt think he’d mind. You threw your hair up in a ponytail and gave yourself a quick look in the mirror. You really needed a haircut. Even in a ponytail it was well down your back. There was a pair of scissors in the kitchen, maybe you could just cut it yourself. 
Thats how you ended up in the bathroom hair in one hand, scissors in the other. Right as you were about to make your first cut, someone cleared their throat behind you. “Oi! Crazy pants! Put the scissors down before you fuck your hair up. All I said was put on some pants not go full on Mulan...” He sighed, “There’s someone here I want you to meet. He can be pretty annoying but I promise he’s not that ba-”
“Hey who are you calling annoying you grump old man.” Kirishima looked at the scissors in you hand, “Oh cool. Giving yourself a haircut? I did that once when I was seven. Wasn't a good look. But I’m sure yours will look much better.” 
Bakugo was rubbing his temples in frustration, “Y/n this this is shitty hair, shitty hair this is y/n.” 
You gave him a soft giggle, “The fact that he calls you shitty hair makes me think I shouldn't listen to you.” You put the scissors down, “I do want to cut it though. It’s a pain in the ass.”
Bakugo scoffed, “You’re the pain in the ass, dont try and blame it on your hair. Although you do shed worse than any dog I’ve ever known. Your hair is all over the apartment.... Come here.” He turned you towards the mirror, “Alright look straight ahead and dont fucking move... how short do you want it?” 
You motioned to the tops of your shoulders, “Like around here maybe. I dont know what do you think shitty hair?” 
Kirishima chuckled, “You can call me Kirishima.” He shrugged, “I dont know anything about  hair.”
Bakugo huffed, “Yeah clearly, hence the name shitty hair.” He looked at you through the mirror, “I would go just a little longer.... like maybe here.” He motioned to a bit below you shoulder. His hand was rather close to your breasts and it made both of you blush. “I’ll see if I can get you an appointment somewhere soon. Until then what if I just braid it to get it out of the way?”
Your blush deepened, “Yeah that would be nice.” 
His fingers felt so good carding though your hair. You closed your eyes and had to fight back the urge to hum. You needed to pull it together. Bakugo was nice enough to let you into his life and has gone above and beyond to make sure you’re well taken care of and comfortable. You didn't need to fuck that up by having feelings for him. 
Your eyes jolted open when he cleared his throat behind you, “Uh...I’m done now.” Your eyed met his through the mirror and noticed his cheeks were almost as red as yours, “Ready to learn how to ride a bike?”
Kirishima caught Bakugo as you guys were leaving the apartment letting you go on ahead, “Dude? When the fuck did you learn how to braid hair? Who are you and what have you done with Bakugo?” 
Bakugo pulled his arm away from him, “Shut the fuck up and I swear if you tell anyone about it I’ll end you!” Bakugo hadn't been completely honest with his best friend about who you were or why you were living with him. He knew you were the girl from his dreams but he didnt know you had been a prisoner or that there was a small possibility you were being hunted. 
Kirishima raised his hands up in defense, “I’m just saying man you seem awfully invested in this girl. I mean she’s wearing your shirt! She’s obviously pretty and from what I can tell she seems nice and all but come on man you haven't been to work in over a week... The director says you either come in tomorrow or you’re fired....”
Bakugo growled, “As if he would actually have the balls to fire Ground Zero.” He took a few steps before stopping and running a hand through his hair, “Tell him I’ll be there tomorrow... I just need to tell y/n.”
Kirishima put his hand on his shoulder, “She’s a big girl Bakugo. I’m sure she’ll be fine without you for a few hours. Whats the worst that could happen?” 
Bakugo groaned, “I really wish you hand asked that. It’s like you’re trying to jinx us.”
When they got outside you were already sitting on the bike, rolling it back and forth looking like an excited child, “What took you guys so long?! Come on!” 
Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck, “So Y/n... how in the world did you make it this far in life without knowing how to ride a bike?” 
Before Bakugo could intercept the question you were shrugging it off, “Guess you could say I grew up sheltered. Now are we doing this or not?” 
A few minutes later Bakugo was behind you holding your waist and walking slowly as you got used to peddling the bike. 
He leaned in and whispered in your ear, “Let me know when you're ready for me to let go.” The combination of his strong hands on your waist and his warm breath on your neck... it was giving you goosebumps. 
You felt a chill run down your spine, “Bakugo dont you dare fucking let go. I thought this was going to be a lot easier!” 
He chuckled, “Don’t be stupid you’re doing fine! I won't let go until you’re ready.” 
You took a deep breath, “Okay I can do this.... It’s not a big deal. Children do this.... Bakugo I think I’m ready...”
“Well good because I already let go.” 
Your head swiveled back and forth incredulous that you had not noticed that he had let go. It was a terrible idea because as soon as you weren't one hundred percent focused on peddling you started to tilt. 
“Shit! Y/n!” Bakugo threw himself between you and the pavement just in time to catch you. “Watch it will yeah?” You landed on top of him your nose dangerously close to his.You could hear your heart pounding. You were close enough to smell his signature caramel sent and it made your mouth water. He brushed a hair out of your face. “Are you okay? You’re looking at me funny....” 
You blinked rapidly trying to wake yourself up from whatever daydream you were starting to have. “Yeah I’m fine... thanks.” 
He shrugged, “It was my fault for letting go. I won't do that again.” 
Your heart picked up the pace at his words. He obviously meant he wouldn't let go while you were riding the bike, but you desperately wished he meant something else. But he was Ground Zero. He was an attractive, successful Pro hero. You were probably nothing more than a wounded animal to him. He deserved someone with less baggage. 
You pushed yourself off of him, no longer in the mood to ride a bike. “I know this is silly... but I kind of want to go get coffee.” His caramel sent was still invading your senses and it made you crave your favorite beverage. You had tried different drinks through trail and error before you found what you liked and you named it the cinnamon roll latte. It was a vanilla latte with two pumps of caramel and cinnamon instead of sugar. It smelled just like someone you knew and it was absolutely delicious. 
Kirishima walked over and helped you two get up and picked up the bike, “Coffee sounds good. I have an overnight shift coming up tonight and I’m already dreading it.”
Bakugo dusted off his pants and nodded, “Yeah coffee sounds nice. Same place as usual?” 
You smiled, “Of course!” 
You guys had been back to the same coffee house over and over again and the bitchy barista always had something to say but you kept insisting to Bakugo it wasnt worth getting her in trouble.  
You practically skipped through the door into the coffee house and right up to the empty counter. The barista gave you a bored look, “Let me guess, the usual?”
You nodded, “Yup! Him as well. He wants to try it!” You pointed at Bakugo behind you who was already taking out his wallet to pay. You needed to try and find a job soon. You couldn't mooch off of him forever. You saw a sign next to the register that said they were hiring. You knew if you brought it up Bakugo would insist it wasn't necessary, so you would just come back tomorrow when he went to work. You refused to be a burden on anyone. 
The barista who's name you had found out was Tasha rolled her eyes, “I see you finally found some clothes of your own. 
Bakugo put his arm around your shoulders, “Actually the shirts mine but it looks way better on her doesn't it?” He winked at you before retiring his attention to Tasha who’s mouth was hanging open. Bakugo narrowed his eyes at her, “I said doesn't it?” 
She handed back his credit card with a quick nod, “Yes. I’m sorry it looks great on you.” 
When you had found a booth to sit at you turned to him and slapped his shoulder, “Bakugo you have got to stop bullying the barista!” 
His eyes about popped out of their sockets, “Are you kidding me?! She's the one who always has to say some shit about you every other time we come here!” 
You sighed, “So? Let her be the source of her own misery. You dont need to stoop to her level. You’re better than that.” 
He huffed and fiddled with the napkin dispenser on the table, “Yeah whatever you say....” 
Kirishima looked back and forth between the two of you, “What..... the actual fuck? She just scolded you and you’re.... you’re okay with it?” 
Bakugo shrugged, “She’s right... there’s no point in bickering with people who aren't worth it.” 
You smiled as you leaned up and kissed his cheek. It was a bold move, but it was something you had wanted to do for a while now. 
He gave you an incredulous look and narrowed his eyes, “What the fuck was that for.” 
Tasha cleared her throat behind him, “Here’s the coffees you guys ordered. Have a great day.” 
Bakugo waited for her to be out of earshot before he belted out a laugh, “Oi! Here you are acting all high and mighty talking about being the bigger person and then you go and try to make the barista jealous? You're sneaky.” 
He took a sip of his coffee while you just giggled. He didnt need to know that you had no idea Tasha had been standing there. He didnt need to know that you had kissed his cheek because you wanted to. You looked up and mer Kirishima’s eyes. He smirked at you, “Well aren't you two just adorable?” 
Taglist : @carolinawindsay​ @fukyouthink​ @targaryens-blog​
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insomnihan · 5 years
han’s Entire Thoughts and Feelings on Dreamcatcher’s “Scream”
there are no read mores here so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
THE SONG THIS F UCKING SONG WHERE👏DO👏I👏START 👏 I KNEW RIGHT WHEN I WENT ON TO LISTEN TO THE GODDAMN LYRIC SPOILER bc im an impatient little bich THIS WAS GONNA KICK MY SHINS KNEE ME IN THE NOSE AND OWN. ME. i forgot which moot i said this to but i said they should try putting their rock/metal sound with an edm kind of sound anD HERE WE ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT SOUNDS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! this got my heart racing quick as hell even during the slower parts????????? im sorry to the beginning parts, jiu, and the bridge i cant RELAX™
(i wont tag every part they have ill just describe some of them lmao)
JIU JIU JIU JIU JIU JIU JIU JIU JIU JIU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MISS KIM MINJI YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this, this, THIS AND THIS G O D her voice is just so perfect to start the song to ease you into this BOP™ and then her voice for those pre-chorus parts to ready you ONCE AGAIN for that chorus BUT YET its still hype as hell bc you K N O W what shes leading you into her voice is LIKE FEATHERS AND CLOUDS dont ask
yoohyeon i swear to god- her voice........................... i cannot begin.............. to even describe how nice it is.................... I DUNNO HOW SERIOUSLY like it just has that tone and power where its not very high nor very low and its just.................. lord......... going right after jiu for this it was just so UUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH- pls i CANNOT with these parts and then still being a part of the choruses MA’AM WHY DOES YOUR VOICE JUST HITS THE SPOT HUH-
sua ALSO HAS A VOICE I JUST CANNOT DESCRIBE it just has this like..................... its unique and very alluring???????? i feel like i HAVE TO SAY THIS but her voice is as sexy as she is i- putting her right after jiu and yoohyeon at the beginning HOO and then this after gahyeon and damis fire and then shes also in the CHORUS TOO AND SHE ADDS MORE STRENGTH IN HER VOICE HELLO
SIYEON I HAVE TO SAY THIS AGAIN I WOULD LISTEN TO YOUR VOICE FOREVER IF I COULD her voice is just meant to do this kind of genre i swear to GOD like THIS????????? THIS x2??????????? BICTH THIS?????????????? she just sings so effortlessly and the emotion she puts like YOU CAN FEEL THAT S HIT especially in the bridge YEESH listening now it mellowed me out for like two (2) seconds before i went feral again
PIRI GAHYEON WALKED SO SCREAM GAHYEON COULD SPRINT pls i listened to this part and i was like ‘oH OKAY SING GO AHEAD’ oh no. nononononono NECK PLOT TWIST: SHES A RAPPER AGAIN BICTH THIS RIGHT HERE THATS HOW YOU GIVE WHIPLASH- AND THIS S HIT OOF THAT HIT- her voice is a lot deeper than we think LIKE her range is actually pretty big and we LOVE to hear it
dami..................................... what the f uck- FIRST OF ALL this was Too Much already on first listen and then your rap verse DO YALL HEAR HER PASSION??????? BC I HEAR IT DONT GET ME STARTED ON THIS PART WOO!!!!! LISTEN THAT HAD ME HOPPING AND JUMPING IN MY BED ON GOD- i swear pls stop saying this han come on she has one of the most (if not THE MOST) recognizable voices EVER???????? 
(i will be using the suit dance video for this portion)
literally both damis and gahyeons ‘devil. eyes. come.’ ESPECIALLY GAHYEONS when everyone is pointing at her (with this 🤘) thats Art™ right there
GAHYEONS RAP PART the usage of masks.................................. the symmetrical movement......................... Art™ part 2
these dances for sua and siyeons parts after the raps................... especially on the floor................ oh no- also i have to say siyeon lands on her knees really hard for that part i hope shes okay
jiu dancing by herself that is all
siyeon being Sexie™ that is all
dami stealing my heart and stomping on it that is all
ending pose with this 🤘 THE ICONIC™ AND LEGENDARY™ JUMPED OUT
THE VISUALS listen....................... LISTEN............................ LISTEN..................... L I S T E N- OKAY like my last two dreamcatcher thoughts and feelings (which if you wanna read: here and here) ill just show the scenes that i really liked (trust me it was REALLY hard to choose i might as well just put the mv again) and how i felt looking at them
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............................................................................... oh f UCK-
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ma’am whatever this is can you destroy me with it im ready-
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but seriously whoever gave this woman a sword knows what the somnies like and wanna see and yes i too wanna get sliced the fuc k up
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every time i see this i make like this songs title name and S C R E A M
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i have no crazy special reason as to why i put her here other than i d worded when i saw her
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this has to be one of the coolest things ive ever seen like on god this is so Pleasing to My Eyes like what the f kcu im like this A LOT
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b ru H this part........................ theyre all doing this 🤘 at her.................... waht does it mean................... what doES IT MEAN
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ooooooooooooooooooh mmmmmmmyyyyyyYYYYYYYYYY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
also some bonus gahyeon screenshots its what she deserves after spinning my head 360 degrees <3 (also i didnt notice that both did the sign love this for her)
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THE BLACK DANCE OUTFITS........................ THE WHITE DANCE OUTFITS........................... G OD
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her purple hair already hurted me and shes beautiful enough but in this video when she iS LITERALLY THE VERY FIRST MEMBER YOU SEE WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT WHEN YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL- pls i love lace................... her white outfit got chains on it................... and OH BICTH THE BLACK OUTFIT SHOWS HER BACK IM FERAL
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can you pls stop being beautiful for one (1) second can yoU PLS- i saw this shot in the mv and i think i fell in l*ve with her......................... as if i wasnt already shes as stunning as ever i cant stand her the black outfit with her long ass high pony tail witH THE GLOVES HELLO and that one look with the flowers or something on her head covering her eye.......... wow..........................
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GIRL I GET IT YOURE SO PRETTY I UNDERSTAND!!!!!!!!!!!! this look in this specific photo with this dress and the braid uuuuuuuuuuuhhhhh Ma’am youre a goddess I Am Looking 👁👄👁 her white outfit with the pony tail and those straps around her torso oh god and then her black outfit seems simple until you realize it shows a little of her sides pls stop im a weak man i-
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HELLO MISS LEE YUBIN I SEE YOU DECIDED TO GO ‘F UCK YALL LIVES’ AND BE HOT™ HUH- tbh not even mad at her yullet (yubin mullet) but shes dami she can work MANY LOOKS™ her black and white scene during her rap like thats a Look™ that attacked me and like yoohyeons black outfit hers looks like nothing special until you realize her sides are also out........... oh no-
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GAHYEON THE WOMAN THAT YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!! this is HER ERA NO I WILL NOT LISTEN YOU CANNOT CHANGE MY MIND- i wasnt expecting her to attack me as much as she did its that GODDAMN pink outfit from the l ver. of the teasers i sHOULDVE KNOWN!!!!!!! her black outfit is like suas does she have gabs (gahyeon abs) OH NO LORD PLS- SHES BIG BEAUTIFUL™!!!!!!!!!!!!
BONUS TIME: B-SIDE TRACKS (short thoughts and parts i liked) had to go and use the color coded lyrics to make sure to not mistake the members and appreciate them fake ass fan i have a hard time telling who is who sometimes pls dont roast me ill do better next time
OKAY LISTEN- this intro be hitting a little different compared to their last intros maybe its just me but i feel as tho it COULD go just a little harder yknow???? tho ofc im love it still but ANYWAY-
now this........................ this is beautiful so this was apparently was supposed to be called goodnight????? and changed the lyrics?????? so............... they were hiding this Bop™................ for a few years????? did i read that right?????? LITERALLY A SLAP™ IT IS HEADBANG MATERIAL the fkcuing drums oh pls- THE CHORUS SOMEONE TALK TO ME ITS ADDICTING i............... LOVE jius voice on this song in particular that slower part i dunno why she just got me i- those parts sua and siyeon do before that ‘break the wall’ part i dunno their kinda lower voices theyre making me feel Things™
Red Sun
okay seriously WHAT THE FKCU- IT GRABBED MY NECK DURING THE HIGHLIGHT MEDLEY something about those bells or whatever throughout this song just hurted me so much ‘red sun’ just....................... gets in your brain and im okay with that!!!!!!!!!!! like its true that the beginning part is so intriguing and lowkey hypnotizing WOW and then their voices sound kinda breathy be hitting a little different MISS LEE GAHYEON ON THIS.................. MA’AM-
Black Or White
the guitar the fkycing guitaR CAN WE PLS TALK ABOUT THE GUITAR AND THE BASS FOR A SECOND???????? HELLO??????? THE CRUNCHINESS™ and then dami in the middle (not @ me for thinking she cursed in this song 🤡)  S HU T- AND HELLO JIU SIYEON AND DAMI ALL TOOK PART IN WRITING THESE LYRICS BICTH IM YELLING- THAT BLACK OR WHITE IN THE CHORUS SIYEON SINGS IS STUCK IN MY HEAD HELP ME jk im okay with it being there yoohyeon jiu and gahyeon during those pre-chorus parts......................... good christ............
Jazz Bar
pls stop flirting with me.................................. DAMI ESPECIALLY LISTEN- I HAD TO LOOK UP THE LYRICS WITH THE COLOR CODE TO MAKE SURE MY EARS WERENT MESSING WITH ME LEE YUBIN I WILL FALL IN L*VE WITH YOU S T O P THE F CKUING BRIDGE- dami sitting on a piano during that part................ Thinking™ jiu sua and yoohyeon oh pls they sound so good and pleasant to the ears................. it feels like im in a jazzy cafe during the evening and its raining outside im drinking a latte with a cream heart design inside and im wearing a scarf- ALSO JIU SIYEON YOOHYEON AND DAMI TOOK PART IN WRITING THIS TOO BICTH!!!!!!!!!! dami saying this was one of her favorites Y E A H
HERE WE HAVE THE SONG WE MEMED BEFORE WE GOT IT but like that ‘SA HA RA~ RA RA RA~’ part is SUPER CATCHY siyeon and gahyeon and sua holy damn i- siyeon during the second verse AND HER HIGH NOTE ma’am im love you- also SOUNDCLOUD RAPPER DAMI RISE 2.0 i dunno what it is with dami with her raps being like this but im not even mad????????? i feel like thats an unpopular opinion something about that instrumental that guitar is hitting a part of my heart that i wanna hear it and then those drums it sounds SO COOL
In the Frozen
새벽 (Daybreak)
now this is a song that could heal souls- its not super slow like a ballad but it has like a lowkey jazz lo-fi (???) feel to it and their vocals are super gentle and smooth are these angels- i dunno what it is about all these songs and the second verses like this one is good too??????? especially yoohyeon U H i felt that in mY BONES i can definitely see this song as one i would go to when i wanna relax to or even fall asleep to bc its so soothing
LIKE i was expecting this album to be SUPER INCREDIBLE COME ON ITS DREAMCATCHER YKNOW but i didnt think itd be THIS incredible this group is just so full of surprises and are just the MOST HIDDEN GEMS its unfortunate they really arent very known trying to be a little critical ofc there are SOME things that could be different theres nothing absolutely and truly perfect ever- personally i am IN LOVE with this album theyve topped themselves from their last comeback which like HOLY S HIT however will this be the comeback that will get them their first win? ..................... to be honest its hard to tell i was so hopeful last comeback and yknow stuff happened OFC I DO HOPE AND WISH THEYLL WIN but whats most important (at least to me) is that i enjoy their music and enjoy all the content they give and appreciate their work and their voices
and like before i must bring this back:
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leamen · 3 years
my friend met a friendly homeless guy the other night who showed him a community shelter and the idiot gives him acid as thanks even though the homeless guy was already clearly on other drugs and at the shelter the homeless guy blacked out and they kicked my friend out well they told him to come back a few hours later but my friend just ran away scared today a group of homeless guys went up to him at the park and said "well look who decided to show his face" he ran away he's been hearing things all day and a couple hours ago he told me he was hearing people talking about him as the killer bc he thinks he killed the homeless guy i really don't know if he's delusional or if something really really bad happened but he can't spend another night on the streets it's cold in montreal now i booked him a hotel room in the city and told him to rest up and we'll figure something out tomorrow and this fucking guy sends me a dick pic as a joke saying it was a selfie i'm sure he's just exhausted and delirious but i'm kind of upset he better be embarrased and apologize tomorrow morning i spent 300 dollars on his hotel bc he's in downtown i was so worried
lol he seems a funny guy the best he can do rn is get some good rest n food n water in him. hopefully getting his basic needs fulfilled will get the voices away how’d u two meet
we haven't met yet but i've known him on discord for a couple years he moved to montreal from alberta on my insistence he was depressed and his life was going nowhere and i felt the same living in new york until i moved to toronto i really opened up there and i thought him moving to montreal would be the same for him
did it end up worse?
but he ran out from his job last month yea couldn't pay rent and now he's homeless
wdym he ran out
he had a panic attack and stopped showing up
what was his job
at a restaurant i feel like an idiot when i moved to toronto i had at least a couple friends there and my mom knew people there i lived on couches my first month there and my friends helped me a lot but this guy went in totally alone i really should have known i feel really bad that's why i'm moving to montreal next month to help get him out of the mess i sent him in he thinks i'm being a good friend right now but fuck i'm really an idiot
so ur just gonna throw away everything u have in toronto?
i already did over a year ago when i lost my job in toronto and had to come back to new york at the start of the pandemic i lost all my friends way of life a lot of things important to me
cuz of the pandemic?
the pandemic
i met a girl i loved very much and i watched our relationship crumble and turn bitter over the course of a year we should have broke up when i left i thought going back to school would help fill me with purpose but i just crumbled in school too and now i'm taking another gap year im just fucking everything up
no ur not. ur putting in as much effort as u can in one shitty situation after another whatever the outcome is, ur heart is in the right place eventually things will straighten out. there’s no changing the past, but u seem to have a lot of options ahead of u. u just gotta play ur hands right i’m glad u found sweetness when u did. it changed my life n i hope it’ll change urs
i dont know where my heart is i haven't been myself in over a year
from what i can tell ur an amazing person
u kno when someone u know is just out of it one day and not being themselves it's been like that for a really long time for me
i definitely know what ur talking ab the haze
i don't know who i am anymore i'm not good with words right now but i don't want to be who i used to be that version of me is too far away but i don't know who to become i can't describe it properly right now im just blabbering at this point im glad my friend didn't get mugged or arrested or worse i had a discord b4 but i tried to disconnect myself from anything to face my fear and to be totally alone but im back so i failed
u didn’t fail
the ppl in sweetness are nice
i tried that too n when i returned i was ashamed then i realized i had to accept those ppl into my life. i had to let them let me connect ya know ya know i haven’t known who i am for a long time as well. what helps me is getting into art, in whatever medium it may be. i personally chose conversation as my art form, hence the dream conversations in my story. just having a conversation whether it be with real ppl or made up ones that i write up helped me think ab myself i’m terrible at introspection and my own identity so i literally just ask ppl to describe me or what what they think of me lol ppl r always ready connect
i used to be the opposite i don't know myself anymore and im not really paying attention but i used to be so aware of my own state and attuned to subtleties i used to be really upbeat and happy go lucky but it's been so long since i've felt naturally like that i'm not sure if it's true for me to say that's the real me anymore maybe who i am now is the real me
i learned a long time ago that there’s no such thing as a “real me” the you before was the real u n the you now is also the real you. you are always you, it’s just that ppl change
what about personas and masks
ur going through a rough arc rn, but that doesn’t mean that it’s u forever
to me the true self is the one with nothing to hide you wrote about it in your story how you change a bit of yourself to everyone a different you tailored to different people but the most unchanged version of you i thought that was true self it's hard because i'm in a rough arc now but it's not the first time ive beat depression before and won but it feels like cancer it feels like remission is way harder to beat and it hurts the most to see your progress crumble and you go back to right where you started
definitely, but the fact that ur talking to me rn means that u haven’t been beaten yet letting it out to someone definitely helps a ton
[a different you tailored to different people] i believe those r all just different parts of one you
i wonder
because ppl can’t be one thing all the time. ppl r too complex for that it’s the ability to adapt and change that makes us human. knowing that things will always end up changing for u can be scary but it can also be comforting there’s always room for a new or a more
thanks for reminding me i already know this deep down inside but it's very deep down and i don't feel it there's a lot down there i'm not ready to face yet
as long as u know it’s down there n as long as you’ll get to it eventually, it’s ok to take ur time
i cant be taking my time not when i have so much time to make up for agh
just make sure ur not pushing urself too hard
sorry i think im just being difficult thank u i at least needed someone to talk to about what happened tn
no definitely not i very much enjoyed this conversation feel free to talk to me any time !
u as well
0 notes
myheartbeatskids · 7 years
Candy, I ain't gonna let anyone kill you or hurt you
It even Isabella.
You want to die? You need to commit real suicide on your own.
ANYTIME you feel threatened, tell me like always and I promise I'm make sure you're safe.
YES there are still bad cops out. Yes. I know this. I'm trying to do that best I can as fast as I can to get them all arrested.
It's just a little slow. Take your normal precautions and everything is fine.
You are and will be as safe as any of my kids.
Baby Girl, I got a bad mom. I got bad genes. I got a shit ton of kids although my mom punched me straight in the face and broke my nose and said she wasn't having nigger grandbabies. I know where I come from. This was in front of of their daddy that raises them. I come from a bad pwrson..my poor Annabelle got hit with gramma and her dad's genes.
Story, the point of life is.
We aren't all bad. Not at all.
Isabella has her bad days. I have had mine. Sometimes we grow up sooner than later or not at all. Sometimes we regress sometimes we dont.
No one is gonna hurt any kid of Jesse's just cause they're Jesse's.
I gave him money, Chandler, because I knew you were in the womb. I gave him money to help him change and to stop his attacks on me.
So. The point is my darling, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not going to allow anyone to. I have always protected you from day one.
I know how Jesse is. But you also know me. The real me. So never worry.
My mom is everyday being abusive still. My ex husband not so much but even still, I'm not going to allow him to get away with hurting her.
My mom will die. I hope my ex, too. But whatever. As long as he's punished. Even just public shame in Alamogordo or whatever. As long as he leaves her alone, he's fine.
But how can my daughter know what he did to her and know hes running the streets? That is not okay. He nearly killed her more than once and sexually abused her and punched me on the face knock out when I caught him. Obviously I can't protect her in certain times. I did the best I can.
Just as I did with all my kids.
I wished that my mom be in God's hands and murdered by his own. That can still happen. But I was overruled by popular vote to expedite the 3 months I allowed. Which I do thank God for.
(Candy: 3 months. You gave her three months so I have at least that much, too.
Me: what the Hell have you done?!?!?!
Candy: nothing I'm just like you is all.
***I usually take the worst case scenario and apply it to myself. That way just in case I'm in trouble I know how much trouble I can be in. But we all laughed cause I was all "what the Hell have you done??!" Like Jesus Christ Candy I love you but oh my god you're freaking out!!! But I got her)
So. I don't tell Denise's story. I know it. But more I just try to make sure I memorize it over and over for facts. One day when she's dead and she can no longer throw her joy for hurting me in my face, I will write it. It will be one of the most horrific stories you will read. And yes she is still running around pretending to me be and yes she does know my current secrets because she is an evil dictator and spy. Just like I always say, say "Denise shut up and go away"
Then pray. Pray God takes her into his hands and away from you and ask for peace and justice.
It seriously and honestly works. It can take ten minutes but go move your body around, wash dishes, something while God removes her from your personal space and she will disappear
Then before you know it, couple hours later, you will realize that she had been gone and you forgot about her. And then she appears.
Pray again. You get answered faster This time.
You don't even have to be nice just a simple:
God, get her the Hell away from me!
And guess what? It works on me, too. For me and on me.
Guess what else? These horrible people are alive and have to be murdered because they want an eye for an eye. They want us to have to do to them what rhey have done to us. They want us to commit acts they know we dam them for so they can turn to us and say we are hypocrites.
I'm not sorry: killing a loving husband and two innocent infants and killing the person that killed them is two completely different things. And it's not just revenge. It's self defense of the entire planet. To keep others safe.
Yes we can pray. And like I just said about Denise we have to do it over and over. I don't get fucking paid to baby sit her. The FBI does. And they do the best they can. Sometimes I can't pray I'm busy or I can't breathe or my heart is messed up and I cant. So they pray for me or distract her or whatever. It's not like we didn't ask God to respect us and not have to kill her. We do. Everyday.
So like I said, I will never allow a good person to die on my watch.
I have saved horrible beings lives. Most of the people I have told about (I have not been told about so I can't tell about everyone) I have saved their lives each at least once. Physically from death. Even Alexis Dejoria. So believe me. It's not just some random sniper shooting. This is real. With inches and inches of paperwork.
I'll tell the truth. Sometimes i question. Sometimes I feel bad. But the only thing I tell myself and for me it is the most calming thing in the entire world, for me. Is that:
They have years and years of investigation, proof, evidence. Some decades of proof of who these people are.
So while sometimes, even i, feel like maybe this is wrong. Maybe this is playing god, I know when I die and I have to face the real God or whatever word you want to use to explain the force which keeps us on Earth. I will say "you didn't fix the paperwork. You didn't give the fucking manual correctly. You didn't edit it. What the Hell was i supposed to do?!?!" And I also take in the fact that maybe I tell people how to kill and/or torture these truly bad people, I did not do it. The people with the paperwork chose to do it.
I question the executioner. Everytime. I know them. I know why they do it. They love me. They love God (science is still God). They love theirselves. They love their soon to be dead.
They make sure they know that they will die. They will be physically tortured until they are completely dead. They are asked to sign a DNR order. IF the refuse to sign the paperwork, then the guards will make sure they do not do anything to cause immediate death that they cannot stop a person from dying from.
They get counseling. They get the choice, a month or less of physical torture that equals what they did to someone else or a life in prison.
Others do just escape and steal food that is not quite healthy. Because it's an eye for an eye. So they learn that you cannot steal. If you steal you're hurting someone thus they get hurt. But also they do get food dropped by helicopter that is healthy. Although is limited in calories (about 900 per day)
I have already said all of this. But I'm are that it was overlooked by many due to shock.
This last one that had kidnapped Annabelle. She did end up paralyzed. Then yesterday was woken from her coma. She was put into a medical coma. So. She did sign a DNR after she was paralyzed (with the pen in her mouth). But it was what she wanted for me. She "joked" about my radio frequency ablation to cause me to be paralyzed and even storm in and do it herself or demand it to be done while my doctor was held at gun point. So. That's what happened to her. I did not know this. I only knew who she was. Not even as my daughter's kidnapper. Just as someone just like my mom who was into incest with her sons and husband. That's all I knew. I remembered her. I knew her disgusting character. I didn't find out until yesterday she was the one that kidnapped my kid or that she was even in a coma.
So I am kept in the loop but I do not create it although I do make suggestions. Like she had AB+ Blood so I was all let her donate it while she's alive - all of it. They don't have to listen but they do. That's a rather boring death but it is quick and they did do what they needed to do to keep her basically have a good painless death.
She couldn't feel anything anyways. So when she watched all of her organs be harvested from her body, in hopes that maybe God will give her a good life after death, she could be proud and hopeful. (This was her choice to occur. She signed she wanted this procedure)
And the people medically working on her, actually wanted that. They're good people. They really are. They talk to them step by step. Ask them if they are okay. Sometimes it's all really caring and when it's admitted there is suffering the medical guard just says "Good. Remember who the real victim is and remember you deserve this for doing it to someone else"
So just be good and the best you do for others will be returned.
#karma which by the way. Matt tried to piss me off this morning by making me depressed and hurting my feelings and life and making me angry so that he could take some cool angry photos. That shit blew up in his face and all i did was make him laugh and look sexy. Totally what he did NOT want. So don't fuck with me.
*i did eventually help him get to what he needed to be at but he struggled for real. And then I had to go to sleep so Mark J.R. Knew where to take him cause I told him. So.
Yeah. I'm the nicest person in the world but your karma does matter.
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sh-lan · 7 years
last winter quarter mumbles...
First day of winter quarter: Only one class! #yas #nolab Also secret santa with the house! The circle: Me -> yuri -> vania -> leighton! Also i think i’m sick… EDIT: I AM SICK FUUU
cogs 187b - random groups pls kill me side note, there’s this guy that looks like jeff and i keep thinking that it’s him but it’s not so it’s super awkward when i stare just 0.1 seconds too long
damn what a wild morning i literally. cannot. with. my. body. this. first. week. #mlkday EDIT: in case i forget, i had like the worst case of food poisoning i have ever had in my life
bruh like i basically had a 4 day weekend cause i’m hella fuckin weaksauce these first two weeks wot is life side note: retreat was fun! and also lake arrowhead that we’ve been going to? IS WHERE THEY GET ARROWHEAD WATER i’m deceased. today i learned
y’all i can’t believe bts is going to have a comeback in february also i can’t fckin believe that the army bomb v2 has its own teaser photo bighit is so extra
Omg i fucked up one of my eyebrows …time to grow it out and then get it fixed
i think i’ve literally been living under a rock how did i miss the fact that mom literally has THE BEST matcha latte ever on campus? wtf what a concept
I somehow managed to get a free trial for BTS channel+ 아싸! Things are starting to look uphill from here cause my ded self is risin’ Bless
8am on thursday of week 2 woke up at 7:20 by yuri - the time i was supposed to leave gg to the both of us for not waking up omg LOL we got to school late but that’s besides the point i should probably get some waterproof jeans or something lmao
when you don’t think your stomach is strong enough to handle coffee just yet but everything in mom smells hella fckin good
sometimes…why…can’t…you…think?!?!?!?!?! #struggles
OMFG army bomb v2 changes color everybody go home wtf this is great #goodbyemoney
missed the army bomb v2 preorder, got sold out cause we waited too long :< EDIT: OMFG I CHECKED THE ANAHEIM TICKET PAGE JUST FOR KICKS AFTER MY SHOWER AND THIS GURL WAS LIKE THE BOMB IS GOING IN AND OUT OF STOCK AND I WAS LIKE HAHA NO WAY. so i went to check it and OMFG IT WENT BACK IN STOCK SO I WAS LIKE OMFG VANIA DO WE DO IT and we did it and it has been done there is no going back this is happening we bought the army bomb lol and immediately after i preordered it, it went back to being temporarily out of stock again wow wot is life
Thursday week 2 I didnt realize i was awake since 7:20 today…my brain thought what happened this morning were events from yesterday
The rain is so real. Almost skipped discussion. Good thing i didnt :O
BTS comeback on feb 13th Preorder starts jan 25th Im fuckin ded i just bought the lightstick Im hollerin
fml both versions of the album are my aesthetic i want to cry
omfg why did tumblr change the tags into bolded font TERRIBLE
Lol omg i was gonna go to sleep but then someone logged onto the monsta x plus channel and i was like i wonder who it could be AND IT WAS KIHYUN so i stayed lul wot
내 미래를 향해 가 저 푸른 바다와 내 헤르츠를 믿어 Hey oh, oh hey oh yeah #rediscoveringlyrics #andfallinginlove
really debating getting the bts album(s) but i shouldn’t because money because i should pay for my trip because i should have priorities EDIT: i got them
omg i want to die i just sent out like 3 job applications with the wrong dates on the cover letter shoot me
this girl straight up braiding her hair in the seat infront of me but dropping her hair onto my laptop SMH
but like why doesn’t pokemon go work on my phone anymore?????
daily reminder to take one step at a time
been pampered by coffee on campus that starbucks taste real shitty
LUNAR NEW YEARRRRRRR #year2kbbq Lol omg so we decided to have a house dinner. And then we were like ok korean food and so we ended up deciding to go to kogi! So we were like it dun matter if we go to happy hour since it happens after 9pm but lol we got there around 8:20 but ended up waiting until like 9:30 anywayssss. Dinner was so great i ate so much meat tbh i dont even know whether or not i need to eat tmr LOL Then we drove home at like 11:30…and sat in our garage from 12 to 12:30 because we were too lazy to move from the car HAHA WHO R WE Also apparently, according to yuri and vania, we had the same waiter as last year and lel LEAVE IT TO US TO GIVE HIM HIS NEW YEAR GREETINGS HAHA. And here i am in bed with the biggest food coma. Let me end this with some season’s greetings lol 새해 복 많이 받으세요. 祝大家新年快樂! 生體健康、學業進步、年年有餘、and most importantly 心想事成! ✨
I just got three bug bites on my ankle out of nowhere like???
after thinking long and hard, vania and i pre-ordered the albums today #goodbyemoney
why do i always find live streams for bts things at inopportune times??
i really still can’t get used to the way my vis60 professor lectures. she pauses at the weirdest times and emphasizes the most inopportune words… “i can think of. Perhaps - the most different. contrasts” ”the decisions. to make. something.” like…that is so hard to understand at 8am…
y’all i can’t wait to watch all the run BTS videos i’m so excited
Nervous about tomorrow but also excited about tomorrow I hope everything goes well! #interviewtime
bighit literally has no chill right now i thought concept 2 photos were going to come out a week later but then BAM IT HITS US IN THE FACE ONE DAY AFTER ANOTHER
2/2/2017 A day full of stufffs #praying #hoping #maybethingswillworkout Honestly, super thankful that my AB experience prepared me for group activities and on-spot presentations lOL (but like lowkey doe this one guy would have failed my group activity if he was interviewing for my trip smh) ALSO I MADE FRIENDS ;____; but i only managed to add one of them on fb, i should’ve added the other guy too *crying* but that’s ok. if fate has it, we’ll see each other again lel. EDIT: daily reminder that we fall down just to get back up
i made my own wintermelon tea and then my own wintermelon milk life is ok and going good
today yuri and i saw violin guy while we were sitting outside of ledden and i may or may not have freaked out too hard and he may or may not have noticed lol
watching hwarang and thinking wow park seo joon has come far since his dream high 2 days lololol
I saw a really cute ring on etsy Debated for a few days and …i bought it
I lost the little screw in my car key gg
Went hiking today with part of my group! It was lovely and 6 miles and now i’m tired hnngh
omg everyone park seo joon released his own version of that tears song for hwarang and it is like actually one of my favorite songs from the soundtrack HNNNGH
lowkey getting overly excited about hwarang ost fklewjafkelwa
This guy behind me straight up talking about how there’s some kind of apocalyptic event every century and how after each event, stability is restored. He was telling his friend to….create an apolyptic event right now to restore stability. I’m boutta flip a shit LOL WHAT ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT IT BETTER BE SOME FICTION NOVEL
omg my professor is cancelling class on feb 14th and omfg BLESS NOT HAVING AN 8AM AND ALSO I CAN STREAM BTS CAUSE COMEBACK. LIFE IS GREAT. EDIT: no streaming because the first time they perform will be at the concert omg so shookt
not to be petty but i checked the revision history to see how much work my team members did and this one guy (who didn’t contribute last time either) did one slide and all he did was add the title somebody hold me back why do i always have teammates where i need to carry #hardcarry해 #smh
I fucked up by updating the messenger app smh
Finally got my tdap booster today It hurts Like an itchy mosquito bite Smh
y’all i was so shookt when i woke up to not today’s teaser OMFG JFKELAJFKELSJA IT’S GONNA BE LIT
I woke up at 7:30 on a sunday morning to watch the spring day music video and i’m so shookt by the edting and the song almost made me cry because lyrics And there’s the whole theory where they’re dedicating this song to the sewol accident and i just ;____;
그래 우리는 extra Omg i cant believe rapmon said that LOL SO ICONIC MY LIFE MOTTO FOR THE NEXT MONTH
when i first heard not today, i wasn’t really feeling it much since i feel like the teaser hella hyped it up but now i’m hella feeling it this is fire 2.0 LOL
ALICE CAME TO VISIT week 6 weekend Sushi ota on thursday night - BLESS NO MEETING HAHA Friday night bbq with the same waiter from lunar new year LOL he spoke to me in korean omg i almost forgot how to speak? Saturday morning cowles hike! And then….boba…and then ded Sunday didnt see alice ): but das ok i got to just rest and do a bit of hw
why 왜 為什麼 為何我做的事你也要跟著做 Side note. Why is the font size inconsistent for my chinese keyboard ???
Dont like the new gmail But it’s not actually new cause im just a noob for not updating Sigh
i had a dream that i was on a korean show or something and then i got assigned to sit next jungkook (omg it was like not up to me but then i was like holy shit holy shit?) and then we took a trip to the grocery store to get snacks? but like the thing i wanted was too high for me to reach so he grabbed it for me? but then somehow we ended up exchanging kkt somewhere in the grocery store lmfao what kind of dream is this but then his managers chased him down because he’s not supposed to do that or something? oh well LOL wut EDIT: who am i
i accidentally swallowed some toothpaste this morning
han got me pizza and a shitton of parmesan bites for valentines day :> happy child
man holy shit ep18 of hwarang had too much shit i cannot process
omg i’m gonna die park seo joon is so cute in she was pretty
omfg i was JUST wondering if park seo joon would have to go to the military qq BUT HE ALREADY WENT!!!!!! side note: i told vania i was going to finish she was pretty in two days and i really finished it in two days…
Week 6 Thursday ARMY BOMB IS HERE! #yas in retrospect, should’ve just bought the albums from the official shop cause who knew they were paying for EMS cause dayum, my army bombs got here in 3 and ½ days. SHIET so excited it’s lit
Seventeen’s lightstick hands down the prettiest lightstick i ever seen omg
i need to stop this whole “treat yo self” mentality went to return pants to zara that cost 42.99 walked out of f21 with 42.09 worth of clothes lol wtf BUT THAT FREAKING 65% OFF ON TOP OF THE ALREADY MARKED DOWN PRICE? i got three things for $9.10 omg bless? but that one other jacket i got was 29.90 ): is it worth it? eh we’ll see however, i would’ve stayed if it weren’t for my yogurt in the car…and actually shopped a lot LOOOL it was so worth then i came out to a storming STORM GOD SO MUCH RAIN but now i’m home and dry and happy
i’m sitting here streaming the bts wings tour in seoul and getting highkey emotional it’s 1:30AM what is life when bangtan is life
unbelieveable han puts me on do not disturb on his laptop SMH
hello but can we talk about the not today mv HOLY SHIT not as fire as fire but still so JKLFJEKLSJF there are so many things in this mv that are just. omg i cant side note - i made han watch it with me LOL
tae and rapmon’s headband look jungkook’s pink highlights yoongi’s blue highlights what’s not to love
highly likely to go blind cause of vis 60
really been craving strawberry milk …and thai food
gonna give up sugary drinks until the end of this quarter *gasps* goodbye amazing tasting coffee drinks T^T
my arms are so sore from the spam musubi making fuuuuuuu
i forgot harry was only 19 and then i was like omfg jungkook is still only 19 too wut
thanks to jungkook, i have finally pinpointed one of my more or less favorite genres: tropical house…which han apparently doesn’t like LOL
Want 족발 Must go to grandma’s lunch on a weekday qq
Rewatching fire mv Why are they ironing jin at the behinning Suga has fake freckles? Why does 1thek have 5 million ads/links
Spam musubi and 8am got me so tired I went to sleep at 12am Why is it that when i go to sleep early, nothing happens in my social life and everything happens in bts life While when i sleep late, everything goes on in social life but nothing in bts life????
The world does feel really slow when you’re in a rush
dreading the photography critiques sigh
Stayed up to stream mcountdown because lol why not right? Even though i have an 8am…. NOT TODAY PERFORMANCE WAS SODIJWWJDIWK FUCKING JEON JUNGKOOK WINKING AT THE END HOW RUDE wtfbbq And also spring day choreography got me feeling some typa way? Shiet….maybe i can learn this…maybe ALSO ONG won that 1st place by a landslide WE ARE A FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH y a s
Just realized that there’s no “winking” emoji without the kiss What even Also i just unconsciously winked at my phone while looking for the wink emoji… Imagine the possibilites of face detection to emoji translation. Texting would be so much faster #busthoughts
omfg i was like where am i gonna ever use my bts cd ON THE CAR DUHHHHH!!
REALLY DREADING GOING INTO REVIEW ON MONDAY BECAUSE PICTURES WERE NOT GOOD FOR PROJECT 3 want to crawl into a hole why didn’t i take this class p/np lmao who am i EDIT: everything is ok she actually didnt hate them
Feels so great to not do anythingg this weekend??? Omfg But yo i literally slept from 8pm till 10am almost 11 and if that doesnt scream me i dont know what else does
i bought a “day old” pastry from mom today and it’s an espresso mocha chocolate chip scone thingy and i’m in loveeee
waiting for packages from korea to come~ no EMS is sometimes a pain~ we’ve been too pampered by amazon prime~
Feeling a little discouraged BUT i’ll stay positive!
I mean I can technically go to those concerts in japan Technically
Omfg leave me forever incapable of closing my water bottles correctly? SMH PLS DONT
Found out that my photography TA is 26. Das like alice age And also her first phone was the peanut looking motorola LMFAO CAUSE ME TOO
봄이왔다~ 春天到了~ CAUSE IT’S MARCH AND THE WEATHER IS REALLY NICE and i’m, for some reason, in a really good mood. it could be the music but it could also be the weather ahhhh this feels nice :>
Omg my ring from etsy finally came!! GREETINGS FROM SPRING AMIRITE After a whole month ;___; it finally got here on march 2nd Ugh but it’s so nice and pretty i’m about to die And it really was made to order! That’s crazy. It’s so cute and adorable If only their stuff wasnt so expensive I would buy like everything
When the right volume for your music is right in between the button volumes so you gotta manually slide the thingy VERY carefully
Issue night: “I dont know how they had time to come up with an acronym (USA PATRIOT) maybe they were in shock or something….(from 9/11)” LOL “Lowkey sus” - Abe [the babe]
cooked curry with everything today reaffirmed that i dont like carrots that much
Debating getting more rings on etsy HNNNNGH struggle is real
I saw a license plate the other day that said “NUTELLA” and the same “UOUOUOU” car parks in peterson all the time lol
Had a dream that i met jungkook while checking out the bts schedule with vania Like the schedule said that they just had a fan meeting and they were gonna walk around the area and their fans could follow them or soemthing And i was like shit but do i wanna do that and vania was tryna convince me…but i thought that there would be too many fans so… And then jungkook fckin pops outta nowhere and somehow we got talking and ended up somewhere? Like their dorm or something And we were just browsing through army pictures of them and whatnot And then he was being all kinds of diff “kook” where he was a fangirl kook…and then regular jungkook where he “kissed” me on the cheek it was weird Dont remember the rest cause i woke up LOL EDIT: i think i wrote this while still being half asleep please excuse my fangirl tendencies LOLOL
Omg the kettle cooked jalapeno chips are so good wtf Dangerous
want to watch hyungsik’s new drama but i shouldn’t i shouldn’t
jungkook’s look in the spring day dance version is so boyfriend i cant
oh yeah how did i completely forget to mention that my week 8 was pretty much entirely occupied by yuri on ice!! after freaking week 7 annoying ass shit with everything due that week wow what a struggle
rewatching haikyuu!!
I. AM. SO. EXCITED. TO. READ. AEOE. AHHHHHH if only i could find the third book of the series as well )): qq EDIT: TIFF FOUND IT. bless her soul
March 6th The one day i decide not to check the mail THE ALBUMS COME IN A PACKAGE BY THE FRONT DOOR VANIA CAME HOME AND WAS LIKE AHHHHHH it was definitely a “shut the front door” moment Also onfg we took forever going through the album and just freaking out Vania got rapmon and jungkook photocards While i got jhope and jungkook photocards In retrospect, it was shipping like on feb 20th and took only around 2 weeks to get here so i would say that was pretty damn great Ugh they’re so beautiful why We also got random photocards created by kpopmart so those were a nice gift! I put them on my wall and kept one in my card holder thingy LOL I also put up a standee on my desk Now where to put the posters 🤔 HA It was a nice surprise :>
Lmao the recruiter called me this morning at 8:30AM but our call was supposed to be at 11:30AM, i’m surprised i even woke up It’s a miracle i even stuttered through that phone screen #shetotallymissedthepart #whereiwrote #PST
Craving chocolate milk and i neglected to get that On the otherhand, i spent around 21 bucks at trader joes getting all the healthy foods that i love AND ALSO STRAWBERRY YOGURT O’S THAT WERE JUST MY AESTHETIC EDIT: ok but like not only were they aesthetically pleasing, they also taste great. also the fact that they’re just a bit fatter means that they’re crunchier and takes a lot longer to get soggy in milk im in love
You know what they say When you crave choco milk You been traveling through time and space
had a one on one with harry at k cuisine today definitely gonna find time to go back and eat more chicken glad harry wanted to eat korean chicken and i actually had a place in mind also they were playing so many kpop songs that i knew and all the goblin songs were getting me real emotional lmao
Hnngh they’re gonna sell merch at the bts wings concert What is gonna stop me from buying shit if there’s actually enough stock Im ded EDIT: jk i cant believe that official merchandise goes on sale on march 9th aka tmr because korea time and like wtf ok bighit just let our wallets die and wither away smh i cant
Gonna have to hold off on buying rings or not buying them at all because bts merch ;___;
omg but ?? the video that jungkook made yoongi was so damn cute? also…editing on point… EDIT: i would fall in love with editing because it’s the damn iphone 7 promotional video that apple made. wot is lifeeee omggg that was crazy (why don’t i keep up with current trends? where was i??)
lol watching all the wings md getting the little “temporarily out of stock” red sticker haha
JK got new piercings right where i wanted to get them please stop tempting me i already told my dad i wouldn’t ask again hnngh
omg i had thai food for the first time in forever~ (ok realistically like week 3 but like still)
all these photos from the concert im ded because how do people have the money to go to multiple concerts esp in different countries? (aka headliner…) tumblr is too distracting
i broke my comb that one weekend that leighton went to irvine…because i dropped it on the floor…i was, to say the least, shocked weekend before week 10, i finally bought a new comb lOL
GOT7 never ever thoughts Yugyeom’s voice hit me in the face Choreo at the beginning looks nice I dont know how i feel about the chorus doe Wait. Yugyeom cant happen to me because omfg jungkook but wait they’re such a killer bffl pair fml
new highlight song got me shookt because…..b2st will always be <3 in my heart esp yoseob’s vocals
i’m having another watch phase dammit
actually really like bap’s comeback this time side note: harry calls it “bap” like “bop” but with an A. LOL
Day of daylight savings Couldnt sleep Reading AEOE Didnt sleep til 5am And now skipping 101b What needs saving is obviously my body not the daylight
When you realize out all the current playlists made on spotify, your music taste is closest to jin’s LOL
Week 10 tuesday Broke my retainers D: EDIT: got an appt with an ortho because need to get them imprints before my teef get shifted but holy shit dude it’s $350 for one retainer im ded. And i called 4 different places and it just keeps going higher and higher im
sharing opinions in photography class is hard because i can’t words
GLOW. IN. THE. DARK. RETAINERS. #gottagetmoneysworth
Tumblr media Tumblr media
do you ever do that thing on facebook where you’ll be like “i’ll just scroll to a place where a video stops playing” but then the moment the first video stops, another comes into the browser and starts playing oh wait oh my god THEY MUST HAVE BUILD THEIR PAGE TO BE RESPONSIVE TO THE SIZING OF THE WINDOW SO THAT THAT WOULD HAPPEN AND THUS IT WOULD KEEP PEOPLE SCROLLING ON FACEBOOK facebook is evil everyone
too loud -_-
Discovering a tiny mole on jungkook’s nose
i can’t believe i’m sick for the 3rd time this quarter body r u ok also…runny noses aren’t fun my nose is literally leaking can barely reach for a tissue in time smh
i just saw a spoiler for the run bts episodes -_- tumblr is never safe
It’s hard to believe that i’ll be leaving for my trip in 4 days It’s hard to also believe that after that, vania and i will be heading over to see bts Oh man This is exciting
Flood warnings in peru making me have high blood pressure #pleaseleteverythingbeok
my trip got cancelled i am in shock still
Im so numb I think im ready to pass out
I broke one of the little feet thingies on my charger…. SMH
I feel broken But Getting it back together Currently on do not disturb
lol.....gonna end this one on a somewhat sour note because that’s actually how the quarter ended. spring break was a week full of shit as well. however, it was also a week full of healing and self love - as much as i can give myself for that matter
so we’ll leave it here. last winter quarter of my college career - one of the most busy in terms of AB life and one for the books for all the shit that has happened. i really wish that #adversity won’t be associated with this forever but looks like it’ll be related to this for a while. lOL.
moving right along~ things I can look forward to: spring break mumbles, last quarter mumbles! #staysane #staypositive
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