#and you can’t even see el’s shadow 😅
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mrowmrowmrow9 · 1 month
unfinished Crisis AU snippet
This is an unfinished fic built off of the last prompt fill I did (x). I haven't worked on it in a while and was considering it fully abandoned until @madeunmexico left a comment on ao3 asking to see the full story and now my interest has been renewed slightly? I give it like a 50/50 chance of being finished 😅 Anyways, here's what I had including the original microstory.
Barry. Kate. Kal. Fear on their faces. Blood on Oliver’s. Shadow demons hurtling towards them—
A familiar voice. “Kara.”
A harsh whisper, bordering on frantic. “Kara. Hey.”
She wakes up screaming, limbs flailing, fighting against the hands pulling at her and the arms wrapping around her middle.
“Shh. It's okay. It was just a dream. You’re okay.”
Kara gives up struggling and lets herself be held, choking on tears. She knows that voice, she does, but her mind dismisses the thought as soon as it forms. It can’t be him. Can’t be. She realizes for the first time that it isn’t nighttime, the reason everything’s dark is because her eyes are squeezed shut, so tightly it hurts. She opens them slowly, blinking rapidly to adjust to the light.
She’s in her apartment, wearing pajamas. That doesn’t make sense. What makes even less sense, if that’s possible, is that when Kara opens her eyes and raises her head and blinks to clear her vision so she can see who’s holding her, she’s met with a face that she’s only seen in dreams for the past two and a half years. 
When Kara sees him, she throws up. 
Actually throws up, for the first time in her adult life—super-speed has never been more helpful as she makes it to the bathroom just in time to hurl the contents of her stomach into the toilet. The person that looks like Mon-El and sounds like Mon-El and smells like Mon-El but cannot possibly be Mon-El comes running in after her. It’s too late to hold her hair back and she hears the faucet running instead.
“Here, do you want some water?”
She takes it automatically and drains the glass in one gulp, presses a hand to her head with a groan. Crisis. Oliver. The Monitor—she has to get her thoughts in order. How did she get here? Also very important: “What. What are you doing here?” she manages to get out.
“Hmm? Oh yeah, I know it’s early, Rhonda’s girlfriend is in town and she asked me to trade shifts.” Possibly-Mon-El checks his watch. He’s fully dressed; he must have heard her from the kitchen before leaving the apartment. That he…seems to live in? Was staying in? Nothing makes sense. “Crap, I should probably get going. Unless you need me to stay?” He looks at her expectantly, those warm gray eyes filled with concern.
“No, you’re fine,” Kara says quickly and closes her eyes, her head throbbing. I meant, what are you doing in my apartment? In this century, for that matter? Whatever. The sooner he’s gone, the sooner she can figure out what the hell is going on.
“Alright.” He sighs, reaching out to gently brush her hair off her shoulder. “I hope the morning gets better. Let me know if you need anything—I think we still have some fruit salad left from yesterday. You said it helped with the nausea, right?”
She nods absently without registering his words, and watches him go. With some deliberate stalling while brushing her teeth, she manages to hide out in the bathroom until he leaves. But not without calling out “Love you!” through the door and Kara nearly has a heart attack. What kind of fucked-up dream could she be having? This cannot be real. It can’t be.
Her appetite eventually comes back, with it the realization that she’s seriously late for work, and as she grabs the container out of the fridge to bring with her the light glints off her left hand, catching her eye. 
Kara has always thought of herself as a reasonably intelligent person. This belief is somewhat shaken by the realization that it’s taken her this long to notice the engagement ring on her finger.
He doesn’t suspect anything. Why would he? She did seem oddly confused to see him, but dreams can be disorienting. Theirs certainly are—dying families, exploding planets, backstabbing allies. And that’s on top of everything…else.
He just hopes she’s happy. He hopes it’s nothing he did.
So, Nia’s clueless. Who isn’t? Still disoriented as all hell, Kara returns to the Catco building to find her coworkers exchanging tearful embraces. It looks like a middle-aged woman with curly hair whom Kara has never seen before in her life is leaving Catco for a job in Utah. At least, according to the conversation Kara listens in on in an attempt to figure out how to act normal.
Evidently she doesn’t do a very good job, because Nia frowns at her while she’s discreetly taking Brainy’s super-strength Advil and asks, “Aren’t you going to say goodbye to Julie?”
“R-Right, yeah,” Kara stammers, heart pounding, and awkwardly makes her way over.
This Julie is clearly under the impression that she and Kara are close friends, judging by the tight, rose-scented embrace Kara’s enveloped in before she can blink.
“Oh, I almost forgot!” Julie rushes over to the desk that must have been hers and pulls a large paper bag out from underneath it. “I know I’m going to miss the party, so I wanted to give you this before I leave. They’re not new, but they’re still in good shape and, well, we don’t really need them anymore—I thought you and Mike would appreciate some extras!” She hands the bag to Kara, smiling expectantly.
Kara doesn’t think she’s ever been more confused in her life. She takes the bag, because what else is there to do, and cautiously peers inside. 
Baby clothes. Little socks and hats and a onesie with little ducks on it—great Rao, why is her vision getting blurry? “W-What are these for?” Kara asks, almost demands really, frantically blinking the tears away.
Now it’s Julie’s turn to be confused. “Well…the baby, of course!”
The fucking what now? “Right…of course,” Kara says slowly, fumbling for the right thing to say. “That’s so generous, thank you.”
“No problem!” Julie smiles and reaches out to squeeze her shoulder. “I’m really going to miss you, Kara.”
Kara watches her walk away, gaping openly.
One thing is clear: she needs to talk to J’onn. Immediately.
They’re out on the balcony together, standing a careful distance apart and it feels like old times in the worst way possible. 
On a masochistic impulse, Mon-El plays back a moment from only twenty-four hours earlier.
He’s drifting off to sleep in their bed, drowsy and content with Kara in his arms and his hand over her belly right where the baby grows and he thinks to himself, a life like this is too good to be true. And yet it is. He should have known better.
Three years ago Mon-El returned to the 21st century with a wife by his side and claimed he felt nothing for Kara. That couldn’t have been further from the truth, but now it’s the last thing she remembers of him. The irony.
She doesn’t remember how he came back for her, or rather refused to leave again, even as she told him he was being selfish. She doesn’t remember how he said, I know. But one of us has to be. And we both know it was only ever going to be me. She doesn’t remember how they found their way back to each other, how he asked her to marry him and she said yes and their happiness was so great they just had to share it, create their own little family. It sounds like a fairy tale to him now, and he realizes that maybe that’s all it ever was.
Mon-El blinks back the tears that arise at the thought, swallowing down the lump in his throat. It isn’t the time for that now. He’s already cried on Alex’s shoulder, had J’onn explain everything to him a hundred times over. Right now, an emotional response from him is not what Kara needs. “I went over and got my things from the apartment,” he says, fighting to keep his voice even. “J’onn says I can stay with him for a while.”
“Okay.” Kara exhales. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to kick you out, I just—”
“No, it’s fine.” He meets her eyes and tries to muster some kind of half-smile. “It’s a lot, I get it.”
She nods, biting her lip, and the turns to him abruptly. “Can we talk somewhere more private?”
Thank Rao.
He rethinks agreeing to go to the apartment almost as soon as the door closes behind him. Everywhere he looks is a reminder of their life together, the one that Kara doesn’t remember.
She wrings her hands together. “Before we talk about anything else, there’s something I need to know.”
Mon-El braces himself. “Okay.”
Kara draws in a deep breath, and then blurts out, “Do we have a child?”
There it is. “No,” he says carefully. “Not…yet. But…” He licks his lips and steps forward, gently setting a hand on her belly. He watches the realization dawn in her eyes.
“Yeah.” He retracts his hand and lets it hang awkwardly at his side. “Twelve weeks.”
She puts a hand on the countertop as if to steady herself and says nothing, eyes wide.
“I’m…sorry I didn’t say anything before,” Mon-El adds helplessly, ducking his head to try and meet her gaze. “I wasn’t sure if you already knew, or if physical conditions even carried over for the Paragons, but then I remembered you threw up this morning so I just figured—”
“Shh—stop talking.” Kara holds a hand up, closing her eyes. 
He shuts up.
She breathes out, slowly. “I-I’m sorry.”
“…It’s okay,” he says awkwardly.
“I just, I need some time to…think.”
“Right. Yeah, of course.” Mon-El takes a step back, clears his throat. “I, um. I’ll go. We can…talk more tomorrow?”
Kara nods absently, staring past him like he isn’t even there.
He shuts the door behind himself, and manages to avoid breaking down until the elevator. Small victories.
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akane171 · 3 years
So, thought I'd switch here right away instead of writing into your comments again🙈 (Sry if this fails, I barely know anything about tumblr other than the ask box😅):
Ugh, yes, one would assume professional writers would know how to show not tell even with limited time🙄 
And jup about the strong woman thing, but I feel like this is a rather universal problem professional writers seem to have...😑 
Haha, I used to be cynical about the finale, too, but by now I've had so many sad/tragic/painful post-finale scenarios running through my head that I need to fake posivity till I make it cause the paaaaaaiiiinnn😂🙈
Six of Crows 😍😍😍 I love those idiots so much, I'm so glad they are even included in the Netflix Show 😍 But yeah, I haven't even actually read the Shadow&Bone books cause I saw parts of it and the way the story and characters developed and was like "NOPE! Not going through another anger issue trip like I did with The Mortal Instruments, nope nope nope." And oh god, yesss! PLEASE let's erase the love triangle trope from existence (past, present and future!)🤢🤮
Aww, I'm so sorry for you...😞😔 I have to admit that while I've seen Gundam SEED, it's been so long ago that I barely remember anything about it 😅🙈 And aww, the good ol' days of ff.net☺ So sad how dead it feels these days (for ao3 really is better...🙈)
Tbh, I'm afraid of getting my hopes up about the film, esp. after hearing Dylan O., Tyler H. and Arden probably won't be in it and even the rest wasn't clear yet😅 But seeing Parrish again would be awesome😍 Hopefully him and the "adults" (aka Chris, Melissa and the Sheriff, and hopefully Peter) will get their time to shine🙈 
But ohh, you hate Stiles? Don't worry, I'm not gonna sue you (😉), but may I ask why you don't like him? (I'm not really one to talk anyway, I've disliked Scott from very much the get go cause he was so annoyingly focused only on love🙈)
And excuse me? You PREDICTED his name?😱😍 How awe&some ARE you?!?😂😂😂
The Lightbringer is starting to sound better and better... You had me at "alternate version to Mon-El" (Mon's another of my all time faves AND a comfort character, so anyone who is like him? Shut up and take my money😉😂) And ohh, Karris really CAN'T be a coincidence!😅 (Maybe they are another reincarnation of Karamel from Lone Wulffe's PiaD?🤔) ...Now I'm REALLY itching to read the books🙈😅😂
CS was great, esp. very early CS cause they were a chaotic mess too😂 (Tho the shipping war-similarities between Captain Swan/Swan Queen and Karamel/Supercorp still terrify me to bits...🙈) 
And noooo, you gotta read PJO, those books are just too funny 😍 (I feel like no one's too old for those, but that's probably my biased constantly rereading butt talking😂). The SnowPiercer show is really nice! I can only recommend it 😁😍
PS: Well, "A Definite Maybe" IS a masterpiece!😏😌 And haha, yes, I did come by once (Wait, facepalming-since-chernobyl is you too?😂 Lol, I didn't even realize although I do tend to check in once a day or so😂🙈)
Anyway, sorry for the novel-length message and I hope you have an awe&some day!☺
XXX Welcome in hell 🤣 And they had six fucking seasons and I fell Kara from s2 and 2 was stronger than Kara from the last seasons, what is ridiculous 😑 but that's a fact. Can someone tell writers kicking butts and idiotic peptalks, mixed with boss girl trope is not powerful just... dumb? I see the finale made all people super pumped about possible future scenarios,awwwww 😑😑😑 great job, writers! I hope you cherish your collected money 😑😑😑 I'm on the fence with 6 of crows. I like the world but the characters should have been 30 years olds, not teens xD The person who invented the love triangle trope,I hope her she burns in hell. The only love triangle I accept is when they all end together but I guess this world doesn't meet my standards. The only thing about gundam you need to remember is that SEED was awesome and DESTINY sucked balls and we ignore its existence. But well,it was the anime that forceme to write the fics. They could fix marrish... but it's TW, so I'm sure they are goingto fuck it more. On the other hand,melissa and Chris are endgame there xD Predicting Stiles name waseasy when you are Polish. It hadto be long and dumb, so of course they chose Mieczysław. Mieciu for short. I'm still cackling about it. Read it! It's finished and cool. The magic system is awesome and characters are damn good and a lot is happening. Also, in the plot that there are many other universes exist,so why supergirl's world can't be apart of it? 😗 Yeah,I noticed a lot of ex sq are modern sc. I'm glad i was never part of the ouat fandom :,) Ok,I will put them on mynever ending lostof books to read. Maybe I will read them on my retirement... Yeaaaaah, it's me too. I like having blogs, I guess xD You are always welcomed here in the breaks of making LW happy with your sweet anons xD Thanks for coming 🥰
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