#and you KNOW bakugou's parents were eavesdropping
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minibagel7 · 9 months ago
we just keep winning?????
and it's better and gayer than we ever could've imagined???
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niks-minion · 4 years ago
Bnha 303. Top three alliance
So last week I tried my hand at rambling about spoilers and it was fun. I’m gonna indulge myself some more, bc how can I not then my favorite chicken entered the Todo family chat?
Hello, dear sir, top heroes are happy to be at your service. Thanks for talking loud enough btw, very appreciated. Sorry, our third eavesdropping blonde buddy can’t join the party due to, you know, coughing blood.
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Hawks: surprise Enji,Todo,Rei: wtf?
Oh well, it happens you know when you’re in a place with tons of other ppl around ya. Honestly, Shouto you should know better by this point.
Lol, why Enji reminds me of a monkey here? Nevermind. Forget it.
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I’m not sorry. At all. Small details are important, or that’s I’ve been told.
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Pls queen, stand up, you have nothing to apologize for. 😭
that’s the cultural difference for you. I mean if I had fucked up, my mom would have said smth like “ugh why, why this child is mine again?” Pls tell me I’m not the only one.
Also, hawks, my little bird millennial, you’re doing great with fast typing. Is there a crush course somewhere? I mean I can type without looking too but the speed is remarkable. I tip my hat.
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So to all the ppl who were “ugh Hawks is an abuse apologist” may I point out that even if he seems chill, even if he said that he’s sure it’s not like that anymore, he’s still checking and asking about the scar. And I’m sorry but his eyes are saying “tell me you did it to your child and I’ll punch you”
Hawks: Oh, it was his Mom? Ok, cool. Wtf is wrong with this family.
Anyhow this mummies party gets better. 👀 Shouto saying “so close” not once but twice? How not to joke about celebrity crush here? Todo makes it impossible, I swear.
What’s he thinking on the last frame?... pls don’t tell me it’s some kind of guilt trip, bc there are too many things like that in this chapter, I don’t need one more.
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One, two, three: SHOUTO KUN YOURE SUPER COOL! ( he calls him by his first name👀)
Ok I need them to get along well too. Getting along with blondies is Todo special talent, like being a great hand crusher. Can Shouto go to Hawks’ agency with Toko? Pls?
Or just adopt Hawks in the family, I don’t mind.
I don’t like Keigo feeling guilty for leaving his parents. Like yeah, Shouto is a kind little soul, maybe readying himself to forgive all the shit, but Deku’s point is valid. It’s totally ok not to forgive. They were awful parents. And honestly, I don’t see how staying with them would change this fact. You were a kid damn it!
Ok so then we get a two minutes quick review of “previously in bnha” and all the clusterfuck happening in the city. Thanks, feathers.
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Oh. Oh. Hawks says “I’m here” for the man who’s been his inspiration for so long. I might sob just a bit.
Ok, old man, that’s the boost you need to charge your “I’m a hero” batteries. Now wakey-wakey. It’s time to kick some asses. And maybe explain yourself to little commoners on the other side of the window.
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I love Natsuo.
What, your tears must make me forgive you? Pfffffffft, yeah, no.
Thanks Hori really. That it’s not like magically everything is cool and shining, and Todo family is back together hugging his dad bc he’s sorry. Nah.
But let’s get back to business
Talk shit about Enji all you want, but the guy is smart. Not for the first time he’s connecting the dots, coming to a correct answer. (Todo’s got his theory obsession not from this branch)
Pls tell me I’m reading it right. Tell me it’s not only for Hawks and BJ knowledge. Come on AM, it’s time to spill the beans.
MY GREMLIN IS BAAAAAAACK, alive and kicking
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Holy guacamole, Kats chill bro! Deku is not gonna say goodbye to his little coma adventure just bc you’ve managed to disturb even the neighbor building.
These three are the only smart and responsible ppl here. Thank you guys. Put this idiot to rest before he throws up his guts on the floor.
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BJ:Oh hey, great lord explosion Murder, yes I remember all this long ass crap, so you’re good? Was a little worried considering a couple of holes in your body. Bakugou: I can’t believe I was waiting for this moron to reveal my hero name.
So the new meddling duo is on the way to Deku. Who can’t answer at the moment pls, call back later.
Next time we’re gonna get the “ofa secrets reveal” while the bunch of blondies are crowding the space! I kinda don’t want tdbk to miss this party. Pls deliver a special Bakugou package to this room. Todo go visit your precious friend. If ppl can wiggle in your private mess, feel free to do the same, bro!
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fluffyferalkacchan · 4 years ago
You know, i've had this thought: if bakudeku were in a dectective conan-ish AU, Ran!Bakugou would probably blast 90% of the shinran romantic secret identity subplot into nothingness 0.2 seconds flat after discovering deaged-shinichi!Midoriya.
Like you'll never convince me that Bakugou "I know Deku best" Katsuki wouldn't take one look at that fidgeting kid who bear a 100% resemblance to his childhood friend and not go "The fuck Deku?!"
And then Midoriya spends the next forty-five seconds rambling some kind of explanation for how he is absolutely not Deku, what even is a Deku?
Which only furthers Bakugou's suspicion, because there is no way in hell someone else on earth could be as freaking annoying as that dumbass.
"Hah?! Are you mocking me, shitnerd?! Do you really believe that just because you'd shrunk and wore ugly as fuck glasses I wouldn't recognize your dumb mug? Are you actually brain damaged?"
So in the end Deku has no choices but to admit his identity and accepts Bakugou's assistance in trying to dismantle this dark organization where people are wearing dark clothes and (weird plague masks and going around feeding people their sketchy drugs).
Another scene I'd totally envision in this AU is Hattori!Todoroki meeting de-aged!Midoriya and then after a while confronting him ala sports festival.
Todoroki: You... You're acting a lot like Midoriya... and you seem to have similar physical traits as well... And I've heard you're currently living with Bakugou, being taken care by him? From what I observed from your interactions, Bakugou seems actually quite fond of you... which is... odd... considering his personality. Especially since you've supposedly just met.
Midoriya, internally panicking: Shit! He's unto me! He definitely figured it out!
Todoroki: I don't remember hearing Midoriya talking about having a little brother, nor was there any information about it on the internet... Midoriya's parents are both famous public figures who are constantly in the public eyes and it would have been very hard to hide a pregnancy... So you're probably not his brother. Midoriya seems to have gone to his abroad mission right before you ended up at Bakugou's house. The timing is very suspicious and can only mean once thing.
Bakugou (eavesdropping from nearby): Fuck, I forgot how sharp that half-and-half bastard could be!
Todoroki, with a straight face, looking at Midoriya right in the eyes: You are Midoriya and Bakugou secret love child, aren't you?
Midoriya: ??????
Bakugou: ...
Bakugou:...okay never mind, he's dumb as fuck.
(In the end Midoriya ended blurted the truth, because he had the very accurate inkling that if Todoroki kept going in that direction he'd end up with a blasty fist in the face)
I have the sentiment that both Bakugou and Todoroki have the utmost potential in derailing any given predetermined plot/tropes in spectacularly chaotic ways (albeit in a very different direction, but still).... and you'll never convince me otherwise.
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simplybakugou · 5 years ago
How can I love the heartbreak, you’re the one I love
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↝ Years have passed since Bakugou met you and yet you’re all he ever thinks about. As he reconnects with you after all this time, he can’t help but reminisce on all the moments you spent with him, especially those suffocating and troubling days in the hospital in room 405.
SONG: How can i love the heartbreak, you’re the one i love by AKMU
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⋆ PAIRING: bakugou x female!reader ⋆ WARNINGS/TAGS: swearing; angst; hospitals ⋆ WORD COUNT: 14636
A/N: So I initially was going to make this a fic but that shit FLOPPED so i’m just breaking this into different sections. Also, I’ve spent WEEKS trying to write this so please let me know what you think! (plus this is the longest thing I’ve ever written omg). 
It’s based off of AKMU’s song. This song is so beautiful and the link to the song is here. I also decided to remake my short fic about terminally ill s/o from a while ago and incorporate that in as well. 
Also thank you @bnhabadass​ for your editing suggestions and especially thank you to @k-atsukidayo​. I love you Fey, and thank you again for giving me such amazing suggestions and making this so much better! 
Tagging: @freckledoriya​
✐posted 05.11.2020✐
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❝I purposefully take a few steps back, I look at you walking without me
There is a void beside you upon the gray road you look back❞
The weather was perfect. The breeze was subtle but still strong enough to send chills down Bakugou’s spine as he closed the door to his home behind him. He moved to shove his hands in his pockets, having to put one arm up to shield his eyes from the sun glaring down at him. He sighed as he continued along the brick path, squinting down the road.
The path was crowded and filled with all kinds of people: parents walking with their kids, couples walking hand in hand, and dogs roaming around with their owners. They were all looking up at the same thing: the cherry blossoms. The wind was perfect in assisting the blossoms as the fallen flower petals danced rhythmically against the breeze. They travelled down the path, as if they were leading Bakugou to you.
A few kids in U.A.’s uniform began running down the path, running after the petals. Bakugou couldn’t help but move the corners of his lips upwards, reminiscing on a time that felt like centuries ago.
The time when you were always by his side.
Bakugou’s leg wouldn’t stop shaking vigorously. His arms were crossed over his chest as he constantly kept checking his watch. You were late…
“If this shitty girl doesn’t show up in the next five minutes I’m getting the fuck out of here,” he grumbled under his breath.
As if you were summoned by his pure rage, you pushed open the doors to the little cafe, scanning the tables to find a certain enraged blonde. After finally locating him, you bowed your head slightly, clapping your hands together. “Forgive me! I’m really sorry.”
Bakugou felt his brow twitch. “You better have a good fucking reason for making me wait. You were the one who wanted help with studying.”
You slung your bag onto the chair next to you, sitting yourself down beside it. You reached into your bag, pulling something out. Leaning on the table, you rested your elbows on the surface. “Have you been to the brick path near school?”
“Give me your hand.”
“What the fuck are you trying to do?”
“Just give me your hand!”
Bakugou sighed, rolling his eyes as he complied, extending his hand out in front of him. You placed the item, covering it with your hand cupping over it. “Well, that brick path has all of these beautiful cherry blossom trees. And I was just looking at them ‘cause they finally bloomed and I thought of you!”
You lifted your hand, revealing a few blossoms that you had plucked. Bakugou felt his cheeks burn up, looking the other way to avoid your gaze. “Whatever. Why the fuck would you think of me while looking at some fucking flowers?”
You shrugged, smiling. “I dunno. You were the first thing that came to mind.”
Bakugou moved his hand over, letting the flowers fall onto the table. He opened his English textbook, flipping to the middle. “Let’s just get this over with. We’re in our final year now, there’s no time to fuck around.”
A few months had passed since that day that you and Bakugou were preparing for midterms. You kept spending a majority of your evenings with him, using the excuse of needing his intelligence and tutelage in order to pass your classes. He would never admit it, but he enjoyed your company no matter how annoying you could get sometimes. You were just always so joyous, like you could beat the sun’s rays with your own light.
Aizawa continued teaching the class as everyone diligently paid attention. Months ago, a time in which Bakugou hadn’t spent so much time by your side, he would’ve been able to pay attention as well. But here he was, his eyes glued to your empty desk. You had asked to go to the bathroom in the middle of class. An hour had passed and you were still gone.
Aizawa looked at the clock, noticing Bakugou’s busy eyes glued to your desk. He then realized how long you had been gone. “Ashido, go check on Y/N,” Aizawa said, his back to the class as he wrote something on the chalkboard.
Mina nodded, getting up and leaving the classroom. Minutes had passed and Mina hadn’t returned either. Bakugou felt his leg shake up and down as his anxiousness only grew. What the hell is happening?
Mina finally came back, a panicked look on her face. Aizawa recognized this, pulling her out in the hallway and closed the door so the class couldn’t eavesdrop on the conversation. 
“What’s that about?” Jirou asked from her seat beside Bakugou.
Kaminari shrugged from beside her. “I’m not sure but it doesn’t look good. Hopefully nothing bad happened to Y/N.”
The rest of class went painstakingly slow. Mina couldn’t focus for the remainder of class either, her eyes fixated on the clock. Everyone wanted to ask so many questions but refrained from doing so. Finally class had ended and Bakugou didn’t hesitate to approach Mina. Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero followed, crowding around Mina’s desk.
“What the fuck is going on?” Bakugou demanded.
“Yeah, is Y/N okay?” Kirishima asked.
Mina had her head down, hesitant as she began to speak. “I thought Y/N was just sick which was why she was taking such a long time. But when I went in, she collapsed on the floor. I think she hit her head when she fell, too, because there was blood--”
“Where is she now?” Bakugou interrupted.
“Recovery Girl transferred her to Meijo Hospital a few blocks down,” Mina responded.
Bakugou didn’t hesitate to run out of class, his feet moving faster than he could control as if they were moving on their own. He could faintly hear his friends calling out for him but he ignored them and managed to get out of the building as fast as he possibly could, his eyes locked onto the silhouette of the tall hospital building. 
He couldn’t understand why he felt something inside of him snap when he had heard that you were hurt. After all, you transferred to U.A. at the beginning of your final year. You were an outsider and you didn’t know if you would be able to assimilate into class A. But, fortunately for you, Mina was the first friend you made, inviting you to hang out with her friends often. Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero practically opened their arms to you when you first met them. But your eyes were always drawn to the sulky blonde headed boy with the permanent frown on his face. The day you met Bakugou, you made it your mission to pester him and get close to him. Initially, Bakugou had found you to be the most irritating person he had ever had to deal with. But as the time went by and you were practically always by his side to the point where your classmates thought you two were dating, he began to oddly enjoy your company.
Bakugou ignored the stares he got from bystanders as they stared at the kid in the U.A. uniform running towards the hospital. Once he did reach it, Bakugou went straight to the front desk. “Is (L/N) (F/N) here?”
“One second,” the receptionist said, looking through her files. “Yes, she’s in room 405.”
Bakugou immediately moved towards the elevators until he noticed the long line of people patiently waiting. He cursed under his breath, running towards the stairs. His feet moved as fast they could, skipping steps all the way up until the fourth floor. His eyes began roaming rapidly at the numerous rooms in the hallway, finally reaching 405. He slid open the door, panting as he attempted to catch his breath. His eyes widened at the sight before him.
You were sitting upright on the hospital bed, a bandage around your forehead. An IV drip was attached to your forearm. You flinched at the sudden sound of the door sliding open, turning your head to the source of the sound. Your face lit up at the sight of your closest friend visiting you, your lips turning upwards. “Katsuki.”
Bakugou sighed, finally able to catch his breath. He glared at you. “You fucking idiot. What the hell happened? Why’d you collapse?”
You smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of your neck. “It seems I overworked myself. My quirk takes a lot out of me, you know.”
Your quirk, Flame, was pretty simple, just being able to expel flames from your body. But with finals and graduation creeping around the corner not to mention that you had only transferred to U.A., you felt that you had pushed yourself to keep up with everyone around you. Ignoring your health was foolish but you wanted to become a pro hero even if it was the last thing you could do.
“But I promise that I’m fine. I promise that I’ll get better before you know it.” Bakugou rolled his eyes at your foolishness. You patted the cushion of the chair that was beside your bed. “Can you stay for a while and tell me what I missed in class, Katsuki?”
“How many fucking times do I have to tell you to stop calling me by my first name? You’re the only one who does that shit!” You snickered, ignoring his words. Bakugou sighed, complying anyways as he sat down. He dropped his book bag beside him and pulled out his notes and spent the rest of his visiting hours helping you as best as he could.
Bakugou smiled at the kids in their U.A. uniforms as the memory of the two of you in that hospital room replayed over and over in his mind. It was the start to a new budding romance and yet you were damned from the start.
If Bakugou could take it all back, he sometimes thinks that he would. The pain and suffering he had to endure once meeting you was a feeling he wouldn’t wish upon even his worst enemy. But everytime he thinks he would’ve been better off without meeting you, he knew he wasn’t fooling himself with such a lie. You were always on his mind ever since the day he met you back in U.A., like you had casted a spell on him since the beginning.
And after all these years had passed, you were still charming him. You’re still the only thing on his mind.
❝Just then, I realized that I can never leave your side
No matter the distance and the problems that we faced, it's easier to fight against than the thought of letting go
So, tell me now, how can I love the heartbreak when you’re the one I love
To give you up because of love or from the heartache and pain, oh my heart, that's something I can never do❞
As Bakugou walked down the brick road, his phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it out, answering the call and brought the device to his ear.
“Hello to you, too,” Kirishima said with a laugh. “I was just calling ‘cause I don’t see you at the agency today. Kaminari, Sero, and I were coming by to see if you wanted to catch up after all this time. It has been two years since we’ve talked about our lives other than work, ya know.”
“I took the day off. I’m gonna spend it with Y/N.”
Kirishima paused for a moment and sighed. “After all these years, you’re still ditching us to see her.” His tone was light so Bakugou knew he was only teasing him. “I get it. It’s been years since you’ve seen her. We’ll catch up another time.”
“Thanks… for understanding.”
“Don’t mention it, man. Say hi to her for me.” As he hung up, Bakugou couldn’t help but feel a strange tug in his chest, as if there was a fire burning inside him. Everytime he thought about you, you always made him feel that way and the way you always “promised” to get better. Promise. That was your favorite word. You always made promises that you knew you couldn’t keep. Bakugou couldn’t help but reminisce on all the times you made such foolish lies. You were better off becoming an actress than being a hero, being too foolish to be a hero. A foolish hero that cared more about others than her own health.
“Don’t forget the food!” Mitsuki yelled from the kitchen as she pushed piles of bento wrapped in furoshiki into her son’s hands. “Oh! And she’s probably bored in there so I got her some magazines.” She opened up Bakugou’s bookbag and shoved the magazines inside.
Bakugou groaned. “You’re going overboard. She’s gonna think I’m fucking insane.”
Mitsuki flicked her son upside the head. “No, she’s gonna see how much you care for her. Now get out!”
She practically shoved her son outside, slamming the door shut. Bakugou grumbled under his breath holding the furoshiki in one hand and shoving his other hand in his pocket. The sun was beaming down on him and the cloth in his hand made his palm sweat. The several children playing around outside irritated Bakugou, especially when they started to stare at the now infamous class A hero in training. Nevertheless he ignored them, thankful that Meijo Hospital was so close to his house.
He entered the building, the nurses and receptionists greeting him as he was now a frequent visitor. They whispered amongst themselves, fascinated that among your classmates and friends, Bakugou was the only one who never failed to see you every single day, no matter how busy he was with finals and graduation.
Once the elevator reached the fourth floor, it was like second nature by now for Bakugou’s feet to take him to room 405. He slid the door open, surprised to see your bed empty. One of the nurses turned around as she was changing the sheets on your bed. “Oh, Bakugou. If you’re looking for Y/N, she’s on the roof.”
Bakugou was puzzled. “The roof? The hell is she doing up there?”
The nurse laughed at his reaction. “She wanted some fresh air. She’s been holed up in this room for months so we let her spend some time up there.”
Bakugou nodded, closing the door as he made his way back to the elevator. Truthfully, it had been months since you were first admitted to the hospital. No one told Bakugou why you were in there, and everytime he asked you about it, you would quickly change the subject. It was quite obvious that there was something you were hiding, especially since even the nurses and doctors never told Bakugou anything. There was no way that overexerting your quirk could make you hospitalized for all this time.
Bakugou pushed open the door to the roof with his foot, shielding his eyes with his free hand from the beaming sun. He could barely see from the sun’s fierce rays but through slit and squinted eyes, he could make out your back. You were facing away from him, looking down below the building. He walked closer to you, setting down his bag and the food gently so he didn’t scare you. Leaning forward, he rested his forearms on the ledge on the concrete, looking down at what you were engrossed in. 
The height of the enormous hospital building allowed you to see for miles upon miles of buildings and freeways. U.A. was at the epicenter of all of the attention, the school standing tall amongst the smaller buildings. But amongst all of the chaos of the city, there was a brick path, which was elongating throughout the city. Among that path, rows upon rows of cherry blossom trees decorated the edges as if meticulously laid out like ornaments.
You finally took notice of Bakugou's existence, flinching a little at his sudden presence. “Katsuki? I didn’t even hear you come.”
Bakugou gestured to the view below you. “Probably ‘cause you were too focused on this.”
You smiled, resting one forearm on the ledge due to your other arm being connected to the IV drip. “It just looks so pretty. The trees stand out so much, especially all the pink petals floating around.”
“Only you’d pay attention to something so dumb.”
You jutted out your bottom lip in a pout. “You’re just a debbie downer and can’t appreciate life in all its glory.”
Bakugou rolled his eyes at you, but noticed how your knees began to tremble as you gripped tighter onto the IV stand for support. Before your legs caved in, nearly crashing onto the concrete, Bakugou sprung quickly into action. He caught you, protected you, one arm grabbing your hip and the other circling your lower back. You were flustered, not only from the sudden contact, but from the weakness of your limbs.
Bakugou fought off the urge to look away from how close the two of you were, focusing on maneuvering you over to one of the benches that were laid out on the rooftop. “Are you okay?”
You blinked, as if you were taking yourself out of a trance from the shock. “I’m… I’m fine.”
Bakugou felt his cheeks burn up as he thought about what he just did and as a way to take his attention from that, he decided to confront you with a question he so desperately wanted to know the answer to, “Why are you really here for? There’s no way using your quirk too much can make you fucking collapse like this.”
You pursed your lips together, wheeling the IV over to the side of the bench. “It’s actually complicated. I’ve always been sick since I was a kid so this happens sometimes.”
You nodded. “It’s happened before but I always bounce back up, I swear. You don’t have to worry about me, Katsuki.”
Bakugou scoffed, looking the other way. “I didn’t say shit about me worrying. The others kept annoying me and asking questions about, s’all.”
You laughed, knowing Bakugou’s behavior all too well. “Speaking of, why’d you visit this time?”
“Alright, I’ll just fucking leave then--”
“No!” You said, laughing as you grabbed onto his forearm and pulled him back down next to you. Your touch was cold against his warm skin “I wasn’t complaining. I really do enjoy your company.”
“Tch, you better.” He leaned down and grabbed the furoshiki and his bookbag. “I didn’t have my old hag pack you all this food and take more notes for you for nothing.”
“Your mom cooked for me again?” You asked, your mouth watering already despite not even consuming Mitsuki’s delicious food yet. “You really don’t have to do all this for me, I’m alright, I swear.”
“‘Alright’ my ass. I’ve told you before that I don’t mind doing this and I’m not just gonna stop because you feel bad.” He pulled out his notebooks, ignoring your groans. Finals were around the corner and then came graduation. Bakugou, although he would never admit it to you, was concerned with what you were planning to do here on out. No matter how many times you tried to convince him and tell him that you were going to get better soon, he couldn’t believe you.
A gust of wind past as you felt your (H/C) locks sway along with its rhythm. The pages to Bakugou’s notebooks turned rapidly. You let out a gasp as the wind died down. “Look!”
The cherry blossoms from the path had blown its petals over with the wind. They fell softly and silently, as if they were snowflakes in the winter’s harsh conditions. But the sun contradicted this illusion as its ray lit up the petals like tiny pink fairy lights. You were smiling from ear to ear at the sight, cupping your hands together as an attempt to catch as many petals as you could. Bakugou watched on, feeling his heart rate increasing the more he laid his eyes on you.
You turned to him. “Close your eyes,” you commanded. 
Bakugou sighed, not having the energy to defy you and knowing that you were planning to do something with those petals. That was why your next actions shocked him more than he could have ever imagined. 
He heard you let out a deep sigh. “I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time ‘cause I was too scared to do it. But I’ve been feeling a little… brave now.”
Before Bakugou could let out the words “do what?” he sucked in a breath as he felt your warm lips plant themselves onto his own as you cupped his face in your cold hands. The wind continued to blow softly, your hair flowing along with it as the fruity smell of your hair engulfed his nostrils. Your kiss was gentle like your smile and Bakugou felt himself become hotter. Your lips were soft and warm, unlike your ice cold touch.
You pulled away, your face flushed as the gravity of your actions set into your mind. Bakugou felt his own face heat up as he began to realize what you had done, dropping the notebooks from his lap. His eyes were wide, his mouth agape in incredulity. You let out a snicker, immediately angering Bakugou.
“What the hell is so funny?” He asked, his cheeks flushed.
You shook your head. “You just looked so cute, Katsuki.”
“C-ute?” Bakugou whispered slowly in disbelief. You were unbelievable, mind-boggling at times to him. 
You sighed. “I just didn’t know how to thank you. But every time I tried thinking of a way, nothing came up so I decided to do that.”
You stared at Bakugou’s face for a minute, basking in his expression. For a second, you felt a tug in your chest, like you didn’t want to ever forget his expressive crimson eyes. You scooted closer to him on the bench and leaned over, wrapping your arms around his neck as best as you could from your position. Everything you did just sent utter confusion to Bakugou’s brain, his body feeling rigid against your touch. “I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me. If I’m being honest, I don’t know exactly when I’ll get better. It might be four months or four years, I don’t know.”
You pulled away from him, holding his hands in your own. He had callouses all over the palms of his hands but even though there were bumps and ridges on his skin, he felt so warm and soothing. “You don’t have to put up with this anymore. You can walk out right now, and I won’t think ill of you. You’re heading into the real world as a pro and you deserve to not have to worry about me.”
Bakugou felt his face become hotter, but not from shock or embarrassment this time. He felt angry with you. He was angered that despite everything he had done for you, the daily visits, the tutor sessions, or the lunch breaks with him, you felt as if he was ready to just walk away.
Bakugou parted his lips to say something but you shook your head. “You don’t have to say anything now, I’m serious. I honestly don’t know when I’ll get better. I have my family looking after me so you don’t have to worry about me. You should focus on finals and graduation and your future.”
His eyes stared back into your own, trying to decipher what was going through that head of yours. The things you said and did were all unfathomable and incomprehensible. It made things even harder for Bakugou to say anything. Only you would be the kind of person to kiss someone and then give them the option to walk out of your life.
Before Bakugou could even think another thought, the door to the rooftop entrance opened. Your nurse smiled at the two of you, pointing at her watch to indicate that it was time for your medicine. You nodded, using your IV stand as a crutch as you pulled yourself up to your feet. Bakugou stood up quickly, holding your forearm in his hand to steadily hold you up.
“Can you walk?” 
You rolled your eyes playfully. “Don’t underestimate me too much.”
Ignoring your words, Bakugou stood behind you, ready to catch you if you so happened to fall. He had his hand hovering over the small of your back as you walked back into the building. The nurse smiled at Bakugou as she put her hand to the IV stand. “I’m guessing we’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Uh, yeah.”
You smiled and waved back at him. “Thank you and your family for everything, Katsuki. And please consider what I said seriously.”
Bakugou watched as you and the nurse walked back to room 405, the sound of the door sliding open and close echoing through the hallway. He stayed there for a few moments before finally deciding to go back home. 
On any other day, Bakugou was able to fall asleep fairly quickly and early as he was unusually strict about his sleeping schedule. But tonight, his mind was whirring with an abundance of thoughts. And you were the only thing that kept popping up in his mind. He felt himself blush as he envisioned your lips on his over and over again. He threw the duvet off of him as he began to grow hot the more he saw your face. Bakugou got up and went to the bathroom; turned the sink on and splashed cold water onto his face.
Your words and voice kept echoing through his mind as well. He wished he could tell you how he felt and how angry he felt when you spoke to him as if you were running on borrowed time. But he didn’t get the chance to question you any further.
A few knocks came through from the opposite side of the door, snapping Bakugou out his trance as he opened the door. Masaru stood by the doorframe, a puzzled expression on his face. “Katsuki, what’re you doing up so late?”
“Couldn’t sleep,” Bakugou said curtly, flicking the light switch off and making his way back to his bedroom.
Masaru followed him, standing by the door as he watched his son sit on the edge of his bed and stare up at the ceiling. “Is something bothering you?”
“It’s nothing, just school stuff.”
“Is it about Y/N?” Bakugou looked back down at his father and Masaru smiled as he was able to correctly read his son. “I had a feeling something happened with her.”
Masaru walked inside and closed the door behind him, turning the light on. He sat beside Bakugou as his son continued staring at the space in front of him. “How’s she doing?”
Bakugou let out an exasperated sigh. “I can’t tell for sure. She’s not giving me a straight answer and it’s pissing me off. Like she’s keeping a huge secret from me.”
Bakugou paused for a moment, internally deciding whether or not to confide in his father. Deciding to do so, he glanced at Masaru momentarily. “I need advice.”
Masaru raised his brows slightly. He knew Bakugou as someone who always kept to himself and disliked others prying in his life. It was the first time he was coming forward and asking for something. “Of course, son! What’s wrong?”
“It’s about Y/N. She was being… nice...” Bakugou cleared his throat, not wanting to address the kiss, “she was being nice all day but all of a sudden she said some bullshit about giving me the option to walk out of her life and not have to worry about her. It’s all I can think about and it’s fucking pissing me off.”
“Why is it making you feel annoyed?”
Bakugou turned around to face his father, an irritated expression on his face. “Because I’ve been busting my ass off and helping her out all this time and she’s repaying me by saying she wants me to ‘think about my future.’ She’s acting like she’s gonna die tomorrow and she’s fucking giving up.”
“Hmm…” Masaru hummed, thinking for a moment before continuing. “Seems to me that she’s trying to spare your feelings.”
Bakugou furrowed his brows in confusion. “Spare my feelings?”
“I think it’s safe to assume that what Y/N is dealing with isn’t something that’s going to allow her to live her life normally like she used to a few months ago. This… illness that she’s dealing with must be long-term and she doesn’t want you to have to see her in her most vulnerable state. She wants you to focus on your life.”
Bakugou scoffed, his hands clenching into fists. “That idiot… why the fuck would I spend so much time visiting her and looking after her if I was gonna just walk away like a fucking moron? If she thinks she can just deal with this all without at least talking to someone then she’s a bigger idiot that I thought she was.”
“So you’re trying to say that you’re going to always be there for her no matter what?”
Bakugou hesitated, realization setting in as he began to understand the whirlwind of confused thoughts and feelings inside of him. “Yeah…”
Masaru smiled. “Then go tell her! It’s no good for you to just sit around and talk to me. The poor girl probably thinks you’re just leaving like that.”
Bakugou’s hands rested on his knees, fingers clenching around the fabric of his pants as he pondered momentarily. Everytime he attempted to figure out what to say around you, he couldn’t help but feel mentally aggravated. You were always confusing him and throwing curveballs at him to make him feel thirty different emotions at the same time. Bakugou turned to face his Dad once more. 
“I don’t know what the fuck I’m gonna say when I get there but I’ll try.” He got up, grabbing his hoodie as he made his way out. He stopped in the hallway, turning around. “Thanks… I guess.”
Masaru smiled as he watched his son grab his keys and leave the house. In all of the years he’s watched his only child grow, he’s never seen the amount of emotion and vigor Bakugou possessed until he was around you or talked about you. Even a girl he had known for only more than a couple of months had such an effect on him that even he didn’t realize what you were doing to him.
Bakugou opened the doors to the hospital, his chest rising up and down as he attempted to recollect himself after sprinting all the way here. The receptionist at the front desk looked at him with a concerned look. “Bakugou? What’re you doing here so late? Visiting hours just finished.”
Bakugou leaned on the counter. “Please let me see her. I just need a few minutes, not that long.” 
The woman looked weary, looking down at her clipboard but Bakugou wasn’t going to take no for an answer. “Five minutes. I just need to tell her something and I’ll leave. I swear.”
The woman sighed. “I’ll be in real trouble for this so please make it quick. Five minutes is all you get.”
Bakugou sighed in relief, running towards the stairs before the woman could even utter another word. He used his quirk to maneuver himself up quicker than normal and kicked open the door once he reached the fourth floor. He didn’t bother knocking on your door either, sliding the door open so quickly it clattered against the wall causing a loud clank. 
You jumped in your bed, dropping one of the notebooks Bakugou had given you. Sitting up, you were puzzled as to why he was here so late. “Katsuki, what’re you--”
“You’re a fucking idiot.”
You were taken aback, usually being accustomed to his abrasiveness. “What?”
He took a few steps towards you, standing directly in front of your bed. The proximity of his body to yours even made you flustered. “I don’t give a fuck if you’re sick. You think I didn’t realize that you were going through something serious after being hospitalized for months? There’s no way I’m leaving you now, not when you’re acting like you’re fine when you’re obviously having to deal with a shitty situation. And I don’t give a fuck about what you say or think, I’m gonna be here whether you like it or not.”
Bakugou continued breathing heavily, both from coming here at such a fast pace and from his own words that were spewing out of his mouth. Every other time he was around you, he didn’t know what the right thing to say was, always ending up second guessing himself. But that was every other time. He finally decided to go with his gut and tell you how he was feeling without thinking about the aftermath.
You smiled, laughter escaping your lips. The sound filled the room and Bakugou was confused. “Why… Why the hell are you laughing?!”
You giggled, pulling on his shirt and making him sit by your bed. Cupping his face in your hands, you grinned widely. “You’re incredible, Bakugou Katsuki.”
Bakugou stared back at you, ignoring the heat in his cheeks as he felt your glacial-like hands against his skin. He took your hands away from his face and you watched curiously as he held your hands earnestly. He controlled his quirk enough to heat your hands up, making you feel warmth in your fingertips for the first time in months. 
Your fingers brushed over the various calluses on his hands. “I heard you loud and clear. And I’m sorry if I made you angry with what I said. I just didn’t want you to have your hopes up.”
He looked into your eyes directly and intently. “The minute I met you I had my hopes up. I’ve had my hopes up every time I’ve been around you. I mean it, Y/N. You’re gonna have to rip me apart limb from limb if you want me to leave your side now.”
You laughed again, squeezing his hand in yours. In that moment, you had never felt so much warmth practically radiating off of another person. Although all of these feelings and emotions were stirring inside you, you were too afraid to do anything with them. The news of the severity of your sickness made you feel more ambitious than usual but it also made you more hesitant. You didn’t want Bakugou to be involved in something that he wouldn’t know what would be the outcome. Who knew when you would get better and if you would ever recover completely, but in that moment, you refused to let the physical nature of your body control how you would live your life.
❝Should I turn back around a few more times?
We walk along together upon the desolate road, conversation lacking substance
We look out into the distance where the light shines
I realized just then I can no longer move forward
Every step brings me closer to our end and the hand I used to hold seems to vanish in the wind❞
Bakugou shoved his phone in his pocket, the sweat already formulating in his hands as he felt the heat of the summer take its effect on him. He paid no mind to the various looks that he received from onlookers and passerbys. Kids bounced up and down excitedly to their parents, whispering, “Look, it’s Ground Zero!” 
Even the old lady running the flower cart was appalled as the infamous hero stopped in front of her stand. She stared curiously as Bakugou inspected the variety of bouquets she had laid out before him. He had his eyes set on a specific one: a completely white bouquet of tulips with hints of pink cherry blossoms hidden behind the fragile white petals.
Bakugou pointed to the bouquet, handing the elderly woman a wad of cash. “I’ll take that one.”
The woman was snapped from her staring, grabbing the bouquet and handing it to him. She smiled. “That must be for someone special.”
Bakugou looked down at the bouquet and down the long path he had yet to walk past. He smiled slightly. “You could say that…”
Bakugou clenched the bag of pastries in his left hand tightly as he pushed open the now familiar doors to Meijo Hospital. Yaoyorozu and Mina were excited and bubbly when they told Bakugou about visiting you when they ran into him during patrol. Truthfully, he felt guilty for not visiting you as often as he could. Now being a pro hero, he was constantly given work that put him in a position to have to rely on texting and calling you. Once he was free of work, it was already too late as visiting hours were closed. Nevertheless, you always reassured him and told him that you understood that he was busy saving people and you never once complained either. But he couldn’t help but think: were you lonely in that desolate room?
“Ground Zero!” The same receptionist behind the desk from Bakugou’s days in U.A. exclaimed with a bright smile. The other fairly new receptionists were shocked at the sight of the newly professional hero before them. “It’s been so long, I was wondering when you were coming.”
“I was busy. Is she still in room…?”
“405? Yup, she’s still in the same room,” the receptionist said, gesturing down the wide room towards the elevator. 
Bakugou made his way towards the elevators, stopping in front of them as he finally took notice of the numerous eyes set on him as people began whispering to one another. Even though he thought he would’ve gotten used to the attention, and although most days he didn’t mind it, he felt particularly annoyed that day. He rolled his eyes, choosing to take the stairs instead. He trudged up the stairs, his footfalls echoing through the empty and long space. 
The closer he got to the fourth floor, the heavier his chest felt. The last time he saw you was almost three weeks ago and he noticed how you had gotten sicker and sicker. Your cheekbones were poking against your skin as your face looked sunken in. Seeing how you had not only lost a considerable amount of weight but also how you looked weaker overall made Bakugou experience a pain he never thought he’d be able to feel. And despite your deteriorating appearance, you still had the brightest smile on your face. Your eyes lit up in a manner like no other and you continued to amaze Bakugou.
Bakugou finally reached your door, lingering outside for a few moments. He peered inside through the small frame of glass, watching as you sat up on your bed and looked down at your hands. You had a candle in your hands, taking in a large breath before attempting to use your quirk. You were fully concentrated on the wick of the candle as you slowly lifted your hand to the wick. Just as a small spark of a flame was beginning to form at the palm of your hand, you couldn’t control it and the flames engulfed the entire candle. 
Right as Bakugou moved to push open the door to help you, you dropped it to the floor, instinctively grabbing the fire extinguisher and putting the mess out. You dropped the extinguisher to the floor as well, the metal causing a loud clanging sound to erupt even past the door. Bakugou watched as your fists grabbed the bed sheets in aggravation. The tears naturally fell from your eyes and there was no stop to them. You were holding in so many emotions and you couldn’t hold it in any longer. It was too tiring to act like you were always kept together when you just wanted to crumble sometimes.
Bakugou felt his hand clenching the handle of the door, slowly and quietly sliding it open. You didn’t bother looking up, expecting one your parents to have walked in to console you. “Mom, Dad, please leave me alone. I really want to be alone.” The words left your lips like a whisper.
You were greeted by a pair of sturdy arms wrapping themselves around your shaking body, a familiar yet comforting smell, hints of a caramel and earth fragrance engulfing your nostrils. Bakugou was warm against you, like he always was. But he felt even warmer that day. 
Bakugou rubbed your back, dropping the bag of pastries on the stand by your bed. “I don’t know exactly what’s going on and I wanna think that you’re keeping it from me to spare my feelings. But you’re not in this alone. You don’t have to shoulder this pain on your own. You’re human and you don’t deserve to beat yourself up over this shit.”
The lump in your throat rose as uncontrollable sobs escaped your lips. Hearing Bakugou’s voice, one that you had missed listening to, made you feel comforted but the severity of your condition was taking a toll on not only your body but also your mental well-being. It had already been nearly two years since you were hospitalized. 
Your tears painted his black tee but Bakugou didn’t mind as he rested his cheek against the top of your head and continued to rub your back. Sometimes the only thing you could do was let the tears fall until they ran out and it made it better to have someone there to just hold you.
“I’m sorry,” you choked out, wiping away the tears from your face and pulling away from Bakugou. 
His hands rests on your shoulders, staring at you with disbelief and concern. “You don’t have to be sorry about this.”
You shook your head. “I… I should’ve just rejected you that night. I shouldn’t have let you get close to me.”
“What do you mean, Y/N?” The way your voice sounded frantic and rushed was mildly scaring Bakugou.
“The doctor is giving me the option of surgery to help me out but the chances of me making it out alive is slim,” you whispered, your voice breaking as you spoke. 
Bakugou was perplexed, not understanding why you needed surgery in the first place but it also made him realize the severity of your condition. You looked up at him, laughing at yourself as you realized Bakugou’s confusion as you hadn’t told him what was happening to you. “I’m sorry for not explaining it before… but without making it too complex, my quirk is hurting me. It’s funny ‘cause it’s such a simple quirk, just some flames, but it’s not simple at the same time. Katsuki… my quirk is destroying me from the inside out.”
Bakugou didn’t realize how tightly he was gripping your shoulders as his crimson eyes looked back and forth from one eye to the other. He was waiting for the punchline, waiting for this to be a sick joke and that you weren’t in such a serious situation. He wanted to see your face break out into a smile, that same smile that made him fall head over heels for you. He waited for a moment but he felt his heart shatter to pieces as he continued to look back at the broken girl sitting before him. 
He engulfed you back into his arms, holding onto your frail body tight enough that it wasn’t hurting you. He nuzzled his face into the crook on your neck, feeling the frustration build up within him. He never wanted to let you go ever again. 
“It’s gonna be okay.”
The tears started culminating again as the sobs escaped your lips. Your hands gripped onto Bakugou’s black tee so tightly that you could feel your own fingernails stab into your palm. “I don’t know what to do, Katsu. What do I do? I’m so scared.”
Bakugou was at a loss for words. He didn’t know either, didn’t know how to comfort you or how to take away the fear you were experiencing. He pulled away from you, brushing away the hairs that were sticking to your tear soaked cheeks. 
He let out a sigh. “If this surgery works, will you be okay?”
You nodded. “If it’s a success, my quirk won’t be any good but I’ll be able to live again. But if I don’t take it… there’s barely a guarantee that I’ll be able to live, too.”
Bakugou’s lips curled upwards slightly. “Then there’s your answer. You need to take any chance to get better, to get out of this fucking room. This is your life, Y/N. And I know you’re not the type to take this shit lying down.”
You sniffled, nodding along with him. “I am tired of this room. And… I just want to walk on my own two feet again. But I’m just so scared. I know that if I don’t take this surgery, I’ll be dead but this is just speeding up the process and the stakes are so high.”
Bakugou brought his hand up and patted your hair down. “There’s nothing to be scared of. Not when you’ve got your family and friends here. Not when you’ve got me here and there’s no way I’m letting some fucking quirk or sickness take you from me.”
A small laugh erupted within you, the first smile you had for weeks on your face. You brought your usual icy-cold hands up to cup Bakugou’s face, rubbing your thumb along the new scar on his brow bone from the last villain’s attack. “I keep hearing all the nurses say how strong and handsome ‘Pro Hero Ground Zero’ is. And whenever I see you on the news, I keep imagining the day I get to see you in your hero costume and see in person how you keep saving people’s lives.”
Your smile intensified as you looked back up at Bakugou’s eyes. You were deprived three weeks of seeing your boyfriend, wanting to bask in this moment longer than usual. “I kept thinking of that, you know, kept thinking about the day I can see you and spend time with you outside of this dreadful room. It’s been the only thing keeping me going.”
You sighed, leaning into him and pressing your cheek against his chest. You could hear how fast his heart began to beat, how even the slightest touch made him go crazy. “I don’t know how I could ever repay you for all of the things you’ve done for me, Katsuki.”
Bakugou scoffed, bringing his arms up to hold you against him. “I haven’t done shit, if anything I’m doing the bare minimum. All I’m doing is seeing you, that’s it.”
You shook your head against him. “You don’t understand. As much as I appreciate and love my parents and the others for visiting, the way I feel when I see your face is a feeling I can’t describe in words. Sometimes I feel like giving up, just throwing in the towel ‘cause sometimes that’s just easier. But then I think of you and how persistent and determined you are. I think about how you’ve never given up in your life, not even for a second. Most people see that ambition in you as arrogant but I see it as brave. And I want to be like you.”
Bakugou sighed once more. “You’re unbelievable. You’re the one in the hospital and here you are hyping me up and making my ego bigger than it already fucking is.”
A breathless laugh escaped your lips. Your arms tightened around his firm torso. “You’re a hero, Katsuki. You’re my hero.”
❝So, tell me now, how can I love the heartbreak when you’re the one I love,
To give you up because of love or from the heartache and pain
No, my heart, that's something I can never do❞
Bakugou groaned as his phone began vibrating once again. He begrudgingly fished it out on his pocket, answering it without bothering to acknowledge the caller ID. “What?”
“What, even your mother can’t get a decent ‘hello’ just ‘cause her son’s famous now?” Mitsuki huffed from the other line.
Bakugou rolled his eyes as he continued walking down the path. “What is it?”
“Kirishima called and told me that you’re visiting Y/N.” That fucking snitch… “Your dad wanted me to check up on you since it’s been two years since you’ve seen her.”
“He’s worrying for nothing. I’m fine.”
“Katsuki, you’re not fooling anyone. I can smell the bullshit all the way from here.” Bakugou could hear his mother sigh. “Are you sure you need to see her today? The way you two ended things...”
“Something’s telling me to meet up with her today, okay? I need to see her.”
Mitsuki paused before letting out another sigh. “I can’t even complain about your stubbornness ‘cause you got it from me. Since you’ve made up your mind, tell her ‘hi’ from me and your dad. And tell her we’ve missed her.”
“Alright.” He hung up, shoving his phone back into his pocket. He felt his heart skip a beat when the cool metal touched his fingertips. His feet stopped moving, the gust of wind blowing against his body as numerous cherry blossom petals floated against the wind. The metal band shined in the sun’s light, the giant diamond sitting on the band shining even brighter. Bakugou’s fingers curled around the ring in a fist. The memories from this ring were his favorite, one that he could recall perfectly. It was the one of the last times he saw that beautiful smile on your face, the smile that radiated purity and serenity.
The weather was practically unbearable that day. Bakugou could feel beads of sweat sliding down his forehead and neck as well as a pool forming at his palms and fingertips. Not only was he worn out from work and patrolling, the weather was just adding onto the trouble.
“Hmm, I wonder who you’re going to visit, Bakugou,” the same old receptionist teased as Bakugou walked up to the front desk and signed his name under the visiting section. She gasped as she took the clipboard from him. 
“If I’m not here, who’s gonna keep that shitty girl company?” Bakugou said with a smirk, gripping the plastic bag in his hand.
The receptionist laughed as he walked away and said good-bye. It was like second nature by now to walk into Meijo Hospital to the point where Bakugou recognized nearly every doctor and nurse in your wing. A few of them grinned as he walked past them, going towards good ole room 405.
Bakugou slid the door open, confused as to why your room was empty. He looked down the hallway, getting the attention of one of the nurses. “Where’s Y/N?”
“She was with Nurse Takahashi earlier. She wanted some fresh air so I think she’s on the first floor,” the nurse responded.
Bakugou sighed, sliding the door shut. “This girl’s making me go through this whole fucking building to find her…” he thought to himself.
He begrudgingly made his way down to the first floor, deciding to take the elevator for once. Once he reached the lobby, he scanned the area, attempting to spot your (H/C) locks. He stepped outside, getting frustrated as he couldn’t figure out where you were. Knowing you, you were most likely hiding somewhere trying to scare him.
Which was exactly what you were doing.
Your attempt at popping out from the bush area, screaming ‘boo!’ was a fail as not only did Bakugou expect you to do that, but your being in a wheelchair didn’t help either.
Bakugou rolled his eyes. “You’re always doing shit to give me a hard time, huh?”
You grinned widely. “Of course. I have to keep you on your toes.”
You wheeled yourself forward, heading away from the building. “Come on!”
“Are you even allowed to be out here?”
You nodded. “Mhm. Takahashi let me have some free time since I’m fully recovered from the surgery. Plus, I told him Ground Zero was coming to keep an eye on me.”
Bakugou sighed, placing the plastic bag in your lap as he took the handles on the wheelchair in his fists and wheeled you forward. “You’re not on the IV anymore?”
You shook your head, gasping inwardly in delight at the sight of the popsicles inside the bag. “I’m off pain killers. It’s been two weeks since the surgery, you know.”
“You still have to be careful. Didn’t that nurse guy say that there still isn’t a one-hundred percent chance of that quirk of yours being destroyed?”
You rolled your eyes playfully, licking the cool popsicle. “I’m fine, I swear. You’d think that with the six years we’ve been together you’d trust me more.”
“It’s ‘cause I’ve known you for six damn years that I know you get too excited and get reckless,” Bakugou huffed. 
You snickered, leaning back. The preparation for the long-awaited surgery was one of the most nerve wracking experiences of your life. Just waiting for the day to come was the scariest part. Due to the severity of the process, as the medical staff was attempting to extract your quirk from you, it took years to prepare for it. Although using something as drastic as the Quirk-Destroying Drug used by the villain Overhaul would have made the process quicker and easier, the drug was mandated illegal for the purpose of the drug as well as the way in which it was created. 
Once you went through with the surgery, the recovery period was also difficult to deal with. Your body was learning how to function again as years have passed since the quirk was slowly killing your insides. Although you were off painkillers, it would still take time and lots of physical and mental therapy to be how you were when you were just a teenager. Even though the surgery was a success, your quirk was reduced to the size of a fraction of a bean, meaning that there was still a chance that it could grow and weaken your body once again. Nevertheless, you took that chance and here you were, on your way to a normal life.
Although the recovery period was difficult and it is still difficult functioning everyday, Bakugou was there by your side for all of it. He made sure to visit and help your parents out as much as he could, balancing a demanding job on top of this. He would often get scolded by his agency but he didn’t give a damn. You were his top priority and you will always be his top priority.
You crossed your arm over your shoulder, putting your hand over Bakugou’s. He felt comforted by how warm your touch had become. “I’ve missed you, Katsuki.”
“The hell do you mean, I’ve been here the whole time?” Bakugou asked, pushing you towards the brick path he knew you loved so much.
You laughed, shrugging your shoulders. “I don’t know. It’s just that I haven’t been myself, my true self all these years because of all of this and now I finally feel like it again.”
Bakugou smiled softly. For years he saw the effects of your quirk on your physical and mental well-being. As much as you tried to be optimistic for him, your parents, and friends, Bakugou knew that deep down you were terrified and tired of being stuck in that damn room.
You pointed to one of the many wooden benches surrounding the edges of the path, one sitting right under a cherry blossom tree. “Let’s sit over there.”
Bakugou maneuvered you beside the bench, sitting down so he was right next to you. You handed him a popsicle, one that he took happily as the sun’s intensity only increased. Although Bakugou had gotten used to it, you were shocked at how many people were staring at the two of you. You smiled. “I knew you were popular but I didn’t know you were this popular.”
Bakugou smirked, crumpling the wrapper and throwing it into the plastic bag. “You’re looking at a top hero. Of course they’re all staring.”
You laughed. “They’re probably wondering who I am next to you.”
“They can wonder all they want. I don’t give a fuck what they think but if anyone even thinks about saying any nasty comments about you, I’ll fucking destroy them.”
You chuckled, shaking your head and leaning into him. “Always so violent no matter what, huh?”
Bakugou rolled his eyes, wiping the sweat from his forehead. Eventually the people stopped staring right in front of you, slowly walking past you and making you feel comfortable with the lack of prying eyes. You took notice to Bakugou’s bangs sticking to his forehead, pulling out one of your hair clips. Clipping his hairs back onto his head, Bakugou flinched at your sudden action. “The hell are you doing?”
“You looked hot so I’m just helping you out.” You giggled at how cute he looked, forehead exposed to the world and his same old grumpy face.
“I better not look stupid with this shit in my hair,” he grumbled.
“You look a-dor-able,” you said, enunciating slowly. You pointed down the path. “Let’s go! That’s enough lounging around!”
“You’re the one who wanted to sit here.”
“I know but I want to go down this whole path before the sunsets and we have to head back to the hospital.”
“Alright, gimme a second,” Bakugou said, standing up and pushing you once more.
As you walked with him, Bakugou yelled as he realized the amount of people snickering as they walked past you guys, taking notice to his new hairdo. You laughed along with them and despite his complaining and whining, Bakugou didn’t dare to touch his hair.
Unfortunately, your wish to reach the end of the path was cut short as a woman screaming startled everyone in the area as well as you and Bakugou. Bakugou whipped his head around to the source of the sound, you leaning on the side of the wheelchair to catch a glimpse of the commotion. Bakugou only needed a few seconds to spot a man in a hoodie running in the opposite direction of a flustered woman pointing at him. He had a purse in his hand.
“This asshole,” Bakugou muttered. He quickly pushed you to the side of the path so that you weren’t in the middle of the walkway. “Wait right here.”
Bakugou ran in the opposite direction before you could say anything else, pushing his hands behind him and using his quirk to increase his momentum. He looked behind him momentarily, making sure no one was behind him to be harmed by his quirk. Once he got closer to the culprit, he yelled, “Hey! Asshole!”
The man turned around, gasping as Bakugou kicked him to the ground, his foot on his torso as the man groaned in pain from the impact of his kick. Bakugou leaned down, snatching the purse from his hand. Fortunately, due to being so close to a hospital, a few security guards rushed towards Bakugou, taking care of the man and thanking Bakugou for his help. Even bystanders walking down the brick path began cheering and clapping, getting a glimpse of the infamous Ground Zero at work. 
Bakugou made his way down the path, handing the woman her purse silently before walking towards you. “Thank you, hero!” She called out.
Bakugou waved her off as he caught sight of you, a wide smile on your face as you were joining in on the clapping. Bakugou scoffed at you, moving your wheelchair from the curb. “You don’t have to clap.”
“Oh, come on! It’s my first time seeing you in action, it was exciting!” You exclaimed.
Bakugou chuckled, continuing to wheel you down the path like he had intended before you were rudely interrupted. He patted down his pants, panicking slightly when he felt his pockets empty. Shoving his hand into his pocket, he let out a sigh of relief when he found what he was looking for.
You turned back, eyeing him. “Did you lose something?”
“No,” Bakugou said a little too quickly, making you even more suspicious.
“O-kay,” you said cautiously, deciding to drop the matter… for now. You looked down the path as the brick and cobble road slowly started to fade. “Where are we going?”
“We’re almost there. You love this road, don’t ya? Thought you’d enjoy this, too,” Bakugou said, nodding to the sight ahead of you. You gasped inwardly as you stared ahead. As the brick path ended, the path was located on a slope, looking down on the metropolitan area. The sun was setting, painting the sky with purple and orange hues. The U.A. building stood tall in the center of all of the commotion of the city, giving you an even more perfect view of the city than the rooftop of the hospital. Plus, there were barely any people huddled around this area as they were too engrossed with the cherry blossom trees to enjoy the view.
“It’s beautiful,” you whispered in awe.
Bakugou smirked, pleased with himself. He sat down on the curb, at the top of the hill and enjoying the sight. You smiled, getting up slowly, wanting to join him. He stopped you, getting to his feet and gently pushing you back onto the chair. “What're you doing?!”
“I want to sit with you,” you said simply.
“But you can’t walk now.”
“I can walk a little,” you said, raising your two fingers. “You’re worrying too much. I can move this much just to sit next to you, you know.”
Bakugou sighed, knowing that there was no point in arguing with you. He grabbed your hand, helping you sit beside him and he pushed the wheelchair behind the two of you. You smiled up at him, scooting closer to him and latching onto his arm. “It’s nice to spend time like this with you.”
Bakugou hummed, his hand in his pocket as he looked over to you. “It makes me excited to think about all the memories we’ll make when I’m all better,” you said excitedly.
“Me too,” Bakugou said, sweat forming on his forehead once more. His palms were beginning to sweat as well, this time not from the heat. 
You took notice to his nervousness, furrowing your brows. “What’s wrong, Katsu?”
Bakugou gripped the object in his pocket with such force that he was shocked it hadn’t broken. He sighed. “Being here with you makes me think about the future.”
You smiled, pinching his cheek teasingly. “What, you’re nervous to spend your future with me?”
He turned to face you, his eyes piercing right through you. He took the velvet box out from his pocket, flicking it open to reveal a metal band with a giant diamond sitting on top of it, one that would put the sun to shame with it shining brightly before you. “No. It makes me fucking excited to want to spend my whole life with you.”
Your eyes widened as you took notice to the engagement ring in his calloused hands. You could only shake your head, not able to believe what you were seeing or form any coherent words. Tears started forming as you stared at him. You were speechless, overwhelmed with love and feelings of security. As time passed and your condition worsened, it was harder and harder for you to even dream about things like marriage. But with Bakugou by your side giving you hope and pushing you to want to get better, it made you believe; can you really live a normal life again?
“Shit, did I fuck it up?” Bakugou asked angrily, annoyed with himself. “I’m supposed to get down on one knee and shit, aren’t I?”
Your (E/C) eyes watched on as Bakugou got up and went down on his left knee, holding the box up to you with an intense look on his face. You covered your mouth in disbelief, the tears now streaming down your face.
“Y/N, will you marry--”
“Yes!” You screamed, your voice echoing through the air. You attacked him into an aggressive hug, causing Bakugou to lose balance and fall backward onto the grassy area. Luckily he managed to catch your body and not lose the expensive ring at the same time. You buried your head into his neck, sobbing as your tears splattered his skin. “A million times yes!”
Bakugou laughed, a weight lifting of his shoulders. “You idiot, I could’ve dropped this shit, ya know?” His expression didn’t match his tone as he grinned widely. 
You got up, still on top of him and wiping your face despite your sobbing never ceasing. Bakugou sighed, sitting up and pulling you into his embrace. “You’re not supposed to cry.”
You sniffled, leaning into his shoulder. “I’m just so happy, Katsuki.”
Bakugou shook his head, taking your left hand from your face and sliding the ring onto your finger. He caressed your hair, laughing at your tear-streaked face. You wiped your face once more, gasping for air in between your sobs. “It’s just… for the longest time I didn’t know if I’d ever survive to see the next day. And… And now you’re giving me hope to spend our lives together.”
Bakugou smiled, wiping your face as well, cupping your face in his hands. “Well now it gives you all the more reason to wanna get better.”
You laughed breathlessly, finally ceasing the tears from falling. You looked down at your hand, smiling at the ring. “You don’t understand, Katsuki, you’ve helped me survive more than you’ll ever know.”
You leaned in, planting a soft and warm kiss on his cheek. “You’re the reason why I still exist, Katsu. You give me a reason to want to wake up the next day.”
❝How could I do that to you
Our love that runs deep as the ocean,
Waiting till it runs dry…
The wind was strong that morning. But it wasn’t a slight breeze like usual as it brought harsh flurries of snow and frost along with it. Fortunately for Bakugou, who’s quirk was well suited for these harsh conditions, was fine as he made his way to his agency. 
Right when he opened the doors, he was attacked into a hug. Kaminari smiled at him as he attempted to leech off of his warmth. “Kacchan!”
Bakugou grimaced, lifting him up by his shirt and dropping him on the floor. “Don’t ever fucking touch me or say that name ever again, dunce face.”
“Oh, come on! It’s not fair that you get all that warmth ‘cause of your quirk!” Kaminari complained, leaning on the front desk as he shivered in his costume.
Kirishima greeted the two, also clad in his hero costume. “Took you long enough.”
“What the hell are you two doing here anyways?” Bakugou asked, nodding at his receptionists as they greeted him. He made his way to his office and Kaminari and Kirishima followed him.
“We were in town after taking down some giant goat villain,” Kirishima said.
Bakugou closed the door behind them. “Goat villain?”
“Yeah, it was pretty weird. But we knew your place was nearby and we wanted to pay you a visit!” Kaminari exclaimed. “We also wanted to see how Y/N’s doing.”
Kirishima perked up. “Yeah, how is she, man? I heard she’s still in recovery from that surgery from like a year ago.”
Bakugou nodded, taking his gauntlets off and tossing them to the side. “She’s getting better with time. She was getting physical therapy so her body gets used to fixing the damage from her quirk but she got sick so she’s at the hospital.”
Kaminari sighed. “That poor girl can never catch a break. And here I was thinking you two could’ve at least gotten married.”
Bakugou slipped his gloves off and threw them onto his desk. “We already did.”
Kaminari and Kirishima both jumped up, eyes wide. “What?!”
Bakugou showed them the wedding band on his finger. “We didn’t want a ceremony and she didn’t feel like waiting so we just did the paperwork s’all.”
“Congratulations, man!” Kirishima said excitedly.
Kaminari pouted, slumping down on one of the chairs in front of Bakugou’s desk. “No fair, I bet Y/N would’ve looked real pretty in a wedding dress.”
Bakugou glared at him, taking off the rest of his gear including his eye mask and leaving his jacket-like top and pants on. “You better get those perverted thoughts out of your fucking head.”
Kaminari raised his hands up defensively. “I wasn’t thinking anything perverted! I just thought she’d look pretty!”
“Well you’re a fucking pervert either way so I don’t trust any bullshit that comes out of your mouth.”
Kirishima sighed, shaking his head as his two friends continued to argue. Bakugou's phone buzzed on the desk and Kirishima gestured to it. “You gonna get that?”
Bakugou grabbed it, looking at the caller ID. It was your dad, in fact he had numerous missed calls from him. He answered the call, bringing the phone up to his ear. “Hello?”
“Katsuki! Thank goodness you answered, I’ve been trying to reach you for some time now!” His voice sounded frantic on the other end.
“Sorry, I leave my phone in my office when I’m wor--”
“Never mind that; it’s about Y/N.”
Bakugou felt his heart nearly stop beating as he heard your father’s next words, dropping his phone to the floor. He bolted out the room in a panic, ignoring Kaminari and Kirishima’s worried shouts from behind him as he made his way to Meijo Hospital.
The receptionist gave Bakugou a worried look as she saw him dashing for the elevator. Normally she would’ve scolded him for running in the lobby but she had heard the grave news as well, turning a blind eye to the matter. Bakugou aggressively jammed the button on the elevator as the doors closed, the ding sound intensifying as he reached the fourth floor. He used his quirk to push him forward as he finally got to your wing, your parents sitting down nervously in the waiting room.
Bakugou approached them, breathing heavily as his heart pounded against his chest. “Where is she?”
Your mother was crying as your father comforted her. He looked up at Bakugou with worry. “The doctor said they don’t know what happened, they said that she was fine one minute and then… they had to go into immediate surgery. Her organs are failing her.”
Bakugou’s legs gave out underneath him, luckily managing to sit on the chair beneath him and next to your father. The surgery from last year was a success and you were slowly yet surely on your way to recovery. “She was fine… what the fuck went wrong?”
Your mother got up, wiping her eyes as she continued crying. “I’m going to go to the bathroom.”
Your father nodded sadly, watching as she walked down the hall. He turned to Bakugou, sighing. “I’m sure Y/N spared you the complexity of her condition as the medical reason for it is pretty difficult to understand. But similar to your quirk secreting nitroglycerin in your sweat, Y/N’s quirk secretes hydrogen cyanide.”
Bakugou listened intently. “What does that do?”
“Hydrogen cyanide is extremely toxic for the body but it is also flammable, which is what allowed Y/N to create her flames. However, unlike your quirk that secretes nitroglycerin primarily to your sweat, Y/N’s quirk secretes it directly from her endocrine system. I’m not sure if you know but the endocrine system regulates the body by secreting chemical substances into the bloodstream.”
“And that hydrogen cyanide shit’s been in her bloodstream this whole time?” Bakugou asked, not being able to believe what he was hearing.
Your father nodded, the frown still wrinkled on his face. “With the hydrogen cyanide being secreted in her bloodstream, it is affecting her organs, especially since the endocrine system regulates metabolic functions. When she was a child, the secretion was not too much for her to be hospitalized but slowly the dosage started increasing as she got older. She’s had so many of these surgeries but with each surgery, the risk of her being fatally injured in the process kept increasing, too.” 
Your father gripped his knees in his hands in anger, frustrated to no end. “No matter what we do… no matter what we try to do to help her live her life, that damn quirk keeps manifesting. All these surgeries are just delaying the process. Her quirk is slowly burning her up.”
Bakugou looked down the hall, staring at your room. He could faintly hear the doctors and nurses’ voices through the door, hearing how frantic and rushed they sounded. All your life you’ve been fighting your own body and Bakugou refused to believe that it was going to end like this.
Your father clapped a hand onto Bakugou’s shoulder, giving him a weary smile. “Don’t worry, son, we’ve got to be hopeful for her. She’ll get through this, she always has.”
“There’s no way I’m ever giving up on her. I married her because I want to spend the rest of my life with her… only her. I’m not letting her leave me like this,” Bakugou said adamantly.
Time was going painstakingly slow. Bakugou had already drank three cups of shitty hospital coffee, your mother had gone through two boxes of tissues as her tears kept coming, and your father had bitten his fingernails into short nubs. Remembering how he left Kaminari and Kirishima, Bakugou asked your dad for his phone, dialing Kirishima’s number in. 
“Bakugou! We’ve been worried sick, man! What the hell happened?” Kirishima asked in a concerned tone.
“Y/N’s in surgery. I’m with her parents at the hospital. I dunno when it’ll be over,” Bakugou said, leaning against the wall.
“Do you want us to come, too?” Kirishima asked after pausing for a moment.
“No, we’re fine here.” The door to your room finally opened and Bakugou perked up immediately. “The doctors are out, I gotta go.”
Bakugou hung up, handing the phone back to your dad as the three of them got up and started crowding the doctors and nurses coming out of the room.
“How is she, doctor?” Your father asked, hopeful for some good news.
The doctors looked uncomfortable, one finally speaking up after what felt like an eternity of silence. “She’s strong. Probably one of the strongest patients I’ve ever had… but it’s not going to work out.”
Bakugou felt his heart drop to his feet. “The hell do you mean?”
The doctor frowned, nervous with Bakugou’s tone. “She has ten minutes left. That quirk of hers was too strong to get rid of even with the surgeries she’s had. We managed to get these last moments for her. We’re so sorry.”
The doctors and nurses bowed to them to show their condolences. Your mother let out a shrieking sob, running into your room immediately. Your father followed suit, rushing to be by your side. But Bakugou couldn’t help but be frozen on the spot. No matter how much he tried to move his feet, he couldn’t do anything. He refused to believe that this was reality, wishing for this to be his worst nightmare.
Finally he moved, his legs feeling like jelly as he collapsed to the ground, his back hitting the wall. He buried his face in his hands, pulling at his hairs in frustration. You were fine, all this time you were on your way to a full recovery. You were smiling brightly just this morning and now… you were on your deathbed?
Your father stepped out, his tear-stricken face evident as he sniffled. “She wants to see you, Katsuki.”
Bakugou snapped his head towards him, nodding as he rose to his feet. He had to drag his feet into your room, terrified of what he was going to see. He sucked in his breath as he made eye contact with you.
You were hooked to so many machines Bakugou couldn’t keep count. You looked inhumanely pale, your veins peeking through your skin. Your hair stuck to your face and you looked exhausted. Nevertheless, you had the most beautiful smile on your face, one that could make Bakugou fall in love with you all over again. “Katsu… ki.”
Bakugou crouched down beside your bed, holding onto your hand. Your other hand was held by both your parents. Bakugou hadn’t taken notice to the tears falling from his eyes until you brought a shaky hand up to wipe them away. “Katsuki, don’t… cry.”
Bakugou felt himself breathing heavily as the tears continued to fall as he held your hand tightly in his. “You idiot, don’t tell me what to do. Not when you’re here like this.”
You let out a breathy and weak laugh, maintaining your smile. “You really are amazing, Katsuki.”
The tight knot-like feeling in Bakugou’s chest refused to leave as the tears drowned his vision. But he wiped them away vigorously, refusing to lose sight of you. Your eyes wandered down, looking at Bakugou’s clothes. “I finally got to see you in your hero costume…”
“Stop talking, you’re making it worse,” Bakugou mumbled incoherently, his lips quivering as he tried to maintain his composure. Your parents held onto you as tightly as Bakugou did, all three refusing to believe the reality and gravity of the situation unfolding before them.
You smiled once again, using all of the strength you had left to maintain that withering smile. You brought a shaky hand up to Bakugou’s cheek, rubbing your thumb along his cheekbone. 
Bakugou’s vision became blurry, tears welling in his eyes as he gritted his teeth in pure anger. “You’re so fucking incredible, you know that? And so badass and strong.”
Your chest was rising and falling unevenly as it became harder and harder for you to breathe. Glancing over to your parents, your eyes glazed with your own tears. “I’m sorry Mom and Dad.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong. We’re so proud of you, sweetie,” your mother croaked, your father nodding along.
You smiled once more, a tear gliding down your face. “I love you both. Please look after… Katsuki. And each other.”
The monitor began beeping slowly and Bakugou held your hand in his once again, clenching it as tightly as he could. You gave his hand the slightest squeeze, turning your head to look at him. “Tell the others… that I’m sorry… didn’t get to say goodbye.”
Bakugou nodded vigorously, bringing your enclosed hands to his lips as he planted a soft kiss against your cold skin. “Don’t go, Y/N. Please.”
You laughed again, smiling sympathetically at him. “I wish… we could be… together forever…”
You smiled, your eyes closing slowly. “At least now… I can finally… leave this damn room…” 
The heart monitor continued to beep slower and slower. Time stood still as Bakugou heard your last words ring in his ears. “I love you, Bakugou Katsuki. I love you… more than life…”
Bakugou and your parents stared on as your chest fell for the final time, the flatlining of the monitor echoing through Bakugou’s head. Your fingers went limp in Bakugou’s hand and Bakugou felt himself shake with anger.
“This is some fucking joke… there’s no way this is real…” Bakugou whispered.
The doctors came back into the room, and Bakugou didn’t even notice their presence or your mother passing out onto the floor. As they went over to her side to assist her, your father approached Bakugou. He put a hand on his shoulder. “Son, come on, let’s go.”
“No!” Bakugou pushed his hand away, his eyes blazed as he continued to hold your hand in his. “I’m not leaving this room!”
He looked over to the nurses by the doorway. “You’ve got to do something… anything! We can still save her!”
“Katsuki… please,” your father whispered desperately, his body shaking as his own tears never stopped.
“Ground Zero, sir, there’s nothing else we can do--” 
“Bullshit,” Bakugou growled, interrupting the doctor. “She’s not dead! She was fine a few days ago! And you want me to believe that she’s fucking gone?!”
“Katsuki, you need to open your eyes, son,” your father was pleading beside him on the floor by your bed. “This is just as hard for you as it is for us.” 
Bakugou got to his feet, his fists shaking at his sides as sparks ignited in his palms by his rage. He couldn’t look at you, refusing to see your limp body lying on the bed. He refused to believe anything. “Believe whatever the fuck you want.”
Bakugou ignored the shouts behind him as he stormed out of the room, running as fast as he could. He didn’t know where he was going or what he was doing, going wherever his feet were taking him. She’s not dead, she’s not dead, SHE’S NOT DEAD was all that was repeating in Bakugou’s mind.  
That dreary day in room 405 was one that Bakugou would never forget but was also one he would do whatever he could do to forget. He turned his back on everything that day, and he never came back.
Two years had passed since then. Two painstakingly long years. After that night, Bakugou left the country, travelling to different places to somehow take the pain away, but it was no use. Your face continued to pop up in his mind like a constant reminder that you were gone. 
The first month, Bakugou went to South Korea and China. He tried to indulge himself in anything that would distract him. And as hard as he tried, every night he’d wake up in the middle of the night with the image of your dead body in room 405 haunting him.
The next few months, he covered all of Asia, moving to the Middle East, Europe, Africa and so on. He didn’t answer any calls from his parents, your parents, his agency, or his friends. He submitted a leave of absence to his agency, one that he knew would be approved because it was his agency. 
Sooner rather than later, a year had gone by and Bakugou was still on his pilgrimage to find something to fill the hole that you had left in him but to no avail. After two months, Bakugou finally returned to Japan, coming home to a frenzy of media as he had decided to go back to work. His colleagues and friends wanted to question him, question what he had been doing but didn’t have the heart to do so. They knew how difficult your death was on him. 
When Bakugou went to his family home, he was greeted with swear words and constant yelling from his mother. But he ignored it, actually apologizing to his parents. And like that, Bakugou returned to his life as a pro hero. 
However, things took a turn as he finally decided to quit seeking refuge with his parents and return to the home he had bought to live with you once you were fully recovered. The minute he opened the door, he collapsed to the floor, tears welling in his eyes for the first time in a long time as he saw pictures of you everywhere. The pain came back and it hit him like a punch to the face.
Finally here he was today, as Bakugou finally came to a stop at the brick road. The sun was setting, just like it was when he proposed to you on this same hill that day. Bakugou felt a chill down his spine as his eyes fixated onto your gravesite. The grassy area beside the path had been turned to a gravesite per your family’s request. It was your favorite part of the city and everyone who knew you knew how much you loved the area.
Bakugou stopped moving, his feet frozen in place and his hands clenching around the bouquet as he stared intently at your tombstone. He took a deep breath in and out, bracing himself as he took a few slow steps forward. Once Bakugou mustered enough strength to finally step before your grave, he fell to his knees, gently placing the bouquet in front of the urn of ashes. He took the incense sticks and matches on the side of your grave and lit a stick, placing it beside the flowers.
“I’m finally here, Y/N,” Bakugou said breathlessly, smiling softly. “I’m a really shitty husband for showing up two years late, but I’m here.”
He looked at your name engraved into the stone, that alone making his heart beat faster. Bakugou got up from his position and sat down cross legged in front of your grave, letting out a deep sigh. “I’m the biggest asshole there is. My wife died and I didn’t even go to her funeral ‘cause I didn’t wanna believe that it was true that you were gone.”
Bakugou felt his eyes begin to water and he attempted to suppress them, not wanting to cry in front of you. “Death is a fucked up thing, ya know. I saw your body in that damn room, I saw it with my own eyes. But I still didn’t want to believe it because you were still in that room. But when I left, I thought I would come to my senses but I didn’t. I didn’t realize you were really gone until I woke up in the middle of the night and you weren’t next to me to tell me it’s okay. You weren’t there motivating me even when I was being a dumbass or being hard on myself. You weren’t there to say that you love me.”
Despite how hard he tried, a single tear fell from Bakugou’s eye, one that he wiped away immediately. He didn’t want this “reunion” to be a sad one. “Months after I left I realized that you were really gone. Because when you died, it didn’t hit me all at once. It hit me slowly day by day as I began to see you weren’t there. And it fucking hurts, Y/N. It fucking hurts to not see you here.” 
Bakugou reached into his pocket, pulling out your ring and put it inside the bouquet. “Your dad mailed that to the house when I came back and I thought I was gonna pass out on the spot. Your parents almost had a heart attack once they saw me after all this time without telling them anything. Hell, my folks were pissed, too, ‘specially my mom and she almost beat my ass.”
Bakugou let out a humorless laugh and then another sigh. “Kirishima and my parents said ‘hi’ by the way and how much they missed you. Kaminari, Sero, and the girls also miss you, too. We all fucking miss you, Y/N. And I’d do anything to have you next to me.”
“But that’s not the point,” Bakugou said adamantly. “I’m not gonna sit here and mope about how much I wish you were here ‘cause that’s expected. I know you wouldn’t want me to be sad ‘cause you’re the sweetest person I’ve ever known who cares way too much about others than she does about herself. And I want you to know that you don’t have to worry about me. I’ve got people here to do that, so you just relax up there. You’re finally free, Y/N. You’re free from that sad ass room and I hope you’re finally happy now.” 
Bakugou reached into his pocket one last time, pulling out the unlit and destroyed candles that you had attempted to light a few years ago using your quirk. He placed them beside the bouquet. “Whenever I see these shits I get pissed ‘cause it reminds me about your quirk, about how something you couldn’t control and something that was supposed to help you was what killed you. But now I look at it and it reminds me about all the time we spent together, about all the times we spent in that room.”
Bakugou looked up at your gravesite for one final time, memorizing it as best as he could. “I know you didn’t want me to be a fucked up mess when you were gone, but I couldn’t help it. The heartbreak I felt when you left me is a feeling I could never describe ‘cause it fucking sucks. But I’d go through it all over again if it meant just having another minute with you.”
Bakugou raised a hand to the stone, his fingers tracing the engraving of your name. “I’ve never loved and will never love anyone as much as I love you, (L/N) (F/N). And I can’t wait for the day when I can see you again…”
…will be the day we bid our last goodbye.❞
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babyboyblasty · 4 years ago
"Shhh, don't talk too loud! You'll wake him!"
"But we're almost there"
"Yeah but look at him! He looks so peaceful!"
"And pretty.."
"What? I didn't say anything. "
"Hagakure-san, your bisexual is showing"
"Kyaaah!!!! I didn't say anything!"
Bakugou slowly blinked his eyes open and saw Ochako and Mina smirking at a flustered Hagakure who was flailing her arms around. Mina noticed he was awake and immediately looked his way with a smile. "Bakubabe! We're one stop away from the mall so wakey wakey~" she sing songed and Bakugou slapped the hand that was patting his head away.
"Uraraka-kun! Hagakure-kun! Ashido-kun! Get back in your seats this instant! Standing in a moving vehicle is completely unsafe and against the rules" Iida yelled back at the three and they laughed, doing as told with a 'yes class pres'.
Letting out a yawn, Bakugou sat upright from laying on Koda’s shoulder and stretched out his back. He was going to rub the sleep from his eyes but remembered he had makeup on and puffed his cheeks in annoyance at the inconvenience, crossing his arms with a frown. From beside Iida (who was chopping the air while lecturing the girls about safety protocols) Izuku couldn't hide his smile at how cute grumpy Kacchan was but then again neither could half the class.
Todoroki heard a quiet laugh from behind him and turned to see Satou there. "That Midoriya sure can't hide how bad he's got it, can he?" the other chuckled, speaking to Ojirou, and Todoroki's head tilted in confusion.
"How bad he's got what?" he asked.
"Hmm? Oh. I was just referring to the crush he has on Bakugou" he explained and Ojirou nodded along with an amused smile.
"Midoriya has a crush on Bakugou?" Todoroki frowned slightly.
"You didn't know? It's so obvious. Well, obvious to everyone except Bakugou that is" Sato laughed and Todoroki turned back around signaling the end of the conversation. Satou didn't seem to mind though since he went right back to speaking with Ojirou, this time about training. To be fair, Bakugou seemed oblivious to the fact he had practically nineteen pairs of eyeballs glancing at him from time to time even now. The bus came to a slow stop and everyone began to gather their stuff.
"We're here! Everyone stick with a moving buddy or group, no wandering off on your own" Iida announced and ushered everyone off the bus and towards the mall entrance. As hard as it was to believe (or not), class 1-A's infamous luck for attracting trouble had followed them well into their third year at UA.
Bakugou and Kirishima made eye contact as they got off the bus but the latter quickly turned away to go catch up with Denki and Sero. Katsuki won't say that it didn't hurt but he hid it and just moved on, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his shorts and beginning to walk forward with the rest of his classmates. Whatever shitty hair's fucking problem was wasn't any of his business but if it continued, he'll definitely take matters into his own hands. Eijirou isn’t cutting him off without at least an explanation.
"So we'll all meet up here in three hours. Does that sound fair?" Momo asked the class once they were in the center of the mall near the water fountain and everyone agreed, splitting up into groups with their friends. "Afterwards we can all go to the food court together." The students began to disperse and head in different directions after that, merging with the rest of the people at the mall.
Izuku hung back a little from his own group, Iida and Todoroki, when he saw that Katsuki was alone since Kirishima had gone with his other friends. He approached him and tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention. "Um, Kacchan? Would you maybe like to—"
"Sorry Midoriya!" a pale pink arm was suddenly draping over the blonde's shoulders and pulling them into a borderline chokehold. "We're going to steal this cutie for a few hours. Baku-yum is coming with us to do some shopping" Mina butt in. The blonde just 'tsked' with an eye roll but didn’t disagree.
"Right" the boy smiled though his shoulders sagged a bit. He had hoped to get to hang out with Bakugou for a while to talk, maybe possibly even just the two of them alone, but he guessed he was too late for that.
"You can join us if you'd like, Midoriya-kun," Yaoyorozu quickly added and the rest made noise of agreement. Behind them stood the rest of the girl squad and Aoyama, all looking at the green haired boy who flushed at the attention, especially under the intense stare of a pair of red eyes.
"Oh, um. No, that's fine. I was just leaving anyway. See ya later" he shyly waved at them and they all waved back, saying their goodbyes (and “au revoir”) with the exception of Jirou who merely nodded his way in acknowledgement and Bakugou who ignored it completely.
Mina took Bakugou's hand in hers and started leading him away god knows where. "See you in three hours, Midoriya!" she looked over her shoulder back at him and gave him a thumbs up.
"Where are you extras taking me now?" Izuku heard Bakugou groan.
"The question is more like where /aren't/ we taking you. We have three hours to kill" she laughed.
"Why me?" he complained but didn't make any effort in pulling away. Gosh how class 3-A loved their tsundere.
Deku looked at them leave, watching how they bickered the whole way in endearment.
"You look nice today, Midoriya."
The male jumped, turning to find Todoroki standing there.
"Ah! T-Todoroki-kun! You scared me" he shrieked. " And oh. I um, thank you Todoroki-kun. You look nice as well" he replied a bit awkwardly. He was never good at accepting compliments.
"It's for Bakugou, right?" the half and half male stated. It wasn't a question and Izuku knew it.
"W-what?" he sputtered and turned very red, looking around for anyone that might have heard or was eavesdropping into the conversation. The mall was full of people but no one seemed to be paying attention to the two UA students though, too busy doing their own thing to notice. "W-why, why would you—?"
"Me too" Todoroki smiled a little before it went away, replaced by his usual blank expression. "I hope this doesn't put a strain in our friendship. You're a dear friend to me, Midoriya."
"I um…" he mumbled, baffled. He was at a loss for words. How could he respond to that? "He isn't a girl" was what he said instead. Maybe he was only attracted to Kacchan because of the quirk. Or at least that's what he hoped.
"I know he isn't. And tomorrow when he turns back I will continue to pursue him if he'll have me" Todoroki explained. "It took me a while to see it but I think I've had feelings for Bakugou for a while now. I was told that you do too and I thought it was the right thing to do to give you a fair warning that I will be going after Bakugou as well."
Todoroki and Izuku remained in a silence where neither of them spoke and only stared at each other, Todoroki with an air of indifference where he appeared unfazed and Izuku where his eyebrows were pulled together and his lips were set in a thin line in thought.
"Todoroki-kun, Midoriya-kun, there you are. Did something happen?" Iida approached them. He had gone to the bathroom for a second only to come back to his friends in a type of staring contest.
"Ah? Oh, um, it's nothing. Todoroki-kun and I were just talking. Shall we go?" Izuku put on a forced smile and if Iida noticed it, he didn't say anything and just nodded. In a way, Izuku was a little relieved at the intervention and he quickly moved to the other side of Tenya, keeping his distance from Shoto for a bit. Truth be told, he still wasn't completely sure of what just happened. Sure he thought Kacchan was awesome and amazing and cool but he didn’t like him like /that/, did he? He didn't think so, but knowing that Todoroki did like him that way didn't sit right with him either.
"Don't both your parents work in the fashion industry, Bakugou?" Jirou asked, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Yeah they do. What about it, ears?" the blonde raised an eyebrow.
"No, nothing. Just wondering how the son of two fashionistas could have such bad taste" she smirked.
"Oi screw you!" he growled.
"Ladies, no fighting. Okay Bakubabe, I need your opinion since I can't decide. This top with these pants or this top with the skirt?" Mina asked, stepping out of the dressing room like it was her own personal catwalk and doing a twirl a few feet away from them, striking a pose.
"I don't know. Get what you want" he shrugged with a dismissive tone and Mina pouted, giving him a look that made Bakugou groan. Jirou gave him one too. "Ugh alright, fine! Whatever. Get the top with the skirt. The colors suit your skin tone better and they're much more versatile than bright fucking red jeans. The pants look cool or whatever but you have enough of those. Besides, with the skirt and top you'll be able to mix and match more outfits so you'll get more use out of them. Plus the skirt makes your natural curves stand out more and gives you a more feminine and mature look but depending on what you pair it up with you can switch the style."
Mina was just expecting a random opinion like Kiri, Denki, and Sero said when she forced them to come with her (which she'd then overthrow and choose what she wanted in the first place), not Bakugou to give a full blown analysis as to why. Was her heart racing a bit?
"Close your mouth, Mina. You'll catch flies” Jirou teased, her hand raising up to her mouth to hide her snicker.
So far, it's been two hours more or less. Mina had wanted to keep shopping so Jirou joined the pink skinned girl and they dragged Bakugou along with them while the other girls and Aoyama went to get a manicure done. Momo texted Jirou a few minutes ago that they were done though so they were just waiting on Mina so they could pay and leave to meet up with the rest of their group in front of the nail place.
"I- yes!" Mina blurted out and Jirou noticed the subtle red peeking through pink cheeks. She was blushing. "The skirt and shirt it is then" she decided, nodding in approval, and went back into the dressing room to change into her own clothing.
Bakugou just grumbled and settled back into his chair while the other girl giggled into the palm of her hand. ‘There goes another one’ she thought to herself.
"What are you laughing at, ears?" the other looked over at her accusingly.
"Oh, nothing. Don't mind me" Jirou shrugged with a smirk, her finger twirling her earlobe mindlessly.
Somewhere on the opposite side of the mall were Iida, Todoroki, and Izuku. Everything seemed to have gone back to normal as they all talked between themselves and Tokoyami's group; Shoji and Koda. Or more like everyone but Todoroki talked. The ice and fire quirk user was too busy looking up vital information for research purposes on his phone.
It all started a little less than an hour ago when they were in a store and through the window, he saw how a boy with shaggy brown hair gave a girl a bag with something in it and the girl gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek in return. Todoroki hummed to himself a bit in wonder then turned to Iida. Izuku had gone to look at some hero figurines a few aisles down so it was just them in that particular section.
"Iida" Todoroki spoke and Tenya looked up from a nice tie he had his eye on and over to said boy instead.
"Yes? What is it, Todoroki-kun?" the male brought up a hand to fix his glasses instinctively but then remembered he wasn't wearing any. Force of habit.
"Why did that guy give that girl a gift? Is it her birthday?" he turned back to look out the window. The two of them were sitting quite close with their fingers intertwined and Iida refrained from telling Todoroki how it was impolite to stare.
"Um, it could be? But people tend to give the people they like gifts just because sometimes. To show they were thinking about them and that they care. There doesn't always have to be a special occasion" Iida explained.
"Oh" Todoroki nodded. He thinks he gets it now. Growing up the way he did, he never received presents just because. Only ever on his birthday or a holiday. He thought it was against the rules to give gifts just because but Iida said it was okay so it must be. “And if I give someone a gift, will they know I like them and like me back?" he asked.
"Well, maybe. But there's also the chance that they /won't/ like you back immediately or at all in some cases, however it's a good start" Iida patted the other on the back and Todoroki thanked him.
That's basically how Todoroki found himself where he was now. 'What to give to a boy that's been turned into a girl but only temporarily since he's still a boy as a gift to show you are interested' is what he typed into the search engine. "Gifts for Girls: 36 of the Best Gift Ideas for Girls to Let Them Know You Care" was what popped up as the first option and Todoroki thought it through before he clicked it anyway. It never hurts to check. 'A tumbler with a straw; she'll think of you with every sip with this cute decorative tumbler' it read. No. Next one. 'Lip duo; keep her lips moisturized with this cute lip balm and lip tint set!" Hmm… no. Next. 'Gold initial pendant necklace; These cute gold initial pendant necklaces are a perfect little gift. She will carry your initials with her always! (Bonus points if you get one for yourself with her initials too)'
While it does sound appealing to think about Katsuki wearing an 'S.T' or even just an 'S' pendant necklace around his neck, he doesn't think it's an appropriate first gift just yet. Maybe once they start dating he can get him one and even buy himself a matching ‘K.B’ one so they can match and be, quote unquote, ‘relationship goals’ like Mina says. That’d be nice. He’d like that. Shoto continued on to the next one.
'Jigsaw puzzle; This inspiring 500 piece jigsaw puzzle is a good activity to do together' he read. He'll think about it but he wants something better. Shoes was the next one but he doesn't really know Bakugou's shoe or clothing size so that's out. A candy making kit sounds fun but Bakugou doesn't really like sweet things.
After going through all 36, Todoroki still didn't have the perfect gift. If there was anyone who'd know what Bakugou likes better than anyone else, it'd be either Midoriya or Kirishima but he wanted to do this himself. He'll keep looking in the shops as they go. They have an hour left before going back so he'll find something. Todoroki was determined.
“Isn’t that Bakugou? Who's that he's with?” he heard someone say, and turned to Shoji. Following the direction in which he was looking, Todoroki discovered that it indeed was Bakugou and he felt himself go cold, hands clenching. This wasn’t good.
[ word count: 2665 ]
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violetnotez · 5 years ago
Can I request a storyline where reader and Ms. Joke gives advice to each other to ask their crushes out. (Reader crushing on Bakugou and Ms. Joke likes Eraserhead). Also I love your Dabi fic it's so damn amazing.
Anon I know this took so long but I loved this idea ALOT. Like-literally GENIUSSSSSSSS!!!! And omg I’m so happy you liked my Dabi fics!!!🥺😭
Another fic for the @bnhabookclub event! If you wanna join in, heres the link!
Also pls ignore that Ms Jokes shoulder has disappeared I forgot to fix it 💀
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Bakugo x reader
⤷ Genre: Fluff
⤷ Word Count: 2000+
⤷ Warnings: cursing
⤷ Synopsis: As your helping your hero aunt Ms. Joke concoct a plan to win over Eraserhead, the conversation somehow turns to your crush on Bakugo. Even though you feel comfortable talking about the hotheaded boy with your aunt over the phone, you don’t realize how bad that idea is until a certain someone decided to eavesdrop outside the door.
Song Recs: ⤷ Leave This Place-Lione ⤷All This Time-Deorro ⤷Start It Over-NOTD
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“Okay okay, how about this one-
“Can you pass me my inhaler, because you just took my breath away!”
Ms. Joke made an over exaggerated attempt at swooning, her voice airy and theatrical. You couldn’t help but giggle at her antics, your nose scrunching at the terrible pick up line she just gave you.
“I don’t think that one will work Auntie,” you mused, your phone on speaker as you tidied up your UA dorm room.
Not many people were aware of it, but your aunt was Ms. Joke, the comedy hero. It was quite a shocker when you let that information out to your classmates, as they couldn’t understand why you had went to UA over her hero school. It was true you had entertained the idea of going, but as much as you loved your aunt-you could only tolerate her for so long. She was so fun and energetic to be around, but that energy quickly became draining after a few hours.
The thought of having to be around your aunt every day made you feel tired just thinking about it, so you had kindly opted to try UA instead. Your aunt was a little disappointed that you had picked UA over her school, but she was over the moon excited for you to finally follow her footsteps and become a hero.
It also didn’t hurt that you would be around Aizawa quite a lot-and she definitely used that to her advantage.
“Oh Cmon tho, Jitter Bug, he would love it!” She exclaimed through the phone. “That one is such a laugh riot!”
“I think you forget that Mr. Aizawa isn’t too big on jokes,” you gave her a short giggle as you began to fold the freshly cleaned clothes on your bed.
“Hm….” she hummed in thought.
“What about-I’m thirsty, and guess whose body is 75% water? I’d then give him a killer smile to go along with it-he can’t say no to me then!”
Your cheeks turned incredibly red-the thought of your aunt hitting on your teacher so openly like that? Revolting.
You made a gagging noise at the prospect, a nervous laugh spilling out.
“I swear if you do that, I will dig my own grave and lay in there from second hand embarrassment,”
A belly laugh erupted in the other end of the line, Ms. Joke’s chuckles high pitched and uncontrollable.
“You really are a hard one to impress, huh?” She said between laughter.
“That type of pick up line is a little too young though-you babies are the ones that say ‘thirsty’ all the time…”
You heard a little hum on the other side of the phone, signaling she was thinking deeply.
“Why don’t you use that one on that boy you like, what’s his name again?”
She asked good naturedly, a hint of sneakiness in her voice. “It’s-Bakugo, Katsuki Bakugo, right?”
Your eyes went wide like saucers, your body language going rigid.
“Auntie you cant say that so loud, I’m on speaker phone!” You hushed her.
Your cheeks went insanely red, your head swiveling to look at your door.
Damn you and not closing it properly-anybody walking by could have heard!
Your aunt only knew about your crush because she had noticed you staring quite intently at Bakugou at your provisional licensing exam, her questions hard to not answer truthfully. She had promised not to tell anyone, not even your parents, but she used it against you nevertheless.
You sighed a breath of relief once you were satisfied that no one had walked by, your head turning back to your phone call.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
Unknowing to you, someone had walked by-Bakugo.
It was later in the day and getting close to his early bedtime, so he had come up to tell you to be quiet.
It felt strange walking up to your room-Bakugo knew he was beginning to like you, more than just a classmate or a friend, yet he didn’t quite want to believe it.
He shouldn’t have all these vulnerable feelings, he should be focusing on training and nothing more. But the more and more he tried to ignore it the more and more he realized how much he truly admired you-you were so damn pretty to him, your laugh and smile always making a blush rise to his cheeks, and the way you would look at him so innocently whenever he spoke to you made his whole world light up.
He liked how you respected him, but you would also put him in his place if needed.You were really one of the few only people he would listen to, which made it even worse-you had a power over him you didn’t even know about. It frustrated him, but he cared about your opinion too damn much to openly defy your wishes.
It sucked how easily he’d fallen for you, but he couldn't make it stop, no matter how hard he tried.
Just as he trudged up the stairs to your room, he noticed the door unlocked, a strange thing for him to see since he had prepared himself to knock. Whatever-less time waiting outside your door. He lightly leaned himself against the adjacent wall, ready to yell his warning at you quickly until he heard the familiar voice of Ms. Joke speak his name from a phone call.
The hell were you even talking about?
He couldn’t help it, he had to listen in, it was him you were talking about after all. As much as he didnt want to care, he hoped it was only good things you were speaking of, his heart fluttering when he heard your aunt say “you like him.”
Was it true? Did you really feel the same for him?
Bakugo instantly felt himself to sweat, his vermillion eyes wide as he prayed the news he was hearing wasn’t a lie-you had to like him back. You just had to.
Ms. Joke laughed at your distress, her voice lighthearted and loud.
“Oops, sorry!” She said, not a single ounce of remorse in her tone. “But really, y/n, what do you see in that boy! He’s so-well-“
“Harsh?” You finished her sentence, shuffling on your bed.
“Exactly! He’s always so mean and entitled too-you can’t find another boy in UA? What about Shoto-hes a pretty one!”
You gave a giggle, your hands fiddling nervously with your hair.
“Shoto is just a friend Auntie, and besides, he’s quite reserved-Bakugo isn’t,” you sighed, “Ive never meant anyone like him before.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
Bakugo’s heart beat painfully in his chest from outside the door.
This was fucking wrong-he was being a total creepster eaves dropping in your private conversation.
He kept telling himself that this was all okay, because you were talking about him and it was your goddamn fault for speaking about him behind his back-
But he knew deep down it was because he wanted so badly to know. He just wanted to be reassured that there was a connection between you two and he could pursue it somehow.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
“He’s just so-different. He is really harsh and brutally honest-it makes him kinda unique in a way. He’s always so driven, trying to do his best to be the best-it’s infectious, ya know? I can't help but admire him for that.”
you admired him? god, hearing those words sent him over the moon. You sounded so sweet and so soft as you relayed all your inner feelings to Ms. Joke, his heart was practically swooning.
Your aunt gave a small nod at your words, her voice much more understanding.
“Have you talked to him? Tried to ask him out or do anything you little kiddies usually do when you have a crush?” She asked playfully.
You sighed, your hands combing through your hair.
“Oh I could never! He wouldn’t like me back-he’s too into his school work. And he is super harsh-god I don’t know what I’d do if he’d reject me….”
“I understand you full heartedly JitterBug,” she used your nickname again, a groan slipping out of your lips.
“Are you yiu ever going to stop calling me that!”
“Never!” She exclaimed, her voice loud and cheerful again. “Your my wonderful little JitterBug and I’m going to keep calling you that until I kick the bucket!
“But really,” she sighed, her tone much more serious. “You never know until you try! I got rejected myself many, many, MANY times-but Im still doing perfectly fine!”
You held back a small snicker-your aunt, the Jokester Hero, who can’t hold a conversation without cackling like a maniac, the one who wears the most ridiculous outfits, has a chaotic fighting style, and has been pinning over the same guy since her internship days as a rookie?
Yeah, perfectly fine isn’t the best way you would describe her.
You simply hummed a nod in order to satiate her a response, a small smile gracing your lips.
“Ugh, I just got a call-they need me to help out with some robbery,” you aunt huffed out, her tone clearly tired. You felt a little bad for the hero-she must have been having a pretty crazy day.
“I’m sorry we had to cut our call so short!”
“Oh no it’s no problem!” You reasuresed her happily, “stay safe out there!”
“You two Jitterbug! Byeeeee!” She practically yelled her goodbye into the phone, making you flinch.
You breathed a tranquil sigh, readying yourself to start studying for your tests when you heard a loud banging upon your door.
“Oi, dumbass, can I come in for a minute?” The gruff voice of Bakugo filled the room, making your blood shiver-
Bakugo?!? Wait-was he there the whole time?!?
You teeth were practically chattering from that overwhelming fear, your cheeks red and your eyes wide.
You seriously were going to crawl into a hole and never come out if he heard that whole conversation.
You crawled off your bed, your hand making their way to the door to peak it open slightly.
Bakugo’s heart was thumping violently in his chest-now he knew you felt the same for him, this was going to be extremely easy. But he still felt really nervous, especially when your hair was so perfectly messy like that and your cheeks were dusted with pink like you were already nervous yourself.
God damn, why did you have to be so attractive? It just messed everything up for him, making him feel like he couldn’t think straight.
“Hey Bakugo, I-Uh-what’s up? Did you need something?”
“Yeah,” he replied gruffly, his nerves making his hand sweat more than usual. “something like that,”
Damn quirk, he thought in annoyance, shoving his hands into his pants. “You gonna let me in?”
“Oh-uh,”you began to stutter, shifting away from the door and opening it up slightly, “sure, yeah!”
He grinned to himself at your adorableness-did you always act this nervous around him? How did he not notice you like him before-it was so obvious to see now when you were fidgeting like that.
He strutted into your room, a new found confidence in him as he shut the door of the room for you, practically trapping you in with him. A mischievous smirk graced his lips, making your heart thump against your ribcage.
“Don’t want anyone overhearing by accident cause you cant close a door right,”
You groaned in embarrassment.
Welp-he knew.
You gave him a small look, your eyes doe -like and scrunched up in uneasiness.
“How much of that did you hear?” You asked timidly.
Bakugo scoffed, that shit eating grin still plastered on his face.
“All of it, Jitterbug,”
You groaned yet again, plopping your body onto the bed in embarrassment.
How could this happen?! He was right-you should have closed the door! You covered your face with your hands, your fingers trailing against your forehead and your hair.
“God I’m so sorry, I probably sounded like a creep, I didn’t mean to-“ you tried to apologize and explain yourself, your cheeks a cherry red.
“Do you like me?” He interrupted you, his arms crossed in front of his chest.
You looked up timidly-god, was he always this intimidating?
He was standing right in front you, his overwhelming stature making you feel so small and overpowered. He was wearing this strange smirk, as if he was enjoying interrogating you.
That usually wasn’t a Bakugo thing to do, to smirk like that, but damn, was it kinda-hot. You could really only focus on that, on the way his lips curled up so softly like he was happy about something but trying to repress it. It was warm and inviting, and you couldn’t help but feel some of your awkwardness melt away.
“How would you feel if I said ‘yes’?” You tried your best to lighten the mood some what, a nervous smile slipping against your lips.
Bakugo knelt down, his body so much more closer to you. His hands went on each side of your legs, his thumbs just brushing your outer thigh. He caged you in to the bed with his arms, his face mere inches from yours.
Well shit.
You felt the blood rush to your face, your ears pounding-you never knew he felt this warm so close, and god-did he really smell like salted caramel? His vermillion eyes were boaring to yours, sending your senses into over drive.
“And how would it feel if I said ‘yes’?” He turned your words against you, his voice husky and deep form being so close.
You squirmed from nerves, your hands going to play with your hair. It was so strange being so close to him, and you didn’t know what to do.
You looked so cute flustered like this-Bakugo internally tried to remember this perfectly, mentally writing down your adorable mannerisms and facial expression to memory. As much as he loved this, you were taking too long for a reply, and he was getting a little annoyed.
“What was that? I’m still waiting,” he asked gruffly, his voice low and sultry.
You gulped, feeling a pang in your heart from hearing that type of voice come from him. Directed to you.
“I-Uh-yes, I-I do, I've liked you for a while now,” you revealed, your cheeks practically tomato red.
He smirked at your expression, slowly lifting his body with off the weight.
You looked up in confusion, already feeling cold without his warm body so close to yours.
“Good,” he replied, his voice prideful, “cause I feel the same way.”
“You do!” You practically shouted, your eyes wide with shock.
The Bakugo-“liked you” liked you? You could practically scream with happiness.
“Well yeah dumbass, why would I say that if I didn’t?” He chuckled slightly, his bright red eyes still drinking you in.
Now his nerves were coming out again, a heaviness feeling his stomach as he realized what he had to do now.
“I-I’m not good at this shit, but-
“Wanna go out tomorrow?”
You were practically screaming like a little girl internally. This was happening? Was this all just a cruel dream?
Only one way to figure out if this was real or not.
You stood up from the bed, bringing yourself close to the hot head.
Now it was Bakugo’s turn to be embarrased-he was getting too comfortable being the one to make you nervous. He forgot how you could make him so flustered, your warm smile and pretty eyes making his heart thump painfully and his mind go into a panicked standstill.
Your hands shakily wrapped around his neck, slow to see how he would react.
God, you had thought about touching his hair for so long now, it was even better than you imagined-soft and fluffy like a cloud, you ran your hands through the spiky locks. The faint smell of caramel wafted into your nose agaun, making you feel nervous and calm at the same time.
He was slightly rigid, staring at you with shocked eyes-but he seemed to not mind this. You smiled softly, your heart thumping-it was now or never.
You slowly got on your toes and leaned yourself into his lips, surprised how warm they felt. At first he didn’t move, which scared you-but he eventually began to move against your lips, a little rough but still pleasant. A flood of warmth filled your body, your hands relaxing against his body. You felt his arms wrap around your body, his lips now taking the lead and guiding you into him.
You couldn’t believe how good this felt, how perfect and surreal it was.
But you remembered-sadly- breathing was a thing, your lungs burning as you both reluctantly pulled away.
You thanked your aunt for her loud mouth in your blissful daze, because without her, you wouldn’t be kissing your crush now.
You smiled at the blonde, his cheeks dusted with red and his eyes drinking you in.
“Tomorrow sounds great.”
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red-daddy-riot · 5 years ago
Dazzle Me - Kirishima Eijirou
Overview: After meeting the new girl that’s transferred into class 2-A from Shiketsu High, Kirishima thinks it’s love at first sight and can’t seem to get her off his mind. Little does he know just how perfect she is for him...
Pairing: Kirishima x herocourse!reader
Warnings: none.
Author’s note: Hi lovelies! Even though this is my second fic, thank you to those who encouraged me to write it. As you can tell by my name I am head over heels for Red Daddy Riot and I couldn’t wait to write for Kirishima! Please let me know what you think, and I hope you enjoy!
Kirishima’s troubles all started the minute you walked though the oversized door of the newly minted class 2-A.
He was currently idly resting his head in the palm of his hand, tapping a pencil against his desk while trying not to think about the soreness in his arm and shoulder muscles from pummelling the punching bag in his dorm room last night. Having to wrangle Bakugou’s hot head into line all day could really do that to a guy. His musings were soon interrupted by their homeroom teacher.
“Alright class, listen up. We have a new student joining us today. She’s just transferred to U.A from Shiketsu High, so I expect you all to make her feel welcome.”
Aizawa concluded his speech by gesturing to the doorway, inviting the person hovering outside to take a step into the curious atmosphere of the homeroom.
At the sound of your hard leather shoes clacking across the floor Kirishima slightly ceased his mindless tapping, raising his eyes to take in the visual of you making your way across the front of the room.
The pencil dropped from his hand and rolled under his desk as he sat bolt upright in his chair, lips parted and eyes wide. Without a smidge of a doubt, you were the most beautiful girl Kirishima had seen in his mere 16 years of life. Small smile flickering on your rosy lips as you rolled your shoulders back, head held high in your determination to project a good first impression onto your new classmates.
Kirishima’s eyes ran up and down you slowly, taking in your crisp new uniform of white shirt, red tie cinched at your throat and black socks pulled up to your knees. In the back of his mind he knew it was unmanly to stare, and especially unmanly to think the thoughts that were flashing through his mind as he gazed at your legs, but damn he couldn’t help it. The good angel sitting on his shoulder could wait.
“Go on, introduce yourself” said Aizawa, nodding his head to the class of students gazing intently at you, expressions ranging from curious to eager.
“Hi everyone, my name is L/n Y/n. As you know I just transferred here from Shiketsu High, due to my parents moving to Musutafu for work. U.A is a lot closer for me to travel, so it was a no-brainer decision. Um” you hesitated then flashed a cheeky smile. “Just between us, Shiketsu and some of the students were a bit too intense. I’m a bit more laid back.”
Kaminari let out a whoop from the seventh seat “Right on!”
You smiled then quickly looked back at Sensei before facing the front again. “As for my quirk... well I’m sure you’ll get to see it in action later today.” Grinning, your eyes scanned the room before dropping a quick wink. Yep, Kirishima could already feel the butterflies start up in his stomach.
Aizawa directed you to your new seat at the back of the room before addressing the rest of his students. “Make sure to introduce yourself to L/n throughout the day. I’m sure she would like to get familiar with all of you.”
Why on earth was Sensei looking at him when he said that? Kirishima thought. Wait, was that a smirk playing on his lips too! Confusion set in.
As the day went on Kirishima couldn’t help but notice you wherever you went. Somehow his gaze was always drawn to you like magnet. He was even able to pick you out of the crush of students in the hallways, walking along with your books tucked under your arm while you were deep in conversation with Ashido and Yaomomo, both of whom had taken it upon themselves to act as your guides and new friends at the unfamiliar school. Kirishima hadn’t even noticed he had stopped dead in the corridor until a body bumped into his, shouldering past roughly then looking back.
“Oi! Shitty Hair! What the hell are you doing standing there like a loser?” Of course it was Bakugo who had jostled him. Never one for patience or to beat around the bush.
“Yeah dude! What are you looking at anyway?” That was Kaminari, popping into his eyeline as he trailed Bakugo down the gleaming halls. Positioning himself as best as he could next to Kirishima in the crowd, Denki angled his body until his gaze mirrored Kirishima’s point of view, the stun-gun hero scanning the crowd eagerly until his gaze landed on where you were stood at Ashido’s locker, head thrown back as you laughed at something she said. Immediately his face cracked into a grin.
“Ooooooh lookie here. Mr Red Riot can’t keep his eyes off of the new girl huh?” He laughed, throwing an elbow into Kirishima’s side teasingly. “Can’t blame you dude. She’s a knockout!”
“No! I wasn’t looking at her, I was...uh...never mind.” Kirishima’s hand came up to his neck as he looked down bashfully. There was really no point in arguing with Denki. Besides, it was true. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of you.
“Tch! Come on you extras. Quit standing around!” Bakugo said, his bellow loud enough to be heard over the din of the student body. Just as they were about to move to join him, Ashido let out a screech from across the hall.
“NO WAY! That’s incredible! Just like Ki-mmh!” Momo’s hand clamped across her mouth, muffling her next words as you frantically tried to shush her.
“Mina-chan! Everyone isn’t supposed to know yet. Besides, I want to see what everyone else can do! I want to be... dazzled.” You let out a giggle. “Pardon the pun.”
Kirishima hadn’t meant to eavesdrop but Ashido’s clamour had really caught his attention. His curiosity increased tenfold at the words he had managed to briefly catch. Just what was your quirk exactly? Dazzled? The sturdy hero’s head swam as a million possibilities flashed through his head. He was intrigued by you, there was no doubt about it. And hearing you giggle.... man. Those damn butterflies just wouldn’t get out of his stomach.
The rest of the day passed in a blur until it was finally time for 2-A’s practical Hero Studies class in the afternoon. An excited air crackled all around the hero students as they eagerly awaited not only for their most anticipated class, but to finally see the new girl’s quirk. The air of mystery had permeated the classroom for a good majority of the day, with many students musing over the possibilities of what you could do. Midoriya was practically vibrating in excitement as he couldn’t wait to quiz you on the elusive quirk you were hiding.
After collecting their costume cases and heading to the change rooms, all the students stepped out into Gym Gamma. You were the last one to finish getting changed as your hero costume had to pass inspection from the staff. Stepping into the gym to join everyone else, the girls crowded around you to examine your costume.
Clad in hues of bright white and icy blue, your costume bared an awful lot of skin. A cropped halter top covered your chest and most of your neck, rising high to encircle your throat but dipping low in the back. Tight white shorts exposed most of your legs, while a cord ran down the length of your stomach, connecting your top and shorts together. Heeled white boots completed the look. However, what was most startling about your outfit was the abundance of diamonds. Sturdy diamond cuffs circled your wrists while loose gems decorated the connecting points of your costume. As a finishing touch, a diamond circlet ran across your brow. Exclamations of delight arose from both Ashido and Aoyama, who were in awe.
“Tres magnifique ma cherie!” Aoyama said. “Your twinkingly could only be rivalled by moi!”
Mina agreed, looking at your outfit in delight. “Y/n chan you look super cute! Definitely a showstopper.” Uraraka and Asui nodded in approval.
Glancing over at you standing there in your costume, Kirishima privately agreed. He thought you looked beautiful even in your school uniform, but that was nothing compared to how you looked now. And with that much skin exposed.... Kirishima felt heat rise in his cheeks and he quickly looked away, now determined to control the not so decent thought that were raging in his mind. Oh yeah, he really needed that good angel now. Others weren’t so discreet though.
Kaminari was openly gawking at you, jaw hanging to the floor as he ogled your body. Even Sero, who was more controlled than most of them was looking in your direction with wide eyes.
“Bro!” Kirishima knocked Kaminari round the head. “It’s not very manly to stare.” Yeah he was a hypocrite all right.
“Dude can you blame us! LOOK at her!” Kaminari yelled back. Sero grinned sheepishly and looked away. “Well we still don’t know what her quirk is, but it must be something flashy. Look at all those gems” he said.
It was at that moment that All Might stepped into the gym. Sunken eyes gazed at the eager students assembled before him as they waited for what he had to say.
“Alright class, as you know Miss L/n has joined you all in 2-A and will be a permanent addition to the class. It was a decision made by myself and Mr Aizawa that her quirk be kept under wraps until now. She truly...ahem...shone at Shiketsu High, and I would like her to demonstrate her power in the practical lesson we will have right now. So, Miss L/n, if you would please take your position in the middle of the gym, I will select a student to spar with you for this practice match.
You smiled at your teacher before you walked to the centre of the field, turning to face your classmates on the side line. Just like Midoriya you were practically vibrating in excitement. You couldn’t wait to finally be able to demonstrate what you could do. You definitely didn’t class yourself as one of the best fighters, but with much encouragement from your mentors at Shiketsu, you had come a long way by developing your quirk.
“Bakugou. If you could please join L/n in the centre.”
Gasps arose from the students as they took in All Might’s request for Bakugou to spar with you. Kirishima’s heart immediately jumped into his throat as he looked on in disbelief. What did All Might think he was doing? Bakugou was ruthless. No way would you be able to take him down easily, if at all. Looking at you standing in the middle dressed in your blue and white costume, you suddenly appeared very fragile. Anxiety rolled off of him in waves.
Mutters filled the air as Bakugou strode cockily to the centre of the gym, stopping metres away from you in the middle. Many of the students clearly shared Kirishima’s feelings. How on Earth would you cope with the explosion hero? The only ones who looked calm apart from All Might were Ashido and Yaoyorozu. Both stood as close to the sidelines as they could get, eager smiles on their faces as they looked at you expectantly.
“You got this Y/n chan!” Ashido whooped.
“Guys! She’s going to get hurt! Not many people can stand up to Kacchan!” That was Midoriya, fretting over your safety. No one knew more than Midoriya Izuku about tangling with Bakugou.
“Let’s get this over with All Might. This will be easy” leered Bakugou, smirking at you.
All Might only stepped back, retreating next to the crowd and leaving you and Bakugou alone in the middle of the concrete gym. “Begin”.
At once Bakugou sprinted forward, lighting up his hands and blasting off into the air in an explosion of red and orange heat. Hanging in the air, a yell left his lips as gravity took over and he began his descent, angling his hand forwards towards where you stood on the field, not moving a muscle as you looked up at him.
Kirishima could hardly watch, hand gripping Kaminari’s arm tightly in anxiety. All he could focus on was your form, standing still and looking up at the incoming attack that was sure to send you directly to Recovery Girl. His heart was beating at a million beats a minute.
Finally, as Bakugou got closer and closer, you moved. Stepping forwards, you planted one foot behind you and held your arms out before crossing them in front of your chest in an upwards ‘X’, bowing your head and bracing yourself. Closer, closer, Bakugou’s hand was coming down, heat brewing at his palm again as he prepared another devastating blast.
Horrified gasps could be heard amongst the assembled students as it looked like you were toast. But then... you transformed.
Kirishima’s eyes were huge as he fixated on your skin, looking on in disbelief. Your entire body, from your legs to your face had become translucencent, textured all over in millions of facets that covered you from head to toe, throwing millions of rainbows in the air around you as you moved. Your skin had become diamonds.
The redhead’s pulse instantly quickened as he gazed at the way you dazzled. He couldn’t believe it. You were just like him, just like his pal Tetsutetsu. However, you and your quirk were way more beautiful. Taking in the incredible gleam as you stood there waiting for Bakugou’s explosion, he thought you were ethereal.
Bakugou’s crimson eyes had widened as he watched you transform your entire body into diamonds, but it was too late. He had already let the explosion loose from his palm. As the blast rocketed in your direction you stood firm, taking the brunt of the explosive force on your forearms, remaining unbothered by the sheer heat unleashed in your direction. Instead, you smiled as the bright light that engulfed your body from the blast reflected off your diamond skin, bouncing back into Bakugou’s path as he fell within range of the millions of piercing rainbows shattering into the air.
Blinded by the intense refractions from your diamond-hard body, Bakugou fell wildly back to the ground, no longer able to brace himself for the impact as his hands covered his eyes from the shocking gleam. “Thump!” He hit the ground hard and rolled over and over, coming to a stop on his back with his arms covering his face.
“Argh! What the hell shitty woman! What did you do to me!” Bakugou yelled, unable to see from the light that had reflected into his eyes. You raced over to him before crouching on the hard concrete to reassure him. “It’s okay, Bakugou. You’ll be fine. You’ll be able to see in a couple of minutes. I haven’t permanently blinded anyone... well not yet at least.” You looked sheepish.
All Might strode over, assisting Bakugou (despite his reluctance) in standing up and guiding him off the ground onto a nearby bench. The rest of the class looked on in pure shock. The exceptions were Mina and Momo. They were too busy trying to conceal their glee, looking at you in amazement and happiness.
Still in your diamond form, you walked back to the group, coming to a stop in front of the 21 pairs of wide eyes that took you in from head to toe. You smiled nervously, hands clasped behind your back as you waited for what they had to say.
“That... that was INCREDIBLE L/n!” Midoriya shouted excitedly, notebook already clutched in his hand ready to take notes on your quirk.
“You can turn to diamond! That is so cool! Kaminari yelled in his excitement, pushing to the front of the crowd and dragging Kirishima behind him.
“Not bad at all.” Shinsou, the quietest of the bunch murmured.
“Young L/n, do you want to introduce your quirk and hero name to your classmates?” All Might asked from where he stood next to a dazed Bakugou. “As well as briefly field any questions your fellow students may have about you.” He said.
“Sure.” You said, turning to face you classmates with a grin. “As you can see, my quirk is called diamond-skin. I can turn my entire body to diamond at will, taking on the properties of natural formed diamonds. As a result, my body can withstand high temperatures and is extremely durable, as diamonds are the hardest substance in the world.” You then looked down nervously, before shyly glancing back up. “Um, it took a while for me to become confident with my quirk. As a kid, everyone thought that it was just pretty, being able to turn my skin to diamond. Flashy for sure, but not really hero material. I obviously knew my body was super strong, which is what encouraged me to enroll into the hero course at Shiketsu. It wasn’t until my teachers started putting me through the paces and experimenting with both offensive and defensive strategies that I really saw how handy it could be, like that trick with the light.” You let out a giggle, rainbows dancing across your skin with the slightest movement.
A dopey grin played across his lips as Kirishima listened to your laugh. Damn, he had to admit it to himself. It was like his dream girl had come to life right before his eyes. You could fight, had an amazing quirk, an incredibly cute personality AND you were stunning? It was safe to say he was head over heels.
“And your hero name?” Jirou questioned curiously from the huddle.
“Oh right!” You said, taking a step back and placing your hands on your diamond-hardened hips, body dazzling in the light. “I’m the Million-Dollar Hero: Diamonde!”
Voices surrounded you in a wave, all agreeing with how perfect the name was.
One voice cut through all the rest though. “Hey L/n! Come meet my bro here! You’re like the female version of Kirishima!” Of course it was Kaminari, anxiously tugging on Kirishima’s arm to get you to look his way.
You looked up, lips stretching into another one of your cheeky grins as you pushed through the huddle until you were right in front of him. Kirishima chuckled, arm coming up to rub his neck shyly as he took in all your beauty. You glanced at them both, still grinning as you put your hand on his shoulder.
“I know. Sensei told me that there was a boy in this class with a similar quirk. I kind of wanted to surprise you. After all, I haven’t met anyone else with a quirk similar to mine. This is so exciting for me too!”
Ahhhh. Now the look Aizawa had given him that morning had made sense. He knew all along. Laughing, Kirishima met your gaze. Despite your face remaining diamond-hard, your eyes were filled with warmth.
“Well I must say, I was super shocked. Your quirk, and the way you took down Bakugou...” He looked away nervously before meeting your eyes once again. “You’re dazzling. Er... pun not intended.”
You giggled. “It’s okay. Not to sound conceited, but I get that a lot.”
You deactivated your quirk, diamond texture melting away until your skin was back to its normal smoothness. At the sound of All Might’s approach you turned to face your teacher as the class fell silent. Bakugou trailed in behind him, pushing his way though the crowd until he was on the other side of Kirishima, pausing to throw a reproachful glare at you before turning away.
“Well class now that we are all acquainted with L/n, please match yourselves up into pairs. Today you’re going to be working in partners to spar and take it in turns honing both the offensive and denfensive sides of your quirks. I’m taking it easy on you guys today, but I can’t say it will be the same next week. So pair up and let’s go.”
Kirishima hardened his right arm before raising it and placing it next to yours. ”Well since I know what you can do now, wanna spar for this lesson? I know one of your tricks now, so let’s see what you think of mine.” He grinned teasingly.
You looked at his arm before meeting his eyes, face breaking into a smile that was just as dazzling as the rest of you. Bouncing on the balls of your feet in excitement, you activated your quirk in your arm before lacing your hand with his and tugging him further into the gym.
Looking down at your entwined hands, diamond and rock together, Kirishima’s heart raced. Finding a space for yourselves in the massive gym you stopped, letting go of his hand and stepping back in preparation.
“Okay Kiri”- he blushed at the sound of the nickname rolling off of your lips before you gave him another wink. “Your turn to dazzle me.”
At the sight of that wink again, his knees felt weak. Oh yeah, he was in love.
Gazing intently at the redheaded boy across from you, you quickly reactivated your quirk, turning your face to diamond before he could notice the blush staining your cheeks. Smiling to yourself, you mused over your first day at U.A while preparing for his attack. You really couldn’t wait to get to know him more.
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ficletsbynaria · 5 years ago
(Characters of your choice) if possible, could you do some of the boys with a s/o with a huge dog? And the boy's reaction to the big ol' floofer? I have a Great Pyrenees and he is literally the sweetest dog ever, and when he's on his hind legs, he's as tall as me. It'd be fun to see how some of the lads would react!
okay I searched up great pyrenees and !!! 
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THEY’RE THE ABSOLUTE CUTEST I WANT 50. as a fellow dog lover (and owner of a floof chowchow), I enjoyed making these hcs that I ended up making it longer than I planned it to be oops 😳😳😳🤪
I went and chose my bnha bois: kiri, baku, mido, and mirio for the headcanon :>> since they scream dog lovers pls excuse my dumb nicknames for the boys lmao
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𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙: 1,789 words
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘: Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Togata Mirio
𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖘: none
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★ when you told him about having a pet dog, he was ELATED
★ like he was more excited about it than you ever saw him
★ maybe u were jealous about it even
★ and when you described your doggo as one belonging to a huge breed
★ he was so enthusiastic about it
★ asking how big they were, how playful they acted
★ bb boi just was so excited about dogs
★ finally you two got home and Kiri almost passes out
★ your baby was a samoyed and she was the prettiest ever
★ kiri most likely fell in love again
★ your dog absolutely loved Kiri
★ it was love at first sight basically
★ he was so mesmerized by your dog’s fur
★ described it as a cloud that he can hug
★ calls your doggo ‘cloudy’ as a nickname
★ it’s even funnier and cute bc cloudy looks so soft while Kiri’s quirk is hardening
★ opposites truly attract
★ cloudy and kiri just enjoyed each other’s presence so much
★ cloudy thrived in Kiri’s love and attention
★ and your boyfriend had enough to give her just that
★ your big doggo and your big strong bf
★ it looked like the perfect family portrait
★ I think you almost cried while staring lovingly at them
★ and while u had your tears of joy
★ both cloudy and Kiri noticed your mood shift
★ and they just shower you with kisses !! (dog kisses included)
★ kiri DEMANDED you three take a picture together
★ and he talked about bragging on how he had the best s/o AND THE GOODEST GIRL in the whole wide world (kiri’s words not mine)
★ those muscles aren’t just for hero work wink wonk
★ they’re for giving hugs and holding your huge doggo up in his arms
★ kiri loves your dog and cloudy loves kiri
★ you love them just as much 🥰🥰
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
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★ you mentioned your dog in ur convos with Baku before
★ but never really stated what kind of breed your dog was
★ and Baku never really asked about it so meh
★ so when you actually introduced your dog to him, it was hilarious and terrifying at the same time
★ your Neapolitan mastiff was very protective of you (and he was huge AN ABSOLUTE UNIT HAVE YOU SEEN THEM)
★ as was Bakugou (the protective one I mean but the huge part can also apply hmmm)
★ you were worried they’d actually fight with each other
★ your dog would win no cap
★ but Bakugou does not condone violence against animals *chefs kiss*
★ your doggo had a really close bond with you so it’s understandable that he would be wary of any stranger
★ you ended up becoming the mediator between Baku and your dog
★ but eventually, you had to leave them both alone in the living room (rip), since you had to go fetch (lmao fetch get it) something in your kitchen
★ fear for your bf and dog’s lives intensifies
★ your dog had this intimidating aura that scared off strangers, considering his size and all
★ and Baku was the type that challenged every person he’s met, with a fight
★ so both boys might not be compatible sigh
★ you wondered if Baku preferred smaller dogs (plot twist he loves every dog no matter the size)
★ that is until you were almost in the living room and spotted Baku kneeling to your dog’s level
★ you hid in the corner and watched everything unfold
★ you ALMOST choked on your spit when u heard Baku CONVERSING with your doggo
★ it’s not that the whole act was stupid, you’re just surprised that it was something Bakugou would do
★ eavesdropping a little more, you heard Baku sigh
★ “look we’re here for them for the same thing”
★ “I want to take care of them and you want to protect them”
★ “so we should just get along and cut the bullshit”
★ that was the most rational thing you ever heard from Baku
★ and he was saying it to your DOG
★ if your mastiff could talk, you think he would’ve agreed.
★ instead, as you peeked, you saw your dog slowly lowering their guard around Baku
★ probs sensing that he means no harm
★ and just ??? NUDG ES HIS HEAD ?? on Bakugou’s hand ?? (omg can u imagine that would be so 🥺🥺🥺🥺)
★ your heart exploded with uwus
★ you might’ve uwued loudly bc Baku and your doggo noticed your presence
★ Baku was about to shout at you for spying on him
★ BUT YOU SWEAR you saw your dog give Bakugou a warning look
★ Baku chose to shut up instead cus he knows your doggo ain’t playing
★ but you’re absolutely sure that Bakugou and your mastiff liked each other now
★ bc yes they do have a common goal,, and that is love and protecc u uwu
★ bonus: Baku insists you call him ‘lord explosion murder’ and you reluctantly agree
★ extra bonus: your dog loves it
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
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★ you were very sure that Mido was a dog person
★ even before you two dated
★ you had your own doggo and she was a sweetheart 🥺🥺
★ exactly like Midoriya
★ when you dated him, you kept the ‘owning a dog’ part secret from Midoriya for personal reasons
★ just so you could see the surprised and joyful expression on his face when he met her
★ so when you actually invited him over to your house
★ your dog came over and greeted you happily !!! doggos are so pure i love it when mine does that 
★ and you saw Midoriya freeze, shortcircuit, then internally fangirl at your dog in the span of 5 seconds
★ your Saint Bernard noticed Midoriya’s excitement and went over to greet him too
★ your doggo was snuggling up to Mido and the sight was just 🥰🥰🥰 
★ two cinnamon rolls being the most adorable
★ speaking of cinnamon rolls, Mido started calling her ‘cinnamon’ because of her fur’s color
★ so Midoriya kept asking, whenever he got the opportunity, to take cinnamon out for a walk
★ you happily obliged, bc that whole scenario seemed so purifying in theory
★ your big doggo with your smol bf, a healthy balance
★ walks with cinnamon and Mido would be an experience in itself
★ like you’re used to people commenting about how big your dog was and how they’re kinda intimidating
★ but Mido being Mido, would overhear people who would say that and just go “actUALLY”
★ and he drones about how cinnamon’s breed is family-friendly and very gentle
★ so there’s nothing to be afraid of PSA IT’S NOT THE DOG’S FAULT IF THEY’RE AGGRESSIVE,, IT’S THE OWNER THAT MADE THEM LIKE THAT ! ok moving on
★ you’re so grateful to have Mido by ur side AND defending your dog get a man like Midoriya 
★ when the people are actually educated by Mido’s lecture, they ask if they can pet cinnamon
★ you say yes, and cinnamon is just happy to receive some love and attention
★ Midoriya even convinced some parents to let their kids play with your dog (with u and ur dog’s consent ofc)
★ the walk turned into the cutest playdate ever
★ and you see cinnamon just giving Mido sum kisses and your heart just did 10 backflips
★ in conclusion, Mido + big dog = wholesome content
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
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★ i will hold onto this hc on my deathbed
★ n e ways
★ and Mirio was just a big ol hunk himself (you can confirm the big part if u know what I mean)
★ so it was a match made in heaven
★ you mentioned to him about having a doggo at home and he was all giddy
★ when he asked about the breed, you told him yours was a Bordeauxdog
★ he immediately searches up what they look like
★ and stars were shining in his eyes 🥺🥺
★ “They’re like me!” he exclaimed and you wholeheartedly agreed
★ the day came when Mirio and your dog would see each other
★ you promised to bring your doggo to him at the park, since Mirio saw that the breed needed to be active outdoors and suggested a morning jog lmao great idea mirio jk
★ 5am and you were there at dawn just bringing your huge boy to the park
★ can you imagine walking a very big dog at the crack at dawn,,, that seems so cool tho
★ You spotted Mirio stretching in the distance and called out to him
★ once he noticed you he l i t e r a l l y ran over to you and your doggo
★ he had so much energy for someone who woke up before sunrise
★ your dog was mostly the same too, mimicking Mirio’s excitement BIG UWU
★ just two excited boys and you were there, too tired to even find it cute
★ but their interaction was a good enough reason to be happy about waking up in the morning 🥰🥰🥰
★ Mirio volunteers to jog with your dog, and you saw that your doggo already warmed up to Mirio and that you were too dead in the inside to actually jog, so you let them have their fun
★ a few paces behind mirio and your doggo, you saw how fitting the scene looked
★ Mirio looked more like your dog’s owner than yourself, the connection was so natural
★ You wanted to slap Mirio over the head for wanting to call your dog ‘Junior’ since you said they were so alike
★ Mirio and his weird nicknames but its kinda cute ngl
★ after the jog, you and Mirio just passed out on your bed, worn out from the exercise and waking up really early
★ Both of you had a peaceful cuddle session
★ It just so happened that junior likes your bed and claims it as his own
★ and he so conveniently forgot that you and Mirio were lying on it
★ having a Bordeaux dog settle himself on your bed was anything but pleasant
★ he lied down between you and Mirio (almost suffocating you) and you swore Mirio was just laughing at your demise
★ you maybe have to ban both boys away from your bed 🙄😳 
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imaginethatalena · 5 years ago
#238: Bakugou x Reader
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Imagine Bakugou’s mom noticing his crush on you.
Thanks anon for requesting ❤
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How you ended up living in the Bakugou household during quarantine was a mystery to your fiery classmate’s parents at first. They were surprised to see someone so willing to put up with his explosive personality for such long periods of time, and they were even more surprised to see the way the scowl left his face and his voice softened whenever he was around you. While his father remained confused but happy to witness it, his mother studied the two of you carefully. 
When he’d first introduced the girl he had asked to bring home, there was an unmistakable flush to his face that you didn’t notice, but his parents certainly did. He spent the first few hours helping you unpack your belongings, and his mother couldn’t help but eavesdrop on your conversation.
“I seriously can’t thank you enough, Katsuki. You didn’t have to do this for me.”
Katsuki? His mother’s eyes widened, but she stayed quiet.
“If you thank me one more time I’m going to throw you out,” he growled at you, but there was no anger in his usually gruff voice. 
“Sure you will,” you giggled, and he only grunted in response. “Seriously though. Why are you being so nice to me?”
“Quit babbling and get those boxes off the floor. I helped you unpack so you’re gonna help me make dinner.”
“Yes sir.”
While Bakugou’s parents did some work in their living room (or rather, his dad did work and his mother snuck glances to the kitchen), the two of you got to work on dinner. You were a chaotic force in the kitchen, switching the ingredients around and sneaking tastes of the food before it was finished, all the while earning annoyed looks and short snappy remarks from Bakugou. You were so comfortable around each other that he let you touch him without yelling at you, allowing you to cling to his arm or ruffle his hair. That was a surprise, but his mother was more interested in the way he gently put a hand to your waist to direct you away from the stove or take your hand to keep you from sticking it in the food.
“You said I was going to help!” you whined, and Bakugou rolled his eyes. “I can’t help if you don’t let me.”
“You’re a menace to the food.”
“And you’re rude.”
“If I’m so rude then why did you agree to live with me?”
“You know what, you’re right. Maybe I’ll give Midoriya a call,” you said with a sly look, reaching for your phone. “He’d be an absolute angel to live with.”
“Like hell you will,” Bakugou snapped, snatching your phone away. “You’re an idiot if you think I’m gonna let you leave to go live with that damn Deku.”
“I thought I was a menace to the food?” 
“That doesn’t mean I don’t want you around, dumbass!”
“I knew it!”
“I can’t believe it,” she whispered as she elbowed her husband. “Katsuki has a crush and he brought her to live with us.”
“Honey I don’t think--”
“I’m getting the baby photos.”
“Get that shit out of here,” Bakugou snapped at his mother when he saw her advancing with an old photo album. “I mean it, you old hag.”
“Don’t talk to your mom like that!” you chided, then smiled as you sat with his mother to look at his childhood photos. “Oh, you were so cute!”
Bakugou groaned as he tried to set the table in peace, shaking his head at you and his mother cooing at the album. As much as he tried to hide it, though, he loved seeing you smile, and he was looking forward to seeing your smile for the weeks to come.
Buy me a coffee?
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hoe-doroki · 4 years ago
ana reads bnha ch31
previous chapter here first chapter here next chapter here
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🤣 I almost forgot that the first thing this boy says is something that only Todoroki would ever say. It’s his intelligence combined with his denseness combined with his life informing his whole worldview. Guysssss, this post is gonna be so looooong. I’m so excited! I’m panting. Okay, let’s go.
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Once again, Ana squeals: My boy is so smart!! I like to think I’m smart, but, in this situation (between Midoriya’s rambling) I’m not sure I would have picked up on that. Shouto is so sharp. But then he doesn’t pursue it. He doesn’t try to squeeze the info out of Midoriya. Not because he doesn’t think he could—if I were Shouto, I would look at Midoriya and figure there was a way to get him to talk. He already gave a hint by accident. I just think he has confidence that he’ll be able to figure it out if he’s patient.
I wonder if he does, though? I mean, after their battle, Shouto stops caring about this...doesn’t he? I think he does. Which is interesting, right? He only cares right now because he sees it as a threat. But once he doesn’t care about the threat anymore, he only cares about Midoriya as a person. Not any of this All Might nonsense. Ugh, Todoroki <333
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Of all time??????? Guys, that’s very different from being the current number two hero. Like, where is this GOAT ranking? I mean, we know that All Might is the greatest of all time. But, surely, someone from, 50, 100 years ago could be the second greatest of all time. But no, Shouto’s telling us that out of everyone who’s ever been a hero (in Japan) Endeavor is the number two guy. Wowza.
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My question about Endeavor is always: what’s your awareness level, bro? Like, it’s evident here that he doesn’t think what he’s doing as a whole is wrong. But does he think that he’s messed up at all? Because, look, him saying, “You think I’d tell you anything?” That’s could easily be him just telling All Might to eff off, no further motive. But I also think that it’s a shame response. He knows some of his “success” with Shouto is fucked, stuff that he definitely wouldn’t share with All Might even if he didn’t kind of hate him. So he hides that shame under his prickly attitude, so he has no reason to talk. Or he’s just an ass, idk.
(Yeah, in the dub he says: “Are you implying something?” Fishy indeed.)
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That’s the million dollar question, isn’t it? Why is Shouto telling Midoriya this? @a-bnha-shoutorealm​ and I have talked our faces blue trying to figure out exactly this.
Obviously it’s triggered by the fact that he used his left side without thinking. And because he as the initial questions about All Might. And then he starts off this conversation by trash talking Endeavor which, at some point between his mother being put away and now, he has become comfortable with without fear of retribution (something Kim and I have also talked about ad nauseam).
But in two pages, he goes from this, to telling the story of his scar. Which I don’t think he’s ever told anyone before. Shouto doesn’t strike me as the type to need to keep things secret (judging by how he’s willing to blab off about Endeavor--while Endeavor’s there!--to the little kids during his and Bakugou’s remedial provisional license class). I think he’s just never had anyone he would consider talking to before. He’s been totally isolated by Endeavor--I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that he’s been homeschooled, actually--and clearly doesn’t have any friends. Not that he sees Midoriya as a friend yet, but he is the only person he sees as a near equal.
The most likely solution I can come up with is that he feel like he needs someone to understand, so that he can justify why he’s not using his left side. That he felt like Midoriya was judging him and he wanted to explain his motivations to the only person he thinks is worthy of knowing. Of defending himself to. Shouto’s not the sort to just get carried away, so I think it must be something more like this. Something he feels compelled to do.
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Wow, it’s so interesting seeing this juxtaposed against everyone else getting to be normal teenagers, have normal childhoods. Goddd, it breaks my heart, Shouto! We’re seeing Mineta and Kaminari talk about going after some cheerleaders—of course Mineta needs to make an appearance in my blessed chapter about Shouto—while Shouto’s talking about the quirk marriages. I wonder if it’s supposed to juxtapose any more than those two things, though. Is it also showing that Shouto doesn’t take part in those activities? That he has difficulty believing in love and romance due to the sham quirk marriage of his parents’?
And look how heavily drawn his speech bubbles are now? What exactly is that meant to represent? Is it an audio cue about what his voice might sound like or is it just to represent that what he’s talking about is dark and heavy or is it for drama? Him getting carried away as he tells more and more personal details? I don’t read enough manga to know 🤣
Separately, here we also get a hint that Todoroki’s mother isn’t in the picture. “As I remember…”
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Okay, this we need to talk about, because that’s the other question people have. Why is Bakugou eavesdropping? To me, it’s always been pretty simple. We have the two people in the class Bakugou cares the most about. The strongest guy in the class—who just won the thing Bakugou was supposed to win—and the pebble in his shoe who’s growing larger and larger every day. He must have seen the two of them split off and, legit, I think he has FOMO. Like, if these two are doing something, he has to know about it. I think a part of him fears they’re laughing about him. Assumes they’re teaming up against him. He’s definitely assuming it’s going to be something about him or that interests him.
He doesn’t expect this.
He knows he shouldn’t have stayed once Shouto starts getting really personal. Bakugou might suck at human interaction, but that’s voluntary. He knows what he’s “doing wrong” socially—he just doesn’t give a crap. It’s a combination of preferring to be the way he is and being too deep down the rabbit hole of  assholery to know the way back. He’s frozen here. Shouto’s story is captivating—so painful you can’t not listen to it. That close-up face of his. That’s someone whose world has been rocked. I remember the first times I became aware of real abuse, times when I realized just how bad things could be for people and it shakes your worldview, freezes you as you struggle to comprehend. Bakugou thought he knew what families were like, since his mom is rougher with him. He didn’t know that something like this could happen to a person via their parent’s hand. I think this is one of the only times he purely feels bad about what he’s doing, what he’s done. But the horror of Shouto’s story has him stuck, unable to walk away.
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“Sorry for wasting your time.” What is that?
Does he realize that he said a bit more than he was really intending to? That he troubled someone else with his personal life when he doesn’t want anything done about it? Or is this because he realized that Midoriya isn’t going to say anything about All Might and because of that the conversation was a waste of time.
You know what, knowing our dense little Shouto, I bet it’s that last one.
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And if Bakugou’s shaken, then Midoriya is only more so. God, I’m 9 years older than Midoriya and if someone told me something like this out of the blue today, I’d be panicking. This is a delicate situation. He’s just become aware of serious abuse, and someone has confided in him their deepest traumas regarding that. What the hell do you say not to make it worse?
I think he handles it as best he can. Really, I think what he says here is just about the best thing he could have. Because Todoroki is not in a place mentally to accept help. Not even close. But even just sharing his story, that he accepts help from others, is vital. This introduces the idea to Todoroki that he can get help. That working with others is okay. It hasn’t penetrated yet, but it’s the seed planted.
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Overall: 1.7K. Over 3 pages. Sorry, all.
Well, guys, this is the peak for me (until Shoto Todoroki: Origin!!!!). I know it’s not the scene with the most action or plot, but I live for character backstory and boys having sensitive moments. This scene in the anime is what made me start to fall in love with Todoroki and the show as a whole. It took me weeks to get to the end of season four after this episode. All the ones before this? Six months.
Todoroki’s story is harrowing, yes. At the same time, we’re getting more worldbuilding. So far, our image of heroes is All Might and the U.A. faculty. We haven’t yet seen any hero that’s corrupt or abusive. But suddenly we meet Endeavor, both through Todoroki, and a couple interactions with All Might. We learn a little bit more about how quirks have affected society and changed since their first appeared. This chapter isn’t one dimensionsal.
And we get our first panels of our main three. I think maybe part of the thing is that Midoriya’s world thus far has been loud, fast, intense. But this chapter is quiet. Nothing but Todoroki’s low, quiet voice. You could hear a pin drop. Barely a movement. Even Bakugou is still. It’s such a change of pace. And when you’re barely expecting it—it hits hard.
Also, every time I double check to see if something in the manga happened in the anime, it always did 😅 My memory may be fallible, but that adaptation sure isn’t! (joke, please don’t come at me)
If anyone has anything to add, obviously I’m dying to talk about it.
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trying-write-fanfics · 5 years ago
Shouji Mezo X Reader part  6 Remember
They went back to class. Aizawa explained the assignment to them as Y/n typed a letter to her brother. Honestly she didn’t think her situation had reached her brother. Though they were family, they didn’t really talk about much. Maybe if someone died, their mom would be force to spread some information, but Y/n saw her as a person who would try to bring the dead back just so she wouldn’t have to talk to all four of her children. That being said, she did like her siblings, enough. They weren’t close enough in age to tease her like they use to. When they were children they did, but now they all just treat Y/n like she’s only a child that needs minimal protecting. I mean yeah they see her as frail, but she’s someone else’s job. Her oldest brother was her favorite. He didn’t change, even though he was always protective of Y/n. He didn’t understand her well, nor did she understand him, but she was grateful for his efforts to minimize the damage done. 
“Hey, Miss Velia, do you wanna sit with us during lunch?” Tsu asked.
 So she did. Momo made her nervous, but she would keep with the lie as long as she could. She didn’t know what would happen if she was found out. Everything catches up eventually. She gave out hair advice, skin care, but then they asked why she singled out Bakugo. Y/n explained being someone who isn’t hero driven can see why he wouldn’t be likeable when he made pro. It just seemed he was sticking his self worth on others and will forever compare himself which will always make him unsatisfied. He won the sports festival but felt he never got a real win. It made sense why it felt that way, but would he truly be happy if Todoroki used his left side? No something else would surely come up in her eyes. He needs to get his ass kick to taste victory for real. Then the girls asked if Y/n had any other advice. 
“Honestly don’t take my advice too seriously. I never wanted to be a hero.” She told them. 
“Then why do you know how to fight?” Mina asked. 
“It’s a good skill to have in these times. Sure hero killer stain would never target me, but that doesn’t mean other crazy people with quirks are out there. Besides with a quirk like mine it’s expected that I learn something.”
Momo’s eyes widen as she figured it all out. 
Once the students were back at the dorms Momo went to Jiro and Izuku. They were the two closest people to talk to in such a private conversation. 
“I have something to tell you guys. Aizawa lied about who miss Y/n Velia is.” Momo told the two. 
“What do you mean?”
“She’s not just some random person. Here I have a page I wanna show you.” Momo pulled out her phone.
“She’s the daughter of a government official!” Izuku was surprised, but that wasn’t all.
“She’s our age.” Jiro added. “How did you know something was up.
“I’ve met her before.” Momo said. “Her father invited my family over to a benefit to get people to sign a petition. I don’t know if my parents ever signed it, but people compared our quirks. She could create and use quirks as long as she understood them, and I could create objects as long as I understood them.” Momo explained. 
“Why would he lie about her age, and why isn’t she in school?” Jiro asked.
“From what little I know about her, a lot has changed. The next time I saw her she told me she couldn’t use her quirk, and then she just didn’t show up: but here’s this photo op with her and her father.” Momo showed another webpage. “Her name is (full name).”
 Though they were speaking quietly they were in a hallway. Once Shouji heard they were talking about the teaching aid, he listened. He stayed in the stairway. This all wasn’t as shocking as he thought. He knew something was up with that girl. Turns out she’s his age, but that wasn’t a surprise. It took like 2 days to figure something was up?
“Why would she be here though? What could she gain by helping Aizawa.” Izuku asked.
“I have a theory, but I could be wrong. Her mother is a scientist in quirk biology. She could be researching quirks and what better school than U.A?” Momo explained.
The information spread, Shouji wasn’t the only one eavesdropping one the conversation. Once it got around the class had a discussion. Of course Y/n wasn’t present yet. She was researching a topic for a busy work paper.
“Should we ask why she would spy on our class?”
“I knew something was up!”
“If we ask does the whole experiment fail?”
“We never consented to that.”
“Maybe we did in the agreement forms. No one ever reads those.”
“But why would they hire a 15 year old, so many other people would be way more qualified.” 
“Hey she has Instagram!”
Aizawa sighed. Of course they would figure something was up, not only was Y/n not the best actress, but she got into a fight with another student and asked for “the tea”. It was like a town hall debate on the girl’s existence at the school. They were wrong, she wasn’t here for her mother, she was here to get away from her mother.
“Well congratulations, you guys are good enough detectives.” Aizawa told the class. He decided to come clean with it all, her position in the school wasn’t the weirdest thing to happen. “(Full name) is here because she committed a lot of petty crimes.” The whole class gasped. Why would someone like that be in the school. “Calm down, she’s more of a threat to herself than any of you. She mostly was accomplice or accessory to a crime by letting the real criminals escape.”
 The class roared with questions. They knew she was rich, but why would someone like her have to commit a crime!
“Quiet! Next person to interrupt is going to be suspended.” Aizawa said. “She is still a minor, just like all of you. I did capture her, and use excessive force when I took her down. When the court decided our punishment, I was given the task to take care of her. Since she’s young, they’re hoping I can guide her to a better path, one that doesn’t end a jail sentence. I figured she can help you guys understand petty crimes, and help her understand her own quirk better. She doesn’t have a phone to contact anyone. We read all her mail, and she can’t communicate with her mind, so she isn’t contacting her old gang.” 
Yaoyorozu’s hand went up. 
“What do you mean she doesn’t understand her quirk?”
“Most you guys have used your quirk when you used your quirk outside of school. (Last name) was instructed to not use her quirk by her family. It seems every time she uses her quirk she gets hurt in the process, but it’s not like Midoriya’s where he breaks his fingers or arms. It’s all random what comes back.”
“Nothing happened to her when she copied my quirk!” Bakugou yelled.
Shouji raised his hand. 
“What is it?” Aizawa asked. 
“She had something on her stomach, it was a lot bigger than what I could see though. Is that the affect of her quirk?”
“How did you see her stomach!” Mina asked. 
“She was looking at it when she was picking up the assignment yesterday.” Shouji answered. 
“Damn Shouji I wanna see that sort of action!” Mineta yelled.
“Quiet! From what I know she gets rashes, coughs up blood, or a blood pressure burst, asthma attacks, and some other side effects.” Aizawa explained. 
“How do you know for sure she’s not dangerous?” Jiro asked. “She did attack Bakugo.”
“She didn’t hurt me! She just cheated is all.”
“I must admit I should keep a better eye on her. After seeing the sports festival and you work studies, any of you could probably take her now that you know her quirk.”
“But she does know how to fight.” Tsu said.
“In your future as a hero you will need to be able to combat all sorts of fighting styles. Her best strength is the element of surprise. Since all of you have seen her quirk, know its her weakness, I’m sure you guys could take her down if she tried.”
“What is she doing now?” Jiro asked.
“A paper.” Aizawa replied “she’s under surveillance.”
“When you captured her, you said you used excessive force, was she that scary of an opponent?” Izuku asked. 
“I misjudged her. I didn’t see her use her quirk much when I had to chase her down, so when I went hand to hand combat with her, I was surprised she didn’t rely on her quirk. I thought she had something up her sleeve like a bomb or a flash grenade, so I had to take her down fast. She sacrificed herself so two others could escape. She’s not the big evil scary villains you are all use to, she’s a teenager just like you, who can help you with your training.”
 The atmosphere changed. They wanted to be mad because they were really lied to and put with someone who could be dangerous, but she wasn’t as dangerous. She was just like them, wanting to help someone else in a dire time. 
“What about school for (last name)” Kaminari asked.
“She’s been an online student. She doesn’t have to show up for her classes.” Aizawa explained.
“What’s gonna happen to her now? Since we know…” Tsu asked. 
“I’ll tell her later that you guys found out, but she’ll still be my teaching aid. It’s not like she’s allowed back home.”
“What’s happening to the (last names)?” Momo asked. 
“They’re gone for long periods of time. Sure Y/n can take care of herself, but it got her in a life of criminal activity.”
The class went back to teaching. There was a gray cloud around them. Iida, Momo, and Shoto were all realizing that they met Y/n at least once. Momo already knew, but she was trying to analyze everything she remembered. Shoto remembered how she was with her mother, they were asking his father questions. It was a private meeting, but they came to the house a couple times. Endeavor kept the two kids separated. Shoto assumed it was because he didn’t want Shoto to remain childish, but maybe it was something else. Iida’s situation was the same as Momo’s, but he wasn’t as young. He remembered her father and mother joining his family for dinner. Y/n came and didn’t leave her parent’s side. He didn’t even remember her talking at all. It was a dinner about politics. 
Izuku tried rationalizing everything Y/n had said to him. How she called him beefcake, and worried about his quirk. Her mother is a scientist of the biology of quirks. She couldn’t be a criminal, but she was. How could they trust her not to do anything. They were attacked on the USJ. Now they’re keeping her nearby.
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alitaimagines · 5 years ago
to the requester who dm’d your ask, this is for you! I couldn’t write the entire request but the requester knows who they are. 
Iida Tenya, Shinsou Hitoshi, x fem! reader
boku no hero academia / my hero academia 
note / song request: requests are open for fandom’s i’ve stated / he wasn’t man enough for me - toni braxton (iida), home - new west (shinsou)
You looked at Shinsou, waving him off as you got into class. There wasn’t a day when Bakugou didn’t mention why were you friends with the purple haired freak. You knew Bakugou only mentioned it because of the sports festival. 
Both you and Shinsou had been friends since PreK so it wasn’t unusual to be around him although that was starting to take a turn when you started to befriend everyone in your class. Yeah, Shinsou and you would talk everyday but not like you used too. 
“Good morning class!” You heard Iida say to all of you. You gave him a bright smile as you tried to get off the desk you were sitting on before he started lecturing you about how it was uncivilized to be sitting on desks that were once home to upperclassmen and current heroes.
“What has you in such a good mood?” You asked as you swiveled yourself around to talk to the megane boy. “You seem to be happier than usual.” He gave you an enthusiastic nod as he pulled something out of his bag. 
He pulled out a box filled with different snacks. “I want you to take this as a token of my appreciation and as a way to formally ask you out on a date.” You gave Iida a look before a warm feeling overcame your face. 
“Are you asking me out on a date or asking me out on a date as your girlfriend.” You asked as everyone gave the both of you a look of anticipation. “Out on a date as my girlfriend.” 
You gave him a yes as the class started to jokingly gag at the sentiment. It wasn’t long before Kaminari, Sero, and Mina went over to your desk to steal some of the snacks that Iida had brought you. Considering who Iida’s parent’s were, the snacks were very high end and must have costed him a fortune considering how much he gave you. 
“The school will be having the hero department cancel most educational classes for the remainder of the week as they now passed a new rule.” Aizawa muttered as he walked into the class. “Students are now supposed to have a certain amount of training before the year ends and we are no where near that so for the rest of the week, it’ll be training.” 
You growled into your desk knowing this would affect your quirk. While your quirk was very strong, there was still some drawbacks to it. Whenever you used your quirk for an extended amount of time, it usually left you extremely tired and temperamental. 
“Do you think you’re ready for the training?” Iida asked you as the both of you went to lunch. You shrugged. “Maybe, I mean it’ll have some drawbacks with my quirk but for the most part, I think I’ll be okay.” 
“I know you can do it. You’re one of the strongest in the class!” Iida responded. Your face overcame with that warm feeling once again. “Thanks Tenya, I just hope it isn’t for a long time, I know we should’ve expected this when we signed up for classes but still.” 
As the both of you continued to talk, Uraraka and Midoriya had made their way over to the table. It was usually the four of you when it came to sitting at lunch. 
“Our training starts after this so make sure to eat light but enough to make you energized.” Iida told Midoriya and Uraraka. “I just hope it’s combat training, at least for today.” Uraraka murmured. 
You nodded in agreement but knowing UA, they would throw you into the some hard training without even getting the chance to warm up or at least to activate your quirks in time. 
When Aizawa mentioned that training would be scaled to the nines, he wasn’t kidding. Months of training felt like years and everyone in 1-A/B looked like complete zombies. 
“Hey, what’s up!” You heard Midoriya say as he tried to catch up with you. You gave him a nod, not really in the mood to speak or deal with anyone at the moment. “Is something wrong? You look like you’re having a hard day.” 
You shrugged. “We haven’t been able relax for weeks and I feel like if I get punched in the gut one more time this week, I will probably go off on someone.” Midoriya gave you a sympathetic smile. 
“I know but at least we’re almost done with the rigorous training!” Midoriya tried to say with an enthusiastic smile. You shrugged once more as the four of you finally got to the table.
Iida sat down next to you as he put his hand on top of yours. “Hey, are you okay?” He asked as he noticed your soured expression. You gave him a nod as he looked at you once more before talking to Midoriya and Uraraka. 
With training and the overload of homework, you had felt like your relationship with Iida was starting to get bumpy. Although the two of you were in the half year point of being together, you still tried to make it seem like the honeymoon phase. You were trying as hard as you could but Iida couldn’t say the same. 
Whenever the two of you tried to hang out, it wasn’t too long before Uraraka, Midoriya, or literally anyone else disturbed you. You didn’t mind it for a while but once it started to get to the point where someone was disturbing you everyday, you couldn’t help but start getting annoyed. 
You tried mentioning it to Iida but he would brush it off or give you a kiss and tell you that he would try harder to hang out with just you. It worked at first but later on, you realized that he really wasn’t doing anything about it. 
With Iida not really taking the relationship seriously and your quirk being worked to its max everyday, it was starting to take a toll on you mentally. Another downside of your quirk was that your quirk would take on the personality traits of whose quirk you were using for a long period of time. 
Being that you were dating Iida and usually partnered up with him, you were starting to take his personality traits. Although that wouldn’t have bothered you too much, you did notice the traits that he kept hidden away from others and it took a toll on your own personality. You were becoming grouchier, more strict with yourself, and a lot more aggressive than usual. 
It wasn’t until the attack at USJ when you accidentally but a bit intentionally went off on Iida. With everything that happened, you forgot to check in with Aizawa and Iida had been searching for you everywhere until he found you. 
“Listen, I know what we’ve just been through is hard but you should’ve been responsible enough to check in with a professor.” You growled in Iida’s direction before getting up and looking at him face to face. 
“Listen Tenya, I don’t know why you’re planning to lecture me right here but I really don’t want to hear nagging in my ear after what we’ve been through.” You exclaimed. “Now please lay the fuck off. I need some alone time, which I know sounds great for you so how about you just leave me the fuck alone until everything gets back to normal. Then you can start nagging and lecturing me again.” 
The entire class looked at you in surprise before they quickly realized that you had noticed they were eavesdropping into the conversation. Iida looked like a kick puppy but in the back of his mind, he knew he deserved the lashing you gave him. 
“Hey, listen, I know what she said probably hurt but you know her quirk has a bit of a downfall to it so I would take what she said with a grain of salt.” Midoriya said trying to comfort him. “Just don’t overwhelm yourself.” 
Midoriya was a liar. Iida noticed even after weeks of the USJ attack, you still weren’t giving him the time of day. During class, you would ignore him or give him blank responses. You didn’t bother to sit with him or anyone in 1-A during lunch and every text he sent you was left on read. 
As much as he didn’t want to admit it, he was sure the screaming match the both of you had at the USJ facility was the breaking up point. He should’ve been smart enough to figure that out but considering he was emotionally stunted in some ways, he didn’t really know if you were together or not. 
Iida went up to your door, knocking as softly as he could. You took a few seconds to open it but when you did, your face fell. “Hey Iida.” He gave you a smile. 
“Hey, I want to ask you a question.” You held your finger up for a moment, Iida hearing you tell Shinsou you would be back in a second. 
“I just wanted to ask if you and I were still together or not? I know what happened after the USJ, it really took a turn.” You stayed silent, letting him air out what he needed to say before responding. “Iida, we are. I really don’t feel like being in a relationship where I’m doing most of the work. We can be friends and all but being together wasn’t exactly the healthiest of relationships.”
He nodded understanding where you were coming from. As Iida dismissed himself, he heard you closing the door and not even two seconds later, laughing about something Shinsou had told you. 
As the weeks progressed, he could see your personality changing from the once grim attitude to what your usual personality was. You were laughing a lot more, talking with everyone in 1-A, he even seen knew jewelry around your hands and neck. 
Iida could’ve sworn that he seen a few hickey’s on your neck as you desperately tried to cover it up with foundation and concealer. He never managed to get that far into the relationship with you because he didn’t want to be doing anything too risque in the dorms and get caught. 
There would be times when Iida would just lay in bed and think about what it would’ve been like to have you laying next to him and just talking about whatever came to mind. The both of you used to do it all the time but not for more than an half an hour. 
He would also stand underneath the shower, with the water coming down with a blazing heat and hope that it would even begin to compare to how warm you were when you gave him hugs. Iida knew that he was a lot of the reason why he drove you away from the relationship but he knew that if he tried to take you away from Shinsou, it would end up the same again. 
Iida loved you and if he loved you the way he said he did, he knew he had to let you be happy. Even if it was in the hands of another arm. 
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ruiyuki-archives · 4 years ago
Star Tear AU - Alt. Timeline: Todoroki ver. [Part 1]
This is an AU I wrote on the todomomo discord server eons ago. Anything posted to this blog will be transcripts of old original work and not really edited, save for formatting. I have no guarantees if I will ever finish these AUs either so these will only be kept as an archive.
Original transcript posted to tdmm discord: Aug 2020
Momo ver. Alternate timeline: Todo ver. Part 1 || Todo ver. Part 2 || Todo ver. Part 3
Star tears in which Todoroki falls for Momo first.
shortly after the exam with Aizawa he doesn’t know what he’s feeling but just admires her strength and quick thinking
and him hanging out with Deku and Iida at lunch means Todo hears all the nice and good things Momo does when she and Iida to discuss class prez stuff
which intensifies this ??admiration?? and respect more
and he just?? Holds onto those feelings unable to figure out what they are until idk maybe holidays where 1A and 1B throw that holiday hotpot party
and Momos really cute lookin’ in that Santa hat she made with the festive turtleneck
and so that feeling inside Todo grows into something more??? bc "oh shit she cute".... and Todo’s blushing while looking at her from afar. Probably.
so Todo talks to Fuyumi abt it and Fuyumi’s like: “I think you like her Shouto”
and he writes to his mom abt it and Rei's like: “she sounds like a lovely girl Shouto”
and he texts Natsuo abt it and Natsu's like: “aw little bro has a crush”
but all the while this is happening, Momo's gotten closer with Iida over class prez stuff and hero stuff and everyone in 1A (read: mina and hagakure) think iimomo might be a thing???
ofc Momo denies it and making excuses politely like "no no ofc not we're being responsible class prez and vice prez" but she’s kinda stuttery while doing so, so no one buys it
and no ones brave enough to ask Iida except Ochako but he gives some straight laced answer like "i admire her work ethic and respect her as a hero and vice prez" but he also has some tint of blush across his cheeks
so idk fast forward to graduation where Todo's been holding onto these feelings for Momo since first year and iimomo is still very very likely
so its all cherry blossom petals flying around and congratulatory celebrations
and when Todo sees Momo amongst the sakura trees smiling like he's never seen before (bc they're finally officially heroes!!) he thinks she’s beautiful
but just as he's about to approach her, Iida approaches her and Todo can see she's blushing and he knows its really not good to eavesdrop on one of his best friends and the girl he likes
But... he's curious.
or so he lies to himself.
Ofc what he hears isnt what he ever wants to,,,,
cuz Iida just confessed to her.
and she feels the same.
and a star tear slips from Todo's eye as he walks away.
he stops mid step as he touches his cheek bc he didnt even realize he was crying
but what are these tears??? What’s happening?? He's never had these before bc even though Todo is an emotional crier, he doesn’t cry that often.. only when he is completely overwhelmed with emotion
so he has this dumbfounded expression staring at his fingers as these star tears are twinkling out of his eyes catching sunlight and sakura petals
until he hears "Youre a fucking idiot" from a few steps away
(Baku really likes eavesdropping ok its not the first time lol)
Baku: theyre called star tears.
Todo: You know what these are?
Baku: it happens when you like someone and that person doesnt like you back, idiot.
Todo: ... oh.
Baku: get that shit sorted or you'll go blind
(And for those who are curious, yes maaaayyybe Bakugou has a case of the stars in this timeline too, that’s how he knows. To whom? I'll let you decide bc honestly, I just want todobaku brotp bonding over unrequited love)
so now Todo thinks he might be fucked. One of his best friends confessed to the girl he likes too and she likes him back and now Todo has this disease that might make him go blind and might get in the way of heroing (which they've all secured post graduation positions by now) and what can he do about it?
nothing, says the doctor he sees. The disease is not curable and the only way to stop it is to have your feelings returned else you'll go colour blind and then completely blind, so he's told.
ya he's really fucked.
maybe its a good thing then, that he doesnt cry often. It makes it easier to ice over these feelings, freeze them in time with the memories of U.A.; of his last congratulations to her and her smile at the end of the ceremony an hour after he overheard that confession
maybe its another good thing that right after graduation, everyone went off to their own positions as side kicks with agencies across japan, focusing on heroing
but its 3 months after graduation that Iida tells Deku and Todoroki that he is seeing Momo when they meet up every Friday to catch up
its 6 months after graduation that its publicly announced in Hero Magazine that Ingenium and Creati are dating
its 9 months after graduation that he sees Iida and Momo attending the Hero Association's rising stars gala as a couple and are seated at the same table as them
(Bakugou is scowling at him across the table.)
Todo tries. He really does. To be happy for them.
but he's angry at himself that he can't be happy for them. That it saddens him to see Momo glowing under the ballroom lights but its not himself to make her shine like that, its Iida. That he sees she is the one to make Iida genuinely happy in the way his eyes light up when he smiles at her.
and all three times Todo goes home, lies down alone in his room, an arm slung across his forehead as the star tears leak from his eyes.
he starts to lose seeing colour at 12 months.
after 24 months he needs glasses for colour correction (and ironically gets a sponsorship with the brand. The fashion magazines print headlines for weeks "Hot-Cold Hero Shouto Fall Fashion! See page 7 spread for his newest spotted specks and turtle necks")
at 36 months Iida breaks the news. Iida's gonna propose to Yaoyorozu and wants him, Deku, and his brother to be his groomsmen
she said yes.
and a part of Todo washes away with the star tears flooding him room and twinkling against the tatami.
he tries to stay out of the wedding planning as much as possible. He'll go to the tuxedo fittings as requested and still keep up hearing the updates when seeing Iida and Deku for their weekly get together on Friday nights. 
But for anything involving Momo's presence, there will always be a "sorry i have a mission that week", "sorry im visiting my mom", "sorry Endeavor needs to see me about the agency"
... all excuses Bakugou knows, but the others pay no mind. They are rising heroes near the top of the billboard by now
month 48. Wedding day.
she's stunning. Gorgeous. A near goddess walking down the aisle on her big day.
but she's not walking down for him. No its for iida.
there was the ceremony, the cheers, the congratulations, the reception. Fairy lights around the dance floor and along the walls, champagne glittering after the sound of a cork
Todoroki stands off to against the wall as the night dies down, a glass in hand, watching the newly weds grace the dance floor.
someone slides up beside him, he feels the presence. Bakugou.
"She's beautiful isnt she?"
. . .
a star tear falls from Todoroki's eyes, twinkle hidden among the fairy lights and champagne glitter.
she's beautiful, but maybe its a good thing I can't see
somebody said: what if she knows everything that had happened and the reason why he couldn't continue his career is bc of her?
me: ok you’re asking for it
Momo, 3 months pregnant with iimomo baby, announces with Iida the news to their friends
the soon to be parents want to choose godparents for the baby so Iida gets to choose the baby’s godmother and Momo gets to choose the godfather
and ofc along with the announcement Momo asks Todoroki to be the kid’s godfather
he can’t say no to her.
the same week later Todo and Momo's agencies are requested to deal with this one villain case while Ingenium's agency deals with another in another town (later turns out the cases were connected)
small talk, civil, very professional between Momo and Todo when they’re in the debriefing
at this point Todo's pretty much completely blind and uses some special contact lenses from Hatsume to help "see"
but the contact lenses can only do so much as to detect light movement and shadows and it reallllllllly doesnt work well when he's using his fire 
so Todo already had tossed around the idea of running away to the mountains like Roy did in the FMA 2003 ending, "mysteriously" retiring bc really his vision cannot keep up
until this last mission with Momo
and really its been nearly a decade now since they last worked together side by side (not since U.A. he thinks).. so just let the blind man be selfish one last time
and so smth smth missiom happens, Todo and Momo fighting side by side
but Momo senses there’s something off with Todo's movements? His reflexes are slower.. it doesnt seem like he's prediciting the opponents moves like he used to.. he's more so reacting and retaliating than attacking..
she chalks it up to that they havent fought side by side in a long time and his style must’ve changed and really, she doesnt know him anymore... not like she used to
smth smth 3 months pregnant Momo gets hurt, knocked unconscious for a bit
Todo saves her
and when she comes to, while Todo's holding her, star tears fall onto her cheek from Todo's eyes. 
She's shocked. Reaches up to gently graze a finger tip at his left cheek.
"Todoroki-san, these are?"
and again its like Todo didnt realize he was crying. He jerks away from her hand and brushes her off with "its nothing”. Changes the subject with "are you ok?"
Momo: yes.. i think so
Todo: and the baby?
Momo, sitting up: we're ok I think
Todo, moving away: good
the mission concludes and they meet up with Ingenium’s group to wrap up the two ends. Todo slips away before Iida and Momo and approach him
theres no activity from Todoroki for the next month
neither Iida, Deku or anyone else in 1A know where he went except the Hero Association's vague comment on "Hot Cold Hero Shouto has taken a sudden indefinite hiatus"
(Only Todo’s family knows and Endeavor asked the Association to say "hiatus" instead of "retirement" bc Enji wants to believe in his son making a comeback. He didnt stop Shouto from taking off)
and ofc Momo upon hearing this is so confused??? Her last mission with him was the last time she saw him and he was crying. Why was he crying? Strange star tears twinkling and landing on her cheeks? What even is that phenomenon?
its too many questions and ofc Momo's gonna investigate. For the sake of her friend.
so she digs up all the texts she can find on star tears. Internet search all the possibilities. Consults the doctors at the hospital. Even asks Tenya if Todoroki has been acting strangely during their weekly catch ups.
but Tenya tells her Todoroki hasnt been the the meet ups since after their wedding
so she asks anyone in their pro hero circle of associates she can think of. Tsukiyomi, Burnin', heros from his agency, anyone she can think of that has worked with Todoroki before and could comment on his behaviour
no body knows. No body noticed anything different either. Sure there were some off days but the Hot Cold Hero Shouto was always on his game being one of the top 3 heroes on the billboard charts
she searches and searches, splitting time interviewing colleagues and researching the possible star tears phenomenon
until eventually her search takes her to...
Of course.
Momo, pleading: please Bakugou, you know something about him dont you?
Bakugou, who at this point had been very careful trying not to get cornered knowing her investigation: save it pony tail, you’re about to have a baby. Go have people harass you about that brat in your oven instead of harassing other people
Momo, nearly begging: please. You and I both know he's strong and a good hero that would not suddenly retire. Whatever he is doing, he might need help.. please tell me Bakugou.
... theres something about pregnant women that you cant say no to.
Bakugou, relenting: tch. The half ass is somewhere in Yokohama
and thats all she needs nearly running waddling (as fast as a pregnant woman could) out the door
Bakugou, calling out after her, still reluctant: when find that half ass, i suggest you throw him a gift. Literally. Throw it at him. He deserves it.
she finds him along the port, watching the sunset in Yokohama (its really not that hard to find someone with heterochromia and two tone hair in a city, especially if youre a hero that knows what methods heroes will use to go incognito)
and for some inkling of a feeling, Momo takes Bakugou's advice. She has a carton of strawberry milk in hand.
Momo, a few feet away from him: Todoroki-san, it's been a while.
Todo, turning his head in her direction: Yaoyorozu...?
Momo, sadly smiling: the sunset is beautiful here isnt it?
Todo, brows furrowing: .. sure. Yaoyorozu what are you doing here--
Momo, interrupting him: --i brought some snacks. Strawberry milk, you liked this while we were in school right? Catch.
she tosses it at him.
he tries to reach out.
But he'es completely off. And misses
Momo, sad: Todoroki-san. You're blind, arent you?
Todo, guilty: ah.
Momo, tearing up: will you please tell me?
he still can say no to her and confesses his story
and when he's finished telling the tale of star tears, the stars above are twinkling too
she's crying and choking and sobbing through tears and its intensified by baby Iida with pregnancy hormones
But the last thing she manages to croak out at the very least is still wholly her
She apologizes
“Im so sorry Todoroki- san. I cant love you that way.”
“I know.”
red is the last color Todoroki wanted to lose because it reminds him of Momo
during missions, as long as he could see her, “that’s ok” he thought. she is the only one he sees in color. that is okay with him
to him, Momo is his shining star. And there’s something tragically poetic of him losing his sight to the stars if its for his shining star Momo
He leaves the last stars in a tiny little jar like those paper stars as a gift for her with just the words on a note "goodbye Momo" the day after she finds him in Yokohama
Momo has the jar of stars forever on her bedside and looks at them with this melancholy expression. Baby Iida grows up and asks mom: "what is that jar of stars?" 
Momo responds: "a gift from someone that was blinded by love"
Bakugou in this timeline had a case of star tears too but I'd like to think he got his feelings requited so he never went blind to contrast Todo
So thats why Baku is (begrudgingly) sympathetic to Todo cuz he thinks: “that could’ve been me”
The ending shot of a blind Todoroki in a dark room, all alone, eyes closed, thinking back to Momo's shining smile from UA surrounded by star light with a sad smile on his face and it fades to black
> archives masterpost
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mythykl · 6 years ago
If todoroki was ya freakin’ boyfriend
*my ass so lonely pt. 2**
He lowkey spoils ya *w his cooking and gifts* and he loves to see you all giggly lol.
You guys were close af, even before dating. hUGSss from time to time. You initially thought that twas’ normal for him, but then Aizawa sensei blurted out while you sorta eavesdrop-
“it’s odd. I’ve never seen this kid so funny and blushy around anyone.”
And suddenly. he kinda started ignoring you.
your ass was later motivated by the angel herself- Momo. Other girls adviced you to talk about it w him as well.
That’s when he confessed, twas’ calm with mumbles and everything, that’s whyy you had to lean in to hear him clearly,,, but hE THOUGHT THAT YOU ACTUALLY LEANED IN,, and kissed ya.
In midst the mess, you noticed ochako and denki in the background, among others, facepalming cUz BiTCh gET Ya sHIt TogETHeR
You guys don’t really go on dates, it’s more of staying home, prolly cuddling and watching movies. Or organizing hot spring trips / picnics / attending festivals from time to time. There’s no in-between.
You fuckin love his eyes and prolly tried to use eyeliner on him to see how ya man looks
He organizes ya bed and soft toys and everything that he thinks is ‘unnecessarily lying around’ *such a mum*
Why’s ya boyfriend a fuckin lamp post ??? He likes to place his chin on ya head lol
Is not afraid to show you off, likes kissing you in public and turn ya face in a red fuckin mess
Can’t really crack jokes or pull pranks. Bakugou wonders why aren’t you bored yet. well you are relieved that he’s socializing a bit more everyday.
You guys have a matching cat key chains, he personally finds it childish but he kept it cuz its ya gift
And bTwWw he was very straightforward about his disliking.
He loves it when you wear a kimono.
Your lockscreen is a selfie of you and him, but shoto is sleeping *zzzzz*
You make scrapbooks / journals for the two of you. You once asked shoto to fill a page and this bITCH DID IT SO BEAUTIFULLY, except he refused to label em’ since his handwriting sucks
Random sexy shit? He produces cold breath in his mouth and kisses ya.. densely,,ah, nvm
He kisses ya eyelids when you are asleep
You once caught the girls.. making- wedding invitations?? Even deku and kirishima? Wait wut-
You are confirmed, at this point, that ya parents prolly love shoto more than you lol
He doesn’t like takin you at his place, prolly cuz’ his family doesn’t know about you yet. He just wants to keep you apart from 'the mess at home’. N it’s near impossible to talk him outta that mindset
you wanna dye your hair to twin with ya boyfriend, tho he isn’t quite sure if he agrees with you
“Baby I hope you don’t want ya hair gettin thinner cuz’ of all the chemi-”
“The only thing thats holding me back.” pffFtt~
When he’s tired, he literally throws his body on yours and talks until both of you fall asleep
He is too observant about everything,, and 100x extra to you tf. He’ll just stare at you as you talk or, for the matter of fact, do anything. He’ll pick up smol shit you do- and you’re like how tf-
anddd You’ve never seen him being clumsy, while you end up stumbling upon random shit, he just chuckles and calls you baka
You like it when he plays with ya hair; you find it relaxing
he opens up to you quite often, and expects the same from you.
He has a Polaroid of you in his wallet.
His gentle smiles and hugs make you feel safe, and you keep telling him that he deserves all the love in this world *sobs*
Tumblr media
*he’s the fire to my ice*
*wow hun’ he isn’t really*
*it’s takin my whole being to just.. not sob*
*I wish I could just shoot a cannon ball of happiness at this boi*
That surprisingly didn’t take much time to write, I already had scenarios in my mind cuz.. idk.. I think,, n I love him, nvm
I hope you enjoyed;))
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kagehinataboke · 6 years ago
coffee shop au tdbk!! please!!
absolutely can do!!! i’m already living for this good god 
tdbk: [2] coffee shop AU
Bakugou would rather die than work at a coffee shop. Unfortunately, his parents happen to own one, and they also happen to be willing to pay him better than minimum wage. So here he is—99% against his will—wearing a stupid suit-and-tie-and-apron uniform and working a damn espresso machine.
The shop has been packed all morning because of one of Hosu’s typical summer storms. By the time Bakugou goes on break, he can barely stand up straight. He takes a black coffee and goes outside to get away from the nauseating smell of cinnamon and mocha. Rain drips from the café overhang as he leans against the brick wall, struggling to stay awake.
“—home by tomorrow night at the earliest. My flight was delayed again.”
Bakugou doesn’t mean to eavesdrop, but the speaker sounds so annoyed that he can’t help but listen.
“Do you honestly think it’s my fault? I’m not pushing off coming home.” The voice grows closer, approaching from the street bordering the café’s right side. “No, Fuyumi, I’m just going to sit in this coffee shop and regret my life choices. Obviously I’m going to look for a different flight. I just have to call—“
He appears from around the corner, much quicker and much closer than Bakugou was expecting. They run straight into each other, the stranger’s phone clattering onto the wet sidewalk. If there was any hope of it being unharmed, it disappears when Bakugou’s dropped coffee splashes across the screen, distilling puddles of rainwater into muddy brown pools. 
“Ow.” Bakugou reorients himself with a curse, using the dazed stranger as a crutch. “Oh fuck, your phone. It’s…”
“Shit.” He scrambles for the cell, but it’s most definitely unsalvageable. If the device could make a sound, it would be screaming for mercy.
“Hey, you’ll get fucking soaked out there.” Bakugou pulls him back under the overhang. “I’m sorry about your… your…” He trails off, struggling not to gape. The stranger is staring morosely at his broken phone, water dripping from his strange multicolored hair down to his white collared shirt, which might as well be invisible. In a word, he’s… Fuck. Bakugou can’t even think of a proper word.
“It’s not your fault.” The destroyed phone disappears into a back pocket, and the handsome stranger runs a hand through his wet hair. “I was the one who ran into you. Nothing’s been going my way lately.” He holds out a hand. “I’m Todoroki Shouto, by way of delayed introductions.”
“Bakugou Katsuki.” Bakugou takes his hand for a moment too long before clearing his throat uncomfortably. “You’re gonna get sick in those clothes. You can borrow some, if you want. I live nearby.”
“Nearby?” Todoroki looks at the pouring rain dubiously.
“Don’t worry. I mean nearby, as in…” Bakugou points above his head, indicating the top floor of the café. “My family actually owns this place.”
“Oh, I see.” Todoroki slicks back his hair again, giving Bakugou a weak smile. “I would appreciate it. Maybe my luck is turning around.”
Todoroki is surprisingly easier to deal with when he’s wearing a shirt that isn’t see-through. After he changes, Bakugou leads him downstairs to a quieter section of the café and gives him an Americano, which he drinks in .05 seconds flat. Watching him is like watching a celebrity. Even though he’s shivering and his hair is messy from being dried off, he still looks calm and collected. Bakugou has never found a dude pretty before, and it’s really throwing him off. 
“So, what brings you to town?” he asks to dismiss the awkward silence. “Family drama?” He realizes a second too late that he probably shouldn’t bring up information he heard via eavesdropping, but Todoroki doesn’t seem fazed. 
“Yes. I came to visit my eldest brother. You could say he’s… well, the black sheep of the family.” 
“Interesting.” Bakugou waits for Todoroki to finish his drink before asking another question. “Where are you from? If that’s not overly-personal.”
“Not at all. I’m from Hosu City.” Todoroki taps his fingers against the empty coffee mug distractedly. It’s clear that he’s still anxious about his broken phone. He did seem to be in a rather heated discussion when they ran into each other. But oh well: he already digressed that it was his own fault.
“Hosu, huh?” Bakugou mutters, moving along the conversation. “Never heard of it. This your first time in Tokyo?”
“I’ve been on small business trips here, but this is my first time experiencing the city, yes.” He glances pointedly at the rain streaming down the café windows, and Bakugou snorts.
“Yeah, you gotta love monsoon season. At least you didn’t drown out there.”
Todoroki tries and fails to hold back a laugh. His fingers still against the ceramic cup. “I suppose you’re right about that. And I still have yet to thank you for taking me in.” His eyes grow distant. “It’s been a while since I could relax like this.”
“You seemed like you were having a grade-A bad day.” Bakugou doesn’t know much about him, but it’s obvious Todoroki is stressed out beyond belief.  “Anyone would’ve done the same,” he continues with a shrug. “Common courtesy and all that shit.” 
“Ha. You have a way with words, don’t you?” Todoroki smiles properly, and Bakugou swears the café gets warmer. 
He’s forced to change the subject before he starts blushing like a shoujo anime protagonist. “So, did you… want to use the phone? Y’know. To make a call.” Jesus Christ, Katsuki, you’re the fucking stupidest person on the entire planet. I hope you know—
Todoroki surprisingly shakes his head. “Actually… I think my family matters can wait.” He slides the cup between them. “I’d love to warm up with another coffee.”
“Alright, But only the first one was on the house,” Bakugou jokes, picking up the empty mug. He needs to take a moment before he starts grinning like an idiot.
“I’ll pay for ten more if you sit with me and talk.” Todoroki says it with such a straight face that Bakugou nearly trips on his way to the door. 
“Are you—“ He has to take a breath to keep his voice from cracking. “I was only kidding. Jesus, you’re a weird fucking guy.”
Todoroki merely blinks at him. “I just feel like you’re someone I should get to know. Are those ten coffees out of the question?”
Bakugou pauses and shifts from one foot to the other. He should really get back to work: he’s already been off for much longer than what’s allowed. But on the other hand… Todoroki seems like he needs someone to talk to. And besides, one day of slacking off won’t kill the family business, right?
“Alright, pretty boy,” he relents. “Make it eleven and you’ve got a deal.”
“Eleven coffees it is, then.” Todoroki smiles, and then announces, rather joyfully, “I think I’ll get a stomach ulcer.”
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super-optimisticgentleman · 6 years ago
Yamada Hizashi has been missing for fifteen years after a night out on patrol. Though his body was ever found though most suspected the Voice hero to be deceased until......
*Fifteen years ago, Aizawa Shota married Yamada Hizashi.
*The two of them had an argument one night (caused by Shota's self-doubts or something) which results in Hizashi leaving for patrol. (I love you," The Voice Hero smiled softly at his husband, hoping his words would reach the other and smooth his doubts, but silence was his only answer. It's crushing, but he keeps his smile in place as he leaves; the door softly clicking shut behind him. )
*Hizashi never returns from his patrol. (They never found his body. The only thing they found of the Voice Hero was his shattered speaker splattered with the blond's own blood.)
*Eight years later, a young blonde named Hitoshi Zashi takes the AU entrance test with his adopted bother/best friend: Hitoshi Shinso.
*Hitoshi Zashi is Yamada Hizashi. He doesn't remember anything before being found half dead by a younger Shinso.
*Both end up in Class 1A. (Rescue points for Shinso and Battle Points for Zashi as they worked together. Zashi destroying the robots and Shinso saving anyone caught in the crossfire.)
*Aizawa Shota refused to believe Hizashi is dead and is haunted by his own past decisions/regrets while searching for his husband. He can't help but begin to lose hope of ever finding Present MIc alive after ten fruitless years until Hitoshi Zashi walks into his classroom with a familiar face, familiar smile, familiar glasses, a familiar quirk.
*Shota tries to get closer to Zashi (certain the other is somehow connected with the disappearance of his husband) but Shinso is constantly throwing his efforts as he doesn't like the desperate look their teacher is always granting his (in his own opinion) obvious brother.
*Zashi is a genius and not nearly as Obvious as Shinso thinks he is though where Shinso sees desperation, Zashi sees a soul-numbing sadness that his presence seems capable of lifting; so he tries to reach out so to help ease Eraserhead's burden. (After all, what type of Hero would he be if he didn't at least try to help?)
*USJ still happens though Zashi ends up sharing a hospital room with Shota due to him slipping pass 'the creepy mist dude' and Shinso to chase after his teacher despite being ordered to flee with the others. ("What were you thinking?!" "Honestly, I don't know. I had planned to follow the others," Zashi spoke as a bright familiar smile found its way onto the blonde's face, ", but the moment you jumped my body just moved to follow you instead.")
*Zashi begins to have nightmares/dreams he can't fully recall after the USJ incident. Shinso is worried/overprotective.
*Recovery Girl makes a discovery while running test to ensure here two patients have a clean bill of health and delivers startling news to the faculty of UA. ( The old woman cleared her throat as she stepped forward until she replaced Nezu at the head of the room, "Due to the USJ Incident, I found myself running some basic test on the samples collected by the students caught within the crossfire. By doing so I have unearthed a discovery of most importance," She took a moment to breathe as her eyes slowly drifted the room's occupants before locking onto those of Aizawa Shota as she knew this would affect him the most, "According to the databanks, Hitoshi Zashi has a 100% DNA match to one Yamada Hizashi.")
*The discovery brings about utter Discord.
*Shinso begins to notice the looks the other teachers are granting Zashi and assumes the worse. He's fully convinced AU is full of child predators who are solely attracted to his brother. Shinso finds himself desperate (He can't always be with Zashi and every time he turns his back one of them seem to be trying to make a move on his poor obvious brother) for help and begins to recruit others to his cause.
*After careful observation of their teacher's interactions with Zashi, Class 1-A becomes the 'Hitoshi Zashi Protection Squad' and starts to recruit the friends Zashi made outside of Class 1A to their cause.
*Zashi has a talk with Katsuki Bakugou (The two of them have formed a surprising 'Business Agreement'-coughFriendshipcough- while tutoring each other in subjects they need help with that the other excels at. Bakugou: English, Zashi: Combat experience.) about what he can recall of his dreams. (Zashi doesn't tell Shinso about them as the other seems overstressed lately and he doesn't want to make things worse by dropping his problems on his brother.)
*After a bit of accidentally eavesdropping (If the teachers didn't want to be overheard they shouldn't be talking so loud outside.) Bakugou begins to make a connection between Zashi and the assumed dead Voice Hero: Present Mic. He eventually comes to the conclusion Hitoshi Zashi is Present Mic under the effects of a quirk that was probably meant to kill him instead of dealing him and leaving him amnesiac. Unfortunately, due to not fully overhearing the conversation, the explosive blond also comes to the conclusion the teachers are out to finish the job. ("-after that, Hitoshi Zashi will die and cease to exist.")
*Bakugou becomes an overprotective guard dog to a slightly confused by happy Zashi while reaching out to Mei Hatsume (having been introduced to him through Zashi) for a private commission.
*Moving into the dorms both simplify yet complicates matters.
*The Zashi Protection Squad hold a meeting while Zashi slips away from his current guard: Mineta only to run into Aizawa Shota, Iida Tensei, and Kayama Nemuri. The three end up at a Cat Cafe where the three heroes tell stories from their Highschool years in hopes of jogging the other's memories lose. After the Cafe, the four of them end up at an arcade and to no one's surprise: Zashi is still the DDR King.
*Bakugou, meanwhile, is pissed at the grapefucker as he, Shinso and the rest of Class 1A search for the missing Blond. Said group almost suffers a massive heart attack seeing the blond being 'shepherded' into a deserted, filthy back alley by three people- two of which they're certain are out to kill said blond. (The real reason they were heading that way was due to Shota seeing a stray cat sleeping in said alley and wanting to pet it for a bit.)
*Zashi is confused (He's certain his classmates are lying as he didn't have anything planned with them today), the Heroes a bit confused (All their students keep looking at them as though they were about to murder someone) and suspicious at their student's behavior, and Class 1A is relieved/terrified to how close Zashi came to certain death the moment they looked away. Many of them begin to understand Shinso's desperation.
*The teachers hold a conference back at UA. Most are confused noticing their students suddenly shift in behavior (expect Nezu who knows about the misunderstanding going on the whole time.) and try to figure out what has caused it. (Nezu finds the whole ordeal amusing. )
*Bakugou and Mei bequeath Zashi with dimensional speakers identical to the one's Present Mic owned (Both of them agree, that with them Zashi would be capable of protecting himself for a bit without needing a constant guard dog/extra shadow always by his side.).
*Zashi can use the speakers at the festival due to a loophole. Due to the speakers, the dreams and extra training with Bakugou, Zashi makes it into the top three at the end of the festival. (Aizawa and Ms. Joke are the announcers. )
*Zashi finally(!) get some time to himself without his classmates or brother all but suffocating him with their presences. Wanting answer, Zashi leaves UA and follows an invisible path he could recall from his dreams. At the end of the trail, he finds a strangely familiar house belonging to an elderly Mrs. and Mrs. Yamada. (He shouldn't have knocked, Zashi knew that; but at the same time he felt like he had to. He wanted to. He needed to see whoever was behind this door and he needed it yesterday.)
*Mrs. and Mrs. Yamada recognize Zashi for Hizashi instantly. (Maybe he should have panicked- the woman had practically suffocated him with her hug before rushing him inside of her home and bolting the door shut- but for some reason, Zashi didn't feel threatened. Instead, he felt safe. Even as the woman's crying and screams drew out another woman with beautiful cyan-colored hair.)
*Zashi has been missing for a week, the UA Faculty and the Zashi Protection Squad panic. Meanwhile, Zashi learns about the reason for the attack that resulted in Yamada Hizashi becoming Hitoshi Zashi. (Yamada Hizashi was attacked on patrol, not because he was Present Mic; but rather due to his parents- One by blood and one by choice- being Hunters. Aka: Heroes who hunt other Heroes that had betrayed everything they stood for, drowning in blood they'll never be able to wash away, and can only be saved/stopped by death. His Death was meant to be a vengeance killing against his parents by the Kin of one of their targets. He had only survived due to sheer luck and one Hitoshi Shinso. His attackers weren't so lucky once his parents sunk their claws into them. )
*Despite having searched, his parents don't know a way to reverse the effect of the quirk- they didn't really ask before doing away with what they believed to be their child's killers- nor a way for Zashi to fully remember more than what he dreams about.
*A wild Eraserhead appears in the dead of night.
*Deeming UA unsafe by both himself and Hizashi's parents, Shota finds himself in a difficult position. ("E-excuse me?" Shota stuttered slightly certain he had misheard his mother-in-law. "I said," The blonde meet his eyes head on, "I want you to take Hizashi and leave the country." )
*Shota has to make a decision.( Does he take the mostly amnesiac child that is his husband and abandon everyone else to keep him safe or does he stay and risk endangering the most amnesiac child that is his husband to protect everyone else? )
*Right or Wrong, Shota makes his decision.
 That's all I got right now. So, here is the main question: Should I make a story out of this, leave it as is or see about making it a comic?
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