#and yhe other is basically moon
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errorhalo · 7 months ago
fuuuuck i should have just gone to bed at 12 i feel like shit and qm so .slepy
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walnutcookie · 2 years ago
PLS TELL ME ABOUT DRAGON PROPHECY AU PLSSS its my fav au of yours its very interestjng :)
GGWAAGAKHD im just gonna spoil it,, I was planning on making an animation and have people guess the lore but like its veen a year and i STILL havent made it .
i think its pretty clear that this is vaguely based off of wings of fire (i promise rhat was unintentional)
eclair is reading his favorite book, an enchanted one that generates knowledge over time . This one is about dragons!
and to his surprise, theres a page describing a prophecy for june 26th its like um
on the 26th of june
under the rising moon
the dragons of legend will call
and magic city will fall
guess what! its june 19th. eclair runs into espressos office because hes panicking and he has the closest office and espresso is just like . What the fuck why did you burst into my office screaming i am working. go bother someone else about your silly fairy tales. yeah he doesnt think the prophecy is real (esclair divorce arc /JOKE)
the days are getting closer and closer and eclair is losing his mind!!!!!he doesnt tell anyone else about it cause hes scared theyll react like espresso and call it silly. on june 26th eclair keeps looking up at the sky nervously and espressos like Dude chill nothing will happen [gets eaten by a dragon]
side note ! said dragon was earl grey purely because i wanted to put dragon features into their hom! design. no idea how they became a dragon but they did,, so now theres about 10 dragons flapping about parfaedia and wrecking it to pieces! (dont ask why i guess they were in a silly goofy mood)
eclair is losing his shit he just saw his coworker and friend and maybe crush DIE IN FRONT OF HIM WHAT THE FUCK!!!! latte is desperately trying to help creampuff figure out a way to stop the carnage and almond is bawling because his daughter got smushed into a walnut pancake . eclair turns to his library and searches through every spellbook he can find in a desperate attempt to fix things, and in a very shady and not so safe book he finds a spell to turn the user into a dragon ! he doesnt bother reading the warnings and spends literally hours and hours straight trying this spell desperately and probably passing out from exhaustion a few times i mean . he knows magic but not too much magic. but eventually he gets it and he turns into a dragon yippee!!!! also since all of yhe dragons have they/them pronouns . Spell that nonbinarys your gender (and turns uou into a dragon)
they go up to the dragons and the dragons are like Yo nice scales lol. u should hang out with us and eclair is like Oh.....well ummmm.......it cant hurt right. i will learn more about the dragons like a spy so i can defeat them better. (its not like they could take 10 dragons on all by themself anyways)
flash forward parfaedia is ruined. the dragons have left and returned to their homes, the surviving parfaedians have flocked to other cities and kingdoms. (roguefort fled on the first night the dragons came)
latte and cream puff (and almond but hes a ruined mess and they basically just drag him along) want to confront the dragons and maybe make peace or figure out what happened idk they find tea knight and all go to this cave in a mountain together ! they enter this HUGE library and theyre a little confused until Surprise!!!! theres eclair theyre a dragon now . everyones like What the fuck happened to you and eclair goes im better now :3 and says fuck you claws lattes eyes out and then bites tea knights head off . and then they just go home no happy ending
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jangofctts · 4 years ago
I would like to file a formal complaint against you and the anon who have now mAde mE ThINK ABOUT KAMI IN GREY SWEATPANTS LIKE JESUS ITS HONESTLY UNFAIR
He would be sO cocky I know he would. Listening to Meghan thee stallion and thinking about Kami in sweatpants had me thinking about how I would get back him which I think woulD bE a LAPDANCE so here are my thots on giving a LAPDANCE TO THR SQUAD
Blanche: flustered bUt trYinG to HIDE IT you're showing off for him???? Grinding in his lap and calling him commander? I think he would lose it but still try and act like he had it all under control. Like I think he wouldnt try to hide that you're turning him on but I do think he'd try to hide how he's absolutely LOSING IT Best way to tell how much he liked it is he fucks you a little rougher after >:D
Blue: he is SO INTO IT like an active! Participant! Could not keep his hands to himself even if you asked him to. Honestly I don't have much to say about blue other than he would be absolutely over the moon and would tell you the entire time how much he likes it and would just have hands ALL OVER U. like I said Active Participant.
Jaws: would also be very unafraid to tell you how much he loves it. I also think he would be the boy to tell you "omg you don't have to if you don't want to" and you would have to convince him enthusiastically that yes you do want to give him a lapdance but once he's on board i feel like he wouldNT shut up he'd keep saying corny but sweet things about you and your body or whatever your doing and youd have to be like jAWs sHUt uP I'm ConCENTRATING would be very hands on and vocal I think!!
Sweets: baby would not know what to do with his hands at first I think you'd have to like grab his hands and put them on your hips and guide him to touching you because I think he'd be worried abouT MESSING U UP but then once you show him how to touch you he'd want to keep touching you and would be very focused on what you're doing. I think he'd be pretty quiet other than saying "oh" every now and thennmn also if you play with his hair while dancing on him I think he'd die right then and there. Sweets place of death is between your legs with your tits in his face and your hands in your hair I SAID WHAT I SAID
KAMI: the one who started all this for me 👀 I honestly think he'd laugh at you at first and be like "lol okay like you're actually gonna do that" kind of taunting you. acting all cocky because he thinks he's called your bluff or something bUT then once you start I think he'd immediately drop that attitude and take control. Like I think he'd still let you do what you wanted and let you dance but I think he'd try to guide your movements anD Also I THINK HED TRY TO START DISTRACTING YOU like he didn't think you'd do it but then you did and he's so excited that he can't contain himself he just wants to FUCK YOU NOW definitely think he would be the one who would be all over you touching you trying to distract you kissing you being so tactile okay phew I am imaging this and now I'm gonna go DIE like jUSt imagine him pulling you against him anD nuzzling your neck and grabbing your ass doing everything he can to break your conecntration so he CAN FUCK YOU RIGH T THERE IN HIS LAP I DIE
Fuse: I honestly think he wouldnt say much or do much I think he'd just have at least one hand on you but he'd just be trying to enjoy it and take it all in and not interrupt because he feels so lucky you're doing this for himmmm omg I'm gonna cry fuse stop amking me sad this is suPposed to Be sexC tIMES
Bruiser: would be VERY APPRECIATIVE WIF HIS HANDS I think he wouldn't be able to help himself he'd just keep grabbing you and pulling you against him but then would apologize bC he Interrupted lmao and he wants you to keep going basically I think he'd just keep interrupting and touching bc he can't help himself until y'all were basically fuckin p h e w
Void: OH MY GOD HE WOULD BE DIRTY TALKIN YHE ENTIRE TIME like I'm getting hot thinking Bout It. He would just narrate and say filthy filthy things to you the entire time. I think he wouldn't touch you much at first and if he did it would just be a hand on your thigh. He'd be laid back in the chair or wherever y'all are and would just whisper absolutely filthy things to you until you are a puddle in his lap okay bYe
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blindkarakul · 5 years ago
Long Survey - M’yhe Tia
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FULL  NAME :  M’yhe Tia NICKNAME :  Youta, Little Sheep  AGE :  25 Summers BIRTHDAY : The beginning of spring (Apr 13) ETHNIC  GROUP :  Seeker of the Sun / Keeper of the Moon NATIONALITY :  Gyr Abanian LANGUAGE / S :  Huntspeak, Eorzean (Common and Ala Mhigan Dialects) SEXUAL  ORIENTATION :  Homosexual Homoromantic RELATIONSHIP  STATUS :  In a Relationship; Ninka’ir Tayuun HOME  TOWN / AREA :  The Lochs, Gyr Abania CURRENT  HOME : None; Lives with mate in the Lavender Beds PROFESSION :  Diviner, Fortune Teller, Oracle, Ritualist, Bounty Hunter, Absolute Dumbass
HAIR :  Sandy Rose-Blond EYES : Pale Blue FACE :  Thin, Scrappy COMPLEXION :  Deep Tan BLEMISHES :  None SCARS :  Lashing scars across his back, a band around his ankle, a few deep cuts in his abdomen TATTOOS :  Seer’s tattoos around his entire body, white ink HEIGHT :  5 fulms, 3 ilms. WEIGHT :  Trying to steadily pack on some weight-- 118 ponzes BUILD : Lithe and agile, recovering from malnourishment.  FEATURES :  Chalky face paints, bright white eyes, Claws, Snaggletooth Grin ALLERGIES :  n/a. USUAL  HAIR  STYLE :  Cut and groomed short, braids woven at the side of his face and stained red USUAL  FACE  LOOK :  Smudged on face paint, a coy grin USUAL  CLOTHING :   Free and flowing, rough and tumble but dependable
FEAR / S :  Whips, Dogs Barking, Maggots, Infection, Loneliness. ASPIRATION / S :  Becoming a Fist of Rhalgr. Happiness. A home. Found Family. POSITIVE  TRAITS :  Wise, Caring, Light-Hearted, Fun-Loving, Mischevious, Adventure-seeking NEGATIVE  TRAITS :  Hotheaded, Stubborn, MISCHEVIOUS, Self-depreciating MAJOR ARCANA :  The Hanged Man ZODIAC :  Aries, the Ram TEMPERAMENT :  Sanguine  SOUL  TYPE :  The Spiritualist ANIMAL :  The Sheep VICE HABIT / S :  Bullheaded Adventure; they rarely think of the consequences, and would rather have fun first and say sorry later. Very defensive about this. FAITH :  Worship of the Twelve + Tribe Specific Religion; M’yhe’s branch of the M believed in the intrinsic spirit of all things. Everything as it is known was formed by the hands of the twelve, and is derivative of what were once larger spirits. Communication and appeasal of these spirits grants good fortune. Angry spirits that die unhappy turn into spectres, and while the nature of an angry spectre is harmful and dangerous, it is a terrible thing to kill a spirit rather than give it the chance to find peace. GHOSTS ? :  Yes. AFTERLIFE ? :  Yes. REINCARNATION ? : Yes. ALIENS ? :  Maybe? He doesn’t often think about it. EDUCATION  LEVEL :  Has never been in a school, but has had various tutors over the course of his life.
FATHER :  Unknown Keeper of the Moon; whereabouts unknown MOTHER :  M’iraa Vuehe, deceased (haunts as a spectre) SIBLINGS : M’iaho Nunh, adoptive brother, alive. M’koyo Tia, adoptive brother, alive. EXTENDED  FAMILY :  M’ahsasha Vuehe, adoptive mother, deceased. M’ahli Jedte, adoptive mother, unknown. M’rhaxis Tia, tribe brother, alive. M’zhrii Zurrie, tribe sister, alive. M’zhbi Zurrie, tribe sister, alive. J’kebun Tia, half-tribe cousin, alive.  NAME MEANING / S :  ‘Yhe’ is an utterance in M Tribe Huntspeak, often used to indicate positive affirmation, or sometimes joy.
BOOK :  Anything Ninka’ir reads to him DEITY :  RHALGR, the Destroyer HOLIDAY :  Winter’s Knell MONTH :  ‘Budding Season’ in Gyr Abania SEASON :  Spring PLACE :  Ninka’ir’s Apartment + The Velodyna River WEATHER :  Warm Sun and Cooling Breezes SOUND / S:  Ninka’ir’s Voice and Music SCENT / S :  Rose, Chamomile, and Frankincense TASTE / S :  Savory and/or spicy FEEL / S :  Silk and/or Leather NUMBER :  What The Fuck Come After Seven? (n/a) COLORS :  Red, Purple, Blue, Black, White.
TALENTS :  Fighting, Charisma, and Healing. BAD  AT :  Being decent. And most tasks that require eyesight. TURN  ONS :  Ninka’ir Tayuun TURN  OFFS :  Whips!! Shit, dude. HOBBIES :  Training, Painting, Fortune Telling QUOTE : “A hurrrting hearrrt is not so weak as you have been lead to believe.”
Q1 :  If you could write your character your way in their own movie,  what would it be called,  what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about? A1 :  Blood Moon; an action packed drama about M’yhe’s life growing up and the pitfalls that make him eager to seek happiness and redemption in his current life. 
Q2 :  What would their soundtrack/score sound like? A2 :  IT... VARIES... But honestly I’ve always been a fan of folk music, and so has M’yhe. Music by Blanco White is pretty close.
Q3 :  Why did you start writing this character? A3 :   I made M’yhe around 6 months into having started FFXIV. My ex and I were trying a new server, and making alts there. I had a previous M tribe character, M’iaho, who I made because the more I learned about the plight of Gyr Abania, the more the concept of a tribe from Gyr Abania became interesting for me. But M’iaho was a very irresponsible Nunh who claimed his title by accident, and as fun as that was to play, I wanted someone who was a bit more grounded and grumpy. M’yhe was actually supposed to be a bunny from the Gold Saucer who just happened to be able to read fortunes AND was from Ala Mhigo, but I became really invested in him and his character. He was interesting to me because of his background in the occult, and so he just grew from there (and I ended up leaving the Bunny concept behind). He would always be my favorite go-to character that I would play when I needed to get into a place of destress. Because he was so seemingly carefree on the surface, his natural mischief made his interactions with others fun, and helped me branch out and find new friends when I needed it most. Toward the end of my relationship, I would use him as a crutch to give me a happy place to turn to. I placed so much love and work into him that when I finally made the decision to be free for myself, I took him with me. And while he grows, I continue to grow too. So... he’s a very personal character that was kind of born out of my subconscious desire to break away and be free. And now that we’re both in happier places, I’m relishing getting to play him growing as a person. World knows I am too.
Q4 :   What first attracted you to this character? A4 :  Honest to god I just wanted another catboy? But one that I could connect with more. The first two I made were fun, but not what I was looking for in terms of a character. Also yeah, all the above stuff too. I wanted to explore the concept of finding personal freedom after being in a place where I didn’t feel like I had much.
Q5 :  Describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse. A5 :  M’YHE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A LOT RUDER but I’m too soft to be terribly mean. Each time M’yhe makes a stupid life decision a little part of me dies.
Q6 :  What do you have in common with your muse? A6 :  We’re both adept tarot readers! But that was obvious. So less obvious is that we would both kill for oranges. (I can’t eat oranges though, sadly, because I’m allergic to them, so I get to live my citrus impulses through M’yhe). 
Q7 :  How does  your muse feel about  you? A7 :  Real talk I don’t think M’yhe would find me especially interesting and I don’t blame him.
Q8 :  What characters does your muse have interesting interactions with? A8 :  Because he’s such a charismatic character... really he can bounce off of just about anyone? But I really like the characters that are able to peel away his charismatic exterior and get to actually make him act as the kinder and softer person he can be deep down. I like the people who get him to say his cryptic wise quotes without a shred of sarcasm. M’yhe is a very manic character and can sometimes feel so on top of the world that when he’s grounded and serious are sometimes my favorite times to write him.
Q9 :  What gives you inspiration to write your muse? A9 :  Music, honest to god just me imagining scenarios... and also my lovely as FUCK Free Company, Nightraid. As well as Coeurl’s RP community as a whole. I mean, I know it’s cliche to say. But I have a lot of people there who plot and poke fun at scenarios with me, they always keep me on my toes and keep me thinking of the next story beat. They’re all amazing and lovely people, and while there are things I miss about being on a more populated RP server like Balmung or Mateus, Coeurl is my home and damn if it isn’t M’yhe’s too.
Q10 :  How long did this take you to complete? A10 :  Do I mention the fact that I finished like half of this and then took a 3 month hiatus or what
Tagged by: No one I stole this but I caN’T REMEMBER WHO I STOLE FROM.... I think @huntspeak​
@akaiwakizaka @unatobajhiri​ @impure-ivory @sangria-fangs @donpom-house-of-alts  @of-shadow-and-storm @renofmanyalts@fakuboy@weaveroftruth @amurr-reha @rkhdaj-tia @khabataaq-buduga @ballade-du-mage  @ofmasters@divineseer-marcella @lavender-hemlock @yululu-and-co @sedatayuun @ritsuka-aoki  @an-honest-waltz​ @alusbeauregard​
(For a character of y’alls choice, for you multimuse buddies)
It’s been a while since I was really active, so I thought I’d do a big comprehensive on M’yhe’s character again!
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