#and yet we judge our fellow shipmates
I agree with your last anon, that level of analysis is always appreciated, especially since critical part of the fandom either left (to do actual activist work?) or became weirdly personal (spitting bile at actors, based on ridiculous assumptions). But I disagree with their assessment of "wishful thinkers". They are not naive. Queer narrative analysis doesn't simply equal "endgame!", there's much more there. Sounds like anon didn't read too much before putting them all in the same box?
Well, it’s not really our thing to address that here, butisn’t that what everyone’s doing–putting people in boxes, then putting labelson boxes regardless of content, then argue over the labels? I mean, we here wereimmediately dubbed as ‘haters’ because we rejected some random dude as Regina’sLI, those who were loud on twitter about rapeculture in Captain Swan were ‘badapples’, everyone shipping Swan Queen was a man-hating lesbian (yeah, I know–it’sfunny, in a… really ironic, sad and moronic kind of way) and similarly–everyoneanalyzing queer narrative in Once Upon a Time is still being dismissed as ‘delusional’?
It rather sounds like some people in this fandom acceptedwhat’s being thrown at us from all sides in our lives–gaslighting, to the pointthat we now gaslight each other? Also, dismissing on merits of… well, thelabel on the box? So I guess… *shrug* If Anon believes that ‘wishful thinkers’(which I assume by saying ‘dumb’ they probably meant the DP bunch?) are naive,then I can only hope that it’s because they… scratched the surface in order toconfirm their suspicions? Or if not, they can perhaps still address the content directly at the source andthrough hopefully constructive conversation–they can see if they can find somelogic, reason and level-headedness there, too? Because the least that we cansay is that, yeah–while you simply can’t talk to that first group that theymention, the ‘industry insighters’ (who ‘call people gross and stupid if theydisagree’ like typical tyrants, because of their general arrogance, patronizing stance and over-inflatedegos basically, and yeah, we know that really well–they tried to bully us too, rallying theircliques and all) I’m sure the DP bunch would love you to challenge theirtheories, on the other hand? By addressing to any of the specifics rather than…mislabeling them as naive and dismissing as delusional based on… face value, realy? ‘Cause as far as we here know, not everyone there is in the same‘endgame’ brigade, but they’ve all been getting the brunt end of… some reallymisplaced rage. Of those angry at the show and the showrunners, really. Notthe actors or… least of all other fans, for ‘selling people false hope’. Peopleare basically just coming into an old fractioned fandom and have accepted allthese barriers that don’t reflect what’s actually there, you know?
And if some feel validated in their experiencesthrough that queer reading of the show that the ‘wishful thinkers’ seem tofacilitate, then who are we to deny them that right?
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ladyfogg · 3 years
May I? - 27/?
May I? - 27/?
Fic Summary: Ensign Faith Diaz struggles to hide her mental illness from her fellow shipmates aboard the Enterprise until an intrigued Data goes out of his way to try to understand her behavior. At his insistence, Faith tries to figure out what she’s truly passionate about and eventually seeks the professional help she needs. Fic Masterpost.
Fic Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Data/Female OC
Warnings: tw: depression, tw: anxiety, fluff, friends to lovers, eventual smut
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The lights in the bedroom were dim but Data could still see the outline of Faith’s body by the moon shining through the blinds. Her back arched as he thrust into her from behind, his hands holding her hips for leverage. She rocked and moved with him, panting and twisting the bedsheets as she did. They had not done this position before and he found he quite liked the visual. And judging by the noises Faith made, he was sure she enjoyed it as well.
“Oh, Data!” she moaned.
The high pitch in her voice let him know he had found the correct angle. But her body did not shudder so he readjusted by a fraction of a degree. He earned a loud whine for his efforts and felt the way her body jolted in pleasure.
He calculated that at his current rate of speed if he maintained that angle and applied manual stimulation…
She feels so good.
The sudden stray thought interrupted his processes and he immediately froze. He had heard of humans experiencing such random thoughts before but he himself had not been able to replicate it on his own. To experience such a phenomenon himself had taken him by surprise. It was not just the appearance of the thought that struck him but the thought itself.
He had been enjoying himself as much as he can during their sexual acts. The smoothness of Faith’s skin had always intrigued him and the sensation of being inside her was not something he could quantify. And yet, his brain had decided that it felt good.
“Data?” Faith panted, craning her neck to look back at him. “W-Why’d you stop?”
“I had a thought.”
She did not normally get annoyed with him but it was evident by her tone that she was.
Data looked at her, bent before him, her buttocks flush against his lap, and the tantalizing dip of her spine as her top half rested on the soft mattress. Her wild hair was in her eyes and he reached out to push it away from her face as he draped his chest along her back. She whimpered when his breath ghosted across her ear.
“You feel good, Faith.”
Her breath caught in her throat. “Wha…what do you mean?”
Data began to move again and though it was not the precise angle from before, Faith still responded to it. She moaned again, louder than before.  
“I am enjoying being inside you,” he went on. “I do not wish to stop anytime soon.”
Faith gasped and Data slid one arm around her chest so he could hold her as close as possible. She wiggled and moaned, rutting along with him as much as she could with the small space she had.
“Stars, Data! When you talk like that while moving like that…” She could not finish her sentence without moaning again.
“By my calculations and judging by our previous experiences, I estimate you can handle at least another two hours of sexual intercourse before requiring rest.”
“Oh god! Please don’t make me wait that long before I can cum.”
“I did not say you had to. In that time, you will experience several orgasms.”
He let her go so he could push himself up again. Minutes later, when her release took hold, she called his name louder than he had heard her done before.
They made love for as long as she could handle until she was a shuddering mess and her slow movements showed she was fatigued. Only then did Data finish, making sure to stay buried in her warmth until the moment of completion ended. It was an impulse that had developed over the course of their relationship, as he noted Faith seemed to enjoy it as much as he did.
Gently, he slipped out of her and laid on the bed, his hand running soothingly up and down her back. She did not move right away, only laid there spread out and panting.
“Faith, are you alright? Was that too long for intercourse?”
“I’m fine, just gimme a second.” Her words were slurred but he could still hear the satisfaction in her tone.
Eventually, she grunted and rolled over so she could face him. “Dear god, Data. That was the most intense lovemaking yet.”
“I am glad you enjoyed yourself.”
“And you did too apparently,” she said with a grin. “Did you really feel something or was that your attempt at dirty talk?”
“I was not attempting anything other than making you orgasm.”
“Mission fucking accomplished.”
“Did my talking elicit an arousing response?”
Still grinning, Faith drew closer, reaching down to take Data’s hand. She slid it between her thighs where he could touch the wetness there.
“Duly noted.”
He kissed her deeply while his fingers stroked the bundle of nerves that made her quake. She moaned, throwing her leg over his hip to allow for easier access. He had assumed she would need a break but it seemed his calculations were off.
He drew away from the kiss so he could study her expressions as he touched her. As many times as he painted her face, it was never enough. He never felt like he could truly capture what he saw when he looked at her. From the pinch of her eyebrows to the dip of her nose, to the way her bottom teeth dug into her full lip…it was all too beautiful to comprehend.
Data coaxed another orgasm out of her before she rolled into her back with a dreamy sigh.
“If this is what our vacation entails I’m mad I didn’t agree to take shore leave sooner,” she said with a satisfied hum.
Their shore leave had so far consisted of very little activity outside of their small stretch of beach
The first two days, they had taken the time to adjust to their surroundings and see what the hotel had to offer. There were numerous amenities, including a full-service spa, various small restaurants, and other recreational activities. Faith was not interested in most of them, except the spa where she had received a massage which she had described as leaving her boneless.
Other than that, the rest of the time was spent swimming or laying on the beach.
Lovemaking had also been a priority.
Data had noticed that Faith’s sexual appetite had greatly increased throughout their vacation. He concluded that since neither of them was constantly required to split their attention between their various duties, she was taking advantage of their alone time. Data did not nor would he complain. He was fascinated by the change in both of them.  
“I do not require rest and am happy to continue our sexual explorations during the time we have.”
“You’re too good to me.” She kissed him softly before forcing herself to sit up. “Mmmm, why can’t we just stay here forever?”
“I am assuming you do not actually mean forever.”
“I don’t. But it still sounds nice.” She draped herself across his chest, tracing the lines of his abdomen. Her wild hair and hazy eyes made Data stare, once again struck by her beauty.
“It does sound like an enjoyable way to spend our time. Though I do think you will grow mentally restless with nothing to do other than swimming and making love.”
“Probably. But it’s a sexy fantasy to have.”
“On that, I agree.”
They laid there for a time, Faith tracing her fingers across his skin while Data studied her. He was intimately familiar with all of her expressions. The one she wore now seemed hesitant, as though she wanted to say something but had not worked up the courage to do so.
“What is on your mind, Faith?” he asked, allowing one of her curls to wrap around his finger.
She smiled. “You and that positronic brain of yours.” She fell silent for a moment. “I have a present for you.”
This intrigued Data. It was not a special occasion or holiday so he had not anticipated receiving any gift. “I must admit I am curious. Why do you seem so worried?”
“I don’t know if you’re going to like it.”
“Faith, you should know by now that I greatly appreciate anything you give me, regardless of what it is.”
Her smile widened and she leaned in to kiss him before slipping out of bed.
“You did not have to go through the trouble,” he continued as he sat up.
She crossed the room to their belongings. “It wasn’t any trouble. Well, that’s not true. It was a little bit of trouble but I wanted to do it. I wanted to show you how much I appreciate you.”
She dug around in their bag for a moment before withdrawing something and hiding it behind her back. When she returned to his side, she said, “Close your eyes.”
Data promptly did as she commanded. Faith picked up his hand and placed an object into it. He knew by touch instantly what the chemical makeup of the item was so when he opened his eyes, he was not surprised to see a piece of neatly rolled paper, tied with a red ribbon.
“Thank you,” he said automatically.
Faith chuckled. “Open it, Data.”
Curiously, Data carefully untied the bow before unrolling the small scroll. He was surprised to find his own likeness staring back at him. The image had been carefully drawn in thick pencil, with smaller lines added to shade in and include minute details. While it was not an exact reproduction, it was fairly close.
“Faith? Did you draw this?”
She nodded with a proud smile, shoulders relaxing when she realized he liked it. “I noticed that you don’t paint yourself,” she explained, pulling her knees up to her chest. “I decided to try my hand at drawing, even took a couple of classes. What do you think?”
He had not known she had been taking drawing lessons. With their full schedules, he had not had the time to ask about any recreational activities. He had assumed since she was so tired, she did not have the energy. Now it seemed she had sought some out on her own.
“This is very good,” he said. And he meant it. “Your strokes and lines were done with confidence and precision and your attempt at shading was well-executed.” He felt a wave of affection and smiled at her. “Thank you. I have never received a gift quite like this.”
Faith beamed. “I’m so glad you like it. I know you love art and painting, and while it’s not really my thing I wanted to try. You’ve done so many wonderful paintings of me, I felt I should return the favor.”
“Perhaps we can hang it in our quarters when we return to the ship.”
“I would like that a lot,” she said. “Actually, I was thinking maybe you could do a family portrait of us. Me, you, and Spot.”
At the word “family”, Data tore his eyes away from the drawing. “Do you consider the three of us a family?”
“Well, yes. Don’t you?”
“I do. I appreciate that the sentiment is shared.”
He carefully placed the present on the nightstand as Faith made herself comfortable next to him. Drawing up the blankets, Data pulled her in close and settled against the pillows.
“Faith, may I ask you something?”
“Sure. What is it?”
“We have been a couple for several months now. When do you believe you will feel comfortable talking about the subject of marriage?”
Her head, which had been resting on his shoulder, snapped back so she could stare at him with wide eyes. “Uhh…what…when…” She struggled to speak. “You…want to marry me?”
“Is that not something you desire?”
“I’ve honestly never really thought about marriage.”
“Oh. I see.”
Faith sat up, placing a comforting hand on his chest. “But that was before!” she said quickly. “Before I met you and before we started our relationship. Marriage was never on my mind because, honestly, I never thought I would feel close enough or comfortable enough with someone to consider it.”
“Has that changed?”
“I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about what it would be like if we got married.”
Data placed his hand over hers. “I feel it prudent to let you know that I do intend to propose to you in the future.”
Faith did not do or say anything for thirty full seconds, except rapidly blink. Data gave her a curious look.
“For once, I am having trouble reading your expression,” he said. “Some help into what you are feeling would be appreciated.”
Faith smiled. “It’s one thing to think about marriage, it’s another to talk about it. The same as any other fantasy.”
“Does this change your mind?”
She shook her head, reaching out to stroke his cheek. “No,” she said. “It just makes the fantasy more of a reality, which is scary.”
“In what way?”
Faith sighed and curled up against him again. “In a fantasy, everything goes how you want it to. In reality, there’s a chance of making a mistake.”
“And you feel marrying me would be a mistake?”
“Oh, stars, no! I’d be the luckiest woman in the galaxy if I had a chance to marry you I just…” She struggled to find the words. “I guess, I’m just afraid that you’d eventually think marrying me was a mistake.”
Data was confused. He could not follow her logic. “I do not understand.”
“Data, these periods of anxiety and depression most likely will never go away. Which means I’ll be experiencing them throughout the rest of my life. The thought of you having to deal with that makes me feel so guilty.”
“I do not see it at ‘dealing’ with anything. They are a part of you. You are operating under the assumption that I regard this as a chore. I do not. I am sorry if I made you feel like it is.”
“You have nothing to be sorry about,” Faith assured him, hugging him tighter. “I guess to me sometimes it feels like a chore. And I know in previous relationships I was told it was…”
Hearing these words made Data feel angry. Not the explosive anger he had experienced prior. A more subdued version.
“Whoever made you feel such a way was wrong!” he said, his voice taking on a stern tone. “Loving you is not a chore.”
Faith looked up, brown eyes wide. “Data…”
“Faith, you are a wonderful woman. I am the luckiest sentient being because I get to experience you. All of you. And I do not want to experience another.”
He kissed her forcefully, needing to show her how much he meant what he said. Within seconds he had her on her back beneath him, her hands running up his shoulder blades as she allowed him to deepen the kiss.
Though he had made love to her for hours, he could do so again. He wanted to do so
The tiny gasp that escaped her lips as he pushed into her was instantly swallowed by his kiss. Data went slowly, taking his time. He knew the speed that Faith liked, how deep she needed him to be to reach orgasm, but he was not thinking about her pleasure at that moment. He only thought of his own growing need.
Data buried his face in her neck, inhaling the scent of her sweat-slick skin. He used to not understand how olfaction connected with sexual intercourse until he became sexually active with Faith. He then understood that it was connected to scene memory. Smelling Faith’s skin at such a close range, during such an intimate moment, brought to the surface memories of their numerous sexual encounters.
It made Data remember how she felt, how she yielded to his touch. How she sounded when he took her in his arms.
When he finally had his fill, his release came naturally. Faith lay sprawled beneath him, her brown eyes shining at him with hazy wonder as she dragged them open.
She reached up, pushing his hair back from his face, thumb stroking his ear as she tucked it back.
“Data,” she breathed in a soft voice. “Did you just…give into impulse?”
“I have given in to impulse before.”
“Not like that.”
He shook his head. “No, not like that. Was it…satisfying?”
“It was wonderful.”
“I did not hurt you did I?”
Faith smiled and shook her head. “No, you didn’t hurt me. Although now we definitely need a break because I am sore. Not in a bad way. In a very, very, good way.”
“You should sleep. You must be very weary.”
They settled into comfortable positions and Data turned off the dim lights, plunging the room into darkness. By then the moon was hidden behind clouds. But it was not the total darkness of space around them. Ambient light from outside gave the room shadows and it was not long before Data heard Faith’s breathing become slow and even.
She slept curled in his arms. Data held her for some time. He did not want to activate his sleep program. Rather, he decided to lay there and contemplate. After several hours, he extracted himself from her embrace. Silently, he stepped out onto the porch. The waves were close enough for Data to step down and be standing in the water.
He stared out at the vast ocean, understanding why Faith was drawn to such scenery. It was hard to think of anything else when faced with such an endless view.
In many of the outcomes, he calculated he saw Faith leaving the Enterprise in six-five point two percent of them. Of those scenarios, he joined her eighty-nine percent of the time. That number steadily increased as their time together grew.
It would not be long before it was one-hundred.
Of the scenarios where he did not immediately join her, he calculated he eventually would within a short period of time.
Either way, Faith was a part of his future. It was as he told her when he said he loved her. He could not see a future for him that excluded Faith.
Data stood watching the water until the suns began to rise. He knew Faith would enjoy the view so he went back into the cabin. She was still sound asleep, spread across the bed and tangled in bedsheets. He smiled at the image, having never seen Faith so relaxed.
He crawled back into bed, hovering over her. “Faith?” He drew back her hair away from her ear.
She stirred in her sleep, leaning into his touch. “Hmmm?”
“The suns are rising. It is a remarkable sight.”
She rolled onto her back, yawning. “You’re a remarkable sight.”
“Come see.”
She lazily lifted her arm and Data helped pull her out of bed. With the blanket draped around her shoulders, Faith shuffled outside with him. Together they sat on the top step, watching the sunrise and the tide pull back. Her head rested on his shoulder.
Data knew he would remember this moment. Not just because he remembered everything, but because of the significance. There were several of his memories of Faith which he had categorized by importance. This would certainly be one of them.
“What do you wish to do today?” he asked.
She slipped her arm through his. “Just this.”
Because he could not think of a better way to spend their time, he smiled. “If you wish.”
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halfincubus · 4 years
got tagged by @riosgoodgirll for this game like [checks notes] almost two weeks ago, sorry it’s super late but it got long because I ramble about ladies I like
rules: list 10 different female faves from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 people 
under cut, because it really did get long
1.       Farscape – Aeryn Sun Where do I start with her? She is everything. She’s one of the earliest examples that I can remember seeing on tv of a strong female character that has trouble connecting to her emotions, while the male counterpart of her pairing is the one who wanted to talk about his feelings. She’s also a tough soldier for a dodgy race of militant space-humans (but not really humans) whose sole purpose in life is to fight and die, and through her relationship with her fellow shipmates, learns that there’s more to life than following orders and killing people. I just love her more than words can say. She definitely broke the mould.
 2.       True Blood – Jessica God, she’s so sweet. I love her character growth. She goes from this god-fearing teen girl, to spoilt, angry goth baby vamp, to total sweetheart with a serious vicious streak when it comes to protecting those she loves. Also she’s more beautiful than I have words for and I am so gay. Like, I could look at her for hours, wow what a face.
 3.       Buffy the vampire slayer – Buffy The OG strong female lead, the first of many in my life. Also one half of my first foray into enemies to lovers shipping – you never forget your first, as they say! I love her cheery wisecracks as she kicks vampire ass, the way she mimes staking, and her bouncy shampoo-commercial-hair
 4.       Harry Potter – Hermione I saw so much of myself in her when I was a young, frizzy-haired bookworm that I immediately identified with her, hard, and she’s left a permanent mark on my heart. I only liked her more as the series went on and more of her ‘flaws’ were layered onto her character, which really brought her to life in my mind. I say ‘flaws’ because I fucking love how vindictive she is and how much of a flaw is being intelligent enough to find dirt on people that you can blackmail them with, really? Especially if they’re sucky people. When she doesn’t like someone she absolutely destroys them, mad respect.
 5.       Penny Dreadful – Vanessa Ives I have a type, and she is it. Dark, brooding and with otherworldly good looks (I still remember Eva Green as the witch Serafina Pekkala the best) I still can’t recall her character without getting a pang in my chest. The show’s ending DID HER SO DIRTY but we won’t get into that, I’m just gonna talk about why she’s my fave, I promise. She is so mentally strong and yet simultaneously so fragile at the same time, I want to take care of her so bad. The Devil with a capital D has been trying to possess her all her life, and she is in constant mental battle against him, and she just never stopped trying (until the stupid finale but we aren’t talking about that!) and she’s so strong, I adore her. When she does a tarot card spread you can’t look away, her gaze is so piercing and haunting.
 6.       LOTR – Éowyn This is another one that got a strong hold of me in my formative years and shook me to my core. From the moment I read the ICONIC ‘what do you fear my lady?’ speech I was a fan for life. I strongly identified with her attitude to life (I, too, fear growing old and useless) and her totally boss moment against the Witch-King (more like BITCH king) made her my hero. Whenever I rewatch LOTR I have a stupid sappy expression on my face when she’s on screen.
 7.       The Walking Dead – Michonne Back when I watched this show, and when she graced our screens for the first time I was shaking with excitement. She had such an iconic look – the dreads, the bandana, the katana slung over her back. Her strong & silent archetype was something I was very into, and enjoyed watching. She just oozes cool. The only one on the show with the skills to use something other than a gun on a daily basis, so her kills were not only skillful but super stylish too! Oh and I really liked the vibe she had with Andrea – they should totally have been gfs but network tv are cowards
 8.       Killing Eve – Villanelle the inherent eroticism of a woman who is trying to kill you. I find assassins sexy, always have, don’t judge me. I really enjoy the fine line Jodie Comer straddles playing her as a sociopath with feelings that can get hurt. Also the chemissssstry with Eve is *chefs kiss*
 9.       Lirael – Lirael She spends her entire life up until early young adulthood feeling out of place and wondering why she doesn’t belong, and I just want to hug her. She is so lonely that she teaches herself a spell to MAKE HER OWN DOG (which is 100% relatable tbh) and then she and the dog strike out on their own adventure, which is super cute and heart warming to me. She’s so shy and withdrawn at first but then she really grows into herself with time, and teaches herself to be more confident in her own abilities, despite the fact that these don’t necessarily match up with the powers she has dreamed of her whole life.
 10.   GLOW – the whole cast Ok so it’s cheating a bit but how can you choose one favourite woman from that whole cast? Everyone is amazing and has their own strengths and character flaws, their own little quirks… it’s such good writing, real shame the show was cancelled (another ‘rona casualty)
and I’ll tag anyone who sees this and wants to do this because I can’t think of 10 whole people lol
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nitinsingh43-blog · 5 years
10 Fun Facts About Charles Darwin
Everyone knows about Charles Darwin and his theory of natural selection, but did you know that he once ate an owl, just for kicks? Or that he almost didn’t make it aboard HMS Beagle because of the shape of his nose? Behold Neatorama’s 10 Fun Facts About Charles Darwin:
1. Darwin Once Ate an Owl
Darwin was an inquisitive man. Sure he was curious about nature and all that science stuff, but he’s also a guy. So when he saw strange animals, he often wondered what they would taste like. The difference between Darwin and the rest of us is that he actually ate ‘em!
While he was at Cambridge University, Darwin joined the “Gourmet Club,” which met once a week to eat animals not often found in menus, like hawk and bittern (a type of wading bird in the heron family). His zeal for weird food, however, broke down when he tried an old brown owl, which he found “indescribable.”
But that one episode didn’t end Darwin’s weird gastronomic proclivities. During the voyage of the Beagle, he ate armadillos and agoutis (the rodents were “best meat I ever tasted,” he said).
In Patagonia, South America, Darwin ate a puma (it tasted like veal) and an ostrich-like bird called a Rhea. Actually, Darwin had been looking for this particular species of Rhea, only to find that he had been eating one all along. He sent back the uneaten parts to the Zoological Society in London, which named the bird Rhea darwinii after him!
In the Galapagos, Darwin ate iguanas and giant tortoises. He liked it so much he loaded up 48 of them aboard the Beagle, to be eaten on the journey back!
Sources: Darwin’s Dinner at Quite Interesting | The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin by Charles and Francis Darwin
2. Darwin Wanted to Be a Doctor, But He Couldn’t Stand the Sight of
Darwin attended Edinburgh University in hopes of becoming a physician like his father, but soon abandoned the idea because he couldn’t stand the sight of blood. So he decided to study divinity instead and become a rural cleric, which would fit his hobby of being a naturalist just fine (Source).
3. Darwin’s Nose Almost Cost Him The Voyage on the Beagle
The Captain of HMS Beagle, Robert FitzRoy, was about to embark on a survey expedition to South America, but he was afraid of the stress and loneliness of such a voyage (indeed, they have driven the previous captain of the ship to commit suicide). So FitzRoy asked his superiors for a well-educated and scientific gentleman companion to come along as an unpaid naturalist whom he could treat as an equal. The professors at Cambridge recommended then 22-years old Charles Darwin for the trip.
At first, Charles’ father Robert objected to the appointment — after all, such a voyage would take years and would get in the way of him being a clergyman. But Darwin’s uncle was able to persuade him not only to let his son go, but also support him financially.
Darwin and FitzRoy got together well, but later Darwin found out that he almost didn’t get picked for the voyage … on account of the shape of his nose!
“Afterwards on becoming very intimate with Fitz-Roy, I heard that I had run a very narrow risk of being rejected [as the Beagle’s naturalist], on account of the shape of my nose! He was an ardent desciple of Lavater, and was convinced that he could judge a man’s character by the outline of his features; and he doubted wheather anyone with my nose could possess sufficient energy and determination for the voyage. But I think he was afterwards well-satisfied that my nose had spoken falsely.” (Source: Charles Darwin: His Life Told in an Autobiographical Chapter, and in a Selected Series of His Published Letters, by Charles Darwin — 1902)
4. Best Birthday Gift Ever: a Mountain!
For Darwin’s 25th birthday on February 12, 1834, Captain FitzRoy named a mountain after him. Yup, Mount Darwin. It is the highest peak in Tierra del Fuego.
A year earlier, Darwin and his shipmates were on a small island in the Tierra del Fuego archipelago when a huge mass of ice fell from the face of a glacier and plunged into the ocean, causing a huge wave. Darwin ran to the shore and saved the ship’s boats from being swept away. For saving everyone from being marooned, FitzRoy named the area Darwin Sound.
And as if one mountain isn’t enough, Darwin got three more named after him: There are other Darwin Mountains located in California, Tasmania, and Antarctica.
5. The Full Title of “On The Origin of Species”
Larger photo: University of Sydney
You probably know that Darwin’s most famous work, outlining his theory of evolution, is On the Origin of Species.
But what most people don’t know is the full title: On the Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. It was published in 1859, twenty years after his epic voyage (yes, he took his sweet time in publishing his work, which he only did because Alfred Russell Wallace came to the same conclusion of evolution and Darwin didn’t want to be left behind). A total of 1250 copies were printed and it went on sale for 15 shillings. It’s now valued at around $23,000.
In the 6th edition, the title was changed to The Origin of Species.
6. Darwin Didn’t Invent the Phrase “Survival of the Fittest”
That was Herbert Spencer, a philosopher and contemporary of Charles Darwin. After reading Darwin’s On the Origin of Species, Spencer wrote Principles of Biology in 1864. He coined the phrase “survival of the fittest” and extended Darwin’s theory of natural selection into the realm of sociology, ethics, and economics.
Darwin himself used the phrase in his 5th edition of The Origin and gave full credit to Spencer.
7. Darwin Married His First Cousin
Darwin was a logical man, and he approached the important issue of marriage like he would any problem. In The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, Darwin made careful pro and con list of marriage to his first cousin, Emma Wedgwood:
Image: Cambridge University Library — The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online
Under the title “This is the Question,” Darwin wrote in the “Marry” Column:
Children — (if it Please God) — Constant companion, (& friend in old age) who will feel interested in one, — object to be beloved & played with. — — better than a dog anyhow. — Home, & someone to take care of house — Charms of music & female chit-chat. — These things good for one’s health. — Forced to visit & receive relations but terrible loss of time. —
W My God, it is intolerable to think of spending ones whole life, like a neuter bee, working, working, & nothing after all. — No, no won’t do. — Imagine living all one’s day solitarily in smoky dirty London House. — Only picture to yourself a nice soft wife on a sofa with good fire, & books & music perhaps — Compare this vision with the dingy reality of Grt. Marlbro’ St.
… and in the “Not Marry” column:
No children, (no second life), no one to care for one in old age. — What is the use of working ‘in’ without sympathy from near & dear friends — who are near & dear friends to the old, except relatives
Freedom to go where one liked — choice of Society & little of it. — Conversation of clever men at clubs — Not forced to visit relatives, & to bend in every trifle. — to have the expense & anxiety of children — perhaps quarelling — Loss of time. — cannot read in the Evenings — fatness & idleness — Anxiety & responsibility — less money for books &c — if many children forced to gain one’s bread. — (But then it is very bad for ones health to work too much)
Perhaps my wife wont like London; then the sentence is banishment & degradation into indolent, idle fool —
He concluded that he should marry, and wrote:
Marry — Marry — Marry Q.E.D.
It is ironic that the man who gave rise to the importance of genetics in natural selection chose to marry his first cousin (Darwin wasn’t alone in this — Einstein also married his cousin), but one thing is for sure: Darwin cleverly avoided adding more relatives to visit!
8. How Darwin Lost His Faith in Christianity
Darwin was actually quite a religious fellow when he began his voyage on the Beagle (he was fresh out of divinity school). Aboard the ship, Darwin was known to quote passages from the bible to rowdy sailors on board.
But something happened during the trip that made him less religious. Darwin saw slavery firsthand as well as the wretched living conditions of the natives of Tierra del Fuego and wondered why God allowed such inhumanities to happen (Source). Darwin became skeptical of the history in the Old Testament, yet still believed in the existence of God.
Darwin lost his faith when his daughter Annie caught scarlet fever and died at the age of 10. He wrote “We have lost the joy of the household, and the solace of our old age … Oh that she could now know how deeply, how tenderly we do still & and shall ever love her dear joyous face.” The heartsick Emma filled a small box with Annie’s small treasures and kept it until her own death. (Source)
From then on, Darwin continued to help the local church with parish work, but would go on walks while his family attended church on Sundays. When asked about his religious views, Darwin denied that he was an atheist, but called himself agnostic.
In 1915, Lady Hope claimed to have visited Darwin and witnessed his deathbed conversion back to Christianity. This was refuted by his children, who noted that his last words were to Emma: “I am not the least afraid of death — Remember what a good wife you have been — Tell all my children to remember how good they have been to me.” (Source)
9. Darwin was a Backgammon Fiend
After his return from South America, Darwin developed a life-long illness that left him severely debilitated or bed-ridden for long periods of time. Darwin consulted with more than 20 doctors, but the cause of his disease was never discovered (Wikipedia has an interesting list of possible illnesses).
Over the years, with the help of Emma, Darwin developed a strict routine that seemed to help in alleviating the symptoms. AboutDarwin.com has an interesting glimpse into what everyday life was like for Darwin.
Of note is Darwin’s strict schedule for playing backgammon. Every night between 8 and 8:30 PM, Darwin would play 2 games of backgammon with Emma. He even kept score of every game he played for years!
10. Church of England Finally Apologized to Darwin
When Darwin’s work on the theory of evolution came out, the church attacked him vociferously. Now, 126 years after his death, The Church of England has apologized to Darwin:
Charles Darwin: 200 years from your birth, the Church of England owes you an apology for misunderstanding you and, by getting our first reaction wrong, encouraging others to misunderstand you still. We try to practice the old virtues of ‘faith seeking understanding’ and hope that makes some amends. But the struggle for your reputation is not over yet, and the problem is not just your religious opponents but those who falsely claim you in support of their own interests. Good religion needs to work constructively with good science — and I dare to suggest that the opposite may be true as well. (Source)
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ladyfogg · 4 years
May I? - 3/?
May I? - 3/?
Fic Summary: Ensign Faith Diaz struggles to hide her mental illness from her fellow shipmates aboard the Enterprise until an intrigued Data goes out of his way to try to understand her behavior. At his insistence, Faith tries to figure out what she's truly passionate about and eventually seeks the professional help she needs. Fic Masterpost.
Fic Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Data/Female OC
Warnings: tw: depression, tw: anxiety, fluff, friends to lovers, eventual smut
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Data went back to his work.
Before that day he had not had a conversation with Faith and after two he found himself more puzzled than before. 
When Geordi had spoken of the ensign, he had mentioned her tardiness and overall dismissive demeanor over the last few weeks. Data could not comment on the tardiness but he had not found her to be dismissive unless questions were directed at her own well-being.
The fact that she used the Jefferies Tubes as a way to escape during her rotation was troubling. Handling stress in a fast-paced environment was essential to any position within Starfleet. If Faith could not handle the stress, how had she gotten as far as the Enterprise?
Data scanned Faith's Starfleet personnel file and found nothing of significance. She had adequate marks in the academy and had served on another vessel before the Enterprise. Her transfer orders included a glowing recommendation from her previous superior officer. 
Data concluded that something must have happened in the time between her last posting and her current one. If her behavior had changed once on the Enterprise, then it stood to reason the Enterprise was the issue. He had several hundred theories but not enough evidence for a clear hypothesis.
Switching his main focus, Data finished the project he had been working on and decided it was the best time to dream before the night ended. 
He climbed into bed, dimmed the lights, and closed his eyes. 
He was in a forest. A dense forest, thick with vegetation. It may have been daylight but he could not tell through the canopy created by the massive trees around him.
Data walked forward, listening to the crunching of the leaves under his shoes. It was the only sound he heard which was strange. Forests had animals did they not? He should be hearing birds at the very least. 
His name was whispered and he turned in the direction it came but saw no one. He kept moving forward.
This time the whisper came from a different direction. Yet still, he saw no one. At first. The harder he stared, the more the plants began to twist and change, winding themselves into a distinct shape. He took a step closer for a better look.
This time the voice with louder, right behind him. Data spun around and came face-to-face with Dr. Soong.
Dr. Soong smiled. "I'm surprised you found this place so quickly, son," he said. "I didn't even program it. It developed on its own when I added your dream function."
"What is it?"
Soong looked around, a mysterious glint in his eye. "The unknown, Data." He turned Data around and suddenly there was an archway of branches and vines, unintelligible whispers beckoning him forward. "The unknown."
Then he pushed Data through.
Data sat up. In the months since he began dreaming, he had cataloged over one-hundred and fifty dreams. In ninety-two percent of those dreams, he had found himself on the Enterprise while the remaining eight percent took place in various locations he had visited throughout his life.
This was the first dream where the location was fictitious. He was not sure how to interpret what he saw. Was Dr. Soong there or did his brain create his image as a "guide" of sorts? 
Data was required on the Bridge, which left little time for him to dwell on the matter. He would have to examine the dream another time, perhaps during his session with Counselor Troi the next day.
He reported to his station on time, as always. 
The planet they were surveying had no life forms and the previous day's excursion to the surface yielded nothing special. 
"What are your thoughts, Number One?" Captain Picard asked.
"It's like I said in my report," Riker responded. "There were a few structures but they were empty, seemingly abandoned years ago. No idea who made them but whoever did couldn't be found."
"Any reason why they were left?"
"I'm assuming it was due to the atmosphere. We were down there for a short time and even then it became difficult to breathe. We just barely managed to leave before storms rolled in."
Picard studied the screen thoughtfully before he sighed. "Best move on then. Data, set a course for the next planet in this system."
"Course set. We should arrive in fourteen hours and fifty-two minutes," Data announced.
"Thank you, Mr. Data. Engage."
And so they moved on.
Data's shift ended hours later and he retired to Engineering to continue his improvements with Geordi.
"Hey, Data, glad you're here," Geordi said when he arrived. "I need your help."
"Certainly. With what?"
"Here, let me show you."
Geordi led Data to the assistant engineer's console where a piece of machinery was physically out of place. It did not interfere with the console's function. Yet it was still troubling.
"Interesting…" Data said. "This reminds me of what Faith found yesterday. There is no reason for this unit to have been disassembled."
"No there isn't." Geordi raised his eyebrow. "Two pieces of Engineering machinery physically moved in less than twenty-four hours? I don't like those odds."
"It is extremely unlikely such occurrences are random."
"But what could cause such a thing?" Geordi asked. "These things are heavy. It would take at least three people to move them, maybe four. And that's if you detach it from the wall."
"The reasoning is also unclear," Data said. "I suggest running diagnostics on both units to ensure they have not been tampered with."
Geordi nodded in agreement. "I'll start on the one Faith was examining. By the way, thanks for taking care of her. Things could have gone south fast if you weren't there."
"It was no trouble," Data said. "Geordi, may I ask you a question about Faith?"
"To tell you the truth, Data, I don't know much about her."
"It is about her work. You said her performance has been lacking in the last few weeks?"
Geordi crossed his arms, leaning against the wall in the process. "More like months. When she first joined there wasn't an issue. I mean, she worked a little slow but still got the job done. Now she seems...I don't know, distracted. She's been late multiple times. Sometimes I ask her to do something and it takes hours, or she gets side-tracked and forgets. She's also had a bit of an attitude." He frowned. "Why? Was she rude to you?"
Data shook his head. "I did not find her rude. Although, I am curious about her behavior."
"What do you mean?"
"She injured herself but was reluctant to seek medical attention. Even when she was bleeding."
Geordi's dismay turned to concern. "That is troubling. Well, I know she's been ordered to rest per Dr. Crusher. Maybe she just needs a break. We haven't had shore leave in a while and who knows when she had a break on her last ship. I guess I never considered she may be overworked."
"It is possible. She was particularly unconcerned regarding her own safety. As her superior officer, I thought you should know."
Geordi stood up straight and adjusted his uniform. "Thanks, Data. I'll keep that in mind and will keep an eye on her when she gets back."
"That would be wise."
Satisfied the matter was settled, Data took a seat at the center terminal to begin to work. A few moments later Geordi joined him. 
"Yes, Geordi?"
"Why the sudden interest in Faith?"
Data stared at him, puzzled. "What do you mean?"
"You seem particularly concerned about her."
"Should I not be?"
"I'm not trying to discourage you. I think it's great. I guess I'm just curious."
"I am as well."
A sly smile spread across Geordi's face, though Data was not sure why. "Is that so?"
"Yes." Data studied him for a moment. "Judging by your tone you find this amusing."
"Maybe a little."
"May I ask why?"
"I've never known you to show such fast interest in a woman before."
"Ah. You think my interest is sexual in nature."
Geordi snorted with laughter. "Well, is it?"
"It is not. You of all people know I do not have any feelings, let alone sexual ones."
"It doesn't have to be sexual. You can just want companionship."
Data considered Geordi's point of view. "Currently I only wish to understand what Faith is going through. However, I have found our brief interactions pleasant enough, if not confusing."
"Yes. Her reactions to certain topics. For example, at times she will be conversing with no issue but when certain subjects come up she shuts down or grows defensive."
"That's not new to you, Data. You've been around plenty of people who don't want to share what's on their minds."
"I am aware of that, Geordi. But this is different."
"I do not know. Hence the curiosity."
Geordi still had a slight smile on his face, almost as if he knew something Data did not. "As your friend, all I ask is that you be mindful of your questions. You may not feel, but Faith does. And she may not appreciate the extra attention." He picked up his tricorder. "I'm going to go check that console. Let me know if you need anything."
Data frowned as he watched Geordi walk away. Faith had approached him the previous evening and had even apologized for snapping at him. She did not seem bothered by his interest, only frustrated by the repeated question of her well-being. Data planned to avoid asking that particular question in the future, especially with Geordi's warning.
The more he learned about humans the more he grew confused. Yet, his resolve to be like them never wavered. If anything it strengthened as he hoped to fully understand them someday.
He and Geordi worked for several hours, exchanging thoughts about the latest mystery and reviewing the results of the diagnostics. In Geordi's initial sweep nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Still, the staff was told to keep an eye out for anything that seemed physically out of place. 
"I need a break," Geordi announced, rubbing his forehead. "My brain feels like mush and I still have some calibrations I have to run. Why don't we call it a day and meet up in the morning? Start fresh."
"Good idea. I need to feed Spot and I would like to work on my painting."
"Well, enjoy. I'll see you tomorrow."
Data took his leave, heading for his quarters. Spot greeted him when he arrived, meowing and curling around his legs. 
"I know it is time for your dinner," Data said, making his way to the replicator. 
After making sure Spot was fed, Data turned to his paint supplies. There was an abstract painting he had been working on for a number of weeks, but when he reached for the canvas, he decided he did not want to work on it. He wanted to start something new.
Data propped a fresh canvas in his easel and carefully selected several paints for his palette. His thoughts focused on the dream he had and he found himself painting the lush forest, dark and mysterious with beams of light attempting to peek through the canopy.
When he was finished, he stared at it for some time, reliving the dream vividly. There had been something in the underbrush before his father had appeared. It nagged at him, tugged on his mind until he propped up another fresh canvas.
Without hesitation, he dipped his brush in brown paint, mixing it with a small amount of white to lighten it some.
Then he began to paint.
Data was capable of computing multiple thoughts and actions at once, yet often limited them when he painted. He had been told creative endeavors required your full attention and he made it a point to follow said rule. 
Often he knew exactly what he wanted to paint and what techniques he needed to implore to achieve his goal. 
This time, it was different. This time, his hand seemed to have a mind of his own, gliding across the canvas in sure, deliberate strokes. It took Data a moment to register what he was actually painting.
Two light brown eyes stared back at him from the canvas. There was no face, no skin, just the eyes framed with long dark lashes. 
Faith's eyes.
Data lowered his brush, staring at what he had done and unsure of why he had done it. It was supposed to paint the vines and leaves, twisting together. Not this. He considered stopping but the urge to continue was strong. So he did not fight it. 
He added more white to the brown mixture until he was able to match her skin tone, filling in the blank spots on the canvas. 
Fresh brown paint was squeezed onto the palette, and this time Data added a drop of black, darkening it to match her hair. The eyebrows came next, thick and dark, with a small imperfection in the left one, no doubt leftover from a faded scar. 
Last was her hair, escaping its braid as it swirled around her face. It was not until her image was complete that he finally added the vines he had been attempting to recreate. Various shades of green wove together, twisting just as they appeared in his dream. They blended into her face, almost as if they made her.
Hours had passed by the time Data lowered his brush, staring in awe at the image he had managed to produce. It was nothing like he had ever painted before.
"Most curious."
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