#and yet little does she know she will be put back in because pluto will just get rebuilt </3.png
bonus post!
important plot point for piper happened last night
a story
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leslie057 · 5 months
rating things owned by nancy elizabeth wheeler
because she’s got a lot of little things. mostly they are very cute and strange little things.
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starting off strong we have the prettiest tissue box in the world. 9/10, i think if i were sick it would make me feel better to have such a nice tissue box.
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i’m fairly certain this is her diary beside it because her diary looks pink in the upside down version of her bedroom. so this is probably it? 11/10, i want to read it so bad. and very sweet pic with mom—7.5/10.
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next up these pinstripe pants !! 10/10 i love them so much. oh and the index finger ring is there obviously, 8/10, such a consistent piece of her character.
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a ribbon for being the bestest girl ever in the world. 10/10. also the card of cardinals: 6/10, probably just a christmas card or something rather than a symbol of her love for birds. but i still like it.
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mr rabbit gets 11/10 for the name alone. and why does he look dead. i love him. he’s me.
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descent from xanadu: QUITE LITERALLY 0/10. at first i was SO excited to cheer her on for reading a sex and drugs book at school but as it turns out? bizarre and gross. seems to go heavy on nonconsensual stuff. i snagged a free pdf and command f’d for whore and bitch. lots of results obviously (one use of c*ck crazy bitch…lovely). it seems men in this book say a lot of sexist stuff that the women pretend to hate but love which i can’t imagine is great for a teenage girl to consume. also just not sexy at all.
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literally so bad, and this is not the worst of it.
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sooo bad. the author was what 70 (??) writing that his female character got clinically DIAGNOSED with being a slut for every guy she comes in contact with. i know options for sexy literature were probably limited at this time but…please go check out something else. i wanna bonk her on the head with this book (paperback) and hug her. you don’t need to read this to be cool and sexually aware. moving on.
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on the other side of that, the blondie calendar gives us a sense of the GOOD media she’s consuming!! a 10/10 no questions asked. we don't really get to see many of her hobbies or interests outside of investigation so this is a much appreciated detail.
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of course like all good things in life the blondie calendar does get replaced. its replacement is what i will call Weird Antinaturalist Art Piece #1 seen in her room in s4. i give it a 4/10 because idk what’s going on really.
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and here is a very crunchy screencap of Weird Antinaturalist Art Piece #2 from s4 which i will give a 5/10. note the boyfriend typical photography above it, for sure a 10/10.
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there is also Weird Antinaturalist Art Piece #3 which gets an 8/10 because i like the composition and the piano player. where did she get this and why. interior decoration is her passion.
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the sleeping bag and crochet pillow setup. 7/10. would take a cat nap here.
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pluto!! 15/10, the best mickey mouse character i would say. i hope her cousin is taking good care of him.
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bulletin board 10/10. i love how obvious it is that she has had this up for forever. probably a nice constant in her life.
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and my favorite pic up there is this precious one. look at herrr. 5000/10.
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her floral weekender bag. 6/10, i like it, but not as much as i like the speedwalk and the toss into the backseat. she was SO ready for her lab takedown road trip.
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trapper keeper is a 9/10 because they probably put anything and everything on trapper keepers back in the day and yet still she chose this lovely understated hot air balloon. elegant.
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tom cruise poster is 1000000/10 actually. she is so loyal to that man. actually though not a great pic of him all things considered so maybe i give it a 999999/10. (i love it so much because i know for a fact that jonathan byers works proactively to never acknowledge this poster, because he is more mature than that.) (he is not more mature than that, in fact he is a little pouty about mr cruise.)
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KITTY FIGURINE. 10/10. i thought it was just in s4 but i found it on her other nightstand in s1. very very adorable. i imagine it is now one of the first things she sees in the morning (well that and her blue telephone: 8/10) which is bizarre and cute. the mixtape drawer gets a 10/10 for reasons that i don’t think i need to get into.
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white fingerless gloves! 10/10. so chic for monster hunting.
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black fingerless gloves from s4. hmmm 3/10, they're cool i guess but they don’t feel very nancy and the white ones are so much better. especially because you may get the splatter effect of monster blood on them in a battle scenario, which would be badass.
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piggybank (with her name on the side). 2/10 unfortunately i don’t like him. he looks at me like i took out his whole pig village and i just need some quarters. also did she paint this herself? in that case, 3/10 for customization lol.
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pastel underwear drawer: 10/10. her committment to the hollistic aesthetic and color palette of her room is impressive here. it was a good idea to use this drawer as a deterrence against her little brother and a money hiding place but clearly he has no manners and is a THIEF.
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STRIPED SOCKS. 10/10. i realize it's hard to see because she's moving so fast (slow down he is not going anywhere) but they are indeed stripey even though i would have guessed solid white. and wow what good sleeping socks. stripes are just cozier. hope she got lots of sleep in those.
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imagineanime2022 · 1 year
They React To Their S/O Saying Sebastian Catchphase To Him
Requested: @mocahbutterfly
Request: For Black Butler, we all know about Sebastian’s catch phrase where he calls himself one hell of a butler. How do you think he and any other characters you would like to add would react to seeing someone saying something along the lines of “wow. You’re one hell of a butler” right before he says his catchphrase?
Sebastian Michaelis
🐈‍⬛ Sebastian had spent so much time saying for himself, he had never thought about what it would feel like to have someone else say it to him. 🐈‍⬛ He’s honestly a little suspicious that you might know something but that was quickly dispelled when he saw the stars in your eyes, you didn’t know anything. 🐈‍⬛ He loved having you around after that because you’d never fail to congratulate him and sometimes he would wait to see if you would say it before he does. 🐈‍⬛ Winks at you everytime that you say it.
Sebastian finished fixing yet another problem that the servants had caused and you watched with wide eyes at the spread of food that he had created from what is left “wow you really are one hell of a butler.” You gasped and he looked back at you and smiled. “Why thank you.” He smiled with a wink as you walked over. “I don’t think that I could ever do something like that.” You mumbled as you looked over the food. “No, don't sell yourself short.” He argued and you waved him away as you turned to the food, picking up one of the plates and then the other. “I’ll leave it to the professional, there’s a reason the young master relies on you.” You said. “And honestly like having a pillar to lean on as well.” “You can count on me.” Sebastian nodded and you turned back to him. “And I will remind you how amazing you are every time.” You informed him before leaving the room to serve the guests, he watched you leave, he shouldn’t feel so warm and happy inside but it seemed even a demon needed recognition and after years without it yours hit harder than it should have. He’d keep you around for as long as possible.
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Ciel Phantomhive
☕ He is suspicious at first, he wonders if you know about what Sebastian is but after a quick glance at Sebastian and a signal that you were human he eased up a bit. ☕ Ciel lets out an audible groan as he listens to what you're saying. Sebastian doesn’t need an ego boost. ☕ Tells you not to encourage him, also asks if Sebastian put you up to this. ☕ Inwardly smug that his butler is the best one out there and that no one else had been able to top him.
You had known Ciel for a long time, you met him just after he had come back and Sebastian had been with him then but when you were younger you didn’t understand how good at his job he really was, you were a pretty mischievous friend and most of the time you managed to get the others in on the joke but this time Sebastian seemed to be wise to your plans.
You had made a few plans and every single one had failed, your accomplice had been caught and now you had one last attempt but Pluto was unpredictable and you didn’t know when it would happen. Turns out it was during a board game that you were playing, you could hear commotion outside before Pluto barreled into the room, and it all happened so fast Sebastian redirected him and cleaned up everything that followed him. “How did you do that?” You asked “wow you really are one hell of a butler.” “Did he tell you to say that?” Ciel asked, looking at Sebastian who stood smiling. “What? No.” You answered. “Then don’t encourage him.” Ciel ordered. “I mean it’s true.” You shrugged. “You're too kind.” Sebastian smiled as Ciel rolled his eyes. “Let’s just finish the game.” He ordered. “Right but just so you know, the best butler by extension must have the best master.” You informed him as you rolled the dice and took your turn and while he didn’t say anything after that he seemed to relax a little more and a small almost unnoticeable smile on his face for the rest of the game.
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Grell Sutcliff
✂ She went through so many emotions at first excitement that someone else saw what she did. ✂ Then jealousy because she might have a new rival for Bassy attention. Then it flipped because it meant that your attention wasn’t on her either. ✂ Then she just fall at your feet complaining about how you were supposed to admire her, not Sebastian. ✂ Is seriously considering never letting you see or meet with Sebastian again if she’s going to lose you.
Grell had Sebastian distracted so you took the chance to head over to the kid, you death scythe in hand, you smirked down at him “so what are you and the demon butler doing here?” You asked. “None of your business.” He answered. “Well aren’t you sassy?” You asked “not scared that I’m going to kill you?” “You can't, I'm not on your list.” He said confidently. “Kid William doesn’t have enough reapers to cut me from the programme for killing a kid associated with demons.” You informed him lifting your death scythe “are you scared now?”
There was a crash but you managed to dodge the hit from the demon settling on the tree branch above, you looked like a lazy lion “How’d you get over there so fast, Bassy?” “He really is one hell of a butler.” You smirked as you propped your head up with your free hand, your scythe hanging haphazardly under the branch in your other hand. “Now is that a compliment or an insult?” Sebastian asked. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” You asked. “Hey, hey! Enough flirting, you're supposed to be admiring me!” Grell complained as she walked over to where you were laying, she reached up pulling on your death scythe and catching you as the force pulled you out of the tree and into her arms. “We’ll be leaving now, Bassy, can’t have you taking my assistant as well as my heart.” “Don’t worry you're still a butler to die for.” You assured her as you left.
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William T Spears
👓 Honestly hopes that you are joking, has never wished for anything more than that. 👓 Cannot deal with another Grell, if he even thinks for a second that you are going to be affected in the same way he's getting you out of there. 👓 Also very jealous and terrible at hiding it, but he’ll deny it for the rest of his undead life. 👓 Chastises you for complimenting a demon.
“Must you always get in the way?” William asked as he stood on a ledge you didn’t even realise was there. “How the hell did you get up there?” You mumbled as you blocked another of Sebastian’s hits. “Wow, that was a hit.” You slid back slightly. “What are you doing here, demon?” William asked, blocking a hit from where he was above you. “That would be telling.” Sebastian smirked as he leaned towards you “you must be new we’ve never met before.” “Ignore him.” William ordered as he pushed him away from you, though he didn’t stay away too long before he was standing behind you. “My name Sebastian Michaelis-” “You really are one hell of a butler aren’t you?” You asked. “Well aren’t you sweet?” Sebastian teased. “Enough of that.” William ordered as jumped down to pull you away from him “we don’t compliment our enemies.” “Are you jealous?” You asked. “What? Why would I be jealous of him?” He asked. “I mean… I could say it again but I think you’ll get mad at me.” You smirked as you looked up at him behind you. “We’re leaving.” He muttered. “Didn’t we come here for something?” You asked. “Yes and I already have it so it’s time to leave.” He answered pulling you with him. “Until next time Sebastian.” You waved. “Until next Milady.” Sebastian bowed. “There won’t be a next time.” William promised as he pulled you away.
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Request Here!!
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megankoumori · 25 days
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I've been a fan of the show "Daria" since the days my mom forbid me to watch it because...she could and no other reason. That didn't stop me from sneaking it when she was out with my brother for Scouts, then flipping the channel back to Cartoon Network before she got home. I wasn't a dummy.
When MTV finally released the DVD, after years of hemming and hawing and "Oh but the music rights are soooo expensive" (YOU'RE MTV), I was twenty-three and long past fighting for my right to watch whatever I wanted (I still got shit for it. She just couldn't stop me). I bought the DVD and watched it in the living room. And then in the middle of "The Teachings of Don Jake..."
Jane: Do you know where I'll be this weekend? The Lane family reunion. Dozens of Lanes from all over the country converging in one Midwestern split-level to remind themselves why they scattered in the first place.
"Hey this show is funny! I didn't know it could be funny!"
That's because you never actually watched it.
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Daria is sardonic, cynical, an unpopular brain who is perfectly content to stay in and devour a stack of books. Quinn is her polar opposite: shallow, obsessed with looks and popularity, and would rather die than have anyone think she's academic, or even just a little smart. To become the other is each's worst nightmare...
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Sometimes literally.
And yet despite being as far opposite in personality as Mercury is from Pluto, being sisters, they're forced to cohabitat.
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I don't think it's a coincidence that Daria the Brain ended up with Quinn the Peppy Bubble Head for a sister. In fact, I think it was inevitable.
In the later seasons of the show, we learn that the superficial Quinn is largely a front. She is smart. Not book smart like Daria, but she's able to mentally retain a lot of information about clothes, makeup, and brands, which is a marketable skill. She focuses on these things because she doesn't feel she has anything else to offer. And then there's Sandy, ready to pounce if Quinn even thinks about stepping out of line. When Quinn did make an effort and earned a good grade in Mr. O'Neil's class, she was forced to lie and tell Sandy she cheated, lest she be dumped by all her friends.
Why does Quinn even care? Sandy has all the charisma of a wooden plank and the charm of a hemorrhoid. Surely Quinn doesn't need her, or anyone's approval. So why is she so desperate for it?
It goes back to her and Daria. Specifically, their childhood.
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As a child, Daria was much like she is as a teenager. Ahead of her peers both intellectually and academically with a love of books. According to Helen, talking to Daria was like talking to a little adult. And yet none of this mattered. Her teachers and counselors didn't care if Daria was brilliant. She didn't play with the other kids. She didn't conform, and that's all that mattered.
Quinn, being very young, witnessed all of this happening to her sister. Even though she forgot as she grew older, she had already internalized the lesson: Fit in. Conform. Smart doesn't matter. Smart makes you a freak. Smart makes Mom and Dad scream at each other in the middle of the night.
Don't be a brain. Be popular. Even if you have to put with Sandy's bullshit, be popular.
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This I can get behind.
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seafoamreadings · 1 year
week of june 18th, 2023
aries: did you know venus is preparing to go retrograde in your romantic and creative 5th house? she enters the shadow phase of that cycle this week. as early as possible this week, take care of any romantic/aesthetic tasks that you don't want to backfire later on.
taurus: if it can be helped don't purchase a home, sign a lease, or renovate starting from this week into october/november. but if you *have* to do it, do it *asap* because your ruling planet venus goes into the shadow of her retrograde this week in leo. meanwhile a lot of squares cause chafing in some way but all is actually auspicious to you; you need squares to grow and growing is seldom comfortable.
gemini: it's lucky you're such a fluid and light creature because this week's mutability will have many feeling that they are backtracking. this may include you especially, but you will at least always know, if only subconsciously, that sometimes a little detour saves you time even if it covers more physical distance.
cancerians: the start of You season comes in with the solstice. it probably has you feeling lucky and glowy, which is great! on the other hand some venusian activity can have you, soon, dealing with financial struggles, so have all that in order asap before she retrogrades in leo.
leo: solstice time is probably always a mystical wyrd time for you, solar one. and this year's upcoming venus retrograde in your sign adds a distinctly romantic tone to it all. enjoy it but try not to get swept up in the drama too much.
virgo: ceres trines pluto and pops back into libra from your sign for the second time this year, thanks to her recent retrograde. this interaction with pluto is, technically, good, but nothing involving pluto is ever truly easy. whatever difficulties you are overcoming, let it be to build your character, not to crush you into conformity with what you were taught by society or even by your own mother.
libra: this week, let your focus be nourishment. first for your body, then for your public situation, whatever it may be. your legacy. your social media profiles if you use them. or maybe you realize now that it is time to shut them down for a bit?
scorpio: the advent of cancer season and the solstice *are* good for you, but they are *full* of heightened emotion. not that you can't handle that, but it isn't going to be beneficial in any lazy sort of way. get ready to be up and moving. plutonic activity likewise is broadly auspicious and yet requires removing dead weight.
sagittarius: there aren't many things that put you into introvert mode but venus retrograde in leo can definitely do that. she doesn't go retrograde this week, not for a few weeks, but she does enter the shadow phase of that cycle, so prepare yourself for any long-distance flings from the past to arrive looking for you.
capricorn: the solstice and the start of cancer season signal a relationship-focused period for you and if you can't stomach the thought of changes in your love life, you can try to channel this into a business partnership or something like that. but cancer loves love, so, you know, be ready.
aquarius: i'm sure you're not one to panic about retrogrades and that's a wonderful thing. at the same time, it will be helpful to prepare for the layers of synchronicity to be brought about by venus in your house of relationships. she has been there a while but now enters the shadow "zone" of her retrograde, coming up to encompass all the rest of the summer and into the autumn (in northern seasons, anyway.)
pisces: brace yourself for a fairly hard week. it's not likely to be earth-shattering things, nothing that will ruin your life, but the struggle is real and may at some points feel like the end of the world. the magic of your sign is you survive worlds ending, you bring new worlds into existence, and each one is better than the last.
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sapphyreopal5 · 2 months
Hiii, I've been a little curious of something, have you seen Gen's birthday post for Jared? Like I geniully wonder if those two are on good terms or not since for the Holland and Bellgium post she didn't post the kids and like 90% pictures of Jared was him not knowing she took a picture + a guy that did a tour for them posted a picture on Facebook with Jared and his brother and mentioned he had the honor to show around Jared + the family.
I don't know if I make sense, but I wanted to know what you thought about Jared and Gen recently since you always make such good points on how Gen possibly does witchcraft + she not actually caring for Jared.
Hello Anon, thank you for the ask. So someone brought up a very interesting yet great point point via PM I didn't think about first thing when I saw that post. They said that the caption she chose for her post is actually insensitive because it could serve as a trigger for the last car accident Jared was in. For reference sakes, "My ride or die. Lucky to do this life with you. Happiest of birthdays @jaredpadalecki. I’m so grateful it’s you ❤️". Does she not remember the whole car accident that happened 2 years ago back in April? Oh right... she "tuned out" of that one based on her posts surrounding the accident.
Also, funny how around 1:16pm EST she put this in her Instagram story today 7/20/2024. Lady, you have no idea who you're talking to (hint: Pluto = Roman counterpart for Hades the God of the Underworld), being a deity who absolutely despises you [Gen] by the way. I've always said that people don't start conjuring via witchcraft unless they want something (money, sex, love, career advancement, to make the world a better place [starting with the conjurer of course!]).
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As for the actual photos, well I know she tends to take photos of him without him really knowing she's taking photos. According to another user, apparently her original post on Instagram DID have Jeff and Megan in the photos but then now the one that's up does not. I don't know why that would be the case if that's true but I just don't think they [Gen and Jared's family] really have a good relationship overall for multiple reasons. Now if you want to really see me laugh, try convincing me they spent their entire vacation time in Italy together, given Portofino is on one side of the country and Venice on the other.
Something I brought up in my last post about someone I knew who died back last April is something my dad said to me as a teenager when I was with someone who wasn't really good for me. My dad said to me that if a man really cares about a woman but her family doesn't approve, he will let her go. The same can be said about if a man's family doesn't approve of the woman. The general point here is that if you have a good relationship with your family and they don't approve of your partnership/relationship, this can make someone feel like they're stuck in the middle and or possibly end up feeling isolated at some point. It's great Jared's seeing his family more lately but honestly I've been wondering where they've been at for a minute. From what was said about his upbringing, he was raised in a positive home with supportive parents.
I also never hear a thing about Gen seeing her family. Sure, some of us are cursed with a toxic family as Gen has implied in some of her stories about her family. I recall Gen not being the nicest to her mom in one Instagram live she did with Danneel back in Feb 2017. Gen wasn't over the top in saying shut up mom but she's also generally passive aggressive at least publicly. Also funny what looking at social media patterns and such can reveal, which is more telling than the picture they're trying to portray in the select photos they reveal on their social media pages (and maybe what they ask of fans who take selfies with them for free).
I'm not convinced they are necessarily on good terms. The other day, a book fell in my hallway. The last time this happened months ago, it was the Family Don't End with Blood book. This time it was another book that looks similar with the colors but isn't the same. I initially thought it was that book and picked it up. So I decided okay this means I need to read Jared's chapter again.
EDIT (7/23/2024 9:52 EST added photo of books below)
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On page 233 in the book I saw the following lines:
"Truth be told (and hindsight can be 20/20), I should have just stayed in Austin and taken the time to reconnect with my family, my friends, and myself."
"So, shortly after season 10 finished filming, I hopped on a plane with my wife, Genevieve, leaving the kids at home with family, and headed to Europe to see some of Gen's extended family before the Supernatural conventions began. Her mother's side of the family is from Belgium and she grew up spending summers with her extended European family. We went to Leuven so she could catch up with them and I could get to meet them and experience a big part of her childhood. Everything seemed, and felt, fine, at least on the surface. but there was something malevolent boiling inside me."
On a side note, someone told me that Belgium is known for Witchcraft. There is one town that's an hour and a half away from Leuven called Beselare that is known as "the witches' village" and even has a witchy parade every 2 years [uneven years mind you] on the last Sunday of July. Just a bit of a funny coincidence worth mentioning given this ask is about Belgium and you bringing up my witchcraft posts pertaining to Gen, Anon.
And the one line that stood out to me the most.
"I didn't tell Gen this at the time, but the entire time we were traveling, I felt a deep desire to be home in Austin, a deep longing to wake up with nothing on my schedule for the day, a need to just be with my wife and my sons and reconnect."
We know a couple months ago Jared announced Walker was cancelled. This is the first time he's had nothing new lined up as far as acting jobs go since Walker finished filming. I've been told for months now Jared isn't doing very good, which was before Walker was announced as cancelled. Heck, one of my guides told me weeks before it was announced on May 21 that it's done for and Jared is just being hopeful at this point. This was definitely confirmed as being the case that he was merely hopeful it wouldn't end. He did also say in the latest podcast with Tommy Didario that this is a low point for him feeling sad and whatnot. I believe that Jared is being a tad dishonest in saying he's doing much better than he was years ago. Maybe he's not AS bad as in when he went to the clinic but I certainly don't believe he's doing that good right now.
On a strange note, I was just at the beach with my son's dad's side of the family for a couple weeks. A friend I hadn't heard from in a minute while I was there saw posts of us being there and asked if we're back together to which I firmly said no to ha ha. Multiple arguments took place over the entire vacation and I even threatened to leave multiple times. However, Poseidon kept insisting I stay there and push through. I even started feeling a bit homesick after a little over a week. For a bit of a backstory on this, I was there from June 28, returned home briefly to get my desktop and such for work July 7 [so I work while at the beach house his family owns], and then ultimately returned home to stay on July 15 when I got home at like 2am. Miserable stuff!
I even admittedly had a bit of a breakdown at one point during this trip while my ex and I were getting ice cream which resulted in me staying in the car alone. Interestingly so, his parents were there, one of his uncles, our nephew, and at one point his sister, husband and my other nephew/their kid was there. I guess the point of my staying at the beach with his family and even extended family despite feeling unhappy much of the time was to somehow parallel what Jared went through all those years ago and walk a mile through his shoes metaphorically speaking? My point here also being, the photos may look great and it looks like everyone's having a blast but guess what? Do you think most people are going to put up the worst photos of them crying genuinely when upset or otherwise not at their "best" on their social media?
Thanks again for the ask and praises Anon.
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acaciapines · 6 months
I just read all your deltarune fics and. I have to know. do you have playlists for each of the characters. and if you do. could you please share them. i’m so so curious about songs you attribute to each of the characters bc i love your interpretation of them so so much
oh!!! im glad you enjoyed them!!
i do have several playlists but not in any form i could share so. uh. instead i'll just make a list of all my most favorite songs i associate with these kids 'cause if i did every song we would be here for A Long While.
do feel free to send in another ask if you want me to explain one in more depth!!! im one of those people who cannot escape associating songs w/ characters/stories so i have a LOT more i could say if that is wanted lol.
Little Fang - Avey Tare's Slasher Flicks: literally The Most Kris Song Of All Time, like do I even have to explain it. its just Them.
Real Love Song - Nothing But Thieves: this is a newer one on my kris playlist but i think it really fits their relationship with dess--taking the 'love' part in a familial/platonic way, 'can i sing this to you / got a thing about you / and it won't go away' i think this song really captures the sort of...hold dess's opinion always has over kris's sense of self, and the way they feel about her isn't exactly returned equally. in a sense this fits more with my dess-raises-kris au but it does work for kris in my other works too.
San Cristobol - Mal Blum: this is the dess song of all time to the point where it's my voiceclaim for her and is half the reason the band au exists. one big part of my dess is that she leaves voluntarily, even if she might get stuck in a dark world later on--she leaves ON PURPOSE, because she wants to. and this song is like, leaving people behind, 'sometimes i think i left you just to see if i'd be missed,' and sort of wanting to reach out but also maybe not. in a world where dess sings this she is singing it to asriel.
My Tiger, My Heart - The Boy Least Likely To: another dess song of all time, if the last one is dess singing to asriel, this one is her to kris&noelle. this song has been on my dess playlist for so long i've scripted out an animatic to it. specifically i see this as being a song for the space after she sees the bunker but before she leaves--like 'my tiger my heart / we're growing apart' in regards to how she sees kris, and then 'and i think it would be / happier / being free' LIKE. GOD. ITS SO GOOD.
Wash - Floor Cry: noelle about dess...specifically noelle as i write her in the holiday-dreemurr kids series, her pov fic in there was named after this song, but its just about. how you idolize your older sister and then she leaves and comes back and maybe isnt as good as you thought she was and you realize you're going to pick kris over her and so its about 'i never want to / become just like you / it's pretty simple / wish i could tell you why' because noelle struggles with this because she should be happy her sister is back, right? and yet...
Sidelined - The Garages: this is THE RALSEI SONG OF ALL TIME.....like. oh my GOD just listen to it. it's ralsei all the way down, how she struggles with figuring out who she is, with being a darkner, with the prophecy and the weight it puts on her, and how she's supposed to be left behind and forgotten but she doesn't want that and how scary it is to try and be a person when the world never wanted you to be one.
Pluto - Sleeping at Last: ANOTHER RALSEI SONG....this one specifically is in regards to the dess raises kris au lol since i explore ralsei/susie/noelle there but it works for ralsei in all universes. like just listen to it. it's so ralseicore. its similar in theme to sidelined so im not going to repeat myself but just 'i've been worried all my life / a nervous wreak most of the time' to the chorus of 'til one day i had enough / of the exercise of trust / i leaned in and let it hurt / let my body feel the dirt.' LIKE
and these are most of my big ones! i have more around somewhere but most of these i dont even have in a playlist i just sort of remember whenever the song comes on njdfgdfg. sorry theres not so much asriel or susie here i just dont have as good songs for them.
once again if you (general) want me to dive more into one of the songs lemme know!!! i will always talk about these kids!!!
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justaduckarts · 1 year
Was the insinuation in the latest chapter that Pluto gave her shard/ a shard to Lunar somehow? It felt like that's what was being insinuated? (Is he a greater God now somehow? Does he have connections to Eclipse in some way? I must have missed a detail about the four arms thing, forgive me.)
I'm sure it'll be explained more in depth as the story goes on, I was just takin the chance to ask if not.
I think Lunar is probably my favorite character in the story (followed closely by literally every other character because they are all wonderfully written and very interesting! Each new detail in each new chapter shows just how much thought is put into each character! I love them. Including Aurelia I remember writing out an entire essay about Aurelia back when chapter, like, 3 released) because he's so intriguing! Chaos trickster God indeed!
Just wanted to pop in and ask and gush a little! Thank you for the story! I'm super enjoying it! :)
Let's take a look at what was written :)
"Couldn't you just-
"Don't even suggest it. You know I hate using that gift."
"I know." Tenderly, Pluto wrapped her arms around him. "I understand why. Sun never liked his gift, either."
"Yeah, but he still uses it every time the mood strikes him and we both know it." Lunar shook his head. "I'm not like him. I'm not going to force people unless I really have to."
"...And besides, we both know it's... unstable." He twisted, quietly wrapping his arms around Pluto.
Here, Lunar is talking about a gift that's dangerous to use. He implies that it can be unstable. :0
As he rose, he looked over the snake tattooed on her arm. His smile fell.
"...Do you miss it?" He brushed the tattoo. "Your gift? Your familiar?"
"Not anymore. Of course, I'll always miss Pip. But..." She placed her hand over the place where she'd been marked by the star.
"I've been without my gift this long." Pluto shrugged.
"We'll find a way to fix it, Pluto." Lunar said quietly. He bent and picked up his corset and tunic. "We'll get your gift back. We'll set things right."
And here, Lunar asks Pluto if she misses her gift. Note that this happens after he brushes over her tattoo, which is a snake.
When I wrote these two paragraphs, I meant to bring up two points:
First, Lunar has a gift we've yet to see.
Second, Pluto can no longer use one of her sacred gifts. We know based on the fact that she can read emotions that her 'lost' gift must be the gift of earth. (I'm sorry for this being vague but I have plans to go into depth about this very soon)
You didn't miss any details! The four arms were revealed just this chapter and no, Lunar is not related to Eclipse in any way.
Also AAAAAAAAAA Thank you so much!! You honor me! I'm so glad you like my characters!! <3 <3 <3 :D Lunar is my favorite too. /Don't tell Eclipse/
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iviarellereads · 2 years
Full TLT series to date thoughts on rereading Gideon the Ninth, chapters 6-10
A probably semi-regular weekly bonus to my reread blog, since sometimes you realize things on reread that just make you need to yell in a full spoiler space.
It still amuses me that no matter which planet is which House, the whole series is an elaborate way of taking four books and perhaps 2000 pages to say "you can never take Pluto from me".
Harrow saying "Twins are an ill omen" really puts weight on the "necromancy comes from death of a sibling in the womb" theory for me. Twins are a sign that necromancy didn't develop, and triplets and more being even more rare, twins with necromancy in either or both would be almost astronomical odds against. So, twins are an ill omen to a society that depends on death in the womb to perpetuate its power.
Oh my god, Cytherea's shuttle probably got delayed in landing permissions because the scans came back "no living humans aboard". Pro is already dead before landing, as we establish later. The whole "drawing sword on Gideon" debacle is just Cytherea having a laugh. Incredible. "you'd end up a mausoleum centrepiece" yeah and without any further work on him past what you've already done, milady. Bravo. Also, there's such a strong hint about how his skin has a tinge like hers. We know from Corona and Ianthe that necromancers are paler, less vital than non-necros. The fact that Pro is dead and being held together necromantically may very well be what gives his skin that tinge of death, not some tendency of the Seventh.
Adjacent thought: Gideon getting sad about "Dulcinea's" illness killing her, while Harrow is likely to live forever. What fun when none of these things are accurate! A true joy of this series is finding all the little unreliable bits and poking at them to see what they further imply.
Sneaky sneaky, "eight new Lyctors joined with their cavaliers" not "joined by their cavaliers".
If anyone wants some insight into my process: the one thing I can recognize from the Chapter 9 wanderings is what I think might be the pool, the chemical-smell room that's extra nasty inside the "pit", but how does one describe how they think it's a pool without implying that the pool comes back? Especially when my reason for not describing a lot of stuff besides quoting straight from the book is because I don't have mental images so I can't interpret a lot of descriptions. But I do know that a pool, if not this pool, comes back later.
It gives me great joy to call Babs a third wheel to the twins given how they act in Nona at their reunion via Babs's corpse.
Fascinating how Cytherea knows, in chapter 10, to ask to see Gideon's eyes. Have you realized it yet? That the names of the original Lyctors and cavaliers are erased from history, so there should be no one named Gideon, ever again, unless it's outside Jod's dominion. Cytherea knows this, and knows that this means our Gideon poses quite the little mystery. And then, when she sees the gold… Well. WELL. Mercy and August guess how she must have felt, at the end of Harrow. Incredible. This one question holds so much portent, but looks SO innocent at first pass. Muir, you mad lass.
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daedalmirage · 2 years
fennel ♥ marigold ♥ r.e: franz
For a single moment, all Marigold can do is look back at Franz in questioning, hands pausing where they'd been continuing to fidget with her jacket sleeves this whole time.
And then something just switches on as her expression breaks into a teasing grin, her reply starting with a little breathless laugh.
"Oh my god, you guys always want me to be a murderer so badly, huh? Pluto... Nina... hey, do you think Joy counts as the third accuse to put me on like, serial killer level here? You kinda missed on out accusing me for Bella dying because I helped find her."
But she sighs dramatically, though the more playful attitude doesn't seem to have caught up to the distant look in her eyes yet.
"...My hands though, yeah? Sure, I'm just messing about cause I like doing that and you guys would probably yell at me if I started playing with these weird dolls, you know?"
Despite the flippancy, it's a delicate process. She uses one still-mittened hand to pull back the other sleeve to her wrist, then uses that exposed hand to do the same to her other. Maybe you were expecting a jazz hand finisher or something, but the most she does is lift both hands from the table to show her palms, then puts them down again for the back. Both her hands seem completely clean.
"I mean, you can come over and check my hands if you want, but its not very exciting. Anyway, uh, I'd say more pushed into the case than stabbed by it? I didn't check her body, but I don't remember Nina having any stab wounds apart from like, little scratches on her arms, and that's probably pushing it."
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maximovapotts · 2 years
Why me
WandaNat x reader
Eventually ^^
She/They reader
🖤I do not give anyone permission to repost my fics on any platform - likes and/or reblogs are okay and are much appreciated. 🖤
(This is mainly a fic on Readers life so I’m going to do a multi chapter multi fic when I get to it.)
Warnings: violence, mentions of blood, death of mother, angst, hammer droids.
If there’s any other warnings that need adding please let me know. (It’s not always going to be angst I promise!)
AoU happened but civil war didn’t so when infinity war comes around…we finna win and nobody dies (well someone does but it’s not Nat and I haven’t figured that out yet) because I can’t handle that.
Up until the age of 14 your dad, Tony stark, loved you to the moon and back. But after your mom died, that all changed.
Your pov:
Flash back
You were at the stark expo in 2010 when everything went to crap. When the hammer drones started attacking everyone, you and your mom got split up by the crowd. You went to go look for her but as soon as you went outside a hammer drone dropped in front of you. You looked up to the sky and you could see your dad fighting the drones, but what you didn’t know is that the drone focused in on your iron man t-shirt (that you put on to annoy your dad) and aimed at you. You heard your mom scream and feel her jump on top of you, the sound of a gun shot ring in your ear and the drone flying away while you’re passed out on the floor.
You come around finding you’re mom laid beside you gasping for breath. “Mom? Mamma? What do I do? Please! Tell me what to do I don’t-“ you cry out terrified of what might happen.
“Shh little bean it’s okay I’m right here” your mom places her hand against your face and you lean into her touch.
“Please don’t leave me I can’t lose you mamma! Please” you turn your mom onto her back and place pressure on her stomach but there’s too much blood for your little hands. You cry out for your papa and keep talking to your mom trying to keep her eyes open “Y/n, Princess it’s gonna be okay, you’re gonna be okay. Look at m- look at me sweetheart…I love you so so much okay? I love you and it’s not your fault okay? No matter what you may think, this is not your fault. You have been the most amazing daughter any mamma could ever ask for and don’t you stop. It’s going to be hard but I’m going to be here with you every step of the way, I love you okay?”
“I love you too mamma all the way to Pluto and back” you sob out while holding her stomach
“I love you most” your mom looks over your shoulder, snaps off her locket and puts it in your hand, the next thing you know your mamma is taking her last breath and you’re getting lifted into the air by your uncle Rhodey and carried away onto a rooftop screaming for your mamma. Your papa hardly spoke to you after that.
He pushed everything into the hands of pepper. The company and you. She looked after you, she cooked breakfast, made sure you got to school on time, helped you with your homework and comforted you when you had nightmares about your mamma. Over time tony got more and more distant, spending all his time in the labs, not even acknowledging you when you’re in the room or coming to special school events, it was all pepper. Over time you got used to it. You got used to the sly comments blaming you for your moms death, you got used to your birthdays being forgotten when pepper was away on business and she couldn’t make it.
After the Malibu house got blown up in 2012 you were 16 and you got kidnapped by hydra and got experimented on.
During your time in hydra you heard things about the avengers and how your dad is one of them. They trained you on each and every one of them. Names, birthdays, skills, location etc. so when you escaped from Hydra you knew exactly where to go… Stark industries, or better known yet… The Avengers tower.
HEY sweetie pies!!! I know this isn’t long at all but this is just a chapter to kind of set things up but if you want me to delve more into anything please let me know!! This is gonna be a bit slow moving while I get things sorted out but I’m probably not gonna post anything else until I have a few chapters written!! Or until I have the outline plan of the story!! I just wanted to see what you all thought and feedback is most welcome! Wether that’s in the ask box or in the comments!!
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c-is-for-circinate · 3 years
More Hades thoughts:
Chaos just told me, "This space grows more interesting when you occupy a small amount of it." Chaos is, without doubt or exception, my favorite family member. They are so completely different and removed from everything and they still love us. In their own primordeal strange way that does not experience love in any mortal sense and yet still experiences emotions of good and yes and approval when Zagreus is near, when they can see what we're doing, when we come by to talk. I put their aspect on my shield. They are my stepmom's parent and that makes them my grandparent, sorry, no take-backs, you used to play hide-and-go-seek with Nyx when the universe was little, and you told me about it, and now I love you forever, kthxbye.
I continue to love the family relationships in this game entirely. We have seen more and more cracks between the Olympians, where they don't entirely like or trust each other even as they put on big smiles and talk about being a Big Happy Family Up Here, Come On Zag, What's Taking You So Long, Why Would Hades Ever Want To Leave This? (The dialogue for Zeus and Aphrodite's duo boon makes me cringe, it's perfect and also perfectly awful). The game does such a good job of being subtle about highlighting some of the issues within this family. Athena is the Reasonable One, who talks about how Nyx seems sensible in the same breath that she mentions how the Olympians don't have much to do with cthonic gods, of course, and also that underworld is simply wretched, let's get you up here where you belong--and okay, the underworld is wretched for Zagreus, but also, hey, I just put down new rugs and installed an oven in the lounge kitchen, it's not that bad, and not only has Nyx been endlessly kind to me, you are currently under the impression that she's my mother, so maybe don't give me that "you won't be judged for your parentage up here on Olympus" like she's something to be ashamed of, ok?
Speaking of relationships, I've finally met Thanatos, and, welp. First of all, he is great (his accessory gives me more attack if I don't take damage in a room! He doesn't want Zagreus to get hurt!!!). He is terse and full of Emotions that he pretends not to be experiencing. He is also, based on the way he said "you didn't even say goodbye" the first time I ran into him, very clearly Zagreus's actual, current boyfriend (unlike Meg who is very clearly his ex), who we didn't actually technically break up with before we started trying to escape Hades and get up to the surface, so that's Extremely Awkward. (Achilles called him our "closest friend". Why not just call him our "dear companion", Achilles, come on, and also yes I am still keeping an eye out for your boy, he's got to be in Elysium somewhere do I need to nectar you up to get you to spill details come on.) Like, you could make a case for platonic affection with a vast unplumbed reservoir of UST, I guess, but that is not the most obvious interpretation. (Also awkward: given the timing of everything, Zagreus probably last saw Than before the Persephone-discovery, which means that if they were in fact dating, then, welp. Congrats, Zag, you are definitely a Greek god. Thanatos and Hypnos's dad is canonically Nyx's brother in the first place, it's probably fine. Do love that dialogue line they decided they had to put in about 'I should've known you couldn't be my mother, Thanatos and Hypnos couldn't possibly be my brothers', though. Got to be very delicate about admitting to such things when you're making a game about Greek mythology.) Anyway love the dynamics of Meg who loves but also feels owned by her job enough that she has to try and stop us, vs Thanatos who pretends he's not helping us while absolutely helping us, vs Nyx who knows so much more than she's telling anybody but has an agenda here that we can only be glad is probably for our benefit. (Fun fact, in the Aeneid, the three Furies were the children of Nox and Pluto, aka Roman Nyx and Hades, so like, there's that, too.)
You know, running the same gauntlet of enemies again and again should get boring, and at points it does, a little, but there's something almost meditative about the pattern of it. And I think the really rewarding thing might be that as Zagreus gets stronger, I do too. I might do a little more backstab damage and have a lot more hit points than I did when I started, but none of that matters if I can't position myself to do the backstabbing. I think I may have figured out how to take out the giant purple crystal miniboss without absolute misery and spending fifty hit points on it, and that's not just Zag's build getting better, that's me as a player. Hell yeah.
It's increasingly clear how this game intends to keep going even after I reach the surface, which I am almost going to manage to do. (Yes, it's going to take me ninety runs. Whatever.) Because, look, it says right in the codex: "The darkness, having taken root within, connects the bearer to the Underworld and makes them inseparable." Unless I strip every point of Darkness out and make a full run with zero buffs--which, spoiler alert, is NEVER going to happen--Zagreus is gong to be four thousand points into the darkness by the time I get up to the surface no matter how many times I try. It's not the pomegranates, it's the dark of he underworld itself, and whether we are going to be the Persephone of this myth or simply take her place so she doesn't have to descend again and again each year, we will never get to stay on the surface for long. We can visit, maybe, if we're willing to battle our way back out past every enemy and exit each time we go. But we're not going to live on Olympus, and we're not going to move in with our mom in her little cottage by the sea. Not right away. Maybe not ever. Even though the Fates have prophesied that we'll escape--the reward for fulfilling that one is so much more Darkness. We will leave, soon. But that sure doesn't mean we're going to get to stay.
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all-that-tmnt-jazz · 4 years
Hi I have a request. How would the bay turtle react to there SO being almost invisible? Like someone with little to no presence, even them as a hard time knowing there there. How would they react to there SO telling them that they were used to be forgotten by others? Thanks you. I wish you a nice day.
Woah, this is deep. I hope I did it justice…
Warnings: Swearing.
Incarnation: Bayverse
Extra Info: Gender-neutral reader. I took this as socially, they were nearly invisible, not physically. Let me know if you meant physically, and I could write another.
(I quote Beeltejuice: The Musical. “Prologue: Invisible.” I’m saying it so I don’t get copyrighted)
He had seen you walking through the city to Central Park every day for several weeks
And every time, you were alone
Every time, people bumped into you on the sidewalks
You almost seemed to like being alone
But that was almost two and a half years ago now
He had been there when you were getting attacked and became friends
You’ve been dating for eleven months now
You nearly forget how alone you were
Well, are
He texted you that he couldn’t come over because there was a lot of activity that he and his brothers had to take care of
You just texted back “Ok.”
The next night, he came over, apologizing profusely
Your reaction to that made him uneasy
“Don’t worry about it, Leo- I’m used to it.”
He froze
His expression filled with worry
“Y/n… What do you mean?”
You shrug
“I’ve gotten used to being on the second burner.”
“And what does that mean?”
“I’m reminded every day I come back up to the surface that no one sees me, Leo! My parents’ are gone a lot, leaving me alone in the apartment. And school is no better- people walk by like I’m not even there!”
You felt bad for snapping, but you were getting annoyed with his questions
“I’m used to being… Invisible.”
He had figured that you didn’t have many friends, but you made school seem different as he’s gotten to know you
But he was wrong, and he felt awful
And head no idea about your parents
He took your arms and looked at you
You looked up at him
“Do I ever make you feel that way? Invisible?”
You shake your head
“You’re the one who makes me feel seen, so when you’re gone…”
He pulls you to his plastron
“I’m so sorry…”
You were so extroverted around him and his brothers
He never would have thought that was a façade
Until, one night, he was in your apartment
You had told him you were going out with some people from school, and said that he could stay at your apartment
So, he was rather surprised when you got back early
“Hey, what’s wrong? Did they-”
You raised a hand, a signal for him to be quiet
“They didn’t even notice I left… They didn’t even notice I was there, so why notice my absence?”
He could tell how frustrated you were by the way you walked around the apartment
By the way you held yourself- you were tense
By the way you spoke- your words were sharp
He got frustrated, too, by the things you said
They were basically ignoring you
After a while, you had calmed down
But he was still frustrated
“Have they done this before?” he asked, still pacing your apartment
You nod
“Yeah, it’s just… This was the last straw.”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Yeah. It’s happened before. I’ve been used to it, but I shouldn’t have been.”
He grew livid
“This… This was normal?”
“It always has been.”
“Y/n, why?”
“I’m invisible!”
“You’re not!”
“Not to… Not to you…”
He thought for a moment, trying to wrap his mind about what he just heard
“Not to… Me?”
“You make me feel seen, Raph…”
You gulp, struggling to hold back tears
“I have barely ever felt seen, but you… You make me feel seen, and I don’t know how to feel with that.”
You can’t look at him
He takes one of your bicep, then uses his other hand to take your chin and make you look at him
“I will always see you. Fuck everybody who doesn’t. You’re worth being seen, Y/n.”
Your lip trembled, so you bit it
Raph kissed your forehead
You had never seen him so gentle
But, you had also never felt more…
You two were at your apartment
Specifically, in your bed
You were talking about whatever shit came to mind, and now that it was past midnight, things were getting deep
He was talking about growing up as a mutant
How he and his brothers dealt with growing up in the sewers when they just really wanted to be with people
Especially when the people were right there
It was weird for them, since they were so close yet so far
Donnie hated it the most- even more than Raph
He was the one who wanted the purple ooze to work the most
He was the one who could make it work
But Raph threw it all away
And despite being that much closer to his brothers, he was that much farther than where he wanted to be
Despite being a part of the team that helps the city, he felt…
And you knew what that felt like
You told him how you often felt like you were getting farther and farther away from being closer to people
You felt alone in a group of 7.8 billion
You were always the one taken advantage of, the one who was invited only when needed
The one no one thought of, the one last picked
You were used to it, since it had been happening since you were a child
Especially having 8 older siblings
You told him how you felt like Pluto
You were considered a part of the family, but before you could finish your development, you were forgotten
You were the first person that truly understood Donnie, but you understood him because of experience
You had and will always feel…
Donnie retorted to that
“I have always seen you, Y/n. You’ll never be invisible to me.”
“I know, Don… But I’m scared.”
“I… That I will one day be invisible to you…”
He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you to his plastron
He started singing to you, softly
“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away…”
He had never seen someone so…
Even when in the middle of a group setting consisting of him and his brothers, he saw conversation flow over you like river over stone
And then, he took a visit to your school during your lunch break
From the roof, he saw you with your social group
And again, he saw conversation flow over you like river over stone
When you came by the Lair that night, he immediately took you to his room
He sat you down on his bed and sat on the floor in front of you
“Why do you seem so lonely?”
You looked at him, confused
“I went to visit your school while you were at lunch, and I saw you in a group, but you weren’t talking to anyone. Same thing happens when you’re here- you don’t enter into the conversation.”
You stutter out a bullshit response
You were honestly shocked that he noticed
You put your head into your hands, hiding your face
He got up onto his knees and took your wrists, bringing them away from your face
“Y/n, can you talk to me?”
You were crying, unable to stop your tears
He pulled you gently off of his bed and into his lap
He cradled you, and he gently started rocking you
You started mumbling under your breath
“What’re you saying, Y/n?” Mikey asked gently
You hiccupped.
“My mom… She was the one who made me feel seen for my entire childhood… She’s gone…”
You felt Mikey become sad for you
He held you that much tighter, and kissed the top of your head more
“Seems when you lose your mom… No one turns off the sun. Folks carry on, that’s that… You're invisible when you're sad…”
He inhaled deeply
“Every day you’re with me, Y/n, is a day you will be seen by me. Even if those days are sad, or they’re happy, or frustrating or calm… I’ll always see you.”
You couldn’t stop your crying, but now the reason had shifted slightly
You were seen.
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words: 1952 universe: human au characters: Logan, Patton, a bunch of random original characters pairings: romantic logicality (it’s not the main focus though) warnings: brief mention of suffocation, language, otherwise none i can think of a/n: i owe this idea to my good friend lilia, aka @croftersjam15 on pinterest. a huge thank you to her for the idea, and i hope y’all enjoy.
Logan stood at the door. Just ring the doorbell. It isn’t hard, just reach out and touch it. Why aren’t I moving? It’s so simple! Logan, you pathetic idiot, why can’t you do this one simple thing?
“Lo? You okay?” Logan was shaken out of his thoughts by the sound of Patton’s concerned voice and the feeling of his hand on the other’s shoulder.
“Hm? Oh, I’m fine.”
Patton gave him a doubtful look. “You don’t look fine.”
“Just… nervous.
He looked up at him, sympathy and worry flooding his expression. “Oh no, why?”
“It’s nothing to worry about,” Logan reassured him.
Patton frowned. “Yes, it is. Is it about meeting my family?”
Logan hesitated, then nodded slowly. “I’m sorry, I know it’s all I’ve been worrying about all day, but—”
“Logan,” he interrupted gently. “You don’t need to apologize for feeling things, remember? It’s normal to be a little anxious about things like this.”
He sighed. “You’re right.”
“I know I am. Now, do you want me to ring the doorbell?”
“Please do.”
Patton gave his boyfriend a reassuring smile, and Logan felt his muscles relax a little as he rang the bell. Almost immediately, the door swung open. Both of them immediately recognized the woman on the other side.
“Mama!” Patton swept her into a bear hug, and Logan couldn’t help but smile fondly as he watched.
“Hi, Pattycake!” She peppered his face in kisses, making him giggle, before pulling back and looking at Logan with a smile that shared an almost perfect likeness with Patton’s. “And Logan! It’s so wonderful to see you again. Come in, come in!”
Logan stepped inside, doing his best to mask his nerves. “Hello, Mrs. Morris. It’s nice to see you too.”
“You know you can just call me Miranda.”
Great. He hadn’t been here for a minute and he’d already made a mistake. “Right. I’m sorry, Miranda.”
“Oh, it’s no problem at all. Come on, let’s go see everyone else.” She started toward the kitchen. Patton took Logan’s hand and gave it a gentle, reassuring squeeze before the two went after her.
There weren’t many people there yet, as far as Logan could see. There was a small group of adults in the kitchen, but that was about it. Logan recognized one of them as Simon Morris, Patton’s father. “There he is! Hey, Patty!” Simon greeted him. Patton hurried over and hugged his father tightly. Not even thirty seconds had gone by when Simon caught sight of Logan and let go of his son. “And what do you know, Logan’s here!” He held his arms out. Logan felt his stomach flip, but he came over and hugged Simon anyway. The older man’s grip was tight, nearly suffocating Logan, but he managed to hold on until Simon finally let him go. “I should introduce you to the rest of the family, eh? That’s Miranda’s brother Rick, and his husband Carlos.” He pointed to them as he said their names. Rick looked somewhat like his nephew, while Carlos was shorter and had more sharp and angular features. Nevertheless, both of them looked friendly enough. Logan recalled that Patton was very close to them both, and considered them to be secondary parental figures.
“It’s nice to meet you.” Logan held his hand out to shake one of theirs, but was pulled into another hug by Rick.
“You must be Logan! Patty’s told us all about you!”
“He has?” Logan’s voice was choked by the tightness of the hug.
“Oh, absolutely!” Carlos piped in. “We ask about you every time we talk to ‘im, and he always has so much to say!”
Logan couldn’t keep a small smile from crossing his face. “Oh. Well, I’ve heard quite a lot about the two of you as well.” Rick looked pleased, before realizing that he was still squeezing Logan. He released his grip.
“Sorry ‘bout that, I got excited.”
“It’s alright.” He stepped away, allowing Patton to hug his uncles. Once they released him, he looked around.
“Where’s everyone else?”
“They’re not here,” Miranda replied. “Looks like you guys were pretty early.”
“So are you,” he pointed out.
“Oh, we’ve been here for hours helping with preparations.”
“Is there anything we can do to help?”
“Nope! Everything’s good to go.”
“If you change your mind, let us know.” Patton went back to his boyfriend, slipping Logan’s hand into his own.
Just then, the doorbell rang.
“Ooh, our first guests!” Miranda exclaimed enthusiastically. “Pat, could you let them in?”
“Of course? Lo, you wanna come with?”
Logan hesitated for a moment. Did he want to come with him? He certainly didn’t want to attempt to make small talk with a group of adults he barely knew, and this was a good way to avoid that. “Sure. It was nice to meet you, Rick, Carlos. And it’s nice to see you again, Simon and Miranda.” The four of them smiled at him, before he and Patton went to the front door. Patton turned the handle and had barely pulled the door back an inch before a horde of small children exploded inside and immediately swarmed Patton, hugging him and climbing on him.
“Uncle Pat! Uncle Pat!”
“Hi, Uncle Pat!”
“I missed you, Uncle Pat!”
“Pick me up, Uncle Pat!”
“Look, Uncle Pat! I lost my tooth!”
“Well I lost two teeth!”
“Do you like my new dress, Uncle Pat?”
“Uncle Pat, do you remember me? I was five when I last saw you, but now I’m six!”
“Uncle Pat, guess what? We got a puppy!”
“Are you gonna take us to get ice cream again, Uncle Pat?”
“Uncle Pat! Lookit my new plushie!”
“Yours is ugly! Lookit mine, Uncle Pat!”
Logan was beginning to regret not staying with the other adults, feeling his anxiety come rushing back. He knew there would be children, but he hadn’t imagined this many of them.
“Hi, everyone!” Patton giggled. “I missed you guys too!”
One of the older ones turned to look at Logan. “Who’s that, Uncle Pat?”
All at once, twelve pairs of eyes locked on him, the previous excited energy disappearing abruptly from all of them, and a jolt of fear travelled up his spine. He had never been very good at socializing with children, especially of the younger variety like these ones were.
“He’s my boyfriend!” Patton told them cheerfully, either completely missing Logan’s panicked expression or ignoring it. “Everyone, this is Logan.”
“He’s tall,” one of them remarked.
“Taller than you, even,” added another.
“Isn’t he the guy on the news in the morning?”
Logan’s stomach twisted. He had been hoping to not be recognized for his work. He didn’t do what he did for the public exposure.
“That’s right, Max!” Patton replied, looking impressed. “He does the weather!”
“Why?” Max asked, tilting his head. “Isn’t that boring?”
“Max!” one of the older boys scolded. “You don’t say that to someone!”
“No, it’s alright.” Logan forced his voice to be even and calm. “I do it because I’m interested in what happens in the sky.”
“Like space?” a little girl asked him, her eyes wide.
Logan couldn’t help but smile. “Especially space. I’ve always found it fascinating.”
“I think it’s fas-i-cating too!” she squealed.
“Fascinating,” Logan corrected. “But you like space?”
She nodded eagerly. “What’s your favorite planet?” she wanted to know.
“Like Mickey’s dog?” one of them asked.
At that, one of the children started barking like a dog. The others joined in, and Logan gave Patton a puzzled glance. He just shrugged.
“No, not the dog,” Logan tried to say, but the barking drowned him out. Lucky for him, the little girl who had shown interest in space before heard him.
“Hey!” she yelled, and all of the others went silent again. “I wanna hear what Uncle Lo’s saying!”
Uncle Lo? Logan couldn’t tell if those words made him feel uncomfortable or touched.
“As I was saying,” Logan continued. “Pluto is the farthest planet from the sun. It’s so far away, in fact, that many scientists don’t consider it a planet. But I haven’t given up on it yet.”
What do I say now? Shit, shit shit, I don’t know what to say? Uh… why don’t I ask her about her favorite planet? That’s a good idea. Do that.
“What’s your favorite planet?” he asked.
“I like Jupiter,” she told him. “It’s the biggest.”
“That’s right. Did you know it’s made of gas?”
“Woah, really?”
“That’s right. It’s what we call a gas giant.”
“Is it the only one?”
Logan shook his head. “No, it’s not. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are all gas giants.” He ignored the chorus of giggles when he said the word “Uranus”. He’d laughed at that when he was younger, too. “And did you know that Jupiter has rings, just like Saturn? It isn’t as famous for them, but they are there.”
As Logan rattled off facts, the children listened intently, as if he was telling the most engaging story they had ever heard. Some occasionally asked questions or made comments, which Logan didn’t hesitate to answer. Maybe this won’t be so bad.
“And those stars over there make up Scorpius, the scorpion. Some myths say that Artemis sent it to kill Orion after he boasted that he could kill all the animals, and Zeus put it in the sky when it won the battle. Others say that Apollo, Artemis’s brother, sent it after Orion when he said he was a better hunter than Artemis. Zeus put them both in the sky.”
Logan was lying in the backyard, all twelve children surrounding him.
“I bet I could beat it if I tried,” Max mumbled.
“You could not,” murmured Heidi, Max’s older sister. “It’s way bigger than you. It’d totally crush you.”
Logan glanced around them, a soft smile spreading across his face when he saw most of them were asleep. It wasn’t very late for him, but it was for many of them.
“Hi, guys.” Logan looked up to see Patton standing above them, grinning.
Max’s energy returned, and he leapt to his feet. “Uncle Pat! Guess what? Uncle Lo taught us all about the stars!”
“Oh yeah?” Patton looked at his boyfriend with an adoring expression.
“Yeah! He told us all about Ursula Major and Aquarium and Scorpiss!”
“Ursa Major, Aquarius, and Scorpius,” Logan explained. “And many more.”
“Ohh. That’s so cool!”
“Mhm! Is he gonna be here next time?”
“Maybe. Did you like hanging out with him?”
Patton smiled warmly at them. “I’m so glad. Uncle Lo and I have to go now, okay?”
“Do you have to?” Max looked up at his uncle with wide puppy-dog eyes.
“Sorry, buddy. It’s getting late.”
“Awww.” He pouted.
“I promise, we’ll come visit you, ‘kay?”
“Okay.” Logan stood, and Max hugged his leg. “‘Bye, Uncle Lo.”
“Goodbye, Max.” He patted his head.
Patton leaned down and kissed his nephew’s cheek, then took Logan’s hand. Max reluctantly let go of his leg and plopped down on the grass, watching them walk inside.
“‘Bye, Logan!” said Miranda, who was in the living room. “It was nice seeing you!”
“It was nice seeing you too.” He gave her a polite wave, before he and Patton went out the front door and to their car. Patton got in the driver’s seat, while Logan got into the passenger’s.
“Sorry I left you,” Logan told him.
“No, no, I didn’t mind at all! It was cute! You looked like you were having a lot of fun.”
“I was,” he admitted. “I hadn’t expected to.”
“I know you didn’t.” Patton leaned over to kiss his cheek before starting the engine. “But I’m happy you had a good time.”
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sleekervae · 4 years
The Neighbour [0.3]
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Something was irrevocably different with Remington; Emerson picked it off right away. On an early Tuesday afternoon, with the air thick and humid and the sun beating down like a plague (no pun intended), Remington was fussing over himself more than usual. He had changed out of four or five different outfits, playing with his hair, and was it appropriate for him to wear makeup? Eva hadn't seen him with it on, yet. No, it was probably best to keep it casual for now. Then again, he had a fantastic highlight that worked absolute magic under the sun...
It was around eleven thirty when Remington finally came down, dressed down but still presentable in a simple pair of ripped skinny jeans and a t-shirt. Emerson and Shy were sat on the couch as they watched Netflix, Pepper situated between them. Remington stopped short when he saw the pair cuddled up on the couch, he smiled deviously.
"Eugh! You guys are so flippin' cute it's gross!" he gushed, putting on his diva voice.
Shy chuckled softly, "Hi Rem,"
Emerson's attention diverted to his older brother, intrigued to see him all ready to go out somewhere.
"Where are you going?" he asked.
"Coffee with Eva," Remington replied simply.
"The neighbour with the cat?" Shy said.
"Yeah," Remington nodded, "Emerson tell you she gave us a loaf of bread last week?"
"He did," she smiled, "Poor thing, I felt for her. She looked so flustered at the pool,"
"Well, moving is a bitch already. Throw in Covid 19 and you got a real thorn in the ass," Emerson said, then turning back to his brother, "You gonna' be social distancing?"
"We're going to drink our coffee and walk around in the park," Remington replied, "She works from home anyway,"
"So, who asked who for the coffee?" Emerson asked.
Remington shrugged, stopping at the hallway mirror to fix his hair again, "She brought up how she hasn't had a chance to get around the neighbourhood, so I offered, she accepted. She has our vinyl too,"
"Which one?" Emerson asked.
"Boom Boom Room,"
"Side A or B?"
"I'd approve either way,"
Shy couldn't help but subconsciouly squeeze Emerson's arm, a glimmer of excitement bursting behind her eyes, "So, she's a fan, too?"
"Took her a minute to figure it out. Didn't even bring up Em or Seb, so clearly she pays more attention to me," the blonde smirked.
Emerson glowered at his brother, "Yeah, yeah, go for your cup of fuck-off-ee," he grumbled.
Across the street, with her room strewn in discarded clothes that just didn't make the cut, Eva finally felt confident standing in her denim skirt and black tee. On any other day she'd have paired the ensemble with her pleather jacket, but it was too damn hot out. Even with the window letting in a cool breeze, the air was uncomfortably humid. What did she expect when moving from the Emerald City to Los Angeles?
Eva made sure to close and latch the window shut before she left, not eager for Pluto to go off on another reign of terror. Stopping to grab a fresh face mask, her phone suddenly began to vibrate in her purse. She figured it might have been Remington sending her a text, but the screen flashed to the Blocked Caller ID. Eva rolled her eyes and denied the call.
Stepping out into the humidity, Eva waved her hand over her face as she stepped out of the complex courtyard, just at the same time Remington was locking the door to his house. As soon as she caught his eye, he was all smiles.
She was glad to see him; a little relieved, even. He looked cool, cool enough to appear on some grungy magazine cover. All he needed to complete the look was a cigarette and maybe a skateboard, too. The messy blonde hair, the glimmer in his eyes brought back the warmth she associated with his presence and as she came to meet him at his car, his spicy cologne danced up her nose and imprinted itself in her olfactory memory.
Remington had never been more wary of how his hands shook, his left hand he stuffed into his jean pocket and the right he gripped his car keys with a vice-esque grip. He found himself mesmerized briefly by the fit of her skirt, her black t-shirt tucked in smoothly but not too tight to over expose her figure, but just enough to give Remington an idea. Her short brown hair fell delicately over her face, one side pushed back behind her ears and exposing her stormy blue eyes to the sunshine. She was the embodiment of innocence and grunge wrapped into a perfect five-foot-six package.
"Glad you didn't stand me up," he grinned.
"Well, I kind of happen to live right over there," she drawled, pointing to her balcony, "It'd be kind of awkward and hard to hide if I tried,"
"You look really nice," he nodded after a brief moment.
"So do you," she agreed with confidence, "Where we off to?"
There was a forested park not far from where they lived. Despite the pandemic, the fields were filled with older kids playing games of soccer and basketball, there were vendors out trying to sell their ice cream, a couple girls were scattered across the grass and sunbathing. It almost all seemed so normal, if not for the fact that the kid's jungle gym had been fenced off so no child could climb upon it.
The pair walked side-by-side, him with his iced black coffee and her with a green tea frapp -- no whipping cream. The gravel path they walked was shaded by a canopy of lush green trees, providing some relief from the hammering heat. Remington kept his gaze locked on her, worried to miss a moment where she'd crack a smile or briefly run her tongue over her lips. Her fingers appeared so dainty yet he could spot the small calluses at the middle joint of her thumb, and some paper cuts on her middle and index fingers.
"So, how does a ghostwriter get hired?" Remington asked, "Do you just openly advertise 'hey! If you're a lazy author, come hire me'?"
"No," Eva shook her head with a giggle, "I used to write articles for the newsletter at my college, and then a friend of mine forwarded me an email about a client who was looking for a ghostwriter. I didn't know much about it but the money was pretty good. It was a grant application for requesting financial aid for survivors of residential schools,"
"Sounds depressing," Remington said.
"It was pretty heavy shit," Eva admitted, "But, I did get fifteen-hundred for a six page application. Well worth it, I'd say,"
Remington blew an impressed whistle, "So you make pretty good money off of this?"
"Let's just say my student debt has decreased significantly since I took up the profession," and she took a brief sip of her drink.
"You ever publish anything under your own name?" he asked, "Eva Kuznetsov is a cute pen name. Evelina sounds more mature, though..."
Eva shrugged, "I think about it sometimes... but it's just easier to write under someone else's name and let them have all the glory. Say, if they happen to do something stupid to forever tarnish their career, that won't come back to bite me in the ass,"
Remington smirked, "Like a particular fantasy author who's made some pretty heavy comments concerning the trans community?"
"Let's not even talk about that, my heart still breaks when I think about it," Eva sighed, "To answer your question, however, if I got confident enough I may try to publish something in the future,"
"What else do you like to write?"
Eva opened her mouth but closed it quickly, pressing together her petunia pink lips as she visibly swallowed whatever words were about to pass through them. When she looked up at Remington again, his brown eyes dark like soaked coffee grinds that sent her into a caffeinated headrush. What would he think if she actually told him...
"I write poems, some short stories," she somewhat lied.
Remington's smile grew wider, mischief glimmering over his face like light beams reflecting over windchimes in a saturated dusk, "You hesitated just now," he spoke curiously, "What else do you write?"
Eva glanced down at the ground, a nervous giggle bubbling out and knocking the air out of her lungs, "Okay listen, don't judge me, it's just a hobby of mine,"
"Oh God!" Remington gasped, "Do you write porn?"
Eva laughed again, her pale cheeks flushing in red, "Well... I do happen write some naughty shit... in my fanfictions,"
Remington stopped dead in his tracks, taken aback by her answer. He totally thought she would say something along the lines of erotic fiction on a platform like Literotica. For understandable reasons, he had some mixed emotions about fanfictions.
"What kind of fanfiction?" he asked, somewhat bordering on the third degree.
"... Um..." she glanced at him again, the smirk on his lips compelling more giggles to burst from hers. She pressed her hands together over her nose and mouth, and Remington laughed as well.
"Okay listen, I promise," he put his right hand over his chest, "I promise I will not judge you for whatever smut you write for whoever," he assured her.
"It's not... yeah, I guess it kind of is," Eva chuckled nervously, "I usually write for stuff like Criminal Minds, but more lately I've gotten into writing for Euphoria..." she trailed off, timid as she waited for his response.
"Alright, that's actually not bad," he nodded, "I'll be honest, you didn't strike me as somebody who write fanfics,"
Eva glanced timidly at her scuffed sneakers, kicking up pebbles and dust, "Are fanfic writers supposed to look a certain way?"
"I don't know, actually," he simpered.
"I don't tell a lot of people that I do it, mainly because their first impression is either 'what the fuck' or 'OMG we should collaborate' and I'm just like," she hung her head back, "Nooo!"
"You're more of a soloist then a team player, then?" he teased.
"Let's just say I tend to work better alone," she replied, shrugging her shoulders as though the comment should mean nothing. But Remington found it odd that Eva was out here all on her own, never brought up her friends or family. He didn't see many personal effects in her apartment, neither.
"Is that why you're out here by yourself?" he asked.
"What do you mean?" she replied.
"Well... don't take this the wrong way, but I haven't really seen you with anybody. You don't talk about your friends or your family,"
Eva shrugged again, "They're all back in Seattle. Besides, opportunity was drying up over there and I just wanted a fresh start," she said, "Besides, Pluto's my friend,"
"Well, that's a given," he replied, "Are your parents up in Seattle?"
"My dad is," she nodded, "I don't know what my mom's doing," Remington's silent was her cue to go on, "I um... we haven't really spoken, her and I,"
"You have a falling out?" he asked suddenly.
Eva glared down at the gravel again, "You can call it that. She's a pilot and she's always flying, and so you know, I never really got to see much of her growing up. And then, she suddenly shows up for my college graduation and expects us to be one big happy family, like she has it in her head that she can make up for all the birthdays and shit she's missed. And I just didn't know what to say to her. I don't know who she is, but she's my mom," she glanced up at Remington again, "And I don't know why I'm telling you all of this,"
Remington wasn't bothered by her unloading, it seemed as though Eva needed to get things off her chest more than she realized. Her smile was sardonic and her voice petty like a comedian on stage, putting on the brave 'I don't give a fuck anymore' face.
"I find sometimes it's easier to unload to new people then it is to your friends," he said, "What does your dad do?"
"Chem professor. Which is ironic because I seriously sucked at chemistry," she replied.
"Show me a kid who didn't struggle in chem, honestly," he said, "But do you get along with your dad?"
"For the most part," she chuckled, "He's still confused as to why I choose to write anonymously, but that's his problem. What do your parents do?"
Remington chewed on the inside of his cheek, "My mom's kind of like our manager. Does a lot of production and behind the scenes stuff. And I haven't seen my dad for nearly twenty years,"
Eva was silent for a moment, studying him. He spoke with a firm grin, yet still trying to shadow that flicker of sadness within his face.
"So we both have parental issues... that's nice to know," she put on a teasing grin, "Maybe that's why we make such good friends?"
Remington swallowed thickly, "So, you are indeed confirming we are friends?"
"I am," she smiled, "It'd be nice to have whatever few I can scrape up,"
"That fact that you also live across the street means that you're now stuck with me," Remington grinned with pride.
"True," Eva hummed appreciatively, taking another sip of her drink, "Somehow, I don't think I'll mind, though,"
When Remington drove her home she gave him a sweet and polite goodbye, a hug which made his confident exterior falter for a second long enough for her to witness it through the flush in his cheeks and his lack of response. His words tripped over the length of his tongue when he tried to flush out a proper goodbye and he felt his hands began to quiver again.
And when he went to open his door, he took one last glance. The small brunette turned at the same time and met his gaze, but he was too far away to hear her sharp inhale. And when he finally went inside he fall back against the door, staring into space with the biggest grin he'd had on since... well, he couldn't remember when he last felt so excited.
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multi-fandom-writer · 4 years
Not Planned - Tom Holland
word count: 1.8k warnings: little bit of angst if you look hard enough
Six months. You and Tom had been trying for a baby for six months. When it felt hopeless and you two were ready to give up, a little plus finally appeared on the stick. Tom could not have been more ecstatic about it, either. Whenever possible, his hands drifted down to your stomach to draw little patterns. Of course, he always looked at you for permission first. He knew you were excited too, but he was also very familiar with your mood swings.
You still remember telling Tom about the pregnancy. You decided to get a shirt that said “Baby loading, eight months remaining” and surprise him one night before bed. He was just finishing brushing his teeth in your bathroom as you walked in wearing the shirt. He noticed you were wearing a new shirt at first, but didn’t take the time to notice it. In his usual fashion, he was oblivious to it until you pointed it out to him. You didn’t expect him to pick you up and spin you around like he did, but you were excited nonetheless. He was so ecstatic that he peppered your face in kisses and even fell to his knees to plant kisses all over your belly.
Since that night, Tom seemed much more attentive to you. He would get you water without another question and wouldn’t dare to fight with you over what the two of you would be having for supper. Even though he couldn’t be there in person all of the time, he would always call you and check in on you to make sure you were doing okay.
The first three months went by faster than you thought they would. Between the morning sickness that lasted all day, your ankles that were close to the size of Pluto, and your tummy that was just slightly swollen, you couldn’t wait to meet the little bundle of joy. Almost every morning of your first trimester, Tom was by your side holding your hair back. Most nights before bed, he would be there to give you a back rub. He didn’t even question your weird cravings. You knew that every woman’s stomach grew differently during pregnancy but you thought you were a little big for only being in the first trimester. Tom simply assured you that everything was okay, and you two would ask the doctor about it at the next appointment. 
Sometime in the second semester, baby Holland started preferring Tom’s voice over yours. More often than not, Tom would lay down between your legs at night and inch your shirt up just enough so he could see your bump. Both you and the baby would often fall asleep to Tom’s gentle voice and his soft kisses being littered all over your stomach. Tom also enjoyed resting his hand over your stomach to feel all of the little flutters from your healthy baby. 
Tom was overjoyed to learn that you two would be having a baby boy. Setting up the nursery was quite the adventure for the two of you. It took Tom and Harrison a total of five hours to finally put the crib together and put it in the room. And of course, Tom insisted that his little boy would have a Spiderman plushy, which you allowed. 
“What would you have done if our little peanut was a girl, Thomas?” you asked as he hugged you from behind in the doorway of the now completed nursery.
“Simple, I would have gotten her a Spiderman plushy,” he answered with a light chuckle, resting his hands over your large bump and planting gentle kisses over the side of your neck. As you melted into Tom’s warm grasp, he whispered, “are you as exhausted as I am, sweetheart?”
With a small nod, you spun around so you could rest your head on his chest. “Does a warm bath sound nice, darling?” Another nod as Tom lightly kissed the top of your head.
It wasn’t until near the end of your second trimester that one of the boys dared to point out how big you were getting. Poor Harrison happened to bring it up when you were tired and in a sour mood. By the time you were done yelling at him, which you did feel bad about later, you were almost certain he would be walking on eggshells around you at least until you gave birth. The other boys were definitely more cautious around you, too. Except for Tom, who was used to you being more irritable than normal.
At your next ultrasound though, Harrison happened to be right. At eight months, you and Tom learned that instead of one baby boy, you would be welcoming two sweet little boys into the world. The doctor explained that the second baby happened to be in just the right position to be hidden by the first baby and they must have moved around since the last ultrasound.
For the next month, you and Tom were running around like chickens with your heads cut off. Two babies meant twice the toys, twice the clothes, twice the diapers, and half the sleep. Both of you had your moments of utter excitement and complete pandemonium. Having one baby would have been a handful, but two? You both were in for quite the ride. 
Since the boys already figured out how to put the first crib together, this time it only took them two hours and they were quite proud of themselves when they were done. Not only did you let Tom to rest his hands on your stomach, but very rarely you allowed Harry, Sam, and Harrison to do it, too. After all, they deserved to feel the tiny humans moving around as well. Of the three of them, Harrison was definitely the most hesitant to ask you if he could; he was still a little scared of you from earlier in your pregnancy. 
Just two days after you got the second crib set up, your babies decided they were going to make an early appearance. You and Tom were having a movie night with the other boys when you felt a light cramping in your stomach. It wasn’t anything you couldn’t handle, but you became concerned when your lower back started to ache, too. 
“Tom?” you whispered, drawing his attention away from the movie. His hand was still resting firmly on your swollen stomach as he gave you a soft look. The poor boy had already been exhausted from the day and he was almost ready to pass out. Even though he looked like he could drop dead, he still perked up when he looked at you. “I think it’s time,” you whispered, this time a little more strained as what you could only assume was a contraction hit you. 
Tom instantly went into dad mode. It took him two minutes to find the keys and grab the hospital bag from your shared bedroom. When he had gotten back to the living room, you had barely managed to stand up from the couch. The two of you had gotten the attention from the other boys by this time. Tom hurriedly explained to them what was going on before he ushered you to the car and got you to the hospital. 
Fortunately, you were only in labor for five hours before you could hear the cries of your two baby boys. Tom was by your side the entire time, only slightly complaining about your vice like grip. After the delivery, Tom brushed your hair off your sweaty forehead and planted a kiss on the top of your head. “You did amazing, love. Our sons are beautiful,” he whispered, wiping your forehead with a cool cloth. “‘M so proud of you, sweetheart. I love you so much.”
A tired smile graced your lips at his encouragement. “Can I see them?” you asked, looking over to the sleeping babies. They were sleeping little angels right now. You only hoped that they grew up to be little angels. 
“Of course you can,” Tom answered, walking over and carefully picking up one of the peaceful babies. As he walked over to you, you noticed how small the baby was in Tom’s arms. You took your son from Tom and he went to get the other half of your twins. “What should we name them?” he asked, sitting down in the chair next to your bed.
“I like the name Theodore James,” you suggested, looking down at the small human cuddling into your chest. Tom’s eyes got wide as he looked at you. ‘Yes, I know Harrison’s middle name is James. It only seems right, Tom.”
He nodded quickly and looked down at the child in his arms. “What about Robert for this little guy?” he asked with a soft voice.
“I like that one. But he needs a middle name still,” you replied as Tom cooed at the yawning child. “I think it should be Stanley because he has his father’s looks,” you said. “Just look at those chubby cheeks,” you continued with a small chuckle. 
Your conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door. Looking through the window, you saw a group of three smiling boys. You couldn’t stop the smile that spread across your face as you motioned for them to come in. 
“Oh look at our adorable little nephews,” Sam cooed as he came into the room. “Have you decided on names yet?” he asked, watching Theodore cuddle further into you. 
“We have, actually,” you started, looking over to Harrison. “Come here, Haz.” As the tall blond boy hesitantly walked over to you, his eyes landed on the small child in your arms. You held out the baby to Harrison as you said, “This little guy is Theodore James Holland.”
You could see Harrison’s eye light up as he took Theo in his arms. “He’s so sweet,” Harrison whispered, starting to sway as the baby started whining a little. With a small lullaby from Harrison, Theo was already calmed down, now cuddling into Harrison’s warm body. “I love him already,” Harrison spoke softly as Theo yawned and fell back asleep. 
“What about this little guy?” Harry asked, carefully rocking the other baby.
“We decided on Robert Stanley Holland for that little guy,” Tom answered with a proud smile. As the boys were cooing over your newborn sons, you felt the sleepiness starting to wash over you. As you let your head fall to the side, your eyes landed on the first love of your life. “Get some sleep, beautiful momma. You deserve it, sweetheart,” Tom’s voice was soft as he pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead. Drifting off, you heard the boys talking about how Theo and Robert were going to be football and golf proteges.
“Yeah, Y/n always complained about little Theo being quit the footballer. She said his favorite thing to kick was her rib cage,” Tom spoke with a chuckle. You could only imagine the four men playing with your little boys as they grew up: teaching them football, getting them addicted to video games, introducing them to superheros, and so much more.
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