#and yes the W is for whoopass
werewolfclaws · 1 year
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narashikari · 5 years
Why Kari Shouldn’t Make Playlists
Once again, I’ve been struck by the sincerely terrifying rollercoaster that is my toku playlist. Seriously, I have no idea why I subject myself to this every time
For example, my Kamen Rider playlist has a total of 42 tracks- soon to be 43 as I’m thinking of downloading a certain song down below. The playlist is as follows:
1) B. A. T. T. L. E.Game, the battle theme from the HeiGen movie. Starts up as Takeru opens a can of whoopass on the movie’s big bad
2) Spinning Wheel, the shared image song of the three Drive Riders dedicated to Kiriko
3) The Heisei Generations Final medley
Five Build tracks:
4) Build Up, Build Genius’s theme
5)Burning My Soul, Cross-Z Magma’s theme
6) Everlasting Sky, from Be the One (and imo RyuSen’s shared theme)
7) Ready Go!, Build RabbitRabbit/TankTank’s theme, and
8) The Law of Victory, the four Riders’s shared theme
Three OOO tracks
9) The OOO Full Combo Medley
10) Reverse:Rebirth, Kamen Rider Birth’s team song, and the duet version by Date and Gotou
11) Time Judged All, TaJaDor Combo’s (my favorite) theme and Eiji and Ankh’s shared image song
12-21) All the theme songs from W to Zi-O
22) A fanmade version of the HeiGen Final medley with W, Drive and Wizard’s themes thrown in
A few insert themes:
23) Hard-Boiled, aka that song that plays whenever Shoutaro and Philip do something awesome (like showing up in OOO, Den-O Let’s Go All Riders, telling Eiji and Shoutaro that they’ll with the mooks in Movie War Megamax, kicking ass right before they became CycloneJokerXtreme)
24) The audio from a clip of Shoutaro and Philip covering Finger on the Trigger (to be replaced by the album version when it comes out)
25) Xtreme Dreams, CycloneJokerXtreme’s theme song
26-27) The OOO and Fourze transformation BGMs
28) Free Your Heat, HeatMetal’s theme
29) Finger on the Trigger, the original version of LunaTrigger’s theme
30) Cyclone Effect, the acoustic version of CycloneJoker’s theme which plays over the scene of Philip’s death
31) A music box version of Be the One
32) The Heisei Generations Forever medley
More inserts:
33) Build’s main theme
34) Shoutaro, the eponymous character’s main theme aka that song that plays over “AAAAAH! PHILIP!” (GLOMPS HIS RESURRECTED AIBOU)
35) Joker, the main theme for Kamen Rider Joker
36) Xtreme, the main theme for CycloneJokerXtreme aka that song that played when they had that trippy mind-body joining thing the first time it happened
Movie themes
37) Samurai Strong Style, from Movie War Megamax
38) W, from W Forever: A to Z Gaia Memories of Fate, ironically sung by the movie’s villain
39) A music box version of W-B-X ~Double Boiled Extreme~
40) Nobody’s Perfect, by the Chief himself
41) Naturally, by Sonozaki Wakana (has a clip of her doing the radio show at the beginning and one of her final conversation with Philip at the end and yes I did the dance shut up)
42) Saite, aka Bloom, aka the song that plays over Fourze’s finale battle
43) And the song I’m thinking of adding, Hikari, which played over the credits of Heisei Generations including SHIN!!! BEING GIVEN GIFTS!!! FOR HIS BABY!!!
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glapplebloom · 7 years
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Since I have yet to see Bridezilla nor has it been available for me to see, the Power of 4 Next.
The explanation will be incredibly short since these are 5 episodes in one. So I’m going to give you the gist of it.
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It begins with Blossom and Buttercup blaming Bubbles for breaking their stuff. But she said it was Bliss’s fault. They immediately thought it was an imaginary friend. But after a while and an incident in the theater, Bliss reveals herself as real and saves the girls.
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One thing I will agree on is that she does look like an OC. Definitely because of the hair. While her outfit can be explained by her backstory, I was hoping they would fix the leggings at this point. As for the hips, it is a Teenage Powerpuff Thing, and that is a problem with aging up creatures specifically made to be perfect LITTLE GIRLS.
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But the first part ends in a cliffhanger as not only does the Professor know of her, but he tazed her so she can be put in a capture containment unit. This is when we find out that she was an early experiment of the Professor to create the Perfect Little Girl with Chemical W (so yes, the same accident that created the girls was done 24 times (even though he said 22)).
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But she was unable to control her powers. My theory is, since the PPGs were split into three, those conflicting elements of sugar, spice and everything nice made her more powerful yet also harder to control. With the last explosion KOing the Professor, Bliss decided to go to Bird Poop Island (ugh) so she won’t hurt anyone.
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Side note is that Mojo was her best friend as a kid. So when she left, he was heartbroken. If the two shows are indeed connected, this could explain why he was so out of control afterwards. He shows up a couple of times during this special, but honestly I feel like he was wasted.
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She decided to return home with her pet elephant Mih to check up on the Professor. But after some talking, she is convinced to stay here and help get control of her powers. After a couple of mistakes, once the pressure was off of her, she does manage to control her powers.
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I have no reason for putting this picture up other than its the Month of Halloween and it also happens to have Friday the 13th.
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While she has her powers under control, the Professor feels she still isn’t ready to be a full time Powerpuff like the others. Her powers are still untested and quite frankly she could use the understanding of “Great Power comes Great Responsibility”. The problem is Mih doesn’t want her to understand that.
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Turns out Mih can talk, but his way of talking seems to suggest that she doesn’t belong with the others. But Buttercup makes the suggestion that Bliss should just come along to show that she can be trusted to control her powers. Sadly, she goes a little too far and hurts the girls by mistake. 
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It turns out Mih was really HIM all along. He manipulated things so Bliss will have no choice but to believe him and take his hand. And now under his control, HIM has not only his power but Bliss’s powers as well. And even though he doesn’t really need it since he can move the sun, he makes Saturn into a buzz saw to cut the planet in half.
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To save Bliss from HIM’s control, the girls unite their powers to stop him. And thanks to an invention Mojo tried to use to save Bliss, they did manage to split the two up. The problem is HIM is still HIM and he gotten a power boost from having Bliss in him for long. Thought it got me to wonder...
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There are some similarities.
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To face HIM, the Powerpuff Girls (including Bliss) fuse together to create Dynamo! While the name is officially “The Mighty Powerpuff of Sisterhood”, this is basically the concept of Dynamo from the original Whoopass Stew Animatics. It ends with the girls defeating HIM.
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And while you may defeat him, you never really beat HIM. It ends with the Bliss going to fix Saturn and saying goodbye to everyone. Will this be her last time on the show? Probably. But overall, it was a pretty good episode. Bliss does make a unique addition to the team and while it was obviously a ploy to get new followers and merchandise, it was still fun.
Sadly, I don’t think I can make this canon. The PPGs I have are now adults and I just had an entire storyline with all the girls going to Ponyville. Would be weird to suddenly add a 4th Powerpuff to it. And I can’t make Bliss into the space cadet kind of thing because Buttercup is. So no Bliss in my canon.
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