#and yes I was too lazy to make a new profile pic lol
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christinadrag0n · 2 years ago
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I wanted to use this as my profile pic so I coloured it and added horns  ✨
(Sorry, the coloured piece is cropped a bit lol)
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yourhighnesssblog · 2 years ago
I was like, who are you and why do you have the same header & profile pic as ninibae 😅😂 and then I went to look and there was no ninibae, and my brain finally added two and two together 😅
Hugs and love to you darling! 🥰💖💜💖
Lol 😋💜 yes it was sudden I change I think so too 💙💙 but this new username was in my mind for couple of years now but I was lazy to changed for real rather keep thinking about changing in my mind 😅 if that makes sense.
Thank you so much sweetheart 😊💙💜 for sending this lovely ask💖💚💜❤️.
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changji · 6 years ago
woah summer hw? that must be terrible; i’ve never gotten any before. i’m actually going into my junior year in high school. i’m pretty nervous for that since it’s the year where marks really matter 😬 also jisung’s way too perfect for me. is that him in your profile pic?? he’s so ethereal i can’t 🤧 i’m great today! i’ve been in the mood to write these past days but i haven’t had any ideas to write about which is frustrating but what can i do 😪 how’re you? -🍉
omg it is and my classes aren’t even that tough 😪 & ur a year ahead of me then ! i’m gonna be a sophomore this year, sophomore year is like. no one cares bc freshmen are new, juniors have the hardest curriculum, and seniors are graduating. so sophomores are just there LOL but yes ! that’s jisung for my pfp, i got lazy so instead of making a new header i just changed the pic oop- but hes lit rally perfect i’m gonna cry 🤧 & fat mood omg i’ve been trying to write but then i remember that i have hw so then i cry instead and then try to do that. but other than that i’m good! it’s rly hot and the sun is out and i have a bad watch tan but. i’ll live. school starts thursday so i’m Sad, when does urs start?
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rosettecapito · 4 years ago
40 Things...Another 6 years later
1. What is your natural hair color?
2/9/09 - Dark brown/black...specks of white
4/15/15 - Black, golden/light brown/copper ombre type deal (I really need to get my hair done again.  This haggard look is getting old. haha!)
7/19/21 - Black w/ more white hairs strewn throughout
2. Where was your profile pic taken?
2/9/09 - In the front room of my home during Thanksgiving this year.
4/15/15 - At my first olympic lifting meet in Mattoon, IL.
7/19/21 - In my bedroom on Christmas Eve - I was in quarantine since I got COVID.
3. What's your middle name?
2/9/09 - Marie
4/15/15 - Hasn’t changed, still Marie.
7/19/21 - Siri calls me "She-Hulk", but it's still legally Marie.
5. Honestly, does your crush like you back?
2/9/09 - Ugh...couldn't tell ya, haven't talked to him in a while...he says he's curious, but that could mean anything
4/15/15 - No.  So now I don’t have a crush anymore.  Yay! (I’ve learned not to linger anymore, waste of time and energy...NEXT!)  Am I too old to use the term “crush” anymore? I’d like to think its more like “misguided feelings that come from a lack of reality and wants being projected on another being who has potential” ... isn’t as catchy as “crush”, but I’ve always been known to be long winded.
7/19/21 - He likes me as a friend, but nothing more. Hoping this time I learn my lesson.
6. What is your current mood?
2/9/09 - Rushed
4/15/15 - Melancholy
7/19/21 - Amused, but tired.
7.What color underwear are you wearing?
2/9/09 - light green
4/15/15 - nude (glad to know I’ve changed my underwear in 6 years. lol)
7/19/21 - dark blue
8.What makes you happy?
2/9/09 - Tickling Jaeden, listening to musicals, singing/performing musicals, reading, writing, etc...
4/15/15 - Lifting heavy shit, traveling with my loved ones and having adventures, watching Jaeden accomplish something he didn’t think he could.
7/19/21 - Spending time in the sunshine and nature with Jaeden.
10. If you could go back in time, and change something what would you change?
2/9/09 - My boy-craziness.....
4/15/15 - My laziness and lack of focus on the real things.  Valuing shallow ideals and people who did not see my value or treat me how I deserve to be treated.
7/19/21 - I like to exercise a little more emotional self control.
11. If you MUST be an animal for ONE day- what would you be? 2/9/09 - A cougar. (When I wrote this I did not mean the type that pick up young guys at the bar/club.)
4/15/15 - A phoenix.
7/19/21 - A dog in a loving home.
12. Ever had a near death experience?
2/9/09 - Does tripping and falling into a street into oncoming traffic count?
4/15/15 - Still the same one as before.  I’m a ninja when it comes to eluding death.
7/19/21 - Getting hit by a jeep, but we really weren't going that fast so death wasn't really imminent - but it was scary.
13. Something you do a lot?
2/9/09 - Talk to myself....sometimes I just need to talk my thoughts out...
4/15/15 - Self analysis (ie. this survey)
7/19/21 - Scroll ( trying to lessen then phone time)
14. What's the name of the song stuck in your head right now? 2/9/09 - Giling-GIling.....stupid Wowowee...probably because dad's watching it right now..
4/15/15 - “Centuries” by Fall Out Boy
7/19/21 - Because I just read my last response, I guess it's "Centuries" again...
15. Who did you copy and paste this from?
2/9/09 - Michelle
4/15/15 - My 2009 self.
7/19/21 - My 2015 self.
16. Name someone with the same b-day as you? 2/9/09 - Cameron Diaz....lol...the only person I could think of at the moment...
4/15/15 - Warren Buffett
7/19/21 - Bebe Rexha
17. When was the last time you cried?
2/9/09 - a few months ago...i've come close, but only teary eyes...stupid Ice Princess movie...lol
4/15/15 - It’s been awhile since I’ve had a hearty cry.  But I did shed a few tears a couple of days ago when I was watching “Big Hero 6″ with my family.  Good movie.
7/19/21 - Last Friday in the parking lot of the gym. Gave myself an hour to get it all out.
18. Have you ever sung in front of a large audience?
2/9/09 - HELLL YES!!! I WAS LIVING MY DREAM!!! *Le sigh*
4/15/15 - HELLL YES!!! Still one of the best moments of my life.  I miss the stage. *Le sigh*
7/19/21 - HELLL YES!!! One of the highlights of my life.
19. If you could have one super power what would it be?
2/9/09 - I would love to have the power to teleport
4/15/15 - Still would want the power to teleport.  It’s no longer a want, it’s a necessity...
7/19/21 - Seriously...how is teleportation not a thing yet....
20. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite/same sex?
2/9/09 - Attitude/mood...I can tell when they're in a bitchy mood, then I in turn act bitchy if they're pissing me off....but then I get the to relax with my awesome charm....lol....
4/15/15 - How they carry themselves: do they walk with confidence and purpose?
7/19/21 - The kind of attention they give me.
21. What do you usually order from Starbucks?
2/9/09 - Venti White Chocolate Mocha
4/15/15 - I’ve been on a carmel apple spice kick lately, but if it’s coffee usually a cinnamon dolce latte.
7/19/21 - Lately, Dragon Drink
22. What's your biggest secret?
2/9/09 - I'm not telling...
4/15/15 - I don’t have secrets. My hair isn’t big enough.
7/19/21 - Still don't have any...not much to hide, except my feelings I guess...
23. Fav color?
2/9/09 - Green!
4/15/15 - Same, green!
7/19/21 - Green...teal...maroon...red...depends on the day
24. When was the last time you lied?
2/9/09 - A few weeks ago...I don't remember....
4/15/15 - A couple of weeks ago. I needed to get information, so I lied about who I was...You can call me the new 007...
7/19/21 - March 2019 coming home from Salt Lake City
25. Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows?
2/9/09 - I have a 1 and a half year old...what do you think?
4/15/15 - My cousin was right last time, i would still watch kiddy movies and TV shows, with or without my own child..I was just belting out Frozen last night.
7/19/21 - Uh...duh...I just started watching Sailor Moon again...
27. What are you eating or drinking at the moment?
2/9/09 - Nada
4/15/15 - Water.
7/19/21 - Water.
28. Do you speak any other language?
2/9/09 - does Jaeden language count?
4/15/15 - Sadly no. It’s on the “To Do” list.
7/19/21 - Nope.
29. What's your favorite smell?
2/9/09 - Fresh baby! and not in the cooked way...in the right after a bath sense...
4/15/15 - Apple cinnamon glade plug ins
7/19/21 - All my new scentsy waxes!
30. If you could describe your life in one word what would it be? 2/9/09 - Changed
4/15/15 - Moving
7/19/21 - Giving.
31. When was the last time you gave/received a hug?
2/9/09 - before jaeden went to sleep
4/15/15 - same, saying good night to Jaeden.
7/19/21 - Saying hi to Jaeden when I came home from the gym today.
32. Have you ever been kissed in the rain?
2/9/09 - No...some day
4/15/15 - Some day still hasn’t come...
7/19/21 - Not really waiting for some day anymore...
33. What are you thinking about right now?
2/9/09 - getting ready to leave in a half hour....gotta go coach the speech kids..
4/15/15 - going on vacation
7/19/21 - that I should really go to bed because I have to wake up early to lift.
34. What should you be doing?
2/9/09 - Writing my essays for my internship application/ doing homework
4/15/15 - Getting ready for bed/Sleeping
7/19/21 - Sleeping..
35. What was the last thing that made you upset/angry?
2/9/09 - Columbia canceling my Forensic science course a week before school started....
4/15/15 - Today- vendors I have to interact with for work who don’t know how to do their jobs.
7/19/21 - Letting my emotions run a muck and losing sight of reality...
37. Do you like working in the yard?
2/9/09 - I do at times...
4/15/15 - Yes I do, just worked in the yard this past weekend and fertilized the grass.
7/19/21 - Absolutely. Add this to my previous answer to "what makes me happy."
38. If you could have any last name in the world, what would it be? 2/9/09 - I love my last name thank you....and later on..whoever I marry..
4/15/15 - Capito - Italian, meaning “understood”
7/19/21 - The one that I have already.
39. Do you act differently around your girlfriend/boyfriend? 2/9/09 - ummm....dunno haven't analyzed that yet....
4/15/15 - No. If they don’t love me for who I am at all times, then they are not worth my love because I love unconditionally.  Not sure many people know what that means anymore.
7/19/21 - No, unless it's a moment of growth for both of us, then I imagine we would act differently but adapt the change going forward.
40. Name one song that reminds you of an ex?
2/9/09 - I try not to remember....
4/15/15 - Everything by Lifehouse
7/19/21 - Bless the Broken Road by Rascall Flatts
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lowaharts · 8 years ago
sorry for the slow responses!
it’s been a rough few weeks for me and I’ve been getting lazy at answering asks so they started piling up a.lkgjalkgj Responses are under the cut to save you guys the walls of text! 
Anonymous said: Okay but instead of an arm or an eye, Lance loses a leg? And Shiro gets a flashback to when he injured Matt's leg at the arena but this time, instead of a really bad injury, a whole leg is gone; and now Shiro's instantly at Lance's side and then Lance passes out from the blood loss and Shiro accidentally calls Lance "Matt". Like he would probably be all, "Matt! Stay with me! MATT!!!"
suddenly this AU has a hint of Shatt I LIKE IT-- but omg pls save lance his limbs i beg of u
grelhou said: hi, i know you might get this a lot, but your art is exquisite!!! i mean, do you know that one post that says "PICASSO WHO!!! EAT UR HEART OUT MICHAELANGELO !!!" and similar things representing your reactions everytime your mutuals draw anything? that's actually me everytime i see literally everything you draw!!! it's just so AMAZING, i can't even describe it in words! sorry for my english, but i needed to let you know this! have a nice day :D
Ehhh ahhh thank you so much ;alkjg;adlgj Honestly i’ve never heard of such a post but thanks o)-< And your english is perfect no worries! 
Anonymous said: Personally - with regards to who bottoms in Klance - I've seen it go 50/50 in fanfiction so I never quite understand whenever I see people complain about never seeing one or the other because there's plenty if you know how to look for it. Then again I also read an ungodly amount of fanfic...
I think in terms of fanfics yeah i see it go 50/50 but in comparison i only read like a handful of fics because i read real slow so... i wouldn’t know 😂  I don’t think i see a lot of Lance/Keith artwork though, but then again i never really go out of my way to look for it. 
Anonymous said: I know that you like bottom!Lance but what are your feelings on Bottom!Keith? Like can you read fanfiction with Bottom!Keith or you really not like it that much? I myself like both but I was curious about your opinion.
I’ve read lots of fanfics with bottom Keith! Tbh i don’t think i came across a rendition of keith bottoming that i didn’t like but sometimes i get wary of either of them getting too ooc or something... But in terms of who bottoms and tops in a relationship standpoint i like both! I like to imagine them do stupid things to determine who goes first like make bets and shit. 
Anonymous said: Lance is blue, blue in the near time is ao no exorcist kyoto arc. So do you watch or read AnE? if yes, who's your fav character (s)?
YES i used to love LOVE ao no ex around the time when the first series came out. I read the manga up to a point before i lost my place but i’m really looking forward to seeing the kyoto arc animated o)-< My favorites are Rin and Shima! I loved Shima before [spoiler] but after [spoiler] i’m just o<-< I guess i really do love the asshole types. 
Anonymous said: Have you heard of the Voltron Big Bang? I'm just curious whether you're interested in joining because I love seeing your art!
Oh yes i have! i think someone linked to me before but... unfortunately i have personal project i want to work on so i won’t have time for it. 
Anonymous said: *screaming to the galazy and beyond* second seasoooon!!! (I definitely did not pause and thinks a lot of time why there're two shirtless people in the trailer)
s2 is already out and oh boy i have some thoughts 
yuujinjou said: Omg everyone looks so great in hanbok ₍₍ (̨̡ ‾᷄♡‾᷅ )̧̢ ₎₎✨✨✨✨. Happy New Year to you too
AHHHH YOU’RE WELCOME!! I’m happy to make a fellow korean happy with my hanbok art/////// 
Anonymous said: HI! I'm the anon asking about Shay and Nyma. Anyways, about Shay, I can possibly see her in the medical team as well! And about Nyma and Roco, pilots would be a nice fit for them! Would they be working along Voltron if that's the case? Like flying the team to their destinations?
Hey there again!! Shay in the medic team or search and rescue would be best i think :) but in that case she probably wouldn’t be working that closely with team Voltron. Nyma and Rolo tho yes! They would be in charge of transporting teams to their mission locations-- if it calls for it. 
Anonymous said: Hi! I would like to say that ur art is super gorgeous. I found ur blog b/c of Voltron (*fangirls*) and I love all of ur art and style and I could go on but I am not trying to take up ur time. Um, I have two questions: I am a person who loves drawing but I am not talented. I am very u taleneted and I feel so discouraged b/c why on Earth am I drawing if I am sucky at it... help? 1/2 - 2/2 The other thing(plz don't kill me)... I don't romantically ship anyone in Voltron(yet) and I feel like all shippers and fans would have my head if I feel like that and it makes me almost afraid of the Voltron fandom(but I love this show>_<) so... help? Ik my questions are dumb; I am sorry. Happier note: THANKS FOR SHARING UR AMAZINF SKILLS WITH THE WORLD!╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
Hi anon!! Thank you so much T T To be frank, i think your desire to draw should be fueled by how much enjoyment you get out of drawing. And if you feel that you need to improve, then always keep practicing! I don’t think it’s possible to get worse just by practicing, so there’s only one direction you can go.  LOL hey to each their own. I think first and foremost people should enjoy Voltron for its story and characters, because that’s all that really matters. Shipping and fandom stuff can come later. I don’t know why anyone would hate you for not shipping anyone? I doubt anyone cares. Pats you though THANK YOU 
Anonymous said: Hey!! I think your art is absolutely gorgeous; I aspire to draw like u one day. May I use ur art as profile pic or/and wallpaper?
Thank you so much! Keep drawing anon! :D And sure of course! Credit to my blog would be highly appreciated
Anonymous said: I always thought being the bottom was cool (way cuter and they get to control the top ) haven't people heard of power bottoms before? Lance is a power bottom if you ask me, he bottoms but dam son he's still cool and in charge XP
to tell you the truth i haven’t read a lot of good power bottom fics ever... in my life.. LMAO but yes power bottoms are great :) 
Anonymous said: I've been trying to find your Twitter, and I'm having issues. So quick question, what's your Twitter?
it’s @lowarghh
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manicmustard-blog-blog · 8 years ago
Mystery Article.  Okay.  It’s not.  It’s about ferret-farming.
Once again it's time for the dreaded monthly article.  The red mist has gathered, a storm is brewing and I'm about to rant about something yet again for the simple fact that I can.  Still here?  Excellent.  But what?  What on earth has mildly irritated me today in such unfathomable ways that it can burst apart the very seams of my normally zen-like wellbeing and provide me with enough internal rage to lay siege to your poor eyes with angry words designed to blast and sunder at your very soul?
Well.  It's actually something I remember ranting about years ago.  So straight off the bat, originality is fucked and flushed down the toilet.  Hey, it's 2017, there are no original ideas left and unless you're contemplating whether or not your hairy and slightly pokey vagina means you have 5 genders or 6, you should really be used to this type of thing right now.  Fine.  You want originality? Try mixing sawdust in with your goulash for an ethnic twist.  Perhaps rag a mountain goat while you're at it and you can drain it's juicy innards into a bowl and mush it up with some dead fermented wasps so that you can tell all your friends how fucking cultured and enlightened you are.
Phew.  Not you of course dear reader.  Just people.  You know.  The other types of people.  Not you honest.  You're special and unique.  Just like Uncle Jeremy told you at Christmas as he gently stroked your knee with a little bit too much enthusiasm.  That's right.  I know.  Everyone knows.
So.  What was my article about?  Oh yes.  Online dating.  Ahem.
Haha.  Well, as many/some/none of you know depending on what day of the week it is, I came out of a long-term relationship a while ago and to be honest have no real interest in getting into a new one right now.  Why? You might ask with quivering lips.  Well, to be honest I'm incredibly fucking lazy and the idea of getting to know another person and having to actually give a shit about them and all their fucking problems and whether or not they approve of my life choices and fucked-up personality is a little bit more effort than I can stand right now.  Plus I've started watching How I Met Your Mother recently and quite frankly I don't want to have to watch it from the beginning cos some girl/bloke/vegetable/marsupial that I'm dating decides that we should start from season 1.  I mean.  I'm willing to make an effort for a potential soulmate that I might spend the rest of my life with, but as with everything in life, there are limits.
But yes, despite my general satisfaction with remaining single for a variety of reasons I won't go into here, (next article already planned, boom) I decided many months ago to create a dating profile (because I'm original as the rest of you salty bastards) and have a look to see what's going to test the waters for when I can be bothered.  So.  What did I find.  Well, hmm.
Now.  I can hear you all thinking at the same time so bear with me a second. You're thinking, "Get over yourself!"  or "Stop being so fucking fussy!"  or "Why am I reading this shit?" (mind-control..) and to be honest you're right in some regards but it's not honestly because of the basic reasons you'd expect...it's because most of the profiles I've read are quite frankly as BORING as my left nut sack and so full of shite that it honestly just makes me want to strangle the next biped I come across.  But why?  Huh?  HUH!?
Well, to start off with.  I get that despite our fantastic age of equality and all that bollocks, men are still expected to make most of the effort by SOME women, especially early on.  But for fucks sake at least bother to fill in the "about me" section of your profile.  Don't just put a bunch of dots or even worse write "lol, I dunno wot to put ere" and expect to get anything other than a fucking troglodyte respond.  Show a bit of your fucking personality.  Unless of course you're trying purposefully to advertise that you're an empty-headed shallow fuckwit with absolutely no opinion on anything besides what you've read others repeat on Facebook.  In which case, well done.
Equally.  For those that actually can muster the powers of their vocabulary and spew forth more than a few words on how shit they are at actually articulating anything past a fucking duckface...I can only suggest that you try to be at least slightly realistic.  For example, don't say three fucking words about yourself and how you love Hollyoaks followed by an explanation of how you won't respond to any men who don't make an effort to come up with proper conversation and have something interesting to say.  Be realistic.  I wouldn't walk up to you and say "mE liKE shIny ROCKS!" while scratching at a nice pile of nearby granite then get all pissed because you don't start quoting Shakespeare in response.
Likewise!  Don't set your profile to "looking for fun and nothing serious" and then spend several paragraphs writing about how you're looking for a soulmate and are fed up with getting messages from bastard men who just want sex.  I get that most dating sites don't have an "I'm bipolar" option nor provide a big flag to point out that you can't work out the basics of setting up your fucking profile.  But either way you're not doing yourself any favours.
Oh and talking about pictures.  Try and have some variety for god's sake. Different situations.  Different environments, something to perhaps portray what type of person you are.  If I see a profile with pics of holidays, backpacking, nights out and a few decent selfies or pics with friends etc, then I can't help but take more of an interest - it just looks a bit more interesting even if it is probably false advertising.  Well done you!  However, if all 8 shots are of the same fucking aforementioned duckface taken from a slightly elevated angle with different filters then just...just no.  Much like the whole "lack of words thing" I mentioned earlier, it kinda makes me wonder what the fuck went wrong in your childhood that turned you into yet another pod person.
Oh and as a final note.  When you're describing who you're looking for - I get that being honest is a good thing, but I've nearly spat my coffee all over the screen with utter amusement and tumultuous glee when I see the occasional profile with a very average girl in it explaining how anybody who is not fit as fuck and over 6ft tall shouldn't even bother messaging them.  Perhaps it would be equally acceptable if I demanded a fucking supermodel with no gag reflex and huge tits that dispense chocolate milkshake when I twist her nipples.  I mean really?  What utter bollocks.  Besides, if I was superfit, ripped and over 6ft, I wouldn't be on a dating website, I'd be selling that shit to rich housewives and buying all the chocolate milkshake that my superhard man-pecs could buy.
So...  Random glimpse into my fantasy of being a male cocoa-whore asides...what else?  Well, nothing really.  All I can say is that when I am finally ready to start dating, I either need to start socialising like a normal person or failing that, lobotomise myself with a blunt and reasonably heavy object.  I'm not entirely sure which one sounds more appealing.
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