#and yep @ everything you said about anankos
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randomnameless · 1 year ago
As someone who loves both Grima and Anankos I don't think Grima took Anankos's backstory at all, Grima's view if anything was stolen from Mewtwo. Lab creation, used in some matter, screw humanity. I would not be shocked if that ended up being the inspiration for the backstory FEH made up (because yeah they made it up but it's a canon property so it's canon backstory now) Mewtwo is one of the most popular Pokemon of all time and you can't deny making a god vs making the world's most powerful Pokemon doesn't have some parallels. And even so while I could see them inspired by Anankos betrayal compared to him nothing about Grima is tragic, he's just bitter. He's fully aware and lucid of everything (despite lacking ancient memories) he's pissed and wants everyone to suffer and it's also fun for him. Nothing much more to him despite how much my fellow Grima fans would like to argue; lab created angry betrayed murder dragon is all there is canonically. But as Grima was once meant to be a Loptous expy before he became FE Mewtwo there is now a lot in Awakening that doesn't make sense due to these retcons.
Anankos though! Oh Anankos is hella tragic following the theme of Fates really. A really good guy. Cared about his people did everything for them, loved them stayed longer than he should have and fell to degeneration. Basically got so old he got dragon dementia nothing like who he used to be due to this disease and since his functions are now failing he's full of rage all the time memories are warped he loses sight of who is around him and more, this rage causes him to go berserk and he's unable to understand why those he loved turned on him then he kills his best friend he keeps spiraling, going mad following and giving into his delusions about being betrayed, I wouldn't be shocked if he made up events that didn't happen in his messed up state of mind. Unlike Grima he is not lucid, it's true he also has a hatred of humanity because he was betrayed and his goal, like Grima is complete world annihilation but his betrayal wasn't a true betrayal either, and technically he betrayed humanity first but unknowingly because he is no longer the same person he was. Anankos is so far gone he's insane. Grima is perfectly sane and still wants complete world annihilation, either because he's angry or because he's just that bored (one of his lines also mentions wanting to start a war because he's bored) because of his betrayal he sees everyone as beneath him mere playthings. Anankos can't see anything he's gone *gone* all that matters is fulfilling his goal.
Sorry for rambling I just really love both of them and feel like calling one a rip off of the other isn't fully correct. Anankos is a crazy deep character (non corrupt Anankos when FEH it'd be a great mythic) and that's why I love him and I love Grima because of how little there is and it's fun to give him more with the little we have, I uh don't like the girl version because she's lets make her sexy and sell to horny men don't we have enough of those!! but the boy version is nifty
FEH's canonicity is always going to be questionned, like, I'm the loser who will claim to the world Rhea bakes cookies because her FEH alt bakes them when her Fodlan iteration doesn't bake sweets - but it's all about the thin line, imo, between what in a fanfiction would be called IIC and OC.
Grima claiming that humans only worship him to later turn against him is... backed up by nothing, let it be in FE13 or FE15. Hell, in FE13, his human followers are, uh, sort of brainwashed to come to the dragon's tarble, and end up as his own snacks (he consumes their lifeforce à la Medeus?) - they didn't even had the occasion/chance to ask him something and then backstab him, no, they ended up in his stomach.
(something Loptry doesn't do at all, so what was the point of having this mentionned? "Remember Medeus? Here is the copy of what he did to those 4 ladies!")
In FE15 we got his backstory - where I agree with your mewtwo parallel (even if the franchise had no qualms stomping the "strongest pokemon ever" nonsense which had them release two megas for him - and even then, M-Ray, U-Necrozma and the later legendaries wreck him in half!) which is why they could have used this as a backstory : Grima was rejected by his creator who sought to end him because he "couldn't control him", he was rejected by the dragons (and maybe FEH could canonise the fact that Duma's visit of Thabes happening when Grima was conceived was just not a coincidence!) so in a traditional mindset, if the world hates him, he'll hate the world but with a special hatred for humans (GG Forneus) who "condemned him to live a life of hatred and despair"...
That's where the bitterness angle would come, but where I call this backstory the Anankos expy, it's because Grima's trusted and fellow humans never... turned their blades at him? Unless we're only talking about his Creator Forneus?
FE13's worldbuilding is wonky, but I thought Plegia was a nation where people worshipped him (which led Chrom's dad to war against them!) - so unless Grima suggests the First Exalt (Chrom's descendant) was one of his BFF who turned against them when he tried to do Grima-things which are, in FE13's canon, destroy the world and kill everyone, I really wonder where this "betrayed by humans" angle comes.
As you pointed it out, Anankos's story is more "tragic" because the man had been benevolent, but refused to "move to the astral plane" so he was degenerating, and humans being their human selves turned against him.
And doubly agree, maybe FEH's writers slapped this story on Grima to have someone, who still has some agency and isn't fully consumed by madness (not Anankos then) explain this backstory... FEH most likely didn't came up with Ascended!Heroes already - aka Heroes who are in the best versions of themselves (Idunn becoming a chicken again!) so they couldn't come up with an Anankos who, after being defeated by Corn and somehow surviving, explains his past and stresses the importance of bonds.
Instead, they had to craft something about Grima's backstory because between FE13!Grima wanting to destroy the world and its people in angry red capslocks and FE15!Grima being an eldritch abomination that was rejected by his creator at birth there was a gap they needed to fill and Doylist wise, since Anankos couldn't be released (what would be his lines if he's his insane self? - 2018!FEH couldn't have came up with kid!Soren as a unit lol) it was "okay" to copy part of his background and give to Grima - even if it doesn't make sense at all given FE13 - to explain the behaviour he has in FE13, since the mainline games didn't bother.
But doing so, as you said, retcons FE13.
Rhea baking cookies doesn't retcon FE16 or Nopes because the games (more Nopes than FE16 but that's player pandering for you!) showed/depicted her as someone who cares about people/plays with children when she can, but Grima blaming humans for shunning him when the humans who worship him got what they desired? What is he even talking about? He is the one who devoured his followers in FE13, as they were mindlessly marching to their doom, what/who is the talking about? Forneus? But Forneus never asked him anything, but he tried to get rid of him while he was still in his test tube.
At this point, I realise FEH!Grima is basically, especially as he is retcon to his canon games, a FEH OC lol.
Don't apologise for rambling lol, I always ramble!
I get the appeal of coming up with backstories and writing about characters who have no background, I spent years connecting dots between multiverse about Saias lol and Willy's basically became my OC since canon!Willy is just a name and a statue lol
But yeah, it's a damn shame FEH pretended to care enough about Grima to give them a new background/reasons/plot, but now only sees them as occasions to sell horny alts (Halloween!M!Grima had the same T&A pose than his female counterpart!) even if F!Grima has it the worst (my fwend @crushednugget made a beautiful edit of Rearmed Grima but with Valdar instead!).
But we know what FEH prioritises : horny > plot and relevance, remember Karla and her 3 alts?
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yukiwrites · 6 years ago
Clumsy Tradition
Thank you so much for commissioning me again, @arod7293! I hope you enjoy this DLC, ehehe ;D
Summary: Seventeen years after taking their twins only old enough to stand up for a beach day, Felicia and Azura now enjoy watching as their children grow and fall in love -- Linnea specifically. They’ll do their utmost to support their eldest daughter through her bubbling and innocent love.
Commission info HERE and HERE!
Part 1 - Part 2
The land was Valla. Enjoying a peace of 20 years since the last war against the Silent Dragon, the Forgotten Kingdom thrived with its new rulers and like-minded supporters.
It was as though nature needed but the change in people's hearts to bloom into its most splendorous stage. The floating islands clashed on one another at first, yet slowly but surely they started attaching themselves again, forming larger and larger islands. The wonder of nature turning itself back into how it had been before Anankos brought many an opportunity for sightseeing.
After years of servitude and loyalty to the Crown, Felicia, almost coerced by her beloved Azura, took a few months off -- it was a time dedicated to her and her wife only, much like the old times.
Their children had grown and now they needn't worry about leaving them in the castle by themselves -- Linnea and Shigure were almost past their teenage years while their younger sister, Arete, sported a lively teenagehood. They could take care of themselves while Felicia and Azura took, well, 'care' of each other, in more meanings than one.
Still, the wives missed their children terribly. Having had three children born through bond pregnancies made the link between mothers and children run much deeper than normal.
They both knew that they weren't alone in that feeling -- the wives knew how attached their children were to themselves, and couldn't help but cut short their trip so as to be with the young ones again.
"As I thought, I am the happiest when our family is together -- and happy." Azura walked at low steps, leaning her head over her wife's shoulder, between their linked arms.
Felicia grinned, humming in approval. "Maybe we should just bring the kids? I'm sure Linnea and Arete will love that upside-down waterfall we saw last week! And Shigure could paint it and we could hang it in the halls or something!"
Azura closed her eyes, letting herself be led by her wife for a long moment, simply enjoying her warmth and tender scent. "What a wonderful idea, my dear. You still have a few weeks left before returning to work, so this might very well happen."
"Alright!" Felicia giggled, throwing her free hand up. "We should hurry to their room-" The maid stopped for two delicate fingers shushed her.
"Shh, my dear. Let us take our time, hm? I do so very much want to hug you for a while longer." Azura snuggled back to her wife's arm, missing the adorable blush covering Felicia's entire face.
"Oh, um, a-alright. I think I could use more hugging..." The maid stuttered, unable to suppress the wide smile tethering on the corners of her lips.
They took their time in crossing the portal, taking every little thing in -- they hadn't noticed how much they missed home until they finally arrived. The luminescent butterflies welcoming them; the smell of freshly-watered grass; the utter beauty of the blue sky and its cold sun. The perfect climate to a huge nap under a shade.
It was way into the morning when they reached the royal wing, intent on looking for their children.
"Perhaps Shigure will be by the art room? That child does love his paintings, after all." Azura bobbed her head to the side after they found their children's rooms empty.
Felicia placed one hand over her chin in thought. "Hmm, maybe they're still eating? I think the time changed a bit after we crossed the portal..."
"Regardless," Azura intertwined her fingers into her wife's hand, "let us search."
Felicia smiled softly, maybe a little proudly for having such a wonderful wife, and nodded. "Alright-"
They needn't look for long, however.
"Mom, Mother! Were you back, already?" Shigure had just exited a room at the end of the corridor -- his study -- and hurried to his mothers. "Arete, Mom and Mother are back!" He looked over his shoulder.
"Shigure!" They said in unison, opening their arms to welcome their tall son, then their youngest daughter. "Arete!"
"Mom, Mother!" The young girl smiled, inserting herself in the middle of her mothers and her brother. "I thought you'd take longer to come back!"
"That was the plan," Azura started after they pulled away, "but we missed you three so very much, we couldn't stay away any longer." She fondly caressed their cheeks.
"Yep." Felicia nodded beside her wife, one hand over Arete's shoulder. "Where's Linnea? We thought you could be eating or-"
"Mom, you're not going to BELIEVE IT," Arete started, her eyes eager to start a very tight gossip.
Shigure immediately nudged his little sister, his expression grave. "Come on, Arete. This isn't something we should simply divulge like this."
The girl immediately slapped both hands over her mouth lest it started running by itself. "Oh! I'm sorry, Big Brother, I thought..." Her voice sounded muffled by her hands, "well, I thought that if it were me, I'd want Mom and Mother to know..."
Felicia and Azura exchanged confused glances. "Did something happen with Linnea? You know you can tell us any and everything, right?" The princess soothed, grasping both of their hands.
"Yeah, we only want you three to be happy, so we'll do everything we can to help." Felicia placed her hands over Azura's, strengthening the hold.
Shigure pondered for a moment, chewing his lower lip as a thin frown danced over his brow. Well, he knew his sister too well to know that it would be okay to talk about it with their mothers. He himself would probably like his privacy, but Linnea was different.
The prince sighed in defeat. "Alright," he said with the same breath, making Arete and Felicia both beam up.
"Take your time, Son." Azura assured, mentally elbowing her wife for the eagerness.
Shigure looked around, as though people could hear them in that very deserted corridor. "The truth is, well, um... Linnea has someone she likes."
Felicia almost gasped loudly, but Azura's foot over hers managed to keep her grounded to the floor.
Arete nodded frantically, looking from her brother to her mothers. "And then, and then-"
Shigure touched her shoulder, silently asking to speak. He wanted to be the one to tell their mothers, as Linnea's twin. "And she's on a, um, date? With her right now. We've been observing-"
Arete snickered. "You mean stalking-"
"... Observing," Shigure cleared his throat, "them for a while; me, Arete and Linnea's sweetheart's friend, Nina."
"What wonderful news!" Azura clasped both hands together. "Who's this wonderful girl our Linnea is smitten to?"
Finally free from her wife's foot, Felicia gripped at Shigure's hand. "Yeah, yeah! Who's she? Where did she come from?"
"M-mom, you're getting overly excited about this-" Shigure took a step back, watching as Azura pulled Felicia by her collar.
"Her name's Caeldori!" Arete informed, unaffected by Felicia's enthusiasm or Shigure's reservation. "She's Sir Subaki's daughter and they met-"
Once again Shigure placed a hand over his sister's shoulder. "They met here in the castle after Caeldori got lost while delivering a parcel to Jakob."
"Oh, it must've been the usual, for Lady Rhajat," Felicia muttered under her breath, used to receiving Subaki's parcels herself. "And then they became friends and lovers-"
Shigure sputtered. "Linnea WISH they were lovers, Mom. They've been... tip-toeing around each other from the start. It's almost annoying, really."
Arete puffed her chest. "It's so fun to watch them! We were actually gonna head there just now to stalk-"
"... Observe."
"... To stalk them a bit more, heehee! Maybe you two could come with us? They never found us no matter how crudely we were hiding..."
"Surely because Nina is very good at finding us proper hiding spots." The prince bobbed his head to the sides, pensive.
Felicia and Azura exchanged looks, the maid's grin mirrored by the princess' worried smile. "We would love to spy- er, watch them, if it wouldn't be too much trouble-"
"Heeeyy! Shigure! Little Sis! What's taking you so long? They're already at the forest by now!" An eager voice called from a nearby window, banging it open. "C'mon, c'mon, hurry it up!"
The family looked at one another and dissolved into a comfortable laugh. They took a quick pace and headed towards Linnea's garden.
Once there, Nina directed them all towards proper hiding spots. "If we're all behind the same bushes, our presence might alert them. Little Sis's on guard duty, as always."
"That's so boring, but alright!" Arete pouted as she headed to the easternmost entry of the garden, leaving Shigure and Nina close behind.
Felicia and Azura circled towards the western side, finding their daughter and her sweetheart immediately.
Azura recognized Linnea's behavior instantly: the girl acted much like she and her wife did, years ago, during their courting days. She was lost in Caeldori's beauty, her unfocused eyes going from the girl's lips to her lustrous hair and pretty eyes. The princess couldn't help but snort and take her wife's hand, watching both of their histories playing again right in front of her.
Startled, Felicia almost shrieked with the sudden touch, but managed to slip her free hand over her mouth. Still, even if she had yelped, the duo probably wouldn't have notice them.
They were lost in their own world.
"Wow, it looks like Linnea's really taken by that girl." Felicia blinked, feeling almost bad for sneaking around her own daughter.
Azura hummed in response, feeling a jovial thump beating in her heart. It made her recall memories of her and Felicia's courting, so many years ago, bringing a smile to her lips.
A few moments later, Felicia perked up from her position. "Oh, no! Someone's coming!" She felt the presence of the royal twins before they showed themselves, immediately looking at the kiss that almost was.
Kamyu called out for Linnea, making the princess sputter and pull away from Caeldori, shoving her head in the dirt from embarrassment. The other girl shot herself up and ran away, her face even redder than her hair.
"Oh, no..." The both of them whispered, each displaying their surprise differently: Azura took both hands to clutch her chest, feeling for her little girl, as Felicia dragged her hands through her face, remembering how the times she missed a kiss felt.
The royal twins stayed for a few minutes, oblivious to Linnea's inner turmoil, and Felicia took that time to sneak around and go towards where Caeldori had ran to.
"I'll have a talk with Shigure, Arete and Nina about this; maybe we can help them."
"Very well. I'll stay here and talk with Linnea." Azura concurred and they went their separate ways.
Once the twins left, Azura made herself known, but Linnea didn't even realize her mother was there.
She was cursing her own inability and playing the scene in her head over and over, regretting it so, so very much-
"Linnea, my dear?" Azura called, crouching by her eldest daughter.
The young princess jumped out of her skin, but immediately dove into her mother's arms. "Mother! When did you return? Where's Mom? I wanna hug her too-"
"Shh, dear." Azura caressed Linnea's cheek, cleaning some of the dirt allocated there. "Your mom is talking with Shigure and Arete. It's only us, now."
Linnea took a few moments to process it, her mind once again wandering back into replaying the scene. "I-" she stuttered, her eyes burning with tears. "I messed it all up, Mother!" She cried out, squeezing Azura.
"Oh, my darling..." Azura soothed, running her hand up and down Linnea's back. "Talk with Mother. You know you can always count on me."
Sniffling, Linnea simply nodded, not noticing how much she was crying. Caeldori had turned into an important part of her life in such a little time, it was almost scary. She didn't want everything to end because of- of whatever had happened just now!
Taking her time with the words, Linnea carefully explained how she had met Caeldori and how their days went; how the bubbly feeling sprouted, took root and bloomed inside her chest, and how she was almost bursting with love. "Maybe if I weren't so clumsy- I wonder if she hates me? She ran so fast..."
Azura giggled, making the young woman lift her head in disapproval. "Oh, my darling! Forgive me for laughing, but it's simply amusing how you've misunderstood everything!"
"Mother?" Linnea tilted her head to the side. Azura dried her daughter's tears with her thumbs, a warm smile on her face.
"Everything, my darling; starting from the very principle that you are not, in fact, clumsy!"
Linnea immediately frowned, pulling back from her mother. "What?! No way! Have you seen our family? It runs in our blood! And I just told you about the things I did with Caeldori-"
"Heehee! Your clumsiness is at the 'everyone does it once in a while' level, dear! And those you mentioned with Caeldori -- the bones you broke and the holes in the stairs you opened -- were unfortunate accidents! Have you never noticed that whenever you took over one of your siblings' chores -- be it rearranging Shigure's art room or cleaning up yours and Arete's room -- everything went well and smooth? As opposed to when they did it?"
Linnea's mouth was agape, as were her eyes wide. "I... I... What? I'm not clumsy?" She frowned deeply, searching in her memory for the proofs her mother supplied. It was indeed true that she spent most of her time cleaning up SHIGURE'S messes rather than her own... Or that she would catch Arete after she tripped rather than falling down herself.
She was just... Normal? Normal levels of clumsiness?
"Wh-what a shock...!" She took one hand to chest, feeling it lighten up considerably. She was cursing herself, thinking Caeldori might hate her for her clumsiness -- but it was all in her head!
Well, at least the clumsiness part; Caeldori STILL could hate her for N other motives.
Noticing how her daughter went from pleasantly surprised to depressed once again, Azura felt her pain and placed one hand over her daughter's. "Linnea...?"
The young princess pouted, a swirl of bad feelings swarming her mind and heart. She blinked up to her mother, trying to find something, ANYTHING, to take her mind away from Caeldori hating her. "Mother, how was your first kiss with Mom?"
Mildly surprised with the question, Azura immediately remembered the days of hers and her wife's youth. "... Clumsily." She replied softly, though a loud bang startled both princesses out of their skins right after.
"Awawa... I didn't see that root there." Felicia quickly got on her feet, massaging her forehead, which she hit on the ground. She lost concentration on walking after overhearing Linnea's question. "A-am I late?"
Azura let out a stiff laugh, patting the space beside her for her wife to sit. "Right on time, in fact!"
"M-mom..." Linnea sputtered, remembering her previous conversation with Azura. She wasn't THAT clumsy, that was for sure!
Embarrassed for running into such an intimate talk, but quickly making her way to her wife, Felicia sat down in front of her daughter. "We're talking about kisses, hm?"
Suddenly ashamed, Linnea blushed. "Uh, um, I think I'm good now-"
"Oh, poppycock! Listen to how wonderful was your mothers' kiss!" Azura griped harder at her daughter's hand, preventing her from getting up.
Linnea felt a mild regret for asking how her MOTHERS got intimate. You don't ask that stuff to your parents, ew!
"N-not only the kisses, though," Felicia nudged her wife with her elbow, winking.
"Oh, my!" Azura teased back. Linnea gagged, looking away.
"Baaarrrf!" She groaned. "Mooooomm! TPO! Tee Pee Oh!"
Azura threw her head back in laughter. "But you asked, dear!"
"Ughh," Linnea dragged one hand through her face. "I regret it! Very much! Please let me go?" She said with fake disgust, finally smiling from the heart.
"Very well..." Azura indulged, lifting both hands up as though caught in the act.
"Thanks." Linnea sprung up with a pop, "I'll, uh, go back to my room, now. Thanks for listening, Mother."
Azura held Felicia's hand. "Always, my darling."
"It's gonna be okay, dear! Believe me on this!" Felicia cheered, not wanting the slump on Linnea's shoulder to come back.
"Um, okay..." The princess replied, not understanding her mom's sudden enthusiasm, but very much NOT wanting to stay there to find out lest she heard more about, ugh, intimate times between parents! Ew!
As soon as Linnea was out of sight, Felicia grasped Azura's hand. "Shigure and Nina got a plan to bring Caeldori and Linnea together! C'mon, let's go!"
Being pulled by her wife, Azura quickly got up. "W-wait, my darling-"
"C'mon, we're going to our place! It's gonna be Linnea's special place too, I can't believe it!"
The princess gasped softly, placing her free hand over her chest. "Did you plant that idea in our son's head?"
Felicia twitched. "I... might've." She giggled. "That place's always been there for all of our special moments... I wanted it to be there for Linnea's, too."
"Oh, my sweet Felicia..."
"C'mon, I'll tell you more once we get there!"
They quickly made their way to a special portal, making their move before Shigure could talk to Linnea. They wanted to be there before Linnea arrived, after all.
As they installed themselves on one side of the lake, Felicia filled Azura in on the plan: it was simple enough; Shigure would make up a new kind of paint that would need a special flower from this DeepRealm and ask Linnea to fetch it for him. At the same time, Nina, back in Hoshido, would ask Caeldori for that flower so she could start experimenting on masking one's smell with it, for... people-watching purposes.
"You mean stalking? So Nina is also an accomplished stalker, huh?" Azura giggled from behind a bush, actively looking around for her daughter.
"Uh, she stomped her foot until I called it 'people-watching', so that's how I'm gonna call it from now on," the maid cleared her throat, looking in the general direction of the portal.
They whispered stories back and forth, Azura filling Felicia into what Linnea had told her. The maid stole more glances than necessary towards the clearing, however.
Noticing her wife's antsy movements, Azura softly made Felicia look at her. "Are you nervous for our daughter? I can almost hear your heartbeat from here!"
Felicia gulped. "Well, I HAVE been right there where she is, you know? And I know just how she's feeling... From what you've told me about how Linnea feels about Caeldori, it's really  just like how I felt towards you... In love with someone pretty and perfect and unaware of how my clumsy actions would affect you."
Azura placed her forehead on Felicia's, her breath soothing the maid's. "Well, don't be nervous! Look at us right now -- married, with three children and as happy as our wedding night! Trust me on this -- Linnea and Caeldori WILL be happy, just as we are."
Felicia's shoulders sagged. "That's all I want for our little girl."
"And that is exactly what will happen," Azura stole a peck over her wife's lips.
Not a second later, they could feel the presence of other people -- Shigure, Nina and Arete had arrived at the opposing patch of woods. Soon after, Linnea also entered, mumbling something to herself.
Immediately did the wives stiffen in their positions, almost unable to contain their smiles.
The moment Caeldori entered and listened into Linnea's mumbling, they knew it wouldn't take long for them to kis-
"Oh, wow, Linnea just jumped and kissed Caeldori like that!" Felicia gasped at the same time someone yelled a loud 'YES' where Shigure and co were.
The maid's words were muffled by the yell, but she and her wife noticed how that hadn't stopped the girls from kissing and laughing between smaller kisses.
Azura brought one hand to her chest in emotion, feeling her eyes burn with tears. "Go live your love, my darling..." She whispered, gripping at her wife's hand. Felicia still stared at the scene, unaware of Azura's monologue. "Just as I have."
Felicia tilted her head towards her wife, not wanting to tear her eyes away from the happy scene in front of them. "What?"
"I love you," Azura whispered right by her wife's ear, making the maid jump out of her skin and grin widely.
"Awawa- I- I love you too!"
Azura glanced at her children -- Linnea was now running after Arete while pulling Shigure by the ear while Caeldori stomped her foot in front of Nina -- and noticed they would be there for a while. "Why not follow their example, hm? We won't be able to move here for now." She slipped one hand on her wife's neck, scratching it ever so slightly.
Emotional for her daughter and happy to witness such a heartwarming moment, Felicia caressed her wife's cheek. "Don't mind if I do," she whispered as she closed into her favorite thing in the world -- Azura's lips -- and kissed it.
They slowly descended to the ground, hiding even further behind the bush, deepening their kiss. "I love you, my sweet Felicia," Azura bit her beloved's lips, never tired of proclaiming her feelings.
"I love you too, my darling Azura..."
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