#and yeah somehow that lead to me talking about the origin of my surname lmao
starrypawz · 3 years
So apparently I’m the sort of person who will casually get into conversations with people about the origin of my surname
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chibicrow · 5 years
otp meme: datastorm, and I'm an indecisive trashcan so I say... all? or at least as many as you want/can?
*sob* I’m so glad the first two Anons for this meme want me to give Stardust Boi so much love I’m appreciative. 👏😭 (listen I love making fun of Ryoken, but also. he needs hugs.) 
also giving me the opportunity to gush about Datastorm that much.... Giving me too much power here, Anon. >:3c 
(I omitted #19-21 and #26-27 tho mostly b/c I didn’t think those questions would apply to them dlkafjalksdjf) 
(also this REALLY got lengthy and tumblr won’t save the read more cut for whatever reason so sorry y’all aSDLKFASLFKASJF) 
For the OTP Question Meme!! 
1. Who is the most affectionate?
def Yusaku. like he would drown Ryoken in affection ok. (after the initial “do I really want to be that physically close” + finding out Ryoken’s boundaries phase lmao)
2. Big spoon/Little spoon?
good thing I just looked this up ‘cause I was like “I have no hecking idea what this means.” lmao
anyway, Yusaku’s big spoon, Ryoken’s little spoon don’t change my mind.
3. Most common argument?
Going on the “Ryoken has severe mental health problems thanks to his asshole dad + once he realizes his dad was indeed an asshole” train, Stardust Boi has a tendency to be super self-deprecating, and this freaks Yusaku out a bit, so he just. Unleashes a tirade of compliments on the guy. 
And Stardust Boi’s like “No I’m not. No. No. That’s not true.” until Yusaku hugs him to get him to stop. Usually works for the time-being. :3c
4. Favorite non-sexual activity?
BESIDES CARD GAMES? Taking naps. Particularly naps on the floor. Particularly with Yusaku sleeping on top of Ryoken. Actually it’s more like Yusaku sleeping on top of him and Ryoken just staring at him while smiling the entire time. 
5. Who is most likely to carry the other?
I mean, not that Yusaku ever does it, but he probably could carry Ryoken if he ever wanted to. 
6. What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?
*sharp inhale* AAAAAAAA -
Ryoken about Yusaku: the rare (to him) and elusive Super Soft Yusaku Egao(tm). Gives him butterflies every damn time.
Yusaku about Ryoken: oddly specific, but Ryoken’s hair when it’s just washed (which is.... not everyday lets say. b/c he doesn’t need to. he’s a thick-hair boi) and conditioned. it’s like Supreme Soft(tm) at that point and Yusaku likes running his fingers through it (after Ryoken’s like “YOUR HANDS BETTER BE CLEAN I S2G” + Yusaku’s like “what do you take me for.”) 
7. What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
uh about Yusaku, just watch VRAINS like right when he realizes Revolver-sama’s That Person(tm) i’m pretty sure the answer’s there. //punted
Definitely the way they refer to each other IRL. RIP calling each other Playmaker + Revolver in real life. But then they’d just stick to surnames @ first b/c calling each other by first names? woah there. 
But then, Ryoken’s actually the one who says Yusaku’s name first (probably right before he confesses his feelings) + Yusaku’s like “did u just.”  
8. Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?
I...really don’t see them as the “giving each other disgustingly cute nicknames” couple lmao. 
now them doing that is a different story but
9. Who worries the most?
Yusaku. Poor guy. With a guy like Ryoken tho, I don’t blame him lmao. 
10. Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant? 
Omg Ryoken hands down. Like he’s probably got Yusaku’s orders memorized to the condiment preferences for different meals of the day at different restaurants 😂 And Yusaku gets so embarrassed about it asdlkfalkjdf. 
11. Who tops?
Ok, this is gonna get super specific but uh, the gist of it is.... it depends, really? (as it should)
So like, if Ryoken + Yusaku are both in a good mood and are just like “hey we haven’t done this in a while” kind of thing, it’s Ryoken.
If Yusaku’s kinda down but still up for it, also Ryoken.
But if Ryoken’s the one who’s down, it’s Yusaku.  
And then that once in a blue moon moment where both somehow get horny af . . . Yusaku. 😂👏👏
and those are my two cents *drops mic*
12. Who initiates kisses?
Ryoken! I mean, I think Yusaku’s affectionate (*gestures @ #1 answer lmao*), but he’d let Stardust Boi take the lead in the kissing department b/c.... well he never knows what he’s gonna get there, so..... 😂
13. Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
ok I know this probably goes against episode 105 when Yusaku just looked at Aoi’s hand like “tf am I supposed to do with that”, but I’m sure Yusaku would reach for Ryoken’s hand first. It wouldn’t be like a gradual “reaching toward the hand” thing either. Yusaku would just. Speed-grab it like “it’s mine now”. 😂
bonus: so like if Yusaku does that while they’re sitting or something, Ryoken will massage his hand by rubbing little circles into his palm. CUTE DATASTORM AMIRITE?!?!?!
14. Who kisses the hardest?
DEFINITELY Ryoken. hot damn lmao. 
15. Who wakes up first?
Ryoken. He wakes up at super weird hours too like boi do u even sleep. 
16. Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?
Yusaku~ <3 also he definitely tries to keep Ryoken in bed with him too lmao. 
17. Who says I love you first?
ok this is kind of a tough call, but Yusaku, I’d think. 
18. Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?)
Yusaku definitely leaves notes for Ryoken <3 Just a simple “have a great day ^w^” usually suffices lmao.
....yes Yusaku would def write ^w^ don’t change my mind.
22. Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?
ok so originally I was gonna put Yusaku and leave it at that, but then I realized that it’s possible BOTH of them are hopeless in the cooking department. But, I guess Yusaku would still be my answer b/c at least he knows how to read the instructions on microwavable stuff. 
23. Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?
RYOKEN.....AND HIS PICK UP LINES ARE LITERALLY SO BAD.....LMAO. But of course Yusaku loves them + falls for them every time b/c of course he does.
24. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
Yeah still Ryoken dlsafaklsfja. Followed by Yusaku blushing like mad. 
25. Who needs more assurance?
Ryoken...... Good thing Yusaku is an understanding cotton candy boi 💖
28. What do they do when they’re away from each other?
they’re like. super big into FaceTime (or whatever the VRAINS universe equivalent app would be) whenever both of them are up to talking a lot that way (which isn’t often b/c lmao introverts.) But they both know they need their alone time, so.
29. one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
......hello darkness my old friend..... (EVEN THO I TECHNICALLY DON’T HAVE TO ANSWER THIS BUT. alas. I am a fic writer.) 
anyway y’all remember how VRAINS used to emphasize that Yusaku had nightmares for a decade about the Lost Incident? 
well, considering Dr. Kogami (fuck him) let his own son listen to the sounds of screaming children as they’re electrocuted, I’m damn sure Ryoken has nightmares about that and has problems sleeping b/c of it, even having a few panic attacks. Yusaku can help him with those (b/c he’s been there), but he’s not sure what else to do other than be like “Ryoken pls go to therapy I beg you.”
(but Ryoken refuses to go b/c he really thinks talking about it w/ a complete stranger makes it worse)
anyway super unrelated to this entire meme, but wow, fuck you Dr. Kogami. 
30. one headcanon about this OTP that mends it
ok but relating to the above, imagining Ryoken finally decides to go to therapy b/c Yusaku keeps insisting. And with the first few sessions, Ryoken gets worn out with every session b/c “wow emotions I didn’t know I had.” But Yusaku, being the real sweet boi that he is, always waits for him and always gives him a long hug. \ .D. / YAY HUGS. 
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