#and yeah im nkt swedish i am! from America.
hollypies · 1 year
I don’t really have anything I can say that hasn’t been already, your brothers betrayed you in a way they don’t, refuse to, understand.
I’m an Autist who kind of hops between interests and methods of consumption, and while I can’t say I understand how much it hurts (Thankfully, I suppose), I want you to understand that not only are you right to hurt, to resent, to hate if you wish, but there are plenty of people who’ll stand by you.
We haven’t interacted before, I followed you like I follow most Artists I see. I lurk and Like your posts here and there, but y’know what? I’m here for you, just like so many others.
I’d offer to punch them in the face for you but I don’t think you’re Swedish and I’m more likely to break my own fingers than anything else if I tried.
Thanks. I do appreciate the support ! I'm just tired ahah.
I'm also on the spectrum, and when I love something I know I tend to ramble and get a bit obsessed. My other siblings are not on the spectrum, or at least have never shown signs/been diagnosed. So idk. Maybe they can't understand why I'm as hurt as I am because they literally can't. Because I'm different and I guess that makes it my fault . Even though I've tried to explain they judt. They don't understand
And that was one of the main reasons. I was being annoying and talking about it to much, all the little details and glitches and how much I loved the story and art style.
It sucks. A lot.
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