#and wont be open till maybe spring next year
scatmaan · 11 months
i have acquired the job fellas.. i now get to take care of the zoo animuls
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Alright, since it’s almost Christmas I supposed I’d better post my @inklings-challenge Christmas story!
It should be noted that I originally wrote half this story back in late 2019-early 2020 and then I just... never finished it. Then I saw the Inklings Christmas story challenge and thought, what the heck, I’ll finish the thing! And I did? Somehow? So that’s exciting. also it exceeds the recommended word count by almost 4000 words but that’s not important I did write about 3000 words to finish it! So I basically did what the challenge said, I just happened to already have 3000ish words written. But! I shall be posting it in three parts so it won’t be overwhelming.
This story takes place in my book world after my second (unpublished) book “The Fire Kitten”. It is a self contained story though and you don’t need to know anything about my books to understand it- except maybe that my series, “The Restoration Saga” takes place in a world of talking animals and the city this story takes place in, Ventargo, has just been freed from a long reign of tyranny.
So now, without further ado, I give you,
“A Merry Midwinter in Ventargo”
Part One: Opportunities and Trees
           Sanga sat at his writing desk in a wooden hut amid the charred rubble of Ventargo’s old castle. With such humble lodgings one would never have guessed that he was Ventargo’s king. He was a small, lithe cat, with a beautiful brown coat and black spots, and curious amber eyes.            And he had a problem.
           ‘It’s not the rebuilding that’s the trouble,’ he mused. ‘But all the creatures of Ventargo have been downtrodden for so long that they can’t seem to find any joy, even now that they’re liberated. It’s been barely a month and already they’re falling back into despair! If only this blasted winter would end, then perhaps spring would bring us some happiness…’            “There must be something I can do to help,” he said aloud. “I am the king after all, it is my duty to help my people. Come on, Sanga, think, what did all those wonderful places you used to visit do to help break up a long winter?”            He tapped his pencil against his chin for a moment before suddenly jerking bolt upright.            “I have it!” he said. “A Solstice celebration! Oh, Snow Country’s was wonderful, and the tales I heard of Rendalawo’s makes me wish I had come to visit it earlier! What a brilliant idea! Twig! Twig, come hither! I need you!”            All at once the door of his little study flew open and a tiny squirrel sprang inside, staring up at him with wide eyes.            “What is it, my lord?” he asked.            “Twig I need you to fetch Bee- the old dog, remember?- I need his help with planning a magnificent celebration!” said Sanga, grinning widely.            “A celebration?” Twig echoed, ears pricking up.            “Yes! A magnificent one! You’ll hear more after Bee arrives, you may as well be in on the fun too. Now run along, hurry, this is very important!”            “Yes my lord!” said Twig, a little grin forming on his face as he dashed out of the little hut.
             “Alright, Sanga, what’s this about?”            Sanga looked up from the paper he was scribbling on. He had been so engrossed that he hadn’t hear the big mottled brown and tan dog and the little squirrel enter his home.            “Bee! Excellent!” Sanga sprang up. “I have had a wonderful idea! To lift the downtrodden spirits of those in this fine city, we shall have a Winter Solstice celebration!”            Bee tilted his head to one side. “That may be difficult, as the Solstice has already passed and won’t come ‘round till next year, as it is wont to do.”            “Well, yes, I mean, we won’t call it a Solstice celebration, but what about a Midwinter Celebration?” Sanga grinned.            “It’s nearer to spring now than anything, kit, but with a big snowstorm likely to hit any day now…” Bee shrugged. “Alright, you’ve convinced me. I suppose you want to enlist my help then, eh?”            “Oh yes!” said Sanga. “And I also hoped that you could tell me if there had ever been any sort of Solstice celebration in Ventargo’s history.”            “Of course there was, kit!” said Bee, sitting down and shaking his head. “In fact, it was only outlawed a few years before you were born.”            “Outlawed?” squeaked Twig.            “A few years before I was born?” gaped Sanga. “Why did I never hear about it then?!”            “Because it was outlawed!” said Bee, rolling his eyes. “It was back right after Kit had left Ventargo. Stories started to roll around about him, that he was Kristoren, and that he would one day return to Ventargo and free us all. And, you know, he was born right on the Solstice, and everybody started having such hope. Well, it scared the fur off old Ironclaw, and he had the celebration outlawed. And it was fiercely enforced. Even Minna and I couldn’t get away with celebrating it without risking death, or a life in the mines. Creatures were dragged out of their homes, decorations and Solstice trees were burned, it was an awful time. And now, well, we’re all used to it. Kits like you never even learned about it because if you were heard speaking about it you’d be taken away and never seen again.”            Sanga and Twig sat openmouthed as they listened. When Bee finished, Sanga paused for only a moment before shaking his head and springing to his paws.            “Well it is outlawed no longer! You must tell me everything, Bee, everything we need for a proper Solstice celebration in Ventargo!” he cried.            Bee grinned. “I thought you’d say that. Well, the Solstice celebration always had three essential parts; a tree, a feast, and gifts.”            “Then that is what we shall have!” exclaimed Sanga, rubbing his paws together. “We will have the greatest Solstice- I mean, Midwinter- celebration that Ventargo has ever seen!”
           “That’s a big tree, lord Sanga.”            “It is indeed, Twig!”            “How’re we gonna get it back to the city?”            Sanga frowned, considering this. “Well, first we must cut it down. Then we must drag it into the city and up the hill where the castle used to stand.”            “But… how?”            “I… don’t know yet. But we will find a way, never fear!”
           Sanga and Twig stood staring up at a massive evergreen tree near the foot of the mountains outside the city. They had spent most of the morning inspecting trees, with Sanga examining them from the bottom, and Twig dashing up them to see if their branches were green and sturdy all the way through. Finally, Sanga had settled on one of the biggest trees in the scraggly forest. It was majestic, he thought, a king of the forest, fit for a Midwinter Celebration.            Unfortunately, Twig was right. There was no easy way for them to get it back to the city. This was further complicated by the fact that Sanga wanted to bring the tree back and set it up secretly, so as to surprise the creatures of Ventargo the next morning.            “We must consult Bee as to the manner in which Solstice trees are normally harvested,” said Sanga, decisively.            Twig blinked. “What?”            “We need to ask Bee how to cut the tree down,” rephrased Sanga.            “Ohhh,” Twig nodded. “Should I go find him?”            “No, I will need to hear his answer myself,” said Sanga. “Come along, young Twig! We have much to do before nightfall!”
             “There’s nothing for it, Sanga, we have to tell someone about this. Two dogs, a cat and a baby squirrel cannot pull an entire tree from the forest and up the hill into the city by themselves.”            “But Bee-”            “It can’t be done, kit.”            Sanga’s ears twitched back dejectedly. “Alright, alright. How few creatures would it take?”            “You said the tree’s big?”            “Enormous!” grinned Sanga, perking up once more.            “Ten creatures at least,” said Bee.            “Hmph! He’s lying,” broke in Minna, Bee’s friend, a fluffy red and white collie. “You’ll need at least fifteen.”            “Fifteen?” Sanga’s ears drooped again.            “Don’t look so glum, kit!” called a new voice.            “Hope’s not lost yet!” said a second.            Sanga dashed over and peeked out the window. Standing there, looking in with wide brown eyes, were two jet black horses no larger than Bee. They were twins except for a striking white star on the first’s forehead.            “P’J! Starchaser! You aren’t supposed to be listening in!” said Bee, walking over.            “Well then don’t leave the window open you old carpet!” said P’J. “Besides, we already heard you and Minna and the little king talking about it days ago.”            Bee rolled his eyes. “Of course you did.”            “Anyway, we have the solution to the kit’s problem,” continued P’J.            “You have a way to transport a Solstice tree into the city without employing additional aid?” asked Sanga.            The horses blinked. “Ah, no,” said Starchaser. “But we do know ten or twelve able-bodied horses who would be happy to help you and know how to keep a secret!”            Sanga’s eyes widened. “Really?”            “Really, kit!” said P’J, neighing his laughter at Sanga’s amazed face. “Just give the order, oh great king.”            “Of course, of course! Do what you must in order to secure the success of this venture,” said Sanga seriously.            P’J snorted and Starchaser shook his head. “As you wish, my king,” they chorused, before turning and charging off down the cobblestone streets.
             That night it was a strange company who made their way out to the edge of the forest. Twelve horses pulling a long, plain wooden sleigh were accompanied by two dogs (one of which had a small squirrel on his head) and a young tomcat who was as giddy as a kitten seeing snow for the first time.
           “Alright, kit, which one?” asked Bee, looking up at the evergreens.            “This one!” said Sanga, dashing over to the great tree. The young cat was completely dwarfed by it, and the tree’s size was matched only by the grin on the king’s face.            Bee shook his head. “Should’a never let a bard be a king, dramatic little…” he grumbled as he marched up to the tree. “Minna…”            “I already got it you old coot,” said the collie, coming up behind him with a massive saw dragging behind her. She untied it from the harness she was wearing and shoved one handle at Bee. “Let’s get to it, this’ll take ages to cut down.”            Bee nodded. “I’ll need you off my head now, Twig.”            The little squirrel scampered down to stand beside Sanga. The two young creatures watched in awe as Bee and Minna stood on their hindpaws and raised the great saw to the tree’s trunk. With practiced eased they began to work it back and forth, and the first shavings of bark slipped into the snow. As they began, the horses pulled the sled up behind the tree and unhitched themselves with help from Sanga.
           Hours later, in the deep dark of the winter night, Sanga and Twig kept the torches burning as the others worked. Once Bee and Minna had tired, the horses had come up to take turns. By the time all twelve had cycled through, the dogs were ready to keep going. And on it went. Sanga even insisted that he have a turn helping, and he and Twig tugged one side of the saw while P’J tried to pull the other without laughing.            Halfway through, they had switched to the opposite side of the trunk and started the whole process over. Meanwhile, Sanga paced, casting anxious glances up at the dark, star-spotted sky. Not far from him, Twig had curled up into a little fluffy ball, sound asleep.            “How much longer do you think it’ll take?” asked Sanga, hurrying up to Bee.            “Maybe another hour,” said the dog. “Don’t worry, kit, we’ll be done well before morning.”            Sanga did worry, but he didn’t say anything more.
           Finally, while the night was still dark and deep, a great CRAAAAAAAAAACK echoed from the edge of the forest.
           Sanga froze, head jerking towards the sound. At the same time, Bee sprang away from the tree, shouting, “TIMBEEERRRR!” as the massive evergreen tumbled backwards.            THUD the ground shook when it fell. Twig, who had been awakened by the yelling and noises, had dove under Sanga’s legs with a startled squeak. Sanga, however, was finally dumbstruck. His mouth hung open, and his eyes were alight as he stood frozen like a statue in the snow.            Then all at once he gave a great WHOOP of excitement and leapt straight into the air, then shot forward towards the tree.            “You did it, you did it!” he laughed, running around his crew. “Brilliant! Magnificent! I’ve never seen such a wonderful tree felling in all my life! There shall be a song made about it!”            Bee chuckled, and all the horses snorted and whinnied. Minna rolled her eyes, but she was grinning.            “That’s only half the battle, little king,” said P’J, cheerily.            “Yes, now’s where us horses really earn our keep,” agreed Starchaser.            It didn’t take long to hitch the horses up to the sled, or to tie the tree down (thanks to Twig), and now Sanga understood why the sled had been set behind the tree.            “Absolutely brilliant!” he said, beaming. “The tree fell right onto it! Fantastic!”            “Just wait till we start pulling the thing,” said P’J, which got the horses to snorting with laughter again.            “Yes, yes, by all means start!” said Sanga, now with Twig clinging tightly to his back. “To the castle- er, the castle hill!”
           And with that the young cat charged towards his city, with the horses and their burden following, and Bee and Minna chuckling from the end of the line.
             The horses wove the sled through the sleeping streets of Ventargo. Ahead of them, Sanga hurried along, casting anxious glances back every few seconds. Twig, tired of being jolted every time Sanga turned around (and tired in general) was currently nestled in the soft fur of Minna’s back. The two dogs had joined Sanga at the front of the line and were helping to guide the horses along so that the sled didn’t bump into anything.            Up, up they went, slowly and steadily. The sled scraped along the ice of the street, bumping and sliding over the broken cobblestones. Every once and a while the runners would screech against the stones below, and Sanga would freeze, forcing the company to pause as he waited to see if anyone had heard.            But no one did, and after a few tense moments for Sanga (and entertaining moments for the rest of the company) they could go on again.            At last they reached the top of the hill and dragged the sled into the ruins of the castle. Sanga let out an excited whoop, then, remembering his own intense desire to be quiet and secret, covered his mouth and ducked his head shamefully while the others chuckled and snorted quietly.            The young cat perked back up quickly. “Alright, now we must set it up. How do we do that, Bee?”            “Well,” said the dog, slowly. “Normally we’d have the birds help lift it up and the creatures on the ground push it from below. Not sure how we’re going to anchor it till we get a stand made either.”            “A stand,” muttered Minna. “That’s what I was forgetting. Blasted old brain,” she looked at Bee. “Lend me Starchaser and we’ll be back with the tools for it faster than you can say Sanga’s Silly Solstice Tree.”            Bee nodded at her, grinning. “Starchaser! Go with Minna and fetch some things for the stand, will you?”            Starchaser, having already been unhitched by his brother, trotted over and rolled his eyes. “Can’t you send P’J? Or young Mercury over there, he’d be happy to help you.”            “You’re the only one who knows where the tools are, except this idiot,” Minna glanced at Bee. “And he’s needed here.”            “P’J knows,” grumbled Starchaser.            “P’J is the one who hides them so I can’t find them!” scoffed Minna. “Now come on, we’ll take longer to finish this argument than we will to fetch the supplies we need.”
           Starchaser sighed, but relented. With that taken care of, Bee turned back to Sanga, who was helping P’J unhitch the rest of the horses from the sled.            “Well, kit, got any ideas?” the dog asked.            Sanga frowned. “I… well, if you don’t even know then I’m not sure how I’m meant to figure it out.”            “You’re young, you can see this from a different perspective,” said Bee. “I’m old and set in my ways. Come up with something.”            Sanga sat down for a few moments, rubbing a paw over his ears, before suddenly hopping up and hurrying over to some of the great old stone pieces that were still strewn around the clearing.            “Bee,” he said, excitedly. “What if we attached the tree to these to hold it steady?”            “I knew you’d figure something out, kit,” said Bee, grinning as he walked over. “Alright, P’J, get half your friends tied to the tree. Ah, Sanga my boy, you’ll need to tie the ropes to the trunk, seeing as Minna took our squirrel with her, tie the ropes at various points, getting higher on the trunk as you go.”
           Slowly, steadily, the tree rose over Ventargo. Half the horses pulled and the other half pushed. Meanwhile, Sanga and Bee hurried around securing the tree’s extra ropes to the larger stones in the old castle courtyard.            If anyone had been watching at that hour of the morning, they would have seen a strange sight; a tree that appeared to be rapidly growing over the housetops, until it stood straight in all its glory, towering as high as any castle.
           As dawn broke over the horizon, and the sun set the snow to shining, Sanga scrambled back to admire the massive evergreen.            “It’s perfect!” he laughed. “Absolutely perfect!”            “Glad it has your seal of approval, kit,” grinned P’J.            Minna and Bee quickly got to work on making the base, and in no time the tree was secure, though the ropes remained tied to it as a precaution.
           The sun was turning the sky pinks and golds as Ventargo’s creatures awakened and slowly noticed the tip of the evergreen peeking over the hill. Cautiously, they made their way up muttering as they went.            “What in sun’s name is that?”            “It looks like a Solstice Tree.”            “A what?”            “A Solstice Tree, youngster! But it’s not the right time of year for the Solstice.”            “What is that idiot king doing now?” some grumbled. “Shouldn’t he be hard at work rebuilding like the rest of us if he’s such a great and humble leader like he says?”            But all of them were awestruck when they crested the hill and saw Sanga’s tree. And there stood the king himself, wearing his lopsided crown and beaming as bright as the sun.
           “Creatures of Ventargo, welcome!” said Sanga, as the crowds drew close, with wide eyes and open mouths. “It is time for you to finally hear of my plans! The winter runs long, and spring is nowhere to be found, so to keep our spirits up I have decided that we shall have a festival patterned after the Solstice Day celebrations! But instead of a Solstice celebration, we shall call it a Midwinter celebration!” he laughed, loud and clear. “It shall have all the hallmarks of the Solstice; a feast, gifts, and of course, the tree!” he spun around and gazed up at the great evergreen. When he turned back around he was slightly more sober. “I hope you will all join me in decorating it with whatever shining and sparkling things you can find! I am certain that we will have an excellent celebration, and I hope that it will help you all find light in these dark, cold times,” he smiled. “Now go! Prepare yourselves, spread the word, and when you return, we shall begin!”
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The true scent of Medieval times.
Pt 2. < Previous Sparkle: *She whimpered louder the more scared she became by the whole scenario and how she had gotten here, and how willing she had been to go THAT far to finally be with the man she had loved all her life. And her fear only intensified as she felt an unseen force grab onto her and drag her backwards into a darkness, where it felt as if she was sent falling down the tallest building. Well, that was only until she landed on the ground with a loud thud, all air being knocked out of her. She groaned loud, everything around her getting brighter although she had still to open her eyes. Fearing what she might face, she kept them shut tight, till a familiar voice reached her ears only few seconds later* 
Raven: You're alive and just fine, you can open your eyes now.
Spakle: *Although his voice was deeper, rough, she knew very well whom was speaking, so she slowly opened her eyes, blinking a few times, before her bright surroundings started taking shape. They appeared to be in some sort of forest, the air was chilled, but mild. Judging by the bright green fresh leaves it was late spring.*
Raven: *She spotted him next to her, sitting on a fallen tree, carving a piece of wood into a point. He wasn't looking at her. His clothes was dirty, and so was he, even his usually silky black hair was dirty and it looked as if he had rolled the forest floor one too many times.* I would have gotten you out of there earlier, but I had to find you some suitable clothes first. *He kicked a foot against a leather wrap on the ground just a half meter from where he was sitting.* Get dressed before you catch a cold.
Sparkle: *she quickly sat up, trying her best to cover herself with the blanket, looking around confused* Where are we?
Raven: *He sighed soft and kept carving the wood* Medieval London....
Sparkle: *Her eyes got wide with shock* I thought you guys always said time travel isn't possible!?! Are you joking?
Raven: *He sighed annoyed and stuck his knife into a leather pouch strapped to his ankle, then slipped the wood down next to it, before he closed the pouch and stood up slowly, now for the first time looking at her with a slightly raised eyebrow* Do I look like I am joking?!
Sparkle: *Speechless she sat there watching him, until a black horse she hadn't notice before, grunting from behind Raven, snapped her out of it and she quickly flew up from the ground* How the fuck can we be in Medieval London when you always said that
Raven: Look... Willow has a son she gave birth to in the 90's, so clearly it's possible to travel in time *he sighed deep* But must I remind you what happened when she thought time travel was a great idea? She got her pretty behind stuck and nearly ended up there for good. *He grunted irritated and kicked the leather wrap again* How about you get dressed and we can deal with your little freakout, when I can't look directly at your privates?
Sparkle: *She was just about to interrupt him as his last comment reached her ears and she blushed bright red, angrily but quickly grabbing the leather wrap and dragged some fabric out from inside it. A beautiful tan and white maiden dress she had always seen in Medieval movies... although this one had a bit of blood on the chest? She looked at Raven with squinty eyes*
Raven: Yes... it's worn, I didn't have much time or you would have gotten a -may I add- very painful and completely unnecessary sex change! But don't worry, the previous owner wont be missing the dress.   *He smirked lightly and sat back down on the tree trunk*
Sparkle: *She looked at the garment hesitating*
Raven: It's what we have.. for now... I will get you something better when the opportunity is there, but for now, I suggest you toughen up and put that clothes on you, if you want to survive. Cause whether you like it or not, I'm all you got right now, I'm your only chance at survival, and I am your only ticket out of here. So get dressed, and we can talk about everything over a beer.
Sparkle: *She frowned deep and gestured at the trees around them* A beer?!
Raven: I told you we are in London, didn't I?... well...slightly outside London, but close enough for a smaller horse ride. *He sighed deep* Clothes...
Sparkle: *She groaned irritated, but quickly started getting dressed, figuring it was probably best not to ask further about the stained dress*
Raven: There's shoes in the sack as well... and a cape to keep you warm. The blanket you are wearing must be destroyed so no one tracks us here *he nodded at the blanket she had dumped on the ground, waved a hand and it was gone in the blink of an eye* We ride as soon as you are done changing, and I prefer we don't talk till we are in a much noisier place, just in case we were already tracked.
Sparkle: But you already gave away our location....
Raven: Did I? *He smirked his usual smirk and stood back up, walking around the tree trunk, getting his horse ready for the upcoming ride*
*About 15 minutes later, they sat down, in a dimmed corner of a pub, with each their large beer*
Raven: So throw it at me.....
Sparkle: *She frowned soft* ...... how did you know I was there? You have been gone for quite a while now... like almost
Raven: Don't tell me! *He grunted soft and sipped his beer* I don't want to know how long time I have been gone, it makes it more difficult *he grunted with a soft sigh and wiped beer foam off his upper lip with the back of his dirty hand*
Sparkle: *She studied him for a moment, he looked tired in his eyes, beaten up, but not in a way as if someone had laid their hands on him, more in a way as if time had been unkind to him for quite a while. She sipped her beer before she spoke in a calmer voice* How did you know I was there and what was going on?
Raven: Luckily Bard never knew how to keep his mouth shut *he grunted soft*
Sparkle: But I thought no one was in contact with you?
Raven: None are. But just because I have broken contact with my family, doesn't mean they have broken contact with me. I still tune in from time to time, you're just lucky I tuned in at the right time and overheard Bards half drunk blabbering about this sweet young blonde girl, whom desperately had seeken his help in order to
Sparkle: *She cringed strongly* I didn't seek his help? How could I when I didn't even know about him? I mean, I barely know anything about your family, so how can I know about some random cousin’s powers?
Raven: ..... Oh I'm aware of that... Bard is very.... colorful, when he talks. *He sipped his beer again, but this time licked the foam off* I overheard him and decided to act fast, even if it could potentially risk my lovely hideout *he chuckled soft as he gestured at the surroundings, then a serious frown settled on his face* How did you come across him anyway?
Sparkle: ..... I was looking for you
Raven: But you knew I was gone, so why would you come looking for me?
Sparkle: *She shrugged lightly* A desperate attempt, I suppose? I needed someone to talk to
Raven: *He looked at her with a squint* Nah.... I'm probably the last one you would seek for a chat. You have to do better than that. How 'bout you tell me the truth, considering I just saved your ass *he pointed up and down her* and every other part of you for that matter.
Sparkle: *She sighed soft, tears gathering in her eyes as she took a sip of the beer* I'm not sure, honestly what happened... the past months has been a bit of a blur. I have felt so lonely with Penny, and I have been missing a man in my life more than ever.
Raven: THE man?
Sparkle: *She nodded soft and sniffled her nose* I know it's stupid, I don't need another lecture. I know I should just forget about him an move on with my life, not just for me, but for Penny as well. I'm a mother now, and it might not have been the way I always dreamed of, but I am a mother none the less. So I should try to just make the best out of it right? But I am tired of always having to make "the best out of it", my whole life has been like that! I just thought.... maybe after Penny was born, Andy and I would finally find each other, and private parts wouldn't matter any longer.... I mean... when you love someone enough right? If Evan can why can't Andy?
Raven:..... as much as I get what you mean, I also have to remind you sexuality isn't just something you switch on and off. Andy has tried to do the whole straight thing, for many years, and he was miserable. Besides, if he didn't fall in love with you back when he WAS straight.... how on earth could you still think it's all about body parts only? What was your brilliant idea here? Become a man and think he would fall in love with you just because you finally had a dick?
Sparkle: There were supposed to be a spell involved as well
Raven: *He shook his head lightly* Bard knows no spells... yes he has the power to alter someones exterior, but nothing more than that. He's a lower leveled demon, he's a scammer at best, who only cares about his own gain.
Sparkle: But I thought since he was a McKinney
Raven: McKinney or not, we are still just demons, not “God’s”, Sparkle *he grunted soft and sipped his beer* so why exactly did you seek me of all people, as far as I remember, you're not very fond of me?
Sparkle: *She sighed soft and nervously rubbed her sleeve* Ehm..... I needed a MAN.... and.... well.... you're the only MAN I know, who isn't a stranger.... who isn't someone I see as family, and who isn't gay....
Raven: Please hold back on the flattery, I can hardly stand it *he lifted an eyebrow teasingly as his sarcasm cut the thick air between the two of them* I'm not about to play happy family though, I have enough trouble already
Sparkle: ....... that's not what I meant. Being without a man in my life for so long, it's not just a need for everyday intimacy that I am missing out on.
Raven: *He lifted an eyebrow but chose not to comment* ...... so how did you end up butting heads with Bard?
Sparkle: There were some sort of family gathering when I showed up at your family's castle
Raven: Ah yes... and how did you even get there?
Sparkle:...... the portal at the clinic? *she smiled nervously and rather apologetic* Felix once blabbered about it over some drinks.
Raven: ..... not much of a surprise. *He grunted soft* Remind me to fix that when I return home at some point. That portal is to remain hidden for a reason. Otherwise fair maidens may just get themselves in all kinds of trouble *he smirked teasingly at Sparkle in her maiden dress*
Sparkle: Right *she cleared her throat rather awkward by the situation, and went on* I bumped into him while searching for you room. He offered me a drink and he just seemed so familiar and warm and friendly and.... did I mention I need a man so desperately I was seeking you? *She chuckled nervously* so before I knew it I was spilling out all my sorrows. He told me he could help me and well, he sounded very convincing. And.... it just all in a matter of minutes sounded like the fairy tale I always dreamed of. I guess I got carried away, and well, before I even got to think one clear thought I seemed to already be in the middle of it all.
Raven: Mh-hm...
Sparkle: *She sighed deep and lowered her head embarrassed* I can't believe how far I was willing to go for him. And you're right, there's no guarantee it would have even worked out. If he couldn't fall enough for me while he was straight, then it's most likely not about body parts, but rather about us simply not being compatible, no matter how much I wish we were. I think this finally opened my eyes.... I just hate that it had to come this far
Raven: Almost.... this far *he reached out and planted a hand on hers, squeezing it gently* Almost
Sparkle: Well, if it wasn't for you
Raven: No.... I'm sure you were already coming to your senses, I'm just not so sure Bard would have accepted a no. May I ask.... what you paid him anyway? I know Bard well enough to know nothing comes for free... so what did he want from you?
Sparkle: *She looked to the side, trying to avoid Raven's eyes* .......my next child..... he would take it as soon as I would conceive it, I wouldn't even know. I figured with all the abortions I have already been through, at least this would be less cruel, cause I wouldn't even know.
Raven: *He squinted his eyes* Sparkle.... this is
Sparkle: I know.
Raven: Did you sign something?
Sparkle: No.
Raven: Are you sure?
Sparkle: *She sighed deep and looked at him with teary eyes* I might be stupid enough to put myself through something like this for fucking Andy... but I didn't want to sign a thing till I had seen the result
Raven: But Bard can't reverse, and a job is a job...
Sparkle: Yes, but... I might not be as dumb as I look okay? I told him he would only get a child if I was satisfied. If I wasn't we would negotiate another price.
Raven: *He sighed soft and squeezed her hand again before he let go and sipped his beer*
Sparkle: So.... I guess I still owe him a
Raven: No. No papers were signed. And he didn't perform his procedure. He has nothing on you, and he might be a dick, but he knows very well there's nothing he can do without breaking several very strict rules, even he doesn't want to mess with. You're fine. Don't worry about him at all, let me deal with him once I get back.
Sparkle: And until then I do what?
Raven Do your best to forget all about him as fast as possible. And stay away from our castle. Well, that's when I get you back at least. For now, lets just keep you alive till I can set up a portal.
Sparkle: Does it have to be today? I mean, time works different here too, right?
Raven: Yes... it does. What do you have in mind?
Sparkle: How long can I stay here before my babysitter will wonder why I'm not coming home?
Raven: That's the tricky part. Time is fluent when magic in involved, I'm sure you have heard Andy speak of that before? *He sighed soft* I have been here literally for years. If you and I get separated I might even lose you for years. We can spend a day here and it might be a minute back home... we can spend a day here and it might be a month at home. There's no real way to calculate it. Not even between my home place and your time. Well it's easier, but calculating time from Medieval London and to Penny's next nap, is rather impossible. You are welcome to stay, for a couple days, maximum a week. Then I should try to get you back home safe. But while you're here, there's few rules...
Sparkle: *She nodded soft and understanding*
Raven: Stick to me at all time. It's absolutely the most important thing. As I told you, if I lose track of you, I might lose you for years... in our time *he poked his finger at the old wooden table between them* Blend in. This means you might see or hear things that can be hard to stomach, but this is another time, another place. Here you get a hand chopped off if you steal an apple. And try to keep in mind I am a demon *he pointed at the bloody chest on her dress* I'm.... different.... than I am back home. The longer I stay away.... the more it changes me. Lucky for you, I'm still tame..... mostly...... *he grunted soft and sipped his beer* but I have done things here that mostly belong to my past, however, nothing inhumane, cause rule number 3 is, do nothing that might change the future. You have probably heard this rule from lame sci-fi movies, but it's true. Change the past and you might as well change the future. It doesn't matter if you change it for the better, it may still create a ripple effect through time, and people or situations that belongs to the world that you know, might change completely. How would you like to return and find out everyone you ever loved never existed?
Sparkle: *She nodded slightly shocked and sipped a large portion of her beer*
Raven: That's the 3 rules... for now.... I may add more as we go along, but that's the basics and most important for now. I make most of it up as I go anyway *he shrugged lightly* I never was all too serious about stuff in life.... except the part of not changing the past. Even I wont be casual about this particular matter, which is why I stay away from any larger demon activity. I can't exactly end up in a history I am not supposed to be part of.... yet.
Sparkle: Wait..... yet? You lived in Medieval time?
Raven: ..... *he sighed soft* Yes.... but not in London... for at least another decade, that's why I came here, now... I wouldn't want to run into that old version of myself.... *he frowned soft then sipped his beer quietly, obviously not comfortable getting into further details on the subject*
Sparkle: *She nodded soft, well enough remembering bits and pieces Andy had told her about Raven's past*
Raven: Don't change yourself so much for anyone that you are no longer you. It's alright to change parts here and there to be more compatible, most people change some sides of themselves to fit better into the world, or relationships. Lets say a gambler finds a lovely wife, but the gambling is ruining the marriage, well, there's two choices then, either you quit gambling and keep your wife, or you keep gambling and quit your wife. In the long run we all have behaviors that can be toxic to ourselves, and the people we love. It is up to us to fix them and have a better chance at life, or keep them and keep... well... poisoning our own path. That's why I stopped being the murderous maniac I was... doesn't mean I completely changed who I was, I am still very much that person, I just try to keep it at bay, do stuff that tickles the urge but doesn't let it run rampage and destroy everything good in my life. I'm still Raven. And you should still be Sparkle. Naturally, you -like all other people-, have some stuff you could work on, specially since you're still rather young at mind
Sparkle: *She frowned deep* Is that your way to call me childish?
Raven: *He snorted soft* ..... perhaps.
Sparkle: *She opened her mouth, but figured there were no point in getting into a fight with him just yet, she needed a timeout from everything around her, and suddenly finding herself in Medieval London, seemed to be the best opportunity for that. No crying babies, well at least not her own, no responsibilities, nothing trying to constantly get in her way, no curve balls, no hidden traps she had to constantly try to be aware of, and best of all, no Andy! It seemed like a much needed break, so she wasn't about to potentially ruin that, by starting a fight with the only reason she was even there.*
Raven: How about we take a round of beer to my room *he nodded at the surroundings* The sun is sinking, which means soon this pub will be filled to the roof with people. There's not much to do around here after dark, besides getting drunk or getting in trouble... most people choose both.... There isn't really any internet or flat screen tv's around here *he chuckled soft* there's no need for us to get involved in something the first evening you’re here.
Sparkle: *She looked at the already growing mass of half drunk people and nodded* Sounds like a plan.
Raven: Aye! *He stood up slowly and nodded at a waitress* Can you send a couple rounds up to room 14, please... and a Whiskey?
Waitress: *She nodded confirming and disappeared between people, most likely heading towards the bar*
Raven: *He forced a soft smile as he looked at Sparkle, but his eyes were tired, heavy, and had lost their usual spark* Follow me.
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hellomygf · 4 years
when my own words aren’t enough
okay so you know that one direction song that’s made of other song titles, “Better Than Words”. same concept here except not really and you just listen to the lyrics of the songs LMAO. anyways sometimes the words of others can convey better what im trying to say to you so enjoy 19 songs that do so. i highlighted some of the lyrics that really made me think of you/us. click on links on then click on togepi
Love Like This - Ben Rector
“Never used to get excited to sit here in the silence Holdin' on to somethin' the way I'm holdin' you Didn't used to know how fast time walks and runs and flies by I never thought I'd feel so deeply, but damn, I do
i never knew i could feel so happy just doing the mundane things with you. walking and talking, going out for drives, sitting and eating food. time goes by so fast when im with you. i always wish time would slow down and let it stop for awhile just so i can have a couple moments of just us yeno? you make me want to spend more time with you even when we just finished spending a whole evening together. there’s so many new feelings that ive experienced since ive been with you and i cant wait to keep feeling new ones 
All I’ve Ever Known - Eva Noblezada and Reeve Carney (Hadestown)
All I've ever known is how to hold my own But now I wanna hold you, too
for the past couple years i learned how to love myself again and how to be okay with being alone. alone doesnt mean im lonely but it did mean that i had built up my walls again and letting someone in new again was so scary. you made it seem okay though. you made sure that when i was opening up to you and being vulnerable that it was okay to do so. that i wouldnt be hurt and that i was safe. i learned how to love romantically again and learned what it feels like when you arms wrap around me and hold me. it’s currently my favourite feeling and i dont think i ever want it to end
roses & sunflowers - Timmy Albert
You're a flower that's blooming every season with spring I fell in love with your roots, the whole you, everything
i mentioned before that falling in love with you was like how the seasons changed. like you know it comes but it’s always different. this isnt my first time in love but it’s most definitely something very different. a good different. im in love with every part of you. from the way you make your puns to the way you buy me things that show you care (my favourite foods, my ddr adapter, and most recently itch cream) to the way you sing in the car to me to how you tell me about your good and bad days. i love it all!
Favourite Girl - Jesse Barrera and Tori Kelly
My baby, She still drives me crazy After all this time, You better believe that Nothings greater, She still makes me better After all this time You're still my Favorite Girl
BONUS:  I remember when, You didn't know how to kiss  (hehehhe) Now you know me well, And nothing compares to this 
best girl. favourite girl! is maxbean hehe jkjk.. maybe. we both do some whack ass stuff but there’s no one else i would rather be having fun with than you! you make me better in every way. you encourage me to keep going even when days are rough. you support me on my good and bad days so im here to remind you too that im here for you always okie?
No Matter Where You Are - Us the Duo
I will stand by you Even when we fall I will be the rock, that holds you up and lifts you high so you stand tall
whatever the world throws at us, whether that be a pandemic or people who dont support us, im going to uplift you and us in every way that i can. i want to be a pillar of strength for you and show that even though am baby and that i am smol that i am a girlfriend that you can count on to show up by your side. i got your back from now till however long
Tattooed Heart - Ariana Grande
You don't need to worry about making me crazy 'Cause I'm way past that So just call me, if you want me 'Cause you got me, and I'll show you, how much I wanna be On your tattooed heart
honestly this is just one of my favourite love songs ever so i just wanted to add it into the playlist lmao
Lemonade - Jeremy Passion 
She's so beautiful, sometimes I stop to close my eyes She's exactly what I need She's my smile when I'm feeling blue She's my good night sleep when my day is through yeah
i say this all the time but i love looking at you oh my god skjskjs like YOU. ARE. LITERALLY. MY. TYPE. lmaooOOSKSKJkj. other than physically being my type you really do embody everything that i need in a partner. kind, compassionate, genuine, good communicator and listener. you make sure that i dont fall asleep sad and you make sure that im okay on my not so good days. i love you so much
I Was Made For Loving You - Tori Kelly ft. Ed Sheeran 
A stranger's hand clutched in mine I'll take this chance, so call me blind I've been waiting all my life
i took a chance on someone i really didnt know anything about but my god i think it’s the best thing that ive done 
Ger Here - Sam Smith 
I don't care how you get here, just get here if you can
this reminds me of the time you bused through a snow storm just to study with me at utsc. also just in general whenever you make the effort to come all the way here to my house just to spend time with me and even then you end up driving us downtown or to different places too. you are truly the definition of “if there’s a will, there’s a way”
goodnight n go - Ariana Grande 
Oh, why'd you have to be so cute? It's impossible to ignore you Why must you make me laugh so much? It's bad enough we get along so well Just say goodnight and go
“why do you make it so hard to say good bye” something we both always say haha. one of these days we’ll have a night together and we’ll fall asleep together and wake up together too. one day! very excited for that day where we can say good night and stay
While We’re Young - Jhene Aiko
I'm tellin' everybody you're mine and I like it And I really hope you don't mind, I can't fight it
I'm giving you my heart, please don't break it Take it and lock it up and put me in your pocket, love
i tell everyone youre my girlfriend because haha im so happy to be dating you and telling everyone you make me so happy so yeno just a subtle flex. it’s also so scary fully giving myself to someone physically, mentally, and emotionally. to trust that you will safeguard my feelings and that you wont hurt me but i know youre scared of the same thing too, i guess even more so since im your first girlfriend. i promise i’ll protect your heart too. water it, nourish it, and let it grow into something even greater
Blessed - Daniel Caesar 
And yes, I'm a mess but I'm blessed to be stuck with you
ive told you since the beginning that i didnt want to bring you into this until i could fix and improve my mental health. i think that way of thinking was me associating my ability to love with how healthy i am. that’s not fair because i am capable of loving others even when im not at my 100% best. im so very grateful that you are there with me when im dealing with my mean/negative thoughts and that you can help ground me and be there to let me ride out my sad days. 
Runnin’ Home to You (cover) - Jake Spencer 
Can't say how the days will unfold Can't change what the future may hold But, I want you in it Every hour, every minute
i can see you in my future for a long time my love. i hope you can see the same as well 
Please Keep Loving Me - James TW 
For all the mistakes I'm making, I don't mean (I don't mean them, I don't mean them) For all the little things That I fail to see
please be patient because sometimes i wont be able to get things right the first time around. i tend to be a little slow when doing things and i come quite late to events. so even on days when i may be difficult to be around, please do your best to keep loving me and i’ll do my best to make it easier again.
Nothing - Bruno Major
There's not many people I'd honestly say I don't mind losing to But there's nothing Like doing nothing With you
no need for an explanation.. -_- 3rd date. d&b. mario kart. fan... hhh but i mean guess this also applies just in general whenever we play games and i lose lmao. honestly though doing nothing with you is still so fun for me. from making puns in a grocery store, to watching movies on my couch, to watching the sunset together by the water. nothing is better than doing nothing with you :)
Teenage Dream (cover) - Boyce Avenue 
Before you met me I was alright, but things Were kinda heavy You brought me to life Now every February You'll be my Valentine, Valentine
i think this applies to both of us in a sense that we were (and still are) both dealing with some not fun stuff when we first met each other, but we have each other now to get through it together. at the time, it had already been a few months since my falling out with you-know-who and just a couple months since i had decided to get help for my mental health stuff. i remember feeling so touched when i first told you about everything because you had made the conscious effort to reassure me and soothe me by holding my hand and looking at me when i got anxious talking about it. that was the moment i knew that you would be someone special in my life and someone i wanted to keep for a long time as well.  so im hoping that next year (and for the next foreseeable years) you can be my valentine haha
Only Us - Lauren Dreyfuss and Ben Platt (Dear Evan Hansen)
I never thought there'd be someone like you who would want me So I give you ten thousand reasons to not let me go But if you really see me If you like me for me and nothing else Well, that's all that I've wanted for longer that you could possibly know
while i have grown up with some great and amazing people who have made me feel so loved. ive also grown up and have come across some not nice people as well. they made me feel like i wasn’t worth it or made me feel small and not wanted. it’s not a nice feeling being shut down when youre just trying your best to get to know others or when you talk about the things you like and people become uninterested. i guess you can say that’s what contributed to why i dont want to show my whole self yet to new people at first. im scared that i will scare them away and they wont like me. so when you, a total stranger at the time, wanted to get to know me more, genuinely enjoyed my company, and wanted to spend more time with me, i was like “wow someone new actually LIKES me for ME?”. you dont understand how much it means to me that you made the effort to get to really know me and to still make the effort now to make me feel comfortable so i can be my whole self around you. i cant thank you enough. you make me WANT to talk about what i like and share my joy with you. thank you for letting me be me.
Take on the World - You Me at Six
I can see, see the pain in your eyes Oh, believe, believe me and I have tried No I won't, I won't pretend to know what you've been through You should've known, I wish it was me, not you 
i know there’s things you dont want to talk about and things you really cant talk about. knowing all the pain and hurt youve gone through has made you tough and strong but it sucks thinking of everything that youve had to face on your own. i wish i could take that pain away from you if i could. take it, ball it up, and throw it so far away that it never hurts you again. it is so very unfortunate that the saying goes “why do bad things happen to good people”. you dont deserve any of that. a good person like you deserves a life filled with unwavering support from those around you and days filled with boundless joy. i cant change the past or what other people think of you but what i can do is to do my best to make sure that even when you are hurt that you still feel loved and you still want to fight another day. you can do it, and i’ll be with you now for every new challenge that you face. your’re not alone
She Keeps Me Warm - Miranda Lambert 
She says I smell like safety and home I named both of her eyes forever and please don't go
And I can't change, even if I tried Even if I wanted to My love, my love, my love, my love
those first two lines are just so very nice to listen to. 
you and i both know that we cant change who we are and who we love. i think we’ve both had countless nights and thoughts of wanting to be straight so we wouldn’t have to deal with the consequences of loving the same gender. i know this past month has been especially hard for you though. im here to remind you that there’s nothing you need to change about you my love. i love you just how you are. your family may not understand it yet but i hope they will. i hope they understand that you make others around you feel so welcomed and loved. that you are the most selfless person that a lot of us have met. that you stick up for those who are mistreated and that you care for them. i wish they could see just how deeply you love and i feel like ive only scratched the surface of what your love is and can be. i want them to see how much i love you too and how you have made me a better person in all aspects. my parents, my cousins, and friends have all said that they have seen me change and become a softer person. my cousins say that you compliment me in the best ways and sand down my rough edges. i hope one day soon that they see all the love that emanates from you and that they can support you at least even a little bit. i hope they can see that love is love is love and that they learn to love all aspects of you too.
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
the gears of fate are turning, and we get a small bit of insight to mori’s childhood...
Kid: *pants* "...I think you should be cut loose now..." stocking: y-yeah... good call... Kid: *unties one hand...and brings it to his face* stocking: *smiles and strokes his cheek* Kid: "I love you, my beloved..." stocking: i love you too, honey~<3 Kid: ^\\\^ *removes the other strap on her hand, and hugs her* stocking: u//////u Kid: *kisses her neck before laying his head on her chest* stocking: *strokes his head gently* Kid: *purrs, kisses her chest lightly* -in asakusa- Benimaru: *blocking attacks* shinra: *making a stance* Benimaru: "..." *springs at him* tamaki: *jumps from above* Benimaru: *does not notice Tamaki, is still attacking Shinra* tamaki: *spindash attack* Benimaru: *hit* "!!!" shinra: woah! tamaki: success! *v-sign* kirei: are you ok, beni? *worried* Benimaru: "..." *stands up* "I am satisfied." shinra: congrats, tamaki. tamaki: *beaming* Arthur: *clapping* -at the 8th brigade- nozomi: commander, we made a breakthrough! Akitaru: "??? Oh?" nozomi: we've managed to pinpoint shinra's brother's location. Victor: *holds up a dirt sample* "We got the dirt!" Akitaru: ._. *looks at Nozomi* "???" nozomi: according to victor's findings, the iron from giovanni's staple gun dates back to the 1500s. Victor: "And this soil sample has a moss that is only found underground." *holds up a map* "And I have narrowed locations in the city that have iron from the 1500s plus this moss underground to...Here!" Akitaru: *looks at the map* "Hmm...That's their headquarters..." maki: way to go guys! nozomi: t-thank you. .///. Victor: ^^ "Thanks! Credit Nozomi for tracking the iron composition." karin: great job nozomi! your dad would be proud. nozomi:.... ^^ t-thank you, dr itou! Akitaru: *small smile* "Good work all around. Have you messaged Shinra?" -the phone rings- Takehisa: *answers* "Eighth Fire Brigade." maki: yo?......ah.....i see....great!....ok. bye. *hangs up* good timing, they finished their training and will be coming home tomorrow. Akitaru: "That'll be one heck of a flight back...I guess we can tell Shinra then." -elsewhere- dahlia: it wont be long before the brigades find our location. Sho: "Which is exactly what we should want." Giovanni: "???" *looks at the others* guruna: kurun~? how is that so~? arrow: *looking at sho* lisa:..... Sho: "It is time one of the Adora Links comes to us." seraphim: .... -elsewhere- Yuu: "Bed goes down. Bed goes up! Bed goes down. Bed goes up!" sayu: what's that thing, yuuyuu? Yuu: " 'Maximum Walker'! With it, I can recuperate and still be on the go." sayu: cool! *hugs the leg* it looks so fluffy! Yuu: ^^ "Yep! It's a bed!" *lifts the leg carefully with Sayu still on it* sayu: that's really cool, yuuyuu! ^^ Yuu: ^\\\^ *takes a few more steps around* -elsewhere- Kyoka: *tapping her foot* yosano: need something, kiddo? Kyoka: "...Do you want to have a meal with me?" yosano: sure, why not. ^^ Kyoka: *sets out a bento box* yosano: wow, this looks great! you make this yourself? Kyoka: *nods* "Yes, I did." yosano: *nom* this is delicious. good job! Kyoka: .///. "...Thank you." *nom* -elsewhere- FD: "Almost...done..." *finishes typing* yana: *doing some touch ups to rain's dress* there we go. FD: "That's coming along very well." yana: thanks. *glances at the incubator...with a baby inside it* should i wait till it's around toddler stage or nah? FD: "Hmm...Up to you on that one." yana: eh, i'll wait a bit on it then. im not good with babies. FD: "Me neither...Tend to be noisy." yana: plus i was kinda born a grown ass adult soooo....yeah. FD: "..." *holds hand up to the top of her head* "..." yana: nyeh? FD: " 'Adult,' huh?" yana: eh. *shrug* still taller than zoey and barkova, so...that's there. FD: "Also true...At least you can pass for a student still." yana: well i do have a baby face somewhat, haha. FD: "Hmm...Don't think that comes from my side." yana: must have been whoever i was supposed to be then. but that's none of my concern right now. FD: "Hmm...This dress, will it be enough?" yana: *nods* now to just get our petit mafia down here somehow... FD: "...Maybe he has a favorite food or beverage?" yana:....*smirk* i did find out he's a classmate of mind....perhaps i should make some new friends tomorrow. FD: "Then that is your next task." *smiles* -morning- Chuuya: *yawns* =_= mito: zzzz.... Chuuya: "..." *kitten hug* mito: =w= Chuuya: *small kiss on the top of Mito's head* "Okay, I guess it's time to get ready for school..." -in class- shinra: we're back at school, finally. tamaki: greeeat. iris ^^ Relan: *waves at Iris* iris: morning, relan. did you guys sleep ok? shinra: yep. tamaki: come on guys, lets get to class already. Arthur: -_____- "Zzz..." nozomi: um...arthur? *poke poke* Arthur: o___O *swings his arms* "TO ARMS!" nozomi: eep! *stumbles back* Aoyama: "Oh, dear..." *catches* nozomi: ah! m-mr aoyama. tamaki: o-o;;;; *fast walking to homeroom* Aoyama: "Hello, Nozomi~" Arthur: *following Tamaki* -_-; nozomi: i-its good too see you again, mr aoyama. ^^; Aoyama: "And you as well. We should catch up. Maybe over lunch?" nozomi: um... s-sure. ^^; Aoyama: "I shall see you there." *waves* -in class- Chuuya: *sits down* yana: ... Chuuya: *looking for a pen* "???" yana: here. *hands him one* Chuuya: "Oh--thanks." *takes it, starts writing* yana:...*smirks* -elsewhere- Izuku: "How did training go?" shinra: it went great! i think we got combat classes in the bag this year. ^^ tamaki: dont get too full of hot air now. -_-; Izuku: ^^; "I'm sure you did well too, Tamaki..." tamaki: ^w^ shinra:... -_-; tamaki: what? ochako: hehe. they really are like siblings. shinra + tamaki: AS IF! Izuku: "...Huh. I kind of see it now. Similar hair, always in arguments--" shinra + tamaki: that doesnt mean a thing! >n< Bakugo: "Jeez, good thing you said 'siblings.' If you said they were a couple, they'd probably bash your head in." tamaki: YOU WANNA GO, BAKUGOU?!?! shinra: *backing away slowly* time for me to get to class now, later! Bakugo: "..." *sighs, flicks some sweat at her* tamaki: EEEEW GROSS!! DX< Bakugo: "My sweat is also highly explosive..." kirika: well, this school year just got more interesting. Gopher: .w. -elsewhere- Benimaru: "...It's not like I miss them or anything." kirei:... *small smile* ^^ Benimaru: -\\\\- "...It is quieter. Maybe I should spar." -elsewhere- Hibana: TT_TT -elsewhere- Lawless: *reading play for class* -elsewhere- Shotaro: *staring at a wall of math equations* owo;;; "...Maybe I'm in the wrong class." -in another classroom- rowena: *writing things down* Kyoka: *taps her shoulder* rowena: hmm? Kyoka: *hands her attendance sheet* rowena: ah. -after classes- yana: oi, ozaki, i know this really cool place to hang out! Chuuya: "Um...I'm not sure I'm--" yana: you sure about that, mr executive? *smirks* Chuuya: "...What kind of a nickname is that?" yana: it's not. but you would know that, wouldnt you, mr chuuya nakahara? Chuuya: "..." yana: a little birdy told me you're planning on taking down the head of the mafia. we want to help you, but we need help from you as well. think of it as a 'we scratch your back, you scratch ours' kinda thing. Chuuya: "...Not interested." *turns, walks away* yana: tch-... seems the boss is right, you are a stick in the mud. so, how's tachihara doing after getting tazed in the junk? Chuuya: "..." ("They were the ones who set that rat trap for Tachihara?") yana: you didnt answer my question, buddy. Chuuya: "...What was that symbol you people left there? That mouse thing?" yana: well, i coooould tell you, but like you said, you're not interested. *smirk* Chuuya: "...What do you want from me?" yana: hey, it's not what _i_ want. it's what my superior wants. but alas, he isnt up here...so if you dont mind making a little trip... Chuuya: "...Location?" yana:...just follow me...*small grin out of his sight* Chuuya: "..." *follows* "This is bad...I should let someone else know..." -underground, the sound of a cello is heard- Chuuya: "..." *trying to recognize the song* -they stop at a door, and the music seems to be coming from there- yana: *opening the door* -a table is set up, with a figure seated at one chair at the end, but due to the lighting, their features are obscured- -in a part of the room, there is someone playing gymnopedie no 1. on the cello- Chuuya: "And what is the point of all this?" yana: just a business proposition. *closes the door, leaving chuuya alone with the cellist and the unknown figure- Chuuya: *looks around...then at the figure* "...Are you in charge here?" -silence- FD: *continues playing* Chuuya: "...Look, you drag me here. At least talk." -the figure doesnt respond- Chuuya: "...I knew this was a waste of time." *stands* Fyodor: *points his bow at Chuuya's neck* Chuuya: "?!!!" Fyodor: "This performance is not over. She wants to be entertained." Chuuya: "...'She'?" -a light flips on- rain:....... *silence....as she is only a doll now* Chuuya: "?!!!!" *covers his mouth* rain:........ Chuuya: "?!!!!" *covers his mouth* rain:........ yana: *watching through the camera, smirking* Chuuya: "Wh-What is this? What is this?!" -she doesnt say anything- Fyodor: "This is an--" *Gravity push to the wall* Fyodor: "!!!" Chuuya: "..." -a scalpel against the neck- zoey:..... *cold glare at chuuya* Chuuya: *turns his head, stares at her with murderous intention* "I can twist that thing through your eye and out the back of your head." zoey:..... Fyodor: *choking, at Chuuya's grip* Chuuya: *takes Fyodor's head--and slams it back against the wall* zoey: !!! *stabs chuuya in the side* master fyodor! *going over to fyodor's side* are you alright?? D8> Chuuya: *cringes, but doesn't let out a sound...removes the scalpel and tosses it aside* Fyodor: *coughing, waving his hand* "F-Fine..." *small laugh* "Just...got off on the wrong foot..." Chuuya: "...you son of a bitch...What sick game is this?" Fyodor: *coughs* "Zoey...Show our friend the file..." zoey:.... *handing something to chuuya, still glaring at him* Chuuya: *snatches it from her, kicking the scalpel to her* *opens the file* "...You a librarian?" Fyodor: "..." *smirks at Zoey* zoey:....former nurse.... and a tool for master fyodor. Chuuya: " 'Tool'? The hell is that supposed to mean?" *holds up a page* "I meant this book you got here. What is it?" zoey:.... *looks at fyodor* Fyodor: "You loved Ms Kosaka, didn't you?" Chuuya: "..." *takes a step forward* zoey: .... Fyodor: "Too bad she died...Be nice if you had a way to--" Chuuya: "Bring her back?" Fyodor: *smiles at Zoey* "He's a smart one, yes?" zoey:...perhaps....but your knowledge vastly outweighs his. Fyodor: *nuzzle* "Of course~" Chuuya: "Are you trying to tell me something, or make me vomit? You have R--...You have her as this...this monstrosity. Why should I listen to one goddamn word you say..." *a crack forms along the floor as the room shakes* "...and not bring this building down onto you?" zoey:.....*looking at fyodor* Fyodor: "This book, as you know, will bring the dead back to life. And I know you, Chuuya. I've been watching you for some time. I know your habits. Your desires. Which wine you have when. Where you buy your Mother's Day gifts for that woman--" Chuuya: "?!!!" Fyodor: "I can predict every movement you take...so I know you will accept my offer. Because without Mito, you are a mess. And you want her to live the life she was denied. And all it takes is this book--to make your dreams into reality." zoey: ... Fyodor: "Including your vengeance against the man who defiled your beloved..." Chuuya: *shaking* yana: *observing through the cameras* ... Chuuya: "What do you need from me?" Fyodor: "Information. And for you not to whisper a word to anyone at the Mafia: not your mother, not miss higuchi, not your boss, not anyone." zoey: and not your former partner, especially... Chuuya: "So none at the Agency, either?" Fyodor: "And no one else you don't want Zoey to kill." *pats her head* zoey: hehe~ *scalpel shine* Chuuya: "...And you will resurrect...her." *looks at the doll* rain: ..... Chuuya: "...What sick fuck would do that to a corpse? ...How could you do that?" Fyodor: *pets Zoey* "Easy...I need an answer, Chuuya." Chuuya: "...I'll do it." yana: *small chuckle* Fyodor: "Good...We'll be in touch." Chuuya: "I'm sure. Will you show me out?" -the door opens, a masked figure is there to lead him out- Chuuya: "..." *follows* *his hand shifts slightly* zoey:.....shall i speak with the child soon? Fyodor: "??? Do you want to?" zoey: if it is what you wish for me to do...i'd gladly do so. Fyodor: *smiles, tickles under her chin* "Go ahead." zoey: ah~ yana: *rolls eyes and sticks tongue out as if to gag* ugh, you guys know i can still see you, right? Fyodor: "...Then leave it recording and exit the room." yana: ugh, say no more... Fyodor: *cuddles* "Pleasure before work..." -elsewhere- Relan: "It's good to be home..." *holding Buttons* buttons: ^o^ Relan: "Hee hee...Thanks for watching him, Iris." iris: any time, relan. ^^ Relan: "How was everyone while we were gone?" maki: check these out! *has the iron owls out* pretty cool, right? Relan: "Oooooo! How are they flying?" maki: vulcan helped with some of his tech. shinra: cool! Vulcan: "Just needed to find the correct structure and materials to allow Maki's fireballs to hold up the weight of these heavy barriers..." nozomi: ...oh, shinra, the commander wanted to talk to you then. shinra: oh? ok then... Akitaru: *at his desk...or, rather, bench-pressing his desk* shinra: *knocks* sir? Akitaru: "Shinra! Hey, come in!" shinra: so, what's up? nozomi said you had something to talk to me about? Akitaru: "...Please, sit down..." *he's been juggling the chairs and puts one down* shinra: *sits down*....um...im not...in trouble....am i? Akitaru: "...We found your brother's location." shinra: !!! Akitaru: "We're planning how we are going in." shinra: where is he?! Akitaru: "Underground." shinra: well then lets go! Akitaru: "Hang on...I'm finishing up some backup..." shinra: b-but- Akitaru: "Shinra...You're close to this..." karin: easy there. it'd be reckless to jump in head first...but i get where you're coming from....if it were irina, i'd feel the same way.... Akitaru: "What she said..." *pats Shinra's shoulder* shinra:.... -elsewhere- Asura: *shudders* mikan: *holding his hands, humming* Asura: "It...I feel..." mikan: *kissing his hands* its alright, asura. im right here. Asura: "...Crowded..." mikan:...*hug* did you want to go onto the roof? Asura: "..." *nods* -elsewhere- Shima: "Rin's girlfriend's pretty awesome in battle, huh?" izumo: -_-; she has a name you know. shiemi: yeah... Shima: "I know, I know--I just say that to remind myself not to put the moves on her." izumo: you better not. madoka: ^^; the way they're talking almost makes me sound like some kind of celebrity. but im really not. ^^; Shima: *talking to Izumo* *holds up his hands* "I won't! I won't! Especially now that--...Um..." Rin: *elbow nudge* "Only star I see." madoka: >////< riiin. ^///^ Rin: *cheek smooch* -elsewhere- Montgomery: *sets the plate out for Atsushi* atsushi: thanks lucy. Montgomery: ^^; "I...made it myself." atsushi: it looks nice. what do you think, kyouka? Kyoka: *already eating a large quantity, smiling* "...It's fine." atsushi: ^^; Montgomery: -_-;;; *muttering* "Ungrateful little..." *turns to Atsushi, a bit more irritated* "...Well, you going to dig in?" atsushi: oh! *nom nom* Montgomery: ^\\\\^ "Let me know if you want seconds..." Kyoka: *already holds up empty plate* "More." atsushi: o.o Montgomery: "..." *sighs* "Be right back..." *leaves for kitchen* Kyoka: "...She is friendly to you." atsushi: y-yeah...hard to believe we were enemies a few months ago... Kyoka: "...Yes. It's as if she has something else in mind." atsushi: hmm? like what? Kyoka: "Something nefarious...wicked...She wants to possess you." atsushi: ^^; i think you're misreading the situation... (thinking: just cause akutagawa wants to keep me for himself doesnt mean lucy wants to as well.) Kyoka: "But you admit that she wants you. Romantically. Sexually." atsushi: k-k-kyouka!! o/////o Kyoka: "Do I speak lies?" Montgomery: *exiting the kitchen with more food* -elsewhere- mito: o^o~? *paws at chuuya's shoulder* Chuuya: "..." *not moving* mito:....*nuzzles* Chuuya: *starts crying* mito: ....*nuzzle* Chuuya: *sobbing, holding Mito* "R-Rain..." mito: *purrs* Chuuya: *continues sobbing* mito: *resting on his stomach* Chuuya: "..." *pets her* mito: =w= Chuuya: *sniff* "..." rain?: *whimpering* it hurts... Chuuya: *eyes open wide* -silence- Chuuya: *looks around* "..." -nothing- Chuuya: "..." *tears up* mito: ?? Chuuya: "...Mito...Do you see anything?" mito:....zzzz..... Chuuya: "..." *strokes her* mito: *soft purring* Chuuya: "..." ("Mori...") -silence- Chuuya: ("I'll rip the bones out of your body.") -elsewhere- Dazai: *yawns, staring at papers* -almost everyone went home now- Dazai: *sighs, closes the file and puts it into the cabinet* janitor: *sweeping some stuff* Dazai: "...Doing okay there, buddy?" janitor: *nods* you? Dazai: "Bored." janitor: ah. you heading home soon? Dazai: *stretches* "Yeah, might as well. You?" janitor: just got on duty, friend. Dazai: "Well, keep at it. I'm going to head out. Night..." janitor: you get home safe, ya hear? Dazai: "You too. Later." -and so, on the walk home- Dazai: *small humming* -silence, save for some people just going about their business- Dazai: ("Hmm...Did I get enough food? Kind of feel like a burger. Or pizza. Or burger and pizza.") -the apartment block is just up ahead- Dazai: ("I'll make something...Or get food from a neighbor.") -elsewhere- Joker: *sipping his beer* ivy: zzzz *totally drunk* scarlet: -_-; Joker: "Lightweight..." *another sip* "How you feeling?" scarlet:....*just stares at her reflection in her wine glass* Joker: "...In your own world?" scarlet:...maybe....just...thinking. Joker: "About...her?" scarlet:....*nods*...i want to know...if its possible to remove adora burst from a person.... Joker: "...Never successfully done." scarlet:....then i'll find a way....even if it kills me, i'll find a way. Joker: "To lose your life for such a discovery?" *small smile* "You'll make Victor jealous." scarlet:...im not doing it for glory...all i want is for my sister to be safe... Joker: "Noble..." scarlet: ... Joker: "Well, I tend to start with books. And some experiments." -elsewhere- Kid: "Feel well?" stocking: y-yeah....just....had a nightmare.... Kid: "...I'm sorry." stocking:...i-its ok...*she seems shook up slightly* Kid: "Do you want to talk about it?" stocking:...just...b-bad memories about.....*tearing up* Kid: "...Oh..." *holds her* stocking:.... Kid: "You're safe here..." stocking: *sniff* t-thanks... Kid: *rubs her back* "I love you." stocking: i love you too... Kid: *hums lightly* stocking: mmm... Kid: *gently rocks her* stocking: *calming down* Kid: *wraps blanket around her* stocking: u////u Kid: "You're safe..." stocking:....*asleep* Kid: "..." *worried look, as he holds her* -elsewhere- Hibana: "Want another cookie?" -elsewhere- Dazai: *stretches* -the tv is currently on the home shopping network- Dazai: "Hmm...Wonder if I should buy that..." *holding the remote* Dazai: *changes the channel* [detective: *dying on the lap of his partner*] [partner: come on man, dont die on me here.] Dazai: “…” {odasaku: of course i know. i know better than anyone else...because...im your friend...} Dazai: *trying to change the channel* -channel switched to weather- Dazai: *tears falling* *dials Atsushi* atsushi: *yaaawn* hello? Dazai: QWQ "Hey buddy, what's up?!" atsushi: trying to sleep... Dazai: "Ha ha ha! That's so funny! So...Can we talk?" atsushi: ok? Dazai: "...You like bread?" atsushi: i guess? why? Dazai: "Let's bake some bread!" atsushi: at 10:32 at night?! Dazai: "It'll be moonlit bread!" atsushi: -_-; just because my ability is called 'beast beneath the moonlight' doesnt mean im nocturnal... Dazai: "Want to watch a movie?" atsushi: does it involve going to sleep? Dazai: "So no 'Sleepless in Seattle'?" atsushi: -____-; Dazai: "What did you want to do to pass time?" atsushi: ....is something wrong? Dazai: QWQ *voice cracking* "No-o-o?" atsushi:...dazai... Dazai: “…..” *crying* atsushi: !!! hold right on, i'll be over in a sec! Dazai: "Th-Thank you..." TT~TT -and so- atsushi: *turning on the coffee machine* Dazai: *blows his nose* atsushi: did you want to talk about it? Dazai: "I-I was triggered by a film I was watching." atsushi:...*pats his back* Dazai: *wipes his nose* "Just a lot to deal with..." atsushi:....... Dazai: "...Ideals are a weird thing." atsushi: just dont let kunikida hear you say that. Dazai: *small laugh* "...Ideals get people killed." atsushi: .... Dazai: "Yet, without ideals, we're just...husks." atsushi: i guess that makes sense.....people...exist to save themselves....right? Dazai: "..." *pats his head* atsushi:...just...had that thought... odasaku:....*small smile* Dazai: *small laugh* "Yeah...It's a good one." atsushi:....*small smile* Dazai: "..." *pulls some donuts out from the cupboard* -elsewhere- Vulcan: *in firefighters uniform* "...This feels so wrong." karin: not exactly my style, but what can ya do. *shrug* Vulcan: "But I can't concentrate under this many layers..." *takes off jacket and shirt, puts on the hat* "Ah, there. Better." nozomi: h-heavy... >.< Victor: *the jacket is too short for him* "???" nozomi: ^^; karin: ... Victor: "Maybe I should swap this out for a larger coat..." *tries to put on helmet--and it is stuck on his afro* "??? nozomi: *small chuckle* ^^ Victor: ^\\\^ "I'll swap that out, too...Or..." *punches a hole in the helmet, and his afro fits through it* karin: O-O Vulcan: -_-; "Dude, the point of a helmet is to protect your head." Victor: "...Isn't the point of those clothes to protect your body?" Vulcan: "THIS IS MY AESTHETIC!" -elsewhere- Kid: "Better?" stocking: *nods* Kid: *small smile* "May I get you something to drink?" stocking: tea please... Kid: "Okay. Be right back." *kisses her forehead* -morning- Dazai: "Zzz..." atsushi: zzzz *asleep on the couch* Dazai: *turns over in bed--and falls out with a thud* atsushi: h-huh? wha? Dazai: "I didn't do it, Kunikida! Ranpo stole your pens!" *looks around* "...Oh. Morning." atsushi: you ok? Dazai: =w= "Yeah...Good night sleep does wonders. How 'bout you? The couch comfy enough?" atsushi: yeah. sorry for the intrusion. Dazai: "I invited you--no intrusion at all." ^^ atsushi: yeah. ^^; i should probably get ready for class soon. Dazai: "Right! I'll see you at work after school." *waves* -in class- Montgomery: "??? You okay?" atsushi: yeah. *small kitty yawn* Montgomery: o\\\o ("OMG...") >\\\< "Well, pay attention! You need to take notes!" *shoves paper and pen in front of him* atsushi: right. *writing things down* Naigus: "There are various ways people access powers. Some are ability users. Some are weapons. Some with quirks..." atsushi: *listening* Naigus: "While it is rare, it is not impossible for someone to have multiple forms of various abilities, such as someone who is both a Dokeshi and a flame human." -someone raises her hand- sayaka: i have something to add. Ouo Naigus: "Go ahead." sayaka: there's also people who have untapped abilities. and with the use of a soul gem, it enhances the wavelength of the user, right? Naigus: "Right." *writes it on the board* "So, there are these and many other abilities that require practice, patience, and learning. That's one reason why you are here at this school." -in another classroom- Chuuya: *scowling* kirika: *leaning in her seat* Gopher: *raising his hand* "I know the answer, teacher!" marie: yes? Gopher: "The relic came from the Amazon." marie: that would be correct. Gopher: -w- "Yay!" -in another class- rowena: *listening* Stein: "And that is how the energy in the soul is channeled up through the skin..." *pulls out a small cage* yana: ?? Stein: "Now, let's show you the arrangement of the skin--by removing it from this live pigmy capybara* rowena: o.o yana: *cracks knuckles* alright. Stein: "...Okay. Come on down--" Capybara: *scared squeaks* *A hand pulls back Yana's shoulder* yana: ?? *looks* Anya: *shakes her head* yana:...*pouts* darn. Anya: "No point doing un-due harm to a pathetic creature." yana: *sits back down* Stein: "Darn." *puts the capybara away* "Then what am I supposed to teach you?" -elsewhere- Touma: "No luck?" mafura: Q-Q mafura-chan's sorry... Touma: *head pat* "It can't be helped." mafura: Q.Q Touma: "We'll just have to do better next time, right? " *smiles* mafura: *nod* Touma: "Now, why don't you have some ice cream from the fridge? I'll be there shortly." mafura: okaaay. -elsewhere- Mori: "...Where are all my pens?" -elsewhere- Arthur: *blowing bubblegum* shinra: hanging out with kishiri? Arthur: "No. I just know that if I blow a big enough bubble, I can coax a dragon to come down, mistaking it for her egg." shinra:......sure. 7_7; Relan: "Well, no dragons out yet." ^^;; "Any plans after school?" shinra: i might take one of those underground tours. Relan: "..." *pats his shoulder* shinra:...*tiny smile* Relan: "Want company?" shinra: i'd like that. *smiles* nozomi: i'll help too. Relan: "Anyone else?" Arthur: *already asleep, still blowing his bubble* iris: *raises hand* tamaki: i'll go with you guys so you dont wuss out. shinra: T_T; thaaanks. Relan: -_- *frowns at Tamaki* Victor: *in a miner's outfit with the helmet and flashlight* "You'll need tools!" shinra: GAH! tamaki: HOLY FRICK! student: what the hell?! Relan: ._.;;; "...Why are you at our school?" Victor: owo "I had the same idea." *hands Tamaki a pick-axe* tamaki: .____.;; Relan: *picks something else up, looking at it* "Why did you bring birthday candles?" Victor: "Those are sticks of dynamite." Relan: o_______O *frozen* shinra: .____________________________.;;;;; Relan: *brain broken, tosses it with a shriek* marie: *taps victor's shoulder* sir, we're going to have to ask you to leave school grounds. -_-; Victor: "Oh, it's okay! I'm a friend of theirs!" marie: sir, you cant bring dynamite onto school property! Victor: "Well, what about that guy? He has a screw in his head!" Stein: *waves* -elsewhere- Emine: "What is the objective of 'dodgeball'?" mana: you're supposed to dodge the balls thrown at you, but also trying to hit the other team with the balls. Emine: "Hmm...Are powers allowed in this competition?" mana: that's a good question. Sid: "No powers. Just dodge and throw." Emine: -___-;;; "Fine..." *stands ready to run for the line of balls* -elsewhere- Yohei: *reviewing old files* ("Something's not right...") coworker: whats up? Yohei: "...Nothing." *puts the file away* ("I know what I just read does not match the Dokeshi Hunt report...") *smiles* "Just feeling tired, I guess." coworker: .... Yohei: ("If he knew these people...who else was he working with?") -elsewhere- Kid: "??? An earthquake?" -in the ada- Tanizaki: Q~Q *running for doorway* "IT'S OKAY! NO ONE PANIC!" naomi: *hugging him* breathe big bro! Tanizaki: Q\\\\\Q "I CAN'T!" Kunikida: *continuing to sip his tea as he writes out reports* yosano: seems it stopped... Tanizaki: *loud sigh of relief* Dazai: "Super! Time to celebrate with a nice cold drink..." *takes soda can from the fridge and opens it-* -elsewhere- Vulcan: *pulling out water treatment equipment and dumping it in Nozomi and Licht's lab* nozomi: ._. w-what exactly is this? Vulcan: "Water treatment equipment. I used to run tests for the city and other odd jobs to make money." nozomi: ah, i see. Vulcan: "It should still work, too." *pours a glass of water from the sink into the machine...and the red light goes on* "Jeez, that's not good..." karin: heyo, whats up? Vulcan: "These pipes are corroding." karin: yikes. need help with that? shinra: ooi, nozomi, you comin with or what? nozomi: ah! right! i apologize, but i promised shinra and the others to go on a tunnel tour with them... karin: *hair ruffle* ah, you go on ahead, kiddo. Vulcan: "Stay safe there. Never know what's in those tunnels..." nozomi: i will ^^ *heading out* karin: *small smile* Vulcan: "...Doc? You think it's safe for them?" karin: did you want to go and supervise? Vulcan: "...They'll be fine. I hope." karin: heh, kind of brings back memories. Vulcan: "?? Nozomi do this kind of thing before?" karin: me and irina, actually, back when we were kids. we'd often explore old abandoned tunnels. irina always waited outside because she didnt want to get in trouble with our parents, haha. Vulcan: "Were you scared?" karin: nah. fear is just a lack of understanding. Vulcan: "Heh. You must've been a know-it-all as a kid." karin: *smirk* is that sarcasm? Vulcan: "Can't be sarcasm if it's the truth." *smirks* -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Are there vending machines at this school?" atsushi: i think so. Kyoka: "Good. I want to have a donut before class." -later- shinra: so the tours start here? nozomi: looks like it. Tour Guide: *holding a raspy megaphone* "Welcome to the guided tour of the intricate tunnel system, sure to be..." *sighs* "...a source of merriment and amusement. Yay." iris: ^^; tamaki: 7-7; Arthur: *whispers to Shinra* "I don't think the tour guide is really enthused." shinra: shh. Tour Guide: "Please put on these protective helmets. They have flashlights on them to guide you through the tunnels. Watch out for rats." Relan: owo iris: *puts it on* Arthur: *turns on the light, turning his head around* shinra: cool. Tour Guide: "Stay together, don't wander off, because..." *puts flashlight up to their creepy face* "YOU MAY NOT COME BACK ALIVE..." iris: eep! nozomi: eek! shinra: o_o; Relan: *hiding behind Iris* Arthur: "...Okay." tamaki: -_-; you babies. Tour Guide: *leads them into the first tunnel* "These tunnels are no longer in operation but once served many functions for our city: transportation, military, sanitation--" nozomi: *looking around* Relan: Q~Q *looking up above at exposed wires* shinra: *holding his hand* iris *holding his other hand* Relan: Q\\\Q Tour Guide: "The tunnel here has exposed wires. But don't worry. Electricity has been turned out due to leaks--" Arthur: *water drips down onto him* tamaki: creepy. nozomi: its just like dr itou's stories... Relan: "H-How so?" nozomi: she told me that she and mom explored places like this when they were young. Relan: "...Creepy places like this?" nozomi: *nods* dr itou said she wasnt scared, though. tamaki: *nods* iris: *listening to the guide* Tour Guide: "--in 1914. These tunnels have hidden secrets organizations." shinra: ... Tour Guide: "For example, Japanese soldiers hid in these tunnels after World War II. It was not until 1952 that the last of them exited." tamaki: *looking around* *Shiny eyes peer out from the darkness* tamaki: O-O;;; *Small animal noise* -elsewhere in the tunnels- tour guide: it's said that there are tunnels all over the city, almost like a maze. it's said the death city underground is like a city of its own. Tourist #1: "Do they hold council elections in this city?" tour guide:... ???: its not an actual city underground, dipshit. tour guide: aaanyway. these particular tunnels were once part of a subway system back in the 1920s. Tourist #2: "Do the subways still run?" tour guide: not in this part of the underground, but there are subway systems away from here that still run, as well as the trams. Tourist #3: "Where are the albino alligators? I was told there would be albino alligators." tour guide: ... TTuTT (thinking: just hang in there Stacey. it will be worth it some day) ???: "Who else has been underground?" tour guide: ?? well, aside from some rumors of ghosts, killers, and cultists, there have been sightings of homeless and wild animals. but dont let that get you all down! Tourist #1: Q~Q ???: "...'Cultists'?" tour guide: yeah, but those are just rumors. ???: "Some rumors can be true..." tourist 4: o-o;;; dude, creepy much? ???: *shudders, glaring at Tourist #4* tourist 4: O-O;; *backs away from him* FD: "And I heard people used to get lost in these tunnels..." tour guide: well, if you dont know what you're doing, it can be dangerous. FD: "But you know, right?" tour guide: ?? well, yeah…that's why i have a stun gun. FD: *smiles* "Good to know..." tour guide: ^^;;; like i was saying...- FD: "Which is the darkest tunnel here?" tour guide: eh? FD: "I research mushrooms." tour guide: i..see. ^^; FD: "Can't you show us some tunnels no one gets to see very often?" tour guide: sorry, but we cant do that. -_-; FD: "What if I paid you?" tour guide: i'd probably end up getting in trouble, sir. -_-;;; FD: *pulls out a $100 bill* tour guide:......*sweats* FD: *eyebrow wiggle* tour guide: alright then. but dont tell anyone about this, ok? FD: *crosses his heart* "Not a word." -elsewhere underground- Arthur: "Scared?" tamaki: n-n-no. Arthur: "..." *holds her hand* tamaki: o///o.... 7////7 Arthur: *small smile* Relan: *looking around...sees a railroad track* "???" shinra: that must part of the subway systems... Relan: "Why were these tunnels shut down?" Tour Guide: *sigh* "Old tracks. Ripped up and sold for the metal..." shinra: ... Tour Guide: "And over here is an abandoned mine..." -elsewhere- Joker: *juggling balls* ivy: *throwing darts...on the dart board is a picture of hibana* Joker: "Practice that aim, Ivy..." ivy: i am. =n= Joker: "Seen Red around?" -ding- scarlet: im back. Joker: "Great! Where you been?" scarlet: on a job. Joker: "It go well? Bring home anything?" scarlet: yeah, it went well. *taking a seat* Joker: "...You feeling okay? Need a drink?" scarlet: im fine. -_-; Joker: "Don't seem fine. What were you doing?" scarlet: just....thinking. and taking care of an assassination job. Joker: "Ah...Deep in thought...Did that affect your work?" scarlet:. no. it didnt. -_-; Joker: "Good to know...because we'll need you focused..." -elsewhere- Kid: *hug* stocking: =w=~<3 Kid: *smooch* stocking: love you~ Kid: "Love you, too..." *smooch* -elsewhere- Poe: *preparing the guest rooms* "..." karl: o.o~? Poe: *smiles* "Just organizing, Karl..." karl: ^^ -ding don- Poe: OWO *runs to the door, opens--* rowena: brother guess what! *shiny eyes* -there is a raven perched on her shoulder- Poe: "...???" rowena: i've gained a familiar! raven: *observing* -seems the bird has a red scarf around its neck- Poe: "...A scarf?" rowena: she had this when i met her earlier today. she said it was a gift from a friend. -the raven flies off her shoulder and...- -pwoof- lenore: *in human form* ah, so this is you're brother, ro? rowena: *nods* Poe: O________O "...What the devil...?" lenore: yo, the name's lenore. how's it goin? Poe: o____________o "...Fine. Confused. But fine." -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "Look what is on sale!" mary: woah! cool! bram: eh? *Ads: Buy two mixers, get a third one free* Fitzgerald: "We will go there now, and we will have enough fruit smoothies for everyone!" louisa: ^^; Fitzgerald: "Anything to pick up, Alcott? How is planning?" -elsewhere- Steinbeck: "Update?" girl in glasses: we've confirmed their location; wonderful manor. Steinbeck: "Good." *sips on grape juice* man in pink: the name must be irony. Steinbeck: "??? 'Name'?" man in pink: 'wonderful manor'. no offence, but it looks kinda run down. Steinbeck: "Hmm...Still worth keeping an eye on it." -elsewhere- Dazai: *still drenched in soda* QWQ kirako: ^^; *hands him a towel* Dazai: "Thanks...Are the kids back?" atsushi: hey. what happened? Dazai: "Earthquake. Soda. The usual." atsushi: yikes... Dazai: "How was school?" atsushi: other than the occasional earthquake, fine. Dazai: "That's good...Akutagawa give you any trouble?" atsushi:... >->;;;; not... too much... Dazai: "??? What, he hit you?" atsushi:..... *remembering the smooch* ._.; define 'hit'... Dazai: "Did you punch you?" atsushi:....can i talk to you alone? Dazai: "Sure..." *leads him to office* "What's up?" atsushi: well. this is going to sound completly fake, but....akutagawa... ._.; oh, jeez, i still cant believe this happened today... he...uh.... may have...sort of....smooched me. ._.; Dazai: "..." *griiiiiiin* atsushi:....what?....what?! Dazai: "He likes you..." atsushi:....w-what? Dazai: "He wants to have little adopted or surrogate babies with you." atsushi: ....eeeehhhh?! O_O Dazai: "So, we'll have to take proper action." *holds up a document: "Restraining Order"* atsushi: ._.; i somehow doubt this will work. the mafia doesnt exactly abide by the usual rules. Dazai: "..." *holds up a taser* atsushi: .____.; -elsewhere- higuchi: .________________. he what? Gin: "He kissed the Tiger." higuchi:...... ^^ *tears falling* this is fine....im ok....i can handle this.....*lays face down on the ground* im fine....im fine........AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Gin: "...Higuchi...No." *pats her shoulder* higuchi: TT_____TT im ok...im ok...im ok...really im ok... Q_____Q Gin: "..." *picks her up, holds her* higuchi: Q/////Q Gin: *pats her back* "I'm sorry." higuchi: *hugs her and cries* Gin: "Shh..." *rubs her back, hums lightly* higuchi: *trembling* Gin: *continues to hold her* "You're going to be okay..." higuchi: *whimpering* Gin: "...Just let it out...I'm here. I'm not leaving." higuchi:...c-could you...c-come over tonight? Gin: *nods* "Yes. I'm done here already." -elsewhere- shinra: that was pretty cool, right guys? iris: *nod* Arthur: "That trip was awful. I did not find one dragon." Relan: "The rats were cute!" nozomi: it was interesting, but i dont think it was where your brother is... shinra: ... Relan: "..." *pat pat* shinra:...*small smile* Akitaru: "Hey, welcome back! You kids hungry?" shinra: yeah. Takehisa: "Good. I have food on the table. I suggest you eat now before Victor hogs it all." tamaki: hell yeah! Arthur: "Good, I'm starving--" Victor: *already has his plate in front of him* Vulcan: *not wearing a shirt at the table* shinra:... >->;; Victor: *waves* "How were the tunnels?" -elsewhere- Anya: *putting groceries into her cart* soul: *putting stuff on shelves* Anya: "Oh! Soul. Hello." soul: sup, princess. *small wave* Anya: -__-;;; "So, Rich Boy, what're you up to?" soul: just workin'. Anya: "Hmm...Any bargains today?" -elsewhere- yana: *whistling and checking camera screens* FD: "Anything good?" yana: eh, same old, same old. how was the tour? FD: *tosses a wallet on the table* yana: oh. nice. what do we have here? FD: "Money. Some photographs. Memories. And I got to kill someone." yana: niiiice. *examines the ID card* 'Stacey Schmit'. <sucks for you, missy.> FD: "Think you can do something with that card? Doctor it?" yana: i'll see what i can do. *grin* zoey: .... !! master fyodor! *hugs his leg* FD: *pats her head* "Miss your master?" zoey: *nuzzle* yana: she waited for you all day. she's almost as much of a dog as barkova. barkova: 83 ~? FD: "True, but Zoey knows more tricks..." yana: *gags* that's far more than i ever needed to know. FD: *scratches behind Zoey's ear* "Then forget what you just heard." zoey: ah~ FD: *pats Zoey's head* "Also, how is the parasite growing?" yana: seems it's coming along nicely. it's at like…infant stage now. FD: "Let it grow a bit more--no need for diaper changes." yana: yeah, anyway. FD: "??? Something else?" yana: like what? FD: "Oh, sorry. I thought you needed something else from me. Did you? Or can I get back to my other projects?" yana: you just do what you need to. i'll be checking the cameras. FD: "Thanks..." *takes Zoey...by her neck* zoey: ah~! FD: *pulls her into his office* "I will need your help with work...something medical..." zoey: of course, master fyodor! is it your anemia again? FD: "No, not quite...Have you done autopsies?" zoey: ....once...maybe twice... FD: "Then I'll need your help with something later...I just need to bring it." zoey: of course. FD: "Tomorrow...For now..." *yawns* "Rest." zoey: *nod* FD: "..." *holds out his hand* zoey: *blushing and takes it* FD: *leads her to his couch...lays down* zoey: ah~ *laying on top of him* FD: "..." *cups her bottom* zoey: ah~<3 FD: "I don't feel underwear..." zoey: did you...want me to? FD: "No..." *his hands slides, his finger touching her* -elsewhere- Kid: *holding an ice pack to his left eye* -___- *whimper* stocking: *glares at kirika* kirika: i said i was sorry, jeez. Kid: *whimper* "I need to watch where I'm going...Stupid doors..." -elsewhere- Victor: *lying on the floor* nozomi: are you alright? D8> Victor: "Hmm? Oh, yes! I just do this to help with thinking." nozomi: ah. i see. Victor: "What do you do?" nozomi: i usually listen to music. Victor: "Oh? What do you like?" nozomi: usually something easy to listen to so i can focus. Victor: "So heavy metal is out?" nozomi: ^^; Victor: "Th-That was a joke. A little one." ^^;; nozomi: *giggles* Victor: "...Any work we have tomorrow?" -elsewhere- Benimaru: *turns off the lights* kirei: zzzz.... Benimaru: "..." pulls blanket up over her shoulders* kirei: *small smile* Benimaru: "..." *lies down* kirei: zzz.... Benimaru: *holds her, closes his eyes* -elsewhere- Sakuya: "THIS ISN'T FUNNY!" misono: oh? i think it's quite hilarious. mahiru: come on guys... ^^; Sakuya: *growls* *looks in the mirror* "I can't show my face in front of Naho like this!" naho: what's up?... sakkun....that's too adorable! >u< Sakuya: *has cat whiskers on his face* .\\\. "St-Stop that! These jerks did this to me!" mahiru: ^^; -elsewhere- Chuuya: "..." *sips his wine, sighs* mito: *nuzzle* Chuuya: *pets* ("What do I do...?") mito: =w= Chuuya: ("I don't know who to ask for help.") mito: *purrs* Chuuya: ("Kouyou? Dazai?") -phone rings- Chuuya: "???" *looks at his phone* <Who is calling?> -it's gin- Chuuya: "..." *answers* "Hello?" gin: hey. higuchi's not doing so well... Chuuya: "??? What's wrong?" gin: dealing with rejection mostly. Chuuya: "...Oh. Um...Want me to talk to her?" gin: it might help... higuchi: TT~TT Chuuya: "Higuchi? You there?" higuchi: *hic* whuuut? Chuuya: "How you doing?" higuchi: TT_TT Chuuya: "...Not good, huh?" higuchi: what does the weretiger have that i dont, huh?! Chuuya: "...Do you want a list?" higuchi: *sniffling and sobbing* Chuuya: "...That came out wrong. I'm sorry. But...you got to move on--" higuchi: i...*sniff* i know but...its so haaaaard TT~TT Chuuya: "...Want to get a drink?" higuchi: yes please... Chuuya: "Okay...Name the bar." -and so- Chuuya: "What's your poison?" higuchi: hard whiskey. long day. Chuuya: "Hmm...I'll stick with wine...How you want to start?" higuchi: i dont know... Chuuya: "Well...what stupid thing did Akutagawa do today?" higuchi: he....TT_TT gin: *whispering it into chuuya's ear* Chuuya: o____O "...Damn, that's forward..." gin: yeah... Chuuya: *looks at Higuchi* "...I think that's a big red flag to stop pursuing him." higuchi: i know....but it doesnt make it hurt any less... gin: *pats her back* Chuuya: "..." *looks back and forth at Gin and Higuchi* "...At least you have your friends here..." higuchi: ....yeah....at least most of them... *stares at an empty seat next to her*...... Chuuya: "..." *tightens grip on his glass* TT_TT higuchi:....*pats his back* Chuuya: "It-It all hurts..." higuchi: *nods* here's to our miserable love lives... gin: 7.7; Chuuya: *taps glasses* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *clutching his pillow* -silence- Akutagawa: *kisses his pillow* =///= atsushi?: mmmm u///u Akutagawa: "I-I'm glad you like this..." atsushi?: hehe, i love you, akuta. Akutagawa: "...'Love'? You...What?" -elsewhere- Higan: "Sakuya and Naho still out?" lavender: seems like they're staying at a friends house. lilac too. Higan: "That'll be good for them to get out..." lavender: *nod* Higan: "Where are the others? They stayed in?" -elsewhere- Belkia: "You'll love this magic trick!" ayami: *smiles* Belkia: *holds up his hands* "Nothing in my hands...and..." *moves his hands in front of her* "Presto!" *he's holding...her bra...removed from her shirt* ayami: *blushing* Belkia: "Hee hee...Took me forever to get this one right. Surprised?" ayami: y-yes.. .///w///. Belkia: *smirks, as he hands her bra back* "If you're not careful, you're panties will be next." -elsewhere- Vulcan: *sighs* -elsewhere- Shima: *sitting down to a meal* unagi: *sitting at the table behind him* Shima: "..." *moves his chopsticks to the food...carefully...tries to look over his shoulder* unagi: *looking away* 7////7 Shima: o\\\o "...This is awkward." izumo: shima. what....did....you...do? Shima: "I didn't do anything! ...Nothing bad. I mean, not terrible. ...I may have sung to her." izumo: oh my god. Shima: .\\\. "It's not my fault...Stupid Shura." shura: whats going on here? ^^# Shima: "!!!" *clutches his can of soda* "This is not beer! Don't switch them!" shura: -___-; Shima: "You got me drunk, singing to her, and making things really awkward about her!" shura: i said i was sorry about that, damn. Shima: "And what do I do about whatever is going on between her and me?!" -elsewhere- Patty: *kicks open a door* "Sis!" liz: hmm? what is it? Patty: "I'm bored and hungry! Let's get something to eat!" liz: anything you had in mind? Patty: "Somethin hot!" -elsewhere- Relan: Q~Q "...I think I just felt something really sad..." shinra: *hug* Relan: *pat pat* -elsewhere- Meme: *sneezes* mio: *hands her a tissue box* Meme: *sniff* "Thanks..." *takes a tissue* mio: you arent getting sick, are you? Meme: *sniff* "Maybe allergies? I'm sure--" *coughs* mio: D8> Meme: =_____= "Darn it..." -morning- Gin: "Zzz..." higuchi: zzzz.... Gin: *turns over, her arm going over Higuchi* higuchi:...*small hug* Gin: "..." *holds her* *yawn* higuchi: hmm?...morning gin... Gin: *small smile* "Good morning. How was your sleep?" higuchi:...better...thanks for last night... Gin: ^\\\^ "Any time..." *strokes her face* higuchi:..*hug* Gin: *strokes her back* "Hungry? Do you have a hangover?" higuchi: *yaawn* a lil hungry... kuniko: hey sis, im making.....waffles.....*closes the door* Gin: o\\\o higuchi: O///O K-KUNIKO! >///< kuniko: i didnt say anything! Gin: ^\\\^ "Um...Hello, Kuniko. Pleasure to see you again." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *passed out* mito: zzz *His phone rings* -it's kouyou- Chuuya: "!!!" *answers, trying to sound awake* "Hello?" kouyou: sleep well? Chuuya: QUQ "...Yes?" kouyou: did you need anything right now? Chuuya: QWQ "..." *voice breaking* "N-No?" kouyou: is everything alright? Chuuya: "...No." kouyou: ??? chuuya? Chuuya: "...I'm just sad. And...need breakfast." kouyou: you wait right there and mama will be over! Chuuya: QWQ "Th-Thanks..." -and so- Chuuya: "..." *sips his orange juice* "Th-Thanks..." kouyou: *pats his back* Chuuya: -_-; "...Too much to drink." kouyou:...is it that girl? Chuuya: "...Yes." kouyou: ....how long will you let this plague you? Chuuya: "...Until I avenge her death." kouyou:....i see... Chuuya: "...This should not have happened." kouyou: ... Chuuya: "..." *goes back to eating* kouyou: ....*remembering her previous lover* ... Chuuya: "...Thank you for the meal..." *looks at her* "???" kouyou:...hmm? Chuuya: "...How are you?" -elsewhere- Mori: *sips his drink* elise: *drawing* Mori: "What are you drawing?" elise: its a surprise! Mori: "Hee hee...Will you show me when you're finished?" elise: yep! -the drawing is of elise and a much younger mori- Mori: "..." ("Oh...") {child: *punching mori* get lost, demon! my mom is dead because of your dad!} {Mori: *trying to cover himself* "Stop!"} {child: ...!!! *runs*} {ougai sr: now what was that about, son?} {Mori: "...Why did that kid say that to me?"} {ougai sr: ...*pats his head* i tried to save his mother...it was pure bad luck...*smirking internally*} {Mori: *sniff* *stares at his father*} {ougai sr: ^^ *hair ruffle* now why dont you go and play, son. mama will have dinner ready soon.} {Mori: "...Okay...Will you play with me?"} {ougai sr: i would, but i have patients to attend do. maybe tomorrow. ^^} {Mori: *frowns* "Okay..." *takes his ball...*} {-a group of children is by the fountain-} {Mori: "..." *tries to walk up to them*} {child: !!! it's the demon's child!} {-the run off-} {Mori: Q~Q "Come back!"} {-they're gone...-} {Mori: Q_______Q } {-in a nearby shop window, there is a doll. with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a red dress-} {Mori: *stares at the doll* ("It looks pretty...")} {???: hi there.} {Mori: "???" *looks around*} {-a girl around his age is there, she looks just like the doll-} {girl: ^^} {Mori: "???" *looks around, then points at himself*} {girl: yes you. ^^ what's your name?} {Mori: "R-Rintarou?"} {girl: nice to meet you rintarou. im elise!} {Mori: "...Do you want to play?" *holds up the ball*} {elise: sure!} Mori: *small smile* -elsewhere- lana: *getting changed into her work outfit* *Ring ring* lana: ??? hello? Poe: "H-H-H-H-" lana: oh, hey edgar. *smiles* Poe: owo; "...Hi. Hello. How are you?" lana: just getting ready for work in a few minutes. you? Poe: "W-Working right now--Just ch-checking how you were?" lana: well, things are pretty well, here. *smiles* Poe: "G-Good...Do you have a lunch break today?" lana: i'll have to check. you? Poe: "I-I'm available--I mean, I'm free!" lana: *smiles* alright, see you then. ^^ Poe: "OKAY! At-At your hotel?" lana: sure. ^^ Poe: "SEE YOU THERE!" OWO lana: 'kay. love you. *hangs up*.... *realizing what she said* o_o ....m-maybe he didnt notice? ^^;;;; Poe: *still holding the phone* o\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\o karl: o^o~? Poe: "..." *falls back* karl: D8 *grabs a pillow and has it in place* Poe: *lands on the pillow* "...Karl! Did she say what my ears heard?!" karl: O.O~? Poe: *covers his face* "Just my imagination justmyimagination justmyimagin-- ..." *loud scream* ghost: keep it down! some of us want to sleep! Poe: ._. *whispers* "Sorry..." *covers his face* karl: *climbs onto his head* Poe: .\\\. "...This is bad. It's moving too fast. I'm going to get hurt." *fetal position* karl:...*nuzzle* Poe: Q__Q "...I can't just stand her up. Maybe let her down gently. No point in ruining her life. I'm cursed." -the phone rings again- Poe: "???" *answers* "H-Hello?" lana: hey, i-i didnt say anything unusual just now, did i? Poe: owo "Nope!" lana: oh. i think i may have said something embarrassing subconsciously... n-not saying i-.. *ahem* s-sorry about that. w-we still cool? Poe: "As cool as winter wind!" QWQ lana: *sigh of relief* that's good. see you later then? Poe: "Lunch! Yes. See you then. Bye!" lana: see ya. *hangs up* Poe: "...I am so conflicted." QUQ karl: O^O~? Poe: "...What do I wear to lunch?" -elsewhere- Kid: T_X stocking: D8> kirika: X3= at least it was where i was missing an eye... Kid: "Why hasn't it healed yet? I thought my shinigami abilities would expedite the process..." kirika: well, it did just happen this morning... Kid: "Hmm...Maybe I'm just stressed and tired..." TT_X stocking: aww... *nose nuzzle* Kid: TT\\\X "Stocking..." stocking: ^///^ Kid: *rests his head on her lap* -elsewhere- Rin: "You were great out there!" madoka: ^^ -elsewhere- Tool: *kicks down a door* "YOU!" mono: O-O ?! Tool: "What happened to that entire box of Chocolate Turtle Cookies I bought?!" mono: ... showtaro happened. Shotaro: "SNITCH!" *his mouth is covered with chocolate* Emine: *nom nom noming on a cookie* mana: D8 (thinking: she ratted them out so easily!) Tool: *holding up his weapon* "...You two have a five-second head start..." Emine: "...Is that five seconds starting now?" Shotaro: "Yeah, that's kind of an important distinction--" Tool: *roar* Shotaro and Emine: O______O *running* io: ^o^ *giggles* saki: *sweatdrop* Yohei: *still staring off into the distance* chie: yep. it's gonna be one of those days. nea: ^^' Yohei: *tries to sit down--and falls* chie: D8 Yohei: "S-Sorry...Must be low blood sugar..." *weak smile* chie:... *biting her lip and helping him over to the couch* Yohei: "Th-Thanks..." *lies down* -elsewhere- Arthur: *practicing sword work* tamaki: *watching* Arthur: *suddenly, his sword has a burst of flames appear along it as he stabs the dummy--and igniting it* o___O tamaki: *getting the extinguisher* Arthur: "Th-That was surprising..." tamaki: maybe it was your stance? Arthur: "Perhaps...How about this?" *stands on one leg, holding up his sword aiming downward* -elsewhere- Stein: *typing...sighs, takes off his glasses, rubs his eyes* aya: *she brought coffee* Stein: *takes it* "Thanks..." *sips* "Mmm...This is...really good." aya: ^^ Stein: *slight groan, rubbing his lower back* "I think that's enough typing for now...I'll sort the rest of the files this afternoon." -elsewhere- Ponera: *glancing over a report* "Oh. Another relic collected. Yay." *sighs* grimoire: are you alright? Ponera: "I just feel like I'm in a rut..." *pulls out map, with circles marked around Death City, Kyoto, Tokyo, and Paris* "...Not quite there yet..." milia: i found something! *she leaves a file on a research facility located in the siberian wilds* Ponera: "Siberia? Hmm...That's a bit cold." milia: looks like they did experiments on people before it was abandoned. maybe there's something there? Ponera: "Perhaps...Whom should we send?" -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *walking through hall* student: oooooi! araragi! Akutagawa: "Hmm? Yes?" student: whats up? Akutagawa: "..." *looks up* "The ceiling?" student: ha, funny. Akutagawa: "...It was?" atsushi:... !!! *ducks behind the locker and scooting away* Akutagawa: "...Did you hear something?" student: hmm? Akutagawa: "It sounded like it was behind that locker." odasaku: i know, he's done some shitty things to you, and i dont want to sound like a dick here, but maybe you're being a bit too paranoid? atsushi: -n-; Akutagawa: *starts walking to the lockers...* atsushi: O-O;;;;; Akutagawa: *turns the corner* -nothing- Akutagawa: "..." *turns to leave* atsushi: *panting* phew. Akutagawa: "...That I heard." atsushi: YIPE! *jumps up to the ceiling like a cat* Akutagawa: *looks up* "...What's up?" atsushi:....um....hi. OwO;;;; Akutagawa: "..." *holds out his arms* "I'll catch you." atsushi: it's ok! cats always land on their feet, right? Akutagawa: "..." *lowers his arms* "Very well." atsushi:... Akutagawa: "...You want me to leave before you come down?" atsushi: yes. Akutagawa: "..." *turns and starts walking away* atsushi: *drops* *nice landing* Akutagawa: *turns, looking back at him* "..." atsushi: *fled* Akutagawa: "..." *continues walking away* -elsewhere- Gin: "..." higuchi: *shooting targets* Gin: *timing, following the hits* ("...She's off by a bit...") -elsewhere- Chuuya: *pacing* student: you ok, ozaki? you seem tense... Chuuya: "Y-Yeah...Just...that test. I guess." student: ah, gotcha. Chuuya: "...I think I'll go to the tutoring office..." -elsewhere- Poe: *in his suit, holding a black rose* owo "H-Hi..." lana: hey edgar. how're you feeling? Poe: "G-Glad...Now." lana: ah. Poe: "..." *sits down* "...How is food at the hotel restaurant?" lana: pretty good, i'd say. Poe: owo "I'll order, then..." *opens his menu* "Maybe some fruit for Karl--" karl: *pokes head from his shirt* ^o^ lana: *small chuckle* Poe: "And I'll have...?" *muttering* *Someone is walking through the restaurant* lana: *looks up* Touma: *smiles* lana: *her heart drops to her stomach* Poe: "??? What's wrong?" Touma: *walking over to their table* lana: *cant speak* Touma: "Lana! Such a long time." Poe: "??? Um...Hi?" lana:..... karl: *growling* Touma: "Oh, I'm sorry for not properly introducing myself." *takes Poe's hand--squeezing* "My name is Touma." Poe: "?!!!" *glares* lana: *trying not to have a panic attack* Touma: "Sitting down to a meal? I think I'll--" Poe: *has a penknife to Touma's throat* lana: !! Poe: "Y-You're going to go out that door, and not come back in..." *Hotel security is walking up to Poe--until Touma holds up his hand* Touma: "...Lana, I'm disappointed. After I saved you from that prison sentence, you associate with such violent souls?" lana: edgar. can i talk to you outside? Poe: *hasn't lowered the penknife* "..." Touma: *smirks* lana: *taking poe's hand* edgar. please. Touma: "Yes, 'Edgar.' I think your girlfriend wishes to speak with you..." Poe: "..." *removes the penknife from Touma's neck...* "Okay. Let's go, Karl." -later- Poe: "..." lana:...t-thanks...for standing up for me.. Poe: "...I did what now?" o\\\o lana: t-the knife may have been going a bit overboard though... ^^; *wipes tears* Poe: "..." ^^;; "S-Sorry...I just...I've had to stay armed. I've written a lot of murder stories..." *offers a tissue* lana: *sniff and wipes eyes*...i was nervous you would get arrested just now... Poe: "...Yeah." ^^;; "Would not...be the first time..." lana: O.O Poe: o___O "I-I was drunk! That was all!" lana: ^^ but...i do worry about you. Poe: "...I was worried for you. They let that crazy person inside?" lana: ....that's the thing... he acts like any other customer... they have no idea... *shaking* Poe: "But the way security approached him...seemed like they know him so well." lana:.....*trembling and hugs him* Poe: "!!! ..." *pat pat* "L-Let's go somewhere else to eat..." lana: good idea... Poe: *puts a hand on her shoulder, guiding her* -elsewhere- Kid: *touches his eye...it's almost healed* stocking: better? Kid: *nods* "I think so...At least I didn't have additional damage." stocking: that's good. *gentle kiss on the eyelid* Kid: ^\\\^ "So kind..." stocking: *hug* i love you~ Kid: *pats her back* "I love you, too." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: TTUTT fang-hua: you ok? Tsukiyo: *nods* "My ankle hurts..." fang-hua: *helping her up* come on. Tsukiyo: "Where to?" fang-hua: the medic, where else? Tsukiyo: =\\\= "Oh..." Mr. Tsubaki: *asleep in chair, snoring* "Zzz..." fang-hua:...*knocks* Mr. Tsubaki: *falls out of chair* "Gah! Wh-What?" Tsukiyo: "Oh, yeah, this is a reeeeeeal improvement." Mr. Tsubaki: *opens the door* "Oh, Miss Fang-Hua--hello!" fang-hua: are you alright? Mr. Tsubaki: ^^;; "Just...exhausted. That's all." *his knees wobble* fang-hua: !!! *gets tsukiyo into one bed and mr tsubaki in another* Mr. Tsubaki: "I-I'm fine, officer...I'm okay to drive..." Tsukiyo: o_o; "...He would've broken my leg with how tired he is..." fang-hua: .... Mr. Tsubaki: *grumbling* "M-My fam..." fang-hua:... *puts a blanket over him and tsukiyo* Tsukiyo: ^\\\^ "Thanks, Fang-Hua." Mr. Tsubaki: *snoring...shuddering* fang-hua: it's fine. im used to looking after two people at once. Tsukiyo: "???" fang-hua: ^^; i have two younger brothers, remember? Tsukiyo: "Sorry...Just--Wait! Did you compare me to tending to your younger brother?" fang-hua: ^^; -elsewhere- Shamrock: *vacuuming* himawari: *dusting* Shamrock: *lifts the rug--* "Ugh! Does Black Star just push crumbs under here?!" -elsewhere- Victor: *mapping out locations* "And here...Yes...No, that one doesn't have the right fungus..." -elsewhere- Hyde: *wearing an evening jacket, sitting in a fancy chair, sipping tea...across from Mephisto* Mephisto: "...Who let you in here?" Hyde: "Myself." ^^ felisia: ... licht: ... Hyde: "Would you pass one of the biscuits, please~?" Mephisto: "..." *hands a rolled up newspaper to Licht* licht:... -too violent- licht: was i too noisy, mr hamster? *petting hammy!amaimon* Amaimon: ^W^ Hyde: *bloody mess* -elsewhere- Bakugo: -_______-;;;; "This one is really annoying me..." eijiro: hmm? Belkia: "Want to see a magic trick, kiddos?!" Bakugo: -_____________- "Kill. Him." eijiro: OwO;; Belkia: "But I just want to show you a magic trick!" *looks at Eijiro* "Please be my assistant!" eijiro:... okay! Belkia: "Great!" *pulls a human-size box out of his hat* "Get into the box..." *pulls a chainsaw out of his hat* -elsewhere- Tool: *angry munching on cookies* Shotaro and Emine: *sitting in corners* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *opens book* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "Reports." atsushi: today went pretty well. Kyoka: *holds up her test: 99%* Dazai: "My babies are doing well in school!" atsushi: ^^ Dazai: "Classmates treating you well?" atsushi: ...for the most part, yeah. Dazai: "That sounds like an improvement. You both deserve treats!" *holds up lollipops* atsushi: ^^ Kyoka: *nom* Dazai: "We also got a follow up about your mission for that super model." atsushi: ah. is she doing better now? Dazai: "Well...Could you cover Kyoka's ears?" kirako: *already doing so* Dazai: *puts on glasses, reads the letter* " 'You motherfucking tiny-dick sack of dogshit! You got me stuck in this hellhole! They don't let me do anything fun, I don't get the bottled water I want, and my roommate smells! When I find you, I going to tear your balls off and shove them--" atsushi: OwO;;;;; odasaku:...yikes. Dazai: "...But, it seems she's sober...So, plus? I'm sure she meant to castrate you in a loving manner?" atsushi:....suuuure... Dazai: "At least she's cogent and wants to talk...That's a good sign?" atsushi: maybe...but at least she's getting help, right? Dazai: "Right...Rehab has great activities! Like cooking, painting, making shivs--" atsushi: O-O;;;; Kyoka: "...I'd like my ears back." -elsewhere- zoey: master fyodor? it's time for your...anemia medication again... FD: "...Yes. Thank you." zoey: *smiles* FD: "...I do appreciate it." zoey: *she hands it to him* FD: *swallows medicine, sips water* zoey: feeling better? FD: "A bit...The medicine tastes awful." zoey: *hug* FD: "Well, thank you. Medicine is taken. I should return to work." zoey: ^^ FD: "So...busy yourself. I'll return to you soon." zoey: of course~ FD: *exits for his office* zoey: ^^ FD: *pulls up surveillance footage* *seems to be a shop* yana: *looking around* FD: "Now just plant it..." yana: *nods and puts something on the back of a doll* just this for today, ma'am. Cashier: "Very good! What a cute dollie! Is it for your baby sister?" yana: it's for a friend. Cashier: "Oh, okay. That will be $23.57." yana: *pays the money* Cashier: "Thank you for your commerce! Have a good day." yana: *waves and exits* FD: *smiles* "Good." -elsewhere- Meme: *lying in bed with a warm cloth on her forehead* >___< mio: ... Meme: *cough cough* *groans* mio:...hey meme....remember when we first met? Meme: *nod nod* "Yeah...When you started school?" mio: -_-; no, i mean when you were traveling abroad? i bumped into you when i was on a snack run? Meme: ^^;; "Memory and being ill, I'm afraid--" *cough* mio: h-hey. take it easy there. Meme: *points to tea cup* -elsewhere- Yukio: "Still cannot track the missing eyes..." -elsewhere- Rino: *staring at ceiling* mikami:...miss rino? Rino: "Hmm? Oh, sorry. What up?" mikami: not much. ryuuko: ... Rino: "You okay?" mikami: of course! ^^ Rino: "And Ryuuko?" ryuuko: *nods* Rino: "Hmm...Hungry?" -elsewhere- Konro: "Your flowers, ma'am." *holds up the order* woman: oh. thank you. ^^ Konro: "You're welcome. I think the garden is turning out well with the new soil." -elsewhere- elise: ^^ Q: ^^ *Small birds feeding on crumbs* elise: ^^ *Squirrel approaching their bench* Q: O.O Mori: "Surprised?" -laughter can be heard- Mori: "???" -a mother is with her child. seems they're having a good time- Mori: "..." *watches* {-a similar scene of a child and their mother plays out-} {Mori: "??? Why are they doing that?"} {ougai sr: well, because she loves her child, from what i gather.} {Mori: "...Oh."} {ougai sr:... ?? something on your mind, rintarou?} {Mori: "...Just...would like that."} {ougai sr:...i see... *hair ruffle* i'll be sure to let mama know, ok?} {Mori: -\\\- } {ougai sr: ^^ we're home now.} {mama mori:..... *making dinner already*} {Mori: "..." *looks around nervously*} {mama mori:........*she just stares at him. her gaze is cold and emotionless* ...} {Mori: "!!!" *looks down*} {mama mori:.....*goes back to making dinner* *there are faint bruises, scratches, and bite marks around her neck and collarbone area*} {Mori: *shudders, tries to find a chair*} {ougai sr: tomoe dear, rintarou tells me you havent been as loving a mother as you could be. perhaps we may discuss that later tonight? ^^ *light smirk*} {mama mori:....*hand trembling slightly*} {Mori: "???" *tries to sit at the table*} elise:... ?? rintarou? you ok? Mori: "..." *smiles* "Yes." -elsewhere- Burns: "Hmph. Slow." -elsewhere- Sakuya: *hug* naho: =///w///= Sakuya: "Making up for things." naho: ?? Sakuya: "When I'm...distant and cold." naho: *huuug* Sakuya: "Umph!" ^\\\^ *hugs* naho: it must suck having something in your head that makes you sad a lot, huh? Sakuya: "..." *taps his chest* "More like something here." naho:.... *goes under his shirt and kisses where he tapped* Sakuya: o\\\o "Th-Thanks..." naho: ^^ Sakuya: "..." *pat pat* -elsewhere- Lily: "I think you'll have a good time~" misono: =///=;; shinoa: thanks for chaperoning. ^^ Lily: "Of course! Think nothing of it." -elsewhere- metsu: may i help you? rowena: um...i-is mikuni in? .///. Johannes: "Did someone ask for me?!" Jeje: *drags Johannes away* -_- Mikuni: "What's all that a-hollerin' out her-?" *spots Rowena* "??? Oh. Hey." rowena: h-hello.. .///w///. Mikuni: "...Hi. You're name was...Roanoke?" rowena: it's rowena. Mikuni: "Oh, right! Sorry--just forget some names..." rowena: so this is your shop then? Mikuni: "Yep! Run it single-handedly!" metsu: =___= *aHEM* Mikuni "??? Oh, and this is my employee, Metsu." metsu: hello. rowena: hello there. Jeje: "Hmph." rowena: but that other man...is he also an employee? Mikuni: "He's my snake!" Jeje: o___O rowena:... i meant the man with glasses. Johannes: "I am Johannes Mimir Faustus!" OWO rowena: i see. it's nice to meet you as well. ^^ Johannes: "And how do you know Miku-Miku?" rowena: well... 7///7 he saved me from a kidnapper. metsu: .... *gives mikuni a look* Mikuni: *holds up his hands* "Honest!" metsu:.... -_-; Jeje: *pat pat* "She's telling the truth...although he was still showboating." -elsewhere- Benimaru: *lights a candle* -elsewhere- Relan: *hitting punching bag* shinra: *watching* Akitaru: "Looks like training paid off." maki: seems so. Akitaru: "Will have to thank Commander Benimaru...Maybe a gift basket." -elsewhere- Poe: "...I enjoyed the meal." lana:...i did too...*she seems nervous* Poe: "...You're thinking about that...monster." lana:...*shaking* im not sure if...h-he's still there or not... Poe: "...Call in sick?" lana:....maybe... Poe: "...Do you like working there?" lana: of course...but with him around... Poe: "...Have you considered a transfer?" lana: ...perhaps...but im scared he'll find me...you have to understand, he's a powerful man with friends in high places, from what i know... Poe: "...I wish I knew what to do...I mean, I know people with abilities..." lana: ...do you think...they could help? Poe: "I haven't known them to fail." lana: ....then maybe i'll give it a shot. Poe: *smiles* "I'll introduce you." -elsewhere- Gin: "Good practice." higuchi: thanks. Gin: "What next? You done for today?" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *yawn...* *sits up, looks around* "???" fang-hua: ah, you're up. Mr. Tsubaki: "...How long was I out?" fang-hua: a few hours. *looks at tsukiyo* Tsukiyo: *has ice pack on her ankle* "Yeah, sleeping in the job..." Mr. Tsubaki: "..." TT_TT fang-hua: ... Tsukiyo: "!!! Crap! I broke him!" Mr. Tsubaki: "I'm j-just exhausted, that's all..." T~T fang-hua:...is something bothering you? Mr. Tsubaki: "...Lonely..." fang-hua: ah....*listening* Mr. Tsubaki: "I'm away from my family...I know they are safe...but I..." fang-hua: you cant help but worry? i get where you're coming from. Mr. Tsubaki: "Yes...but I feel useless." fang-hua:.... Mr. Tsubaki: "...Maybe I need to work..." -elsewhere- Kishiri: *blows another bubble* vivian: ~<3 ^^ Kishiri: *bubble pops...he chews it up* "So, how're things at your division?" vivian: kinda boring to be honest. Kishiri: "Boring can be good, compared to other branches." *rotates his arm* "I'm still sore when that eyelid-less guy stormed my branch." vivian: yikes. D8 Kishiri: ^^; "Just make sure the 8th doesn't storm on into your division." -elsewhere- Lucy: *washing dishes* -elsewhere- Yumi: *looking at maps* -elsewhere- Spirit: "Dinner's up!" izumi: awesome! sachiko: ^^ Spirit: "How was class?" izumi: it went well. Spirit: "Teachers treating you well?" *passes salad* "Staying away from Stein?" izumi: yeah. dr stein's been....interesting. Spirit: *deadly serious* "Do I need to talk with him? With my fists?" izumi: i-it's fine dad, he hasnt killed me! sachiko: ^^; Spirit: Q~Q -elsewhere- Stein: *taking notes...while looking at an eye in a jar* -elsewhere- Anya: "Oh, hello!" yana: oh hey, whats up? Anya: "I was just running errands. Yourself?" yana: just made a delivery. Anya: "For a job?" yana: it's a secret~ *winks* Anya: "...Okay. What are you up to now?" -elsewhere- Fujimoto: "Ow..." kyouko: easy there, uncle shiro. Fujimoto: *small laugh* "Ah, this is nothing. I've had worse scrapes than this! Why, one time, I strangled a hairy demon with my bare hands." kyouko: *nods* Fujimoto: "Demon even kind of looked like a bear--so my bare hands killed a bear. Get it? Ha ha--OW!" kyouko: -___-; Fujimoto: "I-I'll go lie down...listen to an audio book..." T_T kyouko:...*pap pap* -elsewhere- Vulcan: *hammering on an engine* -elsewhere- stocking: ssshhhh...there there kid...*strokes his head* Kid: Q~Q *holding onto her* stocking: *humming* Kid: "It-It hurts..." stocking: it's ok...im not going anywhere... Kid: "P-Promise?" stocking: *kiss* always. Kid: TT\\\TT *holds her* stocking: u////u Kid: *sniff* "I-I'm sorry..." stocking: it's ok kid. Kid: *whimper* stocking: *rubs his back* Kid: *closes his eyes, resting his head on her lap* -elsewhere- Giriko: *picking up plates* "How was it all?" -elsewhere- Meme: "Zzz..." mio:.....*small smile* {mio: *running to get home* gotta get home quick... *bumps into someone* !!! ah! crap!} {Meme: "?!!"} {mio:...uhh... um...... w-w-wha-what are you looking at, huh?!} {Meme: "I-I'm sorry! I guess I wasn't looking..."} {mio:...um...y-yeah...i was...i-in a rush...w-whatever! i gotta go! *turns to run*} {Meme: "Where are you going?"} {mio: j-just home...not...fond of being out in public...} {Meme: "Oh. You don't like sunlight?"} {mio:....*mumbling* it's people i have a problem with...} {Meme: "Well, okay..." *starts walking*} {mio:...} {-a baseball is sent hurdling toward's meme's head-} {mio: !!! *slices the ball in half* } {Meme: "Eeep!"} {mio:... !!! *staring at her axe blade hand* !! shit! *tries to hide it* d-dont look! s-stay away!} {Meme: *looks behind Mio* "Oh, wow, is that an axe?!"} {mio: !!! s-stay back! y-you'll get hurt if you get near me! >~<} {Meme: "You're...a weapon?" *takes a step forward*} {mio: i-i said-} {Meme: "Boop!" *taps Mio's nose*} {mio: g-gueh! *falls back*} {Meme: D: "S-Sorry! I was just trying to lighten the mood..."} {mio: .... 7///~///7 y-you arent...scared of me?} {Meme: *shakes her head* "No! Some of my best friends are weapons! ...That came out wrong..."} {mio:..... ???} {Meme: "I'm from the DWMA. I mean, I was until...until...I-I'm on, um, 'vacation.'" ^^; } {mio:....o-oh... 7.7 i see.... must be pretty expensive to get in...} {Meme: "They actually give an allowance to students, so it's just about qualifying to get in."} {mio:..i doubt i meet the qualifications. i'm just some bullied shut in...} {Meme: "I...don't think they ask that in the interview...And 'bullied'?"} {mio:...everyone at school avoids me because of....*holds up blade hand* t-this...} {Meme: "Well, that wouldn't happen at the DWMA: students there find other reasons to avoid people!" ^^ } {mio: ...just who even are you?} {Meme: "I'm Meme!" *holds out her hand*} {mio:.... 7///7; i-i'm mio...} mio:... *small blush* Meme: *yawn* *sits up, stretches* "Mmm..." mio:...hey meme. Meme: "Oh, Mio! Hi...Have you been there...?" mio: yeah, why wouldnt i be? Meme: "..." QWQ mio: m-meme?! whats wrong?! Meme: "That just m-means a lot to me..." mio:.... 7/////7 Meme: *yawns* "I'm feeling better now..." -elsewhere- Gin: "Another drink?" higuchi: *nods* naoya: akuta giving you problems again? higuchi:....y-you could say that... Gin: "A bit of a handful..." naoya: ah. i see. need me to talk to him at all? Gin: "Worth a try." naoya: let me see where he is.... *ability; perspective* *eye shine*...... GAH! Gin: "???" naoya:...that....that was...more than i wanted to see..... =___=;; Gin: "..." -\\\- higuchi: ???? naoya:....maaaybe i should...give him a few minutes. Gin: "..." >_< higuchi: ???????? -with akutagawa- Akutagawa: "Ah...Ah..." -he is alone- Akutagawa: "Ah…Ah~!" *finishes* "..." -silence- Akutagawa: *small panting...sniffs...tears up a little* -silence- Akutagawa: "..." *sadly starts cleaning himself* -elsewhere- Kunikida: *locks his desk* "Good night." -there are two photographs on his desk; one of rokuzou, and one of sasaki- Kunikida: *walks for the door* -elsewhere- Dazai: *looking up at the ceiling* -the night is silent, save for the sound of cars passing by on the road outside- *There are some small gouges in the ceiling, lit up by the car lights outside* Dazai: "..." *sighs* -phone rings- Dazai: *looks at the phone* "!!!" *answers* "Hello?" atsushi: you doing ok? Dazai: "..." *smiles* "Just can't sleep." atsushi: ah... Dazai: "How 'bout you?" atsushi: just had a lot on my mind. Dazai: "Such as?" atsushi: studies. this whole akutagawa thing.....o-other stuff... Dazai: "??? You want me to talk to Akutagawa?" atsushi: i-it's fine... its my problem, so i'll take it into my own hands. Dazai: "..." ("I'll avoid jokes about 'Akutagawa in his hands.'") "The 'other stuff' though?" atsushi:.....im 18 now...when i turn 21, can we go to bar lupin together? Dazai: "...Yeah, sure. It'll be your birthday gift!" atsushi:...*small smile* thanks. Dazai: "You're welcome! Thanks for asking. Man, lots of memories..." atsushi: yeah, o-*ahem* kunikida told me you used to frequent there a lot.. Dazai: *nods* "Yeah...Me, Ango...and..." atsushi:...yeah... Dazai: "...You'd like Oda. He had great stories." atsushi:...i think i would have liked him too... odasaku:....*faint smile* Dazai: "...Wish I could tell them to you as well as he did." -elsewhere- mary: hey mr fitz? you still awake? Fitzgerald: =-= "...Wha?" mary: i've been thinking. the new guild needs a mascot! Fitzgerald: "...What did you have in mind?" mary: i doodled this! *she holds up a picture of a cat with a top hat and monocle* i call him 'the great catsby'! Fitzgerald: "...Um..." mary: OwO *shiny eyes* Fitzgerald: "..." *sighs, pats her head* "Okay." mary: yay! ^w^ Fitzgerald: "We'll get some mugs printed..." -elsewhere- zoey: ...... FD: "Zoey?" zoey: yes master fyodor~? FD: "You seem contemplative." zoey: is there....something...you needed me to do...right now? FD: "Perhaps..." *takes her hand, looks at it* zoey: ahh.. *blush* FD: "Need something..." zoey: yes? FD: "Shiny." zoey: *blush* FD: "Should've grabbed a jewel when I had the chance..." zoey: master fyodor~... FD: "I'll make it up to you..." *kisses her hand* zoey: ah~<3 FD: *smiles* "Now, shall we work? Or have pleasure?” zoey: i'll do whatever you wish of me. FD: "...Can you stand on your head?" zoey: *top down, bottom up* l-like this? FD: "Exactly..." *pokes her ankle* "What's your record?" zoey: f-for what? FD: "Staying on your head?" zoey:...i dont....recall... FD: *holds her ankles, pulling them down so her legs are almost 180 degrees* "Hmm..." zoey: a-ahhh~! FD: "Underwear?" -black lace- FD: "Excellent choice." zoey: ah~ FD: *kisses lace* zoey: *moans* FD: *positions her legs to wrap around his shoulders and neck* zoey: ahhh~<3 FD: *rests his tongue along her sex* -elsewhere- Shotaro: *hug* setsuna: *hug* well done on your good deed, today, son. Shotaro: "Thanks! I had help though!" mana: ^^ Shotaro: ^\\\^ "And tomorrow, I got another good deed in mind!" -morning- atsushi: zzzz.... Kyoka: *sitting with a bowl of cereal...and ice cream on top of it* demon snow: ?? Kyoka: "...The ice cream is sweater than yogurt and melts down into the sugary cereal, creating wondrous flavors." *pokes Atsushi with her spoon* atsushi: GAH! 24! TRIANGLE! JULES VERNE! Kyoka: "...I started breakfast." atsushi: oh...right... *yaaawn* -elsewhere- Kid: *kitten yawn* stocking: zzzz Kid: "..." *hug* stocking: *yawn* morning honey~ Kid: *smiles* "Morning." *smooch* stocking: sleep ok? Kid: "...A bit better." stocking: that's good. *forehead kiss* Kid: ^\\\^ -elsewhere- Chuuya: *passed out on the couch, the TV on* mito: *eating catfood* Chuuya: *moans, sits up...* "...What was I watching?" -seems to be on the weather- Chuuya: "...Please be sunny..." -seems it will be cloudy this week- Chuuya: "...Fuck." mito: O^O~? Chuuya: *looks at the clock* -7:45 AM- Chuuya: "!!! I'm going to be late!" -in class- Sid: "Okay, that takes care of attendance." yana: *glances at chuuya* Chuuya: *disheveled, panting*' eijiro: jeez, ozaki. you alright? Chuuya: "Alarm clock..." eijiro: ah. Chuuya: *looks in his bookbag for his textbook and--* "!!! Oh, no...I left it at home." -elsewhere- Secretary: "Mr. Sakaguchi? Someone is here, but he doesn't have an appointment." ango: who is it? Dazai: "Goooood Mornin’ Ango~!" ango:.... -_.-; Dazai: "I brought muffins!" *holds up a box of donuts* ango:...those are donuts. -_.-; Dazai: "Muffin tops that I flattened then poke holes into. Speaking of poking holes into stories, I need a favor." ango: *groooan* what is it? Dazai: "Do you know this guy?" *passes a photo of...Touma* ango: hmm? hmmm...yes, taishi touma, vice branch manager of C3's death city branch. initially transfered here from the C3 tokyo branch. Dazai: "C3?" ango: yes. C3. part of the International Department of Paranormal Containment/Control. or the IDPC for short. Dazai: "Hmmm...I see." *looks at the photo again* "So, you're telling me this guy...is actually...an incubus." ango:.....what? Dazai: "Handsome creepy guy intimidating women around town and in charge of paranormal stuff? Totally an incubus." ango:....*facepalm* Dazai: "Anyway, he's been intimidating a friend of a rival of a coworker. Was hoping for something to help." ango: we'll look into it then. Dazai: ^^ "All I ask--thanks! Have a muffin!" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *walking through the street* "..." -elsewhere- Sakuya: *asleep at school desk* marie: mr watanuki? mr watanuki? Sakuya: *snore, sleep-talking* "Three sugars, please..." -elsewhere- Emine: *in chemistry class, holding two beakers* -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Okay, I think that'll do it." *lowers hood on the Matchbox; he's covered in grease* "Turn it on." maki: *puts the key in the ignition* *Runs smoothly* Vulcan: *smiles* maki: awesome! Vulcan: "Awesome! Man, exhausted after all of that..." *opens a can of soda* -elsewhere- Meme: *sips tea* mio: feeling better? Meme: *smiles* "Much! Thanks." mio: glad to know. *smiles* ao said it was a family recipe. Meme: "I'll have to thank her--it's tasty. A little spicy." -elsewhere- Poe: *shelving books* rowena: good morning, brother. ^^ Poe: "Oh, Rowena--hello! How is your day starting?" rowena: well. how was everything for you, yesterday? Poe: "...Um..." rowena: ?? Poe: "...I need to look into someone." -elsewhere- naoya: *shooting targets* Gin: "Good." higuchi: sorry you got replaced, naoya. naoya: on the bright side, im not dead, and i get to return to the black lizards. it's a double win! Gin: "Have you met your replacement?" naoya: *shrugs* all the boss said was 'you're being replaced. you will return to the black lizards first thing tomorrow~'. how was that? Gin: "...Creepy tone." naoya: yeah anyway. higuchi: could sound slimier. naoya: ooooh sick burn! X'D Gin: "Quite so. Best not let him hear it." naoya: *nods, serious face* Gin: "With your training done for the day, do you have missions?” -elsewhere- Izuku: *stretches* ochako: *taking notes* Iida: "And when is our next practice tournament?" momo: seems it's coming up soon. Iida: "Hmmm...It will be one step closer in the progress to become a full-fledged hero." momo: *nods* mina: ooh! looks like the DCHN is doing an interview with endevour! Todoroki: "..." -elsewhere- Anya: *having lunch* -elsewhere- Kid: *writing notes* -elsewhere- ango: asahina, just the person i was looking for. asahina: sir? ango: we've had reports of people going missing around the franklin subway station. according to the reports, it's likely the RHOD. we need you to investigate and report back. asahina: understood! *salutes* -and so- asahina: jeez, this place is like a maze.... -silence- ???: "Hm hm hm..." asahina: O-O; *shakes head* c-calm down chitose...i-it's probably just a rat or something! haha! *Whistle* asahina: O_O;;;;;; *picks up her pace* ???: "--used to know..." asahina: *walking faster until she is almost running* *A match is struck* asahina: *turns* S-SHOW YOURSELF!! -nothing- asahina:.... *keeps going* ???: "Glowing dim..." asahina: h-he-hell-hellooooo? QuQ;;; *A face appears under a lit match* asahina: *SCREAMS and makes a run for it* *POW* asahina: *faceplanted onto the floor* o-ow... *trying to crawl away* *Ankle grab* asahina: *trying to pull away* *Something pricks the back of her neck* asahina: !!!! ah.... *slowly losing conscious...she looks up at the face of her attacker* FD: "..." *softly singing* “Once…upon…a December…” asahina:....*collapses* FD: *picks her up* -elsewhere- Kunikida: *sneezes* naomi: jeez, coming down with something? Kunikida: *summons a tissue from his book* "I'm sure I will be fine..." -elsewhere- Gopher: *face down on the floor* -elsewhere- Hyde: *atop a stage* tsugumi: *observing* licht: *playing a tune on the piano* -_-; Hyde: *dramatic pose* "Sweet love, renew thy force!" tsugumi: *glances at anya*... anya? Anya: Q\\\Q Hyde: "Be it not said thy edge should blunter be than appetite, which but today by feeding is allay'd!" yana: ....*casually nomming on chips* Anya: *hand reaching to the stage...* Hyde: "Tomorrow sharpen'd in his former might--" *A crash is heard* Hyde: "?!!" tamaki: *SCREAMING* GET ME DOWN FROM HERE!!! Arthur: "Hang on! I'll help!" Hyde: "???" licht: *twitch* Hyde: *looking up* "...Is that a cat?" tamaki: TT~TT *she's caught in the ropes....in a rather interesting position* Arthur: o\\\o "I-I could cut you down!" Hyde: "Jeez..." Anya: O___O "How mortifying..." yana: jeez, that looks like it sucks.....*sips soda* Arthur: *prepares his sword* "Just don't move..." tsugumi: !!! there's someone up there on the rafters!! Arthur: "???" *looks* atsushi:... *JAWDROP* DAZAI GET DOWN FROM THERE!! Dazai: "I will! I just need to get the rope on first--" licht: *grabs hyde and throws him at dazai* Hyde: "Whyyyyyyy meeeeeee?!" Dazai: "???" *SMACK* tamaki: D8> -BOOOOM- tamaki: ororororororo @~@ Dazai: X___X *falls back* Hyde: Q~Q "St-Stupid Licht..." Anya: *covers her mouth* "Oh no..." licht: i put an end to these shenanigans because.... *pose* i am an angel. tamaki:...TT~TT Arthur: *still standing* "...Um...What now?" yana: *smirk* Hyde: *removes his shoe--and throws it at Arthur's head* -elsewhere- Giriko: "And that's how I got this scar!" kirika: kickass. Giriko: "And the lesson I learned was this: don't get into fistfights with gibbons." -elsewhere- atsushi: i am so sorry about this, ma'am. *on his knees, hands clasped and apologizing* Yumi: "Just _what_ was this...person doing here?" atsushi: it's...uh... a long story. *sweatdrop* Dazai: *hanging upside down* "Investigating!" atsushi: ?? Yumi: "..." *eyebrow raised* Dazai: "I just can smell a problem here in this very school! That, or my protege here--" *lifts Atsushi's arm* "--forgot his deodorant!" atsushi: d-DAD-DAZAI!! Dazai: "Tell me about your new students..." Yumi: "That information is classified." Dazai: *pouts, turns to Atsushi* atsushi: *sweatdrop* Yumi: "Atsushi, who is this?" atsushi: well.... -elsewhere- ???: "Wake up." asahina: mmmn...?? *eyes fluttering open*... mmh... mphhgh?!?! *her mouth is gagged and her arms and legs are tied* FD: "Nurse...Ready?" zoey: of course.... *she has a needle out* asahina: !!!! *muffled screams and trying to back away* FD: "Administer the solution." zoey: of course... *grabs asahina by the arm and injects her* asahina: !!! *wince* FD: "That is poison." asahina: !!! FD: "You will die in three days." asahina: !!!! *tears falling* n-no.. FD: "Unless..." asahina: ?? w-what? what is it? FD: "I have the antidote..." asahina: p-please i-i-i dont want to die! FD: "Then you will do as I ask." asahina: w-what is it you want? FD: "We want...information." asahina: w-what kind of information? FD: "The names of all ability users in the city.' asahina: ?? FD: "You have that information." asahina: w-what makes you so sure? zoey: *examining an ID card; Chitose Asahina. Death City Council Department of Ability Users* FD: *smile* asahina:...*wincing as the poison is beginning to slowly eat away at her* FD: "Now, what will it be?" asahina:....ok...i'll help you... FD: "Good...I suggest you hurry." -elsewhere- Relan: D: "What did Tamaki do to you?!" shinra: *full footprint on his face*.....she slipped. clothes flew. i got the boot. -_-; Relan: "...That sounds really unrealistic. And stupid." shinra: why does she get mad at me?! iris: who knows. -elsewhere- Hibana: *humming* hanako: hi mom! Hibana: "?! Oh...sweetie." *smiles* "How are you?" hanako: good! *she has a flower crown* Hibana: QWQ "For me?" hanako: *hands her one* big sis mikami showed me how to make them. Hibana: "Thank you! That was very nice of Mikami. Did you thank her?" hanako: *nods* -elsewhere- Burns: "Useless." dia: sir? Burns: "Slow response time." -elsewhere- Rin: "..." madoka: *climbing onto the roof* up here again? ^^ Rin: "Feels...comfortable." madoka: ah. i brought bentos again. Rin: "Oh! That's--" *his stomach growls* ^^; "...Great." madoka: ^^ Rin: *sniffs* "So good...Thanks." *smooch* madoka: hehe~ Rin: *looks around* "It's not a bad view from here." madoka: it's pretty...*holds his hand* Rin: ^\\\^ *small squeeze* "Glad you're here." madoka: ^///^ -elsewhere- Mori: *asleep on the couch* {mama mori:.....*stepping into mori's room*..... *standing over his bed, staring*....*tears falling*} {Mori: *turns over* "Hmm?"} {mama mori:....it's ok rintarou....i wont....let you become like your father.....*tears falling as she wraps her hands around his throat, gripping tightly*} {Mori: "Mama? What are you--"} {mama mori: *her grip is getting tighter around his throat* .....} {Mori: *choking, his hands along hers* "M-Ma--!" {-slice-} {mama mori: !!! *coughing as her throat is slit open with a scalpel, blood splashing and causing her to let go and collapse, twitching on the ground*} {Mori: *his mother's blood on his face* "Wh-Wh-..."} {ougai sr:...*hugs him* it's ok rintarou....you're safe now...she cant...hurt you anymore...} {Mori: *frozen...he can't move*} {ougai sr: *pets his head* it's ok...} {Mori: "..." *cries} {ougai sr: you're safe now son....*smiles* tomorrow, everything will be better....i have so much to teach you...} {Mori: *can't talk*} -the phone rings- Mori: *wakes up* *looks around* "..." *picks up the phone* "Yes?" -elsewhere- Yohei: "Here comes the airplane! Vroom!" toru: ^o^ Yohei: "Yum yum!" toru: ^u^ chie: ^^ Yohei: "Eat up! You're a growing boy..." -elsewhere- Anya: "That was an...interesting performance, Licht." licht: sorry about the shit rat and the weird trench coat man. Anya: "It was still entertaining, before those interruptions." *smile* -elsewhere- Benimaru: "It'll be getting colder." kirei: *nods* Benimaru: "...Maybe I'll knit." kirei:..*small smile* Benimaru: "..." -\\\- *cheek scratch* "...Need a scarf?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: *zipping up his bookbag* girl:....um...ozaki? Chuuya: "What?" girl: if you arent busy after school, did you want to go to deathbucks together? Chuuya: "...Sorry. I can't." girl: oh...maybe some other time then? Chuuya: "Yeah, whatever..." girl: ok! see you around! *walks away* Chuuya: "..." ("Will I ever...?") yana: ... Chuuya: *takes his bookbag and walks* ("Will I ever...get over this?") -elsewhere- lana: i'm home. Mr. Shephard: "Welcome back!" lana: ^^; how was everything while i was at work? Mr. Shephard: "Oh, alright. I got the mail, did some vacuuming, put out some crumbs for the raven--" lana: eh? o.o Mr. Shephard: "Yeah, wildest thing--that bird's been there all day." lenore: ... lana:...um... ._.; lenore: *there is a letter attached to the scarf addressed to lana* lana: oh... *takes the letter* lenore: *squaks and flies off* Mr. Shephard: "Aw, the bird flew away..." lana: *reading the letter* Poe’s letter: "Dearest Lana--Hello!" lana: *smiles and reads* Poe’s letter: "As I proceed with the tasks ahead of me, what guides me through the day, and motivates me to persist, is the moment when I can again see your face." lana: *small blush and smiles* Poe’s letter: "I trust all is well and look forward to your response. Therefore, I will keep this letter brief, except to tell you one more thing..." lana: ?? Poe’s letter: "My affection for you is strong." lana:... *smiles* -seems some stuff had been scribbled out before that- --You are like the most beautiful black rose-- --You are as radiant as a dying star-- --I really like you— ---I love you--- lana: ^^ -elsewhere- karl: *nom nom* Poe: OWO;;; *offering another grape* "I made a mistake, didn't I? She hates me now. I just know it." karl: ^^ *nom* Poe: "M-Maybe I can get back the letter before she reads..." -the phone rings- Poe: "Eek!" *answers* "H-Hello?" lana: hey edgar. i got your letter. Poe: OWO;;;; "L-Let-ter? O-Oh?" lana: yeah. im amazed you trained a bird to deliver it. Poe: OWO;;;;;;; "Ha ha ha! Yes! Trained! Ha!" lana: hehe...well, the letter was really sweet. thanks. Poe: "Oh! You...liked it?" lana: yeah. it really made my day a bit better. Poe: "...I am glad. How was your day?" -elsewhere- Arthur: *knocks on door, holding a plate* "Tamaki? I...brought you dessert?" tamaki: *creaks open the door* TT3TT Arthur: *it's a cupcake with candy cat ears* "...I'm sorry." tamaki: *sniff* thank you... TT3TT Arthur: *hands her the plate* "..." tamaki:...*sigh* i really hate having the shitty luck i have... Arthur: "...Maybe...you just need some good luck..." tamaki: i wish... Arthur: "...I have something that brings me good luck." tamaki: really? Arthur: *pulls from his pocket...a horseshoe* tamaki:...*small smile* Arthur: *kisses the horsehoe, before handing it to her* tamaki:... .///. t-thank yo- *trips and....* -smooch- tamaki: o//////////o Arthur: .\\\. *falls back* tamaki: w-woah! *she lands on top of him* O///////////O Arthur: o\\\o "L-Let me help you up--" *lifts his head up--his chest pressing against hers* tamaki: .///////. shinra: get a room. tamaki: FUCK OFF! DX< -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "Zzz..." -elsewhere- atsushi: we're back! Kyoka: *waves* Kunikida: *points to folder* atsushi: *examining* *Picture of a street magician* atsushi: oh? Kunikida: "Reports of some magician harassing people at Death Square." atsushi: *nods* we'll look into it. Kunikida: "See that you do." *hands him mail* atsushi: *looking through the mail* *To Tabby* atsushi: *looks at the note* *Inside is a coupon for a free drink* atsushi:...*smiles and puts it into his pocket* *A letter from...rehab* atsushi: oh boy. *opens it* " 'Dear annoying detective boy...'" atsushi: well this isnt off to a good start. Letter: "I'm finally out of rehab--and the one responsible for that is you." atsushi: *keeps going, nervous sweating* Letter: "Because after rehab, I signed, like, totes five contracts for a book, a TV show, and a freaking lecture circuit. I got money!" atsushi: hmm. Letter: "So thanks for outing me--now I got more bucks for even better drugs!" atsushi:....*FACEPALM* *Attached is a signed photograph* atsushi:.... *awkward glance* *She's blowing a kiss* atsushi:... 7-7;; Dazai: "At least you can sell the signed photo online." -elsewhere- asahina:... *in the records room* ....... *hands trembling* *Footsteps* asahina: !!! *hides* Custodian: *turns on the lights, walks to the trash can under the desk* asahina:....*still hidden* Custodian: *empties the can, walks to the door...* asahina:....*waits for them to leave*......*after they've left, she goes to the computer and plugs in a USB drive*... *Files appear on the computer* asahina:....*makes a copy of the file 'ability_users_in_D_City' and transfers it to the USB drive* 41%...42%... asahina:...*muffled cough* ..... 64%... asahina:..... ...99% *DING* asahina:..... *unplugs the USB drive and turns the computer off*.......*exits* *No one in the hallway* asahina:....*cough cough*.....*exits* *Cameras around the area seem to be focused on her* asahina:....*light trembling* *She arrives at the location she was directed to go, before heading underground* asahina:....*coughs* *She proceeds down steps* asahina:..... *walking to a door....opening it* FD: "Welcome." asahina:...*she hands him the USB drive* FD: *smiles* asahina:...y-ou'll....give me the antidote now...right? FD: *takes the USB...and walks away* asahina: h-hey! w-what about the antidote?! FD: "I lied." asahina: !!! *falls to her knees, tears falling* n-no... FD: *hums, as he opens a door to depart* asahina: p-please! t-there has to be something you can do! FD: "There is..." asahina: r-really? FD: *rests a finger on her forehead* asahina: eh?..w-what- FD: "Death." asahina: ah- -flick- asahina: !!!! *coughs blood as she collapses, twitching before finally dying* FD: "..." -no reply- FD: "Messy." zoey:....shall i....dispose of her? FD: "Please." -elsewhere- Yumi: "Damn it..." lord death: *hug* i know it's a day early but....*kiss on the cheek* happy birthday. Yumi: =\\\= "...Thank you. I prefer things on the day when they are to occur..." -elsewhere- Relan: *texting* [commander hibana treating you well?] mikami: [yeah. her daughter is so sweet. ^^] Relan: [d'aw. that's good] -morning- hirotsu: *on phone*...yes....i see....very well...*hangs up* seems there's been some trouble down in one of our warehouses. Mori: "Send an investigation team." hirotsu: understood. -at the warehouse- -a man in coke bottle glasses is waiting- coke bottle: hmmm....i hope mr akutagawa gets here soon. Akutagawa: *appears behind him* coke bottle: YEEP! ah! mr akutagawa! good morning! Akutagawa: "Hello. What has occurred?" coke bottle: well, we found something in a steel drum that was left here in the warehouse...its...god damn..its.... Akutagawa: "It's what?" -a mafioso looks inside the steel drum...and promptly vomits- Akutagawa: "???" *looks* "...Oh." -inside, asahina's mutilated corpse remains- Akutagawa: "Have you identified the remains?" coke bottle: we've been working on that as we speak. Akutagawa: "...A threat to the Mafia? A warning?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: *walking to school* atsushi:.....>->;;; Chuuya: "??? Tiger Boy?" atsushi: !!! um....hey....chuuuyaaaa? ^^;;;; Chuuya: -_-;;; "I'm under an alias, guy." atsushi: a-ah! right! uh...ozaki? was it? Chuuya: "Yeah...Off to school too, huh?" atsushi: yeah, where else? Chuuya: -_-# "I'm just making conversation..." atsushi:....sooooo.....what do you like doing OwO;;; Chuuya: "Drinking wine." atsushi: ah...what else? Chuuya: "Dancing." atsushi: oh, neat. *smiles* Chuuya: "What do you do?" atsushi: me? well....hmmmm.. that's a good question... Chuuya: "Must be something you do--besides babysitting Dazai." atsushi: hmmm... maybe i could check out a club at school? but kunikida would probably kill me. Chuuya: "What, he doesn't like you in clubs?" atsushi: well, i think he wants me to focus on my studies and on agency work. Chuuya: "Admirable." atsushi: t-thanks. ^^ Chuuya: "...Well, here we are." atsushi: ah...you know...i dont think you're that bad a guy, chuu-er, ozaki. Chuuya: -\\\- *grunts, walks ahead into school* atsushi: ..... -in class- Hyde: *snoring* marie: it was then that-....mr kranz? Hyde: *muttering in his sleep* "Kumquats..." marie: mr kranz?... Hyde: *sleep-talking* "Get the biggest one you can find..." licht: hey shit rat, get up. *KICKS HIM INTO THE CEILING* Hyde: D: O_____O *crash* "...Ow..." marie: o_o; Hyde: *falls back down* -elsewhere- Sid: *handing back graded tests, returning them to Tamaki and Arthur* "Tamaki, good work." *She got a 94/100* tamaki:... TTuTT yes! Arthur: *smiles* "Lucky horseshoe..." *then he looks at his grade: 12/100* "?!!!" Sid: "You answered 'I am a knight' to each question." Arthur: "But that is an accurate statement." Sid: "Even on the true/false questions!" shinra: -_-; Arthur: "Is it not true I am a knight?!" -elsewhere- Black Star: *whistling* soul: hey. *waves* whats up? Black Star: "Yo! Doing alright. How's work been?" soul: pretty good. still havent found any rogues...so close, but so far... Black Star: "Wish I could help, but similar problem...Long road to Death Scythe-dom." soul: yeah... -elsewhere- Benimaru: *doing squats* "Quicken your pace, soldiers." -elsewhere- Meme: *eating lunch* *sighs* tsugumi: doing better? Meme: "Hmm? Oh, yes. Just getting used to school again, I guess." tsugumi: ah. Meme: "Make-up work shouldn't be too hard. Thanks for collecting it!" tsugumi: no problem ^^ Meme: "Anything surprising happen while I was out?" -elsewhere- Kid: *filing papers* liz: hard at work? Kid: *smiles* "Always. What time is it?" -elsewhere- higuchi: *walking through the halls* Mori: "Good day." higuchi:.....likewise... Mori: "Tell me, how is progress going on investigations?" higuchi: seems the person we found was a government official. Mori: "Do any authorities know about this?" higuchi: no, but it wont be long... Mori: "Have you moved the remains elsewhere?" higuchi: they're in the morgue. Mori: "Any idea how this person was killed?" higuchi: besides being mutilated? Mori: *smirks* "You really think that's what killed them? How would the murderer get the victim to stay still so long?" higuchi:....what do you mean? Mori: "If I could mutilate a corpse, I wouldn't stop until there was nothing left of the corpse. ...That is, _if_ I was the murderer." higuchi: ...... Mori: "Perhaps I should examine the remains as well..." higuchi:....... Mori: "While I do so, take care of this." *hands her a slip of paper with an address* higuchi: ?? Mori: "They'll know some poisons that may be relevant..." higuchi:....right. (thinking: poisons?...) -elsewhere- Dazai: *making paper dolls* ranpo: looks like it's gonna rain later. *he has rain boots on* Dazai: "...Oh, that's just adorable." ranpo: ^u^ yosano: ^^; (thinking: its hard to believe he's 26...) Dazai: "Let me guess--you're umbrella has little kittens on it?" ranpo: what do you think i am, a child?... it's ducks. Dazai: *slapping his hands on his cheeks* "So cute~!" naomi: OwO -elsewhere- Victor: *covered in dirt, holding a shovel* iris: O_O; Victor: "I was looking at the tunnels and thought I would make my own to give us a back-up route out of the tunnels!" iris: i guess that makes sense, b-but please dont destroy the garden Q.Q Victor: "Oh, don't worry! I dug the tunnel under the training field--" *A loud scream is heard--then a thud* Victor: OWO;;; tamaki: #%&^*^I&#&* iris: *covering her mouth* !!!!! Arthur: "Someone bring rope! Tamaki fell into a dragon's tunnel!" -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Look at Emine's test score!" Emine: >_< "Give that back! Or I'll put fleas in your bed!" -elsewhere- Iida: "Almost ready..." ochako: the sports festival is gonna be so awesome! Izuku: "Yeah! I can't wait for--" Bakugo: "IT FEELS LIKE IT HAS BEEN YEARS WAITING FOR THIS SHIT TO START!" ochako: o.o; Iida: "...Maybe take your medicine." -elsewhere- Monoma: *shaking* kinoko: O.O; Monoma: "I will win these games...then Itsuka will be mine!" -face palms from several students- Monoma: "And now for my afternoon energy drink! I made it myself!" *holds up a glass of...egg, whey and...fish?* -elsewhere- Giriko: *napping* arachne:...*small kiss on the cheek* anna: ^^ Giriko: *wakes up* "H-Huh? Wha--?" *sees Anna and Arachne* "Oh...Hey, ladies." *smiles* arachne: tired? Giriko: "Yeah..." *stretches* "Late shift..." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *nom nom nom nom nom* -elsewhere- justin: *finishing up after a sermon* oriko: zzzz... *napping in one of the pews* Fujimoto: *knock knock* justin: hmm? ah, father fujimoto, what a pleasent surprise. *small smile* Fujimoto: "Hello, Justin. Thought I'd stop by during my walk." kyouko: *waves* justin: *nods* did you need something to drink? Fujimoto: "That'd be great!" -elsewhere- Hyde: "I DIDN'T DO IT!" kranz: ?? Hyde: "I mean--What up?" *poses--then a faucet is heard snapping off* kranz: O_O;;; julian: *SCREAM* *Water sprays out from behind him* Hyde: owo; "...I should've fixed that plumbing..." -elsewhere- lana: *walking home* Poe: "H-H-Hell-Hello..." lana: hmm? oh, hey edgar. *smiles* Poe: owo "...Hi. How are you?" lana: good. you? Poe: "Better. Now." lana: ah. ^^ Poe: "...How was work?" lana: doing a lot better. that-...he hasnt been around.... Poe: "..." *pat pat* lana:...thanks, edgar. *smiles softly* Poe: "You're w-w-welcome...Um...Heading home?" lana: yeah. -the small rumble of thunder is heard- lana: *pulls her umbrella out* Poe: *looks up--and is hit by a raindrop* "!!" lana: *she opens her umbrella and offers it to him* want me to walk you home? Poe: "...Certainly." lana: *smiles as she walks home with him, holding his hand* karl: 7w7 Poe: *small happy shiver* .w. -soon, they arrive at his home- Poe: "Th-Thank you, Lana..." lana: any time. *smiles* Poe: "...Well, this is me..." lana: ok. have a nice night. Poe: "...I..." lana: hmm? Poe: "...would like...to..." lana: like to what? Poe: "...kiss..." lana: *small blush as she kisses him on the cheek* Poe: o\\\o "...Thank you." lana: ... *smiles and waves* Poe: owo *waves* "Good night." lana: *heading home* karl: ^o^ Poe: *pets Karl, smiles* karl: =w= Poe: "I-I think that was p-progress..." -elsewhere- Relan: *cuddle* shinra: u///w///u Relan: "I'm so happy here..." shinra: i am too. *rubs his back* Relan: ^\\\^ *kiss on the cheek* shinra: ^^ iris: *smiles* Relan: "Iris..." *kiss on her cheek* iris: >///< shinra: *hug* >///u///< Relan: *hugs them both* -elsewhere- Kid: *lies down* stocking: mmm~<3 Kid: *hugs her* "Glad to see you..." stocking: same here~<3 *kiss* Kid: "Hmm..." *strokes her back* "How was your day?" stocking: good. and you~ *walking her fingers up his chest before booping his nose* Kid: >\\\< "Too cute..." stocking: yes. yes you are. *smooch* Kid: "Mmm..." *smooch* -in the mafia morgue- Mori: "Hmm..." -asahina's mutilated corpse lays on a table- Mori: "Any parts missing?" medic: kidneys, gallbladder, lungs, pancreas are all gone. everything else is intact... Mori: "Hmm...Odd to retain those. Perhaps they could be valuable to sell, or for medical examination." medic: maybe.... Mori: "Name? Blood type? Anything unusual?" medic: well, we've found out she had been poisoned. she also died sometime before the mutilation took place. Mori: "So, the poison killed her?" medic: most likely. Mori: *looks at the victim's head* "Hmm..." -asahina's eyes are still intact, with dried tears mixed with blood from the wounds. her expression is one of shock- Mori: "Would you look like this if it was just poison?" medic: ?? sir? Mori: *touches part of her remaining head* "I think...the attack was here. From...inside?" medic: ?? like some kind of brain aneurysm? Mori: "Yes...That's it." medic: sir? Mori: "An ability user." medic: an ability user did this? Mori: "Just a feeling I have..." medic: ... -elsewhere- Sakuya: *rubbing his ankle* naho: zzzz... Sakuya: "..." ("I probably just need sleep...") *takes off his socks...lies next to her* naho:..... =w= Sakuya: "..." *hugs her gently* naho: *nuzzle* Sakuya: *closes his eyes, holds her* -at the dorms- Anya: "Zzz..." Meme: *reading* -elsewhere- Kyoka: *sipping tea* atsushi: *doing homework* Kyoka: "How much more you have?" atsushi: just a bit. Kyoka: "Well, you'll need sleep soon." atsushi: *nods* -thump- Kyoka: "???" atsushi: .... !!! *runs over to dazai's apartment, fearing the worst* DAZAI ARE YOU-..... o_____________________o;;;; kirako: O///-///O;;;; Dazai: o\\\w\\\o "...Howdy." atsushi:.................*slowly closes the door.......and promptly faints* Kyoka: *follows Atsushi, up to his collapsed body* "...Blood sugar?" Dazai: *looks at Kirako* "...So, I'm the one who forgot to lock?" atsushi: dont....open it.....save....yourself.... Kyoka: "..." *takes him by the arm--and drags him away* "Okay." odasaku:...huh. Kyoka: *has dragged him back to the apartment* -elsewhere- Arthur: *pouts* -morning- atsushi: nnngh....huh?...kyouka? Kyoka: "Oh, good, you are awake." atsushi: ugh...my head hurts....what happened? i remember hearing a thud, but then im here? Kyoka: "You told me not to open the door to Dazai's apartment." atsushi: ..... ._____________. ....i think....i feel sick..... Kyoka: "...How bad was it?" atsushi:....good news is he isnt dead... Kyoka: "What's the bad news?" atsushi:....i saw too much.....um....you see kyouka....when two people- Kyoka: "Dazai was having sex with Kirako." atsushi: D8.... *KO* Kyoka: "...You still have school." atsushi:.... TT_TT cant unsee... Kyoka: "You have seen nothing." atsushi:.......i saw a glimpse...... ./////.;;;; Kyoka: "Was it missionary, doggie style, an--" atsushi: D8 DO I NEED TO WASH YOUR MOUTH OUT YOUNG LADY?! Kyoka: *holds up a taser* -elsewhere- Dazai: TTWTT kirako: ^^; Dazai: "Sorry about last night." kirako: i-it's fine, really. ^^; Dazai: "...Think we should talk with Atsushi together?" kirako: if it helps... Dazai: "I do--kind of owe it to him after what he saw." -and so- Dazai: *sets out cups of tea* atsushi: i am so, so sorry for last night! *on his hands and knees, bowing for forgiveness* Dazai: "..." *eye glint* "Maybe you need to do something to earn our forgiveness--" -DOUBLE CHOP- Dazai: >__< Kyoka: -_-; "No." -elsewhere- Victor: *asleep...his head exposed above the ground...because someone buried him up to his chin in the backyard* "Zzz..." karin: 7w7 success... Arthur: "I brought the lawnmower..." Vulcan: "?!" nozomi: D8 DR ITOU NO! -elsewhere- Kid: *snore* stocking: zzzzz... Kid: *hugs Stocking* stocking: =u= Kid: *smooch* stocking: hehe~ Kid: "Morning..." -elsewhere- Belkia: =____= *dragging himself to the front door to get the newspaper* tsubaki: !!! what happened?? Belkia: "Huh? I guess I slept funny and--" O___O *sees headline: "Magician strikes again"* otogiri: *pops up behind belkia like a freaking weeping angel* belkia. what. did. you. do? Belkia: o_____O "I-I don't remember anything! I swear, I was asleep the entire time last night!" tsubaki: *examines the newspaper* Newspaper: "Four police officers are hospitalized after being attacked by 'the Magician' in his latest jewel robbery." otogiri: ......*gives belkia a cold glare* Belkia: o________o "Do I look like a jewel thief?! What would I need them for--" *raises his arms--and a jewelry box falls out of his sleeve* o________________o otogiri:.....*dark aura of murder* Belkia: "I ORDERED THIS ONLINE! I HAVE A RECEIPT! I HAVE A RECEEEEEEEEEEEEIPT!" -elsewhere- Akitaru: "You'll have some training this weekend, so rest up because you'll start at 6 AM Saturday." shinra: understood Vulcan: "I got some great death traps ready for your training." tamaki: w-wait what? Vulcan: "I mean 'Fluffy Kitten Hugs and Rainbows Tests.'" Arthur: *sigh of relief* "Oh, thank goodness. I thought you said 'Death Traps.'" tamaki: -_-; Victor: "I'm sure you'll all be fine." *he has lawn mower scars along his face* nozomi: EEEK! -elsewhere- Gopher: "???" kirika: *kicking rocks as she's walking along* Gopher: "Distracted?" kirika: eh, just bored, i guess. Gopher: "Well, did you want to do more training?" -elsewhere- Meme: *catches the ball* tsugumi: nice catch! Meme: ^^ "Thanks! I'm sending it back..." *gets ready to throw* -elsewhere- rowena: *putting her letter in the mailbox* ^^ Poe: "Oh, mailing something?" rowena: just sending a letter to mother and father. Poe: owo;;; "...What did you say?" rowena: just letting them know how we're doing here. Poe: "Oh...H-How am I doing?" rowena: i think you're doing well. a lot better than you had been... Poe: QWQ "..." *sniff* rowena: b-brother? are you ok? Poe: *nod nod* "Just...’feels’...as the locals put it…" rowena:...*chuckle* Poe: "..." *hug* rowena: *hug* ^^ Poe: *pat pat* -elsewhere- Assi: *upside down...and asleep* mono:.....*sigh* *drags him to his room* Assi: *snore* "M-...M-..." mono: ..... (thinking: without those stupid a-frames.....he's....kinda cute....) *shakes head* >3< Assi: "Mon..." mono: ?? >////>; Assi: "Mono...Mono...Monopoly." mono:.... *FACEPLANT INTO THE FLOOR* Assi: *wakes up* "Gah!" *looks around* "Oh, Mono. What's up?" -elsewhere- Asura: *shivers* mikan: *hug* Asura: *clutches her* mikan: *hums* Asura: "Aaaaah..." mikan: *small smile and petting his head* Asura: ^\\\^ heibito: *clinging to his leg* >.< Asura: "???" *lowers a scarf to pick up Heibito* heibito: ^o^ Asura: *forehead kiss* heibito: ^^ Asura: *hands Heibito to Mikan* mikan: hello sweetie. heibito: ma! ma! Asura: ^^ -elsewhere- Mephisto: "May I bring you anything else, my dear?" felisia: some tea would be nice. ^^; maid: -_-; (thinking: she's pregnant, she doesnt have a broken leg -_-; ) Mephisto: "Coming up~" *snaps his fingers* -tea cart summoned!- Mephisto: *offers a cup of tea* -elsewhere- Shima: O~O unagi: .... Shima: "So...do you like soda?" unagi:....<is what so?> Shima: "!!!" <Do you like soda?> unagi:....<i've...never had any> Shima: <Oh, it's really sweet! Want to try?> unagi:....<will i...get sick?> Shima: <I don't think so? I mean, if you aren't used to sweet things...Maybe a sip?> unagi:.... *tiny sip* >,< <t-tingly!> Shima: <That's the carbonation--little bubbles...> *sip* -elsewhere- Kyoka: *sets a bottle of soda in front of Atsushi--labeled "Brain Bleach"* atsushi:... TTuTT the offer is appreciated... odasaku: what have we learned? atsushi: always remember to knock. Kyoka: "Yes, you should." *sips her soda* atsushi: im just glad they werent too mad. Kyoka: *nods* "I think they had other things on their mind." atsushi: =////=;;; Kyoka: "I take it that was your introduction to sex education." atsushi:.... ./////. i've.....read books....scarred for life. Kyoka: "??? What kind of books were you given?" atsushi: well, the orphanage i lived in had a library, so i often spent my time there...i stumbled upon one book and....well,.... 7-7;;;; Kyoka: "..." *pat pat* -elsewhere- Wes: *asleep at piano* liz:...*small smile as she lifts him up and helps him to bed* Wes: "Hmm..." *yawn* liz: hey there. Wes: *smiles* "Hey...I fell asleep." liz: *chuckle* Wes: *yawn* "This composition just took a lot out of me...Sorry." -elsewhere- Dazai: *staring up* -silence in the room- Dazai: *sighs...tugs at a bandage* -slight unraveling, revealing scars underneath- Dazai: "..." *traces a finger along one scar* {odasaku: *sigh* honestly, what am i gonna do with you? *bandaging cuts on dazai's wrist*} {Dazai: "...Let me die..."} {odasaku: ??..... *head pet* } {Dazai: "?!"} {odasaku: something's on your mind...did you want to talk about it?} {Dazai: "...Alone..."} {odasaku: hmm?} {Dazai: "I-I don't think I'll...I think I'll always be alone."} {odasaku:.....*sighs and pats his back* being a mafia executive at 16 isnt easy, is it? you're still so young yet...} {Dazai: *sniff* "I-I just feel awful..."} {odasaku:.........if you ever need someone to talk to, just let me know, ok?} {Dazai: *hug*} {odasaku: !!....*small hug and pats his back*} {Dazai: *sniffle*} {odasaku: if you need to cry, just let it out.} {Dazai: *shakes his head*} Dazai: "..." -knocks- Dazai: "...Yeah?" woman: have you seen my child? he's been missing for so long... *looking down, holding up a photo.....of Q* Dazai: "...Maybe I can help. I am a detective..." woman: do you know....where he might be? Dazai: "...I think it is best to discuss at my office. It's not far--" woman: please sir! i-if im away from him for another moment, i'll surely go insane! Dazai: "Okay...Just...Let's start with your child's name." woman: h-his name is kyusaku...h-he's such a sweet boy...im worried someone kidnapped him! h-he has...a dangerous ability.. Dazai: "An ability?" woman: y-yes...if he...gets hurt.....he inflicts...a curse....i dont want my baby to get hurt! Dazai: "When did you last see him?" woman: h-he was....at the park with me....just a month ago... Dazai: ("Only a month ago?") "...We have been on the lookout for him." woman: y-you have?? Dazai: *nods* "We have spotted the child." woman: r-really?! Dazai: *his phone is in his hand, under a couch pillow, sending a text...* "He is with an organization that has taken him in..." woman: w-where is it?? Dazai: "With dangerous people...You shouldn't go alone..." woman: please, just tell me where he is! Dazai: "...The Mafia." woman:............i see....thank you.....*she walks away* Dazai: "Wait! You shouldn't go without some protection." -she's already gone- Dazai: "?!!!" *checks phone* -in an allyway, the woman has discarded the sunhat, coat, and glasses...- zoey: .... *Text on her phone* zoey: *examines it* FD: [Status?] zoey: [no new information. but the camera has been placed] FD: [Excellent] zoey: [shall i proceed with the next step, master fyodor?] FD: [Proceed] zoey:....*smiles* -elsewhere- Gin: "..." hirotsu: is something on your mind? Gin: "Just work. That is all. And you?" hirotsu: same as usual. Gin: "...Still troubled?" hirotsu: miss kouyou seems concerned about chuuya's mental wellbeing. Gin: "...He is still in mourning?" hirotsu:...*nods* seems miss kosaka's death has taken a heavy emotional toll on him. Gin: "...When did you last speak with him?" hirotsu: hmm... shall i speak with him then? Gin: "Yes." -and so- -knocks- hirotsu: chuuya?
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