#and why yqy cant explain to sj what really happened
ineffectualdemon · 1 year
I'm generally not a fan of the misunderstandings trope but when it's done well it hits hard
Loving someone deeply and truly, platonic or familial or romantic doesn't matter. This love is a core part of who you are
But your moment of deepest devotion and commitment to them fails and becomes what breaks your relationship and causes permanent harm to the person you love the most
And they never actually know what you did or tried to do for them. All they know is how it went wrong and you can never explain to them how it was supposed to go
Because the cost of the truth is too high. Not just for you, but if they fully understand the pain you were willing to go through for them, the pain you did go through for them, it would break them even more than your failure did
And you still love them too much to do that to them
But also, because you did fail. It was your fault it all went wrong. You don't deserve the forgiveness you know they will give you
Now imagine the above scenario is true for both halves of the relationship
That is when the misunderstandings trope is used to it's best affect and when it is used so well the tragedy of it is like no other
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