#and white countertops is shown. makeup stool
betafishtank · 2 years
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New York Master Bath
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bringmetolife-pwff · 4 years
Part 1 : Chapter Nineteen - Moving Out
Evelyn had been looking for a place to live on her own for months now.  She didn't want to buy just to buy or feel pressured to move out of her sisters place.  But she needed her own place to live.  Besides, she hardly saw her sister anymore if she were honest.  Since Vivienne got the job at the hospital she's spent more time there then at home as she was also on-call.  
Vivienne felt bad but Evelyn understood as she also had her own business to work with.  
Evelyn was used to living on her own for so long then she moved in with Liam and she had gotten used to that.  Never in a million years did she believe she would be put in the situation that she was put in.  She saw the death threats that Blair received and the hate comments Liam received after news was broken out that he had been cheating on Evelyn for months.  
Today, Evelyn would not be going into work as she was meeting with her real estate agent.  So far she had shown her six apartments, not loving any of them.  Evelyn decided to wear pants and a light pink peplum blouse as her blonde hair was up in a high bun.  A nude colour painted on her nails as she wore high heels.
Her real estate agent, Michael, was already standing in front of the apartment complex with a smile and some papers in his grasp.  
"Hi Eve, how're you today?" Michael asked.
His hair was short and he was wearing slacks as well as a nice button down shirt.  
"I'm well, thank you.  And you?" she asked politely and shook his hand.
"I'm doing quite well also.  You ready to see this place?"
"Yes," she exclaimed excitedly.
"This one is on the twenty-ninth floor and has two private terraces and access to a thirty-second level sky lounge.  It has three bedrooms and two bathrooms, one being the master bath, in case you have any guests or family members who will be staying with you.  It has a breathtaking view of Central London and a twenty-four hour concierge."
Evelyn nodded her head at the information.
"Couldn't have found a higher apartment room building?" she joked back earning a laugh from Michael.
"It's a lot but they have elevators so that helps," he shrugs his shoulders.
"What's the asking price?" She asked as they rode up the elevator which was playing music.
"2,370,000 euros."
Evelyn nodded her head thinking it wasn't bad.  Yes, it was a lot, especially for an apartment; but money was never an issue to her.  She had made millions from her clothing line alone.  She was no longer relying her father's money to get her places as she had never done that.  They were now in the apartment and she loved how open it was and clean.  But if she didn't absolutely love the apartment.  If she couldn't see herself living here for possibly long-term - then she wouldn't buy it.  
The elevator dinged, opening the doors and Michael allowed Evelyn to walk first.  Michael pulled out the key and unlocked the door allowing Evelyn to walk in.  Eve looked around the place.  It was modern - yet, it still felt like home.  Sometimes Eve felt as though if a place was too modern it seemed cold, unfriendly and a place that she couldn't stand.  This was the exact opposite.  The kitchen was pretty large and inviting being an open kitchen, having a table in the center that was the peninsula that had a white marble countertop with gold and black specks and the table was made of a light brown mahogany wood.  The kitchen cabinets were white and the flooring was wood making it easier in case there was a spill of any kind and had brown leather stools for an eating area.
The living room was large and open as well, having a sectional brown leather sectional couch that was facing right and had linear seating as well as soft backrest cushions to guarantee maximum comfort.  Evelyn loved the apartment and the scenery outside the wide open windows.  She could see herself living here.  It was big but not too big for one person.  There wasn't a telly, but she didn't mind having to buy one.  
"Beautiful view," Evelyn told him as she looked out at the city.  
"Now, the bedrooms," Michael told his client.  "This is the first one," he signaled to Evelyn as he pointed at the room.  It was smaller and cosy for a guest bedroom, which would be perfect for when one of her family members or friends would come to stay with her.  She chose not to have a roommate as she had been let down in the past by not having good roommates.  The ceilings were pretty high for an apartment and Eve loved that.  She didn't like the idea of small ceilings and the fact that she could sometimes feel claustrophobic with them.  
Next, was the bathroom.  There were two.  One was a smaller one in the hallway in between the two bedrooms.  She envisioned one of the bedrooms to be a walk-in closet for all of her clothes, makeup and jewelry.  She loved how she felt in this apartment when Michael gave her the tour.  It wasn't too rich feeling to where it felt cold and lonely.  
"Finally, the master bedroom and bathroom," Michael said after he showed her two other bedrooms and Evelyn let out a content sigh as she saw the room.  There were wide, open windows from top to bottom that gave Evelyn the most beautiful scenic view.  She walked up to the windows and put her hands on the glass as she let out another sigh.
"It's beautiful," she murmured.
Eve loved that the master bedroom wasn't long and narrow like most that she had seen were.  She knew that she was picky but this would be a place that she hoped she would live at for a while.  She didn't want to live just anywhere.  Her dad always taught her when looking for a home or an apartment that it's okay to be picky and if you don't really love it and can't envision yourself living there - don't give it another thought.
"If you think this is beautiful wait until you see the master bathroom," he commented and she was oddly excited about it, following behind him into the large master bathroom.
"Oh wow," Eve said in amazement and wonder as her eyes widened.
Eve was sold on this place.  The master bathroom was quite large, especially for being in an apartment.  It was all white with pearlescent counter tops and two sinks that could almost be a his and hers.  She wouldn't use both of them but the thought was nice touch.  It also had a claw bathtub and a separate area for showers.  
"That's the end of the tour," Michael told her.  "I'll give you some time to decide and take around again if you'd like."
"I don't need time," she shook her head, confident of her answer.  "I'll take it."
She had been in a meeting with Michael for the last hour going over the paperwork that she needed to sign.  Discussing things such as how long the lease is, what was included in the rent, when rent money is due - all of the important questions you should ask before signing a lease.  Evelyn signed the papers and Michael handed the her key to her new apartment.  Evelyn was so excited that she finally found a place that she loved that she could call her own.  This was the place where she would be living for however long she desired.  
As she finished the meeting and signing the papers, she made her way to her car with the biggest smile on her face.  She did a little squeal of excitement and unlocked her car getting her mobile out of her purse.  Frowning, she noticed a missed call with a voice mail.
Shit.  Shit.  Shit.
She knew immediately that it was William.  He was back with the military as it was a month later.  She hit her head against the headrest frustrated with herself that she had her mobile on silent not wanting to be disturbed during the meeting.  Now, she regretted it.  Evelyn knew she wouldn't be able to call that number back. Pressing play on the voice mail, she listened to it.
"Hey Eve, I know you're probably busy," she heard the mobile static sightly due to bad connection but she could still understand him.  "Just wanted to check in to see how you were doing.  I miss you.  Today's been rough," she heard him let out an exhausted sigh.  "I hope its been better for you.  Sorry I missed you.  I don't know when or if the next time I'll be able to talk to you will be."
William and Evelyn had been dating for technically for two months, but if you asked them they had been dating since July, making it four months.  It was now November and Evelyn couldn't believe how fast the year was going.  She loved November especially because it was always one of the rainiest times of the year.  Eve loved everything about the rain and felt it was therapeutic in a way.  
Even though she was happy that she had finally found an apartment for her to live, it came at the expense of missing a phone call from her boyfriend.
Evelyn woke up feeling as though her nose was stuffy that morning and her throat hurt to swallow and talk.  She was constantly blowing her nose and felt as though she had used half of the tissues from the kleenex box.  Her hair was up in a messy bun on the top of her head as she sucked on a cough drop after she gargled with salt water.  
She was in no shape to go into work today and left Sam in charge asking her to email her all of the updates.  Thankfully, it wasn't a busy day at the office so she wasn't missing anything.  She had the fall line out and it received loads of praise.  She was still wearing her pyjamas from when she slept the night before but now also had a grey cardigan wrapped around her to keep her warm.
It was a week after she signed the papers to her new apartment and she was officially all moved in.  Evelyn's mobile rang and she tried finding it but having had to have night nyquil for the night due to having a coughing fit - she was filling a bit out of it.  
"Hello," she spoke into her mobile as her voice sounded raspy and she coughed again before finding a cough drop to suck on.
"Oh Eve, you sound miserable," Will spoke into the phone with sympathy in his tone.
"Thanks," she replied sarcastically, laughed and breathed in wrong as she got into a coughing fit again.  After calming down, she spoke.  "How've you been?  I miss you."
"I miss you too, darling," he sighed into the phone.  "I've been alright.  They're having us busy out in the field.  Did you find a place?" he asked wanting to get the attention off of him.
"I did," she exclaims with her voice hoarse.  "It's so beautiful and just peaceful.  I can't wait for you to see it."
"I'm looking forward to seeing it.  I got your parcel," he informed her.  "I loved all the bits and bobs you put in it and I'll make sure I write you back a letter as well."
Eve had sent her boyfriend a care parcel of all his favourite things and some pictures of the two of them that their friends had taken over the months that they had gotten together.  She loved being able to put it together and wrote him a letter as well, even though they were able to talk on the mobile.
"You don't have to," she waved a hand even though he couldn't see her.  "I did it because I wanted you to be able to read it in your down time and that you'll have some part of me even if they are just words on a paper," she laughed lightly, coughing again.
"They aren't though," he frowned at her words knowing that she was only just trying to down play her letter.  "They mean more to me more than you'll ever know."
It was true.  Kate never had done anything like this for him since he had joined the military and had seen the differences between the two.  He would always wish every ounce of happiness towards his ex but what he felt for Eve was different.  Even though it had only been a few months - what he felt for Eve was something more than what he felt for Kate.  He knew that he needed to take it slow with Eve though otherwise if he didn't, he was afraid he might lose her.  He needed to go slow not just for her sake but his as well.
"Is there anything new with you?" Wills asked Eve.
"Well when I get to feeling better, which will hopefully be soon, Chelsy and I talked about taking a holiday to South Africa and show me her hometown."
Over the time that William and Evelyn have been dating, the two women have grown close as well.  The two brothers were grateful for that, knowing that Eve would soon be going through the spotlight soon as the prince's girlfriend and was glad that she would have someone other than Wills to lean on.  Someone outside the Royal family who knew how to handle it and how to act.
"That's fantastic," he exclaimed.  
He was relieved that she was keeping herself busy and wasn't down on herself because he wasn't there.  They both knew that even though they loved being around each other that they also needed space from each other too in order for their relationship to be successful and work.  She needed to be able to have a good head on her shoulders and Wills was thankful that she does, especially before they go public.
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