#and whisper encouraging words into the back of their mind... you know... weird stuff like that
medicinemane · 1 year
Was looking up the lyrics for this song, and see the fill in of "lyrics meaning" and it's just like... hmm... I wonder what lyrics like this could mean:
If I had a mind to I wouldn't want to think like you And if I had time to I wouldn't want to talk to you
It's a mystery what the song's about
0 notes
sunsents · 1 year
neteyam sully hcs - how he teases you (M)
headcannons about Neteyam teasing little shit sully. I've been craving to write this because I just KNOW he's so annoying and smug when he wants to be.
➵ pairing: agedup!neteyam x fem!reader (no use of y/n)
➵ warnings: this gets spicy towards the end so be warned. also, neteyams annoying asf, so be warned again.
Neteyam has a knack for romantics. He's seen plenty of his parents' very public displays of affection that make the entire herd say  "eewwww". At the ripe age of 37, Jake constantly pines over his wife and Neytiri is no better. 
The fact that the married couple has enough kids to form a goddamn baseball team is enough proof on its own. (And yes, Jake is painfully aware of this fact and is itching to introduce the sport to the poor na'vi children.)
Neteyam also has a way with words. In fact, he's so good with them that he can wax poetic about your bowel movements and you'd swoon nonetheless.
"Neteyam, are you drunk?" you'd ask after a particularly rowdy festival.
"No, I'm a poet." he'd tell you, drunk off his ass.
Cue the guy saying whatever comes to mind and trying to make it sound beautiful. "Oh, ____, Why, _____. Every move of your unaware knife stabs my heart. Your hands drip rewards of the sweetest juices a man dare crave." when you’re literally trying to cut fruit, or some shit like this. (idk im no poet use your imagination.)
Worst of all, it works. This man is mighty aware of how embarrassed and shy you get when he intricately weaves words just so he can see you blush and swat at him. He takes pleasure in your angry little tone in some weird, fucked up way. 
Which ends up with him developing a little...kink, if you will. He loves teasing. And in a condescending way too. 
He used to consider himself good-natured - didn't take pleasure in the humiliation of others, surely. His parents' relationship should have taught him well. And it did...but he just can't stop teasing you.
Perhaps it was your strangled voice telling him to cut it out, or the tint of your cheeks complimenting you oh so delightfully. He adored your reactions and coaxing them out was such fun. 
With this devilish smirk that could fluster anyone, (or so you'd tell yourself because you aren't weak...okay, maybe you are. but only for him.) he tells you how red you've become. He'd scissor his hands and squeeze your cheek between the two digits, "You're just so easy to mess with, my love."
This led to his teasing gaining an edge. And as he grew confident, he also got mean. His teases degraded you here and there but he was just so condescending; talking down at you as the prince of Omaticaya. Stuff like. “Oh, yawnetu. You’re always falling at my feet. Should I hold your hand?” when you trip and fall (because he made you trip and fall by looking extra good that day, and also ‘forgetting’ to put on pants. in your kelku, of course. or outside in the forest if you’re into that, you weirdo.)
 “Look at you, getting that fruit all over your mouth. Can’t even eat properly without my help.” when you eat particularly messily. 
“It’s cute that you think you can win these fights.” when you try to snap back. 
When he takes things particularly far, you get angry. Because damn, he's just so annoying sometimes. Never in your wildest dreams did you imagine the Olo’eyktan in training to be so smug and condescending. At first, he was all gentlemanly and teeth-rotting sweet. He’d encourage you, whisper sweet nothings in your ear, and be so freaking kind that it’d make you want to cry. 
When your mate got too comfortable, however, things went down. "Can you pass me the f-
"Only if you kiss me,"
"At what point do you become mature?"
"When you kiss me,"
"God, I hate you."
"Your pussy wasn't exactly screaming I hate you Neteyam this morning, but maybe that's just me."
He’s still sweet, of course. This man has no bad bone in his body, it’s true. He loves you so much that he can’t help but poke fun at your antics, and makes sure you know it’s all fun and games. When it’s fun and game time though, he’s ruthless. 
And he's so proud of himself too. Puffing out his chest smugly and prancing around, boasting his confidence. You just want to wipe that sly smirk off his face - but you can't. It falls on deaf ears when Neteyam jokingly personalizes a better-than-thou attitude
"Oh, do I annoy you?” he would ask you after watching you groan and roll your eyes. “Not more than usual,” you would tell him, and he would just smirk, striding towards you and pulling you into a fat kiss. 
Of course, these shenanigans follow him into the bedroom.
Lo'ak is evidently more like Jake when it comes to teasing. But Neteyam? Eywa have mercy on your poor soul. He's a mix of Neytiri, Jake, and perhaps Tsu'tey combined. (he's alive, argue with the wall.) The epitome of pure sex and the reincarnation of Asmodeus himself.
His tone is sweet yet condescending, smoothly purring into your ear while making fun of how easy it was to make your cunt ache with needy desire.
He would demand you finger yourself right in front of his prying eyes, then coo at you when you couldn't cum no matter how hard you tried. It was pathetic really, how diligently your fingers worked on your poor clit. But to no avail.
Neteyam would feast on the view like it was his meal for the week. With blown-out eyes and feral flicks of his tail, he would tease you all the while. Stuff like, "Let's see those fingers work harder. Oh come on, now you're just messing with me. There's no way you think that's what it takes to make you cum.
"I can’t concentrate when you look at me like that.” 
“Well, you should be concentrating on me instead,…maybe learn a few things.” he drawls, circling the head of his cock with a groan while imagining he’s rubbing your swollen clit.
And you'd try your best to remember how he made you cum. But no matter what, you just couldn't copy the way Neteyam spit on your clit to ease the ache or the way he strokes the nerves so gently with a finger. Only the clit, of course - because he's going to tease you, and teasing you involves edging the shit out of you until your eyes water and you can't help but beg.
The fact that you’re so accustomed to his fingers and cock was a little embarrassing. They had become proviso for you to cum. 
"You can't make yourself cum? How pathetic. Did I fuck you too good that it made you incompetent, or do you just like me too much?"
Neteyam always basks in his torture. He'd watch your hips buck wildly while begging and crying for him to fuck you right. He'd just sit there with wide legs, palming his hard cock and squeezing his balls ever so slightly at your pained mewls. Arms spread, head thrown back, he'd just observe you with additional snarky comments if he felt like it.
"Come on, you can do it. Oh, you got it, yes, there we g-...oh. What a pity."
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drgnnova · 3 months
Chapter 3: Friends 101
Ps: most of the chapter is very different than the canon version. but near the end of the chapter (when the mermaid scale is first mentioned, it becomes very similar to canon because i didn't know how to do this part differently. if you really want you can skip the last part of the chapter)
"page 3: start a conversation by talking about your interests…"
Hanako and Amane were sitting in the school library, a book about Astronomy. "…" their was a awkward silence. "ah- this is embarrassing!" Amane face burn a deep shade of red, as he shove his face into his hands. "Minamoto-Senpai is going to think I'm some kind of weirdo for being into stars and the moon… maybe more people would like me if i like something more popular, like a sport" Amane told Hanako, a idea came into Hanako's mind as she smile.
"why are you interested in Astronomy?" Hanako asked him, moving closer to him.
Amane face was even redder out, in a different type of blush. 'why is she getting so close…' "Uh- My father used to be into Astronomy…" he admitted, when he brought up his dad he frown. Hanako was about to take back the question, when she noticed the frown thinking she stepped on a sore topic by accident. "as a child, I was very Sickly. so my father would always tell me stories about the moon and the stars and i guess that what started my interest" he smile, and Hanako sighed in relief. "and when me and my little brother… twin were 4. Tsukasa found a Lunar rock, he gave it to me and he wished on it for me to get better"
"i know it isn't real. but the fact Tsukasa said it was, made it special" Amane smile brightly.
Hanako lend on her hand, as she smile at Amane. "i guess the wish worked, huh?" she asked him, noticing he look like a healthy 15 year old boy.
"i suppose you're right. the doctors said it was miracle that i live and won my long fight against it" Amane glanced down. "it's nice to talk to someone about this that isn't Tsukasa and Sakura-Chan" he admitted.
Hanako tilt her head, "do you still have that Lunar Rock?" she asked, curious.
"No" he admitted bluntly. "I gave it to my junior high school's homeroom teacher, Tsuchigomori-Sensei" he explained to her, he thought he notice her react weirdly to the mention of Tsuchigomori's name, but her expression was back to normal before he had time to process so he decide not to pry.
Hanako stood up "I think it time's you try to talk to Teru-Senpai about your interest in Astronomy. since you were able to talk to me about it and some other personal stuff, and I'm a complete stranger. so how is one more stranger going to scare you?" she encourage him.
"yeah!" he yelled out.
after awhile of walking, they found Minamoto Teru. he was walking with some of his classmates, Amane and Hanako were hiding behind a corner, Amane sighed "I can see why you're into him, Hanako-San" he told her in defeat. "but how do i go about telling him of my interest in Astronomy…" he said out loud.
Teru was about to walk past them, "go!" Hanako whispered loudly at Amane, which startled Amane causing him to ran out Infront of Teru. Teru stop before he could walk into Amane, Amane glanced up at him.
"ah, you're that kid from the office" Teru said with a soft smile on his face.
Amane suddenly couldn't find the words to speak, he turned a bright shade of red out of embarrassment. he found it scary to talk about his interest, and being called a kid as a high schooler didn't help his overthinking that Teru didn't think highly of him. "Minamoto-Kun, is he going to say anything?" Amane was snapped out of his thoughts by one of Teru's classmates.
'I can't do it!'
"Are you okay? is their something you wanted, are you looking for…" Teru was asking, as he extended his hand toward Amane.
Amane turned and ran away, Hanako Face palm as she saw Amane ran past her. "such a weird kid." one of them said out of loud from beside Teru.
"that isn't very nice. he was probably just nervous" Teru spoke up for Amane.
Hanako found Amane sitting in the stairwell that was empty, he had his flustered face hidden by his knees. "I made a fool of myself, Infront of the student council president! he's probably going to spread rumours to the whole school!" he complain, holding back his tears.
"did your other bullies do that?" Hanako asked, sitting down beside him.
Amane took a shaky breath in, and straighten himself as he glanced at Hanako. "Yeah… their the reason why I consider my interest in Astronomy as stupid. the bullying got so bad that i would skip my classes." he admitted.
"I GOT SO FLUSTERED BACK THERE AND THEN RAN OFF! HE PROBALY THINKS I'M WEIRD!" he yelled out at Hanako, a girl just happened to enter the stairwell. she quickly walked down the stairs and left the stairwell with a concern look on her face.
Hanako got up and stretched her arms "actually about that someone called you wei-" as she was speaking, Amane blush in embarrassment as he hit himself in the forehead with his palm. "ird, but Teru-Senpai stood up for you, saying you were probably nervous" she finished her sentence, and Amane eyes widen, he wasn't used to a upperclassman standing up for him.
"so their still hope, so let's try another approach!" Hanako yelled out, raising her hand into the air.
Amane raised his hand into the air "Yeah, let's try again!" he yelled out. he heard someone clear their throat behind him, it was a lady and her group of friends. he blush in embarrassment as he realize they thought he was talking to him.
he smile a he leaves the stairwell to try again. Hanako had given him the courage to try again, but he'll try to avoid talking to loud and around people when talking to Hanako. he didn't want people thinking he talks to himself.
Hanako flick to a random page "Page 9: Do a small favor" she ran from the page, with a smile on her face.
"Can this book be even more Vague?" he asked her, she shrugged.
they stood there as they tried to think of a favor they could do for Teru, what could the president of the student council need help with. "let's go to the student council room!" Hanako yelled out.
Amane follow Hanako to the student council, he stop when he saw a sign on the door that reads 'Student Council members only, unless given permission' "I can't go into there" He told Hanako.
"your also not allow to go into the old building…" she reminded him, "and the girl's toilets but you did anyway…" and then Hanako gasp as she turn to face Amane. "could it be you're a pervert, Amane?" she asked him.
Amane eyes widen "I'm not a pervert" he told her, while blushing. she giggle as she phase through the door and into the student council room. Amane sighed, and open the door and close it behind him as he entered after her.
"so what's the favor I'm doing?" he asked Hanako.
Hanako smile "see that stack of papers? those are papers that Teru-Senpai has to finish. if we finish it for him, he won't have to." she explained to Amane.
Hanako hand him a sticky note "when you're done, right your name on this" she told him. Amane nervously sat down, some of the papers were from school clubs asking for more funds or requesting equipment from other clubs. Hanako and Amane discussed together and then wrote their replies down.
when they were done, Amane and Hanako left and hid nearby. Sakura and Teru entered, lunch time was almost over. if this fail, they'll have enough time to try one more thing. 'Tsukasa isn't with them… is he hanging out with Airhead-Senpai? are they already that close…?'.
Sakura walked over to the stack of papers, and her eyes widen. they all had written replies on them, but she know she and Teru hadn't done them. and the door had been open, meaning someone came in while they were gone. the note just said 'favor for Minamoto-Senpai', but their was no name on it. Sakura recognize the handwriting, it belong to Amane, but why would he mess around with the student council, well base on the note that didn't seem like his intent. "President someone wrote on the letters" she told him.
Teru looked at the papers, the ones he just came back with Sakura to finish before class. "seems like some of these respond are ones, i would write. so I'll send those ones out, and then I'll fix the ones I don't agree with. slightly less work for me" he told her.
Sakura nodded her head, she didn't reveal it was Amane. because he would still get in trouble with Teru and Sakura for entering without permission, even with good intentions. Hanako and Amane quickly left the surrounding area of the student council room. "wasn't a complete fail. huh" Hanako told Amane.
"If i didn't forget to write my name, i would have gotten into trouble. Hanako-San!" he yelled at her.
Amane walked away from her, he was upset that nothing seem to work. he decided to try talking about his interests again, it shouldn't be too scary. he had broken so many rules today, so why would talking to Minamoto-Senpai be scary?
he ran to the student council, took a peak inside. they were already gone, he was running he found Minamoto. he ran over to them, but he was going to fast to stop. he notice he wouldn't be able to stop intime, in front of him was the pink guy that Tsukasa girly face yesterday. "watch out!" Amane yelled out.
Amane's head ended up hitting him in the stomach, sending him flying down the stairs. Amane gasped as he covered his mouth in horror, he glanced over at Hanako, she had a weird horrified look on her face, as if this has happened before. Amane quickly ran away.
"Woah! some boy crashed into a boy from the middle school department!"
"heeey! the boy fell down the stairs! is he alright!!?"
Amane ran back to the old building girl's toilets. his head was hurting from the impact of slamming into the middle school's kid side. he still shock, it sent the boy flying down those stairs. "argh! this stupid book isn't helping!" he yelled out. "I thought you were a expert at this Hanako-San, why do you need a book to help?" he asked her.
"about that…" she laugh nervously "I'm a newbie at friendships" she admitted.
his eyes widen, "what do you mean you're a newbie!" he yelled out at her.
"I've only ever had one friend. and that because we were childhood friends since our family were friends!" she admitted, but then went quiet as she glanced away. "Wait!" she turned to face him "Why don't you ask him to be your friend?" she suggested.
Amane hit his head on the sink "you really are a newbie. if that work than 50% of the times, don't you think i would try that first?" he asked her.
"do you have anything else in your pockets?" he try to put his hand in her skirt, without thinking.
she jumped back, while blushing. "you really are a pervert!" she yelled out at him. he blush, as he crossed her arm.
"Don't make things weird. you're just a suspicious ghost is all. you say you make wishes, but all your ideas have just include every day objects!" he argued back.
a bag accidentally fell from her pocket, and he picked it up. "What's in here?" he asked her, but he didn't let her even start speaking before he open the bag and took one of them out of the small bag.
"oh those are for matchmaking…" she was saying, not thinking much of it.
he forgot matchmaking was for couples, and Hanako seem to realize as she tries to reach for him "Wait! Amane! don't!" she yelled out. "give those back!"
"waaaah!" she yelled out.
Amane had shove one of them into his mouth, "tell me how to use it!" Amane words were muffled by the thing in his mouth, he kept his hands covering his mouth.
"alright!" she yelled out. "They're mermaid scales. when two people ingest a scale from the same mermaid… a terrible curse will be placed upon them… but they will be bound together with a force like no other… it usually for romance"
he was about to say oh, but then he accidentally swallow the mermaid scale. "oh…" he said, as if this was the most normal occurrence to happen.
"AH! AMANE!" she started to panic "you shouldn't have put it in your mouth, before finding out what it is." she told him.
she reach for the bag, but Amane step back. she was confuse "I tried and tried so hard to make Minamoto-Senpai my friend. but nothing to work!" he yelled out. "Sure these scales are usually use for romance right, but their main focus is that they bound people together right!?" he yelled out.
he started running toward the door of the girl's toilet, with the bag in hand. "I was going to do it the hard way! but I'm using a shortcut now, I'll be his friend even if it means I've use a dirty trick like this!" Hanako's eyes widen as she watch him open the door. "no one will want to be my friend without the use of magic, or other factors like me being Tsukasa's brother!"
he ran until he found Minamoto Teru, he was currently sitting down on a bench as a lady came over to him. 'there he is' he hid behind the boxes. "uh… um… Minamoto-Kun! I've liked you since our first year!!" the girl confess to Teru. 'she could bring herself to confess to Minamoto-Senpai… but I couldn't bring myself to ask him to be my friend…'
Teru rubbed the back of his head, and glance away while blushing. he started second questioning himself, he wasn't throw away his morals for one friend right. what about what he said earlier, about Tsukasa and Sakura being better than fake friends from magic. "I'm sorry. i already have someone else that i like. I've liked them since forever, and i just can't be with someone else right now…" he was nicely rejecting them, letting them down easily without embarrassing them. "that's why… I'm sorry"
Hanako was right, Teru is nice. he rejected them so nicely, he would have let down him easy if he didn't want to be friends. so why did he make himself believe that Teru would become some horrible person if he didn't want to be his friend.
he glance down at the other mermaid scale in his hand, regretting his actions. he realize that anyone would have done it for him, he realize him and Hanako had been friends this whole time, since he told her about his interests. he saw his arm, they had grown scales 'the curse!'
he dropped, as he thought about everything. 'why? why did this happen to me? I… I've done all i could… No, I haven't. I didn't talk to anyone in middle school because of a few bullies… I didn't even tell Minamoto-Senpai my interest in Astronomy…' 'I thought that my little brother was just lucky for everyone loving him, but Tsukasa… he always spoke to the students in our class and didn't let other words cause him to shut himself off…' 'I even asked a ghost for help. I'm so selfish… I…'
'i deserve all of this… all of it'
"Got you!" he heard someone yell out.
he was suddenly underwater which confuse him "man, i almost didn't make it. any later and you would have dried out." he recognize the use now, it belonged to Hanako-San. he realize he could breath underwater. "I put in everything you'd need, Amane. I hope its to your liking" she told him.
"what's going on? what's happened to me?"
she stood in front of the mirror with a smile on her face, Amane look at the mirror and noticed he was a fish in a water tank that Hanako was holding. "Voila!"
he splashed around in the water "is my fishy enjoying his water tank?" she smirk.
"am not!" he yelled out. "WHY WOULD I BE HAPPY ABOUT TURNING INTO A FISH!" he splashed water at Hanako but it went right through her.
Yashiro chuckled "Remember, I'm a ghost?" she laughs. but then she frown "I though i told you, that it comes with a price. you've been inflicted with the curse of the mermaid. had you made someone else ingest the other scale, the curse's power would have split between the two of you. and you wouldn't have had completely turn into a fish. you would still be fish-like though. the mermaid scale only curses the person who ingests it. we called it a matchmaker because two people with the same curse are tied together with a strong bond. but you didn't do it, huh? why is that?" she asked him.
"I didn't really want Minamoto-Senpai to be my friend. I just wanted a friend that is just my friend… not Tsukasa's… just mine. but in the progress, my threw away my morals of wanting genuine friendship, i was going to force Minamoto-Senpai into being my friend, to make myself feel better… Anyone would been fine, I just want real friends that I could share my interest with… I was being selfish, I'm a terrible person.."
a creepy voice started being heard around the empty classroom. "now, now, such foolish creatures, these human are. be overjoyed, little boy. for you are now my servant. I'll make sure to treat you well." Hanako and Amane look around.
"so you're finally here. Mermaid!" Hanako yelled out.
Amane eye's widen, "this is a mermaid. it's here to retrieve it's new servant. but that's something i wont allow. it'd be bad for business" she told him.
The Mermaid hit Hanako "you're in the way, Bitch", Hanako crashed into the tables. Amane yelled out for Hanako "judging this young boy when you almost ate a mermaid scale yourself, but your friend stop you" Amane notice the hurt expression on Hanako's face, and wondered if it was the same friend she mention earlier.
"Pathetic! My life spans millennia. A mere School Wonder could never hope to best me!" she yelled out, Hanako was sitting their with a hand on her shoulder and a look of horror on her face. 'what happened to this friend of Hanako-San…?' "Now, come with me.", The Mermaid was about to get Amane, Amane screech in fear.
Hanako stood up, "wait a minute" the mermaid turned around when she heard Hanako's voice. "I know the problem of the Mermaid scales, which is why I tried to stop him. i didn't mean for it to come off as judging, but i didn't want to commit the same mistake i almost did." she explained, she walks closer to the mermaid.
"I haven't granted one of that boy's wishes yet. If you're going to take her, could you wait until I have?" she asked the mermaid.
the mermaid didn't back down, "Quiet! i will not have you order me around!" The Mermaid spoke up against her.
"is that so? well, i guess I'll just have to…" Hanako was saying, as she pulled out a garden shear out of herself. "resort to violence"
The Mermaid open it's huge mouth, but Hanako use the Garden Shear as scissors on the mermaid, slashing the Mermaid from both sides. "How could a mere fledging of a spirit like you possibly have this much power!?" the Mermaid yelled out "curse you school legend!" it disappeared.
Amane's tank fell, but Hanako was able to catch it in time. "gotcha!" she yelled out "well, the mermaid's gone, however. it looked really stubborn, so we probably haven't seen the last of him, we did manage to buy some time though, so I guess it's fine.
Amane started crying, "she; going to come back… does that mean she'll try to kidnap… if i hadn't made that wish".
"Don't think I'll let you off easily just because it was revealed that i Almost fell for the same trick" she was smiling softly, but then it turned into a creepy smile "I actually listen when someone warned me of the consequences" she smile down at him, putting her finger near Amane.
Amane spoke up "I didn't mean to swallow it" he reminded her.
"yeah but you idiotically put it into you mouth before asking me what it was. it's still on your head, I guess that book was right about you being a dummy" she insulted him. "maybe i should call you little mister stupid, from now on" she poke him.
she sighed "however. your Senpai didn't swallow the other scale. which means i can still grant a wish for you. do you wish to be human again? should you make that wish, I'd grant it for a price, of course" she gave him an offer.
"what's the price?" he asked her.
she shrugged "No idea. but at least, you'd be able to live a barely normal life. what do you think?" she asked him.
"c.. change me back, please! I'll do anything! make me human again! please, Hanako-San!" he was basically begging her.
Hanako flick the Mermaid scale with her finger, and then catch it. "That's what i wanted to hear. alright then" she put the mermaid scale on her tongue "I'll have you pay me back with your body" she swallowed the scale "I ended up still eating a mermaid scale one day…"
Amane transform back into a human, his clothes were soaked from the water of the tank. he lift the tank that fell on his head "now our fates are tied together… across the worlds of the living and the dead. I'll make it so the curse is split between us. in return, I will be taking your… Physical Labour" she finished her sentence.
"uh… what's that expression, did you take it the wrong way?" she tilted her head "YOU REALLY ARE A PERVERT, AMANE!" she yelled out, crossing her arms.
he shove her while blushing "you can't just phase it that way and then call me the pervert!" he yelled out. Hanako fell over and hit the desk "huh? I touched you Hanako-San" he cringed at how wrong that sounded as soon as it came out of his mouth.
she sighed "Didn't I just to tell you? our fates are now bound together. so treat me well, since I'm a lady you know" she reminded him.
"Yeah a lady with Daikon legs" he said under his breath.
she glared at him "I thought you said their cute!" she snapped at him, he blush "And I granted two of your wishes, So I don't want to see you being so bad mouthed toward me!" she yelled out at him, while crossing her arms.
"I did… Didn't I?" he said barely above a whisper, as he gets embarrassed "did you say two…?"
she smile as she grabs a hold of his hands "change me back into a human. and anybody would have been fine as long as their a real friend and aren't just friends with me because their Tsukasa's friend. wasn't that what you truly wanted?" she asked him. "I think the talk in the library about your interest and your dad, Also being bound to me. makes us friends, right?"
Hanako took a towel out of her pocket, "your scales will go away if you dry them" his eyes widen as he looked at his arm.
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izaanagi · 3 years
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synopsis: After embarrassing Poe in front of Ranpo, Poe has no other choice but to teach you a lesson.
pairing: bsd!Edgar Allan Poe x virgin!fem!reader (s/o)
warnings: MDNI! smut! Ability user!Poe, misuse of abilities, Dom tendencies!Poe, confident!reader, reader has no idea of the monster she just awakened, Poe has a choking kink, deepthroat, thighs fucking, loss of virginity.
wc. 3.0k
sans’ corner: this work has been requested by @ravenina14 ♡ , so I hope you enjoy it. Interactions are always welcome and encouraged.
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You don’t see it coming. One second you are laughing because embarrassing Poe is one of your favourite activities, and the second later you see Edgar’s flaming eyes blaring into yours, and Ranpo’s keen senses picking up on the bloodlust creeping out of him. And you’d say you did not mean it, but that would not be the truth, but even then it is difficult to imagine that Poe would be this sensitive. And yet, there you are.
“Poe?” you call, because the stifling air is just the least of your concerns now. Working has always entitles being on the verge of life and death, especially for you who had nothing but yourself to back it up, but you know that this feeling of dread is something new for you. Your confidence and pride does not allow you to admit it outloud, but you might have screwed this one up. 
“I did not mean to embarrass you by saying that you are just a bit the shy type when it come to that stuff,” you whisper, trying to make a way out of the colossal mistake you just made, but Poe’s eyes darken even further, and it is a strangely mesmerising and terrifying in the same amount sight. 
“But of course! Poe is an excellent crime novels writers, and mystery must be the only thing on his mind. Right, Poe?” Ranpo tries to mellow the situation out, but Poe’s eyes are fixed on you, and you feel heat travelling up your back, you necks and finally your cheeks, boiling you from inside. They are drilling a hole into you, and by the second everything seems to be going downhill. 
“That’s it! I did not mean it in a way where you cannot write other things other than crime novels,” you shyly smile, with your tone fading out at the end, because now Poe is glaring and you feel the safety of the Agency fade away from your bones. You feel your skin break in goose bumps, because this is new. But Ranpo smiles condescending, and you feel a bit of pity in his eyes. For what, you are not exactly sure. 
“Yes. You are right. Perhaps I am too focused on crime to write any other good novel,” finally Poe talks, and the tension in the air seems to be going less thick. But you are not fooled: Poe might be a bad actor, but he is smart enough not to let it show, which is why you can’t drop your guard yet. 
“This is why I will be taking my leave now. I am surging with few ideas, and I would like to try them all out as soon as possible. Keep me company?” Poe retaliates to you. You looks startled, and a bit confused but you nod your head, and after giving your goodbyes to Ranpo, who is as always too lazy to do anything that eating snacks in the office when he is not out solving a murder, you make your way out of the building, with Poe on your side. It’s a silent travel to his house as well as his office. There are no words exchanged, and that might not be very weird except that Poe does not talk a lot in general, and that happens a lot when he is deep in the thought process of crafting another novel, which you assume what is happening right now. It happens often after Poe meets with Ranpo, and his inspiration is a pool of new ideas due to the challenge the detective represents. But you don’t even know how wrong you are, until the both of you step over the jamb of the house, and Poe grabs the first novel he has under his hand, and treacherously activates his ability. You feel your body being transported and falling on the wood flooring of whatever story it is that you are in. Not that it matters: there most imminent danger of the novel is no casual murderer, but Poe, still glaring at your crouched form from a few feet away. 
“So, did you have fun humiliating me in front of Ranpo, huh?” he asks, and his tone is ice cold. Poe is angry. 
“I really did not mean it that way..” You try to reason it out, but you fully know how this is a lost cause: Poe is barely listening to you, lost in the meanders of his own felt humiliation. You try to touch his arm, but he shoves it out of the way, and then, out of nowhere he starts giggling to himself. 
“You really do need to be taught a little lesson, don’t you?” Poe huffs while giggling, laughing to himself, like the absolutely brilliant madmen he is. And this is a part of him you don’t get to see very often: Poe lost in his head, trying to follow all the plot lines forming in his own head, under which you are helpless, stuck with him in his his own world. There is no way out, and the walls surround both of you; it’s both a prison and a garden of infinite possibilities before your eyes, Poe laughing and likely loosing the sense of reality usually grounding him to earth, sheer perception of self, which is especially high when he is in Range’s presence. Sometimes you are even jealous of it, but then you remember the taste of Poe’s lips on yours, and everything else fades into the background. 
“Yeah, you definitely need to learn that you should learn who you fuck with,” Poe growls, and you never heard him curse, let alone do it in such an angry tone. It turns you on, just the slightest bit, but Poe’s form seems looming and tall, towering over yours and a slightly warped smile is taking shape on his lips. This is not a Poe you should fuck with, and yet. 
“Oh yeah? And how would I learn that?” you tease, and Poe smiles a bit further. Then he tugs on your shoulder, and pushes you down on your knees. It’s a dangerous game, and you can’t wait to play it. Poe then unbuckles his pants, his eyes glistening in the dimming light of the room you’re in, and you feel it before seeing it, his cock pressing on your lips. 
“Open up,” he orders, and while you might be a virgin, a blowjob is hardly the furthest you went with the man in front of you. So, like the good girl you are, you open your mouth and feel his cock slip in. What you don’t expect is Poe’s hips thrusting into you, as soon as you open and his starting to fuck your mouth. 
“Oh, so now you can’t talk anymore, can you? Did you have fun embarrassing me?” he asks, thrusting his hips into your mouth, and you feel his length find its way deeper and deeper down your throat. 
You try to make out a sound, but nothing other than a guttural moan pushes past your lips. 
“What a good obedient little girl you are, on your knees with my cock in your mouth. I wish you could stay like this forever,” he continues, his head thrown backwards, when your hands grab your head. You suddenly are blocked in his hold, but the cock in your mouth comes on coming and coming in, saliva pooling at your lips because you know what Poe is trying to do. He clenches his fists around your hair and then thrusts into you so deep that you feel the head of his cock hit the back of your throat. Suddenly, the air of the room is just a breath away from you, and all you can smell is Edgar’s slight cologne, his sweet shower gel and the enticing smell emanating from his angry demeanour, translating into a hard cock and the veins in his arms popping. He holds you there, choking on his cock, looking you dead in the eye, for what you count to be around fifteen seconds. Then he lets you go seemingly satisfied with that, and you feel yourself gag and cough heavily. But the refractory period given is brief, and then you feel Poe grabbing you by your throat and pull you on your legs, and then dragging your till a small sofa in the angle of the room. He sits on it, and your fall on top of him, knees still a bit weak. 
“Has this made you feel a little better?” you attempt to ask him, but you immediately know that this is definitely the wrong thing to say, because Poe wraps his hand around your throat, and Strats slightly squeezing. 
“Do you think a measly deep throat could make me feel fucking better?” Poe laughs. “You are so naive, my love. So so naive,” he coos, and with the hand he is not busy choking you, he caresses your cheek. It’s not hard, and it’s even arousing, but Poe has so many things hidden in his eyes that you can feel where this is going, and you feel distraught. Maybe poking his monster, under all the cape and hair, was not your smartest idea - but now that the pieces are in play, you won’t be holding yourself back. So you take the little courage you have left and prompt yourself on Poe’s lap, legs caging his and your hand circling his neck, his hand not moving from your neck - like a collar would be. The weird thing is that you don’t feel caged at all, but you feel your pussy starting to get wetter and water, because this assertive and confident part of Poe is alluring and you like to push his buttons. You wonder how far this game would bring you, or how much will it be hurt to be walking down to the office tomorrow. Distracted from Poe, he tightens the hold of your throat and he whispers in your ear: “Take off your clothes, and don’t expect to go home before I put my cock in that little virgin pussy of yours, you hear me?” 
“I hear you just fine. But will you be able to take my virginity with that?” You vaguely gesture down, and as expected you feel the chokehold Poe is keeping you in tighten around your neck. Oh what a delight it is, especially knowing that he have to let you go if he does want to take you. It’s been a long time coming, and finally going all the way feels surreal and partly scary, but your instinct are pure filth in this moment, and there is nothing better than thinking about the many ways, of which you dreamed of, of Poe fucking you. 
“I preferred you on your knees, with your mouth full of my cock,” Poe growls, and again you feel a clench down where the sun never beams. This is truly a side of Poe you never get to see, and even discovering that it was buried down there, somehow awakened by your shenanigans, arouses you way more than it would be decent to admit. Poe kisses you, and you wonder whether it is out of genuine desire to feel your lips press on his, tongue sweeping and dancing together, or because he does not want you to egg him on. You moan into the kiss, and as if awakened Poe stops putting pressure of your throat, which passes more air than you need in your lungs now, and grabbing you by under your thighs pull you with him. Then, he drops you, letting you barely put your feet on the ground, and already being busy with unclothing himself. He is in a hurry for no apparent reason, and he rips the buttons of his button-down, the rumour of them falling on the floor echoing through the bare walls. 
“Take off your pants,” he order you around, and does not leave you that much of a choice, because you are fully aware that if you do not take them off yourself, he will. 
And then he is naked, and you are naked, the air saturated with Poe’s rage, and your arousal. Reckoning that Poe is now examining you, checking you from bottom to top and he does not seem pleased nor disappointed, his eyes still glaring in your direction. But then he smiles. 
“As beautiful as ever..” He comments, a bit to himself. It’s nothing but some words, but even this domineering Poe is so attentive to your details that it makes your head spin. 
“..but I still want to break your spirit, shining in your eyes,” Poe finished stern, and he makes the two strides separating you from him, with you straining your neck to look his tall figure in the eyes. 
He manhandles you onto the sofa, and the position your end up in is the dead same, but the position is different: you are leaning on the sofa with your thighs pressed together, while Poe looms over your, with his legs around yours. 
“You don’t have any complaints about losing your virginity, right?” Poe then asks, a note of insecurity in his voice, but you shake your head. 
“Not one, sir,” you answer and Poe is pleased by it. He comes nearer and nearer you, until his cock prickles your thigh and you feel your legs coming apart naturally. You don’t actually know what it is supposed to happen, or how this will go down, but Poe has his length in between your thighs, smooth skin rubbing each other and creating just a delicious friction. You feel him slip out of the tight place your thighs have created, and slip in again and you feel confused, because this is not what should be happening. Poe is just fucking your thighs, but then he gets closer: and you feel his cock caressing the entire length of your cunt, from end to end, still rubbing the thighs but now with the tip finally making contact. It goes on for a while: him teasing your pussy, getting wetter and wetter by the minute.
“Edgar? Do you actually have any intention to fuck me?” You then ask, when it has become clear that Poe is driving himself and you mad, just out of spite. 
“Not until I say so,” he wittily bites, but it takes him a second to wrap his hands around you and put you into a seated position on himself, cladding his lap and feeling his cock pushing into your asscheek. Then it’s one, two, three fingers inside of you, fingering you hard and sloppy, wetness pooling at the base of the hand, covering it with a shiny sheen. But he is nor kind nor careful: his fingers hit the ring of muscles inside you for the umpteenth time, but you can’t seem to relax, even though your breath is ragged and Poe is concentrated into opening your hole as much as he can, before actually fucking. It’s a question of moments, until you finally feel yourself adjusting to the pressure and the stretch, but it’s right in that moment that Poe retracts his fingers and you gasp, because now it feels empty. 
“Oh, do not look that disappointed yet, love. I have not even begun,” Poe whispers, and the tip of his cock aligns to your hole, until he finally pushes through and it’s breathtaking, your stomach churning in and out, because it’s happening and it’s tight and warm. 
“You are so fucking tight,” Poe grunts, while his cock continues exploring the uncharted territories of your cunt. You actually wince when he gets half way in, and then pushes forward so that you could acclimate to the presence of his big, fat cock breaking you in half. It feels like you cannot breath enough, but poe is not moving, and it takes you a lot of ragged breaths and tiny “Oh god..” Until you finally do not feel like there is a pole inside of you. 
“I am going to move now,” Poe murmurs and you frantically nod your head because maybe it will be better and the sting will fade away once you get used to it. But mercy does not come: Poe drills into you, balls slapping your wet skin, flesh against flesh and then almost completely coming out, just to slam into you again. It happens fast and hastily, and Poe moans hard one, two, three times until your muscles are starting to loosen up and the the cock slips easier inside of you, faster, harder, rougher each time. Poe distracts you kissing your lips, shoving his tongue down your throat and then biting into your neck. It hits you suddenly: Poe is fucking you, your virginity is out of the window and a moan escaped you mouth, loud and clear. 
“Edgar..” You whine. And he nods, fully knowing that his hips need to take up the pace. He slams into you a couple of times, and it does not take you more than than to cum on his cock, while he pulls out just in time to cum on your body, splashes of white ending on your lips, neck, stomach. It’s a mess of glory - but there is a dawning realisation wasting the moment: you can’t move, let alone walk and tomorrow you will be sore and exhausted. But Poe smirks to you and kisses you on the crown of the head, clearly down from the sex high, but still fully aware that this happened for a good reason. 
“Have you learned your lesson?” Poe asks, but somehow his smile, dispels the harsh tone of voice in which he announces the words, and you can’t think of anything else that Edgar had taken your virginity and that you finally can experiment every fantasy you had so far with it, his cock perfect for your tight pussy. 
You just nod your head, cum still flowing out of you. 
“Yes, sir.” But have you, really?
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© renaissansse, 2021. Do not copy or repost! Interactions and reblogs are welcomes and encouraged! thank you for reading.
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rengoku-loves-you · 3 years
Jealous! Kyojuro x reader!!
Had to ask this, I love your writing way too much and I'm looking to forward on how you write it!💘
(do I need to specify more?)
(hi hun! you don't need to specify more, don't worry! i only encourage being more specific so i can give you lovelies exactly what you want, and the more details, the better! but short and sweet is good also, as long as you don't mind me taking creative liberties, haha :D i hope this is alright! thank you so much for your request! ❤️)
jealous!kyojuro x reader
he doesn't realize he's jealous, not at first. he's never been a jealous person at all, and he was always happy when the people he cared about got along with each other. he does, however, consider himself protective, and that's what he thought he was when he first felt that pang in his chest after he saw you talking to uzui, smiling and laughing away.
of course, he was glad to see you laughing! he knows he’s not a funny person, he doesn’t understand jokes at all, nor does he make any himself. he was just... concerned about you. uzui was his friend, and so were you, and he knew how overwhelming uzui could be at times if you weren’t prepared for his flamboyance.
yeah, he was just concerned. he wasn’t wishing that he could make you laugh like that. and if he was, it was only because he wanted to make you happy!
nothing else.
so when he gets that same gross feeling when he sees you talking casually to sanemi after a pillar meeting - sanemi, of all pillars - he does his very best to ignore it because he’s not jealous and he’s truly glad for you two! he just maybe, sorta wishes he were a part of the conversation, too. you, him, and sanemi. 
without the sanemi part, preferably.
then sanemi wraps an arm around your neck and scrubs his knuckles against your head, making you squirm and sputter out protests through your giggles, and. okay.
maybe he’s a little jealous.
sanemi spots kyojuro over your head, and he must say something about it because when he lets you go you turn around and see him, too. you smile, raising a hand to wave, and he returns the gesture with more enthusiasm than necessary. then you wave for him to come closer, and, well, it’s not like he can not listen to you, so he hurries over and keeps the smile plastered on his face.
“fancy seeing you two here!” he says, staring directly at sanemi. “i wasn’t aware you talked!” 
“well, yeah, we do missions together,” you say. kyojuro raises his brows, still not looking at you. 
“really!” he exclaims. “i didn’t know this!” sanemi’s eyes narrow as he shifts into a slightly defensive stance, refusing to break the staring contest kyojuro seems to have drawn him into. normally, the flame pillar is much more adverse to eye contact, and the sudden intensity unnerves him. especially paired with that big, blank grin that feels like a threat.
“our regions are right next to each other,” he explains tersely, trying to figure out why kyojuro seems to be so off. “our missions overlap a lot, so we help each other out sometimes.”
“really!” kyojuro says again, louder than before. “how very interesting!” you can believe he sounds sincere, but sanemi has known him longer, knows better, and he scoffs as he folds his arms.
“what’s your damn problem?” he demands, stepping into kyojuro’s space. kyojuro blinks up at him, not moving away even when their noses nearly touch.
“problem? what problem? i don’t have one!” and it would be convincing, too, if he hadn’t glanced over at you, only to realize you were staring at him with open concern. his attention snapped back quick, his cheeks turning pink.
say what you’d like about his temper, but sanemi shinazugawa is not stupid.
“yeah, sure you don’t,” he growls, but he can hardly bring himself to really be annoyed. 
“i don’t!” rengoku insists with a wide, bright smile. sanemi gives kyojuro’s shoulder a punch that’s a touch too aggressive to be friendly, then gives you a much more civil nod as kyojuro rubs his arm. 
“i’ve got things to do, anyway, so i’ll see you bastards later.”
“aw,” you say with a pout. “see you later, sanemi! stay safe!” he pats you on the head as you walk past, making you smile and playfully shove his hand away. you don’t notice how kyojuro watches your interaction with sharp eyes, pressing his lips into a thin line. he’s jealous, alright.
and you’re not stupid, either.
“alright,” you say once sanemi is out of sight, “what was that about?”
“what was what about?” kyojuro looks in your general direction, eyes big and innocent. you sigh, propping a hand on your hip and frowning at him. 
“that. between you and sanemi. i thought you were actually gonna throw down for a second there. so, what happened? did you two have a fight?” he’s nervous, now, gaze skittering all around your face but never settling.
“of course we didn’t,” he says. “if he’s upset with me, he attacks me until he gets bored and goes home!” which is true. you know it’s true because you’ve seen it happen. you’ve even stepped between them on occasion when you think it might be going too far.
“okay,” you say slowly. “so if you didn’t fight, what was it? i was sensing a lot of tension there.”
“i couldn’t tell you!” kyojuro crosses his arms. you continue to stare at him without a word, replaying the situation over in your head while he sweats. and before long, it hits you.
“you were jealous.” the way his eyes snap to yours far too quickly tells you everything you need to know. his mouth opens. then it closes again, and you raise an eyebrow, more amused than anything else. kyojuro never struck you as a jealous friend, but after practically chasing sanemi away from you, he proved that assumption wrong. honestly? it’s cute, if a little inconvenient to your social life.
“i... may have thought that i wanted to be talking to you instead,” kyojuro admits, very slowly, like the words cause him physical pain. “and maybe i was thinking that i want to make you laugh the way uzui can, or the way sanemi does. maybe i just want your attention sometimes, but you’re talking to someone else and i don’t want to interrupt. maybe i...” he looks down, his face flushing, and his voice gets so soft you have to lean closer. “...maybe i like you very, very much, and i want you to like me, too.”
your heart leaps.
“of course, i understand if you don’t feel the same!” he says loudly as he lifts his head again, throwing on false confidence the same way he throws on his haori every day. “the other pillars are all very amazing and likeable in their own ways, and i wouldn’t blame you if you happened to be interested in any of them instead! i only hope we can still be friends, and that you-!”
“you’re so stupid,” you interrupt, and he doesn’t have time to be offended before you move in and press your lips against his. 
it visibly takes him a moment to process, standing stiff and unresponsive, before he’s forcefully kissing you back, his hands rising to grip your forearms. you only pull back once your breath starts to run out, but he chases you, making you laugh as you turn your face away.
“kyo, come on, i need to breathe,” you say, and he retreats enough to give you the biggest, warmest grin in his arsenal, outshining even the sun. you breathlessly smile back, more than relieved that your feelings are mutual. you’re not sure how he didn’t notice you crushing on him pretty much since day one, but you’re here now, so you don’t particularly care anymore.
“you don’t need to make me laugh,” you tell him once you catch your breath, and his grin falters. “you don’t need to be like uzui or sanemi or shinobu or giyuu or anyone else. you don’t need to tell me weird stories or help me out on missions or hug me all the time to make me like you.”
“who hugs you all the time?”
“the point,” you emphasize, putting your hands on his cheeks and pulling him closer until your foreheads touch, “is that i like you the way you are. you’re sweet, you’re passionate, and you’re always so happy to see me that it makes my day. you’re likeable in your own way, kyojuro. and i just happen to like you more than everyone else.” his golden-red eyes are wide, so wide and shiny that you’re afraid he might cry. his hands come up to cover yours, gently holding them against his face. he whispers your name, and you kiss him one more time.
“so no more of this jealous stuff, okay?” you say, and he laughs, hiccuping and wet.
“i can’t make any promises!”
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bunnybunbun0 · 3 years
Harry james potter request where he just win a Quidditch game and his girlfriend (reader) promised him a reward.
smut prompt #26. "wait to see what i'm wearing under it" & #30. "well, i think you're being a bad girl, don't you think you deserve a punishment?" also #27. "just one more, for me."
Reminder: it is completely fine if you don't want to do it so no pressure! It's your account, and it's your choise so I understand :)
- Stay happy, love!
Prize| harry James potter
Summary: that was always something about the cocky grin on Harry's face after he has won a match that made you all hot and bothered,this time,you decieded to take matters into your own hands.
Pairing:harry James potter X fem! reader
Warnings:smut, fingering,oral(f receiving), overstimulation, penetrative sex, degradation,Dom! Harry,hints of subspace.
Prompts: smut prompt list
#25 "wait to see what I'm wearing under it"
#30 "well,I think you are being a bad girl,don't you think you deserve a punishment?"
#27 "just one more,for me"
A/n:first of all hello,and thank you so much for your request! Second of all, sorry it took so long to respond I was out of town visiting my godmother and the internet connection there is awful,but I'm finally back home,and posting again!
That was very cool to write, harry owns me on a silver platter,it was also my first time writing overstimulation stuff so I hope it doesn't sucks.
Hope you enjoy it <3
The match had came to an end after what felt like forever, griffindor had won, and that meant youd have to deal with an extra cocky harry.
You weren't such a quidditch enthusiastic, but you loved harry and wanted to show it to him,so you always came to watch and cheer extra loudly for him.
As usual, there was a party planned on the common room to celebrate the victory and hard work of the team by being showered with firewhiskey and a lot of music.
Now what you had planned for tonight's party was the real news. There was something about seeing harry all confident and extroverted that just did it for you,letting you all hot and bothered, so you decieded to take matters into your own hands.
After greeting the boy by the door of the locker rooms and make sure he would be at the party you came back to your dorm to put your plan to work, you took a fancy shower with all the self care products you owned,then you dressed up in a sexy pair of see through dark blue lingerie, putting on top a a tight black dress to ensinuate your curves.after fixing your hair and putting on some makeup you were ready to go down to the common room.
You went in naturally through the door, being used to said so celebration,you saw harry sitting in the couch bickering his drink,almost spilling it when looked up and saw you in a dress much shorter than you used to wear
"hi,uhm,wow,you look..."
You chuckled lightly at how easily you could flutter the boy;you choose to ignore how he was devouring you with his eyes,and invited him to the improvised dance floor,being familiar with the playlist of Muggle sounds playing in the background.
The little firewhiskey you took making you confident enough to start purposely grinding down on harry times enough to make his mind wander to some dirty thoughts.
"I'm warning you y/n,you should stop while I'm being nice"the look in his face was hard
"stop what?"you knew that playing dumb would get you exactly what you wanted,encouraging you to bat your eyelashes at him innocently.
He chuckled darkly, expression getting even harder.
"you know exactly what you are doing don't you?"he smirked and pressed his tongue against the inside of his cheeck.
You kept ignoring his warnings and getting even more confident while swinging your hips to the beat,while harry shamelessly stared at your body,giving you an awesome terrible idea.
In one swift move you locked your lips on his, slightly biting his bottom lip,them pulling away only to whisper seductively into his ear
"you seen to like my hair huh?wait to see what I'm wearing under it"and then pressed your body against his.
That was it,in a split second,he was dragging you to his dorm by your arm,being followed by weird looks and wolf whistles, everybody knew what you were about to do,so it was no surprise to find the bedroom empty
Once inside it,he slammed the door shut pinning you on it and passionately kissing you,roaming his hands all over your body,lips now trailing down your jawline to your neck, getting on that spot that made you melt.
"bet you liked acting like a whore, let's see if you like what comes now"
He threw you on his bed,and proceeded to assault your neck,claiming you with red marks all over,knocking the breath out of your lungs.
"your dress,"he gave your clothes body another hungry look"take it off, now"
You did as you were told without hesitation,presenting him his favourite post game prize, pulling out a huge smirk from him
"all of this for me huh?"if he looked hungry,now he was a starved man looking at his favourite meal.
His gaze shot from your body directly into your eyes.
"well I think you were being a bad girl, don't you think you deserve a punishment?"
You felt yourself get wetter over your panties where a damp spot were already sitten,you simply looked at him with this doe eyes and he already knew what you wanted.
His feather like touches teasing you through the fabric of your underwear, slowly taking them off,teasing you by rubbing agonizingly slow circles on your clit,making you gasp loudly;harry slowly but surely buried his fingers on your cunt,knowing very well how to find that spot that made you melt and giving it no rest,prescisely brushing his fingertips in there with every thrust of his hand.
As his ring and middle finger pumped your pussy,his thumb played with your clit,bringing you closer and closer to a release.
Harry could feel the familiar feeling of your pussy clenching around his fingers,he leaned his body upon yours,attacking your neck once more,never stopping the ministrations on your pussy,it was definitely gonna leave a mark,but he knew you liked to be marked by him,so that everyone knows what he's getting after a well played match
"are you going to cum?"
"yes!" You somehow breathed out
"let go them"
You came almost immediately after his words, feeling your orgasm wash over you,at first you find it Weir that he so easily gave you your release,you were expecting him to tease the hell out of you and make you beg for him to let you cum.
But when his fingers didn't stopped after you rode out your high,it was when it hit you,he was going to overstim you,turn you into a sloppy mess,the startled look you gave him letted the boy know you were aware of his intentions,but it never stopped him though,he just winked at you,before diving into your pussy like he needed it for a living,tongue flicking your little bud,fingers never ceasing
You were still sensitive due to the orgasm you just had,the vibrations his groans of pleasure sent to your core had you already on the brink of cumming again,moans getting more desperte and hard to hold.
"ha-ah!-harry, gonna cum again"
"weren't you acting like a slut?that's what sluts like you get,just what you fucking asked for"
These words were all you needed to push you over the edge,coating his fingers and moth on your release.
You were already a whimpering mess,harry had that power over you,make you putty in his hands with so little,the sight of him pulling his pants down along with his briefs made you whine loudly,both for seeing his rock hard cock finally free,and for the thought of him fucking you in such a fucked out state
Harry knew you,he knew how you could get carried away,but he was painfully hard and just needed to feel your warm walls clench and cum around his cock.
He started to pepper little kisses all over your face whispering sweet nothings in your ear while easing himself inside you,his groans and whimpers in sync with your moans.he really did try to hold himself but you were just so close to him,so warm,so his,he quickly started a relentless pace
At this point you were giving zero fucks about being quite,just straight out moaning aloud.
"that's right princess,let the whole castle know how good I make you feel,f-fuck so tight"
You were literally quivering,shaking underneath the boy,wanting to get closer and away from him at the same time,it was hurting,but felt so good you didn't had the heart to stop
"h-harry 's sensitive,too much,'s too much!"
Now call him a masochist but this boy loves seeing you like this,writhing underneath him,face contorting in both pleasure and pain,him being the cause of it.
"fuck,I know love,just one more,for me"
He reached his hand down to toy with your clit,sending you into a blissful high,eyes shutting close as you came hard with a loud cry.
The way your pussy clenched impossibly tighter around him was all he needed before filling you up with his warm cum.
Once you regained yourself and opened your eyes again,you were met with harry holding a wet cloth and a glass of water.
"you okay love?was it too much?are you still with me?"
"it's fine,I'm here love,just tired" once the adrenaline ran out it was hard to keep your eyes open,a drowzy smile on your face.
"all right, let's get you ready to rest"
Harry handed you the glass,and carefully wiped you clean while you drank,he them handed you a pair of his boxers and one of his shirts,after you were all dressed up you just snuggled against each other,curled in your own little bubble of affection until doze off to sleep.
Sorry,I don't do good with endings,and sorry for any mistakes,English is not my first language.
Hope you like it,tell me if something needs a change.
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savemesomenachos · 3 years
idk if u do +18 stuff, but I'd love to see some Loki x fem!reader x Bucky smut/lemon🥺 thank youu❤
This will be my first time writing smut so bear with me🥺✨Also, I made Loki and Bucky bisexual for this fic coz I think they’d make a great couple🤷🏽‍♀️🔥 Since you didn’t mention any specs on the sex, I just added my favourites (P.S I didn’t mean for that sentence to rhyme). Enjoy lovie!!!
You can find my other works on my Main Masterlist.
Sex is always your best bet
Pairings: Bi! Bucky Barnes × Reader × Bi! Loki
Warnings: Lots of lemons😳 –  MFM, rough sex, begging, degradation, choking, oral (M & F receiving), lingerie, Dom/Sub, penetrative sex, mentions of thigh riding, hair pulling, Daddy kink, spitting, spanking, vibranium arm kink, slight cum play and of course fluff.
Word Count: 3263
Y/n’s POV:
The day was finally here where I finally get fucked by my two boyfriends. I know it sounds weird but we have been dating for months but sex just never came up which is weird given Bucky and Loki’s sex drive.
Whenever we hung out together on dates, both of them always had their hands on each other and me. While Bucky was more subtle, Loki was the exact opposite.
When it came to Loki, he was always the more aggressive one. He’d grab me by the neck to kiss. One of his hands would dig into my waist and one would be around my neck while his tongue slipped into my mouth.
But Bucky was gentler; he’d always look for my permission before he kissed me. Both of his hands would be on my waist while mine would wrap softly around his neck. He’d always blush when either of us touched him and it was the cutest thing ever.
The contrast between the two of them never failed to make me wet. The farthest we got was that time when I Loki made me ride his thigh and made Bucky only watch. It was so hot to see Loki telling Bucky what to do and Bucky obeying without a second thought. We never really spoke about it after it happened but today, everything was going to change.
I went out and bought lingerie that I knew would blow their minds. It was a barely-there lace piece. It scarcely covered by breasts and I knew they’d both love it. For Bucky especially, I bought some garters and stockings. I knew he had a thing for them coz that one time I did wear stockings, he couldn’t keep his hands off me which made Loki unbelievably happy.
All dressed up, I waited in bed for both of them to come home from their boy’s night out. I could hear voices approaching my door and I shifted nervously on the bed. All the confidence that I previously possessed went flying out the window when the door opened and in walked Bucky and Loki.
They hadn’t noticed me yet but suddenly Bucky seemed to notice the candles I lit before and then slowly turned his head to look at me on the bed. His jaw dropped and he nudged Loki to look at me too.
When Loki turned to look at me, he smirked at my little outfit and he started to stalk toward me. I shifted to my knees when Loki approached the bed deliberately slow. “Well, well. What’s all this love?” he asked, his smirk growing wider by the second.
I blushed and started to fiddle with the sheets that were already crumpled next to my hands. “Buck, are you just going to stand there? Come here and take a look at our little girl.” Loki said as he pulled my hands into his own and stroked the back of my hands.
Bucky started to walk toward us while he gulped visibly at the sight of my stockings. He sat on the bed next to me and slipped his vibranium hand to the garter belts on my thighs which sent a shiver down my spine.
He immediately pulled away with a frown on his face, thinking he hurt me. I grasped his hand before he could pull away completely and tugged it to my thigh again and then slipped my hand around his neck to pull him to me but before I could do so, Loki pulled me to his chest. “I didn’t say any of you could touch each other, did I?” he sneered right into my ear and I immediately knew who was in charge tonight.
My legs clenched together on their own and Loki immediately noticed because he signalled for Bucky to hold my legs apart.
“Is our little girl wet?” he whispered while sneaking his hand down to my panties. “Bucky, do you want to find out?” he asked as he fingered the lip of my panties with his cold fingers which made
Bucky nod enthusiastically and drag his hands up my thighs. The difference between the temperatures of his hands made me shift further back into Loki.
When his hands reached the end of my panties, he looked to me for permission and with a nod, he started to move them down my legs. His eyes remained on the crux of my legs and with the flick of a wrist, my panties were on the other side of the room.
He spread my legs wider which made Loki chuckle. To help Bucky, Loki pulled my knees apart all the while Bucky laid on his stomach in right in front of me. He blew gently on my pussy while using his fingers to pull my inner lips apart. My head rolled back into Loki’s neck when Bucky’s lip attached to my clit.
While he sucked on my clit, His fingers slipped down to prod against my opening. I moaned loudly in Loki’s ears and he immediately smirked in satisfaction.
As soon as Bucky heard my moan, he went to fucking town on my pussy; his lips sucked harshly on my clit while his fingers scissored back and forth inside me.
My hands instantly flew to his hair and pulled which made Bucky whin into my pussy. “He’s so needy, isn’t he? Look at him. Just dying to taste you warm, tight, little pussy,” Loki said while he shifted away from behind me. I nodded through a moan as Bucky started to lick broad stripes up my pussy and I pulled on his hair.
“Open your mouth, slut.” Loki said while looking straight into my eyes. It was hard to comply while Bucky sucked the life out of me with his glorious mouth but I obeyed anyway.
Loki spat in my mouth and groaned when I swallowed and showed him my now bare tongue. “What’s your safe word, little girl?” he asked as he unfastened his jeans hastily. “Apricots” I managed to say and Loki instantaneously shoved his long, hard cock down my throat. He didn’t stop until my nose brushed against his pelvic hair.
“Fuck, that’s it. If I knew you were going to be such a slut, I would’ve fucked you long ago,” he said as I choked on his cock.
Suddenly a white-hot feeling ran through me. I pulled off Loki’s cock to see Bucky looking up at me through his lashes as he now tongue fucked my pussy.
Seeing the expression on my face, knowing I was close; he moved up to my clit and sucked on it as his fingers moved in and out of me. “Are you going to cum, little slut?” Loki asked as he pulled my face up to his. I nodded through the moans building up in my throat.
“Beg Bucky to make you cum then.” I looked at Bucky from underneath my lashes and begged, “Please Bucky, I’m so close. Please, please let me cum sarge!” Bucky’s eyes widened a fraction, hearing his rank and he pulled away from me to look at Loki for permission and Loki must’ve nodded coz immediately Bucky rubbed harsh circles on my slit as his vibranium fingers moved in and out of me at a rapid pace.
“That’s my little cum slut, cum for him” Loki said and my ack arched as I came in Bucky’s mouth as he lapped everything and slapped my pussy as he moved up to kiss Loki.
I watched them kissing as I tried to catch my breath. Loki wrapped his hand around Bucky’s neck and slipped his tongue into his mouth and moaned when he got the lingering taste of my orgasm on Bucky’s tongue.
They kissed like that for a while; sloppy and Loki doing most of the work while Bucky’s arms wrapped around Loki’s neck. “Now you’re going to suck our cocks, aren’t you little girl?” Loki asked as he pulled away from Bucky’s swollen, red lips to stroke my chin gently.
I nodded my head shyly and crawled to the end of the bed on my knees where Bucky was halfway through getting out of his pants and Loki already stood naked, impatiently.
“First Bucky, love.” He said and nudged me toward him. I moved toward Bucky and helped him with the rest of the stripping. Bucky’s cock strained against his boxers and he blushed when I nuzzled my face against his clothed cock.
I pulled his boxers completely off and gasped when his thick, hard cock slapped up against his stomach. I threw his boxers in the corner and licked the precum off the slit of his cock. He moaned lightly and placed his hand on my head. I lifted my head off completely while smirking and looking into his eyes.
“Don’t tease him slut. Get to work.” Loki said impatiently. I whispered a soft ‘sorry’ and leaned down to lick a broad stripe all the way from his balls to the tip of his cock which made him groan. Then, I sucked most of his cock into my mouth and fisted the rest in my hand.
I bobbed my hand in tandem with my mouth; up and down his cock while my other hand looked for Loki’s cock. Loki walked closer and wrapped my hand around his cock too.
I jerked both of them as they moaned but I started to get impatient. My eyes shifted up because of Bucky’s drawn-out groans and I saw Loki’s fingers scissoring in his tight hole. Bucky leaned forward which made me gag and he immediately pulled out of my mouth.
I must’ve looked completely debauched with my hair all over my face and drool running down my gaping mouth and pussy dripping wet. Loki turned to look at me and suddenly his eyes turned red.
“Did I tell you to stop sucking him off? He was going to cum baby and you didn’t let him so I think you should be punished. What do you think Bucky?” he asked as he smirked and turned to look at Bucky. Bucky once again went along with Loki not wanting to discover the repercussions of saying ‘no’. Loki slapped Bucky’s ass in encouragement which made him grunt and me, giggle.
Loki turned to glare at me and I shut up immediately. “Don’t worry baby, you’re up and Bucky will use your favourite arm of his especially for your punishment,” he said which made me swallow and stare at Bucky who seemed suddenly nervous.
I got off the bed, walked to Bucky and wrapped my hands around his waist while staring up at him through my lashes. “You won’t hurt me, baby. I want it so bad. You’ll give it to me, won’t you sarge?” I begged with a slight pout to my lips which made Bucky growl.
He picked me up and threw me on the bed on my stomach and I squealed in surprise. He grasped my calves and pulled me to the edge so that my legs hung off the bed. Without warning, his hand came down on my ass, hard.
I gasped and arched my back in pleasure.  Loki settled down next to me and slipped my bra off and attached his lips to my nipples and sucked while Bucky continued his assault on my ass.
His hand started raining down slaps harder and faster with every moment which made me cry out every time. Loki continued to suck my nipples into his mouth and then moved to my breasts and started to imbibe hickeys into my skin while looking into my eyes with a smirk gracing his features.
Breathing hard, Bucky laid down on the other side of me and his hand ran softly across my ass in contrast to his previous activities, soothing the pain which made me whimper. Everything was so sensitive, my pussy dribbling onto the sheets below, my ass raw with Bucky’s hand marks all over it and my nipples hard and aching against Loki’s constant assault.
Loki gently shushed me and turned me sideways so I faced his and my back was to Bucky’s chest. “You did so well darling but we haven’t come yet and we want to cum inside our little girl, don’t we?” he asked Bucky who smiled in return and wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me flush against him.
I nodded in a haze and could feel their cocks grinding against my back and pelvis. Bucky spit on his fingers and moved his fingers down to asshole and rubbed around my tight hole. I moaned in response and grinded against his fingers. Loki slipped his hands to my sopping wet pussy and slipped his fingers in.
Their fingers worked in perfect harmony; when Bucky’s fingers were in, Loki’s slipped out and then the other way around. Loki’s lips started to suck marks onto the skin of my neck and my head lolled forward into his chest.
Suddenly, I felt Loki’s cock rub all over the lips of my pussy which made me moan loudly. “Daddy please, I need you inside me!” I whined loudly and Loki paused immediately.
His cock twitched at the name and his hand wrapped around my throat. “Say that again,” he said as he leaned close enough for me to see the lust clouding in his eyes.
My aching pussy clamped down on the emptiness and I begged again; “Please daddy! My pussy needs your cock daddy!” Loki didn’t waste any time; in a single thrust he was inside me. My hand shifted behind me and grasped Bucky’s shuddering cock in my hand.
I rubbed it against the tight ring in my ass and he started to enter me slowly. I sobbed at the intrusion and Bucky wrapped an arm around my breasts. He started to roll one of my nipples between his fingers while Loki and Bucky alternated their thrusts.
The squelching sounds of their cocks moving in and out of my soaking heat would’ve been enough to make me blush under normal circumstances.
But right now, it made everything 10 times hotter. Abruptly, Bucky started to thrust harder indicating his fast-approaching release. He grunted in my ear and moved his fingers from my breasts to my clit and started to rub together.
Loki catching on started to thrust into me faster too and I was surprised at how long I had managed to last. My eyes started to roll back in my head with the intensity of their thrusts and the impending climax.
Almost immediately, I felt warm liquid shoot into my holes and grunts from both of them as Bucky’s onslaught on my pussy got severer and wilder. I moaned and there were actual fireworks behind my eyelids as I orgasmed.
Hearing both of them gasp, I opened my eyes to see that I had just squirted all over Loki’s cock, thighs and the sheets. A blush took over my cheeks as I covered my face in a mixture of mostly embarrassment some pride. Loki chuckled and placed kissed all over my face while Bucky sucked a nipple into his mouth.
I whimpered and pulled Bucky away by tugging on his hair. He grunted and picked me up off the bed and walked to the bathroom with Loki in tow.
Bucky sat me down on the counter as he turned the tap on in the bath. He walked back to me and nuzzled his face into my neck. “Bucky, that tickles!” I squealed as I tried to pull away from him. “Behave children.” Loki said as he smiled at us and moved closer.
He also nuzzled his face in the valley of my breasts and placed soft kisses there. In the post sex haze, no words were needed. I understood what he was trying to say; ‘I love you’.
Bucky moved away from me to close the tap, came back, picked me up and deposited me gently in the tub as he and Loki went to the shower. They started to wash each other off but soon Bucky started to get hard and he turned to look at me with hungry eyes.
Like it had a mind of its own, my hand slipped down to my still sore clit and rubbed tight circles. Loki started to kiss Bucky’s neck and eventually started to drift downward as he got on his knees in front of him.
Bucky’s fist wrapped in Loki’s hair and tugged his face closer to his cock. I slipped two of my fingers into my pussy and started to finger myself as I watched Loki suck Bucky’s cock and Bucky throw his head back and his moans echo off the walls of the bathroom. Loki’s rhythm gradually increased along with Bucky’s moans and my fingers.
 Quickly, Bucky pulled out of Loki’s mouth and came all over his face and chest while Loki stuck his tongue out to catch some of his essence.
I moaned at the display and came all over my fingers again and slumped in the tub. Loki came out of the shower and stooped down next to me with Bucky’s cum all over his face. I knelt in the tub and leaned outside to get a better look at his face.
I propped my hand on his shoulders and started to lick the cum off his face as Loki moaned and Bucky watched, entranced. “You both are gonna make me hard again,” he said, annoyed at the show we were putting on as he tugged on his hard cock. I pouted and Loki laughed as he cleaned the rest of his face and chest off.
He lifted me out of the tub while Bucky dried me off and we were all headed back to bed again. Loki held me in his arms as Bucky quickly ran around to change the now cum stained sheets.
When he finished, Loki laid me on the bed gently so that this time, I faced Bucky and my back was against his. Both of their arms wrapped around me and each other as we settled into the fluffed pillows. I nuzzled my head in Bucky’s chest as I listened to the steady beat of his heart.
Loki cuddled into my back and pulled the both of us closer to him. “I love you both.” He said which made Bucky and me stare at each other in shock. Somewhere deep inside, we knew he loved us but he’d never said it out loud and hearing it from him, the God of Mischief, was suffice it to say; shocking.
“There’s no need to be this surprised. I’m sure I’ve said it at least once before.” He said as the shock on our face annoyed him. Me and Bucky shook our head simultaneously and now it was Loki’s turn to pout.
Bucky giggled and leaned closer to Loki on top of me and whispered, “I love you too.” Loki blushed and moved up to kiss Bucky’s upturned lips.
“I love you both too,” I said as they turned their attention to me and Loki sighed, satisfied with knowing that we loved him. “Round two in the morning?” Bucky asked and Loki smirked but I cut him off; “Not everyone in this room is a super soldier or a God. Good night.”
They both laughed at my response and bid each other a ‘good night’ as they cuddled closer to me. But in reality, they knew no matter what I said, I’d be up for Round 2 in the morning…. I can’t wait.
@julyvegan @tenaciousperfectionunknown @mysweetlittledesire @bbl32 @noshame-bb @cece5 @hart-failure @sohoseb @white-wolf1940 @marvelfansworld @jassiejj2118 @Clints-worldavengers
If you wanna be tagged in my works, lemme know here
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mango-bango-bby · 3 years
Can I request a part two to Dabi's tinder date with a naive darling? Please make it extra smutty 🙏🙏
♡ Be Mine (Part Two) ♡
(A/N: I kinda got carried away with this one.... and by carried away, I ended up writing 1.6k words. So hope that you like this and that it’s decent. I’m not very good at writing smut)
Summary: After agreeing to be Dabi’s little girlfriend, he decides to show you exactly what couples do for and to each other (Yan!Dabi x Fem!Reader)
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(⚠️ Size kink, soft!Dabi, manipulation, corruption kink, innocence kink, virgin!reader, unsafe sex and creampie, very slight NON-CON and DUB-CON ⚠️)
Part One: Here ♡
It feels hot. You’re hot. Everything just feels on fire as Dabi places rough kisses over you neck. You let out a small whine when he bites down on the crook of your neck. “D-Dabi, that hurt” you whimper, looking at your date with teary eyes. Dabi raises an eyebrow at you before lowly chuckling at you, leaving you utterly confused.
“Babygirl” He drawls “Now that your my girl, I’ve gotta show ya’ innocent little mind the ropes” He speaks, biting down on your neck once again. You couldn’t really deny the fact that you were ‘innocent’. You never got any dirty jokes, never got when someone was hitting on you. Not that anyone else would know, but you had also never even masturbated before.
You whimper loudly when Dabi bites down even harder than he had been doing before. “That, angel, is a hickey” He explains, knowing that you clearly don’t know what he’s doing. You only nod your head, still not totally understanding him.
Dabi roughly pulls at your shirt, bringing it above your chest. You let out a yelp, pulling your shirt back down, only to be met with Dabi’s stone-cold-gaze. “C’mon, don’t act all shy on me now, dollface. You were makin’ out with me just a minute ago, don’t you wanna your boyfriend happy?” He asks, resting his hands on your waist and using his thumbs to caress your skin.
You look down, you did just agree to be his. You agreed to be his, so technically now he is your boyfriend. And, that’s what you wanted. Girlfriends were supposed to make their boyfriends happy and stuff, right?
Dabi notices your body relaxing slightly so he reaches up and pulls your top off. Even your bra is cute. Dabi doesn’t even reach behind you to unbuckle your bra, instead opting to tear it in half. Before you can reach down to cover your chest, he grabs your wrists, so you can’t shield yourself from him.
“Hey, princess?” Dabi asks, you hum in response, not wanting to look at his face out of embarrassment. “You ever touched yourself, baby?” He asks, his voice still staying completely calm even though you let out a loud flustered squeak. You turn your head away from him, letting a small “no” slip from your lips.
“No, hmm?” Dabi ponders. He had been stalking you for a while before your ‘dates’, so he had known that you were naive and innocently had his suspicions that you were a virgin but this confirmed it. “You haven’t done this before?” He asks, leaning his face dangerously close to yours while he shoves his hand down your skirt and panties. Gently and teasingly rubbing your cunt through the thin fabric of your undergarments. You moan at the unknown sensation and throbbing between your thighs.
You shake your head ‘no’ and bite your lip at the sensation. Dabi takes this a step further, ripping your panties off, now only leaving you in your skirt. Dabi let’s out a dark snicker, already feeling the slick coating his fingers. He thinks about fingering you but then he’d be wasting your virginity on his fingers.
You avert your eyes when Dabi pulls off his raggedy shirt. Even just him being shirtless is enough for you to feel incredibly flustered and hot. “D-Dabi?” Your voice small and fragile, much like your demeanor at the moment. “What?” His voice rumbles.
“D-Do we have too?” You whimper, Dabi roughly placing his thumb on your clit, rubbing slow circles on the bud. “Of course we do, bunny. You’re mine, right?” He asks, you nod your head up and down. You were technically his girlfriend now, right? “So why can’t I show my girl how much I love her?” Dabi raises an eyebrow. You look down before you mutter out an ‘ok’ of confirmation. You may be innocent but you still had basic sex-ed and knew where this was going.
Dabi lets a smirk crawl onto his face. He doesn’t even bother to take his patched pants all the way down, only enough to let his cock spring free. He truly couldn’t wait to ravish you, he’s been watching you for so long. Too long, in his opinion.
You let out a audible gulp, staring for moment before speaking up. It’s just so big. “How i-is that supposed to f-fit?” You whisper, yelping when Dabi grabs your hips to pull you closer to him. “Don’t worry your pretty little head about, doll. I can, and will, make it fit” Dabi smirks, cupping your cute face with one of his hands.
You whimper when you feel his warm tip press against your cunt. You know that sex is a normal thing in relationships but you just agreed to be his only a few minutes ago. “W-Wait-!” you begin before Dabi rough pushes into, you letting out a chocked sob and Dabi groaning at the sound and feeling. “S-Stop, it hurts” you whisper, tears falling down your face. Looking down, you can see that only the tip is in.
“I know, sugar. Don’t worry, it’s supposed too” Dabi leans forward, sweetly kissing away the stray tears on your face. “Damn, so tight” he mutters under his breath. The sweet gesture having you relax slightly in his hold, only to stiffen back up when he begins pushing in more.
You let our more whimpers while Dabi quietly shushes you, gently rubbing your clit while he pushes farther into you. “How’s it feel, babygirl?” Dabi asks, loving the clouded look in your eyes. You think for a moment before answering quietly, “Feels... feels full”
“Well, I can guarantee that I can make you feel even more full, princess” Dabi chuckles as he begins moving inside of you. You throw your head back, your body quivering as you feel him repeatedly press against your cervix as he thrusts.
You keep letting out repeated pants and chocked moans while Dabi molests your body. “What? You like it when I fuck your virgin pussy, baby? How cute, sweets” He coos while you nod your head, back arching to press yourself against his body. You want him to hold you and he does.
“Feels good” You moan, tightly holding to the couch cushions beneath you for support. Dabi hums before letting out a low groan when he feels your walls squeeze around him. “Yeah, bunny?” He snickers, listening intently to the small gasps and shy moans coming from your plush lips. Looking down at your stomach, he can feel himself get more hard when he sees the bulge every time he thrusts.
More tears than before begin falling down your cheeks as Dabi rocks his hips into yours faster. The top of his cock roughly brushing your cervix over and over again. Your stomach begins to feel knotted as your crotch begins throbbing more than it already has been.
“No, st-stop, it feels weird, Dabi” you mutter, pushing against Dabi’s chest with your much smaller hands. “Fuck” Dabi growls, feeling you clamp down on him “Shh, this is what’s supposed to happen, angelface” He comforts. By the way your squeezing him, it’s clear that the ‘weird feeling’ is your incoming orgasm. Not that you knew.
“You’re about to cum, sweetheart. C’mon, gimme your first orgasm” Dabi encourages, aggressively pushing and rubbing your clit with his fingers. You wiggle your body trying to get even more friction than you were already getting. Dabi only keeps giving words of encouragement, “You can do it, doll. Be a good girl”.
It’s only a few seconds before your orgasm actually arrives. A white light bursting behind your eyes as you sob out in pleasure. Dabi only continues fucking you through your orgasm, chasing after his own high. Not that he didn’t enjoy yours. He was truly relishing in the fact that you had just given your stalker (not that you knew yet) your virginity and first orgasm.
After about a minute or two you finally slump against Dabi and the cushions, letting out continuous moans as he continues thrusting into you, now focused on his enjoyment instead of yours. “Dabi” you whine, feeling overly sensitive after such an experience. “Shh, I’ll be done in just a minute, princess” Dabi shushes, placing a scarred finger over your lips “You’re such a good girl, baby. Cumming for me and letting me use you” he praises, pressing a rough kiss to your forehead.
You let out a loud cry when you feel Dabi throb inside of you before hot ropes of cum spurt inside of you. If you thought you felt full before, you sure did now. Even though you did practically nothing, you still feel completely exhausted. And, it’s clear that Dabi knows this.
“I’m sleepy” you mutter, leaning forward and burying your face into Dabi’s shoulder. “I bet you do, babygirl. Why don’t I put you to bed?” He asks calmly. You let out a small ‘thank you’. Dabi smiles, you didn’t lose you cute manners even after getting fucked.
You sleepily murmur against Dabi’s shoulder, not fighting back when Dabi reaches down and picks you up bridal-style. A small bead of cum coming down your thighs. Dabi wishes he could go for a few more rounds but he knows he’ll have much more with you. Maybe even some sleepy sex tomorrow morning. He’ll have more rounds with you tomorrow, especially since you’re not going home any time soon.
Dabi knows that you’ll probably be upset when he locks you in the apartment tomorrow and chains you up. However, you probably shouldn’t gone home with a man who you went on two dates with and seemed to know you just a bit too well.
Thank you for reading, darling!!
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jaeminlore · 3 years
Landslide | Mark Lee
summary: time makes you bolder. even children get older, and i’m getting older too.
words: 7.1k+
category: teacher!mark, single parent!reader, fem!presenting!reader, graham is the sweetest kid, mark is that teacher that lets kids pick earthworms during recess, friends to lovers, mark’s apartment is flooded so now he has to live in domestic bliss with his secret crush oh nooooo
warnings: talk of absent fathers
author note: it’s my birthday tomorrow so i wanted to give u all a present for supporting me for so long!! here’s to you <3 (cross-posted on /honklore)
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Mark helps one of his kids press their palms onto the wall. When they release their palm, pink paint remains, making a sort of leaf to the tree branches painted onto the wall.
“Now write your name,” Mark advises another kid, whose orange paint had already dried.
“G-R-A-H-A-M,” the boy writes out with a large permanent marker. “Can I take a picture? For my mom?”
All the rest of the children begin to shout their agreements, also wanting to bring home a picture for their parents. Mark grabs his yellow Polaroid camera and takes a picture of each handprint.
He keeps all of the pictures in the chest pocket of his denim jacket. “Okay, guys— to the sink! Whoever has the cleanest hands gets to help me pass out snacks!”
“Why are we having snack time so early?” It’s Graham that asks, the little one always eager to be around Mark.
Mark ignores the boy’s paint covered hands poking at his clean jacket, and answers him as politely as he can. “Mr. Lee forgot his lesson plans today, so we’re going to watch a movie instead.”
“A movie?” Graham’s eyes widen.
“Yep,” Mark giggles. He crouches down to Graham’s level and whispers, “You wanna pick it?”
“Nature Nut!” Graham cheers almost immediately, causing Mark to wince.
Ah, yes, the wonderful little DVDs of a lonesome man teaching the watcher about bugs and weird types of slugs. Mark actually has the entire collection, and Graham happens to adore them just as much as Mark did when he was a kid.
“Alright, go wash your hands and I’ll get it started.”
It’s a little girl named Hana who cleans her hands the best, so she passes out organic fruit gummies to everyone while Mark puts in the DVD.
While they watch the video, Mark checks his text messages.
There’s one from Taeyong: “I’ve already got Haechan on the couch. Sorry, man. You can have the floor, but it’s not gonna be comfy :(“
Right. Mark forgot that Haechan lives in the same complex as him. His apartment is probably just as flooded as Mark’s is. Now if the landlord would just answer his calls and help him... maybe this situation wouldn’t be so stressful.
Mark didn’t forget his lesson plans; they’re just submerged in his bedroom with everything else Mark has left lying on his carpet. And maybe it’s his fault for not buying more storage bins, but a studio apartment can only hold so much stuff.
Serves Mark right for doing his lesson plans at home instead of at the school like most of his fellow kindergarten teachers.
He lets out a quiet sigh, careful not to disturb the children. He only has a short list of friends left to ask, and while he doesn’t think they’ll mind him asking, he really hates to put anyone in that position.
Besides, most of his friends have roommates or significant others and Mark doesn’t want to ruin their routine. He’d hate to intrude. And he could always sleep in his car for a few days, but the amount of stuff he had to pack because of the flooding has barred any chance of a good night’s sleep.
The video ends, and Mark gets the kids seated with coloring pages until their parents arrive.
One by one, he I.Ds the parents and tells the kids goodbye, helping them put on their coats and take home whatever library book they picked out earlier.
Finally, there’s only one kid left, and Mark is a bit embarrassed of his hyper-awareness to Graham. It’s not even his fault, really. Graham just has a beautiful mom, who happens to be Mark’s beautiful friend, and sometimes Mark gets eager to see you during pickup time.
Whatever. It’s no big deal.
The kindergartener already has his coat on. His curly brown hair is almost unruly as he continues to work on his coloring sheet.
Mark pulls at the hem of his sage sweater sleeves and wonders if his hair looks okay. Maybe he should invest in a little desk mirror; or maybe that’s vain.
“Hey, Mark! Sorry I’m late!” You rush in, holding on to your leather messenger bag. You fix your glasses before they fall off the bridge of your nose, and Mark is so focused on the movement that he almost forgets about your child.
Until said child is scolding his mother. “Mom! You have to call him Mr. Lee! It’s rude to call him Mark!”
“Your mom is an adult,” Mark reminds Graham (as soon as he finds his voice.) “Since she isn’t a student, it’s okay for her to call me Mark.”
Graham pinches his lips together, and then shrugs. “Fine. Mom, we watched Nature Nut today.” He runs up to you and wraps his arm around your middle. “Can we go to the park and look for slugs?”
“Sure,” you giggle. “But we need to get home soon, okay, Bud? I have to make dinner and then we have to clean up the mess we made last night.”
Graham turns to Mark and smiles naughtily, like the trickster he often is. “Mom said I could tear up her papers last night. She said it’s There-pee.”
“Ther-a-py,” you emphasize for the five-year-old.
Mark studies your face, and he can tell that you seem a little more stressed than usual. “Therapy, huh?”
You smile sheepishly. “Well, when your son catches you tearing up old love notes, you have to let him in on the fun, right?”
“You are a team,” Mark acknowledges. He wants to ask more; wants to dig into your heart and extract whatever is hurting you, but your son is standing between the two of you, waiting for him to say goodbye. Mark clears his throat and picks at his sweater again. “Anyways, uh, text me tonight? Let me know you two got home safe. And, I’ll see you both tomorrow.”
“Yeah,” you breathe. You smile at him and then take Graham’s hand. “Thanks, Mark. I’ll text you.”
Mark spends the night at a motel down the road. He texts a few of his friends and hopes for good news in the morning, or at least a confirmation from his landlord.
When you text him, a little selfie of you and Graham, holding up what looks like microwaved s’mores, his heart grows fond, and he forgets about his own problems for a moment.
Life has never been very easy for you. From the get-go, you have always been destined to fail, growing up with an absent father and an overworked mother. With a dead-end dream like yours (writing, of all things), it’s no wonder you clung to what little breaths of freedom you had.
He was handsome and bold, with a carefree smile and brown eyes that mirrored the sun. The lead singer of a band, with a voice like chimes. And you fell just as hard as one of your many protagonists. Perhaps the mistake always lay in the fact that you put too much fantasy into reality. You have always romanticized the littlest things, and that comes back to bite you more often than not.
You never expected one: to get pregnant your senior year of high school, and two: have to go through it alone.
Of course, most people you come to love leave eventually. It’s something you have always remembered; something that sticks in the back of your brain like gum to the bottom of your child’s Spider-man skechers.
Graham is the only constant in your life. Though you’ve been blessed with a decent job editing for a webazine company, and you can work from home more often than not, Graham is the real thing that keeps you alive.
He’s the most precious boy, with brown curls and big brown eyes. He favors his father, and though that should deter you, it reminds you of innocent days, and it gives a new meaning to brown eyes. Graham is not his father, and he never was.
Graham certainly got his love of learning from you. Though he likes science more than writing, you adore how eager he is to always get to school. It helps that Mark is his teacher.
Mark’s been your friend since freshman year of highschool, when the two of you both took the same creative writing class the local university offered. Though the two of you had differing end goals, you often studied together and encouraged each other. He was there when you found out you were pregnant, and he was there when you found out you’d be raising your child alone.
Now life comes full circle, and you see him twice a day. You could go out on a limb and say he brightens up most mornings, but you would still give that slot to your son.
Mark is standing at the doorway now, greeting all of his students and helping them take off their book bags and coats. He’s wearing monochrome today: red pants, a red sweater, and red shoes.
Graham lights up almost immediately, and you are thankful today that you decided to dress Graham in his red t-shirt. “Mom! We match!”
“I know,” you grin, squeezing his hand.
Mark glances at Graham, and then you. His cheeks showcase that same pink hue they always do, and while it should clash with his red garments, it doesn’t. “Hey, Mark.”
“Hey,” he grins, cheeks full at the sight of you two.
Graham spreads his arms and waits for Mark to help him take off his jacket. “Do you see that we match, Mr. Lee?”
“Yo, that’s awesome, Little Man!” Mark gives Graham a fist bump that seems to appease him, and you wait for Graham to run to his friends before addressing Mark.
“How have you been?”
Mark sighs. He brushes his hair away from his eyes. “Okay. My- uh- my studio apartment flooded so I’m staying at a motel until my landlord can get me estimates on when I can come back home.”
“That sucks,” you frown. “You know, if you need a place to stay, I have a pullout couch in my office. And obviously, Graham wouldn’t mind.”
Mark pales. “Are you serious? I didn’t mean to suggest anything, Like I know you work from home and you need your office.”
“And you’ll be at school until three,” you say. “I’ll work then. C’mon, Mark. I don’t like knowing one of my friends has no place to stay.”
Mark bites his bottom lip and scratches the back of his neck. “Yeah. Okay. I’ll drive over after I check out of the motel.”
“Great!” You smile. “I’ll order pizza.”
"Graham, clean your room," you say, struggling to push your desk against your office wall. "We're going to have a guest for a few weeks."
"Mom," Graham whines, "They aren't going to look in my room."
You begin to take the cushions out of the spare couch to start setting up the pull-out bed. "Mr. Lee is coming over, Graham.  Don't you want to show him your collections?"
Graham's brown eyes grow wide. "Mr. Lee? You didn't tell me he was coming!"
"He's going to be staying with us for a little bit, okay? So I need you to be on your best behavior."
“Can I show him my worms?” Graham asks, alluding to the compost bin in the small backyard of your townhouse.
“Yes,” you say, thankful that he isn’t putting up much of a fight toward cleaning. You’re also thankful he isn’t asking any questions, as Graham always seems to have a few at the top of his tongue.
Graham cleans up his room quickly. You know for a fact that he’s just shoved all of his toys under his bed, but it’s enough until the weekend, when you’ll have more time to help him organize.
The little guy hoards rocks like no one’s business. You curse the day Mark decided to teach the kids about geodes.
“Wanna help me make up Mr. Lee’s room?” You half-yell, while grabbing spare bedding out of your linen closet.
Graham’s little footsteps are heard before he answers, and soon he’s at your hip with a quick, “He can have my Frozen pillowcase!”
You hesitate to tell Graham that his Frozen pillowcase is currently on one of your pillows, and you can’t give your guest a dirty pillowcase. “That one is in the wash, Buddy. Why don’t we give him your Spider-Man one?”
“So he matches my pajamas!” Graham is easily pleased, and he even takes one of his stuffed bears to add to Mark’s made-up bed. (“So he doesn’t get scared at night.”)
By the time the pizza arrives, Mark is just behind, so you keep Graham busy with a slice of cheese and a glass of diet pepsi (only half of a can, and only because it’s a special occasion) while the two of you bring in Mark’s stuff.
He surprisingly didn’t bring much, and when you ask about it, he grimaces. “My studio is pretty small so a lot of my stuff was on the ground and got mildewed. Other stuff was in bins so I just left it there. I only need clothes and my lesson plans, anyway.”
“Well, here’s the desk and bed. It’s not much, but there’s a lock on the door in case Graham ever gets too inquisitive — bless him — and curtains so the stupidly bright sun won’t wake you too early.”
“Those both sound like personal experiences, Y/n,” Mark teases. He takes off his jacket and throws it on the bed. “Yo! Spider-Man?”
“Graham picked it out,” you say. “He also relinquished one of his bears to keep you safe in the middle of the night. His words, not mine.”
“He’s so cute,” Mark mentions offhandedly. The fondness in his tone takes you back a bit. Not because the phrase isn’t true, it’s just that most people find your son annoying before they find him endearing. The change of tone is nice.
“He is,” you say. “And he’s dying to show you his room after we eat dinner.”
Mark gives you that same lopsided smile he often had in high school. Part of your brain shifts to his personal life, and you wonder why Mark himself isn’t in a romantic relationship. Not that he has to be, but the both of you are getting older, and Mark has always been one to express a fondness for having his own family one day. Maybe he just hasn’t found the right person.
It isn’t until Graham is peacefully in bed — after a very chaotic reading of Goodnight Moon by yours truly, and an argument that Mr. Lee cannot, in fact, sleep in the same room as him — that you actually have a chance to show Mark around the house.
“Here’s the guest bathroom. Graham almost always uses the bathroom in my room because he likes looking at the big tub. He will beg you to play with him, but if you’re busy don’t feel guilty telling him no. He knows what no means and he’s good about playing by himself.”
Mark giggles. “Okay. I don’t mind playing with him, though.“
You show him around the kitchen, where you left little spaces for him in the pantry. You show him the garbage bags and the T.V. settings and the list of compostable ingredients. “And also, please come and go as you please. Like, I completely understand that you’re here temporarily and you aren’t a babysitter or anything like that. I don’t expect you to be in charge of Graham any time outside of school.”
Mark blinks. “But if you ever need time away, you can ask me. I don’t mind babysitting.”
“I know,” you smile. “But Graham is my kid. I don’t need time away from him.”
You’re lying. Mark knows it. You’ve been in this single parenting thing for five years and you aren’t about to reach out for help now.
“Anyways, if you have any questions just ring me or ask me,” you say. “I’ve got to get to bed. Goodnight.”
“Thanks, Y/n.”
Mark thinks it’s sweet the way Graham insists on making his own breakfast.
You’re already up when Mark gets out of his (temporary) bedroom with his clothes tucked under his arm. You’re busy arguing with Graham. “You can’t fry your own omelette for the last time.”
Mark quirks an eyebrow at your exasperated face. You look stressed beyond belief, even though the day has just begun.
Mark tosses his clothes back in his room and walks into the kitchen. “Hey, Graham! Do you want to show me your rock collection?”
Graham spins on his sock-clad heels, eyes bright at the thought of seeing his teacher. “Mr. Lee! Yes! Let’s go!”
He grabs Mark’s hand with ease, leaving you room to finish making breakfast.
Graham’s room is fairly simple. The small wooden bed is covered in a green quilt, and beneath that, frozen-printed sheets that certainly don’t match. He has a tub of stuffed animals shoved against a small dresser.
Mark gets distracted by the framed picture on top of the dresser. It’s a picture of you and Graham’s father, a few months before you got pregnant. He’s smiling, and you’re holding up a peace sign. It makes Mark feel a bit sad, knowing that Graham’s dad never stayed around to see how wonderful he turned out to be. Then again, a lot of people in your life left as soon as they found out. In high school, no one wants to be friends with a teenage mother.
Mark reckons that if he had a family like this, he’d never take them for granted.
Graham pulls out a gemstone. It’s a murky green one that Mark has let him take home from class. “Do you remember this, Mr. Lee?”
Mark grins. “Yeah, bud. Thanks for keeping it so safe for me.”
Graham beams. He grabs Mark’s hand and pulls him towards his dresser. “Can we match? I want to look like you.”
Mark feels his heart swell. He wants to smother the young boy in affection, but he doesn’t want to cross a line. He’s your friend, sure, but he’s also Graham’s teacher. He can’t coddle Graham more than the other children. He already has a godchild to coddle. “I’m wearing yellow today. Do you have any yellow clothes?”
“Let’s look!” Graham yanks open one of the drawers and begins pulling out the articles of clothing one by one. “No, no, no... Here!” He finds a pair of yellow overalls, folded amongst the mess he made. “I’ll wear these!”
“Let’s clean up first, okay?” Mark grabs the overalls. “So it’s clean when you come home from school.”
Graham, looking like the last thing he’d ever want to do is disappoint Mark, begins to pick up each shirt with obvious intent. He tries to fold them, and does a somewhat decent job, so much so that Mark leaves it, thinking you’ll find it endearing rather than annoying.
He really loves that about you. He likes your patience with Graham. You’re so young, and in reality, he squashed so many early dreams of yours. No matter your lot in life, you never blamed your child. Mark thinks that’s why Graham is so open, so adaptable, so endearing.
He helps Graham get dressed and leaves him in his room so that he, himself, can get ready.
When he emerges from his shower, hair wet and clothed in yellow, he smells something amazing.
He doesn’t want to intrude on your morning with Graham. He already feels too indebted to you already.
“Have an omelet,” you say. Wisps of hair cover your face. You place a plate down in front of him.
Graham is already eating his omelet, slowly, while flipping through a picture book. He sounds out words he recognizes, but stays silent the rest of the time.
Mark takes out his phone and scrolls through his instagram feed just as your own phone begins to ring.
“Shit,” you curse, and then immediately apologize to Graham. You press the red button and tap anxiously on the tabletop.
“Everything okay?” Mark asks.
You run your hands over your hair and let them rest on the back of your neck. “Yeah is just—“
The phone rings again, and this time you pick it up. “What do you want? ... Why would you tell me that? ... Why should I care? ... Please stop contacting me, okay? Goodbye.”
You slam the phone down and leave the room. Mark watches you disappear down the hallway, sniffling.
“Mommy is upset,” Graham says. He looks at Mark, lip quivering. “At me?”
“No, Buddy! Of course not!” Mark reaches over the table to ruffle Graham’s curls. “Never at you.”
“When we tore up paper, she was crying.” Graham fiddles with his book page.
Mark wonders why your ex’s actions are being brought up five years later. Last he heard, you had fully healed from the breakup long before Graham’s first birthday. But now he’s about to be six, and you're suddenly upset?
He’ll have to ask you about it soon.
“Are you ready to go to school, Buddy?”
You cradle your face in your hands and try to ease the tears back in. You’ll never get this article proofread and sent if you can’t see the keys.
The door opens, and Graham runs in just in time for you to finish wiping your eyes. “Hey, kiddo! How was school?”
“Mr. Lee let us finger paint!” Graham holds up his palm, covered in dried paint, and grins brightly. “Can I have gogurt?”
“Yeah bud. Why don’t you put something on the T.V.? You can have your snack in the living room today.”
“Yes!” Graham takes blueberry gogurt out of the fridge and — after getting you to tear it open — runs into the living room. Sneakers and backpack still on.
Mark trails behind, clutching a messenger bag to his chest. “What’s going on?”
You sigh and close the laptop. The manuscript will have to wait. “Ben called. About a week ago. His girlfriend is pregnant. Called me to tell me he wasn’t going to leave her— like that would heal what he did to me. Then he called this morning to tell me they’re engaged.” You burst into tears then, and you feel so pathetic for doing this in front of your old schoolmate, that you hide your face behind your palms and allow your shoulders to shake. “Why weren’t we enough? Why wasn’t I enough?”
Mark scoots one of the chairs in front of you and sits, leaning his elbows on his knees. “Hey. Look at me.” With gentle hands, he grabs your wrists and pulls them away from your face. “It is not your fault he left.”
“But it has to be me in some way,” you retort. “He must not have loved me. Something, because now he’s going to raise her child after he left mine. Graham deserves a dad.”
Mark places his forehead against yours. The two of you used to do it all the time in school, mostly with immature giggles in the spaces between, but now it’s heavy with intention. “Graham has not felt even a little bit unloved in your care. You are all he needs, okay? You’re amazing.”
You nod, head still pressed to Mark’s. “Yeah. Okay. Sorry for getting too emotional, there.”
“Be as emotional as you want,” Mark says. “I’ll be here to balance you out.”
Your heart stutters at the words, like maybe they mean something more than he’s letting on. Of course it’s stupid to think Mark Lee would ever even consider you, but just the knowledge that he cares makes your soul feel a little lighter.
“I’m a mess,” you stutter, bringing your fist up to wipe at your nose.
“Nah,” Mark grins. He runs the pad of his thumb across your cheek and grins. “You’re alright.”
“It’s snowing!” Graham wakes Mark up by jumping on his chest.
Mark sucks in a breath, winded at the sudden weight, and grabs the boy, lifting him off of his chest and onto the mattress. “Hey, Buddy. Let’s not jump on sleeping people, okay?”
“Okay,” Graham says. He’s already lost interest in Mark, now crawling off of the bed to open the blinds. “Come look at the snow!”
“I see!” Mark rubs his tired eyes and checks his watch. “We might have a snow day, Graham.”
“Yes!” Graham pumps his fist into the air. “Let’s go tell mom!”
You’re sitting on your bed, chewing on a red licorice rope and flipping through a fashion magazine. You look up when Mark and Graham enter.
Mark likes seeing you like this: the domesticity of you in the morning, lazy and true. His chest sparks when he thinks this may be one of the only moments he can capture you like this, so he intends to commit the sight to memory.
“Did I hear snow day?” You grin at Mark, childlike wit in your own eyes — the same as your son’s.
“Looks like it.” Mark rolls up the sleeves of the sweater he slept in. “You want pancakes? I make some mean chocolate chip pancakes.”
You shift your gaze away from his arms and clear your throat. “Uh, yeah. Just let me get dressed and I’ll help—“
“No need,” Mark insists. “Enjoy your quiet time. Graham and I will make the most delicious pancakes you’ve ever tasted.”
“With lots of chocolate chips!” Graham shouts.
You give him a pointed look. “But not too many.”
Graham huffs. “But not too many,” he repeats.
Momentary splashes sound from your bathroom, followed by Graham screaming “It’s a dragon! Run for cover!”
Mark giggles from his place on the couch. He’s got mushroom-patterned socks on, and he’s tucked up into the cushions, nursing a can of Monster. “How does he still have so much energy?”
You sigh and pull your beanie down over your forehead. “You’d think a snow day would tire him out. Thanks for constantly carrying him up the hill, by the way. I know you’re a teacher, but sometimes I forget how good you are with kids.”
“I do have a godson,” Mark reminds you.
“But Mikey is a baby,” you say. You only know the baby’s name because of Mark’s constant snap stories about him.
“Most babies and kids want the same thing. Affection and attention.” Mark scoots over to the edge of the couch and pats the cushion.
You sit next to him. “I guess that’s true. You’re really good with Graham. He’s not this open to other adults.”
Mark is clearly blushing now; you can see his pink cheeks even in the light of the television. “He’s great in class, always helping the other kids.”
“He wants to impress you,” you say. You pop open a can of orange soda and take a sip. “He thinks you’re just the coolest guy.”
Mark laughs and shakes his head. “Didn’t you hear, Y/n? I’m handsome and cool.”
“Oh, of course,” you nudge his shin with our own sock-clad foot. “How could I forget? Mr. Ladies Man in high school.”
This makes Mark blush even harder, because he most certainly was not a ladies man in high school. In fact, he was a nerd in all senses of the word, part of the debate club with a few other boys. He had a few dates here and there, but nothing ever stuck.
“Shut up,” he mumbles. “My time is gonna come.”
“Hasn’t it already?” you ask before you can really process your own words. But of course he knows that he’s grown into his face, right?
Mark is positively handsome, eyes bright and lashes long. He’s so warm and comforting to you. He must be just as comforting to everyone else.
“What do you mean?”
“You’re handsome, Mark,” you say plainly.
“You mean that?”
“Of course I do,” you say. “Why would I lie?”
Mark opens his mouth, perhaps to call you out. To tell you you’ve been too honest, but he’s interrupted by your son.
“Mom! I’m ready to get out now!”
“I should go,” you say, still looking at his eyes.
“Yeah,” he says. His sweater has small spots on the shoulders where snow has fallen and since melted. He shivers.
“You should take a shower. You’ll catch a cold.”
“Okay,” he whispers. “Yeah, I’ll do that.”
Haechan comes over the following Saturday night to hang out with Mark, and you’re surprised at how much he truly hasn’t changed since high school.
He’s still got infamously perfect eyebrows, and his voice is still high despite its blunt sarcasm. “Nice place.” He raises his brows as he looks around.
“Who are you?” Graham is sitting at the kitchen table, watching Minecraft playthroughs (kid-friendly ones you’ve watched through yourself) on your phone to entertain himself while you clean.
“I’m Haechan, Mark’s friend.”
“This is Mr. Lee’s friend from school,” you say, detailing your words so they’re easier for your son to digest.
Graham stares at him for a moment, not quite judging but not quite accepting either. “Okay. Do you want to see my rock collection?”
Haechan looks genuinely excited, and accepts before you can come up with an excuse for him. Graham tells Haechan to stay in the kitchen while he grabs all of his rocks.
“How have you been?” you ask the taller man. “Like, with the flooding and everything?”
“Well, I’m on a couch at Taeyong’s, which is good since he doesn’t charge rent. But that means I’m near Mikey, and that baby has some lungs.”
You laugh. “I remember when Graham was a baby. I was so young, and my mom told me it was my responsibility to wake up and take care of him whenever he cried in the middle of the night. I was so pissed at her for making me do that, but those were some of the best nights to bond with him.” You realize you’re rambling and shake your head. “Whatever. Baby screams are loud as hell.”
“You can say that again. I’ve been talking to my friend Johnny about taking his spare room and paying rent. I dunno how many more sleepless nights I can take.”
“Why would you need to pay rent if you’re just crashing?” You wipe down the kitchen table to keep yourself busy.
“Didn’t Mark tell you? Our landlord is in heaps of trouble because the pipes weren’t up to code and that’s why they busted. The damage is basically too expensive to fix, so we’ve got to find new places.”
You stop cleaning. “Mark didn’t tell me that.”
“Oh.” Haechan scratches his brow. “He probably didn’t want to worry you. He feels really bad that he’s stayed with you this long.”
“It’s only been a month or so,” you counter. “Besides, Mark’s a great housemate. He cleans and keeps Graham occupied. Plus, now I have someone to watch corny game shows with.”
Haechan grins. “Oh. Okay, I get it.”
“Get what?” Mark, finally out of the shower, steps into the kitchen and immediately tackles Haechan in an energized hug.
“Nothing!” Haechan’s voice cracks
You shoot Haechan a weird look, and change the subject. “Where are you guys going?”
“To play video games at Johnny’s.” Mark says, and the thrill in his voice makes you think of high school. Of the debate team bus rounding the corner. Of you standing there, waiting to congratulate him with a big hug and a frosty from Wendy’s.
You miss it. “Have fun, okay? I’m probably going to tuck in as soon as Graham does, so just let yourself in.”
“You’re leaving?” Graham comes in, and his arms are filled with smooth and rough stones and gems he’s both found by himself and bought at random general stores while traveling.
“Not before I see your rocks!” Haechan says with so much enthusiasm, you think he’s telling the truth.
Graham giggles and drops the rocks onto the ground. Of course, he wants your guest to sit on the floor and count rocks. You’re almost embarrassed.
“ ‘ Okay, Y/n?” Mark laughs at your expression. Then he places his arm on your shoulder, thumbs the skin of your upper arm.
And once again, it’s high school. It’s senior year graduation and Mark is the only one who congratulates you. It’s his comforting touch, him coming over in the middle of the night after you texted him a picture of your first sonogram. It’s that same comforting touch. That little “I’m here,” and it melts you on the inside, leaves you in the shell of an eighteen girl again. Scared, and worried, and a little less alone.
“Yeah,” you manage. “I’m okay.”
The television plays Cartoon Network reruns on a low hum. Mark is curled up in a blanket, nursing a bottle of water and thinking over Haechan’s words.
You’ve liked her since high school, dude.
Which is a complete lie. Seriously, Mark didn’t have a crush on you in high school. He would know if he had a crush on his best friend. You’ve been his friend since freshman year, and that’s all you’ve ever been.
Now in college, it was different. In college, Mark was alone in a dorm with Taeyong, and you were one of the only people from high school he stayed in contact with. In college, he would bring you your favorite snacks and drinks, and other things you would forget to buy because you were a part-time student and a full-time mom. In college, you would pull all-nighters with him, working on your exams while Graham was asleep, then using energy drinks to get through the next day.
Mark even remembers the time your mom caught the three of you fast asleep on your rug, with unopened monster cans and an empty milk bottle beside you.
Throughout your entire pregnancy he was warned not to stay friends with the pregnant girl — it’d be too much for him, he wouldn’t want to become the new father, and all kinds of other stuff people would mumble to him when you weren’t around.
But you never expected him to be anything other than your friend. You never asked him for the help he gave — though you thanked him always — and you never once assumed he’d take the role of Graham’s dad.
And now… now he finds himself wishing you would.
“Mr. Lee?” Graham creeps up without him even realizing.
Mark jumps, sets his water — and thoughts — aside. “Hey, Bud. It’s really late. What are you doing up?”
Graham sniffs, and Mark realizes that the boy is crying. “I had a nightmare.”
Mark holds out his arms before he can think, and lets the five-year-old crawl into his lap. He wraps them both in his blanket and turns the television up just a little more. “Was it scary?”
“You left.” Graham says, voice less watery, like he doesn’t know the weight of his words. He’s focused on the rerun of Adventure Time that’s playing. He’s not even remotely interested in his nightmare now, with his tears dried up, and his eyes drooping back towards slumber.
“I’m going to leave one day,” Mark says, because he thinks it’s important that Graham knows.
“You should stay with me and Mom,” Graham says. He yawns. “We like you so much!”
Mark’s heart stutters. He tries not to think about it.
When Graham’s bed is empty the next morning, you freak out. He’s always in his room in the morning. Even if he wakes up before you, he stays in and plays with his toys.
You’ve already got your phone out, and your mother’s number called, when you walk into the living room.
Relief floods your system. Mark and Graham are asleep on the couch, snuggled up serenely like they didn’t just cause you to have a premature heart attack.
You hang up before the call to your mom can go through and stand there, watching the two boys sleep. Graham has both his arms wrapped around Mark’s forearm. It’s such a sweet picture that you take out your phone and snap one.
The flash is on.
Mark scrunches his nose and winces. “What the–”
“Sorry!” You whisper. “You both looked so cute, I couldn’t help it.”
Mark smiles, still sleepy, and finally opens his eyes. He peers at you, copper brown under fluttering lashes and you’re almost intimidated into looking away. “He had a nightmare.”
“About me leaving.”
“Oh.” You frown. “I’m really sorry about that. I keep telling him that you’re moving out soon, but I don’t think he fully understands.”
Graham stirs. You reach down and pick him up. Your knuckles brush across Mark’s warm, sweater-clad chest and you suddenly wish you could cuddle with him, too. You shake the thoughts away and focus on your drowsy son. “You’re staying at Grandma's for a few days, remember?”
Graham rubs his eyes and perks up. “And I’ll see her cat?”
“Yes,” you confirm. “But we’ve got to get you dressed because she’s coming in a few minutes.”
“Mark Lee!” Your mom’s voice embarrassingly rings through the apartment, and you realize Mark has taken it upon himself to open the door. “Y/n told me she had a temporary roommate but I never thought she would finally ask you!”
“Oh my gosh…” you mumble, buckling Graham’s overalls and hauling him up into your arms. “Mom! His apartment flooded so he’s staying here. Don’t be weird about it.”
“But he’s so handsome,” your mom coos. You’re concerned she might reach forward and pinch Mark’s already ruddy cheeks.
“Thanks,” Mark laughs. “But she’s right, I’m just squatting until I can find a new place.”
Your mom harrumphs. “Well, I don’t see why you can’t stay here forever. Y/n doesn’t even use that office room. And even if she did, the two of you could just share a room.”
“Mom!” You plunk Graham into her hands and grab his overnight bag. “You have to leave.”
“Did I say something wrong?” She sounds worried, but there’s an undisclosed mirth in her eyes that makes you think of your freshman year, when you did have a crush on Mark.
“You said everything wrong,” you say, kindly pushing her out. “Have a good time, Graham. I love you! As always, Mom, call if you need me to come get him.”
“Yeah, right!” She yells over her shoulder. Graham is already giggling, so you close the door with confidence.
You turn back to your roommate. “I’m sorry about that, Mark.”
“It’s fine.” He smiles, but it’s reserved. “But speaking of me finding a place… I know Haechan told you that I can’t go back to my own apartment. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.”
“It’s okay,” you say. You want to say “You can stay here as long as you want, and long as you’ll let me keep you,” but that would reveal too much, and you don’t want to lose the one good friend you have.
“And I was thinking I should move out soon anyway.” Mark pulls his sweater sleeves until they cover his hands. He’s hiding. He’s shielding himself the same way he did in junior year, when he got turned down by his crush to go to the prom. “I don’t think it’s good for Graham to get this attached to me if I’m just going to leave.”
“Oh,” Your sleeves are too short, but you want to shield yourself too. “Yeah, that’s… that’s probably a good idea.”
Mark stands there for a beat, like he’s waiting for you to say something more. Like he hasn’t just taken your heart and pushed it aside. Like this hurts a lot less than it actually does.
But any word out of your mouth would be tearful. It would be honest. It would ruin everything. “I’m going to go on a run.”
There’s a cricket outside that won’t stop chirping against your window. You blame it for your insomnia, choosing to ignore the anxiety of eventually losing Mark. It feels so horribly childish, since you’ll see him when you drop Graham off at school. And you’ll see him whenever the two of you go out for coffee on weekends.
But you won’t see him in the kitchen, reaching for the pancake mix so his shirt rises up and you can see the dimples in his back. You won’t see him humming along to the radio while he works on his lesson plans. You won’t feel his warmth when the two of you stay awake, nursing spiked lemonade and giggling at the commentary videos you find on YouTube.
He’ll just be Mark again. He won’t be home anymore.
Startled by the realization, you get out of your covers and rush to your door.
It opens before you can even reach for the doorknob, and there’s Mark in his pajamas, biting his lip and avoiding your eyes.
“I don’t want you to leave,” you say.
Mark confesses, “I love you.”
You open your arms and he dives in, face pressed into the space where your neck meets your shoulder. Warmth envelopes you and the scent of pine fills your nose.
Mark is timeless. Youthful glory and childish pride. He’s a pinch on the side and a push on the swings. Like a rock that actually skips on the first try. Like shoes that you can slip on when they’re still tied. And he’s here, in your arms, squeezing you like you’re something valuable enough to lose. He’s confessing love like you aren’t the worst possible candidate for his heart.
“I can’t offer you much,” you start, but Mark bumps his forehead against yours, boyish and playful — football fields and bright red lockers and secret notes on bathroom walls.
“I’ve known you for years, Y/n,” Mark’s voice is a low rumble. Copper eyes blinking at you like you’re something to second glance at. “I know what I’m getting into. I want you. I want Graham. I want everything this is, and everything we’ve been for the past month. I don’t want this to end.”
You close your eyes, because his are too honest. He’s open and vulnerable and gentle — a child on the first day of school, ready to make friends. You take a deep breath, try to remember what you were like on your first day. Rosy cheeks and shy glances. Knobby knees and a trusting heart. You reach out for whoever you once were — the Y/n with a heart open and willing to be loved. “I don’t want this to end either. I’m in love with you, Mark.”
His grin lights up your world in its entirety. Gold flecks in onyx black disappear as he smiles, too thrilled to keep his eyes open. And when he kisses you, warm lips against cold ones, you feel like a puzzle has just slotted into place.
It would only make sense that you would grow to love the boy you grew up with.
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bigboomboi · 3 years
Kindered Sparks
This is my entry for @gg9183’s soulmate collab - Oof, I was almost late for your birthday ( I know that I'm technically no where near late, but I put this out so much later than I would've rathered. Sorry, I'm a Virgo, mate.) Anyhoo! Happy Birthday! And congratulations on your amazing Milestone! Thank you for organizing this collab too and allowing me to be apart of it! Honestly, I love soulmate pieces so much, so I was so excited seeing this prompt (I'm excited to read the others as well!) My friend helped me put together an idea for a SM connection and I really enjoyed writing it, hope you do as well :) Happy reading!
Fem!reader x Denki Kaminari
Soulmates au; People are born with a dream realm connecting them to their Soulmate. Warning; harsh language, Hurt/comfort, pretty fluffy, cursing. Implied readerxfemale relationship. BakuKiri relationship (I got bullied last time I didn't say that was a pairing, so, just being safe)
Word count; 4.6K
“Another lonely night in this stupid world.” Y/N grumbled staring up at her dreamy night sky.
A sky she was supposed to share with someone else.
In this wonderful, bittersweet world, you were tied to another person. Destiny decided from day one of your birth who you’d be with for the rest of your life and then set you in a special plane of existence only accessible when you fell asleep, once you turned the ripe age of fifteen. The kindred-plane.
A place specially made for you and your soulmate to meet each night when you fall asleep. It was a place to get to know each other without the prying eyes of all those around. A shared dream land you could even decorate and make your own. It was your partner’s and your safe space.
It was a place you guys could explore together, where your imaginations combined like an amazing world of minecraft. Some people made completely different lives in their heads at night. Others used it to see their long distance lovers. Hell, there was a blog story sharing what sounded like a whole scripted tv show where a woman’s soulmate had set off to save her from an uncompromising kingdom.
Sadly though, your shared safe space could be destroyed in a matter of moments. It wasn’t unheard of for your soulmate to reject destiny’s plan and divide your dreams. You could absolutely reject your soulmate and quite literally lock them out of your dreams. All presence of them would disappear from your dreams within a few nights, sometimes even faster, and you’d be left alone with only your creations.
Of course, being divided from your soulmate hurt. But something hurt much worse.
Your soulmate being unintentionally stolen from you. A divide where you lose your soulmate despite neither saying they’d like to divide. A situation where your soulmate dies.
Y/N sighed at the reminiscent of her once was soulmate. So sweet and kind, someone Y/N fully imagined meeting one day in the daylight. Yet, now at the sad age of seventeen, Y/N had no dreams of ever seeing her soulmate ever again.
She only had the one year of memories they made…
“Class, This Y/N. She will be joining our class for her final year of hero training, treat her well.” Aizawa introduced her to the class of 3-A.
“Thank you, Sensei” Y/N bowed slightly. “Nice to meet you all.”
Not even a moment of silence was granted before the class erupted in questions. Half about her quirk, the other half about where she was from. A few off hand questions about why she transferred. All a mess.
“Enough!” Aizawa shouted, hushing the entire class. “You all can get to know her later, on your own terms. For now, Y/N please take your seat.”
Y/N nodded and scurried back to the only free seat in the back. Between a pretty pinkette and sweet looking round faced brunette. Before she was even seated, Aizawa began his lesson.
Y/N quietly sat through the classes of her day, ignoring the judging looks aimed her way, as the new girl. She could hear the quiet whispers going around, speculating what type of person she was and tried to ignore those as well. She was well aware of the fact that she appeared very off-standish.
Dark eye bags, complete resting bitch face that quite literally screamed ‘I will stab you with a pencil if you speak to me’, earbuds tucked into each ear and a hunched over form that could rival Quasimodo. Thankfully, the aura she set into place actually warded off her new classmates for several days.
Up until a week later in the common room where her bubble was invaded.
She didn’t look up at the person sitting next to her and subtly tried to turn up her music. She felt the presence of several others join her and they all stared at her silently until finally, the pinkette she sat next to on her first day, plucked her book from her hands. Y/N slowly looked up at her dully and raised an eyebrow.
She reached out for her book, but the girl pulled it back out of her reach. She tried again, reaching forwards further, but the book was yoinked by a strip of tape, pulling it across the coffee table. Gritting her teeth slightly, Y/N stood up to reach across the table and the music in her ears paused.
The girl had unplugged her headphones.
“You just have no regard for personal belongings of others, hm?” Y/N sighed, sitting down.
“We just want to get to know our new classmate!” The pink girl grinned. “I’m Mina!”
“Hi, Mina. Now give me back my shit.” Y/N tried to grab her phone, only for someone behind her to tug her ear buds away. “Seriously?”
“We’ll give you back your things if you let us get to know you.” Mina smiled.
“Or, you could just give it back.” Y/N tried to grab her earbuds from the bright blonde behind her.
“Nope.’ He said, a grin on his face as well. “I’m Kaminari Denki, nice to meet ya, beautiful.”
Y/N sighed and rolled her eyes. “Or, I could just take my stuff back.”
“You could but there’s five of us and one of you, good luck.” A bitch faced blonde mumbled, flipping through her book.
“Fine. Here’s one thing about me.” Suddenly she appeared behind the bitch blonde and snatched her book. Another one of her appeared behind the one who taped her book away and grabbed her book mark. Two other Y/N’s came into existence on opposite sides of her seating couch to grab her phone and ear buds. All while the original Y/N sat in her place. ���Don’t touch my things.”
“Woah, you can make multiple you’s!” The redhead gasped excitedly. “That’s so manly!”
“That’s so cool! They feel so real!” Kaminari said, poking the side of the one near him. It yelped and swatted his hand.
“They are real! Don’t poke me, I’m ticklish!” Y/N snapped, rubbing her side.
“Woah, can you feel this?’ The tape one reached out to pinch the clone’s arm.
Y/N’s other clone smacked him with her book. “Yes, I can feel that! Ow!”
“So your quirk is duplicating yourself? Boring…” Bitch face rolled his eyes, another Y/N appeared behind him and swatted the back of his head.
“My quirk is omni-replication. I can create continuous versions of myself and others. But they can act on their own.” Y/N sighed, bringing herself her book.
“Woah, make another me!” Kaminari grabbed her arm.
“G-Get off of me!” Y/N shoved him away, ignoring the literal spark between them. “I can’t make one of you now!”
“But you just said-.” Mina tried.
“I have to know your ins and outs. Otherwise I’d just make a weird melty blob of you.” Y/N sighed. “I need to know more about you guys before I can make you. I need to know you, how you fight, how your quirk works, I need to know how to play the game before I can participate.”
“So, what I’m hearing is…” Mina smirked. “You need to get to know us to succeed.”
“Oh god…” Y/N groaned. “I have no choice in this do I?”
“We have a specialty of making friends with people that don’t want to be friends.” The red head threw his arm over bitch face’s shoulder.
And thus a new friendship was born.
“Bakugo, why do you keep moving my pillow in our dreams, it’s so not manly.” Kirishima whined.
“Neither is the massive rock sitting in the middle of nowhere, dude.” Bakugo argued.
“It’s not just a rock.” Kirishima mock sniffled. “It’s a boulder.”
Y/N snickered at the reference that earned the kind redhead a smack to the back of his head. “Are you delivering pizza on it?”
“Yes!” Kiri grinned.
“No! Don’t encourage him!” Bakugo shouted.
“Aye, don’t shout at me. Your boyfriend is a literal rock, he’s encouraging himself.” Y/N laughed, throwing a fry at him.
“Oh yeah, what trash has your soulmate cluttered in your dream world?” Bakugo argued back.
Y/N’s laughter silenced and immediately her lips curled into a scowl. A light switched on and they remembered the one rule they had set in place. No one talks about Y/N’s soulmate. Or lack thereof.
“Bakugo!” Mina snapped.
“Shit, I didn’t-.” Y/N didn’t give him the time to apologize and stood up from the lunch table.
“Wait, no, Y/N! He didn’t mean to!” Kaminari grabbed her arm.
She flicked him in the forehead and pulled away. “No, it’s fine. You guys talk about your soulmate shit, I’m going to the training field.”
“Wait, Y/N, really!” Mina tried. “It’s just, we’re so used to casually talking about it!”
“I don’t care if you guys talk about yours, but you know I don’t have one, so we don’t bring up mine!” She huffed, before taking a breath. “You know what? Never mind.”
Y/N ignored her friend’s protest and stomped out of the dinning hall. She rushed to the training area, stopping by the locker room to change and grab gear, briefly.
Activating her quirk she began fist fighting her clone, taking her anger out on herself. Very early on into her friendship with the group she told them she didn’t want to talk about the soulmate shit. At least not her own. She told them she didn’t have one, leaving them to believe she never did.
They were incredibly understanding after they found that it upset her. So much, to the point that she copied Kirishima to punch himself when he kept asking. After that ordeal and several days of being ignored, they respected her wishes of not bringing it up.
She knocked herself down and punched herself in the face. She turned off the connection to the clone so she wouldn’t feel the pain herself. Disconnected clones only had a few minutes to live really and faded away with enough damage. Once that one faded, she created another in its space and continued pounding away.
“Stupid soulmate bullshit.” She huffed each word with a punch. “Stupid divide rule.” Another clone. “Stupid. Fucking. Erg- Everything!”
Y/N beat her final clone to death and didn’t bring a new one out. She sniffled, the tears she’d been holding back for years now finally breaking her dam. She hated the horrible lonely feeling she had been surrounded by for so long. She missed out on so much sleep, just to avoid going to her dream world. She set alarms to wake her up every hour or so to stay away from it and at this point, she was losing her mind.
She cried more thinking back to the last time she had been in her kindred-plane. She’d avoided it for a few days before exhaustion actually hit her like a bus and made her sleep. This time her plain little dream seemed to have adopted new items in her absence.
A bundle of comic books, a guitar, even a really, really big pikachu plushie.
Not that they were placed anywhere in particular. The guitar was outside of the little home she had reimagined, laying haphazardly on the ground. The pikachu was placed in front of a tree, facing it and the books were strewn across her loveseat couch. It was like her dream realm had become a lost and found for thrown away items from other planes. Which, honestly, Y/N could believe, as she didn’t use it so much.
She wished she could just give away her realm and dream of nothingness.
“Y/N?” She jumped, hearing her name and quickly wiped away her tears, ignoring the way they stung her open knuckles.
“Kaminari, I’m not really in the mood to talk.” Y/N muttered.
“Okay, that’s fine. We both know I talk enough for the both of us.” He joked, coming to sit in front of her.
Y/N turned to look away from his seating and ignored him, but he set off into a spiel about a new game he got. He did what he did best when one of his friends were upset, he talked. And normally that worked, but minutes into his yabbering, she started crying again.
“Hey, no! No crying! Crying is sad!” Kaminari tried.
“I am sad Kami!” She snapped. “I am really fucking sad! Everyone gets to have stupid fucking soulmate but me! And all because mine fucking died!”
Kaminari immediately paused his frantic attempts to calm her. “Huh, I thought you said you didn’t have one?”
“I don’t because she died! My god damn soulmate died literally months after meeting each other damn it!” Y/N yelled, sinking her fingers into her hair. “And now my kindred-plane is empty and lonely and shit keeps getting piled into it like a fucking trash can!”
Kaminari was silent for a moment while she cried. He slowly crawled over, closer to her and pulled her into a hug. This wasn’t a moment for talking randomly and he knew that. So they sat for the rest of the lunch period in silence, save for her soft hiccups.
After that, somehow, Y/N started talking to her friends the next day. She rationalized that it wasn’t their fault she was sensitive about the subject, they didn’t deserve the aggression. So with a tense apology, she was back to sitting with them at lunch and hanging out.
Y/N was determined to not let her disrupted dreamland destroy her outside reality.
“Okay, really?” Y/N blinked at the ugly rug that appeared draped over her bookshelf. “How the hell did you even get there?”
She tugged it down and stared at it in disgusted contemplation. “Guess you get to go in front of the fireplace…”
Y/N walked towards the warmth and paused, noting that it felt like it took a few more steps than usual. She looked around and found that the picture she carefully centered on the wall was no longer centered. Was her house getting bigger? More and more shit was popping up out of nowhere and her place felt spaceyer…
“What the actual fuck universe?” Y/N furrowed her eyebrows and laid down the new rug.
An odd whooshing noise sounded behind her and she turned around to see a lamp fizzled into existence, a hand accompanying it this time. Y/N fumbled over own feet trying to hurry and grab it. Someone was putting shit in her realm and she was about to find out who.
Actually she wasn’t.
The moment she grabbed the hovering wrist, it was like she had rubbed her socks across her new rug a million times and then touched an outlet. The hand shocked her, hard. She yelped and fell backwards on her butt, accidently taking the lamp down too, except when it fell apart it fell backwards toward the floating hand and disappeared from her plane.
Y/N gasped sitting up out of her bed, the shock kicking her out of her own dream. “Ow, what the hell?”
Y/N looked over at her clock, finding that it was five in the morning. She sighed and climbed out of her bed, grabbing her ear buds and phone. There was no school the next day, it was Saturday so she aimed to sneak down to the common room and spend her day dead on the couch, fighting off sleep again.
Not ten minutes after snuggling into a comfy spot on the couch, it dipped slowly as someone sat on the other end of it. She looked up from her book, to find Kaminari on the other end. He held up a bag of doritos in exchange for her company.
“What are you doing up?” She asked, pulling out her ear buds.
“Got startled awake by something in my dream world.” He answered, holding the bag out to her.
“Ah, that sucks.” She hummed apologetically.
“What about you?” He asked carefully.
Y/N snorted. “Kami, you know I don’t sleep.”
“Yeah, I know, but you’ve been up for the past few days.” He sighed, remembering seeing her in the kitchen at three am. “You’re going to trash your health if you don’t sleep.”
“Eh, it’s alright.” She crunched on a chip, before yawning. “Plus, you stay up every night gaming, bite me.”
“Gladly.” He winked. “But seriously, a lonely dream realm can’t be all bad.”
She raised an eyebrow at him, wondering if he was going to continue this topic of conversation. And he did. “I mean mine’s pretty lonely and I think it’s alright.”
“What?” She furrowed his eyebrows.
“My kindred-plane has but just me since like, forever, and I don’t think it’s that bad.” He shrugged.
Kaminari didn’t have a soulmate? That didn’t make sense, he’d tell them about all the adventures he’d run on in his dream. “You said you were helping some Jill girl fight zombies and stuff, just the other day.”
“Yeah, Jill Valentine. From Resident Evil.” He laughed. “I figured out a long time ago that I could just make her up in my dreams if I played the game until I fell asleep. She’s not my soulmate-.”
“You don’t have one…” Y/N whispered, sitting up.
“Nope, never did.” He offered her more chips, but Y/N just looked at him with sad eyes.
She cried in his arms about her soulmate dying and it turned out he never had one in the first place. “Don’t look so sad, Sunshine. It’s okay.”
“Denki, you don’t have a soulmate. That shit sucks.” Y/N flailed her hands.
“Yeah, but at least I didn’t get attached to mine and then they died. That sucks even more.” Kaminari argued.
Y/N slumped back against the couch. “This soulmate business is quite literal shit.”
“Yeah, but other people are pretty happy with it, so it’s okay to me really.” Kaminari hummed, nonchalantly. “Plus, no one can yell at me for my taste in decorations. That can really make or break a relationship ya know.”
Y/N laughed. “Oh yeah, totally. If my soulmate tried to decorate our space with half the shit that seems to appear in my room I’d have to throw hands.”
“Stuff appears in your dream?” Kaminari asked. “What, like, someone’s statue of Scooby doo?”
“Kaminari Denki, please tell me you don’t have a statue of Scooby doo in your kindred.” She tried not to laugh.
“No!” He said quickly. “I have a statue of Scrappy Doo.”
“Oh my god, no, you don’t!” She gasped.
“Yep! There’s a pond in front of my house and he’s in the dead center of it.” He grinned proudly. “And he looks amazing there.”
“Oh I bet he does.” Y/N snickered. “Bet he pulls the whole place together.”
“As a matter of fact he does.” Kaminari declared smugly. “What about your plane? What’s one big special thing you’ve got in it?”
Y/N hummed and thought for a second. “There’s a really big oak tree just behind my house and it’s covered in string lights, with a small ladder up the trunk. There’s a flat area in some of the branches so I can sit up there and read.”
“That sounds beautiful.” Kaminari said, fondly. “I have a tree kind of like that in mine too.”
“Does yours have a massive Pikachu in front of it?” She taunted, laughing.
She just barely missed the furrowing of his eyebrows before he answered. “I’m not entirely sure, I think, I’d have to take a look. I hope I do though, otherwise, I’d have to come steal yours.”
“Absolutely not! He’s my friend!” Y/N gasped and shoved at his leg. “Stick with your Scrappy Doo statue.”
Kaminari smiled. “Fine, fine. But if I don’t have a Pikachu in my dream, you owe me.”
“Mmhm, sure.” Y/N grinned.
For the next few months, Y/N and Kaminari grew closer, having bonded over their lack of soulmates. While they grew closer, not only did Y/N become happier, her kindred-plane seemed to get brighter, despite all the random things finding purchase in her realm and the fact that it was still growing. It was nice, she didn’t hate spending the night there anymore. She didn’t run into the disembodied hand anymore, but that was okay.
With what was happening in reality, she wasn’t too bothered by her dreams anymore. Instead, she focused on her friends, they were a wonderful reminder that life didn’t go to complete shit. For the first time, she actually let these people get close to her and drag her out of her hole she kept herself in.
… And out into the living room to watch the boys yell at each other over Mario Kart.
Y/N cursed and pushed Kaminari’s face away from her own as he laved his tongue across her cheek. “Denki, I swear to god if you don’t stop licking me, I’m going to bite you!”
“Ooh! Promise?” He flirted, smirking. “What else are you gonna do with that mouth?”
“Hurt your feelings, Sparkler boy.” She laughed, squishing his cheeks.
Kaminari threw himself into her arms, taking her to the floor. “So mean, I thought you loved me!”
“Oh yeah, she totally loves you with the way she made you beat yourself up today.” Bakugo snickered.
“Yeah, dude, she used your quirk against you better than you.” Kirishima pipped up.
“Hey, hey, clones don’t get fried when they use their ultimate! They just disappear and another one pops up!” Kaminari argued in defense.
“Jesus, Denki, you’re heavy!” Y/N shoved at his body, half heartedly. “Get off, you loser.”
“Uhg, fine, only because I have a race to win.” He rolled off her, to grab his switch controller.
“Oh thank god, I was going into the light for a second there.” Y/N gasped, dramatically.
Kaminari pinched her leg in retaliation. “Hey, I’m not that heavy!”
“Your head is though.” She stuck her tongue out.
“So mean.” He pouted as she turned to lay her head in his lap.
Y/N giggled as she pulled out her phone, to scroll through Tumblr for a fic to read. Moments went by before a snapchat notification popped up. Tapping on it, she found a common message from Mina.
‘You guys are too cute.’- Pinkiepie
‘We’re just friends, Mi.’-Y/N
A snap picture appeared in their feed and she tapped it open. There she was laying in Kaminari’s lap and there he was looking down at her, sweetly. ‘He’s giving you major heart eyes.’- Pinkiepie
‘Stop taking pictures of people, it’s stalkery.’- Y/N
‘That’s why you took a ss.’ -Pinkiepie
‘Oh fuck off.’- Y/N
‘Oh come on, just give him a chance, neither of you have sm’s so your not stealing him from anyone.’- Pinkiepie
‘You’re*’- Y/N
Y/N sighed and looked up to Kaminari’s face above hers. It apparently hadn’t been uncommon knowledge that Kaminari was Soulmateless, probably why the group had been so confused as to why she was so upset about it. It was normal to them, because it had always been Kaminari’s story.
Would it be so bad to make her own soulmate? Most divided soulmates stayed by themselves for the rest of their lives, but would it be alright if they didn’t?
“Oh, guys! I meant to tell you; I think I actually do have a soulmate!” Kaminari blurted into the air.
His admission quite literally derailed the entire room. Bakugo drove off the map in Mario Kart, Kirishima completely looked away from the game and Mina choked on her spit and her eyes flew to Y/N who paled significantly.
Sero was the only one who appeared unaffected. “Guys, he’s probably just saying that to throw us off, he’s in last.”
“I’m gonna blow you up, you put me in fourth with your little stunt.” Bakugo threatened.
“No, I’m serious!” Kaminari argued. “Over the last few months my dreams have been changing and stuff. Like it was making room for another person. My house is super spacy now, new decorations have been showing up for no reason, like there was a vase of flowers on the floor near my door, and my curtains changed colour, they’re a cute lavender colour now. Plus there’s a really big pikachu next to a beautiful oak tree in my yard.”
“Woah, dude, really?” Kirishima paused the race and turned to his friend.
“Yeah, totally.” Kaminari nodded, subtly looking down to meet Y/N’s wide eyes. “I was super confused for a while.”
“Holy shit, you’re serious.” Sero laughed. “Have you met them yet? Or are they just leaving surprises for you?”
“Well, I’ve seen her a few times, but I haven’t got the chance to talk to her yet, she wakes up pretty fast.” Kaminari shrugged.
“That’s so good Denki, I’m so happy for you.” Mina said softly as Y/N sat up.
“Me too, Denks. But speaking of waking up, I’m tired, so I’m gonna go take a nap.” Y/N hummed, yawning.
“Okay, see you later, Y/N.” They all chimed as she walked away.
“Yeah, see you later.” Kaminari called, carefully.
Y/N tried her best to contain herself and all but ran to her dorm. Along the way, her phone buzzed, no doubt a message from Mina. Once she was in her room, she flew to her bed, never had she been so eager to fall asleep before.
She quickly responded to Mina, ensuring her that she was alright and actually wanted to sleep. Y/N even sent her a reassuring picture of her smile with a short caption ‘I’m off to go see a Pikachu.’ After that, it didn’t take long for her to fall asleep, but it was too long.
Y/N blinked open her eyes, finally appearing in her kindred-plane and spun around, trying to identify things in her dream house. She hurried to open the door and looked over to her tree, with the ever so famous Pikachu there. She turned and jogged in the opposite direction for the one thing she needed to see to make sure she was correct.
There it was. Scrappy Doo. In the middle of her pond.
Y/N jumped up and down, squealing to herself. It was happening, oh my god, it was happening. Now she just had to wait.
And wait she did. She had run back to her tree and climbed up to sit and await her soulmate. The soulmate she actually had again. Someone to share her dream world with again.
She had a soulmate.
Quietly for the next hour, Y/N sat and read one of her books, waiting almost patiently for him. She’d made it through the third chapter when a voice startled her away from the pages.
“Sorry, I couldn’t fall asleep for the life of me.” Kaminari said, smiling.
Y/N bit her lip and grinned. “I thought you missed my cue for a bit there."
"No, I was just a little too excited to fall asleep." He crawled up into her tree nook. "You see, I suddenly got a new person roaming my world almost like, uh, a forever person or something. What's it called?"
"Mm, I don't know. Kinda sounds like you've got a soulmate there, Denki." Y/N whispered as he came closer.
"Fucking finally." He muttered, leaning forwards to connect their lips.
But before he could make contact he ran into her hand first. “But, really, we are going to have to talk about your decorating choices.”
“Yeah, yeah, we can talk about that after this.” Kaminari chuckled and moved her hand to kiss her.
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glowingbadger · 3 years
The Sylvain and Dimitri arranged marriage stuff made me think of a claude version of it. Maybe an AU where Claude never came to fodlan and reader has to marry the prince/king of Almyra to improve countries relationships. Anyway seriously love your stuff thank you so much for the content!!
Oh hoo Anon, this is a wonderful take on the concept. Let's see what I can whip up for us~
((side note I feel like we never learn whether Almyra speaks a different language from Fodlan?? But being multi-lingual is sexy so idgaf))
((And also I used Bengali for Almyran because I have Bengali family and the language is so beautiful even though the english alphabet phonetic spellings are weird af))
Claude x Reader - Arranged Marriage
NSFW 18+ (like only towards the end tho idk)
Overall, you do what you can to stay out of the way. You'd been sent to Almyra as a symbol- a token, more than anything else. Now that you were in King Khalid's possession, very few throughout the castle paid you any particular mind. You were provided for, of course. Anything you cared to ask for was given. But you didn't speak a word of the Almyran language, and those who bothered to use what they knew of Fodlan's to communicate with you seemed to view you as a pet to be kept safe and healthy, and little else.
By week's end, there was to be a lavish banquet in honor of your union with the King- though of course, your input on the proceedings is entirely unwanted. In some ways, Almyra is quite similar to Fodlan. Court life is much the same. As you wander through the royal gardens, wondering at a range of colorful and exotic flowers you'd never heard of, let alone seen, a voice speaks smoothly behind you.
"Did you know you can actually eat the petals of this particular flower? They're very sweet."
You whirl around and nearly bump into King Khalid. You're about to stammer out an apology, but he reaches out and plucks a single white petal and holds it before your lips.
"Go on, I think you'll like it."
Whatever possesses you to eat a flower petal from this man's hand is something you'd rather leave unexamined for the time being- but he is right about the flavor. It's sweet, but not overly so, and quite pleasant.
"Hm! Yeah, it's nice," you say, then glance up at him as another thought occurs to you that you'd considered once or twice before, "You speak the language of Fodlan very well, my Lord."
"I'm flattered," he says with a disarmingly handsome smile, "and please, just Khalid. I don't think I could bear to have my own wife stand on such formality with me."
He says it so naturally, as if you'd been planning this union for years. Though, once again, he's right. This is only perhaps the dozenth time you've exchanged words, but you are wed, and you ought to get used to addressing him as your husband.
"Khalid..." you say tentatively, "Did- did you need something from me? I hope I wasn't too much trouble to find."
"Not when you find such pleasant places to hide," he replies, still wearing that easy smile, "but to be honest, I was actually hoping you'd accompany me for the day. I can finally afford to take a bit of time away from the castle, and I think you and I both would appreciate some space to breathe. What do you say?"
Correct once again. You nod, and take the arm he offers you. As he leads you out from the gardens, he points out a few more plants native to your new homeland. They're incredibly varied, each more strange and vibrant than the last. All the while, he's somehow made you feel as though you're chatting with an old friend. You leave the gardens and wander towards the area you vaguely recall to be designated for horse stables and wyvern stalls.
From there, a few things happen in sequence. Khalid asks if you're afraid of flying. He asks if you trust him to hold on to you. He helps you up onto the saddle that seems impossibly high up on its own right, and then, you're propelled into the air with a force your body has never felt before. You tense and shrink back against his chest, clinging to whatever part of the saddle you can find purchase on for dear life. Up here, it's difficult to pick up, but you feel your husband laugh behind you, then his strong arm wrap around your waist.
"Relax, I won't let anything happen to you," he says against your ear, his voice sure and steady, "I've got you."
And it takes a few miles of flying and a lot of Khalid distracting you by pointing out different buildings and shops along the streets below, but eventually, you do manage to relax- at least a little.
The castle town is positively buzzing with activity. Even from your distance in the sky above, you can see clusters of people moving around each other like fish up stream, and even hear the faint echoes of a merchant advertising goods.
"It doesn't seem at all like the Almyra we're taught about in Fodlan."
"Oh, it is," Khalid assures you with a bemused chuckle, "But it's also much more. I imagine it's the same for your people. There's a lot we can learn from one another, I think."
By the time the sun is high in the sky, you've passed the most densely settled part of town and are gliding over farmland and the occasional pocket of forest and rivers that split and cross through the earth like veins. Though, the warmer climate of Almyra will still take some getting used to, and it seems your husband considers this.
"Let's land for a bit and find some shade,"
You nod, and he directs his wyvern to begin a slow descent.
The King had thought of everything for this little day-trip, it seemed. Having evidently packed everything you'd need in the saddlebags on his steed, you now recline beside him on a plush blanket in a clearing amidst the trees. A small brook bubbles down from stone to stone in small waterfalls beside you, and the air feels positively alive with birdsong and rustling leaves, all foreign to you and all part of your new home. And so is he, you think as you glance over at the handsome figure of your husband beside you.
You'd been sitting in a comfortable quiet, munching on a couple of very dense pastries which Khalid had told you incorporated an extract of the flower you'd sampled earlier. He gives a satisfied sigh as he finishes his first and lies back on the blanket, taking in and savoring a deep breath. As you finish the last bites of your own treat, you reflect on the day thus far. You'd learned much about the locals and their daily lives by observation and Khalid's description in such a short time, and he'd even taught you a hand full of basic words and phrases in Almyran.
"Uhm, Khalid?"
He opens one eye and gives you a sideways glance.
"It was... dhonnobad, right? Thank you?"
His smile his open and warm, his eyes practically shimmering in the reflected sunlight from the nearby brook.
"Well, we'll have to work on your pronunciation, but I'm impressed you remembered," he beckons you down onto the blanket beside him, and you follow, lying on your side as he turns towards you. You're closer than you'd anticipated, even given the limited realestate of the blanket, and you internally scold yourself for being shy about something so silly- like some naive adolescent.
"Let's try a couple more words, since you've been such a diligent student."
"Okay," you say with a smile, "try me, I'll do my best."
"Hmm..." he looks around your private clearing, then gestures towards the brook and says, "Jala"
"Jala," you repeat slowly. He nods,
"Right- that's 'water'. And, uhm..." he points toward a patch of wildflowers at the edge of the brook, "Phula. That's 'flower'."
Again, you repeat as best you can, and though you know your pronunciation must be off, he's encouraging nonetheless. Then, he leans in towards you, and brings his free hand to your cheek, his fingertips brushing your skin lightly.
"Now try sundara."
"... Sundara?" you make an attempt, and you're sure you got something about that 's' sound mixed up, but Khalid just gives you a slanted smile. He doesn't clarify at first, so you ask, "What does that one mean?"
His fingers slowly weave back into your hair, and his voice is low and soothing as he replies,
"That means 'beautiful'."
Your face warms immediately, but you hardly have a moment to feel bashful about it before he presses his lips to yours, kissing you slow and deep. His movements are effortlessly sensual, pulling you towards him and sending your pulse pounding through your veins. You part your lips to him almost instinctively, and the way he uses his tongue is sparing, but oh-so effective. When he finally pulls away, your head is spinning and it's all you can do to meet his gaze.
"So... that's how they kiss in Almyra." you say, barely above a whisper. Khalid smirks and turns you onto your back, sliding an arm around your waist.
"Oh, no- there's no tradition in this, only skill."
Goddess- if they'd warned you of the King's supernatural charms, you wouldn't have believed them. But now his lips are on yours once again, and he's holding your body to his, and you can't think of anything else. Your arms drape across his shoulders, and faster than you can track, your bodies have met in a tangled, impassioned embrace. It was hard to imagine that mere kissing could feel so erotic, but something about his pace, about how his lips and hands move in tandem, about how thorough he is in exploring you, makes you feel like it would be only natural to give yourself over to him completely.
His kiss travels along your jawline up to the shell of your ear, where he nips briefly, then murmurs,
"I was hoping to apologize for how little time we've had to get to know each other before today," you bite at your bottom lip as his hand slides down to the curve of your hip, "if that would be pleasing to you, my dearest wife."
"Ye- yes..." you sigh into the open air as his lips reach your neck. The single word is all either of you need. He never stops pressing lavish kisses to your lips and neck as he pulls your clothing out of his way. By the time he's satisfied, your clothes are draped off your arms and pooling around you on the blanket- and he doesn't seem to care to remove them entirely. He has a goal in mind.
Slowly, painstakingly, he makes his way down your body. You feel him everywhere- hands tracing and memorizing your frame, breath hot across your skin as his lips spoil you with adoring kisses. Soon enough, he's kissed his way to your lower stomach, and he urges your thighs apart beneath him. You suppress the instinctive wave of embarrassment at being exposed to him for the first time- he is your husband and your King, afterall- but then, his head dips down towards your plump lower lips, and your mind goes white.
"Khalid-!" you gasp out as his tongue trails coyly up the crease of your folds. He hums contentedly, and places a disarmingly chaste kiss to the soft skin. Then, his thumbs gently spread you open for him, and your entire body burns while he takes a moment to merely admire you- your pretty little hole already wet, your clit already hard and flushed dark. When his head lowers once more, his green eyes meet yours steadily, as though to promise without words to be good to you.
And in a moment, his mouth begins to gently tease your clit, and your head tilts back on the blanket. Your hips jerk just a bit with each pass of his tongue across the sensitive bundle, and occasionally you can't hold in a gasp or whimper of pleasure. This only encourages him, of course. The more you moan and sigh, the more dedicated he becomes to your body. He presses himself more firmly to you, his lips surrounding your clit and the surrounding tender flesh, and he suckles on you, licks you, kisses you. You don't know when it happened, but your hands are at the back of his head, fists tangled in thick brown hair as he diligently works.
The unbearable tension is winding tight and anxious in your lower body- you know he'll drive you to climax before long, and the mere thought feels like falling in love. And then Khalid moves lower, and his tongue dips inside of your entrance. You gasp and unwittingly tug on his hair- but he certainly doesn't seem to mind. With a lustful groan, he presses more firmly to you, truly buried against your body as his dexterous tongue curls upward, stroking the vulnerable spot behind the nerves of your clit.
"Khalid!" this time it's nearly a scream, and you're grateful that your voice is lost in the surrounding foliage. Your thighs begin to shake, and your hands release him to instead clutch the blanket behind you. And at last, with a whimper in a voice you hardly recognize, your lower body floods with soaked warmth as your orgasm sweeps through you. Panting, twitching, you moan out for your husband over and over, until finally, the wave begins to subside, and Khalid pulls away to position himself above you on all fours.
"That's a nice expression..." he says with a grin, directing you to look at him with a hand at your chin, "I hope I'll get to see it often."
When your eyes finally refocus, you look up at him somewhat apologetically,
"I should... attend to you."
He laughs and kisses your forehead,
"There will be time for that tonight, don't you think? Once we're a bit more... put together," he says with a glance at your bare form, "we should head back to our ride. I'll bring you back to the castle, and we'll get the cooks to prepare something very 'Almyran' for you."
You nod- it probably wouldn't do for the first time with your Lord Husband to be mid-day in the woods. Though he'd certainly failed to make it seem unappealing.
"And then," he goes on, bringing a finger to trace the curve of your bottom lip, "Well, maybe we'll excuse ourselves to our bedchamber a bit early this evening, and we can continue this little... cultural exchange."
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aquamarinescarlet · 3 years
The (Other) Half of It
I’m not even sorry for the pun on the title
Pairing: Gerri Fields x Reader
Word count: ~ 5.2k
Warnings: underage drinking, homophobia, some heartbreak, happy ending (I think)
Summary: You wanted to be supportive of David and this big step he had with Gerri, you really did, but the girl really didn’t make it easy on you. Or the second part of my The Half of It based fic.
Author’s note: Hi loves, here’s the second part to the Gerri fic. I changed some stuff to match better with David’s personality, but other than that, it’s all good. Happy reading and happy pride!
Taglist: @b0mbdotc0m @olsensnpm (thank you for the request btw)
Part 1 - Part 2
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“What up haters? Guess who rocked their second date? David Avery!” The boy called out, like he was a sports’ narrator. “And now, his side-girl is gonna rock the senior recital.”
You looked through the hangers on the thrift shop, looking for some new clothes for your performance, which you later found out was mandatory to all seniors.
“It’s a piano solo.” You sighed. A sick feeling taking over you at the prospect of playing in front of an entire audience.
Of course, you played on services every sunday, but it was never alone, on stage. The simple idea of this was making you anxious.
“You’re gonna crush it.” He encouraged, but you didn’t respond.
Whatever you tried on wasn’t working. Dresses. Skirts. Jackets. They looked okay, but something felt off. It was frustrating, especially considering that shopping wasn’t your piece of cake.
“So,” you changed the subject, “what did you and Gerri talk about?” Not sure if you wanted to know the answer.
“Uhh, I don’t know. You know, we got milkshakes and fries. And we held hands.” He had a sweet smile on his face, dreamy even. “It was, uh, quiet and… nice. And then she had curfew, so we walked back to her car and… I kissed her.” You gave him a puzzled look.
“How… does that… happen? The kiss,” you clarified.
He shook his head, not quite sure how to respond.
“How do you know she wants to be kissed?” It was genuine curiosity.
“She gives you a look. Like, um,” and he changed his face to a weird expression that you didn’t quite understand, and it didn’t go unnoticed, “okay, she just gives you a look and, when you see the look, you make your move. What matters is that we had a date, a real date, and we can go on another one once she comes back from Sacramento.”
He was getting impatient and the whole concept just seemed too abstract, too subjective. Open to interpretation, and if you’re honest, you’re not the best at interpreting human interactions.
“You look weird,” he broke the silence, looking you up and down.
“Gee, thanks.”
“No, it’s just… y’know, without the jeans and the flannel shirt… it just doesn’t look like you.”
“I know,” you sounded defeated, what else could you do? It’s not like you’ve ever done something that required dressing up.
“Go to the dressing room, I’ll toss you some things!” He exclaimed.
“You’re a dude.”
“I have a sister.”
You happily obliged, he couldn’t do worse than what you’ve been doing. All the while it was endearing, how he came to care for you, trying to help despite not needing to.
And he didn’t disappoint. It wasn’t much, a simple white button up and a pair of jeans, yet it looked good, well dressed, and you felt comfortable. Or at least you did until it came your time to go up on stage.
Gerri’s boyfriend, Trig, had just played with his band, which was a success since everyone one in town loved to kiss his ass, and the silence that came when your name was announced was deafening.
The piano was heavy, you struggled to push it onto the stage, but nonetheless you succeeded. As your fingers started to play the notes, your mind trying hard not to focus on the crowd behind you, some strings started to break, courtesy of the bullies who had gotten in the habit of picking on you.
No matter how many times you tried, the instrument was of no good use. The whispers from the people weren’t helping as your palms started to sweat and the only thing you could think of was running away from there. But you didn’t have any time as you saw David gliding a guitar through the floor, towards you.
Reluctantly you picked it up, strumming the patterns of a song you had written a few weeks ago. How David knew about that was beyond you, this was a side you never showed.
Playing something so personal seemed to soothe your nerves somehow. There were only you and that guitar up on stage. The song played itself, the lyrics left your mouth without thinking. And before you knew, it was over, and everyone was standing up and cheering.
You were hit with this wave of happiness and relief. It was over, and you didn’t crash and burn.
Back home, sitting at the station, the memories still flooded your mind, a huge grin on your face. It hadn’t hit you yet, the fact that people actually enjoyed your song.
“Hey!” David’s voice called your attention, causing you to open the small booth’s door. “C’mon,” he called from a car, crammed with some other people you recognized from school.
“Senior recital after-party! Whoo!” One of the girls on the back exclaimed with way too much energy for your taste, but you gave in anyways.
The house, whoever it belonged to, was filled with drunk teenagers, some hard rock music playing on the back.
“The guitar girl came!” A boy, who you’ve never spoken to before, screamed once he laid eyes on you.
What surprised you though was that everyone around screamed as well, as if you were that one popular kid that was missing for the party to really begin. Even this girl, who apparently you’ve had math with for the past four years, came to compliment your nails and ended up pulling you to play something called Drinkers of Catan with her.
Once the alcohol was in, the clarity was out. Your mind was foggy, nothing was clear, and it all seemed like a scene right out of a coming-of-age movie. The only memory was one from when David found you chatting with some people whose names you couldn’t quite remember.
“I will trade you wheat for rye,” you had gotten a hang of this game.
“Oh, bourbon it is,” the ginger boy sitting across from you served your cup another shot of said drink.
But before you could grab it back, David’s hand was already taking it away.
“I want you to know,” your words were slurred, but he seemed to understand, “that I can tell I have been drinking spirits. Because I have to pee far more often than would be indicated by plain punch. So don’t think I haven’t been monitoring the situation.”
“Cool, cool. How many cups have you monitored?” He challenged, and you had to give it to him, you had no idea. “Let’s get you home.”
“Okay.” You swung your arm over his shoulders, letting him drag you out of the house.
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The next morning you found yourself laying in a bed that wasn’t yours, the bed sheets depicting several small cameras queued it to be David’s. On the nightstand were placed two pills, with the note Take these, and a cup of water.
The memories weren’t clear, but the headache wasn’t as bad as you had expected. You took the pills and as you chugged the water you could hear muffled chatter coming from upstairs.
“He’s at the studio, but you can leave it in his room.” A woman, David’s mom.
“Yeah,” that voice was one you couldn’t get off of your mind, “it’s just something silly I thought he’d like.” You spit all the water in surprise and reached for your phone.
DiegaRivero: Home early from Sacramento. You up?
Well, shit.
You messily looked for your stuff as footsteps got louder. There was barely any time to put on your jacket when both women were standing before you. The look on Gerri’s face wasn’t one of happiness, that’s for sure.
“Oh, it’s David's friend. I didn’t hear you come in.” So she didn’t know you slept there, that was good, you could try and swoon your way out of this with that.
“I was just, um, dropping off some books.” The messy hair and wrinkled clothes clearly indicated otherwise.
“Gerri was just dropping off-,” she was interrupted by a loud whirring sound, “Tommy! Hands off the grinder!” And with that she ran off, leaving you and Gerri alone.
You didn’t know what to say. You didn’t know what to do. So you just stood there, subtly admiring her. She looked gorgeous, long brown hair cascading on her shoulders, a purple loose vest covering her black top and jeans shorts.
“Hi.” You responded breathlessly.
“So, uh, you- you and David, you guys…,” oh this was getting worse than you thought.
“Oh, god no, no-no-no,” you said exasperated, “he’s, like, totally, 100% into you.” You couldn’t put it all to loose now.
“Oh, you know about us?” How could she find something wrong with that?
“He wanted to do some extra reading so I lent him some books.” You tried to work around the situation.
“He’s doing extra reading?”
“For you.”
“That's sweet. On our first date, I just kept talking about books,” you found yourself admiring how she frantically moved her hands while she talked, like the simple thought of David made her nervous, “I think I almost drove him off. I can be such a nervous idiot-”
“You could never be an idiot.” You added, and instantly regretted it, feeling utterly exposed by how it sounded. “I mean, David would never think that about you, ‘cause he’s, like, way into you.” You wanted to add that he was an idiot too, but instead just said “I should get back to the station.”
When you were walking past Gerri to reach for the stairs you saw what she had on her hands. A painting. A single daisy in a grey background. It was beautiful. You knew she knew about art, but you didn’t know she could paint that well.
“I like this stroke off to the side. Lonely, but hopeful.” You mindlessly commented. “He’ll love it.”
You handed back the painting and made your way for the exit, until her voice stopped you dead in your tracks.
“Hey,” she was hesitant, like she was trying to fight off some impulse, “can I come with?”
“To the station?” To say you were shocked was an understatement.
It was Gerri Fields, for crying out loud. Out of all people, why would she want to hang out with you? And to go to the station nonetheless, probably the dullest place in town.
“I already lied to my dad about where I’d be. I have the day.” She argued, looking slightly hopeful, or maybe you were just reading what you wanted into it.
So you gave in. You took Gerri to the station. It’s not like you would have had the heart to say no, plus, you could use the ride.
There were no regrets as you watched her run after the train, laughing and smiling, so happy and carefree. She enjoyed so much doing this thing that dreaded to do everyday, it almost made you want to get up at 6am.
Once it was done, your awkwardness around her came back, full force. You shut yourself in the small booth, her eyes watching you intently. You felt shy under her gaze, but didn’t quite know how to proceed. You never hung out with other people, always keeping to yourself and your own thoughts.
And she wasn’t just ‘other people’. She was Gerri Fields and everything about this situation made you nervous and slightly guilty. Guilty for wanting to spend time with her when she should be hanging out with David.
“Do you wanna get outta here?”
Questions. So many questions. Questions you ignored completely because Gerri wanted to spend more time with you, and you definitely didn’t want to give up this chance, despite your nerves telling you otherwise.
So that’s how you found yourself in her car. Driving through the woods. Quietly. Peacefully. Soft music coming to the radio. You would catch her looking at you from the corner of her eyes every so often, but you didn’t have the courage to do the same, even though you wanted to. You could spend your whole life admiring her.
“Where are we going?”
“To my favourite secret place.” She smiled and you all but melted.
She parked her car by the side of the road and led you down a trail. Now you were really in the middle of the woods. No sign of anything human made.
Your legs were getting sore and you were about to give up when you reached this ‘secret place’ of hers. A pool of thermal waters, right in Squahamish. Surrounded by rocks and trees, the bushes hiding it completely.
“Whoa.” Was the only word you could think of to describe it.
“Right?” Gerri said with amusement.
She moved around, setting her bag on the floor, while you just stood admiring the whole set up. When you came back to your senses, she was stripping herself from her clothes. You turned around immediately, not only to give her some privacy, but because you wouldn’t be able to handle the sight.
When the sound of water moving reached your ears you turned around, and found Gerri was already in. She also turned her back to you so you could take off your own clothes, and you did, just not all of them.
She looked at you with confusion. You still had two shirts on, which is better than the four you had on when you got here. Yet you felt slightly embarrassed. Thankfully she shrugged it off.
“I almost forgot,” she stepped out of the pool and your brain short circuited for a second.
Gerri Fields was very naked in front of you and you didn’t know how to act. The pool water was covering it up, so that wasn’t much of a problem, but the air didn’t work the same way and all you could think about was to not look at her, not to think about it.
“There’s no cell service here so,” she took out a small turquoise portable radio, turning on some rock music, “it’s like no one can reach us here.” Having her back inside the water, and the music playing in the background seemed to calm you down, enough to talk without becoming a nervous mess.
The conversation spread through several different topics. You talked about the world, about yourselves, you learned she likes to play the guitar as well. You tried your best to avoid talking about art, about books, about anything that she would’ve talked to David about, especially since it could open a breach for her to notice it wasn’t David who wrote her those things.
“You know, I don’t think I’ve ever hung out with a girl and not talked about boys before.” You felt embarrassed again, as if you were letting her down.
“Don’t be,” she reassured, “it’s nice.” You didn’t quite believe her.
“David’s cool.” You tried to divert the subject to something she’d be more comfortable with.
She sighed heavily, carefully choosing her next words.
“He’s confusing. It’s like when I’m with him I feel… I feel safe. He’s a sweet guy. But then it’s like he writes these things that feel… not safe.”
“Not safe?”
“I overheard Trig talking to my dad about our future wedding.” That didn’t spark any joy in her, which you found odd. “I mean, he hasn’t even asked me yet, but… he’s just so sure. And maybe that’s love.”
She was deep in thought, considering the possibilities, like whatever she decided at this moment would define the rest of her life.
“I should marry Trig,” she didn’t sound confident on that decision, but it still caught you by surprise.
“Should I?” You knew she shouldn’t, it was the safe choice, the easy one, and from what you’ve learned in the past 3 weeks, she didn’t like ‘safe’. “Oh, well. God doesn’t know either, if it’s any consolation.”
“I don’t believe in God.”
“That must be so nice.”
“No. It’s not. It’s… lonely.” You let her sit with that information for a second. Everyone in this town was religious, the idea of not believing in something like that was all too different for her.
“Yeah. I wish I knew what I believed.” Now that’s new. “I keep asking God for a sign. And then David’s letter appeared in my locker. I’ve never felt so… understood.” The confession warmed your heart, causing those stupid butterflies people talk about all the time to dance on your stomach. “It’s- it’s silly, right?”
“No. It’s not silly.”
“You know what is silly?” A mischievous grin appeared on her lips as she moved closer to you.
“Wha- what are you-,” she reached for your shirts, playfully pulling on them.
“Did you layer?” She said amidst laughs.
“I am a Russian doll of clothing.”
In between giggles and laughs, she somehow managed to strip off one of your shirts, dressing it herself. Your style was significantly different from hers, and yet, she looked so hot with that shirt. At least now she was dressed and you didn’t risk having a small heart attack every time she raised her body slightly higher, getting too close to the surface.
After that your body relaxed, letting yourself float on the water, watching the birds flying on the blue sky, soft music playing from the radio. Gerri floating by your side.
“Gravity is matter’s response to loneliness.” The words coming out of you mindlessly, filling the silence.
“Who said that?”
It took you a few seconds to answer.
“I don’t know.”
“Then you said it.”
You made sure to enjoy every second of every moment, not sure if you’d ever be able to do something like that again.
Darkness had already fallen upon the town when Gerri parked in front of your house. You took a few seconds to move, to leave the vehicle. This was the end of a very weird, and yet very perfect, day.
“Hey,” she called out before you could leave, “I hope you find something good to believe in.” She sent you a smile, the most beautiful smile, and drove off with a grin still plastered on her face.
You could think of nothing else to do other than lay on your bed, reminiscing on the memories of the day. On Gerri’s smile, and how her nose wrinkled when she laughed. How soft her skin felt against yours for those few moments she was trying to strip you off of your extra layers of clothing.
On how she was scared, scared of living the boring life her parents have planned for her, and how she stupidly tries to convince herself that it is what she wants. There’s much more to Gerri Fields than you thought.
From your window you could hear David throwing out the garbage, soon Gerri joined him.
“Do you believe in God?” Was the first thing you heard her say, not sure how they even got to that topic.
“Of course.”
“Yeah. Yeah, no- of course,” she said, more to herself than anyone else.
“I- I got your painting. It was- it was pretty.” You got up to see what was going on, see her reaction.
Instantly regretting it when she pulled him in for a kiss. You wanted to feel happy for him, you truly did, but there was this side of you that just… didn’t want to accept it.
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Today was David’s big exposition event. The first he would participate, so you took a train, you resented the fact that Gerri was falling for him but it wasn’t his fault, and you still wanted to support him.
DiegaRivero: Good luck today!
SmithCorona: Thx!
Quickly you sent the message to David, he responded by asking if you would be there. Maybe some things sucked, but at least you made a new friend.
Most of the town was there, the place was packed. You walked around, admiring the works exposed. Some were awful, but others were actually good. David, of course, was completely caught up by people asking about his work, and also family members who wanted pictures with him.
The exposition was coming to an end, but you stayed behind, hoping to get a chance to congratulate David before you left. He wasted no time in finding you, pulling you to a more secluded corner.
“Hey,” he said, grinning proudly.
“All hail the pride of Squahamish.” He was, by far, the most praised artist in the room, his works getting way more attention than the others, seems like your lessons on paintings might have stuck with him somehow.
“Thanks. Look, I need to talk to you.” It didn’t sound like something serious.
“Okay,” you let him continue, but he didn’t, he stared at you, and then he leaned in.
When his lips were about to meet yours, you took a step back, almost dropping a painting that hung on the wall behind you.
“What are you doing?”
“You don’t want me to kiss you?”
“No!” Your voices were getting louder.
“Why? Is there someone else?”
A scoff coming from your left kept you from responding.
“Gerri…,” she looked shocked, but mostly hurt, “Gerri, this is not… we- we’re not…,” you tried to explain but she didn’t want to hear any of it, turning her back to you both and leaving.
Your heart shattered into pieces and you didn’t even know why. Gerri liked David. Gerri was into David. Not you. Never you. She was hurt because David, who had been trying to conquer her for the past weeks, was trying to kiss you.
Yet… you couldn’t stop wondering. Why was she looking at you? Why did she direct that look of pain, of heartbreak, towards you? Her eyes never went to David, she barely acknowledged he was there.
“You…” He knew.
“You, um, you like Gerri?” You never said it out loud, you never even admitted it to yourself. “It’s a sin. You’re going to hell.”
The ground was swept off of your feet. Everything you did, all these months trying to… to get David and Gerri together, to… to play cupid for him, all were for nothing. You lost the only friend you’ve ever made in this town. You lost the chance of getting closer to Gerri. You were back to square one, alone.
Except you weren’t entirely back to square one. For one, the bullies no longer picked on you, thanks to David. He became fairly popular, his work gaining a certain flare after all those philosophy and art classes you gave him. And Gerri… well, Gerri was questioning herself, questioning everything she thought she knew, but that was something you weren’t aware of… yet.
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Sunday’s service came earlier than you wished. You wouldn’t usually dread it so much, but seeing Gerri and David, in the same place at the same time, unable to run or hide anywhere, that was dreadful.
As everyone sang, your skillful fingers accompaining on the piano, you tried not to focus so much on Gerri’s voice, avoiding looking down all together.
“And to close our Easter services, our final reading today will be from Trig Carson.” Great, just what you needed, to be reminded of the existence of the boyfriend.
He raised from his seat, looking all confident and sure of himself. You fought the urge to puke.
“Love is patient.” He started as the room fell silent. “Love is kind. It does not envy. It does not boast. It is not proud. Which is why I love this little lady.” He gestured towards Gerri, who seemed uncomfortable under all those gazes. “And why she’ll make me a fantastic wife. Gerri… will you?”
The expectation cut through your soul. You knew the answer, you knew what she would do, but you still didn’t want to hear it, didn’t want it to be real. The slowness of her movements as she got up just made it all the more torturing.
She nodded. A soft, gentle nod. The smile on her lips not quite reaching her eyes. The crowd erupted in cheers and you weren’t having any of it, you couldn’t.
“NO!” You screamed, bringing back the silence and together your nervousness. “I, um…,” the stares made it harder to concentrate, “love isn’t… it isn’t-”
“Thank you, Y/N,” the minister interrupted you, “everyone-”
“Love isn’t pretending.” It was David who came to help you, to defend you. “Uh, I know, um, because I’ve been pretending. Only for a few months, but it sucks. And I’ve been thinking about how much it would suck to have to pretend to be… not you… your whole life.”
He was nervous, picking at his fingernails, keeping his eyes down, but the gesture nearly made tears pool on your eyes. After everything he was by your side.
“I always thought that there was one way to love.” He continued. “Uh, one right way. But there are more. Uh, so many more than I knew. And… I never want to be the guy who stops loving someone for loving the way that they wanna love.”
He accepted you. And the courage he built up to come forward on your behalf helped you build up some of your own.
“And thank you, David. That was… odd. Now, let’s give Trig-”
“I also have been pretending.” Loud gasps echoed throughout the walls, Gerri’s hopeful eyes feeding your confidence. “I’ve been pretending that-”
“Don’t worry everyone, I-” the stupid boyfriend decided to take a stand and your patience was starting to wear thin.
“You know, Trig, I have been writing your papers for the last four years. And if you’ll forgive me… I’m just gonna rewrite you one last time.” You stopped for a few seconds, letting your words sink in, the ‘perfect boy’ wasn’t so perfect after all. “Love isn’t patient and kind and humble. Love is… love is… love is messy,” you mumbled the last part, going down the stairs so you could be at the same level as everyone, “and horrible and selfish and…”
Realization hit you suddenly. All those conversations with Gerri. About philosophy, about books, about painting. That one stroke isn’t just a lucky shot, it’s love and passion, that’s what makes a good painting become a great painting.
“Bold.” You added. “It’s not finding your perfect half. It’s… the trying and… reaching and… failing. Love is… being willing to ruin your good painting… for the chance at a great one.” You looked at Gerri only to find her eyes already on you. “Is this really the boldest stroke you can make?”
“You.” She was angry, the muscles on her face twitching dramatically.
Her eyes didn’t leave yours, not when she took her first step forwards, not when she stopped by David, not when she slapped him in the face, not when she ran off.
The church became chaotic, to say the least. People all around were arguing all sorts of different topics, the momentum raised the possibility of discussing personal issues that had been buried. David and his mom were talking about him being gay. Trig still didn’t understand what your speech was about.
But you didn’t care. You made your boldest stroke. Now was her turn.
The peace and quiet of your home was a nice change from the situation of moments ago. You found your father in the kitchen, cooking way more food than necessary.
“What’s all this for?”
“College.” He simply stated and you were confused, which he sensed and was quick to explain. “You shouldn’t be afraid of leaving Squahamish, you are much bigger than what this town can offer.”
Going to college away from Squahamish had crossed your mind before. But now the idea is growing on you. Maybe everything else in your life might be going to hell, but at least you’ve got your dad there to keep you up.
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You were leaving tomorrow. Leaving the small town of Squahamish for the first time in your life. It was exciting, and also nerve racking.
But you had to see Gerri first. One last time.
So you went to this Mexican restaurant you knew she was having lunch at with a few family members, and patiently waited outside for her to come out.
She stopped dead on her track when her eyes fell on you, her smile fading. Yet, you didn’t let that affect you.
“You haven’t been to church.” Your voice coming out with more confidence than how you actually felt.
“I’m busy.”
“Yeah. You need four portfolio pieces for art school, so…”
“Art school?” She was going to art school? She was finally letting go of all the chains that kept her grounded. “That’s great!”
“Yeah, well, nothing’s great yet, but we’ll see.” You started walking side by side towards her car. “What’s going on with you?”
“I’m heading east. I’m leaving tomorrow and-”
“That’s great, Y/N. Take care.” The sudden harshness on her tone stung.
“Gerri!” You stopped her before she reached her car, voice filled with pain and remorse. “I’m sorry. It was just supposed to be one letter. I never meant to hurt you.” Your voice on the brink of breaking.
She slowly turned around, and you dreaded the slowness of her movements sometimes. She was studying you, choosing her next words. Not quite sure what to say. She hesitated a few times.
“Deep down, I probably knew the truth.” She admitted. “You really didn’t use enough emojis in his text.” It was lighter this time, slightly playful even.
“I don’t know what they mean.” You said in defeat.
“A puppy or… a sausage-”
“I should have sent you a sausage emoji?”
“Fair point.” She giggled, and her smile brought one to your face too. “For what it’s worth, it’s not like the thought never crossed my mind. You know, if things were different. Or I was different.” It hurt. The fact that it could have been.
“You could never be different.” You mumbled, this time it was you who started to walk away. “‘Am I sure I’m different? How do I know I’m sure?’” You mocked, imitating her using silly voices.
“Hey, I can be sure.” She said, following behind you.
“‘I mean, what does God think?’ And on, and on, and on, and on,” you relished on how defensive she was getting.
“And you know, you- you watch, okay? In a couple of years, I am gonna be so sure.”
“Good luck with that,” you both chuckled softly.
“Find something good to believe in the east.” She pitched.
And that was your cue. So you continued your way, as she stood back and watched.
But you didn’t want to leave. Not like that. You let go of your bike and rushed back towards her smashing your lips on hers in a kiss. Your hands cupped her cheeks as hers fell to your waist. She didn’t pull away, she kissed back.
And it was quick, and soft, her lips were so soft.
“I’ll see you in a couple of years.” You said just as you broke the kiss, and ran off, leaving Gerri behind in a daze, a genuine smile on her face this time.
It was never about finding the perfect half, it was about the effort you put on that one person, on what could be.
And you and Gerri, that was quite a ‘could be’ to look forward to.
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nightwishesworld · 3 years
Food Poisoning
What’s that? I should be working on the 12+ asks in my inbox instead of doing my own stuff??? Whoopsie
In all fairness I’m not super proud of this anyway, so I guess it balances itself out
“It must have been quite the night for Daniela to be sleeping in this late,” you say over your morning coffee.
“Was it?” Cassandra, ever the lady, asked while a mouthful of breakfast. “I didn’t realize she went out to hunt.”
Bela nodded as she sipped her tea. “She looked a little worse for wear after dinner, don’t you think, Mother?”
“I noticed that as well, yes. I hope she’s not falling ill.”
“Wait, can vampires even get sick?”
“Not if they’re careful enough. But in short, yes, my dear, it is very possible. If our food is less than healthy when ingested we will get sick. Nothing major, rather similar to food poisoning in fact.”
“Ok, well should we go check your stocks? Maybe she ate something rancid.”
Alcina shook her head. “I’m sure she’s fine, y/n. It’s probably just one of those days for her. Besides, if she were ill that means all of us would be as well, and I don’t know about you girls, but I feel perfectly fine this morning.”
Both Cassandra and Bela nodded along.
“Unless she ate that weird guy she abducted from the bar. Maybe he wasn’t just drunk? He could have been sick. Also, I hate how blasé I’ve become to you guys eating people. You’ve officially numbed me.”
Alcina rolled her eyes at your dramatics while the girls giggled. “What are the odds of that, though? Consuming the only subject in the entire basement that hasn’t been thoroughly tested.”
You share a look with Bela and Cassandra. “You remember who we’re talking about, right Alcina?”
She exhales slowly, blowing tiny ripples on the surface of her wine. “Goddammit, I suppose I should go check on her.”
You already stood from your seat. “No, no you just sat down; I’ll go. What are the odds, anyway? Daniela is smarter than that.”
It was a short walk to Daniela’s chambers once you made it upstairs. You know you’re going to find her ill in bed, you just know it. The thrill of the kill makes her reckless even in the best of times. You know for a fact she devoured that weird old man the very night she dragged him home. Now your only hope is she’s not cursed with anything more than a stomach ache.
The putrid smell of stomach acid reeked even outside Daniela’s closed door. On instinct you wanted to rush in there and help her, but who’s to say she isn’t asleep? The smell could have been from last night and she was just too exhausted to clean it up before passing out. Not that that made you feel any better. Poor Daniela sicker than a dog all by herself with no one to hold her hair up or rub her back.
You steadied yourself enough to knock a couple of times before opening the door a crack. Just enough to be able to peek through.
“Daniela?” No answer.
It doesn’t look like she’s in bed either. Then you heard the retching. You wasted no time rushing in to find her hunched over a wastebasket on the floor. You gathered her hair away from her face, kneeled down next to her, and tried desperately to ignore the smell. The last thing needed is both of you throwing up.
“Are you alright, darling?”
It was a stupid question, but the words left your mouth before you could censor yourself. That didn’t stop the redhead from glaring up at you. Her eyes were glossy and red, probably from lack of sleep.
You waited a few minutes while her breathing steadied before letting go of her. “Will you be ok while I go get your mother?”
She gave a single nod.
You rush out of the room and head for the stairs. You consider rushing down and risk tripping over yourself but ultimately decide to tell for her.
She was heading up the stairs almost immediately after you called like she was waiting for you to do so. “She’s retching on the floor.” Alcina sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose. “I was really hoping you were wrong.” “Me too. What should we do?” Alcina opened the door to her daughter’s bedroom and immediately rushed to her side. “My poor darling, what happened?” All Daniela could bring herself to do was shake her head. Alcina kissed her temple. “I think that old drunk expired and no one told him.” That got a smile on Daniela’s lips. Alcina proceeded to wipe the dribbles of bile off her daughter’s lips with her dress. You entered the room but kept your distance from the pair. Both because you wanted to give them space and because the smell was making you nauseous. If it's making you feel sick then you can't imagine how crummy Daniela is feeling. "Why don't you bring her to our room and I'll clean this mess up."
"Don't worry about that, y/n. I'll deal with it later. Right now I need you to go tell Bela and Cassandra to ready themselves for a trip down to the village. I need the old witch to brew a few tonics for Daniela." You nodded quickly and start hurrying out of the room. "Make sure Bela brings her glass vials!"
The girls departed for the village with haste. They said it's been decades since any of them fell ill and any herbs or tonics they had laying around the castle would have lost their effect years ago. You panicked a bit when Cassandra asked what she should be asking the witch for cause you had absolutely no idea. Before you gave yourself a panic attack trig to figure it out, Bela reassured you she knew what to do. Some items could only be obtained from the witch's hut, which is where Cassandra was being sent, while others could be purchased in the village shops.
As soon as you saw them off you busied yourself with cleaning Daniela's room. It took a while, way longer than it should have, but it got done and that's all that matters. The smell was putrid enough standing in the doorway so being right in the middle of it made you really nauseous. Scrubbing the smell out of the wooden floorboards took up most of your morning, but making Daniela happy and comfortable was well worth the effort.
You rewarded yourself with a hot shower for your valiancy though. After you freshened up you found everyone curled up together in the library. Daniela was laying on her back, with her head resting on her mother's lap as she read a book. Bela was curled up in a ball next to Alcina while Cassandra laid stretched out on the floor with her chin resting on Alcina's knee. It was probably the cutest thing you've ever seen. Not wanting to ruin such a wholesome family interaction you quietly exited the library before any of them noticed you were there.
The next few days passed like this. Alcina was driving herself to exhaustion making sure Daniela was as comfortable as possible and you did the same to her in turn. The easiest way to get the matriarch to relax was by giving her a back massage. You straddled her bare back and slowly kneaded away at her aching muscles. Her occasional sounds of pleasure encourage your ministrations.
"How can one woman have so many knots?"
"I don't know; stress, work, lack of sleep, posture?"
You laugh. "Wasn't actually looking for an answer, Al. And don't try to tell me you haven't been sleeping. I haven't been sleeping because your snoring keeps waking me up."
Alcina turned to give you a look of disgust. "I do not snore."
"You do when you're stressed. Weirdest thing, by the way."
She opened her mouth to respond but only let out a pained hiss as you moved down to her shoulder blades.
"Too much?"
"No, just sore. You can keep going."
"Yeah, I can see that. I'm just trying to get your muscles to relax, nothing crazy."
Alcina sighs and relaxes back into the pillows.
"I'm gonna start going a little harder, ok? It's getting better, but try to not hold your breath if you can help it."
Alcina lets out a long exhale in submission. She hadn't even realized she was holding it in. The way you were moving your hands down her body made her cry out in a mixture of pain and pleasure.
"Sorry, Love."
"Don't worry about it, just keep going."
A comfortable silence passes between the two of you. Your mind wanders back to Daniela. It was surreal to see her moping around the castle.
"Do you think Daniela would like a backrub? I heard her say her body aches earlier."
"That's sweet though, my love, but let's just leave her be for now. I think she finally succumbed to the tonics."
"Ah, I understand. Is she feeling any better?"
Alcina shakes her head into the pillow. "Not yet, but the tonics are helping keep her stomach calm."
You feel the weight of an anvil release from your chest. "Thank the gods, I really don't want to clean up any more sick."
"No one told you to in the first place."
"I know. I just thought she would want to be comfy in her own room."
"I appreciate everything you're doing for her, y/n. Daniela does too, she's just not great at vocalizing it."
"She doesn't have to. I'll gladly take care of my family."
One night you come home from the village really late at night and come home to find Daniela snuggling with Alcina in bed. It’s the sweetest sight.
Alcina’s got an arm wrapped around Daniela’s middle, holding her close but not suffocatingly so. Daniela’s head is tucked under her mother’s chin, face buried in her neck.
You take in the sight before moving to give Alcina a kiss on the cheek (you would Daniela too but don’t want to wake her. She needs all the sleep she can get.) and move to leave for a guest bedroom just down the hall.
Alcina stirs and you apologize for waking her.
“I was only dozing,” she whispers.
“I’m sorry I’m so late. Mihaela was accepting drinks left and right, I had to make sure she got home safe.”
“How noble of you.” Alcina lets out a lion’s yawn.
“Go back to bed, Love. I’ll check on you both in the morning.”
“Daniela was waiting for you to come back, but fell asleep.” Alcina turned her attention back to her youngest daughter and kissed her sweaty temple.
“She feeling any better?”
“Her fever did go down a bit, so we’re on the road to recovery. A slow and winding road, but going in the right direction nonetheless.”
You sigh in relief. “Thank god. She was starting to really scare me. Do you think we should call that old bat up here to take a look at her? What if she doesn’t get better soon, then what?”
“But she is, darling. I just told you her fever is down. She still has a little bit of a fever, but progress is progress. In a few day's time, she will be much better.”
“You’re probably right,” you lean over Alcina and brush loose strands of hair out of Daniela’s face. “I just wish I could do more. I’d rather it be me instead of poor Daniela.”
“I’d rather it be neither of you,” Alcina mumbled.
“It’s just so scary to see her like this; so vulnerable and weak...”
“I’m not weak.” A groggy mumbling came from Alcina’s chest.
“Hey, Daniela, how are you feeling? Any better?”
The redhead nodded into her mother’s neck. “A little.”
“Good,” you smile. “You go back to sleep now, ok? I’ll come to check on you in the morning.”
“Wher’re you goin?”
“I’m gonna go sleep in a guest room so you can be with your mother.”
The hand wrapped around Alcina’s waist comes to grab your wrist. She said something but you couldn’t make it out. All you heard was muffled groaning.
“Don’t worry, Dani. This way you can have the whole side of the bed to yourself. I’ll come to check on you in the morning.”
She didn’t let go.
“Don’t you wanna be alone with your mother? I really don’t mind, Daniela, honestly.”
Daniela buried herself deeper under the covers. “You don’t understand. I-I want...both.”
“Both what?”
Daniela didn’t say anything. She only cuddled into Alcina’s chest.
You clamped a hand down on Alcina’s arm, unknowingly digging your nails into her skin.
“Are...are you sure, Dani?”
The redhead nodded into her mother, who then answered for her.
Your stomach fluttered with the wings of a thousand butterflies. Daniela never referred to you as a parental figure before, let alone call you her mother. “Alright then. If you’re sure that’s what you want.” You move to your side of the bed and crawled in, careful not to press against her too much.
Daniela lets put an irritated groan and reaches behind her to grab your arm and wrap it around herself. Yanking you against her along the way. She must be really sick. Since when did Daniela Dimitrescu demand cuddles? Especially from you. The only thing she ever demanded of you was to help her sharpen weapons or make up with Alcina after an argument.
She wriggled away from Alcina just enough to feel you behind her. She was still sandwiched pretty tight between the two of you, but if this is what she wants you aren’t complaining. She brought your hand up towards her chest so as to keep it away from her cramping stomach.
Her head was tucked in under your chin because you didn't want to breathe all over the back of her neck. Daniela was beyond glad you were still holding onto her, even though she would never say it out loud.
You made sure to tell her you would let go of her if cuddling got too hot, or cold, or stifling for her. The redhead groaned a response and nodded into Alcina’s chest.
Rather than having your arms wrapped around her, (that implied a certain amount of pressure) your arm was laying over her side and bent to her form without any sort of pressure so Daniela wouldn't feel trapped or constricted. Really more draped over her than wrapped around her.
But she was holding onto your forearm tight to keep you there even if she shifted somewhat frequently because she wanted you to stay.
“I’m sorry you have to feel like this, Daniela. I hope you start to feel better.” You threw caution to the wind and kissed the top of her head. To your surprise, Daniela cuddled further into you. It absolutely melted you.
You pepper her head with kisses. “My poor darling. I wish I could make it all go away.”
Alcina smiles warmly at the display as she repositions herself comfortably against the pillows. She leans forward to kiss the top of Daniela's head. "Promise me you'll wake us if you need anything?"
Daniela nods into her chest.
"Or if you can't fall asleep," you add.
Alcina leaned forward to kiss you goodnight, accidentally smothering her daughter in her chest. "Goodnight, my loves. Sleep well."
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ratmonky · 3 years
Word Count: 3.6K
Warnings: dub-con, obsession
AO3 Link
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“This week’s movie is…” you paused for the dramatic effect and met each one of your club members’ eyes before pulling out the DVD case from your bag. “Sweet Blossoms!”
Everyone groaned.
“Hey!” you laughed, putting the movie down on the desk. A gorgeous smile tugged at your lips. “It’s my turn so I get to choose!”
“You always choose the worst ones,” your classmate mumbled. “I’m sick of watching romantic comedies. Besides, this is one of the last times we’ll watch a movie in our club.”
Yeah, the graduation was close.
You pouted, giving one person, in particular, the puppy eyes. “Junpei,” you said. “Tell them something, you’re the president.”
Junpei chuckled nervously when you put him on the spot like that. “Haha, I… We made a promise to let one of us choose a movie each week, we should keep our promise.”
“I’m not watching that,” the other club member said. “We’re here to watch movies we appreciate, not whatever dumpster trash you like.”
Although the other two members were being mean, they were right.
“Guys,” Junpei was unsure to say something. He could see how your smile vanished, your shoulders slackened as you flipped the DVD to its back so you wouldn’t need to see the cover title. “It’s her turn to choose.”
“Nevermind,” you uttered, putting the DVD back in your bag. “They’re right. I was being selfish. You can skip my turn.”
“Great! I rented Pulp Fiction yesterday and brought it with me.” Your classmate dove his hand inside his bag to fish out the DVD.
Junpei noticed the way your lower lip trembled and you pressing your lips together to hide it. When your gaze met him, you forced a smile on your face, mouthing that it was alright.
You were just like him.
He got up from his seat to sit next to you as your classmate put the movie in the DVD player. It was nothing unusual, most of you sat together to make small comments during a movie.
You pushed your stuff on the desk to the side so he could have some space to put his bag.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, the movie had already started.
“There’s no reason for you to apologize,” you softly stated, leaning closer to keep your voice down and not disturb the movie. “It was my fault.”
“Still, we gather here to watch movies our members enjoyed. We’re not actual film critics or anything.” He was trying not to lower his gaze to your chest. One of the buttons had come undone on your shirt, he could see your bra. “Next week is my turn, I can rent the movie you wanted to watch so we can watch it. They won’t complain then.”
Your eyes widened and he could swear that he saw them sparkle. A second later, you dropped your gaze to your lap to fidget with your fingers. “Nevermind, it’ll cause trouble. It’s passive-aggressive and I don’t wanna cause trouble for anyone. Nobody wanna watch the movie I chose anyway.”
“I do,” he whispered, cheeks flushing. While you weren’t looking he had gotten a chance to peek inside your shirt.
Lifting your head, you looked up at him with the prettiest and the most genuine smile he had ever seen. “Really?”
He nodded in affirmation, “We can watch it together after school if y-you wanna.”
“Shh!” The oldest club member turned and pointed two fingers at you and then to his eyes. “No flirting in the losers club.”
Both of you got quiet and it took you a long moment before leaning closer to tell Junpei something.
“So, where will we watch the movie?”
That was how he ended up bringing you to his place. You awkwardly sat on his bed and he tried to stop his shaking hands.
“I wish I had a television in my room too,” you said, starting a conversation to ease the mood. “You’re so lucky, Jun!”
Calling him nicknames like that… you were trying to make him delirious. “I-it’s nothing, it’s some old thing I got from second hand.”
He heard a rustling sound. Once he was done with putting the movie in the DVD player, he whipped his head around to check what you were doing.
His breathing almost stopped when he saw you laying on his bed and checking your phone. You were moving your legs up on the air as you scrolled down some social media platform. Your skirt wasn’t long enough to cover the supple flesh of your thighs, they were squished together and because you were laying on your chest, the skirt’s fabric was relaxed on your ass, leaving not much to the imagination.
Junpei gulped audibly and averted his gaze. “The movie.” That was all he managed to say.
You hummed and sat up on his bed as he took a place next to you. He couldn’t understand why you were so careless, didn’t you think of him as a man?
No, you were purely naive. Not at all aware of the real dangers of the world. Not at all aware of what kind of thoughts about you went through his mind every single day.
The movie opened with the female lead who from her first appearance stated that she was the manic pixie dream girl getting some flowers from a secret admirer despite having a boyfriend.
It was simply trash. That was the only way he could describe the storyline or the mood of the movie.  On his own, under any condition, Junpei wouldn’t pick this garbage up and sit through it but since you wanted to watch it… he had to endure it.
You, on the other hand, seemed to enjoy the movie. Hands on your lap, gasping every now and then when the male lead encouraged the female lead to dump her boyfriend with his shitty compliments.
He found it kind of amusing to watch you react to the movie rather than watch it himself. Soon enough his gaze dropped to your lap. Under the skirt were your bare legs and you were sitting on his bed. Your ass was placed on his bed. The thought of your panties touching the sheets of his bed made his thoughts go south. If you got wet right now, you could soak his sheets.
Slowly, you shifted on his bed, getting in a more comfortable position to watch the movie. Unbeknownst to you, he had a better view of your cleavage now, it was only natural that he couldn’t look away. As vulnerable you were, he was still a man and like any other man, Junpei couldn’t stop himself from fantasizing.
What color panties were you wearing? If he lifted your skirt up to check, would you be surprised? You wouldn’t push him away, that was for sure. You came here all on your own after all, laying on his bed like that and looking like this… There was no doubt you were basically inviting him to fuck you.
The credits rolled sooner than he would have wanted.
You stretched your arms over your head and let out a soft groan. “Thank you, Jun.”
“For what?” He got up from his bed to take the DVD out from the player.
“For watching this with me. I’m so lucky to have a friend like you!” A friend, huh? He thought of you more than a friend but you were probably playing hard to get. The two of you were the same, you just had to be embarrassed to admit your feelings for him. Yeah, that had to be it.
“I liked the movie.” Liar. He didn’t watch it.
“I should get going,” you sighed, retrieving your bag and jacket from the floor.
By the time you stood up, Junpei was holding the DVD case towards you. “I hope you had fun.”
“I did.” You smiled, taking it from him. “Thank you again.”
Junpei was languidly nodding, lost in his own thoughts.
As soon as you left his room and apartment, Junpei hurried back to his room. Getting on his knees, he pressed his face into the exact spot you sat on for two full hours. He took a deep inhale, filling his lungs to their limit.
So this was your scent.
Unbuckling his belt, he kept inhaling the smell of your pussy absorbed on his sheets. He was already impossibly hard, if it weren’t for the way he was slouching when you were beside him, you would definitely notice.
His hand wrapped around his cock and he stroked it from the base to the tip, using your smell and his own fantasies about you as his material for today.
Oh, how he wished he could smell you directly.
The next day, he couldn’t look you in the eye during the club meeting to talk about the movie everyone watched yesterday.
While you were debating with the two other members about how although the cinematography and the dialogue were great you didn’t enjoy the excessive amount of cursing.
“You just don’t understand cinema,” one of them grumbled.
“Couldn’t agree more, I mean… Do you even watch anything other than your weird romance movies?” The other one grinned.
“Let’s not take it too far,” Junpei mumbled, his words went unheard.
“I didn’t say anything bad about the movie,” you argued. “It was well written but the dialogue was too vulgar for my taste.”
“And since when do you have taste?”
“Yeah, she’s such a scatterbrained normie.”
“Guys.” Junpei stood up on his seat to stop the hassle.
“At least I’m not a pathetic loser.” It slipped. As if you had been wanting to say it out loud for so long. “You know that this is why nobody likes any of you, right?”
It became silent.
Junpei sat back on his chair and the other two who had been grinning from ear to ear as they were teasing you frowned.
You clapped a hand over your mouth, realizing what you had said but the deed was done.
“Sorry.” Mumbling, you gathered your stuff and left the clubroom.
Getting bullied wasn’t the worst part. It was the way other people treated him because he was getting bullied.
People looked at him with pity, sometimes talked to him because they wanted to include him. They were all doing these things to feel better about themselves. It was never about him.
He could let the cigarette burns, all the times he got beaten and the countless lies others spread about him slip but not the fake kindness.
He hated the fakes.
It was two days after the incident when you finally decided to approach Junpei before he exited the school garden.
“Hey, Jun.”
A shiver rose up his spine and he stopped walking momentarily. “(name), good to see you.” He turned around to face you but you were looking down onto the pavement. You didn’t want to look him in the face.
“Yeah...” You took a deep breath to calm your senses before speaking. “I just wanted to apologize for the other day. I didn’t mean any of the things I said.”
He said nothing.
“I’m really sorry about it, I was being bitter because of the way they talked to me but I shouldn’t have reacted that way.”
He proceeded to stay quiet, though you had a lot to say to him, it was impossible to find the courage or the words to speak when he was being like this. However, you came prepared for anything.
Reaching inside your bag, you pulled out a DVD case with a movie title Junpei had been looking forward to watching. You had heard him talk about it nonstop for months until it got released recently. He couldn’t get his hands on the DVD itself because of how the movie was always rented out but now, you were holding it.
“Wanna watch it together? My treat.”
How could he possibly say no?
Your nerves eased when he put on a smile.
Thankfully, the walk to his place was short. In his room, you took off your jacket and grabbed the DVD case to put it on yourself. “I tipped the cashier a couple of extra bucks to get my hands on this,” you giggled and turned on his television with the remote control, the player lit up instantly.
“You didn’t have to.”
“Well, it’s just my way of apologizing, don’t sweat it!” Pressing the button for the disc slot, you opened the case to grab the CD. “Besides, I wanted to watch this for a long time too.”
He could tell you were lying but he wasn’t sure if you were trying to be nice to him out of pity or not. Gradually, he realized he couldn’t put you in a box. You two were alike. Exactly like him, you didn’t know where you fit in but he started to get an idea about where might fit in just fine.
As you were standing with the remote control in your hands and waiting for the movie title to show up on the screen, a set of hands were placed on your hips, making you flinch.
Junpei couldn’t help but press himself against you, his hands on your hips moved to your stomach, and grabbed the remote control out of your grasp. He threw the device to the side.
“Jun?” you tried calling him again, not realizing he needed a hug this badly. “Are-are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” he replied, you felt him bury his face into your hair and heard him take a sniff. His hands moved in different ways. One slid up to cup your breast over your shirt and the other slid down your stomach.
“Um, if you wanna hug me, I can face you. This position is… weird....” You merely comprehended that he wasn’t hugging you when his hand soothed the fabric of your skirt and went under it to grab you by your pussy.
Your thighs pressed together at the same time a surprised gasp left your lips. His hand was pushing you towards him as he was pressing against you, urging you to feel everything.
“Wait,” you tried to say, but when his hips snapped forward it broke into another gasp. A finger pressed on your slit over the fabric of your panties, he dragged it up while his hand harshly groped your breast.
“W-what are you doing?”
“What do you think?” Junpei nosed some hair out of his way and placed his lips on your nape, grazing his lips on the sensitive skin before moving to kiss your neck. “I thought you were here to spend time with me.” His teeth nibbled on the thin flesh and your legs turned to jelly.
“B-but the movie.”
Hooking a finger under the elastic on the edge of your panties, he pulled them to the side and let his middle finger slip inside.
“We can watch it later.”
“Jun, wait.” You squirmed and tried to move away from his fingers but you were trapped. If you moved backward you were going to press harder against his erection and moving forward meant his finger going deeper inside you. The latter was the worst option, so you moved your hips away from his hand.
What you hadn’t calculated was the way you were rocking back on forth with Junpei as he was grinding his clothed cock against the soft flesh of your ass. When you pressed yourself against him harder, it didn’t leave any more space for you to move away from his fingers.
Thanks to your dumb decision, Junpei had you right where he wanted.
“You’re so cute, always trying to act smarter than you actually are,” he whispered, lips brushing against your neck. “When you left that day after we watched your stupid movie, I jerked off to you.”
His hand on your breast moved between your bodies and placed on the front of his pants. He tugged them down while drawing small circles on your neck with his tongue and two of his fingers thrust inside your slick heat.
“I shoved my nose into the exact spot you sat to inhale your scent.”
The revelation of what he did after you left made you tremble. His hot and wet tongue pressed flat against the side of your neck and his fingers moving in a scissoring motion distracted you from his free hand guiding his cock between your legs.
“From the moment we met, I knew we were made for each other, (name).”
Nevertheless the awkward positioning, he slipped his fingers out of you and moved to grab your leg from the back of your knee. He lifted your leg until his cock had enough space to move and his hips surged forward.
A panicked sound left your lips when his cock moved between your folds rather than going inside like he had planned.
Before you could struggle, he pulled his hips back and thrust forward, angling his hips in the right direction. This time, it was a success.
Both of you moaned in unison.
Junpei buried his face into your neck and groaned loudly to the sensation of your warm cunt. Your gummy walls were sucking him right in. He couldn’t help slamming his hips into your pussy with a little too much force. You shook in his arms, nearly losing your balance “J-Jun,” you breathed, tone faint. “T-the movie.”
“Is that what you really want right now?” he whispered into your ear, thrusting in your cunt agitatedly.
You wanted to say something and shove him away so the two of you could focus on the movie that was playing on the screen instead but his cock stroked a sweet spot inside made you melt in his hold. You moaned instead, giving him the answer he wanted to hear.
He picked up a pace to fuck into you in a smooth motion and roughly pound into your pussy to steal cute little moans out of you. He was too lost in pleasure to be able to think. All he wanted was to feel your pussy clench around his cock.
His kisses on your neck turned into biting and you felt him lift your leg higher, launching both of you forward when you lost your balance. You managed to hold onto the TV stand while Junpei didn’t let the small accident interrupt him.
Letting go of your leg, he placed his hand on your back and pushed until you arched your back.
Now, he could thrust deeper inside you. Almost frantically, he started hammering his cock into your pussy. The impact caused you to place both hands on the furniture in front of you and hold onto it for dear life. Your clenching walls around him felt heavenly, he couldn’t stop moving his hips.
A shaky moan escaped your lips when the tip of his cock kissed your cervix. Your hands gripped the furniture and your toes curled at the sensation. At some point, your attention suddenly averted to Junpei’s wandering hands pulling your back flush against his chest as every thrust of his hips left you shaking and begging for more.
“J-Jun,” you whined.
He knew exactly what it meant. If he couldn’t tell from the neediness in your voice, he could tell it from the way your gummy walls started pulsating around his cock. Instead of picking up his pace and fucking you like an animal in heat like you thought he would do, Junpei tried to thrust deeper, stroking your sensitive spot with his cock until your vision turned white and you started rocking yourself back on Junpei’s cock. Only then his thrusts became harder, almost as if he wanted to claim you as his only.
“Can I do it inside?” Junpei didn’t need an answer but you gave him one anyway.
His pace suddenly slackened, he was close to his own orgasm. He pushed his cock in your pussy down to the base and you felt the slight twitch of his balls on your ass as thick spurts of seed filled your womb.
He lowly grunted, continuing to move his hips and fucking his seed into you with disgustingly wet sounds. Your legs started to shake under you, his hands on your hips were the only things keeping you standing up but once he let go of you, the support disappeared. You dropped on the floor, his cum oozed out of you and stained the carpet.
None of you said anything. Not when you were catching your breaths or when you were fixing your clothes.
It took you a full minute before you asked something so utterly idiotic. “Should I go home?”
At that exact moment, he understood why people enjoyed bullying others who were weaker than them.
“I thought you came here to watch the movie with me.” He dared to say.
You stared at him blankly, your gaze slowly turned to the movie that had been playing the whole time and a faint smile tugged at your lips as you reached for the remote control on the other side of the carpet to restart the movie.
In the next club meeting, Junpei brought the movie you had wanted to watch last week.
Although the other two groaned in unison, they sat through the entire movie once Junpei told them they owed you this.
As for you, watching the movie you had already seen a week ago was boring but the anticipation to watch another new release you had rented with Junpei after school was enough to keep you on the edge.
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empressapprentice · 3 years
Arcana Headcanons: M3 + MC Who Beats Everyone at Chess
Hello friends! The lovely @firefly-child posted about a fun game called Request Roulette. They post a prompt, and anyone who wants to is free to fill it. The first prompt is: “How would the main 6 react to MC beating like every person that’s goes against them in chess but at the end they whisper to the LI that they actually have no idea how to play chess and just kept moving pieces till they won” and also includes the lovely line “hehe move pieces around make brain go brrrrrrrr.” I just had to do this. I’m going for a bastard version of The Queen’s Gambit here.
Housekeeping stuff: This is just the main 3, although I have some ideas for the other characters and will be posting soon. I also wanted to break the posts up because despite this being incredibly silly, it still managed to be super long (oh well!). Also warning for some horniness in Julian’s, but nothing worse than what you see in game (couldn’t resist hehe). The good stuff is under the cut :)
You and Asra don’t tend to play board games together, favoring card games that utilize his Tarot deck. So despite him knowing you so well, he doesn’t realize you have absolutely no clue how to play chess.
Asra learned to play during one of his many trips and it became one of his favorite ways to distract himself. Playing chess didn’t require the friendly camaraderie that other games do (something he couldn’t muster while mourning you or during your recovery) and gave him something to focus on other than you. He got surprisingly good over time. Though he never put any real time into studying strategies, he has an uncanny ability to figure out his opponent’s plan, always countering it perfectly.
So when the two of you join an informal tournament and you start doing really well (like, really well), Asra just can’t take it. He can hardly believe that you were hiding this skill from him for all these years. He’s looking at you with so much love in his heart and a goofy grin on his face.
When you take a break before the final game and beckon Asra over, he assumes you’re nervous. He peppers your face with kisses and leans over to give you words of encouragement, but you stop him. You instead whisper in his ear, telling him you’ve been just pushing pieces around randomly. He pulls back, a look of shock on his face. Then, he breaks out into peals of laughter. 
Knowing your secret does not diminish Asra’s enjoyment of watching the final game at all. For a moment, he considers resting Faust on your shoulders and using her to communicate possible moves, but he decides to take a step back and let you work. He truly doesn’t care that you’re faking it, he’s in awe of you. His eyes even get a little misty when he thinks about how far you’ve come since the resurrection, the picture of cool confidence in front of the crowd.
When you win, he picks you up in his arms and spins you around. Sure, you may not be a secret chess genius, but it is just like the person he loves to manage to pull this off.
Nadia has been trained in a wide variety of strategy games and genuinely enjoys playing them. She occasionally studies chess strategies to keep her skills sharp. There’s nothing she enjoys more than the challenge of cracking a puzzle. It’s just like when she tinkers with mechanical projects: there’s always a “right” answer to each move her opponent makes, and she loves to figure it out.
She’s hosting a friendly competition with some fellow politicians and dignitaries in the salon. She encourages you to play a game, since it’ll look good for the Countess’ partner to be an active participant in the games.
She’s pleased to see you win your first game and continue to work your way up through the ranks. There’s pleasant chatter in the room while everyone compliments the Countess’ choice in partner. She’s proud of you, but her competitive edge is seeping in. She can’t believe that you hid your talent from her--she’s impressed, a little turned on by your chess prowess, and determined to take. you. down.
Soon, it becomes clear that you will need to go against Nadia. You’re shaking in your boots. You got this far against your other opponents, but you genuinely didn’t care about the outcomes of those games. All you wanted was to help Nadia host a good afternoon of friendly games. But now you’re in too deep. You need to put up a good display of strength against your wife, and ideally you would lose so Nadia can save face, but at this point you don’t even know how to move the pieces to get a certain outcome.
You and Nadia are seated across from each other and you are both trying to keep things friendly, but there’s a distinct undercurrent of tension in the room. You get first move as the reigning champion. Nadia takes a long moment, makes a deliberate move, then leans back and smirks at you. Uh oh, she’s feeling really competitive.
You go round for round, while you just move pieces based on your general whims. You can tell that Nadia is becoming slightly flustered, struggling to figure out your strategy. Finally, mercifully, Nadia pulls out a winning move. By now, the dignitaries have lost interest and the event naturally winds down after the game ends.
When you and Nadia are alone after the game, you know you have to tell her your secret. She detects the change in your mood and assumes you’re upset about losing. You turn to her, and the story spills out of you. You finish telling your story, breathless, and the two of you stare into each other’s eyes for a long moment before breaking out into laughter.
Who brought a chess set to the Rowdy Raven? It looks so out of place in the tavern, where drunkards usually stick to playing cards and other simple games. The goal is usually to play as many rounds as quickly as possible to shuffle a few coins back and forth among the gamblers.
When Julian spots it, his eyes light up. He asks if you’d be willing to play a round against him, before a mysterious stranger walks up and claims the chessboard. They say that you’ll have to fight to use the chessboard. Julian’s already rolling up his sleeves, but you quickly realize that the stranger wants one of you to play them--if you win, you can borrow the board.
Emboldened by your drink, you push Julian away and sit across from the stranger. You know you’ve never played chess before, but how hard could it be? Turns out, not that hard. You just push a bunch of pieces around and soon, the stranger declares you the winner.
Julian swaggers up to the chessboard and sits across from you. Julian, the love of your life, who is so smart in so many ways, has also come to the same realization that you came to just moments ago. He has no idea how to play chess. 
“Hey, MC, how about the winner gets to ask a favor, ~any~ favor of the loser?” He’s waggling his eyebrows at you just like he always does. He’s calculated his odds of winning, and they’re not good. But he figures that if he wins, he’ll ask you for a kiss, and if he loses, he’s sure that your creative mind will find some use for him.
You play against each other, each making more and more questionable moves. You don’t know much about chess, but you think he’s moving some of the pieces in the wrong configurations. But you worry that if you call him out, you’ll expose your utter lack of chess knowledge. He also thinks you’re doing some weird things with the pieces, but he has the exact same concern.
Neither of you are willing to back down and admit you don’t know what’s going on. You also don’t know how to end the game. It’s something with the Queen piece, but which one is even the Queen?
The two of you play against each other, getting progressively drunker as you sip on Salty Bitters. A tankard or two later, you crack. You tell Julian all about your stroke of luck against the stranger and his grin just gets wider and wider. He tries to play it off like he’s an actual chess genius and he knew what he was doing the whole time, but you call his bluff. Better get him home, because soon he’ll be begging to be punished for lying.
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hanibalistic · 3 years
genre | fluff
word count | 1533
warning | mention of biting people, actually biting someone​​
note | biting is my love language, and i have come to realize jisung has a very nice looking nose. thank you for indulging me @neo-shitty​​
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jisung was fairly sure he fell in love with you, and he could not tear his eyes away from the ceiling of his room.
there was nothing but white paint on there, and the faded night-light stars his father stuck there when he was younger, and just that one weird stain of purple he wondered if it got when he was dancing while rushing his final art project in his room. compared to the boring ceiling, as he laid on the cold dirty floor with you by his side, he would much rather be looking at you, but he found it impossible to turn his head.
your intense gaze seeped into his peripheral vision, into his gigantic shyness radar just about a minute ago. the comfortable silence that fell over you two after a conversation ended broke when you decided to turn your head and stare holes into his poor side profile.
jisung could feel himself burn up as he blinked up at the ceiling. it could be the bright light of his room and the dryness of his eyes that were making his heart strain so much, but he knew well that it was you that was making his skin crawl and shiver. he knew well that it was your staring that was making him feel so bothered.
no matter how long you both have been dating, the blatant affection you held for him could never cease to turn him into a red, stuttering, grinning mess.
"your ears are turning red, jisung."
"i know," he replied to your monotonous yet soft statement, "you are staring at me."
"i know," you nodded and shifted your head to lay on your forearm, "your side profile is good-looking."
jisung pursed his lips together at the compliment. his heart was bouncing, leaping around like a child given what they wanted, simply because his partner complimented him on the most basic thing. "tha–thank you."
"i like your nose, it's very tall and slant," you hummed in approval.
"thanks..." he subconsciously touched the tip of his nose in thought.
"yeah..." you muttered. "you have a very edible nose."
jisung blinked. his slender fingers stopped against the bridge of his nose, pressing against the perfect bone and sliding down to the perfect button tip. his thoughts were questioningly occupied, and subconsciously his hand was testing out what exactly you meant by his nose being edible.
this could only one of two ways. it was either you meant it literally, like you could eat his nose, literally. or you meant it endearingly, like some type of affectionate expression where couples bite each others' noses.
jisung grimaced.
yeah, no way, that was a no.
the previous shyness complete gone, he slightly turned to face with you furrowed brows and concerned eyes. his fingers lifted, leaving only the tip of his nails touching his skin. "i'm sorry, what did–what did you say?"
your faraway mind took a moment to return to yourself. jisung's question served confusion as you narrowed your eyes at his mildly shocked expression, wondering if you had said something problematic. then, finally, as your words came back to you, your features relaxed into a more perplexed look—oh lord, what have you done and what have you exposed about yourself?
you shot up slightly as you scrambled to explain yourself.
"i... i mean like... well, obviously not edible-edible! i am not going to actually eat your nose, that would be cannibalism–i would never do that!" you waved your hands rapidly. "it is a compliment. like you have a nice nose. i say that about donghyuck too, actually. i think he has a very edible nose, like a nom-able nose?"
frustration ruffled your chest when jisung didn't seem to react too well to your messy explanation. he just looked more and more confused, if not more surprised and appalled that you were sitting there trying to justify wanting to 'nom' his close friend's nose as well.
your brain slammed against your head. all you heard was 'regret! regret! regret!' as you recalled your embarrassing justification of your fondness in biting, of your inability to express your love through something normal, of the fact that you don't really know how to love someone well.
"it's an affectionate thing, jisung!" you ended with a light slam of your fist to your thigh. "my primary love language is biting! i bite whom i love! i–i can show you!"
he scrambled up from the ground with widened eyes when you lunged yourself toward him. he felt your teeth graze his forearm, he saw your eyes squeeze tight and your nose scrunch up, and your lips did not touch his skin and you gently tugged at the flesh between your teeth. jisung looked at you, surprised and somewhat warmed.
you bit him and he did not feel like pulling away. you bit his forearm and he just let you.
his eyes softened when you dipped your head to avoid eye contact with him. there was disappointment and hopelessness laced in the way your teeth left his skin and you pulled away. he glanced at your shrunken state, seemingly afraid of his judgment, then his eyes looked at the teeth mark on his skin, he would kiss it.
"i'm sorry about that. i won't do it again."
"so how do you bite noses?"
your voices brushed past each other at the same time, the opposing message clashing together with fireworks. you perked up to find jisung looking at you with genuine curiosity, and you gulped. "what?"
he shrugged, pulling at his shirt as he adjusted his position. "how do you bite a nose? do i tilt my head or do you do it? you can bite mine, but i don't want to get in your way or anything."
the way you watched him with disbelief made him blush. he rubbed the back of his neck—jeez, maybe he was the weird one for letting you bite his nose! but he didn't hate it when he felt your teeth against his skin, he didn't hate it when the marks of your teeth faded visibly. he just felt touched.
he was touched, and he was bitten.
who else would touch him? who else would bite him? if not you? who else would love him, if not you?
"sorry if that is a weird–"
"i can show you."
you moved carefully even after jisung gestured for you to go ahead. you inched toward him with your knees, scooting slowly until your knee touched his. when his arm reached out to pull you onto his lap, bringing you closer, his face innocent as if being close to you was the only he should do, you could so easily melt with joy.
the chants of regrets in your head were turning into encouragements, into hope, upon jisung's hands that took an intimate place on the sides of your waist. he looked up at you, waiting curiously for you to show shower him with your unique expression of love.
he was the first one to wait. he was the first one to anticipate.
squinting his eyes, jisung leaned back slightly when you leaned in after grabbing a hold of his jaw. the same rush of redness he experienced a while ago came to him once again when you laughed against the tip of his nose. your warm breath hit his face in a way he couldn't imagine not loving, and your teeth grazed the tip of his adorable nose just enough for him to fall into infatuation.
his nose felt wet, it was your saliva. he didn't feel like he ought to wipe it. he could live with it, he could live with you leaving yourself all over him. he loves you; if you kiss him, he'll keep the kiss. if you bite him, he'll keep the bite.
"that's it?" he asked with a laugh after you pulled away, looking up at you as he scrunched his nose. "it was just a nibble!"
you laughed with him, holding his kind face in your gentle hands. a playful fire burned in your eyes when you squeezed his cheeks together and you shuffled toward his face. "what? are you looking for more?"
"yeah, i thought you would bite my whole nose! like just stuff it into your mouth!" he exclaimed quietly, reciprocating your action by leaning his face up to brush the tip of his nose against yours.
you giggled while pulling away. he must be joking, but his shy, cheeky smile told you otherwise. the recognition in his loving told you otherwise. holding jisung's face in your hand, your soft gaze examined his features, and you wondered how you have searched for him all your life, how you felt weak in the knees for him that it was pathetic.
"i'm going to start biting you," you whispered.
jisung chuckled lowly. "yeah?"
you nodded, glaring at him. "i only bite people i love."
"i know," he said.
and only people who love you will let you bite them, which was just convenient, wasn't it? because jisung was sure he fell in love with you, and he could not tear his eyes away from you.
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