#and while i went with a more casual everyday look here i would love to draw her in something more intricate sometime too
liquidstar · 2 months
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another request from cohost! my friend asked for traditional inuk hairstyle like qilliqti, which is what i ended up going with! looking up the hairstyles sent me on a sidequest of looking at a bunch of fashion designers with modern takes on traditional clothes, so i also used some of those! so credits for that under the cut vv
jacket- https://www.instagram.com/p/C3QiKIdO0Jp/?img_index=5 jacket 2 (full fashion show with more angles, and a lot of super cool designs, also really cool music)- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yp_eAzDu8xU patch- https://www.bradorfabrics.com/products/inukchic-iron-on-patches-celestial-narwhal hair originally from the film atanarjuat the fast runner, but the specific screenshot is here https://www.pinterest.com/pin/53480314313400875/
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th3archivisst · 2 years
Hob had been very annoyed with the downfall of modern sweets. The chocolate no longer had as much taste, it was just sugar. And all the best candies had been out of production for years. He mostly missed Cadbury’s Aztec bar, but that had been gone since the 70s.
He had been planning on complaining about that to his stranger during their meetup in 1989, but well. That didn’t happen.
So, he’d just gone on with daily life, no longer going out to the store everyday to get his favorite sugar bombs. The only thing that was still good was the ice cream, and every once in a while a cake or cookie. He mostly just stuck with savory foods though.
And then, his dear stranger had returned. And not only had he returned, but he had told Hob his name.
It was so fitting that Hob had laughed when he heard it first. And then, later that night, he had murmured it over and over again, cheeks hurting from the smile he hadn’t been able to get rid of since his friend came back.
He hadn’t had the chance to tell Dream everything he’d wanted to that day, but to his surprise and delight, Dream had showed up not a week later right outside his classroom door. He’d almost given the student who opened it a heart attack.
They had walked through the park together, talking amiably. Or, Hob had talked, and Dream had listened attentively, smiling from time to time and adding a thing or two here and there.
It was during this friendly conversation that Hob had remembered how awful modern day sweets were. They had just been passing a shop, and a pair of kids had walked out of it, one holding a chocolate bar and breaking a piece off for their friend.
Hob had looked at them for a second, then remembered.
“Oh yeah, and did you know just how bad all the sweet stuff has gotten?”
He’d gone on like this for around a minute before-
“I really miss Aztec though. That was some really good stuff. Too bad they discontinued it in the 70s, dammit.”
Dream had looked up at him then, brow furrowed and eyes twinkling. He’d left shortly afterwards, to Hob’s immense disappointment. Though he had promised to come back before next century.
For two weeks after that, everything was quiet. No sign of Dream, just regular old brilliant life. Although it would be a fair lot more brilliant with a certain gorgeous pale goth in it.
Now, Hob sat by the window in the New Inn, checking the assignments his students had handed back to him earlier that week. It was around 9pm, only just getting dark. (Thank god for summer, shortens the electricity bill)
Suddenly, a cat meowed just outside the window. Hob jumped a bit, then looked over.
It was beautiful black tom, with silky fur and eyes like the cosmos. Those eyes were very familiar…
With a grin and a sneaking suspicion, Hob got up and moved to the door to let the thing in. It meowed up at him and rubbed against his legs as it entered.
He went back to his spot and sat back down. The cat hopped up on the chair opposite him. For a while, Hob just continued checking the essays, not paying the cat any mind. If his suspicion was correct, that was the best way to prove it, he though.
And he thought correctly.
Twenty minutes in, a slight breeze flowed through the inn.
Another minute later, a quiet cough sounded across from Hob.
Hob grinned and liften his gaze to meet Dream’s.
“Dream! How lovely to see you.”
He teased his friend, amused at how his brow creased with slight annoyance. He knew Dream wouldn’t run off from some casual banter, so he could afford this little thing every now and then.
“What brings you here, my friend?”
Dream blinked silently. Then, he reached into a coat pocket and pulled something out.
“Close your eyes, Hob.”
Hob did.
“Give me your hand.”
And Hob did. He was confused, but interested and eager at the prospect of touching this ethereal creature.
He realized he had never done so before.
Dream’s skin was softer than any silk Hob had ever known, though it emanated no warmth.
Maybe Hob could rub some into it some day.
Hopefully that day would come soon.
A small, plastic package settled in his hand, and cold fingers closed his own around it.
When Hob opened his eyes, he was alone at the table again, holding a candy bar. He blinked a few times, perturbed.
Then, he looked down at the bar and his breath hitched.
It was an Aztec.
It was a damn Aztec.
A laugh escaped him, incredulous and delighted. He pocketed the sweet, determined to get Dream to try it with him later.
And also maybe kiss him senseless as thanks.
This post was inspired by @gabessquishytum’s post, which you can find here
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lambilegs · 12 days
do you do sfw lee requests?
bc oh. oh boy do I think that high school sweethearts lee x reader is so so charming and hey, maybe I’m just a sucker for sweet tooth rotting fluff (also wlw duh)
you and Lee who had been inseparable, tied at the hip “best friends” for a while. you and Lee who fell for each other at the same time, who held hands under the table, who pretended to be straight until after high school where you moved in together immediately.
Lee had always been anxious. but you made her anxious thoughts go away when you lay your head on her chest. Lee had always been scared of her future, but you’re here now. you’re holding her hand through it all.
thank you 🙏
high school lee harker x reader living out their queer coming-of-age storyline
(oh my god??? this is so sweet I am in love. (and yes hehe I definitely do sfw requests!!)
lee who always felt a bit unsettled in high school, finally becoming more aware of social cues, expectations, behaviours, and feeling herself so distanced from performing those naturally
sure, she had a tight knit group of friends, but she didn't feel like she moved through the world, through interactions, as easily as they did
but, you were there. the peer in her history class who directly pointed out her behaviours, but in a way that was free, casual, that made her feel like there was nothing wrong
you were patient, taking your time with getting to know her, and reaching through the layers of stoic distance and hesitation
it started off slow... asking her if she wanted to go to study hall together, since you both had a spare period, and watching her carefully as she poured over her infamously meticulous essays (seriously, everyone knew she was the teachers' favourite in the history and law classes). then, it turned into seeking her out at lunch and lying that you got an extra cookie from the vending machine and you thought she'd like it (you once saw her eating it during morning period, and you didn't even like the flavour), blushing bright red at the sight of her friends confusedly looking between you two.
slowly, she gave back to you, in both subtle and clear ways. she started walking you home, even though it added an extra twenty minutes to her walk. she started helping you with your essays, showing you the right ways to do citations. when she found out gossip had spread about you through the halls, she went to the perpetrator and asked them to stop, her eyes frozen on the tiles and everyone shocked to see lee harker speak up... and for someone else?
you started meeting outside of class, hanging out on the train tracks of your boring town, visiting the pond that you walked by everyday after school, and sharing meals at the nearby plaza. she listened to you like no one else ever had, hanging onto your every word as though she were watching you in the process of creating a master artwork. and you listened to her, and god, how that made her feel... like what she had to say could be taken seriously, and not just be dismissed. she didn't have to be infantilized just for being seventeen years old and less outgoing than her peers. someone saw her as a person worth paying attention to. it started off slow, with her only sharing tidbits of her life with you. the day she confessed to you to the weight of religious guilt that loomed over her day and night, in the privacy of your childhood bedroom, she had never felt so tenderly held.
soon, everyone knew you two were attached at the hips. you spent the summer break together, visiting the gas station before heading to the park, where you guys would talk. and talk... that's all you guys did. constantly talk about your days, your families, school, what your futures beheld. she talked to you of her past dreams of becoming an actress -- when you asked why, she said she had spent her life wanting to be anywhere but here, transported into a new world, and she thought being an actress could do that. now, she said, she thought about law enforcement, wanting to help people and make a change she felt she was too limited to do in your guys' town. you told her if anyone could do it, she could, and she shuddered at the sheer hope you ignited in her.
slowly, though, things changed... you started thinking more of what she thought of you, in ways you didn't with your other friends. the innocence, or perhaps ignorance, towards your feelings, that existed as a safe veil over your eyes, began to lift. suddenly, you wondered if she thought you were pretty. you found yourself longing to know what she thought of romance -- if she pined for it, wanted it, and if so, who she wanted it with. when she received a bashful confession through a candy gram, you went home and cried into your pillow.
little did you know, you were just crossing the threshold into a room she had occupied alone for years. she knew, two weeks in, what it was she felt for you. and here you were, nearly a year later, struggling to comprehend it
but, once you did, every single moment with her felt more fleeting. every walk home felt like a mere second, every lunch break felt like a quick snack, every moment with her held an import that you could barely handle, using every spare second to decipher her and what she felt
your secret feelings crumbled to the wind when you discovered someone had asked her to your school's fall formal. your friends told you the rumour was that she had agreed. that night, on the phone, when she had admitted considering it, you hung up on her. the next day, she practically cornered you in the halls, focused gaze zeroed in on you. you couldn't contain it. you broke down, weeping to her about your feelings, begging her to not tell anyone, fear churning in your stomach of what your peers, what your community, would think of you.
she hugged you, took care of you (when did she not?) and with a shaky voice, declared, "I like you too"
eager youth you both were, immediately confessing to wanting to be each other's girlfriends, whirling into complete bliss together. the autumn of senior year was spent with tenderly written love notes left in each other's lockers, interlaced fingers beneath the cafeteria table, shy first kisses exchanged behind the bleachers. lee carrying your bags home whenever you guys walked, letting you sit on the back of her bike, and finally admitting why she couldn't have you over, why things with her mom were so hard. you bought her her favourite candy without her having to ask and you called her to wish her luck on the evenings of long studying sessions. you sent her a pathetically romantic candygram that she carried in her wallet, which really had nothing much but some spare change for bus money and the receipts of all your dates.
sure, there was pain in it too. your respective friend groups were privy to your relationship, but the rest of the world wasn't. your guys' relationship forced lee to acknowledge yet another big part of her life she couldn't share with her mother. your guys' shared moments were things you had to reserve to nooks and crannies. you couldn't tape the photobooth pictures of you guys on your wall, you couldn't declare to nosey relatives that you had someone who loved you. when it got hard, you two would talk about all the things you'd do once you left town and went to college in a year. the way you'd hold hands under the sun.
and in what flashed by your guys' eyes, a year passed. and finally, you walked with her, far from the bleachers, hand in hand, back to the home you guys built. the home that finally had the pictures hung up.
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stonesylove · 8 months
Summary: Alessandra and Tom met on a casual night out in Berlin while he's filming the prequel of the hunger games, both of them are down for a little three month affair but what if they want a little bit more.
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A night out in Berlin pt.3
Yours or mine
Chapter 2 - Chapter 4
The week went by and they talked everyday, even Alessandra asked for his number which made Tom laugh because she told him that only old people asked for someones number, he loved knowing more about the Italian girl she was so different to what he’s used to, all the girls in New York were kinda the same and Alessandra was like a shot of espresso and that made him go crazy because for sure she will be something that he’ll never forget, Tom new that this was just a quick affair but he was down to enjoy every second of her so when Alessandra asked him to go to a club that her friend was gonna dj in, Tom was 100% down to go but alone he wanted to keep her all to himself and he knew that Hunter and Rachel would love her but also disapproved the situation because they knew he had a girl in New York, it wasn’t something serious and he stopped replying to her after he met the Italian girl.
Tom got out of his head because he needed to be focused on the last scene they were filming for the day and as soon as they finished that he knew he was closer to see his crazy Italian girl, “Tommy do you want get dinner with us?” Josh asked him as they were waiting for the instructions of the director to start filming “Nah man, I can’t today, I’m going out with this girl that I met but please keep the secret” Tom said kind of begging to his friend so he wouldn’t tell his girlfriend and have to put on the drama of the short girl, “Don’t worry, i’ll keep the secret” Josh said debating on his mind if he was capable of keeping that secret from his girl, he was a noisy person and Rachel also love gossiping.
Finally they wrapped up for the day and Tom took all his stuff from the trailer and practically run to get a cab to get to his hotel as fast as possible, he was dying to see her which was something he will never accept to someone else. He got to the hotel not knowing what to wear but and all black outfit would be it, he got in the shower screaming a couple of his favorite song for some reason he was so pumped for the night.
He started walking to the entrance of the club when he heard her screaming with her accent his name, and he found that so fucking sexy he dreamed of her screaming his name under him. “Hi Tommy” Alessandra hugged the tall British boy, “Guess someone is excited to see me” tom said while laughing, “of course” Alessandra said giggling, she took Tom’s hand to get him inside to find her friends. Tom noticed that she had a light blue mini dress which made her look like the most beautiful creature he ever saw, he was trying to keep his posture because he was ready to take the short girl and kiss her all night. “Well this is Giuliana and Marco and this is Tom” Alessandra while introducing him to her friends, he thought that maybe the three of them were friends because ballet, they were so nice with him, Tom noticed that Giuliana was also Italian and the he learned that she was her best friend that she told him about and Marco was also in the ballet company but he wasn’t Italian he was from here.
The night was perfect, they’ve dancing and drinking like they were teenagers, Tom couldn’t believe the way she was dancing the was she was moving her hips against him, Tom didn’t know if it was the Alcohol making him act that way but he put his hands on her hips to pull her closer to him and to his surprise she was more that happy to be close to the British boy, “dance for me pretty girl” tom whispered in Alessandra ear and she took that as her mission, Alessandra started dancing in the sexiest way she could, she was grinding her hips against his dick, Tom knew that something was growing in him and he didn’t want to waste any chance with the tiny girl, so he quickly turned her around and put her hands over his shoulders and got closer to her, “You know what you’re doing and I’m not gonna back down” Tom whispered in her ear, “baby I want it all” Alessandra responded to him while turning around again and moving her hips against Tom’s body.
Tom didn’t know what time it was but he was ready to her to his hotel room, they’ve dancing all night and it felt like they were in a little bubble, a few kisses here and there and he swore her kisses felt like heaven and hell at the same time and he was ready to go to both places with her, so Tom shouted “do you wanna go outside babe” to what Alessandra nodded with her head knowing what was about to happen; she took her hand and guided both of them out of the club.
“Your eyes are my favorite color” Alessandra said when they were finally outside of the club while giggling, “You are such a liar but I take it as a compliment” Tom said while hugging her by the waist in the cold night, she put her hands in his neck and asked him “So do you wanna go to my place or we go to yours” while biting her lips, Tom was surprised she asked him, it made him lose his mind that she was so out there, it was such a turn on for him, “Let’s go to mine pretty girl” Tom said smiling.
While they were in the cab he saw Alessandra laughing at her phone, which made him feel jealous because who the hell she’s talking to and making her smile and laugh, “What’s so funny pretty girl?” Tom asked trying to sound relax but he didn’t want to share his Italian girl, “It’s a surprise pretty boy, we will see if you notice it” she said laughing while making eye contact, “We will see funny girl” he said looking at him with love and he hoped it was purely the alcohol, “You have such a funny accent” Alessandra said bursting out of laughter, “I have a funny accent? My people literally invented the language” Tom said trying to sound serious but still laughing about it.
When they got to his hotel room, Alessandra took Tom’s face in her hands and kissed him like she needed it to survive, he lips were the only thing that matter for him and her kisses were the best he ever had, Tom took some steps back and asked her if she was okay with having sex, he knew both of them were drunk but conscious enough to understand what was about to happen.
Tom woke up and tried to pull Alessandra closer but noticed he was alone which made him feel like shit because he thought both enjoyed the night in the same way and for a second he felt like she was using him, Tom got out of his bed still naked looking out for his phone, when he found he noticed a couple notifications and saw a text from her.
My tiny dancer (Ale)😋
I had class early in the morning, I wish I could’ve a wake up to a second round
Do you wanna grab lunch
Well if you can, I know you’re working and you have a crazy schedule.
We can go to this really nice café.
Instantly he felt a sense of relive, of course she had class in the morning, she’s a fucking ballet dancer; he didn’t want to look desperate so he opened instagram to distract his mind a little bit, he was glad that he didn’t have to work that day when he realized that Alessandra had posted a story.
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Tom Blyth
Hi pretty girl, of course I can have lunch with you.
So blue as my eyes?
an: I dont think I'm ready to write smut but we will see what happens
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lycemagee · 2 months
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Are you lost? Are you hungry? Are you Thirsty? Don't worry about it my love. Here we are building the perfect world without agony, pain and despair. Just give me your heart in return.
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Oke I had it in mind I couldn't stop thinking about it lol. So some brainstorming!
- Florence, Alfons and Roger grew up in a cult, because of their "blessings" they were planned to be the next heads of their cult, who would change the world
- they were put into much pressure, lessons for their "spirituality". They were 'cleansed' of the mistakes they had made by means of physical torture.
- growing up together they were really close, but Alfons developed in his early stage of childhood consciousness, that their suffering is not justified and questioned the existence of a "perfect" world ("If the perfect world has no pain, no suffering and no despair, why do we have to endure this?")
- on their twelfth birthday (even tho Roger was older than them, the cult declared that they would be the same age with the same birthday) Florence had the idea to steal three rings and gifted them to Alfons and Roger. So that they would always be connected.
- on the same evening Roger found a way to escape and Alfons, who was with him, was against it. Roger and Alfons often talked about the outside world together and what they would do with their freedom, so Alfons felt inclined to leave, but still wasn't sure, looking at the ring on his finger, that was too big for him. Roger knew the only thing, that held him off was Florence and even Roger felt conflicted just leaving her behind. But he was positive, that he would get her later, but pressured Alfons, if he still wanted to see them suffer everyday. With hesitation he denied and Roger promised him to come back and get Florence too.
- in the end they were picked up from the police after they reached a little city, but weren't listening to them, as they told them they live nearby in a little village
- as a reaction of the disappearance of Alfons and Roger the Village moved in fear of outsiders and the authorities, that when the Police got active after some weeks they disappeared.
- "You promised, we would get her. You promised it! But you betrayed her!"
"WE betrayed her Alfons! You were as desperate to leave and ending the days being in a cage. At least we are free right?"
- Alfons never forgave Roger and resented him
- Roger got adopted by a rich family and grew up in wealth and became a doctor
- Alfons lived in a foster family, where he met Elbert the first time
- when Florence heard, that Roger and Alfons disappeared she couldn't believe it and the other members punished her even harder, to make sure she would not make the same "mistake"
- 15 years went by and Alfons lived with Elbert, living life casually and enjoying the nightlife. To his distaste he figured out that Roger is living nearby and works as a doctor Alfons visited, much to his distaste and has now more contact with him. He also befriended a curious man with the name of Liam, but suddenly he disappeared and his Flatmate Harrison asked Alfons about his whereabouts.
- at some point when Alfons visited his regular Café he met a person who resembled a girl he sometimes dreamed about. She came closer to him, sitting next to him, her eyes were empty and dull, her smile cold.
"Hello Alfons. How are you doing? It's been a while."
He saw the ring she was wearing and he frowned. He knew the person in front of him was not the same. He could feel her calculating gaze on him and put his mask up, smiling politely to her. They were talking superficially, he felt something was off, the way she behaved, she talked. She didn't mention the cult on time. Suddenly she stood up wanting to leave and looked almost bitterly at Alfons.
"First I resented you for leaving me all alone. But I forgave you. Because I love you. So please come with me.", she held her hand to Alfons, who was surprised but realised quickly that all her words were hollow. He declined and when she left he saw Liam outside in a car.
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The Luck Of The Irish - Andy Barber x Reader
A/N: This is a follow up to St Paddy I didn’t plan for it to be a whole year later but I’d say it’s worked out pretty well! 
Summary: Andy calls on Paddy’s good luck
Word Count: 818
Warnings: FLUFF!
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It didn’t take long for Paddy to fully integrate himself into your lives. Only two months on from bringing him home as a temporary foster, the papers were being signed to permanently adopt him. 
He was the perfect addition to the family, even if he did steal Andy’s spot on the couch. And while Andy knew he couldn’t put it all down to Paddy’s presence but he couldn’t help but notice an increase in your luck. Your business had boomed to the point you were now looking into getting another permanent member of staff, Andy’s case record went through the roof. Andy even found $50 in a jacket you’d picked up from a thrift shop for him.
And it was that luck Andy was counting on more than ever. He had been trying to act casual all morning because as far as you were aware all you were doing today was going on a hike with Paddy. But he’d been jumpy and nervous making you chuckle whenever he would startle after you walked into the room without him noticing.
“I’m not that scary am I?” You teased when he once again jumped when you appeared behind him just after he put Paddy in the car.
“No but I am thinking you’re trying to give me heart attack with that silent tread of yours” Andy smirks as he wraps his arm around your shoulders and pressing a kiss on your temple.
You laugh patting him on the chest “you need your hearing tested old man” you chuckle as you stepped away and climbed into the car.
Andy let out a huff of laugh before taking a deep calming breath, patting his pocket for millionth time that morning. Once he felt secure that he had everything he needed he climbed in the car and drove out towards your favourite hiking trail.
The actual hike was nothing out of the ordinary, you would hold Andy’s hand whenever you could. Laughing whenever Paddy would run ahead and look back at the pair of exasperatedly before running back and trying to herd you to go faster.
Soon enough you reached your favourite hiking spot, a small stream that flowed over boulders making multiple tiny waterfalls. You loved the babbling noise it made and often said that if tiny mythical creatures were to exist, they would live here.
Like you usually did you dropped Andy hand to go have a closer look, smiling as you watched the water run past. While you were distracted, Andy gestured for Paddy to come over and he slipped something into the treat pouch on Paddy’s harness. He then sent Paddy over to you.
“Looks like someone’s after a treat” Andy pointed out as Paddy came to a stop in front of you, wagging his tail in excitement.
“Oh well you have been a very good boy haven’t you” you grin bending down to give Paddy some fussing.
You then unzipped the pouch to grab a couple of treats but a frown of confusion then formed on your face. You pulled your hand back out and turn it over palm up to reveal the ring that Andy had hid in there.
“Andy I-“ you mutter in disbelief, turning to look at him to find him already down on one knee beside you.
“Honey, I am not an easy man to love I know, I have a million and one flaws, a pretty big one being my overly demanding job yet you see all those flaws and love me anyway” Andy start with a small shake of his head, still unable to believe that was he was saying was true “and I love you so so much, I am so so damn lucky to have you and I count my blessings everyday so I hope you don’t mind me using Paddy as a good luck charm to ask the most important question I will ever utter…” Andy continues before taking a deep breath “Y/N, Honey, will you marry me?” 
Tears were flooding down your face as you grabbed him and crashed your lips down onto his. Andy wrapped his arms around you securing to stop your both from falling over. 
When you parted he gently brushed some hair out of your face “can I take that as a yes” he chuckled.
“Yes” you chuckled through the tears, your hands shaking as he took the ring from you and slid it onto your finger.
He then kissed you again deeply, only pulling away when Paddy barked and whined. Paddy then wiggled his way in between you and started licking the tears off your cheeks.
“Thank you sweetie” you chuckled kissing the top of head “do you think we could train him to be the ring bearer” you ask making Andy laugh.
“Dunno but he’ll be there either way, we have to have out good luck charm with us” Andy smiles.
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Sharing is caring so please reblog if you enjoyed this and maybe even leave a comment to make my day!
I don’t have a taglist so follow @secretswiftymarvelfanlibrary​ and turn on post notifications to be kept up to date!
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thischubbyfangirl · 9 months
Strawhat crew (+ bonus) take care of you while you're sick
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SFW - Platonic GN!reader insert
Notes : I've been sick during holidays, and maybe you've been too! So here's some comfort with the Strawhat crew (+ Shanks, Buggy and Law because I needed it).
Sorry for the eventual grammar or spelling errors, English is not my first language
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During your trip to the last island, you enjoyed your free time alone to taste local dishes. Much like your captain, eating was a great deal for you and you made it your personal mission to experiment every street food you could find. Unfortunately, this time, something went wrong... Was it the sea monster mariné or the colorful ice cream on the beach? You couldn't tell. What you could tell, however, was how sick you felt in the hours after the Thousand Sunny sailed away from the island...
Chopper is of course the first one to notice your complexion turning from your usual healthy tone to a grim, greyish paleness. The sweet reindeer takes you to his infirmary, lays you on the bed and does a complete check up :
"It's not good at all! You suffer from a severe form of gastroenteritis" he states, roaming around you, poking your feverish head here, probing your aching belly there. His general agitation makes you dizzy and you close your eyes. When you open them again, Chopper is grinding medicinal herbs to cook you up some remedy.
Luffy is probably the most worried. He's almost never sick, so seeing you in that state makes him really uncomfortable. He tries to talk you out of sickness by making an extensive list of all the things he's been eating and you've been missing since you're in bed, which only worsen your nausea. He's upset to be so helpless and ends up bringing you some candies to apologize. You accept it just to see him return to his warm, beaming usual self, but when he looks away you discreetly pass the sweets to Chopper.
Sanji cooks you a healthy broth. He's taken a list of things you can or cannot eat from your little Dr. Reindeer, and even if the list is scarce and clearly not the kind to make your mouth water, he manages to make it taste good, really good. When you thank him for his effort in keeping you alive and hydrated, he pats your head and advises you to be more careful with what you eat next time.
Zoro acts absolutely unconcerned by your illness, but strangely, as long as you're bedridden, he's often seen taking a nap in a corner of the sickbay. When, between two fever-induced slumbers, you ask him if he's doing this to keep you company, he denies and pretends it's only because he wants to avoid "some stupid cook".
Nami comes to chat with you every day. Once, she shares a precious childhood memory about being sick and taken care of by Bellmer, hoping that you feel as loved now in your crew as she had been back then.
Brook also comes to check on your health regularly. He generally has his guitar or violin with him and will play music and sing very softly. He's convinced that music can cure pretty much everything so he applies his treatment to you, hoping it'll amplify Chopper's medicine's positive effects.
"You know, nakama-san, to see you suffer like this, it breaks my heart. Even though I don't have one, because I'm a skeleton. Yo-ho ho ho ho ho!"
Robin comes everyday with the latest newspaper, so she keeps you informed about what happens on Grand Line. And also, to gossip.
"Who would have thought a yonko like Red-haired Shanks would have a daughter, and a famous singer one? Unusual, isn't it? I wonder who Uta's mother could be..."
You were chatting about Water 7's new assistant to mayor Iceburg when she casually asks you if you're aware that gastroenteritis sometimes causes death, after an utterly painful agony.
Franky tells you that, in his opinion, you just need to drink more cola (you're startled when he shouts it COOOH-LAH because he can't help being super) Sanji tells him to shut up, but Chopper actually corrects the cook :
"If it's stirred well to take away the bubbles, Cola can actually be very helpful with this condition! It keeps the body hydrated and the sugar intake compensates for the almost complete incapacity to eat. Good idea, Franky!"
Franky is beaming with pride to be taken seriously ( Oh, yeah!) while Sanji's absolutely dumbfounded. Robin later swears that in this instant, she's heard Zoro snort through his sleep.
Usopp is the crew mate you see the least. He'd never admit it, but he's afraid your sickness could be infectious. On his way to his first visit, he overheard Robin's comment about its lethality and he's a little afraid to die now... You'll only see him when Chopper affirms that your sickness is displeasing but really common and that there's absolutely nothing to fear. Once he finally sees you, he'll brag about his (imaginary) past grandeur:
"Have I ever told you how I survived the Grand Eastian purple plague? I've been sick for seventy-four days and a half! Horrible, insufferable pain ran through my lungs as every breath made me feel like twenty-thousands millions of tiny daggers were piercing holes in my chest! And my fever was so high my men used my forehead as a heating plate to cook healthy, warm meals! Be sure that I know what you feel, even if you only have some nausea, an aching tummy and a little fever. You have to hang on, you'll live through this like I survived the mighty plague!
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bonus points
When Shanks sees you puking overboard, his first thought is that you probably overestimated your ability to drink. He brings you a bucket of clean water, thinking you'll rise up, wash yourself and start again, but when he reaches you, you remain half-dead over the railing. It's only then he worries that maybe you could have something less common than a hangover... He helps you to stand and walk to your bunk, and as soon as you're in bed, he calls Hongo to check on you.
He checks on you daily and when you feel better he jokes about reconsidering your presence in his crew if you can be defeated by a tiny virus... (he would never, as the rest of his crew, you're part of his family now).
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
You're training for tonight's show with Buggy's crew when pain rises in your guts. Something's wrong, really wrong !
You quickly stand and run out of the circus ring, to your captain's surprise. You vaguely hear him shout something, but your nausea is nasty, you can't stop and you certainly can't focus on his words! A few meters from you now, you notice an old, empty bucket and run faster to it, not caring for the footsteps and the incessant shrieking behind you.
You grab the bucket as Buggy's hands grab your shoulders and his words, barked just next to your ears, finally come to make some sense:
"Where the fuck do you think you're..."
You can't hold back anymore and vomit into the bucket. In the corner of your eyes, you catch a glimpse of your captain's floating head. You hope for him that he'll retreat in time.
It takes a long minute or two for your guts to finally let you catch your breathe. Only then do you notice that the hold on your shoulder is still very much there, but something feels different. Buggy's not clutching as harshly as before... Instead, his fingers very slightly rub into your flesh. The feeling is comforting, but the idea of puking almost straight to his face is rather embarrassing...
You don't dare to look up when you stammer:
"So...sorry captain, I ... I think 'm sick."
He pats your back and his hands finally leave you. From behind, you hear him answer.
" Yeah, I kinda noticed that. As soon as you can walk, go visit the doctor. We need you in the show as soon as possible..."
Relieved that he's not angry, you hear him walk away from you, probably back to the ring.
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
You've been feeling funny for a few hours... When you can't work properly anymore, you decide to talk about it to your captain and doctor Trafalgar Law.
He takes a brief moment to examine you.
"A common stomach influenza. It's unpleasant, but nothing serious. Stay in bed for the next 36 hours, I'll regularly visit you to check on how you feel and medicate you."
You fall asleep really quickly after going to your bunk, driven into weird, fever-induced dreams.
The feeling of a fresh hand on your forehead brings you back to the real world and without thinking, you hum with contentment. You don't even have the time to open your eyes before the furtive contact has ended. Somewhere inside your mind, you know who it is, but you're too sick to care now and you return to your slumber.
When it happens again then, you notice the cold palm remains for a longer time, bringing a much needed relief against your hot skin.
"Thank you captain" you mutter, still half asleep.
He answers that's nothing but his job.
When the fever drops and you're finally able to stay awake, he still checks on you every couple of hours, repeating the same gesture over and over. Now that you're feeling better, it seems a bit odd to you that he'd check your fever with his hand instead of a thermometer, but you wouldn't dare to complain. He's a skilled professional, and to be fair, you like the way it feels on your forehead.
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justkending · 2 years
Moral of the Story. Chapter 21.
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Summary: Marrying too young out of highschool leads to a naive and failed marriage. Now 10 years later, word comes that the divorce was never actually completed. Bucky and Y/N have to come back together after all these years to settle what wasn’t all those years back. Passive attitudes, miscommunicated endings, and reminiscing of old loves and lives all comes back for the two.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Y/N
Word Count: 1900+
Chapter Twenty-One:
It’s been 2 months since she had been back in California. The amount of phone calls and facetimes had tripled since the last time around. The well spent time in Brooklyn made it harder for her to continue on with her normal life.
With no bad relationships there any longer, the want to come back was stronger and more augmented than ever.
“What’s been going on with you lately?” Donna came in. 
Donna was one of her co-founders. Someone she met in college and had helped grow this entire company with. She was also the cash mule when it came to building it. Without Donna’s family riches, they would have been about 100 steps behind where they started. 
So to give the bullet points, Y/N was in charge of making the meetings and working with the clients to figure out their wants and needs and how they could better be efficient, but Donna was in charge of finances and final say on where their business went. 
There were a few other people who were in the higher ups, but Y/N and Donna were the main head honchos. 
“Going on with me?” Y/N shrugged, mindlessly clicking things on her computer while she slouched with her chin in her hand. 
“Don’t act like it isn’t obvious,” Donna chuckled before sitting down in the seat in front of her desk. “You’re usually all business at work and I have to drag you away. Lately, you’ve been leaving at a reasonable time and seem to be making some boundaries.”
“Would you rather I didn’t?” Y/N countered, finally looking up with a smirk on her lips.
“You know what I mean,” Donna rolled her eyes playfully. “What’s going on?” 
“I don’t know,” Y/N let out a big sigh. “I guess I’m just homesick after hanging out with old friends and my family after so long.”
“Went there for divorce papers and came back depressed after signing them. Explain how that works…” Her co worker stood and sat on the top of her desk. A casual conversation making its way into the atmosphere. 
“It’s not even about the divorce papers,” Y/N’s cheeks flushed as she tried to avoid eye contact. “I just miss seeing my family as often.”
“Don’t believe the first half of that, but continue,” the dark haired woman nodded. 
“There’s nothing more to say. I just miss being closer to my family. But we both know, we’re too young of a company to-”
“About that. I was actually coming in here to talk to you about a possible new business idea,” she cut her off. 
“Ok, back to work I see,” Y/N chuckled, slightly lost at the immediate redirection from personal life to biz. 
“Sorry, no,” Donna waved off. “It has to do with you and your family as well.”
“My family and the company go hand in hand?” 
“Just shut up for a second and let me explain,” she hopped off her desk and moved around to the other side of the desk, leaning on Y/N’s side as she fell back in her chair ready for her proposal. 
Y/N gave her the hand motion that showed her to continue. 
“You know those business cards you handed out in the farmer’s market back in Brooklyn?” 
“Well a few of the businesses got a hold of us and wanted to set up some consultations.”
“Oh, really? That’s great!” 
“I know! But it’s a little more than just a consultation,” Donna explained, shrugging her shoulders as she crossed her arms. “It’s going to take more than a zoom call and what not. I want to see how their business runs and what resources they’re using everyday to get an idea of where they need help.”
“I can get that information,” Y/N turned to her computer, getting ready to send an email. 
“No, no. You’re not getting it,” Donna shut her laptop and looked at her. “I think Brooklyn could be a great place to branch out into other communities.”
“Elaborate…” Y/N crossed her arms now and looked at her with a raised eyebrow. 
“I know you think this company is young, and yes. Seven years isn’t a whole lot, but we also didn’t necessarily start from nothing.” Donna turned her body to her as she gestured with her hands while she talked. “You’ve said it yourself, with the help of my parents' donations to this brain child of ours, we are 100 steps further ahead than most usually are on something so ambitious.”
“I guess that’s not wrong.”
“I think it’s time we broaden our horizons.”
“All the way across the US? I mean, not that I’m against it, but wouldn’t a neighboring state be smarter and make more sense?” Y/N asked hesitantly. 
“Brooklyn is a very well known city in a state that has very high pollution. I think we hit more of the places like that and we make a much bigger difference.”
“Well, yes, but-?”
“Y/N. Before you say anything, I’m trying to get you back home to your family and your challenging everything I’m saying.”
“It’s not that I don’t like the idea. Especially since it’ll help with my family distance issue, but this is a really big risk to take, I feel.”
“Starting this company was a big risk, yet here we are. One of the top eco friendly companies and growing,” she smiled at her knowingly.
Y/N thought about it. Since day one they had been taking risk. That’s what got them this far. That and connections. And Y/N had that in Brooklyn. She had connection after connection. And if she didn’t have one, she knew someone who did. 
It would be a risk, yes, but it would also be monumental if they pulled this off. A city with as much pollution and trash as the New York area could always use a helpful hand in learning how to be more environmentally efficient and friendly. 
“How long would you want me there?” Y/N asked. 
“Well, I would say a few months to meet some of the clients and get a feel for their community and teams. More than one reached out so it’s not going to take just a little bit of time.” Donna stood up and walked to the window. “Would 3 months work for you?” 
Three months back with her family and back to reconnect with her friends. It sounded like a dream. But then there was always the leaving part that she knew would come back to bite her. 
“I can stay with my parents,” she agreed with a smile. 
“Are you sure? We have enough we could hook you up with a rental or an airbnb for the time.”
“No need. If I do end up stir crazy, which I doubt will be the case, I’ll call and make arrangements. I’d rather save money where I can,” Y/N waved off. 
“Alright, so we have a deal?” Donna beamed clapping her hands together. 
“I think we struck a deal,” Y/N laughed. 
“Great! I’ll get started on the paperwork and get Melody to have a list of clients that you can get in contact with,” her coworker smiled, walking toward the door. 
“What about my job here? Who will cover the clients we already have?” Y/N stopped her. 
“We will reassign them for the time being. Plus, most of your companies you work with are settled and may just reach out for updates and what not. If we really need your expertise on it, I’ll reach out. But Y/N,” she paused. “You’re a master when it comes to customer relations. I doubt you’ll have to worry about much going on here.”
“Thanks Donna,” Y/N smiled. “For everything.”
“I got you sis. We were friends before we were business partners. I just want to see you happy,” Donna winked before catching the door handle and making her exit. “I’ll email you everything to sign, and I’ll have my assistant work on the flights.” 
“That’s amazing Y/N!” Nat exclaimed as Y/N packed her second suitcase. “Oh, I want to head back home for a while. Maybe I can come crash with you guys for a week or so.”
“You know my family wouldn’t say no to that. And Steve, Wanda, Bucky, and Vision would all be happy about it too.”
“Three months… That’s quite a bit of time. How do you feel about leaving after that much time though?” 
“Well… That was the other thing I wanted to talk to you about.”
“I’m listening,” Nat rested her temple on her knuckles as she leaned on the back of the chair in Y/N’s room, watching her stuff her toiletries in a bag. 
“If all goes well, the trip might go longer. Could be multiple months but it all depends on the connections I make.”
“How many companies are you working with now?” 
“Well about four people from the farmers market reached out, and they also said their business friends would be interested in having a meeting with me to discuss possible changes.”
“That’s wonderful!”
“Yeah, but I don’t want to get my hopes up too much. Right now I need to worry about the first three months and see how that goes,” Y/N shrugged, folding a jacket and tucking it in. 
“You’re going to blow them away. I’ve yet to meet a person you haven’t been able to convince to be more earth conscious.”
“It’s more than just that. Their company has to be able to financially make the changes. Unfortunately it’s costly to be more eco friendly. But hopefully I can show them it’s worth it in the end.”
“True. But enough work-talk… Are you going to hang out with anyone while you’re over there?” Nat smirked. 
“I told you, we don’t talk much,” Y/N rolled her eyes. 
“Much. Which is a BIG step from 2 months ago.”
“He sends updates about my nephew and family more than anything.”
“But that’s something!” 
“Very little of something,” Y/N chuckled shutting the now packed case and pushing on it to try and zip it. 
While she struggled, Nat carried on her snooping. 
“But you are going to hang out, hm? I mean after the whole cliche romance airport scene, you can’t NOT.”
“I’m sure we’re going to hang out. Yes,” she said annoyed, but also with a sense of a flutter in her chest. “But so are Steve, Sam, Wanda and Vision. We’re all friends.” She threw her suitcase to the ground and sat on it in an attempt to smush it down in space. 
“The only butt I need is yous on this suitcase to help me close it. Now get down here!” Y/N cut her off, and Nat rolled her eyes before smiling and helping. 
“Mark my words, Y/L/N. I may not get anything out of you now, but the next three months are going to be hell for you and my phone calls.”
“I’m sure they are. Now zip it.”
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Bucky Barnes Tags:
@chloe-skywalker​​​​​ @charmedbysarge​​​​​ @jbarness​​​​​ @bellamy-barnes​​​​​ @katiaw2​​​​​ @aikeia​​​​​ @stopjustlovethemcu​
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laysdimplesareillegal · 11 months
Character Development: Chapter 6
Some Days in the Life
Pairing: Monsta X Changkyun x Reader
Word Count: 
Warnings: yandere themes, kidnapping, general delusion, angst
Character Development Masterlist
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Everyday Changkyun and I found a new topic to fight about.
Day 2 with Changkyun
I was sat down on the couch flipping through TV channels. Changkyun messed around in the kitchen before coming to stand behind the couch, hands resting on the back. I continued browsing the channels. We fought over the remote when I landed on the news because, “this is boring and depressing, let's watch a drama!”
But I needed something to connect me to the outside world. Changkyun wandered around behind me opening and closing cabinets in the kitchen, probably looking for a snack. And then I saw it—my picture was blown up to fill the TV screen. It shrank down as the newscaster broke down the story of a young woman—me— “proclaimed missing three days ago.”
If I was standing, I would have been knocked off my feet. A fire re-ignited within me; I wanted to turn around and lunge at Changkyun. The police have probably already given up hope looking for me. What was everyone thinking right now—never mind, I knew. At this point, people are thinking I’m buried in some shallow grave. I could envision people crying, and people who barely knew me reminiscing about “that time.” Sure, I’d thought about this before, but I was also so wrapped up in the fact that, at first, I was more or less safe.
“That’s a nice picture of you,” Changkyun muses, “when is that from?” He was sick and callous.
“Did you know this was on the news?” I screamed at him. I didn’t wait for his answer. “This is you! You’re a criminal and this is your crime do you know that? People think I’m dead and you stand here casually asking when I took this picture! You’re soulless!” I felt angry and sad and cursed, and I wanted to run all the way home Surprise, my accounts got hacked or I went camping or some excuse that could cover up being off the grid for 10 days so I wouldn’t have to ever think of Changkyun again, let alone relay the story to someone. Changkyun stood there, arms crossed. Are you done yet was visible on the tip of his tongue while he waited for me to finish.
Day Three with Changkyun: Family
“Just let me tell them I’m still alive!” I begged. “A text or a letter.”
“No.” I imagined Changkyun wearing a cloak and flourishing it while he walked away, I imagine he would be that melodramatic given the chance.
Soon he got sick of me pestering him on this, opting to blow up at me. “Why do you care about them so much? If they really loved you, they would have found you already! I had to search everywhere for you when you left school!” after pointing this bullshit, he stopped yelling. “Besides, no one just runs away for a couple weeks. We’ll go see them once you’re settled here.”
“You mean once you've finished brainwashing me?”
“You’re just scared of change.”
I threw my hands up in frustration, “Stop acting like you know what I’m feeling. I’m scared–” I growled “–of you!”
Promptly, Changkyun delivered a hard slap to my face. “I’m protecting you" I looked at him. “You’re absurd, what was that then?” I held my cheek
“There’s a lot more than that waiting out there for you.”
“Are you threatening me? You make no sense” I yelled. Again, he held up his hand prompting me to shut my mouth.
“I did it to show you what it feels like when you say such mean things to me.” Changkyun had big sad eyes as he soothingly rubbed the hand he hit me with, still red from the impact.
Day Four with Changkyun: Going Outside
“I want to go outside.” I stood in front of him while he lounged on the couch.
“No.” His favorite word.
“Just in the backyard. I’ll stay on the patio.” He ignored me.
Trailing behind him all day, begging, whining–even crying, all amounted to nothing. I felt like a toddler.
“I want to go outside!” I slammed my hand on his desk, not missing a beat, Changkyun grabbed me by the wrist and yanked me down. Losing my balance, I dropped hard onto the desk while he pulled my arm taught to his side. “My niece understands no better than you do.”
It crossed my mind that he’d never mentioned having siblings, nonetheless nieces or nephews, but his family tree wasn’t my first priority at the moment.
“You never even asked if I’d go with you.” I open my mouth, but he cut me off, “I won’t. Maybe if you were good, sweet, obedient for more than an hour I’d reward you and we would go outside. Together.” I debated if this trade-off was worth it. Obedience or House Arrest? He watched me weigh the two in my mind. “We’re a long ways away from going outside. That’s more of a…” he guided my hand back between us “final reward for you.” I jerked my hand back and stood up fully. “Now, stop asking.”
Day Five with Changkyun: Sleeping Arrangements 
“I hate waking up next to you.” I threw out while eating breakfast. He was not impressed, and knew where I was going with this conversation.
“You’re not staying in one of the other rooms.”
“Because we love each other, and when people loved each other, they share a space.”
“I don’t–” Changkyun’s glare cut me off. “I don’t want to live with someone before we’re married.” I deterred.
Changkyun scoffed. “Come on, I know you.”
After that, we ate quietly. It was surprising Changkyun hadn’t exploded already. On cue,
“Why does nothing satisfy you!?” He hit the table. Silverware rattled “I could give you the world and you’d still ask for more.” I cringed, was I really that selfish? “Can’t you let me have one thing?”
“I’m right here.” I murmured sarcastically to myself. He’s asking a lot from a prisoner. He wasn’t meant to hear me.
“And I’m asking you to see me and understand that everything I do is for you. Please stop antagonizing me.”
Then stop being an antagonist I huffed. Maybe I could stand to complain a little less, then maybe I could get one of those rewards he’s always holding over my head.
Day Six with Changkyun: Activities
“I’m bored.”
Changkyun looked up at me from his phone. We sat together on the couch, my legs across his lap as his CD played. He claimed he was responding to work emails, but that couldn’t be all he was doing on his phone. My fingers itched, I craved it like comfort food, like a breath of air after drowning. Of course, he noticed my eyeing his phone. Smoothly, he turned it off and slid it into his sweatshirt pocket.
He rubbed my leg “I can think of a few things to do.” he wore an indecorous smile.
“No.” I pulled my legs in, he playfully tugged them back, yet not moving to do anything else. “What do you even have do here?” I tried to change the subject.
“Well, when I’m not learning about you,” ah yes of course “I work, make music, I work out.”
And I could tell.
While Changkyun typically wore sweatshirts and large baggy hoodies, he also wore his fair share of compression shirts that stretched tight over his chest and arms. Not to mention how they accentuated his small waist. Changkyun saw my eyes trailing to where the zipper of his hood stood, exposing his collarbone but little else.
“Should I take it off, Changkyun challenged.
“Shut up. You never even leave to go to the gym.” I don't want to admit I’d even spared a glance at him.
“Why would I when I have one here?” He l took his phone back out.
“What? Where?” I wasn’t convinced.
“Through the kitchen.”
“The garage?”
“I just wrote that so you wouldn’t try to go in there.”
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Connor and the Brat {Part 6}
A/N: And Brats name will be…Ravenna 🖤 Also, Ava is going to find this out before Connor how do we think we will feel about this? I loved the idea of Ava and Connor platonically I feel like when they started a relationship in the show it was just doomed from the start so they will stay platonic. I always saw Ava swinging both ways and one of my crack ships is Ava/Sarah so that will probably be the pairing. Also might have some slight Ava/Ravenna undertones but will ultimately be Connor/Ravenna.
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It had been two weeks since Connor had seen Brat, and not for lack of trying on his part. He had gone up every day at all her meal time just o show he was still there for her only to be sent away by Sarah. Sarah also wasn’t too happy with him given that Brat had told her about the little showdown they had had in her room. So while she did give him information she did it reluctantly, feeling a sense of responsibility to her patient and not wanting to upset her. Brat was doing much better after that incident two weeks ago and as of today would be allowed 8 hour passes, all that means is someone who the team and Brat both approve of can take her out of the hospital for 8 hours and do things around the city but she has to be back by 10 pm. Connor had tried asking Sarah if he could be one to take Brat out for the day and Sarah had told him that while Brat was no longer angry with him she wasn’t ready to be alone with him yet, that someone else was taking her out for the day.
“Stop pouting Connor it’s unbecoming on you.” He turned to his left and saw Ava in her casual clothes and her done. He furrowed his eyebrows wondering why she would be all dressed up and in the hospital on her day off.
“I didn’t realize we had a miss doctors beauty pageant going on today.” Ava rolled her eyes and requested the visitor check in sheet from Maggie making sure to move it just out of Connors eyeline so he couldn’t see who she was visiting today.
“I didn’t dress up for you Dr. Rhodes, I’m here for Ravenna.” Before he could ask who Ravenna was he drew in a breath at seeing Brat get off the elevator with Sarah. She was wearing a long sleeved burnt orange dress that went all the way down to her ankles and some brown boots along with a jean jacket seeing as how it wasn’t too cold yet but she probably needed something more than just long sleeves. It looked like Sarah had helped her with her hair seeing as how patients weren’t allowed to use hot tools themselves but could have staff help them her long brown hair was curled and half up half down. That’s when it hit him, Brat was Ravenna. Brats name was Ravenna Scott.
”You’re staring at me.” And indeed he was because Ava gave him a harsh elbow to the gut and he quickly regained some sense of not being a creeper. She didn’t sound nor look angry at seeing him but the usual excitement was gone from her voice, he was just another doctor to her now and he didn’t know if he would rather her be angry or indifferent towards him.
“You look very pretty, I hear you’re able to go in day passes now.” Eesh, when did small talk become so awkward between them? Maybe when you decided to victim blame her Connor he accosted himself.
“Ava is taking me around the city of Chicago, I hadn’t lived here long before I well…ended up here.” That was interesting what could have made her want to completely uproot her life and come to Chicago of all places? Had someone close to her stepfather been bothering her? Awkward silence settled among the four of them before Ava announced she was going to get the car and Sarah was needed back upstairs leaving just the two of them alone. “You came back everyday, even after I told you not to.”
“I didn’t know what would make you more angry Brat, I just wanted you to know I was there for you.” She gave a small smile and shook her head at him.
“I wasn’t angry anymore, I was embarrassed with how I had acted. And then I realized that maybe I was too dependent on you and I need to branch out more. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to see you, I just wanted a chance to make other friends.” She wasn’t angry with him anymore, she hadn’t been angry for a long time, a sudden weight was lifted off of Connors chest.
“Does this mean you’ll let me come visit you again? Maybe take you out on your next day pass?” She giggled a little bit but nodded, he thought she looked so much prettier when she laughed.
“you’ll have to share time with everyone else down here too though. Maggie, April, Will and Natalie have all visited me over the past two weeks and have asked to come visit me more. And I can only have one visitor a day.” Connors eyes grew wide he didn’t know anyone else even knew about Brat, why hadn’t anyone told him she wasn’t angry with him anymore.
“And Ava has come to see you and is taking you on a trip.” She shrugged her shoulders and he could see a faint blush coloring her cheeks.
“She’s pretty but I think she likes Dr. Reese and is taking me out as a favor to her.” Did Brat have a little crush on Ava? She was his brat first and Ava would have to make do with Sarah. Speak of the devil and she shall appear Ava came back and asked Brat if she was ready to go. Brat walked on ahead of her and Ava tugged on his scrubs so he would bend down to her level.
“Don’t scare her off again, mind your business unless she asks you to get involved. She doesn’t need a knight in shinning armor Connor she needs stability.”
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Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste Alternate Outfits
For the alternate outfits I wanted to give them pajamas, a swimsuit, something fancy/dress up, and two additional casual/everyday outfits (which are in the order from left to right)
If you want to see their main design, you can check the pinned post on my blog or click here
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(Note: I can't draw feet so for her pajamas and swimsuit they're just not there)
For Marinette's pajamas it's just a simple white t-shirt with green boxers, the boxers she found after meeting Chat Noir and (although she'd never admit it) bought them as they reminded her of him
Her swimsuit is a mismatched top and bottom, because I felt like all the characters being in one-pieces felt unrealistic and I wanted to switch them up
Her dress is a mixture of a couple different dress I found online, made specifically to give her extra mobility with slits on both sides, and for that same reason she wears flats instead of heels (which are the same color as her camouflaged Miraculous)
For her first alternate casual outfit, I wanted to play into the running gag in Power Rangers where as civilians they wear their ranger color so she wears red, otherwise it's a simple outfit as she doesn't like to go all out
Her second alternate outfit is pink shirt and black shorts, just to add a bit more variety to her outfit choices
Her entire set may seem rather simple but that's the point, Marinette's a fashion designer and while obviously she has an eye for fashion and loves it, she also doesn't want to be surrounded by overly fancy clothes 24/7
So aside from her making some of her clothes (namely her dress) I didn't like the idea that she'd be completely overdressed just because she designs clothes
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(Note: I can't draw feet so for his pajamas and swimsuit they're just not there)
For Adrien's pajamas I just went simple with black boxers, and this is the only times Adrien will take of his prosthetic (aside from showering)
For his swimsuit, I took inspiration from his in canon but changed them to be actual shorts and just gave them white stripes, thankfully due to the advanced nature of his prosthetic he doesn't NEED to remove it, but he often times does if he's alone or just with someone who knows
For his suit, it's a simple black two piece with a white undershirt, black tie, and dress shoes because of his father, if he didn't need to appease his father's wishes, he'd likely just wear a button up
For his additional casual look I gave him a very dark, almost black turtle neck and blue jeans which is his "Gabriel approved outfit" he wears whenever he doesn't need to wear a suit to any Gabriel function
And his final extra outfit is a dark green t-shirt and light blue jeans with an arm covering to hide his prosthetic
If you read his backstory, you'll know that Adrien lost his right arm in the accident that killed his mom, so he doesn't wear his prosthetic while he sleeps and covers it any chance he can get
This was unintentional originally, as it just happened, but I made most of his outfits black to further show just how much control Gabriel has over Adrien even if Adrien isn't as under his control like in canon
Aside from the accidental outfit-storytelling I made, his outfits didn't really have a set reasoning aside from thinking "what would an 18-year-old model who doesn't want to be a model wear?" which led me to very basic outfits with minimal color, this also helps contrast his two main outfits being the white long-sleeve shirt I posted in his redesign post (which is linked on my blog) and the green t-shirt outfit which he wears less commonly but more than the others
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toges-wife · 2 years
The younger him
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1st year toge x reader x 2nd year Toge
Note: I've seen many art about such things like somehow a time travel happen or something like 1st year toge comes to the future and stuff?
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it was a casual day sleeping next to Toge, yet something unexpected happened. Who would have thought that something like this would actually happen to you both.
That morning, You hugged toge ruffling his hair “cutie!” he just smiled to tell you how much he appreciated that. “good morning” you kissed him quickly as suddenly you heard footsteps near the door.
It's probably his mother you thought to yourself as he kept wanting to kiss you more. You just loved him, you knew how much his mother values his privacy so probably she won't open the door unless she knocks!
Yet the door was wide open and there stood a young looking guy who seemed to be toge's brother. “Ah! I'm sorry!” you immediately sat down still hugging toge. The little guy looked traumatised!
“mhm!? Mentaiko!?” he immediately pulled down his collar. He really was like toge.. “since when do you have a brother?” you mumbled as you looked at the man between your arms who was as confused as you were.
“takana...” Toge got up slowly from the bed analysing the similar guy who was shocked by his bedroom's door. “Hmph!” Toge frowned recognising that it's him from the past year.
What even happened... Toge can't just do anything about it except communicating with that familiar guy. “hello um what bought you here?” Toge asked the guy assuming that he could understand him because of his marks.
“no.. That's my room! What are you doing here?!” The guy replied it was just confusing for both of them. “look! It literally got my pictures on the wall!” The guy pointed, as toge immediately realised that it was him. Its his younger self.
“so.. Who's that dear? Did you figure it out?” you mumbled blushing looking at them. “shake!” Toge replied followed by the explanation. And honestly after toge explained to you, your jaw dropped.
“um I guess you don't recognise me.. Im Y/N.. Your future girlfriend.” you introduced yourself getting up as toge immediately started laughing, “huh okaka.. ” he replied in shock as if he didn't believe it. “Takana?!” he asked as you just noded.
Funny how Toge felt offended by his younger self. Toge didn't really like how your attention was shifted to him too...
“Toge dear, can you please get me that book of our memories?” Toge nodded going to the closet. You wanted to show the past toge your memories with him, Toge just liked the idea so he agreed to search for the book.
Meanwhile Toge wasn't looking at you both you hugged the younger Toge and started playing with his hair. Honestly he was embarrassed of how cute it was of you.. Especially that he liked you at that time.
Clearly when The present toge got the book he noticed the blush on his face and he was a bit upset. It was just cute of both of you though. “so will my confession get accepted?” Toge asked on a paper wondering as you just held his hand kissing it gently.. “yes my dear, it will” you smiled.
“um and you will look as handsome as toge is right now in the future! Everyday you get prettier if I think about it” you blushed laughing a bit. “shake!” he replied. It was honestly great that you bonded well with toge's younger self, yet.. Something about it made Toge jealous.
He tried to get your attention and went to another room hoping you might search for him yet time passed and you seemed not to be noticing. Toge felt really replaced by himself, He was jealous of himself.
In another room Toge sat there crying. He thought that you'd notice from the first minute. When he came back he found you and the other toge laughing at the memories. “look at this!” you laughed..
Yeah it felt upsetting to toge, the way you were hugging his younger self and the way your arm was all around his waist while he sat between your legs... Everything made him jealous. That was just simply some hugging nothing more, right?
Not until suddenly toge held your face kissing you. For you, it felt amazing, especially that toge's lips nowadays weren't as smooth as always because of the winter. Toge just was standing across the room crying. He was aware of how his lips got since you were "avoiding" to kiss him earlier and just doing it quickly.
He looked at you in disbelief as he slapped you suddenly. “Ikura! Mentaiko!” it was the first time you ever saw toge being that angry. He was crying angry tears while trying to stop himself from doing anything that will make you upset.
“what exactly do you think you're doing?... Seriously you slapped me?! ” you replied pushing him on the floor. You were mad, you loved him, yet he slapped you for the first time.
The young Toge completely understood himself and started yelling at you “okaka!” he cried. At this time you realised how much he loved you. Yet you just slept on facing the wall with quite tears running down your cheeks.
Toge felt like he didn't have any other choice but to talk with his younger self while you were "asleep".
“Toge, listen... You know how much jealous I am..” Toge said sitting next to you. “yeah.. I know but yet.. I wouldn't allow her to hit me like that.” he just replied watching how “weak„ he was in the future. “i don't allow her.. Its the first time we get into a fight.. Our relationship is considered to be understanding always..”
Toge just started to understand his younger self more, it was just a misunderstanding if Toge might say. “yeah I was jealous.. Of you..” he hugged himself as you rolled to the other side where they sat.
The younger Toge smiled and hugged you from behind as toge hugged you from the front. Honestly, it was such a crazy time.
After you woke up you saw them both hugging you, like it was really sweet.
“I'm sorry Toge...im really sorry!” you hugged him tightly apologising for pushing him like that. It wasn't so long till you turned around to find the younger Toge awake. “kelp..” he smiled proud of himself.
“Toge, if you want try going out of the door and entering again.. Maybe you can go back to your time..” you assumed holding his hand. “shake!” he got up stretching.
“first.. Take this”, you gave him your hair tie and placed it on his hand. Finally you hugged him tightly before letting him go. Toge just felt attached to you, he couldn't just leave without kissing you for one last time.
The fact that he started crying although he wasn't sure that it would take him back to the past made you smile. Suddenly he held your hands placing a kiss on your lips. It felt awesome yet it broke your heart. “mhm take care of yourself” you closed the door as you opened it to find him disappeared.
You would miss him. He was really adorable.. Yet, you have the future him. You really was hoping that it would be a dream though.. Just to find toge waking up from his nap with the same hair tie you gave him.
Maybe it wasn't a dream.. But you were happy to find out that toge kept your hair tie on his hand.
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anonymou-swriter · 3 months
Okay, let's take it back, step by step.
Foolish me thought our rekindled everyday conversations meant something, trouble in paradise, maybe? Otherwise why would you come around to the girl who made you playlists with 13 songs declaring her love, who wrote poems of longing, who associated taylor swift songs with you, who had to take a break from watching you live your life with him, who could barely breathe after seeing your bare skin?
Nevermind that now.
On this road again, I felt the giddiness in your attention, I took your dreams in, tried my best not to think too much about them. In turn you kicked down barriers put up by yourself. Who was I to say no?
Said you wanted me to take you on trips around this Europe of ours. Come now, I'll give you all of Italy. But god, it ate at me. You and me. Me and you. Alone, together, sharing a bed. Friends told me you either loved me again or this was seriously messed up.
I swallowed it all down and told myself I'd allow it once he was gone from the picture. Soon, it had to be soon.
You dreamt of me meeting your mother, bonding, then going and kissing your forehead. I was crazily making plans, looking up budgets for the Amalfi Coast, maybe Cinque Terre.
I saw you in your summer dresses against the yellow stone of old houses smilling at me.
I went momentarily insane. Imagined myself in between your thighs, making up for lost time, making you come to terms, over and over again, with the fact that he had nothing on me.
I painted these barroque paintings of us coming together, then you'd come and slash away at them with conversations about him.
For a few hours, every few days, I was a bottomless pit. You picked up every flaw in him, wrote them down, crumpled down those papers and threw them at me. I ate them all, hungrily. Maybe the faster this went, the quicker you'd realize the foolish one was you, not me.
One word on him and my day self imploded. I cried in between working hours. In the middle of the day, in between shelved books I wept. At home I got in the shower, got clean, stood in front of the mirror and cleansed my skin with my tears. Most likely, the next day, I'd be happy and giddy, basking in the glow of your attention. I could almost touch you. I was just waiting.
I don't know when the hots disappeared and I was simply left with the ache you planted in me.
I just know this.
It's sunday. In 5 days I will be having the best day of my life, alongside my best friend. We are making friendship bracelets. I talk of you and she rolls her eyes and tries to bring me back to earth once more.
She's using you for the affection he refuses to give her, momentarily. It'll pass. She'll disappear again.
I remember swallowing it dry, thinking that 3 and half hour show will fix me. But you text. You talk of going to Seville with me. I don't give you time to expand on the idea.
I feel sick to my stomach, something rotten lies there now, it's been curdling inside me for a while, it seems.
[Direct translation]
Me : The more I think about it, the more I realize we shouldn't travel together. Having to share a room and all that. It makes me uncomfortable.
You : In what way?
Me : Travelling is something intimate, in my opinion. Falling asleep and waking up alongside someone you once had a past with seems like a delicate situation.
You : But you travel with [redacted]. In the same way I travel with my friends.
Me : Sorry, but I've never been in love with [redacted].
Then the silence. Oh, the silence. This thread you weaved so efficiantly now cut loose. You had never been so cruel to me in these 2 years.
Was it because I for once stood my ground? Did it remind you of how cruel you were being by hand feeding me, with no intention of ever loving me? Well, we could never be just friends. Who's really the foolish one here? Me, waiting for an eureka moment from you? Or you, for expecting me to just platonically gaze at you after all?
But now I know those summer months barely meant anything to you. No wonder I could fly you places, meet your mother, have you cook me dinner. But 2 years ago your simple presence set me on fire. But a year ago I realized I could still hardly breathe with you sitting in front of me. And now I can barely contain my love from spilling over the brim, as I look at you and so decidly see the mother of my children. I am drowning.
But now I know. And I hate you for it.
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missspringthyme · 7 months
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February 27th, 2024
My meeting today got canceled because we were going to do a reading on the Greek girl, but she's sick. It's for the best anyway, I would have definitely been late. Unfortunately, it did mean that I wasted a cute business casual outfit. It's with the blue pants that I really like but have trouble styling for whatever reason. I don't have a lot of tops that go with them, and they're a very specific shade of blue, but I figured out a good look today. Ah well.
I was going to work on my research proposal today, but I'm not feeling enough panic to push me to do it. Instead I spent some more time researching places I can look for jobs when I'm done with my masters and making an application tracker in excel. I also watched the new episode of this show on dropout called VIP, which i love with my entire heart.
While I was doing this, German American was also sat in the living room stressing out because she had her last exam today. At one point, she went to the window and just started flapping her arms, so I made an executive decision. I turned on Sweet Caroline and made her dance with me. My favorite style of dancing is just a lot of jumping, but I feel like it's also a good way to get rid of stress. It did seem to work, but it was also a good reminder that my cardiovascular health is dog shit.
My dad also called me tonight and I brought up the idea of doing a German intensive. He suggested that instead of staying with a random host family, I stay with my actual family. It's a good idea to save money, but I'm a little iffy on the idea for 2 reasons. 1. They always want to practice their English with me 2. It's more embarrassing for me to look my German relatives in the eye and tell them I'm paying money to improve my German. I think I'll probably go back to the US in June, my dad really wants me to come and keeps asking. Honestly, I kinda don't want to, but what can you do. That also made me realize that if I stayed for 2 months then I probably could work a job part time while I finish my thesis and get some money. This then made me realize that my internship from last summer adored me and wanted to have me stay on but couldn't when they learned I wouldn't be staying in the US. They told me if I had time next summer to let them know, so I sent an email. If anyone would be willing to let me be flexible with start/end dates and hours, it'll be the people who I already know adore me. Plus, the internship is remote and super easy. It would be perfect.
So as it currently stands, my plan is June-July US and possibly do an internship to make some money, August come back to Germany, and then august/September do the intensive, September hopefully go to Italy, October graduate. That means that even when my lease ends in August I have places to stay until I graduate, and I continually have things going on. My thesis deadline is the same day my lease ends, so hopefully everything just kinda flows smoothly.
I make money, I finish my thesis, I do the intensive, I lay on a beach in Italy, I get a job and so on. In case you can't tell, I managed to make myself pretty stressed. Time is just moving so quickly and I wish that I had done a 2 year masters. I'm not ready to let any of this go. I'm just really happy here and I'm not getting enough time. I'm scared it would be difficult to find a job in Germany, and I don't want to leave. This is one of the first places that I could actually imagine myself living in for decades. I don't want to go. Most of the best jobs that i can do before my PhD are in the US and i'm so afraid that i'll keep making the easier choices and ill end up stuck. It would make so many people in my life happier if I lived in the US, particularly in Colorado but I can't do it. My parents are in their 60s, my dad is inching closer to 70 everyday and I cant bear the thought of losing him, but he's in Colorado. The only life T has ever known is Colorado, and he loves it there. I'm just not a full person there. I wish I could be happy there, that I could buy a house close to my dad's and have dinners with him and my sort of step mom. I wish that was enough.
There's also something else that's been knocking around in my head. I'm considering pregnancy. Not anytime soon, but my hard stance on never doing it is softening.
The reasons why I have been very adamant about never getting pregnant are as follows (1) I have PCOS and endometriosis, which both mean issues with fertility and increased risk during pregnancy. My mom had 8 miscarriages and I don't know if I can do that. (2) I'm terrified that it will permanently harm my health or, result in my death. Pain is not nice, but it doesn't scare me. It'swhat the pain could mean. Plus, I have a theory that my mom had post partum deppression after i was born. I know she had a big personality shift and suddenly lost interest in a lot of things that used to drive her before. Its been a few years since i met the diagnostic criteria for depression and I dont want to go back. Im so scared. (3) I know it will change my body and as shallow as it is, I don't think I have stable enough self esteem to handle that. I already have to be very careful I don't slip habits that look suspiciously like eating disorders now, it would be incredibly difficult for me post-pregnancy. (4) I hate how vulnerable pregnancy is, there's so many scary things and you have to trust so many people. I'm afraid I can't do that, I already have enough trouble with doctors as is.
Reasons why I am now considering pregnancy (1) I desperately want kids, it's one of those things that I'm just very sure about and have thought about a lot. (2) T wants a biological child and I have some ethical concerns with the adoption industry, although if I could I would love to foster (3) surrogacy is expensive and poses some logistical issues. One of which is I would be unable to pass on my German citizenship. One of the many reasons I want to speed run German fluency is that I would want my kids to not have to deal with what I had to. It also means finding someone we trust, and there's legal and medical red tape. Lots of things. Not impossible, and not off the table, but still. (4) It means I can make more decisions and have more control over the process (5) the more I see these amazing women who did it and the world didn't end, the more comfortable I am with the idea.
That being said, there are some things that I would need to be in place in order to feel even remotely comfortable enough to do it. (1) I would want to be in excellent physical health, and would get a physical trainer to coach me like I was about to do a marathon (2) not in the US, I don't trust maternity there and I would like adequate leave (3) I would want to hire a midwife, and ideally a confinement style post-birth recovery where the only thing you do is rest and feed your baby. (4) therapy, therapy, therapy.
This wouldn't be for years anyway, and maybe I'll keep changing my mind, but I'm finding it difficult to tell T. He knows how I feel and completely understands, but with how vocally against becoming pregnant I have been since people started talking to me about it, I feel like a fraud back tracking. Or like people are going to treat this like I finally stopped being silly. There's already such an enormous societal certainty that pregnancy is what you have to do that I feel like once I voice anything besides a hardline stance, I don't get any say in the matter. When we start having serious conversations about kids I'll think about what to say then.
In the meantime, it was nice getting this off my chest, didn't realize how badly I needed to cry.
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luza-wayne · 8 months
wait a little bit more.
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ukai keishin x reader
wc: 2.5k
i love this omg, ukai is sooo underrated like he's so handsome! he's definetely in my top 5 man in hq, anw enjoyyy let me know what you think about it
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he sighed deeply.
the person who lives in an apartment down the street from the sakanoshita shop, who also comes by everyday, is there.
she's there again.
he stared at her, unamused but with no irritation evident on his face. his cigarette butt clasped between his middle and pointer finger lets out its smoke as he rests his cheeks on his palm.
“welcome.” he greets you with no enthusiasm, since it's just his usual customer.
“ukai-san, good afternoon.” you bowed slightly to him.
“mhm, you too. what are you looking for?” he asks.
your eyelashes flutter, rather fast. obviously surprised and a bit panicked.
“i— i'm not sure yet. can i go take a look around first?” you answered.
again. the blonde guy thought.
“go ahead. take your time.” he brushes off again.
you bowed to him one more time before heading to the middle section of the store.
as soon as you walked far enough, he sighed again.
just what is she doing?
“welcome.” he welcomes her again.
he didn't even bother to remove the newspaper in his face. seeing this, you just walked in, straight to the food section.
you picked up two snacks and a drink and headed to pay for the stuff.
“u-um… here.” you said, calling for his attention.
he hastily removed the paper in front of him and looked at you a bit surprised. he looked down to the foods you placed on the counter.
“a-ah! sorry, i was startled for a second there. i didn't think you'd be fast today.” he stood from his seat.
it might become annoying if i always do that. you thought.
“i thought you'll walk around the store for a while, like you usually do.” he laughs as he checks out your purchase.
you looked down, flushed from hearing him laugh for the first time ever since you started going here.
“well, i think i got used to you a bit.” he smiles as he hands you your food.
you cautiously reached for it and bowed to him.
as you walked to the door, he sat back in his chair and went back to reading, but before you stepped out of the shop, he said—
“ah, i don't mind that you stay for a long time.” he casually said and lit up a cigarette.
you stood frozen for a while, while he just looked at the newspaper, peeking at you through his peripheral vision, before you ran out suddenly.
he almost bit his cigar seeing that your reaction wasn't what he expected.
“huh? what? did i weird her out? here i was thinking it would be cool if i said that.” he scratched his head in confusion.
the door of the shop opened for who knows how many, but his shoulder slumps everytime the one coming in is not the one he wanted to see.
will she not come anymore?
“thank you for your patronage.” he said as a group of students exits the shop.
he looks at the clock and his anticipation gets higher and higher.
she comes by at this time most of the days.
as he watched the clock tick, he heard the door sliding open.
he looks at it with delight.
“coach! treat us some meat buns!”
just as tanaka was about to step in, with hinata, nishinoya and kageyama behind him, a gun gun bar flew to his face.
“go home!” 
it's almost evening, though it's still far from the time he closes the shop, he's tense thinking how you might not come.
he wanted to know if you were upset about yesterday, and if you were, he might as well apologize.
as he was stacking up some stuff in the farthest alley, someone came in that he didn't hear.
he only noticed that someone came in when he heard a shuffling.
oh, there's a customer. i didn't get to greet them. he thought as he put the last one on the shelf.
he stood up and picked up the box, unfolding it and putting it away.
“huh?! wait– what should i even say?!” he said as he slumps back on his chair.
like should i say– "hey, about yesterday, sorry.", but what if she doesn't remember it or thinks i'm an idiot for stressing over something like that?
wait. is she mad in the first place, or not? 
i don't know!
“argh!” he ruffles his hair in distress.
“are you okay, ukai-san?”
“yeah, just thinking about he—”
he snaps his head upward and jumps out of his chair in surprise.
his actions also made you flinch a bit.
“w-welcome!” ukai chants his greetings out of nowhere.
“huh? uh… thank you? i'm here to pay already, though.” you said as you pointed your picks on the counter.
he felt a bit embarrassed for acting like an idiot. he cleared his throat and started to scan your purchases.
he suddenly feels a bit antsy, now that you're here. 
should i bring it up now? maybe… later.
he continued scanning your item, until the last one.
how about now? but, it feels like my tongue is tied! i don’t even know why i feel the urge to apologize!
until he puts everything in the bag and you hand him your payment.
keishin! what are you doing?! you wasted your chance! now she's leaving! 
you started to walk, making him sigh.
“um, ukai-san.” you called him. he immediately looks at you.
“yes? i'm ‘ukai-san’.” he titled himself, gaining a chuckle from you.
“can i study here for a few minutes? i forgot my keys in my room and my roommate is still in their class.” you shyly asked him.
“oh, so you're still a student.” he mutters innately.
“yes. i'm a graduating college student.” you replied. 
“really? congratulations.” he said without thinking again.
“huh? not yet, but thank you.” you said and bowed.
“ah. sorry. go ahead. you can use that table.” he permitted and pointed to the furniture in front of the counter. 
you thanked him again and sat down, facing toward the direction of the counter and placed your bag on the table.
he then acted like he's reading the newspaper again.
graduating, huh? she's older than sawamura.
wait. how old are those brats again?
ah, forget it.
then, about 22 or 23... 
“ukai-san.” he sets down the paper until his eyes show and looks at you. “your newspaper is upside down.”
a hint of pink tint showed on his cheek and he threw away the newspaper and turned his chair sideways and also lit up a cigarette.
oh. that’s right. he thought.
“hey, sorry about yesterday. i feel like i ticked you off.” he said.
you looked up at him confused. yesterday? he pissed me off? when? yesterday, i was jus—
“ah! no!” you moved your hands in front of you left and right. “yesterday, i was—”
no! i can’t tell him i was just feeling too happy, i don’t know what to do. he might think i like him— i mean, i do, but i don’t have plans to tell him right now.
“i forgot to lock the door, so i was in a hurry, hehe.” you awkwardly laughed.
you were both relieved.
he was relieved that you weren’t mad and you were relieved that he believed it.
it's been almost an hour.
you yawned as you waited for your roommate's message that they're here. you were also working on an activity that needs to be done.
you look up to find ukai offering you a canned coffee from his shop. you politely accepted it and thanked him.
he went to take a seat in the chair in front of you and opened his drink.
“which university are you in? the green or violet.” he queried.
“violet.” you answered, talking about the representative color of your school.
“hm…” he hummed.
“but, for real, how can you forget your keys, when it's the first thing you shouldn't forget when going out?” he asked and drank.
you feel yourself getting smaller at his scolding.
“i've… always been forgetful. sometimes, even though my umbrella is just beside my bag. the chances that i won't be able to bring it along is always 90% percent. the remaining percent would only happen if someone reminds me before we leave and that's the same thing that happened to my keys.” you explained, embarrassed.
as soon as he heard that, he dissolved into laughter. you looked at him embarrassed, but also kind of pissed at how he laughs at your confession.
“it's not funny…” you said and he struggled to stop himself from laughing.
“sorry, sorry.” he apologized, trying to suppress his laughs. 
your phone then lit up and you saw your roommate messaged you that they just arrived.
“sorry, i need to leave now.” you said and stood up.
“h-hey–” he reached out his hands to your walking figure, but failed to reach you.
just as when you're about to step out, you stop on your tracks.
“ukai-san, would you get annoyed if i constantly come here?” you questioned.
“huh? i won't? i think…” he immediately answered. isn’t that what you’re already doing for the past few days though? he thought.
“even if i also stay here and use that table to study or anything?” you added.
“what is that? uh, sure. i don’t really care?” he answered and stood up.
you stayed quiet for a while, before looking back at him with a wide smile.
“i see. don't regret it if i ever become annoying!” you told him, before you waved him goodbye.
he smiled and waved back.
“i won’t.” he uttered, before finally lighting up a cigarette.
“ukai-san, hello!”
ever since that day, you started coming everyday, even if you don't need anything. you just go there to waste your free time or whatever.
you also managed to know more about the team he coaches and they were more than happy to know you too.
sometimes, tanaka and nishinoya would come to you and ask you stupid questions and not even a minute would pass, ukai would hit them to bug them off, especially when you're working on something important.
there are times where he'd help you on your projects too. like when you need extra manpower or something, he’s willing as long as it has nothing to do with cracking his brain.
it became your daily routine.
before you go to school, you'd drop by the store. even if it's not open yet, he'd still be there to walk you to the bus station.
he says it's his rest after he goes and helps out at the farm.
after school clubs, you'd go straight to him. sometimes the volleyball club would be there too, sometimes it's just you two.
if it's the latter, you'd spend your time talking about nonsense things, just so you two would forget about the stress of school and work.
if the team has an upcoming tournament.
if you have a presentation to do.
if his grandpa bullied him again.
or if you have an upcoming test and want to study, of course, he'll be there to give you the space to study, the foods to study and the moral support you need to study.
all these things you two do together.
why are you doing it together?
no one wants to ask what you are to each other.
“oh my. it's raining. it was just sunny earlier.” ukai's mother uttered as she stared outside, her hand on her cheek.
ukai peeks outside and stares at it too.
his eyebrows frown for a bit before sighing and standing up.
“hm? where are you going?” his mother asked.
“i'll be back. take care of the store for me.” he shortly answered.
“oh gosh. it's raining.” you muttered as you stood at the stop, after you just got off the bus.
you just noticed that it was raining when you stepped out, but as you heard from the people earlier, it started for a while now.
you watched as the other passengers who got off with you, used their protective gear against the rain. 
you covered your face with your palms.
stupid me, forgetting my umbrella again!!
“ah, damn. how am i supposed to go home now?” you asked yourself as you stretched your hand to the falling water off of the roof of the shed. “should i go for a run?” 
“stop it, idiot. you wanna get sick?”
you look to your side to see ukai standing there with his usual red tracksuit and flip flops. his arms, with an extra umbrella, extended to you and you accepted it.
“seriously, i got tired waiting over there.” he stated as he flicked off some water on his arms.
“why are you here, ukai-san?” you asked him.
“you forget to bring your umbrella as usual, right?” he nonchalantly said.
“well… yeah... but… to go out of your way and bring one for me here? also, what if i actually didn't forget my umbrella?” you questioned.
“if you brought one, then that's good– wait a minute, why do i even need to answer that? just be happy you won't get wet.” he said while aggressively scratching his hair.
“come on, let's go.” he muttered, turning around.
“wait for me, ukai-san.” you said and struggled to open the umbrella hurriedly for: one, it's a different umbrella from your usual one; two, you might get left behind by ukai.
suddenly, he held your hand and opened the umbrella for you.
“calm down. i’m still here.” he said. “let's go. those brats are about to finish their classes.”
you followed beside him silently, looking down.
why is he like this?
of course, i have liked him ever since the beginning. he was intimidating at first, but when he talks to you, you can tell he's actually kind. that's the reason i fell.
does he already know about my feelings?
but, if he knows what i actually feel… can he be doing this because he knows and wants to just play along with it?
“um… ukai-san.” you called. he has a tall figure compared to yours, because of this his view from up there was just a talking umbrella.
“what?” he responded.
you tightly gripped the handle on the umbrella, gathering every courage you have in your body.
“what? hurry up and say it.” he said, grabbing the edge of your umbrella and pulled it upwards trying to peek at your face.
you look up at him with an awkward smile.
“i-i want to come to the practice.” 
i chickened out.
he stared at you, puzzled. 
“ah! sorry—”
he suddenly burst into laughter. he reached for your head and scruffed your hair.
“sure, sure. come to practice.” he said grinning widely.
“s-stop.” you lightly flicked his hand away from your head.
he resumed walking and you immediately followed him. he looked at you running towards him.
guess i should wait a little bit more, until she says it with her own lips.
“let's go. those kids would be delighted to have you at their practice.” he said reaching for your hand and you two walked naturally as if holding your hand is a usual thing for both of you.
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if you'd like to support me (a broke college student T^T), you can click here! ko-fi. anything will be deeply appreciated.
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267 notes · View notes
dleena2023 · 11 months
and thank you so so so much Ya Allah for easing my preparation progress for the concert <3
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