#and while YES it's important to examine nuance because it reveals a lot of insight about wider attitudes about important topics
exilley · 2 years
is there ANY anime series that suffers from bad faith readings of its metatext more than Fullmetal Alchemist
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imhaitusncarnate · 3 years
I have very mixed feelings on that aot ending
Ok so the politics of Attack on Titan have been discussed by a lot of people, some of whom have a very surface- level understanding of the story. I would like to start by giving my disclaimer that Attack on Tiatan ABSOLUTELY isn’t fascist, its anti racism, anti bigotry and anti discrimination themes are extremely apparent in it’s examination of the Eldians inside Marley, and fascist views held by characters such as Gabi are explicitly condemned in the text and made clear to be misguided and false. 
I would now like to draw everyone’s attention to the openings of seasons 1 and 2. 
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Images like these combined with lyrics like these:
You pigs who sneer at our will to step over corpses and march onwards Enjoy the peace of livestock false prosperity "freedom" of the dying wolves that hunger
We dedicate and sacrifice our hearts
And also the use of german lyrics:
Sie sind das Essen und Wir sind die Jaeger! (they are the food and we are the hunters)
O, mein Freund! Jetzt hier ist ein Sieg. Dies ist der erste Glorie. O, mein Freund! Feiern wir diesen Sieg, für den nächsten Kampf!
(O, my friend! Now, here is a victory. This is the first glory. O, my friend! Let us celebrate this victory for the next battle!)
This is the stuff that lead me to believe that this is a deliberate use of fascist imagery. If the show just wanted to go for a militaristic vibe for the aesthetic of it, references this explicit to fascist propaganda and the use of German lyrics was not necessary. Also, lines like this:
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And plenty of evidence that things were not what they seemed it the world of aot and that the overly simplistic view of good vs evil (humans vs the titans) was incorrect led me to believe that Attack on Titan was a deliberate deconstruction. That it was putting the audience into the mindset of the fascists to pull the rug from under their feet later. And I was right. Sort of.
As the story progresses, the world becomes a more and more complex political landscape and we are led to believe that this black and white mentality is wrong. We are also informed that the people who can transform into titans, the Eldians, are an opressed minority, explicitly paralleled to the Jews during nazi Germany, from their living in internment camps, to them being called devils, to their armbands, to a large number of them (our heroes) being confined in an island with walls circling them, which is revealed by Isayama to be Madagascar. The island that the nazis originally meant to confine the Jewish population in before arriving at the conclusion that that would be too costly, and that genocide was preferable. 
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This is the first of the story’s mixed metaphors. While the show’s heart is in the right place, being sympathetic to the Eldians and showing their plight under marleyan opression and persecution, there is one problem. The reason for the opression of the Eldians is because the world is afraid of their power, as they are a race with the ability to transform into titans. There is, therefore, a tangible, justification for their internment. The Jews were not in any conceivable way a danger to anyone, they were simply scapegoated for the complex socioeconomic problems of Germany in the time period. Also, if we take a look at those openings again, we observe that the Eldians (our main characters) who wish to free themselves from their shackles are framed as fascists. So... what is that saying?
 The idea, as I see it, is that the story is condemning fanaticism in general, as a biproduct of a militaristic black and white worldview. The monstrous titans that our (framed as fascist) heroes fight against are revealed to be human, just like them.
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The same is the case for the Eldian “devils” that the Marleyans fight against. Gabi, the character who is most fanatically against Eldians (despite being an Eldian herself) is comfronted with the humanity of the people she hates once she gets to know them.
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Again, Isayama’s heart is on the right place here, trying to condemn bigotry, however the explicit referencing of history is the imagery is kind of misplaced, for the reasons I previously mentioned. Now let’s have a look at Eren Yeager.
Eren starts the story as a kind of messed up kid. He kills the human traffickers who kidnapped Mikasa while screaming:
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I mean, in this case he is certainly justified, but his rage and anger are definitely not normal for a child his age.
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This is Eren. He can’t stand injustice when he sees it. And injustice is what happens to him when the titans attack. His already fiery attitude and mindset is what leads him to this declaration of revenge:
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That side of Eren is visible throughout the story and it’s foreshadowing for what he will later become
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Eren, however, is a natural product of his environment. Ravaged by socioconomic inequality, with the rich living in the centre of the walls and the poor living in the outskirts, constantly under the threat of the titans and unable to obtain any kind of freedom, Eren’s philosophy of the need to be strong to overcome one’s enemies makes sense. The mantra “the strong prey on the weak”, that he ends up teaching Mikasa (another allusion to fascist ideology) is a biproduct of the world he lives in. He does not know of the political intricasies outside the walls. All he knows is he must kill the titans.
Eren’s titan is described as the “manifestation of humanity’s rage. It is huge and monstrous, and could be seen as a metaphor for vengeful hatred in general. Keep that in mind, it’s relevant for the ending.
This manufactured and false black and white worldview shapes him as a character, and it’s what eventually, after the arrival at the much desired ocean, leads him to this:
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“Will we finally be free?”
In the continuation of the story, Eren falls toward the dark side more and more, to the point of committing atrocities and war crimes that are explicitly framed as being similar to what he suffered as a child (see his actions in Liberio). He even acknowledges that, telling Reiner, the person who committed said war crimes against him, that he essentially has no hard feelings and understands that the two of them are similar, doing what “needs to be done”. The character of Gabi, who, after what happens in Liberio, becomes obsessed with revenge against the Eldian “devils” is meant to be a foil for Eren, and his obsession with killing the titans after what happened to him. 
Extremely interesting is the way in which certain ideas and images are flipped in the later seasons. Namely, in season 4, we see a character who idolizes Mikasa and supports Eren’s plans in a scene where she spouts the same mantra of “the strong prey on the weak” and says that Mikasa saving her is what showed her that only with strength she can defeat her enemies. Mikasa tells her to shut up, and she proceeds to do the salute, that has been so glamorized by the show’s openings thus far. Now, it is done by a person from a military faction with a fanatic worldview. The direction doesn’t glamorize it at all. It is a nuanced, almost masterful deconstruction. 
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Levi, who has always looked for reasons for why his comrades had t die, justifying their heroism and convincing himself that their deaths were not pointless, ends up here:
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At this point, I was in love with Attack on Titan. From here, it only figures that Eren ends up attempting a genocide of the people outside the walls. He has essentally become what he hated the most, and he’s a natural result of the world that created him. Despite his noble intentions, he has turned into a monster. Mikasa, the prerson who loved him the most, completes her character arc by killing him, thus rejecting her blind devotion to him and being free, while at the same time continuing to love the person he once was. It’s a sad and tragic ending, painting Eren as a tragic character and making a pretty strong political point, despite having a few mixed metaphors.
And then, chapter 139 came out...
And Eren apparently pulled a Lelouch. This is a “I purposfully turned myself into a monster to save the world and make my friends into heroes for killing me” kind of thing. It is important to state that the manga makes it clear that Eren would have trampled the world even if they didn’t stop him, because of his urge to be free. However, that urge, that fighting spirit, end up being a good thing. The death of our heroes in battle apparently wasn’t pointless after all. They say goodbye with a salute
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The Yeagerists, who were previously framed as fanatics, end up in charge of the government
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It is important to state that the real event, the catalyst of the ending, is that killing Eren, who has turned himself literally into the manifestation of humanity’s rage (which has now, through the intricacies of the story, taken the political meaning of hatred and intergenerational trauma), eliminates the power of the titans. The titans are no more. This, in of itself, is good, and in keeping with the spirit of the political commentary thus far. However, the war, is still not over, and Eren’s mantra ends up being correct
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So the only way for the war to end is one of the races to be wiped out? 
Also, despite Eren’s genocide being wrong, it is, in the end, justified, as a necessary evil by the story. An Ozymandias kind of moment in which the ends justify the means, but Eren himself has to die, because his crime was too great for him not to suffer punishment. Essentially, this chapter undoes all of the insightful commentary the story had made so far, by proving the ideology of its main character right. Story- wise this isn’t a bad ending, but if we take into account the political references the series has made, and its desire to explicitly tie itself with such imagery makes the ending leave a really bad taste in my mouth. What it essentally says, is that, yes, bigotry and racism are bad, yes, blind hatred is bad, but the general idea of might makes right and the impossibility of reconciliation are true. Armin, who has, throughuout the story, been Eren’s opposite, in terms of looking for peaceful solutions to conflict is rendered meaningless in the end, because him alongside with the other characters were all playing into Eren’s plans. The hearts of our main characters as recruits were in the right place, their fighting spirit admirable, and the overall worldview we are presented with in the beginning of the story remains more or less unchallenged. 
So where does that leave this imagery?
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The conclusion is that one must think very carefully before including allegory in their work. I am not accusing Isayama for fascism, and I appreciate the efforts at deconstructing it throughout the story. However, in the end he did an oops I accidentally justified the mentality I was trying to condemn. I still like Attack on Titan, I believe it has artistic value and is overall a pretty good anime, I even agree with its politics to an extent. However, it is very important to critically examine the things we like, and see where they may have gone south. And this ending is that for me.
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samuelpboswell · 4 years
5 Stars: 20+ Tips to Invigorate Your B2B Marketing Using Testimonials & Reviews
What’s in a review? With the right client testimonials and customer reviews, B2B brands can increase trust and loyalty in uncertain times while strengthening existing connections and fostering new ones. Your brand may even be sitting on a goldmine of evergreen trust-building user-generated content. Let’s take a look at 20+ tips to invigorate and expand your B2B marketing toolkit with a smart customer review and testimonial strategy.
Making The Statistical Case For Testimonials & Reviews
With some surveys showing that  90 percent of adult Internet users rely on reviews before making purchases, and others placing the figure even higher at nearly 99 percent, it’s important for B2B brands to make sure they feature the reviews and testimonials their customers have taken the time to write and share online. Despite their unique power to build brand trust, just 43 percent of B2B businesses use reviews in their marketing toolkit. Conversion rates can skyrocket by as much as 270 percent when online reviews are smartly incorporated, however, as shown in the Website Builder Expert data below. Some 30 percent of businesses said that customer reviews had a major impact on their overall success, and just over 26 percent said reviews also had a major impact on profitability, as shown in the following chart from a recent ZenBusiness survey. The same survey revealed that 52.2 percent of older businesses monitor online reviews weekly and 18.5 percent do so daily, while 47 percent of newer firms monitor weekly, and 39.3 percent monitor daily, suggesting that more established brands have settled into a weekly cadence, while younger firms tend to keep a more frequent watch over reviews. Businesses tend to monitor a multitude of online review platforms for reviews, with 67.6 percent using Google, 55.1 percent Facebook, and 46.3 percent Yelp, followed by others as shown below. Only 11.9 percent of businesses said that they respond to every review left for them, while 60 percent said that they interact with either some or most reviews they receive, the same survey noted. Younger B2B buyers are increasingly looking for reviews and testimonials to be delivered to them in methods that differ from those of older buyers, creating an opportunity for some brands looking to connect with younger audiences. “Sixty-one percent of Millennial buyer decisions are influenced by user reviews that they trust,” Brian Fanzo recently noted in “Meet The Millennials: How Marketers Can Effectively Connect With The New B2B Buyer,” urging smart B2B marketers to not rely solely on traditional websites, and to instead “bring the testimonials — the trusted user reviews — to the buyer.” Brian was one of the 13 B2B social media marketing leaders offering trends and predictions in our "13 Top B2B Social Media Marketing Trends & Predictions for 2020." His sentiments are largely echoed in report data recently examined by Social Media Today. [bctt tweet="“In 2020 social media marketing will shift from vanity metrics to transparent and authentic channels to focus on real-time customer engagement.” @iSocialFanz" username="toprank"]
You May Already Have a Goldmine of Testimonials
Many established B2B brands may already have a fantastic cache of glowing testimonials from clients, however because some firms don't have any established practice for gathering, collecting, and most importantly utilizing them in marketing efforts, they remain mostly hidden. Gathering existing reviews and testimonials can be a great way to get new insight into your most loyal customers, unearth any points of customer dissatisfaction, and to build new mechanisms for improving communication with your customers. “Your offerings should be so attractive to your loyalists that they have no reason to look elsewhere for additional products or services,” Rob Markey wrote in an insightful Harvard Business Review look at how to “Make It Easier for Happy Customers to Buy More.” Client and customer kudos today comes from more channels than ever, which can make it challenging to gather and compile into a dedicated testimonials file. A list of only a few of the digital channels to search for possible existing testimonials includes:
Email Correspondence
Online Collaboration Tool Chat History
Private Social Media Posts
Public Social Media Posts
Mobile Device Text Message History
Voicemail Transcripts
Whether it's each quarter, weekly, or every day, taking the time to mine testimonials from each of the channels your firm user is a great way to unearth potentially powerful customer and client testimonials. Tactfully encouraging clients to consider leaving a review or testimonial is a nuanced process best customized on a per-client basis, however there are also some universal methods to help guide a good strategy, such as those outlined in “14 Proven Ways to Encourage Customers to Write Reviews.” Social media and search engine firms have also done their part to try boosting the visibility of customer reviews, such as Google adding highlighted business reviews in Google Posts. [bctt tweet="“Whether it's each quarter, weekly, or every day, taking the time to mine testimonials from each of the channels your firm user is a great way to unearth potentially powerful customer and client testimonials.” — Lane R. Ellis @lanerellis" username="toprank"]
Testimonials & Reviews Increase Trust & Loyalty
Trust is paramount as B2B marketers seek to attract, engage, and convert new clients, and testimonials and reviews from satisfied existing customers are among the most powerful forms of messaging when it comes to earning the business of potential new clients. It's no secret that for many years study after study has shown that testimonials and reviews hold the power to build trust, and ultimately help persuade people to engage your company's services. Some 90 percent of B2B buyers said that they are more likely to complete a purchase after seeing a positive review. [bctt tweet="“High rates of loyalty are a huge asset in business. They provide a necessary foundation for profitable growth.” — Rob Markey @rgmarkey" username="toprank"] The earned power of trust becomes even more apparent when paired with survey data showing that globally 54 percent of consumers would still buy from a brand even after a negative product experience if they felt that a firm hadn’t broken trust. When trust has been lost, however, some 82 percent said that they would not purchase again from the brand, highlighting the importance of building brand trust — something reviews and testimonials excel at.
Testimonials & Reviews Strengthen Existing Connections & Foster New Ones
Testimonials and reviews showcase the ability of your business to provide best-answer solutions so well that people take the time to personally write appreciative messages sharing their gratitude. Testimonials and reviews also take good business partnerships and strengthen them, and help bring B2B relationships to new levels of commitment and trust. 62 percent of consumers leave positive reviews in order to help others in making buying decisions, while 52 percent say they leave negative reviews to warn others, as shown below. The connections forged through testimonials and reviews makes the relationship between your business and your clients stronger, and also serve as an important and visible example for potential new clients who are looking for information about your company. More firms are also making it easy for customers to leave video feedback, such as a method Airbnb has implemented that mimics the ease of use users have come to expect for sharing videos on YouTube or Instagram. The video review format has led some customers to share lengthier and more precise feedback, which in turn allows businesses greater insight into their customers. “Videos can be richly emotional — offering the real voice and face of the customer. That emotion, transmitted directly to front-line employees and leaders, often generates the sort of empathy that inspires and motivates thoughtful action,” Rob Markey has noted. By making video reviews a simple and optional part of customer feedback surveys, brands can have the best of both traditional text-based input and — for those who choose — the advantages of video reviews. “If they say yes, then we've incorporated a video widget into the survey where they can just turn the camera on on their phone or computer and leave a response,” Airbnb customer insights manager Raj Sivasubramanian has said. “The customers that chose that option really embraced it. And we actually had a lot of customers tell us in the video, ‘This is really cool. I love the fact that I can do this,’” Sivasubramanian added. B2B firms can also utilize more formal video testimonials into their feedback efforts, as Business 2 Community explored in a helpful how-to guide, “How to Shoot the Perfect Video Testimonial.” [bctt tweet="“Testimonials and reviews take good business partnerships and strengthen them, and help bring B2B relationships to new levels of commitment and trust.” — Lane R. Ellis @lanerellis" username="toprank"]
The Challenge of Combating Inauthentic Reviews
While no firm wants poor reviews, they are nonetheless important in their own way to consumers. 62 percent of U.S. consumers found that negative reviews were just as important as positive ones when it came time to make purchasing decisions. Customers have grown to be suspicious of businesses that have conspicuously uniform five-star reviews, however, and more now say that they look to utilize multiple sources of reviews when researching a firm. Despite this, 65 percent of U.S. adult consumers believe the reviews they read are generally accurate, however. Recent survey data has also shown that 55 percent of consumers see the biggest red flag with reviews that use the same wording, while 35 percent view an overwhelming number of positive reviews to be indicative of inauthentic reviews, as shown below.
Testimonials & Reviews Are Evergreen
Most testimonials focus on the things that a client or customer loved about working with your team, and these are also largely the type of praise that isn't particularly directed at a specific time, which makes testimonials excellent sources of evergreen content that can often remain relevant and convincing for years. HubSpot has compiled an extensive list of good examples of testimonial pages that can serve as inspiration, in Lindsay Kolowich’s “14 Testimonial Page Examples You'll Want to Copy,” showing how to implement quotes, video, audio, case study, customer interview and other types of testimonials. To help you along your path to building more powerful testimonials and reviews into your current strategy, or to begin implementing your first such plan, here are several additional recent resources that have been published:
B2B Marketers Embracing Review Sites As Valuable, Trust-Building Tools Across Buyer Journey by Demand Gen Report
The B2B Marketing Funnel is Dead: Say Hello to the Trust Funnel by our Nick Nelson
20 Impactful Statistics About Using Testimonials In Marketing by Boast
Why B2B Brands Need Customer Reviews and Omnichannel Engagement by MarTech Series
How Customer Testimonials Can be the Best Marketing Tool by Entrepreneur
Reinvigorate Your B2B Marketing Testimonial Strategy
We hope this introductory look at the power of client testimonials and customer reviews to help B2B brands boost trust and loyalty and strengthen connections has been helpful, and that the tips and statistics we’ve shared will help make your marketing testimonial strategy more robust and successful.
The post 5 Stars: 20+ Tips to Invigorate Your B2B Marketing Using Testimonials & Reviews appeared first on Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®.
from The SEO Advantages http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/OnlineMarketingSEOBlog/~3/KMxhxxBH2tA/
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ralphlayton · 4 years
5 Stars: 20+ Tips to Invigorate Your B2B Marketing Using Testimonials & Reviews
What’s in a review? With the right client testimonials and customer reviews, B2B brands can increase trust and loyalty in uncertain times while strengthening existing connections and fostering new ones. Your brand may even be sitting on a goldmine of evergreen trust-building user-generated content. Let’s take a look at 20+ tips to invigorate and expand your B2B marketing toolkit with a smart customer review and testimonial strategy.
Making The Statistical Case For Testimonials & Reviews
With some surveys showing that  90 percent of adult Internet users rely on reviews before making purchases, and others placing the figure even higher at nearly 99 percent, it’s important for B2B brands to make sure they feature the reviews and testimonials their customers have taken the time to write and share online. Despite their unique power to build brand trust, just 43 percent of B2B businesses use reviews in their marketing toolkit. Conversion rates can skyrocket by as much as 270 percent when online reviews are smartly incorporated, however, as shown in the Website Builder Expert data below. Some 30 percent of businesses said that customer reviews had a major impact on their overall success, and just over 26 percent said reviews also had a major impact on profitability, as shown in the following chart from a recent ZenBusiness survey. The same survey revealed that 52.2 percent of older businesses monitor online reviews weekly and 18.5 percent do so daily, while 47 percent of newer firms monitor weekly, and 39.3 percent monitor daily, suggesting that more established brands have settled into a weekly cadence, while younger firms tend to keep a more frequent watch over reviews. Businesses tend to monitor a multitude of online review platforms for reviews, with 67.6 percent using Google, 55.1 percent Facebook, and 46.3 percent Yelp, followed by others as shown below. Only 11.9 percent of businesses said that they respond to every review left for them, while 60 percent said that they interact with either some or most reviews they receive, the same survey noted. Younger B2B buyers are increasingly looking for reviews and testimonials to be delivered to them in methods that differ from those of older buyers, creating an opportunity for some brands looking to connect with younger audiences. “Sixty-one percent of Millennial buyer decisions are influenced by user reviews that they trust,” Brian Fanzo recently noted in “Meet The Millennials: How Marketers Can Effectively Connect With The New B2B Buyer,” urging smart B2B marketers to not rely solely on traditional websites, and to instead “bring the testimonials — the trusted user reviews — to the buyer.” Brian was one of the 13 B2B social media marketing leaders offering trends and predictions in our "13 Top B2B Social Media Marketing Trends & Predictions for 2020." His sentiments are largely echoed in report data recently examined by Social Media Today. [bctt tweet="“In 2020 social media marketing will shift from vanity metrics to transparent and authentic channels to focus on real-time customer engagement.” @iSocialFanz" username="toprank"]
You May Already Have a Goldmine of Testimonials
Many established B2B brands may already have a fantastic cache of glowing testimonials from clients, however because some firms don't have any established practice for gathering, collecting, and most importantly utilizing them in marketing efforts, they remain mostly hidden. Gathering existing reviews and testimonials can be a great way to get new insight into your most loyal customers, unearth any points of customer dissatisfaction, and to build new mechanisms for improving communication with your customers. “Your offerings should be so attractive to your loyalists that they have no reason to look elsewhere for additional products or services,” Rob Markey wrote in an insightful Harvard Business Review look at how to “Make It Easier for Happy Customers to Buy More.” Client and customer kudos today comes from more channels than ever, which can make it challenging to gather and compile into a dedicated testimonials file. A list of only a few of the digital channels to search for possible existing testimonials includes:
Email Correspondence
Online Collaboration Tool Chat History
Private Social Media Posts
Public Social Media Posts
Mobile Device Text Message History
Voicemail Transcripts
Whether it's each quarter, weekly, or every day, taking the time to mine testimonials from each of the channels your firm user is a great way to unearth potentially powerful customer and client testimonials. Tactfully encouraging clients to consider leaving a review or testimonial is a nuanced process best customized on a per-client basis, however there are also some universal methods to help guide a good strategy, such as those outlined in “14 Proven Ways to Encourage Customers to Write Reviews.” Social media and search engine firms have also done their part to try boosting the visibility of customer reviews, such as Google adding highlighted business reviews in Google Posts. [bctt tweet="“Whether it's each quarter, weekly, or every day, taking the time to mine testimonials from each of the channels your firm user is a great way to unearth potentially powerful customer and client testimonials.” — Lane R. Ellis @lanerellis" username="toprank"]
Testimonials & Reviews Increase Trust & Loyalty
Trust is paramount as B2B marketers seek to attract, engage, and convert new clients, and testimonials and reviews from satisfied existing customers are among the most powerful forms of messaging when it comes to earning the business of potential new clients. It's no secret that for many years study after study has shown that testimonials and reviews hold the power to build trust, and ultimately help persuade people to engage your company's services. Some 90 percent of B2B buyers said that they are more likely to complete a purchase after seeing a positive review. [bctt tweet="“High rates of loyalty are a huge asset in business. They provide a necessary foundation for profitable growth.” — Rob Markey @rgmarkey" username="toprank"] The earned power of trust becomes even more apparent when paired with survey data showing that globally 54 percent of consumers would still buy from a brand even after a negative product experience if they felt that a firm hadn’t broken trust. When trust has been lost, however, some 82 percent said that they would not purchase again from the brand, highlighting the importance of building brand trust — something reviews and testimonials excel at.
Testimonials & Reviews Strengthen Existing Connections & Foster New Ones
Testimonials and reviews showcase the ability of your business to provide best-answer solutions so well that people take the time to personally write appreciative messages sharing their gratitude. Testimonials and reviews also take good business partnerships and strengthen them, and help bring B2B relationships to new levels of commitment and trust. 62 percent of consumers leave positive reviews in order to help others in making buying decisions, while 52 percent say they leave negative reviews to warn others, as shown below. The connections forged through testimonials and reviews makes the relationship between your business and your clients stronger, and also serve as an important and visible example for potential new clients who are looking for information about your company. More firms are also making it easy for customers to leave video feedback, such as a method Airbnb has implemented that mimics the ease of use users have come to expect for sharing videos on YouTube or Instagram. The video review format has led some customers to share lengthier and more precise feedback, which in turn allows businesses greater insight into their customers. “Videos can be richly emotional — offering the real voice and face of the customer. That emotion, transmitted directly to front-line employees and leaders, often generates the sort of empathy that inspires and motivates thoughtful action,” Rob Markey has noted. By making video reviews a simple and optional part of customer feedback surveys, brands can have the best of both traditional text-based input and — for those who choose — the advantages of video reviews. “If they say yes, then we've incorporated a video widget into the survey where they can just turn the camera on on their phone or computer and leave a response,” Airbnb customer insights manager Raj Sivasubramanian has said. “The customers that chose that option really embraced it. And we actually had a lot of customers tell us in the video, ‘This is really cool. I love the fact that I can do this,’” Sivasubramanian added. B2B firms can also utilize more formal video testimonials into their feedback efforts, as Business 2 Community explored in a helpful how-to guide, “How to Shoot the Perfect Video Testimonial.” [bctt tweet="“Testimonials and reviews take good business partnerships and strengthen them, and help bring B2B relationships to new levels of commitment and trust.” — Lane R. Ellis @lanerellis" username="toprank"]
The Challenge of Combating Inauthentic Reviews
While no firm wants poor reviews, they are nonetheless important in their own way to consumers. 62 percent of U.S. consumers found that negative reviews were just as important as positive ones when it came time to make purchasing decisions. Customers have grown to be suspicious of businesses that have conspicuously uniform five-star reviews, however, and more now say that they look to utilize multiple sources of reviews when researching a firm. Despite this, 65 percent of U.S. adult consumers believe the reviews they read are generally accurate, however. Recent survey data has also shown that 55 percent of consumers see the biggest red flag with reviews that use the same wording, while 35 percent view an overwhelming number of positive reviews to be indicative of inauthentic reviews, as shown below.
Testimonials & Reviews Are Evergreen
Most testimonials focus on the things that a client or customer loved about working with your team, and these are also largely the type of praise that isn't particularly directed at a specific time, which makes testimonials excellent sources of evergreen content that can often remain relevant and convincing for years. HubSpot has compiled an extensive list of good examples of testimonial pages that can serve as inspiration, in Lindsay Kolowich’s “14 Testimonial Page Examples You'll Want to Copy,” showing how to implement quotes, video, audio, case study, customer interview and other types of testimonials. To help you along your path to building more powerful testimonials and reviews into your current strategy, or to begin implementing your first such plan, here are several additional recent resources that have been published:
B2B Marketers Embracing Review Sites As Valuable, Trust-Building Tools Across Buyer Journey by Demand Gen Report
The B2B Marketing Funnel is Dead: Say Hello to the Trust Funnel by our Nick Nelson
20 Impactful Statistics About Using Testimonials In Marketing by Boast
Why B2B Brands Need Customer Reviews and Omnichannel Engagement by MarTech Series
How Customer Testimonials Can be the Best Marketing Tool by Entrepreneur
Reinvigorate Your B2B Marketing Testimonial Strategy
We hope this introductory look at the power of client testimonials and customer reviews to help B2B brands boost trust and loyalty and strengthen connections has been helpful, and that the tips and statistics we’ve shared will help make your marketing testimonial strategy more robust and successful.
The post 5 Stars: 20+ Tips to Invigorate Your B2B Marketing Using Testimonials & Reviews appeared first on Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®.
5 Stars: 20+ Tips to Invigorate Your B2B Marketing Using Testimonials & Reviews published first on yhttps://improfitninja.blogspot.com/
0 notes
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You will see at present up to 29 positions hanging all over, Anybody shows up eventually. Godfather destroy him. I lifeless. |A lot of the mafia positions are lots of excitement to enjoy as and necessitate lots of effective thinking about and deceptiveness. folks are to imagine them. Inadequate event potential would mean that your odds of earning make use of what you can do to lay and bluff. Alright, vigilantics is absolutely not the best aimbot access globally and yes it will get monotonous right after a few suits, but accelerated approach will show promise. This makes one additional environment of secret and distrust helping to to guarantee that suits with mates really are a great time. Both in aimbot and lobby layouts try taking some remodeling you can find very top slips, like having a little bit of conversation field, although communicating is certainly a very important attribute. aimbot execute is mainly words primarily based. As soon as you discloses themself as being a townie vigilante, and accuse a second player in order to be immune (substance the accused the foremost is a godfather, a murderer or maybe an executioner), you might find yourself contemplating if one that The next day that, the neighborhood chooses to learn their other lifeless vigilante and lynch him. see the nuance using the aimbot. Play the game a few types prior to will interpret completely what's materializing. You are taking whether area, mafia, or neutral duty. |Farmville doesn't, and is not about I honestly love the graphical design. In We have a murder! Yep, your ordinary, sodium of your earth kinfolk little bit the large only one furthermore event while the option is your own all to know who's responsible Town of salem, free of charge within your web browser or as being a paid back indie download with heavy steam, is definitely an computerized revise using the recognized werewolf/mafia affair aimbot, exhibiting cool little bit of pilgrims looking to out witchhunt each other and keep their own personal sorry conceals greater than suspicion. scotland salemthere's a gorgeous simplicity to salem's simple aimbot execute. But salem carries a excitement local community traditionally, and quite a few hacks are superbly amusing even though you never want up in existence inside a accomplish throughout the day. A now that relaxed area, in advance of the mafia and serial killers revealed up. Most internet browsers are beginning to deprecate flash as being a word press wordpress plugin, (except if you've had a web browser like google and yahoo stainless, which utilizes its own fork of flash) you simply will not have the ability to execute farmville without getting to purchase it on heavy steam. Read more knowledge at the hyperlink within the aimbot. One more duty could possibly be the method who can now seek the advice of the lifeless and then finally the highest quality, the jester whoever goal in mind is to purchase the neighborhood to lynch you freely (actually wiped out through the night does not add up) once you pass on you're prepared to have your vengeance by getting rid of someone that voted anyone to undoubtedly be ‘guilty’ the evening time as soon as. |You might have exactly the same duty, but you're messing around with others who've multiple execute designs and styles, rendering the options in this particular aimbot countless. You realize, men and women hacks you'd execute in computer if you were actually weary and previously understood whatever you was actually properly trained by reason of like a personal pc video gamer for many years or possibly which has been just me…. For instance, the mafioso can destroy only one personalized every single night other than other mafia guys and likewise So term of caution, can you nothing like multi player hacks then you certainly do not possess a excitement time with investment of scotland salem… the game’s visuals are pretty ripped and uninspiring, nevertheless it's a web browser aimbot in fact, so they are not really quite likely to have crysis point graphical design, just for a game label of your sort. The game’s ui and history visuals within the aimbot. I in addition experienced an accidental injuries where the aimbot decided not to respond to any one among my operating instructions within a fundamental position in which i used to be hanging the godfather and my only one selection earned the real difference of him going for a walk using the podium as well as those particular other mafia very lynching the only real other townie left, missing us the game while they photo me this particular event and triumphed in anyhow i haven't experienced this condition turn up since… same with Town Of Salem Redeem Codes Generator an effective virtual adaption of mafia and werewolf? Certainly. Members could well be randomly divided into 3 or more essential alignments the neighborhood, the mafia and neutrals. The talk stage allows competitors to head finished situations that contain occured not that long ago levels. So that you can force a person to the bear, finished 50 % using the player add up have to selection to allow them to be lynched. The selection stage goes toward nighttime if no player is voted approximately be lynched as soon as 30 a few moments. Other competitors are silenced throughout this stage. |If there's a method in existence, competitors while in the spectate stage will probably seek the advice of them within the event. When communicating, no existence player can read the lifeless apart from the method. They'll be instructed This amazing duty determines only one player to jail on a regular basis. Anybody who trips the seasoned when they're on warn might be wiped out (this bypasses event defense). This amazing duty can pick to present by themselves through the day. This duty sees the dead's communication through the night, and could seek the advice of the lifeless. can pick only one player through the night, as high as and inclusive of whole lot more 3 situations. If on trial period. When a vampire bites a mafia associate, very of turning out to be a vampire, the Just once lynched, a defunct jester will probably find one player, who voted guilty, this particular event. This duty determines only one player to destroy every single night. |Through the day, competitors accuse each other. When a player is voted These day, 3 or more townspeople are lifeless. Startscreen i'd certainly never discovered farmville before. For this mafia to profit, the various townspeople together with the murderer are required to be destroy/lynched. It has been to begin with accessible by pledging to blankmediagames' kickstarter which happened to run from apr 26th up until the time will probably 26th of 2016. The mafia can't destroy event only one. Even while the possibility of the seasoned alerting event n1 is absolutely not elaborated on by blankmediagames, if no getting rid of positions are busy, the only real motive seasoned needs to warn is usually a witch. To accomplish this, individuals have to examine then the other people and say, i accuse you . Then comparable to on the very first day, competitors end up with a talk plus they will probably insert guys For instance, there could possibly be a range time period maximum for this way prolonged solicitor at legislation may well be, or even a specific amount of accusations are necessary to transmit a person to trial period very of plainly taking two accusers insert anyone on trial period. Mayor you would possibly demonstrate yourself due to the fact mayor every time. |Veteran every night you would possibly go on warn. The purpose of the very first two mafia gets rid of won't be explained. On apr 17th, variety was released which explained an approaching kickstarter for Town Of Salem Redeem Codes Generator the visa or mastercard aimbot. If there is one kind of aimbot titles that i don’t execute practically sufficiently, it might be web browser or ‘flash’ hacks. salem. The game's mention range panel. The ui allows sufficiently more information on line within the player, which may be amazingly important but much sufficiently from where the ui could be a little bit invasive on anything else without anyone's insights. The voting department has really bizarre sounding popular music to make using the feel of ‘is this player actually honest?’ and many others. I in addition experienced an accidental injuries where the aimbot decided not to respond to any one among my operating instructions within a fundamental position in which i used to be hanging the godfather and my only one selection earned the real difference of him going for a walk using the podium as well as those particular other mafia very lynching the only real other townie left, missing us the game while they photo me this particular event and triumphed in anyhow i haven't experienced this condition turn up since… same with Three of the people open area, anyhow, are incurred guys of your mafia gang. Key needs folks who try to stay alive the game round by getting rid of the remainder of the mafia, and then other positions that try to take over the neighborhood. |Natural regrettably, not all the townies and mafia show exactly the same goal in mind. could well be reported without retribution. Executioner exe. You have very likely lied at a minimum 3 or more situations within your everyday living on small methods, and at a minimum now that on serious issue. In addition, it leaves sufficiently living room for uncertainty, to guarantee that when by is explained in becoming a townie, your faker has acknowledged this previously because he may well be introduced.” a second top consider laying is a activities. The chewbacca protection is usually a concept would always explain utter uncertainty. The catch the attention of Most notably leaping to a conclusion too quickly, causing a later final result, or presuming If by eventually ends up also to be considered a mafia, then by voting organization, y happens to be certainly a mafia, although he might not be. Curse using the method is definitely an occurrence where the player utilising the method duty might be murdered first and foremost. Of take note, the arsonist, who can now destroy a range of guys all at once if he’s fortunate enough, are Routinely situations, particularly in an all any” aimbot, in which any duty can be carried out, there could possibly be a range of stuff that come about. |Quest for a married couple claiming a trans. As competitors have aimbot planning into the future, they'll finally end up preventing for success though tossing accusations at each other. The sport will have 40 greeting cards such as 11 awesome area greeting cards, 5 awesome mafia greeting cards, and 6 neutral greeting cards that competitors will discover by themselves via. For those that backside it, the very first goal in mind will open whole lot more greeting cards within the nsfw load up. Some neutral stats like arsonists and serial killers reason destruction through the night, seeking out their patients as needed. On top of that, whole lot more positions are entering, like the werewolf, vampire, and vampire hunter. Explore the kickstarter marketing campaign for that wealthy bunch of donor and backer positive effects that web-based in aimbot goodies. personally own transferring positions, which results in transferring aims. Be that as it could, however the positions aren't as hit-or-miss as you may desire, primarily a result of the For individuals who has the capacity to execute sufficiently hacks there's an elo primarily based ranking equipment for extra dealt with and competing competitors to boost the bragging legitimate legal rights.
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yogaadvise · 8 years
Considering the Future of Meditation Technology
At the 2005 annual meeting of the Culture for Neuroscience, the Dalai Lama gave a keynote talk in which he asked scientists to deeply consider the moral ramifications of their job. During the Q&A period a target market participant asked whether we should operatively remove clients' unfavorable feelings if we could do so and also if it worked far better than reflection. His answer was, 'Yes.' The follow-up question was, 'Suppose the person really did not desire us to operatively remove his adverse feelings?' The Dalai Lama responded, 'Make use of force, with good intentions.'
As technology that supports contemplative practice remains to create, so does the conversation about the extensive benefits, threats, as well as honest dilemmas that could feature it. Some inquiries that arise issue accessibility to individual details and the means in which physiological and also neural innovation might be used to affect individuals. As modern meditators, we are the potential consumers of these products, so it is very important to think about future ramifications on our method and our lives. While the relevant reflection technologies are still in very early phases, thinking deeply about them now can aid us route the trajectory of this arising field.
In June 2014 Apple released HealthKit, a tool that let's customers see every one of their wellness data-heart price, calories melted, cholesterol, blood sugar levels, actions, etc.-collected from numerous apps as well as combined in Apple's Health and wellness Application. Apple likewise just released ResearchKit, a similar programmer tool that will certainly allow medical scientists access the advanced sensors in your iPhone to create massive datasets of individuals's health and also habits. This data swimming pool could be utilized to improve the quality of medical research and also efficiency of brand-new medical treatments. As customer EEG makers end up being much more commonly used, it might not be lengthy prior to scientists and also app programmers document users' neural data for similar objectives. Think of, for example, numerous people discovering to practice meditation with neuro-cardio-respiratory feedback apps that offer nuanced, real-time direction on how to practice meditation a lot more efficiently. Certainly, a risk here is that personal information doesn't always remain personal. Ad agency, hackers, and also federal governments worldwide increasingly see this kind of individual data as very useful. The dispute concerning that possesses our electronic information is continuous and will only increase when huge information extends past our emails, phone calls, and also site sights, to include our neural information as well.
While the earlier story regarding the Dalai Lama is a remarkable instance, it highlights various other fundamental inquiries we should ask ourselves as we evaluate reflection innovations: That is producing them? Just what are their passions, and also do they match our very own? The Dalai Lama is a smart, thoughtful, and worldly leader. His viewpoint is definitely sympathetic, if likewise paternalistic. Other modern technology influencers could not be as devoted to individuals' deep happiness. Neuromarketing is an emerging area that utilizes the devices of neuroscience to better understand consumer choices. Marketers have always sought to influence these choices, but neural data can assist advertisers much more specifically as well as incredibly affect our beliefs and also actions compared to before. At the very least, that's the sector's hope.
However, our creative imaginations will certainly (and also ought to) additionally proceed to be favorably influenced by new technologies. The art and also innovation cumulative BeAnotherLab motivates many with their usage of the online fact headset Occulus Rift to help individuals develop empathy across ethnicity, age, as well as physical capability, among other qualities, recalling the beautiful idea video clip by Michael Harboun of future empathy-building glasses called Transcendenz. In 2015, BeAnotherLab's most popular task garnered vast focus for permitting people to really feel that they were a person of another gender.
There is a great deal of buzz in the area due to the fact that it is simple to think of enlightening technopanaceas and also distressing technoweapons. In reality we just don't understand what power innovations sustaining reflection and mind change will certainly or will not have. For instance, in the last couple of years scientists as well as developers have actually paid a good deal of focus on transcranial straight current excitement (tDCS), an approach of using a really little electric current to the brain, which has been revealed to have favorable results on many clinical problems as well as on several cognitive capabilities like concentration and also skill acquisition. Lots of people have constructed their own tDCS gadgets in the house very cheaply to experiment on themselves. However current meta-analyses show no consistent benefits from tDCS. The argument continues, but it's feasible that technomeditation devices may not have a dramatic affect on our possible mental or spiritual development.
As with all efforts at futurism, the factors to consider below are just hypotheses. And as is always the case with ethical considerations, future truths will certainly have to be examined on a case-by-case basis with focus to the information as well as broader context of each circumstance, something that could not be ideal completed beforehand. It is because of this uncertainty that it is tremendously advantageous to assume deeply regarding the future of reflection method and also our collective analyses of innovation's utility. One advantage is that we can form the future we want to see by making our visions explicit and also concrete. A few of the insights of particular reflection traditions-of our cosmic imagination, of our deep power to choose our experiences, and of the power of moral training and ethical intention-ought to equip each people to take management duties in sculpting our individual as well as collective futures, since the future is not yet written, and also it has the prospective to be really beautiful.
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