#and when youre a certifiable Adult and get called ms
mcu-fan-fics-blog · 3 years
The Helping Hand
Summary: Y/N Krast Illegitimate Daughter of Tony Stark. Product of an unwanted teen pregnancy. What would Howard Stark be capable of doing to assure his sons future? What will happen when Tony meets our Beautiful, young, genius, rich philanthropist.
Word Count: 3000 approx
A/N: Sorry for the wait I've been a little busy the last couple of weeks. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Next chapter will be Civil war I hope to upload again soon. In the mean time if you have some ideas or thoughts send them my way.
Tw: Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Drug use, Drug addiction, Teen Pregnancy. (If there are any I missed please tell me.)
Chapter 8: Time and Irony Walk Hand in Hand
"Well this is nice…" You say as Natasha drags you along. You see currently you and Natasha are quote on quote shaking a tail. Whatever that means… "Shut up and keep moving." You stop moving and pull your arm away. "Stop Nat we've gone far enough. It was probably just a coincidence we didn't really get that far from the food truck." Finally taking the time to catch your breath. "I think we should get back to the compound. Tony and Bruce must be waiting for me." You say looking around for a cab lucky for you one stopped right before you and you got in.
The ride back to the Compound was quiet. When she's about to make her way in, you stop her. "Nat… I know that didn't go the way either of us wanted it to go but I still had fun. And again what I'm trying to say is that I would like to do things your way, candlelit, waiters, and wine. If you want to of course." You fidget with your fingers waiting for her response. "Y/n I would love to… but I like the way you do things. You're not the Wine and Dine type... I like that." She mentions as she walks back in. You quickly follow suit after she makes a comment about your blatant staring.
Once you stop on the elevator FRIDAY greets you. Telling you that Tony and Bruce are waiting for you in the lab. "Well Nat this is goodbye for now, see you around." You say stepping off of the elevator. Suddenly this weight comes crashing down on you. Remembering what Bruce told you the worry in his eyes. Dread fills your body when you're walking towards the lab. "Guys I'm back… anything good for me?" You state casually trying your hardest not to sound hopeful. "Well yes and no…" Tony states putting the tablet down. "I'm going to be honest with you… your heart is trashed, absolute garbage."
"Way to make a girl feel special." You say with a dry laugh. "But I think we can build something. And with my arc reactor technology we can make it work." He states tapping at his chest. This is where Bruce jumps in "with the help of Dr. Cho we could try and make a new cradle… and use it for its intended purpose this time around. Making a heart powered by the arc reactor." You nod taking all the information in. "Well this is good right? How long would this take." This is where both Tony and Bruce go quiet. "Y/n the process is relatively easy, what's difficult is getting our hands on the Vibranium."
"Which is basically a non existent problem at this point… Bruce is just paranoid, my contact will pan out you'll see." Tony jumps back in clearly annoyed that Bruce was disclosing such trivial issues. "Even if we do get the Vibranium Y/n there's something we don't know… If you'll even survive the transplant." Your eyes meet his and he elaborates. "Your body might not be strong enough to handle it." Suddenly the inevitability of the situation dawns upon you. "Well I'm still doing it… I'm dying anyways. What difference does it make if it's a month from now or five. I'm doing it." 
"Well, let not be hasty alright. We can still look for other alternatives." Bruce tries to argue. "Look, this is Y/n's decision. She's old enough to make her own decisions. Plus the more we work on this the higher survival chances are." Tony argues. You clear your throat when you notice some visitors standing by the door. "How long have they been there?" You ask, trying to mask your anger. Pietro and Steve both give you sheepish smiles that don't quite reach their eyes. "Look Y/n we just wanted to make sure you were okay… and by the looks of it you're not." 
You stand making your way to stand in front of Steve who had just taken a defensive stance. "Well you're right I'm not okay. Now what are you going to do about it Cap… Other than feeling pity every time you look at me." You say pushing your finger on his chest. "This does not leave this room you understand?" You say looking at both Steve and Pietro. "But, My sister…" You nod "Figure it out pretty boy. Now if you could leave the adults have to talk." They both sigh but take their leave. You turn and notice Tony and Bruce staring, not saying anything. You can only laugh at the sight. 
As much as you did want to be mad you couldn't. You were starting to come to terms with the fact that your business was now becoming their business. "I just wanted to watch them squirm." You clarify making Tony laugh. "Well I'd say you achieved that." Bruce mentions. "I'll give them til the end of the day. What do you think?" You say looking at Tony. "How much are you willing to bet, Billionaire to Billionaire?" He asks, challenging you. "50 million dollars." He scoffs. "Don't be a prude, make it Euros." You nod. "Best money there is." You say agreeing with him. "I'll hold you to that Y/n." He says as you leave the lab.
Two days later you were busy. You'd been in contact with Bruce and Pepper. Currently you were looking for someone to mentor. Someone you could leave your legacy with. Logan was an obvious choice but you knew he wouldn't take it. "You wanna give it a break Y/n you're not going to find the perfect candidate in so little time." Logan mentions. When suddenly your secretary enters with more forms. "Ms. Krast these are the applications from Midtown Science High. There's only four. Liz Allan, Ned Leeds, Flash Thompson, and uhh Peter Parker." You sigh with a smile forming on your lips. "They've got to be here my mentee. These kids are geniuses." 
You say as you look through the applications. Slowly crossing off the first two, that Flash kid and Liz. Ned and Peter it was a tough choice until you saw some of yourself in Peter's eyes. "It's him." You say under your breath catching Logan's attention. "Peter Parker… I want him, he will be the future of our company. Make arrangements. I want him to feel welcomed." You say as you start to gather your things. "Send out the acceptance letter today." You say to Logan on your way out. "Will do Boss." He says with a smile growing on his face as he reads the file. Peter didn't have it easy on the contrary he lived through a lot but he still managed to be him.
The next week went by in a blur. Your will and testament were drafted and certified. You were set on that end and now on the other front. You were currently parked outside Midtown High waiting for the bell to ring. When it does a couple of minutes pass when a fresh faced kid is knocking on your window. "Y/n Krast nice to meet you kid." You say rolling down the window. He seems a little nervous. "Come on in Peter. We're going to get to know each other a little before we begin working with the internship." He nods enthusiastically, a small smile forming on his lips. "Tell me about your Peter, I mean outside of what I already know."
"Well I'm what most people would call a nerd. My aunt may always say that's not true but it is." You hum in agreement pulling out of the school parking lot. "Well being popular is overrated anyways." You jump in. "And Ned, my best friend, we're huge fans of you and your work." He says his speed increases as he starts to ramble about how he followed your trajectory as soon as he found out who you were. "Well I'm glad you like what I do Peter but in my eyes were equals. I will teach you my ways and hopefully you'll take over once I'm dead. Keeping my legacy alive long after I'm dead." You say seriously making him settle and quiet down. 
"Ms. Krast you can't be serious." He says giving you an incredulous look. "I was an orphan… I was given a chance. Someone believed in me. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you remind me of me… and I would like to give you that same chance that I was given." You say sincerely. "Y/n that's too generous… Plus I don't think that I'm what you're looking for. I'm clumsy and…" You stop the car making him look at you. "You may not be ready now or tomorrow but if you let me teach you, you will be." You say reassuringly. "Plus I don't plan on dying anytime soon." You say playfully at the end causing Peter to laugh successfully lightening the mood. "Also another plus for you after this year's audit we'll be working hand in hand with Tony Stark."
At the mention of Tony's name he lit up ten times more than you thought possible. It made you laugh a little but you understood him. "That's amazing. Me working for Y/n Krast and Tony Stark, a literal dream come true." You nod at his statement. The day went by incredibly fast. He was a nice kid, respectful and smart, a little naïve but overall sensible. You went to his favorite pizza place and talked, went to Krast Industries and introduced him to Logan. Showed him his dedicated work space. "So here's your badge, don't lose it. Umm… you'll be here every other day after school, and if you have some special dates tell Margaret the secretary and she'll make a schedule around it." You say as you're walking towards the elevator. 
Peter stops abruptly turning to face you. "Thank you really." He then proceeds to rather hastily pull you into a hug. You're shocked initially but hug him back nonetheless. "Don't sweat it kid." You say patting his back. "I'll have one of my drivers give you a lift home alright." He nods. Just before you press the button for the elevator the doors open. Revealing Pepper Potts and Tony Stark. It makes you laugh internally knowing that the young boy beside you just had his world rocked. "Ms. Krast this is real right?" He asks in a high pitched voice. You nod.
"Pepper Tony, I would like you to meet my new mentee Peter Parker." You say nudging him forward. "Hi, you're Tony Stark." He says in a daze. "Yes kid I am Tony stark and you are?" Tony could literally not care less. Until you gave Pepper a look and she nudged Tony. "Alright kid it was nice meeting you." He says overly enthusiastically. Peter takes the compliment either way. "Alright Peter go over to Margaret she'll take you to the driver. We have some urgent business to attend." He nods and waves goodbye shyly and takes his leave. "Right what do you guys need." Pepper clears her throat "Well actually Tony and I wanted to invite you out to lunch." 
"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get going." You say walking off with Pepper. "You'll be pleased to know that you won our wager. They know..." Tony mentions at the restaurant. You laugh. "Told you!" Pepper gives you a look. "They're worried about you." You sigh. "Pepper, believe me I'm worried too." Tony quickly steps in. "Which you don't need to worry about too much, everything is in place. Everything panned out Dr. Cho was more than willing to help us. So whenever you want." He says again not meeting your gaze. "I was… ummm. Actually thinking we should hold off on that." 
"What… why?" They both ask almost immediately. "I'm okay right now." Tony scoffs. "So you rather wait till you have another episode to undergo the procedure." You hum. "Precisely see you get it." Watching their confusion you continue. "I've got things I have to leave ready. Time that I can't take for granted." Before they could argue with you said. "I need time… I-i drafted my will a couple of days ago." You say burying your head into your hands. "It's funny really… how you get things you're willing to live for. And life just comes along and takes it from you." Your mind drifts off to Viv and David. You wipe your tears and excuse yourself. Just as you're about to leave you remember. 
"Put the money in a college fund for the kid." You grab Peppers shoulder and nod. "We'll keep in touch." You say leaving the restaurant.  
Three weeks later 
Pretty early on you noticed Peter's jumpy behavior. It wasn't long till you found out his little secret. Again smart kid heart of gold even, but too naïve for his own good. You'd had one of your AI robots track him after he'd shown up a little dinged up. Telling him you knew took some time. You didn't know the extent of his capabilities, but you'd seen the kid walk on walls and kick some ass.
As cute as he looked in that makeshift costume you had a better one in mind. "Peter I would like to show you something." You call out from your workstation in the lab. "Ward pull up spider schematics please." You call out. "What do you think?" You say as Peter glances at his new suit. "I-i um… It's awesome but who is at for?" He said quickly. You almost burst out in laughter right then and there but you played along. "Well I was in Queens the other day and there was this mugging and some hero came out of nowhere and stopped the mugging." You say as you deconstruct the specks of the suit. Watching as peter gawks at the hologram. 
"When I noticed his suit wasn't really a suit, I made him one. You think he'll like it?" Peter nods eagerly, you hum in response. "Alright then try it on, see how it fits spider boy." Peter stands there with his mouth hanging open and you could swear saliva came out. "You aren't that good at keeping secrets kid." You say handing him the suit. "I expect you to be careful, kid." Peter starts to ramble trying to explain himself and begs you to not fire him. You physically had to stop him from pacing. "No ones firing anyone. I'm proud of your kid again, just be careful." Emphasizing the last part. "I will" after all that's out of the way you and Peter spent the day testing out the specks in his new suit. Web slingers and all. Yo I didn't leave until he got the hang of it. It took a while but it was well with the wait. 
The next day you wake up to the news seeing a familiar twin on the news. Not good Lagos had gone wrong, the building collapsed and Wanda was to 'blame'. You hurriedly made your way through your morning routine and raced to the compound. As soon as you make it to the common room you can tell something's off. "How is everybody?" You asked Steve who was the first you saw. "I'm assuming you heard about the incident." You don't have the heart to say yes so you just nod. "We're all a little down on morale. Nothing we can't fix." You say, giving you a small smile. You hate that he is down playing this because of your current dilemma. "It wasn't your fault." You say. As you walk off towards Pietro. 
"Are you okay?" You ask this time actually worried Pietro doesn't seem like his usual self. "No...It's Wanda. She hasn't talked to anyone she hasn't eaten she hasn't left her room." He says all in one breath. He finally stopped stirring and slid down to the floor and sat. "Its my fault. I-i could've moved faster, I could've saved them." He says defeatedly. "Maybe… Maybe not" You say bluntly sitting in front of him. "You can't go back now. And I know it's a sour experience. You made the right decision." You sigh. "You made the choice that saved the most lives." He nods letting out a deep breath. "I know… I know but Wanda. If I had saved those people Wanda wouldn't be feeling like this right now." You shake your head. "You fail to realize that if you had done that you would've died along with the other victims. Wanda will come around and let me talk to her." He only nods. "She's in her room."
You knock on her door a couple of times… no answer. So you make yourself comfortable and prepare yourself. Your knock every minute or two and you're constantly yelling in your head. Half an hour goes by and nothing. You go back to mentally yelling, when suddenly you're being dragged by the collar of your shirt into the room with the doors shutting behind you. "You're stubborn like a mule." She says not sparring you a look. "Yeah well I'm dying what are you gonna do about it." You quipped smiling at her. She chuckles. Suddenly the light leaves her face. "I killed people… I put people in danger, I put my own brother I'm danger." You nod. "You also saved hundreds of people. God only knows what that gas would have done. So thank you Wanda. You're my hero." You say sending her a smile.
Right when she's about to say something a certain red friend phases through the wall. "You will never cease to amaze me Vision." You say while looking between him and the wall. "You have very good taste in clothes." You mention as you eye him. He smiles. "Vision. We talked about this, there's a door for a reason." Wanda states. "Yes, well the door was open so I assumed…" He says, explaining himself. "What did you need Vision?" Wanda asks cutting him off. "Well Mr. Stark asked me to come and get both you there is a team meeting. With secretary Ross." 
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Welcome to Fatherhood, Mr. King
Pairing: developing!Gary King x Nic Blake, ft. Elizabeth Blake
Word Count: 1.1k
Summary: Gary goes to a parent-teacher conference with Nic for the first time
Warning: bugs mention
Tag List: @dancing-with-skeletons @certified-soft-si-content @hyperionshipping
“Why do I have to wear this?” Gary whined as Nic rebuttoned his dress shirt. He kept undoing the first few buttons of the shirt, making his look more casual than it should be. This was her fifth attempt. She didn’t understand why it was such a big deal, the shirt was the only thing she asked him specifically to wear. He even got to wear that damned black trench coat he loved.
“Because Liz’s school is a little posh and I want you to make a good impression. This is the first time they’ll see you and we want them to think you’re at least a little responsible,” Nic explained, patting him on the cheek.
Gary huffed. “I’m very responsible.” Nic glared up at him and he shrugged. It wasn’t until two weeks ago she finally added Gary as not only an emergency contact but also someone who could pick up Liz from the school. But he has yet to make an appearance at the school until now. Liz’s teacher requested a parent-teacher conference, and Nic felt it was important for Gary to come since he is now an important member of their daughter’s life.
“Just try to behave, please.” Nic said before taking his hand and dragging him to the front doors of the school. They checked in with the front desk and got their visitor stickers (with a quiet snide comment from Gary that earned him an elbow to the ribs) and headed down the hall to Elizabeth’s classroom. Her class, well her entire grade really, was at the gym for their final class. It made sense that the teacher had the conference now. And it meant that as soon as Liz got back from gym they could take her home. They had just gotten up to the doorway when Gary once again undid the top few buttons of his shirt. Nic noticed and gave him an annoyed look. Before she could scold him, they were greeted by the teacher who sat at his desk in the back of the classroom.
“Ms. Blake, I’m glad you could make it,” he said.
“Of course, Mr. Richards. You know how much I care about Liz’s grades.” Nic replied, stepping into the classroom and dragging Gary along.
Mr. Richards stood to greet them, and gave a curious glance at Gary. “I don’t believe we’ve met?”
“Oh, this is Elizabeth’s father,” Nic explained. Mr. Richards held out a hand for Gary to shake.
“Gary King,” Gary said, hands still stuffed in his coat pockets. Nic slightly elbowed him and he pulled a hand out to shake the teacher’s.
“I’m guessing you’ve just recently come back into their lives?” Mr. Richards said as he pulled away from the handshake.
“Uh something like that,” Gary said.
“He’s still getting used to being a parent,” Nic told Mr. Richards.
“Ah, well in that case, welcome to fatherhood, Mr. King,” the teacher said before sitting down. He gestured to the chairs in front of his desk. “Please, sit.”
They sat in the chairs, and Gary shifted uncomfortably. The chairs were small, obviously fit for 10 year olds and not grown adults.
“What did you want to talk about?” Nic asked.
“Elizabeth overall has been doing wonderful, but I’m a bit… concerned.” Mr. Richards explained. “She hasn’t been doing well in English.”
“How? It’s what we speak,” Gary joked.
Nic kicked his leg and gave him a quick glare before speaking. “But I thought Elizabeth’s reading level was higher than her classmates?”
“It is,” Mr. Richards said. “When she is reading. I’ve noticed she’s had trouble concentrating, now more than in the past, and she’s been struggling with tests and worksheets. Sometimes she understands the questions, sometimes she misunderstands them entirely, or she doesn’t even attempt to answer.”
Letting out a sigh, Nic rubbed her temple. “She’s been experiencing some problems with reading comprehension lately. I’m trying to get her tested for ADHD, that’s more likely the problem. I have it too and reading comprehension has always been a struggle for me, I hoped it wasn’t the case for Liz but…”
Mr. Richards nodded. “I understand. I’ll see what I can do to help her. I want to see her succeed as much as you do.”
“If that’s all you wanted to discuss–” Nic began but was interrupted by Mr. Richards.
“No, I also wanted to discuss… well, her behavior.”
Nic raised a brow. “Oh? Her behavior? I thought she was doing better.”
“She is, but she’s still Elizabeth and she still likes bringing bugs into the classroom.” Mr. Richards told them.
“She does that at home too,” Gary mumbled.
“We will talk to her,” Nic said, looking at Gary for support.
He, surprisingly, got the signal and nodded. “Yeah, no more bugs.” He gave a smile and a thumbs up to the teacher.
“Right…” Mr. Richards said, a little confused at the gesture. “That was all I wanted to discuss with you, Elizabeth has been doing well.”
“Dad! Mom!” Elizabeth called as she entered the classroom with the rest of her class. The pair stood along with Mr. Richards as the students filed in, and Liz quickly ran over to hug her parents. “Dad, I had so much fun in gym, you’ll never believe–” Liz took his hand and pulled him over to her classmates. Nic stopped listening and simply smiled at the sight. Liz absolutely adored Gary, and Nic could tell he adored Liz right back. Liz was busy introducing her classmates to her “cool awesome dad” when Mr. Richards spoke quietly to Nic.
“She’s been happier,” he told her. Nic looked over at him. “She’s been a lot happier when she comes to class. It’s nice to know that she has two parents who care about her.”
Nic nodded in agreement. “I noticed at home. She’s so much happier.”
“You can take her home now if you’d like,” Mr. Richards said.
“I will, thank you.” Nic gave him a smile and walked over to where Liz was still bragging about Gary. “Liz, go grab your coat and your bag, it’s time to go home.”
“Aw,” the classmates whined.
“Okay!” Liz said, grabbing her coat from the coat rack and her bookbag. Nic and Gary stepped out of the classroom, waiting for Liz to say goodbye to her teacher and classmates.
“Thank you for doing this,” Nic whispered to him. “I know you’re still adjusting to being a dad.”
Gary shrugged. “It’s not so bad. I’m getting used to it.” He grinned. “Liz thinks I’m cool though. She was showing me off to the kids.”
Nic laughed. “I could tell. It was cute.” Elizabeth came out of the classroom and smiled at her parents.
“Are we going home now?” She asked. Nic took one of Elizabeth’s hands and they headed down the hall. Liz reached over and took Gary’s hand with her other one.
Nic hummed. “I know it’s freezing outside, but how about we go get some ice cream?”
Liz bounced on her feet and grinned. “I’d love that!”
“I could go for some ice cream,” Gary agreed, smiling at them.
“Then let’s go get some ice cream,” Nic said.
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spookyrobbins · 3 years
Let’s play dialogue game fluffy chaotic edition!
1. “In my defense, I was left unsupervised.” “Wasn't Teddy with you?” “In my defense I was also left unsupervised”
2. “Is something burning?” “Just my love for you” “for God’s sake Arizona the toaster is on fire!”
3. “Would Ms. Torres please come to the front desk?” “Hello is there a problem?” “*points to Arizona and Teddy* i believe they belong to you?”
4. “*doing monologue of how love is dead and full of betrayal* *being extra broody and contemplative*” “for the last time, it was an accident Arizona! I didn’t mean to throw away your last box of donut.”
5. “I’m so happy I want to shout it from the rooftops!” “And she has. We’ve gotten several noise complaints.”
6. “When have I ever done anything rash or irresponsible?” “I keep a list. It’s alphabetized”
7. “One day, we will all be nothing but stories. Our entire life represented by none other than a faded picture.” “you have a cold, you’re not dying” “i’m not sure about that”
8. “*nudges wife awake at 3 am* do you really like me?” “I MARRIED you” “Yeah but did you marry me as a friend or like, a wife? It’s unclear”
9. “Sorry to disappoint babe, but you don't have a mean look” “Oh please, I'm sure I have a mean look! I'm sure it makes people quiver in their boots!” “If by "people" you mean "adorable baby kittens", then yes. Before they wobble over and lick your face.” “*glares daggers*” “Aw, look at all of the kittens coming over! How adorable!”
10. “It goes against my moral compass” “Your moral compass is a FUCKING ROULETTE WHEEL.”
1. “In my defense, I was left unsupervised.” “Wasn't Teddy with you?” “In my defense I was also left unsupervised”
“What do you two have to say for yourselves?”
“In my defense, I was left unsupervised.”
“Wasn’t Teddy with you?”
“She was-”
“In my defense, I was also left unsupervised.”
“You two are grown adults! You have medical degrees! You are freaking double board-certified, Arizona! You have a freaking bronze star, Teddy! You shouldn’t need adult supervision while you wrap Christmas presents.”
“I’ll go get the scissors.”
2. “Is something burning?” “Just my love for you” “for God’s sake Arizona the toaster is on fire!”
“Hey, I’m home! How was you- is something burning?”
“Just my love for you!”
“What? Oh, fuck, for God’s sake, Arizona, the toaster is on fire. How many times do we need to have this conversation? No cooking-”
“When I’ve been awake for over 40 hours, I know, I know, but I really, really, really wanted a peanut butter toast with honey.”
“Not a good enough excuse. You better get the chair. The alarm is gonna go off, well, now.”
3. “Would Ms. Torres please come to the front desk?” “Hello is there a problem?” “*points to Arizona and Teddy* i believe they belong to you?”
“Teddy, shut up.”
“You shut up!”
“Would Ms. Torres please come to the front desk?”
“Now you’ve done it, Teddy.”
“What did I-”
“Hi, is there a problem?”
“I believe they belong to you?”
“Are you two handcuffed to each other? You know what, nope, I don’t want to know. It’s Henry’s turn. Ma’am, do you mind calling Henry Burton? He should be able to handle them. I’ll be in the bar when you’re done with whatever is happening here, Arizona.”
4. “*doing monologue of how love is dead and full of betrayal* *being extra broody and contemplative*” “for the last time, it was an accident Arizona! I didn’t mean to throw away your last box of donut.”
“...I’ve never known betrayal like this. I mean, I’ve known hurt, I’ve known pain, but this, this really takes the cake-”
“Torres, make your girlfriend stop talking to me! For the thousandth time, it was an accident, Robbins! How was I supposed to know there was a doughnut still in there? I didn’t mean to throw it out! You need to chill!”
5. “I’m so happy I want to shout it from the rooftops!” “And she has. We’ve gotten several noise complaints.”
“Aw, that’s amazing guys. I’m already planning your bachelorette party, parties?”
“Thanks, Teddy! I’m so happy I want to shout it from the rooftops!”
“And she has. We’ve gotten several noise complaints.”
“That was just Mark being annoying-”
“And the Coopers, and the Donaldsons, and Mrs Smith.”
“Mrs Smith is deaf. You just made that up.”
“Domestic bliss already.”
6. “When have I ever done anything rash or irresponsible?” “I keep a list. It’s alphabetized”
“I am a very responsible person. Seriously, I don’t know where people get the idea that I’m not.”
“Yes, dear.”
“You’re not listening to me, Calliope, at all. When have I ever done anything rash or irresponsible?”
“I have a list. Do you want the alphabetized copy or the one ranked by severity/risk? Both are colour coded.”
“I- they’re colour coded?”
7. “One day, we will all be nothing but stories. Our entire life represented by none other than a faded picture.” “you have a cold, you’re not dying” “i’m not sure about that”
“One day, we will all be nothing but stories. Our entire life represented by none other than a faded picture.”
“Calliope, it’s just a cold. I think you’ll live.
“It’s not just a cold. It’s some kind of super peds virus you gave me.”
“I feel like you’re not being supportive of my plight.”
“Your plight?”
“Yes, my plight. But I’ll forgive you if you come and cuddle with me.”
8. “*nudges wife awake at 3 am* do you really like me?” “I MARRIED you” “Yeah but did you marry me as a friend or like, a wife? It’s unclear”
“Calliope. Calliope. Calliope.”
“Oh my God, what?”
“Do you really like me?”
“Do I like you- we’re freakin’ married, Arizona.”
“Yeah, but like, did you marry me as a friend or like a wife-wife?”
“A wife-wife? Arizona, babe, sweetheart, my love, it is 3 in the morning, I love you, but I need sleep, I love sleep. Can we please sleep? I’ll hold you or we can spoon, whatever you need, but I need to sleep.”
9. “Sorry to disappoint babe, but you don't have a mean look” “Oh please, I'm sure I have a mean look! I'm sure it makes people quiver in their boots!” “If by "people" you mean "adorable baby kittens", then yes. Before they wobble over and lick your face.” “*glares daggers*” “Aw, look at all of the kittens coming over! How adorable!”
“Karev isn’t taking me seriously. Even when I yell and glare at him!”
“Sorry to disappoint, babe, but you don’t have a mean look.”
“Um, excuse you, I totally have a mean look. It’s the same look that the Colonel uses to get his Marines in line. People are definitely afraid of my look.”
“If by people you mean ‘adorable baby kittens’, then yeah, sure, you have a look. And if by afraid you mean how baby kittens sort of wobble before coming over to give you kisses, then you’ve got that nailed. It’s very effective.”
“No, no, keep going, Calliope.”
“I mean, you look like you probably have singing birds floating around somewhere. You’re very sunshine and rainbows and I love that about you, but it’s not scary or intimidating- wait, where are you going? Arizona!”
“Have fun sleeping on the couch, Cal.”
“Oh, shut up, Mark.”
10. “It goes against my moral compass” “Your moral compass is a FUCKING ROULETTE WHEEL.”
“It goes against my moral compass.”
“It goes against your moral compass? It goes against your moral compass? Your moral compass is A FUCKING ROULETTE WHEEL!”
“I’m not cutting you a deal, Teddy.”
“Yeah, Teddy, it’s just Monopoly.”
“Torres, I swear to God, if you don’t shut up, I end go all Army on your ass.”
“Pfft, I’d like to see you try, GI Jane.”
“Fight me, jarhead brat!”
"Bring it on, Altman!"
“Oh and they knocked the board off. Again. I’ve got some of that micro-brew left over from last time, Callie. Wanna go shoot hoops or something while they resolve their differences?”
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𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔽𝕚𝕣𝕤𝕥 𝔻𝕒𝕪
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Heyo this is my first time writing on the blog so be kind. I just got obsessed with the idea of Aizawa being an elementary school teacher 
>> Admin B̷r̷a̷n̷d̷o̷
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Ok, maybe this won’t be so bad? 
He put on a fake smile and looked at himself in the bathroom mirror. The bags under his eyes were somehow more apparent then usual. His face quickly faded into his trademark apathetic scowl. 
Who am I kidding? This is the worst possible situation. 
Aizawa sneered at the thought of his current situation. Of how his pristine English classroom was being taken from him because they needed “fresh blood”. Of how he was not only being forced into a new school, but also a new grade. He sighed (heavier than usual), leaving his dim apartment early, to beat traffic and give him time to dwell further on his current situation.
As he drove, his brain on went on auto pilot and all his worries and thoughts crossed his mind once again. Aizawa had never taught anything lower than 6th grade, and he never wanted to. It’s not that he didn’t like kids, it’s that he didn’t love kids. High schoolers were almost adults, so he didn’t have to sugar coat anything. No snack time, no name calling, no bullshit. The sudden unemployment was truly a wake-up call (not just because he would fall asleep in class), telling him that he needed to get his shit together. He was thankful that his good friend Nezu happened to have a job opening, he just wished it were at any other school.
Arriving at the school made him sick. The bright colors. The intricately hand painted signs reading “Welcome To The New Year!” and “Start the school year with a smile.” The line of staff waiting outside the school to welcome him. The line of staff? Jesus.
His wish to quietly slip into his new classroom vanished before his eyes. There was no way he could avoid meeting his new colleagues now. Hopefully, he thought, I can get through this without too much headache.
And the headache began.
“Oh my god, Shouta! It’s been so long! And you never returned my texts?? I can’t believe we’re working together again! I thought you didn’t like elementary school?? Anyway, c’mon we need to get you all settled!! I heard you got fired?? What’s up with that? Did you- “
Before he could even fully get out of his car, Hizashi was pulling him toward the crowd of faculty almost against his will. The crowd was full of smiling faces, kind waves, and judging glances.
“Welcome Mr. Aizawa! I am glad that Mr. Yamada was telling the truth that he was a close friend. Well I know that our little pocket of perfect isn’t quite the high school setting you’re used to but believe me that you’ll love it soon enough.” Principal Nezu smiled happily and gestured to the quaint little school.
“Starting in the middle of the school year isn’t easy, but I’m sure you’ll be able to handle it,” he added with a wink.
Aizawa glanced briefly at the bright marquee reading “U. A. Elementary School”, then back to the group of hopeful faces. He put on his best “I’m totally not wishing I was somewhere else right now” face, and /reluctantly/ expressed his joy to be there. 
With his seemingly pleasant response, the evaluative air cleared somewhat, and the gossipier teachers left the gathering, no longer interested.
Taking Aizawa’s arm, Nemuri pressed her chest against him, “Hate to interrupt but Shouta- Mr. Aizawa, really needs to get to his classroom.” With that, the tall woman, along with Hizashi, practically dragged the poor man away, though he was internally grateful to be away from the crowd.
They arrived at Aizawa’s new classroom, still full of the previous teachers’ belongings. He pulled himself away from the others, brushing himself off.
“Thanks Midnight.”
“Oh, stop with that,” Nemuri responded, fixing her immaculate hair in the reflection from the window, “I haven’t gone by that since college. No one here needs to know the escapades of Ms. Midnight.”
Aizawa chuckled lightly, “At least I have some familiar faces here, aside from Nezu.” He peered over to the other two, seeing their “trying to be respectful but insanely curious” faces. “Fine, I’ll address the elephant in the room. Yes, I was fired. No, it was not for selling drugs to the kids, Hizashi. I just… had trouble staying awake, apparently a few times too many.”
Hizashi sighed in defeat and pulled a twenty out of his pocket, handing it sadly to Nemuri.
“Good thing there was an opening here for you,” Hizashi replied, almost like a whine as he mourned his loss, “Too bad it came at the loss of Yagi. Poor guy having to be stuck at home after that dumb injury.”
Nemuri chuckled, “It’s his own fault for jumping out of the second story window to give one of his students the lunchbox they forgot.”
“He’ll be back next year, and I’ll be long gone. hopefully.” Aizawa interrupted, tying his long hair back. “Now can you two leave? I have kids coming in less than an hour to a teacher that could care less about them right now.”
Nemuri exhaled sharply through her nose, a smirk crossing her face, “You need a better attitude, my friend, or they will eat you alive.” She pushed herself off the desk, pulling Hizashi along.
“Good luck!” He called out, “let me know if I can help! The music room is always open for you!”
As the door slowly closed, Aizawa turned back to his new classroom. The desks were arranged in neat rows and columns, small pieces of tape on the carpeted floor to ensure that they remained in their neat arrangement. He was appalled by the disorganized mess that was Yagi’s previous desk arrangement.
Aizawa sat at his new desk, dropping his head into his hands. He had never taught 2nd grade before. Sure, he was certified to teach it, but that was more of a trophy to him than an actual career choice. Like when someone minors in art history. What made it especially difficult was that he was taking over a class run by the one and only Yagi Toshinori, legendary his teaching. He was the “symbol of peace” for teachers, doing interviews for local news stations and giving presentations for the school district.
The four of them (Yagi, Hizashi, Nemuri, and himself) had gone through college together, but lost touch as they all chose their path. Yagi with younger kids, Aizawa with teens, Hizashi with music, and Nemuri with administration. Aizawa knew that Yagi was a better teacher than him, and that he had big shoes to fill, literally.
Aizawa broke from his lamentation as the morning bell rang. He opened his door to be greeted with the cacophonous sound of 20 children itching the get into their classroom. He was nearly knocked over by the force of almost two dozen children running into inspect what the new teacher had done. Surprisingly, the new layout did not stop the wave of children, they all quickly found their name tags and sat down, most of them loudly complaining.
Aizawa moved to the front of the room and cleared his throat. Twenty small faces focused on him. “Good morning students. As you may know, Mr. Toshinori is injured and will not be able to continue teaching this year. My name is Mr. Aizawa and I’m going to be your teacher for the remainder of the school year-” A series of small hands shot up in front of him. He sighed, “Yes, you,” pointing to the small girl sitting politely in the front row.
“Excuse me, but why can’t Mr. Toshinori come back?” she asked, cocking her head.
Before he could answer, another young girl, this one with pink hair, jumped up, “Momo, he broke his butt, that’s why he can’t come back!”
“He didn’t break his butt! He broke his feet, stupid.” A blonde boy in the back stood up and pointed at her.
“Who are you calling stupid? I saw it, you buttface.” She stuck her tongue out at him. Seeing her mocking face, the boy began throwing his pencils at her, to which she started throwing her pencils. Momo began crying at the violence, while the other students began cheering for one of the other two students.
This was going to be a long day.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
As Nemuri entered the teacher’s lounge, she was greeted with the sight of Aizawa looking… well, dead. “Well, I was expecting this.” She commented, setting her stack of papers down and sitting on the table in front of him. “Rough day?” Aizawa merely groaned in response. She patted his head lightly, “You know what they say about kids, it’s like wrangling kittens.”
“I’ve never heard that.” He replied, lifting his head up to a more alive position. “I don’t know how he did it. Those kids just don’t listen.”
“How did you deal with your high schoolers?”
“None of us wanted to be there so we respected each other’s time and got shit done.”
Nemuri clicked her tongue, “It’s a wonder why you’re a teacher at all. You used to have passion for teaching, Shouta. Try to tap into some of that.” With that, Nemuri hopped off the desk, scooping up her papers, “If you need advice on how to deal with them, we’re here for you, all three of us.”
The door to the lounge closed softly behind, and he was once again alone. Aizawa hesitated at the thought of asking any of them for help. He had not spoken to any of them for years. While he enjoyed their company, Aizawa knew he did not belong. Nemuri, Hizashi, and of course Yagi, all had this passion and fire for education that Aizawa himself had lost years ago. It felt wrong to him to be there.
The soft chime of the lunch bell reminded Aizawa that he had to return to his classroom. Which he really did not want to do. The kids barely got along with each other, who they have known for months, how were they supposed to cooperate with him, a total stranger? He trudged back to his classroom, just as the students began pouring in. As they took their seats, he stood, and began writing their next lesson on the board. Once all were seated, he turned around to address them.
 “I am very disappointed with how the morning went.” At this remark, half the students rolled their eyes, while the other half looked like they were going to burst into tears. Aizawa stopped and began thinking. What would Yagi do in this situation? He would be cheery and upbeat and overly personal with the students. Well, he thought, nothing would hurt to try at this point.
He sighed, sitting down on his desk, “Listen guys, I know this is hard for you, its hard for me two. The only way we can make this work is if we give each other a chance and get to know each other. So..” he looked at the confused faces of the kids, “Let’s go outside.”
The students all filed outside behind Aizawa, confused yet intrigued. He turned to face them, “Now I have a task for you, we’re going to go on a hike around the school, and you’re going to tell me about everything interesting you see.” The students collectively gasped and nodded excitedly.
As the class walked around the school, Aizawa learned many things about the kids. Like how Tenya liked to walk this path with his brother, or how Shoto would take trips through the woods when he wanted to get away from his family, or how Yuga collect only “the prettiest and shiniest” rocks. Although this was far more effort than he usually put into teaching, Aizawa was having fun.
The week from that point on went… surprisingly well. The students slowly warmed up to Aizawa, and even began enjoying his teaching. They continued setting time aside for a class hike and decided that they would start a nature journal to write about what they saw on their hikes. Aizawa, even though he would never admit it, even started smiling more in class. Before he knew it, the end of the week had already come.
As the students filed out of the room, several waved goodbyes to Aizawa. He smiled and waved back, eyes wandering to the small boy standing shyly next to him. “Hey Midoriya, do you need something? You should be heading home.”
“I am going home! But I made you something to celebrate how much fun we are having! I still like Mr. Toshinori more, but you’re really fun!” The boy shoved a piece of paper into Aizawa’s hands. “Ok my mom is waiting, bye Mr. Aizawa! See you next week!” Before Aizawa could respond, the boy ran out of the room. He looked at the paper. On it was a crudely drawn picture of him and the class on one of their hikes. He chuckled lightly, pinning the picture to the wall. 
He was pulled away from his thoughts by the sudden vibrations of his phone. Without checking, he answered, “Aizawa speaking.”
“Um, hey! It’s been a while.”
“Yeah! Hizashi told me you were taking over for me, and I, uh, wanted to say thanks!”
“I should be thanking you,” Aizawa commented, amusement crossing his face upon hearing the familiar voice again, “I needed a job and you had some broken bones.” They both chuckled awkwardly.
After a moment of thick silence, Aizawa sighed, “Its good time hear from you, Yagi. I’m sorry it’s been so long.”
Yagi chuckled, “We should catch up soon. You know, when I can walk again that is.” he paused, “So I, uh actually called to... uh, How are the kids?”
Aizawa laughed at how the blonde could barely hide his intentions. “They’re doing fine, no need to worry.”
“Are you handling them alright? I know they can be a handful.”
Aizawa looked fondly at the drawing Midoriya had handed him, “It’s an adjustment, but I think we’ll be able to get through the year.
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jeanvaljean24601 · 4 years
Teen Mom: Ranking the Most Insane Feuds of All Time!
From on-camera brawls to social media feuds and legal threats, the cast of Teen Mom and Teen Mom 2 sure know how to go hard. Moments that made you cringe 'cause they were so painful, or smile ear-to-ear. Scenes that were fights, or made you fight back tears.
The franchise really does have it all, and as such, it's become one of the most entertaining in the history of the reality TV genre.
Below, we look back at some of the MTV gang's most explosive feuds, and however you might rank them, this much is undeniable: Way back then. Not so way back then. Last year. Last month. Last week. Probably right now. There is no shortage of beef.
NOTE: We’ve saved the craziest for last, so we suggest that you a deep breath, sit back, grab a hat and hold the f--k onto it …
When Briana DeJesus joined the Teen Mom 2 cast in 2017, she was not welcomed with open arms. In fact, she quickly became persona non grata at her first get-together with the cast - with one exception. Jenelle Evans, Briana said, “is the only one who was acting like her s--t ain’t stink. Plus she was the only one who wasn’t acting fake and choosing sides.” Leah Messer’s response was to “pay no attention to those who try to bring you down … they’re just envious of where you are and how well you’re doing.” As we'll get to in a bit, relations haven't exactly gotten more amicable since.
Maci Bookout and Taylor McKinney's relationship has produced three kids, and they seem very happily married ... most of the time. Like, 85 percent of the time. Bookout alarmed fans with the confession a few years ago that revealed some trouble in paradise: “Eighty-five percent of the time we’re good to go … Fifteen percent is hell. All of our stress and emotions, we take out on each other. When the cameras leave, we’ll drink and freak out. It’s always literally the smallest things. It’s such small stuff but it blows up. It’s not going to go away.” Yikes ... but at least they've had plenty of time to work on things?
So Jenelle has this weird thing about Chelsea -- she accused her of copying her because she made a website for herself after she'd already made her own, because making a website is something totally special and unique. She also kind of accused Chelsea of copying her when she gave birth to Watson the day after Jenelle gave birth to Ensley, which is just wild. On another occasion, Jenelle went off about Chelsea ignoring her older daughter, Aubree, after having Watson, insinuating that she's a bad mother. Chelsea liked a tweet from someone who called Jenelle "pathetic" for bringing up Aubree, which is pretty much the most she's ever participated in this feud.
This one is pretty weird -- one time Babs "jokingly" threatening to "kill Kail" during an Instagram Live session with Jenelle. Lowry was understandably not amused and threatened to quit the show over Barbara's threats. That didn't happen, of course, and it's no longer an issue since Jenelle and her family are no longer on the show, but how bizarre, right?
Brooke Wehr was never a Teen Mom 2 cast member, but due to her mercurial relationship with Jeremy Calvert, her impact was felt just the same. A few years ago, the couple's engagement ended after Brooke accused Jeremy of cheating on her with multiple women, one being a Teen Mom 2 producer, another being her best friend, and a third possibly being his ex-wife Leah Messer. Brooke even shared a screen shot of a text message conversation between Jeremy and the best friend as proof, while Calvert responded in a drunken stupor that yes, maybe he did sleep with Brooke's best friend, but ... only because Wehr slept with some other guy first. Or, as he put it, Brooke was "f-cking his brains out, every day," and he was single, so "my dick was happy to do whatever the f-ck it wanted to do, and it did." Shocking that these two didn't work out ... but neither party was completely off base with their allegations. Just saying. Jeremy and Leah did hook up.
Briana hooked up with Luis in a bathroom while she was drunk, and she got pregnant. They tried to make a relationship work, but he cheated on her and was generally just not great. He's never really been around for their daughter, Stella, but he did come back around last year for a bit. Briana even decided to give him another shot -- except this time, she got the clap. So yeah, they're not on the best terms.
Devoin is the father of Briana's first child, Nova, and they haven't gotten along for many, many years. Briana says that Devoin is a deadbeat dad, Devoin says that Briana won't let him be an active father, it's this whole thing. However, things got especially bad last summer when Briana let him take Nova for an overnight visit and he ended up getting drunk while he was with her alone at a pool. More recently, she criticized him for not giving her any money to help with Nova.
This feud has been going on for years, but has taken on many new forms due to ever-changing circumstances and new tensions. The main point of contention for awhile was Javi's relationship with Briana DeJesus, who came on board the cast of Teen Mom 2 in 2017 amid a lot of controversy. Bri and Kail are bitter rivals (more on that later), so it's not surprising that Ms. Lowry would take issue with DeJesus hooking up with her ex ... or proposing to her. Kail was so salty over Javi's new relationship that she even canceled plans to collaborate on a pair of memoirs with Marroquin. android tv boxThese days, the two of them seem to be doing OK for the most part, but of course that could change at any moment.
Jenelle and Leah used to be friendly, but then things changed -- possibly because Leah became so close with Jenelle's mortal enemy, Kailyn Lowry. Jenelle has thrown plenty of jabs at Leah on social media, like the time she claimed CPS removed the twins from Leah's care and that there were more shocking details about all that that no one knows about. She's also criticized Leah for allowing her daughter to wear makeup and short skirts for cheerleading. As for Leah, she doesn't really seem to pay too much attention to anything Jenelle's ever said about her, although she did speak out after David killed Nugget, Jenelle's dog.
There was a time when Jenelle and Farrah were friends, but no more -- to be honest, both ladies seem to have trouble maintaining friendships with anyone. Jenelle has made remarks about Farrah's plastic surgery and her adult entertainment ventures, and Farrah has called Jenelle out on her bad parenting and her horrific taste in men. After Jenelle left David last year, Farrah offered her support, then ultimately decided to block her on social media because it's none of her business.
Jenelle didn't like Cheyenne from the moment MTV announced she was joining the cast of Teen Mom OG because of some tweets she'd made about white people several years ago. But the feud really started last year when Jenelle made a comment about Amber Portwood's assault charges -- Cheyenne tweeted that Jenelle "should be the last person throwing shade." Jenelle told her that she had no clue what she was talking about, then Cheyenne hit back with "Coming from the real racist, dog killer, abuser and honestly the most unstable individual I’ve witnessed.. GREAT STATEMENT.. get custody of ALL your kids and stay out of court before you talk about me." Jenelle tried to come back from that by calling her a "replacement," but Cheyenne said "And you're fired... soooo?" Beautiful.
Mackenzie has often criticized the network that made her a D-list star -- she once blasted both MTV itself and Teen Mom viewers who have been critical of her relationship with Ryan, particularly her decision to let him drive to their wedding while he was so high that he lost consciousness behind the wheel. "It’s easy to show the ‘half truth’ and portray it as a whole," Mackenzie wrote in a lengthy social media tirade. "But that’s ok because regardless of what happens, whether right or wrong, you’re considered scum.” She's also accused MTV of making her and her husband look bad with editing, but we'd argue that Ryan has always made himself look bad just because of who he is as a person. android tv box
Jenelle Evans' relationship with David Eason has been suspect from the start, even to members of their inner circle - and their own families. One of the loudest voices of disapproval of Jenelle is David Eason's sister. Her complaints were nothing new - Jenelle's a bad mom, a violent criminal, a drug addict, etc. But just because Jenelle's heard these criticisms before, that doesn't mean she took them lying down. In a public Facebook exchange that was at once amusing and horrifying, Jenelle tore into Jessica Eason Miller, accusing her of child abuse and hard drug addiction. Jess shot back by accusing Jenelle of going to great lengths to keep her numerous abortions a secret. Needless to say, these sisters-in-law won't be meeting up for cosmos anytime soon.
Following a slew of gossip stories shared by her co-stars a few years ago that she deemed unflattering, the Carolina Hurricane unleased her legal fury ... to widespread mockery. Jenelle sent cease-and-desist letters to a number of her co-stars, including Leah Messer, Chelsea Houska, and Chelsea's father, Randy Houska. She also took legal action against peripheral friends such as Ryan Dolph, and even her own mother, Barbara Evans. It's yet another reminder that Jenelle is not someone you want to mess with. Not because there's any legal merit to what she was alleging, but just because she's certifiably bonkers and when you kick a hornets' nest of that size, you open yourself up to all kinds of mayhem, bedlam and chaos.
Farrah hasn't gotten along with her former co-stars for years, but on one memorable occasion, she hopped on Instagram to allege that Lowell is a closeted pothead and Baltierra is secretly gay. Yes, for real. Catelynn was unable to defend herself as she was in rehab at the time being treated for various emotional issues; Tyler simply dismissed Farrah's claims as the ravings of seriously unstable woman. Probably the best way to conduct one's self in that situation, but they don't always brush it off. Tyler later stirred the pot once more when he said MTV was right to fire Farrah for her porn career, to which Abraham responded with an iconic word salad in the third person. android tv box
Catelynn has also attacked Farrah over the years - who could forget when she called her fellow Teen Mom a "hoe bag," or when she pretended not to know who Farrah was and instead started talking about Farrah Fawcett? What about the time that she charged out during Farrah's reunion fight with Amber yelling "TRASHY BITCH"? And then there was the time that Catelynn posted this just before Farrah's canceled boxing match with Hoopz. Stay classy, everyone!
This was a feud no one saw coming. Apparently Ryan was active on the dating app Tinder, despite the fact that he's, ya know ... married. When Mackenzie found out about this RIGHT AFTER they tied the knot, she was understandably not pleased. Catching your husband swiping and chatting with other chicks after you married him days earlier? Insane. But, instead of taking out her frustrations on Edwards himself, she decided to let loose on a random girl he was chatting with online. Edwards' Tinder Girl was the undisputed victor in this one, destroying Mackenzie's argument simply by stating, “Your husband is the one on Tinder.” Enough said, really. Incredibly, they stayed married, Mackenzie got pregnant ... TWICE. To quote the legendary Kieffer Delp, "You know how choices be."
Jeremy has never been a fan of David and Jenelle -- he spoke out against the homophobic remarks that got David fired, and he got into a spat with Jenelle after she was shown pulling a gun on that guy (he called her a "dumb bitch" in case you forgot). Later, David commented on a photo that Jeremy shared to tell him that he looked "like a bitch," and Jeremy went off on him in a long rant that concluded with "keep f-cking with me and I'll fly my ass to nc and I'll show u what kind of bitch I am pretty boy." So yeah, they don't like each other.
Where do you even start with these three? Ryan and Maci have experienced their share of rough patches over the years as they've struggled to peaceably co-parent their son, Bentley, but in the past, they've always been able to sort out their differences eventually. But then Ryan started doing heroin and brought Mackenzie into the picture, and that's not really the case anymore. Maci thinks that Mackenzie enables Ryan, Mackenzie thinks that Maci stresses Ryan out -- it's a mess. The two ladies have said plenty of nasty things about each other over the years, while Ryan went in and out of jail and rehab. Like we said, it's a mess. Poor Bentley.
Farrah has said a lot of things about the network that made her famous, like that time that she bizarrely claimed that MTV forces stars of the Teen Mom franchise to continue having children, even when they'd prefer not to. Abraham also accused the producers of encouraging Amber Portwood to attack her during their reunion show melee (more on that later), and even claimed she was fired from the network for partaking in "adult" pursuits on the side. Even more amazingly than the fact that she threw around the term "hate crimes" to describe how MTV treated her? The apparent fact that the folks who made her famous are actually willing to continue working with Farrah. Or were, until she finally got fired or quit, depending who you believe. With Farrah, every day is another day in the Post-Truth Era.
Where do we even begin with this. In late summer 2019, a 911 call was placed from Javi's home, following a dispute there. No charges were filed, but the truth came out. You see, Javi had recently gotten engaged to Lauren, with whom he welcomed his second son. Not long after that, he got busted cheating on her, banging one of the members of his CrossFit gym ... IN HIS BATHROOM while Lauren was asleep (or so he thought) IN THEIR HOME. As if that weren't crazy enough, he then called Kailyn to mediate; Kail later put him on blast, claiming he'd been cheating on Lauren back when she was pregnant and chastising him for wanting her to "clean up their mess." Don't worry, Javi posted a cheesy apology on Instagram, for everyone to see, and it was all good with Lauren after like 12 minutes.
There's always been some seriously bad blood between Farrah and Debra -- remember that time that she hit her in the early days of Teen Mom OG? Deb forced Farrah to become a mother when she insisted she wasn't ready, she didn't support her after Sophia's father passed away, and she was just generally awful towards her. Things got so bad between them that at one point, Farrah said that she'd wished that her mother would "just f-cking die already." They've been estranged for a long time now, although Farrah does sometimes allow Deb to see Sophia.
Jenelle Evans and her mother, Barbara, have always had a tumultuous relationship, with Babs unafraid to dish it out as much as she's forced to take it. In previous years, they would fight a lot and trade zingers (such as this classic image), then eventually put it behind them. For a good long while, Jenelle and Babs were at each other's throats more often than not, and the stakes couldn't have been higher. Barbara now has permanent custody of Jenelle's oldest son, Jace, and Jenelle has mostly come to terms with it. Thankfully, they're not fighting so much these days -- yep, they're actually managing to get along. For the moment, anyway.
Things neared a boiling point between Amber Portwood and Matt Baier after he vowed that would never marry her ... because she wouldn’t marry him on the spot in Las Vegas, obviously. “I will not marry her,” he said. “I will not marry her now, ever! I’m not gonna let her [brother] dictate my life. That f—king f—got. She wants to marry her brother. That’s who she wants to marry. F—k her. She just humiliated me on TV. I’m done!” Matt, who was livid at Amber’s reasoning for not eloping in Vegas - her brother Shawn not being present - went on to tell a producer, “I don’t care who you have to give oral pleasure to, keep the Amber and Matt wedding thing off [the air]. She just embarrassed me in front of 12 million people.” We’re pretty sure you did that to yourself, Matt …
As if it wasn't bad enough that Matt Baier offered Catelynn Lowell a Xanax before a press event, casting serious doubt over whether or not he remains drug-free, he ultimately took a lie detector test to prove his faithfulness to Amber Portwood ... and failed. The polygraph revealed that Matt made sexual advances toward other women during his relationship with the Teen Mom star, and that was it for her. "Trash! TRASH! I got you money. I got you deals! And you tried to f--k her! F--K YOU!" Their breakup, which was a long time coming, was not undone despite a stint on Marriage Boot Camp ... though she did meet crew member Andrew Glennon while on the set and went on to have his baby. Matt also got married (seriously) to Jen Conlon. Funny how life works out. h96 max tv box
Perhaps the longest-running feud of the franchise, Chelsea Houska and Adam Lind face off mostly through their lawyers these days, because the derelict of society can't stay out of trouble or pay child support. In recent years, he's failed drug tests with meth in his system, and he's also been arrested more than once for domestic violence. Because of all of that, he's only allowed to see his daughter with Chelsea at a visitation center (which he rarely seems to do), and he gave up his parental rights completely for his other daughter, Paislee.
Amber and Jenelle have never interacted all that much since they were on different shows, but still, Amber felt the need to speak out after one of David's many abuse scandals -- she ranted about it on Instagram, calling him names like "bitch" and "disgusting clown." Jenelle told her to leave her family alone, and she also said "You’re the one who went to jail for domestic violence but you’re sitting here pointing fingers at my husband?" Amber then threatened to beat her up, because of course she did. Their feud was reignited months later when Jenelle started saying that it was unfair that she got fired when Amber got to keep her spot on the show. Amber never responded, but a source did report that “She doesn’t feel the need to get into a feud with Jenelle with everything going on in the world right now."
This feud has been going on for a long, long time, and it started back in the day when Jenelle needed Kailyn to post bail for her, but then she never paid her back. These two have traded insults over the years, and Jenelle was actually low enough to leak the news of Kail's pregnancy with Lux. Since then, they've been making snide remarks about each other on social media, with David even joining in to insult her about things like her weight and her sexuality. Most recently, Jenelle took a break from her newfound body positivity to call Kail "a giant compared to me," and Kailyn hit back by saying that at least she has custody of all of her children. Classic stuff there.
Nathan and Jenelle were terrible together, and things didn't change after they broke up. The big issue was that she didn't waste any time in getting with David, and David has always hated Nathan. Like, a lot. The feeling became mutual after a while, and Nathan started claiming that Kaiser had told him that David was abusive. Nathan once even tweeted photos of some suspicious bruises on Kaiser that he said were from David hitting him with a stick, but Jenelle turned it around, suggesting that Nathan was the abusive one. Nathan has been talking about getting custody of Kaiser for a while now, but of course he has his own issues on top of everything else.
Amber Portwood and Farrah Abraham’s iconic beef may never be topped, at least in terms of how it came to a head on an MTV reunion special with the cameras rolling. It was pretty standard - or at least it was until Farrah said that Amber's then-boyfriend, Matt Baier, looks like a pedophile. With Farrah and her then-boyfriend, Simon Saran, just trolling Matt incessantly, Portwood hit her breaking point off camera. She stormed the stage, trying to fight Farrah, hurling insult after insult at her rival, and even throwing a punch that missed. Baier and Farrah's father, Michael, then got into it physically, forcing security to break it up. Crew members stormed the stage to pull Amber away from Farrah and it was all a mess. An epic, chaotic and glorious mess. h96 tv box
The bad blood from their epic reunion fight lingered long after the dust settled and only worsened in the years since.. Farrah said Gary Shirley should have full custody of Amber’s daughter, and that Amber needs to stop "using me to get attention … I want nothing to do with [her] criminal behavior or lying evil groups of people [she associates] with.” Fast forward to 2019, in the wake of Amber's arrest for assaulting Andrew Glennon (below), Farrah said again: "I do not speak to others who are very vulgar and abusive. I haven’t spoken to her. I feel that children, adults, family members, everyone associated should be treated with care, love. And that’s where the society and the world is going. I really hope that, not only Amber, but I hope Catelynn, I hope Maci… gets some help. They seriously need it." Vintage Farrah word salad.
This feud never really stops, but boy does it take more twists and turns than we can even count. Most notably, Javi started dating Briana, and even proposed to her in 2018, resulting in a lot of bitter feelings from Kailyn. THEN, he broke up with Briana and started dating Lauren Comeau ... who quickly became pregnant with his child, prompting more feelings from both Kailyn and Briana. THEN Kailyn revealed that after his split from Briana, but prior to him impregnating Lauren, Javi tried to bang Kailyn repeatedly. After that, it came out that Javi was actually juggling all three women at the same time. Who has the energy?
One of the best, for obvious reasons. As we mentioned, Bri's was dating Kailyn's ex-husband, Javi Marroquin, a move that effectively drove a dagger into the heart of their friendship - whatever that consisted of. They had a very heated argument at one reunion, and at the next, they wanted to physically fight each other. First, Kail invited Briana for a private chat in a room backstage, but Briana left before things could get bad. Later, when it was time for all the girls to to onstage together, Briana tried to attack Kailyn, but security guards were able to keep them away from each other. They don't do reunions together anymore, but they do get sassy about each other on social media!
There's a lot here, so let's just breeze through, all right? Kailyn met Chris at college, she slept with him when she was still married to Javi, and he ended up impregnating her when the marriage was over. He was never around throughout the pregnancy, and she even said he had another girlfriend, though he did show up for the birth and for a little while after. Kail has said that things went bad a few months later, and she's even claimed that he broke into her house and broke a window in her bedroom at that time. Still, she had a big thing for them, and they hooked up every now and then. Eventually, he got her pregnant again, and she soon got an order of protection against him. Right now, she's nearing the end of that pregnancy, and things don't seem to be much better with Chris.
Nothing funny about this one. On July 5, 2019, Portwood was arrested and charged with two counts of domestic battery and one count of criminal recklessness with a deadly weapon after she struck her boyfriend, Andrew Glennon, in the neck as Glennon held their son James in his arms. She then threatened to commit suicide by overdosing on pills, and used a machete to attempt and break into the room where Glennon was hiding with their son. She was convicted on felony charges of domestic battery and intimdation, and she's currently on probation. Later, audio recordings were released in which Amber could be heard verbally abusing Andrew, and in one she even admitted to punching him in the face. There's no contact between them now, and Amber has been allowed visits with their son. h96 tv box
Where do we even begin? Jenelle and David have always gotten in awful fights, and they've only gotten worse as time has gone on. In the beginning, they argued a lot, but a couple of years ago, she called 911 in hysterics, claiming he pushed her down so hard she thought he'd broken her collarbone. She called again a few months later because she'd locked him outside and he was beating the door down. Last year, she left him for a while after he killed her dog, which resulted in them losing temporary custody of the kids, and she even got a restraining order against him after telling a judge she feared for her life. She went back to him, but things definitely haven't been good -- she recently left him again and threatened to get a restraining order. She didn't, and we guess things are supposed to be OK right now, but it's only a matter of time until things get bad again.
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hellimagines · 6 years
Cheating the Devil (Prologue) -- James Patrick March
Summary: James March loves his daughter more than death itself. The mother of his child, doesn’t.
Warnings: birth (gross), implied drug addiction
Pairing: James Patrick March x daughter!reader
Word Count: 1,800+
A/N: Here it is, sluts!! My next pride and joy. This is just the prologue, and chapter one won’t be from a Third Person POV (unless you guys totally dig this), so this is a little short.  I hope you guys like it, though, and lemme know what you think!
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“Fuck, James! I’m going to kill you when this thing is finally out of me!” (Y/M/N) screamed, tightly gripping onto the hand of the man beside her.
“I’m already dead, darling, so, unfortunately, that shall not be,” James March sighed but offered the woman on the table a reassuring squeeze regardless. “And this is not a thing, she is our daughter.”
The mother growled, “Your daughter. I want nothing to do with this!” Another painful screamed ripped through the air as (Y/M/N) pushed harder, willing the baby inside of her to just get out. On the woman’s other side, Hazel Evers stood, swiftly patting the soon-to-be mother’s forehead with a cold rag, tutting softly.
“Just one more push, doll, and you’ll be done,” another voice gently spoke. Liz Taylor kneeled between the screaming woman’s legs, her acrylic-less nails carefully maneuvering the woman’s thighs further apart. Liz was by no means a doctor, or certified to be delivering a baby, but she was the most trusted in the hotel and therefore, declared fit for the job.
James held onto the woman’s hand a little bit tighter, eyes flashing from hers to Liz in anticipation. (Y/M/N) gave one final push, screaming loudly as she did, until a small wail broke out across the room. The woman moaned in instant relief, her head lolling to the side as her eyes began falling shut with exhaustion.
“It’s a girl. Would you like to hold-” Liz paused her announcement once she looked up, noticing the mother already passed out on the bed.
Ms. Evers quickly checked her pulse before nodding to herself silently and beginning to do away with the soiled sheets. “Oh yes, such a mess. Messiest of messes,” she murmured to herself, ignoring the screams of the baby March.
James slowly walked over to Liz, his hands already held out for his baby girl. “Give her to me.” Liz obeyed, not even bothering to wipe away the mucus, wax, or blood that covered the child. “She’s… beautiful.” The second she was placed in his awaiting arms, the screams of the child ceased as if they had never been happening to begin with.
Liz side-eyed the man, looking over at the child herself. She was shocked at the baby’s sudden silence but said nothing about it, figuring it had to be a ‘James thing’. Shrugging her shoulders, Liz began to wipe off her hands. “What will you name her?”
James paused, “(Y/N). (Y/F/N) (Y/Middle/N) March,” he smiled, before allowing Liz to finally wipe the baby down with a gentle rag.
“Shall the mother be okay with that?” Ms. Evers pipped up, delicately tucking in the covers (Y/M/N) was laid beneath.
“She does not have a choice in the matter. She’s made it very obvious she wishes nothing of the child,” James huffed, pulling the baby away from Liz -once again- as soon as she had been cleaned off. It was clear to Liz and Ms. Evers that James had no intention of letting his daughter go anytime soon. He brought (Y/N) closer to his face, the occasional tear falling from her bright, (e/c) eyes. James placed a gentle kiss to her forehead, smiling down at her lovingly. “She will be mine to love and cherish, nobody else’s.”
“I’m gonna getcha! I’m gonna getcha!” The voice of a man echoed down one of the many hallways of The Cortez, while he chased a small child. Donovan laughed loudly as the six-year-old he was chasing giggled maniacally, turning corners every-which-way. She was nearly as fast as him, her half-ghostly nature giving her the headstart she’d need against his vampiric speed.
“No you won’t!” she squealed back, looking over her shoulder to see just how far away Donovan was. However, as she turned another corner, she smacked into somebody’s leg, her forceful speed sending them both flying to the ground.
“Watch it.” (Y/N) looked up to see a woman on the ground, rubbing her sore head with a scowl.
“‘M sorry, mommy,” (Y/N) murmured, looking down at the patterned carpet in shame. Suddenly, before (Y/M/N) could scold the child further, hands were under (Y/N)’s arms and yanking her up from the ground. She looked up as she was balanced on Donovan’s hip, the older man wearing a glare.
“You know the rules, (Y/M/N). Steer clear of the halls when I’m on babysitting duty,” Donovan scowled, before smirking at the child on his hip. “(Y/N) and I like to cause chaos.”
“Yeah, chaos!” (Y/N) giggled, copying Donovan’s tone of voice and causing him to laugh.
“This is an adult establishment, children shouldn’t be permitted.” Donovan looked up at the new voice, his scowl returning as the child in his arms fell silent.
“Pi-... Go away, Sally. This is her hotel, not yours,” Donovan said, stuttering slightly at the near-slip of a curse word.
Sally laughed bitterly, “You can’t even say piss around the thing.” A cigarette was held between her lips as she helped (Y/M/N) to her feet, shaking her head in annoyance. “We all know the only reason you put up with the kid is because ‘a The Countess.”
“Yup. The second that brat turns eighteen, this all goes to her. And Elizabeth wants it,” (Y/M/N) slurred, tripping over her feet despite her still stature.
Donovan shouted, “Don’t call her that! And, that’s not true. (Y/N) is fun to be around.” (Y/N) flinched slightly at Donovan’s loud voice, so he smiled softly at her in reassurance. Her (e/c) eyes were wide with worry as she listened to the conversationed, knowing better than to interrupt. “The Countess and I both enjoy her.”
“She’s not even your daughter,” (Y/M/N) suddenly snarled, jolting forward with her hand outstretched. She was wearing a cropped tank top, and various track marks were visible on her arm. Donovan took an immediate step back, turning his body so that (Y/M/N) couldn’t grab ahold of (Y/N).
“No, but she is mine, so I advise you to step away.”
“Daddy!” Instantly, (Y/N) was squirming in Donovan’s arms, trying to be let down. The vampire obeyed, lowering the girl to the ground with a pout. The (h/c) took off, running towards the awaiting arms of her father.
“Mm, hello, my little killer,” James smiled, catching his daughter in his arms and hoisting her into the air. She giggled wildly, hands immediately reaching up to mess with his perfectly styled hair. James placed her on his shoulder where she clung tight, and she rested her cheek atop his head.
(Y/M/N) glared at the interaction, raising an eyebrow. “You really love her, don’t you?”
James looked taken back and offended by the question, staring at the woman in shock. “More than I’ve ever loved anything in my life. More than my killings, more than my hotel, more than The Countess. I would die a thousand times over for my daughter,” he snarled, gripping the child’s waist in a protective manner.
(Y/M/N) fell silent at his declaration, licking her bubble-gum-pink lips slowly. Donovan and Sally stood to the side, watching the stand-off carefully- this happened at least once a day. “Alright.” Her simple words shocked everyone and even (Y/N) raised her tiny brows. Her mother was a fighter, which is what had caught James’ attention in the first place. She never left an argument unfought, so it was surprising to see her walk away from James and the child so easily.
“I’ll take over for the rest of the evening. Thank you for the assistance,” James spoke, giving Donovan a curt nod before turning on his heel and walking away, (Y/N) still clutching tightly to his hair.
(Y/N) was asleep in her overly-large bed, with a stuffed animal clutched tightly in her arms when a hand viciously shook her awake. The small girl flinched, her eyes blearily blinking open. “Mommy? What’s going on?” she whimpered, rubbing small fists into her eyes to try and wipe away the sleep.
“We’re leaving,” her mother said, hastily uncovering the child from her bedsheets, before pulling her into her arms. (Y/M/N) grunted at the weight, not accustomed to carrying a child around.
“Is daddy coming?” (Y/N) grumbled, pushing lightly against her mother’s shoulders, while continuing to clutch her stuffed animal tightly.
(Y/M/N) grunted, adjusting the child, “No. It’s a mommy-daughter adventure.”
“I want daddy to come!” (Y/N) whined, slowly waking up into a fit of hysteria.
“He isn’t coming, and that’s final. Now, be quiet!” (Y/M/N) hissed, tightly grabbing onto her daughter’s wrist. The child whimpered in pain, but fell silent, choosing better than to disobey.
The mother quickly left her daughter’s hotel room after tossing a blanket over her, scurrying down the vacant hallway. It was well past one in the morning so there wouldn’t be any unsuspecting guests to run into it- but the tenants of the hotel were a different story. (Y/M/N) needed to get out of there fast and undetected. She wore a grey, stained jacket with the hood flipped over her head, hiding her messy locks from sight and blue jeans, with a blanket wrapped around (Y/N) to keep from further detection. As she entered the elevator at the end of the hall, pressing the ground-floor button, she could practically feel her heartbeat in her throat. If she wasn’t careful, and she got caught, she would be killed on sight and would never have her chance at freedom. Thankfully, for her, James March was having his monthly dinner with The Countess. Meaning, she only had to look out for Donovan, Liz, and Ms. Evers. In her arms, (Y/N) shook, biting the top of her stuffed animals head to drown out her sobs. The child didn’t understand why she was being forced to leave, and all she wanted was her father.
Once the elevator dinged its arrival, (Y/M/N) snuck out quickly, checking the front desk. To her relief, Iris was fast asleep, her cheek pressed against the registry. (Y/M/N) took her chance and bolted, sneaker-clad feet racing up the lobby stairs and out of the front doors. The second the crisp L.A air hit her face, she screamed joyously, startling the child in her arms.
“This is for the best. For both of us,” she spoke quickly, beginning to run down the confusing streets of Los Angeles. It was dark and it was cold, but (Y/M/N) was hell-bent on getting (Y/N) to the church a couple miles away, no matter how badly the child shivered and whimpered. Nobody would think to look there for her, and she would be out of (Y/M/N)’s hair. The child would be put in an orphanage or a foster home, and (Y/M/N) wouldn’t have to worry about being a mother anymore or the guilt she felt for not loving her own daughter. It would all be over.
All Writing Taglist (OPEN): @teageowen @mads---world @alex--awesome--22 @scarletraine @hxdesworld @frozenhuntress67 @samanthasmileys @simonsaysyasss
Cheating the Devil Taglist (OPEN): @featherpool-852 @xlangdons-evilbabygirlx @agb-random @x-i-a-t @rainbowxmisa @daydreamin1220 @madhatterweasley @kissfromthewind
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i-love-trash-blog · 5 years
Santa With Muscles
What has infamous white collar criminal Jordan Belfort, Hulk Hogan, Mila Kunis, and the Holiday Spirit in common? The answer is Santa with Muscles. A movie whose very name invokes the question “why?”. This movie was made in 1996, which it 3 years before Jordan Belfort would plead guilty to his financial crimes. Why is this relevant? Because Jordan Belfort was a producer to this monstrosity. Personally, I first came into contact with Santa with Muscles in my sophomore year of high school, and it has taken up a certain percentage of my mind ever since.
             There’s no clear thesis of this movie, instead, we get a weird mix of “be kind to kids”, “be kind to orphans in particular” and “there should be more orphans”. Yes, this movie is strangely very pro orphan. But we’ll get to that.
             The plot of the movie is thin and inedible. Hulk Hogan plays a selfish millionaire who is first introduced in a scene in which he beats up his staff. After throwing one of his butlers over a balcony, he decides to go paintballing around the town with some people who I assume are also getting paid by him. This results in a high-speed chase between him and the police where he shoots a paintball gun at their police cars.
             To get out of the consequences of his actions, he jumps out of the car and makes his way to hide in a nearby mall, where he finds a Santa costume and uses it as a disguise from the police who have now followed him into the mall. We don’t hear anymore from them for a while, I assume that they do just give up and don’t bother calling the FBI on a maniac who started a high-speed chase in a suburban area with them.
             While running from the police(and after being mean to a kid just wanting to see Santa), Hulk Hogan falls down a garbage shoot and knocks his head hard enough to loose his memory and pass out. Don Stark, dressed as one of Santa’s elves, finds him, and promptly steals his wallet. Once Hogan wakes up, instead of taking the obviously concussed man to a hospital, Stark convinces him that he is Santa and that he has to go say hi to the kids.
             Meanwhile, up on the hill, a man named Ebner Frost is putting the shake down on a shoe shop owner to sell his shop. This is our main villain. We also meet the four minor villains. Dr. Vial, a inexplicably Canadian chemist with overly large teeth for some reason. Ms. Watts, a woman with electric gloves. And Mr. Flint, a scary geologist. I don’t know how they did it, but Mr. flint is the scariest of the three.
             Back at the mall, two guys, one of whom is wearing a D.A.R.E. shirt plot to steal money from the orphanages fundraising table. The woman appears to be asleep, but after the two guys steal the bowl of money, drop the bowl of money, and get caught by a young girl who just saw Santa, the woman still hasn’t woken up, so we can only assume that she is dead. The little girl screams for Santa’s help in stopping the thieves, not the police or any other adult, just Santa. Hogan, who has been playing Santa without knowing who he really is, hears her and rushes off to beat up the thieves.
             Afterwards, he notices the booth for the orphanage, and makes the decision that he has to go help them, pushing the overly eager mall crowd out of his way, and taking Don Stark with him.
             At the orphanage, we find that Frost’s lackies are vandalizing the building. Hulk Hogan tries to stop them, but he doesn’t actually do much and they get away. He is invited into the orphanage where he meets the two care takers and the three orphans that are left. They explain that they are running out of money and had to get rid of all the other kids. Then they express who sad they are that they had to get rid of the other kids. I would assume that they adopted the kids out. My question is why it took them not having money to support the orphanage for them to get those kids adopted. They seem like they’re not doing a great job at finding homes for these kids.
             Anyway, they also explain how Ebner Frost has been buying up properties all around them and keeps terrorizing them for theirs. They also never dig deeper into finding out who Hulk Hogan is. They ask for his name and he just says ‘Santa’. Don Stark is also going along with the Santa act because he needs a thumb print activation to access Hulk Hogan’s bank account. He doesn’t ever get the thumb print, and it’s a very loose plot thread.
             The adults at the orphanage offer to let Hulk Hogan and Don Stark stay the evening. There’s not a good reason for this, the movie is set in California so it’s not like there’s bad weather and they couldn’t go to their own homes, if they had them. So they spend the night with three kids that believe Hulk Hogan is Santa and two adults willing to allow two complete strangers to stay in the same house as those kids.
             Now, in a competent movie, something would happen. But the good middle chunk of the movie is just the same business of the villains coming to the orphanage and Hulk Hogan beating them up while dressed as a jolly old man. But we do get a big reveal at the end of the second act, when Hogan finds out that Frost wants something that’s underneath the orphanage. He goes to the people living here and asks, “What’s under the orphanage?” He gets a couple answers. Sewers, dirt, rats, storage. And then finally they say “Oh yeah, also the catacombs, the kids used to play down there.” As if that wouldn’t be the most pressing answer to that question.
             They take a trip to the catacombs, which later are revealed to have actual skeletons in them (you know, for the kids). There’s a giant vault there and the kids know some of the numbers and Hulk Hogan suddenly knows all the rest of them! They get inside and find magical glowing rocks which Mila Kunis explains are full of electricity. Having taken several courses that involve electricity and magnetism, I can confirm that this explanation is 100% USD certified bull.
             The rocks start exploding so Hulk Hogan and the orphans leave the cave (that’s not a sentence I thought I’d ever have to type out). But now Hulky is Sulky because he wants to know who he is and why he knew the combination to the lock. Don Stark tells him to calm down and shows him the clothes that he was wearing when he was found in the Santa suit. They’re covered in orange paint from the paintballing. Don convinces Hogan that it’s blood and that he could be a criminal, and Hogan believes it. His concussion is definitely getting worse.
             They get upstairs to find one of the villains holding everyone hostage. Hogan chases him through the orphanage and up a tower where another mechanical Santa asserts its dominance and pushes Hogan off the tower and into a garbage truck. He hits his head again and regains his memory, Then wakes up at home in his mansion, because one of the workers at the dump recognized him and sent him home.
             While being sad at home, he gets a call. There’s danger at the orphanage! He rushes over and he and Don Stark take down the minor villains one by one. He finds the workers at the orphanage and the old man sits him down and explains that Hulk Hogan grew up in this orphanage! And was best friends with the main villain! How could he ever forget?! Now he remembers every part of their friendship!
             He goes down and fights in the catacombs with big rocks full of electricity. Eventually he wins the fight with Frost, but the rocks have become unstable and the orphanage is going to explode! Luckily everyone gets out ok, and the last we see of Frost, he’s being carted away by the same police from before who now don’t care about Hulk Hogans crimes!
             The movie ends when the orphans move into Frosts mansion, and now there’s more kids there! Hooray they’re having a party! But wait. If there’s more kids at the orphanage, that can only mean one of two things. Either there are parents willing to let their children play around in an orphanage, or there are more orphans. Maybe the explosion caused more damage than we initially thought.
             And that’s Santa with Muscles, a movie that should have never been. There’s many weird lines and details (like one of the police officers yelling about him being in Desert Storm???), and the mere concept is pretty hard to wrap your head around. But apparently this is the kind of stuff you can do when you have secret-Swedish-bank-account money, so I say, thank you Jordan Belfort. Thank you for the garbage.
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drshaileshjain-blog · 3 years
How You Know That It’s Time to See a Neurologist – Best Neurologist in Pitampura
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Theoretical physicist Michio Kaku once said, “The human brain has 100 billion neurons, each neuron connected to 10 thousand other neurons. Sitting on your shoulders is the most complicated object in the known universe.” 
Given that your brain and its supporting nervous systems are inherently complex, it can be a bit concerning to experience any kind of acute symptom or chronic health condition that seems to call for the expertise, insight, and care of a neurologist. 
But just as you wouldn’t worry about seeing your podiatrist for chronic heel pain or your dentist for a bothersome toothache, you shouldn’t think twice about consulting a neurologist when you experience symptoms or painful conditions that may be related to a neurological disorder.  
Here are a few reasons you may want to call Best Neurologist in Pitampura and Shalimar bagh to schedule a visit with board-certified neurologist Dr. Shailesh Jain, MCh Neurosurgery today: 
You have chronic, severe headaches
A leading complaint among adults, headaches are incredibly common. Not all headaches are cause for concern, but chronic or severe headache pain isn’t something to ignore. If you have severe headaches that disrupt your daily activities, if you take pain relievers five or more days out of the month, or if you have chronic migraines, a neurologist can help. 
On top of checking for a more serious underlying condition, Dr. Shailesh Jain can provide effective treatment solutions to reduce the frequency and severity of your headaches.  
You’ve been experiencing bouts of dizziness
Feeling a bit lightheaded is a normal sensation that many people experience every now and then, but living with recurrent bouts of dizziness is anything but routine. There are several types of dizziness, any of which can be symptomatic of a benign problem or something more serious. 
Syncope is a type of dizziness that causes lightheadedness along with the feeling that you’re about to faint; fuzzy hearing and vision loss may also occur. Vertigo is a type of dizziness that makes you feel like you’re moving, spinning, or swaying when you’re not. No matter what type of dizziness you’re having, Dr. Shailesh Jain can get to the bottom of your symptoms and provide effective solutions. 
You’re living with persistent pain or numbness
Chronic pain, or any type of pain that lasts for six months or longer, is a common problem for many adults. When your primary care physician can’t find effective ways to manage persistent pain, it’s a good idea to see a neurologist and chronic pain expert like Dr. Shailesh Jain — especially if you’re also experiencing bouts of weakness, numbness, tingling, or problems with bladder or bowel control.   
Chronic pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness in your arms or legs can be a sign of neuropathy, an often-debilitating condition caused by injured or diseased nerves. It can also be indicative of multiple sclerosis (MS), an autoimmune disease that causes progressive nerve damage. 
Numbness or tingling that comes on suddenly or only affects one side of your body, on the other hand, may be a sign that you’re having a stroke. If you experience such symptoms, get help right away.
You’re experiencing worrisome memory loss 
Everyone’s forgetful from time to time, but if you find yourself struggling to remember basic information or take care of routine tasks — or if you sometimes feel confused for no apparent reason — it’s a good idea to schedule a visit with Arihant Neuro Spine Clinic.
A noticeable and persistent decline in memory and thinking ability are often the first signs of dementia, a group of progressive brain diseases that can’t yet be cured, but can often be slowed down with early intervention and the right treatment approach. 
You have a persistent sleep problem 
Getting a good night’s rest is fundamental to your overall health, and any chronic condition or disorder that interferes with your ability to sleep through the night is cause for concern. Many of the problems that give rise to sleep disorders are neurological in nature, ranging from jet lag and insomnia to narcolepsy, restless leg syndrome (RLS), and even sleep apnea.   
As a neurologist who specializes in sleep medicine, Dr. Shailesh Jain can get to the root of your problem and help you make sleepless nights a thing of the past.  
If you’re still not sure whether or not your symptoms warrant a visit to the neurologist, give us a call at +91-9868037542 today. You can also click online at any time to schedule a visit with Dr. Shailesh Jain at our Pitampura and Shalimar Bhag office.
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megsblackfirewrites · 7 years
An Alpha Omega: Chapter 17
Chapter 17
It took the jury a whole day to deliberate on the charges. Jack had spent a sleepless night with Vanessa in the hotel room paid for by the court, holding her as she shivered. Barely anyone had gotten any sleep that night, absolutely terrified as to why it was taking the jury so long to decide. They had more than enough evidence against the Alphas; what did they need to deliberate?
Vanessa’s hand was held tightly in Reinhardt’s, but she was still shaking as the speaker for the jury got to his feet. Jack squeezed Gabriel’s hand, his lip held tightly between his teeth as he waited. This was so painfully long and it had only been a few minutes since they had been seated! Why was the jury torturing them like this?
“We the jury find the accused not guilty of the counts of sexual assault and attempts of sexual coercion,” the speaker said. “A lack of evidence against them in this regards has contributed to this decision. On the counts of battery and physical assault, we find the accused guilty.”
“Thank Christ!” Joel shouted.
Jack let out a whoop as half the courtroom cheered in agreement. He saw Vanessa clap her hands in front of her face and nod in thanks as Reinhardt kissed her temple. Ms. Lacroix was nodding her head in approval, glancing at Mr. Rothwell as his clients stared at the jury in horror.
“We the jury leave the decision of punishment up to his honourable self, Judge Tekhartha Mondatta,” the speaker finished before sitting back down.
Judge Tekhartha nodded before he looked at the accused. “As it stands, I do not think that a full sentence is required. You will each be fined four thousand dollars and spend ten years in prison for the counts of battery and physical assault with the possibility of parole in three years. Case dismissed.”
Jack hugged Gabriel tightly as the court got to its feet. Gabriel hugged him back, smiling at him as he squeezed Jack’s shoulders.
“Glad she got her justice,” he said as he stood up. “Come on; she’ll probably need some help walking after this.”
Jack nodded and hurried forward, smiling as his friend shakily got to her feet. He hugged her tightly over the divider, laughing as she squeezed him painfully tight.
“I was scared for nothin’,” she laughed.
“You were scared for a good reason,” he teased. “Fuck, I almost want to call for a celebration.”
“Some would call that rude,” Vanessa teased as she pulled away. “Thanks for showin’ up for the verdict, Gabriel.”
“Sorry I wasn’t here providing support yesterday,” he said.
“Hey, you ain’t family yet,” she laughed. “I won’t hold it against ya.”
“Yet?” Gabriel grinned.
Jack gave Vanessa a dirty look and she laughed. He would have slapped her if the cameras weren’t still rolling. How dare you imply anything in front of the adults, Vanessa! That was rude. Gabriel let out a content rumble as the judge walked over.
“Ms. McCree,” he smiled and held his hand out. “I would like to congratulate you on your performance yesterday. I know it can be difficult taking the stand at your own hearing.”
“Thank you,” she smiled and shook his hand. “You were very helpful keeping the court in line.”
“That is my job,” he chuckled. “And I look forward to working with you in the future when you are finished with your program. Brilliant minds are so wonderful to find in this line of work. Have a good day, Ms. McCree.”
She waved as Judge Tekhartha left and followed Jack and Gabriel out of the courtroom. She was swept up into the arms of the pack as soon as there was enough room for them all to grab her and she laughed. It was good for all of them that the Alphas were going to serve jail time. They more than deserved it and, hopefully, it would act as a deterrent to the rest.
Celebrations about the case victory were short lived; within the week, they were all into the end of year study crunch. More than a few people expressed a fear that a similar situation as what had happened at midterms was going to happen again, but the Alphas doubled their efforts to make everyone feel safe.
Again, all the Omegas wondered where the hell these Alphas were the rest of the year.
Before they had a chance to think about it, exams were over. Parents started showing up to help students move out of their dorms, which turned into a nightmare of people congesting the stairs and elevators trying to get their stuff moved out in time.
Jack was amazed by how quickly a pack could get their floor packed up and ready to move out. The first-year floor was one of the first ready to leave out of the entire dorms and it left him feeling a little dizzy. The once heavily populated dorm was suddenly barren and lonely.
“Plans for the summer?” Jack asked as he sat on a picnic bench outside the dorms.
“I managed to get a job at the college in the environmental labs,” Mei said happily. “It will give me some great hands on learning.”
“Fantastic, Mei,” Vanessa grinned. “I’ve got a job lined up at a ranch not too far from home. Been workin’ there for the last couple of summers. Goin’ to be fun.”
“I will be returning home,” Hanzo sighed and rubbed at his head. “I am sure my father will have something for me to do.”
“Roadie and I are going to explore the country,” Jamie grinned. “Isn’t that right, Roadie?”
Mako pushed his fingers through Jamie’s hair and grunted in agreement. Angela shifted back and let out a long sigh of contentment.
“I might just take the summer and study up for next year,” she said. “Give myself a chance to get ahead of the curve.”
“Borin’,” Vanessa teased. “What about you, Jack?”
“Not sure,” Jack shrugged.
“Aw, no summer romance with your darling Alpha?” Jamie teased.
“Shut up,” Jack huffed. “We’re taking it slow. I…don’t want to ruin what we have.”
“Speaking of Alphas,” Vanessa smirked. “There’s your dearest now.”
“Gabe!” Jack grinned as he spotted the larger man walking towards them.
He waved happily and hurried forward, throwing his arms around Gabriel’s neck. Gabriel returned the hug with a chuckle, gently running his nose over Jack’s cheek. He heard Hanzo chuckle behind him about “taking it slow” and dropped an arm to flip him off. Gabriel pressed a kiss to his cheek before he stepped back.
“I have to head out now if I want to make it home at a decent time,” he said. “We still on for this summer?”
“If you’re up to a camping trip, cityboy,” Jack teased.
“¿Por ti? Lo que sea,” Gabriel smiled.
“Hey, hey! You keep that Spanish charm to a minimum, sir!” Vanessa shouted. “I will have a Spanish off with you and I will win his heart!”
“I thought Jack wasn’t your type,” Gabriel shot her a smirk.
“He’s not, but as a certified cowgirl, I have to uphold my honour,” she said as she pressed a hand to her chest and puffed it up.
“What?” Jamie blinked at her. “Ain’t cowboys white?”
“Common misconception; there were just as many black, native, and Mexican cowboys as there were white ones,” Vanessa smiled. “In fact, the word ‘buckaroo’ comes from an Anglicization of vaquero.”
“Neat,” Jamie grinned.
“And you speak Spanish?” Gabriel smirked.
“Spanish, Navajo, and English,” Vanessa smirked. “Three language household and my Pa would make sure we could switch between them with ease.”
“Smart man,” Gabriel chuckled before he kissed Jack’s forehead again. “See you soon,” he murmured.
Jack waved as he left and flopped back onto the picnic table. He shot his packmates a glare, but they were all smiling knowingly. They weren’t fooled. They knew what was brewing between him and Gabriel. At least he had their approval and they were ready to tease him about it.
“Champ!” John shouted as he brought the truck around. “Come on; I want to beat traffic.”
“Coming, Dad!” Jack shouted.
He gave his packmates one more hug and kiss for the road. Vanessa held on a little longer than necessary before she was hurrying off to where Joel was honking his horn. Jack climbed into the truck beside his father and leaned back, watching the school grow smaller and smaller as John wound his way through traffic.
“Ready for a nice break from school?” John asked.
“Yah,” Jack smiled. “At least for a little while.”
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(Source: anxietyproblem via psych2go)
And, sometimes when you ask for help, you don’t receive it. Like when I asked my mom for help with my brother, when he was out of control, while I was caring for my aunt just out of the hospital, and after coming down and not able to deal with it herself, her response was, “Grow up and take responsibility! He’s your brother!” And left and went back to her carefree life. Or, you have no one left to turn to...
Some crucial information concerning my future survival:
I was given a preliminary diagnosis of Multiple sclerosis; symptom presenting/observation upon a thorough examination, extensive rule-out blood work/testing. My use of MS meds is improving my condition, although I’m currently presenting in the second stage of Relapsing-remitting MS with neurological symptoms, which could develop into Secondary progressive MS, and later Primary progressive MS, especially if left untreated. Not to mention other debilitating conditions such as, PTSD, past heart attacks, age-related decline. This is not told to cause concern or switch the focus back to me… just chatting so it’s out in the open, and if you ever wonder what pills I’m taking; Baclofen 20mg (one of the meds prescribed). 
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I keep a small notebook of the times doses are taken and record symptoms. The pills were given to see if any improvement was made with use. It was. Significantly over time, too. But, I’m still symptomatic and at times the pain or symptoms are worse, what I guess they call flare-ups. I need to seek medical care again before my prescription runs out in May, if out of state, and possibly switch to a different medication or increase the dosage I’m on now, sooner. As far as I know, 20 mg is the highest pill dose, but I’ve read some people take two or 30 mg, more 10 mg pills per bottle. Whatever. I hope to work it out and to be able to control symptoms or slow progression so I can work at least part-time the next 5 years to survive (see below).
(For me and anyone): In order to qualify for SSDI (disability), you had to have worked at least 5 years out of the last 10 years. (It doesn’t matter to our government that I started working in 1980, since I was 16 years old, minus a few years.) Anyway, any savings or assets do not disqualify you. Median payment is $1100. Future work, even part-time work, will qualify you if earnings exceed around $6,000 annually, and you must earn a work credit each quarter within those 5 years. Self-employment will earn you work credits, as long as you pay the proper tax.
If you become disabled and don’t qualify for SSDI you can apply for SSI. But, in order to qualify for SSI, you have to meet low-income criteria. Basically, be dirt-poor, and have no more than $2,000 worth of assets total; however, you may own one home and one car (wildcards). Median payment is only $600 (that number sounds low, and could be off, but I know it basically leaves you poverty-stricken). You can work (if able), but anything earned over $755 per month is deducted from your SSI and in some cases different deductions are made in some formula. Therefore, to work while on SSI you’re only receiving a minimal amount more per month, and at what cost to your health and recovery if you have a qualifying disability?
In order to qualify for early retirement social security, you must be almost 63 years old (early retirement is 62, but you have to account for at least 6 months of that year, depending on the year you were born) and SS will be decreased by at least 25%. Median payment is still barely enough to survive on. 
SO, in order to survive, I’d have to split rent with someone, or buy a cheap house (impossible) or condo while I can, with low HOA dues, because they will be raised over time and I will need to be able to cover the cost, including property taxes and homeowners insurance, with a low income, and still afford medication, food, utilities, (forget about cable/anything extra). If renting, I can waive pet rent for at least one cat if officially certified an ESA, depending on rentors’ flexibility on the issue. My desired destination’s cost of living now is lower than in CA. I’d benefit from moving out of state in the long run. If for medical reasons I can’t work at least part-time the next 5 years, or establish a home-based business to survive, where I can work my own hours as able when not in a type of MS flare-up vs. work performance suffering or too many call-outs possibly occurring to lose any outside job, I’d have no choice but to rely on SSI alone (poverty level assets only, to qualify & survive on). I was hoping to at least get us set up (T & Alexandria too), while I can financially (barely), to have a home to rely on with minimal costs vs. rent. I have to formulate a potential disability and retirement plan and it has to all be planned out efficiently or I have no real chance of above poverty survival on my own. 
FYI, I think T & Alexandria are possibly making other plans without me now. T doesn’t fully grasp the concept of this nor really know of my diagnosis... just that it’s a possibility. Hopefully, it’s a manageable condition for me, because my family doesn’t care, and since they think I won’t be able to care for them anymore, I’m not wanted around here. Also, because they don’t want to have to care for me, if it ever comes to that. Yes, it was said to me, they don’t want to have to care for me. My mom’s words, “Tough. You’re an adult. You’ll figure it out.”
You’re right, mom. I’ll figure it out on my own, my only option.
Needless to say, I have a lot on my mind... and trying not to let my disbelief and hurt hit hard or give up on everything entirely.
I’m fine for now & don’t want to think about it... back to you :)
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careerjugglr · 6 years
Extremely competent but feeling 'obsolete': Perth mum's frenzied job search
When she's not working or looking for work Ann is examining the family budget, attempting to discover a method to save the house.Mrs Shaw has remained in the labor force for 35 years. A registered nurse, she has operated in health centers, psychological health centers, impairment services and aged care. Eventually her communication skills got her operate in management, then lecturing, training and assessing.She has a Bachelor of Arts, a Graduate Diploma of Health Science and a stack of certificates and diplomas in adult education, training, training and mentoring.But training organisations are overwhelmingly taking on just casuals and
in current months she has actually had the ability to get just a handful of shifts.It might not have been an even worse time for her other half of 17 years to call with the news he had actually been made redundant."I felt sick in the stomach,"she stated."I simply thought, what possibility do we have?"But they attempted to be positive.
Ms Shaw continued to update her CV, crafting each application, speaking with friends and'networking'. She keeps her ear to the ground. "I have not had any calls back. I get the automated e-mail. There's never any feedback given," she said. "I have over 35 years 'experience in the labor force, managing people and coordinating. I thought I had a lot to use. I feel outdated." She fears
their friends have actually internalised the photo of the unemployed as welfare-cheats, that they view her as a failure. "It's like a cancer diagnosis. Like we have actually gotten a death sentence and possibly they can't cope so they simply overlook it, "she said."People have no method to comprehend. They do not even wish to imagine what it would resemble. "They say, take a lower paid job, lower your sights. Knock some qualifications off
the CV. Dumb it down. We've attempted all that. And I'm not comfortable at all with dumbing your CV down, it's a lie. And it's challenging after 35 years in the labor force. If you take things off then there are spaces. "Mrs Shaw has actually made it to interview phase two times."For one I was qualified to a T. I needed to chase them for a follow-up on the interview. And they stated the other individual was much better certified,"she stated."
I was facing a panel with two 30-year-olds.
I'm old adequate to be their mother.Ann with her youngest daughter. Photo: Provided. "I'm secure in my performance and my understanding; I know I'm IT-literate, a quick student, but I question what they think of me. Do they believe I'm IT-illiterate? Will I be fast with brand-new concepts? Am I set in my ways? Am I an old biddy?"Often I seem like that when I am
lecturing 18 and 20-year-olds-- they take a look at me like I'm their granny. That does not trouble me, due to the fact that I am imparting knowledge to them, but I'm human and ... there's a lot in the press about being on the shelf if you are over 50." On the other hand, the costs are in. Vehicle rego, power, vehicle insurance, house insurance. Federal government school fees. The household is running out of cost savings and faces the Centrelink queue within weeks. The Newstart unemployment advantage is well listed below the age pension and will not cover basic living costs."You resolve your life, you pay your taxes and
now we take a look at being thrown away, "Mrs Shaw stated."It's a modest home, it's not a McMansion, but we've dealt with it for 14 years. We gutted the location, we redid the restroom, we have actually put a great deal of work into the garden. It's where our women have actually grown up, it's our house."However I think we will have to sell up. We'll lose it, and it's continuously going through my head, how can we make the best of this? What can we do? It gives me a headache, there doesn't seem to be a way out."Ann Shaw has plenty of skills to offer. Photo: Provided. In this environment, their two ladies are facing their own professions and choosing
ATAR topics. The youngest is facing needing to quit her ballet class."My youngest can be tearful at times," Mrs Shaw stated."She can feel the feeling in your house. They don't wish to ask us for things ... they handle the obligation for this
when it's not their responsibility.
I believe they will constantly remember this time
." Their parents are trying to give them a realistic photo of the world, however not a bleak one. They are attempting to shield the ladies from anxiety.
They agreed to these interviews in an effort to decrease preconception around underemployment and joblessness. "In some cases I have a positive mindset and others I simply feel sick,"Mrs Shaw said."You think it can't occur to you. However it's taking place. Now that the shoe is on the other
foot for myself and my household, I comprehend a lot more about individuals's battle to live when positioned in the horrible place of being reliant on well-being. "
0 notes
kateyes224 · 8 years
A Preponderance of the Evidence: Prelim (Part 3 of 3)
Author:  KatEyes224 Rating: R (For adult themes) Timeline: Post-ep for Never Again and Memento Mori.
A/N: @piecesofscully, you are the peanut butter to my jelly, and I love you more than you know.  If you missed it, read part 1 here, read part 2 here.
Mulder tosses and turns as minutes trickle into hours, entertaining himself by memorizing the way shadows dip and swirl across the ceiling to the sound of traffic gradually overtaking the steady metronome of Scully’s breathing.  He kicks the sheets off at one point, frustrated when they cling to his legs with a crackle of electricity, his body still charged with the current of all the things he hasn’t said.  
Morning finally comes.  
The late winter storm has retreated overnight, leaving the sun and blue sky to glare into the room as if demanding the two of them acknowledge that day has dawned.  They’ve ended up facing one another on their respective beds, and Mulder is watching Scully’s face when her eyes snap open seconds before the alarm goes off.  He sees her focus as the haze of sleep retreats, and doesn’t bother to look away when she finds him staring at her.  
Slipping past one another in the bathroom and their room, they’re comfortable enough with the dance of the other’s morning routine that they don’t even need to speak.  Mulder shaves while Scully showers; Scully leaves the water running when she steps out with a towel wrapped securely around her body.  She finds that Mulder has wiped the fog away from the mirror in a perfect circle where she can stand to apply her makeup; Mulder discovers that Scully has hung his suit and tie from a hook on the back of the bathroom door.
They catch a cab to the courthouse and arrive almost half an hour before they’re supposed to meet with ADA Venegas.  At a small coffee cart out front, Mulder buys them both coffees and wordlessly hands a banana nut muffin to Scully.  He frets until she rolls her eyes and eventually nibbles the top off before handing him the rest.
They’re sitting outside a long row of courtrooms when Scully makes eye contact with a young woman in an impeccably tailored grey skirt-suit who’s speaking animatedly to a uniformed police officer.  The woman nods at them, and they both stand.
“Agent Scully?”  
Clicking her way towards them in towering high heels, the petite brunette smiles and extends her hand.  She’s even shorter than Scully by a good two inches, although her shoes bring them almost eye-to-eye.  
“I’m ADA Regina Flores-Venegas.  Thanks so much for coming down on such short notice.”
Scully nods and takes Venegas’s hand, shaking it firmly.  “This is my partner, Fox Mulder.”
Venegas looks up at Mulder and her lips quirk into a bashful smile.
“Ah, Agent Mulder.  Nice to finally meet you.  Sorry for being so curt with you on the phone the other day.  I was...a little stressed out.”  She shrugs and holds her hand out to him.
Mulder grasps it and narrows his eyes, frowning at her.  “Not a problem, I understand.  If you could get Agent Scully on the stand first thing, we’d really appreciate it.  She has a doctor’s appointment back in Washington this afternoon.”
Venegas looks back to Scully, curiosity flashing in her eyes as they study one another.  “No problem.  I can call you out of order and get you up on the stand first thing.  Have you had a chance to review your report?”
Nodding, Scully sips her coffee and waves a few stapled sheets of paper up as proof.  “Yes, I have.  I’m good to go.”
Venegas glances over her shoulder as the bailiff steps out of their courtroom and catches her eye, motioning to her.  “Great.  That’s me.  Just have a seat in the hallway where I’ll be sure to see you, and I’ll have you in and out of here in a jiffy.  You’re free to go once you’re done with your testimony.”  Tilting her head in close to Scully, she lowers her voice so that Mulder has to crane his neck to hear over the din of the hallway.  “And Dana, remember what we talked about on the phone.  Expect some pretty...intimate questions from defense.  I’ll be doing my best to make sure they don’t overstep their bounds.”
With a toss of her long, wavy brown hair over her shoulder, Venegas clips away and disappears into the courtroom.
Scully sinks back down onto one of the benches that line the hallway.  “Jesus, I forget how nervous this part makes me,” she mutters.
“No need to be nervous,” Mulder says, sitting down next to her even closer than he usually would, leaning in so that he can feel the heat radiating from her.  Draping an arm behind her, he lets his thumb swipe a few circles on her shoulder blade.  “You’ve testified for prelims before.  And you’ve got your report there if you need it.”
“It’s not the testimony I’m worried about, Mulder.”  In the bustling courtroom hallway, Scully’s eyes look everywhere but at him.  “I haven’t seen him, not since…” She trails off and stares down at her hands as she starts to fold her report into smaller and smaller squares.
Mulder swallows a tennis-ball-sized lump in his throat and unconsciously tightens his arm around her.  That’s what she’s nervous about.  She hasn’t seen Jerse since the line-up at the police station, when she’d identified him as both her attacker and her one-night stand.  Yes, that’s the man who took me home and fucked me.  Yes, that’s the man who tried to kill me.  
Jealousy and wrath burn like wildfire in his chest as he stares at her, unfiltered light streaming in through the windows from behind them to set her profile aglow. Mulder quashes the urge to shake her, to scream at her, to demand answers from her.  He wants to tell her that whatever happened the night before Jerse tried to kill her doesn’t matter; but he’s not sure if he means that it doesn’t matter to him, or that it doesn’t matter to the court for the purposes of a preliminary hearing.  He thinks he’d be willing to lie to her, either way.
But he’s only able to get out a strangled, “Scully, I-” before Venegas pokes her head out of the courtroom and beckons Scully in.
Scully stands and straightens her suit jacket.  With one brief, searing look back at him over her shoulder, she’s inside the courtroom with Venegas following close behind as the door eases shut behind them.
Mulder stands and rakes a hand through his hair, pacing in a tight circle before he strides towards the door and grabs the handle just before it closes completely.  
Slipping quietly inside, he surveys the courtroom and settles himself in the back row of the gallery.
“The People call Special Agent Dana Scully to the stand.”
Venegas is standing just behind Scully where the bailiff has stopped them at the bar’s swinging door.  The clerk asks her to raise her right hand and swear an oath to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help her God.  As if she could ever do anything else.  Scully is nothing if not brutally, wonderfully honest.  
“I do,” comes Scully’s response, clear as a church bell on a cold winter morning.
Rounding the defense table, Scully climbs the low stairs to the witness stand beside the magistrate and eases herself into the chair.  She casts one quick glance around the courtroom, assessing her surroundings, before her eyes find Mulder’s, and her tongue darts out quickly to trace the edge of her upper lip before it disappears.  It’s a tell he recognizes.  
Scully adjusts the microphone down with a harsh squeal and looks directly at Venegas.  She has not once looked at Jerse, who Mulder notices has been staring intently at Scully since she walked in.  
The court clerk clears her throat and drones, “Please state your full name and spell it for the record.”
“Dana Katherine Scully, D-A-N-A K-A-T-” Scully spells, her voice unwavering.  “-U-L-L-Y,” she finishes.  She turns her head from the clerk to Venegas.  
Venegas takes her time flipping through a couple of pages in her binder, and the deliberate pause allows Scully to take a few deep breaths before Venegas looks up from the podium and throws a quick, encouraging smile at Scully.  Scully, remaining stoic, simply blinks back in response.
“Ms. Scully, please tell the Court what you do for a living.”
“I’m a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation.”
“And how long have you been a Special Agent?”
“About five and a half years.”
“What kind of training do you undertake to become a Special Agent?”
“I attended a 16-week training course at Quantico, Virginia, that included classes in preservation of evidence, self-defense, forensics, behavioral science, and procedural criminal investigation.”
“And are you required to maintain certifications in these various areas of expertise?”
“Yes.  Periodically we are required by the Department of Justice to attend classes that keep us abreast of changes in the law, department-wide procedural changes we need to be made aware of, advances in technology, and then those courses that are required to keep all of our certifications up to date.”
Venegas nods, adjusting her glasses.  “And do you hold any other degrees or certifications that the FBI does not deem to be a requirement or necessity?”
“Yes.  I’m a medical doctor.  I completed my degree in medicine at Stanford University and was recruited by the FBI just after I completed my residency and fellowship in anatomic and clinical pathology at Johns Hopkins.  I am also a board-certified forensic pathologist.”
“And how does a forensic pathologist end up working for the Department of Justice as a special agent?”
“I was recruited by the FBI just as I was completing my fellowship.  I found that I had a…” she breaks off and her blue-green eyes flash over to Jerse for a split-second before she juts her chin back to Venegas, “...a passion for criminal justice.  I felt I could distinguish myself there while serving my country.”
Venegas smiles serenely, nodding along.  “Fair to say you wanted to make a difference?  Help put the bad guys away?”
Mulder’s eyes slide over to Jerse’s defense attorney, a bearded, grizzled hulk of a man with a gleaming shock of blue-black hair, who is hunched over his legal pad furiously scribbling.
“Yes,” Scully answers.  “That’s fair to say.”
“And where are you currently assigned in your capacity as a Special Agent?”
“To a division of the FBI’s Violent Crimes Unit called the X-Files.  My partner and I investigate cases that have been deemed by the Bureau to be unexplainable, or that may have a paranormal element.”
At that, the defense attorney stops scritching on his legal pad.  He glances up at Scully and seems to study her for a long moment before he lowers his head and goes back to writing.
Venegas marches on.
“Agent Scully, I want to draw your attention to February 26, 1997.  Where were you on that day?”
“I had been asked by the supervising agent in my division, my partner, Special Agent Fox Mulder, to pursue a lead in an open investigation here in Philadelphia.”
“And did you pursue that lead?”
“I did.”
“And where did that lead take you?”  
“To a small neighborhood in the Little Russia area of the city, northeast Philadelphia,” Scully replies.  
“And what type of lead were you pursuing?”
Scully glances up at Mulder for the first time since she’s taken the stand, a questioning look in her eyes.  He shakes his head almost imperceptibly.  
“I’m not at liberty to reveal that information as the investigation is still ongoing.”
Venegas flips a page of her binder.  The defense attorney keeps writing.
“And on February 26, where did you find yourself?”
“On the northeast side of the city, in Bustleton.  I was staking out the lead that my partner had requested I follow up on when I saw my mark enter a small convenience store on Hendrix Street, just east of Barlow.”
“And what did you do next?”
“I followed him into the convenience store, where he stayed for only a moment or two.  I observed him speaking Russian to a woman I believed to be the shop owner before he left and crossed the street into a tattoo parlor.”
“Do you recall the name of the tattoo parlor?”
Scully’s brow creases for a moment before she answers.  “I believe it was Svo’s.”
“And then what happened?”
“I followed him from the convenience store into the tattoo parlor, but at that point I’d lost my visual on the lead.”
“You didn’t see where he’d gone?”
Scully shakes her head.  “No.  At that point, I knew he had entered the tattoo parlor and that he hadn’t exited through the front door because I’d been able to maintain a visual on the front door the entire time.  But I didn’t know whether he had escaped through the rear of the shop or through some other exit.”
Venegas nods and checks off a few things from her binder.  “So you entered the tattoo parlor.  Then what happened?”
“I went in and didn’t see the man I’d been tailing right away, but I did encounter a white male, mid-30s, engaged in a discussion with a man who appeared to work at the tattoo parlor.  The white male was complaining about a tattoo he’d gotten there recently.”
“And do you see that man here in court today?”
Scully closes her eyes, takes a slow, deep breath, and as she exhales she looks briefly over at the defense table.  “I do.”
“Can you describe where he’s sitting and an article of clothing that he’s wearing?” Venegas asks gently.
“He’s seated at the defense table and he’s wearing an orange jumpsuit,” Scully says, her voice wavering almost imperceptibly.
“May the record reflect that the witness has identified the defendant?” Venegas asks, looking up at the magistrate, who nods before intoning, “The record shall so reflect.”
“Agent Scully, you said the defendant was complaining about a tattoo he’d gotten recently?”
“Yes, he was arguing with someone who appeared to be an owner or manager of the tattoo parlor, I’m not sure which.”
“What was the nature of the argument?”
“I’m not sure exactly.  I wasn’t paying complete attention to the argument, as I was still looking around the shop for the person of interest I’d been tailing.  It wasn’t until I was brought into the conversation that I started to pay any attention to it.”
“How were you brought into the conversation?”
“The owner, or manager, I believe his name was Svo, asked my opinion about the quality of the artwork of defendant’s tattoo.”
“And what did you say?”
Scully finally looks over at Jerse, who is still studying her intently, before answering a moment later.  “I said I thought that it was beautiful.”  Mulder glances back and forth between Scully and Jerse, a cold sweat ripping through him the longer the two maintain eye contact.
Venegas clears her throat slightly, then asks, “And then what happened?”
Scully seems to remember herself and closes her eyes again, shaking her head slightly.  “At some point, I saw my lead open a door at the rear of the tattoo parlor and catch the owner’s attention.  The owner left the defendant and I on our own in the shop and we struck up a conversation that eventually led to him asking me out to dinner.”  The skin on Scully’s chest starts to flush scarlet and the color creeps its way up her neck until it stains her cheeks.  
Mulder chews on his bottom lip and looks over at Jerse, who has sunk down in his chair.  
Venegas flips to the next page of her binder and starts thumbing through some photos.  “And what did you say?”
“Since I didn’t know if my lead was still within earshot and I didn’t want to blow my cover, I told the defendant I was visiting an aunt but that I was supposed to leave town that night.”
“So you declined his invitation for dinner?”
“Yes, initially.”
Mulder closes his eyes and exhales heavily through his nose.  
“But you did end up going out to dinner with the defendant that night, is that correct?”
“Can you tell us how that came about?”
Scully clears her throat.  Her voice has dropped an octave when she answers.  “Mr. Jerse had given me his number.  Since he seemed like a nice enough guy, when I was back at my hotel room that night and I’d had a chance to think it over and reflect on my encounter with him, I decided to take him up on his offer.”
Venegas taps her pen against the podium to punctuate her next question.  “And why did you do that, Agent Scully?”
Scully’s eyes lift from Venegas to Mulder, and she holds his gaze as she answers.  Each word slices through him like he’s being flayed wide open and disemboweled on one of her autopsy tables.  “It had been a long time since someone had seen me as anything more than a badge and a gun.”
Mulder’s eyes slide shut, breaking contact momentarily with Scully.  They’d always managed to have entire conversations, arguments, theories bandied about and shot down, with their eyes.  Today, he reminds himself, he needs to hear what she has to say.  All of it.  Even if it hurts.
“So you agreed to go out to dinner with someone you’d just met, someone who seemed, for all intents and purposes, to be normal, correct?”
“He did appear to be a perfectly normal, nice man, yes.”
“Did he appear to you, when you first met him, to be suffering from any auditory or visual hallucinations?”
“No, he did not.”
Venegas nods and checks something off in her binder.
“Then what happened?”
“I called Mr. Jerse later that night and told him that I’d changed my mind, and that I would like to go out to dinner with him.  And I believe he said his car was being worked on, so I told him I’d pick him up from his apartment.”
“And did you pick him up?”
“Yes.  He invited me in, as he wasn’t quite ready to go yet, and said something about having made dinner reservations somewhere.  I noticed that he was bleeding through his shirt near the area of the tattoo I’d seen earlier that day.  I asked to take a look at it to be sure it wasn’t infected.”
The defense attorney’s head jerks up and he takes a hard look at Scully before he scribbles something on his notepad.
Venegas crosses her arms and starts pacing behind her podium.  “Did you make it to dinner, Agent Scully?”
“Why not?”
Scully again looks directly at Mulder when she answers.  “I asked the defendant to take me out for drinks instead.  At a bar across the street from the tattoo parlor where we had met earlier.  I believe it was called The Hard Eight.”
“And why did you decide to go out for drinks instead of dinner?”
Scully licks her lips and shrugs slightly.  “I don’t know.  I guess part of me was thinking it would be easier to get out of drinks than dinner if it ended up being awkward.”
“So you went to the bar.  How much did you have to drink?” Venegas asks.  She had told Scully over the phone that she was going to ask this question in order to, as she put it, ‘jump on that grenade before defense has a chance to blow us up with it.’
Scully swallows and ducks her head, staring at her folded hands.  “At least three.”
“Do you usually drink alcohol while you’re actively investigating a case, Agent Scully?”
Scully bristles, but just barely; Mulder reads it in the subtle way she straightens her shoulders and lifts her chin a bit higher.
“I was no longer actively investigating a case.  When I’d returned to the Philadelphia field office on the evening of February 26, I’d handed the case off to another agent, effectively turning it over to them for further investigation as they saw fit.  I’d notified my partner over the phone that the case agency had been transferred, and that I was officially off the case.  I was just awaiting a flight out the next morning.”
“So you weren’t violating any internal policies and procedures when you agreed to go out on a date with the defendant and have a couple of drinks with him?”
“Not that I’m aware of.”
“Okay, so you had a couple of drinks with the defendant.  What did you talk about?”
Scully shifts in her seat and a pained look crosses her face, like she’s suddenly discovered a pine cone underneath her rear end and she needs to sit comfortably in spite of it.
“I don’t- I don’t recall the specifics.  I remember making small talk, about the bar we were at, how he’d come to find it.  And about how…” her brow furrows, “about how I felt like I was caught in a circle...”
Mulder’s heart starts to thud in his chest.  Caught in a circle?  
“At some point,” Venegas interrupts, jarring Scully from what she was remembering, and Mulder curses under his breath, “did you and Mr. Jerse decide to leave the bar?”
“Yes.  We got to talking about his tattoo.  I noticed that it had started to bleed again, so I asked him if I could take a look at it, and he, uh...he d-declined.”  Scully’s eyes drop to her hands clasped in her lap.  
Mulder’s ears perk up at the slight stumble and her sudden lack of eye contact, and he notices that Venegas also leans forward on her podium, sensing something more that Scully wants to say.  Mulder watches Venegas watching Scully.  She’s incredibly perceptive, reading Scully’s cues almost as well as he’s able to.
“What do you mean he ‘declined’?” Venegas presses.
Scully licks her lips and continues to stare down at her hands as she fidgets with them.  “The same way when I had asked to see his tattoo back at his apartment, thinking it was possibly infected or not healing properly, he brushed me off.  This time, when I asked, I, um...I tried to roll his sleeve up to see it for myself, and he, uh, grabbed me.”
Mulder feels his temperature start to rise, and he unbuttons the first button of his dress shirt and loosens his tie as he glares at the back of Jerse’s head.  Jerse stares down at the table in front of him.
“He grabbed you?” Venegas asks.
“He was trying to stop me from touching the tattoo,” Scully explains quickly.  “I don’t know if it was painful, or if he just didn’t want me to see it, but he grabbed my hands to keep me from touching it.”
“Agent Scully,” Venegas starts to pace again, “was this a violent grab?”
“Objection, your Honor,” Jerse’s attorney speaks for the first time, and his voice is deep and mellifluous, tinged with a genteel Southern accent.  “As far as I’m aware, as pertains to Agent Scully, my client is only being charged with the one count of assault and one count of attempted murder, and I’m not sure what Counsel is trying to get at here.”
Venegas whirls and faces the magistrate.  “Your Honor, if Agent Scully was assaulted not once, but twice, then I’m perfectly willing to amend the charges if necessary.”
The magistrate looks back at Jerse’s attorney for a response, who shrugs.  “Overruled.  You may answer, Agent Scully.”
Scully contemplates her answer carefully before responding.  “It was forceful, yes.  But not violent.”
Venegas pauses and turns towards her again.  “Did you fear for your safety when he grabbed your hands?”
Scully stares at Venegas.  “Uh...n-no.  Not at that time.”
“Why not?”
“He, uhm...he didn’t appear to me to be dangerous at that time.  I just thought that maybe he didn’t want me to touch the wound.  That it was tender or inflamed, and maybe I’d unintentionally hurt him when I’d touched it.”
Venegas’s lips purse and she’s silent for a long moment before she nods, appearing to be satisfied.  “So what happened next?”
Scully speaks down into her lap, so that Mulder has to strain to hear her.  “He said if I was so curious about his tattoo that I should get my own.”
Venegas perches once again over the podium on her elbows, leaning towards Scully.  “Did you have any tattoos at that time, Agent Scully?”
“Do you now?”
Scully swallows hard.  “Yes.”
“Did you get a tattoo that night?”
“Yes.  We went across the street to the tattoo parlor where we’d first met.”
“Did the defendant convince you to get a tattoo?”
“No, he did not.  It was my decision.”
“How long did the process of getting the tattoo take?”
“About an hour.”
“What happened after you got the tattoo?”
“We went back to the defendant’s apartment.”
“Did you keep drinking once you got back to his apartment?”
Boring twin holes in the back of Jerse’s head with his eyes, Mulder leans forward and rests his elbows on his knees, steepling his fingers over his mouth.
“But were you still feeling the effects of the alcohol, Agent Scully?”
“Did the defendant ask you to spend the night?”
“He offered for me to spend the night.  The weather was especially bad that evening, and he said he’d feel better if I stayed there, and that he would sleep on his couch.”  
Yeah, I’ll just best that would make you feel better, you sonofabitch, Mulder thinks venomously at Jerse.
Venegas has started pacing behind her podium again.  “And did you spend the night at the defendant’s apartment?”
Scully lifts her head and looks directly at Jerse, who is staring intently at the table in front of him.  Mulder’s breathing has become shallow, like he’s sucking oxygen through a straw instead of his nose.
“Agent Scully, did you have sex with the defendant that night?”
Oh, God.  
Scully’s chest rises and falls slowly, once, twice, as she breathes deeply through her nose, her gaze shifting from Venegas to Jerse to Mulder.  Mulder finds that he can’t blink.  He can’t think.  He can barely breathe.  
It doesn’t matter, Mulder reminds himself.  Whatever she did with Jerse that night, whatever her motivations, it was her choice.  It’s her life.  She doesn’t owe him any answers.  Not now.  Not ever.  He needs to tell her now, needs her to know that whatever happened with Jerse that night, it doesn’t matter.  And they’ve always been more fluent in body language, always been able to convey more with their eyes than their words.  
Without breaking eye contact with Scully, Mulder rises from his seat and sidesteps his way across the row of seats towards the door.  Scully’s brow furrows slightly in confusion, and her lips part as if she wants to say something, to stop him from going anywhere.  It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, I love you, it doesn’t matter, he telegraphs to her on an endless loop, praying she understands.  
And now that he’s seen the man in the flesh, been in the same room with both Scully and Jerse, Mulder realizes that he truly doesn’t care what happened between them.  All that matters is that she’s alive.  He needs her to know that whatever the answer to this question is, he loves her, regardless.
The reality of it hits him like a ton of bricks.
He loves her.  
His hand is just touching the cool wood of the door of the courtroom, a whoosh of air sliding past him as the door cracks open to ruffle his hair and whip at his tie, when her answer comes.
Scully’s strong, clear voice stops him, and he turns to find her looking directly at him.  
Venegas flips a page in her binder.  The defense attorney keeps scribbling on his notepad.  The bailiff whispers into the phone at his desk.  The court reporter types away on her stenograph.  
But Scully just keeps looking at him, and the rest of the courtroom fades into the background as Mulder stares back at her.  She shrugs almost imperceptibly and for a fraction of a second, the ghost of a smile washes over her face before it disappears.
“Why not, Agent Scully?” Venegas’s voice brings the two of them back to the present.
“I think we had both had a little bit too much to drink,” Scully answers slowly, and she turns to face Venegas again, her demeanor and inflection switching easily into clinical doctor mode.  “We weren’t able to have intercourse that night because the defendant wasn’t able to sustain an erection.”
If it’s possible, Jerse slumps even lower into his seat and covers his eyes with one handcuffed hand.  
Scully glances at Jerse for a brief moment before she lifts her eyes again to Mulder’s.  He hasn’t moved, hasn’t stopped staring at her since all of his air left his lungs.  
Venegas finishes her line of questioning over the next hour, painstakingly going over the events that unfolded the morning after Scully’s date and failed sexual encounter; how Scully learned from detectives that knocked on Jerse’s door that his neighbor had gone missing and two separate blood samples had been collected; how one of the samples yielded an abnormality that she’d been able to determine from the toxicology report was ergot, a parasite that potentially caused auditory hallucinations; how she’d confronted Ed with this information when he’d returned with breakfast before he’d assaulted her and wrapped her in the same sheets they’d been tangled in the night before and almost thrown into an incinerator; how Jerse had roasted his arm.  
Scully testifies with conviction and doesn’t even have to look at her report when asked about the minutiae of the case.
Mulder is even more impressed with Venegas.  She’s precise and thoughtful in her questioning, skillfully skirting the potential pitfalls of Scully’s testimony to build her case against Jerse.  What’s more, Venegas is able to read Scully like she’s an open book, sensing when Scully is willing to say more but needing time to formulate her answers.  Mulder has to hand it to the fiery prosecutor.  She’s good.  
But the morning is far from over.  
After a brief morning recess, Scully is back on the stand and it is the defense attorney’s chance to cross-examine Scully.
Judd Wilkinson, Jerse’s privately retained defense attorney, is tall and imposing; he’d spoken and objected little during Venegas’s direct examination, busy taking notes on his legal pad and studying Scully intently during direct.  
At points during Scully’s testimony, Jerse had leaned over to whisper into Wilkinson’s ear, gesturing wildly as far as he was able to with his hands still cuffed to his chair.
When Wilkinson finally stands up, he cuts an imposing figure in the courtroom.  Broad shoulders, a slight paunch he covers with a navy double-breasted suit, slicked-back jet-black hair and piercing blue eyes.
“Agent Scully, I’m going to show you a series of photos that have been premarked as Court’s exhibits one through five and I’d like you to take a moment and look over them for me.  Just look up when you’re done, alright?” Wilkinson says, and he ambles up to the witness stand and hands a stack of photos to Scully.
Mulder notices that Scully’s eyes darken as she flips through them, and her nostrils flare slightly.  By the time she’s done, two flaming spots of color have appeared on her cheeks.  
“Have you had a chance to review those photographs, Agent Scully?” Wilkinson drawls, rocking back on his heels and linking his hands behind his back.
“Do you recognize what you see in those exhibits?”
“What do those photos depict, if you don’t mind telling the court?”
“Injuries I sustained at the hand of the defendant.”
Wilkinson suddenly stops the slow swaying he’s been doing and he tilts his head to zero in on Scully.  “Well, now, Agent Scully, are you certain that those photos depict injuries you sustained at the hands of my client?  Doesn’t Exhibit 1 show bite marks on your neck?”
Mulder watches Scully blink slowly at Wilkinson.  “Yes.”
“Was that an injury, Agent Scully, or was that a love bite?”
Venegas almost catapults out of her chair and leans over her table.  “Objection, your Honor, argumentative as phrased, vague as to ‘love bite’.”
The magistrate looks over his glasses at Wilkinson, raising a bushy eyebrow at him before turning to Scully.  “Did you understand the question, Agent Scully?”
Scully’s jaw clenches visibly before she responds.  “Yes, your Honor.”
“Then you may answer.  But tread lightly, Mr. Wilkinson,” the magistrate warns.  “I don’t think I like where this line of questioning is going.”
“Understood, your Honor,” Wilkinson smiles through large, square teeth.  “Please answer the question, Ms. Scully.”
“Those bite marks were the result of our consensual sexual encounter the night before the assault,” Scully says tightly.
“And what about the bruises on your back pictured in Exhibit 2?”
“Well, that depends, Mr. Wilkinson,” Scully responds icily.  “If you’re talking about the finger-shaped bruises on my lower back, those were also the result of our sexual encounter.  But if you’re talking about the bruising along the T-10 and T-11 vertebrae, then no, those were the result of your client throwing me against a wall.”
Mulder has to quell the urge to stand up and cheer.  
Undeterred, Wilkinson crosses his arms and starts pacing behind the podium.  
“And what about the bruising and the scratches that we see depicted in Exhibit 3, Agent Scully?”
Glancing down at the photo, Scully lifts her head up and answers again in a clear, tremorless voice.  “The bruising and scratching on my thighs and buttocks were from our failed attempt to engage in intercourse.  The rest of the injuries pictured in that exhibit were the result of our physical altercation the following morning.”
“And how do we know, Agent Scully, that your ‘attempts to engage in sexual intercourse’ didn’t continue that following morning?”
Venegas stands again.  “Objection, that’s argumentative as phrased, your Honor!”
“Your Honor, I fail to see how I can determine exactly when this consensual sexual encounter, which was already apparently consensually painful and resulted in physical demarcations that Agent Scully obviously had no problem with when they were inflicted upon her, stopped being consensual unless I follow this line of questioning,” Wilkinson said, his voice smooth as molasses.
“Probably right about the time the defendant threw her up against a wall and she lost consciousness, Judd!” Venegas practically shouts.
“COUNSEL!” the magistrate yells, staring down at the two of them sternly.  “Sidebar, both of you.”
Venegas crosses her arms and brushes past Wilkinson, who gestures grandly with an ‘after you’ sweep of his arm before following her to the magistrate’s dais.  The judge bends down and the three have an animated conversation in hushed tones and sharp whispers.  Venegas pinches the bridge of her nose over her glasses and glares up at Wilkinson, whose smug smile has started to widen as the conversation progresses.
Eventually, the two attorneys retreat from the magistrate and resume their position, Venegas sinking into her chair and Wilkinson returning to the podium.
“Now, Agent Scully,” Wilkinson continues, “you say that by the morning after your encounter with my client, you already had sustained quite a few bites and bruises, is that right?”
“Yes.”  The slight bob of Scully’s throat as she swallows is the only indication Mulder can see that she’s uncomfortable.  
“And you didn’t mind those bites and bruises when they were being inflicted upon you, did you?”
“I didn’t know until the next morning that the defendant had left contusions.”
Wilkinson smiles broadly.  “You didn’t answer my question, Agent Scully.”
Scully closes her eyes for a moment, sighing audibly.  “I’m sorry, what was your question?”
“I said, you didn’t mind those bites and bruises, did you?”
Wilkinson waves hand through the air and gestures between Scully and Jerse as he asks the next question.  “In fact, Agent Scully, didn’t you, at one point, tell my client during your consensual encounter to ‘make it hurt’?”
The furious blush that Scully has been maintaining throughout cross-examination drains rapidly from her face, leaving her shockingly pallid.  The air leaves her lungs and her gasp is amplified by the microphone so that it echoes in the courtroom.
Mulder silently begs Venegas to object, but Venegas just licks her lips and looks down at her table.  Their sidebar must have gone worse than he’d thought.
Scully’s breathing is labored now.  She sways slightly in her seat.  “W-What?”
Wilkinson smiles again, and looks at Scully with all the innocence and charm of a snake-oil salesman.  “Did you or did you not tell my client, Agent Scully, to ‘make it hurt so I know you’re not him’?”
Black spots swim before Mulder’s eyes as his heartbeat skids out of control and when it restarts it seems to be beating at triple time.  He vaguely realizes that he’s hyperventilating.  A fine sheen of sweat has broken out over his face and neck, but conversely a chill shudders through him.
Scully’s lips open and close wordlessly for a moment before she gulps and responds.  “I- I don’t remember.”
“You don’t remember,” Wilkinson repeats slowly.  “Well, when exactly did the pain stop being consensual, Agent Scully?”
Scully’s eyes dart to Mulder’s, and he lifts a shoulder, trying to belie the naked astonishment that he knows must be written all over his face.  He shouldn’t be surprised; he’s a trained profiler.  He reads people for a living, has learned to see past the constructs and facades that they erect for one reason or another.  He’s adept at breaking them down to study the cracks and demons hidden within their foundations.  
For reasons he’s tried not to examine too closely, he had stopped himself from doing the same thing to Scully, in part because he’d needed to believe that she was the capable, detached hardass of an equal she’d projected herself to be.  He knew if he didn’t take her at face value, his twisted psyche would somehow find a way to make her a surrogate for Samantha.  Another kid sister.  
Lucky for him, Dana Scully was all of those things she projected: Capable.  Efficient.  The equal he’d been waiting for.  
He had always figured that when it came to the tightly-wound woman underneath the Kevlar, the woman who’d gradually been pared down to the essentials of herself since being partnered with him, she’d need to lose a certain amount of control in the bedroom.  But that was another thing he’d tried not to think about, for obvious reasons.  Scully in the bedroom was not a place he needed to be thinking about her.
But, Jesus, he’s never dreamed that she’d flirt with masochism so brazenly; that the line between pain and pleasure would all but disappear for her.  
And then this...this encounter with Jerse and how it had come on the heels of their argument in the office.  
I wish I could say that we were going in circles, but we’re not. We’re going in an endless line - - two steps forwards and three steps back. While my own life is...standing still.
How he’d voiced his disapproval of the way she’d handled the Pudovkin case.  How angry he’d been, how he’d scolded her over the phone.  
What, you don’t think I’m capable?
Mulder starts and his breath hitches when the pieces of the puzzle click into place, like the last few twists of Rubick’s cube.  
I’ve always gone around in this, uh...this circle. It usually starts when an authoritative or controlling figure comes into my life. And part of me likes it, needs it, wants the approval. But then at a certain point, along the way, I just, you know...
Mulder looks up at his partner, pale but strong on the witness stand, and remembers where she came from. Her Navy captain father, who had been loving but had no doubt run his household like a battleship, doling out stern words and corporal punishment; her strict Catholic upbringing that had included knuckles rapped bloody with a yardstick; how she had continued to wear the remnants of the plaid uniforms of her grade school days, even as an adult, in the shapeless, boxy suits that she’d just recently started to leave behind, right around the same time she’d stopped going to mass.  How pain must have become synonymous with punishment.
When she’d slept with Jerse, she hadn’t just been punishing herself, she’d been lashing out at him.  Reminding him, reminding herself, that she wasn’t a moon orbiting him, lost forever in his gravitational pull.  She was her own person. 
Scully pulls her shoulders back a few notches, lifts her exquisite jaw.  Some color has returned to her, though she’s still a shade too pale.  But the audacity of Wilkinson’s line of questioning has fortified her.    
“Since you seem to be having trouble understanding this, Mr. Wilkinson, let me make it perfectly clear for you.  At no time did I consent to the defendant’s actions the morning after our consensual encounter.  Any time he touched me after I’d woken up that day, he did so against my will, and I believe with the intent to harm me, or kill me.”
The smile disappears from Wilkinson’s jowly face, and he returns to his table and grabs his notepad before circling back around to the podium.  Mulder is weak with relief when Wilkinson moves to his next set of questions.
“Agent Scully, isn’t it true that you believed my client to be acting under the influence of a toxin known as ergot, which is known to cause auditory hallucinations and even psychosis?”
“Objection, your Honor,” Venegas speaks for the first time in what feels like hours.  “Total lack of foundation at this point for this line of questioning.  Agent Scully’s qualifications as an expert as pertain to the defendant’s reaction to this alleged toxin have not been established.”
“Sustained,” the magistrate nods.  “Next question, Mr. Wilkinson.”
Wilkinson looks like he wants to belabor the point, but Mulder knows it’s a losing battle.
“Isn’t it true, Agent Scully, that rather than inflict further harm upon you down in the basement, my client stuck his own arm inside the incinerator of his building?”
Venegas stands again.  “Objection, calls for speculation as to defendant’s intent and frame of mind.”
“Sustained,” the magistrate agrees.
Wilkinson tries one last time.  “Well, didn’t he have the opportunity to inflict further harm upon you, Agent Scully, and instead he chose to inflict harm upon himself?”
Scully answers before Venegas is able to object again.  “He could have killed me.  I believe he would have.  I don’t know what made him stop.”
Tapping his finger to his chin, Wilkinson leans over from the podium and whispers into Jerse’s ear.  Jerse shakes his head and looks down at the table.
“I have no further questions at this time, your Honor.”  And with that, Wilkinson sits back down.
Scully looks at Venegas, who stands and says, “No redirect, your Honor.”
The magistrate peers down at Scully and says, “You’re free to go.  Thank you, Agent Scully.  Ms. Venegas, please call your next witness.”
Looking like she’s about to wilt with relief, Scully stands and takes a shaky breath.  She steps down from the stand and walks past Jerse, who follows her with his eyes.  Mulder thinks he hears Jerse say softly, “I’m sorry, Dana”, but he can’t be sure.  And he doesn’t care.
His focus is on the woman who is striding past the bar.  She pauses long enough for Mulder to stand, and he murmurs into her ear as he opens the courtroom door for her, “You did a good job, Scully.”
Scully ducks under his arm and looks up at him as they walk down the hallway.  “Take me home, Mulder.”
He hesitates only a moment before letting his hand settle softly into the sway of her lower back, the place she’s reminded him is only his because she allows it to be.  Mulder releases a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding when she leans into him.  
As they walk out of the courthouse and into the sunlight, he adds the slightest bit of pressure, curving his fingers around her so that he can feel the dip of her waist and she can feel the weight of his hand.  Her hand covers his as he touches her gently.  
So she knows it’s him.
256 notes · View notes
theajaheira · 8 years
titling this fic was a Struggle honestly
also it’s probably going to take a while for things to Really Get Going re: faith but the story’s looking like it’ll be mostly from jenny’s and faith’s perspective (aka there isn’t going to be a single chapter without faith, which is Great)
it’s also on ao3! 
“It’s long division.”
“It’s awful.”
“I’m definitely not disputing that.” Jenny slid the pen across to Xander. “And I’m not listening to Mr. Hughes complain about you and your math tests in the staff room anymore, so at least try, okay?”
“I could be dead tomorrow,” Xander pointed out. “Dead in a ditch somewhere because a vampire drained me dry—”
“Do not talk like that, Xander.”
“And you’re making me do long division? No offense, Ms. Calendar, but I feel like your priorities here are way out of whack.” Xander pushed the pen back at Jenny. “Why can’t I just study with Willow on my own time?”
“Because as much as I love her, Willow is something of a pushover when it comes to letting you blow off studying, and also not a certified educator,” Jenny countered.
“I could be Bronzing it up right now!” Xander objected.
“Yes,” said Jenny, “tomorrow. This study session is once every week, and you said you would show up today.”
“It’s been five minutes,” said Rupert, coming in with a small tea platter and setting it down in the middle of the table. “Are you two still arguing?”
“Giles, long division is awful and pointless for a Scooby to do, right?” said Xander hopefully. “Especially since I could be dead tomorrow.”
“Xander,” said Jenny, “if you put half the effort you’re putting into trying to avoid long division into, say, long division, you’d be able to pass this class. I just want to get you up to a C at least.”
“Ms. Calendar, it’s not like I’m planning on going off and becoming an educated individual or whatever,” said Xander with a noncommittal shrug. “I don’t really feel like the college thing is for me anyway.”
“Regardless, you still need to work toward the option,” Jenny persisted. “And you said you’d come over.”
“Yeah, because I thought this would be short and not require me to put in ten times the effort I usually do,” Xander retorted irritably.
“Do you just…not do the problems?” said Jenny disbelievingly. “Rupert, have you just been letting him not do the problems?”
“I’m going to go make some tea,” said Rupert nervously, hurrying out of the kitchen.
“Where, in the bedroom?” Jenny called after him exasperatedly. Turning to Xander, “Xander, it should not be this difficult for me to get you to try in school.”
“What’s the point?” Xander asked stubbornly. “If you can give me a reason why I should be working hard in class, I’ll do this stupid worksheet.”
Jenny considered this, then said quietly, “Does it count at all that I think you’re a smart kid when you put your mind to long division?”
Xander’s annoyed expression dissolved slightly and he looked down at the long division paper. “I’m not,” he said. “I don’t get this. I don’t get why you think I can get this.”
“I’m just asking you to try and do the problem for me, and then I can show you—”
“What I’m doing wrong,” Xander finished. “Ms. Calendar, I don’t—want you to see how much I get wrong.”
Jenny smiled slightly. “Okay,” she said, picking up the pen and tugging the worksheet across the table. “How about I just show you how I would do this problem, and then you try and apply it to another one?”
“I guess,” said Xander hesitantly, taking a cookie from the tea platter. The phone rang. “Is Giles gonna get that?”
“No, I think he’s busy with his nonexistent tea,” said Jenny with a light laugh. “Hold up.” She headed over to the phone, picking it up. “Hello?”
“We were trying to call Giles, but he didn’t pick up, so I’m guessing he’s with you?” Buffy asked.
“He is! Hold on—” Jenny covered the receiver. “England, Buffy’s on the phone,” she called.
Rupert, who had been probably lurking apprehensively outside the kitchen anyway, hurried into the room, taking the phone from Jenny, who sat back down next to Xander at the kitchen table. “Hello?” he said. “Wh—goodness, really? Yes—of course, tomorrow morning. Briefing. Yes. Thank you. Goodbye.” He hung up, then turned to Jenny and Xander with a strange expression. “Everyone okay?” Jenny asked apprehensively.
“What?” Rupert blinked. “Oh, yes, of course. It’s just—there’s a new Slayer in town.”
Faith threw her stuff down on the motel bed, though there wasn’t a lot of stuff to throw. Really, it was just a duffel bag with the clothes she’d managed to grab before leaving Boston. She was actually thinking of stealing a few tops from the mall when she had time; expand her wardrobe and all that. Kinda sucked when a lot of your shirts had blood on them and you didn’t have enough dough for dry cleaning.
As she was walking to her bed, she paused by the mirror. When she was younger (much, much younger), she’d used to like mirrors, because you could pretend you were looking at yourself when really you were looking behind you. Adults always thought kids were lost in their own worlds, and some of them had tried to get the jump on her before while she was near a mirror, thinking that she was too busy looking at herself to notice them. Faith hated that she had been stupid enough to trust reflections back then. They didn’t show everything, and she’d learned pretty recently that some things didn’t even show at all in a mirror.
She breathed out, studying the mirror. Reminded herself that a lot of things were missing and gone, but at least her reflection was still there. The only thing in her world that completely belonged to her, and she’d die before she let anyone, dead or living, take it from her.  
“Screw you, Kakistos,” said Faith, practicing the words. Even though she did sound angry and badass (she always did, in her humble opinion), her tone still had a barely-there quaver, and she felt glad that she was alone. Even though she did technically know a few people in this town now that she’d met Buffy Summers and her posse, she didn’t at all like the idea of them, or anyone, seeing her vulnerable.
Not vulnerable. Vulnerable was a word you used to describe weak people, and weak people were people who had something to lose. Faith didn’t have anything or anyone to lose anymore, and it was freeing. It made her brave. It made her a better Slayer than the ones who had a life to protect, like Buffy Summers with her sun-kissed hair and her halfway smile. Buffy Summers, who looked a hell of a lot like the kind of girl who thought she knew what real pain and fear was just because some guy had left her in the lurch. A girl who made misery and poetry out of the stupid things Faith couldn’t have and didn’t want.
Faith wasn’t sure how she felt about Buffy, who held herself with a tenseness and a look in her eyes that suggested she wasn’t used to having slaying company. Buffy seemed coolly cordial, not as easily accessible as her friends. All holier-than-thou just because Faith had a few stories that weren’t exactly PG. She bet Buffy had shrieked and frozen up the first time she saw a vampire, like teeth and fangs had been the worst she’d ever faced. She bet Buffy was on the cheer squad before she became a Slayer.
It made Faith feel better to be vindictive. It distracted her from the fact that motel rooms didn’t count as home, and that if a vampire got hungry, she’d make a prime snack. Faith wasn’t planning on going to sleep that night, especially not when she knew Kakistos was still out there, and especially in a motel room that anyone could easily get into. She flipped on the TV and got static. So far, Sunnydale was a total buzzkill, and she still had to figure out a way to pay for her lame-ass motel room.
Faith threw the remote back down and contemplated her options before deciding to sneak out for some late-night slaying. There were always some vamps that thought they were smart, waiting until they thought the Slayer had gone off to bed or whatever. Too bad for them that Faith wasn’t planning on sleeping tonight.
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massielandnetwork · 3 years
Thriving in an Economic Bubble during Anarchy
2. The Christian Succession – Does Bravery beget Bravery
While the last 15 months have been memorable for many reasons including feeling like we are actually living in an “Alice in Wonderland” world, the last few months have consistently set records in the “I have never seen that before” category. Here is my short list of notable entries.
1. Vladimir Putin, the Russian leader asked a NBC reporter this week “Who ordered the assassination of Ashli Babbitt by the U. S. Capitol Police?” and described the January 6 event as Americans expressing their political demands in return for which 450 have been arrested by the FBI but no one has been charged with the death of Ms. Babbitt. I am not an admirer of Mr. Putin and I never thought I would agree with him on anything, but…
2. How will it impact us that Biden’s performance at the G7 and NATO confirmed to the entire world that he is a frail, old man possibly suffering from Alzheimer’s? Why was Biden almost 3 hours late for his press conference? Needed a nappy? Does this explain why China is now regularly sending their military aircraft into Taiwan’s air space and Russia is currently conducting their largest naval operations in recent history off of the coast of Hawaii? This is quite dangerous.
3. Why has China reportedly acquired 200 square miles of Texas next to one of our major air force bases? I thought the reports were unfounded but have now read that legislation has been introduced in Congress to prohibit that from happening and reverse this purchase. I wonder what Biden and his Chinese partners intend to do with that land?
4. One of Richmond Times Dispatch’s columnists was honored this week by being selected for the Pulitzer Award. I did not realize the Pulitzer Awards were given for espousing hate. But then, I would have thought “demonstrating leadership” meant working for reconciliation between groups not creating division. What do I know?
5. Chinese President for Life Xi reportedly as instructed Chinese officials to be “Two Faced” in spreading the Chinese Communist Party agenda. Some media acted as if that was a change in policy. Duh.
Events in the USA suggest America is bubbling with citizens increasingly willing to step up and address the Demented Marxist (DM) agenda. Here are a few observations that seem to describe that trend.
1. Have you noticed that so many states have passed legislation requiring athletes to compete in the biological category of their birth that the NCAA has quietly dropped their threats to not allow championship games in states that pass such legislation? Did Virginia’s legislature care? Nope. I have witnessed a mother duck become a mother bear. This will spread.
2. Governor Abbott of Texas has announced that Texas will complete The Wall in their state and arrest illegal immigrants that enter Texas. More states are stepping into the breaches created by the DM agenda.
3. I have lost track of the number of videos I have seen of Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans that object to the Critical Race Theory being taught in public school.
4. This week the U. S. Attorney General (USAG) threatened to shut down the election audit in Arizona and seize the ballots. One state senator (a retired fighter pilot) responded that the result would be that the USAG would become a resident of one of Arizona’s prisons.
5. Then the Arizona Attorney General publicly provided a lesson in history and civics to the USAG. Meantime over 10 states have sent visitors to Arizona to see the audit. The only Virginia elected official to go to Arizona is State Senator Chase. Virginia has no adult leadership.
6. Did you read about the Baltimore business owners who got together and decided to withhold and escrow their tax and other fee payments until the city provides the requisite services including police protection that are required to make their community safe for their employees and customers? As every city that defunded their police is experiencing major increases in serious crime of 50% to 100%, this will spread.
Wednesday The Fed indicated that by the end of 2023 they would begin to increase interest rates. The financial markets are now trying to price the impact of the various wheels that are now wobbling on the vehicle called the American economy. Recent articles have explored the possible global shortage of cash grains for food and food production because of global drought trends and the global increase in demand.
Some data points suggest that rising mortgage rates have reduced the number of home buyers in the market and that is slowing the housing market. When mortgage rates rise, the amount of mortgage that a borrower can qualify to obtain from a bank diminishes thus reducing demand as potential buyers/borrowers get taken out of the market thus slowing the real estate market.
As the world attempts to reopen and recover, there are supply chain disruptions everywhere. Some are causing increased prices in the cost of finished goods. Lumber is down from its recent peak on the commodity market but supply has not caught up with demand. Even when it does, the prices will be “sticky” going down.
Energy prices continue to increase because Biden destroyed the energy independence and thus returned the USA to being energy dependent on OPEC. Biden’s push to rely on renewable energy means future shortages as demonstrated this week when Texas’ largest electricity producer demanded its consumers reduce electrical use or face brownouts because the wind is not blowing enough. Has Texas has become California. The lack of reliability of renewables is a curse that will spread across the USA. There is Stupid and there is REAL Stupid. Depending on renewables is REAL Stupid.
The threat of higher tax rates (both Capital Gains and Inheritance), combined with more expensive energy, less reliable electricity, increasing inflation, and higher interest rates each could create a recession by themselves. The combination will absolutely be deadly to our economy. The only questions are (1) when do we stagger into the downdraft and (2) how severe? My guess, (1) 2022 and (2) cinch up your saddle.
156 days into the DM’s coup, more details regarding the fraudulent election last November emerge daily. The patriot attorney in Antrim County, Michigan says that the audit there has discovered those election machines were access by an unknown third party after the election and has called for the Secretary of State to resign or be impeached and the election to be De-Certified. The Arizona Audit will be completed this month and their report issued in July. In Georgia, the Secretary of State decided to investigate the chain of custody of some of the mail in ballots. Real or CYA. My guess is the latter. Can you smell the fear of the DMs?
A great piece of land remains The Best investment long term. Capitalism builds wealth, Marxism/Socialism consumes it in self destruction. Pray for a return to honest elections in the USA. God is in control. Men make plans, but God ALWAYS wins. Focus on this verse:
“For nothing will be impossible with God.”
(Luke 1:37) New Revised Standard Version, Oxford University Press)
Stay healthy,
June 17, 2021
Copyright Massie Land Network. All rights Reserved.
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